My Little Pony G5 - It’s REALLY Bad

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beat fox15

beat fox15

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Bro, where's the "PonyFans" content? ;)
Intro by Dumbsville: / @dumbsville / brickboicarti / dumbsvillechannel
Talk Sprite by SoupandSalt: / soupandsalt / soupandsalt / @soupandsalt
Thumbnail by PhoenixPeridot: phoenixperidot?... / @phoenixperidot1420 phoenixperidot?s=...
Additional Art by Lyxus: Abysmal_Lucien?s=...
"snitch! ⊗"/Ken Carson edit by znn2x: • snitch! ⊗ znn.2x?igs...
Twitter: / beat_fox15
Discord: beat fox15 # 8075

Пікірлер: 938
@dumbsville Жыл бұрын
brony youtuber
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
What if Ken Carson was a Dinosaur?
@ballmunch6714 Жыл бұрын
@@beatfox15 this is a certified 100 gecs white boy moment
@enderwalkgang Жыл бұрын
Stop looking in a mirror
@ycaklyee3380 Жыл бұрын
Very observational I see
@6-dpegasus425 Жыл бұрын
Based brony youtuber
@doggycatalan Жыл бұрын
They made Twilight stupid, literally one of her most obvious character trait is that she's smart, and they made her stupid.
@cuterblueloveuwulilathepig3556 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, this is really bad.
@xoninity 3 ай бұрын
fr i mean i get she can be stupid in stressful situations, because obviously she can't handle it. but what the hell it's just two ponies arguing??? they can just do some communication and the arguement is done, like actual adults. but nooooo, "twilight" steps in and like removes all magic??? that.... doesn't make any sense 💀💀💀💀💀
@Cloud_.wuce. 3 ай бұрын
@@xoninityFR like they could’ve made a new generation about flurry heart,sweetie belle,apple bloom,and scootaloo and twilight’s students
@xoninity 3 ай бұрын
@@Cloud_.wuce. REAL I ACTUALLY LIKED THE YOUNG MAIN SIX IT WAS OS UNIQUE??? could've been a better gen 5 😭😭☹️☹️☹️
@dreemurrreborn9782 2 ай бұрын
​@@Cloud_.wuce. YES I'VE BEEN WONDERING WHAT HAPPENED TO THOSE GUYS! Like where's Flurry Heart? I feel like if she was in g5 then we could've figure out what she does and what her cutie mark could've been. Cause that question has been stuck in my mind for a long time and tbh I wanna see a grown up version of her. As for everyone else yes Applebloom, Sweetiebelle, and Scootaloo also Lil Cheese would've been perfect for g5.
@TheSongGame Жыл бұрын
honestly, i was fine with g5 being its own thing, but when it started changing the g4 lore, like come on, g4 had an ending with a resolution, friendship stuff, book closing and all that, felt like a nice bow on top to wrap the series up for good, then hasbro came back, tore the bow apart, blew it up and set it ablaze like "haha jk lol twilight actually started racism version 2 and then died or something idk"
@TheSongGame Жыл бұрын
the only way i see them coming back from this is making it so that twilight starting racism was just propaganda told by pro-war dictators and wasnt actually real or something, idk im not a billion dollar company
@steampunk-llama Жыл бұрын
Yeah it should’ve been it’s own established continuity. G4 gave little nods and references to prior gens in the form of reimagined G1 characters like Capper and Tirek, but it very clearly made them unique to G4 rather than insisting they were the exact same entities. You can still watch the first G1 movie in its own vacuum since the existence of the G4 Smooze doesn’t retroactively change it from being a huge threat, they can both exist freely and both play into the respective strengths of each continuity. Meanwhile everything G5 has been developing throughout its seasons completely retcons all the efforts Twilight and her friends made throughout G4 just so they can justify the new protags going through similar storybeats, and makes Sunny and her friends look like ripoffs instead of being their own characters
@Kmn483 Жыл бұрын
Counterpoint: Every other generation changed the prior generation's lore. Remember that each generation isn't a sequel of the last. It's a reimaging of the series itself. The past of g5 is NOT g4. Yes it borrows very heavily from g4, but consider g5's past as an AU of g4, rather than g4 itself.
@JamesP7 Жыл бұрын
@@Kmn483 Counter-Counterpoint: The prior generations never claimed that any of ones before were connected. This is the first generation that flat out confirms that the characters and events of the prior generation are canon to the new series.
@mcKaeyaa Жыл бұрын
You know why its ended in a book? It was a story/novel. Hasbro literally bought these fictional characters to life and said "yea this totally makes sense"
@Barakon Жыл бұрын
Earth ponies had magic in Gen 4, it was just more subtle than this show & more akin to super strength & atonement to the earth than straight up plant powers.
@TheFunnyGuy9000 Жыл бұрын
Pinkie Pie
@charleyjay5057 Жыл бұрын
​@TheFunnyGuy9000 honestly, Pinkie Pie was her own kind of magic lol
@thepoopfarter290 Жыл бұрын
@@charleyjay5057 Bro is just built different
@comfortme Жыл бұрын
i’n pr sure they were also associated w fertility too tho? i believe that christmas episode they mention how ponies wouldn’t be able to exist without the earth ponies (due to their crops) n vice versa. i dont think they ever clarified but i think it’s more about the understanding of botany due to their connection with earth. dont think this justifies them magically growing them instantly tho lol
@Barakon Жыл бұрын
@@comfortme idk, maybe it could have been more like bending in avatar but done to plants.
@6-dpegasus425 Жыл бұрын
The movie gave so much potential, I've never seen potential wasted so hard in my life when the series came along plus the special, animation, lighting, story, even the VOICES all took an L??????
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
Yeah lol it's awful
@TwinaWina Жыл бұрын
i did not watch the series cause it looks goofy but i loved the movie
@LadyLeomon Жыл бұрын
And I’ve never seen a movie dump all over the prior series so hard! Seriously this movie expected us to believe that once there wasn’t a literal Princess of Friendship around to tell them to all get on … they regressed so hard they essentially went back to the Pre-Celestia Days??? Just how badly did Twilight f*ck up for _that_ to happen?! Good freaking grief 😒😒😒
@wooshbait6023 Жыл бұрын
​@@LadyLeomon and if twilight fcked up that bad that the tribes started having huge conflicts enough to seperate them, then where are the windigos? Why is it only ponies? Where are the sea ponies, hypogriffs, changelings, etc? There's no way ALL LIVING BEINGS would just isolate. TWILIGHT WHAT DID U DO
@xanderalexander6800 Жыл бұрын
The series took a damn nosedive into a brick wall
@maravreloaded Жыл бұрын
To put you on perspective, the peppy-fashion character: G4: Rarity was an entrepeneur with a fashion career. G5: Pipp does LIVESTREAMS.
@Soggycheeseee 3 ай бұрын
All they really did was just like change the designs of rainbow dash, pinkie pie, and rarity and put them into Zipp, the unicorn girl or smth, and the live streamer
@AppleCinderr Жыл бұрын
I feel like no one talks about how just UGLY the ponies look. Their faces are just unsettling, and uncanny valley, they look like a middle aged lady named carol. 3D does not translate well, and even though the textures themselves do look good, but the actual way the ponies look just feel wrong, not to mention plain. This uncanniness can be seen most in twilight because we all know her original design, and she just looks terrifying there. Thinking about it I think it’s the weirdly human lips, teeth, and especially THE EYEBROWS that put me off the most. They remind me of those old barbie movie graphics but without the ironic charm. This might just be me but I really do NOT like the ways these ponies look.
@jermfanaccount Жыл бұрын
Twilight's the most uncanny one imo, it's her teeth and how realistically organised they are and it's just,,, it's cause of that the art style never really stuck with me
@staria1591 Жыл бұрын
THANK U BRUH. i never watched anything of the new gen tbh befause it looks so ugly
@kirac3662 Жыл бұрын
I don't know what they have to do with remakes in 3D, that's why I couldn't and won't be able to make characters that can't even be drawn as crystallys or discord :(
@devonwhite4706 Жыл бұрын
I thought I was the only one criticizing the ugly, cheap animation. It’s a complete downgrade from G4’s iconic animation style!
@Robohead-z6z Жыл бұрын
At least their eyes don’t take up half of their faces. The eyes are big in g5, but not as big as g4. I get that big eyes=cute, but the eyes are too big.
@Inky_Dotzz Жыл бұрын
The only kids they are pandering to with this social media references is to Ipad Kids it seems lmao
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
I fear to the future children watching this show 💀
@bumblebeeproductions1673 Жыл бұрын
@@beatfox15 I’ll show them G4 and say that’s the last of the series
@tararosabelle7368 Жыл бұрын
@@theautumnwind8437iPads, iPhones, devices like that should always be monitored by guardians when it comes to kids. Idc if you were an iPad kid and turned out fine. Truth is in many households it is because parents don’t wanna have the responsibilities that comes with being a parent and will give kids devices so the parents have time for stuff they wanna do rather than focusing on their kids like all good parents SHOULD be doing. I’m not saying it should be outlawed for kids to use iPads I had one to, but even mine was monitored. A lot of these parents who got iPad kids just prove in many ways that they do not care about their kids like they should be, even if that wasn’t the case for you, you’d be wrong if you want to deny that’s the case for many.
@DominikaHare Жыл бұрын
Considering they don’t know how to write, I would find it difficult for them to understand the concept of what the hell shadowbanning is.
@Luzuname Жыл бұрын
​@@beatfox15 I fear for the kids that had to be surrounded by a fandom filled with bronies that were horny for little ponies. Its meant for kids lol
@sinnamonsol Жыл бұрын
Tbh my take on it is that it feels like there isn’t really any heart into it you know? Lauren Faust wanted to make a show with enticing characters and not just every other baby show where kids are talked down to. This is one of the main reasons g4 took off as much as it did, because it had an actual story. Lauren was an ACTUAL ARTIST that had views and passion for the show whereas g5 … just feels like every other Disney jr type show you’d see nowadays. I’m going to be completely honest… I haven’t even finished watching episode one of make your mark. It’s so unbearable to sit through and it feels like those shows your forced to watch while baby sitting a little cousin. Like if it didn’t have the mlp franchise name on it, I wouldn’t be watching this show. And my last thing is I wish I’d had just been a reboot instead of trying to connect off of g4. G4 had an amazing ending and it was, well, AN ENDING. it didn’t need to be continued. It feels like the only reason hasbro decided to continue it was because of its huge success, however in the process if feels like they’re also sort of ruining g4 characters and story. Like??? Twilight seemed so out of character. And that DRAGON DUDE. Mlp didn’t have any of that “haha fart burp” type of humor but this goddamn dragon brought it to it. It looks like a character from that stupid dragon mobile game ad. (Look up pink dragon meme on TikTok and you’ll see what I’m talking about 😭) LMAAOOOO anyways sorry for the paragraph I’m just really passionate about my hate for g5. (Also sorry for bad grammar English isn’t my first language)
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
First off, thank you so much for your comment it always nice to see others opinions on certain topics. Good job ❤ but yeah I totally agree with your whole comment, the show is really bad and has very little redeeming qualities. I’d rather watch paint dry than look at that show again lmao 💀
@devonwhite4706 Жыл бұрын
Exactly, That’s how bad this gen is everypony, and it is plain disgraceful to Lauren Faust and how it disrespects the source material!😡 And also one thing I need to bring up for G5. Why is there exactly ZERO epic or memorable moments in the story?! And also a few things, what happened to the other villains? Where are Twilight and her friends? Where’s anything from G4?! But the biggest question, WHAT THE 🤬 HAPPENED TO THE REAL GROGAR?! If G5’s supposed to be a continuation of G4 then they are failing pathetically, and tremendously hard!😡
@sinnamonsol Жыл бұрын
ALSO one more thing I just remembered that I don’t like about g5. I hate how they’re just making everyone alicorns left and right. Like 😭 THERE WERE ONLY EVER MEANT TO BE 2 IN THE FIRST PLACE, LUNA AND CELESTIA!! 😭😭😭 and now we got Sunny and eye burning Opaline over here becoming them like it’s an everyday occurrence.
@psychotophatcat Жыл бұрын
Well Spike had some burp/fart humor in the early seasons, before they let him just be the more unique snarky self care king he deserved to be.
@Lugiamasterbrony Жыл бұрын
Didn’t they do a whoopie cushion joke in a season 8 or 9 episode? Also g4 so far has more alicorns. Heck people joked that starlight was going to become an alicorn.
@yallaintit Жыл бұрын
It's like they did the opposite of everything that made G4 popular 😭
@theggamer2824 Жыл бұрын
This may be a unpopular opinion but I feel like they shoulda stuck with 2D animation all the way because attempting to try to recreate the NG movie is impossible. Kinda like tangled the series. And if they really wanted to try 3D animation they should try a sequel movie. You know what I’m saying right?
@djtundra8011 Жыл бұрын
2D > 3D
@Commenter839 5 ай бұрын
On one hand, yeah, making the show in 3D was a dumb idea, since it's really difficult to make it look good on a TV budget, let alone look as good as a movie. On the other hand, if Tell Your Tale is any indication of the art style this show would've had in 2D, maybe it's for the best they didn't go that direction lol. I also feel like hiring on celebrities to voice the main characters in the movie was a dumb idea, since they'd obviously be too expensive to keep indefinitely. G4 had real voice actors do the voice acting, and everyone in that show sounds great!
@vivianbrights8953 3 ай бұрын
@Angel-DJ-Gaming 3 ай бұрын
IIRC there is another series on Netflix based on Gen 5 that actually uses 2D animation called "Tell your Tale”
@leaf8781 Жыл бұрын
Wait twilight got rid of everyone's magic? WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT!? HER ENTIRE CHARACTER IS LITERALLY MAGIC SHE LOVES MAGIC AND IT'S PART OF FRIENDSHIP WHY WOULD SHE GET RID OF SOMETHING THAT UNITES THE PONIES!? NO WONDER THEY ALL LEFT TO THEIR OWN DEVICES. Brrrrrrruuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh Whoever this generation of twilight is, is an imposter! Anyway that bit aside. I feel like connecting MLP gen 4 to gen 5 was a big mistake on the writer's part. MLP for each generation it has, never needed to connect it to the last most recent generation. The only reason gen 4 keeps getting referenced is because it was the most successful, but it really didn't need to be that way. Gen 4 didn't need to be a part of gen 5 the idea of that is cool and all and as an old fan I appreciate the attempt but I feel like it's putting a damper on things. I would've loved this show! But it had to piggy back off of gen 4's success and it does it very poorly 😔
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
Imposter? Amogus 📮😱😱😱 (real)
@DragonGirl2000 8 ай бұрын
​@@beatfox15 *Inserts Imposter music*
@leaf8781 4 ай бұрын
​​@@beatfox15 the way I rewatched this entire video thinking it looked familiar only to figure out that I have already seen this and I made a comment and everything. anyway yes the imposter is amogus
@rzephh 4 ай бұрын
Right like her element is literally magic?????
@whyology. 3 ай бұрын
After breaking out of stone, Queen Chrysalis took over Twilight's throne as an imposter
@Catpaw616 Жыл бұрын
16:56 The Cutie Mark Mix-Up is literally a downgraded version of A Royal Problem lmao
@fangirlfanatic7075 Жыл бұрын
A Magical Mystery Cure was the first thing that came to mind for me 😂
@PLumPony Жыл бұрын
A Royal Problem is the worst MLP episode. Starlight is Mary Sue.
@Catpaw616 Жыл бұрын
@@PLumPony How
@monaalona4744 Жыл бұрын
@@PLumPony Starlight isn’t a Mary Sue though she isn’t flawless and the story doesn’t revolve around her.
@TAWProductions2.0 Жыл бұрын
​@@PLumPony That is objectively false. You sir are lying.
@lovedreamer4122 Жыл бұрын
I remember liking the G5 movie, such a shame to see how this generation turned out and quite honestly I think it's gonna be as short lived as G2
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
I'm thinking it will last till next year tops, then they give up and do G5.5 or something
@bobfromanimalcrossing6754 Жыл бұрын
@@beatfox15 i hope if they make G6 it will be cool
@melodystrike6725 Жыл бұрын
@@beatfox15 i hope when this gen ultimately fails, they go back to what they had scrapped. The redesigns of the mane 6 looked so amazing and the story/assets they were piecing together sounded really interesting. I remember when they were talking about how g5 will be catered to young adults. Boy did they take a whole different direction.
@golden2night Жыл бұрын
@@melodystrike6725 we in the bad timeline to have ended up with the dumpster fire that is G5
@doe1077 Жыл бұрын
“I thinks it’s gonna be as short lived as G2” Good, here hoping for G6 to be better
@twika4033 Жыл бұрын
The main issue with this characters is that they have little to no room for growth. In G4 characters nad some goals they wanted to achive like Fluttershy wanting to overcome her shyness or Rarity wanting to become a famous in the fashion role. Here only Sunny Has some potential for development. She just got her alicorn powers and she still needs to figure out how to use them. But the rest? Pipp is already famous, Zipp became a detective and is good at it from the start and Izzy doesn't have anything for her other than being the quirky crafty friend.
@ZentaBon Жыл бұрын
That and traits they were working Twilight was rude and antisocial while also perfectionistic. Rarity was greedy sometimes or self absorbed. Rainbow dash sometimes got too competitive. Fluttershy had a hard time putting her foot down. They all had ""negative"" traits they were working on. These characters are all hunky dory. Pipp COULD overcome her social media addiction but I doubt she will. Social media is so incredibly unhealthy for people let alone kids. That shit WRECKED my self esteem when I was younger and having it be a regular part of the story made me really pissed off. I watch ponies for a fun fantasy world, not just a repainting of the modern world.
@ZentaBon Жыл бұрын
(Ps I like when characters have negative traits. It shows people that you don't have to be perfect to be a good person.)
@typervader Жыл бұрын
@@ZentaBon Excalty, the G4 characters had flaws and goals, they felt real. The G5 ponies..are bascailly perfect with no flaws.
@Tijopi11 5 ай бұрын
@arianna1906 Sunny in the movie was arguably naive and wishful to a fault, could be pushy with her ideas, and had tunnel vision while looking for the crystals. Sunny in G5 is the MC yet somehow has the least characterization out of all of them..
@williamboy1116 Жыл бұрын
I hate the social media stuff tbh 😒
@sxylvnys5425 10 ай бұрын
I hate Pip in general bro
@belaaacs 6 ай бұрын
Yes, it's so annoying, I want to see a fantasy about magical ponies, not social media
@cuterblueloveuwulilathepig3556 4 ай бұрын
Same here >:(
@Cloud_.wuce. 3 ай бұрын
@@belaaacsFR ponies shouldn’t know tiktok thats for the human realm bro
@capyisnotemo 22 күн бұрын
I liked how the ponies had no social media or other stuff and actually inspired us to go out and do something but this is literally the opposite of that
@AdventureHusky Жыл бұрын
At least FIM had story and characters to make buying the selloutish merch worth it. MYM just makes me wanna buy a pip doll and toss it off the highest mountain to see how long it'll last before it just crumbles from the death defying wind speeds alone.
@liquidnation9992 Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of that one episode of the office where Dwight destroys a baby stroller testing it’s durability XD
@matthunter4826 Жыл бұрын
Same! I bought some G5 coloring books to burn the pages.
@liquidnation9992 Жыл бұрын
@@matthunter4826 You are a true mad lad. This one is going in the book of badassery!
@matthunter4826 Жыл бұрын
@@liquidnation9992 Thx man! I always wanted to be one.
@-Burch 3 ай бұрын
Literally. Sure mlp and eq girls were made with the intention of selling toys, but you could tell HEART went into the storylines and music. They actually made good media with it, unlike g5 which just wants to make as much money as possible.
@mcKaeyaa Жыл бұрын
G4 is better than G5, literally.
@supersonic2175 Жыл бұрын
That’s just a fact lol
@jason6263 9 ай бұрын
I really fucking hate G5 i honestly would accept it if they just fucking kept the same style as how they made mlp G4
@daniellepatterson6278 9 ай бұрын
To be honest definitely yes because it is Absouloutly the best ever made in general though g5 is not that bad I like the hd and I like misty too
@gablit-gt8kk 5 ай бұрын
Generation 4 lasted 9 years which wasted my life
@laurasuvanto3419 5 ай бұрын
No doubt abt it
@justanonbinarynerd-ne9tt 5 ай бұрын
Lauren Faust said that earth ponies *have* magic, but not in the way that unicorns and alicorns, though.
@mattarificwolflink9280 7 ай бұрын
Kids being on social media is cringe in general kids can’t be monitored there and MLP basically supporting 5 year olds being on social media just feels so morally wrong
@tylermccaw8092 5 ай бұрын
“Mommy! Can I have a phone for my birthday like how the pony has one, so I can be a social influencer when I grow up and have a non-consequential future?”
@aaa5126 4 ай бұрын
Not to mention most social media is 13+ as it should be
@maxxx429 Жыл бұрын
I hate how every show for kids now has to have phones, KZfaq or other socials, i know it's a big part of our reality but Especially in fantasy settings it really ruins the mood. These new Cartoons sound so stupid some times that makes me scared for this new generation of children, the industry doesn't care to teach a lesson or make kids grow, they just want to make a lot of money but Cartoons are so so important for children and their development, it's really sad to see this decline
@pawtleopard 4 ай бұрын
Honestly it's so depressing and disgusting. The biggest reason that I love MLP fim it's because not only is it a comfort show but it actually has genuinely good lessons that even adults can apply into their lives. Whenever I'm having a really bad day or feel angry I watch an episode of My Little pony and it helps me make better choices and be a better person.
@Cloud_.wuce. 3 ай бұрын
@@pawtleopardexactly I agree with you the whole movie is trash ponies shouldn’t know youtube or tiktok any social media only in the human realm but as animals?! Just crazy mad
@WretchedRaymond45 Жыл бұрын
im glad you talked about the modernization, its just so bad and unnecesary. also they're just ugly, one of the things that ruined the show (and movie) for me was the art style of the ponies, why are they so punchable. also i love your editing
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
Thank u I appreciate gang ❤️
@user-gi1gh8fl8w 4 ай бұрын
that is not twilight sparkle, that is sprinkle sharticle.
@cat.2558 Жыл бұрын
Just pretend it doesn't exist 🗿 I can't believe G4's hard work is all ruined
@wave6553 Жыл бұрын
The obsession with social media is so jarring.
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
Idk it's what the kids like nowadays so just do that but lazy lol
@Cloud_.wuce. 3 ай бұрын
@@beatfox15as a kid buddy i agree with you G4 is much better
@vinnie-chan Жыл бұрын
Also, I'm agreed about influencer thing. Phone addiction is real, her trait is not funny, it's harmful.
@Corgipon Жыл бұрын
Exactly. They’re just following through with the same synthetic social media theme as other toylines of today, like LOL Surprise. What happened to the more natural and magical theme MLP and other toylines used to have?
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
Come on, influencers have been a thing since thw dawn of civilization.
@Cloud_.wuce. 3 ай бұрын
@@anotheryoutubeaccount5259i dont care how long they planned this or acted for this this movie is sh-t
@soupstar2088 Жыл бұрын
Okay completely off topic but DC Superhero Girls is honestly amazing for no particular reason other than it gives me a good bad nostalgia. (If that makes sense)
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. Yea, I completely understand while I am not nostalgic for it, I watched a couple of episodes with friends a while ago and honestly, it’s good. I do see it as a show that got ended to soon and it can be really funny sometimes in a weird way. (“If that makes sense” to you back lol)
@hirammontesdeoca3826 Жыл бұрын
The show is literally written by Lauren Faust. As expected, is [actually] good! Or at least, is fun to watch. Characters are fun, though…
@East9211 Жыл бұрын
This video was more entertaining than the whole G5 series
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
So true, BASED!!!!
@chenrhrh Жыл бұрын
lol It's true! XD
@snowprincess8394 5 ай бұрын
Look at twilight 😂 she looks like someone mixed her face with uglieness
@cuterblueloveuwulilathepig3556 4 ай бұрын
YES :)
@middusk9540 Жыл бұрын
I’d rather watch G4 again. Forget G5.
@eletgres519 Жыл бұрын
yea because g4 is actually pretty good!
@milospehar-barnhart1643 Жыл бұрын
i would rather watch all 9 seasons of g4 again than one episode of g5
@sonicroachdoggjrraven3263 Жыл бұрын
That’s what I’ve been doing.
@adamoftheadirondacks9851 Жыл бұрын
Agreed huge massive time!!!! In my opinion, no my little pony generation will ever beat g4. #Long live My little pony friendship is magic!!!
@JinnYoungKim Жыл бұрын
Well... I feel ya. I'm okay with G5... but it's quite a disappointing show. Hmm... New games, new tv cartoons always make me exasperate.
@BUGFlower413 Жыл бұрын
As I think I've mentioned in another videos before, I think one of the main flaws in G5 is how hard they're trying to tied it to G4. It just creates a lot of inconsistencies in both generations and messes so many things up about G4 (reason why I don't even consider it canon) That is honestly sad since, looking at the movie and its characters and the new Equestria they made, it's obvious that it has a lot of potential, yet most of it was wasted into a generic, non-interesting story. I've only watched the first 2 episodes of MYM and it completely lost me, so the only thing that still keeps me in touch with G5 is Tell Your Tale, since I think it is still good at least (and Pipp, as ironically enough she's my favorite character from G5 so far thanks to TYT giving her more of a personality, so she might be one of the few reasons I'm still somewhat interested in this new generation)
@TheRealMissAcorn Жыл бұрын
These are my thoughts exactly. G5 tries too hard to tie in with g4, and it does create a lot of inconsistencies and plotholes. Honestly, g5 would've been tolerable if they had their own universe. Even if all these plotholes ever get explained and filled, it still probably won't make a lot of sense.
@jonathanwade3882 Жыл бұрын
I would say that Zipp is one of the few reasons I’m still interested in this generation. The only *good* things I do love about g5 is that the main characters are most certainly better than G4’s (not sunny).
@BUGFlower413 Жыл бұрын
@@jonathanwade3882 Tbf Zipp is my second favorite since I feel both pegasi sisters are the most developed characters, so I see your point. (Idk if I'd put them over the Mane Seven tho bc they literally have Applejack and I love her)
@jonathanwade3882 Жыл бұрын
@@BUGFlower413 oh yea. I can’t put them over apple jack either. She’s just the best
@sugaryvanity Жыл бұрын
​@@jonathanwade3882 Better how?
@ImmaLittlePip Жыл бұрын
I do like the characters especially their movie versions but it really does feel like G5 is aimless where to go and who their audience is G4 despite being made for kids didn't talk down to their audience like g5 did (well not all the time there are some moments in s1 that did) also can we get rid of batch releases in general and go back to weekly releases. I feel like the long hiatus is killing any potential hype and discussion for mlp much like it did the Jojo fanbase
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
First off, thank you for your comment, I love to see it ❤Also, yea I do agree with this it's honestly so tiresome to have to wait what seems like 20 years for the next couple of episodes lol. Tbh, G5 is just lame and I wouldn't be surprised if it ended earlier than excepted lol
@ImmaLittlePip Жыл бұрын
@@beatfox15 Also phones for horse don't make any sense dem hooves will scratch the screens I mean g4 kinda pushed it with human like tech working for ponies but the steam punk stuff was pretty cool to see sometimes especially with how the early seasons handled it Also I don't know why I can't bring myself to hate Pipp she has all the character traits I usually hate in shows but I just like her she's one of my favorites lol
@Tristen-Clan Жыл бұрын
​@@ImmaLittlePip I think you all are just trying to spread hate to the developer's and make then quit making everything else for everyone like they could quit doing the Netflix stuff some of us like to watch and much more. Are you all trying to make the developer's to quit their jobs to ruin everyone's else's favorite shows or whatever on Netflix and much more? If you are hope your proud..
@ImmaLittlePip Жыл бұрын
@@Tristen-Clan Bruh no one is saying that
@Tristen-Clan Жыл бұрын
@@ImmaLittlePip you son have to say it, it's easy to tell with all your words, plus why else we you all hate my little pony new generation 5 or so
@kanishymayana6351 Жыл бұрын
It's no wonder the show is bad in comparison to the movie, almost all of the people that worked on the movie got replaced But luckily the G5 comics look very promising
@vinnie-chan Жыл бұрын
No one cares about comics
@MILDMONSTER1234 Жыл бұрын
@@vinnie-chan Sombra fans do
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
@ElSujeto9010 Жыл бұрын
@@vinnie-chan I do because Discord
@Topdoggie7 Жыл бұрын
​@@ElSujeto9010 Depressed Draconiquis.
@krystal_klawz Жыл бұрын
I am so glad that I grew up with mlp fim back in 2010 and not this abomination of a new generation. It was a great show and I find myself revisiting the show and watching some episodes sometimes. Now that I’m almost 19 and see what my childhood show turned into, it disappoints me…
@bapiivxx8868 5 ай бұрын
These poor kids these days watching shows written by ai or completely totally for profit. No love from these animators.
@maravreloaded Жыл бұрын
G4 followed a group of young adults having problems that anybody in a family could have. G5 follows Gen Alpha kids with TikTok.
@Cloud_.wuce. 3 ай бұрын
FR G4 is a childhood life G5 destroy the kids
@Aelvir114 Жыл бұрын
My main beef with the two new shows is the removal of almost ever fantasy element: most of the buildings are late-90s/early-2000s style buildings and the buildings, backgrounds, and scenery are Al hyperrealistic. This clashes with the whole point of not just G4, but ALL the previous generations. The series was clearly built around the world representing a world that children would imagine when they play with the toys the show is based on. Hence why there was very little modern things. Sure they had cameras, modern-looking ovens, and all that, but they are all altered to that fantasy aesthetic. G4 took that up a notch by having the artstyle have a very German Expressionism (ie: Nosferatu 1922, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, and The Golem trilogy), with a surreal, light-hearted flair. Which is why most architecture looks historical but also a surreal quality to it. And even when it does have modern things in it like household appliances, cameras, and the like. It’s not out of place because it’s changed to fit the style. Take for instance, Rarity’s glamorous outfit designs and her own personal decor. Her decor is very Louis XVI and Victorian inspired. Her outfits she makes tend to have designs clearly taken from the Victorian, Edwardian, French Revolution, etc. eras. Like a lot of her hats are blatantly inspired from the “picture hats” of the Edwardian era. What their world considers fashion and in-style is something the modern world considers outdated. And I think all that works really well. It makes for an interesting world. But G5? Nah, let’s make everything hyperrealistic and make it look at late 20th-century for no reason. The smartphones could have worked. But the fact they made them look and function EXACTLY like real-world smartphones just doesn’t work. It clashes too much with the world they’re in, as modernized as it is. If you wanted to put in Smartphones in a successor to FiM, I think having it as something made by the Crystal Empire could work, having it be basically made out of crystals could honestly make it work. But they inserted real-world phone with no changes. Great work, guys… also Twilight showing up in the show with what looks like her appearance from when she first became an Alicorn instead of the older Twilight from the end of Season 9 is proof that the writers and designers of the new show either haven’t seen FiM or didn’t even work on FiM, or both. Fun fact: my own kid (who loves all the previous gens) said that both of the shows look terrible and I never seen him laugh once while watching it.
@belaaacs 6 ай бұрын
You're right, what irritated me most about G5 was the constant reference to social media, like tiktok
@blackmule 5 ай бұрын
It feels like they think children are stupid or something now, and that they NEED a relatable universe that look like the real world to feel invested And wtf? Children like magic, creation, escapism, worlds where they can become anybody and be able to dream Nothing looks magic in this poor sad copy of the real world it's like they don't want children to dream anymore
@Aelvir114 5 ай бұрын
@@belaaacs My comment has not aged well as since then I have watched the movie, the Netflix show, and (painfully) caught up completely with the KZfaq 2D side series. Thankfully outside of the movie and the first 2 chapters of the show, they’ve dialed back on the social media references and whatnot. I still do maintain that the smartphones looking like real-world smartphones is kinda dumb and should’ve had a MLP style flair to them.
@Aelvir114 5 ай бұрын
@@blackmule I’m going to say that comment I posted has not entirely aged well, I have since watched the A New Generation film as well as all of Make Your Mark and up to where they currently are with Tell Your Tale. It is honestly not as bad as I thought it was. While they do have the social media stuff with Pipp, it was pretty obnoxious in Chapter 1 & 2 but they heavily dialed it down in subsequent episodes (thank god). You could tell the movie and the first 2 chapters were trying hard to use social media references to capitalize on the relatable mainstream trends with kids. Thankfully after Chapter 2, it seems they finally realized that wasn’t going to work and used the smartphone and social media as simply part of that world and not meant to be a focus. After the first few chapters, the show definitely improved and felt a lot more grounded on what it wants to be. The first two chapters felt like they wanted to appeal to both old and new fans but Chapters 4 and onward definitely drew me in, especially with their realistic portrayal of abuse and being isolated since childhood with Misty’s character. For what Make Your Mark did for Chapters 4-6 I think it did pretty well and wasn’t outright terrible and did some things better than FiM. Tell Your Tale, however, I feel is still pretty weak, the artstyle is not my cup of tea but some shorts were good but the majority of them are Pipp episodes and usually revolve around her salon when it’s not about her online presence, and you can definitely tell it’s written by completely different people from Make Your Mark.
@voriaeveningflame Жыл бұрын
I agree, I HAAATTTTEEE pip. I adore her design, but I HATE her as a character. I utterly despise her
@rabio02 Жыл бұрын
They fucked up some of the most important lore from g4, they mentioned and even SHOWED MULTIPLE TIMES that a lack of unity between the pony races attracts windigoes and thus leads them to extinction. The new gen just fucking threw that out of the window from the movie onward. like just make a new series atp ????
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
But there's no magic.
@itsmebianka4983 6 ай бұрын
About Opal’s design… I can’t spell her full name … but regardless has anyone else noticed the lighter patch around her mouth ? I don’t see many people talking about it and I don’t see any other pony’s having it but it looks so gross !
@thedreamchasers7252 Жыл бұрын
Bruh, if I was to take a shot every time you used the metal pipe drop sound effect, I'd be freaking dead 💀
@BleedingGrafitti 11 ай бұрын
G4 animation was iconic and wonderful. 3D graphics just make the ponies look creepy and unnatural. Just because you can use 3D graphics doesn't mean you should. I just can't beat or mimic the silly animation styles that made G4 mlp so addicting. I'm so tired of companies spamming the whole "realistic" approach with fictional animals. They try way too hard and it comes off as so unappealing.
@adamkalb1 Жыл бұрын
Oh, I feel very sorry for Maitreyi Ramakrishnan right about now. How could she go from Priya Mangal in a great cartoon like Turning Red to Zipp Storm in a really bad cartoon like Make Your Mark? Because the original premise of A New Generation did not sound very promising to me for anyone who cared about G4 My Little Pony in the previous decade, I saw negative reviews like this one coming when I talked about this a year earlier.
@TuberoseKisser Жыл бұрын
Genuinely don't care about this franchise but I oddly enough like to listen to people discussing it.
@WhitneyMcDuck1987 Жыл бұрын
Oh my God. It's times like this I wish that Friendship Is Magic didn't end. Jesus. This is bad.
@nevaehmunnings8611 Жыл бұрын
Trust me, you’re not the only one who hates pipp 🥲
@moonrabbit9621 Жыл бұрын
I've thought about it for a while, and i think i know why the vibe of this show is just so weird. I think it's 4 aspects that cause it: 1. It's a continuation of G4. G4 does not need to be continued. It ended, and it should stay that way. Twilight making the three crystals to stop the ponies from fighting or whatever is just so unbelievably out of character and negates the past 9 seasons of FIM, which throws off the whole setting. 2. It's 3D animated. MLP is a show that works best in 2D. The 3D animation just looks kinda...weird. All of the super bright and beautiful scenery from FIM looks dull here. I don't know if it's a color issue or lighting issue or what, but everything looks so generic. 3. It has been dumbed down and panders way too much. pretty self-explanatory; the show is targeted at only very young kids-not families-and treats them as if they're stupid. it's sad. 4. The main reason (imo): the usage of modern technology, specifically smartphones. MLP is a fantasy world. It has magic, talking animals, mythical creatures, flying ponies, etc. To add something as realistic and mundane as the use of cell phones makes the world feel less...magical. seeing pony kids on their phones is just too reminiscent of real life. everyone is already addicted to their phones, we don't need that aspect effecting the MLP world too. Pip is the biggest example of this, which is why she's so unbelievably cringy and infuriating to listen to. I can't explain it that well, but the fantasy aspect just feels so lost. if anyone has any other ideas I'd love for you to share, I'm curious what other people think about this.
@sxylvnys5425 10 ай бұрын
Can we just call Hasbro and scream at them
@sadisticspirit1460 Жыл бұрын
It fills like a basic kids show Not a family show everyone can enjoy
@Kittyboi. Жыл бұрын
I actually like Opaline´s design, the show just doesn´t do it justice. I also feel like earthponys always had magic, even in g4. It´s just more subtle. I mean if they didn´t why would Terrak bother going after them for magic?and Alicorns have the magic of all THREE races so my theory is that earthpony magic just became stronger over the years after being condenced into the crystal.
@BetamaxFlippy 3 ай бұрын
I swear when I saw G5 Twilight from people's screenshots I laughed for DAYS just from how bad she looks in this style, really can't make this up.
@cryingrightnow7928 3 ай бұрын
@Peach-Rush 3 ай бұрын
Young children are extremely smart and they like to think and talk about the lore of their personal interests. This show just feels like the writers believe kids are braindead
@perrilewis180 Жыл бұрын
Pip is the microcosm of My Little Pony Tales series. You know, trying to be modern even though anything modern will be dated in 5 years.
@Starlightclod Жыл бұрын
After the movie it all went downhill, and it’s really sad. I think the ppl working on it are just the wrong ppl, and they don’t understand the message and the story of g4. I hope that when this gen dies and we get another reboot, that the right ppl are apart of it. Who understand the importance of the story and characters.
@lbolen4304 Жыл бұрын
Ima be honest as soon as they announced the movie i already didnt like the sound of where g5 was going. The movie did surprise me with how well the animation looked and the backgrounds along with the voice acting and characters but there never really was much plot to it even then. Things just happening for the sake of it happening and special magic items that end up saving the day- plus i dont think sunny really earned her wings for what she did either. I really liked izzy in the movie cause she seemed like a energetic hippie type and as someone whos pretty much like that i loved her- until the show that is when they decided to make her pinkie pie 2.0…. What gets me the most is the plot holes and inconsistencies to prior g4 lore. For example the baby dragon is born with wings which we learned dosent happen with dragons and they grow them later on through there version of puberty- not to mention his powers can just do anything now??? Like he swapped there cutie marks in one episode- that was literally the plot to what at the time was gunna be the damn finale of the show and that spell twilight casted and remaking the spell to fix it WAS WHAT LITERALLY MADE TWILIGHT EARN HER WINGS- and they just made a baby dragon do it- on accident- not to mention where are the wendigos? But the biggest issues is the kick to the face all of g5 is to g4- “oh yeah twilight successfully brought world peace and friendship to all the people of equestria! ….until 5 seconds later after you werent looking and then everything went to hell again and now these new ponies have to do what the last cast did all over again!” The twilight hologram made me pretty upset to sense i saw it as a missed opportunity to make the spirit of harmony come back and do something similar like they did with the young 6 but nope- the new evil allacorn is a pretty disappointing villain for me to sense her entire motive is just to have all the magic for herself and for no reason. Its just another power hungry pony- the mirror plot line was really dumb to- i guess they where trying to show how narcissistic she is?? I havent even watched tell your tale because it already looks like its just pony life 2.0 and that show was already a blatant copy of teent titans go which i could at most call it a shitpost show. Also is jazz just gunna never have here ears…? Theres so many shots where shes missing them and youd think theyed notice something like that… i guess the earthpony magic is kind of neat? But it dosent really add much. Misty to me just feels like a hunter clone… overall this show just didnt need to be connected to g4 and could have been its whole new thing sense they arent even bothering to follow cannon anyways- Tldr: my disappointment for g5 is unmeasurable and my day is ruined
@sharaheartsixx Жыл бұрын
Not to fucking mention that the small resemblance of a plot this new gen has.... THE MAIN CHARACTERS DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT IT. The fact that this entire generation just feels like Pony life because the "actual show" is dog water 8 episodes and 2 bland specials.... It truly is disappointing.
@lbolen4304 Жыл бұрын
@@sharaheartsixx yeah exactly they arent even trying to solve the mystery of who opaline is at all there just mindlessly doing random stuff that dosent contribute to the plot and the only reason misty almost succeeded multiple times is because the whole cast except for zip are idiots-
@victorhurwitz5559 Жыл бұрын
Since not sense but you were close not gonna lie.
@stellasy7130 Ай бұрын
They should have just made a movie about Luster Dawn (like making friends and possibly restoring the elements of harmony) or the cutie mark crusaders
@Soldantae 4 ай бұрын
G5 acts like young children cannot comprehend fantasy without inserting some kind of social media reference.
@emphodius833 3 ай бұрын
Might be me but I just don't like 3d animation for cartoons, they almost always look bad and even if they're good they still leave off a bad taste for me. Also, let me just mention that Gen4 animation and art was so goddamn good, I really don't know how they did it.
@felsiccanis Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you mentioned how out of place Zipp's detective schtick is. It's completely out of the blue and it feels like the writers were like "Zipp needs a gimmick." And then pulled a random hobby out of a hat.
@LukiKruki Жыл бұрын
I think Pipp being singer, social influencer is great idea but she should way more stoned, matured to it. Make her behave like Black Gryph0n or somebody else similar to it.
@TheFunnyGuy9000 Жыл бұрын
Markiplier or Jaiden Animations
@maravreloaded Жыл бұрын
17:06 Remember. Remember when it was SO HARD, like Lv. 100 Unicorn Magic to change Cutie Marks? Remember Magical Mystery Cure? Remember the problem that caused in their lifes? you know "a true true friend~" and goes along. Remember STARLIGHT? Who's power was basically CHANGING CMs! Starswirl the Bearded being one of the most powerful unicorns out there couldn't finish his Mark Change spell. Starlight being a f-cking OP prodigee unicorn that beaten Twilight Alicorn more than 6 times. She had a reason. Remember all that? Now it's BS and a f-cking BABY DRAGON can do it. Because HELL NO!
@DetectivePhatWeedington Жыл бұрын
What no father figure does to a person
@xboxed7202 Жыл бұрын
This is what happens when you revolve your life around entertainment brands and never go outside. Please touch some grass.
@Spinelsofficalwife Жыл бұрын
God the 2010 was such a pleasant for cartoons I just wish we could have that again
@hi-tr1bt 8 ай бұрын
I didn't watch any mlp gen 5 content after the first movie, so i genuinely paused switched tabs and screamed when i saw twilight. how did thewy fuck her up so badly. they gave her big ass eyebrows. she ended mlp gen 4 like an alicorn why does she look like she was still kinda young here. im sobbing crying screaming throwing up they messed up my favourite character
@Naiseokai Жыл бұрын
off topic, but is it just me, or is it just that shows that are targeted for little girls nowadays have been so low lately. franchises such as rainbow high, MLP G5, etc. have been modernised and are just too hip and trendy. they have mobile phones, references to social media, slang such as #relatable, pop songs, etc. the fact that they have mobile phones in a show that is made for little kids is not good, especially G5. it's unhealthy and can lead to little girls becoming phone addicts in the future. speaking of mobile phones, the issue with mobile phones in My Little Pony is that not only does it make it non-fantasy themed and feels really unfitting. it's the fact that they are HORSES using god damn phones with their big hooves. how the FUCK can they scroll, click and type properly with their hooves? if i were a pony and i'm using a mobile phone, the screen would be filled with scratches. now for the non off topic content. G5's writing is so low lately, and i'm already know i'm gonna have low hopes for chapter 4 like i did with chapters 3 and 2. just because it's a preschool show doesn't mean it has to be this bad. shows such as bluey, sesame street, arther (?) and more have much better writing than G5, and they are preschool shows. while G5 does try to make morals, there is little educational value. morals such as "work and communicatie together" are used over and over again (especially in Tell Your Tale) to the point where it becomes repetitive and some morals in G5 are bad, such as an episode from Tell Your Tale, which is Sparky's Sick, teaching that if you're sick, just eat sweets and smoothes instead. that's not a good moral. it's unhealthy and will not make you feel better. the continuities between G4 and G5 are lacking so bad. there are no wendigos in chapter 1, despite that the 3 pony races were FIGHTING, earth ponies always had magic because cutie marks, cutie marks haven't even disappeared, despite that the magic was gone, no other fantasy like animals or other animals in general expect for a dragon and those small animals with corns, a dragon being born with wings and lastly, sunny and opaline being alicorns, despite not having the right requirements to become one. opaline becoming an alicorn remains unknown, but sunny literally became an alicorn by a picture and for bringing back magic, which made me dislike the ending of the movie. even if it tries to make continity to G4, it will make no sense and may cause a character from the previous generation to have their character ruined. twilight creating crystals all because an earth pony got hurt by a unicorn (and i think wasn't even severe, just a minor hit) feels really out of character. twilight would have talked to the earth pony and the unicorn, but creating crystals it just weird and ruins her character, and because of this, i consider G5 to be non canon to G4. the 3D animation is so cheap. there are times when the characters move so weirdly, the colours are way too bright, and the lighting is awful. this generation is so disappointing so far. it's just a generic little kids show. i would not recommend little kids watching this.
@albatross1688 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, I'm getting sick and tired of this fandom trying to make G5 out to be much better than it actually is, and making me feel as though I have to walk on eggshells and judge it in a vacuum (which would still not make it good). Heck, hot take here, but I don't even think the ANG movie is as great as it's made out to be either, but at least that's better than the vast majority of G5 so far. Opaline's song is maybe the one G5 thing I'm actually kind of into.
@fri2k 3 ай бұрын
i cant belive they made spike hd
@psychodarling666 3 ай бұрын
i'm on life support after this editing style please help
@beatfox15 3 ай бұрын
I'm sorry I'll pay for the medical bills
@Bunni504 Жыл бұрын
I can’t get into g5 no matter how hard I try. Yes it’s a kids show, but so is g4.
@domajackthesheepoid3948 11 ай бұрын
If G5 had focus on the Student 6 and took place a year after Twlight started her rule over Equestria. I think G5 would be better...
@mochaismilk 4 ай бұрын
Like, whyyy. We could've had it in a school setting possibly with the main 6's kids in as cameos too. That sounds way more interesting than this
@Barakon Жыл бұрын
Too bad they couldn’t strike lightning in a bottle twice.
@sharaheartsixx Жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with literally all of this. Honestly if you look at the concept work for G5, all of it is amazing. From the early development of bringing back the Mane 6 to developing the G5 characters. Even the basic concept of the world I think is great but the execution? what the actual fuck. I really enjoyed the movie as a good start. It was a fantastic base for the show to IMPROVE upon. But it didn't. I disagree that Izzy and Sunny stayed the same because Sunny is so bland and boring in the show, Izzy went from being a quirky artsy character to a more annoying Pinkie pie with destructive behaviour and Hitch. don't get me started. From a charming, brave, but ultimately kinda overconfident yet still caring guy to... a crybaby paranoid himbo with a dragon. He went from one of my favourites to least favourites in the show. Zipp is the only good character, and with Pipp, tbh I don't mind the connection to G4 and I don't mind the more modernized world of Equestria, I just wish it was executed better and Pipp was less of an obnoxious influencer character, because most influencers DONT ACT LIKE THAT. The characters are so inconsistent personality wise with what little they have and the story has absolutely no substance and none of them have any actual goal to work towards. In G4 not only was there an overarching plot with the friendship lessons which evolved to greater lessons in the later seasons, but each of the main characters, even Spike, had personal goals, ACHIEVED THEM and strived for bigger ones. There's none of that in this show, and with how dogshit the release schedule is all we really have is the web series with the most low brow, unsubstantial, random bullshit to call G5, which wouldn't be an issue if the actual show was somewhat worth talking about.
@sharaheartsixx Жыл бұрын
I will say though, the G5 designs are fire. Zipp and Pipp are definitely my favourite next to Misty and Izzy in terms of aesthetics, and I do love the dynamic and what little story there is of Zipp and Pipps relationship. I just wish the show was better.
@rocbenaa1963 Жыл бұрын
Agree. Hitch was my favorite character in the movie, now is the one that annoys me the most.
I hate how they used the name of my fav character from another show on this thing that shouldn't have exist
@loganlitlt809 Жыл бұрын
The problem with G5 is that it’s going towards a adult audience because the Fanbase is mostly adults or the rather trying to put kids in adult stuff until movie. I’m trying to make a show off that. they kinda did bad with the movie because they tried to mix two things that don’t work
@ZizzlyWizard 6 ай бұрын
Okay but eatth ponies have always had magic to be fair. Their magic was physicsl enchancement giving them the ability to plow the land
@MidnightGren 4 ай бұрын
Bro why couldnt they have just given us more gen 4 ;-; like idc if the series closed seeing more of the mane 6 with those new designs could've been so cool! Fkn tall twilight and all that wouldve been so nice
@StarGraveyard 3 ай бұрын
I wish they followed the comics because the comics are honestly much better than the series
@zombieland2466 Жыл бұрын
It’s like the MCU. Something that’s clearly passed it’s prime and glory days but it’s just gonna keep on going. Like how Endgame was the perfect ending for the MCU. MLP the last problem was a perfect ending to the series.
@mrschris7176 Жыл бұрын
People can say anything they want about Monster High G3 but at least you could say it was its own thing that doesn't have to rely on constant callbacks and references to the original series. I just wish the new map was its own separate entity, not bound by g4
@VixyVixen95 3 ай бұрын
Definitely. Even if the new monster high show is not that great either (so many weird moment we really don’t need to see), it can work on itself as a new entity outside g1 and g2. G5 mlp had potential because the cgi render works very well, but the animation for the show and the story are painful to watch. I’ll stick to the movie.
@Material_melody 4 ай бұрын
Opaline’s design terrifies me. Wanna be old deviant Art mlp oc’s so bad. The color palette makes me physically want to throw up
@cow1816 Жыл бұрын
It seems that after G4 and the last 2-3 seasons of it focusing on racism, the creative team behind G5 wanted to somewhat conclude or replicate what G4 was going for in the G5 movie. Problem was, that's all they could think of for these characters. After the movie they had nowhere to go. G4 season 1 started off with problems arising and the main characters trying to solve the problem. Most of these problems were problems you could have irl with friends like an old friend coming back and being a bitch, going out to a fancy dinner and not fitting in at all but realizing you at least fit in with your friends, using radioactive rocks you banish the literal darkness out of a thousand year old moon god, Learning to ask for help from your friends instead of doing everything yourself. These are problems that kids can learn from while watching a fun show. Now, what has G5 done exactly? So far, social media has come up as a problem which I guess is fine for todays kids who are around it a lot. However a lot of the problems seem to stem from the ponies themselves creating problems and I guess resolving the problems they created? A few episodes have mostly been about the villains trying to steal something. It seems like so far the only episode that doesn't have to do anything with "being popular" is the one where Sunny and Hitch walk in each others shoes for a day. G4 even in season 1 had our characters traveling all around Equestria, we've barely seen that many places outside of the main location, or I guess you could say "mane" lolololol *shoots self* Truly wish they planned more exciting adventures in advanced, instead of pretending like there's an overarching plot when in reality the plot changes depending on what they think will be interesting, like changing G4s main plot.
@charleyjay5057 Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who absolutely hates Pipp's character. As well as the show being so modernized. Like way to go, it was already rough and you just poured cringe all over it by adding phones and Pipp. Gross. It's not just cringe tho. It's straight up toxic. All Pipp cares about is likes and views and follows. That's a real world problem today, and Pipp feels like it's trying to be normalized. I can only hope she'd get some character development and realize that that shit doesn't matter, but I doubt it. That's all her character is. A pony that's constantly after that social media attention. And they're putting that shit in a show for kids???? F*ck if I had kids, I'd never let them watch this show.
@rocbenaa1963 Жыл бұрын
Even the Pipp in Tell your tale is more likeable and interesting that the one in the series.
@captainshadowfox 4 ай бұрын
the edits in this video is my favorite, reminds me of like 2 other youtubers but in a great way. Literally making me chuckle while nodding to this
@Vulpes_Ailurus Жыл бұрын
I hate the cgi pony designs so much!
@mollymcmurtrie8037 7 ай бұрын
I know I hate my little pony generation 5. It took everything Twlight accomplished and threw it in the dust.
@mylittlebrony2130 Жыл бұрын
I actually like it and think it still has potential people hate on sparky to much and I think pip can be a really interesting character if they can do her right sunny is honestly my least favorite of the bunch and Misty is my favorite with Lizzy , I personally liked that hitch had the self control to stop himself before doing something that bad also I like the earth pony magic since they've always had magic just not the same as the rest I fear so much that this show won't get better but I'm hopeful that it will
@DetectivePhatWeedington Жыл бұрын
Touch grass
@mylittlebrony2130 Жыл бұрын
@@DetectivePhatWeedington what ?
@moody2893 Жыл бұрын
Ignore the first commenter. I’m not a fan of it but I’m glad you like the show
@lollove9974 Жыл бұрын
Warning ⚠️ Don’t use headphones,
@kittysunrise313 Жыл бұрын
It’s the i don’t care for me 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@fnafriendff4939 4 ай бұрын
Actually earth ponies had magic in gen 4, most of them could have super strength like pinkie pie, apple jack and other kind of ponies, their magic was more physical, like pegasus magic is flying and walk in clouds.
@KawaiiJammy 4 ай бұрын
random baby dragon from g5
@PatriotMapper 3 ай бұрын
Social media influencing in MLP was only done well in Rollercoaster of Friendship, but it worked because that was set in the human world, not in the world that we’ve grown to know as an early modern pony society.
@tygerrr_ Жыл бұрын
Take a shot every time there's a metal pipe sound effect 💀
@yokusfrequently9362 Жыл бұрын
This is so good thoooo it’s hard to find these type of videos.
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
Thank you I appreciate it
@eletgres519 Жыл бұрын
@@beatfox15 it’s really interesting to see a mlp fan who’s has chaotic hood type humor LOL
@Christianearthpony39 11 ай бұрын
I really hate the dragon in G5. Me and my friends call him The Cocomelon Dragon
@sharaheartsixx Жыл бұрын
Okay so.... I've already made a lengthy comment but.. imagine this. They played with it in the concept art, but imagine with the now modernisation of Equestria they kept the Earth Pony area more traditional with like steam-powered modern tech, the Pegasi had advanced tech in a more cyberpunky style, and the Unicorns focused more on spiritual/nature based evolution. that way it keeps the high fantasy aspect that G4 had but they could still have the technology and it could also show just how much the different pony races evolved without magic... also they should've come up with a better reason as to why they separated in the first place but hey.
@belaaacs 6 ай бұрын
That would be amazing! I loved your idea
@kimorabibora396 Жыл бұрын
i have to agree its really bad the movie was very good i was also was very angry when the changed “hearths warming “ to “winter wish day” what is that 😒
@annabeatrizfeitozadefreita6138 Жыл бұрын
My problems with MLP gen 5: *1- They're are in the same universe as the gen 4* Because nothing makes sense! What happened to the Harmony Tree? And the part where all the ponies fight, where are the Windigos? Why Sunny's wings and horn disappears?? They literraly broke all of the Gen 4 history because of that, and now is all confusing! *2- The villian* Shes ugly. She's not scary like a villain, compare her to Nightmare Moon, for an example! She is just a joke and she doesn't feel like a MLP villain. *3- Earth ponies power* The cool thing about the earth ponies whas they don't need magic or wings to do the things by themselfs! Like, the apple family literally built a entire village WITH NO MAGIC, they don't need that stupid plants magic, is literraly a joke to all the apple family who planted a whole farm of apples by themselfs and make them fell so... lazy. *4- Cutie Marks* They forgot about cutie marks and how important they are to all the MLP history. Thas pathetic. *5- Characters* The most of the characters are a copy-paste from g4. Izzy is Pinkie pie, Hitch is Fluttershy(but less shy), Pipp is Rarity(But more anoying), Zipp is Rainbow Dash. The only character i don't know is Sunny. There are more things, but if i would write them there, it would be a bible. (Sorry for bad english, i am brazilian)
@steampunk-llama Жыл бұрын
To be fair Earth ponies having magic got established as early as season 1 with the Hearthswarming episode, it was just subtle and was more meant to showcase that Earth ponies are in tune with nature more and thus have naturally greater strength (such as Maud breaking a boulder with her bare hooves or the Apple family being the only ones able to harvest Zap Apples)
@gachathis4858 Жыл бұрын
​@@steampunk-llama exactly. They did have magic. Super strength and being able to nurture plants to grow unlike unicorns and pegasi.
@The_AuraMaster 5 ай бұрын
I already couldn't stand this show from seeing the plain character design and 3D animation, but now learning more about it makes me straight up dispise it
@LiIacAster Жыл бұрын
I feel like most people have the same opinion for the movie. The animation is amazing, but everything else is subpar. Also, I can't stress how annoying Pipp is! 2D animation would've been way better, too. Tbh Sparky would be fine as a baby dragon, but Spike is just so much better and he's a baby dragon
@Material_melody 4 ай бұрын
These designs terrify me. The alicorn girl. The color palette.
@KiwiToons2004 Жыл бұрын
I got jumpscared so bad in the beginning Jesus Christ
@gingerscarlet113 11 ай бұрын
You know I feel like they could have made a better explanation for why all magic disappeared, instead of THE PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP, THE RISER OF THE SUN AND MOON took away magic because people can get along. There are so many better options than just taking away all magic. What about Twilight's student, they couldn't attempt to solve? And why give the crystals to each race, why not hide them?
@xmuun Жыл бұрын
ofc I turned up my volume as the earrape kicked in ☠
@fartedlitterbox Жыл бұрын
**carti skydiving all over the ponies**
@beatfox15 Жыл бұрын
He does the "Die Lit" to the ponies
@jonathanwade3882 Жыл бұрын
Should’ve brought a whole lotta red over the ponies
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