PENACONY TRAILBLAZE QUEST PT 2 - 2.1 Cat Among Pigeons Trailblaze Quest REACTION - Honkai Star Rail

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Just when I thought Penacony couldn’t get crazier, we end up finding out more reasons why no one there can be trusted…with even MORE twists and turns, sadness and surprise, 2.1’s story showed up and showed out!!
This story also made me love Aventurine. I never would have thought….
0:00:00 - Intro/Dailies
0:39:35 - Story Quest
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#honkaistarrail #starrail #acheron

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@VTsimpingSan 4 ай бұрын
It started with "Aventurine plays checkers, Sunday plays chess." To "Aventurine plays chess and is sad"
@kokonataa 4 ай бұрын
Honestly yeah 😭
@khoipham973 4 ай бұрын
Damm this quest's twist is really harder than Tingyun's neck
@Trailblaze80 4 ай бұрын
And the ending was very heart piercing…
@Rawlinson777 4 ай бұрын
This shouldn't even be compared
@mattkewldude7542 4 ай бұрын
This quest’s twist was incredible, but that comparison isn’t saying much 💀
@CunnyLover727 4 ай бұрын
from hard to soft
@phuocvinhluu 4 ай бұрын
There is a Theory by someone that: when Gallagher said he was 13 years old, and that 13 years old was related to the number 13 in the Tarot Card (it means "Death") 4 ай бұрын
Aracana 13 is death yes. And we know for a fact that hoyo knows this because of Black Swan and her cards.
@captainblue5096 4 ай бұрын
Heya, I’m dropping by as many playthroughs and such as I can because there’s something important you have to know: There is a HUGE mistranslation in the Gallagher and Sunday scene. When Sunday says “Tell me I’m wrong” when he accuses Gallagher, other languages include some variant of “Tell me I’m wrong, *follower of Enigmata.”* This aligns with the new loading screen for Gallagher, which says he’s an Enigmata Pathstrider. I have no clue how something this big got past the translators. Hopefully they fix it soon but it’s still really important to know for context.
@kokonataa 4 ай бұрын
OMG this is huge - thank you so much for informing me!!
@hendrass9716 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, the context is too big to be left out, from what I can see Gallagher should be the member of History Fictionologists, since The Riddlers members are supposed to be speaking in... well "Riddles." Would be interesting to see how their member speaks and just make my head spinning in circles.
@ColorOfSakura 3 ай бұрын
Thankfully they added it into the English version with the most recent update, but there's no voice acting for it yet.
@GenerationIcarus 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, I’m kinda glad they left that out. The biggest issue with this story is the excessive lore dump, and dialogue suffered because of it.
@captainblue5096 3 ай бұрын
@@GenerationIcarus The solution to a big story like this is to have ways to consolidate or simplify lore (which HSR had with its Data Bank). It is NOT to leave details out of the translation. That doesn’t solve the lore dump “issue” (which I’d argue the story doesn’t have but to each their own), it just causes confusion for those who actually want to explore the lore.
@maliniras 4 ай бұрын
i actually don't understand the extreme amount of hate towards Aventurine- most people can't even justify why he's a terrible character. "he deserves it" "get him sunday" like stfu people are just riding the hate hype train mindlessly.
@mamsiesiesie2746 4 ай бұрын
It's cause he's a "guy" and double standards exist. No other answer. We've all his backstory, including the slavery and whatnot, but apparently that's "okay" because he's a guy, doesn't matter how much he was mistreated along with his bloodline. But if he was a girl, I don't even need to explain how things would be different. There's no other reason to hate aventurine now other than just being a hater or a sexist after seeing everything he went through. Like the wise words from someone, "Disliking a character is one thing. Being obsessed with disliking a character is another thing."
@maliniras 4 ай бұрын
@@mamsiesiesie2746 yeah :/ I find it odd that people love sparkle and hate aventurine when she acts exactly or even worse than him- i can't associate with hoyo fandom without losing my braincells everytime
@khakikohii 4 ай бұрын
-cuz he's not a waifu -those guys have double standards praising firefly's non-existent character development
@yueyueqinn 4 ай бұрын
I personally wanted for sunday to win that “argument” because I wanted to see adventurine at his lowest, so we can properly see his inner conflict and he had an opportunity to have his own character arc. No hard feelings, love both of them.
@qrowbranwen8245 3 ай бұрын
For me, it’s bcuz they’re presented a bit snobby or arrogant when associated with the IPC. But through character development/lore, I’m glad to be proven wrong when presented further evidence.
@heenthousiast383 4 ай бұрын
if you go back to the place we fought Aventurine, you can see Acheron slashed the giant screen and the sky.
@resnad3033 3 ай бұрын
Ayo wtf she's super strong lol
@jeffff776 4 ай бұрын
to imagine there's a still a climax that has yet to come. hsr team really be writing better stories than the most movies and shows in the past few years
@tine1396 4 ай бұрын
The one Welt talk about in his talk with Acheron is Kevin Kaslana. The song who play at the same time is "For Kevin". And Acheron say she killed the "Kevin" of her world (the one who talk in her Celestia trailer).
@andrefaelnar 4 ай бұрын
If Penacony had a slogan, it would be either "TRUST NOBODY" or "NEVER TRUST ANYONE" or better yet, "EVERYBODY LIES"
@entropy417 4 ай бұрын
1. Penacony, The City of Dreams. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", "Inception", and other virtual/dream related media references can be seen in Penacony Acheron opened the the discussion for Welt with an epistemological (why do we know, why is it?) questions about "Limitation". The limitation of dreams, the limitation of human and the limitation of divinity. Acheron pessimistically discusses how Penacony and the dreamers are infatuated by a attractive falseness. The building of dreams that houses and promotes delusions to keep on going, a sense of security of being a paradise filled with euphoria. That's what lead them to their inevitable stagnation and necrosis as what Acheron is trying to say. As people give everything they have, everything they held worth just to sustain their dreams persist, it wouldn't be long until they have no longer anything in them. Approaching the actuality where the "everything" they have forsaken is actually what kept them alive and being able to bear the weight of "the waking world" or their reality. Now that they had given up their everything for a falsehood, they will crushed as the reality they ignored will press upon them, realizing that they had been the prisoner of their own fantasy, a breakdown of an individual is "inevitable". Welt reasoned that there might be a way to change everything but Acheron replied that if these are what people wanted, and why ""Life" chooses to slumber, why should we change it?" And this is where Welt's own story begins as to answer Acheron's genuine question. Why? Because she is confused. We discuss it later. Welt shared a story of a man linking everyone's dream to his body (it is not a figure of speech when Welt said "shouldered the burden himself) Those dreams synthesize a figurehead known as Adam Ruhani or as what the dialogue said "Spiritual Adam" where anything that an individual dreamed or thinks of will be shared to the 7 billion humans not as a memory like a hive mind but just a mere spark of thought or concept enough to ignite inspiration to other dreamers who might be motivated to create something new. An Idea that builds Stories. And Stories that Creates Existence and Reality. And since humanity is now the architect of their reality to a dimension they've never realized they've reached. They are strengthening Adam Ruhani itself. They are fortifying their own prison. Acheron said that yet, he is here standing which means he failed. But Welt disagreed. Humanity longed for a future even if they paused, they will find a way to save itself. Just like how that man lived through to nurture the era that now opposed him for the sake of the future they want to build. He disagreed with her about that man being a failure. He said that just like anyone else, "he etched the possibilities of human nature into his heart." He is a man that can ultimately deliver that reality at that moment. Not because he can "make it possible" or anything. It's already true and it's already the end of humanity in which he is the final curtain. And yet, because of the "possibility" that he believes. He didn't close the curtain and accepted the challenge of those who wanted their stories to continue. Those people who wanted to challenge the ending of the story. He could have closed it effortlessly yet he didn't. He wanted to see how they will create a new story from this ending. He let them gather their strength and give them "ALL THE TIME" they wanted that he once never had to change the end of his civilization's story. And thus, humanity that longed for a future prevailed. They proved it to him that there are other ways than a predetermined ending he made. And he accepted and congratulated them for his defeat. That's why he was called Icarus ascending heights and someone like him that should be surpassed to create their new path in life. In which they did, and now Welt is where he is because of his leniency and trust for humanity to achieve "possibility" and transcend "limitation". ... Acheron accepted the answer and with that story, she also understood what Welt connotations of her story and him being similar with the story of that man. But she clearly set the boundary now that she is not what Welt thinks she is because they both know they are both well traveled in the cosmos now, seeing the familliar faces but doesn't mean they are the ones they've shared memories with. The question "why do birds fly?" is another call back. For Welt, the story of that man concluded that the birds fly because they needed to reach the top, soar the skies and reach the light that represents hope and future. The bird shall keep soaring until his wings melt, and he shall fall into the ocean igniting the others that they must soar higher than he could. And when he reach unbelievable heights that no one could ever reach, all other birds must do the same and reach higher to fulfill the future they longed. .... But for Acheron, the birds fly because they also longed for such future and hope, the only difference is that, beyond that light was nothing but endless darkness. As a call back again to her video trailer, the light is "the lie" The light is the answer "Why Izumo forged those blades". The lie is a false hope for inevitability. The bird that supassed the light seen the endless darkness. When she looked back, there was no light anymore. She doesn't know whether she's still flying hoping for a light or just falling in the sea of the abyss. And thus this also answered her genuine confusion of why people still wish for change if the people are already content. Welt reached a denouement where the man was lenient enough to give them the chance to sculpt the ending they wanted. Thus he can say this. They are able to change the predetermined ending because humanity seeks for the future they want. But Acheron's experience is exactly why she can't understand such feelings because the denouement of Izumo is inevitable. They didn't see the predetermined ending because they blinded themselves with false hope. That at the end of their world. The Shiraga Oni and Acheron's last meaning in life is "Mutual Destruction". If the other destroyed the other, then the meaning of living for them no longer exists. And this is the exact reason of being able to take IX's gaze and being its Emanator.
@entropy417 4 ай бұрын
2. Kevin, The Demon, The Deliverance, The Human. The man they are referring to is Kevin. Kevin initiated the Project STIGMA, as I've mentioned above, Projects STIGMA is through linking people's dreams using the stigmas inside their body, whether it's dormant or awakened. But he is the center of all Stigmas thus, the whole world that the 7 billion humans will generate will be on his body carrying the Spiritual Adam that envelope the whole world. Through stigma, they will share all ideas but not memories, that humanity generated and deconstruct any concepts into ideas. Project STIGMA in the most basic form has an ability to construct reality and deconstruct it and make those idea in their theirs. I cannot explain it any longer without confusing you so here. How to deconstruct an existence to use it for your own: With humanity's ability to reason, the "existence" will be given by humanity a definition that is based on their "reality", make up or find a reference for its origin using "stories" and where did those "concepts" came from until they are broken down to a simple words that can define them. And thus they are converted to an idea and generate a thought. Existence>Reality>Stories>Concept>Idea>Thought How to create a reality or existence: Thought + Idea and other elements they want to add = Existence or the Reality. That's it in the basic form if you even understand anything about that arc. I'm sure you did. Tschh. Project Stigma in GGZ is different but is equally as taxing and conflicting as the HI3 one. But the HI3 one has a more moral dilemma. Kevin can just kill all of those who opposed him because technically, Project Stigma is already done, what is left is for humanity to keep dreaming for a bit of a time until they can get comfortable. And within that moment, they can now feast on the authority of Finality in his body and deconstruct its existence for them to use. By eating away the Finality authority linked to the Cocoon of Finality, Adam Ruhani would become an invasive virus that the Cocoon can't get rid of as it is linked to its authority, locking it down at the mercy of humanity until the Cocoon breaks down and is consumed by Adam Ruhani. It will now become a superimposed memetic entity inside Kevin's body until Earth is no longer around the Solar System. Because Finality authority is still an existence, it will keep Kevin's immortal body made from Chimera of all Honkai Beasts he assimilated throughout millenias of living. But Kevin didn't do that and instead wanted humanity to give it a try and change the ending he's about to close by intentionally letting them be until they are now ready. Giving them all the time they need because "time" is something they never had when they also reached their civilizations end. And they did prove it to him. Because of his guidance, humanity had advanced and because of everything he fought and sacrificed for is the reason why their era exists. He wanted to rest and also fight for the last time, fighting humanity's conviction to test them if they can surpass him and deserve their "ending". He had become the end that was once his enemy but only this time, the end is but a human.
@entropy417 4 ай бұрын
3. Why do birds fly? For Icarus, The existence of a hero named Kevin. The humanity. The Sunchaser, The Flamechaser. This dialogue of Welt and Acheron is a call back to this "Why do birds fly?" Before I go to that, the achievement is called "For Icarus" but did you know that the music that played during that time is called "For Kevin"? There's also the call back about "Do you still dream of those slained by your hands?" That's from Kevin as well when Acheron was still battling Sam. "Those who you failed to save, those that died because of you..." "But I don't." I already mentioned this before in my previous break down of Acheron's trailer. This is a discussion that Kevin heard during the times in Greece where a philosopher asked such questions. "They are born to fly just like how a man is born with many instincts." "But even then, we can only explain why birds can fly yet we cannot explain why birds wish to fly." "But hear me out. Every one of us present here today is born with the ability to see, to hear, to travel and to conquer." "But it is a right. And we have seen many who've chosen to give up that right." "But why... Why have we never seen birds give up on flying?" This is how that philosopher opened a question for the masses to discuss that Kevin also pondered. The philosopher argued that if we go back in the origin of time, we will definitely see that the first bird is without wings. But what gave it a pair of wings wasn't because of prayer to be blessed by gods but a heart that is resilient that longed to reach the peak. The bird "desired" to fly. This dialogue is a reflection of both origin of Project Stigma itself and Kevin's conviction. Countless thoughts that clash and forms ideas, in which why civilizations rise and fall. Through those stories, their existence are remembered. This is why "Civilization" is a word that is very heavy in Honkai series as well. That's why Chadwick's quest hits hard. Because Honkai players had seen the struggle of how civilizations means truly yet in that moment obliterated in an instant with no one to remember. ... Later on, the philosopher is on his death bed. Kevin revisited the question and ask him again about the birds, he pondered the issues he raised and find his answers yet still want to see the philosophers perspective as Kevin wants to follow the cognition of humanity as to not strip away their freedom. He praised the philosopher's wisdom and also his narrow-mind because what truths the philosopher had already spoken is just a toddler for him not because of how he was born but because of the enduring time. Why do birds fly? The philosopher answered because they "desire" to soar the skies. Kevin refuted, saying it is a romanticist idea. He argued that it must be to go beyond childhood but desiring it doesn't mean it would happen. Birds fly because they "must" soar the skies. And thus the story of "Icarus" pops up. .... "Some fly just to fall." The philosopher said. They discussed the myth about Icarus having wings that his father built that also warned him not to get too close to height he should not reach. Icarus disobeyed. The wax in his wings melted and he drowned from the ocean. The philosopher said that maybe he desired to fall? And Kevin underestimated his wisdom. The philosopher met Icarus. But Icarus is a myth? Of course but the Icarus is just a figure of speech to call a specific kind of person. A hero. There are two types of hero. Those who tramples the idea of others for their ideas to reign upon. This is the heroes we knew. And countless examples in real life. But the other kind of hero is Icarus. "I will soar to the sky and embrace my success by falling." This the the kind of hero in which he held the world's power and which everything revolves at his will yet he wants his ideals to be trampled instead. Kevin thought that the Icarus hero means that those are the kind of heroes that reach success but fly too high and wanted to warn others to reflect on his failure. But this isn't what that philosopher mean. The Icarus hero wanted his ideals to be trampled upon because he wanted to prove something. "I have fly near the sun, a place that no one has ever reached. So perhaps someone can surpass me." This is what they are referring about earlier. The light, the sun, Icarus the Sun chaser. This is the meaning of all of those. Kevin is that Icarus. He transcended beyond humans and reached a place no human should ever be. If you erase everything that was once part of a story of someone named "Kevin". His existence should not be possible in such plane and dimension of their world. He is everything that an era had represented. He is the sorrow and laughter, the art and tragedy, the hope and despair. He is the ultimate epitaph of everything that existed in his civilization as his fellow people moved on together with the new era. Only him did not, he is stuck because no one will remember them once he is gone. And those things are what made Kevin "Kevin". Without them. He is an anomaly of a monster. A chimera of every Honkai Beast that existed in this world powered by the Finality that ended their era. This is what he wanted to prove to those who opposed his inevitable ending for humanity. As I qoute: "Yes, in order to stop sun from falling, I soared to the sky and stole your light." "I shall melt because of it and fall into the ocean." "If you seek to retake it, you, all of you, must soar even higher." He had carried the burden of hope his people had expected to him as the hero of humanity. And because of that, he shall pay the price. If humanity wish to steal the future from him then their heroes... No. Humanity shall reach even higher than him. He is a character of absolute and beyond. A great martyr, an undeniable hero in which Welt and Acheron had come to understand. His existence is undeniable yet bears weight. His sights pierced the veil and nurtured their path until they can build their own future. He had given everything he had only for humanity to pave a future that wasn't built by them. But instead a road that belongs to only them. Because of You. "We once gave everything we've had for just a mere half day. In that short yet lasting time. We could only protect, all of you." -Kevin
@Rin_3680 4 ай бұрын
This story quest got me tweaking fr. My jaw was on the damn floor
@KimVerdacht 4 ай бұрын
Acheron power is disgustingly powerful. One slash and she cut trough the penacony sky. Truly the strongest character right now (lore wise)
@guiltylegion7037 4 ай бұрын
It should be able to do that. Remember it's "Origin" as the base and it gain the concept of Nothingness. By the nature it self it supposed to br able to sunder the already cracked Aventurine Cornerstone power.
@gojocarecakkk4661 4 ай бұрын
No, Welt is The strongest lore wise
@StrongestDebunker 4 ай бұрын
Bro... Acheron literally spleedblitzed everyone. While Acheron slowed the time, cutted through aventurine attack and make the time flow again, Welt was using his cane to protect everyone @@gojocarecakkk4661
@StrongestDebunker 4 ай бұрын
​@@gojocarecakkk4661Even when Welt threatens Acheron she doesn't take it seriously, she's obviously much stronger than a herrscher... She's literally an emanator
@StrongestDebunker 4 ай бұрын
Furthermore, if you notice, Acheron is so fast that she literally "paralyzed" time even for Welt... She is literally stronger than him​@@gojocarecakkk4661
@Yukimara06 4 ай бұрын
4:25:38 "your what?" Lmao😂
@eddieray 3 ай бұрын
Can't believe this 13 years old was behind everything 😹
@ohmohm9869 4 ай бұрын
This quest really hit me hard😢.
@TroubbleBubble 4 ай бұрын
OMG I may have come out of that boss fight with only one character alive but it was sooooo fun
@thefurylacolereinfini8809 4 ай бұрын
"For kevin" ost
@rubiepie 4 ай бұрын
Truly Peakcony
@charlie-vw7zw 4 ай бұрын
poor huohuo is doomed to fail the aventurine vibe check
@antoineceron2924 4 ай бұрын
Am I the only one that got Lucia Crimson Weave vibes during that Acheron cutscene?
@maltorramus2997 3 ай бұрын
when he said "13" he didn't meant his age it was a hint that he was the murderer~!
@icedteatoni 3 ай бұрын
I am so sad. I really hope Robin and Sunday come back just as Firefly did. Need Sunday to get his time to shine.
@ankltoe 4 ай бұрын
Aventurine no…😭😭😭
@massupkill4308 4 ай бұрын
3:16:31 Kevin kaslana😢😢😢
@puck9222 4 ай бұрын
Sunday and Aventurine, both gone in 1 patch :(
@AIA222-yu5ml 4 ай бұрын
Firefly and Robin is still alive, how come everyone thinks Sunday and Aventurine is dead?
@puck9222 4 ай бұрын
@AIA222-yu5ml how can you be sure that Robin is still alive ? (We don't know how this "death in the dream works yet"). I don't think that Aventurine is dead. He still has a role to play and this whole quest would be meaningless if he doesn't come back. For Sunday... same case as Robin, we don't know
@AIA222-yu5ml 4 ай бұрын
@@puck9222 I look at leaks. Sunday was sent to where Robin and Aventurine is by Gallagher. The true Penacony where the "exiles" go. That's where Firefly went before she found a way to come back.
@puck9222 4 ай бұрын
@AIA222-yu5ml by "we don't know" I didn't mean "can you spoil me the whole story please ?"............
@sandli7269 4 ай бұрын
​@@puck9222 nah it's better to wait for 2.2
@gachagaming495 4 ай бұрын
There’s a chance Sunday is alive and Gallagher killed him self
@PrinceZul2699 2 ай бұрын
They are all Alive. Callagher not kill him.
@mcray0558 4 ай бұрын
Bro Jade is a baddie wtf 😂😭
@JustGre3d 3 ай бұрын
6:40:51 dude. Really?
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