Marianne Williamson Speaks about A Course in Miracles

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Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson

9 жыл бұрын

Internationally acclaimed author, lecturer and activist Marianne Williamson gives weekly lectures based on A Course in Miracles, Live in New York City and via Livestream, on Tuesdays at 7:30pm ET. Go here to join live or via livestream:

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@lewisdavid623 9 жыл бұрын
She is a wonderful teacher of the TRUTH, the guide to personal peace, to life itself. The Course is not an easy undertaking but completely worthwhile if you are searching for truth and peace.
@walkermartin9668 8 жыл бұрын
+Little Bear Thank you Little Bear
@ashleytaylor994 6 жыл бұрын
David Lewis has ACIM worked for You? Any testimonials?
@theresamcgallicher 3 жыл бұрын
@@ashleytaylor994 I have a testimonials on my KZfaq channel.
@EagleRockers 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Marianne! This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Blessings!
@jasmineh8482 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Namaste
@VenusLover17 10 ай бұрын
Beautiful ❤ thanks!!
@gregorioganesh4551 9 жыл бұрын
I like when she says that we feel alien on this planet because it has a consciousness of separation (aka duality). And that whenever you are around this kind of energy you will feel fear. Yep! About sums up most of my entire experience in on this crappy planet
@TransferOfAwakening 8 жыл бұрын
Lack of gratitude is the original sin. Forgetting that every cell of our body, every cell of our brain, every breath we take, every drop of water, every ray of light is a gift of God and not thanking God for these free gifts on whom our existence depends right in this moment is the original sin. This sin gives rise to a false pride, false sense of ownership and entitlement. From this comes discontent and from that comes anger, greed, resistance, struggle and grief. This original sin creates a thick veil that closes the perception of the God’s grace showering right this moment. It makes the heart so stiff that true joy, humility and gratitude can never enter it. The sin of ungratefulness makes one oblivious to how the God’s grace is taking care of one’s own breathing, digestion, blood flow, and keeps the heart beating even while one is busy finding faults and complaining. The constant ingratitude and ignorance of the God’s grace and gifts showering right this moment and in every moment and the constant discontent, dissatisfaction, faultfinding and complaining expels one from the heaven of gratitude filled with God’s grace to the hell of the self created misery, discontent and constant dissatisfaction. Realizing this very breath, realizing that this air that we breathe and the lungs with one breathe are both free gifts of God pave way to the gratitude. The gratitude makes the perception of God’s grace available again. The perception of grace makes the God’s kingdom visible. The heart that begins perceiving the God’s kingdom starts ascending into heaven.
@TransferOfAwakening 8 жыл бұрын
Even while we sleep, the earth moves around the sun, rotates on its axis, the days and nights happen as do sunrise and sunsets, the grass grows, the cherry blossoms, the apple trees bear fruits and our body breathes and digests food. All this happens while lie in our bed unaware. Even when we were in our mother’s wombs, our hearts beat and the mother’s breasts got milk to feed us. All this happened without us planning, directing and controlling it. Realizing this, we are ready to let go, to take it easy and to let go of all our unnecessary anxiety, stress and worries with each exhale. The God that cleans the carbon dioxide that we exhale into the air that we need is able to carry all our burdens and he has done it day and night; even when we sleep and even before we came into existence. Realizing this we are able to relax. Realizing this, we experience freedom that is always available.
@TransferOfAwakening 8 жыл бұрын
True spirituality is the journey from being the stiff-hearted, bitter complainer full of pride and judgement to the soft-hearted, appreciator full of gratitude and humility. The God’s kingdom becomes visible once we realize that absolutely nothing truly belongs to us. The God’s kingdom becomes visible when we realize that this very body, this very brain is a gift from God. We start our ascent to the heaven with the realization that this very breath right now, this very moment is a gift of God to be revered, worshipped, loved to feel grateful for.
@ashleytaylor994 6 жыл бұрын
TOA (Transmission of Awakening) has ACIM worked for You? Any testimonials?
@larrybrown3983 Ай бұрын
Truths here!
@martinamarchi6800 9 жыл бұрын
all this is very interesting
@FruitypantsMcNutz 8 жыл бұрын
Wow, this is great . .
@williamkeeler2 8 жыл бұрын
+B Del Yes, you are very much correct. I've been telling people about this for a while now. What has become clear to me is that there is very little you can say to people who believe ACIM. The best thing we can do is share God's Word and pray for them. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 gives a lot of insight on what is really going on here. It is no joke.
@williamkeeler2 8 жыл бұрын
+B Del The #1 area that trips up all ACIM believers is the deity of Jesus Christ. As St. Peter says, He is a "stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall." All believers of ACIM think that Jesus Christ is just a "spiritual master" on the same level of Buddah, Gandhi, etc. What they fail to see is the Jesus Christ is actually God Himself. This will be their downfall in the end. As St. Matthew puts it, "Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed." It's sad. We must continue to pray and to plant the seeds of God's Word.
@mahesanramasamy4008 8 жыл бұрын
+B Del hi everyone ,if anyone else wants to discover affirmations to attract money abundance try Tarbetti Amazing Attraction Tutor(Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some interesting things about it and my co-worker got cool success with it.
@sasabikovic8347 8 жыл бұрын
+Fruitypants McNutz hi everyone ,if anyone else trying to find out affirmations to attract wealth & abundance try Elumpa Fast Manifestation Alchemist(Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my buddy got amazing results with it.
@lastthingsministry 4 ай бұрын
@williamkeeler2 your comments are very wise. I believe speakers such as this are leading the world to a false Christ, the coming Antichrist.
@GaryBeal-doingmorewithless 9 жыл бұрын
I just realized this question was posted 6 months ago.
@adventureswithadrienne 2 ай бұрын
4.12.2024 Is she the one running for president 2024? If so, she will get my vote 😳 this is what the country needs 🙏🏾
@pietervermond4839 Жыл бұрын
The mind we share.
@rhetorist763 Жыл бұрын
Thats what is your spirit.
@gameofhearts07 5 жыл бұрын
Looking to work your way through ACIM? Check us out!
@hulkgrouphumanunconditiona4658 3 жыл бұрын
We are Gods Son , in me is Creation sanctified, Love perfected established without opposite , We are the Heaven where his love resides.We are without Ego Now and now moved into pure unadulterated Love itself as we eroded Egoic way ,Egoic Perception from Human Condition to Unconditional Love , our Divine Higher Consciousness found with an awareness given by the Holy Spirit to communicate with our Father ,Brother and and Holy Spirit . We are the Bringers of Salvation because we collectively create our own world . We look upon all as our Sisters and a Brothers in consciousness and real perceptions and see ourselves within all .Our hearts and Eyes are open now from our Formless perceptions and can purely see and bless the world in the Oneness we have discovered . The more we join and find peace the more frequency of Joy which we all need not a want , a need to bring us all home away from Sin(Ego). Freedom we reach within the heart of God which is Ours . We I choose to see innocence in all not their errors or mistakes and with that I solidify my innocence within , my Brother and Sister are mine from the Son of God . We are finally free from guilt,shame ,pain ,fear, negative emotions and toxicity of darkness as the Light is Ours now . Going through our days seeing our Brothers and Sisters as Sinless and Beautifully Perfect and that they are not their , our errors or mistakes as we are not.As I have said over and over again within the realisation of what is , is that we are when stripping back all our human conditions that we cling and attach to as our identities, we strip back and unlearn our human conditioning from Birth. We sit there within silence and listen and observe and see we are above our bodies , we are above our minds as they are the tools , the vessels of communications for the divine purposes that come to us all to which we have to recognise as our purposes , dharma etc . When we strip back , what are we , we are the resting observing, Now aware and awakened consciousness, that Formless BEING ,that resides within our bodymind tool aligned atoned, with the gift of the Holy Spirit which is our guide our teacher who has been waiting patiently for some time, for us to discover that was there , even though when we have spoken alone before we always knew something alive and well was with us , within our consciousness. This is what we are and the purest of Unconditional Love has been given with forgiveness for all to let unconditional love shine ever so bright if we all come together as ONE in our own uniqueness and journey to Consciousness or Enlightenment or Awakening of the Spiritual Heart.We now have reverence for all things , all living and breathing things that are with us along this Human Journey as Mother Earth . We have choices of freedoms and care ,compassion to give to all our Brothers ,Sisters and all living things that we live with , with interdependence for our Human Survivals to contain and use our communication bodymind tools within this Earthly Heaven given to us as another beauty gift . All we have to do is just pause and find the stillness and look around at the most extraordinary things that we see as ordinary although when something disappears in a fleeting moment only then we call it extraordinary and miss it or attempt to save it when it is to late to come together as ONE . It is now time to step out of the illusions and contorted dreams we have lived in from human condition and now take the pure perception of the miracle gift of love given , take this thought , take this word and actually in the truth of our Fathers will take the Action thy Father ,Thy Son , Thy Daughter as We are , the Will and intention of Christ's Vision to this Human World and Lead us All Home in the purest innocence and the most highest light we have found as it just shines with the biggest brightest smile one has ever seen , felt or experienced . The Joy radiates Like the Sun rising on a bright blue sky in the early hours on the horizon of the ocean as the Will of all that is GOOD arrives in the form of a wave hitting the beautiful sand and washes us clean as we have always been . May All my Brothers and Sisters in this World present and now residing with thy Source in Formless , May all Living Things , May Mother Earth and Beyond receive the Blessings of Unconditional Loving Awakened Kindness and Forgiveness .May this blessing reach all your spiritual hearts and spiritual eyes of Higher Consciousness and may you all be free with the most purest of light within that continuously helps you travel to your journeys divine destinations of purposes always. Thankyou Marianne May you always be Blessed , your energy was part there of my healing in many many ways with a combination of spiritual leaders . Heartfelt Gratitude
@guccidelfino7744 9 жыл бұрын
Im confused, i thought Mirianne Williamson was the author of A course in miracles was by her but its why helen... Im confused can someone explain have i got the right version
@gregorioganesh4551 9 жыл бұрын
***** She and Ken Wapnick (who helped her edit the final version) were "tight". This is the version first put out until an earlier edit was found by Bill Thetford (there's still stuff in there that doesn't need to be, although it is not as "over-edited" as the final version). The urtext is all over the place and DEFINITELY needs editing; do not buy it (you CAN get it online as a pdf file along with thetford's edit and even the official version too - though it won't have the clarification of terms ). I think the best version to buy is the official version with the "combined volume". It has the text, the workbook, the manual for teachers, the clarification of terms, and the two nice, fairly long supplements: the song of prayer and the practice of psychotherapy.
@gregorioganesh4551 9 жыл бұрын
Gucci Delfino I think the best version to buy is the official version with the "combined volume". It has the text, the workbook, the manual for teachers, the clarification of terms, and two nice, fairly long supplements: 'the song of prayer' and 'the practice of psychotherapy.' I do have some problems with the Course personally, but they're more on the level of content than form. You WILL see apparently big differences between the three major edits (the official "nun's" version, the HCL, and the Urtext), but much of them are cosmetic in nature. The thing I really don't like is that they took the word/concept of "soul" out of the official version (though it is replaced with "Self" in the workbook). The metaphysical / psychological principles of acim I think are the most important and useful aspects of it. (The urtext can be a little confusing b/c it's a mess.) All of these versions can be found for free on the net as pdf files (except for the clarification of terms and the two supplements which only come with the official version - better just to buy that version)
@gregorioganesh4551 9 жыл бұрын
DIsagree. Truth is felt and feeling is experience. And as the Course itself says "a universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary." My problem with the Course has always been its tendency to over-intellectualized spirituality, which - IMHO - can only be EXPERIENCED directly & subjectively. However, I do agree with you on many of your other points, such as truth can never be found in a book or words; they can only reflect it (some reflect it better than others).
@theresamcgallicher 5 жыл бұрын
The author of A Course in Miracles is Jesus. Helen Shucman channeled the message. Marianne Williamson teaches the message and writes books about ACIM.
@Cometomysenses 8 жыл бұрын
I have spent months researching into attraction then we discovered an awesome website at Max Miracle Method (check it out on google)
@goran3036 8 жыл бұрын
+Dody Haris its not often I'm impressed but this video really caused me to think I need to ask - do you know there's missing part of the law of attraction? people around this planet are living the lives of their dreams after finding the missing ingredient? I learned about this missing secret and manifest abundance, wealth, health, love and more from reading website called Max Miracle Method. This secret will literally force the universe to provide you with everything you'll need for creating financial, emotional and spiritual abundance... take a look now search google for Max Miracle Method
@williamkeeler2 9 жыл бұрын
*Salvation* According to the Bible, salvation is what happens when we repent and come to faith - so it is a matter of making a decision to put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to save you and making a decision to forsake sin and live out the rest of your life in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.
@effeff6438 9 жыл бұрын
William Keeler ye must be born again.
@MegaGetMore 5 жыл бұрын
@jacobjorgenson9285 4 жыл бұрын
Who says the Bible is right? The first stories about Jesus was written 600 year AFTER he was supposed to live. You think they made it all up? Of cause they did
@anitacarrier9386 3 жыл бұрын
Capitalist Societal systems that only care about self-survival, are to blame for humanities discomfort here. Those of us who have made the spiritual transition know that heaven on earth will come when a socialist Societal system is in place, whereby it cares about the suvival of all creation, without discrimination for any. All are equal. And I do not speak of a Marxist socialism but true socialism.
@GaryBeal-doingmorewithless 9 жыл бұрын
Lol! No, she's a common proponent of the book. So is Oprah and Eckhart Tolle. But none of them have anything to do with the publication which was written or scribed sometimes reluctantly by an agnostic and reputed psychologist under the auspices of Jesus.
@walkermartin9668 8 жыл бұрын
Actually Gary, Helen Schucman was an atheist not agnostic if you can believe it.
@GaryBeal-doingmorewithless 8 жыл бұрын
+Walker Martin Right. She was resistant to the notion entirely, wasn't she?
@GaryBeal-doingmorewithless 8 жыл бұрын
+Walker Martin Checks out! "Self-described atheist"
@jacobjorgenson9285 4 жыл бұрын
What? The Jesus stories was written 600 years AFTER he lived
@riversimple748 5 жыл бұрын
More of a rapper than a true course teacher
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