Making Sense of the Mark Driscoll + John Lindell Fiasco | PODCAST | EP 108

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@dexyskesselrunners1402 Ай бұрын
Clearly, when Paul challenged Peter publicly, it was not for division but for unity. A lot of KZfaq pastors who don't like Mark Driscoll are taking Lindell's side, which is astonishing because regardless of Driscoll's past, his stance in this instance was correct. Lindell seems extremely prideful, arrogant, and vengeful. I appreciate your discussion because it is one of the best I have seen in being true to the Word of God.
@kenethsoberano Ай бұрын
Driscoll's haters would hate him even if he cured cancer.
@viviennevandeventer8366 Ай бұрын
@CosmicExplosion Ай бұрын
Douglas Wilson said the interesting thing about pride is that what it delivers is very different than what was expected as in reference to Proverbs 16:18 of course. Lindell is a perfect example of that.
@brucecindybernakevitch3263 Ай бұрын
Lindell posted a video where he claimed Alex (the Sword swallower) was a Christian, married with children. He was saying it to shame Mark Driscoll. The next day Alex, himself posted a video saying that he wasn't married and had no children. And he also said a few things that made you realize he wasn't a Christian It seems like Lindell is being exposed, and I mean by God. Poor Mark Driscoll taking up this cross. It was courageous for him to be obedient to the Lord. Lindell did not respond well. I would rather be in Driscoll's shoes than Lindell's before God
@RobinSampsonMcCarthy Ай бұрын
The entire sermon John Lindell did afterwards showed what kind of person he was. He’s a narcissist and he has no Holy Spirit in him.
@hopeinfused7127 Ай бұрын
Aka the jezebel spirit
@HopeSmyrna Ай бұрын
"no Holy Spirit in him..." Are you 100% positive this guy doesn't have the Holy Spirit in him?
@hhorse319 Ай бұрын
Disagreement happens between pastors, but a bruised ego is not the reason to blow things completely out of the water. I never had even heard of James River Church, but now I definitely think this guy is an apostate. His ego and pride are what are keeping Lindell from being able to see his misfortunes in the matter.
@HopeSmyrna Ай бұрын
Apostate? or just wrong? How about, prideful? how about bitter? I don't see what this pastor did that makes him "apostate." BTW, I think Lindell is in the wrong, here.
@naidaanstey547 Ай бұрын
Also, why would Mark respond publicly when he is being wrongly accused, Jesus was also wrongly accused and he remained quiet.
@jilld6240 Ай бұрын
Dr. Grant Olson has excellent videos regarding this event and has called John to publicly repent. He has some proof that Alex isn’t a born again Christian. Alex needs Jesus. Alex made a statement that he has no children etc. John lied about the information he said about Alex. Very sad.
@donethatbefore100 Ай бұрын
Lindell repent? It'll never happen.
@naidaanstey547 Ай бұрын
I believe Mark was lead by The Holy Spirit to do what he did; expose sin; the spirit of Jezebel. Im sure it was very difficult to do what he did. It never would have been exposed if he didn't do it the way he did. Do he obey God or man? The church is not about entertainment! This is not the work of the Holy Spirit. What happened to believing its the Holly Spirit that convicts man of sin. Has the church loss faith to believe this?
@kenethsoberano Ай бұрын
The diatribe sermon by Lindell was a Wednesday night service. Not Sunday. The version that was officially released (and paid promoted) to KZfaq was edited. The raw live stream version was even worse. The JRC team removed some of the false accusations before releasing the video. But they removed it altogether from KZfaq once the performer made his own video refuting Lindells lies about his background, family and faith.
@KimJolley Ай бұрын
I agree. I heard the unedited version. It was ridiculous.
@cathyarvin8239 Ай бұрын
Perhaps Mark shouldn't answer. By John's fruit which has been bad everyone can see it. He doesn't need to attack back that would not be good fruit.
@Missy-nw6ik Ай бұрын
Aaahhhh…….. the spirit of pride. Satans favorite sin. Lindell needs to check his pride
@bobbarrett2395 Ай бұрын
I am with mark on
@Christian_Tango_Christ Ай бұрын
The Bible teaches us to be wary of our teachers, ti question them and to test their teachings. It tells us there will be Apostates in sheeps clothings among the flock. Jon Lindell was mad Mark was threatening his revenue stream.
@cis4given Ай бұрын
@cornpope1832 Ай бұрын
right now they are buying subscribers and have lost 500 000 subs and some mad stuff has been happening with their subs..this is the problem with this type of church..i just wish they would take time off and get on their knees before Christ and ask for direction
@carolynthornburgh3024 Ай бұрын
Lyndell's son is the one who booked the "entertainment". Lyndell probably felt Mark was attaching his son.
@principe1968 Ай бұрын
The Body of Christ? Who's kidding who here? John Lindell is as far from the Body of Christ as a person can get. If I have a KZfaq channel am I anointed also?
@kingdomrevolutionwithmarkw9851 Ай бұрын
I love Pastor Mo’s gracious words, “sword-swallowing gymnast” 😂😂😂
@Deacondan240 Ай бұрын
Pursuing holiness and sanctification by nature implies separation.
@marcinance9586 Ай бұрын
So, my husband and I attended James River when it was fairly young…back in 1994-1996. There is a history with this church that is very unsettling, and we unwittingly ended up among the very first people to run so deeply afoul of John Lindell that we were publicly disfellowshipped- just the same as what he did to Mark. John is an arrogant narcissist, who has an extreme problem with lying. This is nothing new. The problem is that for many years, he was able to keep a very tight lid on those lies. There were a number of strategically placed individuals who did know he was lying, but my guess is that he forced them to sign NDA’s. He’s not above doing things like that. He’s also not above filing restraining orders against people who oppose him. I would guess that John slapped an NDA and forced Mark to sign it before he left. There is so much more to this situation than the vast majority of people have any idea about.
@donethatbefore100 Ай бұрын
Very interesting but not surprised. I'm glad you shared that. I knew someone personally that wanted a one on one with Lindell about a matter but Lindell wouldn't have it. (Nobody has better disagree with Lindell .on ANYTHING!) That following Sunday, Lindell has two of his goons escort this man out before the Sunday service even started. That's how Lindell treats members that he feels gets out of line What a shame.
@donethatbefore100 Ай бұрын
And talk about lying, my favorite is the toes growing back. No before or after pics tho.
@kathystevens7532 Ай бұрын
I think Lindell's anointing was lifted from him ever since he brought sin into the church. God does not bless sin.
@TheCherylpmac Ай бұрын
I must say that this is so disheartening to see a “man of God” behave with no discernment of his own sin. It’s as if his heart has become hardened towards God and it was more important to protect his pride and ego than to truly hear from God, to examine himself and have a desire to repent. It’s disheartening to see leaders in the body of Christ behave worst than the world. I pray for this man because I believe that Gods hand was in this, He was giving him an opportunity to hear from him and to repent because this behavior that was displayed is just the tip of the iceberg, the Lord has been trying to reach him for some time and he has refused to repent. There is something worst coming to him and to his church and the leadership of the church because they have tolerated and accepted the behavior. I pray that he repents before real judgement comes. If not the Lord is going to pull the veil away of all the sin.
@bobbiejackson5133 Ай бұрын
I don’t know John or Mark all I know is what my eyes saw and ears heard on the conference video. From what I saw Mark was completely in the right for saying what he did. That being said Mark even being involved in such an anti-Christ type conference in the first place doesn’t give me much good feelings about him. In this day and age especially, spending thousands and probably charging hundreds on entertainment that has no place in a house of God and people everywhere are struggling to put food on the table. I am just sickened and grieved about the whole thing. What grieves me even more is that I belong to a beautiful spirit filled church that happens to be a part of the Assemblies of God church. They don’t seem to be doing anything and that scares me. Our church had a problem. The person confessed and he has to go to AoG classes for two years before he can be in church again. His transgression was so small compared to turning God’s House into a den of thieves and circus. We all love this man and support him. The Holy Spirit was already strong at our church but I and others believe because of his confession, leaving the church and all of us so sad but staying obedient, the Holy Spirit is even more powerful in our church. Praying for all involved especially the leaders at AoG because they are now in the position to either obey the Word or choose to support one of their top ten money makers.
@Deacondan240 Ай бұрын
I see no contrition from Lindell to the rebuke of the entertainment.
@MenOfVirtue Ай бұрын
A few points: 1/ As much as Mark tried to claim that this wasn't a direct rebuke of John or anyone else, it definitely is, because John and other leadership would have made the decision to invite and sanction Alex's performance. So if Mark is saying that performance is demonic, it's kind of a cop out to claim that Mark isn't rebuking John in saying that - it's clearly a rebuke of John for sanctioning a demonic performance. The real question with that is, is what Mark claims here accurate? Was the performance appropriate or not? Because if it's not, then the rebuke is justified. Arguing about whether it's a rebuke or not is silly though. 2/ John's dishonesty in his representations of Alex need to be addressed. Alex has since released a video, disproving many of the claims that John made in his rebuke of Mark. Alex has no kids, is not a Christian, among other things, so the picture that John tried to paint of the situation is just a straight up lie. That needs addressed. 3/ John and James River Church have since sponsored John's sermon on KZfaq where he is rebuking Mark. That means they are paying KZfaq to promote that video. And on top of that, they are actively deleting negative and critical comments off of it. Any criticism of John or agreement with Mark, is being actively censored on that video. The dishonesty associated with that needs addressed. 4/ John claiming he is above reproach or criticism because he is 'anointed', really needs called out and addressed. That's a crazy notion, for a pastor to think he can't be criticized. But that mentality does align with everything we are seeing from John in all this - he really does believe he is beyond criticism. 5/ Mark is getting a lot of criticism for how he chose to broach this topic, but think of things from his perspective here: Assuming that Mark believes what he is saying to be true, why is what any of what he did here wrong? People are trying to discredit him in this because of his past mistakes, but that's just ad hominem. Deal with the merit of what he is saying and doing here in this situation, and apply that same standard to John. Both of their pasts here are irrelevant. There are substantive questions of merit that can be evaluated of everyone involved, and I just don't see anything Mark did here to be wrong. Even to the point he spoke with John's son about taking over leadership of James River Church. If what Mark believes is true (which is a reasonable starting point for Mark to operate from, to think that he's right), why on Earth would it not be appropriate to remove John from leadership? If the jezebel spirit has taken over? This isn't just about John here. We are talking about a whole church being led astray, not to mention the online audience.
@KimJolley Ай бұрын
James River Church is all about the money.
@HopeSmyrna Ай бұрын
It feels like, and I could be very wrong, the pastor is using the authority of the church to excommunicate Mark because his feelings were hurt.
@rue883 Ай бұрын
Satan, just like God, can tailor a message for a specific person or small group of people in a large crowd. I had seen that act before on the sexual TV show AGT. I didn’t like the performance on AGT, even turning away from the TV, and didn’t even watch it; that is how bad I thought it was on AGT. At a men’s conference, that performance was intentional and targeted at SOMEONE specific At That Conference. So, who is reaching out to those vulnerable men? Is everyone so focused on church hierarchy and the churches that we no longer care about the sheep, letting them be slaughtered?
@angelatalbot3039 Ай бұрын
If you can't depend on God to bring the people then its not of God.
@debblouin Ай бұрын
All due respect to Driscoll-We need to quit with the Jezebel spirit, Ahab spirit and even the Elijah spirit things. We need to talk about carnality. We need to go to Romans and take responsibility for our carnal mind: it is the carnal mind which is enmity towards God. The opposite of that is walking in the Spirit-not of Elijah but of the Holy Spirit.
@mhemery57 Ай бұрын
I disagree !!!!
@kmdonaldson2329 Ай бұрын
Mark Driscoll has called out the enemy… just like Elijah.
@mikelyons2831 Ай бұрын
A loose, loose for the body of Christ. JL at a mega church doing mega church wowing (like the tank stunt). Mega churches need mega numbers & mega $. Then MD doing MD things. No Mark, it wasn't a pagan high place, it was a platform that secured the climbing pole. No Mark, he didn't strip, he popped off his jacket like a typical AGT showman would (not a modest Christian thing, but not a seductive strip show). No Mark, it wasn't an Asherah pole or a 10' stripper pole (no one twirled around in bra & panties). & no Mark, a Godless rebellious women (a true Jezebel) was not running things. Way over spiritualizing. Pray for the kid & Pastors.
@Missy-nw6ik Ай бұрын
Aaahhhh…….. the spirit of pride. Satans favorite sin. Lindell needs to check his pride
@Missy-nw6ik Ай бұрын
Aaahhhh…….. the spirit of pride. Satans favorite sin. Lindell needs to check his pride
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