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Patrick Graham

Patrick Graham

5 жыл бұрын

Mark Pearson was supported by Erin Pizzey in fighting this insane case and gaining much media exposure.
‘The CPS said to the media: ‘There was sufficient evidence for this case to proceed to court and progress to trial. We respect the decision of the jury.’
All the evidence was clearly Bullshit, and the CPS barrister lied in his summing up.
Read more:
We can laugh now at the ridiculousness
- but Mark can't laugh long.
The perverts (the police and CPS), are still set on blindly denying truth and persecuting innocent men for non existent crimes. We all remain traumatised by being victims of state witch hunts.
The material we could not use because of ongoing legal matters shows how unbelievably insane the criminal justice system is - and how much dumber, and dangerously so, the police are than you even imagined.
See the main film, "We Believe You" to grasp just how common this is... • We Believe You - False...

Пікірлер: 63
@malcolmnewall6867 5 жыл бұрын
It seems rather clear - this was malicious prosecution - and a deliberate choice to try and manipulate the evidence. This should be seen as criminal activity on the part of the CPS.
@patrickgraham6786 5 жыл бұрын
It is being seen as such by all those advising Mark - he has been pursuing action against the BTP and CPS - it takes so long.
@tonys995 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing, what a fecking disgrace, this is every reason to stop paying taxes and council tax for their mafia protection racket that doesn't actually protect you, dont pay for them to enforce lies and try and bang you up, what absolute bastards,. Thanks again for sharing
@Farah101 2 жыл бұрын
Women who do this make me sick. She should have been jailed.
@patrickgraham6786 2 жыл бұрын
Correct - but more importantly the professionals who investigate should be trained to spot false accusations and real rape victims - Instead their training tends to make them believe the liars - who have good stories to tell that sound like they will stand up in court - and DISbelieve the genuine rape victims and the falsely accused who may say dumb things and not remember what did or didn't go on It is a screwed up CJS that bears more of the blame for 1500+ innocents in jail and 100,000 false accusers running free and anonymous.
@robertstorey7476 2 жыл бұрын
Thank god for juries. It's frightening that the police and CPS just see their job as securing a conviction and don't care if you really did anything. You can have your life taken away from you on any flimsy pretext.
@probro9898 2 жыл бұрын
I can't believe the CPS really thought they would get a conviction. Their aim was not to send Pearson to prison, but to show the world that they "take sexual assault seriously". They knew that when the inevitable "not guilty" verdict came, they'd just spew some disingenuous drivel about "sufficient evidence for a prosecution" (no need to elaborate!) and "we respect the jury's verdict". It was exactly the same story with Kato Harris. There are a lot of very powerful people in this country with almost no accountability to anyone at all.
@bobmiller4573 2 жыл бұрын
In a just world the woman would now be charged for being a liar and coward
@BigDuke6ixx 2 жыл бұрын
Conspiracy to pervert the course of justice (which is what this was) carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Not to mention perjury, making false statements to the police and wasting police time. The subhuman who made this accusation should have been locked up.
@patrickgraham6786 2 жыл бұрын
She was bonkers and not credible - the issue here is that the police do not have that excuse - their pursuit was a malicious crime - for which they have been forced to pay compensation, (which of course comes from us, the taxpayer!) to my mind every time senior officers get caught wrecking people's lives for fun that should entail a prison sentence - to discourage the others
@davedogge2280 2 жыл бұрын
What I don't hear a lot about is the woman who made the wrongful accusation and by wrongful I mean fabricated. If I was him, I would certainly counter sue, to me it seems that maybe the woman was slightly annoyed that the newspaper slightly brushed her side unintentionally as he passed by her or half a second. I would investigate the woman and have a deep look at her history and psychology. The CPS trying to be economical with the truth and the barrister by portraying the length of time he passed her as being longer than it actually was should come with severe penalties. He was very lucky in a way that there was CCTV footage, this just shows how fate can just conspire against an innocent person. So starting from a lie it's interesting how people dog pile in with other efforts to sustain a lie and be complicit in a lie which they didn't even originally formulate.
@patrickgraham6786 2 жыл бұрын
This woman was a fairly well known actress and had been playing a part in which she was a sexual assault victim - it is quite clear that whatever she thought happened at Waterloo station just did not happen but was a weird fantasy based on her being incredibly unprofessional in not "de-roleing" before going out in public again... the most ridiculous aspect is that despite the entire sequence being on CCTV the Police and CPS took this case all the way to court where they were rightly ridiculed for wrecking an innocent man's life and having vision and time bending ideas about what was concrete evidence. The woman's name is published in America where they are not governed by the arcane British law designed to protect victims but which also protects perverters of justice, and which means I still cannot name her here in the UK.
@davedogge2280 2 жыл бұрын
@@patrickgraham6786 well I looked her up and she's been getting roles in TV/film acting since the verdict which means that she seems to have got away with it Scott-free at least as far as her professional reputation is concerned.
@patrickgraham6786 2 жыл бұрын
@@davedogge2280 indeed - though work did dry up for a while - the role of anonymous "victim" remains hers, and she gets a sympathy vote to get new work... - whereas the real victims (of which I am also one) have their lives screwed over forever...
@davedogge2280 2 жыл бұрын
@@patrickgraham6786 amazing she's even got a reasonably big part in a major Hollywood Sci-Fi movie which rhymes with 'Loon'. It pays to play the victim who is crazy.
@dean9235 2 жыл бұрын
He should sue her for defamation of character, false accusations and lying.
@patrickgraham6786 2 жыл бұрын
apart from that not being possible, it is the British Transport police and CPS who he did take action against, and got a six figure payout.... but that I'd ultimately OUR money, no policemen or lawyers suffered or learned any lessons from this.
@petergriffiths2914 3 жыл бұрын
This has not ended. The fight goes on.
@davedogge2280 2 жыл бұрын
how so ? is the complaint he made against the transport police still ongoing . What is astonishing is that there is absolutely no discussion about the woman who made the original accusation, who is she ? why did she claim assault ? what is her history ? her character ? why is she somehow not being made accountable for this false accusation ? can she be and is she being sued ? what is her psychological history ? I think he mentioned that she was an actress, was she somehow testing out her acting skills with this trying to see if she could be believed by completely fabricating a lie, on some sort of power trip ?
@GiarkReleos 2 жыл бұрын
@@davedogge2280 Souad Faress
@davedogge2280 2 жыл бұрын
@@GiarkReleos yes and I noticed that she is playing a reasonably major role in the new Dune movie, so it just goes to show you can be a little psycho in that industry and people turn a blind eye to it.
@RobWalker1 5 жыл бұрын
Well done Patrick, and Mark!
@MidlifeRenaissanceMan 5 жыл бұрын
There is no justice. Only law. Justice is actually spelled *Just Us ! **_not you!_*
@alexlintern9779 4 жыл бұрын
Or 'Just Is' with a Parisian shrug thrown in as if to say C'est La Vie that's just the way it goes........this case shows the CPS and their enablers are a very sick joke.
@Smellslikegelfling 2 жыл бұрын
How can police arrest for a crime when there's no evidence that a crime was even committed? If a man called the police and claimed he was sexually assaulted in public by a woman, they'd laugh and hang up. I guarantee they wouldn't go and arrest the woman who was accused unless there was strong video evidence with audio.
@scotland369 2 жыл бұрын
It's because whatever an "oppressed" person says something, it MUST be true. And if they doubt her claim, they are an -ist or a -phobe.
@Animal-Reaction-Clips 2 жыл бұрын
I had this done to me with no bail. These women only want attention they never got at home. I was sent to court and I had 3 hearing and each hearing cost me £4,000 and I had to borrow money and the woman who accused me never turned up on the 3rd time as she probably realized she's going to be cross examined and got scared . The case was dropped and I was so glad because I was looking at 4 years in prison for something I had never done. She went that far that she actually did things to get private parts and arms and said it was me
@ShaunieDale 2 жыл бұрын
The problem is that they see their duty is to get a conviction rather than to get to the truth in what is effectively a dispute between two people. When it is obviously a vexatious or malicious accusation like this it ought to be possible to criminalise the claimant and prosecute them. I hope Mark managed to get compensation, both from the woman and the CPS.
@patrickgraham6786 2 жыл бұрын
he did - eventually - get a large sum from the government bodies responsible - The problem is the fixation and malevolence of the police towards someone as soon as they have a sex pest suspect - no facts, no evidence, seems to turn them around once they set out on that track... any disinterested party investigating this woman would have dismissed her as a delusionary person and this is happening still (though not quite as badly as pre lockdown) to tens of thousands of British people each year...
@GiarkReleos 2 жыл бұрын
Souad Faress
@GiarkReleos 2 жыл бұрын
is the fascist in question, who has yet to pay for its crimes because of typical judges (are all soulless. Facts Matter !!)
@probro9898 2 жыл бұрын
Why did it happen? Two words: "Jimmy" and "Savile".
@patrickgraham6786 2 жыл бұрын
yup - and the fact that around 500 -2000 women got compensation for being abused by him despite never having met him at all...
@biggerbitcoin5126 2 жыл бұрын
The woman is an actress....says it all really.....and maybe taking her job too far.
@patrickgraham6786 2 жыл бұрын
yup - see my reply to Dave Dogge, below.
@GiarkReleos 2 жыл бұрын
@@patrickgraham6786 Souad Faress
@scotland369 2 жыл бұрын
Here's an idea. Why don't they prosecute the accuser for the exact sentence the accused would have got.
@keithnewton8981 2 жыл бұрын
This woman needs to be named and shamed for her action. Women like her disgust me. Her actions taint every legitimate sexual assault case. This 60 year old actress should have her picture blazed across TV news, newspapers and the Internet like this innocent man. The cost need to own there mistakes or present evidence. Maybe the woman new the cps investigator maybe this was planned. This is why there need to be a criminal investigation into everyone cos police and the woman. Huffington post reportsb the actress was Souad Faress of game of throwns fame this woman is disgusting, she made up,so many.
@patrickgraham6786 2 жыл бұрын
She didn't know the investigators - and that is not the real issue here - the investigators have had a brief to take every sexual assault accusation seriously and "believe the victim" - the way it works is far more insidious and corrupting than you can imagine, They even use the compensation scheme to ensure that complainants don't change their story and drop the case - it is an entirely sick system and it has put at least 1500 innocent men in jail and let at least 100,000 false accusers run free and protected by anonymity.
@RealButcher 2 жыл бұрын
"And she just walks away" accusing other men... Why do we not see her initials? Sadly, it is well known that falsely accused men commit suicide. And why do you zoom in like this? He is innocent.
@ilkr03 2 жыл бұрын
damn what a shitty thing to happen!!!
@Danger_Noodle_Pliskin 4 жыл бұрын
So long to actually load, so many interruptions. It's like YT is throttling this so people walk away.
@GiarkReleos 2 жыл бұрын
Souad Faress
@paxbritannica5598 2 жыл бұрын
Side with this man wholeheartedly but as a duty solicitor the criticism is harsh. We don’t put forward a defence at the police station we merely advise the client on the best approach (in our view) based on the evidence. I would be interested to know what Mark expected the solicitor to do while the tapes were recording during the interview. People have seen too many Hollywood court dramas.
@tosgem 2 жыл бұрын
There is obviously more to this and we are just hearing one side of the story. Clearly the police did what they did for a reason. He comes across all innocent and harmless but predators are experts at acting this way. I think he has rapists eyes. Men push the limits, up to and beyond the line of what is acceptable in terms of fleeting but inappropriate contacts in public transport systems
@patrickgraham6786 2 жыл бұрын
Nice to see the Feemenist cliche bullshit put forward here - If you knew anything about the case or how the police operate you'd be embarrassed at having said this.
@McT740052 2 жыл бұрын
@@patrickgraham6786 got to be a troll account responding surely 😂😂 if not then no chance of getting her hole
@RealButcher 2 жыл бұрын
@tosgem. NO
@barrysteven5964 2 жыл бұрын
He has 'rapists' eyes? I sincerely hope you never sit on a jury.
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