'It's a scandal that our capital city is in this condition."

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Peadar Toibin, Fergus O’Dowd and Roisin Shortall join Pat Kenny in studio to discuss the current state of Dublin City and whether it is being let down by a lack of services and forward planning.
#ireland #newstalk #dublin

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@comeregeway9072 Жыл бұрын
The city centre is dangerous, never mind a dive.
@foreignwarren7361 Жыл бұрын
At night?
@sirrobinofloxley7156 Жыл бұрын
It's dangerous because those who made it dangerous, not necessarily those who are a danger. Urban decay is the fuel of the Marxist Capitalist/Communist world.
@michaeljohndennis2231 Жыл бұрын
Manchester City Centre’s Piccadilly Gardens at weekend night-time is much safer than Dublin’s O’ Connell St in midweek daytime by comparison and I’ve been coming home to Ireland from Manchester for 21 years - it was never like that even when I was living in Dublin for 3 years in 1999 - my last visit home to Ireland was in October 2022 and it broke my heart what I saw
@2loudspeakers Жыл бұрын
Dublin City Council have a lot to answer for, for letting O'Connell Street, the main street of the capital city, turn into a kip over the last 20 years
@PB111627 Жыл бұрын
Fergus O’Dowd is deluded and that’s being utterly kind.
@Nutrient16 Жыл бұрын
Fergus needs to cop on, O connell is in ribbons lol
@michaeljohndennis2231 Жыл бұрын
O’ Connell St is a shadow of its former self - when I come to Ireland from Manchester now, which I’ve been doing for 21 years to visit family in Rural Ireland, I try to avoid Dublin City Centre as much as possible when I step off the ferry from Holyhead and going through Busaras - a key to Dublin’s decline has been the removal of the Dealers from Moore St and the fact that the old Clery’s is still boarded up, a truly heartbreaking sight - the iconic GPO, along with our country’s tragic history is being disrespected, mocked and openly ridiculed and the expo that is currently on in there regarding the Easter Rising, should be free to enter free of charge and not in a poky space in the corner - the entire GPO should be turned into a museum so that visitors to our country can properly learn about Ireland’s history and the struggle for Irish freedom
@johnbrady5579 Жыл бұрын
Its a kip and anyone who thinks its not are the people who make it a kip.
@MG-gz8kr Жыл бұрын
Not only is it probably one of the most expensive cities to visit in Europe, but it’s also the one of the roughest.
@jimboyle6974 Жыл бұрын
As a capital city , im embarrassed by Dublin. Overrun by drug users and a chronic lack of garda visible, one doesnt feel safe. In Lisbon city center, there are armed police every 100 meters or so. .. meanwhile we ard debating whether the gardai should have tasers. Its a complete kip
@222damien Жыл бұрын
not enough guards, judges who don't give a damn, and not enough prison spaces.
@PB111627 Жыл бұрын
It’s not a Garda Station that’s needed on O’Connell Street it’s an army barracks that’s required perhaps on the massive vacant Carlton site.
@michaeljohndennis2231 Жыл бұрын
Dublin is in a heartbreaking state and it’s got gradually and progressively worse in the 21 years that I’ve been coming home to Ireland from Manchester, as soon as I’ve stepped off the ferry from Holyhead - Dublin Busaras, which I use to get home to family in Rural Ireland, is in a particularly bad condition and it is giving a terrible impression to visitors from abroad to our country, an iconic 1950’s building that has been allowed to fall into a terrible state of neglect and disrepair, which was never the case when I grew up in Ireland in the 1970’s and 1980’s, it’s now like something that one would see in an old Soviet era country and it’s also become incredibly dangerous with drug addicts and homeless beggars begging inside the station, the gents toilets in Busaras are in a terrible condition and stink to high heaven, even in the winter months when I’ve come home - even post-Covid, there is simply no excuse for this, as aside from my 30 years in supermarket retailing, I’ve also worked as public areas cleaning in a major hotel and it’s clear that people are simply not doing thier jobs and should have been sacked long ago - I’ve travelled home summer and winter, daytime and overnight via Holyhead and they still not have sorted out the ferries going further up the Liffey at high tide despite Dublin Port’s recent expansion to take cruise ships, nor have they extended the DART nor LUAS all the way to the Irish Ferries Terminal - STOP MAKING EXCUSES, GET YOUR FINGER OUT AND COP YOURSELVES ON!!!!!
@scottblack9213 Жыл бұрын
Dublin was my favourite city in the world. Its an absolute filthy pit now. If you have people in power who dont give a dam about their citizens they serve, the citizens will give up.
@markc3258 Жыл бұрын
Fergus is delusional A new cops shop doesn’t pick the rubbish up ?? Dublin City centre needs about 500 extra Garda and hundreds of cleaners employed full time . No where in Europe would you see a centre like Dublin .😢
@descarroll2039 Жыл бұрын
Henry Street is an absolutely terrible place to shop.....Talbot Street is a complete dump....it's a very unnerving place to be....Tourists are a prime target in these areas...steer clear is the best advice....I've never seen Gardai on the beat in any of these places....it's a free for all for crime....it's out of control...
@RugbyJackal Жыл бұрын
Talking about the filth, crime, drugs, violcence and O'Dowd talks about planting a few trees. Says it all.
@davidfox7983 Жыл бұрын
It's a disgrace DCC not up to the job along with the rest of the Public Institutions
@johnpaulgregg998 Жыл бұрын
I worked on oconnell Street... its a dump
@raymondcarty8755 Жыл бұрын
Clean it up and Paint it up , Dublin is a beautiful City , the People of Dublin need to find pride in their city again , along with the Government , the Capital , of Ireland ,
@gallahuespub Жыл бұрын
dublin is an absolute kip
@aishling2083 Жыл бұрын
Yes to all of the above,the government are allowing this
@LOGOS422 Жыл бұрын
Is Varadkar not ashamed when he sees the state of it? He has the power to change it but no vision.
@patrickglennon7058 Жыл бұрын
Power wash dame street f.f.s.
@christiandenton2304 Жыл бұрын
It’s absolutely filthy dirty
@darraghgraham3679 Жыл бұрын
I dont know who that guy is from Louth, but he shouldn't be part of any intelligent conversation. A year ago I came back from the US after 4 years away. I took a walk through Dub city center around 6am as I could not sleep.. it was like a seen from ' I am legend' . Junkies everywhere, graffiti and ground - in dirt on walls and paths and was basically a no go zone anywhere near O Connell St. And of course not a Garda patrol anywhere to be seen. I,m saddened to see Dublin and the likes of Galway city give up on maintaining there city's . Ireland needs to fire government officials whose job it is to clean and keep safe our city's. Our Prime minister should be first on the chopping block, then his Minions in government. Need people in government who care about our country, please dont let it become what the US has become.
@marysmyth8687 Жыл бұрын
If we had more politicians like Peadar Tobin this country would be a much better place. He is a man of morality and integrity.
@lukekittdesign Жыл бұрын
It’s worse. It’s an EXPENSIVE dive.
@karylhogan5758 Жыл бұрын
Going downhill daily.. I retire in 3 years, am selling up at once and buying house outside Dublin.. too much stress her and place not safe..
@AlexanderMatrix11111 Жыл бұрын
As a french citizen speaking english, i wanted to apply to be a policeman in Ireland but they are rarely recruiting + demand a lot of administrative stuff. Then thought to myself "Don't they need police force in Ireland ?" and now i hear this.
@Nutrient16 Жыл бұрын
Yes to all questions
@derekdempsey8506 Жыл бұрын
And I'd say your one of theses who complains about its cold and rainy all the time
@johncambridge7339 Жыл бұрын
It's the same in cork city
@ggwalie Жыл бұрын
Dublin was always a dive, it’s only now they are learning what the rest of the country has known for decades 😂
@SH-lk8rh Жыл бұрын
The amount of human and dog faeces I see every day walking into town is beyond awful. Would be so embarrasses to show a tourist Dublin at the moment. Is really how taken a nose dive in hygiene and safety. I see open drug dealing constantly.
@stephenhall3515 Жыл бұрын
I am maternally Irish and was born and brought up in my father's country of England. When the industrial midlands town had a few epidemics in the 1950s and my sister and I were often affected by air pollution into the early '60s our parents sent us to stay with Great Aunt Bridie in Kilkenny and the aunt who took us there always took us through Dublin, which she knew like the back of her hand. It was safe and almost seamless for maiden aunt accompanying we 2 small children to cross the city from the docks to the railway and people were helpful and pleasant. Like us they did not have much money and material possessions but, young as I was, I perceived solidarity and what might be called 'fellow feeling' and this became more obvious as I grew a bit and sometimes went to Kilkenny accompanied part way. I was what was then called a 'sickly kid' but time on the edge of Kilkenny town and walks by the river built what I am -- an Irish man with an English professional background. Although my education and career were mainly in the UK I worked in education for Ireland from a senior position achieved young. By the early 1980s as an occasional contracted education inspector (a group comprising mainly UK senior staff) Dublin had clearly benefited from EC money but not very wisely. Squalid flats were demolished and new housing was gradually making for better immediate living conditions but too little of it even back then. Dublin city started to have a new skyline of taller buildings and by the late '80s it looked like a clone of business areas of British cities and was rapidly losing 'fellow feeling'. This was especially evident in transport which was shinier but fragmented and railway routes and diverse use of rail had gone backwards. Dublin had become a re-created 'Pale' on its way to becoming a City State to the exclusion of the rest of Ireland which, in fact creates by far the greater part of Ireland's GNP and GDP. Its 'satellite towns' often entirely lacked rail links and park and ride seems seldom to have been applied in the city. My feeling was that Dublin and its various vanity projects agreed by the two main parties had overreached to the grave detriment of quality of living on a daily basis, especially commuting to jobs making real products to sell and not paper ones full of tricks and favours to big companies which actually employed few people.Cronyism and corruption abounded in the 'Tiger' period and we all know what happened. The apparatus of government took up far too much real estate space and many saw a strong case for in to be moved to central Ireland but this was resisted, not least by TDs who undergo a weird change from human candidates to political class members when elected. Nothing has changed in this regard and needs to immediately. A sinister development from before that period which has worsened is that government departments have a basic instinct of self-protection as priority over actual needs and rights of the people, sneakily creating sub-offices (all with CEOs and funny names and 'Codes of Practice' designed to exhaust the people) and all of these need full functional and financial auditing, with ministers and senior servants being fully accountable at long last. I semi-retired permanently to Ireland in 2000 and chose to live in the Midlands and north west because there is air to breathe and because I had noticed innovation in sustainable energy and recycling being developed despite government policies and still some pride in old ways of land needing to rest and refresh in an orderly fashion informed by science. Rural life is not as portrayed in the media and I cannot pretend that there is no laziness but rural life is not just agrarian by any means and small, self-organising groups have been working for years on local energy production from wind, biogas, PV arrays and geothermal. Slow water DC turbines adding to grid base load capacity are ready but not so far connected to the grid because energy is taken for granted. The Rep of Ireland is over 90% dependent on UK electricity and gas still pegged at a lower cost than to other importers but the average Dub has no clue about this and neither have politicians. Dublin is where one goes when one really HAS to and we 'culchies' (especially ones like me who have disabilities) think the best view is in the one in the rear view mirror. More police, courts imposing severe sentences and deportation where relevant, and far better use of buildings which are under used during an accommodation crisis need to be working without delay and two of these three things are possible right now. Policing takes longer and officers require careful training and the drug problem needs a medical element of equal weight. There should be no political recess this year but all TDs and ministers and senior civil servants charged with the duty of taking a long, objective view of the Dublin Pale and solutions which will result in some functions moving out of the selfish bubble to allow real, viable economic and social development to happen. Those on salaries above a certain rich level should pay a capital city tax at a high rate to improve the experience and safety of the many and it needs to be imposed in the coming budget covering parts of adjacent counties known to be inhabited by the wealthy and possibly based on both salaries and property assets. The proposed Metro needs to be pushed far into the future in favour of laying a commuter railway to the airport from west of the M50 in two or three parking terminals including access to rail routes out of Dublin excepting the south coastal route. The Apple escrow money owed to the people of Ireland will partly pay for that and the Children's Hospital project but if costs keep rising on the latter spread child provision between the biggest hospitals in surrounding counties inclusive of helipads and requisite road improvements. These things are possible with skilled people readily available at home and political will should now be tested in what is actually the most populous part of Ireland being in an emergency state. Tourism money can be discounted because visitors will not travel to see filth, unruly behaviour, open substance abuse and pay ludicrous prices in hotels fictitiously claiming to be 4-star. The stats on N.American and European tourist decline should terrify those in power but they will only 'cop on' if forced to face plain facts. A Citizen's Assembly might work in countries where governments are either responsive or hanging on to tiny majorities but will emphatically not work here given the armour plated nature of the coalition. If TDs (and the people demonstrating on the streets) come together immediately to pass a temporary emergency bill of action there could be tangible results which real people can actually see. But if this chance, as a nation, is missed I foresee Dublin Pale facing dangers which will deepen the chaos and attract EU intervention under the terms of fitness for EU membership.
@Colin_Power Жыл бұрын
its an absolute kip
@ivanramos3201 Жыл бұрын
Youths trying to steal motorbike 3pm at O’Connell st, others drifting cars at Dominick st lower… and so on!! Nothing happen!!
@Kenny-zn6dl Жыл бұрын
If the pick pockets or drug dealer's don't rob you, the seagulls will 😂😂😂
@wbodenham Жыл бұрын
No it’s not a dive it’s a Kip. 🤪
@philip0987 Жыл бұрын
That chap is living in a bubble
@roger55es Жыл бұрын
Great to see Pat.The biggest task is a social problem .When the respect for social environment is lost and its not corrected by enforcing stricter laws and making an evident police state will cause more unrest . The homeless situation is saddening For such a great country bringing ys back to the memories of the famine . Since the crisis and the booming economy as they keep bragging its a cover up on reality
@jeffwilcox9987 Жыл бұрын
I’m visiting Ireland right now. I’ll be in Dublin later today. While I understand that you are looking at it compared to what it was but I tell you, it’s NOTHING like Portland, Seattle or San Fransisco. It’s good that you are trying to keep Dublin good.
@awhite630 Жыл бұрын
Walk down any street at night time and you'll get the answer
@learnenglishwithtreesongte5915 Жыл бұрын
What a sad situation
@jackwild8019 Жыл бұрын
I never cross into the northside of the city. Different vibes there 🏴‍☠️
@casteretpollux Жыл бұрын
Why no one on that panel who lives in the inner City? That is the root of the problem. No respect or care for the people.
@caterinazeni1673 Жыл бұрын
O'Connell Street is like a desert
@Shamo-yc4vy Жыл бұрын
Families don't want to go to the city centre, not family friendly
@christinelouisdecanonville9462 Жыл бұрын
O'Connell Street is an embarrassment to Dublin. It has become a visible reminder of the inequality in our city and the lack of investment that has been made in recent years. Efforts have been made to revitalise the street and transform it into a vibrant hub, however these efforts have yet to yield a tangible result. Despite this unfortunate reality, there is still considerable potential for O'Connell Street to become exemplary of Dublin's diverse culture and history. Further initiatives could include incorporating public art, establishing events celebrating Irish music and culture, and introducing new businesses into the district that would encourage pedestrians and bring life back into the area. Ultimately, O'Connell Street must be true to its historical roots as part of Dublin while also taking bold steps towards becoming a symbol of modern progress for all who inhabit the city.
@davidduffy3021 Жыл бұрын
It's gone to a pure kip
@oliviermader9007 Жыл бұрын
With many respect, You guys have an education issue to tackle first. I ve never seen so many kids or parents litter with no shame whatsoever. Fix this and the rest will improve as well.
@C05597641 Жыл бұрын
Iv stopped going into the city. Too much begging and drug use. Driving out wards results in better prices and more choice. Dublin will become like an american city we are actively seeking it. Time to move to the burbs!
@Beingyourselfnow Жыл бұрын
Roisin Shorthall is spot on the North Inner City needs a Government task force to bring this seriously neglected area into a vibrant habitable space ...partnerships have a part to play but do not have any impact on the dereliction of this area as it stands. It needs investment it needs use it or loose it policy for all the run down and boarded up buildings in the area...as for the GPO and Moore St sites these are major Historical sites the foundation of our Independence and it could be a Cultural Centre for the people and Tourist to enjoy. Its speaks volumes that persistent Fine Gail led Governments have completely ignored the Historical significance of this area and would wish them disposed off to commercial redevelopment . The fact that so many senior politicians of FG and FF represented this area demonstrates precisely what these political parties think and believe about the people in the area of the North Inner City. This area has been seriously neglected and ignored for decades. Time for a New Government to invest in the people and the physical environment of the North Inner City and I don't mean a land grab for developer friends either. The People of the North Inner City need a beautiful public space to live and thrive the same as the People on the South Side of Dublin City enjoy.
@conorgrennan983 Жыл бұрын
Ah the south side is nice. I lived in portobello and harolds cross and were really nice areas. Im working in the ifsc and its some dive
@derekdempsey8506 Жыл бұрын
Yes the real crooks about ifsc
@pauldunne102 Жыл бұрын
There is and parts of the Southside are the same also
@alanconlan8337 Жыл бұрын
Dublin city has always been a dive. Is it only now you're noticing it?
@AD-gi9zg Жыл бұрын
Need drug detox centers. Reducing doses to nothing in a month. Same day start. Not several years waiting to get into it. Walk in off the street, and in the prisons. Could have been done long ago.
@DanielKennedy Жыл бұрын
New police station ne arse😂
@feargach2107 Жыл бұрын
It's a no-go area.
@conanmcivor4930 Жыл бұрын
What planet is man on?!
@bernardmolloy4463 Жыл бұрын
Yes, its a kip
@marysmyth8687 Жыл бұрын
Yes Yes and Yes
@dubinatub1 Жыл бұрын
Just look at connelly train station, dirty, o connell street, beggers, drunken people sleeping on the footpaths, fast food shops, awful experience
@bellabell737 25 күн бұрын
I’m sorry to say, it’s not only dirty, but scary. 😔💕🇨🇦
@christophercoffey4231 Жыл бұрын
How dare you insult a dive in such a manner!
@bollocks5724 Жыл бұрын
Typical blame government but dont blame lazy people who cant be bothered to clean up after themselves.
@PiaraisOFinneadh Жыл бұрын
I spent 8 years in London during the 80's and I rarely seen dirth on or near the kerbs.... Spent 2 years in Dublin during the 90's and I was disgusted by the state of the streets in Dublin... worst still I developed a Sinus infection ...
@paulinenicoll6917 Жыл бұрын
it hasn't been safe in Dublin for years, and it's getting steadily worse, day or night.
@scottblack9213 Жыл бұрын
Nobody has addressed the REAL reason why Dublin is a hole.
@sandracarroll1665 Жыл бұрын
Same every where
@davidjkelly1971 Ай бұрын
I won’t allow my teenagers to into Dublin anymore.
@sineadmurtagh943 Жыл бұрын
If people cannot be recruited to state jobs then increase the levels of pay and conditions. If that doesn’t work, open those positions up to non-EU workers. In relation to the Gardaí, the same applies with the additional aspect of security. Minimum sentences for assault against them might be one aspect, but that is dwarfed by the underlying cause of crime and a lack of giving a 💩 about consequences. The main reason behind crime is underlying and generational poverty. We are a rich nation and we can solve this - but we choose not to.
@mpat100 Жыл бұрын
all those derelict building could be used for housing
@atix50 Жыл бұрын
Encourage investment as a pension alternative or offer the properties to developers in a rent control scheme like other cities. Comfortable homes for empty nesters and retirees with cheap rent in exchange for council houses and run down privately owned houses. Thousands of properties throughout the city center screaming out for renovation. Offer low deposit 30 year mortgages backed by the council for people with steady jobs/trades if they're first time buyers. There needs to be an income ceiling for people currently in council housing. 100k a year families shouldn't require social/charity housing. Transition couples who've increased their earnings since securing social housing to private housing with flexible mortgages and low deposits
@tommtom8662 Жыл бұрын
@MarcMacPhilib Жыл бұрын
Yes ,yes it is
@Tyr-not-mars Жыл бұрын
Green roofs are the only solution for micro climates to solve the "urban heat island effect"..which is a core root for the problems there...Cleaner air and there is hectares of space up on the city roofs ..great office vista' and rooftop after work socialising..reducing traffic congestion with workers happy to stay behind instead of rushing to get away.... during the pandemic there was not one fireworks display or community festival apart from the balcony singing (which was great)...The Republic has far too much "concentrado" style Cuban attitudes or "Blue Caps" hunting chivalry for past atrocities on the Veldt..
@jb6368 Жыл бұрын
Fraggle rock comes to mind walking down o connell st
@richardmurphy9006 Жыл бұрын
a Kick off in no time went in recently and dear Lord not Good a real sense of kick off
@theminderoshea1 11 ай бұрын
In Dublin
@DanielKennedy Жыл бұрын
Tobin always has to have his piece!
@DanielKennedy Жыл бұрын
Standing in a que for a gig beggars every five minutes asking you for money!
@RaulMeatFactory1975 Жыл бұрын
I still love my town dirt n' all.
@theminderoshea1 11 ай бұрын
Last one pat get onto some.more of the buildings to create some hard work for people. Not everyone can do soft work. You'd be doing a great service to your city. Plus everyone hangs out near Mountjoy now . New bars there are all the rage . People are moving to these areas now
@pfauniversal1890 Жыл бұрын
When we have a United Ireland we can move the capital to Belfast.
@benlotus2703 Жыл бұрын
private Frazer in Dad's Army : "We're doomed I tell you, doomed!"
@alllovingcowherdboy4475 27 күн бұрын
I seen new guards walking past the new Garda station ...looking for it 😅
@patrickleonard3809 7 күн бұрын
Sorry to interrupt,CORK is the capital🤣
@jimk140 Жыл бұрын
Constantinople soon to be Istanbul.
@alllovingcowherdboy4475 27 күн бұрын
Get the Gardai a security escort 😅
@kerrysupporter Жыл бұрын
A total dump
@peterryan3402 Ай бұрын
This city has been neglected by successive governments for years.
@joewalsh4685 Ай бұрын
It's certainly not a very pleasant place to visit and is very expensive as well.
@john07973 Жыл бұрын
The EU will fix it
@brianquinn6014 6 күн бұрын
It’s a tip,wouldn’t touch it with a barge poll. There a few years ago and was warned at my hotel that my car (Merc) could be a target, nicked within the hour,never got it back. Temple bar. Total rip off. Talk about putting a beggar on horseback.Never visit this dump.
@padraigomadain6681 7 күн бұрын
Where's the money going?
@solowingpixy8190 11 ай бұрын
5:08 whats he talking about, there are laws against all those crimes.
@cathalbuckley5657 Ай бұрын
It’s a complete Kip, always was. Looks nothing like a capital
@raymondwalsh7520 Ай бұрын
Fergus is trying to gaslight us or else he's away with the fairies. Tree's and vegetation can be seen on the drive in ??
@rossmorebaz Жыл бұрын
Dublin can be heaven with a coffee at 11 , and a stroll down Stephens Green.😂
@davidegan7888 Жыл бұрын
Cork is much nicer than Dublin.
@sirrobinofloxley7156 Жыл бұрын
An Anne Frank Museum, like the one in Amsterdam, to highlight the 1916 Battlefield... What?!?! Did I miss somethin'? Only Anne Frank can save us now?
@colmdurham4511 Жыл бұрын
We need to stop pointing fingers at the Government and blaming them as that won't solve anything in the same way sitting around talking about it won't. Dublin is an amazing city with such a supportive community lots of people working extremely hard to support local Artist and crafters for example We love market at the digital hub is a great example of creating something special as a community aswell as Nurtures Space at the Green Door Market creating a space for people to come together and support each other in a safe and supportive way so everyone can contribute to making Dublin an even more special place to be. Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. ❤
@patricevason5490 Жыл бұрын
Dublin has and always has been a dive 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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