My failed mission to find God -- and what I found instead | Anjali Kumar

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6 жыл бұрын

Anjali Kumar went looking for God and ended up finding something else entirely. In an uplifting, funny talk about our shared humanity, she takes us on a spiritual pilgrimage to meet witches in New York, a shaman in Peru, an infamous "healer" in Brazil and others, sharing an important lesson: what binds us together is far stronger than what separates us, and our differences are not insurmountable.
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@mainelyn 4 жыл бұрын
I respect her for speaking her truth despite the number of people in this comment section here invalidating her experience because they can't comprehend someone having a completely different life perspective than they do.
@whoisthemostinfluentialper6005 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know what your talking about every single comment is praising her and saying she is smart and I'm gaining hope in humanity. So please stop the nonsense will ya ?
@h1stacean 4 жыл бұрын
@@owenhas9029 The only truth is Hinduism. I found peace and solace in Hinduism.
@anthonydavis9662 4 жыл бұрын
@@owenhas9029 You took a wrong turn somewhere. Jesus is a myth, a total fabrication, irrelevant to a moral life. His doctrine is one of psychological abuse -- you are taught to fear that which supposedly loves you, and you are trapped into this abuse by guilt, ie the idea that someone "died for you". It's complete bullshit. Please, come back from the edge. There's nothing but darkness in this manner of beleif.
@kiklopdodo5800 4 жыл бұрын
@@anthonydavis9662 I believe and it has nothing to Do with what you've said all in all obviously some People don't try Hard enough to find god and some are Not supposed to find him.... Everybody has his own Journey but as a Christian I have to at least share the Word of God because HE is our LORD and Creator he is everything and thanks to Christ I have the possibility to give my life to him
@noahgarrett5195 4 жыл бұрын
theres no such thing as ¨ḧer¨ truth there is only THE truth
@jwh0122 2 жыл бұрын
3 commonalities 9:27 detailed address 10:11 people ask for the same things: health, happiness, love 12:57 don't tell anyone
@Mortthemoose 2 жыл бұрын
@lynnrussell467 2 жыл бұрын
Humans at heart are very much the same, may point to a common creator, at least a common design 🤗🥰🧚‍♀️🌈🕊️🌏freedom for all 🕊️🌏🕊️
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Winston! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@haimanotmitiku3396 2 жыл бұрын
This is what I was searching for my whole life, even if I failed to find God, I have learned through my journey that we are not supposed to follow a certain cult or religion to find God. Thank you, this is really liberating
@Grandmaster_Dragonborn 2 жыл бұрын
With all due respect: That isn’t the way to do it. You don’t *find* God; You realise that He has been with you all this time. You never had to move an inch. ❤️
@mikeygarcia8271 2 жыл бұрын
You will find God if you seek Him with all your heart. I found Him and so are many others. Brother, God made a promise that those who seek Him with all their hearts will find Him..He was even found by those who never sought Him out of His mercy. I think those who doubt the existence of God and the afterlife must look at the claims of so many atheists and believers about their journey in the spiritual realm. Some in visions and dreams, while others had such mind boggling experience during NDE [near death experience]. These people who have such claims come from different ethnicities, social and educational backgrounds, and religious beliefs [including atheists] These atheists changed their views about God and the afterlife after their authentic Spiritual experience with God.
@sijoannjose3156 2 жыл бұрын
There is only one way to find God...Read new testament and seek Jesus...he will reveal to you......Jesus revealed to me last year, but within my heart I was seeking him. On 17.1.21 he revealed himself to me...and I am undeserved...but thankful to Lord....because of his mercy that happened.
@sijoannjose3156 2 жыл бұрын
​@James Henry Smith You are right
@sijoannjose3156 2 жыл бұрын
@@mikeygarcia8271 I completely agree 💯 percent ..same thing happened to me..and I have responded similar way.....thanks Mikey... absolutely correct
@mareowainaina9168 2 жыл бұрын
My search for God led me to be a an Agnostic Atheist. I always questioned religion being raised in Christian fundamentalism. I've come to learn that one can be a good person (positive humanism) without the need for a diety or religious doctrine. I respect other people's right to believe what they want to believe as long as they don't try to push it on me. All humanity needs is love, respect, empathy, and open mindedness for one another(my opinion). I love the health, happiness, and love very vital for all humanity.
@jordantanjunwen175 2 жыл бұрын
@omto.m 2 жыл бұрын
U speak up my mind .. My religion is Humanity.
@PrettyGoodLookin 2 жыл бұрын
What is an Agnostic Atheist ? You still think there MIGHT be a God ?
@ASS999ish 2 жыл бұрын
Great job 👍
@ASS999ish 2 жыл бұрын
@@PrettyGoodLookin 🤫🤫🤫🤫
@jonathanthainguyen 6 жыл бұрын
I love how most of you completely ignored her ultimate message and only came here to promote your own religion. Self-reflect for just a moment while you’re reading this.
@SHINOBIJACK 6 жыл бұрын
@eemelilounela1212 6 жыл бұрын
Jonathan Nguyen Saved me a few minutes of writting. thanks!
@shaniawilkinson7620 6 жыл бұрын
You're right. Her message was amazing and I'm really glad I stayed until the is something for you to reflect on though. If you were to think that you had something that gives ever-last joy, wouldn't you want to share it? It isn't a business sale but to them an invitation.
@jeyhunhuseynov 6 жыл бұрын
"Do they not then REFLECT on the Quran? Nay, on the hearts there are locks." THE HEALTH 68(42-43) "The Day the shin will be uncovered and they are invited to prostration but the disbelievers will not be able, Their eyes humbled, humiliation will cover them. And they used to be invited to prostration while they were sound." 26(78-80) "Who has created me, and it is He Who guides me; And it is He Who feeds me and gives me to drink. And when I am ill, it is He who cures me." THE HAPPINESS 6(17) "If Allah touches you with affliction, none can remove it but He; if He touches you with happiness, He has power over all things." 43(69-70) "Those who believed in Our communications and were submissive: Enter the Garden, you and your wives, in happiness." 13(28) "Such are the ones who have believed and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Beware! It is the remembrance of Allah which provides tranquility to the hearts." 10(62) "Unquestionably, for the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve." THE LOVE 3(14) "Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women, children, much of gold and silver, branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. This is the pleasure of the present world's life; but Allah has the excellent return with Him." 19(96) "Surely the Beneficent will bring about love for those who believe and do good deeds. 85(13-14) "Surely He it is Who originates and reproduces, And He is the Forgiving, the Loving" 3(31) "Say: "If you really love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." THE TRUTH 2(186) "And when My servants ask you, concerning Me -- indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me and believe in Me that they may be guided." 50(16) "And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than his jugular vein."
@devilsadvocacy 6 жыл бұрын
Much as I agree with you, good luck with that one
@jlaleknas 2 жыл бұрын
This is amazing. I love that she got lost in her love for her husband! What a beautiful message.
@MlCKERS 2 жыл бұрын
Not a beautiful message, a tragedy actually . She could not connect with her greater self and has projected the divine onto her husband. I just hope her husband truly cares for her and stops providing the hooks for her projection so she can continue on her true path.
@dimitrispap777 2 жыл бұрын
@@MlCKERS and what is her true path in your opinion? searching for an invisible sky daddy? or hoping to live another life as a pig or a tree?
@shooglynail7278 2 жыл бұрын
@James Henry Smith evidence?
@sijoannjose3156 2 жыл бұрын
@@shooglynail7278 I am responding, because, evidence has to be searched by oneself..... If you truly want to know Real God, kneel down, Ask....I want to know who is the this pattern of meditation for few days or might take weeks....humble yourself, think you are just a human being, ask from your heart ,seek from your heart, believe there is a God ....., if you genuinely, very sincerely seek him, he might reveal himself... Because, if he is kind and merciful to me, everyone is same. He loves all of us , JESUS , my God , he revealed himself to me on 17.1.21....out of.his great mercy ,love and grace..Love you Lord.I couldn't take my eyes off him .what an amazing personality, no body is like him.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@scottharper9645 2 жыл бұрын
I have never had any spirituality or religious believe throughout my life but I consider my self a very moral person. I worked for 24 years as a psychiatric charge nurse on an acute locked ward in Honolulu quietly driving into town everyday next to my wife sharing our drive, breakfast, and lunch before driving home at the end day . My wife worked as the the head architect at the same hospital. It was unique being the only hospital in America started by a monarch. Queen Emma walked door to door asking for donations and then began construction in 1859. My wonderful wife would start each day in her office asking a simple question, “what would the Queen do?”. We felt these experiences allowed us to share a bond between us that has now carried us into retirement. You see we share meaning and fulfillment in lives as we move into the next journey of our lives.
@jeffforsythe9514 2 жыл бұрын
I guess that where you live more people go bananas.
@theeternal6890 2 жыл бұрын
Great. I had many spiritual realization and I am on my spiritual journey as a Atheist Hindu and I hope I will find myself soon.
@theeternal6890 2 жыл бұрын
@@jakejohn1256 I think it is deprived from his own moral values. Almost every one have that
@HeyImAedRianne 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah and no man is ever righteous, except... you know who He is. starts with "JE..."
@chrissonofpear1384 2 жыл бұрын
@Zoot Rollo And capable of stopping Inquisitions in their tracks, or otherwise alleviating them? Citation requested.
@AjitPatel53 2 жыл бұрын
My friend, a Brazilian woman, went to John of God and stayed in his compound for several days. Turned out when it was her turn to visit with him, his assistants took her into a private room next to the main hall. When John came in, he closed the door behind him, and has her sit on a mattress in the room. He then commenced to lay on her. Well you can imagine what he attempted which she resisted , and she ran out of the room and away from the "Church" screaming for taxi.
@richardlewin9282 2 жыл бұрын
🤦🤤😇go figure 🤷
@godsbeautifulflatearth 2 жыл бұрын
The same guy Oprah advocates for...? 🤔😒🤨
@theeternal6890 2 жыл бұрын
@@hulu8022 They are just pretenders, Spiritual Guru is only that one who really solves ur problem. Them can be a Doctor, a teacher, a scientist, a youtuber or ur parents or anyone as a spiritual guru who solves ur problems. Guru is a word like teacher we shouldn't trust blindly anyone doesn't amtter if he calls himself a guru or teacher or scientist or doctor.
2 жыл бұрын
John of god is in jail for the rest of his life for all the crimes he has committed! It's amazing how many so called "famous people" got conned by him!
@theeternal6890 2 жыл бұрын
@ why do u think its amazing. Do u expect famous people to be more intelligent or smart or something. At the end of the day, they are also fellow humans.
@shawarmageddonit 4 жыл бұрын
This video made me regain faith in humankind. The comment field made me re-lose it.
@deputyVH 4 жыл бұрын
She's right. We are all basically the same deep down.
@gauranga1008 4 жыл бұрын
shawarmageddonit what will do this with you?
@HELLH0WND 4 жыл бұрын
Humankind? Don't be that guy.
@skj158 4 жыл бұрын
@vintheguy 4 жыл бұрын
Gaug, bruh what is that video?
@jalalsalehofficial 3 жыл бұрын
Being Palestinian and not in a religion anymore is very eye opening. I've seen how every culture is gripped by a "god" with fear at their base reason for not straight up killing people.we are now mostly advanced and evolved enough in social interaction to just drop the fairy tales. We can work and coexist to create planet restoring technology
@ChangedWayz 2 жыл бұрын
unfortunately that is not true and as true as you want it to be.. God still loves you. and NO this is not hate or disrespect im just saying i disagree completely and God does too. Not just any God but Jesus our Lord and savior. A world with No god = no fear to HURT AND HARM people. Because thats what will happen or are you not living on this planet right now. May god shine his light on you. Peace
@jalalsalehofficial 2 жыл бұрын
@@ChangedWayz Not only did this not make sense. You are clearly mistaken, I used to be christian until my Christian family used the religion to literally molest me and make me feel guilty for it because ai didn't want what gods plan was. Is that the loving god you mean ? That allows this to go on in his name Jesus allowed me to be raped by my own blood. You have absolutely no idea who I am or my past do not give me your opinion as a statement of fact.
@jalalsalehofficial 2 жыл бұрын
@@ChangedWayz Now stop wasting your own time being a troll and do anything else useful while you are alive
@Ayd1th 2 жыл бұрын
you sound delusional
@jalalsalehofficial 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ayd1ththat's cool, are you a psychologist with a degree, Or is that just your personal opinion?
@lennychandler2457 Жыл бұрын
I think this is one of the best TED talks I have ever watched, not because of the topic, but because of the authenticity and emotion of the speaker. So touched.
@Sbannmarie 6 ай бұрын
@pbanders 2 жыл бұрын
Grew up in a religious family, church every Sunday along with church school, Friday church dinners. My parents social life revolved around their church friends. From the earliest times I can remember, I never believed a single word I heard in church. Didn't make sense from any perspective. Stopped going the minute I could. Went to school, had a fantastic career, married 35 years, kids, grandkids, happy, healthy and fulfilled. Never looked for any imaginary deity to "find myself", never needed to. YMMV.
@Tova-Barin 2 жыл бұрын
And what?….
@Jay-n262 Жыл бұрын
So what you're cutting people down because they believe in God or you're just looking for an argument!
@Mirthandirxiii 4 жыл бұрын
"In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves." ~Carl Sagan
@sarfaroshkhan304 4 жыл бұрын
Mirthandirxiii The deepest roots of religion is based on the premise that all things are doomed in one way or the other. There is no saving. It is simply not possible in this fragile existence. We exert our faculties to its limits for a million years and still wouldn’t be able to stop our end. What we can do, is figure out why we are here in the first place.
@Mirthandirxiii 4 жыл бұрын
@@sarfaroshkhan304 Well actually the roots of most religions revolve around the idea that life is somehow eternal. This is, of course, a manifestation of our fear of death. Ultimately, however, even the universe will likely come to an end af some point in the distant future. The idea of an immortal soul sounds good at face value but becomes increasingly odious as you ponder it. It's difficult to even grasp the idea of eternity. How long would it take before your thoughts are reruns. At first this may seem trivial but we're talking about eternity. Eventually you're going to be reliving thoughts for the millionth time, the the billionth and the trillionth. It would be maddening, I wouldn't accept it if was offered without a way to opt out in future. Don't get me wrong, I think my life will likely be shorter than I would like but eternity is too much. Way too much. As for the meaning of it all, I think the only honest answers are subjective. I don't believe any outside meaning need be placed on life, nor would I want there to be. We can assign whatever meaning to our lives we see fit, there is freedom in that you wouldn't have otherwise. I find that more elegant than "the purpose of life is _______." Indeed I would counter any similar notion by questioning by whom and by what rights was that meaning assigned to me.
@Tony07UK 4 жыл бұрын
@@Mirthandirxiii .. but, have you read what the Bible says?
@Tony07UK 4 жыл бұрын
@@sarfaroshkhan304 .. have you even made the effort to find out what the Bible says, so that you may be better informed?
@Tony07UK 4 жыл бұрын
The opinion of a human cannot compete with the truth that the Bible gives us. Human ideas and philosophy are unreliable - many people put their trust in fallible thinking, which is why the world is in the mess that it is today.
@deea6053 6 жыл бұрын
Simple to the point. BUT the hateful comments here are quite unfortunate! It's her story. She's NOT trying to convince us to be like her, or believe or not believe in a god/gods/God... Its just her story.
@harrymcnicholas9468 5 жыл бұрын
The problem with an open mind is when it starts leaking out of your skull.
@harrymcnicholas9468 5 жыл бұрын
I hear and read lots of stories and I see no moral point to hers.
@ossiedunstan4419 5 жыл бұрын
god does not has not ever existed , try researching the evolution of religion , doesn`t take long to get answers, and non include a god
@richworld5278 5 жыл бұрын
Then she should keep her story,if the aim is not to influence
@ossiedunstan4419 5 жыл бұрын
hateful replies ah , how about you justify the transport of Africans from Africa , their homes family culture and taken against their will to the america`s.So your proud for the fact women ,children and men where burnt at the stake for being witches , today week old children are being killed bye their mothers for being witches . Hateful fucking comment, I am an aboriginal of Australia and my people have been hunted , raped and murdered and vilified in our own lands, religion paid money for our skeletons not darwin, it was religion that stated we where not human but sub species ( genetics fucks that up). She took up a public platform and lied her fucking face off, and gave no evidence.
@chandlerbing700 2 жыл бұрын
For jains it is not infinite no. Of God's but there are tirthankars ( God's ) for specific time that maybe lot of years . I am a Jain too. Proud of you and your speech. Thanks. Really appreciated.
@vinalmeida Жыл бұрын
Absolutely beautiful speech. "We're ALL the same," and we must focus on all our similarities instead of our few and not helpful differences.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friends, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@Grandmaster_Dragonborn Жыл бұрын
Don’t agree at all - We must focus on our similarities & differences equally. Neglecting one opens the door to disaster. We are factually not the same, no denying it, can only embrace it.
@John-ls4xh Жыл бұрын
We may have similarities however there is only one us, with our own individual gene compounds and physical attributes and distinct personality. God created each of us individually and beautifully different,but no one is exactly the same in which needs to be highlighted...but alas perhaps you're correct
@tylersmyler 2 ай бұрын
@@user-uh6vy4mo3jwow, that's intense😳
@ZubairKhan-vs8fe 5 жыл бұрын
How beautiful that this lady is so passionately desperately seeking. I wish her well.
@markanderson9123 5 жыл бұрын
Desperate? She traveled the world. Her message has been heard by thousands. She has a success career. She's also found the love of her life. I'd say she's quite accomplished.
@kingnova980 4 жыл бұрын
@@markanderson9123 even being as accomplished as she is, she still wanted to find more. this says a lot about being accomplished. she wants more and it comes down to wanting more religiously and spiritually. everyone wants truth in religion and spirituality.
@catholiccrusader5328 2 жыл бұрын
Me too...
@stevenicol1 Жыл бұрын
@@kingnova980 No they don't, I have no interest in spirituality or religion. I think it's all nonsense.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Zubair! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@kamdembrandon3482 3 жыл бұрын
Open mindedness and experiencing life as it is without any prejudice what so ever is the key.
@trafficjon400 3 жыл бұрын
@halimj7 3 жыл бұрын
That’s not what the speaker did. She omitted the largest religions.
@willjewell6571 3 жыл бұрын
No, Jesus is the key. He is the way the truth and the life and he is the only answer. We need to repent and turn away from our sins and trust in Jesus as our lord and savior. Amen
@trafficjon400 3 жыл бұрын
@@willjewell6571 whats your problem then.
@archangel_metatron 3 жыл бұрын
Actually the real key is to avoid tasting what is called the second death even though it's not really a death. The second death is being stuck on this planet after it's struck by asteroids and sent out of its orbit toward the Sun. The lucky ones get out of here on what is called the New Jerusalem which is a spaceship and this is the beginning of the Kingdom of heaven. The only way to avoid the second death is to be killed for the word of God and bear the testimony of Jesus Christ which is prophecy. They will not taste the second death. Imagine being immortal on the earth never dying even though the Earth keeps getting hotter and hotter and hotter. There won't be any oceans left on this planet. But before all that happens a third of the sea life gets killed a third of the Green Grass and a third of the trees so it really starts going downhill after that.
@Nayz13 Жыл бұрын
Lovely talk ❤ But I’ve never understood why humans need to cling on to any god. For me, it’s enough to be content in not knowing everything but, instead, being present in the world we are in and perhaps we’ll find out more when we die. I’m content in being curious but I don’t feel lost or afraid without the answers.
@victormeshkov5987 Жыл бұрын
I feel you may have contradicted yourself. Obviously the topic of what happens after we die is important enough for you to express it in your post but then your asking why people need to cling onto any God. What’s important to understand is those you CAN have assurance of what’s what because God is truly revealing Himself through the personhood of Jesus Christ. Many have become witnesses to the reality of the Lord including myself and God wants to work and will in your life and not only give you assurance in this life but for you to also encounter His goodness for your life
@jesuschrististherighteous4884 2 жыл бұрын
Matthew 11:28-30 - “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
@tomwinters7651 2 жыл бұрын
Who is psalms 83,18
@jesuschrististherighteous4884 2 жыл бұрын
@@tomwinters7651 It's GOD.
@tomwinters7651 2 жыл бұрын
Jehovah so is Jesus a god
@MissCurious069 2 жыл бұрын
What is the meaning of this verse
@mossisgreener 6 жыл бұрын
Wish everybody Health, Happiness and Love always
@maxrav1831 6 жыл бұрын
Mosses Hon same to you
@crocopix 6 жыл бұрын
Lol .... your profile picture
@jeyhunhuseynov 6 жыл бұрын
THE HEALTH 68(42-43) "The Day the shin will be uncovered and they are invited to prostration but the disbelievers will not be able, Their eyes humbled, humiliation will cover them. And they used to be invited to prostration while they were sound." 26(78-80) "Who has created me, and it is He Who guides me; And it is He Who feeds me and gives me to drink. And when I am ill, it is He who cures me." THE HAPPINESS 6(17) "If Allah touches you with affliction, none can remove it but He; if He touches you with happiness, He has power over all things." 43(69-70) "Those who believed in Our communications and were submissive: Enter the Garden, you and your wives, in happiness." 13(28) "Such are the ones who have believed and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Beware! It is the remembrance of Allah which provides tranquility to the hearts." 10(62) "Unquestionably, for the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve." THE LOVE 3(14) "Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women, children, much of gold and silver, branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. This is the pleasure of the present world's life; but Allah has the excellent return with Him." 19(96) "Surely the Beneficent will bring about love for those who believe and do good deeds." 85(13-14) "Surely He it is Who originates and reproduces, And He is the Forgiving, the Loving" 3(31) "Say: "If you really love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." THE TRUTH 2(186) "And when My servants ask you, concerning Me -- indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me and believe in Me that they may be guided." 50(16) "And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than his jugular vein."
@shantube75 6 жыл бұрын
Health, Happiness...and you!
@triratna1397 6 жыл бұрын
You know that health, happiness and love are not always enduring. Losing one also means losing the others.
@losttribe3001 4 жыл бұрын
As I was leaving religion (raised Mormon), I stumbled across James Randi and I was introduced to methodological skepticism. I feel like a lot of the “nones” still fall into magical ways of thinking. There are plenty of charlatans willing to take in people who are searching for meaning. It’s important to be skeptical of these types of thinking and take up a scientific approach to verify the validity of the claims. I’m now an agnostic atheist. But I get we are hurting and searching. Life is messy. But be careful of people who will use you for their purposes.
@gauranga1008 4 жыл бұрын
@losttribe3001 4 жыл бұрын
gauranga1008 I watched it and this means nothing. It’s bunch of platitudes that sound deep, but I’m not impressed. How does this help pay my mortgage? How does this cure childhood leukemia? How does this fix the strife in South Sudan? Meh.
@losttribe3001 4 жыл бұрын
Mariem gafer Give up on fairy tales and start living life like this is all you got. You’re life will be more fulfilling.
@losttribe3001 4 жыл бұрын
gauranga1008 I do NOT believe in transcendence and have no need for it. To me, and scientific,y, we only live within our minds and there is ZERO evidence there are “energies” or something more. In fact, you illustrate how people just accept our favorite mental masturbatory thoughts, while writing off other’s thoughts. Just because you have bought into Srila P’s babble does NOT make it true. How arrogant to say others are “cheaters”, but you have the correct path?!? Just like a Joseph Smith... You are getting played for someone else’s ego because these seem deep. But they are not. I get we are searching for meaning, community and have been damaged. But that’s being human. As soon as I gave up all this nonsense, I even slept years studying Zen Buddhism, my life got better. I stopped buying into others ideals, and started thinking for myself. Best of luck to you, but I don’t need what you’re pushing along.
@User-hy6ur 4 жыл бұрын
​@@losttribe3001 So uh.. what made you come up with your username?
@MillicentStClaire 2 жыл бұрын
I love that her findings revealed themselves inside of the reviewing of the emails and how she illuminated the common denominators, Health, Happiness and Love.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Millicent Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@karencrock5918 Жыл бұрын
Our society needs this now more then ever...What a blessing this is-so thankflu to have found this speaks heapings to those who are humbled and open to hear it
@theafrican3752 3 жыл бұрын
10:46 So the Aladdin genie figured us humans out a long time ago - that we need only three things.
@natalie21601 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Appreciate this so much!
@remurraymd 2 жыл бұрын
Spirituality and God are different for everyone. Unity is universal.
@theeternal6890 2 жыл бұрын
@Grandmaster_Dragonborn 2 жыл бұрын
Can we really have unity?
@remurraymd 2 жыл бұрын
@@Grandmaster_Dragonborn Yes IF we remember we are small parts of a very great spiritual whole. We already have it. Most of US live in our divided ego and are not aware of it .Material life exists to serve the more important spiritual most of US have it reversed in our material monkey brains of 100s of 1000s of random material thoughts per day signifying NOTHING.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Robin! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@adriennesmith200 Жыл бұрын
This was beautiful. Thank you especially in this time in the world. It reminds us of how connected we all really are. ✌️
@Bozoned69 4 жыл бұрын
Reading the comments it's obvious most missed her message.
@Jared__Bowden 4 жыл бұрын
still sleeping - is that every KZfaq video?
@Bozoned69 4 жыл бұрын
@@Jared__Bowden I would agree. We see, hear, think, what we want most of all. It is just depressing to watch people misunderstanding such a positive message (at least from what I gathered) just because of strong held religious beliefs. I probably misconstrued her message as well but in a positive light.... I think she highlighting the fact we are all different but all have the same fundamental goals or aspirations. Regardless of creed, race, or geographical origin.
@esdrascardona6606 4 жыл бұрын
I would never miss anything, my aim is too true.
@mikeward1337 4 жыл бұрын
Why did most people miss the message..? Because most people are still controlled by their ego and lack of knowledge and truth. People who stopped learning a long time ago..
@shuten2904 4 жыл бұрын
maybe if she would make a point more clearly it would get more people
@cutiepatoody 4 жыл бұрын
This is the sort of talk that should be on TV!!! The world is starving for this kind of understanding.
@ehdhdhdbdhdhdydy2376 3 жыл бұрын
I think Islam is the true religion.. Allah is our creator.. Muhammad is the messanger of islam..we should Research and study various religions then you will find what is true...
@lithiabranxe7185 3 жыл бұрын
@@ehdhdhdbdhdhdydy2376 that’s the thing. Everything thinks THEIR religion is the true religion.
@autumn5852 4 ай бұрын
If people want to hear it, they’ll find it, nobody needs to be spoon fed.
@Agnet_Faze 2 жыл бұрын
I love the fact that she said "Even though I didn't find God....I have found...that we are all the same!" That's actually true...and being a Hindu I would like to say that Hinduism doesn't believe in many gods and goddesses...We believe there is only One God that can take many different forms and can have many different names... But Hinduism also teaches that the whole world is one family and that we should respect everyone the same and love everyone the same...
@mr_Iceman7 2 жыл бұрын
Do Hindu’s believe that God is Holy, perfect and just?
@Slo-ryde 2 жыл бұрын
@@Agnet_Faze well explained!
@mental9453 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr_Iceman7 Nope. No one is perfect. Hindusim has more than 20 schools of thoughts. It is very diverse.
@rebel4769 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr_Iceman7 it depends on sect of Hinduism
@mr_Iceman7 2 жыл бұрын
@@mental9453 Ooh I see. So what’s the motivation to follow Hinduism? What’s the ultimate goal?
@annahoward7949 Жыл бұрын
She did find God and she doesn't even know it. She found her inner Divine Spark, she realized humanity is connected and we are all one. God is within you and he is outside of you.
@clemb1794 6 жыл бұрын
This just goes to show that our deepest wishes transcend our differences, and unite us
@SHINOBIJACK 6 жыл бұрын
Exactly what she was saying
@scottstewart5784 6 жыл бұрын
i would love for there to be an afterlife. I think that might be nice. In fact, you could say I wish for it to be true. Having said that, that is hardly the basis for believing it to be true. The bible says this is all true, but only for those that believe it. So people believe it to enable their participation, not because it is true. Pascal's wager. I don't know about you, but i believe what i believe based on a rational decision making process, and not on what i wish were true.
@hibamerci1953 6 жыл бұрын
+Scott Stewart Maybe christianity isn't the right religion..we all know that the bible sometimes doesn't make sense, and not much can follow ideas that can't be grasped. However there is a religion which has many scientific proof to support it and has no error in this field. There is also logical proof to it. It's called Islam. Ask anything about it and you'll get your answer, you do not need to pretend you believe in anything in it, but ask and get your answer then see if it makes sense or not.
@nospeakenglish8385 6 жыл бұрын
God actually unites us if ACTUALIZE him for ourselves , as an individual, for OUR soul and mind . But most religion share one brain , gang mentality.
@inthecrosshairs4480 2 жыл бұрын
@frankmandrake8582 4 жыл бұрын
“Blessed are those who believe without seeing”. -JC ✝️
@stephenpack2202 4 жыл бұрын
Your not blessed .whatever that means....
@frankmandrake8582 4 жыл бұрын
@@stephenpack2202 With faith in Jesus Christ & a sincere effort to repent of sins, all are blessed. Suggestion.. 'get there' (whatever you think that means).
@stephenpack2202 4 жыл бұрын
Stop it with that nonsense!!! There is no such thing as sin!!!
@stephenpack2202 4 жыл бұрын
@@frankmandrake8582 there is no magical tree with magical fruit!!! No massive ark of Noah as there was no global flood!!! People turning into pillars of salt!!! No Jonah that lived in the belly of a giant fish!!! No witches!! no ghosts!! no angels !!no arc angels !!no demons!! no giants of old!! No burning bushes !! No talking snakes!!! This us also in your holy book!!! You believe such nonsense???
@frankmandrake8582 4 жыл бұрын
@@stephenpack2202 such thing as sin? According to who or what? The Bible of Stephen Pack?? Not for me thanks. I think Ill go with the testimony of eye witnesses who did attest to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "Knock & the door shall be opened". You & I both have a Saviour who died in our place, for the known 'sins' we've both committed. Without that selfless act & covenant that God created between He & us (belief in the Son, who takes away the sins of the world), we have no life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23).
@mollypinto4666 2 жыл бұрын
I love you for putting yourself out there and everyone else with you. Peace be with you and everyone, EVERYONE, far and wide 🙏💞
@wonder5570 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone stood up at the end. 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Wooo I'm sure the public loved it as much as I did
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@sanjaybhatikar 4 жыл бұрын
A scientist said "I have examined far corners of the Universe and found no God." The monk said "I have examined every part of this violin and found no music."
@raysalmon6566 4 жыл бұрын
Jesus is revelation of God Read the gospels
@Kagiso22 4 жыл бұрын
ray salmon read other books
@raysalmon6566 4 жыл бұрын
@@Kagiso22 Suggestions??
@abhishekphand4789 4 жыл бұрын
@@raysalmon6566 how about a science of 10th standard which says earth is round and not flat
@raysalmon6566 4 жыл бұрын
@@abhishekphand4789 Bible doesn't teach flat earth Besides I live in the middle of the Pacific Ocean it would be impossible to be FE
@siddharthraychaudhuri7250 2 жыл бұрын
Health, Happiness and Love!!! If we all worked and lived for each other there is no reason there should be be a dearth of these three! Wonderful wonderful talk!
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@fcmiller3 2 жыл бұрын
Health, Happiness and Love can only be found in yourself. Traveling to Brazil or Laughing yoga or Ayahuasca retreats take you further from what you seek. Matter of fact, in seeking you'll never find it.
@matthewbittenbender9191 2 жыл бұрын
There's a time for open-mindedness and a time for closing the door. There are lots of charlatans in the religion biz, let alone the main faiths, and those that have a deep need for faith are susceptible. It's important to understand that no matter what is said, ALL RELIGIONS are invented by man to either explain the unexplained, provide comfort in a time of need or just to take your money.
@nehakhanapurkar2231 2 жыл бұрын
True, may be all religions are created by human beings, but, who created universe. Who maintains and operate this universe, is the curiosity, humans have since ages.
@bengsynthmusic 2 жыл бұрын
It's always been and always will be about extracting money. Be it politics, religion, cultism, health, and so forth. This whole paradigm is about accumulation of resources for 80 years.
@leatui7 2 жыл бұрын
and science was not invented by man? (or woman?) You do not think that the rugged machismo of "I am strong enough to accept the non-scientific, philosophic conclusion that the universe is pointless and meaningless (tell me which scientific experiment showed statistical proof for meaninglessness?)" The dogmatism of the fundamaterialist faith is all the more irrational because it is so much easier to see through than the contemplative understanding of a genius such as David Bentley Hart.
@matthewbittenbender9191 2 жыл бұрын
@@leatui7 science isn't invented. It's discovered. The scientific process is an objective methodology you could argue is invented, but it's at least objective and logical. Can't say that for faith.
@leatui7 2 жыл бұрын
@@matthewbittenbender9191 I notice that physicalists almost 100% of the time don't read what people actually write, but only what they read into it. You notice I didn't say that science was not objective and logical. I said that fundamaterialism (which, I perhaps wrongly assumed, you would understand was a joke regarding physicalist beliefs) was an irrational faith. For example, my friend Marco Masi is a physicist who has written an excellent textbook on quantum physics for college students. He has taught quantum physics to high school students. I myself have a doctorate in psychology and have successfully conducted research, with one study being accepted for publication (that's 1 out of 1; i haven't tried to submit any others) So at the very least, you would say Marco and I have at least a passing acquaintance with the objective logical aspects of scientific methodology. So far, you and I and Marco are in complete agreement. Where we part from you is your assumption that anything that does not comport with the non scientific physicalist view often wrongly conflated with science is by necessity anti science, or merely subjective and irrational. Marco just made a marvelous video commenting on an article calling out biology teachers to be very careful to correct students who take a teleological view of evolution, which they say is unscientific. Marco is very careful NOT to defend the teleological view. He has NOT advocating that that be taught as scientific. He is simply pointing out that BOTh the non teleological view of someone like Richard Dawkins, AND the teleological views are philosophic, NOT scientific views. There is, by definition, no evidence, much less proof, that volitional and cognitive aspects of organisms do not have any influence on mutation. There cannot be any evidence, using current scientific methodology, as there is no way to provide purely objective "third person" evidence for the existence of cognition, volition or consciousness itself. I can tell you as a psychologist who had to struggle to find ways to analyze behavior and provide statistics for what are essentially cognitive and volitional processes, that science as currently practiced has, since the time of Bacon, eliminated first person accounts of volition, cognition, etc. In psychology we use first person accounts but as soon as possible convert those into mathematical and measurable processes - and we do NOT have ANY proof those first person accounts ARE accurate; we only take their subjective word for it. Even more so in biology and physics, arguments abound as to what animals - if any - are conscious, have feelings, have sentient experience of any kind; and now panpsychists can be found among some of the world's greatest scientists, claiming that mind of some kind permeates the universe. These are all philosophic speculations which are fine. But the physicalist, who believes science is the ultimate arbiter of truth and all non-materialistic views (wrongly lumped together as "faith" - since "faith" as understood by most Protestants, for example, barely is more than blind belief, and has little or not counterpart in such contemplative traditions as Dzogchen or Vedanta) - the physicalist believes that all non-materialistic views are anti-scientific, when actually, it is hard to find any doctrine in all of human history that is as thoroughly anti-scientific as physicalism. If you want a more structured presentation of these ideas, see Bernardo Kastrup's first two videos in his course on analytic idealism. Or read "The Conquest of Illusion," especially chapter 2, which is available as a free PDF online.
@kiratkaur2205 4 жыл бұрын
One of my all-time favorite TED talks💓
@atifaslam6809 4 жыл бұрын
Yeh but did you get it she was still confused ! Being realizing we all are human means we are not Animals . That is why we think of Creator who created us . Have you seen a Animal think about GOD? see the similarity now? between her and animals
@At1asTheProto 3 жыл бұрын
@@atifaslam6809 We ARE animals. Scientifically and genetically.
@atifaslam6809 3 жыл бұрын
@@At1asTheProto umm I have better category for you . you are made of atoms so you stone ! Please do not think or give opinion ! You are Animal :) Hope you stay Animal ! shush ! lol
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Kirat! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@MendicantBias1 5 жыл бұрын
Well said! She is a rare, honest, and open minded person unburdened by prejudice so common to faith and dogma.
@mlkyllo 5 жыл бұрын
Yet she is lost...
@kevinbrowne3089 5 жыл бұрын
Think about what you are saying. You are advocating the notion that those who hold to faith are largely prejudiced and likely not open-minded. Amiright?
@PredatorH2O 4 жыл бұрын
@@kevinbrowne3089 Yes. That is correct.
@jim409 2 жыл бұрын
It's unfortunate that people read a fiction and set out to find the character in it
@RiaSwiftHealing 2 жыл бұрын
I can't believe you guys think this is special. you all must lead very boring, common lives. Shocking really.
@sheikhammaar2117 2 жыл бұрын
I feel good after how boldly you put your life story. It gave me courage to face my past too.. Thankyou ❤️
@Jay-ate-a-bug 2 жыл бұрын
I am all for exploration of myself and commend Anjali for her search and what she discovered. I just wonder if she ever asked herself why believing in any type of deity/deities is so important to her. Many of us grow up believing what our family or culture say about "god(s)" so we never think to stop and ask why we should.
@bengsynthmusic 2 жыл бұрын
@richardowens9061 2 жыл бұрын
An interesting irony of God is that, whether you choose to believe in God, or not, everything else in the entire Universe remains exactly the same - except, for your perspective. Therefore, the actual existence, or non-existence, of God is completely irrelevant. Another way of expressing this is, in this very instant, either God exists, or he doesn't. And, regardless of which is the case, everything else in the entire Universe remains exactly the same.
@Jay-ate-a-bug 2 жыл бұрын
@@richardowens9061 Congratulations on saying exactly the same thing in two different paragraphs.
@9y2bgy 2 жыл бұрын
It's a good question. Infants are told to do something without being told why. Humanity was at its infant stage for so long, ignorant of our own level of ignorance, thinking we are the center of the universe, god creating specifically humans of all things and investing in us all god's virtues. Then we've entered our childhood wherein we began to suspect not everything spoon-fed to us has logical consistency nor truth. We are still egocentric, the proverbial frog in a well thinking it's the king of all that exists. We're entering our adolescence now coming to terms with our own staggering ignorance about the universe as well as our former arrogance in thinking we are the center of the universe. All life is unique, I suppose, but hardly central to the universe. We are not even a speck of sand in all the beaches in the world. So asking why we should believe in god/gods would contribute to personal growth, but in terms of solving world's problems, it's irrelevant. That's my opinion.
@Bez7yoS 2 жыл бұрын
@@richardowens9061 specifically, everything which is tangible remain the same.
@mechanicjobs 4 жыл бұрын
I hope and conduct myself accordingly. What a nice lady.👍🇨🇦❤️
@catholiccrusader5328 2 жыл бұрын
hat she is.
@arthuralthaus224 5 жыл бұрын
When I am asked if I beleve in God, I ask "define God and I'll tell you if I believe in that".
@luguzman199 4 жыл бұрын
@jurgenfischer7683 4 жыл бұрын
I give the definition and you give the answer: God is everything! So you are part of it, wether you like or not. This is, why we are all brothers and sisters.
@starlord3709 4 жыл бұрын
"for the lord god is a SUN" who had a *son that is a REPRESENTATION of the SUN: 2nd coming; he's coming back while being everywhere at the same time; walks on water; had 12 disciples = 12 zodiacs prophesying the Sun's location during the winter solstice; the SAVIOR of Mankind.. the moment you leave religion and reread that book it's all metaphorical and allegorical.. none of the characters are real including god
@chriskastner1938 4 жыл бұрын
He’s pretty much an all powerful ghost wizard, which sounds pretty stupid. Ngl
@BlakethaReaper 4 жыл бұрын
@@starlord3709 it is all metaphors but the fact is God is very real.
@Berjayacair Жыл бұрын
to everyone that searching for the truth, may their sincerity and genuine effort help them find the truth 😊
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Monocair! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@777xino 2 жыл бұрын
The soul speaks about and from love, joy, and unity.....the ego speaks from a very needy and vulnerable condition: craving after power and control, creating division and hatred as it wreaks havoc with the world. To distinguish the two within ourselves is a giant leap towards knowing what we are and what we are not. You can even say it is our life's purpose. Great TED talk and thank you Anjali for sharing it with us.
@pauldriscoll6319 4 жыл бұрын
A Very moving message, and I totally get it. She is very beautiful and intelligent, and has a very good moral compass. All of which comes from looking past who the person is but what it is that makes us the same as human beings.
@ehdhdhdbdhdhdydy2376 3 жыл бұрын
after researching on various religions i have found that islam is the true religion.. You can study Quran.. You will find the Truth.. I think..thanks
@pauldriscoll6319 3 жыл бұрын
@@ehdhdhdbdhdhdydy2376 I have no religion and believe in no god. Maybe the Truth is Treat others the way you would hope they treat you, and as equals. We are 7 Billion people on a large rock flying through an increadible universe. The one thing we can focus on is helping each other, loving each other and respect that we are all in the same boat and with compassion for each other we could forget differences and focus on the fact we are All as one... part of the human race.
@morganstubie 5 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed that she went out of her way, around the world, had an open mind, just to come home to the most simple conclusion and share it with us. It saves us loads of time and money :)
@RiaSwiftHealing 2 жыл бұрын
It was nothing. She did not have a very open mind. She had experiences. She didn't get much out of any of them.
@theeternal6890 2 жыл бұрын
@richardowens9061 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like she wasted her time and effort, as well as whatever money she spent on her quest, and here's why: The irony of God is that, whether you choose to believe in God, or not, everything else in the entire Universe remains exactly the same - except, for your perspective. Therefore, the actual existence, or non-existence, of God is completely irrelevant. Another way of expressing this is, in this very instant, either God exists, or he doesn't. And, regardless of which is the case, everything else in the entire Universe remains exactly the same.
@VeraPastaEthiopia 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry, I can't outsource such quests of life.. what if she was wrong ??
@victoriateel1347 2 жыл бұрын
@@RiaSwiftHealing aren't experiences what life is all about? experiences are something worth... experiencing! they tell us so much about life and the world and ourselves and others! and in the specific experiences that she went through, she discovered one thing that pervades through all time, all people, all cultures, all ethnic groups, all political groups, and all religions... and that's that we're all the same (like she said). we all want health, happiness, and love!! it may be saddening to think about how so many of us don't have those 3 things, but just think about how so many of us want those 3 things. that right there is so unifying! anyways, that's all i wanted to say in response. i hope you have a wonderful day/night!
@ghotwings 2 жыл бұрын
Amen!!!! Health happiness and love. We are all the same
@trafficjon400 2 жыл бұрын
happyness your so happy. when you feal the truth you will wish went insane.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Gernot! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@dogdooish 2 жыл бұрын
You, Anjali, are bloody wonderful, we need a billion more like you, NOW!
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Mike! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@NAKK786 5 жыл бұрын
There Is A Voice That Doesn’t Use Words. Listen. Rumi
@casper-sp5nf 5 жыл бұрын
there is for sure..
@ratchow6338 5 жыл бұрын
@omnilight_xl6324 5 жыл бұрын
@joelee5875 5 жыл бұрын
Good one, tanks'.
@stephenpack2202 4 жыл бұрын
True there is more to be found in silence is the mind no god!!!!!
@kardoyle 4 жыл бұрын
The message wasn’t about John of God it was how we are all the same based on all the emails she received.Great Talk !!
@yougurtbeautiful9895 4 жыл бұрын
@bundleofmemories5760 4 жыл бұрын
@@yougurtbeautiful9895 Thanks for the video I just watched I would like to say what is in my thoughts about all religions including yours mine etc. We are all superficial when it comes to religions we are all actors it's true. I see religions three main elements. First of all, it is an organized set of beliefs regarding the meaning of life and how one must live. Secondly, it is expressed through traditions. The last element, as he saw it, includes some form of personal religious experience. There are some positive aspects of religion that I would like to address though. Religions has the possibility of providing a level of psychological solace and security to an individual. Religions is a human invention resulting from the need for structure and guidance. That has brought the amount of division and trauma creation of different sects, abuse of wealth and authority, and endorsement of oppression, ignorance, conformity, and intolerance. So, obviously, religion is not ceremony, not dogma. Religion is not the continuation of certain beliefs. Whether you believe in God, or don't believe in God, does not make you a religious person. Belief does not make you a religious person, surely. The man who drops an atomic bomb and destroys in a few minutes thousands upon thousands of people, may believe in God; and the person who leads a dull life and also believes in God or the person who does not believe in God, surely, they are not religious. Religions does not lie through any organized belief, through any church, temple, masjid etc or through any knowledge, either eastern or western. Religions cannot be experienced. Life which is called relationship, has become a matter of routine, and made us think poor inwardly in any matters including religions there is no creative intensity, because inwardly we are poor, and therefore outwardly we try to fill that emptiness with belief, with amusement, with knowledge, with various forms of excitement in all religious life. Something, I would urge everyone to try. So just sit back and relax, empty your mind, and don’t be afraid to open it up to find out the truth. There you can find true religions and we would all see how superficial religions life we are all living.
@ehdhdhdbdhdhdydy2376 3 жыл бұрын
after researching on various religions i have found that islam is the true religion.. You can study Quran.. You will find the Truth.. I think..thanks
@joecoolioness6399 2 жыл бұрын
@@whoopdewhoop7154 I must not have a soul then. But what is a soul but a religious concept. It is meaningless. If one of the thousands of gods that man has invented was real, it would know what it would take for me to believe in that god. And so far, despite being baptized and taken to church most of my youth, has decided not to show that to me.
@davidcattin7006 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, nice lady. Wishing you health, happiness, and love - from Indiana.
@mohammedshafiqulislam7334 2 жыл бұрын
Even though i am not on the same level of how she thinks but... The way she expressed herself so beautifully!
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Mohammed! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@kathchoon4410 Жыл бұрын
Yes, she expressed herself beautifully but made no sense running about randomly to find God. She should have attended a church and also read the Bible to understand and find out who is God.
@gracemannion5315 4 жыл бұрын
This gave me spiritual peace
@inthecrosshairs4480 2 жыл бұрын
Other than trying to sound good. Can you demonstrate spiritual peace or better yet demonstrate a spirit?
@joehinojosa8314 4 жыл бұрын
I don't KNOW if I found "God" (which ONE) but IM ENJOYING THE JOURNEY!
@joehinojosa8314 4 жыл бұрын
@DeftieGamer Sometimes I leave my room so Definitely,a Journey! 🚖
@thomasrhymes8337 2 жыл бұрын
She is amazing. Love her story
@shantanumore7368 2 жыл бұрын
I'm feeling proud that youtube AI decided to show me this video through feed...❤️
@MichaelBrown-ds5ll 2 жыл бұрын
That is cool. AI is really advancing thanks to the efforts of all those who contribute to its development.
@kausamsalam8543 5 жыл бұрын
Not deep or unusual. Just interesting and thoughtful speech.:)
@ranjith5279 4 жыл бұрын
The spiritual journey is inwards.
@dan.j.k5879 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Ranjith what is your story
@samuelibrahim8650 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. This was a great presentation. Loved it.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Samuel! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@swatinupur8090 2 жыл бұрын
I love this platform, who welcomes everyone, like everyone. 😊
@dearNoorMohd 2 жыл бұрын
They don't. They don't welcome scholars
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Swati! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@cristenboyett6535 4 жыл бұрын
Girl you blessed 💜
@ajax9486 4 жыл бұрын
i was tearing up towards the end
@leetan1560 2 жыл бұрын
Love it! So true!
@giraffewhiskers2045 2 жыл бұрын
I love this speech! I think that we all need to at least respect each-other regardless of our differences
@mikeygarcia8271 2 жыл бұрын
You will find God if you seek Him with all your heart. I found Him and so are many others. Brother, God made a promise that those who seek Him with all their hearts will find Him..He was even found by those who never sought Him out of His mercy. I think those who doubt the existence of God and the afterlife must look at the claims of so many atheists and believers about their journey in the spiritual realm. Some in visions and dreams, while others had such mind boggling experience during NDE [near death experience]. These people who have such claims come from different ethnicities, social and educational backgrounds, and religious beliefs [including atheists] These atheists changed their views about God and the afterlife after their authentic Spiritual experience with God.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@giraffewhiskers2045 Жыл бұрын
@@user-uh6vy4mo3j I’m a wiccan but I appreciate your comment
@GhostMonkey772 4 жыл бұрын
I started drinking when I was 16. I would drink at parties, but I also started drinking alone because I was unhappy, and I was in a lot of emotional pain all the time. My mom was very aggressive when I was younger, and my brother hated her and so did I. He started hanging out with shady people, he started failing all his classes, he was never home, and my parents fought all the time. I also ran away several times. I was always trying to figure out a reason as to why I was here or what the purpose of life was. So, I started looking at different philosophies, religions, and beliefs. When I was 18 after I was hungover, I got on my knees and I prayed for the first time. I asked if God was real that he would show me he was real because I couldn’t take it anymore. I was crying when I prayed for this. At that moment I felt a presence come over me like a wind. It was barely noticeable, but it was unlike anything in my life I had experienced up until that point. I was surprised when I felt it and I remember saying “what was that?” after that experience I pretty much forgot what happened and kept partying, until my senior year when I got arrested. After my arrest, my parents lost all their trust in me and I was expelled from high school. I was told never to come back. At that time, I felt afraid and hopeless. That’s when I started looking for God, and I prayed that he would reveal himself in my life and that he would give me signs. My prayers began getting answered so consistently that I couldn’t deny that God was doing something. It was mysterious and compelling. I ended up in Church and started reading the bible hours a day. I stopped hanging out with all my other friends because they were continually getting arrested. I was able to forgive my family and myself and to ask to be forgiven. I noticed how at Church people were judgmental and how they formed cliques but were afraid to be around anyone else different from them. It increased my faith because I realized Jesus was not like that and ever since I was young, I saw people as people regardless of who they were. After a while, it’s like I could see God's presence was in my life and then it felt like he wasn’t, and then he was, and then he wasn’t. One day I woke up and felt more depressed than I ever have in my entire life. I felt like I was dying on the inside. That night I prayed, and I said, God, I don’t see my life five years from now I'm going to die Jesus save me Lord, please save me. I was weeping when I said it and when I asked him to save me, I felt a presence inside of me like a heartbeat, and I felt it once like a pulse, and I said Lord please save me and I felt it again even stronger. It was like radiance. When I woke up the next morning, I had transformed everything felt brand new like I was a kid again. All my fears and all my racing thoughts everything was gone. I looked at my hands, and I said this can’t be real it’s impossible. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw a different person. I started praying, and the holy spirit became entirely real to me it was washing over me and inside of me. It was total love and peace, and I heard a voice but not an audible one, it was an inner voice. It said I am with you; I love you, I will never leave you, it’s done it’s finished. That was May 3rd, 2009, and ever since then I’ve followed God, I have seen many things change and many things I know wouldn’t have changed without faith and belief. I know what it’s like to be lost to feel you have no hope. Don’t ever think you’re stuck, or life can’t change because it can. My mom is a Christian now, Its night and day. Some of the things that went away during that period were severe anxiety and my addiction to alcohol. I’ve seen and experienced so many things that are miraculous and seen how God has worked in my life. When we ask God to forgive us for what we’ve done and turn away from our sins and wrongdoings and we believe in Christ's sacrifice everything changes. His word says if we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that he died and rose again we will have eternal life but not just life after death but abundant life in the present. Our sins are erased not only past, present, and future but our burdens and fears are lifted also. Our thoughts, our minds, our hearts, our souls are transformed and united with God and we know his spirit lives in us. If you seek, pray, and knock you will know JESUS IS KING!!! HE LIVES!
@MrJabsify 4 жыл бұрын
Jesus has done a mighty work in your life and you explained it so well 👍
@brylar04speaks78 4 жыл бұрын
I liked your message but I see so many study’s that say your mind can make you believe these things your mind could’ve just sayed ok she’s sad so let’s make her believe this whole god thing and make her feel happy. I myself believe in god and I pray but it’s a true test a faith constantly with me because I’m so scared of death and I wonder is there really something after this life and how am I to be sure of it.
@chiragrulze 4 жыл бұрын
Amen. I was an atheist, anti god, anti religion. But after me and my non believing friends, encountered Jesus Christ many times miraculously and supernaturally, such as instant supernatural hearings, outer body experiences, near death experience literally face to face with Jesus, the love of God encompassing me like nothing else, , we all converted to Christianity from different religions. We realized, Jesus is the only way to God, as he has paid the punishment for our sins. One God, One Way, its Jesus. He is love. Follow him
@faisalwho 4 жыл бұрын
Food for thought. I am a Muslim. Allah the almighty (who Jesus himself prayed to) has been protecting me and guiding me. I’ve experienced miracles in my own life to such extents that I can understand and relate to how the people of Moses felt when the witnesses the sea part before their eyes. At one point in my life, when I feared for my life and feared that Allah wasn’t listening or responding to me I called out to Jesus to save me, and I vomited. Never in my life had I feel more repulsed. It was by Allah’s mercy is that I realized the problem wasn’t with Allah but with me, and that He has chosen Islam for all of mankind as His path, so when I accepted this my life suddenly changed. Allah made a way out for me as He so promised in the Quran if I followed His commands. The difference between us I think, I do not use the dopomine hits or the endorphin rushes or that tingly feeling as my reasons for belief, even though I feel them to (albeit it is more calm and overwhelming instead of fall on the ground and shake spastically). It is the external experiences that re-affirms my beliefs every single day. The realization that when you do your part, He will do His and keep His promises.
@carolbassant5396 4 жыл бұрын
@@MrJabsify Amen welcome to the family of GOD my brother
@johndunnejnr 6 жыл бұрын
My life is fractured by anxiety - this really cheered me up
@andrewvdbp 6 жыл бұрын
john denis dunne I will be praying for you. Hope to hear from you when breakthrough come! God loves you
@johndunnejnr 6 жыл бұрын
André van den Berg thanks. appreciate it :-)
@badmedicine1339 6 жыл бұрын
john, the cure to anxiety is Jesus Christ.
@7550375503 6 жыл бұрын
life: who's gonna know the difference in a hundred years? 'be no anxious....'
@cifge_404 6 жыл бұрын
Bad Medicine Yes! That is very true! :)
@vinlennox7658 2 жыл бұрын
How can anyone dislike this lady? She's lovely and kind and beautiful
@DD-np4bb 2 жыл бұрын
A beautiful and honest laughter there at 3:50 minutes. I was here as well.
@jdb5152 5 жыл бұрын
I did not go out to find God. You can’t. You can’t force it. You can’t say or try to “prove it”. It doesn’t work that way. When my heart was open and I was ready, GOD FOUND ME! That’s the way it works. And I KNOW. Far greater than faith. I KNOW. An atheist for 50 years. Now I KNOW. And I continue to feel Him frequently.
@rjbenchs5399 5 жыл бұрын
This is true God finds us we don't find him.
@trippinontussin 5 жыл бұрын
How do you know your brain just needed to stop working for a while and "give it to God"? Our brains can do weird things.
@mlkyllo 5 жыл бұрын
@@dynamize100 Actually ask and you will won't be logical, it's the faith of a mustard seed. God asks so little, yet it is so hard to do. It goes against our sinful nature and any logic we think we just believe. But once you can get to that point you will have your proof and will be filled with His will be amazing for you. God gave us a free will, so it will be up to YOU to choose...just as the video speaker didn't find, because she search through earthly "logic", God waits for us to get to a point to blindly say; God I believe and I need your's ok to tell Him you are of a mustard seed is all you need...I hope you are filled soon.
@christinemclatchie 5 жыл бұрын
I certainly never went searching for God either. He sent so many loving and kind people in my path though, but I couldn’t “hear” with spiritual ears at that time, because my heart was hardened due to trauma, rejection, depression and other things... But because God loved me, He kept on pursuing me... And I will be eternally grateful to God for lifting me out of the deepest pit of despair. My life has never been the same since I accepted the fact that Jesus died on the cross for my sin and took all of my pain upon Himself. Because I was such a broken human, the Lord has been healing my soul and mind bit by bit. He is the most wonderfully awesome God and Father to the Fatherless. Unlike people, He loves us unconditionally. That is just awesome to me! ❤️
@jdb5152 5 жыл бұрын
mark “ask and you shall receive”. Mark, this is a mistranslation. I know because I know you cannot “ask”. Again, it doesn’t work that way. One will know god when one is ready. He is asking you. When you feel him, and accept, unconditionally, you will know. And his spirit and yours will intertwine and will manifest in your body in a way that supports your knowing. It is deeply personal and different for each person. We are physical being, and God will interact within your physical awareness. But only when you let Him and you are *ready* to let him.
@lolacoker3069 3 жыл бұрын
I love her shoes!
@arabianseagull 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely marvelous adventure to find GOD! and respect your views/experience, I pray and hope for your true search conscience and expectations.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Saleem! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@jaipreetsingh6566 2 жыл бұрын
"He resides inside you find him there"- guru nank dev ji
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Jaipreet! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@thomash5390 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. We are fundamentally the same because I AM
@vinniedurrant 4 жыл бұрын
.....Here now
@jamesserna913 4 жыл бұрын
I am a subscriber on TED and at least for me, the contents on this channel are just amazing, reaching all kind subjects and the talks are always very interesting for those who have the pleasure to watch them.... In respect for the institution I have to share something with everyone here, something that is not about discredit or anything on that matters... Is just an Alert about how our world is complicated and we do have to be very careful in what we believe and yes, we have to judge specially everything related to religion and beliefs... I am Brazilian and those facts are true and very serious about John of God, as it follows: In late 2018 he was reported for sexual abuse by more than three hundred women who sought his help. On December 14, 2018, he was ordered to be held in custody by the Goiás court for sexual abuse of hundreds of women. On December 16, after being considered a fugitive since December 15, he surrendered to the police and was arrested. According to the Public Ministry, the total number of victims may exceed 330. In addition to sexual crimes, John of God was indicted for false ideology, witness corruption and coercion and illegal possession of firearms and ammunition. On December 19, 2019, he was sentenced to 19 years in prison. On March 30, 2020, the court granted house arrest due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I am very sure, Ms. Anjali Kumar didn't know that by the time of her research and these facts are for sure from after the video was released... Anyway her message is amazing and she delivered her message in the best possible... Great Ted Talk
@maskemo1 2 жыл бұрын
- According to the Public Ministry, the total number of victims may exceed 330 - On December 19, 2019, he was sentenced to 19 years in prison - On March 30, 2020, the court granted house arrest due to the COVID-19 pandemic Alright, what's wrong with these "numbers"? See a pattern, a motif?
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi James! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@robpalmer2050 2 жыл бұрын
Most interesting aspect of this talk: immediately after admitting that her emails did not represent evidence, but were anecdotal, she concludes the talk by saying she has *evidence* that “most of us want the same things”
@perrizepeda9638 2 жыл бұрын
Evidence of different topics.
@mygirldarby 2 жыл бұрын
That's nit-picking.
@alexi9108 2 жыл бұрын
My deepest respect!
@reddawn6257 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this. We need all the reminders we can get, that we are all essentially the same regardless of skin color, religion or beliefs.
@jeffforsythe9514 2 жыл бұрын
Some are good and some are evil, that's life.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@inimacam3945 5 жыл бұрын
She is beautiful , inside and outside . A good person .Thank you.
@arabianseagull 2 жыл бұрын
Just want to thank you Ms. Anjali Kumar for this beautiful experience.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Saleem! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@jayajay3090 2 жыл бұрын
Nanak Naam... How to see Divinity in everything. I feel humble, at peace, seeing these videos.
@allenegator5269 5 жыл бұрын
Health, happiness, & love. Please dont tell anyone.
@bonniechase5599 5 жыл бұрын
That surprised me. I really expected more people to ask for a closer walk with Spirit. But it's edifying to know and I appreciated her telling us that.
@h.a.stewart2756 5 жыл бұрын
One only look for that which is lost. All must give account.
@esthermaina8053 4 жыл бұрын
The darkness blinds people from seeing the Truth, The way and The life.
@sophiacavey8006 4 жыл бұрын
Meikie Fbbor The darkness is sin. The truth the way and the life is through God. And only God nothing else. and I can testify that is complete truth. All of those things she is saying people want; overflowing joy and happiness and OVERWHELMING LOVE GOD GIVES! It just goes to show how much we all want God and have an inner desire to be with him. Read the Bible and get to know God because all that is good comes from him.
@deepaknadar7782 4 жыл бұрын
@@mieko3705 you idol worshippers...come out of it!!....else you'll be damned for eternity!
@sophiacavey8006 4 жыл бұрын
Meikie Fbbor im not judging what you believe or anyone else I respect everyone. I sent that all with love just to explain what that Bible verse was about and what it meant according to the Bible. I was just trying to share my faith im trully sorry if it came out rude of disrespectful. I hope Have a nice day. Ill keep you in my prayers 😊
@shrimp0353 4 жыл бұрын
Sophia Cavey Sin doesn’t exist. It is simply a made up idea. Can you prove it’s existence ?
@deepaknadar7782 4 жыл бұрын
@@shrimp0353 sin is something evil...something immoral....something when done ,gives a unrestful feeling.....Whe you do things which are morally good and beneficial to other you feel warmtg from inside...That is the Spirit of God.....but when your deeds are evil like anger,jealousy,envy...there is feeling of unrestfulness inside you...never ending..which creates hate for if you say that you want to keep on sinning....i cannot change your mind....God has given you freedom ...we need to use it in the right way...!!Praise be to God!!
@lovesmirror5565 2 жыл бұрын
By prioritizing health, happiness and love, we are prioritizing god in every direction.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@josephjohn5864 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the insights.
@RobertDMoore 5 жыл бұрын
Wonderful talk it is! Happy to know what are the three things we all have in common and now I am at peace, moving on to try this way that humanity needs all of us to be reached with understanding of each other is sharing the only home we have is the Earth.
@jeffforsythe9514 2 жыл бұрын
Our true birthplace was Heaven and we should all be trying to return there but instead have chosen to play in the mud. Big mistake.
@lalehjavidzad6705 5 жыл бұрын
That was so beautiful. One of the best Tedx speeches ever. Thanks.
@Marchant2 2 жыл бұрын
The future of spirituality lies with the nones. The big box religions had their chances, and they blew it. This woman is wonderful, and she has a unique sense of humor. Great talk!
@podamis314 2 жыл бұрын
The episcopalians and the unitarians have pretty good records and even the RC's have many admirable members. I just don't see the need for any of it personally.
@gocanada9749 2 жыл бұрын
TIME TO GIVE RELIGION THIEVERY THE BOOT .... out of our lifes and out of our country
@nickderekyelli 2 жыл бұрын
Religion is divisive (and just plain wrong!) - Jesus Christ died to save EVERYONE. Follow Him!
@godsbeautifulflatearth 2 жыл бұрын
That's nice, but how will she pay for her sins...?
@Marchant2 2 жыл бұрын
@@godsbeautifulflatearth At what point on the path called your life did you take a turn at dimwittedness and never looked back?
@perrizepeda9638 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this woman's story that is so open, kind, humble, and unifying. And what so many comments here reveal is so far askewed from her message. Religions have both unified people and destroyed people. I have never needed to claim a religion to understand what is healthy and not healthy in any relationship. I am not here to convince anyone that I know I am the one who is RIGHT. That is pure arrogance. I hear the arguing and I am not impressed or persuaded. To each his/her/their own. Good energy is being kind, caring, and humble. No need to spout from religions' viewpoints to convince me of these healthy traits I live by.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Perri! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@mansamusa1743 6 жыл бұрын
May the giant Flying Spaghetti Monster guide her
@LaitoChen 6 жыл бұрын
@edwardgladden 6 жыл бұрын
Sotiris Krol r'amen
@mikewillsmusic 6 жыл бұрын
@alexmercer866 6 жыл бұрын
@smegmalasagna 6 жыл бұрын
Sotiris Krol Ramen
@ASS999ish 2 жыл бұрын
My sister was a nun for 50 years ! She's 79 now ! She's the coolest lady I know ! When it comes to my sister & wonderful kindness she shows ! She ran elder care centers for the Catholic Church ! I always say Love is God ! Not hate ! Easy to figure what love & action is to me !
@ASS999ish 2 жыл бұрын
To me the GOP is hate & Greed ! Ye shall know them by their fruits ?!
@raylopez1965gmail 2 жыл бұрын
@@ASS999ish Mmmmm, sounds like you don't eat your own cooking. I could go on about the child killing abortion loving Democrats... but not all Democrats deserve that.
@drsiege3434 2 жыл бұрын
I found myself applauding alone in my room. Profound.
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@drsiege3434 Жыл бұрын
@@user-uh6vy4mo3j prove it
@NativeVsColonial 2 жыл бұрын
This only shows how open-minded, tolerant Hindus are
@MarcGopin 2 жыл бұрын
she is Jain
@singhhimanshu0022 2 жыл бұрын
@@MarcGopin no difference
@mikewillsmusic 6 жыл бұрын
I can tell just by the title, that this comment section will be terrifically terrible.
@09csr 5 жыл бұрын
Well, one year later, it's kind of a mixed bag. But some of these comments, holy crud.
@jasonbranson448 5 жыл бұрын
I wish I could express my dislike for this video
@flashoftruth 4 жыл бұрын
@@jasonbranson448 Curious why you dislike it?
@w.8424 3 жыл бұрын
@@09csr another year later and I'm still scrolling down looking for the bad ones
@andrewprahst2529 3 жыл бұрын
@@flashoftruth In the name of unity, this video tears down the things that make religions unique, as if they aren't important and very different. We pursue very different things through different religions.
@judywillis2345 5 жыл бұрын
TRUTH! Every human on this planet! Keep the LOVE, COMPASSION AND HUMILITY flowing Folks!
@user-uh6vy4mo3j Жыл бұрын
Hi Judy! Please read! 💗John 3:16💗 The TRUTH! Religion is what you have when you don't have Jesus! All religions say do this and don't do that and maybe you'll make it to Heaven. God says DONE! His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ did Everything that was necessary to save you Forever when He shed His Precious Blood on the Cross as a Complete Atonement for All your sins, past, present, and future! And Rose again the 3rd day Exactly as He said He would! You can do nothing to deserve or earn or keep your Salvation! It's All Jesus! There is Only One God! Jehovah! The Great I Am! He is Perfect LOVE! The Only thing GOD needed to do to save us was to satisfy His Perfect JUSTICE! So He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to Pay in FULL the debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay! Friend, there is only ONE WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven! You must be God's own Righteousness! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the exact bullseye. And we All have! We are born into sin and must be born again! The INSTANT you place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior He dresses You in His Own Righteousness! He washes you White as Snow! He will Never judge you according to your sins because He was Judged in your place and has set you FREE! You can Believe on Jesus Christ today! Just Pray to Him! Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and BELIEVE in Jesus's Finished Work on the Cross and His Resurrection! God LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! 😀💗😀
@dianatolian Жыл бұрын
This was very eye-opening and really helped my spiritual loss 🥺
@jeremiahemarubesie3976 2 жыл бұрын
True...We are all the same Just the mere and miraculous fact that we share life is overlooked.
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