Oren Lyons Address at the UN General Assembly

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Tupac Enrique Acosta

Tupac Enrique Acosta

7 жыл бұрын

Faithkeeper Oren Lyons addresses the United Nations General Assembly on the 10th anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, calling for an INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

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@catherinedove 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Oren Lyons for the strength and wisdom you bring to these discussions. Thank you for holding to the truth in your tradition. You bring us food for action.
@wantitok 4 жыл бұрын
Our brothers and sisters of the Native Americans are so beautiful and true. Here we are in 2019, the majority of this civilization, can not defined themselves or understand who they are in general or what they may become. When a civilization can not Define who they are. No definition and direction, this Is a dangerous time to be alive, is it not ? When one doesn't have a definition, how can one understand their own reality? When a civilization is lost in their reality, the civilization will not know the correct way to turn, no correct decisions are made, therefore they will do whatever they want to do, feel however they want to feel, don't experience any guilt from their decisions, whatever feels good to them, they will do it ! This civilization has chooses this direction by doing so, this is the result of a lost civilization. For example if a Psychologist tells the patience, this is moral or this is inmoral or this is ok. The patient will believe what they patient wants to believe. Then there's no morals or inmorals if it feels good just do it. Then the patient will end up having sexual relationships with a 6, 7, or a 8 year old child. 55 million abortions since 1973 combined with 8,000 abortion a Day in the United States. Now Congress will pass a new law, allowing late-term abortions into the nine months. And then they take the remains and burn them, sell them for stem cell research as well as DNA. Today 285,000 children was abandoned and 180,000 will end up in human trafficking. Child prostitution, child pronography, santanic rituals, sacrifices and child enslavement. These are just a few examples of a evil civilization. It seems that most people are not aware of it or don't even care. The reason why? They have their head, not stuck up their ass, but in their smartphones making them a smartass. And you know what, a quantum computer is not going to fix none of this Because of deception and programming there is No direction, No decisions to made, just do as you feel and don't correct any mistakes. This is who we are as a civilization, we are empty, we are brainless. We don't understanding what is true, what is false, good or bad, ugly or cruel, how could this civilization ever understand, what is beautiful. This civilization has no understanding what is evil, destructive and horrible, because they consider all choices are equal valid. Because they, no longer know the difference, what makes us moral or immoral. We treat all decisions equal and valid. Therefore we have shown God of the universe that we, as a civilization has become lost. Even though God sent , Jesus Christ to bring us understanding of unconditional love, a higher form of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Now the time has ran its path. The Seven Year Tribulations is here base on the constellation of Leo and Virgo which began, September 23rd 2017 and The Seven Years Tribulations will end September 23rd 2024 Now we will see, the results of our own reality. Revelation 16:15 Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake If you are reading this post and agree with it. Feel free to go to my channel. As well as read, what I'm about in the Community section. Thank you may God continue to bring you the light ! Just my insight on this subject, Earth Changes Channel Interesting isn't it ?
@shantielives 2 жыл бұрын
Are you ok? The lodging and reasoning that I’m reading here shows more judgment than actual experience? How would I know this 🤔 well my Native American Family was decimated to point that I had NO family No Grandparents, No Cousins, No Aunts or Uncles? They where mostly killed on the Trail Of Tears! To make it even closer My Great Great Grandfather was Chief Red Cloud 🙏🏻 whom was betrayed by the US Military when they broke not one but two Peace ( Ska-Noh ) Treaties! My Mother was adopted by a Middle Class White Victorian Woman and didn’t find out about being a 1/2 Native American Indian / 1/2 Native Canadian Indian! She was born with blond hair until it turned Black over night when she was 13 Years old when she found out that she had 12 brothers and sisters she lost it because she was the only one adopted out? 😭 After many many months of research I found out why she herself never knew why only her out of 12? Well it jus so happens that between 1934-4936 the American Registry was logging in the Records that any Indian born between these few years where registered as a Negro! So my Indian Grandmother Adopted her to be registered as a Caucasian. I guess back in the 20-30s it was worse to be a Indian than a Negro! My mother never talked about being a Indian until I was much older,she didn’t want to be rejected! In the end she was quite happy starting her own family and me and my other 2 siblings where a bit sad that we had no extended family, but we where ok loving the World as our Family. So to be clear I am Very upset with the continued whining about CRT Pppffffttt please get over yourselves! Almost everyone complaining has had more connections to family than I ever will have 🤷🏼‍♀️ and again I’m doing my life and so should everyone else.If your life is wound up in a Past that you didn’t even experience yourself than your just a waist of life 🤦‍♀️ so sad! Ok then I’m going to stop typing now. Sending Blessings of Peace,Love and Prosperity! Big Hugz Shanti Now as far as the rest of your comment it’s Very Profound ! Very good Job wrapping it all up in one little truth bomb! This shit Show is all Theater compliments of the CIA/UN/WHO/NWO yup indeed we are in the middle of the Rothschilds Playbook under the title ( LOCKSTEP) about to enter ( Magneto Genetics ) Agenda 21/25/30/50 the Vax is not a Vaccine it’s a Gene Therapy injection 😱 with Nanotechnology, Nanotubes, Nano Hydrogel,Graphene Oxide ( GO ) and some HIV/AIDS,with a little Anthrax and some other mycobacterium but the (GO) mite as well be The Programable Matter ie: ( BLACK GOO ) it’s self replicable.It will kill most people but those that can integrate it will become Cyborgs run by the G-5/6 networks. So indeed the World is beginning to feel the woo’s of Labor’s Pain! Thanks for Sounding the Horns! People need to wake up and stop being complacent.
@sagehopkins1 2 жыл бұрын
@@shantielives , Thank you for sharing at least the 1st part of your response which touched my heart deeply! This unveiling of you growing up orphaned from all of your ancestry has such profound depth that I hope you will copy and paste this story to share another platforms! Perhaps even in your own memoir. As for the rest of your response it was interesting and entertaining. I'm not sure how much of it was "tongue and cheek" especially the remark about the "black goo" which I associated with my Earlier fascination in life with watching the TV series X files. All the same,I really enjoyed reading your response!! Unity and Strength with Love of Life, ~Sage
@nebulanz8232 6 жыл бұрын
Enjoy listening to this man. Much respect.
@aldebaranredstar 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Oren Lyons, for your hard work all these years! ❤️👏👏
@herab9554 4 жыл бұрын
Mr. Oren Lyons is my chief and my president. God bless him!
@brucesweatmaniii6030 4 жыл бұрын
he also keeps the central's fires of the nation May the MOTHER bless him, us our ways not the ways of the evil one. remember the ways, teach the ways, for it will save us as a people shorty.
@kurtbogle2973 3 жыл бұрын
How is it that the only time I hear true wisdom is when the Turtle Island Indigenous people are speaking. As Sitting bull said," it does not take many words to speak the truth. Mister lions is exemplary of this. IF HUMANITY IS TO SURVIVE, WE ARE NOT ONLY GOING TO HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, BUT WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO ADAPT THEIR WAY OF THINKING. IN OTHER WORDS. WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO BE HUMAN BEINGS, NOT JUST CALL OURSELVES HUMAN BEINGS!
@zigzag9133 2 жыл бұрын
Blessings Chief Lyons. Thank you for delivering these wise words from those of us who are the original people of Turtle Island.
@halfpipefreak 5 жыл бұрын
Too little people listen to this man it's a damn shame.
@cynthiaennis3107 4 жыл бұрын
halfpipefreak imagination creates reality...imagine a healthy earth, peaceful people. Put yourself in this play in first person...as if you are experiencing it! Imagine a healed Earth, pure water, clean air, ozone & rain forests repaired, nutritious food, healthy & the right balance of animals & life giving plants in abundance for all! Living in peace, love for one another & in harmony with the Earth! ALL starts first in the mind...consciousness to subconscious, before it shows up in reality! Peace to all.
@stantondinger5836 4 жыл бұрын
My thoughts too. As soon as they panned to the guy in the urban camo recording on his cell phone all I saw was empty seats.... then at the end they showed even more and it was as if someone from the U.S. pressured other Countries to walk out or not go.
@stantondinger5836 4 жыл бұрын
@@cynthiaennis3107 What does what you say have anything to do with what they said about there being too few people in attendance? Nothing. Peace.
@cynthiaennis3107 4 жыл бұрын
Stanton Dinger if one wants histhis world to change...it first comes from creation which happens in imagination with feeling. So...to change this outcome...work inside first, controlling the mind for a peaceful outcome for all beings, holding that in thought, not negating it be speaking against it, or anyone & see what happens outside! It must show up in reality! It is the Law of Mind & a great discipline.
@e-maikey4543 3 жыл бұрын
💜🌲🐬... Good Morning! Bon Dia! Bonjour! Buenos Dias! Bom Dia Familia y Relatives... 🌴🌳🌵🌲🐺🐢🐍🌻🐋🐳🐳🐳🐳... Water is life... 💜🐣💜
@bluzcompany2293 3 жыл бұрын
Peace is possible...
@jeffreyg4626 2 жыл бұрын
Another World IS possible brother...
@cynthiaennis3107 4 жыл бұрын
I think he is just wonderful! How is peace spelled? Scano, skanno?? Does anyone know? Thank you in advance! May all those who truly want peace, have it! Peace!
@hollygarner1949 4 жыл бұрын
Ska-Noh (I have seen it spelled at the cutural center on Onondaga Lake.)
@FriendofOnas Жыл бұрын
Nyaweñha sgé•noñ’ is what the nation uses on their website.
@HubsAlgarveKnives 2 жыл бұрын
They all listen,they all agree....BUT NOTHING WILL BE DONE ! The hunt for more and more has infiltrated their hearts...👎
@FriendofOnas Жыл бұрын
They will learn when they are hunted
@FriendofOnas Жыл бұрын
Thank you for filming this, it is hard it find.
@casparzwart1987 2 жыл бұрын
@lumbeejojonativedaughterdi9770 4 жыл бұрын
Love this!!!
@samkat3303 2 жыл бұрын
TY,for Being U,Blessings❤🌞
@nicholasviglizzo7159 5 ай бұрын
Thank you Oren Lyons. Humanity needs to take better care of mother earth. Great message.
@shawnprice3894 2 жыл бұрын
@tree708 Жыл бұрын
@chezvii2072 2 жыл бұрын
How true is it today
@FriendofOnas Жыл бұрын
Wish we had a much better view of this, hard to believe the archive is aging so quickly. This is the reason the delegation is filming at 3:20, these types of moments will disappear in the ocean of content online.
@tupacenriqueacosta3985 7 жыл бұрын
Oren Lyons Address at the UN General Assembly redabyayala.blogspot.com/2017/04/oren-lyons-faithkeeper-turtleclan.html
@christineradomiljac9308 2 жыл бұрын
Thankyou Oren Lyons for taking the stand to speak the truth amongst leaders who do not know how to respect this Beautiful Planet that is being destroyed through their egotistic leadership at fault.
@jerrylyons9971 2 жыл бұрын
I'm listening closely, the truth sets me free
@charlenemode8975 7 ай бұрын
❤ It is n honor to hear is wisdom
@simosc2 Жыл бұрын
Bless you, Grandfather
@milkchocolate9106 2 жыл бұрын
@freedomcall5233 3 жыл бұрын
The United Nations is an instrument of the CORPORATIONS, it fails to address or recognize its own conventions and declarations as well as maintaining peace in the world, were is the imperical evidence to prove otherwise, so why are worldwide taxpayers paying from thier sweat equity to this organization of unelected bureaucrats? If the United Nations do not recognize you the individual regardless or your creed, then what good is the organisation to say they recognize the RIGHTS of an individual , as in all beurocrating beginnings they start off with real values and the decline of such as they progress, we see that when corporations got seats within the not so great hall of the U.N, now with no real substance and never recognizing the very RIGHTS it had been to uphold, but rather as spin doctors take those RIGHTS and give them to Corporations, The economy is one big CORPORATION with its corporate governments and private corporations to which the U.N allowed you all to be incorporated into the body of such, they do not uphold any Rights and bow to the corporations that feed them, but the corporations were fed by your sweat equity, your having to work hard to feed the corporations who then feed the U.N, if you follow the money then a fact is it all comes from you all, so how then and for what reason justifies the U.N, exposing this must be a high priority and a criminal investigation begin into the misleading adventures of such an organization as the U.N, Mankind, Human Beings is what should be presented by the U.N and never the corporation, Legalities are a toxic influence now and facts seemingly ignored that then satisfied the interests of the corporation and certain private organizations, there days are numbered and the faith based principals deminished into the darkness of thier money filled hallways, The living Divine Creator knows your works and of those whom aided it. It is time now to Condemn the United Nations and its lack of principals and its decent into the human hive consciousness disparaging the BEING principal of the human. They are no better than a door to door salesmen trying to sell you something and with a warranty of a corporate interest. Write to your congress, senators, ministers, pastors, civil rights leaders and tell them so, tell them about the false advertised product you have been sold and the void warranty and the corrupt salesmen who were not truthful about the CONTRACT.
@silaschew6369 2 ай бұрын
Don’t think they’ll ever get it they’re too greedy.
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