My Biggest Problem With the Modern Tomb Raider Trilogy

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This is my 83rd video

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@urbanmusiq 15 күн бұрын
Missing piece(s): dual pistols, acrobatics abilities, real tombs, sass and confidence. Basically the classic Lara is missing in these reboots…
@wahidpawana424 12 күн бұрын
I was hoping that by the third, she should have developed some sass, but what we got was..... I don't even know what to call this.
@AimlessThunder 20 күн бұрын
Lara should never have a romantic interest. She's a lone adventurer. Initially, the writer for Tomb Raider wanted to make Lara a lesbian but the idea was soon discarded. They should just keep tomb raiding the main focus of the games. Lara was always presented as only being driven by her love of adventuring.
@turtlesarefantastic9620 19 күн бұрын
I like viewing her as aro/ace. She doesn't really feel a need to have romantic relationships or one night stands or anything like that. She feels perfectly fine with good friends by her side.
@eggstermin8 18 күн бұрын
​@turtlesarefantastic9620 as an aro/ace, i respect this take. but as a tomb raider/lara croft fan since i was old enough to hold a controller, i feel like she's a character that works best as a ""blank slate."" lara has been, first and foremost since 1996, a fantasy. men want her, women want to be her. she's an icon that changed the world of gaming and now she's.....following trends and adhereing to modern audiences??? that's not right. that's the opposite of everything this franchise set out to be and accomplish. i see a lot of praise for reboot lara and i don't get it. after 2013, her character becomes static and stale to keep her vulnerable and insecure. you can play any title in this trilogy and it feels the exact same down to the story it tells. lara starts off defenseless and injured and alone and has to regroup to stop the bad guy while gaining confidence through unlocking the same skills under new names like no one would notice. it's redundant and boring. the highlights aren't when she's discovering something or displaying world-class gymnastics but when she goes on a murderous, trauma-triggered rampage. lara is a dangerous girl, she says so herself, but she's no rambo or terminator. her fighting style isn't even aggressive when she's mostly creating distance and dodging. now we have brutal takedowns that paint our screens red in every fight. it's all backwards when exploration, not combat, was what made the original tomb raider such a worldwide success. players learned to care about lara, not because she was a cry baby, but for her badassery and sense of expertise. we know she's meant to survive whatever is in front of her, it's just combining her precision-based skills while keeping an eye on her health and keeping up with saves to do so. the old era felt more rewarding and satisfying for this while this new era holds your hand to the point it's annoying. even making her a "relatable girl next door" doesn't work when she's still considered 11th-generation nobility in this timeline. she's a nepo baby with famous parents, heiress to a billionaire fortune. how is it relatable that she's playing victim by cosplaying the working poor because she's upset her parents are dead? it's the most out of touch lara croft has ever been. she has living relatives, how did roth even get custody of her? why is the topic of her being disowned only a thing in the badly illustrated tie-in comics and a cash-grab dlc? i'm sorry this got long, or if it sounds ranty. i just don't understand a lot of crystal's decisions?? i thought that by the end of this trilogy, lara was going to return to form as the fans were begging for, myself included, since the reveal of the dual pistols at the end of the first game. i don't see an excuse why her acrobatics weren't re-introduced in rise and fully implemented in shadow. all we have of her original skillset now are tumbles/rolls and the swan dive. it would have made an easy bridge to this ""unified"" era anyway, which is just a can of worms in itself lol
@crimson_bread 15 күн бұрын
@@AimlessThunder I always thought that if Lara has a love interest it should be more like a sexual tension type relationship. someone like Kurtis or Carter Bell who are always challenging her and don’t need to be saved 24/7. The character of Lara Croft isn’t someone who’s a swoop in hero. She relishes a challenge and a dynamic like that would make for a light and not too serious love story.
@olivergaspar6729 19 күн бұрын
Rhianna Pratchett the writer said in an interview that she wrote Lara to be gay and she is in love with Sam. That's probably why they removed her from the story
@atlasliddell 16 күн бұрын
The dark horse comics are canon to this timeline, and Sam’s absence is explained in those. Lara also emotions Sam in her therapy recordings. They’re unlocked about halfway through Rise. You have to go searching for them in the menus. In Shadow, Lara mentions Sam when she picks up a relic as well.
@user-ro1ln5uc1d 22 күн бұрын
There is a lot to this actually. The developers confessed that they put too many characters into the story in 2013, so they decided to ween out some of them, many died, like Roth and Grim. Sam was a big problem because she was, as you said, extremely close to each other and they actually were intended to have a kiss in the comics. Brining you to the comics, youll see a lot of Reyes and Sam in the comics, and most of the comics take place between Survivor and Rise. If you read them through youll see that Sam underwent HUGE hysterics episodes given that Himiko still partly emobodies her. She is scared and very tumultous. I think Sam was also admitted into a mental care ward, a very serious one due to her mental breakdowns. I think Sam is just under care at this point of time. Yes Lara has PTSD because she as hunted and she had to kill people, but Sam herself was set live on fire, and put before a walking corse that was screaching while displacing her soul. Id say Sam was more traumatised by Yamatai than Lara was. Sam deserves her rest.
@eggstermin8 18 күн бұрын
sam was also the most pampered survivor of the island. whenever we met up with her, she was never dirty or hurt, just understandably scared. i have no doubt himiko did a number on her, but i don't agree with a physically injured, overextended and exhausted, lara carrying her down to the boat. ship stuff aside, that just felt tone deaf to lara's own trauma and abuse from the island. i would have preferred it if they leaned on each other.
@AkEshiva 20 күн бұрын
Idk I'm far from being a Survivor Lara fan, in fact I'm completely opposite, however the idea of Sam being Lara's companion throughout the trilogy makes much more sense (disregarding comics Sam, I honestly find that plot such a bs). Jonah out of all people following Lara, calling her little bird etc. makes zero sense, you know it, I know it. Devs can make up his unsaid reasons, but the fact is there's no connection bw them. Sam being there in his place would add some needed consistency to these games and it could be some actual attempt at feminist message unlike you know... devs trying to convince us TR2013 was. That, plus Sam wouldn't have these hilarious moments of racial uh ambiguity, pardon my rise of the tomb raider. I agree though, her being a damsel in distress would be so disappointingly predictable, and that's a slippery slope considering her 2013 d-i-d role. No for real, I would've liked this trilogy more if Sam would remain as this gentle yet tough loving grounding companion for Lara. It would be a nice touch and an actual char development unlike Jonah who barely had any character at all, the man should've died in Shadow, at least it would've left an impact since they've made him sort of likeable there.
@JabamiLain 20 күн бұрын
I wished Sam had been more present. I loved her character. I love sweet characters. Sue me !
@iamahuman3134 19 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure in Rise there was a recording of a therapy session and Lara said that Sam doesn't wanna see her so that's sad
@NotYetiAlready 23 күн бұрын
Side characters are a major weakness of the newer TR games, they are all so lame. I always felt Lara Croft was kind of a lone-wolf and is at her best when she’s trouncing around by herself, maybe with one person on comms touching base every now and then. I’ve always thought she was similar to Bruce Wayne if he went spelunking instead of turning to vigilanteism. I feel her best acquaintances would be met sporadically and not often, throughout her adventures.
@Tomjack12 23 күн бұрын
@@NotYetiAlready thats an interesting take, I've enjoyed some of the side characters in the newer trilogy like Sam and Jacob from Rise but most of the others are just okay at best
@JabamiLain 20 күн бұрын
True. Lara does work better that way. Regardless, I still wished Sam was present more times though. I actually enjoyed her. I have a soft spot for sweet characters. What can I say ?
@michaelclark7447 19 күн бұрын
Lara and Sam had a greater relationship so I can't understand why the second and third games had Lara with Jonah.
@JabamiLain 19 күн бұрын
I miss her too. I think the relationship between the two women is like Hansel and Gretel's (original book). One is the born survivor, yes. But the other is the emotional support, their reason to keep going. One of the series recurring themes, is that Lara has a hard time separating her hobby from the people in the way. Sam is her human side.
@JabamiLain 19 күн бұрын
That said, my dream cast and game in my made up "TR" timeline is composed by Sam, Doppelganger and Jonas in an adventure that mixes the original "Tomb Raider 2" and "Tomb Raider 3" into one. Then, it's Sam, Amanda and Doppelganger in "Tomb Raider: Last Revelation".
@goblinounours 22 күн бұрын
I would honestly rather see a return to the Legend/Anniversary/Underworld timeline than a continuation of the 2012/Rise/Shadows timeline. I was so hyped when Natla returned in Underworld! I would even welcome a redux of the whole Bartoli storyline from TR2 over the "Trinity" stuff. Or Von Croy! Remember Von Croy? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Still... in some comics that were supposed to bridge games, after the 2012 game, Sam ended-up in an asylum where a portion of Queen Himiko did end-up in her, giving her regular psychotic visions.
@Salieri01 12 күн бұрын
@lachancla3723 10 күн бұрын
I think they could have made Sam not as irrelevant as the game progressed. For instance, they could start develop her as a villain given the psychotic descent they writers portrayed her in the comics. Considering that they are taking the comics plot canon to the Survivor timeline, having Sam be involved with Trinity be actually interesting if weaved right. Given that part of Kimiko still inhabits Sam and Sam also comes from rich family, they could have made Sam be motivated to go in search of ancient artifacts to fully bring back Kimiko and have her fund Trinity for their expeditions. Sam could say that she Kimiko is making her do this, but deep down she became obsessed with having the supernatural power Kimiko gives her and driven by her hatred of Lara for indirectly causing her predicament and stranding them on the island. She could have been one of the final bosses in the last game, and hint that Natla was working with Sam all along, bringing the story full circle. Jonah could have been killed by Sam (like actually killed, not the fake ass sht they unnecessarily tripled down on), and have that be a point of no return. So much potential, without even having to fully resort to the Classic/Legend lore, but alas they decided to rehash the games three times, with Rise being the most serviceable and better of them three. As for the lesbian romance angle, no thanks.
@Pequod-yv1iv 15 күн бұрын
Something I now for sure is that Crystal Dynamic HATES Tomb Raider, they have been very vocal about not wanting to develop these games but end up being forced. So I don't think they didn't confirmed Lara as a lesbian out of fear.
@AFCMS 8 күн бұрын
Sam is a good character ngl, I liked it's friendship with Lara and I would have really liked to see her in Rise and Shadow (Jonah's character is still nice in those games tbh). But the depiction of their friendship in TR 2013 is just perfect, the nature of their relation is subject to free interpretation which was the best thing to do IMO. I hated the fact TLOU2 had made so much accent on the gay part and added explicit scenes (want a game, not a p*orn movie), for me it's just way better when romantic things are free interpretation, that way you can identify to the character the way you like. Also, as some people already said, Lara is meant to be solo adventurer (in fact she spends 90% of time fighting alone), so I think making accent on a romantic relationship (of any kind) would be out of place and I really hope Crystal Dynamics won't go the Naughty Dog way for the future games.
@krycekuva 15 күн бұрын
i'm fine if lara keeps her friends as pics in her manor and not running around and getting themselves in trouble. cant wait to have lara exploring tombs on her own.
@Mitsu2040 12 күн бұрын
Sam is either in prison, insane or dead, based on the comics that followed 2013. That's probably why she's not been spoken of again.
@niganttana 22 күн бұрын
5:11 The new upcoming game (Tomb Raider 12) according to what Crystal Dynamics have been hinting since the 25th anniversary will be a new reboot/timeline this time known as "Unified Lara Croft" which is going to be a different Lara croft that's a combination of past versions of Lara (mainly the Classic OG ice queen and LAU laras with some aspects from minor versions of lara here and there) we saw promotions and artworks hinting her new designs serval times and she is nothing like the 2013-Shadow lara as this time she'll be close to older incarnations of the character.
@knjegovan9 12 күн бұрын
Then why does the upcoming Netflix show take place in the same timeline after shadow. Now I don't know anything about the upcoming game so you might be correct. It just seems weird that the Netflix show would continue the survivor trilogy if the new game is supposedly another reboot.
@niganttana 9 күн бұрын
@@knjegovan9 This is the thing, the new reboot will not erase the past games or all tomb raider adventures. In fact, it's going to be an ultimate refreshing timeline that intertwine everything from the beginning of TR's history. Survivor trilogy will exist as Lara's origin past and the upcoming animated series will be the bridge between the survivor games and TR1/TRA. What we know about the new tomb raider game is that it will take place after all established adventures and specifically after Tomb Raider Underworld, as they teased the doppelganger in new collaborations and gave her a new redesign. Underworld is the latest canonical adventure for this unified timeline/reboot as they stated so we will have the new game set after that
@niganttana 9 күн бұрын
@@knjegovan9 so if anything it's more of a soft-reboot to the established 2013-Shadow timeline except they added classic elements to set it afterwards so we can have all games as canon in one timeline and to make her one lara.
@knjegovan9 9 күн бұрын
@@niganttana wow. Thank you for the detail
@theirfrxnd 8 күн бұрын
@@knjegovan9the new show is actually supposed to explain how she becomes the “unified croft”. it’s not exactly a reboot but they’re going to bring back the OG Lara with the story that survivor Lara went through
@jerell7008 22 күн бұрын
Huge TR fan here, here are some corrections! While Sam never appears in the mainline games again, there’s a whole bunch of side content that’s set between 2013 and Rise of the tomb raider. This includes books and comics, and a lot of them revolve around Lara and Sam. After they come back from Yamatai, it turns out Sam is still possessed by himiko. Lara spends a whole bunch of time trying to figure it out and fix Sam through various ways, but I don’t really know how that ends. All I know is that they drift apart and just don’t talk much by the end of it. And also, your theory about why Sam never returned is kind of true lol. The side content I just mentioned had the full intention of confirming Lara’s and Sam’s relationship, and confirming Lara as queer. It’s common knowledge to us fans at this point, but there was a planned comic panel where Sam and Lara would full on kiss each other. Unfortunately though, due to higher ups just not agreeing with the idea of making Lara canonically queer, it was changed to a hug, and the queer relationship was kept as subtext. Lara being queer/Lara being with Sam isn’t technically canon, but it might as well be because that was the full intent. Throughout all the side content it becomes very clear Lara was intentionally queer coded. Hope this helps and I Love the video btw!
@rightinthedome9973 20 күн бұрын
The missing peace = fun
@BRUHOFFICIAL69 19 күн бұрын
In conclusion, lara is not trapped in your island, it's Lara's island now. Seriously lara got trapped and proceeds to kill everyone,not even giant zombies could kill her,i wish some movies have this approach and say fk it to realism.
@JabamiLain 19 күн бұрын
They used to do it, when art still meant something to media.
@omens255 22 күн бұрын
just played the latest one. Damn its short and boring
@mccreadykearney9863 23 күн бұрын
This vid was very well done!
@crimson_bread 20 күн бұрын
Sam is an irrelevant character that doesn’t really add anything to the games like Jonah. Lara doesn’t need friends that she needs to be saving all the time nor do they need to be together. She’s a lone wolf. Enough with the superhero damsel in distress dynamic. It’s a cliche we don’t need in this franchise
@iseeundeadpeople9 15 күн бұрын
OK. Have Sam rescue Lara at one point.
@NZealandese 14 күн бұрын
Honestly its best if we left the trilogy at what is is rn. Because knowing the gaming industry today, I won't be surprised if Tomb Raider goes woke, having Lara Croft turn into Larry Croft
@iseeundeadpeople9 14 күн бұрын
@@NZealandese Oh. You're one of those.
@1theprince1 13 күн бұрын
Roth was arguably the only good side character and they killed him off.
@Winter-The-Masquerade 9 күн бұрын
Oh yeah, because Jonah adds so much what with him disappearing for 9 hours in Rise and barely getting mentioned and sitting on his ass for most of Shadow and spending 99% of his time getting KIDNAPPED. Seriously with all the game's combined Jonah has been captured 8 times and if we add in the comics that goes up to FOURTEEN Times. Sam, between the games and the comics has only been captured 5 times and she saved herself and Lara 3 of those times, One which had her winning a Battle of Wills with a Literal Demigod. In fact, Jonah has actually caused Lara Problems in the games as the 3rd act in all three games can be accurately summed up as "And just as Lara fixes the problem Jonah fucks something up that nearly dooms to the world." Sam is awesome and the only issue there is her more badass moments are in the comics but it's a hell of a lot better then Jonah "I fuck up everything I touch and am challenging Princess Peach for the title of Character in most need of rescue in Video Game History."
@William-Sunderland 9 күн бұрын
Sam beign completely out of the picture in the second game for no reason when she was best friends with Lara and is literally a mythical princess was a huge miss step, dual pistols isnt as esential as many people make it out to be, but it could have been added and been cool. Tombs are great as they are imo.
@eggstermin8 18 күн бұрын
great video!! i wanted to comment originally that the comics go more in-depth about what happens to sam, but i see others already have lol i really like your point about how trinity should have only been the big bads for rise as it deals with christianity the most, which just raises a lot of questions about dominguez since his whole schtick is to remake the world into one that didn't discover paititi. what kind of organization is trinity when their motivations seem to change with the wind? would love if you could cover this!
@animegamergeek1427 16 күн бұрын
There was a book that takes place after the first game that showed that her & Sam grew apart, or something. One reason that Sam isn't there
@MomockDamock 17 күн бұрын
I also found the absence of Sam super strange when playing Rise. I assumed that the main plot was going to revolve around her and her possession (maybe she'll become crazy and Lara's enemy, or maybe they'll colaborate Ico style, or both, IDK). Glad to see I'm not alone thinking this.
@Szassiren 19 күн бұрын
I thought Sam was gonna turn into Amanda. I don’t know how dumb it sounds but I thought the events of the first game would make her become more mentally unstable and in need of power. Like Sam would drop her old self to become Amanda.
@xojoemama6850 15 күн бұрын
The tomb raider trilogy has been a hyperfixation of mine since i played the first game when i was a kid, whenever I find videos of someone ranting about it all the neurons in my brain activate I swear. 😭
@Aworldonapage-josh 13 күн бұрын
Thank you! I agree with most of what you said. Two things: one. Go read a fanfic called ‘the camera loves you’ and ‘the dreaming’ if you ship Lara and Sam. It’s a proper book style fanfic written by an actually professional author (I.e. well written) Two: my working theory is that Crystal didn’t actually want Sam and Lara to be a couple (something the writer confirmed wasn’t part of the plan). after a misunderstanding with a quote from the writer (Rhiannon Pritchett) and the general take up of the Lara/sam ship, they didn’t know what to do, and to make it clear Lara and Sam weren’t meant to be an item they shelved Sam as a character completely in favour of (the far less interesting IMO) Jonah.
@AtaeHone 13 күн бұрын
CD were all over the place with Lara's characterisation for Rise (the trailers implied she has severe PTSD after Yamatai but the game's plot made her a basic adrenaline junkie instead), they put Sam in the madhouse in the comics and then wrote around her in the sequels. Except they still had Lara flirt with Nadia in Rise and eyefuck the fuck out of Unuratu, Crimson Fire and Quoryanka in Shadow, so it's definitely about not giving Lara a steady shipmate, regardless of gender, and making sure she arrives at the end of Shadow as close to the sociopath loner she was in the classic trilogy. Shame.
@fabianwiener 13 күн бұрын
In rise there is a document series where she said sam is in a mental health facility and she think all that Happened to her is lara's fault and she want nothing to do with her. U can watch this Therapy session after jonah get kidnapped from trinity. Its hard to catch those if u dont look at ur Documents
@Adoanimation 18 күн бұрын
Well sam wasn’t in the other adventures bc at the time in the comics sam was possessed by the sun queen and also sam’s mother asked lara for not to see her ever again so ya
@forcedhealer1287 18 күн бұрын
Completely agree. It's why Uncharted took off because the character development between Nate, Elana, Chloe or even Sully was so good and well written. It's why I prefer the first game because of the connection between Sam and Lara. Then they wiped her existence however there are some recordings of Lara in rise with her therapist saying that Sam doesn't wanna see her which is just BS for an excuse to stop their accusations of Lara being gay. It's legit like if Ellie wasn't in tlou2 it would be Hella stupid
@JoanneSteel 20 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed all three games but in the first game of the trilogy I just felt it was really weird how she went from killing the first guy, to by the end of the game having so many kills that even the most prolific serial killer would say "Damn lara, slow down." She just seemed to get over it so quickly, I have never killed anyone, so this is a presumption I know, but if you were forced to kill someone like Lara does initially, I imagine that what take a long time to come to terms with, even then if it is a case of kill or be killed it is I suppose understandable but she seems to kill so frequently just because they are in the path of her next objective point on the map it seems really out of character for the character we have played in multiple games over the years from t he original series, remakes, etc. Also I thought her potty mouth seemed out of character even if they're telling a more adult story. This is just my take and yes, I am probably entirely wrong lol.
@JabamiLain 19 күн бұрын
I think it depends on the person. She did not have the time to proccess what she did, so she kinda just shut her emotions down when it came to the act. The failure is in the sequel not giving her time to proccess the fact she murdered a whole lot of people.
@JoanneSteel 18 күн бұрын
@@JabamiLain I agree makes more sense she would shut off her emotions, but by Rise it was like Lara lacked any empathy for what she was doing and never gave a second thought about killing people, I don't know if different teams at Eidos worked on each game or there was a staff turnover or change in the writers but as a game trilogy they work but story wise they seem disconnected from each other.
@jinkstkittensen99 10 күн бұрын
I played the games with so many years in between i kinda just forgot if Jonah was even in the first game. I was like, wasnt there a bunch of people, where are they?And I thought who the F is this guy when Jonah shows up in rise of the TR. Though now watching your video i wish for Sam being Laras gf. She could be mentioned as her motivation to stay alive and a safe heaven whenever she returned home. Someone to bring Lara out of her shell. Jonah has almost zero friendship chemistry with Lara. Though i see some queer coding when he doesnt make any moves on her, reminds me of straight man x lesbian girl friendships. Im a lesbian myself so this plotline sounds a lot more interesting.
@teacupalice 20 күн бұрын
Problem is they stripped away everything Lara was, she was a badass who could look after herself, the newer series made her into a whining wimp. The fun was just stripped out of the games, I couldn’t play them I was so disheartened.
@JabamiLain 19 күн бұрын
The only game of the new trilogy I take seriously is the first one, exactly for that reason.
@FinestFantasyVI 18 күн бұрын
This is why i hated the new trilogy. Fans defended the trilogy was a prequel as to how Lara became a badass. But im just not buying it The whimp Lara with bow and arrow aint my Lara I miss my twin pistols and sunglasses ps1 Lara
@eggstermin8 18 күн бұрын
lara was such a loveable and believable and badass character in lau. idk why crystal rebooted her into a mary sue for their knockoff uncharted.
@Unknown-jd1iu 20 күн бұрын
Sorry I just dont sense any type of romantic chemistry between Lara and Sam.
@JabamiLain 20 күн бұрын
Still miss her, regardless. I think the relationship between the two women is like Hansel and Gretel's (original book). One is the born survivor, yes. But the other is the emotional support, their reason to keep going. One of the series recurring themes, is that Lara has a hard time separating her hobby from the people in the way. Sam is her human side.
@crimson_bread 20 күн бұрын
you’re very much right lol
@JabamiLain 20 күн бұрын
​@@crimson_breadme, or the OP ?
@hiyazaki09 15 күн бұрын
i never really like this Tr survival trilogy and the game doesn't really feel a tomb rider game. 👍🏻🤣
@X-RULEZ300 19 күн бұрын
I really enjoy this series but it doesnt feel... complete like there is a mission piece. Either they should make a banger story (like in rise and shadow) and bring back others not just Jonah. Shadow would have made perfect sense to bring Sam becase the game has a solar eclipse which would line with the sun queen. So in the next game either they should bring characters back, feature a new character or even a collab of some sorts or even having an actual relationship with someone. 1 or 2 years and we see...
@stephenamodeo730 14 күн бұрын
They aren't now
@Mrmuchacho17 23 күн бұрын
I fw you heavy vro (and this vid)
@pau1farcry 11 күн бұрын
I hope the new tomb raider has nothing like the reboot trilogy and the crybaby Lara. Bring back what tomb raider meant to everyone
@JabamiLain 20 күн бұрын
The only game of the new trilogy I consider canon is the very first one. I think it ties well as an origin story for the "Legend" trilogy and the classic saga. In my made up timeline though, Sam is more present in the classic stories.
@Geeksfreaksoutcastsandmisfits 15 күн бұрын
This fake Lara sucks, all the side characters suck, specially Sam. Lesbian Lara sounds more like a fan fiction than a Tomb Raider game.
@pipboysandlightsabers5478 20 күн бұрын
Based on the expanded universe and writers clearly put Lara and Sam together I feel like they didn’t want Lara to have a love interest. Because yeah maybe you would end up saving her a lot too falling into tropes. Hopefully the character comes back in the new game or even the animated show. Plus it Rise came out in 2015 which was a different era for LGBT representation even back then.
@JabamiLain 20 күн бұрын
I think the relationship between the two women is like Hansel and Gretel's (original book). One is the born survivor, yes. But the other is the emotional support, their reason to keep going. One of the series recurring themes, is that Lara has a hard time separating her hobby from the people in the way. Sam is her human side.
@chandlertheramhandler 12 күн бұрын
I think Lara name drops Sam in Shadow near the beginning when talking to Jonah at a campsite? But they talk a lot so idk I might be remembering wrong. Seems weird to me that they’d put information about important main characters in comic books but then just completely leave them out of the actual games lmao. You are right that Lara is a lesbian tho I can confirm because I am literally Lara and I am a lesbian.
@jonathonparson7967 22 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed these games and yeah I can agree the first one feels pretty disconnected I’m excited for the new game and hope it’s still connected to this version of Lara
@isaac-ga 21 күн бұрын
I dont like jonas i wish sam will accompany us in future games also romance btw them would be nice
@JabamiLain 20 күн бұрын
I miss Sam too. Such a sweetheart. My dream cast and game in my made up "TR" timeline is composed by Sam, Doppelganger and Jonas in an adventure that mixes the original "Tomb Raider 2" and "Tomb Raider 3" into one. Then, it's Sam, Amanda and Doppelganger in "Tomb Raider: Last Revelation".
@isaac-ga 20 күн бұрын
@@JabamiLain that's sounds nice😍 just remove jonas enough of him in rise and shadow games lol let's go full sam mode haha
@JabamiLain 20 күн бұрын
​@@isaac-gatechnically, in my timeline, there were no "Rise" or "Shadow" before "TR 1/TR: Anniversary", so this adventure of mine (the one that mixes 2 and 3) would be the first and only time you'd see him. Plus, the Doppelganger doesn't seem the best at communication, and I'm going with the old Lara version, who's kind of a lone wolf. Sam needs a more social guy to help her take the first steps in exploring her powers (it's confirmed something of Himiko did pass on to her, hence her presence in these adventures of Lara).
@neo_maddog5872 14 күн бұрын
Didn’t Sam die in the comics?
@graveyardsoil 20 күн бұрын
I ship them toooo
@nico.delmundo 22 күн бұрын
I absolutely love this take
@Winter-The-Masquerade 9 күн бұрын
So, here's a fun fact. Back in 2018 in the last comic tie-in for Tomb Raider there is a scene where Lara enters into a drug induced nightmare and Sam appears in this nightmare. Originally the scenes with Sam was suppose to end with Lara realizing that she was in love with Sam and ended up kissing her. Crystal Dynamics found out about this and ordered all ideas of Lara being gay to be removed and to change the kiss to a hug. Also Rhianna Pratchett was ordered from CD to remove Sam from Rise and it's rumored that Sam was going to be Lara's companion in Shadow of the Tomb Raider before CD again ordered her to be removed. CD didn't want Lara to be gay because they thought it would hurt their sales. In time when half the games that have won Game of the Year Award have LGBT leads or LGBT romantic options makes this series look like it's trapped in time. And the same thing happened with back last year with Bayonetta 3, despite the title character having more chemistry with her female friend Jeanne the game killed off Jeanne and insisted that Bayo was always in love with Luka a guy she kicked off a cliff in the last game and introduced the two's daughter and basically went "These two are destine to be together because destiny says so." It honestly boggles the mind that with as much progress the LGBT has made over the years so many companies are STILL insisting that having LGBT characters will doom their sales even when faced with overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I mean seriously how many players do you think were turned off by Baldur's Gate 3 romances being playersexual? And as for Lara I sincerely doubt that making her gay would have hurt the game's sales numbers given how poorly Shadow sold.
@brandonlrushman2870 18 күн бұрын
I think “Personally” it’s fine giving Lara a love interest no matter the gender, race etc! But don’t maker it her main drive! It’s okay to give a character new depth, but don’t completely bland that said character out when putting something like giving “Lara” a love interest! 🙌🏻 I find the comics that continued what happened after the events of the 2013 did a great job because it followed what happened to Sam, and it honestly felt more like a better continuation than what rise and shadow did character build wise! Sam’s story felt extremely unfinished and could’ve easily been put into the games, that could have built on the trait of Lara being a loner. Giving us as fans/players a small nod logic of why she doesn’t make time for a committed romance. 🥂
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