Pharaoh Sesostris III and the Story of Joseph in Egypt

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The Noble Groove

The Noble Groove

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In Genesis 41, we read that Joseph was "put in charge of the whole land of Egypt."
Overwhelming evidence shows that Sesostris III was the Pharaoh at the time when Joseph rose to the position of "Prime Minister" in Egypt.

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@michaelwittkopp3379 9 ай бұрын
Glad to see others in agreement with my thoughts. Sesostris II & III fits scripture like a glove. _(7 years feast = II & 7 years famine = III, but there was also a co-regency at the end of two's reign. So, three could have easily been the one who had the dream.)_ The major change in Nomes & Nomarchs _(noted here as tribal territories & leaders)_ after the 7 years of famine. The beginning of the first major canal projects in ancient Egypt, just before and during the 7 years of feast. There is *only* one time in ancient Egyptian history, that fits the biblical Joseph story, and this is it. _(Plus, this 12th dynasty's pharaohs were the Nomarchs of no other than Goshen.)_ You jump then 430 years forwards in time, and you have no other than Amenhotep II. _(The Nero of ancient Egypt.)_ But, if you go back just the right amount of time, you find no other than the great Hatshepsut. The one and only Daughter of the Pharaoh, _(btw, one of her titles, and the only one to be given that title)_ who could adopt an Israelite baby without suffering sever consequences for both her and the baby. _(She was pharaoh in her own right, for just about the right amount of time, and during the right time, for baby Moses to grow up.)_ Jump forwards once again by about 540 years _(480 to temple construction plus Solomon's reign),_ and you have no other than Shishak being given tribute _(from the temple)_ by Rehoboam, son & heir of Solomon. From beginning to end, everything fits without twisting and turning things. Just read scripture, it says how everything happened. Just, don't try reading into or out of it, what *you* want it to say. Open your mind, and let scripture tell you.
@robertf6592 6 ай бұрын
If you read the scriptures and take what it says almost nothing here fits. You have to change facts and combine/separate narratives to even get some to match. Which is literally what you did, then you tell us to just read it and take what it says. LOL. Apologetics to the extreme.
@michaelwittkopp3379 6 ай бұрын
@@robertf6592 Oh really? I only talked about mostly math & historical facts. Not much scripture there. Let's see you take a go at it, and come up with something that actually has the math and archaeological facts to collaborate your concept. _(Whatever you bring up, it's a been there, done that already... and the math and archaeology don't work out.)_ Ps. What I didn't state back then, was the glacial core sampling from Mt. Kilimanjaro, done at around 2010 to 2015. _(Can't remember the exact date off my head right now. But, I think in 2012.)_ They verify the time period of Sesostris III, as being the *sole time* in ancient Egyptian history, where there was 7 years of abundant rainfall, followed by 7 years of drought. _(Eastern Rift mountains, where Kilimanjaro sits, is the watershed for the Nile (north) & the Pangani (south). And, over 98% of all water that flows down the Nile, comes from those mountains.)_ Also, in the whole of the Hyksos period, they found to have had average rainfall. No flooding _(more than normal),_ and no droughts. Lastly, those core samplings are rock-solid down to +/- 1 year, Middle Kingdom dating is valid to +/- 20 years. You'd have to fudge well over 100 years, to get anything else to fit.
@alainkalonji5482 5 ай бұрын
Surely It matches. 1 King 6-1. With a correction. 1 King 6-1 declares that King Solomon started the construction of the temple, 480 years after the exodus from Egypt, in the fourth year of his reign, so in 966 BC. Meaning that the entry in Egypt of Jacob and his family occured around 1876 BC (966 +480=1446 BC, year of exodus ).So 1446 BC is the exodus date, knowing from Exodus 12-40 that the journey of Israel people lasted 430 years. So, 1446+430 =1876 BC. 1876 BC, the year of entry Jacob and his family in Egypt. Pharaoh Senusret III ruled from 1878 BC to 1860 BC. Surely the biblical Pharaoh who gave Joseph the authority to rule the lands of Egypt as his prime minister. Great instructive video !!!
@sibeveyhi 5 ай бұрын
966+480 =1476
@alainkalonji5482 4 ай бұрын
@@sibeveyhi Thanks. Correction has been made.
@pillarservice9738 7 ай бұрын
Time lines in archeology seem to be subjective. It seems more accurate to match up events, and then cross reference that to a time line.
@davidsetzer5644 9 ай бұрын
Nice video, but audio is awful.
@Dominic-mm6yf 10 ай бұрын
Abraham perhaps,Joseph was the Vizier of the 15th dynasty King Apophis.
@brucemackinnon6707 10 ай бұрын
No Apophis Agag/Gog was the name of kings of the evil nation who invaded Egypt after the Exodus.
@FamilyHistoriandude 7 ай бұрын
Had Joseph been 30 year old during the reign of Apop II, he probably wouldn't have lived a comfortable life the next 80 years considering the Hyksos expulsion which better fits with Ahmose I being the Pharaoh who knew not Joseph and who enslaved the Hebrews out of fear of a revolt due to their mighty numbers.
@Bolanis 18 күн бұрын
Totally believe Senusret III to be Joseph's Pharoah, but the treasurer Ikhernofret looks like the best candidate to have been Joseph himself. The Ikhernofret Stela tells us about a man who grew up in the court and at 26 became 'friend of the king' because of his character and the way he spoke. He wore the royal seal (a signet ring) and was in charge of the storehouses - of the gold and silver. Ikhernofret also had the priestly title 'master of secrets' which is one interpretation of Joseph's Egyptian name.
@Bigbudda12 10 ай бұрын
They broke all of their noses. Evil racist act of defilement. Stay alert, educate yourself. Live and love within your means. My creed.
@cmcclelland4996 6 ай бұрын
Can't hear what the narrator is saying! The audio is terrible!
@sumtendechaba9717 Жыл бұрын
What is his Egyptian name?
@elram2649 11 ай бұрын
The one the tour guide says, I could not make out exactly. 😔 The Bible identifies him as Zaphenath-Paneah (if I'm not mistaken). It's formed from two separate Egyptian words. It has many meanings including, "Revealer of Secrets" and "Preserver of a world (or age)". Other researchers and Egyptologists identify him as the one called "Yuya". Are they the same person? Maybe yes, maybe no. I personally don't know. The fact we have very real HISTORICAL candidates as potentially having been Joseph, is a great thing. We must also remember that Egyptian pharaohs and officials went by several different names and titles each. Sometimes they went with this title or any of the several other ones they officiated, depending on official business of the day. Hope this helps. ✌️
@SongOfSongsOneTwelve 11 ай бұрын
I believe they got the name Amen Hotep from Joseph saying, “Amen” and his name being mispronounced from Joseph to Hotep. I also believe that the Hebrews were once referred to as Apiru (sounds like (ah BEE roo) by the Egyptians.
@EasternOrthodox101 10 ай бұрын
@@elram2649 🤺☦🇷🇺Wrong. It's not even close to the biblical timing, so get education. Joseph was at the time of the Hyksos. The creators of this vid are ignorant Protestant heathens. Allah Himself wrote the 5 books of Moses, by dictating it to Moses. Now, the Bible is a prophetic book, not plain history, and certain place names were given retrospectively as they were called in the future, that's all. Like it was the case with the river of Eden which encircled the land of "Cush"...Abraham going all the way to "Dan"... The Pharaohs of Moses' time were Ahmose I, Thutmose III, and Amenhotep II, with Hatshepsut as the Pharaoh's daughter.
@elram2649 10 ай бұрын
@lionboy4427 I may agree with some of what you just wrote yet also disagree with the rest. Think what you may. That's fine.
@EasternOrthodox101 10 ай бұрын
@@elram2649 There is nothing to not agree with me - fyi it is all fact, since it's based on the accurate biblical timing, so no, Yuya, Imhotep and all the bs theories are not legitimate, nor "very real historical candidates", no. Joseph's name was Zephanath Peaneah so stop pinning on him other names of different historical persons from Egypt
@bloodmooncomix457 7 ай бұрын
DISPENSATIONAL TRINITOLOGY: Bravo on capturing this talk on video! That explanation was crystal clear! And it's also evidence that God's Providence was in high gear even before Joseph was born! 🫵😄😎😉✝️
@christiankepler8371 5 ай бұрын
Artists' depicted Sesotris III with "over-sized ears" because he had an intelligence network all over the empire including all of the colonies which he founded around the Mediterranean...this depiction was like saying "I can hear your watch what you say"~!
@user-fn6wy8vi9l 5 ай бұрын
The word Pharoah was not a title for the ancient Egyptian kings. They had five royal titles non of them was Pharoah. This is an English word for both the Hebrew and and Arabic word which refers to a certain person who was an Arabian tyrant.
@henochparks 11 ай бұрын
Abraham lived in his son's time.
@EasternOrthodox101 10 ай бұрын
@ibrahimmantala5054 10 ай бұрын
U know, I think I know what you mean and I also agree with it.
@EasternOrthodox101 10 ай бұрын
@@ibrahimmantala5054 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@henochparks 10 ай бұрын
@@ibrahimmantala5054 Abraham lived during the rein of King/ Pharaoh Amenenhet III. There are statues of the Pharaoh in the far north where Abraham was from. Egyptian records tell of immigrants from Canaan and Northern peoples working as servants and in the mines in the Siani . See "Egypt, Canaan, Israel, in Ancient times" by Donald B Redford. Princeton University Press. 1992.
@henochparks 10 ай бұрын
Dr. Donald B. Redford is a famous Egyptologist from Canada.
@brucemackinnon6707 10 ай бұрын
II or III , yes. Definately.
@user-fn6wy8vi9l 5 ай бұрын
The geography of the events of the old testament is not Egypt or Palestine. But it's the Arabian Peninsula. The Greek version of the OT is behind all the mess we deal with now. For example: the Sabaeans and their story with Job. It is known that Sabeans were in Yemen.
@YusufFireawnDeSaintUrbain 10 ай бұрын
03 Muharram 1445 The exactitude of the content of this video has been validated by Allah(swt) Himself MashAllah
@cosmiccruxbot3841 9 ай бұрын
How so? The Koran is riddled with historical inaccuracies. For example, the term "Pharoah" meaning ruler or king, was mistaken for a name of the personality that ruled Egypt, instead of referring to it as a title.
@WickedFelina 8 ай бұрын
New Testament was written in Greek. That's the original language. The Hebrew Bible or Tanakh was written in Hebrew. The Tanakh has been translated by Hebrew scribes into Greek. Every Bible scholar MUST go to the oldest source reference of the Bible Old or New, and translate it directly from the original language. That is how you get your Bible Scholar degree. So, it isn't translated from, which was translated from, etc. etc.
@about2mount 6 ай бұрын
ThevBibkecwas translated using 3rd Century Koine Greek. However the correct Greek was the 1st Century Koine Greek. Also many Christian Bibles were Double Translations. The Jing Janes was one of these Double Trabslated Bibles How so ? They Had first translated the Aramaic Hebrews into 3rd Century Koine Greek which had many mistaken translated words and phrases. And translated these tovOld Latin. 1. ... Then many decades later they went and translated these old Latin Bibles using the flawed 3rd Century Koine Greek and simply translated the Latin to English. 2. ...
@about2mount 6 ай бұрын
Lydell & Scott's Koine Greek is using the 3rd Century Koine Greek too However there is a 1st Century Koine Greek translator online but Ive lost my link to it. Search Google for it.
@user-fn6wy8vi9l 5 ай бұрын
Correct. These scholars lie to prove the credibility, reliability and historicity of the OT.
@EBNiiJi 5 ай бұрын
Thought he was whi*e? I'm confused
@sibeveyhi 4 ай бұрын
@jap7384 Жыл бұрын
did he really have big ears? Is it passive aggressive, like if you talk about him, he will know and give you a taste of the stick?
@davidaulds7031 11 ай бұрын
No, they are artistic, it has meaning! The Ears are turned out TO LISTEN! He is listening to the concerns of the population, his face is also artistic and has meaning. He is Worried/Concerned about the situation going on in his Country. Sesostris III and his son, Amenemhat III are depicted differently from all other Pharoah's, they endured the 7 years of Plenty and the 7 years of Famine. The Middle Kingdom is the time of Joseph arrival. The Hyksos invasion marks the period of the Rulers who knew not of Joseph.
@frankcates3322 11 ай бұрын
There is an ancient Vulcan proverb: I am Pharoah, and I hear everything.
@Alarix246 10 ай бұрын
The large ears were popular and proved the supernaturality of the pharaoh, undoubtedly.
@FamilyHistoriandude 7 ай бұрын
It showed the people had his ears. Remember the phrase "lend me your ears."
@AFRICA4AFRICANS 11 ай бұрын
Joseph never existed the letter j 1600’s
@UserRandJ 11 ай бұрын
How about Jethro? They can show you Jethros house and well in Soudi Arabia. If you think placing your head in the sand makes biblical history untrue/ it just magically goes away, then you will find there's far greater evidence in archaeology than you can hide from. But you'd have to want to know. Sounds like you don't want to though. Much luv, Jake
@EasternOrthodox101 10 ай бұрын
Crawl back to your mommy's basement, black Israelite 🤦‍♂️😂
@customsongmaker 10 ай бұрын
There was no alphabet at all, in any language, until after the Exodus. So his name could have been Joseph, since there were no letters or lack of letters to prevent his name having that sound in it.
@EasternOrthodox101 10 ай бұрын
@@customsongmaker 🤦‍♂️What? Wtf...there was no language??🤣🤣Go to sleep, faceless clown. Keep fantasizing your Protestant fantasies, but no he's not Joseph🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@abigailfoster2467 8 ай бұрын
In Hebrew, Joseph starts with a Yud, as does Jethro. So it is a Y sound, not a J.
@FamilyHistoriandude 7 ай бұрын
He was a Pharaoh of Joseph's time, but chances are his son Amenemhat had the famous dreams of cows and ears of corn.
@dodo1opps 9 ай бұрын
Iron age middle eastern mythology
@lieslceleste3395 9 ай бұрын
Finally. Geez, talking of Joseph, Moses, etc. Historians know it’s all nonsense. No less than the Israeli antiquities authority has said these things never occurred.
@jacquelinemilton5933 6 ай бұрын
Those statues are of Africans! Look at the noses. Why are they shot off. We know Napoleon and the French tried to shoot off the negroid features;
@mk3489 10 ай бұрын
His name is not Egyptian sounds greek or roman
@lynndunning1545 10 ай бұрын
Ithe beginning of the name Sesos... is just like Esua's (the brother of Jacob). Also study the various soundings and spellings of Hyksos = Essos. Esau may very well have become the pharaoh who gave to Joseph the rich land of Goshen. Just saying to consider that, and realize why God was protecting Egypt at that time, and gave this Shemite pharaoh Esau's with dreams to be able to prepare for the 7 good/7bad, in order to survive it. But when the sea's people invaded Egypt, they ran the Hyksos/Esau's out of Egypt and enslaved Israel/Jacob.
@lydiaotieno4242 5 ай бұрын
Reconstruct their noses.
@saidmohammed7597 Жыл бұрын
Joseph Eqypte king 1900 BC. God taught Joseph dreams interpretation at young and that elevated him to the Egyptian king where he became the minister of agriculture. That Joseph took the Israelites to Egypt for 500years . Moses 1500 BC took the Israelites from Egypt pharaoh but Israelites failed Mosses mission refused to enter the promised land and failed the fourty years desert harsh environments and same food eventually the Israelites returned to Egypt.
@EasternOrthodox101 10 ай бұрын
🤺☦🇷🇺Wrong. It's not even close to the biblical timing lol. Joseph was at the time of the Hyksos. The creators of this vid are ignorant Protestant heathens. Allah Himself wrote the 5 books of Moses, by dictating it to Moses. Now, the Bible is a prophetic book, not plain history, and certain place names were given retrospectively as they were called in the future, that's all. Like it was the case with the river of Eden which encircled the land of "Cush"...Abraham going all the way to "Dan"... The Pharaohs of Moses' time were Ahmose I, Thutmose III, and Amenhotep II, with Hatshepsut as the Pharaoh's daughter.
@saidmohammed7597 10 ай бұрын
The names doesn't change the fact that Israelites failed Mosses mission and became people with no land from 1500 BCand remains scattered the world.
@EasternOrthodox101 10 ай бұрын
@@saidmohammed7597 Wtf r u talking about, Muslim bro? It changes everything. Your timing is sooo off, even worse than the late date bs, and it contradicts your holy Quran. The exodus was in the mid 15th century in the 18th dynasty. If you don't agree on that, then you don't know basic biblical timing
@darreldstudie7588 7 ай бұрын
So wrong on so many levels it is impossible to even take this seriously. The Israelites were only in Egypt for 430 years. The Exodus occurred about 1450 BCE under Pharaoh Dudimose or Dedimose at the end of the 13th Dynasty. His reign crumbled and the Hyksos invaded about 1450 BCE and reigned to 1350 BCE. That puts Joseph at about 1880 BCE under King Amenemhat III. The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years until 1400 BCE when they entered Canaan under Joshua and destroyed Jericho and the other city states. They conquered Canaan and created the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah.
@saidmohammed7597 7 ай бұрын
@@darreldstudie7588 Israelites refused to enter claiming the Palestinian were strong. Israelites failed 40 years with only same food and all returned to Egypt pharaoh. Had they entered then Moses would have been buried in Jerusalem like Abraham Jacob and Issac. Why also was the need for David to kill Goliath Jalut Palestine leader to conquer Jerusalem.
@user-ti9ui7cd5e 11 ай бұрын
LoL yet there's no mention of a Joseph in KMT.. there was no man of such a name unless it's djocer the pharaoh...
@EasternOrthodox101 10 ай бұрын
🤺☦🇷🇺Of course there isn't - Egyptians never commemorated their enemies and left their monuments. Wrong. He's not even close to the biblical timing lol. Joseph was at the time of the Hyksos. The creators of this vid are ignorant Protestant heathens. Allah Himself wrote the 5 books of Moses, by dictating it to Moses. Now, the Bible is a prophetic book, not plain history, and certain place names were given retrospectively as they were called in the future, that's all. Like it was the case with the river of Eden which encircled the land of "Cush"...Abraham going all the way to "Dan"... The Pharaohs of Moses' time were Ahmose I, Thutmose III, and Amenhotep II, with Hatshepsut as the Pharaoh's daughter.
@user-ti9ui7cd5e 10 ай бұрын
@@EasternOrthodox101 the is no mention of Joseph or Moses unless you mean MS witch is the name they took and claimed it was Moses the only name closure to Joseph was DJOCER THE PHARAOH who they made Joseph,,if Joseph came Hyksos time then his obviously not Hebrew nor Israelite since there wasn't such a place then..., But what you don't know or deny is that everything in that book doesn't predate KMT history and all the characters in the book was just a copy and paste taken from the kemetic writings especially the sacred writings "( MDW NTR ).. and from the other emerald tablets from ancient cities around the world witch mostly still copied from the kemetics...go to Egypt and go see it with your very eyes everything is on the walls there...if I ask you why's it that we can't locate any grave of these so called Man of god yet we have found if not all but most of the ancient tombs in Egypt witch predates everything the bible talks about from Genesis to revelation all copied an pasted and obviously twisted and added for their own agendas... If I ask you to proof the bible to be the true word of god or any other book you won't for there's nothing like a book containing what god told someone to write on his behalf..hell no and there will never be unless you are talking about NATURE AND THE UNIVERSE...
@customsongmaker 10 ай бұрын
​@@user-ti9ui7cd5eThere was no mention of any name in any Egyptian records, until Europeans dug them up and translated them. The majority of Egyptian records have not been found yet.
@user-ti9ui7cd5e 10 ай бұрын
@@customsongmaker there was no name until Europeans dugg them up and translated them LoL you just said it now how can you say there was no names.. yoohh
@customsongmaker 10 ай бұрын
@@user-ti9ui7cd5e I didn't say any names
@MichaelMooney-ci4cc 11 сағат бұрын
Get Joseph ststue in there
@bananaegger 10 ай бұрын
Djoser was Joseph
@mweskamppp 10 ай бұрын
wrong time. about 1000 years between djoser and joseph.
@bananaegger 10 ай бұрын
@@mweskamppp 500
@mweskamppp 10 ай бұрын
@@bananaegger Djoser was about 2700 bc, Josef in Hyksos time about 1600bc. I would say.
@Alarix246 10 ай бұрын
I'd rather trust the remnants of the name being preserved by oral tradition than the exactness of archaeological dating. Djoser sounds like Joseph, I'm all for it.
@Roylamx 7 ай бұрын
Yes, that is true and fits in many aspects, the official timeline has been altered to deny this truth.
@mweskamppp 10 ай бұрын
Besides Josephs time in egypt maybe 1600 bc about, when the Hyksos ruled, the founding legend of the israelites fit quite well to the bronze age collapse of the old empires at about 1200bc to 1175bc. Only egypt survived that collapse time but shrinked to smaller borders and they had to give up the levante giving room for the birth of a new people between egypt and mesopotamia. Adopting things from both sides creating a nice foundation myth.
@darreldstudie7588 7 ай бұрын
The Hyksos ruled from 1450 BCE to 1350 BCE. This was after the Exodus. The Exodus actually ushered in the Hyksos invasion. The Exodus occurred about 1450 BCE under the Pharaoh Dedimose or Dudimose. He was the last King or Pharaoh of the 13th Dynasty in 1450 BCE. He was a weak Pharaoh whose entire reign collapsed allowing the Hyksos to invade from the north. Too many Archaeologists just refuse to open their minds. They are stuck in the old age of Archaeology. They are so wrong but can't admit it because all of their books would be nothing but worthless paper. They make millions selling books even though they are wrong. Too bad so many people believe them. The Egyptian Chronology is off by about 200 years. This is fact no matter what the Egyptologists and Archaeologists tell you. Joseph entered Egypt under Pharaoh Amenemhat III. It was he who promoted Joseph to Vizier. Joseph entered Egypt about 1880 BCE. 430 years later, Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt about 1450 BCE. They wandered in the wilderness for 40 years to 1410-1400 BCE when the Israelites destroyed Jericho about 1400 BCE.
@mweskamppp 7 ай бұрын
@@darreldstudie7588 I think your numbers are wrong. Hyksos ruled between 1650 and 1550 BCE.
@mweskamppp 7 ай бұрын
@@darreldstudie7588 In my opinion the exodus is a myth where some elements of different centuries are mixed together. A huge number of people did not exit egypt after the hyksos time. There might have been a handful of people here and there with some important personalities but thats it.
@darreldstudie7588 7 ай бұрын
@@mweskamppp you Re so wrong. The Hyksos ruled from 1450 BCE to 1350 B CE. This is historical fact. The Hyksos were expelled from Egypt by Ahmose I in 1350 BCE. The Egyptian chronology is off by about 200 years. It will eventually be adjusted to correct for the error.
@morielrorschach8090 7 ай бұрын
Problem with chronology is a lot of different cultures have different versions, so attempting to reconcile them together is difficult depending on which ones you put more weight on to set anchor dates. So there are different revisions to Egyptian history proposed by different people (including David Rohl). But the main Egyptian High chronology fits the direct reading of the scripture quite well. If the second temple was built in 966 BCE, and 1 kings 6:1 shows this was 480 years prior to the Exodus (therefore 1446 BCE). And the Exodus was 430 years after the start of the sojourning. Then Abraham left Haran in 1876 BCE. The Israelites went into Egypt in the 1600s (during the Hyksos dynasty). The book of Exodus starts with the 18th dynasty Ahmose being the king who did not know Joseph and started the oppression. The Pharoh that ordered the Israelite children executed would probably be Thutmose 1. Egyptian High/low chronology is off by about 25 years, but high chronology would allow the "daughter of Pharoh" who finds and names Moses to be Hatshepsut (naming him Moses would certainly fit the dynasty). He would have left not long before Hatshepsut's death and Thutmose 3 takes over. Then Moses is hiding for 40 years until Thutmose 3 dies, making Amenhotep 2 the Pharoh of the Exodus, who's firstborn son died under mysterious circumstances, and was succeeded by a later son. This fits with the Soleb inscription, the scarabs in the destruction layer of Jericho, and the Amarna letters. The ONLY challenge to this I'm aware of is the name of the city they built being called pi-Ramsees, which seems to be the basis of late date Exodus proponents. Other revisions where Israel leaves BEFORE the Hyksos invasion are popular with both Islam and orthodox Judaism... But I haven't seen any good supporting evidence.
@CharlesDaniels-lp4ut Ай бұрын
Yes the walls of Egypt is showing black people not whites which is shocking no white jews on anything in Egypt but why
@EasternOrthodox101 10 ай бұрын
🤺☦🇷🇺Wrong. It's not even close to the biblical timing lol. Joseph was at the time of the Hyksos. The creators of this vid are ignorant Protestant heathens. Allah Himself wrote the 5 books of Moses, by dictating it to Moses. Now, the Bible is a prophetic book, not plain history, and certain place names were given retrospectively as they were called in the future, that's all. Like it was the case with the river of Eden which encircled the land of "Cush"...Abraham going all the way to "Dan"... The Pharaohs of Moses' time were Ahmose I, Thutmose III, and Amenhotep II, with Hatshepsut as the Pharaoh's daughter.
@nuniobinez4066 10 ай бұрын
How could "allah" have written the pentateuch when they predate the Quran by many centuries? In fact, the entire Bible, Old and New testaments, (which combined took roughly 1,500 years to write) predate the Quran by at least 300 yrs.
@EasternOrthodox101 10 ай бұрын
@@nuniobinez4066 I am an orthodox christian, you fool, and all 3 religions believe in allah, which is the designation for God also in hebrew (Elohim=plural form of Allah), as well as YHVH - his explicit name, and we love our Muslim brothers, so get education, protestan heathens
@darreldstudie7588 7 ай бұрын
Joseph was 430 years before the Hyksos who ruled from 1450 BCE to 1350 BCE when they were thrown out at the beginning of the 18th Dynasty by Pharaoh Ahmose, about 1350 BCE. So Joseph was in 1880 BCE because the Israelites were in Egypt for 430 years. The Exodus occurred about 1450 BCE and ushered in the Hyksos Invasion. God dictated to Moses the first 5 books of the Bible, also called the Torah, not Allah. Allah is a pseudonym for Lucifer or Satan who taught Mohammed in his cave. The Pharaohs listed are about 100 years too late to be of Moses's time.
@EasternOrthodox101 7 ай бұрын
@@darreldstudie7588 Get help soon...🤦
@markbriten6999 6 ай бұрын
​@@nuniobinez4066don't bother he's a nutter who doesn't care about fscts
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Рет қаралды 245 М.
NEW: The Grand Egyptian Museum Opens the Grand Staircase (see it here!)
Egypt Adventures Travel
Рет қаралды 133 М.
S3E4: Joseph and the Hyksos
The Red-Haired Archaeologist
Рет қаралды 10 М.
Akhenaten - A Pharaoh Obsessed - Extra History
Extra History
Рет қаралды 1,1 МЛН
Evidence for the Biblical Exodus - Israel in Egypt
The Geologian - Joshua Woodard
Рет қаралды 254 М.
I can't believe no one found this! (Senusret III reconstruction)
The Kings Monologue
Рет қаралды 34 М.
The Phantom Pharaoh
TREY the Explainer
Рет қаралды 271 М.