Ontario deposit-return decision is a major setback: Canada Beverage Association

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Krista Scaldwell, president of the Canada Beverage Association, joins BNN Bloomberg to share her reaction to the latest decision regarding Ontario's deposit-return system.
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@user-xd7ui1wf8h 18 күн бұрын
What is wrong with recycling. I put my bottles and cans in the recycle container.
@b0rd3n 17 күн бұрын
You are not doing anything wrong here. Except maybe loosing out on the fee you paid at the retailer but that being your choice, as long as it goes into a blue bin, all is well.. The issue is that the incentive to recycle, or to bring back and get paid, completely dissapears when there isn't cash reward for the effort. Be prepared to see your thousand lakes slowly fill up with recyclables because don't forget... not everyone is as responsible as you (not a joke, you do recycle).
@theflowpowa42oshow 16 күн бұрын
@@b0rd3n Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
@mikeroberts308 16 күн бұрын
You do but there’s a lot of lazy bastards that just toss it on the ground. At least with a deposit on it someone will pick it up and cash in.
@theflowpowa42oshow 15 күн бұрын
​@@mikeroberts308 So it could benefit areas with large amounts of outdoor litter like large urban centres with large homeless populations. I think it would be less useful in rural areas that are already pretty clean and don't see a lot of trash in the street.
@b0rd3n 15 күн бұрын
@@mikeroberts308 yes! damn i thought this one was a no-brainer... Incentive to bring back equals less polution, WAY CHEAPER aluminiumfor creating new stuff - over 85-90% more efficient than mining for new raw material... a shit ton less co2 emissions... yet peole see it as a 'tax'? I am not aware of any single tax where i get 100% back on my initial out of pocket amount. I hope someone can explain, articulate anything that has any sort of rationale when it comes down to the deposit system and it ending up 'costing everyone massively'. Bunch of individualists with no small effort to spare, blind sided and having not much else to do but cry on a flat of pop costing an extra 2.40 as a 'damage deposit' kind of thing where you... fiiinnn get it aalll back!
@mikeroberts308 18 күн бұрын
Grocery stores in NY have vending type machines that you put cans and bottles in and you get the deposit back.
@b0rd3n 17 күн бұрын
They are everywjere in QC, too. Plus you can even get bulk bags that you fill up with 10 crates (240 cans total) to get a nice 24$ back everytime. It's perfect for larger families and for people that don't want to be bothered with bringing containers back at a 1:1 ratio. You do need to have some sort of storage place for the bags while you fill them up but it is worth it.
@ktefccre 20 күн бұрын
Don't we just recycle cans? I have been putting them into the blue bins.
@robertguay3773 20 күн бұрын
pepsi, coke etc they collect the 10 cents in most provinces and only pay the deposit back when returned so they lose money in Ontario if they can not keep the deposit profits rolling.
@bretthamelin8974 18 күн бұрын
That's the problem, a lot of people don't voluntarily recycle.
@luckycharm8888 17 күн бұрын
Thats the problem, recycling bins are just a show to make the people feel good! Few went really to recycling plant majority goes to landfill! CTV news already has expose episose on this recycle sham!
@znk0r 15 күн бұрын
We return them to the store for money, you then have nicely sorted aliminium so companies can make new cans at less cost and 10% the energy.
@robertguay3773 15 күн бұрын
@@znk0r The aluminum cans do get turned into more cans but the bottles get melted onto the back of carpet as they can not be reused. still gets reused but it does not turn into a new bottle.
@i.am.hodgie 19 күн бұрын
Again, industry is asking government to fund these schemes. They want to recycle the material, then pay for it yourself.
@user-cu4pe7hz6i 18 күн бұрын
Deposit return is another money grab .
@416XYZ 17 күн бұрын
in what way? bring your bottle or can back and you get your money back ?
@theflowpowa42oshow 16 күн бұрын
@@416XYZ Must not like money
@nonamo9348 14 күн бұрын
@@416XYZ Because even where they claim 75 to 80% of containers are returned it means there's 20 to 25% of unclaimed deposits. Who keeps that money? The government or the retailers? Either way it's a cash grab.
@InaiaNeko 20 күн бұрын
Can they just make a system like in Europe? Where the glass bottles are used several times and big shops has an automatic system (machines) with returns. So it is visible and everyone will do that?
@goldorackconceptionwebmark4319 20 күн бұрын
It’s like that in Québec ⚜️
@pipe2devnull 14 күн бұрын
I think that's what she was saying they wanted for Ontario then the gov't said that it had to be deposit and return.
@user-fj5qf7gt6n 17 күн бұрын
My goodness! We've been doing this since at least the 70's in BC. It even provides some money for poor and homeless.
@goldguilder9554 18 күн бұрын
You can collect it in Ontario and return it in Quebec for profit
@NotExpatJoe 18 күн бұрын
Been there and tried that. The machine reads the bar code on the can and will not payout for cans sold outside Quebec.
@goldguilder9554 18 күн бұрын
@@NotExpatJoe Safeways don’t scan you can just return bottles
@ericyuan9718 17 күн бұрын
What's your hourly wage, $2/hour???
@mr2_mike 17 күн бұрын
Someone did this in Arizona to California. Multi million dollars made. Then jail time.
@b0rd3n 17 күн бұрын
@@ericyuan9718 literally more than your whole extended family combined when you think at scale. Assume a 10 ton truck...
@KeepOnTheRightPath 16 күн бұрын
Our local gas station takes in a LOT of bottles and the business has been there for decades. I don't see the problem at all.
@SomeoneIused2know 15 күн бұрын
This is a troubling situation. Premier Doug Ford should implement a return-deposit system for non-alcoholic beverage containers and increase the deposit amount on alcoholic beverage containers. This would help reduce the litter Tim Hortons enthusiasts and perhaps drunk drivers left behind on our roadways. I think the police could also pay closer attention to what's being littered on the sides of the road and where to catch and remove both litterbugs and drunk drivers.
@Poppagee69 15 күн бұрын
That's bull , Manitoba does not give a refund on pop cans , only alcoholic beverages
@RichEmbury 20 күн бұрын
Here is Sask, we pay 10-25c on pop, juice and milk cartons at the store, rinse and save them after, bring em to a bottle depot (SARCAN) and get our depsits back. 10c for smaller 500ml-1L, 25c for 2L pop/milk and 4L milk jugs etc. Glass bottles like beer too, $ depends on size. Even juice tetra packs have a value. Doesn't take a long time and you have a couple garbage bags full of cans, bottles and tetra boxes, return it and get 20-50$ or more at once. Many folks donate them to charity like sports teams via bottle drives too, if they dont need the $. Seems wasteful not to have a system in place.
@dustintobler9840 18 күн бұрын
It's just another tax. When you look at your bill you will see deposit which you get back and a recycling fee which you don't get back. It's just a another tax.
@FullCircleTravis 18 күн бұрын
It's not cost-effective or environmentally friendly. I did the math.
@ivannightly1919 18 күн бұрын
all mycans go in recycling so i don't see how this would be an improvement, to be honest if added id stop buying pop
@b0rd3n 17 күн бұрын
i whish you could see that without incentive to recycle, MANY don't and pollute the environment. With incentive to bring back, someone else will most likely clean up their mess and get the 10cents they couldnt be bothered about. Deposit is a HUGE THING for the environment. In QC, nowhere do i ever see cans laying around for more than a 24h period without someone picking it up for the deposit value. Would they be this effective at cleaning up the environment without cash back?? That's a huge no...
@robertguay3773 20 күн бұрын
We need to get rid of it in Alberta I can just toss it in my blue bin. It is so annoying to take it to the bottle depot. We picked up a pop machine and just started making it at home. I went from buying pop every week to maybe new years and Christmas. In order to get my money back I need to drive 15 mins stand in line forever to get my 5-10 bucks back. Screw it I will just find better ways.
@ShitWrangler 19 күн бұрын
born rich from ontario
@billwhitis9997 18 күн бұрын
A lot of 'I's and 'my's. Maybe thinking of others might have some value?
@zatridevyatzemel 18 күн бұрын
@@billwhitis9997 Yeah, especially of those who won't be able to pocket this cash grab. - Right? Cry me a river
@whatthepick 17 күн бұрын
That's why people use skipthedepot lol.
@shanewilson8728 16 күн бұрын
I believe that @robertguay is just too lazy to take bottles and cans back.
@billwhitis9997 18 күн бұрын
Typical Doug Ford. I wonder if he will be as hated as Mike Harris?
@ericyuan9718 17 күн бұрын
So people would need to DRIVE to the store to get back (pack of 12 cans) 12*0.10 = $1.20 and not all grocery store locations can collect your cans so you have to go out of your way. Plenty of people don't have cars, imagine the hassle needed to collect a bit over a dollar. FUCK THE LOBBISTS THAT THINK WE'RE ALL STUPID.
@russwdavies 18 күн бұрын
How much extra gas returning cans?
@dougpatterson7494 17 күн бұрын
If you plan your trips well and especially if you can drop off containers at places you go to anyways it is very little.
@mr2_mike 17 күн бұрын
Most homeless use bikes so...
@b0rd3n 15 күн бұрын
What?? really? You can't VERY SIMPLY afford to load a couple flat of empties in your empty vehicule on your weekly grocery store shopping time? Plus.. emties - and even ALOT OF THEM - weight very very very little... You must eat fast food.. no grocery store run for you? Buy your pop from Amazon or door dashit? Come on.
@b0rd3n 15 күн бұрын
@@dougpatterson7494 im certain it equels exactly... 5$ over a lifetime. You already are going, as you said, and empties weight literally nothing.
@Michael-pg7rv 20 күн бұрын
If we want to reduce trash and have people properly recycle then incentives need to be out in place. Add 10 cents to the beverage and then give it back on the return. Make it happen!
@captinzoom 20 күн бұрын
This would have little to no impact on waste reduction. Most won't return but price of deposit and the work to process will be added to all consumers price tag. She seem like a environmental Lobbist scammer.
@Tribuneoftheplebs 20 күн бұрын
​@@captinzoom homeless will scavange through garbage and do the recycling for us
@robertguay3773 20 күн бұрын
what do you think it costs to run a bottle depot, $10k in rent, then you need to heat and A/C the building. Probably around 18-20 bucks an hour for staff and you probably need 300 hours plus of labor per depot. then you have bags and trucking Insurance. Another option is to put it in your blue bin and send it to the plant.
@matthewsemenuk7544 19 күн бұрын
People litter booze bottles with deposits anyways. the rest already goes into the blue bins. This idea of deposits on everything is just a waste of time and money and is just another tax on the people who don't have time to bother with sorting and counting their empties. Absolutely retarded idea. Besides, the recycling process is not as rosy and innocent as most of you think it is. Coming from someone who seeks and takes back a large number of booze empties for fun. (an empty return expert I guess you could say) and i also know a thing or two about scrap metal yards and and the regrind/ reuse process on plastic drain tile.
@scorp10fl53 18 күн бұрын
New Brunswick also has a deposit return policy!
@Ian-ci2pw 16 күн бұрын
"you get your money back" but how much do retailers and the government pay for the program and have to pass on those expenses to the citizens? Plus the time and effort it takes vs putting it in your blue recycling bin. Are people really putting them in the garbage instead of recycling?
@maxrush206 14 күн бұрын
this is so stupid. metal is one of the easiest parts to recycle and no one's going to change their behaviour. it's just more tax with extra steps, it's going to be like the paying 10 cents for plastic bags thing. no one used less plastic bags. even now people just buy those 33 cent 'reusable' bags and throw them out because they never remember to bring them to the store in the first place
@user-gm9cx3bt1f 16 күн бұрын
Has worked perfectly here in BC. You'd be hard pressed to find any "empties" along the roads or anywhere in public.
@patrickinottawa27 17 күн бұрын
Ontario used to have a deposit/return system, and it's a charge/credit on invoices between the bottler and the stores. What cost is there to the Ontario Government?
@levnazarov 18 күн бұрын
Does it actually make sense to separate glass beverage from any other glass? Isn’t it all melted? Does it make sense to separate plastic containers from other plastics? ….i doubt it is reused as the lady claims. If those 2 streams combined with other streams, than there are just cans left. Those could be recycled separately as well. Concept of deposit is an attempt to shift costs to consumer.
@allatonce3143 15 күн бұрын
Yeah , you wouldn't want the poor to be picking those cans out of the recycling bins and making a few bucks !
@sprogbog1197 12 күн бұрын
$.10 cents Per container here in BC including now Milk. You will never ever hardly see a Beverage container on the Streets. What a Fking Great Program have
@behonestwithyourself3718 16 күн бұрын
We do bottle drives for kids sports and funraising. Or I just put them in the blue bins. I'm in BC
@Scotiak 19 күн бұрын
Ask the real questions. What percentage of the containers are actually returned? Just another tax.
@dougpatterson7494 17 күн бұрын
In Alberta it was close to 85% in 2023 so that sounds pretty successful to me. This is according to the Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation (ABCRC) website.
@brucemartin8435 15 күн бұрын
Quick challenge go spend any morning at the beer store in Hawkesbury Ontario and watch people from Quebec show up with drink containers to get money. They show up with trailers!
@cdogg82 14 күн бұрын
Paid recycling has less participation then volunteer recycling. It’s actually better not to have a deposit return
@TheNewBDetailer 19 күн бұрын
Just my experience and opinion , I do not value having to take time to sort, count, and store separately. They added deposit return to wine bottles for example, and now I burn gasoline and time to return the bottles.
@BnMProductions11 18 күн бұрын
Or you just return them when youre going out anyways like a normal person and not burn extra fuel.
@TheNewBDetailer 18 күн бұрын
@@BnMProductions11 says the judge.
@billwhitis9997 18 күн бұрын
In BC, I just slap a label on the bag, and drop it off. I get credited online and can deposit it in my account. The NDP is just a better government.
@BnMProductions11 18 күн бұрын
@@billwhitis9997 No shit haha. Conservatives in this day and age are one step from fascists.
@CedroCron 15 күн бұрын
NO MORE TAXES! ENOUGH! ... All this is, is a tax!
@tinomoc9877 15 күн бұрын
Prohibit of costs but doug ford has tax money to privatiza alcohol
@user-ri7zx7bf7i 17 күн бұрын
Good we have enough burden on our backs with out more
@jacobuszwanenburg1629 15 күн бұрын
Another sign the truth of climate scare is just that a scare tactic nothing more for ottawa
@JessT-vg7ib 20 күн бұрын
This is rich coming from the group that said to Ford that there's more important things to talk about like hiring more doctors and now they're talking about this? It's the same thing when they complained about Fords buck a beer and now they're doing it.
@ianleslie6971 18 күн бұрын
Unfortunately the deposit return system has hidden costs factors. Which means the cost of the product is higher . There's no free lunch.
@b0rd3n 17 күн бұрын
mining for more aluminium costs a shit ton more than recycling... plus you get the deposit back. Its all about retailers being dishonest here.
@ianleslie6971 17 күн бұрын
@@b0rd3n you are paying for the return system also.
@8bit_paul 20 күн бұрын
I had no idea this wasn't a thing in Ontario, BC introduced a 30cent bottle return on 2 liter pop bottles when I was a kid in the 80's, it was a big deal then. The deposit is still 30 cents 40 years later, so people mostly ignore it now. EDIT: 5:34 for decades. All corner stores and grocery stores in BC have always taken returns, it was something we did as kids for extra money.
@stephenphillips6245 20 күн бұрын
Ontario is in the dark ages ..anytime companies want something you know your behind when you move against them.
@KOZMOuvBORG 18 күн бұрын
Incorrect, has been a dime per container (small non-alcoholic were a nickel prior) regardless of size for several years now in Vancouver.
@nicholasbaker8158 20 күн бұрын
What a disgrace. There are such easy solutions that will motivate people to recycle and prevent the cross border issues. 1) Standardize the refund rate across Canada. 2) Make the deposit rate high enough that people are incentivized to return refundable containers. For example, .50 cent deposit on a non-alcohol beverage container with a .45 cent refund. If you have ever tried to return American beverage containers you will find out that they are stamped differently, often come in different sizes, and when you clink American beer bottles together they sound different. Also, reverse vending machines are great and I believe that they have been in Norway for many years. These should be available at every grocery store. Recycling centres also create job opportunities for people who have few marketable skills. There should be federal support for recycling facilities based on business success to offset labour costs of such staff. Once beverage containers are figured out, move on to Tim Horton cups/covers (10 cent deposit with full refund) (stackable = space saving).
@maryloudiamond2628 16 күн бұрын
@jackjanpour8532 18 күн бұрын
Ford nation!
@kcirdorb9591 19 күн бұрын
Typical Ontario -it's all about greed....making the most money-screw the environment...2024 and Ontario doesn't recycle their drink containers??? Way to go Doug Ford, way to go Ontario.
@matthewsemenuk7544 19 күн бұрын
most recycling is a lie. even more so when it comes to low grade polymers and low grade paper fibers. Dyes and colours cause a real problem also.
@conway2121 18 күн бұрын
Start paying for them like every other province, Was ridiculous to move away from glass to begin with, Glass is easily recycled plastic is not. You don't get any chemicals leaching into your drinks with glass either much safer to go back to glass there is way to much plastic.
@pipe2devnull 14 күн бұрын
Retailers = Loblaws
@meganhoward8820 18 күн бұрын
@michaelanderson3096 20 күн бұрын
Bad decision: This creates jobs within the Ontario's economy - aluminum. Only applies to metals.
@martincuda7947 20 күн бұрын
It is much more environmentally responsible to not introduce a deposit and for us to use our recycle bins on garbage day. Imagine how much carbon will be emitted by all of us taking our pop cabs and plastic bottles in our SUVs to the recycle depot! Lol and don't we all have so much free time on our hands after a week of heavy commuting to and from work. Let's also just forget about having time for our kids and spouses while we do all this unnecessary recycling work instead of just putting the cans and bottles out for the garbage guy. Folks are we this stupid! Who are these people that want this??? Thank God that Premier Ford has a good head even if he sometimes makes a mistake (and he at least owes up to this and changes when he recognizes this).
@matthewsemenuk7544 19 күн бұрын
I can think of far better stupid ways to "create useless unnecessary jobs"
@B_knows_A_R_D-xh5lo 20 күн бұрын
@multipass888 15 күн бұрын
Ugh...always such high drama about common sense things. My brain cells are dying listening to Canadian issues.🙄
@dougpatterson7494 17 күн бұрын
This is shocking that Ontario doesn’t have a beverage container return system. I thought this was universal across Canada and common in much of the US. Like “red neck Alberta and Saskatchewan” have deposits on all beverage containers, surely the “more sophisticated” Ontarians would have a container deposit return system at least as stringent as those out west. In US states that don’t encourage people to sort out recyclables many municipalities do sorting of waste leading to higher percentage waste diversion through recycling than Canada as a whole.
@manuelagerlach8673 20 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@androol 20 күн бұрын
I moved to Ontario a couple years ago, and brought my cans to a metro for deposit return, and they looked at me like I was crazy and told me to throw them in the garbage. Now I just follow your province’s customs and throw my recyclables into the garbage.
@martincuda7947 20 күн бұрын
It is much more environmentally responsible to not introduce a deposit and for us to use our recycle bins on garbage day. Imagine how much carbon will be emitted by all of us taking our pop cabs and plastic bottles in our SUVs to the recycle depot! Lol and don't we all have so much free time on our hands after a week of heavy commuting to and from work. Let's also just forget about having time for our kids and spouses while we do all this unnecessary recycling work instead of just putting the cans and bottles out for the garbage guy. Folks are we this stupid! Who are these people that want this??? Thank God that Premier Ford has a good head even if he sometimes makes a mistake (and he at least owes up to this and changes when he recognizes this).
@robertguay3773 20 күн бұрын
you should have a blue bin. Do we need door to door education of how it works.
@NotExpatJoe 18 күн бұрын
I am not in Ontario anymore, but the city where I lived had combined stream recycling or whatever the hell they called it. Everything got thrown in the same bin and sorted at a facility before being sent to recycling centres, composting centres, or the dump. You could put things in a special coloured bag that, for whatever reason, you didn't want the sorting facility to sort. It is a much better and cheaper system than all the stupid recycling and compost bins.
@Roof_Pizza 20 күн бұрын
Doug Ford is always on the wrong side.
@lordmaster2328 20 күн бұрын
he is right .... do not want to over complex the live of Ontarian
@tiffaniiee 20 күн бұрын
We are all broke right now. Why the hell would we want this? A deposit-return system would just make all our drinks cost more lol. We dont need to spend money on a deposit-return system right now either, our economy is horrible enough..
@Roof_Pizza 20 күн бұрын
Low-income people love bottle deposits, they get to return bottles that lazy, rich people refuse to, not to mention keeping them out of landfills.
@pennywill4521 20 күн бұрын
@@Roof_Pizza Not all "non-returners" are rich and lazy, some can't walk and are housebound.
@martincuda7947 20 күн бұрын
It is much more environmentally responsible to not introduce a deposit and for us to use our recycle bins on garbage day. Imagine how much carbon will be emitted by all of us taking our pop cabs and plastic bottles in our SUVs to the recycle depot! Lol and don't we all have so much free time on our hands after a week of heavy commuting to and from work. Let's also just forget about having time for our kids and spouses while we do all this unnecessary recycling work instead of just putting the cans and bottles out for the garbage guy. Folks are we this stupid! Who are these people that want this??? Thank God that Premier Ford has a good head even if he sometimes makes a mistake (and he at least owes up to this and changes when he recognizes this).
@noseboop4354 19 күн бұрын
If you're broke, then just drink free water from the tap and stop buying bottled beverages, they're a rip off anyways.
@matthewsemenuk7544 19 күн бұрын
It's such a dumb idea. Would be cooler to see people clean and refill their bottles with bulk product at a discount tho. Not this dumb waste of time and money project tho, that disrupts our already existing recycling system. It's crazy to see people believe every lie they are told.
@louislebrun1790 20 күн бұрын
Great, what a waste of time
@robertguay3773 20 күн бұрын
and money
@quasarkid6728 18 күн бұрын
I dont return anything.... I dont drive and cant be bothered with the effort
@martincuda7947 20 күн бұрын
It is much more environmentally responsible to not introduce a deposit and for us to use our recycle bins on garbage day. Imagine how much carbon will be emitted by all of us taking our pop cabs and plastic bottles in our SUVs to the recycle depot! Lol and don't we all have so much free time on our hands after a week of heavy commuting to and from work. Let's also just forget about having time for our kids and spouses while we do all this unnecessary recycling work instead of just putting the cans and bottles out for the garbage guy. Folks are we this stupid! Who are these people that want this??? Thank God that Premier Ford has a good head even if he sometimes makes a mistake (and he at least owes up to this and changes when he recognizes this).
@KOZMOuvBORG 18 күн бұрын
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, Archie Bunker.
@theflowpowa42oshow 16 күн бұрын
good points.
@noah-mg2vy 19 күн бұрын
Worry about Trudeau Who cares about bottles. You won’t have a home to drink in or any money to buy anything under Trudeau so don’t worry about Doug ford
@BnMProductions11 18 күн бұрын
Worry about Trudeau? Hes been pretty useless, Ford has been 10x worse, Ford is just deliberately running the province into the ground at this point for his own gain and he isnt even trying to hide it.
@billwhitis9997 18 күн бұрын
Bots on Bloomburg
@dougreed736 19 күн бұрын
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Now THIS is entertainment! 🤣
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Рет қаралды 40 МЛН