The Last Of Us Part 3 Rumors - Luke Reacts

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5 ай бұрын

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@jasongrayson4945 5 ай бұрын
As soon as I saw Luke pop out a post from TLOU2’s subreddit I knew most of the answers would be very surface level
@mingo5976 5 ай бұрын
Yeah... That subreddit is still a vile place
@jmb9040 5 ай бұрын
nah its awesome@@mingo5976
@alw06git 5 ай бұрын
It's wild that the TLOU sub and TLOU2 sub are vastly different places. 2 is the worst.
@oink-ops-vq4vw 5 ай бұрын
@mingo5976 it's only vile because you don't agree with their valid view points because u have ur feet dug so far in the sand and your head far up druckmanns 🍑
@taco8077 5 ай бұрын
"people don't agree with me and my favorite youtuber waaa waaa👶"
@Albert_YTC 5 ай бұрын
Having you play as a new group and at the end getting your head bashed in by Joel would actually be a great twist
@speciouspath1636 5 ай бұрын
Holy shit YES!! And you can do a boss fight like Darth Vader from Fallen Order where Joel doesn’t have a health bar
@ImKiingg 4 ай бұрын
So yall want Joel to be a villain now?🤣
@dangerleader 5 ай бұрын
The hardest thing about Part II is empathizing with Abby. Not everyone is able to or willing to do that, but if you were one of the people who was able to walk a mile in Abby shoes I think it’s an incredible experience. edit: thelastofus2 subreddit is hot fucking garbage I would urge people to avoid that cesspool
@mannectar698 5 ай бұрын
theyre so angry for no reason lmao
@jj6392 5 ай бұрын
Oh please, that sub reddit is the only thread capable of criticising the games narrative for what it is and that is in fact a hot pile of garbage.
@coreyhughes1456 5 ай бұрын
@@jj6392 I'm glad you guys have a safe space there.
@NoCluYT 5 ай бұрын
tlou2 subreddit actually lets people talk. the main subreddit wont let you say anything without expressing your undying love for the game. You can be like "the game crashed on me" and they will downvote you to hell. its like talking to mindless children
@jj6392 5 ай бұрын
@goat9295 yeh it's an echo chamber where no critiscm is allowed. There are parts of the game I enjoyed but the overall story was very poorly constructed and the writing falls well short of naughty dog standards. The sooner Druckman leaves the studio the better.
@mrtyone 5 ай бұрын
In Part 3 there should be a flashback mission or a cutscene where it shows when Joel and Tommy were hunters and Tommy is still haunted by the things he’s seen Joel do and we also get to see a darker side of Joel
@charaznable8072 5 ай бұрын
Yeah a semi prequel would be pretty good.
@NoCluYT 5 ай бұрын
they simply won't
@miguelitoreyes5514 5 ай бұрын
It always fascinates me when people claim Part II was a miscalculation because it assumed everyone would be on board with the Joel/Ellie/Abby perspective situation. Fact is? The game made absolutely zero assumptions and was just telling the story it wanted to. Good stories and good storytellers should not be concerned with whether or not people can get on board or not. I'd much rather a writer or director maintain the integrity of the story they're trying to tell as opposed to pandering to what the audicence will be comfortable with. That's exactly how The Rise of Skywalker happened (situation there is nuanced but it's great example of what NOT to do). I'd rather be challeneged and forced to think instead of getting a safe, by the numbers sequel because creatives were too concerned with whether or not people could approach media and narrative with any semblance of objective thougt. It's not on TLOU Part II that some people were too closed minded to engage with the story (and I emphasize that only *some* people couldnt get on board. The majority of people loved the game and story no matter what the vocal minority would claim). I will always admire Druckmann for sticking to his guns and by his work.
@architdewan6717 5 ай бұрын
The survivor group rumor by Daniel is most likely the scrapped from factions, I don’t think they will go this route
@arielepouhe80 5 ай бұрын
Right? It doesn’t seem plausible to me at all as a main story plot.
@GripChief 5 ай бұрын
TBH i'd rather just have a prequel, where we play as joel. There's like a 20 year gap between Joel's daughter being unalived and him meeting ellie. Could tell all kinds of stories with that timeframe.
@TheMrGiannisgr 5 ай бұрын
They can’t leave us on that Ellie cliffhanger forever. No way. A prequel would be very predictable story wise. Every character we care about will have a plot armor.
@muresanandrei7565 5 ай бұрын
@@TheMrGiannisgr Shut up who cares anymore about ellie story cuckman ruined the franchise
@MatiZ815 5 ай бұрын
@@TheMrGiannisgr There's no Ellie cliffhanger. Part 2 is just open ended. Anyway, prequel sounds like a terrible idea. I don't see any real value in it besides simplistic fan service that would be against everything TLOU is.
@MatiZ815 5 ай бұрын
Screw that. Prequels almost never work because there are no real stakes.
@SQOUREE 5 ай бұрын
​​@@MatiZ815I don't give a shit about stakes dude, i want to see more about Joel and Tommy, i want to discover more about their story and their fight, maybe we play as Tommy instead and see Joel become a monster, that's very interesting, ya'll want stakes and seeing how important characters are getting killed, but i want to see a good story being told
@oldmanstrolseeyt2121 5 ай бұрын
Naughty Dog didn't expect people to be open to Abby's perspective at all after what she did to Joel/Ellie. They expected/wanted players to feel Ellie's anguish and anger. For the player to hate Abby as Ellie did, but over time, blur the lines between perspectives and make the player uncomfortable with the lengths Ellie was willing to go to exact revenge. It was an exercise in forgiveness, empathy, self-awareness etc.
@Originalchili 5 ай бұрын
Spot on
@travisspazz1624 5 ай бұрын
I would love to get tlou3, but it should definitely be a trilogy capper. They could do other games in this world, but 3 should be the last Ellie game.
@robogreek3157 5 ай бұрын
Nah...we are good on that dumpster fire. Go back to when it was good
@travisspazz1624 5 ай бұрын
@@robogreek3157 it's always been good.
@eastwaters4082 4 ай бұрын
@@travisspazz1624 It stopped being good when they introduced on-the-spot plot.
@TissueMe 5 ай бұрын
Ellie wakes up and realizes it was a bad dream
@darkhpokinsngaming8889 5 ай бұрын
The rumors are the story for Last of Us Online, no way is Part 3 focusing on a completely new group. The rumors are getting mixed up.
@BrklynnBabyy 5 ай бұрын
A crazy ending for the third game would be for Ellie to sacrifice herself to develop a cure just for the fireflies to be unable to create one, that would help solidify Joel’s choice in keeping her alive. Kinda mirroring how the opening of the show has a doctor explaining that there is NO cure and humanity loses.
@maylily820 5 ай бұрын
Okay but I like this
@douglaswalker7707 5 ай бұрын
im sorry but thats a terrible idea because joel thinking there was a cure is what made his choice so contraversial, in joel mind he already believes there is going to be a cure, he says it in both games, which is whats make his choice so emotional, there was no logic in joel choice, he wasnt thinking ''but theres a chance they cant even make a cure" no he straight up 100 percent believed in the cure, he was literally saying fuck the world, ellie is more important, it was a choice purely driven by emotional selfishness, no logic. i think an even better ending would be ellie choosing not to sacrifice her self for the cure and abby also helping her
@BrklynnBabyy 5 ай бұрын
@@douglaswalker7707 well the ending I proposed was based on whether you believe the fireflies were competent even to even create and administer a vaccine in the first place. Ellie I feel even more so now after the events of the second game would be even more willing to sacrifice her own life for the sake of a vaccine bc she would want her life to have meaning.
@douglaswalker7707 5 ай бұрын
@@BrklynnBabyy i personally dont agree with the second half of what you said and about ellie willing to sacfrice herself, because of everything she went through in part 2, it just wouldnt make much sense after all that shit she went through to forgive and udnerstand joel, just to still sacrifice herself, and about understanding if the fireflies couldnt make a cure, it really doesnt matter at all what WE think as viewers because we are playing the game through the characters perspectives and view points so setting up plot points that would only make sense to us from our perspective would be contradictory to what the characters are activitely thinking and going through, which is why i didnt agree on the first comment you posted
@BrklynnBabyy 5 ай бұрын
@@douglaswalker7707 I also don’t believe Abby would ever necessarily want to help Ellie. I can see Abby having some gratitude that her life was spared but that would be about it. she may have forgiven Ellie but that doesn’t mean she forgot everything that happened and that doesn’t erase all that trauma she caused. I can’t see a game where lev, Abby, and Ellie all work together but I can see two separate stories happening Parallel to each other that eventually converge or even intertwine. If that were to even happen naughty dog would have to tell a compelling enough to story to make that even feel organic.
@24Argie 5 ай бұрын
Fundamentally disagree with the idea that we should have got a Joel and Tommy 20 year gap prequel instead of Part 2 or as Part 3. We don’t need to see Joel when he was essentially a bandit. He’s admitted that he wasn’t a good guy. Why do we need to see that? His character arc was perfect in TLOU. It’s what humanises him. It’s what makes us love him. We don’t need to see him be a piece of shit with no character growth. It would purely be for fan-service and to appease those who were butthurt that he died. The idea that this would have been better than the Part 2 we got is ridiculous. The game is a masterpiece, was massively successful commercially and is one of the most acclaimed video games of all time. It was inevitable that a game this ambitious and mature would not hit well with everyone, but it was still a massive hit, regardless of what a vocal minority would have you believe. I’ve no idea what Part 3 will be but I’m confident that Neil Druckman will create another emotional, ambitious and thrilling game, culminating in the greatest trilogy ever made.
@CDN_Bookmouse 5 ай бұрын
I would like to see a story covering at least some of "outbreak day" and the chaotic aftermath. There's a ton of drama and horror to be explored there, and then perhaps pick up with those characters or new ones later on. I think including Ellie again at this point is dragging out a story that already concluded--twice.
@fernandocastro435 5 ай бұрын
Mate, The Last of Us is the story of Ellie. There will be no such thing as exploring the world without the main character. That's not the point.
@AbernathyCrimson 5 ай бұрын
@@fernandocastro435 This. A lot of this extra exposition can be covered in flashbacks. I actually think the show filled in some gaps for us which was kind of cool, like Ellie’s birth.
@CDN_Bookmouse 5 ай бұрын
Oh fuck off. TLOU is an entire universe and it can go anywhere and follow anyone. The original game was the story of Joel more than Ellie and it sold gangbusters so they made another. TLOU 2 is the story of Ellie AND Abby. You can take whatever you want from the games but your narrow-mindedness don't decide that this entire universe can ONLY be about one character when it never was to begin with. Go read a first person YA novel or something.@@fernandocastro435
@JADub87 5 ай бұрын
I like this but we have the television show to fill in these gaps so game wise I would just like the story to continue to tell Ellie's story. Hopefully Abby returns to and I am sure she will.
@thomaskopv2366 5 ай бұрын
That honestly shouldve been in TLOU Part 2. Flashbacks of the outbreack and what Joel did in the immediate aftermath.
@silverophelian877 5 ай бұрын
I've been saying this across the Internet since Part 2 came out. I believe that Ellie after the end of TLOU2 will enter into pre-TLOU Joel kind of phase. Emotionally cut off from the world, strained relationships with close ons (Dina and JJ) and needing redemption to save her character. I believe that this new group will stumble across Ellie and by that point in the game it offers Ellie a chance to as one might say "save the world" She may finally be given the chance she always wanted because of her immunity. To directly save ppl and make their lives meaningful. Whether she does that by teaching the new group things or sacrifices herself to ensure a type of verse success is up to the writers but "Old Man Ellie" was always a picture in my head as TLOU 2 ended and I think TLOU 3 can redeem the series by making Ellie's death meaningful.
@darkhpokinsngaming8889 5 ай бұрын
You know Ellie isn’t a man right? Lol it would be old lady Ellie, at least try to get her gender right. But also yes everything you described sounds likely, but I think it’ll be the reunited fireflies, including Abby.
@StayFractalesque 5 ай бұрын
Stumble across? ..great writing there.. ..interesting how you don't mention Abby at all.. ..if you truly want the ending you do, Abby is probably ellie's best hope of achieving that.. ..
@Anthony19byrne 5 ай бұрын
I believe your idea is the best way to salvage any good will with fans that were soured on the second game. If cycles are meant to be broken in the second game then cycles sometimes come in different forms for the 3rd. I don't think Druckmann will do this as he is in love at trying to subvert the audience.
@Belak-gq3wt 5 ай бұрын
@@StayFractalesque he didn’t say that Abby couldn’t be in the story. He was just pitching a pretty good idea about bringing closure to Ellie’s character. It’s a pitch… the details aren’t important in a pitch. Touch some grass.
@bladechild2449 5 ай бұрын
@@Anthony19byrne The best thing they can do is ignore those people. The series doesn't need redeeming and there's nothing to salvage. Why pander to crybabies that probably hate the game so much now that they will probably check out on even trying TLOU3
@mahega128 5 ай бұрын
Prequel of the 20 year time jump. Would center on Joel meeting Tess, their relationship, his fallout with Tommy, the birth of the Fireflies, meeting Marlene, his partnership with Bill, etc. SO SO MUCH to explore to make a full game.
@jingleballs9935 5 ай бұрын
@michaelr3583 5 ай бұрын
No more stories about men. TLOU series is for females now
@AllTheNuttyBits 5 ай бұрын
I understand, however Naughty Dog seem to be more interested in exploring themes with Last of Us, rather than surface level episodic stories
@CallusTTV 5 ай бұрын
idk the VA for Tess passed away and I'm not sure I'd want someone else to voice her.
@GL1TcH_R4mpage 5 ай бұрын
@@michaelr3583 gtfo with that feminist shit
@V_0777 5 ай бұрын
Hoping we have new characters who run into a much older Ellie. They sit down and have a convo after seeing how experienced and badass she is after all these years. Wonder what the plot is gonna be
@Juice-ig3jz 5 ай бұрын
God that is so generic I’m glad you’re apart of the crew.
@JakeTheHuman1 5 ай бұрын
For TLOU3, I would pitch it as a story of hope vs fear. For Abbie and Lev, I would have them reach the settlement they were headed to at the end of part 2. They then find that the doctors at this new settlement never stopped working on a cure - but they still need someone who is immune to complete the cure. Lev convinces Abbie to go on a mission to find Ellie. For Ellie, I would have her, Tommy, Dina, and her baby all come together as a family. Ellie has lied to Tommy and told him that Abbie is dead to stop the cycle of revenge. Dina knows the truth. As far as the main human threat, I think it would be cool to see a cult of immune people. I would have the cult leader be similar in character to “Joel if he never met Ellie.” The cult leader discovered his immunity when he was bitten and never told anyone. After a few days of not turning, he then started putting people in situations where they would get bit to see if they would be immune. Over years, he’s found several people who are immune - but his group has killed thousands in the process. At first, he seems capable but can be kind - then reveal that he wants to bring together all immune people while killing off everyone else because “the dead don’t get infected.” The story ultimately ends with Abbie and Ellie taking the cult down. Ellie goes to the settlement to help develop the cure. We see her prepped for surgery. We get one final look at Ellie before the screen cuts to black. We hear Ellie give one last line about how the world needs to hold onto hope but we never know whether the cure was actually successful.
@vyra9821 5 ай бұрын
That's a great pitch. Stay creative in life friend 💜
@supremel3vel469 5 ай бұрын
lovely pitch!
@markuskidd546 5 ай бұрын
This pitch doesn’t make sense in the case that well one, Ellie and Abby could never and would never work together after the events of the second game, that would just piss more people off and be outright disrespectful to every who was friends of Abby and Ellie. 2, being that pretty much every surgeon who practiced that field it has knowledge in that field is dead seeing that practice was lost when the apocalypse came arupt which is why in the first game that kept making it obvious that Abby’s dad was probably the only person left in the America’s who hadn’t died or stopped the practice he mastered.
@JakeTheHuman1 5 ай бұрын
@@markuskidd546 I appreciate the feedback! 1. TL: DR version - their road to working together would have to be earned in the first two acts of the game for sure. It wouldn’t make sense for them to ever work together without some serious common goals. Long Version - When Abbie first hears that a cure is being worked on but that they need someone that is immune, she says there is no way Ellie would help them. Lev is the one that ultimately tells her that they need to have hope. When they first arrive at Jackson, Ellie is not in Jackson at the time - they are instead found by a group led by Tommy. Lev and Abbie are separated and interrogated. Tommy opts to personally interrogate Abbie. When Ellie returns, Tommy simply asks “care to explain this,” as we see Abbie tied up and passed out from torture. After a shouting argument between Ellie and Tommy about the lies Ellie told, Ellie says that they have bigger problems. She explains about the cult and what their actual intentions are - to kill anyone that’s not immune. We would then get several missions and cutscenes showing Abbie trying to offer to help fight in exchange for Ellie coming back with her to help make a cure. It’s only after the cult has wiped out a good portion of Jackson that Ellie finally agrees to release Abbie. 2. TL : DR version - I don’t think it would be too much of a stretch to say there is another small group of doctors and scientists that were also working tirelessly on a cure. Long version - With how the story has been written, they have setup the ultimate payoff to be that Ellie gets to make the choice and sacrifice herself to make a cure. I don’t think it would be that much of a stretch to simply say there was another group of doctors and scientists that were researching a cure and helping Abbie’s father. They didn’t think that they could do it without his work but managed to get farther than they thought possible through countless sleepless nights.
@HelterSkeltr832 5 ай бұрын
I think a more interesting approach would be that there is no possibility of getting a cure, and Ellie needs to find a purpose outside of her immunity.
@TheMrGiannisgr 5 ай бұрын
Just realized this guy is promoting one of the most toxic subs for The Last of Us there are. The sub who literally everyday finds a reason to hate the game because they don’t like Abby. You can’t have a normal level headed discussion through this Reddit sub.
@loudmouthj1925 5 ай бұрын
Only just finished both games for the first time and oh my god I’m in love with this world and the lore, whilst I’m still not sure how I feel about the events of the second game, I do look forward to the concept of the third game purely for getting to re-enter this world
@edoardoruini199 5 ай бұрын
i envy you so bad. welcome to the family!
@jthen8454 5 ай бұрын
​@@StayFractalesque you can't throw toxic around when you're the one telling someone how to feel ya manchild.
@bounceycake1 5 ай бұрын
This may be a hot take, but I really don't want another one of these games, kind of ready for new IP from NaughtyDog
@littleoldmanboy 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely. No more Uncharted or TLOU
@AG-ek3qd 5 ай бұрын
Yeah… Part 2 really made it pointless to continue Ellie’s or Abby’s story cause it’ll just be repetitious, more of the same, with that George Lucas excuse of “it’s like poetry, it rhymes” except even as bad as George is at writing, his conceptual execution was way better than Cuckmann. Uncharted ended really well, it too should be left alone unless spin offs? TLOU prequel or spin offs could also work but it would need to be about different themes and not mention the OG cast. A new IP would be sick though, a breath of fresh air. Though I doubt this studio can make anything good anymore. Gameplay and tech wise absolutely, they sure have talent. But writing wise they’re children who think projecting your own trauma and ideology is good writing. If someone else would direct the new IP and Cuckmann only produced it then that would inspire more confidence imo.
@greggeiger7532 5 ай бұрын
@Diakoidris 5 ай бұрын
@@AG-ek3qdwho hurt you?
@AG-ek3qd 5 ай бұрын
@@Diakoidris I smell bait.
@sznayk 5 ай бұрын
Those leaks were for a story mode for Factions 2 which was cancelled, not the Last of Us Part 3.... or they could be using code names for existing characters to avoid the whole story being leaked again.
@_p645_ 5 ай бұрын
I don't think anyone can guess what Part III is gonna be about. Part II surprised everyone. And Naughty Dog definitely doesn't want to do anything obvious or expected (like this Tommy and Joel prequel everyone talks about). I dont think there's even any point in trying to guess
@migs8171 5 ай бұрын
I don't think we need another your hero's are the villains arc. That's exactly what part 2 was.
@ihorbilyk7406 5 ай бұрын
It was very good Joel impression 😄
@Mdougherty8054 5 ай бұрын
I wouldn’t mind seeing Ellie have to make Joel’s choice. Maybe she has to choose between giving herself up for the cure or saving Dina and their son. Would take some acrobatic writing but it could be done.
@AbernathyCrimson 5 ай бұрын
I would be incredibly annoyed by that. Even today I find the cure thing far fetched because there’s no way for them to truly give it to people.
@Mdougherty8054 5 ай бұрын
I can respect that, although when you see how extensive and massive the WLF colony is in part 2, I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch. Where I’ll agree 100% is that I do not want to see the infection wiped out entirely. I don’t want to see humanity triumph, that’d be boring. But seeing infected suddenly mobilize in huge numbers when they sense the cure as a threat could be cool.
@AbernathyCrimson 5 ай бұрын
@@Mdougherty8054 Let’s be honest though, Naughty Dog doesn’t truly have a plan for TLOU universe aside from “this is Ellie’s story” and that’s it. If you take it as that, no need to worry about a cure and whatnot just as you wouldn’t for The Walking Dead universe. When I saw that the doctor Joel kills from TLOU was different in TLOU2, it showed me that there was never meant to be a sequel or the original plan was vastly different.
@anthonygonzalez6165 5 ай бұрын
The survivors would have to know how to create a cure, or know of somebody or some faction that has the ability to create a cure, but lack the resource (Ellie) to do it.
@AURON2401 5 ай бұрын
Nobody has had the ability to make a cure for the past 20 years anyway. Or they would have done it 20 years ago.
@lucasbarros5928 5 ай бұрын
Luke, Ellie would not spread her immunity to Abby because she is not immune by her genetics. The fungus in her brain is mutated so it does not evolve. So, if Ellie could infect someone, probably the person would in fact become immune
@cooperaltinay6116 5 ай бұрын
I hope that the last of us part 3 will be about Ellie mirroring Joels story from the first game where she becomes a surrogate mother of another kid and towards the end she has to choose between the kid and a bunch of other people and she finally understands Joels decision, that would be cool. It could even work that she is similar to how done with the world Joel was in the first game at the start because everyone in her life has pretty much left by the end of the second game. I think Abby's story is finished so I would be a bit disappointed if they had the third game be about her and lev.
@m3lod552 5 ай бұрын
@cooperaltinay6116 Ellie being a surrogate mother would be amazing i have to agree 3 needs to do somthing like that it would bring it full circle but more so than that the kid could be immune just like her that also would be a twist because what joel said about theres more like her out there wouldnt be a lie accidentally
@EJD339 5 ай бұрын
That tv show brought new life to the game. I had 3 people I knew who never played video games bought/borrowed a ps4 to play part 1 and part 2 lol so I’ll be curious what the sales numbers will be for part 3. Probably won’t be as good as part 1 but outsell part 2
@gabemotta6 5 ай бұрын
to a new audience dumbo@Robert-rm9dg
@vanbytheriver 5 ай бұрын
In my opinion, the show sucked. The acting wasn’t good. I hated Ellie and I hated episode 3. It was so bad I turned it off and didn’t watch the rest of the season. I loved the game though.
@NoCluYT 5 ай бұрын
the show and remake recontextualize the first game to make joels death seem more justifiable
@Valor20 5 ай бұрын
After recently replaying both games on ps5, there’s no way that naughty dog can be satisfied TLOU2 being Ellie’s last game. As fans, we deserve a concrete ending to her story.
@glaserjo 5 ай бұрын
I'm sorry but anyone who played Last of Us Part 1 and what they took from that game is that Joel is a "beloved father figure" to either Ellie herself or people playing the game, I just don't know what to say. He certainly is a father figure of sorts but "beloved" is such a bizarre reaction to the events of Part 1. Joel is a complex, impulsive, violent, savage guy not some sort of messianic heroic figure.
@ACrebel05 5 ай бұрын
They should prob try a story between Ellie, Dina and the kid where something happens to either Dina or the kid or both (leaning on the kid). The game builds up the relationship between Ellie and the kid and I can see either Ellie has to rescue the kid from an opposing force or maybe the kid himself (maybe he is on some type of revenge plot like Ellie in the 2nd game). This is an ideal I just thought of rn and its very rough so I'm aware there are prob some holes so I'm not willing to die on the story I presented, but I do stand with exploring their relationship. Also I'm pretty sure it would allow us to see more of Joel.
@Albert_YTC 5 ай бұрын
I’m wondering what they will do with Abby. She’s made too much of an impact (good or bad) to just do nothing with her
@coreyhughes1456 5 ай бұрын
@@Albert_YTC Well, I don't think it would be TLOU without some fireflies. Abby will be connected to that side of the story somehow, likely dealing with her knowledge of Ellie's immunity.
@joshammari7959 5 ай бұрын
Really hope they make Ellie's story a trilogy and just finish it off. Im very open for sequels and prequels and spinoffs after that
@siobhanoconnor5345 5 ай бұрын
I would love to see what Ellie is going to do with her life, if Abby and Lev find the fireflies, if Ellie could still become the cure, and even flashbacks of tommy and Joel’s life after the outbreak
5 ай бұрын
If any of yall have watched Vinland Saga, and especially season 2, I think the game should focus on Ellie going through a similar arc Thorfinn goes though where she's basically on her own and eventually goes on a journey of redemption after the events of Part II and trying to find peace and acceptance while she's with a new group and maybe try to find her purpose again.
@user-kd8nd5dt2t 5 ай бұрын
In regards to tLoU 2 narrative, I don't think they thought the player would just want to 'go along' with Abbie's narrative, but was rather a bald faced challenge to force you to play as her and see if they could get you to empathise by the end. And in regards to me, they succeeded
@SammyG6714 5 ай бұрын
Part II's execution of the story when it comes to playing as Abby after what she did, I think was a great choice. It challenges the player and was very effective over the course of the story.
@Tj-bf5us 5 ай бұрын
I think that after the release of the remastered there are new signs that could point to a dlc like left behind or a bigger dlc. This being Abby’s Badlands outfit. It’s very built up and has some interesting signs that could point to her life after she gets of the rattlers camp. Such as the firefly logo, short hair. Etc.
@user-zg2kp3ln5q 5 ай бұрын
I think it would be a cool idea if the game followed an older ellie, almost around Joel's age as she comes across a group of young kids/teens and now she's the one acting as a parental figure. Maybe something could happen towards the end where she gives her life to save theirs or something but ultimately I like the idea of Ellie growing up and taking the role that Joel once had
@AP90x 5 ай бұрын
Oooooooor, hear me out. Naughty dog can make another new IP🤗
@dahoodie3158 5 ай бұрын
Most people want TLOU3 or UC5 so odds of that are slim
@Albert_YTC 5 ай бұрын
Would love a new IP. They created uncharted and last of us I trust them completely
@AP90x 5 ай бұрын
@@dahoodie3158 no the corporations want tlou3 or uc5 money. Actual gamers would welcome something new with open arms. But the corporations has a algorithm to follow and sequels are less risk with high reward. New ips are high reward but have more risk and need to actually be good to gain an audience trust. The corps would rather not take the risk
@bensxbd 5 ай бұрын
I just can’t really think about any more stories to tell that have good gameplay potential. Like sure, we want to know if she reconnected with Dina, but… what does that have to do with Joel and/or the infected
@Alsina_arnele 5 ай бұрын
Why does it have to have something to do with Joel, he is gone now.
@Daddy-Fro 5 ай бұрын
@@Alsina_arnelemaybe because both of the games are based on ellie and joel’s relationship??
@Alsina_arnele 5 ай бұрын
@@Daddy-Fro debatable
@bensxbd 5 ай бұрын
@@Alsina_arnele Neil druckman… literally said… last of us is about their relationship
@Alsina_arnele 5 ай бұрын
@@bensxbd kindly send me a source, thanks.
@pluginleah 5 ай бұрын
Regarding timing of actual news about the game: it seems obvious to wait until season 2 of the show releases so that the hype can amplify both game and show.
@grn7522 5 ай бұрын
I still think Part III drops less than a year after the end of Season 3 of the show. Q4 ‘27 or H1 ‘28. It would actually be awesome to release a Part III trailer the same day the Season 3 finale airs.
@jassykat 5 ай бұрын
Luke, even if in your head canon it makes sense that the Fireflies wouldn't be able to make a cure, you are still wrong. Because the game never attempts to make you consider the idea of the Fireflies being wrong, and it's not even beneficial to the plot. What they were going for, it's not a retcon; it's the point the game was making. Without a doubt, the Fireflies were going to make a cure, just because Joel's decision will have more weight.
@coreyhughes1456 5 ай бұрын
Assuming the fireflies wouldn't be able to make a cure makes the ending completely black and white, when it was clearly intended to be grey. I hate when people do that.
@jassykat 5 ай бұрын
@@coreyhughes1456 It's just silly people trying to justify Joel's actions and make the Fireflies look like selfish villains. In reality, that's how vaccines are made. We sacrifice tons of animals, and people risk their lives when trying experimental vaccines. Scientific progress always comes with ethical challenges, but the data collected from research is worth it because it unleashes a ripple effect that brings us one step closer to a solution. But, this is fantasy, and the game clearly states they were going to make a cure. We can't go against canon, so the discussion is just pointless.
@Dustaroo 5 ай бұрын
If they don't do new characters I always thought the good way to wrap up the story of Ellie and Joel for a third game. is Ellie's search to make up for the cure she could have given. not her choice but she feels a responsibility to help the world heal as she was the only known person who could. She sets out to find a purpose and eventually gets involved with the fireflies the ones left or what has been reborn from the ashes. She maybe let's herself be studied maybe keeps it secret but the main point being she and Abby come face to face once again and are forced to work with each other for whatever thing the fireflies are doing they have major bad blood but both believe in what they are working towards so they stomach each other and start to grow a bond. The theme of this story being a reflection of the second. The second was revenge destroys everyone in the process. the cycle of violence continues. While the 3rd game would be about how forgiveness and unity for mutual good will mend these once unhealable wounds. They may not be friends by the end but they do move on with their life for the better.
@ozziey52 5 ай бұрын
Nope bad story
@markuskidd546 5 ай бұрын
Just end the Ellie arc tbh
@EddiXP 5 ай бұрын
God no. So cliche
@Nevad25 5 ай бұрын
Ellie and Abby start to grow a bond ? How fucking stupid can it get ?
@michaelfedora 5 ай бұрын
On the subject of the release of the next game. We have to remember that The Last of Us franchise isn't only a video game anymore so any promotional material about Part 3 will be closely tied to the TV show. It only makes senses financially. Since tv show season 2 will be spilt in two that makes it 2025/26. I recon the game will be start seeing some promos around mid season of Season 2 of the show with the release of the game early 2026 or xmas 2026. if the gap between two part season 2 is longer than few months.
@jeremyroberts8822 5 ай бұрын
I mean I’d like to see a part 3 forsure but I just don’t know where you go next with Ellie. There’s really no lingering threads left to unravel from the first game that are directly related to Ellie unless we go back to the whole possible cure angle
@SubTXT_ 5 ай бұрын
Here’s where my mind goes with that: A theme from TLOU2 that often goes overlooked is “obsession.” Neil talked about it in an interview a couple of years ago and mentioned it again in the new director’s commentary, that at the end Ellie realizes there are other things worth focusing on than just her grief or vengeance. So perhaps part 3 is about who Ellie becomes when she’s not obsessed with being “the cure” and instead just focuses on what she actually wants from life.
@patricksantiago842 5 ай бұрын
I loved playing as Joel, falling in love with the pair, and then having him bludgeoned to death in part 2. I consume media to feel uncomfortable - and I loved that TLOU2 tried its best to. I hope their sequel does something just as fucked. Honestly, lol. These aren't my character's, they're the directors characters , and I love to see their minds at work. I get getting attached to characters, but a story is a story. it's watching the lives of someone you don't know unfold. And that's surprising. I don't want to be catered to. Twist my mind up, fuck me up.
@Entree_Iguodala 5 ай бұрын
People want fairytale endings man, they can't handle subversion of expectations lol at least you enjoyed the masterpiece that was part 2
@patricksantiago842 5 ай бұрын
@Entree_Iguodala we're a very select few, I guess lol 😂 the balls to beat Joel's ass the way they did, and then send us on a revenge tale - to them at least attempt to make us empathize with the killer. I didn't see it coming. It really did paint the picture of a brutal world where it's not about heroes or villains, but survival. And anyone could get it. 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
@warlorddk2070 5 ай бұрын
They never thought people would just go along with it... They said it would divide the fanbase all along... It was a intellectual challenge to the audience. A Sort of experiment braving judgement to see how far they can push it and how many could emotionally distance themselves from their bias build up in the first game.
@postjokeeconomy6728 5 ай бұрын
Bro 100%
@TheMrGiannisgr 5 ай бұрын
Yeah plus he says the same thing in all his Part 2 videos. Like we get it, he thinks the game has flair pacing. Cool, but Part 1 has flawed pacing as well, he doesn’t mention it all the time.
@brandonnumbskull58 5 ай бұрын
man that game was about as intellectually challenging as a cw soap opera. Even when I try to put my hate for that game aside I’m still confused when people try to portray it as some high art piece. It just wasn’t that well executed content aside.
@whatshizznuts 5 ай бұрын
I mean Joel dying was expected but the writing in part 2 was not that good. It felt like a high school drama more than a survival story.
@bwhere45 5 ай бұрын
@@whatshizznuts almost like Ellie is supposed to be 19 in TLoU2….. But hey, who pays attention to silly things like details nowadays.
@d818581dd 5 ай бұрын
I wish your commentary around The Last of Us 2 was more fair and balanced. There are many people that loved the game, and would want to see the story continued in a 3rd entry. Don't go too far down the rabbit hole of hate for it from some parts of the internet, because it will blind you to the love so many people have for it. "Everybody...didn't like how they did it" no, that is not correct. Some didn't like the game, while many did.
@Supreme-is1dq 5 ай бұрын
Anyone else notice that for Abby’s outfits in no return she has a short hair outfit that looks like it forms after her stay with the slave camp I think it’s a tease for lou3 it’s gonna pick up after Abby left from her fight with Elle
@adamsteinbacher2629 5 ай бұрын
Druckman and ND knew the player wasn't going to want to play as Abby after what she did. That wasn't a mistake. That was the whole point of the last half of the game, to turn the player and make you sympathetic towards her. While it's true that it didn't end up working for some, most people I've talked to ended up in Abby's corner and didn't want to play the last Ellie stage.
@UncleFiggy 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, I'd be more than shocked if Neil and Halley werent aware of the fact that that plot point was going to turn away a lot of players from continuing on. But as artists, they wanted to tell a certain story and challenge their audience so they didnt back down. Which I can respect.
@JohnSmith-sl6uq 5 ай бұрын
For most people I know it didn't work. They were trying so hard to get the player to like Abbie and it just didn't work. Never cared about her, never cared about her crew
@John-996 5 ай бұрын
They want you to dehumanize Her then see what you think in the end. giving the player the choice to kill her would have been do powerful.
@Ulalamulala 5 ай бұрын
​@@JohnSmith-sl6uq they didn't try to make you like her, they only tried to give you her perspective. They made them all just as real as Joel and Ellie. If they wanted you to like them, they wouldn't have made Abby fight with all her friends and have sex with her ex boyfriend who is with her pregnant friend would they?
@DJDaConqueror 5 ай бұрын
Ellie’s story being finished on a high note and flashback missions to Joel and Tommy’s 20 years of survival would be perfect for part 3.
@alexwhooo835 5 ай бұрын
@dapperdan9470 5 ай бұрын
side story miles morales style for joel and tommy adventures.
@bardum.4458 5 ай бұрын
too bad its going to be about ellies kid who turns out to be trans and goes on a revenge after ellie is killed by a demisexual furry
@alexwhooo835 5 ай бұрын
@@bardum.4458 💀 there was ligit only two people that liked each other in the game and that’s it, and you’re crying saying all that dumb shit like bro grow up, we now that your masculinity is fragile
@alexwhooo835 5 ай бұрын
@@bardum.4458 just grow up dude
@aldamico0716 5 ай бұрын
They didn’t miscalculate by making the player play as Abby. Not at all. Every. Single. Person who complained about it played the whole game through and most played through a second time as well. Most who say they hate the game actually love it. They just hate what happened to the characters.
@dumalec 5 ай бұрын
dang i want those keycaps. good colors
@OutHereOnThePerimeter 5 ай бұрын
Oh no, Luke has been browsing “r/TheLastOfUs2”…
@BBC190 5 ай бұрын
Part one was spectacular and gave us wonderful characters with a pretty straightforward story that was good. Part 2 told a better more complex story there were things in it that I didn't like but I just ignored them and focused on what I did like and the game is definitely my fav of the two. I actually liked Abby alot and found her character to be more likable than Ellie which is surprising because I love Ellie . That being said if someone doesn't like part 2 I understand I just wish people weren't jerks when expressing they're opinions. Im on board if they do a part 3 I think they should just continue on from 2 with Abby and Ellie's story I don't think 3 should be the conclusion I think it should be about Ellie linking up with the fireflies for a cure and she's told she has to save Abby because she holds some sort of special antibody needed to complete the cure bitter enemies forced to work together to save the world sort of thing.
@thelastmarketbender8656 5 ай бұрын
I agree with you, people don't realize that just because it hurt doesn't mean it was bad writing. Joel did a bad thing for the right reasons to stop people from doing a bad thing for the right reasons, actions have consequences and when you massacre a research facility to stop a girl you love from dying and potentially saving mankind you might catch some heat and he did, and when you go on a revenge path it will cost you and it did and maybe Ellie needed to reconcile with her existence the same way Joel did, Joel stood on his actions, 10 toes down
@outlawmorgan1853 5 ай бұрын
​@@thelastmarketbender8656Joel's death doesn't hurt, it was executed far too poorly to warrant that feeling, it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. The character is treated disrespectfully and acts out of character. But you keep making excuses for this dumpster fire of a game😅👍
@thelastmarketbender8656 5 ай бұрын
@@outlawmorgan1853 In real life death can come in any way, Im sorry Joel coudnt go in a blaze of Glory with epic music but life can be like that, I live in South Africa, I saw a mother watch her son burned alive for a crime he didnt commit shit happens and it left a sour taste in her mouth, life isnt perfect and Joels death was a pack of vengeful young people exacting wrath on him,
@pablochincilla9513 5 ай бұрын
@@thelastmarketbender8656 they wanted Joel to fight 5 bloaters bare handed sacrificing himself telling Ellie to run and that she’s “the last of us”
@outlawmorgan1853 5 ай бұрын
@@thelastmarketbender8656 I'm from Cape Town myself, I'm fully aware of the bad things that happen here but sometimes people just die a normal death(I know, shocking) 😅 I never asked for a death worthy of cinema like you seem to think, just one that doesn't make Joel and Tommy seem like idiots giving out his name to random strangers like he hasn't survived the apocalypse for 20+ years!? You bring up real world examples but this is a fictional world, plenty of unrealistic things happen in this game but you choose overlook that but when they go for an overly dark, depressing, poorly written storyline you embrace realism??? Stop coping this story is an embarrassment to the first game and people like you are proof that no matter how bad something is there'll always be someone who treasures it.
@joro505 2 ай бұрын
As Neil Druckman said in Grounded 2, he thinks that the third installment would be more concerning Tommy, it wouldn't be to unlikely that he is now going to hunt Abby and the Fireflys as he was very broken, when coming to the farm to Ellie and Dina.
@crypto40 5 ай бұрын
I wouldn’t mind a spin off like how what we had with Batman Arkham origins all in the meantime they work on the last of us, part 3 Taking Pl. after the event of Ellie while the spinoff takes place in the early years where we play as Joel and see his tough rugged demeanor of him
@Susanoo7108 5 ай бұрын
I don't really think they retconned anything from the end of Part 1. The doctor said that he figured about what's going and needs to replicate it in laboratory conditions. Too many really try and bring down the Fireflies to avoid the fact that Joel did a bad thing for selfish reasons. Hell, those same people get mad at Ellie for being upset at Joel for his decision, completely disregarding her opinion and feelings on the matter.
@terryliamakeros4552 5 ай бұрын
It’s more one sided then retconned there’s good reasons for Joel’s decision in the moment that weren’t talked about but were part of the equation in the first game. Plus the recording did say jerry was the only one that could perform the surgery
@DeadpoolLIFE69 5 ай бұрын
I'm not gonna lie, I wouldn't trust any predictions from r/TheLastOfUs2 because that whole subreddit was spawned from hate for the game when the leaks happened before release. And it's just an echo chamber of people hating the game. My personal hope is that the next TLOU game is a prequel following Joel and Tommy during their younger days, maybe interspersed with whatever Ellie is doing.
@TheMrGiannisgr 5 ай бұрын
Exactly. I don’t get why he does that. Why does he give this sub attention to talk about the game. He knows that sub is toxic against the game and it’s writers.
@tattannaknight2193 5 ай бұрын
There are so many notes about. Ezra in the first game wandering through the cities. He’s like. Part of a couple trying to find each other
@sandeepachanta3431 4 ай бұрын
I think it will be about Ellie finding meaning. She was angry at Joel for taking away her agency and her death meaning something. She temporarily filled that gap with wanting to kill Abby, but that only lead her to her worst fear - being alone. She is now going to go on a journey for her death to mean something.
@TheCoriolanusSnowden 5 ай бұрын
You know what would have been a GOOD ending for Part II If Abby learned that Lev was immune too and now she has to live with the dilemma Joel kinda had. Would she give up Lev for a Cure?
@exhri 5 ай бұрын
That would actually be cool bro good idea
@hanlonrhys 5 ай бұрын
I'd love to see Abby find out there's a different way to make a cure that doesn't cause death, and having to find Ellie. Meanwhile Ellie's home has become a developed safe haven but is attacked and she ends up teamed up with Tommy to simply try to survive while a group try to claim all the land in the region and create a superhaven.
@burns8848 Ай бұрын
I didn't think this video had a spoiler 😭
@CSorgini 5 ай бұрын
I really do think the right move is to do a tommy and joel prequel game, they have elluded to it so many times in the last two games.
@shamous755 5 ай бұрын
They didn't miscalculate anything with Abby. They knew people would not like it. That's why they did it.
@Marcus.Emmanuel 5 ай бұрын
Maybe do a multiverse thing with multiple Joel’s and Ellie’s. And time travel as well. That would get the crowd goin
@Smoka_Lad 5 ай бұрын
this is the worst idea i have ever seen in my entire life in any media
@Diakoidris 5 ай бұрын
@@Smoka_Lad relax
@Smoka_Lad 5 ай бұрын
@@Diakoidris Im relaxed thats no issue, but Im being honest on a troll suggestion
@Diakoidris 5 ай бұрын
@@Smoka_Lad relaxed ≠ “worst idea in my entire life”
@Smoka_Lad 5 ай бұрын
@@Diakoidris yes it does lol? u can be relaxed and state opinions, if anything you need to be relaxed dude. I said it was a joke and youre trying to tell the guy who sent the comment how he feels which is weird
@Holmelander 5 ай бұрын
I would've loved to see more of Isaac
@Tarnished-bn5gq 4 ай бұрын
It should focus on Ellie’s life in Montana as she eventually and gradually moves on from her past, and Abby’s life with the Fireflies on Catalina Island, with her and Lev’s storyline being concluded.
@funkrobot9762 5 ай бұрын
Man. You guys are so weird about Part 2.
@kikod9188 5 ай бұрын
like joel was THEIR daddy lol
@lsd358 5 ай бұрын
They definitely need to make a TLOU part 3 and give it closer and a Tommy and Joel DLC their stories coping with the outbreak and what they had to do good and bad .
@kevinfromsales6842 5 ай бұрын
Agreed. We need to see how Joel and Tommy become proficient in combat and how they basically become Rambo.
@ozziey52 5 ай бұрын
@@kevinfromsales6842lol y’all want to much
@Nicholas_V 5 ай бұрын
I'm not interested in that at all. I don't want s prequel. I want to know what happens next. I definitely want Abby, Lev and Ellie stories
@kevinthomas2603 5 ай бұрын
In the first episode of the show on the talk show the scientist says they could never make a cure for it
@voicenine7804 5 ай бұрын
I want Ellie to learn Joel was right maybe they do something with J.J but I really also want to see Ellie redeem herself and get back with Dina. I’m debating if I want Abby to come back or not I don’t think they should bring her back but seeing a still Vengeful Tommy go after her seems like a fun Idea
@HelloFellowYoutubers 5 ай бұрын
Pretty sure next is TLOU2 Remaster-Remake Director’s Cut Part 2.
@florianschmoldt8659 5 ай бұрын
I haven't played the first parts but I can't wait for TLOU3 remaster deluxe edition.
@ImmanuelKant_ 5 ай бұрын
I liked the whole darkness of part 2 definitely made the whole universe of the last of us feel more like real life instead of a video game
@ikramqazi5492 5 ай бұрын
Would love to see a bit of Joel and Tess before Ellie happened
@wvttz08 5 ай бұрын
Its so unfortunate that the actress for tess passed away, not sure how to feel if they replaced her
@prezzeruk4054 5 ай бұрын
My prediction is abby and ellie will be forced to join forces against a foe....i think the rattlers will be the foe. With more control of the infected!
@TheMrGiannisgr 5 ай бұрын
Why does he always assumes that the majority of the millions of players who have played Part 2 didn’t like it? Lmao. You’re living in a goddamn dream world if you think people who actually played the game didn’t dig the story by the end of it. Not all but the majority of the millions did. Just because the haters are always loud and half of them never even touched the game, don’t make them relevant. They just won’t buy the next game. It is what it is. There’s a new fanbase post-Part 2 and HBO’s series.
@MatiZ815 5 ай бұрын
100%. From everything I've seen, I have no doubt that the majority of people who played the game liked it.
@blueflare3848 5 ай бұрын
It’s a pretty even split. The game completely divided the fanbase.
@mrrobluxo2369 5 ай бұрын
Cuz ur spending $60-$70 dollars on these games dumbass of course ur gonna see it through. Whether or not someone digs the story doesn’t equate to sales be fr
@b.u.l.1734 5 ай бұрын
Nah, the internet isn't the real world. Some people think this game is awful because a bunch of incels cry about it on Twitter since it came out. It's both sad and hilarious.
@Soulferno 5 ай бұрын
​@@blueflare3848True. I'm not sure what it is about people skewing the divide as if it was only internet hatred. It's actually insane how clean the cut was made within the fanbase. I know for me Part 2 killed any interest in the IP I had even after the many hours I put into playing the first one. I was super excited about the sequel but as far as the story went, it failed to capture me the same way the first game did. I genuinely hated the direct they went for and it's because it was just bad writing, not because it was "too challenging" for me. Many people played the sequel to completion and still hated it by the end. Why so many people here actively pretend that it was just all online hate is beyond me
@ShayJ1337 5 ай бұрын
that theory around 5 was literally how i thought part 2 couldve been handled playing through as abby first with flash backs have no joel and ellie in marketing then the halfway switch is starting to play as ellie
@dariuscleary1354 5 ай бұрын
That initial trailer with Abby was perfect. A short scene with a beginning, middle, and end. It needed little context to understand and it showed off the graphic
@thecounter.54231 5 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure ND will not do the same again (i. e. "switching perspective" like in Part II). They will come up with something entirely new. Also, I really like the pacing of Part II and it wouldn't have worked out that well, if they had us play Abby a long time before killing Joel. It's pretty much perfect as it is :)
@Lancaster51 5 ай бұрын
You’re just wrong in your estimation of how Druckman thought the game would be perceived. He’s been open that he wanted it to be challenging and completely subvert expectations. They knew people wouldn’t like it. You think they didn’t think in the process that they had no idea people would be upset that a beloved character gets killed off in the first 2 hours. Druckman has mentioned multiple times that he thought about Metal Gear Solid 2 and how people were upset when you play as Raiden after only being shown Snake in the trailers. They are a smart studio. Wether you like it or not, or if it doesn’t work your you they knew that would happen. They wanted to do something that would subvert expectations in order to deliver the theme and message.
@Fyrapan90 5 ай бұрын
I've no issues with people that have given Last of us part 2 a real honest chance and then for what ever reason it didn't work for them, that's all fine but I do know that many people just followed the hate train because their favorite youtuber said so and never really gave the game a chance. I've seen comments from people talking about how they hated part 2, just because someone else said so but when they gave it a chance they loved it. Not saying that this will be the case for everyone, but part 2 gets a lot of hate from people who haven't even given the game a chance or knows the whole story and believes in all the false leaks or stuff from the story that is taken out of context. Personally I love part 2 more than part 1 but both games are amazing in my eyes. The level of detail in them, and I love that they never take the easy way out in the story especially in part 2. It's a dark world were humanity has lost its ways, and I think people just need to be more open about other group of people and what they have suffered just like Joel & Ellie and realize that yes while we love these characters they have done many things that is questionable & bad to other people and vice versa.
@adammartinez3221 5 ай бұрын
lol, TLOU part 2 is not disliked by the majority like you seem to suggest. Its still up there as one of the best games to come out in the past decade
@karmaaffects1111 5 ай бұрын
TLOU 3 coming out on PS5, PS6 & PS7
@RonhozZ 5 ай бұрын
more like PS6, PS7 & PS8 , shit is gonna take 10 years to come out
@TheOutsider69 5 ай бұрын
I agree that naughty dog "made a mistake" by trusting their audience to be mature and open minded. Yes. They made the mistake of thinking gamers were smart, which they are not.
@jkeego101 6 күн бұрын
Abby and Lev are now with the Fireflies. They have a doctor who's capable of performing the surgery to develop the cure. Abby and Lev are sent to find Ellie and bring her back. Core relationship of the game be between Abby and Ellie as they journey back to the fireflies. They're initially confrontational but grow to forgive and eventually care for each other as they journey back. Ellie can redeem herself for her actions in Part II and also correct Joel's actions in Part I.
@airwinwalker3741 5 ай бұрын
Ellie went back to Jackson, living in Joel's house, maybe living with Tommy since him and Maria broke up. Part 3 still involve with Abby and Ellie. I bet Abby will be looking for Ellie since she's the only one knew beside Tommy and Dana that she's immune coz now Abby is with the Fireflies with Lev. They still could be looking for a cure. And I bet Eugene will be at the Part 3 since he is also a member of a Fireflies and have a connection with Tommy.
@Zand3rsson 5 ай бұрын
The game didnt need a part 2. Now imagine a part 3...
@TheTreyVidz 5 ай бұрын
unfortunately money talks. HBO will want more seasons of the show if part 2 does well which means we will likely see another game.
@aligillani7107 5 ай бұрын
@93tommy 5 ай бұрын
@@TheTreyVidz OR the artist behind the story genuinely felt and feels he has more story to tell. As consumers who are we to say when someone’s story is done?
@TheTreyVidz 5 ай бұрын
@@93tommy If Druckmann feels like there is more to be told now then so be it, I hope that’s the case and not that it’s being forced because sony and HBO want more games/seasons.
@93tommy 5 ай бұрын
@@TheTreyVidz I’m sure he’s been imagining where else this story could go for a long time…as a writer when you create a world as fully realized as this one, you don’t just turn off your imagination because you told one or two good stories…it’s just about when inspiration strikes and you feel confident you have another good one
@JayTCU 5 ай бұрын
We need more bad guy stories with compelling backgrounds. The “bad guy wants power” trope ruins just about every series it touches, whereas the former adds a complex grey area.
@whodatninja439 5 ай бұрын
it's also tired to have the bad guys be associated with some nobodies joel or ellie killed in the previous games and them wanting revenge
@c.wubby.u861 5 ай бұрын
What if the entire plot of part 3 revolves around Ellie's fingers being found and used as a cure?
@uumanebs 5 ай бұрын
Some people were naturally resistant to small pox. Other people were unaffected by it bc they contracted cow pox. In this case it could literally work out to be something as simple as Ellie got mushroom poisoning as a kid so her body violently rejects the spores. Something similar happened to a family member of mine and they would have a violent reaction to the fumes of cooking mushrooms or even the oils left on the surface of where they were chopped up. And the thing is, they never had any reason to believe they knew what caused her resistance. It could literally be something as simple as an overabundance or a severe lack of a something specific the fungi needs to survive. They completely threw out the scientific method, meaning I have zero reason to trust any conclusion they may have. And Joel was completely justified in his actions. What we know about the Fire Flies is they have moved across the country and became outcasts when they weren't violently thrown out. They moved into an area, would completely consume everything the people there had and then move on leaving nothing but a trail of corpses and messages/hints about where they were heading. There was never anything redeemable about them and it became more obvious as you proceed through the game. You go from working with one, to working with people who knew some, to meeting people who heard about them and things only seem more and more dire the more you follow in their wake. And the fact that we see society and humanity still exist long after Joel kills those doctors only further reinforces that what they intended was completely unnecessary. There is no reason to believe that had they been able to create a cure that humanity would be better off bc, at the end of the day, the biggest threat to humanity remained humanity. So chances are that they would have murdered a child and the result would still be exactly the same. They can provide nothing to justify murdering a child and nothing in the second game changes that. What they think or what they believe means less than nothing bc a third grader could show how they completely discarded the scientific method to come to some rushed conclusion that they can't in any way support. And when you consider that, the only reason the second game exists is so they can sell violently killing off a character. It completely lacked anything that made the first game special. Particularly a relatable story with characters who, despite as extreme as they may appear, react in a realistic way. It's literally shock value with a retail sticker. And that's something Naughty Dog should be ashamed of when you consider their history of being some of the best story tellers in all of gaming.
@optodanger 5 ай бұрын
It’s over. We need new IP.
@user-dv4bm2pk5e 5 ай бұрын
Delusional if you think they’re never making another game especially after season 2 of the show airs They’ve already said they’re working on multiple IP’s. Likely a brand new one and TLOU 3
@TheMrGiannisgr 5 ай бұрын
It’s not over. A new IP is coming but Part 3 is coming too.
@TheMrGiannisgr 5 ай бұрын
@@user-dv4bm2pk5eseason 2 is nothing. The success of Part 1 & Part 2 alone is enough to make more.
@blueflare3848 5 ай бұрын
I agree. I would rather see a new IP.
@Nico78Not 5 ай бұрын
Explain to me how you can make a part 3 for a story that has been concluded at the end of 2? Joel is dead. Joel and Ellie's relationship literally ended in a flashback cutscene. Ellie's story is done : she's now depressed, has PTSD from Joel's death, has been left behind by Dina, and denied her own desire for revenge twice only to regret it the next day and will regret it for the rest of her life, as evidenced by the fact she left behind Joel's guitar when she couldn't play it anymore. There's nothing left to develop here. She's done. Abby got her revenge, left with Lev - a character noone cares about - and...that's it, because her story was limited to that : killing some guy she didn't know and moving on with her life. Now that she did, her story is concluded. So, who's left? Abby, the character noone wants to play or really cares about? Tommy, who has seen his brother die in front of him for no reason and Ellie destroy herself for an unfulfilled revenge plot, and who anyone barely finds interesting? The Last of Us as a series is done. The writers wrote themselves into a corner.
@d818581dd 5 ай бұрын
Many people are fine with Abby, it just the rabid trolls online spouting off without understanding her story, where she came from, and the motivations she had for doing what she did. I wouldn't use that as the basis for concluding the series is dead.
@SKOMEpocets 5 ай бұрын
that leak is factions 2 scraped content. might be rehashed as a sub plot or something.
@miketexas4549 5 ай бұрын
I think a prequel that showed the world's descent into zombie apocalypse would be awesome.
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