Paxil And Anti-Depressants Causing Death By Suicide

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The Young Turks

The Young Turks

7 жыл бұрын

America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio talks about how anti-depressants like Paxil have been marketed to consumers, and why many of these drugs are far more harmful than their labels would have you believe. To learn more, visit America's Lawyer at

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@dan020350 7 жыл бұрын
"the ones who murder the most people are doctors" UG Krishnamruti
@felixf4378 7 жыл бұрын
dan020350 Don't call doctors murderers, they are humans. They can't possibly understand everything. There are no reliable models to test mental medication. You can't simulate the human brain, the best we have now are Lab rats.
@dan020350 7 жыл бұрын
F Fuentes -.- just quoting UG
@MisterGuitarItalia 7 жыл бұрын
Five days... seems to me he killed himself because the drug didn't have enough time to work.
@jessicadayla 7 жыл бұрын
The major problem with this video is that it ignores why antidepressants increased risk of suicide. Its taught in second year, and possibly first year, psych. The simple reason is the lift an antidepressant gives you allows you to take actions to resolve the problems causing depression. If the only viable actions to you appear to be death, an antidepressant will ALWAYS increase your risk of suicide. This is why it should be used in conjunction with psychotherapy. Those labels wouldn't have solved anything, and the risk will be there regardless of antidepressant. The solution is to ensure people have the resources to make meaningful changes in their lives, rather than use suicide as the solution antidepressant induced motivation allows them to do. Most depressed people who contemplate suicide are also too depressed to carry it out.
@Frysfan 7 жыл бұрын
JDDBeyondTheSky This makes a lot of sense. Christ hospital has a program where if you sign up to see someone about getting medication that you have to see a therapist along with them. Very productive.
@yyyoda3528 7 жыл бұрын
True solution is human resource. Immense untapped human resources lie within each and everyone of us.
@ozjthomas 7 жыл бұрын
I think the cover-up is more problematic than the negative side-effects of the drug. There has been cover-up and minimization of the dangers of the drugs for years including akathisia, agitation and suicidal thinking. What's more problematic is not the flaws in the chemical but the fact that this company was obligated and even encouraged to do this sociopathic coverup in order to boost their own profits.
@beebox4788 7 жыл бұрын
SSRIs take about 4-6 weeks to work. Also, giving antidepressants to patients with bipolar can lead to serious consequences so maybe he was misdiagnosed. A person with bipolar should be on mood stabilizers NOT antidepressants. Not saying that the drug didn't have an effect but we ought to look at all sides of the issue.
@MetallicHound 7 жыл бұрын
Ben Dover A fellow doctor I see lol. Listen to this guy he knows what he's talking about.
@she6367 3 жыл бұрын
I never ever had depression, and I started taking paxil for Ocd/intrusive thoughts, and after years of taking paxil I became depressed, can't feel joy in anything, anxiety disappeared but it went literally from one extreme to another
@IrespectUtoo 4 жыл бұрын
Every antidepressant cant turn in a suicidal circle,not every person gonna commit suicide
@HoneeBear 7 жыл бұрын
My anti depressants make me feel nothing. I'd rather feel my sadness and self loathing than feel nothing at all. It's kind of...inhumane in a way-feeling no emotions.
@Lesserthannone 7 жыл бұрын
MJ's 360 i came off of mine for this reason. i am now bankrupt and looking forward to a brighter future than before.
@luc0007 7 жыл бұрын
Ok this is where I draw the line with ridiculousness...When I was suicidal and wanted to blow my brains out at any cost, I was ECSTATIC that there was an anti-depressant to absolutely numb me (I know exactly what you mean) -- Do you realize how irresponsible it is for you to go around saying you'd rather feel depressed? Ok, fair enough - You do you...But ever maybe think your depression wasn't as serious as others? You know, people who truly benefit from the drugs? SSRI's are NOT a life long cure. They DO however serve a purpose, no matter how minimal you might think it is. The whole "wait 6 months for it to work" thing is bullshit.
@Lesserthannone 7 жыл бұрын
in my case i had various other issues that antidepressants do not address. so looky there. we are both right!
@goddessmelanisia 7 жыл бұрын
I had that problem on Paxil. It left me numb. Effexor left me feeling jittery and anxious. Zoloft work with my body and brain chemistry. I've been on it 15 years now!
@brianmarshall5261 7 ай бұрын
Paxil is awesome. It worked great for social anxiety. I was suicidal, before taking it. Paxil helped so much that it helped lift me out of depression.
@heatherinCT 3 ай бұрын
It's coming off it which is the bigger problem
@imanygirl 7 жыл бұрын
Paxil almost killed me. I was supposed to be on it after I had PTSD following Katrina. 6 months later I stopped taking it, and I literally went psychotic. I ended up on the roof of my apt building with police chasing me down the fire escape. I have almost no memory of it, but I remember wanting to jump off. I ended up being hospitalized while they tapered me off slowly. It's been 10 years and I've never taken another antidepressant and been fine. It is a horrible risk. Those reactions can happen when first starting the drug or when going off of it. Had I known, I would have suffered through the depression and anxiety because I wasn't suicidal before taking it. It may help some people but you can't know until you try and it's not worth the risk.
@JasonLocay 7 жыл бұрын
july7nyc july7nyc I'm sorry about what happened to you, but it's well known that stopping an anti depressant suddenly often leads to severe depression or other mental instability. That's why if you want to stop you need to see a doctor so they can bring you down slowly and carefully and check up with you regularly through the process. That doesn't mean the drugs don't work. Perhaps you should emphasize the importance of following a doctor's orders rather than suggest that people not take their medicine.
@imanygirl 7 жыл бұрын
You're right that it's well known- to people who know. I was in my 20s and am not a doctor, and I did not know. At the time, I did not have insurance and was seeing a resident doctor in a hospital as part of a program that allows people without insurance to see residents at an extremely reduced rate. I began the Paxil with one doctor, but because of the nature of the program, switched doctors twice so in the course of 1 year, I saw 3 different doctors. It was the second doctor who advised me to stop taking it after I expressed concerns about feeling numb (emotionally) and not myself. He did NOT taper me off and after the hospitalization (at a different hospital) where they initiated tapering me off, when I returned to the program, they had switched my doctor again. The third doctor continued the hospital's course and finished tapering me off slowly. The first doctor switch was because it was at the end of the academic year so the residents changed/graduated. The second switch was, I believe, because they knew he did not taper me off the Paxil, though I can't confirm that was the reason. In any case, perhaps you shouldn't rush to judgement and should read more carefully. I never suggested people shouldn't take THEIR medicine- I simply said that taking it in the first place is a risk and, in my opinion (obviously), it's not worth the risk. I would never advise others to go against their doctor's orders, even if in my case, my doctor was wrong- I do believe my case was very rare in terms of doctor error. If anything adults can always choose to get a second opinion, if feasible financially and/or otherwise. The bigger issue is that drug companies do damage by misleading consumers and frankly, doctors, who rely on clinical trials and studies to help inform their decisions, and there is little to no oversight. All drugs have potential side-effects, but when the drug companies downplay them or misrepresent the seriousness of the potential risks, that's more than fraud, it's a health threat.
@michaelselz3389 6 жыл бұрын
You can’t say a drug almost killed you . You almost killed you . You’re a dumbass for coming off cold turkey
@polishpat95 5 жыл бұрын
@@imanygirl your story is news worthy. thanks for sharing it!
@antidepressantscausesuicid9876 Жыл бұрын
l find it funny how a medicine can causes people to end their lifes & the NHS are ok with that
@jasonr3862 6 жыл бұрын
This is giving me even more anxiety
@jackiejames3898 Жыл бұрын
Actually fasting works. Research it. I guarantee your mental state will be better after not eating for 3 days. When your desperate and severely depressed you have nothing to lose.
@Angela-tc4nv Жыл бұрын
This... Now this, is a stupid comment.
@justmadeit2 7 ай бұрын
But I haven’t wanted to eat because I’ve felt severely depressed for a few weeks and my stomach has been in knots, so fasting hasn’t worked for me. Maybe worth a go for someone though with mild depression
@innersting3174 7 жыл бұрын
Very important info Pap. I have taken generic zoloft for years and it has helped me in many ways but now I am seeing tremors and tics galore, which I understand can happen. As years go by we will see more issues like you are bringing to the forefront.
@FlowWolf7 7 жыл бұрын
same here.
@barbourgirl78 7 жыл бұрын
I used to take Paxil/Paroxetine. One of the issues I had with it is it wasn't really working, but then, when I missed a week of taking it, after having taken it for 7 months, my emotional reaction was so extreme, that there was a clear indication that I had become addicted to it. Once it stopped working for me, my doctor prescribed a higher dose, but, then, it began to make my ankles swell and I would feel sluggish and squirmy. I had to stop taking it, but, I had to ween off over a one month period. But, no matter the dose, I would have extreme mood swings and become really dizzy if I simply missed a day.
@Aaron565 7 жыл бұрын
Thats because you are a lab rat to the doctors, and now you wont get employment because you are considered handicapped and crazy.
@abitofapotato 3 ай бұрын
Paxil withdrawals almost killed me.
@jessicagriffin5920 Ай бұрын
What was the symptoms?
@thebeigesheep6132 7 жыл бұрын
antidepressants work differently for different folks. there are a bunch of different ones because they do not all work with everyones body chemistry. when doctors prescribe them they tell patients it may worsen your depression so let them know if their symptoms worsen so they can put you on a different one.
@TheRealBallista420 7 жыл бұрын
they shut down your organs, end of discussion you know nothing about the body if you don't demonize these man made drugs
@BabyFartMcGeezax420 7 жыл бұрын
The Beige Sheep I couldnt agree more with your comment anti depressants are tricky to get right thats why there is not one "anti depression" molecule
@thebeigesheep6132 7 жыл бұрын
Ballista Pk wow really? whats your proof?
@elsagrace3893 7 жыл бұрын
Ballista Pk tell us about this
@thebeigesheep6132 7 жыл бұрын
elsa Grace he wont have any proof cuz he pulled that out of his ass lol
@CoDisafishy 7 жыл бұрын
I don't see how it caused him to commit suicide in five days. It usually takes an SSRI a little while to have any effect.
@fUP420babe 7 жыл бұрын
some side effects can start to take effect pretty quickly, i was definately feeling very weird by my fifth day on paxil
@xslindo 7 жыл бұрын
CoDisafishy I took that shit for two days and was ready to get hit by a truck by 3, 4 day. it fucks you up. literally. my doc wouldn't take me off of it after that. so I stop seeing her.
@gordanasimic5342 7 жыл бұрын
the first 2 weeks are actually the worst
@CoDisafishy 7 жыл бұрын
+Gordana Simic I suppose it depends on the person and the dosage. I don't remember having any obvious negative side effects in that time on Sertraline.
@elsagrace3893 7 жыл бұрын
CoDisafishy not true. What They say is for it to work as an antidepressant it takes about 6 weeks. Side effects can be immediate and intense such as insomnia, drowsiness, nervousness, teary sadness. Or they may be nonexistent.
@stalag14 7 жыл бұрын
Bug juice. Miss a couple of doses and get free head shocks.
@TheEmperor9985 7 жыл бұрын
Or carefully try to taper off and get free head shocks
@yadabub 7 жыл бұрын
You don't even necessarily need to miss a dose for that. Nasty stuff. Anybody else break teeth as a result?
@seekushi 7 жыл бұрын
Wow. This is like watching Kent Hovind teach a course on nuclear physics.
@lilfroggyfrog 7 жыл бұрын
It's horrible to lie about a product, however I take Paxil to deal with my PTSD and it helps tremendously. I believe Zoloft and Paxil are the main two used for PTSD and Paxil is usually the preferred option. I hate relying on a prescription drug, but when exercise and natural routes don't make a dent in your suffering, it can be a life saver. I know Paxil was a life saver for me.
@freerolll 7 жыл бұрын
Weed helped me out!
@lilfroggyfrog 7 жыл бұрын
1) MJ triggers anxiety & panic attacks for me. I wish it helped. 2) You don't have to be a veteran or suffer from a single event to suffer from PTSD. My PTSD comes from prolonged emotional-psychological trauma.
@KittySnicker 7 жыл бұрын
The risk of suicide from these drugs is so counterintuitive!
@MrHyperion2011 7 жыл бұрын
5 days on anti-depressant medication is probably not going to have an overwhelming effect on someone's state of mind.
@elsagrace3893 7 жыл бұрын
It is claimed that anti-depressants take about 6 weeks to "work" however effects happen immediately such as nervousness, insomnia, drowsiness, and other shitty and uncomfortable feelings.
@maciejwys96 7 жыл бұрын
Eddie14 I agree, when I was put on citalopram 6 months ago the first 1-2 weeks I felt drowsy, anxious and odd in general but after the first month these effects completely subsided
@innersting3174 7 жыл бұрын
actually, it can in some instances.
@derekfields9040 7 жыл бұрын
Paxil has changed my life for the better. This is pure bullshit.
@goddessmelanisia 7 жыл бұрын
Paxil left me feeling numb, but I've been on Zoloft for 15 years and it's working like a champ. Medications affect different people in different ways. That said: 5 days is way too soon for it to have had any effect at all.
@rccardbreaks2864 4 жыл бұрын
Not always sure its suicide. My girl was on paxil and it would make her trance out and when she was in this trance like state, she would wander out onto the road at night or start cutting her arms with a knife. Only after she came out of this trance did she realize what she was doing. Scary shit!!!
@rccardbreaks2864 4 жыл бұрын
@Gghhgyh Gyughuii you would think that but the minute she was off of the paxil it all went away. There was never any previous mental disorders before.
@acutesadkitten 7 жыл бұрын
I lost both of my friends and almost myself from this shit. I hope this gets all the coverage.
@goddessmelanisia 3 жыл бұрын
It works like this: You're already suicidal, but don't have the motivation to act on it. Paxil gives you a boost to energy at the same time it boosts your mood. Sometimes that boost is just enough for them to act on it. People going on an SSRI for the first time, or even switching SSRIs, should be closely monitored for that reason. It's not terribly common, but it should be watched for. It's also why they start you on a super low dose. Any psychiatrist could tell you this shit.
@zavinovacka Жыл бұрын
I would rather put it this way: you are depressed and maybe suicidal, but feel fear, remorse, love to your close ones that prevent you from doing it. Then you are put on antidepressants and feel emotionaly blunt, no remorse, no love, no attachment to loved ones added to your depression plus some added anxiety and weird odd derealisation feelings and there is nothing left to block you from doing it, no human-like concerns so you are in bigger danger than before..
@tramonp 7 жыл бұрын
This is depressing news. Time for a Paxil.
@goddessmelanisia 7 жыл бұрын
Or... hear me out... he was already depressed and possibly suicidal before he started taking it, which is why he was prescribed an anti-depressant. Five days isn't long enough to have much of an effect. It takes weeks to get a high enough dosage in the body for it to have an substantial effect.
@DreamBeatsBakery 7 жыл бұрын
goddessmelanisia exactly
@sOOpiechow 7 жыл бұрын
Antidepressants like this one can take weeks to work properly. They begin to help the physical symptoms of depression, like a lack of energy, before they affect mental symptoms like thoughts of suicide. This means that there is a period of time when starting treatment when people have the energy required to act on their suicidal ideation. This is well-known in the medical field. All this dangerous and irresponsible video does is discourage sick people away from getting the treatment they need.
@yishaqdavid2029 7 жыл бұрын
You are right but it over prescribed and people who dont need it can freak out.
@hohohaha999 7 жыл бұрын
Their energy level improves faster than their mental state.....hence, suicide. That may be the lamest excuse I've ever heard.
@MariahTheElusiveSongbird 7 жыл бұрын
The point that I got was that the pharmaceutical company was aware of the dangers but tried to keep it a secret from the public to line their pockets.
@sOOpiechow 7 жыл бұрын
Lambily4Ever, the video does put it that way, but I think it can also give the impression that this and other antidepressants are harmful and ineffective, which is what I see in this comments section. If the company did that there's no reason they shouldn't face legal repercussions, but I don't want people feeling that the medication they may need will make them commit suicide, and as a result avoiding treatment or stopping their meds suddenly.
@yyyoda3528 7 жыл бұрын
From a distance, Americans are addicted to three SIMPLISTIC solutions to their psychic pains. Material, Blame, Violence. Material = drug. Blame = single faceless enemy. Violence = punishment/ gun. The end result, depressions with periodical attacks of self - or attacks on faceless enemy. The root is indeed IRRESPONSIBILITY. Specifically, of faceless regulators or corporations or healing professions - consist of individuals lacking SELF-irresponsibility. Did you vote?
@eios76 7 жыл бұрын
I find it disturbing how a lot of these drugs they advertise on tv include suicidal thoughts as a side effect
@eios76 7 жыл бұрын
a lot of those medicines are not for depression though, they are for anxiety and restless leg syndrome
@mariannelabanane2589 4 ай бұрын
And that’s without counting the extremely dangerous and painful withdrawal effects. It takes years to successfully wean off this medication, if at all possible. Withdrawing from this medication destroyed my life. I spent 2 and a half years in bed 16 hours a day (and I didn't understand what I had!) and I am still stuck with 5mg of it. I lost everything! I am extremely angry. This product should never had been put on the market in my opinion. Now, it's too late, they can't take it out of the market, many people would die from the withdrawal effects. And the company try to hide the withdrawal effects and, when you call at the pharmacy for help, they tell you that in 2 or 3 weeks, withdrawal effects would be finished!!! It's like we're living in a parallel reality. Lolll
@Smewby 7 жыл бұрын
I was put on Paxil when I was 15. It didn't make me more suicidal, but it made me completely numb. I often wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't been on that drug during those crucial years of my life. I didn't end up finished college until I was 30 years old, even though I had 80% of my AA done when I graduated high school...
@chrisgallimore9083 7 жыл бұрын
My doctor prescribed this for me for a couple years and things became worse for me. Many suicidal thoughts while on and while weening. Pretty bad shit.
@marxie1999 7 жыл бұрын
Okay there are a lot of problems with this but it is understandable because not everyone knows how antidepressants work. When you first start to take a new drug you are told that you will need to wait months to get the full effects of the drug. Do you know why that is? It has to build up in you system. Taking it for five days would not be enough to feel any effect. Have you ever listened to a direct to consumer ad for an antidepressant on tv? They all say that there is an increased risk of suicide. People that are in the deepest, darkest depression do not usually kill themselves. What?, you ask. Well, one of the biggest and most problematic symptoms of depression is severe lack of energy. They literally do not have the energy to kill themselves. But when they start to feel their medication working, the increased energy they feel gives them the motivation to kill themselves. I know, this sounds too sad to be real, but with some research into how these drugs work, you will find that it is true. So, it is utterly incorrect to blame this drug for the congressman's death. It was mostly likely placebo or he was already contemplating suicide. I'm not trying to minimize his death. It is incredibly sad but I am disappointed in the lack of research in a TYT video.
@elsagrace3893 7 жыл бұрын
marcie frey these drugs do have awful side effects immediately. There is no waiting time for these. Prozac immediately gave me insomnia, nervousness and drowsiness at the same time. It was an excruciating unbearable feeling. I flushed the remainder down the toilet after 3 days! It's terrible! A friends Dr. medicated her with anti anxiety drugs for 2 months while she started Prozac in order to counteract the effect. Prozac works for her in the end and my point is that there are immediate and awful effects from these drugs. They are not so safe.
@tomasalas1122 5 жыл бұрын
Lexapro ruined my life. I quit cold turkey after only being on it 2 months. Went into withdrawal. Reinstated on 8 more drugs and now I am in hell. Thank you doctors. Thank you for forcing me back on more drugs.
@SRBOMBONICA86 5 жыл бұрын
Lexapro ?I take 10mg and feel fine
@jl1695 2 жыл бұрын
Forcing? You dont have to take it its a service
@angham3829 Жыл бұрын
Proverbs 3:5-6 King James Version 5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
@Rocketpower713 7 жыл бұрын
*CANNABIS* is the solution to all your problems.
@justmadeit2 6 ай бұрын
There needs to be big improvements in treatment options for mental health and serious depression. For starters there should be an option to have plant based healing done in a medical facility and supervised while lying on a bed. It should be an option for those who struggle with ssris
@Rvnmoon111 7 жыл бұрын
I took Paxil and I felt great. It never made me feel suicidal. SAM-E works better than all of them. Don't take generic versions. They never work the same for me.
@jackiejames3898 Жыл бұрын
Agreed!!! Especially paxil. The generic is not the same at all. I was just prescribed Paxil today and insisted that it NOT be generic. I'm hoping my insurance pays for it otherwise it going to cost me☹
@KnightsAndDarths 7 жыл бұрын
5 days? That seems way too soon, this kind of drug usually takes longer than that to produce any effects.
@luc0007 7 жыл бұрын
Well when you first introduce an SSRI it actually depletes the brain of serotonin. That's why they say it takes up to 6 months to work, initially the SSRI IS producing serotonin, however, your brain is blocking it from being absorbed....After a few weeks, your brain then gets used to the consistency of serotonin attempting to enter at the same times and then floods system with serotonin
@leonelbetancourt2104 2 жыл бұрын
Foreal when I took Zoloft for a week I wanted to die so bad, but I knew it was the medication, it felt horrible
@antidepressantscausesuicid9876 Жыл бұрын
100 % Agree
@angham3829 Жыл бұрын
Philippians 3:13 “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,”
@billvgee 7 жыл бұрын
This is IMO, fair and balanced. The problem is, even well-intentioned physicians are being told that IN SOME CASES, this pill works (but TBH, almost everything "works" once in a while). But, they are not told very often how many times these pills cause "bad"/life-altering issues. Those issues are frequently written off/explained as "side-effects". WE are still in the infancy of Neuro-Medicine. Unfortunately, patients are the test-subjects,
@yzeeww247 7 жыл бұрын
I think these drugs have problems like this when depression is not clinical. Pills are only potentially going to alleviate the physical chemical imbalance of clinical depression with a high level of consistency and the placebo effect can be quite powerful though but that isn't why pills are prescribed.
@billvgee 7 жыл бұрын
I respect your opinion. yzeew w, but I am not able to delineate when a depressed person, who is hurting, is deemed "clinical". People are in pain now. What can we do, if anything, now. Unfortunately, the studies are not super-encouraging. Hell, I just wish I could be happy. Whatever that may mean.
@aknc1363 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the info. I have been really anxious and depressed in my life. I was put on zoloft for 1,5 month and got suicidal thougts. I didnt want to commit suicide but the zoloft put the thougts in my head. After i cut it out i got better in 2 weeks and i never took antidepressants again. A couple of things that helped me was psilocybin mushrooms and meditation and i am much better now, but still have a Road ahead off me. I wish all thoose with mental heath issues the best and NEVER TRUST THE BIG PHARMA!!
@bunny19852 7 жыл бұрын
I take Paxil and have been for years. you have to take it for 30 days before it actually works and that first 3 days is usually a very strange time because you get the giggles... its a serotonin reup inhibitor so you need to remember that before taking it. Also I have manic depression and this has helped me tremendously. I think that people are fast to condemn and mental health drug people take now but to be honest its person to person because there are people this won't jive well with and they should be on something else... I took ridilin and found I was just as bad as the man mentioned here and even worse I had a tick that made me look like I had palsy so after 3 months and no change I moved away from that and over to Paxil and no issues since
@bunny19852 7 жыл бұрын
Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup no I meant what I said. I have manic depression, OCD, adhd, anxiety and ptsd and I function like if I don't have any of it because of Paxil.
@JPMJPM 7 жыл бұрын
It is important to note that the suicide rates go up only in those who have MDD (Major Depressive Disorder), not typical clinical depression. I have MDD. It is VERY hard to treat. In fact, no prescriptions work for me anymore, so I am now in a clinical trial for a new med not yet approved by the FDA (ketamine). I think it's helping.
@Aaron565 7 жыл бұрын
They tell you its helping, but you are merely a lab rat to them.
@gondolf153 7 жыл бұрын
Do some reading, ketamine is usually controlled as a recreational drug but has shown great results in first trials. Especially for people like Jen! Don't go all 'tin foil hat' over it, this is how we improve medical treatments. Oh it was published in the highly reputable Lancet Journal of Psychiatry ( ) ..... but I'm sure you are qualified to tell Jen it's not helping
@mdgsk824 7 жыл бұрын
I think they either commited suicide b/c they already had suicidal thoughts and feel like the medicine didn't work(fast enough) so their last hope was lost or they experienced a manic episode
@hardsoapscum 7 жыл бұрын
I take the generic version of Paxil which is Paroxitine for anxiety and phobias. It has worked wonders for me. I am not sure how this anti-depressant works with depression, but it sounds like it should not be used for it. This is my major concern: any psychiatric drug should be prescribed by a psychiatrist and NOT a primary physician. In the past, I was given sleeping pills for insomnia from a primary physician and noticed that I was a functioning sleepwalker where I could turn on the TV, work my laptop and open doors. The dosage of the medication was too high for me, and the physician did not monitor me. A responsible psychiatrist will prescribe smaller doses of the drug and will require you attend appointments every week, so they can monitor you. They will also give you their number in case there was adverse reactions, however the smaller dosages will not affect you as badly. I think that if you are suffering from depression, either seek a psychiatrist or a therapist who can work with your physician in treating it.
@imanygirl 7 жыл бұрын
I agree that these drugs need to be prescribed by a psychiatrist. Unlike you, I had an awful experience with Paxil. If it helps you and you've been on it for a while without serious side effects, that's great. You seem to be well-informed and responsible and I'm sure it goes without saying that should you decide you no longer want to take Paxil, the process to stop taking it can be just as risky as the process to begin taking it, which is why it's important to do so under a doctor's supervision. Unfortunately, I wasn't as informed and I had an extreme reaction to going off the drug. Still, it should be doctors making decisions on what to prescribe- not pharmaceutical companies or patients who've seen a commercial and think everything is going to be great after taking a magic pill! I don't understand why drug companies market prescription drugs to consumers in the first place.
@hardsoapscum 7 жыл бұрын
Great comments guys! One thing to note on taking any SSRI is that should be the last approach to therapy. A therapist or psychiatrist needs to determine the severity of the disorder. Other treatments that are effective for low to mid level severity is CBT and mindfulness. When I decided that an SSRI was needed, my anxiety was so severe that I could barely function throughout the day. Here is my example: Not being able to sleep because there was a voice or thought that I was going to die. I was getting on average 2-3 hours of sleep. Not being able to talk to someone because I felt trapped by the conversation. Not being able to stop at any stop lights because I felt trapped by traffic. Whenever my panic would arise, I close the windows and start screaming out of fear. Whenever I drove, my hands felt like two cinder blocks. At that time, I was undergoing therapy, and it was no longer working. I talked to my therapist and he agreead I needed to go to a psychiatrist to get on an SSRI.
@SRBOMBONICA86 5 жыл бұрын
@@hardsoapscum I agree ,I take Lexapro in the morning and Mirtazapine at night ,I wouldn't function without them
@kumaelnegro3264 7 жыл бұрын
But...but what about that devil weed?! Lol
@jkm7983 7 жыл бұрын
even if a company's products do not cause damage to 99.99% of users, there will still be people hurts by their product and the company knew if we released this product some people will get hurt so they should be sued for damages.
@JasonLocay 7 жыл бұрын
Justin Mielke Please name a drug that has no negative side effects in 100% of patients.
@Coldsteak 7 жыл бұрын
I dont think Mike's doctor didn't properly ready his mind for anti depressants. those pills dont just work by themselves you also need therapy, they work a lot better when you're learning ways to think positively without them
@Coldsteak 7 жыл бұрын
I take trillinex along with weekly therapy and it's been working great not only that but I also made sure internally I WANTED to be happy. a lot of people under depression just dont want to be happy subcontentiously or they have a skewed perception of how to get happy. although for some it anti depressants just chemically dont work as they should and any depression might be a false flag due to the drug, so people need to keep that in mind too in case they feel suicidal
@dearman1954 6 жыл бұрын
If a person completes a suicide it is because the thought has been pondering and thinking about the action for a long time. It can also be due to something legal that can never be cancelled. Those people who glibly say that life gets better are entirely ignorant of someone else's story.
@camwalker668 5 жыл бұрын
Who says that we must aim to maximise our time in this reality of idiots & uncertainty no matter what? examples forthcoming...
@kylesmith9944 6 жыл бұрын
Paxil would not be in the blood stream after 5 days
@violaroberts6466 6 жыл бұрын
kyle smith yes, it would be it takes alot longer than you think, and its made by proctor and gamble, a major company that came out in the early 90's saying they sold their soul to satan. Look it up, it's truth. They make these products to cause these atrocities in people's lives ---- cause the devil hates us cause our FATHER in Heaven loves us.
@kylesmith9944 6 жыл бұрын
I didn't understand one thing you just wrote. I just stopped paxil three weeks ago and I feel fine.
@polishpat95 5 жыл бұрын
@@violaroberts6466 i removed my thumbs up as soon as i saw you brough religion into this shit.... jeez man...
@Buttercup-vw2zo 3 жыл бұрын
You butthurt Atheists need to live with it. I am NOT going to hide mybelufs because an insecire heathen might be offended. Dont like my comment??, i really dont care
@nfvy8111 7 жыл бұрын
It's not enough to just disclose these potentially side effects and let the patients decide whether they want to take it; desperate people take desperate measures. These drugs are getting crazier and crazier side effects. There are medications out there that increase peoples risk of cancer, stroke, psychosis....they're clearly not safe.
@onlythemessenger280 7 жыл бұрын
That's America for you
@elektrikhd 7 жыл бұрын
I take issue with the title of this video, it's all about Paxil, with just a passing mention of other antidepressants. People having more suicidal thoughts and attempting or going through with suicide on antidepressants is absolutely real, I know, and it sounds like GSK has acted very badly here. A friend of mine tried an antidepressant and became more depressed because of how she thought of how it worked. But on the other hand I, and many other people are alive and functioning because of antidepressants. I'm on bupropion (Wellbutrin) and have been for years. Are there things to consider in psychiatric medications? Yes. But in my experience, there have also been a lot of stigmas about taking medications that have only recently started to diminish. And my bottle of bupropion comes with the suicide warning on it, too. Medication isn't for everyone, but for some people it's a life-saver.
@007NowOnline 7 жыл бұрын
I used to take paxil for quit sometime between when I was 12-18 I remember having increased thoughts of suicide but then my doctor eventually switched my meds. I wonder if they new this was the possible cause but just refused to tell me. I hope sertraline, the generic zolofit, doesn't have this effect because thats my current anti depressant.
@-josie-3299 7 жыл бұрын
I don't know if you can actually 100% say that these medications are the cause of suicide. I feel like there are so many factors that go into someone committing suicide. I'm not saying that there isn't truth to this but there could've been so many things going on in this mans life we don't know about. As someone who has been medicated it is frustrating to look back and realize that I wasn't given all of the details but I do believe in the past few years doctors have gotten better, at least in my experience. I've noticed recently there have been a lot of negative undertones on this channel around prescription medications and although I agree with some of what you say it's important to be educated on both the positive and negatives of medications. Not every anti depressant has these side effects. I understand people look crazy when their willing to take a medication with crazy side effects but the potential relief they can experience far outweighs the negative. Being depressed is a living hell. I hope someday we'll have more options. All I can say is do your research and be careful and honest with your doctors.
@stinkystinkpot 7 жыл бұрын
SSRIs also cause a high rate of impotence in men, but it is highly underreported on their lists of the likelihood of possible side effects.
@Oboewan 7 жыл бұрын
Maybe charges of fraud should be sent to the execs of GSK.
@CerebralAssassin 7 жыл бұрын
Depression is a complex disease and it has nothing to do with serotonin.That's why so many folks have side effects from SSRi's because sero isn't the cause of their depression. What causes depression is chronic,low level inflammation.Your immune system has gone haywire for various reasons.You're better off taking anti-inflammatories and other immuno-modulators (beta glucans,fish oil etc).Ibuprofen. ,aspirin turmeric etc.
@TimothyAllenCampbellGoTimothy 7 жыл бұрын
My immune system has been destroyed from living in a toxic HUD mold infested home. More than 50% of homes are mold infested, because they are made out of dead vegetation, wood. Is there anything that can help the immune system fight against mold?
@pnhnut 7 жыл бұрын
my husband is a contractor and the actual reason why people get sick from indoor pollution is the building materials in partial, but more to the point of over insulation required by the government! There is no air exchange, or natural ventilation like there used to be prior to the 1970's.
@jasmeetsandhu5025 7 жыл бұрын
There is a risk of suicide when someone starts anti-depressants. When someone is depressed usually they have psychomotor retardation, no will/motivation to do anything including suicide. When starting antidepressants, they may have the energy and the will to do the act. So if you have any family member/loved one starting medications... keep an eye on them during the first few months.
@yzeeww247 7 жыл бұрын
So they work just well enough to get a person out of a funk enough to end their lives? Totally plausible.
@mrmakeshft 7 жыл бұрын
Thats homicide.
@ronishamay 7 жыл бұрын
most anti depressants help 40-60% of the people and can have adverse effects such as psychosis depression and suicidal tendencies at a 1-10% rate, just be aware and take care when starting new meds or if you begin to feel weird while taking meds...
@Venom-ym2ew 7 жыл бұрын
very true
@paintingoftheweek 7 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile, people with debilitating depression watch things like this and decide not to get any help. Untreated depression is a much higher risk for suicide than any antidepressant.
@Aaron565 7 жыл бұрын
Wrong. They should absolutely not get help, because there is no help available. All a doctor who sells product can do is ruin your life further, they cant fix your problems for you.
@oO_ox_O 7 жыл бұрын
I don't think you can make such generalized statements.
@prettybullet3845 7 жыл бұрын
Pretty much all anti depressants can cause people to develop suicidal thoughts. I've been on 2 different anti-depression meds and I never had suicidal thoughts although I did go into a mania on one of them. . Meds affect people differently.
@OMG_BeCkY 7 жыл бұрын
I had a friend shoot himself in the head in 1999 while trying to wean off of Prozac.
@sandram4670 Жыл бұрын
People... This drug almost killed me. Seriously, I only took two pills. After the first pill, I couldn't stop crying. I called my doctor and he said to take another one. After the second pill, I was in the hospital. I went through eight months of hell, back and forth from semi-normal to not knowing who I was. My mother called a pharmacist and he said it's absorbed into the brain and it may take up to a year before it's cleared out. I was sad because of a life event, not crying constantly and hallucinating before taking this garbage. Everyone is different. I have literally been through hell on earth because of this drug, and so was my mother who was by my side. I've only found one doctor who believed me, and that's because he had a nurse who experienced the same thing I did.
@extrastout1741 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing and sending hugs
@crapton7995 7 жыл бұрын
To be honest, these things don't work for me. I take these each day for nearly 4-6 months and I barely feel a change in anything.
@innersting3174 7 жыл бұрын
They do not work for YOU. They do work for many of us, but with risks, no doubt.
@pacizzles1 7 жыл бұрын
They effect everyone differently. It is trial and error to find out what works for you. After several medications I found that a low dose of Zoloft worked for me. I'm not a fan of psychiatric medication, but it really did help get me through a very dark time. Try talking to your doctor and finding what is best for you.
@crapton7995 7 жыл бұрын
Pacia Carpenter I have, but nothing works. I talked to the doctor about it not working and gave me other options, so far, she said it'll take a few more months to get used to.
@billvgee 7 жыл бұрын
If physicians are told that ALL they have to fight depression are these medications... then I don't blame them for believing that these pills are the best that they can offer. And yes, it is more cost effective to insurance companies as well. Get better or die. Either way, they can clear you off of their ledgers.
@murnswag2310 7 жыл бұрын
I think some comments are missing the point. Antidepressants can and do work well for a number of people. But all drugs have side effects, and the makers of Paxil knew about them and actively covered them up. Just like the makers of opioid painkillers covered up the risk of addiction and led to the opioid crisis.
@murnswag2310 7 жыл бұрын
On a side note, I read some statistics a while ago that you have a 2% chance of becoming addicted with ONE DOSE of opioids. It goes up to something like 7% by the end of a week. I don't like those odds. I will never take opioid painkillers EVER.
@justmadeit2 6 ай бұрын
I’m taking citalopram and I feel dreadful
@Rvnmoon111 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, it does take longer for antidepressants to work than one week. Antidepressants only made me not care about ANYTHING.
@lilripsta911 6 жыл бұрын
Michael U it made me not care about anything too but at the same time I was happy, not caring could be due to less anxiety which is excellent for some suffering anxiety/social phobia
@flamechick6 7 жыл бұрын
I've been on paxil generic for a few weeks, I feel nothing. feel the same, like wtf
@trevorc.7572 7 жыл бұрын
Amanda Vadon Get off of it if you can... it's a terrible drug and hard to get off of. Try talk therapy and natural remedies. Best of luck to you 😊 Anotber thing is that it takes (for me anyway) about 6 weeks to really tell if the drug is helping or not.
@krazya68 7 жыл бұрын
I started taking Paxil back in 2013 when my husband and I split. I was severely depressed, could not get out of bed and spent most of my days crying. My doctor put my on Paxil and after about 3 weeks I started to feel better. At first because it was taking so long I thought it was not working but one day I just started to feel better. If it wasn't for the Paxil I am almost sure I would have ended up attempting suicide.
@ronnievbeelen9578 3 жыл бұрын
And now?
@anyakelly6830 7 жыл бұрын
I take Paxil. Anybody eles.
@jeffreyp1855 7 жыл бұрын
Anya Kelly, I have for a few years and it's helped me a lot!
@salvadorpalma8173 7 жыл бұрын
I took it for several years (4 or 5). high dose. I stopped taking it a little over a year ago. It was a nightmare withdrawl. St. John's Wort saved me. I tried dosing off from Paxil several times, but I couldn't handle the symptoms. Finally I tried St. John's Wort tea and it helped a lot. Anyway, the symptoms only stopped completely 9 to 12 months after I stopped taking it.
@anyakelly6830 7 жыл бұрын
When i forget to take my meds i can barley get out of bed i take 5 different types of pills don't know if it is because of paxil or one of my other pills.
@jeffreyp1855 7 жыл бұрын
Anya Kelly, maybe address that with your physician, Anya. I only take a couple medications, so am lucky in that regard.
@salvadorpalma8173 7 жыл бұрын
Hey Anya. What pills do you take? I took many diffrent pills during the time I was on meds, maybe I can help you. Regarding Paxil, the symptoms for not taking it come as soon as 26 or 28 hours after the last dose. I guess it depends on the dose too. Most common symptoms are dizziness, extreme low mood, inhability to do pretty much anything (including getting out of bed) and the infamous brain zaps. In my experience the brain zaps start coming 36h after the last dose. Visit this website. There is a forum and people talk a lot about symptoms and drug interactions and withdrawl, etc. I advise you to do your research. If I had done my research before starting taking pills, I would've never taken most of them, especially Paroxetine.
@reedcampbell9 7 жыл бұрын
Increased risk of suicide/illness getting worse happens about 1 in 15000 patients with antidepressants. Problem is typical doctors don't know about this and think upping the dose will fix.
@Earthiea 7 жыл бұрын
Nothing has worked for me. We are all doomed
@HoneeBear 7 жыл бұрын
Simone VC ugh I feel
@oodoodoopoopoo 7 жыл бұрын
rip "slim" Jim Hannah...
@DreamBeatsBakery 7 жыл бұрын
Isn't this kind of like saying that cancer patients died because of chemotherapy? Maybe antidepressants are just not the right solution to this underlying problem that these people were experiencing.
@DreamBeatsBakery 7 жыл бұрын
sarah S. true
@JTBivens 5 жыл бұрын
I take 60mg of it a day plus my other meds
@grv91vr23 7 ай бұрын
Yeah until it stops working and you enter hell
@MellowOutMoogy 7 жыл бұрын
It took this long for this to come out? I took it for 2 days and wanted to go on a shooting rampage from a book tower. It's been on my medical allergy list for years. This is one fucked up drug.
@GreatWhite7 7 жыл бұрын
GSK makes vaccines too, just saying.
@Iamrightyouarewrong 7 жыл бұрын
there's still not a full understanding of how such chemical substances react on the human brain.
@dreamon220 6 жыл бұрын
I find that paxil is the only medication that works for me, the rest are horrible, the man taking it for 5 days does not sound like paxil, too soon to blame that.
@tomasalas1122 5 жыл бұрын
For some people it only takes one pill to make them sick. I've seen it happen
@bigjohnson9606 4 жыл бұрын
Not too soon at all
@verifiedmama 2 жыл бұрын
For me it took days but peaked at two weeks. It was really horrible.
@antidepressantscausesuicid9876 Жыл бұрын
@@tomasalas1122 Me too
@Honeybear1815 Жыл бұрын
Paxil saved me
@Encontra-te 7 жыл бұрын
😊 thanks
@xXMoonlightQueridaXx 7 жыл бұрын
As an active paroxetine user, a person with an undergraduate degree in Pharmacology and a scientist. It seems to me that individuals who have no training in these areas are suddenly experts on the efficacy of drugs OR the process of research. Saying A leads to B, therefore B caused C is a known fallacy which is why post hoc analysis are done because Correlation DOES NOT equal causation. Now, the death of Mr. Dolan is certainly tragic, but in a world where active research is still going on in Depression, we have to be insightful and understand that it wont be perfect, ie drug treatment. Lastly, have you considered what the suicide rates would be without these drugs? Lastly, SSRIs are not only used for depression! There have other indications:ppmd, ptsd, social anxiety, used for neuropathic pain, aids in migrain mitigation. Like...meh whatever. These types of videos where there is surface analysis of an issue is often irritating.
@yadabub 7 жыл бұрын
Be careful. Here's my anecdote: After having been prescribed 3 other drugs that didn't really do anything for me, other than Prozac, which did make me feel better, but caused an episode of serotonin syndrome, I was prescribed Paxil. I'd been on it for a couple of weeks, and was feeling different, but more ill(pain) in ways that would be hard to describe, than better. Suddenly one evening I experienced an extreme craving to commit suicide. It wasn't that I felt particularly bad, or hopeless, I just really, really, really wanted to kill myself. I had to talk myself out of it, as my mind raced to plan, almost as though it was doing so without my input. It was very difficult to stop. I quit Paxil soon after, and have never experienced this since, nor had it happened to me before that. Sadly, I know what it is to be suicidally depressed, this was _not_ that, it was something else entirely and a very frightening experience.
@JPMJPM 7 жыл бұрын
yadabub Wellbutrin had that exact same effect on me. I've been suicidal, but that episode on Wellbutrin was completely different. Wow. I wonder what it was that caused that in us.
@pleximanic 6 жыл бұрын
Payback is a bitch, isn't it!
@HolographicSweater 7 жыл бұрын
does this guy pay to have his videos on TYT or something?
@zoroaster2489 7 жыл бұрын
I've been wondering this also. This garbage is almost as bad as the National Enquirer.
@Whity200 4 ай бұрын
Paxil destroyed my liver completely.Now i am waiting to die.
@guerovillalbaso2523 25 күн бұрын
What you mean your waiting to die ?
@outofspace120 7 жыл бұрын
NAD+ and various psychedelic therapies are the most effective methods of treating depression. It's a shame not many people know this.
@IshtarNike 7 жыл бұрын
From what I've heard this increased risk of suicide is not actually a "side effect." The reason suicides increases is because the drugs work. When someone is incredibly depressed they can't even muster the motivation to get out of bed let alone go through with a suicide attempt. When they start taking medication they start to get more motivation and energy because the drugs are working. Because they are more motivated they may now take suicidal actions that they perhaps felt like doing before but could never go through with. So the issue is not necessarily that the drugs are bad, but that people need to be properly supervised, especially in the early stages of use, so that they can get though the initial danger period and start to feel fully better.
@mdgsk824 7 жыл бұрын
yep I read the elation/euphoria you can get as an effect of the drug probably makes a already suicidal depressed person motivated enough to go through with it. That's the same with bipolar disorder during a manic episode
@unclejune2839 6 жыл бұрын
5 days? He was prescribed them for a reason maybe it wasn’t the Paxil.
@nadadenada319 4 жыл бұрын
You have never tried Paxil, right?
@Aquapaaso 7 жыл бұрын
I currently take Paxil, but fluoxetine, a generic of Paxil and I attempted suicide
@mariscalf2412 5 жыл бұрын
I just got this shit prescribed to me
@IrespectUtoo 4 жыл бұрын
Mariscal F you gonna feel good for 6 months
@jeremywindfield2658 Жыл бұрын
For anyone wanting to try anti-depressants, please don’t let the looneys in this comment section who can’t even construct proper sentences stop you. Antidepressants can genuinely change your life in a very positive way. Initially, while your brain adapts to the change it may be difficult, there will be side effects, and if you experience any thoughts of self-harm please contact your GP immediately. But after a couple of weeks you should be able to see the results. I have personally heard a lot of positive experiences from people in real life and if you search for “Antidepressant experience” on KZfaq you’ll see a lot of videos from reputable people claiming how antidepressants have helped them. Meanwhile I am seeing people in this comment section claim the drug was developed by a company who sold their soul to satan in the 90’s.
@glassheartsx 9 ай бұрын
I had been on Paxil for 10 years and finally I said, I want out. Please be open-minded and fair and listen to my story before you call me a looney. When you take Paxil for the first time, it is a miracle drug. It does change your life completely. That "high" doesn't last forever, it's gone within the first year. After that, you're still totally normal and functional. But all the side effects are still there. Very low chance you will have a normal sex life, if you are okay with that. But this drug shuts off something else in your brain that I can't describe, being off the meds for the first time has given me clarity. My highs were extreme, and my lows were extreme. I think this drug was also making me paranoid for 10 years straight. It caused some sort of agitation. Whatever it was, it made me always want to quit, and I tried quitting 8 times within 9 years. I've been on different meds too btw, Paxil made me the "happiest" which is why I stayed on it (I've also tried Vybryd, Wellbutrin, Zoloft). THIS DRUG IS DANGEROUS. Every single time I tried to quit, the suicidal withdrawal symptoms were torture, physical symptoms were hell, and I was in a way worse position than I was before meds. I knew this drug was changing my brain permanently, for the worse, and the more I tried the more I realized..... if I don't get off this drug, it WILL kill me one day. Staying on the drug will kill me, getting off it will kill me. (I just needed a successful exit process and to be DONE with it). SECOND PROBLEM-- It is not easy to find a doctor who will help you get off these meds, as they are trained to push people to stay on these drugs. They do not want you to EVER come off these drugs because they know about withdrawal and I'm telling you, not everybody, but so many doctors don't know how to control it. No doctor would help me get off this med, actually they refused. Which forced me to do it myself each time, unsuccessfully. I was 19 when I first took this med. I had social anxiety my whole life, and I couldn't even walk into stores alone. It was definitely a problem that was debilitating in my life. The "event" that made me go to a psych was being late to my first college class and having complete anxiety paralysis; I was unable to go into the class, and I went home and just dropped out of college. So clearly, something had to be done. I think this is just the consequence of us trying to live an unnatural life in a natural world, but I digress. Anyway, 10 years later, I'm off these meds and I'm still a completely different person. I can walk into stores just fine, I'm not scared of anything, I really wonder what would have happened if I gave myself that time and chance. Hell, what if I wasn't late for class that day? Would I have even started these drugs? Maybe but I'll never know. After quitting this med, I'm still having withdrawal symptoms. But I know I am going to be okay and it's my first time successfully quitting. I'm also grieving my sister and mom's death so I really feel like I can get through this because I just have nothing to lose at this point. I get through day by day and hope that the brain zaps and the insomnia and residual depression go away, but otherwise, I'm good yeah fuck this drug. I'm glad I'm done with it. I wish I could describe better as to why.... but I really am glad.
@extrastout1741 9 ай бұрын
if u actually read the studies put out by the companies themselves u will see they have the same success long term as placebo in proper double blinded tests, and have dangerous side effects
@tyrel-fg7zf 8 ай бұрын
@tyrel-fg7zf 8 ай бұрын
@tyrel-fg7zf 8 ай бұрын
@fghjjjk 3 жыл бұрын
This drug ruins lifes
@Honeybear1815 Жыл бұрын
Paxil saved mine
@thomasformz5159 Жыл бұрын
I've been on it for 3 years. Depends on the person. I literally couldn't walk outside if it wasn't for paroxetine.
@angham3829 Жыл бұрын
Proverbs 3:5-6 King James Version 5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
@krazya68 7 жыл бұрын
I'm alive today because of paxil
@LAX2SanGabriel 7 жыл бұрын
Amirah That could be but reputable scientists have said for years that these pharma companies that produce ssris don't have scientific studies proving that there is a chemical imbalance that is corrected by ssri's. Further there are studies showing that vitamin d and tryptophan may provide a more direct and efficacious and cost effective approach to increasing brain levels of serotonin. "Vitamin D hormone regulates serotonin synthesis. Part 1: relevance for autism Rhonda P. Patrick1 and Bruce N. Ames1",
@tomasalas1122 5 жыл бұрын
For now it's helping you...
@jackiejames3898 Жыл бұрын
Is it Real Paxil or the generic version?
@MrGrowslikeatree 7 жыл бұрын
Mike, as much as what you're saying is true about big pharma trying to make money, I can say from personal experience how Effexor has changed my life for the better. Ever since I can remember, even as a small child, my brain was plagued with depression. It's a living hell being in that state of mind. Effexor changed my life for the better. I'm a completely different person on this medication. Furthermore, countless people are taking antidepressants and have been for decades safely and effectively. I wish you would qualify this video so that it doesn't scare people who really need these meds away from taking them. Yes, it's a possible adverse side effect that needs to be closely monitored at first administration, but benefits outweigh risks by a long shot. Jonathan Seale, RN
@thenextbest6967 7 жыл бұрын
Effexor is expensive and the withdrawal from it is hell. I had vertigo for about 10 days, sweats and couldn't sleep. It didn't help much with my depression either. Everyone is different though.
@goddessmelanisia 7 жыл бұрын
Effexor worked for me.... until it didn't. Paxil worked for me... until it didn't. Zoloft worked for me... and still does. I've been on Zoloft for 15 years now. Different people have different brain chemistry, sometimes there's a bit of trial and error while figuring it out.
@MrGrowslikeatree 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, everyone is different. That's why patients should be monitored closely during the initial period of administration, but I don't like how this video has potential to further stigmatize mental health issues. The way I see it is that, like a diabetic, I need my antidepressants to live. My brain is dysfunctional without it just like people who have other medical issues who rely upon different medications.
@freedoom6396 4 жыл бұрын
ممكن احد يترجم لي ايش قال بالحلقه ؟؟؟
@Saudi.Arabia. 3 жыл бұрын
يقول ان الادوية النفسية خطيرة و كلامة صحيح انا جتني مياة زرقاء بسبب الادوية هذي
@angham3829 Жыл бұрын
Proverbs 3:5-6 King James Version 5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
@Thibault_95 7 жыл бұрын
I'm on paxil these meds take a month to lvl out and actually work. first couple weeks can be rough.
@Thibault_95 7 жыл бұрын
Angel Symmetrika yeah i have alot of experience on these meds unfortunately. I've been on all anti depressents nothing seems to work it keeps the edge off but none have been a miracle drug. I'm also on Clonazepam it works but I only take it when I'm very anxious.
@zplummer12 7 жыл бұрын
Thibault but it shouldnt be that way... its supposed to help you but yet the first couple weeks u feel weird and like shit. i woke up at like 2 am on that shit with a trail following my hand. Wellbutrin has worked the besr for me. i stay away from SSRIs period
@Thibault_95 7 жыл бұрын
Angel Symmetrika I'm 21 I was diagnosed 7 years ago with generalized anxiety, social anxiety,depression and a now mild agrophobia. I have been getting help for 7 years as well nothing really seems to work I will be going to another CBT program soon with a major company here in Canada so hopefully it helps.
@54tristin 7 жыл бұрын
You ARE WRONG ONE EVERY FACT YOU JUST WROTE. P.S. I have a relative who is a lawyer , lawyer take cases to win LARGE FINANCIAL GAIN.
@sidb5375 6 жыл бұрын
Sound like you work for big pharma. It's a known fact that antidepressants cause suicide
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