New findings on JKF assassination

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WGN News

7 ай бұрын

On the 60th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy.. we're talking to the Principal Engineer of the Colorado-based firm, Knott Laboratory, that used state of the art forensic science to refute the Warren Commission`s findings on the assassination of JFK

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@MP-tf7cc 7 ай бұрын
60 years later, still no justice for the highest profile assassination in history.
@Greg-yu4ij 7 ай бұрын
It’s so sad. I get why the doctors lied but 60 years later our intelligence agencies have been weakened and corrupted, which is the price the doctors pay for keeping quiet and trying to spare the public from confusion and grief as well as protecting their families. It’s like the lie accrued interest and now that bill is due because they have been unable to defend us from a marxist takeover. Lord, please give us the strength to defend ourselves and save us from the horrors that await should we fall to the marxists
@spirg 7 ай бұрын
And never will..
@Excremental_Discharge 6 ай бұрын
Um, I think Franz Ferdinand being assassinated and thus triggering WW1 was a bigger deal
@jimmycricket5366 5 ай бұрын
Because they clearly don't want a "just" conclusion.
@Excremental_Discharge 5 ай бұрын
@@jimmycricket5366 or maybe because it happened 60 fucking years ago, numb nuts
@terenzo50 7 ай бұрын
The CIA did one helluva job because we're all still guessing 60 years on. They got their dirty little war, didn't they? A waste all around.
@5star_BigChief631 7 ай бұрын
Everything is a conspiracy with you minorities. gtfo
@patrickeurolingua6896 7 ай бұрын
I have my doubts at this stage. The FBI/CIA/MILITARY didn't have to kill him. Only discredit him. All they had to do was make sure he wasn't elected in 1964. It wasn't sure he was going to. He barely won in 1960. He had health problems. Johnson and Kennedy were on bad terms. Scandals with Mafia and affairs. The Mafia connection is stronger.
@allan9603 6 ай бұрын
Ruth Paine laughed all the way to the bank. She had it made; big cash from the CIA, LHO blamed, and her involvement covered up... 🎉 Paine is still laughing today!
@user-jp9kq7rv3m 6 ай бұрын
No they didn't..look up the real film clip..the driver shot him..look it up and watch the driver... watch the documentary about William the way..they killed William Cooper also..we can only speculate why..truth!
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
All credible evidence points to Oswald.
@highpockets2376 7 ай бұрын
Only guilty parties conceal facts. Doesnt take 6 decades to figure that out but here we are..
@enzos711 5 ай бұрын
Not a true statement, necessarily ..
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
@@PalmaColantuono-rz1pt Her exchanges with Ruby came during his public trial where he could have come forward with any statement he wanted to make, she didn't die until nearly two years later, her reporting was only going to be part of a much larger book on other trials she had covered she wasn't planning on publishing for months (hardly an urgent expose), her death, ruled an accident, was investigated by the police and the HSCA, who found no evidence of foul play.
@Ross1966 7 ай бұрын
The Warren Commission’s findings were politically motivated at the time.
@enzos711 5 ай бұрын
The term "Political" does not apply ..
@Ross1966 5 ай бұрын
No doubt about that!
@michaelkupchik3974 5 ай бұрын
Nothing is politically motivated anymore right 😂😂😂
@franclin0 5 ай бұрын
The motivation was getting to the truth before the American public demanded we go to war with Russia or Cuba.
@enzos711 5 ай бұрын
Getting the "Case Closed Narrative"@@franclin0
@WhiteRaven798 7 ай бұрын
Love how everyone is focused on shot number 1, shot number two comes from front right of Kennedy and causes head to explode with brain on back of the car resulting Mrs. Kennedy reaching a very long ways back to to get the brain matter. That doesn't happen from shot to back of head!
@5star_BigChief631 7 ай бұрын
It's does if you're in a moving vehicle. Also his head didn't explode it's was shot at. Learn the difference minority.
@ulicadluga 7 ай бұрын
​@@5star_BigChief631You evidently have no idea about physics. Everything in that vehicle maintained the same forward velocity at the moment of impact. The limousine was moving quite slowly, and the only thing that would move any brain matter backwards would be an "oncoming" wind. There was a Westerly breeze that day, but it could not have blown anything denser than mist backwards to any great extent - certainly not a visible "lump" of brain matter.
@ulicadluga 7 ай бұрын
What is still baffling is why there is no "obvious" explosion of the rear of Kennedy's head visible in the Z-film. If the shot had come from the front, one would assume that the frontal "blowout" was caused by friction pressure in the brain mass. Sure, that pressure could have caused multiple "blowout" directions as the "Harper Fragment" and the "Triangular Fragment" (skull bone) might imply. If it was a "frangible bullet" (or mercury-tipped bullet), it could cause all sorts of effects in the brain mass and skull cavity. According to many witness statements there were two shots heard very close together. It would explain how two shots from different directions could cause the apparently incongruous skull fragmentation and "blowouts" to the front and to the rear.
@5star_BigChief631 7 ай бұрын
@@ulicadluga first of all you don't know anything you poland loser. this isnt from your terrible country. You have no say in this. idiot. Do you see me commenting germany and ww2? no so shut the h up
@basher5107 7 ай бұрын
From all my years of research it comes down to this. Tangible VS Frangible For the sake of argument let’s go through the Warren Reports Findings 1- bullet#1 misses the car and either chips cement or part of a ricochet hits James Tague in the cheek. #2- this is CE-399 or the single bullet that passed through Kennedy and Conley creating seven wounds and being discovered on a stretcher at Parkland hospital. #3- Takes Kennedy in the head from the sixth floor of the TSBD. That’s from the Warren Report- My conclusion is that CE399 Went through both men shattering ribs bone and other than it’s being fired the bullet is relatively intact. There was more lead removed from Conleys wrist than is missing from CE-399 The head shot from the official X-rays of Kennedy’s skull shows 42 shards of bullet fragments. If CE-399 fired a solid round through two men with very little deformity then the third shot hits the President in head and shatters on impact It’s called a “hollow point” a bullet used to create as much damage as possible. SO If both Kennedy and Conley were hit with a full metal jacket or “tangible” round then how did Kennedy get hit in the head with a “Frangible” or “hollow point”round? Guess what That’s two rifles and two shooters.
@mr.green2341 7 ай бұрын
I like Larry’s thoughtful questions on this, instead of just going along with what this guy is saying. Mind you, I think there was more than one shooter, but it’s important to challenge these things to see how they hold up under thoughtful scrutiny.
@patrickeurolingua6896 7 ай бұрын
One interesting point is why they did not close down the plaza immediately. This was a crime scene. I think there were people and traffic moving along shortly after the event and definitely in the afternoon. Another is the policemen and agents I suppose cleaning the car outside the hospital. Vital evidence destroyed so soon.
@johnrobison4635 7 ай бұрын
That vital evidence was destroyed deliberately to nix any attempts to make a case for the possibility of multiple shooters.
@robertlavrakas7442 7 ай бұрын
Exactly.the car was a crime scene and it was cleaned up at parkland
@franclin0 7 ай бұрын
​@@robertlavrakas7442the car wasn't "cleaned" at Parkland. Door handles and other touched-often surfaces were probably wiped off. When the car returned to Washington, it sat in the White House garage for almost a month before it was sent to Ford Motor Co.'s Engineering Division in Dearborn, MI to be thoroughly cleaned and refurbished.
@patrickeurolingua6896 7 ай бұрын
@@franclin0 Plenty of time to destroy or falsify evidence.
@franclin0 7 ай бұрын
@@patrickeurolingua6896 what was destroyed and falsified?
@johnuotela8270 7 ай бұрын
People with out lazers and computers knew for about 60 years ago that the official story was fiction. But they were all mostly ignored.
@jimmycricket5366 5 ай бұрын
@avlasting3507 5 ай бұрын
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
After 60 years all credible evidence still points to Oswald.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
After 60 years all credible evidence still points at Oswald.
@jimmycricket5366 5 ай бұрын
@@aaronz7056 Yes I agree. All credible evidence points to Oswald being innocent in that he never even fired a shot. He was guilty of being a CIA operative, however. So important was it to find the right patsy, however,, that they threw one of their own, (Lee Oswald) under the proverbial bus.
@FallenStarFeatures 7 ай бұрын
The Zapruder film does NOT show JFK and Connelly react to being hit by a single bullet at the same time. At the point when JFK was reacting to the first bullet that hit him, he has his arms raised to his neck. Connelly's reaction at that point was to turn around to see what the commotion was in the back seat. Connelly would not have been able to do that had he been struck by that same bullet. It is several dozen frames later that you see Connelly reacting to being hit by a subsequent bullet.
@9Ballr 7 ай бұрын
In frame 222 of the Zapruder film as the limo emerges from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign we see Connally has already turned to his right, and neither JFK nor Connally has been shot yet. In frame 223 we cannot see JFK yet, and Connally is still turned to his right and has not been shot yet. In frame 224 we see Connally reacting to being shot (we still cannot see JFK yet), and in frame 225 we see JFK again, and he is moving his hands up toward his throat. So yes, they did react at the same time to that shot.
@highpockets2376 7 ай бұрын
@FallenStarFeatures Also, Connelly was still holding onto his cowboy hat, impossible with a shattered wrist. One of the later shots had to hit Connolly and the first thing he wanted to know was "Were "they" trying to kill ALL of us"? Witnesses that reported hearing more than 3 shots were dismissed, perhaps because they didn't match the prescripted results from the LBJ(not Congress) appointed committee.
@patrickeurolingua6896 7 ай бұрын
@@9Ballr Even if it was the same bullet it couldn't be pristine as the Warren Comission says. Then there is the problem of the hole in the throat which had to come from the front because it was too small to be an exit wound. That wound was enlarged in the hospital to push a tube down, so they doctors doing the autopsy later thought it could be an exit wound and told the Dallas doctors to keep quiet. But if there was a bullet from the front, where did it go to? No mention of that anywhere. Conclusion: still no answers.
@9Ballr 7 ай бұрын
@@patrickeurolingua6896 The bullet was not in pristine condition, it was significantly flattened from having struck Connally’s right wrist. The bullet was full metal jacketed and designed to pass through a human body. Tests have shown that bullet to remain intact when fired into solid wood. The wound in JFK’s throat was estimated by doctors at Parkland to be anywhere between 4mm and 8mm in diameter, which even on the smaller end of the scale is consistent with a round from Oswald’s rifle, and tests have shown that an exit wound can be smaller when there is pressure against the skin where the bullet exits, like the shirt and tie that JFK was wearing.
@MrRatingz 7 ай бұрын
@mummra7 7 ай бұрын
they pulled more bullet fragments out of connelly than would have been needed to re-construct an entire bullet. aside from that, we are told oswald was an EXPERT marksman, he qualified as a sharp-shooter in the marines, which is about maybe upper average. then oswald decides against a perfect shot while the limo is on houston st and waits to shoot until a tree is obfuscating his view on elm street. lastly, 6 days later when they realized, they took down the "stemmons freeway next right" sign because a bullet had struck it.
@GatorNick 7 ай бұрын
@patrickeurolingua6896 7 ай бұрын
Other reports say he was an average marksman in the marines. Shooting on Houston street would be dangerous because everyone was looking in the direction of the building, especially the car drivers. Better wait until everyone had their backs turned on Elm street. Didn't know about the sign. Interesting.
@9Ballr 6 ай бұрын
They pulled more bullet fragments out of Connally than would have been needed to reconstruct an entire bullet? So tell me, how many fragments did they removed from Connally, and what size were they? Oswald performed above expert level in the rapid-fire portion of his Marines Corps shooting test, hitting 8 out of 10 bullseyes from 200 yards, and 7 out of 10 bullseyes from 300 yards.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
Rubbish. Oh, and Oswald scored 18 out of 20 in rapid fire at targets 200 yards away as per his Marines scorecard, and any idiot knows firing on the limo on Houston means it would zoom past him and leave him a sitting duck for the Secret Service agents behind it. He was mad, not stupid.
@thepub245 7 ай бұрын
Too many things went awry in the aftermath, not least the body being removed from Dallas, which was probably illegal, before a local highly experienced pathologist (not involved in a conspiracy?) was able to perform a post mortem. Also critical eyewitness accounts of a shot being fired from the fence area, gun smoke being seen, which Police situated in the area immediately made their way to with guns drawn, where muddy footprints were found, was ignored. The accounts of ER Doctors at Parkway, including references to a large portion of the back of the skull having been blown away and mention of large amount of brain missing, were ignored with pictures later emerging of the injury being a small hole in the back of the skull which looked like an entry wound. Too much doesnt add up.
@stddisclaimer8020 7 ай бұрын
@thepub245 Too many things wrong with your comment. 1)Earl Rose, the medical examiner who would have done the autopsy had it been in Dallas, rejected the idea that there was a conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy and he supported the Warren Commission's conclusion that a single gunman shot the President. 2)The cold hard fact remains that no witness saw any human, with or without a rifle, standing behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll at the time the president’s limo proceeded down Elm Street. In any event, forensics alone rule out any shots from in front of the limo. 3) Conspiracy enthusiasts always love to yap about witnesses who saw "smoke" on the street or by the Grassy Knoll. Of course, they forget about motorcycle exhaust and also the plentiful V-8 engine emissions, and act as though all witnesses saw smoke from a rifle. Fact is, modern rifles produce little if any smoke, so little in fact that you'd practically have to be the one firing the rifle in order to see it. 4) JFK had a cratered entrance wound on the back of the skull, an impossible shot from the knoll but a clear one from Oswald's window, and a massive exit hole at the right front temple. The back of the skull was not blown out. The Z-film, the Moorman photo and the autopsy x-rays all show the back of the President's head to be *_intact_* . The four main doctors who attended to the dying president: Perry, Carrico, Jenkins & Baxter; all agreed that in Carrico's words, "Nothing we observed contradicts the autopsy finding that the bullets were fired from above and behind by a high-velocity weapon." The same Parkland doctors appeared on NOVA in 1988, re-examined the autopsy photos and agreed they are accurate and depict an entry wound on the back of the skull.
@patrickeurolingua6896 7 ай бұрын
@@stddisclaimer8020 What is still annoying is the small hole in the throat, which could have been an entry wound and which the doctors in Dallas enlarged to force down a tube. It had been so damaged when it got to Bethesda that the forensics thought it was an exit wound. Then again, if there had been a shot from the front, where did that bullet go?
@stddisclaimer8020 7 ай бұрын
@@patrickeurolingua6896 The wound in JFK’s throat was estimated by doctors at Parkland to be anywhere between 4mm and 8mm in diameter, which even on the smaller end of the scale is consistent with a round from Oswald’s rifle, and tests have shown that an exit wound can be smaller when there is pressure against the skin where the bullet exits, like the shirt and tie that JFK was wearing. (The HSCA panel members agree that the fabric of JFK’s shirt and tie and their anatomic relationship to the underlying bullet wound served as sufficient reinforcement to diminish distortion of the skin upon exit.)
@katlinsacum6241 7 ай бұрын
Modern long rifles do smoke if they have been cleaned or over oiled, admittedly not as much as you would expect, but they do smoke under specific circumstances...a number of people, including railroad workers and a military person saw the shooters behind the fence...what is amazing here is your inability to see, read or hear what has been clearly tapes, reviewed by audio experts, clearly state that to a 95% certainty, there were four shots and possibly five or six...the parkland doctors do not agree with the x-rays and photos of the autopsy (See Paramount+. what the Doctors Saw), nor does the x-ray tech and morgue photographer...and the Petty Officer of the Day for the morgue at Bethesda...@@stddisclaimer8020 have been fed the same drivel from the assassination mill that wants Oswald and Oswald alone...look beyond your own predefined windows...
@katlinsacum6241 7 ай бұрын
@@patrickeurolingua6896 The surgeon who preformed the tracheotomy on JFK was more than was a small incision not a gaping wound that is shown in the Bethesda autopsy...which photo should raise suspicion in your mind to who, exactly, did that to him...
@kenr4186 7 ай бұрын
To know what happened that day you would have to have access to the ORIGINAL Zapruder film and not the one altered by our government. The one seen by the public does not show that the limo stopped for several seconds so the shooter in the front could get the head shot. Four dozen witnesses that day said the limo stopped.
@jaden0019 7 ай бұрын
Precisely - both shots from the front - both wounds to JFK are entrance wounds! In addition factoring in that ' the odor of burning gun powder clung to the limo all the way to Parkland hospital ' would suggest the obvious. With each new revelation the size of the protected shadow that has protected the author of ' Hidden In Histories Shadow ' diminishes as the light of truth reveals the darkness hidden within the degrading shadow.
@jm5390 7 ай бұрын
I’ve never heard that before and would love to know who these witnesses are that said that. If anything, if shots ring out, you’d speed up, not stop & become a sitting duck.
@sjg3890 7 ай бұрын
Driver stated he was hesitant to go forward because it looked like an ambush ahead. Sounds legitimate to me. And being in that car knowing there would be bullets coming your way seems unlikely to me.
@user-jp9kq7rv3m 6 ай бұрын
Driver shot him.. Look at the the driver..he delivers the head shot from the front..
@sjg3890 6 ай бұрын
@@user-jp9kq7rv3m No. There were no witnesses of this and there were lots of people looking that way. Also it is just plain ridiculous. Watch it again closeup.
@smileyface6262 7 ай бұрын
Why would he not take the shot before the car turned on elm street? It would have been a straight shot. I believe JFK was in a kill zone, or snipper zone and Kennedy no matter what wasn’t getting out that day, all them cars slowed down for a reason, the driver of Kennedy car worked for the cia, the drivers in front heavy armed dudes could have easily taken a shot from the back seat of the front car any snipper could. Also no snipper would ever stick his gun out a window to shoot. Snippers hide within buildings. Someone that day in the presidential car said”My God they are going to kill us all.” More than one guy now it’s a system. Mrs Kennedy also said “I want to keep the blood stains so “They can see what they did to my husband.” They? So just how big was this inner circle to take out a good a decent man? The presidents car literally had casket flowers in it that day he was shot. If JFK was put in a kill zone those that were in the car with him knew they had to. Many pictures are now coming out of security looking up before the shots and ducking and taking cover way before shots were fired. Secret service agents also failed that day, nobody should have been on the under pass someone could have easily dropped something on the president, and windows should have been closed. Secret service agents violated their oath to protect the president! Nothing was ever done about it. They had time to paint yellow markings probably the kill zone and yes Kennedy was shot within these newly painted marks for no parking. You couldn’t park on elm street anyways, so why this strip was so important is beyond me, but they took all this time to prepare, but didn’t check security and safety of buildings? Heck for all we know the actual killers could have been on any roof top and Oswald really was a patsy that acted that day but was made to be the clown with a crappy riffle
@patrickeurolingua6896 7 ай бұрын
There is a great book called Mortal error by Menninger which says the secret service in the follow up car did it. By mistake or by design I can't remember. Worth al ook.
@leonardcollings7389 6 ай бұрын
Probably because the plan was to kill JFK at the turn but the driver went far right and screwed up the shot.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
a) They were speaking figuratively. b) Opening fire on the limo while it was still on Houston means it would zoom past him and leave him a sitting duck for the Secret Service agents behind. Oswald was mad but he wasn't stupid. c) You could find lines like that painted on other streets, gimme a break, already. d) All credible medical, ballistic, forensic, film and eyewitness evidence clearly demonstrate the shots all came from the sixth floor window and from Oswald's rifle. e) It's obviously completely implausible anybody would ever assume they would frame this on a lone shooter while firing from multiple directions with different guns.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
@@patrickeurolingua6896 Theory is flatly contradicted by eyewitness, film, ballistic and medical evidence. Agent Hickey successfully sued the publishers of that crackpot book that accused him.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
@@patrickeurolingua6896 Mortal Error is flatly contradicted by eyewitness, film, ballistic and medical evidence. Agent Hickey successfully sued the publishers.
@bakerbakerfield7348 7 ай бұрын
The computer modelling is flawed. It assumes that Connelly’s seat is directly in front of the seat of the President but it’s not. It’s positioned to the left of the President’s seat. I.e is offset.
@TrueBlueSG 7 ай бұрын
He even says you have to shift Connelly to the left - but that's exactly how he was seated in the motorcade!
@lindakaye7935 7 ай бұрын
Yeah he was in a jump seat. Slightly lower and to the left.
@conrad4667 7 ай бұрын
That’s what I’ve heard to explain it, but I now also concentrate on Connelly’s arm resting on the car door/frame.
@johnl7443 5 ай бұрын
Exactly. This so-called, "study" is pathetic.
@kevinsullwold2388 4 ай бұрын
100% correct, i don't believe the Warren Commission's conclusion but let's stay within reality of what we do know, Connally was seated slightly to the left.
@robertlavrakas7442 7 ай бұрын
You can't use the zapruder film,it was tampered with at Hawkeye labs in New york on sunday nov.24.Listen to Doug Horne explain what happened it will freak you out
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
Film was in custody, processed, copied, distributed and viewed by investigators and media representatives way too fast to have been screwed with. What the hell is the point of this? Just leaving well enough alone and saying Oswald must have had an accomplice who got away would have suited any conspiracy just fine.
@johnl7443 5 ай бұрын
@@aaronz7056 Ok, so you just want to be satisfied. Most people would prefer to know the truth.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
@@johnl7443 What the hell did I literally just say above? This crackpot paranoia is hilarious. No doubt you will now explain what the hell Plan B was if other films or evidence turn up that contradict an altered Zapruder film and just prove a conspiracy exists?
@lennon1252 Ай бұрын
The Zapruder film was not altered. Read Robert Groden. Also if they were going to alter the Zapruder film wouldn't they have altered the head shot and Kennedy's movement back and to the left?
@jimmyfarley5581 7 ай бұрын
There was more than one gun aimed at JFK that day. The head shot couldn't have come from behind
@Mayoo22334 6 ай бұрын
No shots came from behind
@jhfit 6 ай бұрын
@Mayoo22334 6 ай бұрын
@@jhfit the emergency room doctors said that no shots came from behind… that was a lie.
@jhfit 6 ай бұрын
@@Mayoo22334 I don't think they said that. They claimed the back of the head was blown out. There's a difference. Also, the Z film clearly shows the right side of the head blown apart. Photographs from the other side also don't support what you're saying
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
On the contrary, all credible film, eyewitness, ballistic, forensic and medical evidence clearly demonstrates the shots came from the sixth floor window, and from Oswald's rifle.
@normanspurgeon5324 7 ай бұрын
There were a few dozen eye witnesses to the shots fired from the fence, facing the motorcade, including policemen. Please don't run us through the Lee Oswald promotion again- thank you
@patrickeurolingua6896 7 ай бұрын
Let's forget about witnesses. Witnesses can't be trusted. The facts.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
Most witnesses in that echo chamber of a plaza in fact said the shots came from the TSBD. All credible medical, forensic, ballistic and film evidence also clearly demonstrate the shots all came from the sixth floor window, and from Oswald's rifle.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
In fact, most witnesses in that echo chamber of a plaza said the shots came from the TSBD. All bullets and fragments ever found were matched to Oswald's rifle. Victims' reactions clearly demonstrate they are hit by the same bullet, and ergo from behind. Kennedy's massive exit wound plainly seen exploding at the temple is consistent only with a shot from behind. Connally's said the shots came from behind. Autopsy shows the shots came from behind. Parkland doctors had no particular problem with the autopsy photos. Witnesses a few feet directly under the sixth floor window firmly said the shots all came from directly overhead. Those witnesses had a clear view behind the knoll fence and would plainly have seen any gunman there. Zapruder's secretary was only yards from the fence and saw no gunman there. It's vastly implausible anybody would ever assume they would frame this on a lone shooter while firing from multiple directions with different guns.
@NancySanders-om4ic 7 ай бұрын
Warren Commission was filled with inadequate,inaccurate information,Senators Bogg,Russell,thought there was more than one assassin,,more than one shooter that killed President John F. Kennrdy. 4:24 4:24
@John-gx7ss 7 ай бұрын
Lee is rubies son Robert most likely the other shooter. Presidents birthday night Marilyn Monroe 3 weeks later Alcatraz supposedly escape the inescapable it was still a military base. Gladys Johnson is Lees real mother Marguerite Oswald is actually mark lanes mother
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
This presentation is filled with inaccurate information.
@JerryBrown-ec4zc 20 күн бұрын
Dulles ran the show, and he was no longer head of the CIA, but he ran it anyway....and he hated JFK. The CIA was his baby. A horrible, evil man.
@kuttycrew 7 ай бұрын
“Hard news” Robin and Larry auditioning for MSNBC
@GJ67 7 ай бұрын
At the end of all this though, he was one of if not the best president the US ever had, he was well liked by most even Khrushchev was apparently upset when he died, regardless of the sentiment on Trump, Biden , hell even Bugs Bunny, it’s such a shame that 60 years later there’s just no one else out there that your country can pick for president, surely there is someone who’s switched on and is charismatic enough to do the job. Right? Surely?
@dmartinezguitarart 7 ай бұрын
LOL! New Findings?? Yea, ANYTHING but the TRUTH!!
@JerjerB 7 ай бұрын
He was on a jump seat which was not situated like a normal seat...
@jimlutz8092 7 ай бұрын
The green lazer line they show here is not even accurate in terms of Kennedy's wounds. They have it going too high through the back and too low coming out the front (not at the throat where the bullet hole existed before they opened it further for a trachiotomy attempt). Not unlike the way Gerald Ford and the Warren Commission showed it on their own Report diagram of the body, when they altered the examination doctor's diagram to make the back and front wounds line up as if from a single bullet. So while this simulation helps further to dis-prove the bogus single bullet theory, it is in itself flawed and not accurate.
@Thekarlskorner 6 ай бұрын
All one needs to do is examine the November 25, 1966 issue of LIFE magazine. In that issue, with LIFE magazine being the sole owner and completely controlling the Zapruder film, they enlarged and enhanced frames of the film for that article on Governor John Connally with him examining the frames. No outside people, organizations or firms were involved. With that said examine the enlarged frame 230 and it clearly shows that President Kennedy had already been injured by a projectile, yet Governor Connally is still holding his light colored Stetson hat in his right hand which is clearly above and to the right of the single bullet trajectory. According to the Warren commission report, a projectile had already passed through his right chest and right wrist with parts of that projectile in his right chest, wrist and left thigh. Judge for yourself.
@GreenArt4 6 ай бұрын
His wife said he kept holding the hat until they reached the hospital.
@9Ballr 6 ай бұрын
@@GreenArt4 Yes, he held on to that hat for dear life! So much for the idea that he couldn't have been shot at the same time JFK was shot.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
Meaningless, he was still holding the hat when they got to the hospital.
@bird401 7 ай бұрын
Interesting. At this point we ask if other teams can replicate these results.
@justinmj6586 7 ай бұрын
The shooting has been replicated, quite easily and frequently with similar results many times. Accept not by a "team" but by a lone shooter from the same height and distance as Oswald was. This digital recreation is extremely flawed.
@patrickeurolingua6896 7 ай бұрын
@@justinmj6586Not that many times. And hardly any under 5.6 seconds. And they were not under pressure. However, maybe (and just maybe) Oswald got lucky once in his life and pulled it off.
@9Ballr 6 ай бұрын
@@patrickeurolingua6896 The time from the end of the first shot to the third shot was about 8.3 seconds, not 5.6.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
@@patrickeurolingua6896 Any idiot just watching the victims' reactions in Zapruder's film will clearly see it demonstrates 3 shots over 8-9 seconds. This is what happens when people get their info from Oliver Stone.
@patrickeurolingua6896 5 ай бұрын
@@aaronz7056 Now there are those who say the Zapruder film is not the original so that has to be clarified before speaking about time. Josiah Thompson says up to 6-7 seconds in a documentary of the late 80s. That sounds more credible because the actual rifle was tested. Let's wait until 2038 : 75 years after when all will be released.
@carldagroundskeeper 6 ай бұрын
Connally always did insist that he and the president were hit by two different shots.
@GreenArt4 6 ай бұрын
He did, but no matter how many times I replay the Zapruder film I don't see him reacting at the point he said he was shot, only in the specific point where JFK was shot as well, indicating they were struck by the same bullet.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
Victim's reactions in Zapruder's film clearly demonstrate they are hit by the same bullet.
@mikelldaley9078 3 ай бұрын
@PostalWorker14 7 ай бұрын
The jump seat in front was to the left
@user-wt7gk2wp4n 7 ай бұрын
Tell chief Mr Trump, to print out the warrant for Warren commission's finding. I want details of each person And those who stood guard to keep it covered up story
@johnl7443 5 ай бұрын
Listen to the podcast by Rob Reiner, "Who Killed JFK?" Also read the book, "LBJ, Mastermind of the JFK Assassination".
@PreviewRe-View 6 ай бұрын
This analysis, of course, assumes that the bullet’s trajectory was not altered in any way by its impact on and though Kennedy. I find it crazy to think that anything beyond the bullet’s initial trajectory through the air to the point of impact with human tissue could be garnered from such an analysis. An impact like that is obviously going to alter a bullet’s flight path.
@bjmartin5225 7 ай бұрын
PBS already did this back in the 1990s . They used lasers an no there was not a internet an few cell phones . We were Barely out of the Stone Age or maybe the dark ages.
@patrickeurolingua6896 7 ай бұрын
Other bullet fragments. Brain tissue. The bunch of roses. All evidence.
@richbumdrop2881 6 ай бұрын
Think conallys entrance would had a irregular shape, consistent w one bullet tumbling
7 ай бұрын
he was to the inside and also lower.
@JimRockford853 7 ай бұрын
I guess the most surprising thing is was his name was JKF instead of JFK
@arthurbauer3859 3 ай бұрын
Huh? John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
@edwardanthony7283 5 ай бұрын
Oswald lone gunman? What a crock of crap if I ever saw one & Oswald did not fire the kill shot at the Knoll!
@JeffHarman-ju5gx 2 ай бұрын
Even a small local media outlet questioned this guy in a way that would lead someone to believe they have been directed to argue against anything except the warren commission’s findings
@7555mac 7 ай бұрын
Connelly would have shifted his body slightly to the left to turn his head to the right after jfk was first struck by a bullet and the bullet could have changed directory slightly to the right after exiting jfks body...this laser theory is flawed.
@patrickeurolingua6896 7 ай бұрын
Interesting point.
@Wombah-rc6zz 5 күн бұрын
There were more than "3 shots." The last 2 were ALMOST together - bang bang, which can NOT be done with one bolt action rifle. THIS proves there was more than one shooter & therefore a CONSPIRACY! Some are STILL scrambling to hide THIS!
@shudderbug 7 ай бұрын
You would think that a video about the JFK assassination would show the correct title, but as of 11/27/2023, the title reads: "New findings on JKF assassination." Of course, they may now correct it, if they read my comment.
@BGTuyau 7 ай бұрын
Good, non-sensational, basic coverage of this research.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
... and demonstrably erroneous.
@johnl7443 5 ай бұрын
BAD, sensational-seeking, juvenile coverage of this serious topic.
@rodrickwilliams7868 7 ай бұрын
Fascinating and Interesting INFORMATION..
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
... and fatally flawed and erroneous.
@orinhickman1721 7 ай бұрын
Well hell, it there's another bullet comming from a different angle, should't the angle of the second bullet lead to the second shooter?
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
This recreation is screwy, the wounds line up on a perfect trajectory and track straight back to the sixth floor window.
@johnl7443 5 ай бұрын
The researcher being interviewed SAID that so far this is only about the second shot, the one that for decades was caused by the "Magic Bullet", until recently when a SS agent admitted that he had found the bullet on the back of Kennedy's seat and placed it on a stretcher.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
@@johnl7443 Assuming Landis is even telling the truth (only "coming forward" sixty freakin' years later...), that bullet can still be the one that fell from Connally's leg wound, no problem.
@JerryBrown-ec4zc 20 күн бұрын
Check out Dr. Corsi's relatively new book, The Final Analysis. He and other medical experts work through the measurements using released autopsy photos, not the famous doctored ones. Frontal shots all. More than one shooter. That leaves Oswald completely out......except for shouldering the blame. Come on! How convenient, a pimp, stooge of lower levels for the Mob his whole life kills Oswald before a trial!!!!! How oh so convenient. We are constantly duped by all things government.
@wtmerit6129 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Knott Laboratory!👍
@peteparry9730 7 ай бұрын
JKF???? REALLY????
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
One of America's most famous Presidents, right alongside FRD and LJB.
@JimmyLoose Ай бұрын
2:45. I'm impressed by the newscasters question. Not for the way he is thinking though. He is asking about lateral movement. But technically his question is valid from the standpoint of vertical movement. The bullet does NOT travel in a perfectly straight, laser-like line vertically. It arcs due to gravity.
@studedude56 6 ай бұрын
Bullet traveled at 2200 feet per SECOND. No time for physics defying lateral movement and angle of degree changes in the two feet that separated JFK and Connelly
@briangregory8223 4 ай бұрын
Every doctor at Parkland said the shot that hit him in the throat came from the front. Every single one. The pictures you see are after they did the trach on him... there are no photos (shockingly) of the wound before that.
@arthurbauer3859 3 ай бұрын
@user-rc3qd6mv4k Ай бұрын
Gov Connelly seat was situated slightly to the left, it was a jump seat so it wasn't set up against the right side for ease of entry.
@paigewillow8768 5 ай бұрын
Rob Reiner’s new Podcast solves this all.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
He's an idiot and just trying to make a fast buck.
@jimofannarbor1472 5 ай бұрын
Also, watch the new documentary 'JFK: What the doctors saw.'
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
@@jimofannarbor1472 Don't forget to also watch: a) their first press conference after the assassination where you can see them speculating wildly about the wounds, unable to conjecture about numbers, trajectories, etc. b) the 1988 NOVA special where you can see them examining the autopsy photos and having no particular problem with them...
@johnl7443 5 ай бұрын
Yes, I've read over 40 books on this fascinating topic, and Mr. Reiner's podcast sums up all of the information brilliantly!
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
@@johnl7443 He cites that lying idiot Mark Lane as a major influence, claims to have proof there were four (!!!) shooters blazing away at Kennedy while assuming they would frame this on a lone shooter, etc.
@michaeludeze8470 4 ай бұрын
Mind you, the single bullet came out in near-perfect condition after contorting 7 times and hitting tissues and bone along the way.
@ulicadluga 7 ай бұрын
I suppose one might be able to argue that the bullet was deflected up as it entered Kennedy's back, down and to the right as it passed several internal structures, while tumbling, then entering Connolly's back near his right armpit, and being deflected downwards and left, rather steeply, exiting under his right nipple, in order to smash through Connolly's right wrist and embed itself in Connolly's left thigh?
fact-check..... You'd be arguing against the very people who make the claim of the magic bullet, because part of their story, is that the missile, traveling at over 2,000 ft per second, flew unabated right thru JFK's neck and on thru with sufficient power and speed to zip thru gov Connally, break his rib, fracture his wrist, and still emerge in almost pristine condition.
@ulicadluga 6 ай бұрын
@@PANCHOVILLAMATO But, according to the "magic bullet", the bullet must have "tumbled", as the entry wound on Connolly's back, near his armpit, is not a round wound, but a long wound.
See how that doesn't make any sense... If the missile started to "yaw" before striking Connally, how did it maintain its near pristine condition, after breaking ribs, then fracturing wrist bones. How did a bullet that was doing somersaults as it went thru the Governor, before finally burying itself in his thigh, emerge practically brand new? Please do not refer to the "normal" deformities of the bullet caused by the act of firing it out of a rifle, as "proof" that it wasn't pristine.. We concede that it was fired from a weapon and didn't come straight from the box. .. And let's not forget that the bullet was found on a gurney, while the governor was in surgery, undergoing the removal of the bullet in his thigh. And let's not forget the sum of the fragments left behind in the governor's body, ribs, wrist and thigh exceed the mass missing from the magic bullet. Simply stated ...Things don't add up!! But thanks for your response. Appreciated!
@ulicadluga 6 ай бұрын
@@PANCHOVILLAMATO Yes. Things don't add up. The limousine was showered with bullet fragments - certainly not all recovered forensically. I mean, they started mopping the car at Parkland. As you say, the bullet yawed and it striking side on would explain the "squishing" of the bullet - but going through a thick rib and a an even thicker wrist bone would have to have deformed it extremely. BTW, according to Paul Landis, security detail officer, he found the "pristine bullet" on the head area of the limousines back seat, and later placed it on a gurney, because he wasn't sure what to do with it!
Thank you... Landis explanation fits MY theory, and the "original" working theory of Dr Humes. When Humes could not find the track of the "back" missile, and when Parkland reported finding a nearly pristine bullet on a gurney, the Dr surmised that the back bullet must have fallen back out of JFK's back, as crazy as that sounded. My injection of plausibility is that 1) The 1st shot sounded to many like a fire-cracker, or as I call it a "dud" bullet. A weak missile might have collided with JFK's back brace, fizzled out and fallen back out... I think that my theory is as valid as Spector's twisting and turning magic bullet. To further corroborate my theory, we only need to read the testimony of the 2 FBI agents: Sibert & O'Neil and Army Lt Lipsey, who were eye witnesses to the autopsy. They all claim the back wound had nothing to do with the throat wound. They say the doctors could not locate where the back bullet went inside of JFK, even after pulling out all his major organs. While I'm here, I would also like to point out that Lt Lipsey says that on that Friday night there wee TWO head shots... One near the EOP and the other higher up near the crown. In '64, the WC went with the EOP entrance. BUT...15 years later the HSCA insisted that the head shot was up near the crown and that the doctors in '63 had made a simple mistake. Lipsey, miles away in LA,, was telling HSCA investigators that JFK had TWO head shots and described where they were. So it is EXTREMELY interesting that the HSCA moved the head shot from one spot described by Lipsey to the other spot also described by Lipsey. (Lipsey's testimony is on KZfaq). Side bar note - In 1978 Lipsey thot his testimony for the HSCA would be kept top secret, but it was later released. Lipsey now claims he was wrong and that the WC had it ALL RIGHT.... Yea sure!
@Hydro-Ponik 7 ай бұрын
Wow. You figured it out ! JFK got shot by lazers !
@glengrieve544 4 ай бұрын
Rest in eternal peace President John Fitzgerald Kennedy Australia 😢❤😢
@jamesbranham2217 7 ай бұрын
Did they recover the bullet casings.. never heard anything about that
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
All bullets and fragments ever found were matched to Oswald's rifle.
@johnl7443 5 ай бұрын
@@aaronz7056 Which rifle? The Mauser they originally found, or the Carcano owned by Oswald with the wobbly scope? Once again, Aaron, you clearly have not done any studying on this topic.
@martinlawrence4200 21 күн бұрын
Jackie did. She grabbed it from the trunk after she shot JFK.
@hatestravel 2 ай бұрын
The jump seats in the limo were not in front of each other. They were staggered
@woodystefeneylee7290 7 ай бұрын
Moving your eyes 👀 away from something else....
@donsena2013 6 ай бұрын
The implication seems to be that Oswald was actually one of the shooters, so that he did not act alone (but did take part in the assassination).
@leonardcollings7389 6 ай бұрын
The Warren commision avoided this woman like the plague: Mrs. Geraldine Reid. Here, for the first time, is Geraldine Reid's story: About one minute before the fatal shots were fired at the motorcade, Lee Oswald walked into the office across the second-floor hallway from the snack room where he had been eating his lunch. He wanted to buy a bottle of soda and did not have the required change for the machine. He walked up to Geraldine Reid at her desk and handed her a dollar bill and asked her for change. "Mr. Oswald didn't like pennies. I remember that," she recalled. "As I was counting out the change, I heard what I later learned were gunshots. Mr. Oswald and I looked at each other quizzically for a moment, but neither of us said anything about the sounds. I did not know that they were shots at the time. I gave Mr. Oswald the change and he turned and walked back into the hallway toward the snack room. That's the last time I saw him until he passed by me a few minutes later as he was leaving the building." Approximately seventy-two seconds after the shots ended and Oswald had returned to the snack room to buy a soda from the machine, Officer Marrion Baker and Oswald's boss, Roy Truly, confronted him in the snack room. Truly told Baker that it was alright and that Oswald, in fact, worked for him. At that time, Truly mentioned to Lee that President Kennedy had been shot. Oswald seemed genuinely surprised. Baker and Truly then left the lunchroom and headed upstairs to investigate further. In the meantime, someone had informed Geraldine Reid about the assassination. Geraldine Reid's final encounter with Lee Oswald occurred a few minutes later. "The last time I saw Mr. Oswald, he was leaving the building," Reid stated. "As he passed me by, I noticed that he had his jacket slung over his arm. I told him that the President had just been shot and he simply said 'Oh?' or something like that, and kept on walking out of the office to go downstairs and, I assume, out of the building."
@9Ballr 6 ай бұрын
@@leonardcollings7389 Where can I find this testimony from Mrs. Geraldine Reid that she was actually with Oswald at the time of the assassination?
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
@@leonardcollings7389 Rubbish. Oswald owned and smuggled the rifle, he immediately fled the crime scene, he took evasive action to sneak back to his rooming house, he was seen shooting a cop, seen trying to hide, seen ducking into the theater, seen fighting so violently 3 officers were injured just disarming him, caught red-handed trying to shoot a second cop, refused to cooperate, refused help from the President of the Dallas Bar Association, acted so smug he even convinced his own brother he was guilty, and just shrugged a hollow, rambling reply when asked on live TV, "Did you shoot the President?"
@ezsalvation3656 3 ай бұрын
You will notice that as the figure of Connally is sliding to his left the bullet wounds line up perfectly. But they just keep on moving him leftward until they don't. The fact is, Connally was hit by the same bullet that went through Kennedy. It all lines up perfectly, and this guy got it wrong. He would have provided a better service to history had he proven (which he accidently did, by the way) that the wounds lined up, and Oswald acted alone. Oswald's prints were all over the rifle and the window area. And the bullet fragments were conclusively proven, by ballistics testing, to have been fired from the Carcano rifle that, as I mentioned, was covered with Oswald's prints. The "Oswald did it" is seen as boring. While the CIA CONSPIRACY (or the Mafia, or the Russians, or the Cubans, or the White Supremists, or the FBI, or the Limo driver, or LBJ, or whatever) angle is exciting, thrilling, sexy, cool, and titillating! Unfortunately sometimes the truth is just kind of boring. Oswald did it. Then he murdered Officer J.D. Tippet.
@beeastman1235 7 ай бұрын
Wake up people!
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
This recreation is demonstrably flawed. The wounds line up on a perfect trajectory and track straight back to the sixth floor window.
@Fireball409 7 ай бұрын
@atheisthuman8108 4 ай бұрын
The red laser would converge back to a location far away from lee harvey's location in the building. Was there any evidence for that?
@leonmarkham675 6 ай бұрын
How could Leon get off three shots with a curtain rod?
@mikelldaley9078 3 ай бұрын
@williamivanko7198 7 ай бұрын
You might want to edit your title to the video. I'm sure you meant JFK not JKF
@rahrah8323 7 ай бұрын
"new releasing of info" *
@LindaMerchant-bq2hp 3 ай бұрын
That grassy knoll the second shots from the fatal wound
@jimhoffmann Ай бұрын
Check out the upcoming book, "Conversations with David S. Lifton: 'Best Evidence' to 'Final Charade'" (Trine Day). In it, Lifton describes his 58 years of research and answers questions like: What was supposed to happen in Dallas that day? Why Dallas and not another venue? Who set up Lee Harvey Oswald? What prompted Oswald to travel to the Soviet Union in the first place? What was Lifton’s friendship with Marina Oswald like? Why was JFK killed?
@aujax1 Ай бұрын
if you think the autopsy report is accurate, take a look at “Parkland: what the doctors saw”. excellent documentary. seven doctors present at Parkland Hospital that day allstate they saw a 5” x 5” exit wound at the back right of the head, large enough that part of the cerebellum fell out through it onto the gurney. Several nurses, and several technicians at Bethesda Naval Hospital said the same thing. the official report states there is a .5”x .25” entrance wound at that location.
@LindaMerchant-bq2hp 3 ай бұрын
It sounds like a Oswald-Ruby 2 shooter connection
@realbhopwood 7 ай бұрын
RFK Jr. is silent, typical.
@malomama4750 7 ай бұрын
He's not interested because it's not all about him
@robertcarveth8722 6 ай бұрын
Connolly was in a jump seat that was installed on the day, and any one using the standing seats of the vehicle to track shots will come up with the magic bullet theory!!
@alinlou9236 7 ай бұрын
Do your home work Not 10% of home work
@itsover6082 27 күн бұрын
The zapruder film was first aired on March 6 1975, 12 years after the assassination, they had all the time in the world to edit, tamper and alter the film before showing the public. The zapruder film you see isn’t the real one recorded by Abraham zapruder.
@imeprezime1285 20 күн бұрын
And what Zapruder had to say about it?
@itsover6082 20 күн бұрын
@@imeprezime1285 Abraham zapruder was a Jew, that tells you all you need to know. A Jewish man happens to be at dealey plaza at the best spot to record the assassination, who then later sold the film.
@biloz2988 7 ай бұрын
What’s the value of more theories if the initial one was kept as the official one to date ?
@9Ballr 6 ай бұрын
@chadthurs8078 2 ай бұрын
who are these guys and why would WGN give them any kind of airtime?
@foryourheartonly 6 ай бұрын
Oswald shots missed ,someone else was there , maybe in the another building?
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
All credible eyewitness, medical, forensic, ballistic and film evidence clearly demonstrate the shots all came from the sixth floor window, and from Oswald's rifle.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
All bullets and fragments ever found were matched to Oswald's rifle and witnesses directly under the sixth floor window firmly said the shots all came from directly overhead.
@walterlahaye2128 Ай бұрын
This man’s so-called evidence is not even close!
@enzos711 5 ай бұрын
"Magic Bullet" Invented by Alan Spector ..
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
"Magic" bullet theory makes perfect sense and is backed up by hard evidence.
@enzos711 5 ай бұрын
Not quite @@aaronz7056
@poonamoberoi4142 6 ай бұрын
Why was president Kennedy traveling in a car without roof?
@enzos711 5 ай бұрын
Early 1960's (different world we thought ) ..
@roberttrihy6676 4 ай бұрын
he didn't want it on
@michaelolas-hm8rd 6 ай бұрын
Governor Connally was sitting sideways. He was seated in a jump seat positioned inward where he was in line with the trajectory of the bullet that passed through President Kennedy's neck.
@harlow743 5 ай бұрын
This guy is decades behind
@ch3blazinggospel669 6 ай бұрын
all the live videos jist seconds before bit nothing during 🧐
@DavidSwinney 7 ай бұрын
Who is (or was) JKF? 🙄
@martinlawrence4200 21 күн бұрын
John Kitzgerald Fennedy.
@swright4000 7 ай бұрын
Connelly turned to look back after the first shot so it does line up and make sense.
@josephdovi1565 6 ай бұрын
Old News still nothing done
@michaelunderwood6658 7 ай бұрын
According to James E. Files , there were two shooters in the 2nd floor of the Dal-Tech Building ….these were the shots to both Kennedy and , separately , Connolly …at lower trajectories…..Mr.Files claims to have taken the fatal head shot from behind the Grassy Knoll
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
Mr. Files' claims: a) He and Oswald were palling around in New Orleans in 1961. Oswald was in Minsk in 1961. b) He was present at a Dallas meeting the morning of the assassination where it was discussed how the parade route had been changed. The parade route was never changed, accurately described in the newspapers from the start. c) He was an assassin on the knoll. Phone records demonstrate Files was in Chicago during the assassination and when confronted with this he tried to claim he was being confused with his own nonexistent twin brother. NBC cancelled their planned TV show on this lying clown after taking a closer look at him.
@tammynelson-io1qc 13 күн бұрын
I don't buy anything that tries to connect the back wound with the throat.... BUT.... If I did.... Then at the very least, these experts should be able to use the lazers to perfectly match up the entry and exit points and trace it back to the 6th floor sniper's window. Then, in doing so, they should be able to show us, exactly where on Elm St JFK was, when that missile struck him. This is critically important, because then we can calculate the exact time frame between this shot and the kill shot at Z-313. But this is a waste of time. The autopsy records show that the two wounds don't line up. They are NOT entry & exit wounds, from a single missile. There were eye witnesses standing on the curb on Elm St, directly in front of the limo, when JFK was struck in the throat. Witnesses claim this was the 1st shot, and that they heard a total of 3 shots. So if all 3 shots happened from the freeway sign on thru Z-313, we have a timing problem, or it was the 3rd shot that missed, which seems unlikely. Plus keep in mind, that we have pictures of the limo from the other side of the street, showing what is missing in the Z film. There are no real blind spots.
@jamesharris184 2 ай бұрын
No more guessing they won't release the files therein lies the answer.
@BillRau2152 6 ай бұрын
This is bullshit. The single bullet was confirmed years ago with this same technology and in another study with the actual rifle model and ammunition.
@daggen7273 7 ай бұрын
@judik06 7 ай бұрын
No exit wound on the wound on his back
@larryaldama1673 7 ай бұрын
Sad day in America 😔🙏🏽😔
@roymah2362 7 ай бұрын
The killer shot fired from behind picket fence 1000% without any doubt & that is the end of the very sad story. Oswald was not any part of that crime by any means whatsoever. Case closed for good.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
All bullets and fragments ever found were matched to Oswald's rifle. Victims' reactions in Zapruder's film clearly demonstrate they are hit by the same bullet, and ergo, from behind. Kennedy's massive exit wound seen exploding at the temple is consistent only with a shot from behind. Connally's said the shots came from behind. Autopsy shows the shots came from behind. Parkland doctors had no particular problem with the autopsy photos demonstrating the shots came from behind. Witnesses directly under the sixth floor window firmly said the shots all came from directly overhead. Those witnesses had a clear view behind the knoll fence and would plainly have seen any gunman there. Zapruder's secretary was yards from the fence and saw nobody there. It's vastly implausible anybody would ever assume they would frame this on a lone shooter while firing from multiple directions with different guns. Your innocent Oswald owned and smuggled the rifle, lied to police, immediately fled the crime scene, murdered a cop, was caught trying to shoot a second cop, refused to cooperate, acted so smug he even convinced his own brother he was guilty, refused help from the President of the Dallas Bar Association, and just shrugged a hollow, rambling reply when asked on live TV, "Did you shoot the President?"
@sidneyoutlaw39 7 ай бұрын
Call me crazy but some shoots came from inside the car
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
Okay, you're crazy.
@ssheffield8615 2 ай бұрын
No, you are absolutely right, Jackie Kennedy talks to the driver, who by all accounts is CIA, then shoots the President and tosses the gun in the back of the car.
@martinlawrence4200 21 күн бұрын
Iceberg ! Straight ahead ! Frederick Fleet crows nest Titanic. Titanic 6 crows nest crew 6th floor Oswald. Who´s the ´iceberg´. Head. Crew toilet in a ship.
@martinlawrence4200 21 күн бұрын
Running Lady. Rosemay Willis running. Clint Hill running. Where does a running stitch end. With Abraham Zapruder dress maker.
@darrylbauer5730 7 ай бұрын
As long as there is money to be made, the “mystery” will continue!
@patrickeurolingua6896 7 ай бұрын
True. Probably all those conspirators don't believe what they are writing but they sell. Imagine one day all documents are released and Oswald was the author, who will be the idiots? The average citizen who spent time and money on it while the writers were running to the bank.
@user-dt2ht5tp1p 3 ай бұрын
Wow 60 years ago. Coverup. Will we ever know for sure.....
@mariamatheson5300 3 ай бұрын
No. We won't.
@louisbertaux5193 7 ай бұрын
The most verifiable evidence of multiple riflemen, shooting from different, and opposing positions is of course, the Zapruder film. According to factual history, JFK's headshot came from the front, and right, or more commonly known as the picket fence atop the grassy knoll. Just view the film to see for yourself. And to further affirm the facts of a frontal headshot, is to view the Orville Nix film, taken across the street from Abraham Zapruder; which clearly shows everyone running up the grassy knoll to try and catch the shooter. Leaving no doubt as to the false claim that Oswald shot Kennedy from above, and behind. Oswald is innocent.
@user-cd7jn9cx5e 6 ай бұрын
Innocent? No. Complicit? Yes.
@thomasraftery409 6 ай бұрын
OSWALD never seen on 6th Floor TSBD 1230. Or rushing to 2nd floor. He had been 1st Floor and then to 2nd floor to finish his lunch when the cop and building manager spotted him. Not a shooter.
@louisbertaux5193 6 ай бұрын
@@thomasraftery409 ... ... Agree 100%! Thanks.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
a) Victims' reactions in Zapruder's film clearly demonstrate 3 shots over 8-9 seconds. b) Victims' reactions clearly demonstrate they are hit by the same bullet, and ergo, from behind. c) Kennedy is clearly seen to suffer a massive exit wound at the temple, consistent only with a shot from behind. d) All bullets and fragments ever found were matched to Oswald's rifle. e) Connally's said the shots came from behind. f) Autopsy demonstrates the shots came from behind. g) Parkland doctors had no particular problem with the autopsy photos demonstrating the shots came from behind. h) Witnesses directly under the sixth floor window firmly said the shots all came from directly overhead. i) Those witnesses had a clear view behind the knoll fence and would plainly have seen any gunman there. j) Zapruder's secretary was yards away from the fence and saw nobody there. k) It's vastly implausible anybody would ever assume they would frame this on a lone shooter while firing from multiple directions with different guns. l) Unarmed people were not running towards a crazed gunman to "catch" him. Officer Haygood parked his bike and raced up the knoll to secure the area, finding nothing and nobody, as he firmly testified. People saw him, assumed he was chasing somebody, and this sparked a rush of onlookers following him. Behind the knoll fence, they were filmed milling aimlessly around with nothing to see.
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
@@thomasraftery409 Only person to place Oswald in the lunch room before the shooting was Oswald and the people he claimed he was with flatly denied ever seeing him. You neglected to mention that he then immediately fled the crime scene.
@danielmoose1273 7 ай бұрын
Waste of time.
@timkeith2919 6 ай бұрын
I never bought the magic bullet theory one bullet inter and exit and turn in mid-air and go thru Connelly then exit his body and thru the wrist and leg and land on the floorboard of the limousine in pristine condition, the rifle in question was a Italian single shot gun and didn’t have the power to shoot 3 shots in seconds it was an awful rifle the Italian’s used in their war that was useless, this storyhas some many holes in it , it’s shameful!!!
@aaronz7056 5 ай бұрын
Weapon is in fact a Mannlicher Carcano rifle to which all bullets and fragments ever found were matched. Connally was demonstrably seated lower, inboard and turned sharply to his right. Victims' wounds demonstrably line up on a perfect trajectory and track straight back to the sixth floor window.
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