my experience with being autistic

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@Bluen1x 7 күн бұрын
Autism is fake lil bro
@jms2 7 күн бұрын
ur getting the pin of shame
@user-mh7hv4lz6n 7 күн бұрын
am i fake
@Echo77411 7 күн бұрын
Ur dum :)
@prezdough3049 7 күн бұрын
@ryanemerson6699 7 күн бұрын
So is your brain
@ChaosEnthusiast Ай бұрын
people before you tell them you have autism: "why are you so weird?" people after you tell them you have autism: "but your so normal why are you so normal" (or they just infantilize you)
@takuma359 Ай бұрын
how to cure autism: stop being weird. self control exists. no longer any reason for anyone to label you as autistic. no longer autistic. autism is a label.
@neverdestroyerofworlds 27 күн бұрын
okay. if somebody acts like a regular person, treat them like it. if somebody kinda is on the weird side of it just adjust for it it’s a spectrum, people. remember that.
@anaverageanimator9296 27 күн бұрын
Yeah and sometimes you dont even have to tell them. Ive always struggled to make friends and talk to people face to face. Being in public is very stressful. To help regulate myself to no panic I fidget with stuff. One time I asked someone around or likely my age what time something ended and as soon as they saw my fidgeting their entire demeanor changed and they acted like I was a little child who needed to call their mommy!
@UTSansUV 26 күн бұрын
@@anaverageanimator9296stupid millennials.
@UTSansUV 26 күн бұрын
@@anaverageanimator9296just stupid millennials and older gen z being idiots thinking all people with autism are the same infant baby they’re made out to be.
@bobmaster698 Ай бұрын
Autism is insanely misunderstood, lol I remember telling my cousin about having autism, and he suddenly started looking down on me like I was a four year old child. It's honestly insane how mispresented autism is
@mewo0_ Ай бұрын
im getting tested soon and im scared of this happening to me, it doesnt help that my mom started telling everyone 😭
@calebs4755 Ай бұрын
If you have autism you are either a genius or completely unable to help yourself there is NO INBETWEEN. STOP LIVING A NOTMAL LIFE DESPITE YOUR AUTISM
@chost-059 Ай бұрын
thats why i learned to not stand out and try avoid people getting too close to me, well that has the downside of becoming lonely but it is what it is.
@PastaCamel Ай бұрын
People usually see me as quirky or just different at first but once I become friends with them and trust them I'll eventually say I have autism. I do not tell strangers or people I'm not close with that I have autism for this reason.
@PastaCamel Ай бұрын
​@@chost-059you shouldn't be closed off to people. That only makes things worse. You shouldn't be afraid to let people get close to you, but instead only trust them once they are close. I know "just be friends with them it's fine" is pretty bad advice for someone with autism, but you shouldn't be walled off or too insulated. My advice is when you meet new people, see if they're interested in talking to you despite your differences, instead of trying to suppress your differences to be friends with them. All of my close friends were people who accepted me despite me being different, and all the people from high school who I don't talk to anymore are the people who didn't really get it or thought I was weird. Here's a little personal anecdote that might help you start. Personally I like to talk to people who are also different in some way because they're more likely to be accepting of someone else who's different. For example, of all the people from high school that I still talk to, about half of them are queer. On the other hand, the people from high school who I never want to talk to again all feel like carbon copies of each other and are not interesting to talk to.
@natewhaley5107 29 күн бұрын
The degree to which people infantilize anyone with autism is genuinely wild
@KiiBon 26 күн бұрын
Personally, I blame Twitter for how it reduced to word "autism" to literally anything silly or childish
@NoobWithAGun2.0-Offical 26 күн бұрын
@IsntPhoenix 26 күн бұрын
*someone falls over* Twitter: Uhohh hes ausocstic?!.,,.,,,
@ItzBIULD 23 күн бұрын
Some people treat me like a regular person, some people infantilize me. It sucks.
@fizzchara2461 22 күн бұрын
@@KiiBon it's been happening for years way before twitter started acting like it was childish. It's largely due to the stereotype that's commonly portrayed in media that all autistic people are 5 year old boys who love trains. Until recently practically no shows (and even now it's very few) had an autistic character that was an adult (and acted like one) and especially had an autistic character that was a girl. Autism moms and companies like autism speaks defiantly don't help. I think blaming twitter just takes away from the actual problem, and shifts the blame to someone else. It especially doesn't help that some of those people on twitter are autistic and just are more silly/childish than others, autism is a spectrum, there will be those kinds of people and that's okay, but blaming them for years of discrimination and false representation in media isn't. (I know about the stupid 'is it acoustic' people, i don't mean them, their the worst, it's not entirely their fault but they sure aren't helping, feel free to blame those losers as much as you want, they deserve it.)
@Steaksauce781 Ай бұрын
As an autistic person, I think it's super important for these types of videos to exist. The more we talk about our own experiences, the more we'll (hopefully) become less stigmatized.
@spotishii 26 күн бұрын
It's basically gen alpha slang now, like ppl will say "stop acting autistic lil bro"
@HoggySklump 24 күн бұрын
@@spotishiior acoustic…
@EliteCameraBuddy 23 күн бұрын
@@HoggySklump grammer / spelling moment
@leavemealoneplsimnotthere 22 күн бұрын
Yeah agreed
@Dan_Animation 19 күн бұрын
@@HoggySklump or guitarted
@bobmaster698 Ай бұрын
The maturity part I agree with a lot. At this point I've just noticed how many people around me are now just incapable of having an argument or discussion without immediately heading to insults
@eduardocarranza4333 Ай бұрын
It's odd actually, I never use insults if I somehow ever get into an argument, I'm not even belittling someone either which is something I haven't even noticed consciously.
@IJustSpin Ай бұрын
Oh wait oh shi-
@metactal Ай бұрын
@CelticVampireQueen Ай бұрын
≥M≤ Ughhh you're right!! But that's only true about me! Because I'm better than everyone bla bla bla or whatever else you expected me to say.
@metactal Ай бұрын
@@CelticVampireQueen it is true though, most people do quickly devolve to insults when argueing.
@skizzrz Ай бұрын
as someone that has autism im very good at hiding it and everyone has no clue unless i tell them but i feel like its looked down on for no reason like it makes you less of a person for some reason when people do find out or know that you have it. I also experience the same thing with being much more mature and stable out if most people my age. also bonding very well and feeling a connection with only people that have it and not really feeling a way towards people that dont
@beau7925 Ай бұрын
the gir profile pic is the autism giveaway. fellow autistic people can sniff it out from a mile away
@pavelmatusu4457 Ай бұрын
Are you a girl? Cuz unlike guys, girls often hide their autism.
@DarkMeta_Minecraft Ай бұрын
people insist on being compelled to use the most dominant label to define the outer casing of a person. it drives me crazy. in every situation. oh it's so and so's bf. or Jims brother. then you are that thing forever. imagine one time you had a haircut then here comes the x y z dude years later. or the whatever guy. so annoying
@pavelmatusu4457 Ай бұрын
I think my comment got deleted for asking genuine question. Not very cool. Though I kinda undersand the reasoning.
@naniyotaka Ай бұрын
@@pavelmatusu4457 YT hides comments by some weird algorithm. Just try to rephrase it if it got flagged.
@PappyP 21 күн бұрын
The "lets bully him because its funny how he flips out" literally just described my entire school experience until high school
@Ivy-Tellers 18 күн бұрын
No but this EXACT THING happened to me, I was like ostracized by my entire class (I am not exaggerating, those people were brutal) and I had no fking clue why, no one even tried liking me besides this one girl who was also autistic (but she eventually stopped talking to me after her friends convinced her to do so), and this went on from 3rd to 9th grade, everytime someone new entered that classroom I imidiatly tried befriending them, (only worked 2 times and both were when I started masking) only in 9th grade I come to find out why they didn't like me, and they said it was "because I was weird"
@UltraObby 11 күн бұрын
@Abduz1e 11 күн бұрын
just pretend to not care and they will ignore you. because they want a reaction from you
@stormstudios1 10 күн бұрын
im in high school and my friends are doing this every day its so annoying and they just cover it up as a joke
@MattJF21 10 күн бұрын
fr I was bullied in 8th grade for stammering like, so lame. The last time ppl tried to bully me were freaking freshmen (They're rising juniors now lol, but this was during my junior year)
@witchyemmy8090 Ай бұрын
Just gonna mention this because u said this in the video. Autism itself is NOT a learning disabillity. Learning disabilities are more common in autistic people, but not all have them. Like im diagnosed with autism, but i dont have any learning disabilities. The only thing about me that possibly effects my learning abillity is probably my other diagnosis, aka ADHD. And i don't mean affect my learning as in like, my brain takes longer to learn, more that i get distracted all the time (which is annoying).
@hell729 Ай бұрын
@kiiyll 29 күн бұрын
Yeah I was gonna say the same thing. I'm autistic and I've always done great in school, got put in the gifted program, etc. Definitely isn't a learning disability.
@anaverageanimator9296 27 күн бұрын
Yeah, ive always done super well in school, often getting A's in all my classes, however, I take more time learning to walk, talk, and write. But where i really lack, and still lack, is socially. I saw someone once say that people without autism tend to focus more on being social earlier in life then focus on learning, and autistic people to be the opposite. While I dont believe this to be entirely correct I think there could be some truth to it
@PuffTastic 20 күн бұрын
this! learning disabilities are comorbidities of autism, I'm currently in college (UK) and I'm working at a B A A, I had no learning difficulties as a child OTHER than reading which I couldn't read until age 7 mysteriously other than that NOTHING. My vocabulary was also exceedingly advanced for my age and people wouldn't stop bugging me about that until I was around 14 and people sort of caught up to me
@KvngBl33ZY09 19 күн бұрын
@@anaverageanimator9296Possibly. I’m undiagnosed but I have a strong feeling I’m on the spectrum somewhere. I was very intelligent in school, and have always been fascinated by how motors and machines work. Like down to the T. I work in a factory now and find myself mocking the Mechanical noises of machines over and over again. I hold imaginary conversations with myself with different people who don’t even exist. If I’m doing a task and trying to hold a conversation, I start to lose focus of said task and start doing random things (picking up random items and setting them in even more random spots). I go on tangents (like this) with sometimes no main point. I often switch topics a lot too..
@ultimatey2656 Ай бұрын
I've ran into the issue of, whenever someone knows I have autism, people automatically feeling sorry for me or changing their tune to patronize me. It used to be insulting.
@M_3TA Ай бұрын
whenever people are having a serious conversation about an adult topic or something, and they see that i’m here they immediately switch to a different language or tell me to leave because one, they think i don’t understand what they’re saying and two, they think i only know about cocomelon and nursery rhymes. it’s really annoying but i guess half of it is my fault because i would always hide what i know and pretend to not be self aware as some sort of defense mechanism…fuck everything…
@ultimatey2656 Ай бұрын
@@M_3TA let your enemies think your an idiot. I used to feel the same way
@tiramika Ай бұрын
i HATE people patronising me. i found a good way to get them to stop is to patronise them back, be very obvious about it, they usually shut up out of embarassment.
@M_3TA Ай бұрын
@@ultimatey2656 and then create the biggest plot twist in history where i reveal to be a mastermind who knew everything all along……yes…perfect…the perfect revenge…… *this comment is a joke*
@RyanCurtis-jo2kk Ай бұрын
Yes I can relate to this feeling and it very may screw us up or anxious about topics commonly known and talked by the public. many don't believe we have experienced things or know about things that are alot more serious.
@Somberwav Ай бұрын
2:10 I FEEL THAT SO MUCH. my step siblings always take advantage of my autism by twisting my words or just telling me im autistic as an insult.
@creestofofficial2554 Ай бұрын
my word, the same was happening to me during the last few years (I had a Minecraft server with a lot of people playing being on my school and they couldn't stop twisting everything I said)
@whitedragonzerureusu4480 Ай бұрын
Whenever they ask for help from you in the future just refuse it and when they ask why, remind them of everything they said to you
@Somberwav Ай бұрын
@@whitedragonzerureusu4480 GREAT IDEA THX !!
@MinecraftArchivist Ай бұрын
Mmmmm honestly if i were you i would just target what my step siblings feel the most insecure about.
@takuma359 Ай бұрын
@@creestofofficial2554 react normally to it and they have no reason to continue
@ornithowlogist 23 күн бұрын
i’m an autistic woman and i feel like my maturity experience is reversed. up until i was around 13, i was told i was “very mature for my age,” had a very inquisitive and open mind and interests that were seen as more befit for older individuals. now, though, im often called immature or childish because of my interests and the way that i act. it’s frustrating.
@Moonshine449 22 күн бұрын
For me, I got the same story but I feel as if the childish part of me is the regret I have for maturing WAY too early.
@snookscrewsaround 9 күн бұрын
@ShargDudu-wf6hi 6 күн бұрын
Yeah I tried to act mature when I was immature at 11-13, starting acting more immature at 14-15 then became a burnt out husk, I’m now 20 and I feel like I’m missing a certain drive even though I work out and stay fit enough, my focus on work has completely degraded and pales in comparison to what I did when I was 16/18
@lim6435 2 күн бұрын
we NEED a month! We only get one autism awareness day that school announcements don’t mention but instead turn into some fake read a book bullshit. No one even mentions the day at all and it’s on April 2.
@laurel6606 Күн бұрын
oh my god same and people treat me like im a dumb kid and im not im literally 16 and it annoys me so bad
@Chester_Kitten Ай бұрын
I am most likely Austistic, but I'm never sure, because I'm constantly bombarded with people who say I need to "change" or "just accept society and earn money." I rarely even accept it because a lot of people tend to say insults and things like, "You're f**king Autistic" like it's a bad thing. So, I've just always been on edge for being a castaway who doesn't really understand why most people can't have a conversation with me, or is it me them? I'm basically a dropout and homeless because I could never do anything without asking "why?" I just found this video and I quite like the voice you give. I hope I can eventually get rid of my anxiety, depression, fear, and guilt.
@Chester_Kitten Ай бұрын
Also, my sybling has Autism, and most like does my father.. My father is quite an intelligent man, only he and I don't get along very well, because I fear we're both emotionally damning to each other.
@Chester_Kitten Ай бұрын
I could say I'm rather quite disabled... or do I just a very archaic way of seeing the world?
@amiraa_... Ай бұрын
I see the world in a similar way. Hang in there it will get better❤
@takuma359 Ай бұрын
​@@Chester_Kitten You need to "change" because you're a homeless dropout castaway. You currently take more from the world than you give it. If it's asking "why?" that's stopping you from working, stop asking why. If it's something else, stop that instead. At the end of the day it's a problem with you and accepting that will get you a lot further than blaming it on someone/something else. You can't change what other people do, you can only change yourself and if you think labelling your self with mental illnesses will excuse the need for self improvement u gonna stay like this forever. good luck m8 First step hate yourself that brings you down. Second step destroy that which you hate. Third find yourself that brings you up. Work on that shit till get gud. legit anything u enjoy look for a job in it. shits always less like work when there's a community around it.
@Quantumstar65 22 күн бұрын
@Nutamu Ай бұрын
If someone pulls the 'counts stuff thrown on the floor' thing smirk like they lost their mind and say "I'm autistic not a damn vampire." As "According to European lore, vampires suffer from arithmomania, the uncontrollable urge to count or calculate numbers." I'm 46 and only recently did a test that shows I have a good chance of being autistic. what a time man
@JonBrase Ай бұрын
Also, while good math skills often do come with autism, "good math skills" and "instantly count objects in a random jumble" are not the same thing. I sorta have good math skills (unlike my dad who definitely has good math skills), though a lot if it seems to be my verbal and spatial skills carrying my math skills. I definitely cannot count random jumbles of things on sight.
@monalover69 Ай бұрын
I might be a vampire
@mrhitech6742 29 күн бұрын
Wait is this why the Count from Sesame Street teaches kids math
@HyperionX_ 29 күн бұрын
Now THATS funny
@meria2082 28 күн бұрын
Heard a myth where vampires are required to count any pile of rice they pass by
@JonBrase Ай бұрын
One reason I think we get the "genius or idiot" treatment is that we tend to be at least somewhat smarter than average, but to have communication issues (ranging from physical problems speaking to tending to organize our thoughts, and thus our words, in a different way). If you can't communicate, your IQ as perceived by others drops dramatically.
@getSkrunk Ай бұрын
100% true. not trying to sound like the joker here, but society tends to think lesser of people, things, and even concepts they can’t understand and are therefore unable to put in a box. this is why some people still think animals can’t be intelligent as well, even though science has consistently proven otherwise. i wonder if this is a reason why me and many other autistic people have found so much comfort and relatability with animals? idk, might sound crazy but your comment just got me thinking lol.
@drepics3194 20 күн бұрын
That actually sounds spot on. I think we autistic ought to have the ability to call people 'Ableist' to get them to back off with their bigotry.
@blazeyt6732 17 күн бұрын
​@@getSkrunkyeah mate society is very stereotypical nowadays and they always judge by impressions,if that person has problems expressing them selves they are bad at communication therefore dumb,nah it doesn't work like that we have to look more deep into things because autistic people can be way more than what we think of them at just seeing them once The amount of people who would get the thought in their mind that an Autistic person is dumb is really absurd
@NoOne-wt6om 14 күн бұрын
I have 132 IQ officially but 60 IQ in the eyes of people.
@value1lol 9 күн бұрын
@zentheprotogen8450 25 күн бұрын
oh my god yes, I feel like people always immediately think of super high-end autism.
@Johnden Ай бұрын
A very common thing that I experience is being misunderstood, followed by punishment, that is then followed by ignorance. And it's the most heartbreaking and frustrating thing you can experience as an autistic person.
@twotruckslyrics 28 күн бұрын
Yeahh 😰 its like, “i did something wrong, but what???”
@abyss8190 27 күн бұрын
i’ve experienced that too many times now
@redalertsheep2939 23 күн бұрын
Bro I thought that was just a me thing 😭😭
@K900X 18 күн бұрын
@@redalertsheep2939 fr man
@InsertNameHere911 16 күн бұрын
I’m not autistic but I can very much relate to that, like I get bullied in school, I lash out at people, and I’m always the one who gets in trouble. It really sucks to try to explain yourself to someone and have them just not care at all
@Autism_Cat Ай бұрын
Personally, i think one of the biggest problems is, that most people dont know Autism is a spectrum. Most Neurotypicals either think you're dumb or hyper intelligent, nothing inbetween. When I have to tell them that it's not like that, they look at me like I'm an Alien. My experience is actually pretty similar to yours, I just didn't know until I was 17 and I still have a lot of trouble with emotional control and socializing. I have the same best friend since 15 years, I literally don't know how to make new ones, also being selectively mute (which isn't actually as common in autism) making me look weird and stupid for others. I'm not an expert, because as you said, I don't know how it is NOT to have it, but its good to know you're not alone. I just wish "normal people" would look into it a bit more
@ponfi0275 Ай бұрын
Neurotypicals think that it's a spectrum of 'less autistic' to 'more autistic' and that's the most that they know about a spectrum. They need to understand that it's a qualitative spectrum and not a quantitative spectrum.
@Autism_Cat Ай бұрын
@@ponfi0275 makes sense, couldn't have said it better
@brainbomb. 26 күн бұрын
I'd say the real dumb ones are those trying to generalize autistic people like that and put them in boxes and try to dictate to their faces who they are. They refuse to let autistic people be.
@Mojikaji 24 күн бұрын
I don’t fully understand autism and probably never will as I’m not autistic myself (I seriously hate putting a label on it because it makes you sound like an alien) but I’ve personally never had a problem talking to anyone autistic. There actually fun to be around and I sometimes pick up on there traits and it makes me curious. I can talk to them like any other person tbh.
@kamussy4231 23 күн бұрын
@@Mojikaji We need more people like you
@SvengelskaBlondie Ай бұрын
Things like Big Bang Theory don't really do much to help, that show is pretty much just what executives at some Hollywood studio thought autism might be. There's maybe less than 1% of people that are like Sheldon. Here in Sweden, someone made a really weird but similarly "I have no idea what it's like to be autistic" movie called "in space there are no feelings" or I rymden finns inga känslor in Swedish. I remember my younger sister watching it and just flat out saying "this has nothing to do with autism". She compared the character in the show to me and nothing of the things I show where anywhere similar or related to said character and their autism. Feels like typical Hollywood sh!1, they can't be bothered to do even the most barebone research possible (funny that the rain man thing gets used as an example, that's an extreme outlier that so rare, it barely even exists to begin with). Edit: I like to joke by saying that autism is like "running a different operating software", normies use Windows while I'm stuck on Linux.
@Mrvideosandgames Ай бұрын
No-one associated with The Big Bang Theory has said Sheldon is autistic. Obviously he exhibits many neurological abnormalities, but if there was more to it than creating an obnoxious character they've certainly done a good job at keeping it under wraps.
@SvengelskaBlondie Ай бұрын
@@Mrvideosandgames yes, cause people are totally gonna just sit there and wait for a confirmation. They aren't gonna jump to conclusions like normies usually do, Tbh the entire show is very obnoxious, it's sort of "someone says nerdy thing, other person say different nerdy thing, now laugh you peasants"
@boomknuffelaar Ай бұрын
​@@SvengelskaBlondie I mean, I think you're a little strong in your conviction😅 Sure there are people who watched the big bang theory and used it to strengthen their misconceptions, but I don't think that's due to the shows design. In the interviews with actors and creators that I've seen I found them rather open and friendly about it all. Admittedly I don't enjoy the show much either, you might enjoy the youtube video where they removed the laughing track. There's not much left 😋
@SvengelskaBlondie Ай бұрын
@@boomknuffelaar Its not that I am strong in my convictions, it's just that I know people are too lazy to actually check things up. Hence why I used Big Bang theory as an example. Tbh, I couldn't care less about the show, the show is just an example of how little people know about autism. " but I don't think that's due to the shows design." I agree with you on this one, I doubt very much it was made to be to be some kind of autism focus/awareness thing. "Admittedly I don't enjoy the show much either, you might enjoy the youtube video where they removed the laughing track. There's not much left" There's something really funny about that, ive seen a few such video's. Whatever "comedy" that's left falls flatter than the antagonist in Who framed rodger rabbit after he got run over by the steam roller.
@jackthehacker05 Ай бұрын
It’s ok, Linux is superior. Sincerely, a windows user.
@PuffTastic 20 күн бұрын
I'm autistic, I'd feel insanely insulted if someone told my boyfriend he's taking advantage of me, a LOT of us can consent, the only autistic people who cannot consent are those who cannot communicate in any form
@rejectfalseicons 27 күн бұрын
getting infantilised while autistic is the most annoying thing ever, people switch up so fast, even when i assume they dont mean to they start talking more gently to me. when i was 16, i went to a pottery class with my parents, and they decided to tell the teacher that i was autistic. and he literally spoke to me like i was 5!! i felt like i was going insane. i just think differently im not a baby
@gamerstreater9314 20 күн бұрын
why do parents do that to their autistic offspring!?!? 😂😭😭 its honestly really fookin' humiliating.
@rejectfalseicons 20 күн бұрын
@@gamerstreater9314 i dont know, one time me and my dad were at an event together and every single time he introduced me to someone he felt like it was necessary to add the fact that im autistic
@burgerhero9380 17 күн бұрын
My parents had to tell the airport receptionists that I was autistic so we could skip the cue, but in honest regards they are telling the profession about your needs just Incase you don't 'struggle'
@ReddragonPlaysRoblox Ай бұрын
I never realised how much of a stigma there is around autism until watching this video. I don't feel comfortable posting anything about myself here on the internet but I can definitely relate to some things you have experienced. It just saddens me that people look down on people with autism. It is a spectrum and not everyone with autism has the same kinda stuff if that makes sense. I'm sorry you had to go through this you've earned a new subscriber.
@TheAutisticFrog Ай бұрын
yeah, theres a lot of stigma around us
@Azuritenz 18 күн бұрын
Haha u said sigma
@GayKermit-._-. Күн бұрын
​@@Azuritenzhe said stigma bro. You got brainrot.
@moony_otter Ай бұрын
I'm autistic too, a late diagnosis at 22. People don't understand that a Savant is an incredibly rare version of autism (the kind of autism that can recognize and continue patterns instantly), and that autism is a massive spectrum. That's why the DSM-5 calls it the 'Autism Spectrum Disorder.' Most cases of autism are ASD-1, which used to be called Asperger's, but is now called 'high-functioning autism' This just means that a person has autism, but can be independent. This type of autism can be both a blessing and a curse. For myself, I was one of the rare lucky ones that wasn't bullied, but that was because I masked the hell out of everything. I have always been self-contained, isolative, all due to abuse from my parents. This means I don't like being around people or sharing my things with people. I still love people, I love sharing my thoughts and ideas, but if I can avoid it, I will. However, my autism makes me an incredibly smart person. I have a poor sense of humor, because I take things too seriously, but that seriousness makes me incredibly adept at thinking things through; coming up with problems and then solutions to those problems, and understanding things deeper than most people can. I work INCREDIBLY on my own, but get overwhelmed frequently and can't work with others on the same project. This is all to say, that autism isn't the same as you'd see in media. Autism can be masked, or the person's symptoms might not manifest as noticeable behavioral issues. Autism is a spectrum and can be very volatile, but also very reclusive. Treat individuals as individuals, and get to know them and their unique quirks; it could end up making them an even better friend than most people.
@epicantonio08idk38 Ай бұрын
Honestly, my autism is sounds very similar to this!
@Prenso Ай бұрын
I got asperger's, and didn't know it was a outdated name. Never knew it was called "high-functioning autism" so thanks for that ig. I can confirm that having that is both a curse and a blessing, might be the reason i've done well on tiktok, millions of views on there
@f87582 Ай бұрын
@Ellies_edits 25 күн бұрын
(not professional at health) but here’s my experience as a child being autistic I have autism I was diagnosed at young age. I had no learning disability (except speech) but I was in special needs etc and I’m not really dumb I get pretty well grades, the only thing is that I preform on a lower level than my twin who also has autism as well and same effects. Before I told people I had it I got called weird etc and then after they were shocked saying stuff like “you don’t act like it ” “oh really” “you seem so normal” I am also bullied a lot for being weird and embarrassing myself.
@TheTribalWanker 21 күн бұрын
@@Ellies_edits I feel you brother, I’m also high functioning autism. The moment they know you are on the spectrum, they see you as an outcast. I even got called a loser for fucking up a saw machine by some kiwi classmate back in high school. We can’t say anything back for 2 reasons. 1 is because we need time to think of an answer so we walk away for a bit and number 2 is because “OH THE AUTISTIC KID SPOKE GUYS” yep, that shit happened to me. And rumours would start spreading about me. These things drive us insane. Life is better once you graduate out of school.
@tokemonGG 16 күн бұрын
i really love being able to hear someone talk about this
@koplogame 4 күн бұрын
fr tho
@AlexanderWinter0 25 күн бұрын
I am autistic. That's the only reason why my parents don't let me control my own life. I'm 19 years old and will soon be 20. My parents forced me to go to a college for electrical engineering for two years. According to the law, I didn't have to, because I was already 18. But my parents had beaten me, kicked me and whipped me with a belt to make me go there. I had called the police many times... but they wouldn't help me. They told me that I had no right to decide about my own life. I still live with my parents. It is awful. I just want to rule my own life. I want freedom.
@MonkeMusi 23 күн бұрын
I'm so sorry you have to go through that, I hope you can find your own freedom and gain that independence from your abusive house hold. I'm actually in a similar situation, as I am currently 19 going on 20 this year but I still am treated like a small child, it's difficult and having every aspect of your life controlled by your family is dehumanizing, it can make you feel worthless and hopeless, but although I do not know you i hope you can live your life the way you want to! :)
@mattiplier_plainsmathical7797 21 күн бұрын
God damn, that sounds horrible, do you have other relatives like you're grandparents to go to for support? I feel so sorry for you, I hope you're situation gets better. Good luck
@nubit0.1 20 күн бұрын
hope you find a way out of this .we are rooting for you
@gamerstreater9314 20 күн бұрын
@andyz-ua 19 күн бұрын
No way... I pray that you get out of that terrible situation
@qu765 Ай бұрын
in terms of mental maturity I've found that personally I feel like there are multiple types of maturity, and that I became advanced in some aspects much faster than my peers did and then for other things much slower.
@rymacreeks2k07 3 күн бұрын
I'm not diagnosed, but very likely autistic (not the tiktok kind of "i think i'm autistic" by the way) and i feel i was the opposite. I've always been mentally and socially typical/ahead , but academically i've never been the top student. I cannot do maths to save my life for example
@Toxinzmusic Ай бұрын
Keep making videos brother, you’re funny and talented. I love these low effort but highly insightful videos. I love watching em while I play Minecraft
@thebrownfrog Ай бұрын
Funny? He'll nah. Maybe a little charismatic
@tubeyouber6371 Ай бұрын
Lmao I accidentally misread this as “Stop making videos brother.”
@UmutHP Ай бұрын
i'm not autistic, so i don't know what it's like, but i know what it's like to be neurodivergent. i'm neurodivergent in a different way, i have ADHD. 3:40 is so accurate. i didn't realise most things i've done that were actually ADHD behaviors. turns out, it wasn't a "normal people" thing to have 56879368 chrome tabs open at once lol. it's kinda like how a color blind person don't realise that they're color blind since they don't know how other people see.
@wSayonara 22 күн бұрын
Insane analogy. Heh. Its the opposite for me. I get stressed and cant concentrate while knowing I have more that 3 tabs or a single window that I don't need open. Even a single unnecessary task in the system tray. Which is funny because in almost every other aspect of life I'm not organised at all. It's just the fact that I'm aware of that unorganised-ness and am constantly thinking about it that likely causes it.
@gaemeer895 18 күн бұрын
i always have a bunch of chrome tabs open lol
@SheckoVex 2 күн бұрын
i try to keep my tabs at the point before they start shrinking at most
@junebugleo 26 күн бұрын
the mental maturity is smth nobody talks about with autism, thank you for talking about it. i feel seen
@Drie_Kleuren Ай бұрын
I am also autistic. I am now 24, I got diagnosed when I was 20. My whole life I felt sort of different but my parents never understood me. I went to so many people (proffesionals) and some said I was, some said I wasnt. The problem my parents thought that people who are autistic are retarded and I am clearly not. So it was a pretty wild ride with therapists and people because my parents didnt agree and we just stopped going. I was like 14 so I couldnt really go on my own. Anyways my parents also had problems (different problems) but it was just a struggle. Anways I get that with not telling people bacause some people I have known my whole life and when I was 20 and I told them they just acted different to me. Its can be a struggle. I have also met so many new people who are autistic and everyone is different. There are like a million different variants it seems and everyone has their own struggles. My parents do understand me a lot better since a couple of years but it took some time. It also helps since I moved out and lived on my own when I was 19 and I got my diagnosis at 20 so that also kind of helps... I could of gotten the diagnosis when I was 13 if my parents wherent stupid and removed the steriotype autism they had. I kind of understand why they had that idea because when I grew up there was this kid in the street who was like mental, demon, evil autistic just being a retarded asshole and they based their vision of autism on that...
@JonkerHoodMoments Ай бұрын
I actually recently got diagnosed as autistic and I was 19 aswell and even though I objectively see why I have it it just seems normal to me
@TheOfficialMrloggy Ай бұрын
@@JonkerHoodMoments ouihuihuihui
@nerdcuddles7731 Ай бұрын
I do not like the term mental age ngl, I think that phrasing kinda missrepresents what was going on.
@meow-wb7zs Ай бұрын
i strongly agree. now days ill just say "i take a long time to learn somethings" much easier then explaining that some parts of my brain age slowly. also for most everyone with a developmental disorder at lease one or two parts of the brain can start to develop faster then avenge.
@PastaCamel Ай бұрын
I get what he's trying to say but it's always more nuanced then "mental age" makes it out to be. For example, in 7th grade, I socially acted like I was in 5th grade but was more organized and productive then some of my college friends are even today because of my obsession with planning everything and routine. I was also about as academically smart as everyone else my age and that has remained relatively constant, especially after elementary school.
@takuma359 Ай бұрын
ur mentally stupid. cope.
@healthy10972 25 күн бұрын
My brother has the non verbal kind of autism and I don’t know any other way to describe it other than using mental age He’s 9 right now but I’d say he’s mentally 3 years old What else are you supposed to say instead of mental age?
@katakana1 23 күн бұрын
​@@healthy10972 Well, there's all the stuff "normal" 3 year olds do and grow out of, that are unrelated to language. Most likely, your brother is already more advanced in several of these aspects, just not the verbal side. So maybe you could say something more like "at the level of most 3 year olds in terms of using language" but probably not with other things.
@grandjohn 22 күн бұрын
Teens are so immature you should probably just ignore them. Its so annoying going to school and just hearing the N and R slurs every second.
@_.J..u.s.t_.a_..g.o.o.b.e.r 17 күн бұрын
Mad true
@M0urfeen 17 күн бұрын
Fr its actually impossible to find a friend who doesn't do that especially in middle school 😓
@blazeyt6732 17 күн бұрын
Yeah man finally somebody understands,they things its literally cool to do this things just to "show off"​ in school because thats how sadly society is ,if not they consider you to be a weird kids when you dont want to follow the stupid trend they like,like for example there are kids that call others poor because others dont want to/cant have an iphone or want/cant get some "jordans". Specially in this generation as a person from this generation @@M0urfeen
@KLTRF 46 минут бұрын
@owendubs 23 күн бұрын
It took me a little while to realize that intelligence is relative, that someone with autism who has a monotropic focus on a single thing is seen as intelligent if their focus is deemed practical where someone with a focus on something deemed impractical is seen as weird. I eventually derived an entire theory of ethics from that thought, how I could have the same brain but focus on something people wanted and be evaluated as genius or focus on something incomprehensible and be evaluated as an idiot. Someone with the same brain, a brain capable of crafting The Magna Carta, can dedicate all of that potential to drawing Sonic The Hedgehog foot fetish content all seemingly by random chance. Thus, what is good is what is practical.
@xeschire706 22 күн бұрын
Yes, practical in relation to a society that is inherently impractical, & unsustainable, because what ever is considered "practical" in today's society is whatever can contribute to profit for people that don't have your best interest on mind, evidence by the society they made that is based purely on profit, & is fundamentally anti-human to it's core, like the Roman empire they try to imitate.
@Skyymon 22 күн бұрын
this is personally why i see the measure of smn's iq have little meaning, in reality everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and that iq is simply not a reliable measure for smn's performance or capability in a certain field
@SmubFinger Ай бұрын
"I stopped telling people I have autism" as he places the 3 pickaxes and shovels neatly into their own collums. Jokes aside thank you for talking about this, it's always nice to have another resource to educate people and hopefully have them change how they treat others
@mothgirl326 Ай бұрын
Wait, non-autistic people don't do that?
@Lord_Drakostar Ай бұрын
@@mothgirl326 i have to imagine this isn't just an autism thing, it's rationally more organised i couldnt say myself as im an autistic person who does that but itd be really weird if allistic people didn't do this
@SmubFinger Ай бұрын
@@mothgirl326 no this was just a joke haha. While some types of autism do push towards more clean organization, it's not at all autism specific.
@RV2O 25 күн бұрын
@@Lord_Drakostar alltistic is crazy
@Lord_Drakostar 25 күн бұрын
@@RV2O allistic is a word
@Halfendymion Ай бұрын
Thumbnail: autism isn't what you think Me, autistic: "Hmm"
@dimitricarbone9827 7 күн бұрын
that’s exactly what I did :D
@lilydome 5 күн бұрын
same i feel you
@Lionheartsmh 20 күн бұрын
As an autistic person. I was recently diagnosed, nothing has changed it just feels like people treat me like a baby because I have autism. When I tell people I have autism they start to treat me like shit and leave me out of stuff. I’m not a child anymore, I have had autism all of my life do not treat me any differently
@QuartzQuadrant 12 күн бұрын
i fw the viper pic bro
@GayKermit-._-. Күн бұрын
​@@QuartzQuadrantdid you not read what he just said? Bro did NOT pay attention.
@JulienWuzHear 27 күн бұрын
Autism is exactly what I think it’s like; a condition I have.
@briggsstuver 3 күн бұрын
I did not expect to hear this from rick astley
@dogsofcorn Ай бұрын
I get what you mean with people having insane expectations. I remember seeing someone put it like "they want you to either be Sheldon Cooper or a tall toddler". I'm autistic too, but I didn't get diagnosed until I was 18 because my mum thought all autistic people are screaming morons who don't emotionally mature past the age of 5. What's weird is that I really think she's autistic, but she doesn't realise it because she thinks her experiences are normal. Like those people who say "everyone's a little autistic"
@qupufu Ай бұрын
I had an experience that really changed my option on autism recently when I was just hanging out with some friends and found out two of them were autistic and it was just a reminder that people are literally just people and the fact that someone has autism shouldn't affect anything in relationships
@kliwenad 19 күн бұрын
so true. if any other teenager gets angry, stays up late, etc and the school knows it its normal. if an autistic teenager like me does, the school will intervene in our family business to "protect me" by forcing my mum to go to a "class".
@lim6435 2 күн бұрын
As someone who is autistic it’s basically the a equivalent to a regular person stoned as hell on pot except it lasts forever.
@Request_2_PANic Ай бұрын
Hearing that I have Autism, my diagnosis came at around age 5, someone at our church started asking questions about me to my parents even though I was standing right there and answering. Hearing your side, it makes me question even more why we're all grouped together with only "Autism" to describe all of us, which seems equivalent to specifying "Rainbow" as a favorite color.
@JonBrase Ай бұрын
We all share the same patterns of characteristics even if we share few exact characteristics on first glance, and we tend to be fairly good at recognizing one another even with differences in presentation.
@Astrourney Ай бұрын
kept nodding my head like this guys spitting fax
@alex-ui8co 2 күн бұрын
as an autistic person, this is fair. also heres a brownie recipe: Ingredients Butter (½ cup) 2 eggs Sugar (one cup) Cocoa powder (⅓ cup) Vanilla extract (2 tablespoon) Flour (½ cup) How to make it 1. Preheat: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. 2. Start mixing: Start your brownies by mixing sugar and butter in a bowl. Once they are fully mixed, add your egg. Then add the flour, cocoa powder, and vanilla extract. 3. Bake: Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Take them out and let them cool for one minute and they are ready! Time total: 18 minutes
@snailcat86 6 күн бұрын
As a fellow autistic person, I relate to the emotional control issues while young so much. I was so easily triggered into rage as a child over small or inconsequential things. It might be due to also having ADHD but, I was angered so very easily it made me feel ashamed to think back to. I also relate to being more naive or immature compared to my peers at certain ages, like early to mid teenage years. I was thankfully not bullied too much as a kid, but goddamn learning how normie socializing works was such an immense challenge- I said so much stupid incomprehensible shit that I'm honestly surprised I even managed to make any friends. Or maybe I got lucky and was surrounded by many fellow potential neurodivergent people, I don't know. I didn't notice I was different from other people until my mid teenage years, perhaps that's what made me not hesitate in trying to make friends during my kid years. I'm still in school and people younger than me are using autistic as an insult all the time and it's probably due to that cursed TikTok app, which makes me so mad. To be honest, schools gotta start educating kids on neurodivergent conditions because as things are right now they'll grow up to become stupid adults that they will then carry over to their children. It's so frustrating. Thank you for this video, sorry for my rant at the end of this comment.
@SparrowDraws Ай бұрын
My cousin is autistic. Although not severely, he does have issues with socializing at times. BUT HE IS MY LITTLE MAN, AND HE IS AMAZING! And one thing that just ticks me off so much is how people treat him. In school, he was bullied so much. Him saying things like people putting fists at him and such, thinking he’s “weird”. What is it with people? Why is it so hard to treat others kindly? What have they gone through to make them like this?
@sSeth0 4 күн бұрын
Aw. I could feel the emotion in that 'HE IS MY LITTLE MAN.'
@RandomDude1487 Ай бұрын
as an autistic person, I’m giving this video a 8/10 just has some missing stuff that’d be important
@dwarian5252 Ай бұрын
Care to elaborate? Seems like it'd be pretty helpful to mention what is missing.
@RandomDude1487 Ай бұрын
@@dwarian5252 i think it’d be better to mention that autism is different for everyone and there’s a reason it is said to be a spectrum, other than that its 10/10
@marcey4207 27 күн бұрын
​@@dwarian5252 was a little confused when it was only mentioned as learning disorder, he is definitely right it has caused me not to understand some concepts but those are also social ones, where ive watched how people have interacted to see how "normal people do it so well" and essentially autism, it's very broad and everyone will experience it differently
@marcey4207 27 күн бұрын
but there's no absolutely hate to this guy, this is his experience with it and what he says is right
@RandomDude1487 26 күн бұрын
@@marcey4207 ye
@euugh8877 25 күн бұрын
You should probably get better tools.
@SnorProductions 17 күн бұрын
@NotFine Күн бұрын
I gain power when mining for hours
@zarphontheknight2300 8 күн бұрын
Hey man I just found your channel and this video alone means so much, not just to me, but I think I can be speaking on the behalf of the whole autistic community, I’ve grown up with ADHD, autism, colorblindness, and anxiety and it’s always great to see people speaking out about this kind of stuff, i have it rough with autism as I have both the supergenious and the mentally behind kind, I also struggle to talk to people socially, so yeah just thanks so, so much for speaking out on this stuff, I can’t thank you enough. Much love :)
@Bluen1x 7 күн бұрын
Autism and ADHD is fake lil bro. Sorry for breaking the bad news for you.
@metactal Ай бұрын
As an autistic person who has not felt love yet, you have just given me some (potentially false - i hope not) hope
@luckyworm_9453 Ай бұрын
I believe in you to find someone!! I (I'M PRETTY SURE I DO :'3) have autism and I have a girlfriend, I think everyone can have a significant other if they're ready for a relationship, it takes alot of time usually, but I'm sure that if you're a great person and you just be yourself you'll find someone amazing! :D
@jombobb 17 күн бұрын
Its possible (from an autist)
@Rose-ec6he Ай бұрын
Thanks for talking about this, it means a lot to me as an autistic person, when I see someone take the courage to claim the label and counter such common deep-rooted misunderstandings, it fills me with so much happiness. I understand the vulnerability and risk it takes, I really appreciate it. We exist, we are normal, we are misunderstood and we're not alone. Thank you for reminding this, it's so validating
@supercoolgacha 11 күн бұрын
As an autistic person, I just gotta say this video touched me on a very deep and personal level, while I’ve never exactly been bullied (either that or it’s been passive aggressive in a way where I didn’t pick up on it) I do struggle with people. It’s as though they don’t take me seriously, or think of me as an idiot. I’ve never been good at making friends, and as a kid (for reference I’m 17yo now) I’ve had many adults be very short with me, and now I find even basic social interactions scary. Thank you for making this video.
@bradleysands1758 4 күн бұрын
Autism is WAY to misunderstood as my personal experience so far is I’m smarter than most other people my age but I’m also really silly so it’s a double edged sword
@brianmkolins4426 Ай бұрын
41 here, diagnosed at 37. I actually tell many people, as my "problems" are fairly minor, and the explanation helps with the potentially weird facial expressions, or overly pedantic responses, or perceived poor eye contact. But however you handle it, is the correct way for YOU to handle it. Don't let anyone tell you different!
@curiokryptic Ай бұрын
Fully agree, relate a lot to this. One of my biggest struggles growing up personally was emotional regulation, which I'm still working on but have gotten a lot better with. My emotions have always felt really big and overwhelming. Generally though I've stopped seeing my autism as a bad thing. In fact, I LIKE being autistic. I like how my brain works, my world makes sense to *me.* And like you I normally only vibe with other neurodivergent folks. Most of if not all my friends are, and I haven't even gone out of my way to find those people. We're like fucking magnets. Being weird isn't bad, it's good. I love being weird and I love weird people. Being "normal" is boring as hell? And it's GOOD that we have people who think in different ways. If we all thought and worked the same there'd be no contrast and no growth. I definitely have challenges that "normal" people don't, a lot of which are caused by a society that doesn't cater to how we function because we're in the minority. It can be really rough sometimes, it's not just positive. But I wouldn't be who I am if I wasn't autistic, and frankly I like who I am, and I love my friends. If other people write us off based on us being autistic, that's their loss. Great video dude, thank you for sharing your perspective 👍
@Moonshine449 22 күн бұрын
The magnet part is very true, it’s almost like an autism detector. I met some friends last year and we just clicked, got along like I never thought friends could. It turns out they both have ASD
@JailbreakMoments 21 күн бұрын
I can relate to everything you’ve said. I was quite mistreated, and misunderstood, by my peers, up until I was around 15. The bullying I have received was so severe, that to this day, age 18, I still have trauma from it, and was actually diagnosed with PTSD. Not even my school could guarantee my safety. It’s a side which I rarely open up about since it is often too much. Thankfully now, I’ve found some friends who, not only treat me right, but also understand me. One of my traits which my friends love is my brutal honesty, i’m not exactly sure what it is, perhaps it is that the words that I’m saying means something? Like it holds an extreme amount of weight? Whatever it is, I’m just happy that they treat me well.
@vemijoev 2 күн бұрын
I cant imagine how bad the bullying must have been to give you trauma, but im glad to hear that you have friends that understand and value you. Thise people are the real ones you should never lose
@Navymoon002 3 күн бұрын
I feel the same way as you. I am also autistic, and I always got bullied my whole life through elementary school and 6th grade. I always felt like I was such an outcast and a different being, and I had a friend who took advantege of me. I feel so much better now that their are people like you who have the same thing as me and understand. It's so annoying that some people in this world just don't respect us and think we are stupid. Thank you for the nice video! I'm thankful that I'm not the only one! 😊💗
@Mialex Ай бұрын
incredibly helpful video and relatable thank you also lmao the point where you noticed where you died was like 3 blocks away from air was the biggest bruh moment
@jms2 Ай бұрын
ik lol that made me laugh a lil when it happened
@ArvolyXSL Ай бұрын
I actually shared the "alien" feeling you had, but in a different way. When I was young I always knew I was different but I just couldn't understand why, emotionally unstable, unable to understand things others could, sometimes do things others didn't understand. The list can go on, but it clawed at me, "Why am I so different? Why am I so slow?". The public humiliation and bullying from teachers and other kids didn't help. After I got out of school (dropped out at 11th grade because I couldn't take it anymore and almost had a mental break) I practically cut off all ties I had. After a year or so of reflection and at age 19 I realized I had autism. After realizing it, it genuinely felt like a burden was lifted from my shoulders. Years of torment and not knowing why I was different felt like a memory. I don't tell people I am autistic because I know they will get the wrong impression and I really hope more people find out what being autistic actually means. Even now my current friend group is mostly comprised of autistic type people, mostly because we get along and or share a connection. I fully believe that autism is a spectrum, it's not black and white. I am on there somewhere, I might not have the greatest control of my emotions and I will always feel different, but I at least now know why I am different and I am happy where I sit. :3
@Retsiger 29 күн бұрын
This is literally so true
@TrisPsyduckVR 3 күн бұрын
I was autistic at 3 weeks old, Having autism is a weird thing to have like your smart but you might struggle with socialising and stuff.. I understand us autism people alot so yea it’s good that these kind of videos to exist.. Thanks for making this!
@axolotl482 Ай бұрын
turns out the thumbnail is wrong autism is exactly what I thought it was because I have it
@Marco_Polo360 29 күн бұрын
This is funny because at first I didn't think about it. But then I did and it was true
@FRUITCANOPY 25 күн бұрын
@MrKristian-fk3ww 23 күн бұрын
I ABSOLUTELY don't understand people who insult people with autism, like people with autism is just people that are different
@xeschire706 22 күн бұрын
Because people are part of, & brought up into a society that brainwashes, conditions, or gaslights them into thinking that different is bad uncritically, while also promoting blind obedience to their absolute detriment, that's why.
@CrankyRayy 22 күн бұрын
Because they suck.
@94709 21 күн бұрын
it’s natural to ostracize and dislike those that are different from your group. the quicker you understand that the less you will blame normies
@brightax7502 20 күн бұрын
because they werent loved. they only insult those people because they got more attention then they ever got. its their way of coping
@lilydome 5 күн бұрын
it's easier to pick on someone that's different because they stand out bullies would pick on someone but there's a reason why they don't pick on someone their own size (someone that's similar to most of the people around them) but we are *different, not less*
@HollyHolly-om4wh 20 күн бұрын
I love my autistic friends. I love hearing about their special interests because hearing the same opinions from the same people gets boring. I love how they can be so invested in such simple joys in life. Even if its just video games as I see it as an art form. Since my autistic friends have a deep appreciation of art, I can only admire them for that.
@user-st1qe5mp2f 4 күн бұрын
as a non-autistic person, this is just goddamn sad
@brandonlee7382 15 күн бұрын
I'm autistic and this is how my brains works. I can't imagine how other brains work. I don't understand how humans can have a conversation with others and not loose interest in the moment. I was really behind in school aswell and I did have extra support but my brain would wonder off and not be interested in learning because I found it confusing. I get obsessed about the things I'm interested in and I remember facts about those certain things and the only reason why I would remember is because I really value that thing. We are all different and that's the difficult part is knowing what should I be doing to benefit the world. The world is set to work in a pacific way and that's where we might not fit in and other people who aren't autistic aswell might not like how the world works. We just gotta find what makes us happy and have plenty of money for the enjoyments. About anger issues I totally understand as our brains will be very black and white thinking. Like if someone picks on you then you think I'll get them back. The stresses to add up. Too be honest I've noticed I get more overwhelmed now more than ever but hopefully my life will get easier or atleast feel like I'm on the right track. We autistic like to have a set goal and plan everything out in our head. My mum is supper supportive and I'm so lucky for that.
@AdmireMember 15 күн бұрын
As an autistic 13 year old, it feels weird thinking about the fact that it highly possible that i STILL have ever felt real love. This video helped me know a LOT more about myself.
@creestofofficial2554 Ай бұрын
man spitting facts (I need to prepare for the day my classmates find out I am autistic so...) I am basically not very socially capable and I used to have anger issues, but I'm faster at some things regarding intelligence than some people
@marlinvr8441 Сағат бұрын
I honestly really respect you for being able to come on to youtube in front of thousands of people and talk about your condition and way of life... I have an autistic neighbor so i know that yall are also just as human and deserve just as much respect as any other person ESPECIALLY since its something yall cant help and i think this vid will inspire lots of other autistic people to know what to do in certain situations... good job bro
@Mylesodoardi123 16 күн бұрын
fr people call me autistic because i have ADHD and i think that people should not make fun of other people just because of things like that but great video man
@sandrajackson5227 Ай бұрын
I really appreciate you speaking on such a misunderstood and sensitive topic. As a fellow autistic person, people always view you differently if you're more of the media's view of autism. I'm sorry they dissed your girlfriend. Also my school all view me as the Sheldon Cooper Autistic (I cringed typing that) Also the normal speech hit so hard
@Doodle128 Ай бұрын
I'm autistic, diagnosed level 2, and I must say, I enjoy watching you play minecraft :)
@IbrahimMohamad-be6qh 6 күн бұрын
I have autism it does a make a difference but really we can still learn everything and do everything that none autistic people can do so I treat it as if I don’t and continue with life we can’t change it we were born with it so we may as well embrace it.
@sigmagaming-vv9df 18 күн бұрын
I just came across this video and it hits close to home. As an autistic guy I can fully empathise and understand not only how it feels to be stereotyped and misunderstood by ignorant people, but I can also relate to how you talked about feeling alienated and disconnected from everybody else. People’s words can eat me alive sometimes and it hurts, thank you for making this and even though I’m a couple weeks late, I’m super glad I found this because it makes me feel like I’m not alone. Keep spreading the word 🙏🙌
@epicantonio08idk38 Ай бұрын
As an autistic person this is a very nice video! I also agree with the fact that autism doesnt really get well represented other than its two extremes. Personally im a lot more open to saying im autistic, its makes for a funny moment and (imo) may even help spread that message that autism has nuance! I can relate to that maturity part and being bullied in elementary school! (I will say that the bullied part and therapy likely made me a lot more moral of a person though. Especially since around 2nd grade apparently I was seen as kind of a bully/jerk which i didnt know until a half year or so of bullying) but yeah. Extra note: Its best to wait until youve been friends for a while before you tell them, has a both funnier and stronger effect of saying "hey youve been with me for months now and you didnt even notice. Maybe that means something. "
@LGGD Ай бұрын
I relate to a lot of what you are saying. I am not autistic but I have adhd, I know its not the same but it is upsetting the way a lot of people stigmatize things like this. great vid!
@cheetah77YT 2 күн бұрын
I can tell you from also being another Autistic person. Theres a whole spectrum of autism. For example im very high functioning which means im very much normal in the brain but then there’s people with autism that are more lower functioning that like he said in the video usually do need help living. And this part 5:00 hit me really hard because I used to have the exact same problem I used to have VERY bad anger issues and also got bullied very much so thank you so much for telling “normal people” that autism is not a “retarded” thing and making autistic people feel way less alone. We need way more people like you!
@angelamanrique9416 29 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing and helping spreading the word. As an auDHD girl, I really relate to what you say. Talking about this publicly is hard, yet important!
@emmamontgomery5106 Ай бұрын
I totally appreciate your view on this. Im also autistic(not officially diagnosed but its highly likely i have so many symptoms) ive been told im weird my whole life and have learned to mask to "fit in" and it never zeemed to work. My bf is doing my best and i love him so much for trying to be more understanding than those around me. Also at the end of the video i relate SO HARD because i always forget something important and remember it after. Immediately got a new sub and thankyou for sharing your views with everyone i love finding neurodivergent folks that i can relate with as it makes me feel like im welcomed. Ik im just rambling at this point but in other words, thankyou for sharing
@Luksed12 19 күн бұрын
Damn, I didn't really consider that autistic people share the experience of "coming out" as autistic
@gaemeer895 18 күн бұрын
im autistic and i havent told my friends, i feel like they are gonna look down on me
@MrFriskiDoge Күн бұрын
thanks for helping me view autism differently, i really liked your story and i think more people should know about this. Many people make fun of being autistic and make jokes about it very often and i just have to feel bad for them. Your a amazing youtuber and i hope you do well in the future
@BL4ZEYBOI 21 күн бұрын
I have autism too, thanks for talking about this. Everyone misunderstands us as if we are outcasts or something, so thanks for shedding light on the situation.
@speedstinglord9730 19 күн бұрын
as a high functioning autistic I really enjoy seeing others perspectives
@donswanick237 Ай бұрын
I've never been diagnosed with autism but i lost my mom as a baby and related personally to pretty much every single thing you said in the video. I'm glad I was never labelled/diagnosed, I just eventually came to the natural conclusion that most people are pretty unthinking and social systems are pretty fucked. I hope you see your perspective as a strength and im glad you found people to help you feel like you belong bro. great video.
@xeschire706 22 күн бұрын
Most people are conditioned into being stupid so that they can remain blindly obedient slaves, for people that don't have their best interest on mind.
@RaptorExTolop 18 сағат бұрын
I am a neurotypical teen dating some who does have asd, and holy smokes the amount of challenges that she has had to face is inhumane. One of the reasons why she liked me so much was because I didn't care that she was different. That is messed up. Even her parents who have had to deal with asd before have done such a bad job at getting her ready for life and asd and it disappoints me so much. But regardless, thanks for the insight I always love to learn about asd to try and help her as much as I can! Good luck with your girlfirend and hope people continue to stop treating you like dirt, and always remember that there are people who do love you!
@yakkowarner21 2 күн бұрын
for the past few years i feel like i act much more mature than anyone my age (i'm 15) in the internet world (thanks to internet exposure actually) but at the same time stumble when i try to make a sentence in a face to face conversation honestly saying "i grew up a lot" after getting harrassed by 'some racists' (this happened to me) is an understatement, although i may have my own episodes whenever i get bullied (online or physical), i try treat everyone with the utmost respect as much as i can, especially people who talk to me often hard to tell if i'm actually autistic but i understand what you're trying to reach out here
@nawbie269 26 күн бұрын
I'm autistic sir, and I have trouble being with other people. I can relate to alot :) I hope all you autistic friends are doing great!
@PinkHairPluto Ай бұрын
i needed to send this to my friend. he has always misunderstood this condition. thanks
@mahitoonanimation3737 22 күн бұрын
I really relate to you man I did had the same experiences as you but with some minor differences like my mom was always with me Im sure you had it harder then me and im happy to you you found someone as same as you and i hope you get better
@patz9166 29 күн бұрын
Dang, KZfaq recommendation knows me a little too well. On a serious note thank you for this video. There were so many relatable notes in this that you couldn't have explained better, especially the school stuff on a personal level for me. This video would be perfect to send to anyone who I feel needs an education on autism.
@tommiematherne2842 24 күн бұрын
As a 42 year old autistic guy that found your video, i can say the "more mature than others my age" thing once you catch up is real. Personally, i think it boils down to the fact that we are so used to putting those higher standards on ourselves, and we keep doing it, and everyone else has jever had those standards.
@maggogieraffe3296 24 күн бұрын
Holy shit ur right
@wookiwoo2798 22 күн бұрын
I think part of it is that as autistic kids/teens we generally hung around with adults a lot more than with kids our age because we could relate to the adults a lot more maturity level-wise. When kids the same age are so much more immature than us, it leads to bullying/exclusion so our social life becomes just being with and around adults. So then we eventually pick up on the adults mannerisms which makes us even MORE mature, which leads to even MORE exclusion among the kids, which leads to hanging with the adults more too…I know this is at least my experience and I thought I'd share
@CrankyRayy 22 күн бұрын
yup the standards i set for myself always have me burning tf out. meanwhile everyone else is just cruising and having fun
@winkydinkydee8208 23 күн бұрын
My friend has an autistic non-verbal brother. Before watching the video I thought that was pretty much autism. Now I feel so bad.
@Alex-dz1ri 4 күн бұрын
Thanks so much bro for this awesome video! We need more mature and thoughtful people like you out there :)
@LucazenoBruh 20 күн бұрын
Im proud that you can speak about this im autistic and have other things too.
@orsonhitchman Ай бұрын
a lot of people don't understand that different isn't necessarily better or worse, it's just different
@InsidiousClouds 26 күн бұрын
Oh my god i cannot tell you the amount of times i havent laughed at an offensive joke and people just brushed me off saying i didnt get it because i was autistic. No, i understood you were making a joke. I just didnt think it was funny.
@XianPsg 19 күн бұрын
shame on you​@@Gray_mk
@Geotrax2 19 күн бұрын
@@XianPsgwhatd they say
@XianPsg 19 күн бұрын
@@Geotrax2 i honestly forgot😕 sorry😅
@XianPsg 19 күн бұрын
@@Geotrax2 he was saying something like what you would see in an instagram reel comment section
@Geotrax2 19 күн бұрын
@-stewie- 15 күн бұрын
bro my school is filled with autistic children, i’m also autistic and tbh, we be vibin, we do not care if the teachers are shouting at us to work because we just sit there and entertain ourselves 😂
@Supergrapes 5 күн бұрын
I have autism and it changes a lot about how people treat me and I hate it
@manofmanynames_ Ай бұрын
I feel you, I'm also autistic. I feel like people can forget its a spectrum and it's not as black and white as people assume it is
@project34.- 22 күн бұрын
no bcz for me when ppl find out i’m autistic they always just say “oh, that explains a lot” like damn
@Moonshine449 22 күн бұрын
I mean yeah, it probably does. My friends said the same thing but it’s because of the way I socialize. They never got why until I was diagnosed
@94709 21 күн бұрын
@@Moonshine449first legit in this comment section
@Cod6r 9 күн бұрын
People call me “acoustic” for having autism
emotional connections as a person with autism
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