Men's Gynecology

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CW derealization (audio/visual distortion)
An exploration of sexual health for transmasculine and FTM Americans.
Twitter: / inboyform
Patreon: / boyform
ama journal of ethics on WPATH SOC
on women in medical research
on medical discrimination & trans men not getting paps
on pelvic pain in trans men
sound/music used

Пікірлер: 283
@Conformist138 4 жыл бұрын
Fun story about medical studies being weirdly flawed: I'm a cis woman and so is a friend of mine. We both were interested in participating in a medical study about weight and hormones and menstruation. I was rejected for my cycle not being regular enough. Fair, as I'm particularly irregular. But my friend has one of those periods you set your watch by, so I was shocked when she was rejected, too, for being too irregular. Apparently, from her conversation with the tech that took her blood, the researchers were having a hard time finding enough qualified participants to even complete the study. No one fit the pre-determined standard of 'normal'.
@thetshirtblog 3 жыл бұрын
I find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that your name is 'Confirmist' and yet you have irregular periods.
@nobutterinhell 3 жыл бұрын
dulse or red marine algae is a natural source of organic iodine and it is safe to take daily snd it will regulate your menses
@loreenasings 4 жыл бұрын
As a cis woman the mystery pain in my pelvic region is also never taken seriously. I wish this on no one, especially people more vulnerable than me. I hope the system improves for everyone.
@kermitisgod7413 4 жыл бұрын
so im a minor in america with unsupportive parents, so i can't transition yet. but i came out to my gp during my annual check up because he thought i was a lesbian,, and when i told "actually im trans and please lets not talk about my sex life" he immediately told me he would sign any papers i need him to and that he supports me. which was wild because this was the first time a medical professional had taken me seriously and i was terrified to come out to him in fear that he would refuse to continue treating me (because i knew that was legal). and it took me almost three years after coming out to my friends and close family to tell my doctor bc of how scared i was. in the most genuine way possible, thank you for making this. it's so hard to find any info on transitioning that isn't sugar coated or the same list of effects over and over again. i might have to go back to the gynecologist sooner than later and watching this has helped me in multiple ways. thank you
@NoReplyAsset 4 жыл бұрын
"to be sexually active is to live in fear" I felt that to my core for most of my teenage years when I hadn't even had sex or realised I was trans. but I had always known I would absolutely never want to give birth.
@UncleverCarapace 4 жыл бұрын
I'm 16 minutes in and I'm kind of floored? I didn't realise other transmasculine people had that stabbing abdominal pain. I feel so much less *alone* in this now.
@leopardheart11 4 жыл бұрын
i'm a trans man from the UK who's been on testosterone for 4.5 years. i could resonate with a lot of the things in this video i got the horrible pains at some point after taking T and was told it was just normal for trans men, but there was no research as to what it was. my periods started suddenly after 4 years, and after months i was able to get an ultrasound and pap to try and find out what it was, only they couldn't find any explanation. so i guess i will never know the reason. i was discharged from my gender clinic a couple of years ago. now i want a hysterectomy so i don't have to worry about it all any more (especially since i'm moving to the US, where insurance and trump's laws will become an issue), but i have to be given permission by my gender clinic, and as you may know UK waiting times are pretty bad. i have to wait 2 years for an appointment with them, despite them already having all of my records from before, and by then i will no longer be in this country. it can be dysphoric to talk about but it's so necessary. transmasculine people have some unique issues that most people don't know about and it can be quite isolating. thank you for starting the conversation
@nataliella97 4 жыл бұрын
hey, I'm so sorry for the medical anxieties you're going through, the US can be a very difficult place to get adequate trans medical care. not sure which state you're moving to, but planned parenthood in new york offers some financial assistance and I believe Callen Lorde in NYC has a sliding scale/free gender clinic (and I would think other major cities offer something similar). I hope this helps!
@stevek5787 4 жыл бұрын
As a cis gay man whose dated several trans men, this was very helpful in giving me context of a partner's experiences. Thank you
@obnoxiousperson2387 4 жыл бұрын
@disciple duSeigneur no
@JOkay-hv2rn 4 жыл бұрын
Cole LegBeard Really? You want people to either a) not learn something and/or b) not to express gratitude to those that have helped them learn? I mean, as a trans man who dates men, it’d be cool if my partners watched something like this of their own volition. Yet you simply say “no.” Really?
@obnoxiousperson2387 4 жыл бұрын
@@JOkay-hv2rn Oh no! I wasn't saying no to Steve. I was saying no to Some religious dude who replied to Steve's comment with an essay saying homophobic stuff and ended it with the old "I'm just spreading god's word! :)" They deleted their comment. I'm sorry.
@JOkay-hv2rn 4 жыл бұрын
Cole LegBeard OH! That explains it, hah. My apologies.
@opiatecords 4 жыл бұрын
Bruh you’re straight
@RetrospectiveGaming 4 жыл бұрын
I cant imagine how tough it must have been to talk about this...I really appreciate it..someone very very close me is FTM and this will help him very much... thank you
@MeSwanne 4 жыл бұрын
This is so difficult and complicated and I also hate dealing with it, especially because I've had so many bad encounters with health professionals. Thank you for talking about it. It helped!
@julianrivera460 4 жыл бұрын
I've avoided gynecologists since my transition, but I already have plans on getting checked out next year, I live in a very conservative community and most gynecologists in my area are pro-life and all that shit. Luckily two friends of mine who are lesbians got me the number of their doctor so I'm less afraid now.
@tobeliame3154 4 жыл бұрын
My biggest dysphoria trigger revolves around my reproductive organs. Being on T for a year did not end my monthly cycle and every month I'd still get horribly depressed on top of being horribly depressed to the point of wanting to self harm. I'm too heavy to safely do surgery and recover from it, though a full removal of everything is on my radar. I tried progesterone after being reassured it wouldn;t undo the things my T has done, it made things worse. I was told I could come in every 3 months for a shot to temporarily end my cycle, which I couldn;t manage. I wound up settling on getting an IUD implanted. That was 1000X worse than a pap smear. I still get cramps, there's still pink on the toilet paper twice a month. But the dysphoria is mostly suppressed now until I can get a more permanent solution. I'm working on weight management now, so I can get the surgeries I want, and for now I've been settling for less dysphoria as that's better than crippling dysphoria. I'm glad I have such a patient hormone doctor, she's been a huge help, and I know I'm very lucky. THank you for this video, it helps to know I'm not the only one with dysphoria revolving around reproduction. I've had issues with my reproductive organs since my teen years, and I'm 40 now. That's a long time to live with such hell. I'm glad things are not as bad as they were when I was younger. I pray it continues to get better for each new generation. Good luck, my brothers, sisters, and NB siblings.
@goldengear1000 4 жыл бұрын
Hey, trans woman here. I hadn’t been very aware of transmasc issues until recently and you’ve been a big part of changing that. I’ve always known they were there, but I always had the position of “I have my own trans issues to deal with”. Thanks for helping me learn a bit about what the other side of the aisle is like.
@JemuzuDatsWho 4 жыл бұрын
I found this video incredibly valuable to me as a way of obtaining some understanding of the transmasculine experience, and I want to thank you so much for sharing it. I'm a first year medical student and also a gay cis man so LGBTQ+ issues are very important to me and this has opened my eyes to things I had not considered before in the specific healthcare context for transmasculine people. I also am considering going into OBGYN, and prior to this video I thought that I would prefer to subspecialize in surgery because I felt as a man I could not adequately relate to the experience of a woman well enough to feel like I would be providing the best care for that patient population. There is also a growing stigma against men in OBGYN related fields because of this reason, as well as many others primarily relating to historical bias in the treatment of womens' health issues at the hands of men in the past. Given the specific context of transmasculine individuals, though, I feel like I could provide something of value that may be unique and helpful because I CAN relate to the experience of being a man in a way I can not with a woman, regardless of whether or not we share the same biological structures (I don't mean to say that I as a cis person will ever be able to understand the complexities and hardships of a trans individual, though, and don't mean for that statement to come across that way). Hearing that the specific healthcare needs of this population has been so underserved and has lead to such difficulties for patients inspires me to work harder to be able to reach a point where I can hopefully make a difference. Thank you again ❤
@JemuzuDatsWho 4 жыл бұрын
I also just shared this with my LGBTQ+ med school group chat. Seriously, thank you again for your insight!
@monamaennchen 4 жыл бұрын
I WISH we had informed consent in Germany. And I wish I didn't have to go to mandatory therapy and get so many diffrent letters just so I can start HRT. I used to think therapy would help me with my mental health struggles if I ever needed it, but now that I have this prolonged negative experience with gatekeeping, I actually shy away from talking about anything with a therapist. I don't feel seen or understood at all. I'm also 22 years old and have never been to a gynecologist for dysphoria reasons and lacking inclusivity. Thanks for making this video, I feel seen im some of my struggles, even though I'm not from the US or on HRT (in 4 month, hopefully!!!).
@Bandajify 4 жыл бұрын
yea, same. i need to go to gyno rn to get hrt in poland, im 21, never been to gyno before. i do think its necessary but the way ik the society here treats ppl like me and the way ive already been handled by medical stuff im putting it away n away.
@monamaennchen 4 жыл бұрын
@@Bandajify i almost had to go to a gynecologist to get a referal to a psychologist who writes letters for hrt (i know, so weird!) but I was lucky and found an urologist who'll give me the same referal without the need of an appointment. Wishing your the best with hrt and navigating the polish health care system as a trans person. I'm sure it's not easy *hugs*
@MeSwanne 4 жыл бұрын
@@monamaennchen I also had to do that! (also from Germay) I REALLY don't get it. Also I get that feeling towards therapy. I feel like (trans related) negative experiences with therapists and the psychological exams I had to do for the name change have made me really hesitant to search out therapy again, because I have trauma related to therapy itself. It's so complicated
@namjafish 4 жыл бұрын
luckyfelix I think it’s essential that you go through that before getting approved (to get on hormones). No matter how long it takes , it gives you time to think it over and stops people from making a life ruining decision (if they were wrongfully diagnosed with gender dysphoria that is) testosterone makes PERMANENT changes to your body, whether that be altering your vocal cords or changing facial structure. The effects are irreversible.
@wilkobye9533 4 жыл бұрын
German too. I'm so frustrated. I have this whole other layer where, I want to transition but I'm diagnosed with cPTSD so it's the broken arm syndrome but with that like, "ohh u only got Dysphoria cause of your Trauma™ do Trauma Therapy" like. Please don't deny me control over my body cause i had control over my body violently ripped away from me as a child thanks byeee
@chuchu9649 4 жыл бұрын
Your counterarguement to “men invading women’s spaces” really touched me. I really hope we don’t stay invisible as third wave feminism becomes more mainstream.
@jasminefigures9899 4 жыл бұрын
I'm just glad to know that the phantom cramps exist, I've been getting them, and I just decided to leave it alone and assumed it was part of fibro, because I didn't want to have to go to the doctor.
@izzie9526 4 жыл бұрын
@FM-er6xy 3 жыл бұрын
@mysteryperson706 4 жыл бұрын
It feels weird saying 'thank you' for this video considering the subject material, like it seems too positive for something that must have been hard to talk about. But thanks for giving some insight into an experience I ultimately wouldn't be able to understand if people were not willing to share like this.
@ameliapatrice4090 4 жыл бұрын
i can’t thank you enough for making these videos! i’m a trans women in school for clinical social work (mental health). videos like this help folks like me better know what’s going on in a part of the trans community i don’t know as much about. your work will help me provide better care to the people i serve. thanks so much for putting your voice into the world
@siginotmylastname3969 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your service! Trans sibling here to say, trans women like you are doing a world of good.
@ben_petty 4 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh, yes, THANK YOU for talking about the phantom pains. For the longest time I thought it was just me because no one else I spoke to had this experience. When I finally worked up the nerve to ask my doctor about it, I got a very similar response: "It's something that happens for some people taking testosterone, but we're not sure why it happens." It's such a relief to hear another trans person talking about this issue, and to see all of the people echoing this experience in the comments. I don't have any more answers than anyone else here, but I just wanted to drop in and say thank you for discussing your experiences so openly. It helps. A lot. On a related note, I've noticed that the medical gatekeeping tends to work in reverse, too. Because the system of requiring mental health professionals to grant Transition Privileges™ was the gold standard in trans healthcare for so long (and in many, many cases it still is), a lot of mental health professionals seem to assume that every trans client they encounter is primarily dealing with trans issues. But as a trans person who has mental health concerns that are entirely unrelated to my transition, I really don't have the time or the energy to give every new therapist the Trans 101 lecture when I really need the immediate focus to be elsewhere. Of course my transition is always going to be relevant to my mental health, but at this point it is easily the most boring ingredient in my mental health cocktail & I really don't want to be hashing out all of the tiny details when everything else in my brain is on fire.
@siginotmylastname3969 4 жыл бұрын
It's a type of trans broken leg syndrome. I'm going through the gatekeeping, was rejected a psychologist referral because I'm trans(but I mean I'm autistic, constantly overwhelmed, estranged from dysfunctional family, childhood trauma almost exclusively not related to being trans), and someone on a trans helpline said they probably won't allow it till I'm transitioning which I'm waiting years for. So yep no mental healthcare for trans people on wpath yayyyyy
@greyv9107 4 жыл бұрын
"these are all manifestations of medical transphobia, the legality of which is still up for debate" not anymore 😢
@TheKinkyBeast 4 жыл бұрын
Love this, and your helping me be a better more understanding friend without me having to ask questions I've no business asking.
@InverseLine 4 жыл бұрын
I don't like to go to the gyno ether, but what helped me, was discussing with my gyno that sometimes i don't want my chest to be examined and to wear long sweaters to feel less naked, bringing a women (so you look like the couples that come together when one of them is pregnant in the waitingroom) having chocolate with me, not being misgendered by staff, telling the gyno to don't talk while doing stuff down there Feel free to leave me some other tips :)
@rob0tt4rmy 4 жыл бұрын
bringing in someone who looks more like a woman than you is a great idea! be upfront with your doctor before the exam what you will and will not be comfortable with; you can ask the doctor to use a pediatric speculum as well, especially if you tighten up when anything goes near there.
@zarptak7736 4 жыл бұрын
I'm 18, I'm from Poland and I had to go to several doctors before my psychiatrist prescribed me T. Waiting for the appointments obviously took a lot of time and whereas I believe that some of them are necessary to just ensure we're healthy enough (like blood tests for hormonal levels), some feel completely useless and like a form of only delaying the HRT (for example magnetic resonance, what's the point of it?). One of the appointments I had to make was with gynecologist which was supposed to be my first contact with a doctor of this type (not very responsible of me, I know). It was genuinely one of my worst and most awkward medical experiences I've had so far. He obviously immediately saw on the prescription from my psychiatrist why I'm there. He said he doesn't care and that he's just going to address me in the feminine form. I tried telling him that it makes me uncomfortable and I want to be referred to as a man, but he ignored it completely. You can imagine that getting undressed in front of someone like that was awfully uncomfortable and dysphoria inducing. How are trans people supposed to care about their health and do the checkups that are unpleasant to begin with if we're treated with such disrespect? To be honest the transition journey in this country is a whole awful story, definitely too much for a single comment. Anyway, thank you for this video
@Ryan-Pot 3 жыл бұрын
trzymam kciuki
@jaybee7892 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. I am a cis woman and after your disclaimer I do recognize a lot of videos on trans medical issues are kind of frames as something fascinating and answering basic and also intensely personal questions, because that's what most cis people want to watch. I don't want to ogle. I want to understand. My cousin is trans masculine and I want to, need to, gain a better understanding of what he's going through, what's sensitive, and how to better support him, if I want to give him the support and love that I give all my family members. Nothing replaces talking and listening to him of course, but videos like these help me get the bigger picture :)
@korviday 4 жыл бұрын
you are my favourite KZfaqr tbh
@rob0tt4rmy 4 жыл бұрын
@korviday 4 жыл бұрын
@@rob0tt4rmy 💕💕💕💕
@whatkathythinks8685 4 жыл бұрын
High praise.
@fredge4023 4 жыл бұрын
Woah, my favorite KZfaqr commented on my favorite KZfaqr's video
@robinw8348 4 жыл бұрын
the part about the pregnancy tests before emergency procedures though--i was in the emergency room for what seemed like dangerously low oxygen levels, and it apparently took way longer than it needed to because they did a pregnancy test on me--a person who's never had sex and is really disinterested in ever doing that.
@r4tb4st4rd7 4 жыл бұрын
21 yr old trans man, 7 mo on T. Thanks for this video, I'm always terrified to think about the future pain I might have to go through, but I think a lot of that is due to the feeling of being alone in it, or that I'm doing something "wrong" to my body, even though I would not have been as happy as I am today without Testosterone. By shedding more light on this and talking about it amongst ourselves, I think we take away a lot of the power and intensity of that fear.
@benniewanders4388 4 жыл бұрын
God, this is a mood. Every time I see a trans person say "Oh, trans men should NEVER have access to women's spaces, because we're Real Men" I see red, because, because - that's where almost all of the specialized healthcare we need is locked away! There's no equivalent set of practitioners for the AMAB body; even urologists do both systems. Being transmasc and transfem is MEDICALLY DIFFERENT, NOT the same thing flip-flopped!!!
@ev.8972 4 жыл бұрын
I had this exact same issues, and I’ve also only been on t for around a year, I mentioned it to my endocrinologist, and he told me that it should probably just go away. It hasn’t. This is one of the few examples I’ve seen of someone else talking about this specific side effect, and I’m glad you addressed it so eloquently
@n.radonjic3082 4 жыл бұрын
you're the first person on youtube or real word that i've heard has talked about these issues and also the problems that have been on my mind. I'm so glad I found your channel.
@SkylerDemetri 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for making this video. I too am also a trans man living in the south, specifically Texas. I’ve been trying to start the process of changing my gender marker (and I don’t plan on having bottom surgery) and I didn’t even think about the fact that my insurance wouldn’t cover uterus care after I get my gender marker changed. That’s really important and most people don’t even think about that before they do it. I sure haven’t. Everything you’ve said in this video was spot on, and I’m so glad I’m not the only one that deals with super intense pain with little to no blood in the same area that shark week would happen. Once again, thank you so much for this video. 💕
@deviousxen 4 жыл бұрын
Gatekeeping has almost killed me for two decades.
@achudomelka9165 4 жыл бұрын
My doctor did actually inform me that I would likely experience minor to severe pelvic pain, once I started testosterone. Yet whenever I bring it up during visits the only solution offered is to take hormonal birth control. That is something I am not willing to do, as it is triggering for me lol. Soooo yeah.... great video.
@lucawb2003 4 жыл бұрын
I found your channel a few months ago and I love it. It's a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of KZfaq and I cannot thank you enough for doing what you do, I hope you continue as long as you can :)
@harrywalsh2330 4 жыл бұрын
Cis-boy telling you how important this is. Thank you for covering the weirdness a lot of people have to deal with in the course of regular medical treatment. There are so many closeted people out there not seeking good communities. Peace love and chromosomes mi hermano
@andrewj3672 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about this. I got referred by my gp a year and a half ago, and it's only been about a week since I've actually been on hormones. I've made so many phone calls and had almost every setback imaginable and it got really dark after a year had passed and I had nothing to show for it. The therapist I was required to speak to just seemed like a waste of money and time. My insurance barely covers testosterone. I'm in college and stay at home for breaks, so I need to arrange to get my prescription either before or at a pharmacy near my house. The whole process is exhausting. I probably need a therapist but I don't have the energy to arrange for that. Healthcare for trans people is just.. not good. So many things are wrong.
@jaketutu 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy you've made it this far bro.
@gee8419 4 жыл бұрын
Dylan your videos are always so thoughtful and honest and helpful. Each one resonates with me so much in different ways. You seem to really notice where a lot of gaps in the conversation are happening and you try to fill them in to the best of your knowledge. Thank you for continuing to make videos.
@hyperelliptik 4 жыл бұрын
You're quickly becoming one of my favourite youtubers. The way you speak about topics and explain things is so well articulated and really draws one in. Also the feelings you've told to be the reasons for wanting to transition are similar to my own! Unfortunately I live in a country where in order to get HRT you need a referral to a special psychological/medical investigation team which might take 6 months to 2 years to arrive, and after that the investigation team will need at least 6 months to decide on a gender dysphoria diagnosis, and then, THEN one is eligible for hormones treatment. And I am currently waiting for the referral to arrive. Anyway, I'll get there one day! Keep up the awesome videos!
@bbomg02 4 жыл бұрын
I am happy you posted this video. It shows the reality that it isn't as easy as some people make it seem. I am kind of afraid to start hormones and such. I would love to be seen as a man. But the side effects do scare me. I have been taking baby steps by not shaving, wearing a binder, cutting my hair, packing, and etc. But I still get seen as a lesbian woman. And nothing wrong with that if I was. But it hurts a lot that my lower voice isn't enough. And for me the thought of having a period and getting pregnant as an FTM person makes me straight up suicidal. People don't understand it, but for me it's a reality. I've struggled with my gender for years, and now I'm a 17 year old with a mother that hates trans people and etc and uses the wrong pronouns and dead names. It's made everything that much harder.
@Izzy-fv1ng 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad that this video and channel exists. Sometimes I think the trans part of the LGBTQ+ community is so much closer knit and then I see something like this and remember why. Trying to find out anything about the actual effects of transition is so hard. There is just so little out there in terms of education or research or assistance that all we can do is just rely on each other. This has to get better. This all has to get so much better. So, thanks for making this. I probably wouldn't have found out otherwise till it was too late.
@fionatastic0.070 4 жыл бұрын
Im going to admit that I’m a ciswoman but this video was so informative. Thank you so much for making it!
@lostythevoid 4 жыл бұрын
I live in Sweden and I am still in the waiting list for even meeting a person who can help me. I got in line in April 2018 and by my calculations I should get access early next year but during this time I went from feeling non binary to realising I am a man and that was a turning point for a lot of close people for me, people were more accepting of me when I was non binary than if I was trans and this hurts since I don't know if I am even right yet with my own feelings because every tiny question makes me doubt it... Like a friend from school just asked me "Why did you wear dresses and skirts if you always felt like a dude?" and immediately "boy I am a fraud" I was planning to freeze my eggs before potential treatment but I am also pretty against bio children considering the huge list of genetic illnesses I know I can have... And at this point I don't even know why I wrote all this, I have just been scared of asking anyone that knows me this I think...
@Nyxthebat04 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about this. This is so important. I'm questioning my gender and leaning towards ftm right now and I had no idea about much of this stuff. Deciding what to do is so difficult.
@sarae.7410 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for talking so openly about this. Going through that kind of pain and fear with little help from medical professionals is so terrifying and alienating. But this certainly helps alleviate the alienation. What you do on this channel is so good! Thank you!
@willbe_human 4 жыл бұрын
This is a great video. I'm a 16 year old swedish trans man and I socially transitioned at 12-13, but I won't be getting T until 19 or so due to long queues and me waiting too long to try to get anywhere with my medical transition :'-) Recently, I've been really scared of getting cancer/cysts/other problems down there if I go on T. Seeing other people talk about their experiences and such really helps me when considering how to go about this. I will get a hysterectomy as soon as I can but it's difficult to get it before the age of 25 here :-( Thank you for making videos like these. They really, really help me and many others!
@videholmgren9033 4 жыл бұрын
19 årig transkille här. 3 år verkar ju jättelångt, vilken kö står du i? Jag är från västra Götaland och köerna är omöjligt långa här så jag bad att bli flyttad till kön till karolinska i Stockholm, då tog det bara 10 månader innan jag fick min första spruta (vilket var 7 månader sedan idag) så om du inte redan står i den kön skulle jag rekommendera att du ber att få bli flyttad till den istället
@phoneheaded 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the inclusive language and staying away from surgical videos. I've had a rough time in seeking medical care/hearing about medical procedures since I was forced to watch bottom surgery videos in trans conversion therapy, despite not having bottom dysphoria.
@whitevelcro 4 жыл бұрын
Commenting for the algorithm
@wes4439 4 жыл бұрын
@giovannitsunami2636 3 жыл бұрын
The more you teach me the more I cant stop listening. Expanding my mind and my ability to understand the struggles of my boyfriend. Thank you so much for going through all the discomfort you had to in order to record this video.
@thimblepunk7359 4 жыл бұрын
3:10 although undeniably every trans person of our generation has far more resources than previous generations, informed consent and/or short waiting lists are far from the norm everywhere. nhs waiting list for a first appointment at the gic (literally just to talk with a gender therapist) is currently an average of 2.5 years and the 'assessment period' is another 6 months
@Achromasloth 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, I’m leaving a comment just to boost this to the algorithm, more people need to see it.
@SeymourDisapproves 4 жыл бұрын
Giving an offering to Al G. Rithm in the hopes that this will reach a broader audience
@Everyha1123 4 жыл бұрын
I’m saving this to my favorites. This was very informative, especially because you said you were a trans man speaking about medical transitioning in Texas. It is so hard to find accurate information and knowing where to go and what order to do things is really overwhelming sometimes. So thank you for posting this video. Knowing other’s experiences have really helped me try and figure where to go and start with transitioning.
@Everyha1123 4 жыл бұрын
And I thought I was the only one who felt such. Dysphoria around pregnancy and my reproductive organs. Every other trans-masc person I know never seemed to have that problem when we talked together. It’s. Just. Thank you.
@PuppyFox4ever 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your honesty. I had the honor of being the person able to give a ride to a girl on her first appointment to PP... It was such a surreal day in a lot of ways.. but i was overtly aware that not many years ago the two of us walking into that clinic would not have been possible. I am glad more of the stories of people are being heard. thanks for sharing
@vanyaaaa334 4 жыл бұрын
I’m honestly jealous of the informed consent system y’all have in the USA... here in Italy we still have the old standards of care, i was on a year long waiting list, two years of psychiatric sessions and my psychiatrist took the fact that I had “done my own research” as a negative thing that made him think I was lying about my own dysphoria and just made him postpone my transition longer. :( The gatekeeping and dismissiveness from mostly cis male doctors is insane. And that bad experience makes even more scared to go to a gynaecologist tbh. I’m 25 and have never done it and I know I reeeally should but... again I’m really scared? And don’t know where to turn because... There’s no such things as anti discrimination protection here. Most obgyns will not work with trans people... guess the only thing I’m lucky and grateful for is that since both me and my bf are trans, pregnancy scares aren’t a thing for us at all
@HectorTJHuang 4 жыл бұрын
Very informative video. Very eloquently done. I’m a trans man from Taiwan (we have national health care Yeah I’m incredibly lucky...) Nobody is talking about this. I think I’m ready to start hormones...but the information and risks about HRT sometimes still makes me wonder if that would be the right decisions. Thank you for this video.
@WhiteCloudProductions 4 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate the video. This is the best trans video I've seen that really paints a clear picture of the trans experience even to a cis person.
@jayleno1320 4 жыл бұрын
Your channel is really good and helps give more context and info on how it is to go about life as an ftm
@lyraburke2104 4 жыл бұрын
I love you videos so much. You’re my primary source for the FTM perspective on KZfaq. Thank you!
@madsm7422 4 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for making this video. Trans masculine people are so often forgotten in discussions of reproductive health and i wish there was more (inclusive) information about it. I'm glad you were willing to be vulnerable in sharing your own experiences and helping others, myself included.
@GelatinSkeleton 4 жыл бұрын
i was working on a video about this subject and i don’t know if i could phrase any part of it better than you did. you’re awesome. 💙💙💙 thank you so much for this.
@siginotmylastname3969 4 жыл бұрын
More videos and perspectives would be important in an area that's underresearched so I'd watch it :)
@JJ-ec9lp 4 жыл бұрын
Your channel is truly so SO incredible, please keep creating
@joycelinlgbtq 4 жыл бұрын
In the UK the waiting list is now over three years for NHS medical care. informed consent is far from ideal - great that you exposed the issues there - but at least you get some treatment.
@siginotmylastname3969 4 жыл бұрын
Hello fellow sufferer of waiting lists 💖 all my best and good luck to you. 💖
@aaron855 4 жыл бұрын
i have been on the NHS waiting list for 2 years and i have given up on them. i just got my first blood test sent to GenderGP to start private care:)
@FoxCitrus 4 жыл бұрын
I am SO grateful for you and other ftm youtubers sharing their experiences. Thank you for this.
@vanleigh6796 4 жыл бұрын
I am so grateful for this channel and what you do.
@user-ib3cf9wg9e 5 ай бұрын
I’m a cis female & I feel the same way about the fertility fixation. Thank you for posting this. I am so much more informed than I was before.
@tarynestrada3760 4 жыл бұрын
Idk if this is an appropriate video for this particular comment BUTT, wanted to lyk you are getting more and more handsome with each video. Not just the shape of your head and that 1990s teen heartthrob aesthetic you got going on here (which i think we all agree rates you +11/10) .. but you're clearly also gettin increasingly comfortable talking on camera. Feels like an easy chat with a good friend. Wishing much luck to you and your channel-- and lookin fwd to when your YT inevitably blows up and i can brag about having subscribed in the early days lol
@tarynestrada3760 4 жыл бұрын
But more importantly, your channel is a blessing and thank for being this honest and vulnerable.... sharing your personal anecdotes and insights is something special and the way you articulate your experiences so clearly and concisely without boring your audience to tears -- anyway j could go on and on, but anyway my point is THANK YOU FOR THIS!! I got a 15year old nephew in the beginning of his trans journey and im sending him this video rn (he liked your other video i showed him lol). It's like coupling a history lesson with supplemental fiction text from same era and area-- there's just not enough well spoken transmen (as opposed to trans women) featured on YT and this is the supplemental reading i didn't know i needed in order to contextualize research this ideology. 🎥 📚 📹 📖 📼 📓
@spiffy3334 3 жыл бұрын
I’m a 36 yr old bi white woman with 2 children diagnosed with severe endometriosis and I STILL can’t get a hysterectomy every dr I’ve had has had the same response just stay on the depo shot you don’t need surgery, we only do surgery in a life or death scenario. I had one terrifying experience after my 4th miscarriage where I was begging for the surgery because I couldn’t stand imagining years of the pain and didn’t want to go back on depo due to having bad side effects one of them being the insane amount of migraine and she told me to just keep getting pregnant and then I wouldn’t need depo and no surgery was not an option in county I lived in. I really hope my 10 yr old didn’t inherit my issue. Thanks for talking about hard topics.
@harris4470 4 жыл бұрын
I'm young and closeted, pre-everything, but these risks are actually pretty terrifying. Thank you for everything, I love your videos, I hope things improve in the future for everyone. Thank you so much for sharing
@AlexisIcon 4 жыл бұрын
crucial video. thanks for all you do ❤️
@JackofMostTrades17 4 жыл бұрын
Ever since I increased the amount of T I was taking to an "average" amount (on gel), and then I switched to injections. I have been getting prickly pain that feels like hot itchy needles are stabbing me, and hives/rashes whenever I am hot, or my heart rate increases (I too live in Texas, and can't even walk to my class without risking it. Or lift any heavy object, etc.). I had been getting hot flashes before, but rarely this. The only thing that helps is too splash cold water or get somewhere cold. I spoke with my doctor, and she had no clue, and both she and my general doctor asked if perhaps it was mental. Well, I searched online, and found a multitude of message boards with trans men discussing this issue only to never find a reason or cure. I questioned other trans men, and one responded that he resolved or at least minimized it by taking the injections weekly versus biweekly at the same amount. I will try this, and switch to subcutaneous and see if this helps.
@Loki-pz1uk 4 жыл бұрын
Buck Angel has a video on his channel talking about his pelvic pain turning into a septic infection. This is not to say that that’s the only reason we might be experiencing pelvic pain but it’s more information which is always good and he urges all T users to please go to the gyno which is excellent. I personally have a strange experience with my trans-ness so going to the gyno doesn’t seem like it’s going to be too strange for me (other than if the doc is weird about it). I’m pretty comfortable in my skin and don’t pay much mind to anyone else’s opinion of me. And for the record being preggers is def a horror show (even for a lot of women). Like I said I’m a bit of an oddity. But I really love your content please keep making it! New subscriber here! 🙂
@juligrlee556 4 жыл бұрын
I totally support your point of view - a transwoman. How can we politically become a advocacy force? I was recently denied doing a research study because I was on long term estrogen.
@C0bweb7 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like i do so much research and I know what i'm getting into with T but I had no idea about the pelvic pain. I have that issue already as it is and I just started T today. I just feel so grateful to have watched this video because I know I would blame myself in the same way and feel regret when the pain inevitably happens but now if I do end up having a panic attack over the pain I'll remember this video and remember any side effects DO NOT imply i have made the wrong choice.
@Shhmallison 3 жыл бұрын
As a future health care worker I really appreciate your insights thanks for sharing I hope this info can assist me in being a better ally in my career
@tylerblu6482 4 жыл бұрын
Hi there, I’m a trans guy who’s been on HRT for a few years. I haven’t had any experience with phantom cramps, but I’ve heard it’s from something called vaginal atrophy. It’s basically when your uterus and your cervix fuse together because those organs can only function with estrogen in your body. I believe there are things you can do like estrogen cream/pills/ etc or a plain old hysterectomy. I’m scared of this happening to me, but I’m glad I have resources like this to learn and share my own experiences
@rob0tt4rmy 4 жыл бұрын
idk who told you the cervix fuses to the uterus, ive never heard that? my understanding of vaginal atrophy is the tissue inside the vagina becoming thin, dry, papery, and easily irritated. this is something i deal with and it sucks, especially combined with an increased sex drive. estrogen cream works wonders, but is very expensive.
@tylerblu6482 4 жыл бұрын
@@rob0tt4rmy your doctor can't prescribe it?
@marty7144 4 жыл бұрын
this video was so amazing. thank you for making it. I just started T a few weeks ago and I was having the same worries as you.
@sint0xicateme 4 жыл бұрын
This is so important. Thank you for being so vulnerable.
@xstanstanstan 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks! This was actually very very helpful. Thank you for talking about all of this is a clear and helpful way. I appreciate it a lot.
@evelenkeating5719 4 жыл бұрын
You’ve covered so many reasons I’m hesitant to go on T. The biggest one being mEndo(metriosis) and their related migraines run in my family. I’ve been trying to get diagnosed with it for almost 3 years now (average rate for cis women alone is 10 years to achieve full diagnosis) and I’m so scared that going on T will mask related and unrelated symptoms until I get those dreaded “breakthroughs” and all the complications that come after. 😰
@AmandaDuncil 4 жыл бұрын
My fiance just complained of pain that sounds like what you describe as "stabbies." I'm thankful you brought it up because it's damn near impossible to get information about it, even anecdotally.
@AmandaDuncil 4 жыл бұрын
Same re: cervical cancer risk. Most doctors here aren't sure if they should tell you to regularly get screenings or not.
@Littlebeth5657 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. It really helps to know what trans-masculine people have to go through and that having a uterus doesn't stop being a problem. I love the use of stabbys because I'm so used to people normalising pain for people with uteruses. I'm a cis woman but I've had a fraught relationship with my reproductive system. It's super sad to think about how difficult it is to get a hysterectomy. I don't want kids and would be happy to adopt, if I did want them, and I found out I couldn't carry my own. I live in the UK so there's a mix of public and private health care I could go down, but I feel that I shouldn't try because it would be nearly impossible. Your videos are great so thanks x
@mrjackbenny 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, I don't know any transgender people (to my knowledge) so trying to educate myself and stumbled across your video. Really good food for thought, and in sorry for the hurt transgender people have experienced in the health care system, I hope it improves and I'll try my best to help in any way I can
@paadoxal 4 жыл бұрын
I'm non-binary and i'm over 15, which means i should have been to a gynecologyst, but i haven't been yet, because i'm so uncomfortable i cannot get myself to go
@ladygrey4113 4 жыл бұрын
I haven’t gone yet either at 23, but I’m not sexually active nor do I have any problems I know of so I haven’t had to go. Definitely go sometime in your 20s if you haven’t had to so far.
@paadoxal 4 жыл бұрын
@@ladygrey4113 thanks:) hopefully i get over a bit of my dysphoria and actually go if i have any problems
@paadoxal 4 жыл бұрын
@Kara Thrace yup, definitely agree with that
@runil5038 4 жыл бұрын
Am i missing something? Is it normal for people go go every now and then to a gynocologyst? Never heard of it
@runil5038 4 жыл бұрын
@Kara Thrace well i'm ftm and i will never go for a check up or anything. Would rather die. And sorry about the health care system, its horrible
@atlas-wr5bf 3 жыл бұрын
was reminded of this video since i had my first gyno appt today. this shit is so important. thank you so much for posting.
@belgaer4943 3 жыл бұрын
This is a really valuable video, and it *is* a really important topic that’s incredibly uncomfortable to talk about. Also “That’s praxisss” toward the end made me laugh so suddenly that I spit tea on my laptop
@vcalebs 4 жыл бұрын
thank you so much. as a trans guy hopefully on the way to hormones in the upcoming months, (i‘m 17 turning 18) and still worrying about my new insurance even covering t, but i‘m trying :‘) as someone who wants to go on hormones and does have bad cramps and pain related to that time of the month, and still worrying about how testosterone will effect my cycle and whatnot, this video really helps me just keep things in mind beforehand and questions i can ask before and during my transition. thank you so much.
@domminteer3045 4 жыл бұрын
thank you for being so thorough with this topic and saying what the rest of us can't verbalize. here's to hoping we start making progress in America, for us and future generations of transmasculine folks.
@matrouve 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for doing what you do! I love this channel. This is the content I need.
@elder_vampire83 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being so inclusive and informative. I always feel so alienated by other trans creators who shame men for even wanting to carry children. I’ve only been to a gynecologist once and it was pre-transition and the whole experience was so uncomfortable. I hope soon reproductive health can be more inclusive.
@calicow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. Something I want to bring up here is that I had no idea informed consent even was a thing in the US now. Part of the reason I've delayed medical transition is because everything I've read (even as recent as a few months ago) STILL says you need to go to your GP, get referred to a therapist who deals with "gender issues," get the recommendation from them, take it somewhere else, etc. It could just be websites not updating their information (or I just suck at finding it), but considering a bunch of TERFy bullshit comes up when you search for anything on the topic, I wouldn't be surprised if it's just one of those things that's not made a priority. I'd been putting it off because I just couldn't justify the cost of several doctors + the prescription (without insurance) but... I'm also one of those people who doesn't feel like they can transition socially until starting T. Like it doesn't feel real to me, and it feels like I would just be performing the role of a man without actually being one. That is completely a me issue, I know that's not the same for all trans men. I just... I don't know. I need that tangible thing. Anyway, didn't mean to go on a tangent. :) I appreciate you making this for many reasons, but I wanted to make this specific one known since I feel like I'm not the only one who's just ended up with outdated information.
@miaantonio1295 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video. There was a lot of stuff here that i didn’t know about that im glad i know now. Ive been wanting to go on hrt but am unable to because i live in egypt and my family is unsupportive(i would move back to america but i cant work due to a chronic illness). At least i have more time to think about it until i can change my material situation. I wish there was any sort of medical infrastructure for trans people here, but unfortunately the only thing that exists are a few doctors willing to perform bottom surgery which has happened only a few times, of which the legality is dubious. Hopefully by the time im able to transition(a few years at least) there will be more research about ftm transition and hormones, and the resources available to us will be better and more accessible.
@mixlii3878 4 жыл бұрын
i always blame myself for struggling with trans-related health, bc i chose to take T myself. in russia most trans mascs buy and take T illegally, bc otherwise it's too expensive, just absolutely not affordable. and it's another risk we "choose" to take. i wish i could trust a medical professional to help me do what's best for me, but as you said, even the professionals don't have enough information at this point in history. thank you for making this video and addressing these important topics. it makes me feel validated, and not alone with my complicated feelings. we should do better, and we need help with that, we need to be heard and taken seriously
@JackofMostTrades17 4 жыл бұрын
On another note, When I began IM T injections, the first injection I received on my leg, caused an inflammatory response to the point where I couldn't walk for a week. The pain was horrible the first few days, and once again, the doctors were not sure what caused it. They eventually settled on an infection as I had all the typical signs (fever, swelling, etc.). And my white blood cell count was on the higher end (still within normal ranges though). I was prescribed antibiotics, and eventually it went away. The second time I received the injection, on the other leg mind you. I went through a day of not being able to walk. I looked online, and once again found this was not uncommon. Checked my local trans community, and no one that I spoke with had a similar response though.
@jelliejem 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I don't have anything else to say really aside from trying to research as much as possible and share the resources to professionals and fellow trans people in Alabama and online. I'll add this to my list of things to pass along!
@kaelandm 4 жыл бұрын
as a transmasc person who really wants to get pregnant someday, this video hit me really hard. Every time I get mystery cramps (I've been doing low-dose T for about a year) I get this terrible fear that i'm ~doing irreparable damage~, and it doesn't help that a good number of the cis people I talk to about my transition ask invasive questions about my fertility and warn me of perceived risks they know nothing about. My doctor has honestly been really good about this - she's been very reassuring and positive about the prospects of my long term fertility - and I'm in Canada, so health coverage isn't a concern for me ... but there really is only so much she can do when there's so little research out there.
@kilianalexander2736 4 жыл бұрын
I got pretty lucky that the endo who started me on T is a trans man (I moved, and the clinic he owns - basically the one place in New Brunswick you can get an abortion, or HRT from a proper endo - is in danger of closing due to lack of funding from the government, so currently am getting my T through my NP)
@siginotmylastname3969 4 жыл бұрын
Another one without informed consent here in the uk. Great video.
@PsychedPerspective 4 жыл бұрын
In Michigan...... I started HRT July 10th. Started the process to legally changed my name July 10th September 29th my name was legally changed. Updated my name change on my birth certificate. Gender marker changed was done two weeks in Michigan thanks to our 2018 elections we can now go to the Secretary of State and pay 💰 $9 to update your gender marker. I should have my new license soon. Everything you said is spot tf on!!!! I had my first successful pap at 27 and it came back good and I got my vaccination for HPV. I am considering getting an iud but it’s so much barriers to that in away but I know I need to get it as I don’t want to risk getting pregnant either.
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