Hunter's Mark is suboptimal in D&D 5E

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Pack Tactics

Pack Tactics

3 жыл бұрын

Hunter's mark isn't a good spell mechanically or mathamatic when you are heavily relying on it. You have better things to cast.
Special thanks to these people for helping me out with art stuff!
Mrakobulka: / mrako_bulka
Min: / flufle
Quetzalcoatlus for extra math stuff
Haen for meme pic (thumbnail)

Пікірлер: 680
@Adurnis 3 жыл бұрын
The math does look a lot closer at low levels for a ranger combining hunter’s mark with a heavy crossbow or a maul. Crossbow Expert does come out a fair bit ahead, though.
@dracocrusher 2 жыл бұрын
Why not just use both, though? Then you'd get extra attack AND the bonus action attack, meaning you get 3 hits of 1d6 per turn if the enemy survives two turns. So assuming everything hits for simplicity, wouldn't that just give you like +9 bonus damage on average between bonus action attacks and extra attack? Heck, if you Hunter's Mark before initiative then you wouldn't even need to lose the initial bonus action at all, right? Like it seems that the real problem is more that 1: It's a first level spell, so it gets out-classed. But more importantly... 2. People aren't using it like a real hunter would. Like it's not always possible, but a real hunter would want to be prepared to strike as soon as possible, like if someone's stalking their prey in the woods then they'd do the mark first and then start attacking, I'd imagine. I mean, that just makes sense, doesn't it? If you just take the dual wielding fighting style you don't even have to use a feat on crossbow expert, which means you can boost your dex more and have more dex bonuses to attacks overall, so you could have, say, two shortswords for 1d6+3 three times when you get extra attack and do 1d6 three times per round for something like 6d6+9 compared to 3d6+6 with the Crossbow Expert build? I dunno, maybe my math's off, but that seems like it would hit a lot harder than just using that slot on a chance to restrain that could just fail. Sure, context is everything, Entangle against a group of Kobolds is going to be better than Entangle on an Ogre, but it seems like Hunters Mark is just straight-up the best damage you're ever going to get with first level slots.
@albertonishiyama1980 2 жыл бұрын
@@dracocrusher and the debuffing spells get worse and worse as you lvl-up, since you dont up your wisdom untill really High lvls (only exception being the Beastmaster with the druid cantrip fight style) because your First four Power ups are going to be DEX, crossbow expert and Sharpshooter. Your wisdom will stop at 18 if you're not Variant Human / Custom Lineage. Better to just focus on the spells without any kind of save like Zephyr Strike, Goodberry and so on. Anything save based after 5th lvl is just weak for the enemies you'll face AND something people on the party are already doing for a couple of lvls. Yeah, Steel Wind and Greater Restoration are good. But if it only comes online when people are casting fucking wish it's pretty lame, better to shoot two times anyway since you probably have your party's Magic ammo and bows, non maxed Wisdom and no Focus to up your CD.
@leonardbiesinger9099 2 жыл бұрын
@Dracocrusher i do absolutly agree with ya and even when you dont precast it this is a boss killer spell if i say so. In any scenario were you have to fight a stronger enemy that the entire party needs more than 2 rounds to kill will give you a 3dm incresse. Ontop like you said you have to build around it. To make it worth in which case it then gives a big dm bost.
@marcosantonio-hj7vp 2 жыл бұрын
Hunter's Mark in a character if a bonus action attack is more useful against a boss, against a notmal PC or a bunch of PC's the action economy will be terrible but against one strong target (one with alot of HP) you can enjoy more of this spell extra damage.
@FolkenZero 2 жыл бұрын
I much prefer ensnaring strike as a lvl 1 concentration spell. Helps the team a lot more and helps keep enemies at a distance or stops them escaping.
@gabrielrussell5531 3 жыл бұрын
Overall I agree, but you're forgetting/omitting the utility use: Jim is a recurring villain who always has an escape-plan. Ruin your DM's recurring villain by tracking him down.
@PackTactics 3 жыл бұрын
@gabrielrussell5531 3 жыл бұрын
@@PackTactics Ah, but that requires a save, can be beaten by teleportation, and Jim cast *EU Citizenship* so he can escape being grappled or restrained.
@VoidplayLP 2 жыл бұрын
@@PackTactics what villain thats meant to escape doesnt have misty step?
@PackTactics 2 жыл бұрын
@@VoidplayLP More then half of the books combined.
@VoidplayLP 2 жыл бұрын
@@PackTactics then they arent meant to escape, simple as that.
@theforgottenranger 2 жыл бұрын
Me, who only didn't take Hunter's mark on my Beast-Master ranger because I need my BA: "well this is a fortunate coincidence". BTW Aid is now on the ranger list with Thasha's expanded spell lists, not exactly going to singe-handedly win combat but it is one of my favorite spells and +5 max hp is pretty nice.
@remyb6854 2 жыл бұрын
It might. It adds both to max, and current HP. You could actually bring 3 allies back up to their feet all at the same time. Yeah, ideally you never find yourself in the position where 3 party members are down simultaneously... but if you do. Accept no substitutes.
@zedgathegreat9122 Жыл бұрын
Aid is such an underrated spell. It seems everyone overlooks it. Casting it at level 5 essentially gives 3 targets the Toughness feat for the day. Not only that it can be casted on downed allies, bringing them back. If you're a life Cleric, with maxed WIS, this is +10 HP on 3 targets and their Max HP is increased by 5 for 8 hours. For a level 2 slot and no roll. And the upcasting is worth it. It's something I find many people overlook and never see anyone cast, which is a shame. It really is one of the best overlooked spells.
@gronkfleshcarver 3 жыл бұрын
Thank goodness someone else noticed this! My group said I was crazy.
@hopeforescape884 3 жыл бұрын
fog could, Zephyr Strike, healing spirit, spike growth, Silence, conjure animals, Conjure Woodland Beings, etc why would anyone concentrate on hunter's mark?
@khajiitinskyrim8874 2 жыл бұрын
Everybody gangsta until the Druid AND Ranger summons 16 wolves to maul everything.
@99sonder 2 жыл бұрын
"haha, 1d6 dmg go brrrrrrr"
@giddymadman2687 2 жыл бұрын
I have used hunters mark to keep track of party members.
@probablythedm1669 2 жыл бұрын
Because you let an enemy run away and you are using hunter's mark to track them to the secret lair?
@SasukeX53 2 жыл бұрын
Could be used to track an enemy who went invisible. Having advantage on the perception/survival, you have a probability of not only finding them but to do some extra damage if you hit them. Plus if you go shadow monk and if the environment is dimly lit or darkness, you could teleport to where the marked individual is and have advantage on the weapon attack. I would see this spell mostly used for rp reasons.
@eldoriath1 2 жыл бұрын
One problem with your calculations is the assumption of every character being able to take a feat at character creation. I mean, sure. That is the power build way to do it, but if you don't have that hunters mark will be useful for those early levels simply because one cast can be used for a long time.
@andrewgreeb916 2 жыл бұрын
I dunno, how often do you find an enemy that is going to take 2+ rounds to down in that hour? You might find more milage out of entangle more often than not.
@eldoriath1 2 жыл бұрын
@@andrewgreeb916 The question is more: Do I have anything else to use my bonus action for other than giving me an extra d6 damage to all my attacks for the next hour? Since we are talking early levels I only got one attack anyway, so no matter when an enemy is killed I can move it to my next target in the beginning of my turn. So getting an extra d6 damage until your next rest is actually a pretty decent use for a first level spell. By level 5 I probably got a better use for my bonus action or better spell to concentrate on.
@malusvir 2 жыл бұрын
@@andrewgreeb916 entangle is undoubtedly going to have a greater effect in the battle it's cast, but then the slot is used up. You move on, your entangle is spent. Hunter's Mark might continue to be of use. Furthermore, redundancy has diminishing returns. It's nice if you can cast entangle and the wizard can cast web, but do you really need the druid's entangle as well? What about that hunger of hadar the warlock is itching to cast? Hunter's mark isn't impressive, but often the party just needs your damage.
@sjhsoccer 2 жыл бұрын
@@andrewgreeb916 Enemies that run away? Plus, Hunter's Mark is fantastic for getting guards and servants to lead you to secret hideouts. You can cast Hunter's Mark, then tail them till the spell ends as they don't know it's been cast on them.
@AgentForest 2 жыл бұрын
@@sjhsoccer Yeah, I think people forget that Hunter's Mark does NOT initiate combat and is undetectable. It's more of your own personal focus and attention, not some curse they see dripping off of them or something. Enemies don't know it's on them, and this gives it utility outside of just damage. This video seems to imply you can't use it before combat starts, but you can. Most DMs would allow this if the enemy isn't staring directly at you. If you are standing there talking to someone, and he sees your hands tighten on your weapon as you stare in focus at him, he's going to catch on that a fight is starting. But if you're doing ranger shit like sticking to cover or shadows, and applying it before a fight, they can't know you're ready to shoot them. With that in mind, the whole "you lose the first round's bonus action attack" isn't true in most cases. Use Hunter's Mark when you get the drop on enemies, but when ambushed or just in a fight starting on even terms, just start attacking or use other spells for your concentration. Entangle is great for those fights.
@fadeleaf845 3 жыл бұрын
The Longbow has a small niche over a hand crossbow due to it having a significantly higher range and it's an option for Ranger builds who want to use their Bonus Action for something else. Also, Crossbows shoot bolts, so they can't make use of Slaying Arrows if you happen to find any. However nothing stops your ranger from using more than a single type of weapon.
@silverdragon6531 3 жыл бұрын
Bolts of slaying can exist they dont only have to be an arrow
@maxim1482 3 жыл бұрын
If a Crossbow Expert Sharpshooter ranger wants to hit something 121-600 feet away, they can simply pull out their longbow and be nearly as good with it as a ranger who primarily uses a longbow.
@geckgeck8616 2 жыл бұрын
Or because you would rather be attacking with a magic weapon. Even if you found 2 magic hand crossbows it would eat 2 attunement slots to use them both in most cases.
@FlatlandsSurvivor 2 жыл бұрын
@@geckgeck8616 most magic weapons do not take attunement.
@geckgeck8616 2 жыл бұрын
@@FlatlandsSurvivor No? Excluding the basic +1, +2, and +3, almost every magic weapon in the game requires attunement. The only exception to this iirc are the vicious weapons and dragon slayers. Ofc I could be wrong, and in either case its very up to a person's DM.
@arlopullman4926 2 жыл бұрын
This is the problem with 'white room' balancing. Hunter's Mark is consistent, direct and available no matter what. It's powerful because not everyone wants to play a custom lineage crossbow expert gloomstalker or insist on a house ruled version of Conjure Animals. You can't kill it with AoE, you can use it with any weapon, and it combos well with the way most fights are set up in game: with a 'boss' and their minions. Most importantly, it doesn't require an additional attack or proc a save. For a half caster who is already MAD this is significant. This also ties in to your point about the druid spell list. Many druid spells are much more powerful on a druid, because they can afford a higher spell save DC. Another reason I find this reductive is that your examples imply a false dichotomy. Yes, crossbow expert and hunter's mark have anti-synergy when used together against multiple opponents with low health, and those are a common threat. But they have very strong synergy against single opponents with a lot of health, especially ones with medium to low AC. You can simply choose not to cast Hunter's Mark in situations where it isn't as relevant. I know you titled this video as you did for a reason. You're not claiming that Hunter's Mark is a bad spell, just not always the best choice, and I definitely agree. However, I think you're generalising a little too much in your examples and the claims you make. Hunter's Mark remains one of the best ranger spells, and probably always will.
@PackTactics 2 жыл бұрын
“Hunter's mark is powerful because not everyone wants to play more powerful things” is basically what you said. The math doesn't change much if you pick up CBE at level 4. You should have already known that, the formula to find it is in the video. I did level 2 because its easier obviously and if I didn't people would complain and be like "Why didn't you pick a race thats actually powerful". I gave you my kobold example too and showed the average damage, why wasn't that good enough for you? Thats something different. I also showed 5th level. As for one of the best ranger spells: did you watch the video? Basically a 2.45 average per hit is one of the best ranger spells? Are you joking? Is that better then all these examples I gave out? That is better than 8 random conjured animals that can attack, swarm, block and grapple creatures? Is that better then +10 stealth to the whole party for an hour that gives the whole party a huge potential to surprise the enemies as a team for an hour? Thats a whole dungeon crawl basically. Surprise is better then action surge just so you know, Pass without trace is crazy. I say hunter's mark is just an ok spell but far from the best. Its as dumb as saying Hex is one of the best on the Warlock spell list when its clearly not. Back to animals, how many attacks can 8 random animals do? Why would the DM pick bad animals for you? What is the motive for picking bad animals for the player? They last an hour. I can tell you that 8 random animals + multiattack from Ranger is more attacks then a level 11 fighter action surging once. But no, 1d6 per attack is up there with these few spells I named apperently. Hunter's mark wouldn't be suboptimal if people weren't obsessed with this spell. The spell has hurt the perception of Ranger probably the most.
@arlopullman4926 2 жыл бұрын
@@PackTactics no man, that isn't what I said. I mean, it's part of one thing I said, but I also said a bunch of other stuff. Thing is, you're right. Pass Without Trace and Conjure Animals are better than Hunter's Mark. That's why they're second and third level spells respectively, rather than first level. And yeah, the DM might choose bad animals. The assumption that they wouldn't is a big one if we're trying to tackle this from a RAW perspective. If we're not going to look at this totally RAW, you also need to factor in how many DMs straight up ban the summoning of that many creatures. Nothing you've said is really wrong, it's just that you're failing to mention a lot of relevant information. You refer to Pass Without Trace as if it competes with Hunter's Mark, when in reality you would basically only cast one when you no longer needed the other. You refer to Conjure Animals as a much better spell, but fail to mention that it takes an equally more powerful resource and isn't even available until level 9 at the earliest. Hunter's Mark is a good spell for what it is: a first level, bonus action, automatic damage boost. Other spells are better. That's why those spells are also more situational, and require more power to cast. I feel like you're intentionally pushing a bit too hard the other way here in order to make your point. You even avoided discussing most of what I said in my previous comment. You have good content, mate, you don't need to make this a confrontation. Especially with people trying to spark genuine discussion and engaging in your comment sections. I like talking about this stuff, which is why I subscribed. Isn't that what we're all here for?
@THEGRUMPTRUCK 2 жыл бұрын
@@arlopullman4926 Funnily enough, Hunter's Mark is actually not good on rangers. I ran over 400 scenarios in different configurations, party loadouts, encounters, etc. Not a single one did it outperform what is listed in the video. Where Hunter's mark DOES shine is Vengeance Paladins. Even with taking damage and having to roll concentration, the chance of failing is so low that you statistically 87.75% of the time will maintain it successfully. With it, you don't need to smite nearly as often in combat and maintain reliable additional damage output that only becomes better when you do smite. This is unfortunately a common thing in 5e however, that a somewhat class-specific spell is actually far better on other classes. Much like Hex, which is often what warlock players gravitate to, a spellcaster focused on battlefield manipulation would make better use of taking Magic Initiate to grab Hex, since it can benefit in the same ways without sacrificing anything higher than a first level spell slot. Ultimately Hunter's mark and Hex are a case of "If it's fun, use it." There's nothing wrong with that. But they are sub optimal on their original classes.
@feelmypuddle4963 2 жыл бұрын
@@PackTactics you okay bro?
@PackTactics 2 жыл бұрын
@@feelmypuddle4963 No. Stressed. Exams.
@jinxtheunluckypony 2 жыл бұрын
The Ranger spell list has so many bangers on it. I can’t believe people seriously upcast Hunter’s Mark when they could be casting Spike Growth or Summon Beast.
@XerkDaniels 3 жыл бұрын
He did the math so you don't have to
@jb123581 3 жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t say that the ranger spell list is bad. Rather, it just isn’t as damage oriented as one might expect from a martial class. If you approach their spell list with some creative plans though, a lot of the spells become real stand out items. No familiar? No problem. You’ve got speak with animals and animal friendship. Practically any beast in the game is yours to befriend. As you pointed out in the flight video, many monsters struggle with combatants that can escape their melee range. Great news for the ranger because they’ve got Longstrider, jump, and zephyr strike all at first level slots. A 15 foot vertical leap onto a roof or tree branch can leave your opponents seeking alternate targets.
@quinnlee-miller9792 3 жыл бұрын
15 feet is a little too much to expect unless you have alot of STR; 3+STR mod so to get 15 feet you'd need 14 str; that could easilly go into Con and be far more useful However, with the new Canny Explorer giving a climb speed to rangers, and general player ingenuity, your point is remarkably helpful
@jb123581 3 жыл бұрын
@@quinnlee-miller9792 If canny explorer is allowed, by all means use that instead. A true climb speed is remarkably effective. If you prefer, 12 feet of air and 3 feet of reach followed by a pull up might be a bit more likely, though I wouldn’t rule out the occasional 14 strength ranger that could do it outright with the spell.
@quinnlee-miller9792 3 жыл бұрын
@@jb123581 I completely forgot about the reach you have; base jump of 3ft times Jump spell and even a Gnome could feasibly reach a branch to escape a threat (climbing higher than just the first one)
@happywiz1833 2 жыл бұрын
Actually, I did something similar to what you suggested in my last campaign. Played as a worgen/rogue in a World of Warcraft setting, and our group ended up fighting with a group of cultists, in a Stonehenge kind of ruins. Worgens have an ablity to leap 15 feet into the air, so I used it. Killed a guy beneath, jumped on a pillar, threw daggers at any remaining enemies. Shut down a caster, slit others guy throat, and back on the pillar, until they were dead. I had a blast, one of the best characters/campaigns I played.
@davehoyle9865 2 жыл бұрын
I personally consider rangers spells as utility, rangers use their spells to survive in their natural world. Their martial prowess comes from their weapon skills (hence fighting styles) and their spells aid them in their survival.
@tatocraftv 2 жыл бұрын
I like that one of my players uses hunter's mark for his second effect. I like recurring villains so a lot of them have high mobility or teleportation spell, that ranger never uses hunter's mark during the fight but always cast it at the end to track the escape of the villains, i really like that
@malusvir 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think it's as cut-and-dry as the math suggests. The opportunity cost of casting hunter's mark is a 1st-level slot you could have used to cast something better, no doubt. The opportunity cost for taking a BA shot with crossbow expert is an entire feat, and a commitment to shooting hand crossbows your entire adventuring career. Maybe that's a price you're ecstatic to pay, but it's by no means cheaper than a 1st level slot you can replace daily.
@TheTdroid 2 жыл бұрын
Rangers are not prepared casters in 5e, so picking Hunter's Mark can't be changed until you get another Ranger level.
@Darklord-uo3re 2 жыл бұрын
You're right, BUT. Crossbow expert allows you to ignore disadvatnage while an enemy is in melee range of you. You are getting more than just a BA attack with Handcrossbows with that feat. And believe me, if you don't think the DM is gonna attack the back line because they think they are safe? You got another thing comin
@malusvir 2 жыл бұрын
@@Darklord-uo3re fair point, but then you have to ask yourself the age-old question, wouldn't it be safer just to disengage?
@Darklord-uo3re 2 жыл бұрын
@@malusvir You get a 1d10 hit die, most likely have at least a +2 con, you can take a beating, and your call is to waste your action not taking an attack of opportunity (im not sure if you get an extra 30 feet of movement but lets assume you do) then move 30 feet. You are 60 feet away from the enemy and your turn is wasted. His turn goes and he's now 30 feet away from, then dashes and he's now in melee range. Your back to where you started, only difference is depending on how the fight is going, either he or you are getting pummeled by ranged fire. And, if you are inside literally anywhere, moving away 60 feet in a tight room is not feasable. Simply put, I see what your puttin down, but it's not the answer especially when you get tghat sweet BA to attack the asshole 3 times especially with sharpshooter killing him right then and there.
@malusvir 2 жыл бұрын
@@Darklord-uo3re maybe you can take a beating. Depends on what's happened so far in the combat and previous combats, depends on what you're up against... depends on a lot of things. You're probably not wearing heavy armor, you're not wearing a shield, so you've got somewhere in the neighborhood of 16 AC, something like that? An average of 42 hp at 5th level... that's not bad, but if your ambusher is, say, a hill giant, you could easily take 36 damage in one turn. You're going to gamble your last 6 hp on killing him before he can kill you? Well, maybe you do - I can't tell you the right choice to make because there's a billion other variables including who you're playing with and the abilities they've got available. I'll grant you this - I love that xbow expert gives you the option!
@dolphuscolon9101 3 жыл бұрын
I had t pull out hunters mark after the bbeg ran twice. I think I only had one hour to try to hunt him down at that level but next time I will get him.
@dwreanchinotan 2 жыл бұрын
no, you know the worse part of hunters mark? it has a verbal component. the spell a silent hunter would use on a skittish deer and he has to say "wibbly woobly"
@lucasramey6427 2 жыл бұрын
I mean at least when you spook the deer you can track it better lol
@sebastianfranasovic7005 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve been currently playing a Swarmkeeper Ranger in a campaign, and I’ve been genuinely enjoying a lot more once I ditched Hunter’s Mark for other spell options. As a Swarmkeeper Ranger I get for free Faerie Fire, which supports my entire team with advantage against an enemy, and after reaching level 5 I also learned Summon Beast, which I admit isn’t an incredible spell but for me it is genuinely fun in terms of flavor. You see, why did I pick all these things for my build? I wanted to make a Ranger based around someone which could talk to and conjure spirits from the wilderness, and that’s why I love summon beasts as a spell, plus the damage output at that level is quite decent in my taste. Although I’m still waiting for Conjure Animals to come to me, because that’s where the real fun begins.
@samuelbroad11 2 жыл бұрын
Itching to play my swarmkeeper, a centaur called "beard'o'bees", because he has a beard of bees, which means he is disguised as a dwarf at all times! Also has Jack Vances Twk-men as fairy allies which constantly raid the bees for honey.
@AngelCanseco1 2 жыл бұрын
Going artificer and dipping into swarmkeeper. Gonna make them animal themed robots that work like the ones from Megamind. “Daddy loves you”
@MagusDouken Жыл бұрын
One thing I love with SK Ranger is its ability to push on contact, which is great when you pair it up with Spike Growth.
@Gingerbreadley 2 жыл бұрын
So it seems good for boss monsters and other high Heath creatures where you will get many rounds. Sure once summoning comes online and other better spells this gets outclassed but early on it seems the best way to deal with a creature that will take multiple rounds to deal with.
@shadowbear123 2 жыл бұрын
I played a fey wanderer ranger for a while, but she was wisdom focused with druidic warrior and shillelagh - great for spellcasting and being up close for melee. Hunter's mark would have been BEYOND suboptimal for this build, and it would have meant I couldn't use my concentration and bonus actions for other spells that require it like zephr strike and searing smite (thank you tasha's for this spell), which do WONDERS for melee rangers, not to mention the once a round psychic damage from dreadful strikes - basically infinite favored foe, but it caps at a d6 and is always psychic damage (though that is good for magic resistance). Rangers are so commonly overlooked man, and it's shit like the idea with hunters mark that make it like that
@liamwhite3522 2 жыл бұрын
"To look at the Ranger list and say it is bad, then to look at the Druid list and say that it is good, is a contradiction." Not true. Hunter's Mark exerts negative usefulness on the Ranger list only, reducing the overall usefulness. /s
@andrewgreeb916 2 жыл бұрын
That's confusing logic, how can the existence of a bad option ruin a good list of options? This isn't a basket of apples one rotten apple may ruin the rest, but bad options on a spell list do not diminish the rest of the options.
@dasirrlicht5415 2 жыл бұрын
@@andrewgreeb916 According to internet etticette, /s is a common marker for a statement meant as sarcasm, not a statement meant serioursly.
@jamesbg314 2 жыл бұрын
@@dasirrlicht5415 you must study "internet comment etiquette with erik", lets go to class.
@haenhaen4282 3 жыл бұрын
Out of curiosity, I did the math for Hunter's Mark vs Conjure Animals(9th-level ranger with a dip in cleric for HW), just to laugh at it even more. It turns out concentrating on CA and using your bonus action to Healing Word the enemy every turn is 17.9% more effective in terms of damage than concentrating on HM. I assumed the summoned creatures did not have Pack Tactics and had +4 to hit/1d4+2 damage.
@captainpandabear1422 3 жыл бұрын
That's conservative on the conjured animals. It's gonna be a lot more than that typically! :D
@samuelbroad11 2 жыл бұрын
that's brilliant healing the enemy!
@marsupialmole3926 2 жыл бұрын
True, but counterpoint, that requires you to be a summoner, and therefore a bad human being. There's other things that you could be concentrating on that aren't HM and don't make you a terrible person for using them
@haenhaen4282 2 жыл бұрын
@@marsupialmole3926 Summoners are gigachads, what are you talking about?
@marsupialmole3926 2 жыл бұрын
@@haenhaen4282 Does "Gigachad" mean "selfish prick who should stick to CRPGs"? Then sure, they're gigachads
@LibertyMonk 2 жыл бұрын
"Saying the Ranger list is bad, but the Druid list is good is a contradiction." Half-casting a good list makes spells that don't scale a significantly worse. That said, there are still enough strong spells that scale just fine on the Ranger list to fill all spell slots.
@notoriousthief 2 жыл бұрын
Comparing Hunter's Mark to Conjure Animals is suboptimal. 60% of games don't go higher than level 8 or 9, 30% don't go past 14, and the remaining 10% will go higher with a sliver heading to 20. But for the first 8 levels, you won't have Conjure Animals. For the first 4, you won't have Pass Without Trace, and even then that spell is only useful in 60% of situations, and only in round one. For instance, you can't rely on that spell if you're entering rooms where the enemy is facing that entrance, which happens more often than you think. Hunter's Mark can last an entire encounter in comparison, and is obtained at 2nd level. It might not compare in round 1 numbers, but its consistency outweighs its limited damage.
@crazy36069 11 ай бұрын
I just cast Hunter’s Mark immediately before initiative. This is the forbidden technique that DMs don’t want you to know about.
@KoboldGamer 3 жыл бұрын
actually running a kobold ranger right now... going to run another one day, current one is a drakewarden (UA). Shortbow right now, but I don't even have hunter's mark prepared, I have zephyr strike, cure wounds, and jump, and I am using all the alternate ranger features.
@608midshipcool 2 жыл бұрын
You sir have convinced me, and earned yourself a new subscriber.
@Kanta82 Жыл бұрын
Hunter's Mark: "Who are you?" Favored Foe: "I'm you, but much, much cheaper." Not a spell known, no spell slot, no bonus action. It's the kirkland brand.
@kitkup8570 2 жыл бұрын
The problem is Rangers spells are mostly Concentation spells, Hunters Mark result in you locking in 1 hour of concentation. Alot of powerful Druid spells aren't part of Rangers list. As you show yourself, you listed nothing but concentation spells and Good Berry, Good Berry easily being Rangers best spell to the point that it's kinda overpowered.
@SayviRock 2 жыл бұрын
This seems to only rely on the assumption that we are fighting a tone of low hp creatures instead of fewer higher hp creatures or a boss. It's only one bonus action if it's one enemy or a boss
@ikejohnson5494 2 жыл бұрын
But you’d want to cast a better concentration spell if it’s a boss
@SayviRock 2 жыл бұрын
@@ikejohnson5494 what spell would a ranger put on a creature with alot of hp?
@ikejohnson5494 2 жыл бұрын
@@SayviRock you mean aside from conjure animals? Entangle. Ensnaring strike. Summon beast. Spike growth.
@SayviRock 2 жыл бұрын
@@ikejohnson5494 all of those things can either be avoided or killed
@ikejohnson5494 2 жыл бұрын
@@SayviRock yes. As can hunters mark. Creatures can be out of the targeting rules, counterspell, dispel magic etc. what’s your point? The summons can be killed? So can the player using hunter’s mark.
@PetraDunamancer 2 жыл бұрын
I think zephyr strike is an underrated ranger spell due to the fact that it’s a buff to yourself, you get advantage to your attacks, 1d8 FORCE damage, plus 30 feet to your speed, and you don’t get opportunity attacked. While the last one is a nice bonus if you’re fighting something with high speed and it catches up to you, the other buffs are just absolutely insane. Almost nothing resist force damage and it’s a better dice than hunter’s mark, you get advantage to all attack rolls, and you practically double your speed.
@michaelangelomaimone3181 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately it’s not every attack, it’s one attack you make before the end of the spell
@spaccorn 2 жыл бұрын
The CBE, Hand Crossbow argument is fine, but that build is currently weak in a bit over 1/3 of our fights in two campaigns I'm in. Those fight initiate well beyond a hand crossbows optimal range, so now you are waiting until 4th or 8th level when you also have Sharpshooter, and not taking any Dexterity bump. In one of those campaigns also the enemies have morale and often run and flee, so Hunter's Mark can help in tracking them down if done within the hour. Still a very outside the norm case. I agree Hunter's Mark isn't worth it 95% of the time, but most of the other spells listed go against Pack Tactics phrase "damage now is better than damage later" since few of the other spells he lists as being options are damage spells, almost all of them cost an action, so you are then deciding not to attack that round, so you've already decided on null damage from your ranger on turn 1. Entangle and others are great spells and often the right play, but using that phrase for Hunter's Mark and then making your suggestions of what to do instead being no damage turn 1 instead comes off as hypocritical. As was written in big red letters at 4:07, "You always lose dpr on the first round" if you don't attack.
@beaug4306 2 жыл бұрын
So, you're saying that HM is worth casting as long as the target lasts 2 rounds, even if you have crossbow expert right? And if the target lasts any longer than 2 rounds it's just better? If HM is bad damage, what 1st level spell should be cast instead to optimize damage?
@lucasramey6427 2 жыл бұрын
Entangle, fog cloud, hail of thorns if you want to damage a group with 1d10 scaling 5ft aoe that's a max of 9 creatures that you weakened for your party and they're taking damage no matter what unless they're a 7th level rogue and they passed the dex save (damage caps at 6d10 from scaling), and zephyr strike (for if you need to get away from an enemy while also being able to deal a little extra damage using a great damage type
@beaug4306 2 жыл бұрын
@@lucasramey6427 So the best damage spells are spells that do no damage and hail of thorns? Most rangers aren't prioritizing wis, so the spell save is going to be pretty low on entangle, the slow is still good utility, but its not helping damage. Fog cloud is great cover but how is it helping damage unless you/your party have blindsight? You have to remember that his whole argument is that HM is bad because things die in less than 2 rounds. If that's the case then how is spending an entire action not doing damage and getting up control spells worth it if what ever you cast it on dies before 2 rounds? Hail of thorns is just bad as an aoe. Unlike other spells where you can choose a point to cast on, this one requires additional targets to be right next to the first. On top of this, even of you do get a good setup for this spells you can still miss your attack, and the AoE won't go off. So while it will always do at least half damage, it won't always hit and sometimes you will just miss attacks even when you do happen to get enemies bunched up. (And 9 is just not going to happen, even 4 is like a dream scenario)
@Darklord-uo3re 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for talking about this, I have been building a Tasha's Ranger Swarmkeeper and just noticed this flaw in damage. With Crossbow Expert and Sharpshooter (Both feats I plan on Taking especially as a Variant Human) assuming a +5 dex, the damage comes out to be, in order for the cost of hunters mark to come out net profit instead of using the extra bonus action to shoot someone and using sharpshooter, you would need to hit the same person approximately 7 times for a *small* amount of damage positive hunters mark. Glad to know Im not crazy and messing up my math, seems to be that I would rather have a different spell known and keep my slot. Thanks
@captaincapitalis1205 Жыл бұрын
I would like to propose the “Granger” in honor of my Giff Thaddeus. A ranger with a gun can be quite nice with hunter’s mark at earlier levels. With non crossbow options you aren’t using a bonus action anyways so you might as well use it to enhance your attack. At level 3 with the Hunter subclass, on hit that is a d12, a d8, and a d6 with hunters mark. Not to mention the occasional crit can really pop off when you are rolling that many dice. Obviously better options open up with higher level spell slots, but it can be a very nice addition to the early levels.
@zerofang8812 3 жыл бұрын
Goodberry FTW! Great video: )
@johnmichaelarnaud 2 жыл бұрын
"Throw it away!" Loved the video. Subbed!
@wilpri123456 2 жыл бұрын
i use hunters mark pretty regularly on my rangers but i like to think of my ranger spells kinda like stances. hunters mark is a stance that buffs the damage of all of my attacks so i rapid fire as many attacks as i can, zephyr strike is a stance that grants mobility and burst and lets me hit several weak targets in one round and so on. hunters mark is useful because once you get the ball rolling a level 5 ranger can get an extra 3d6 damage per round and if you're going through a dungeon you can utilize the same hunters mark for several encounters. hunters mark becomes even better if you get the drop on your opponent, marking them before they even know you're there means it doesn't even cost one of your bonus actions in the combat.
@captaincapitalis1205 Жыл бұрын
I feel like he was a bit harsh with it. It can be extremely useful if you are using a weapon other than a hand crossbow. I currently have a level 3 giff hunter subclass with a musket. He can’t use the bonus action to attack again with that weapon, so might as well add some extra damage to the hit. It comes out to 1d12+1d8+1d6+ Dex if the target is already damaged, or an average of 14.5 on a hit. Not to mention it can be very useful to not have your damage be reliant on a bonus action. I was surrounded by 4 goblins recently and was on low health, so I dropped Hunter’s mark and used zephyr strike to escape, and still deal consistent damage. Crossbow expert loses some ground just because of how many ranger spells are based on bonus actions.
@FallenFromGlory 3 ай бұрын
It doesnt matter, because a hand crossbow is optimal. Buffing the damage of subpar play doesn't make it good- it's still bad.@@captaincapitalis1205
@kthereturned2874 Жыл бұрын
A war cleric dip for divine favor and bonus action extra attack can be great for rangers that use ranged attacks. The second level channel divinity +10 to an attack nicely sets up sharpshooter.
@conradkorbol 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I have been saying this for years! Well not the cross bow expert, but that there are better spells
@gabrielgallegos3321 2 жыл бұрын
The bag pipes in the back are a very nice and soothing touch
@hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh174 2 жыл бұрын
people do realize that the hunters mark is made in a way you can track someone after putting a mark on them and attacking when they get to an advantageous area
@cyanide7270 3 жыл бұрын
"Fights are usually 4-6 rounds" Me having JUST finished a "one shot" that took 7 hours because the Dice gods kept FUCKING US in both encounters with attack rolls, while also having to teach 2 newbies, leading them to take 12 and 16 rounds.... NEVER ASSUME SOMETHING GOES TO PLAN
@toniconge7003 2 жыл бұрын
Okay okay I was one of the non believers at the beginning of the video but I can see why in the scenarios you've mentioned its not worth it. One of my DMs often has us going through really really long dungeons with dozens of encounters so its extremely regular for me to carry Hunter's Mark or Hex from fight to fight. Compared to tangled vines or fog cloud only getting use in one fight. (but maybe it is just my baise of rolling dice goes brrrrrrr) Thing that you didn't mention that did have me confused though was picking up Crossbow Expert means you picked up a feat instead of increasing you're Dex but we weren't accounting for the extra +1 damage/ +1 to hit per attack that Ranger has. I assume.
@ricardoweber5744 2 жыл бұрын
There is one good thing about Hunters Mark. While you concentrate on it you have advantage on perception and survival checks to track them down. Trying to keep track on an enemy hiding in a crowd, land a HM and keep tabs on him/her while concentrating.
@gabrielrussell5531 3 жыл бұрын
2:40 "Fights are usually 4-6 rounds" Wow, you're doing some marathon combats. For like 90% of people fights are 2-4 rounds.
@PackTactics 3 жыл бұрын
That 2-4 might be more accurate but I think the important fights are usually 4 to 6.
@ODDnanref 2 жыл бұрын
Deadly fights can be 6-8 rounds. But yeah, most combat is 2-4.
@walter081095 2 жыл бұрын
that depends on party size and the way the encounter was designed
@WeaponizedAutismiii 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, though sometimes you get the dm that drops 30 enemies into the fray while the party has to manage civilians safety as well
@mayonaise8089 2 жыл бұрын
4-6?? our fights are usually 10+ rounds party of 4 level 4
@Flareonf 2 жыл бұрын
I like favored enemy from unearthed foe from unearthed arcana, since there it applies to all your attacks and requires no concentration, just your bonus action, no spell slots and it can then be stacked with zephyr strike. It's a 2turn setup and there is no reason to use on weak enemies, but on boss monsters, you start dealing some nice damage. Now the ranger I play is melee, so I tend to avoid concentration spells unless they are things like zephyr strike, but for a ranged ranger and with the option for casting hunter's mark you provided I must agree it is under par.
@Mr_Maiq_The_Liar 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t think the Druid list is good. They have too many good concentration options and not enough good non concentration options especially for their second level slots
@punusername3445 2 жыл бұрын
See it's cool, the problem i have with min/maxing is that it requires a lot of metagame and/or creates metas that make stuff boring, you will always have to pick crossbow and crossbow expert, always play gloomstalker and that's not fun- besides I've seen people pointing here that "it's good to track BBEG who always escape" then the counter argument being "use entangle" and then someone points that a villain who always escapes would have teleport/misty step kinda spells, and the counter argument being "half of the enemies in the book don't have" how would your character know that? It kills the fun because always winning isn't fun, having a character who is always deciding things because of the rules is boring as hell, i can get behind the idea of cool builds and such, but extremes like this aren't fun
@catkook543 2 жыл бұрын
hunters mark does also have utility as well. Not all enemy's will want to fight to the death, if they have a sense of self preservation then someone will want to run away eventually, at which point if you have hunters mark on them you can have an easier time tracking them back to their secret base. Or if your hunting for food, you have an easier time not loosening your prey. Sure they are niche uses, but extra utility.
@The_Yukki 2 жыл бұрын
Oh no, not advantage, something you get by someone saying "I help"
@catkook543 2 жыл бұрын
@@The_Yukki Or, you could have advantage on your check and have that same person instead of takeing the help action, also make an ability check
@The_Yukki 2 жыл бұрын
@@catkook543 Here's a trick, have your party member who's least likely to pass the check use help action, and have the rest roll flat. 1 slot for a spell you have to apply before the target is gone is not worth it. (in fact it's likely that wasting your bonus action to apply hunter's mark instead of just dmging the enemy is the reason they were able to run away in the first place)
@catkook543 2 жыл бұрын
@@The_Yukki Alright, though you may not nessasirly be trying to kill them. Maybe they're a low ranging bandit in a thieves guild and you let them escape so they can lead you right back to their secret base. Tracking someone who escaped has more value then just finishing off people that just so happen to escape Im not saying its always optimal, but there are scenarios where you want to use it for the utility, it served me pretty well in a 2 player pvp game i did one time where i needed to track down and capture the other player (It was a one shot)
@sethazillax2553 3 жыл бұрын
Alright Alright. I'm convinced. Hmark sucks.
@PackTactics 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think it sucks. I think its ok.
@DungeonseCorujas 3 жыл бұрын
First: I have to thank you for reminding me of the "Flavor is free" bit, it will help me greatly with a future video Second: Hey Pack, i am using your gloomstalker build in one table and the GM nerfed Goodberry (i can not give it to downed allies and it's implied that eating more than one at time have side effects). Any other spell recommendation to compensate for this loss in healing? ( i am planning to multiclass into cleric after level 9, any domain recommendations too?)
@jb123581 3 жыл бұрын
Side effects? Perfect reason to keep Goodberry and work with the party rogue to slip multiples berries into someone’s meal. Get the wizard in on the action and suggest someone eat this delicious tart.
@DungeonseCorujas 3 жыл бұрын
@@jb123581 Loved it! Thanks I am quite stealthy, but the thought of using the side effect for poisoning never crossed my mind.
@PackTactics 3 жыл бұрын
Side effects. So there are no rules for side effect in Goodberry, it would say in the spell itself if it has side effects. You know? What I find with the Goodberry nerf is that DMs dont have a problem with the healing part at all. They have a problem with the nourishment part of the spell breaking their immersion so really I would say to the DM. "Hey, I had a thought about that Nourishment part. Instead of giving it side effects, just remove the nourishment part of the spell, I'm fine with that because right now, you kind of unintentionally griefed my spell making it useless to me and my team. If I need food I can buy it or kill my donkey and eat it so its actually easy to get that nourishment anyways so really there's no reason to keep this spell". Ofc you have to be super nice about it, that usually works. If not, I wouldn't bother with healing. I would just lean harder on Fog cloud and Entangle. A spell I would recommend is as an alternative is Zephyr Strike but I dont really like that spell... I think I would just grab an RP spell for fun like Speak with animals. Yes you can already do that once a day but Its fun to do it more times. Maybe you can get a pet owl and treat it like a find familiar, if you get that then thats a super optimal move. Anyways, these small unintentional nerfs is really the core of why people think Rangers are bad and they don't know it. Like I've seen tons of tables ban Conjure animals for lazy reasons for example.
@DungeonseCorujas 3 жыл бұрын
​@@PackTactics Thanks! I spoke with the DM to clarify things and he wanted things RAW, so... He said that there wouldnt be any side effects for eating more than one (besides feeling full, but with no debuffs or anything like that) and as it's stated in the spell, everyone have to use their action to eat the Berry, so, sadly, i can not give it to a downed ally, but at least the rest healing is valid! Also, thanks for the build, i've been having a lot of fun with it!
@MsXmaster666 2 жыл бұрын
why use a side effect, just give it a low cost(but still a listed cost) material component like 1-5 cp(or sp) of blue or black berries, that way they either have to pre plan and carry berries with them or forage a bit
@voodoocupcake2293 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful. Subscribed.
@TheRobversion1 2 жыл бұрын
i think this is a rigid view of hunter's mark as well as using it sub-optimally. i would use hunter's mark on a bbeg that could possibly live to a 2nd round. i wouldn't use it on minions. i would use cbe on minions (though i ask why kill minions in the 1st place, let the blaster/controller handle it. as a striker the bbeg, is the 1st priority). at lower levels and in a vaccum (pure ranger), i agree hunter's mark is worse than cbe. once you get to higher levels and multiclassing though or taking subclasses like gloomstalker (who gives you advantage so that dmg is higher than what you projected as accuracy is higher), hunter's mark starts to pull ahead. this is even more relevant for the popular fighter/gloomstalker/assassin multiclass (highly regarded as the best martial nova in the game). lets say at level 10: action: extra attackx2 + dread ambusher action surge: extra attackx2 + dread ambusher bonus action? if i use cbe, it deals lower burst dmg overall (the whole point of a gloomstalker). it'll most likely be 1d6+4 + any magic weapon bonus. as auto-crit that's 2d6+4. let's say we picked up sharpshooter then that's 2d6+10. average dmg of 17 from your bonus action. hunter's mark on the other hand will be 2d6 per attack that hits so that's 42 dmg on average. even if we didn't get surprise, that's still 21 average dmg. way above 17. even if we add in favored foe, that's just 19.5. let's factor in enemy ac of 18. 75% chance to hit without sharpshooter or advantage. with sharpshooter that's 50% chance to hit. even on a 50% chance to hit that's 3 attacks and 21 dmg from hunter's mark which supercedes cbe. but what if we have advantage (as we should being a gloomstalker/sharpshooter user)? hence a 75% chance to hit. that means 4 attacks hit at least and that's 28 dmg. but here's the kicker. hunter's mark isn't really adding just 1d6-2d6 per attack. since you're not using cbe, it allows you to use longbows which ups your dmg a bit if you have 6 attacks on round 1. about an extra 6-12 points of dmg on average. and if we aren't using sharpshooter, that's a 94% chance to hit with advantage. most likely all attack will hit so you're gaining 2 attacks worth of dmg by giving up 40 dmg from sharpshooter. this could be a better tradeoff assuming 1-2 of those extra attacks hitting are the 1d8 bonus dmg ones from dread ambusher. where cbe starts to shine is sustained. meaning you don't move your hunter's mark on round 2. once you lose all those extra burst attacks, that's when you use cbe (if you stuck with hand crossbows) or use other bonus action/concentration options over hunter's mark such as favored foe, zephy strike, etc. in conclusion, both are good options for your bonus action. cbe works better as sustained, having 2 or less attacks and having multiple targets. hunter's mark shines as burst (especially if you have auto-crits which isn't tough to generate with umbral sight solo/with party cooperation), having 1 high priority target and as you get more attacks. saying one is worse than the other sheds more light on ones preferences/play experiences that the actual value of each. each should be used when it would be tactical/optimal and has good value in those particular situations/playstyles. i also wouldn't be casting entangle with my 1st level slots unless i was a wis-based ranger and most wis based rangers aren't martial attackers anyway considering cbe/hunter's mark. most are caster types leveraging off druidic warrior and usually are beastmasters/swarmkeepers. i'd use my slots on hunter's mark and zephyr strike. hail of thorns when it's applicable (multiple enemies to be hit). Conjure animals is a very swingy spell. Depends if the DM picks powerful options (as the DM can pick CR 0 RAW). I've seen alot of dms just pick 8 CR 0s and nicer DMs pick randomly via a table or pick the CR the players wants but picks according to what appropriate to the environment. Barely anyone really lets the player choose and that kills the power of the spell. DMs who let the player choose open up a can of worms once conjure woodland beings and pixies come online. Comparing cbe/hunters mark to sleet storm, fog cloud and hypnotic pattern is kind of confusing as the point of that is control/debuff. The point of cbe/hunters mark is dmg. Goodberry is also a pointless comparison or at least confusing. Its about healing. Arent we comparing which is optimal for dmg? I've been pretty much in agreement with most of your vids (binged watched almost everything now) its just i think this one is painting the wrong picture, especially for an optimizer.
@SamundraDarion 2 жыл бұрын
I just started playing a ranger and this is GOLD - This VID!
@flix8565 2 жыл бұрын
Zephyr Strike is my favourite use for the ranger's bonus action.
@galensturupcomeau1242 2 жыл бұрын
This was really good
@KageRyuu6 2 жыл бұрын
Looking over the action economy and wording of Crossbow Expert, Ammunition, Bonus Actions, and Object Interaction, you'd effectively need to juggle your main weapon to pull it off. Or in other words you'd need to Attack (Sheath), Bonus Action one turn then, Bonus Action, Attack (Draw) the second. So you'd have to make all your Primary Attacks together before or after using your Hand Crossbow, and would have to mirror that the second turn (do the opposite), so there is a minor limitation.
@anthonynorman7545 2 жыл бұрын
Or use a crossbow for everything?
@antongrigoryev6381 2 жыл бұрын
Yup. You just can use single hand crossbow for both your primary attacks and bonus action one. Nothing in Crossbow Expert's description says you need to use a different weapon; despite its similarities with Dual Wielding, it's not it.
@DraconSteel 2 жыл бұрын
I use hunter's mark while stalking. If you can set it up before combat starts on the leader of what you are fighting. Or if someone flees combat, like a bandit that runs away. This will let you use the tracking function of the mark and lead you to their den or base. I treat it as a utility spell as much as a damage boost.
@dominicspagnol8765 2 жыл бұрын
Played a druid with telekinesis bc the dm said, "grab a free feat, nothings banned.. but try not to take lucky" so I figured, "hmm, how can I weaponize my bonus action in a way I never have" so I casted spike growth on some oversized charging velociraptors. the second they tried running through the spikes, I casted entangle, and used my bonus action to essentially make a blender. That and the warlock teamed up with me for some pushing eldritch blasts that turned our opponents into mist in literally less than a full round of combat. less than 6 seconds. Damage solves sure, but get even slightly creative with how you can use your actions and self combo to be invincible.
@szarkuwu 3 жыл бұрын
Abolishing falacies is the best birthday gift Brian. How did you know thats exacly what i wished for?
@KINFIN123 3 жыл бұрын
Too bad this video is built on the fallacy that Crossbow Expert Ranger is the only good ranger worth playing.
@PackTactics 3 жыл бұрын
@@KINFIN123 I dont pick up Crossbow expert until level 8 because I play Kobolds. I can be effective without Crossbow Expert and I've said time and time and time and time again that you have better spells. Spells, spells, spells, spells, spells. The reason why I brought up Crossbow expert is become of the "complement" argument. I wanted to tackle every argument for Hunter's mark so people can start thinking about other things to cast rather than the same boring 1d6 damage spell.
@szarkuwu 3 жыл бұрын
@@KINFIN123 he didnt say that but if he did he would be correct
@buboniccraig896 Жыл бұрын
Hunters Mark is better on Fighter or Monk because they get a million attacks and can proc it a million times.
@YourBoyNobody530 3 жыл бұрын
So, with Tasha's out I created a new homebrew for the beast master ranger. The homebrew is rather simple your 3rd level ability allows you to cast the summon beast spell as a bonus action without using a spell slot or concentration a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, and add your wisdom modifier to the AC of the summoned beast along with adding 5 times your ranger level to the beasts HP. The other abilities are redesigned to fit this change, and you can eventually summon two beasts in this manner making it a rather potent ability along with fixing many of the issues with the beast master ranger.
@thefakecat8340 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly i just went monster slayer and always went to slayer's prey. Sure my first attack is the only one with a 1d6 but its not concentration and i can spam it at the cost of a bonus action which means within turn one i can attack twice with one having the boost and then next turn i can activate another spell which will stack since again slayer's prey isnt concetration.
@micahschaefer8211 Жыл бұрын
I'm 6th level totem warrior barbarian and 3rd level hunter conclave ranger. I use hunters mark along side colossus slayer. I also took the two weapon fighting style and the dual wielder feat. In one attack I can attack three times. Multi attack plus bonus action offhand attack. I have a +1 battle axe in my dominant hand and a +2 blood spear in my off hand. I can do up to 3d8 + 2d6 + 10(12 if favored enemy) in a turn. Plus my hunters mark and colossus slayer increases my chance to kill with my blood spear meaning I can potentially heal myself for 2d6 damage per turn. That works out pretty sweet when fighting several enemies that are relatively weak compared to me. Like the session I just played in which we were fighting dozens of twig, needle, and vine blights
@geoxaga6507 2 жыл бұрын
This spell can be useful for a samurai fighter. Like they can perform 11 attacks in one turn and get a bonus of 11d6 from hunters mark. Especially if they get crusher with gives advantage after a crit with elvin accuracy. Give than pole arm master and you get another fighting beside two weapon fighting and get dueling for bonus 2 per attack.
@Shroosk 2 ай бұрын
This question should be analysed and answered level by level and what will you do before having the famous feat. Remember you can swap spell at each level so taking and later removing HM is possible. It is important to take into account disadvantage on the handcrossbow shoot due to long range (9m or more) or the danger of beeing at ennemy close range, the ammo avalaible quantity on the long run. It is also important to identify the population of ennemy you face depending on your DM style (one big guy or swarming kobold).
@pockets8548 2 жыл бұрын
can we kill the ranger's starting equipment... forcing you to take arrows and a bow.. like yes ranger, range, use bow.. NO! be the Melee druid, the Nature Paladin
@_halibut_game1912 3 жыл бұрын
You do good stuff kobold.
@nurglesgrin8257 2 жыл бұрын
you have changed my mind good sir i use to always think it was a must have for a ranger.
@oscarpine7145 2 жыл бұрын
I have a friend who re-did hunters so first, it's not a spell but a class ability. Second it deals bonus damage that scales with level so at level one you deal an additional 1d4 and at level 20 you deal an additional 1d12. At first you use a bonus action to use this feature like rage and at around 11th you can do it for free. And finally you have advantage on tracking and can learn either a damage vulnerability, resistance, or immunity
@fetzjorgensen601 2 жыл бұрын
Well, fuck. I'm convinced. I gotta change my stance on Hunter's Mark and Hex
@PackTactics 2 жыл бұрын
Its still ok to cast them btw. Its just these kind of spells shouldn't be the identity of a whole class.
@johncox3541 2 жыл бұрын
A longbow with hunter's mark and extra attack does 2d8+2d6+6 damage or 15.4 damage on average. A hand crossbow with no hunter's mark and crossbow expert deals 3d6+9 damage or 13.65 damage on average. And crossbow expert isn't free instead you could have gotten a +1 to your attack modifier and damage. So that brings the longbow hunter's mark build to 2d8+2d6+8 or 18 damage per round. That's an increase of 4.35 damage per turn, plus it frees up your bonus action on turns where your target is still alive.
@rhysjonsmusic 2 жыл бұрын
Remember when wotc nerfed favoured foe because they thought being able to use two hunters marks a turn would be broken?
@thefakecat8340 2 жыл бұрын
That use to be a thing?!
@samfish2550 2 жыл бұрын
I will admit I still have to wonder it plays in regards to per hit damage, do any spell have similar uses. Specifically because I've wanted to make a David vs Goliath inspired halfling that just donks with a sling. Probably a paladin ranger cross class but I'd have to hit the books for reference and really building it up.
@TheLikkittysplitt 2 жыл бұрын
The only issue is getting your hands on a magical hand crossbow. If you need to bypass damage resistance you'll either have to hope the dm hand placed you a tailored magic weapon or you'll have to use a 2nd level slot and concentration just to use magic weapon. Magical bows have the advantage of actually existing in the printed modules
@glacierfox5237 Жыл бұрын
do you get more with this if you use a fighter with Fey Touched? As this is what I use for my martial character or a rogue.
@jackjazzhands2357 2 жыл бұрын
I didnt even picked it up with my druidic warrior - there are soooo many spells with concentration i rather use (ah and yeah with shillelag and a wisdom build im more like.. meele) Also the Alternative Thingy is also concentration that gives you bonus dmg. It replaces Fav Enemy I think.
@hahaha1171 2 жыл бұрын
This is why i like the new drake warden. I can use spells and my drake that does the same damage as a level one hunters mark when you get it
@Frownlandia 2 жыл бұрын
I'm currently playing a Horizon Walker, and Planar Warrior is great because while you might have something better to do with your bonus action, it's basically an all-caps announcement that you don't have to take Hunter's Mark. More than half of the Ranger spell list is concentration, you gotta keep your options open.
@CoolBoyShane 3 жыл бұрын
This was a really good video, thank you for mathing this out!
@PackTactics 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Shane! Nice for you to drop by! I need to listen to more of your stuff! Thank you for reminding me lol
@John-xd9wr 2 жыл бұрын
It does appear that Hex/HM sounds like it's sub-optimal on a straight warlock or Ranger build respectively, but I would love to hear your thoughts on using either of these spells on a multiclass build that can incorporate 3 or more hits per turn, like a monk using flurry of blows. Surely an additional 6d6 (beyond normal damage) over the course of two turns has to be very beneficial. But maybe the math proves me wrong?
@HauntedHypno 2 жыл бұрын
Listening to this video feels like someone trying to talk to me in my sleep
@hunteramory4909 2 жыл бұрын
I did some math because I wanted to cross-check the numbers here and it looks like the build you lay out is suboptimal for Kobolds until 12th level, at which point it surpasses the other options, and it's worse for other races. Sharpshooter is the real standout here too, especially with kobolds but also on everyone else. After 12th level SS+CBE overtakes every option except for SS+CBE+HM, but at that point you likely have better things to do with your concentration. There are two important points here, both of which I would love to see a video about: feats are not free, and always find something to do with your Bonus Action. Having a +3 modifier at level 8 means hitting 10% less often and losing 2 points of damage per attack relative to taking straight ASIs. While they aren't exciting the numerical benefit of 5% more damage because of 5% more hits cannot be underestimated, and most feats don't beat that 5% test. Because of that 5% increase, Hunter's mark outperforms every other option except HM+CBE (which is even more resource intensive and has the juggling problems you highlight) until 12th level, at which point you should be taking a feat because you can't get a 22 Dex. Kobolds are an exception to this rule because of pack tactics, but mathematically CBE still underperforms relative to SS until t3 play. That said, if you aren't consistently doing something with your bonus action, you are leaving damage on the table. Whether it's hunter's mark to add 1d6 to your 2 attacks or CBE to do 1d6+dex, do something to add utility or DPR. You can email me at if you want to see the numbers, or just work it out in excel.
@deanofett 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I'm not the only one who realized this. I play ranger a lot and can rarely even justify even preparing hunters mark.
@derekchristensen6965 Жыл бұрын
What are your thoughts on ensnaring strike and zephyr strike as alternatives for early concentration?
@skelyjack3899 2 жыл бұрын
What about beyond the 30ft range for hand crossbows? It CBE still better than HM at 90+ft?
@4500danny Жыл бұрын
@FallenFromGlory 3 ай бұрын
you should have sharpshooter yeah, and I'd think so.
@SamaelHellscrem 2 жыл бұрын
Huntersmark shouldn't be a spell but a class feature without concentration
@wchenful Жыл бұрын
Hunter's Mark plays into that stealthy long-range sniper fantasy. I'm running a Lvl 10 (5 Gloomstalker / 3 Assassin / 2 Fighter) nova build at the moment. Hunter's Mark adds up to 12d6 (42) on a surprise round :)
@timothymaddux9018 2 жыл бұрын
It always did look funny from the moment I started playing ranger in my second campaign... I never understood why everyone encouraged wasting a spell slot thats 3.5 damage only if you actually hit... and if I'm a two weapon ranger, that bonus action is for my other weapon. Why waste my bonus action to waste a spell slot on a wasted spell known?
@megaultralegomaster 2 жыл бұрын
If you're using any kind of two handed bow, you can shoot the hand crossbow every other turn because you need to stow the hcb in order to use the longbow on your next turn, which then prevents you from using it to attack that turn. Other then that, yeah hcb is better for melee rangers, but then its just better to go twf and ignore the feat tax.
@MrJerks93 2 жыл бұрын
It's worse than that. Both crossbows have the ammo property as well, which means you need a free hand in order to draw the bolts. Assuming your crossbow is pre-loaded, you could fire both and then you'd have to stow or drop one in order to load again.
@catch.22 2 жыл бұрын
As a DM who loves putting huge monsters with giant pools and barely fair numbers in front of my munchkin players, HMark is the least broken part of the ranger multi in my game, but after a few rounds its alright given his build.
@themecoptera9258 2 жыл бұрын
It’s good when in an ambush situation, which makes sense for a hunter. Combine the extra 1d6 with an extra attack from crossbow master plus advantage from being hidden and you have reasonably good low level alpha to start off a surprise round which remains a passive +1d6 for the rest of the fight or until you either lose concentration or determine that another concentration spell is needed. Attacking at least twice a round and with a 50% chance to hit means you rack up on average 1d6 extra damage per round, so in six rounds of combat it comes to 6d6 average. It’s not a perfect solution to every combat. but it can be good if you put yourself into the right situation to use it, and a ranger has all the tools to put themselves into that situation.
@ShadowGeek12 2 жыл бұрын
The druid spell list ranger has acess is alright early but it becomes trash due to how spellcasting scales, crossbow expert costs a feat , and those are not free especialy without a free feat at lvl 1, also druid list is good for how soon you get the spells rangers get most too late and they lack choice
@manatea6012 2 жыл бұрын
You know what does make Hunter's Mark/Hex optimal? The Gunner feat with a musket. If you use the +1 to raise your Dexterity to 18 at level 4, it comes out slightly ahead of Crossbow Expert. That is assuming your DM allows firearms, though.
@wolfdog1dmn 2 жыл бұрын
So as a player I agree with most of this, thanks to the favored foe HM becomes basically useless, especially at higher levels. Lots of good spells to replace that HM slot with. However as a DM I disagree with the "flavor is free" thing. I let player flavor weapons all the time, but I will never let my player reflavor a hand crossbow (one handed ranged weapon) into any kind of normal bow as, no matter how you slice it, to fire a bow you need two appendages, be it hands, feet, talons whatever. Even with that though everything else is quite good.
@PrinceNikkoTethlar 2 жыл бұрын
I thought about that for a moment, and I think the way I would request the flavor to work is something along the lines of; Combining the combination of your main crossbow, with your handcrossbow, into a single Composite bow that essentially locks at two settings, the first would be an early 'quick' position, and then a full-draw position. That way due to the flavor of the composite bow, you have the firing mode for the equivilent of your light crossbow, and the firing setting for your bonus-action hand crossbow attack. Then mechanically, it's just a single item, that weights as much as the crossbows combine, is two-handed, but counts as holding both a light and hand crossbow when wielding it.
@Kitusser 2 жыл бұрын
Easy, to "load" the longbow you need at least one free hand, and to load the hand crossbow, you need at least one free hand. You only need one hand to hold the weapon. It really isn't that much of a problem.
@wolfdog1dmn 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kitusser I challenge you to fire a bow without holding the arrow. Loading isn't the problem, crossbow expert already eliminates the loading requirement. The issue is that you physically can not draw the string back and fire a bow without two appendages. One to hold the bow and one to pull the arrow and string. You could create a mechanism to draw the string and fire an arrow that way...but that's a crossbow, and you can aim and fire a crossbow with one hand, not accurately for most crossbows not built for one handed fire (like a hand crossbow) but you can. However my argument was a regular bow being used one handed is not possible.
@Kitusser 2 жыл бұрын
@@wolfdog1dmn Just pretend its 2 handed, it really isn't a big deal.
@luisbenitez401 2 жыл бұрын
Damage calc i used for this is 3.5 average from d6 + 5 damage from modifiers assuming Dex 20 and +10 for Sharpshooter 3.5+5+10 I have a CBE fighter 12/Gloomstalker 4 (I'm assuming this is a boss battle) so in the first turn of combat I get 5 attacks (average damage of 1 attack is 18.5) with CBE dread ambusher 9 attacks with action surge these are all with sharpshooter btw. If i do use HM I remove 1 attack at the first turn making it 8 attacks instead of 9 but (again assuming everything hits) adding a potential 8d6(average damage of 28) adding all of these up CBE build no HM 9 attacks = 9d6+135 = 166.5 rounded up 167 CBE build with HM 8 attacks = 16d6+120 = 176 If you compare both damages the difference is only 9 damage but do remember that if one of your attacks dont hit not only are you losing 1d6 from HM but also 1d6+15 from your potential bonus action attack So the conclusion i have reached is If you are 100%sure all of your attacks will hit (FYI: its Impossible) then theoretically HM is better because you do 9 more damage which isn't a lot. But if you actually think about it that bonus action attack will more often than not generate more damage than an unreliable HM.
@Dave004 2 жыл бұрын
Using probability HM wins first round since chances of hitting twice in a row with 70% chance is 0.7*0.7 vs hitting 3 times in a row 0.7*0.7*.07. Therefore you modifier to the dmg output for hitting twice with HM is 0.49*dmg amount vs no HM 0.343*dmg. So only way it would work is if the dmg made by the 3 attacks without HM was 42% greater than dmg made with HM.
@iLitTheSun 3 жыл бұрын
HM can be worthwhile against a big sack of hit points. Your example against mooks is correct but not the whole story. Gloom stalkers get dread ambush anyway so the additional attack evens out the BA setup. And on following turn, an extra 3d6 is nothing to scoff at. Echoing the comment that you can’t feed a good berry to unconscious allies. Whereas healing word can do that from range for a BA. Finally, the Ranger spell list can be useful in a vacuum, but compared to what full casters are doing at the same PC level, it quickly becomes diminishing returns. That said, you can get a lot of mileage with Zephyr Strike, which is a criminally underrated spell.
@RasAlCool Жыл бұрын
1D&D UA: To Avernus with your math! It's a class feature now... we'll make it so that ALL rangers cast Hunter's Mark regardless!
@Calebgoblin 2 жыл бұрын
Telling that story while Amazing Grace is playing on bagpipes in the background definitely cast a much more dramatic light on it
@volosguidetomonsters3440 2 жыл бұрын
"These are big moves compared to this silly 1d6, throw it away." But I need a d6 for crossbow expert.
@edwardcrow6385 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t begin to remember the last time I played a character who’s main stat was 16. Even using regular point buy you can bring it up to 17 by level 4 you can take it to an 18 at least. I rarely play with anything less than a 19 or 20 in my main stat. After 7 years of playing this game, that has always been the case. A ranger with a 20 in dex and the ranged fighting style has a +10 to hit by level 5. If you’re a ranger missing your shots, you are either using sharp shooter, or the dice gods are really fucking against you that day.
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