Mark & Carrie: There is Hope, Just Not Here

  Рет қаралды 19,553

Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

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Mark Blyth, political economist at Brown's Watson Institute, and political scientist Carrie Nordlund share their take on the news.
On this episode: Trump and Melania have coronavirus; the electoral insignificance of Trump's tax returns; a dumpster fire debate; thinking long-term on this month's Supreme Court fight; the rest of the world's plan for climate change; what a coronavirus second/third/pick-your wave might look like.

Пікірлер: 149
@thyalchemist 3 жыл бұрын
I'm weird and I enjoy reading dystopic science fiction. However, I am not enjoying living in it.
@joycefarley8577 3 жыл бұрын
@TheThormick 3 жыл бұрын
"There is infinite hope in the universe, but not for us." -Franz Kafka
@anyoneyousee7772 3 жыл бұрын
It’s sad how few views mark&carrie get... like it’s sad how few people care about intelligent debate and how few people can even follow stuff like this. I feel like lack of education is the actual biggest problem our democracy faces
@marketsocialist6421 3 жыл бұрын
@shaesullivan 3 жыл бұрын Do you we want more people to view them, is the question.
@FuckYourSelf99 3 жыл бұрын
An informed populace makes demands.
@Varlwyll 3 жыл бұрын
You can get discourse of exactly this quality on NPR and CNN
@jerkchickenblog 3 жыл бұрын
'maybe we're all the same wave. maybe it's 1979 and it's new wave.' i about fell out my chair laughing at that point
@jamesstuart9528 3 жыл бұрын
The show is about the U.S., sure, but the references to Sweden are fascinating. Those people aren’t just good looking; they’re healthy and smart with it. What is it about anglophone culture, our aggressively self-focused individualism, that makes it so hard for us to pull together in times of crisis? It is specious, a cop out in every sense of the expression, to blame our “so-called” leaders for not being individuals of Napoleonic stature. Democracy doesn’t work like that. Democracy of the representative sort is an uneasy compromise between competing interests. That’s what makes it so hard for our governments to act effectively in times of crisis. Scandinavians do it better because they govern by consensus. Their electoral systems do not enable a party with 51% support to ride roughshod over the other 49% of the voting population.
@Varlwyll 3 жыл бұрын
Because there's no "us" in any sense in the US. Its a conglomeration of a handful of several nations, not just 1. The swedes are almost entirely homogenous in every sense, its no wonder they don't have a hard time acting in concert.
@davidanderson9664 3 жыл бұрын
Great talk again, guys, I Iook forward to it every week. *Both* of you are The Sharpest Knives in the drawer. D.A., J.D., NYC
@MillzTheAthlete 3 жыл бұрын
Weekly Mark and Carrie... Lets make it happen.
@davidanderson9664 3 жыл бұрын
Carrie - Melbourne, Australia is pretty seriously, harshly locked down at the moment. Mark is right about NZ - Auckland - they and Taiwan go to the front of class in this global epidemiological exam. Our (USA) rate is 100x Korea's infection/death rate - remember that listening to Republicans telling us what a great job Trump is doing. D.A., J.D., NYC
@joedellaselva1251 3 жыл бұрын
Who's JD? ;P
@joyg2526 3 жыл бұрын
Over a billion dollars spent on campaigning and this is the quality we get... Well, we had a substantive candidate, who ran a great campaign but the DNC was able to pull an epic Machiavellian maneuver and shove him out. It seems enough people didn’t want quality and wanted garbage instead. I heard Carrie complain often enough about Bernie, I don’t know why she isn’t happy 🤷
@shaesullivan 3 жыл бұрын
He didn't meet the ideals in everyone's minds. Everyone wants an egalitarian leader who can say what needs to be said, fight against corruption, stand up for moral integrity, and fight against corporate power...completely forgetting that no such person exists, either in reality or fantasy. Looking at you Mr. Marten.
@tobydawes6007 3 жыл бұрын
@@shaesullivan people want a perfect infallible person but Bernie was never going to be that as he is human and was not willing to put in the work that winning the nomination entailed which is fair considering his age.
@Bisquick 3 жыл бұрын
​@Mitch Lang I mean if the argument is that people primarily wanted a compromising "electable" candidate and as such the moderate vote was split, then it kind of has to be accepted that Warren too split the "hard-left" vote with those working under the same logic but merely further left ideologically. I mean this is _all_ speculation for the most part to be clear, but even if what you're saying is true, _why_ do they want a moderate I would think should be an important question right? Don't you think the Obama-catalyzed Biden backing _right before_ super tuesday is a bit suspicious and at the very least has influence over people's perception of who is "electable"? I'm pretty sure exit polls show major support for Bernie's policies, but _despite_ that people seem to be swayed by imagining what is more "electable". This is indeed the first time the nominee _hasn't_ been the winner of those first two primaries (Iowa in particular seems at the very least pretty suspect with that app disaster) but I guess that's a "fluke" so it's now irrelevant? What I'm trying to suggest there is the question of why these specific events _aren't_ part of the "fluke" calculation? I mean consider the fact that the industries Bernie was _actually_ trying to fight against with more than pure rhetoric (presumably - health insurance companies as a prime obvious example) have _massive_ influence and power and of course *money* , definitely intertwining with corporate media and the majority of owned policy makers. Like, point there is, it's not like you need a super secret absurd and complex conspiracy, it's merely the capital class showing some class solidarity to maintain the social order that benefits them all right? The last statement you made I think is a good consolidation of the general theme of not fully considering the actual power dynamics here, at the very least about the media's impact on public perception. Book recommendation: Manufacturing Consent - it's dense as hell, but that's kind of the point as it descriptively lays out the implicit social filters that corporate media control/profit incentives overdetermines (the last filter in particular directly addressing the claim you're making).
@Eastbayrob 3 жыл бұрын
Mitch Lang Bernie is moderate. Biden is a moderate republican. All Bernie’s policies pole extremely well people voted for Biden because the main stream media told them they had to if they wanted to beat Trump. We all better hope that Biden actually comes through for people or the backlash is going to make Donald Trump look like FDR compared to what’s going to come after Biden.
@autohmae 3 жыл бұрын
@Mitch Lang If you check the polls on issues and policy, most people wanted Bernie Sanders policies. But the media has them convinced that he can't win because he's not moderate (by international standards he would be by the way). Really, check the numbers.
@TheTalkWatcher 3 жыл бұрын
They'll be happy to hear about SARS-CoV-2 "microdosing" in Silicon Valley.
@Eastbayrob 3 жыл бұрын
😂 I thought the same thing
@PEdulis 3 жыл бұрын
Even if the Swedish death toll is not rising up as much now as it did earlier, they still have way more deaths of covid than most other European countries. I just checked on worldometers and as of now, the numbers of deaths related to Covid per million people is in Norway 51, Finland 64, Germany 121 but in Sweden 586. So even if their death toll remains low now, they have to go a long way before getting to the values these countries have if they ever reach it.
@Mageroeth 3 жыл бұрын
Ah we finally mentioned the sweden looks like my euro centrism comment a couple of months ago did not fall on deaf ears. Ill continue to listen to you guys again.
@joefrancis759 3 жыл бұрын
"maybe its 1979 and its new wave" LOL
@davidpearn5925 3 жыл бұрын
Is anyone running a book on Boris’s time left ?
@autohmae 3 жыл бұрын
It's the UK of course they do
@johnschmit6815 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent analysis on CV19.☕️🐸
@patbranigan6501 3 жыл бұрын
The death rate has been falling here in the States too. Cook County, the county I live in, had a death rate of over 4.5% months ago. It has been going down ever since and is now at about 2.8%. As we learn how to treat the virus and as more an more get tested what is happening is that more are getting better and more are not even getting sick or their sickness is not bad enough even for a hospital stay let alone for death.
@beyondaboundary6034 3 жыл бұрын
I always enjoy this show and I like both of them, although I cringed at Mark's remark about height near the end (although Carrie got him back with her remark about teeth).
@davidwright8432 3 жыл бұрын
I'm listening on Oct 14, exactly a week later. It's all over - Trump claims immunity (not from prosecution, I hope) and the world has forgotten he had it - if he did. it takes longer to assemble a podcast than the situation under discussion does to change radically. Is it even worth trying to think about events that pile up faster than snowflakes in a blizzard?
@SpectatingBystander 3 жыл бұрын
UK isn't any better. Everyone looking at being laid off either before Xmas or in the new year as the new furlough scheme is absolutely trash. But at the same time Germany have expanded their 80% for extra 2 years.
@joedellaselva1251 3 жыл бұрын
Have Glenn Loury on your podcast.
@joeleonard9965 3 жыл бұрын
I worry that Mark is slowly getting away from the core message he has been communicating in the last 4 years.
@gwills9337 3 жыл бұрын
what message or subject is that?
@jamesstuart9528 3 жыл бұрын
Mark is a political economist with a sharp mind and the gift of communicating complex ideas and theories in a way that ordinary people can understand. He has the ability to draw on history, economic and political, to illustrate the manner in which bad ideas have failed in the past yet continue to be recycled by those either ignorant of history, irrationally committed to a particular philosophy, ideology and/or theory, or all of the foregoing cognitive deficiencies. Mark is at his best exposing bad policy for what it is and explaining why it doesn’t work. Mark and Carrie’s political gameshow is amusing, to some and, almost unintentionally informative regarding a political system more reminiscent of the Roman Republic before the Augustinian revolution than the grand experiment in Athenian style democracy envisioned by the Founding Fathers, many of whom were classically educated after the British fashion of the time. Be that as it may, Mark is best in his role as a gifted academic and a magnificent teacher. He’s from Scotland; we do things differently there ;).
@GaryParris 3 жыл бұрын
Mark while correct on many aspects of a veneer preface; COVID-19 in this episode not so good!
@black__bread 3 жыл бұрын
Can we rename this podcast Carrie reads out the NY times and Washington Post twitter feed and Mark opines and puts shit in context?
@afifahhamilton8843 3 жыл бұрын
Why is Mark so disparaging of Trump? Surely he knows that the alternative is utterly intolerable.
@nathanfielure4305 3 жыл бұрын
To keep his job. David Graeber joined the occupy movement and got black balled in every college in america.
@mrhignettshorses 3 жыл бұрын
The Swedes are not doing well compared to Norway and Finland and nobody know how long immunity will last. Therefore the herd immunity bandwagon is a dangerous one to get on. And furthermore we are not having a second wave, itsasecondry wave, is still the first wave. A second wave is when immunity is lost.
3 жыл бұрын
As far as I recall you need about two thirds of the population to be immune for the disease to not be able to spread. If that many people need to get the disease, you are going to end up with *a lot* of dead people.
@mrhignettshorses 3 жыл бұрын
Mikkel Højbak Yes exactly, and, we don’t even know that 2/3 is enough. I note The Gt Barrington declaration is just that. A declaration with no citations of clinical studies. And it hails from Libertarian Koch brothers land, which funds Climate change denial. Just a co-incfidence that Koch is an oil family. Reminds me also of all those eminent scientists (paid for by the tobacco barons), who said that smoking did not cause cancer.
@lornehilton8772 3 жыл бұрын
I think it falls on the people to do their best to not make things worse! Politicians r not the solution!
@rattylol 3 жыл бұрын
She's funny
@lord6617 3 жыл бұрын
that comment about newspapers only is pertinent if you regularly talk to 3 or more people each day.
@markderham9949 3 жыл бұрын
The supreme court does not have absolute power on constitutionality. That is something we tend to forget. Both parties like to pretend it does so that things like citizens united don't have to go through the legislature. Donald Trump or Joe Biden could at anytime say they disagree with money being free speech and therefore the rules prior to citizens united apply again. Thanks for the opinion but we disagree. The court has no constitutional power to stop that and it is not a crime to ignore them on constitutional interpretation.
@Varlwyll 3 жыл бұрын
Forcing gay marriage into law wasn't done through the legislature either. Using the court to force legislation has been a key democrat strategy since fdr
@markderham9949 3 жыл бұрын
@@Varlwyll It only works if both parties go along with it. They both do not want to have to vote on cultural issues or issues that give power to the elites. Republican law makers pontificate over gay marriage getting donner money and stirring up the base while democrats will do it over Roe v Wade or Obama care.
@DrGoldfootPhD 3 жыл бұрын
Crap, no video again. :-\
@considerthis7680 3 жыл бұрын
I think that completely mispresented and perhaps misunderstand the seriousness of the COVID situation.
@larrysmith2636 3 жыл бұрын
Porn, musak and ordo ab chao all in one place. Where's the exit?
@marketsocialist6421 3 жыл бұрын
I need some links for that micro dosing.... So i looked into it, its a blank theory that might be true based on some past stuff but is a shot in the dark with no scientific study behind it yet...
@shaesullivan 3 жыл бұрын
@marketsocialist6421 3 жыл бұрын
@@shaesullivan lol thank you for that kindness, its great to see some real help out there :)
@johnschmit6815 3 жыл бұрын
Personally I see one real difference between Biden & Trump the question of more wars. Biden is a certainty Trump? I favor The chances with Trump.☕️🐸
@intuitionz1198 3 жыл бұрын
China I ran Venezuela etc. 🙄 ignorant trumpies! thanks much for the entertainment though.
@codyhamilton7682 3 жыл бұрын
Mark should do more research... It sounds like he actually believes the bounty nonsense
@edgewiseass 3 жыл бұрын
Or you could read the articles from multiple credible newspapers that detail the evidence for it.
@maxwest5930 3 жыл бұрын
lol. You said credible newspapers.
@codyhamilton7682 3 жыл бұрын
@@edgewiseass Link to an article that details the evidence, and I'll read it
@codyhamilton7682 3 жыл бұрын
@@edgewiseass But I'm going to bet that it relies on "an anonymous intelligence source" And if you think anonymous intelligence sources are to be believed given... you know history, I have a bridge to sell you. Don't worry it's not a scam, anonymous intelligence sources say it's a great deal
@FuckYourSelf99 3 жыл бұрын
If you want to know how Q fits into the Flat Earth scheme, watch Folding Ideas' video 'In Search Of The Flat Earth'. Dan Olsen nails it.
@gwills9337 3 жыл бұрын
no one cares
@PikachooUpYou 3 жыл бұрын
Another school of thought...Sweden finally have all the old and vulnerable highly managed. Easy conclusion.
@Robotrik1 3 жыл бұрын
Well I managed 2 minutes and 12 seconds of this drivel . I think I'll look for that hope elsewhere .
@johnschmit6815 3 жыл бұрын
You both seem to be well informed people which makes your underlying assumption that a DNC run country is an alternative to Trump.😂🐸
@robertcallaghan4029 3 жыл бұрын
So you don't support private monthly dividends Electricity is 20% of global energy, renewable electricity is 4% of global energy, solar & wind electricity is 2% of global energy. Fossil fuels have been 80% of global energy for 30 years -- we have to stop burning 50% in 10 years to survive runaway habitat collapse and hothouse extinction. The first runaway dominoes start to tip near 1.5 C around 2030. Greenhouse gases went up 45% in 30 years. Water stress will affect 66% of human population by 2025. *Runaway Extinction = 4% of energy is renewable + 4% of mammals are wild* California wildfires doubled in size from 2019 Earth is warming at 5 nuclear bombs per second = 5X more than 1968 - 1992 Ice is melting 1 million tons per minute per year Greenhouse gases have gone up 45% in 30 years 66% of humans will live in water stressed areas by 2025 *4% of mammals are wild* 96% of mammals are livestock and human by weight ( Ecowatch 2018 ) 96% of tigers gone in 100 years ( IFL Science 2019 ) 90% of elephants gone in 100 years ( Hurriet 2019 ) 90% of lions gone in 100 years ( African Impact 2019 ) 90% of Leatherback sea turtles gone since 1980 ( Earth Watch undated ) 90% of Monarch Butterflies gone in 20 years ( Inhabitat 2014 ) 80% of Antarctic Krill gone in 30 years ( Research Gate 2005 ) 77% of Eastern lowland gorillas gone since 1996 ( Treehugger 2020 ) 68% of world’s wildlife has been wiped out since 1970 ( Mongabay 2020 ) 50% of Marine vertebrates gone since 1970 ( WWF 2015 ) 50% of Great Barrier Reef gone since 1985 ( Live Science 2012 ) 40% of Giraffes gone since 1990 ( NRDC 2019 ) 40% less insects in next 30 years ( PNAS 2019 ) 4% of mammals are wild ( Vegan News 2020 ) *4% of energy is renewable* 2020 : Greenhouse gases up 45% in 30 years 2020 : Fossil fuels have been 80% of global energy for 25 years 2020 : 4% of global energy is renewable after 30 years trying 2020 : Electricity is 20% of total global energy 2020 : 2% of global energy is solar & wind after 20 years trying 2020 : 6 million annual tons of solar waste by 2050 currently unrecyclable 2020 : Oncoming water stress threatens 50% of thermal power capacity *2025 : 66% of people will live in water stressed areas* 2030 : Runaway hothouse mass extinction starts at 1.5 °C 2020 : Emissions must go down 50% in 10 years to stay under 1.5 °C 2040 : 15% of global energy will be renewable 2050 : 28% of global energy will be renewable 2060 : RCP 8.5 BAU = 600 ppm CO2 = 2X safe limit of James Hansen *Weather* = flash floods • flash fires • flash mobs • flash infections *Climate* = 30 years of it With 23 billion nervous chickens in the naked city called earth all it takes is one sneeze Livestock cause 50% of species extinction and 50% of animal to human infections Petrochemical demand rose 7 X human pop growth for 20 years Chemical fertilisers cause animal/plant sunburn and global warming Nano/micro petrochemical toxins move up the food chain and drift north Refrigerant/coolant smuggling: 1 kilo CFC worth $2 in China is worth $20 in Europe Refrigerant/coolant demand will use all our renewable energy by 2050 10 years cutting air pollution in China raised global north temps 0.1 °C To get 30% of energy from algae ponds requires a country the size of Argentina Abrupt permafrost thaw is not modelled and more likely than ever We are on the worst case scenario for climate chaos We are on the worst case scenario for green energy fraud By 2040 there will be 2 billion vehicles, there are only 6 million EVs on earth Europe burns 80% of its recycled plastic & paper for electricity Europe burns 50% of its palm oil shipments in cars & trucks Europe burns 50% of its renewable electricity importing rain forest pellets Trees are growing faster and dying younger It takes tree plantations 30 years to recoup 10% of their carbon offset Wildfire suppression cannot be scaled up for future wildfire scenarios Planting tree farms won't stop wildfire wildlife loss *What Real Climate Justice Looks Like* Real climate justice means a monthly income for not using carbon 27 Nobel Prize winning economists support James Hansen's private monthly dividends, including: 3,589 U.S. Economists, 4 Former Chairs of the Federal Reserve and ALL 15 Former Chairs of the Council of Economic Advisers vvv *sources available at Loki's Revenge blog* ...
@robertcallaghan4029 3 жыл бұрын
@Sluggo Pop it's always too late
@marjon888 3 жыл бұрын
Great post. So many very dismal facts. We have to realize finally its over for all complicated multi cellular life on the planet. Enjoy your time left here.
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