Piers Morgan vs Douglas Murray Under Fire At Israel-Gaza Border | Full Interview

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Piers Morgan Uncensored

Piers Morgan Uncensored

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Watch Piers Morgan's explosive interview with author and journalist Douglas Murray on the Israel-Gaza border.
Douglas Murray says evidence of Hamas's October 7 attack on Israel can be seen "everywhere", while telling Piers that sounds in the background are artillery shells which are Israel's "answer" to Hamas.
When debating whether pro-Palestine marches can take place on Armistice Day in London, Mr Murray says the rules on not allowing the glorification of terrorism are "very clear", telling Piers Morgan: "If you stand on the streets of London calling for jihad, you are calling for terror, that is a place where free speech is at its limit."
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@Gordan19758 8 ай бұрын
One last thing, people who always victimize themselves blaming others and feeling hatred, they will never find peace within themselves.
@Casper0123 8 ай бұрын
Both sides doing that. I dare you say that at war zone my friend.
@abdelmajiddouida5427 8 ай бұрын
​@@Casper0123do u like your hoyse to be occupied by an other familly? Palestinien were kikled everyday just because they nevwr give up to tge oppressors
@andrew_owens7680 8 ай бұрын
@@Casper0123 Yes, I had someone mention the 1929 Hebron Massacre as an example of ethnic cleansing. Gaza is 150 times that, and unlike the Hebron Massacre wasn't over after ONE DAY!
@Sal3600 8 ай бұрын
​@@andrew_owens7680gaza isn't an ethic group. This is about land for Palestinians.
@tunkulailitunkushahriman3939 8 ай бұрын
Zionist lover
@quecksilber457 7 ай бұрын
Finally someone who mentioned my country's (Germany) history. Did we Germans come out of WW2 with nothing but h*te in our hearts? Not really. We learned from it. We moved on. And we even praised the Allies for what they did.
@user-kh9em4yq6g 7 ай бұрын
I have lived in Germany, family born in Germany, UK were no saints in day's gone by but today's generation are not to blame for it's past and that goes for Germanys citizens to❤
@yl9154 7 ай бұрын
So true about Germans. But I fear there is a difference: Germany had at most 12 years of hateful racist brainwashing, but the Palestinians, and many Arabs, have had many decades of it, possibly starting in the days of Jerusalem's Great Mufti becoming partner with Hitler. So in 1945, in Germany, there were still people who remembered "before" the great brainwash, who were raised in a society with normal values. I am not sure that is true of the Palestinian society that is made-up of a majority of youth.
@MrWhitmen1981 7 ай бұрын
That’s why the whole left wing argument of bombing Hamas is so stupid. It took 2 wars with Germany for their people to understand expansion doesn’t work. If the Palestinians can’t understand this lesson in sociology that constantly attacking people with the bigger sticks is good idea then they really are beyond help.
@wacquantx 7 ай бұрын
Germany is still full of hate.
@quecksilber457 7 ай бұрын
@@wacquantx 🤣🤡
@ekwinston1 6 ай бұрын
Douglas is a fuckin real one. Telling it like it is, dodging rockets and coming back on like nothing happened. Love this guy
@har.19 6 ай бұрын
@17-MASY 5 ай бұрын
A real fool.
@IshratLubna Ай бұрын
Hate this guy
@MrMaxLions Ай бұрын
Watch from @23:59 and try again. I see cosplay and atrocious acting
@IshratLubna Ай бұрын
He is so disgusting
@paulgaffey7244 7 ай бұрын
Well done Douglas very calm and articulated ! Piers he wrapped you around his little finger with this discussion ..
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover.
@angv260 6 ай бұрын
Piers was right this time.
@elliottdavies3528 3 ай бұрын
@@angv260 Douglas Murray mops the floor with everyone.
@scot6089 2 ай бұрын
​@@angv260 If piers was correct he was pathetic in articulating any of it.
@romankolarik5107 8 ай бұрын
What Douglas saying about British government is absolutely correct
@andreasm7348 8 ай бұрын
100% !!
@michaelbuettner1487 8 ай бұрын
It’s about time piers met his match ….instead of having the guy who makes my kebab on the show.
@kennethguerrero6802 8 ай бұрын
Yall are bots. You dont actually praise israel for the genocide the arabs cuz youre not real people
@poppothepug2211 8 ай бұрын
@SAGAWISIW30 8 ай бұрын
Not during the Balfours time .. when we thought we were Moses 2.0🤑 together with our friends the league of nations 🤑
@markosfragkakis4984 8 ай бұрын
Who wants a Bassem Youssef vs Douglas Murray debate?
@susiex6669 8 ай бұрын
Murray would never go for that. Bassem would make mince out of him. 😂😂
@chrisking9700 8 ай бұрын
No he would not. @@susiex6669
@galaxymilchstrae2736 8 ай бұрын
@@susiex6669 not at all
@peterb888 8 ай бұрын
​@@susiex6669you sure
@blpkqrywa 8 ай бұрын
Bassem is disgusting liar 🤢🤮
@miguel.ledesmaledesma1790 7 ай бұрын
Murray is the voice of reason in a sea of madness.
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover.
@all-caps3927 6 ай бұрын
The voice of reason, for a crowd of deluded muppets that what you lot are. He’s a voice for rampant racists
@MintyCherubandtug 7 ай бұрын
I didn’t know who Douglas Murray was until a week ago or so and I am instantly a huge fan. In a perfect world every western governments politicians would be sounding just like him right now, and the media as well.
@DkKobaADV 7 ай бұрын
Because you are both cowards afraid to confront reality
@lordhumungous7908 7 ай бұрын
@royboy4571 7 ай бұрын
Like a partisan genocidal hypocritical hack, who rightly bemoans the death of Israelis deaths, and could give two f**ks about the innocent blood shed in Gaza. And that;s why you don't hear this sort of bullshit in the rest of the world.
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover.
@gerrybuddygerry8529 8 ай бұрын
The interview was more powerful because Piers pushed hard. This allowed Dougls to answer the most difficult questions. Bravo to both of them
@doctorwhodj 8 ай бұрын
I did not like piers years back when he was in the usa (on cnn i think) ,,, but he Definately pushes back and presses,,, yet keeps his calm. Great, we need this convo.
@jennywhite1647 8 ай бұрын
Douglas you are a very intelligent and wise man. You understand the situation in the middle east perfectly! It's a pleasure listening to you. Thank You 🙏
@selimanelabdelli7226 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for your onesided view
@caroshmarow 8 ай бұрын
@@Natasha-oy2xpOh really. Some of us feel the need to hear other perspectives to that of radicalised Gaza and how they steel international aid meant to improve the quality of life for the Palestinians and spent it instead on their metro of tunnels in their underground city. More insightful to lean into the reason why the death of all those children and adults shot by HAMAS whilst trying to flee South away from military action. The blood of all Palestinians is on the hands of HAMAS. You mention all the children as if to pull on the heartstrings of antisemitics. Well there is 1 Israeli child to every 1000 Palestinian child. So let’s hear about the impacts on this war from a fresh perspective. Israel did not want this war. But Hamas took 2&1/2 years to plan this war and they were determined to prod by sending thousands of missiles into Israel within under one hour, before their ultimate provocation by massacring and kidnapping. Do you want to hear more about how a six and ten month baby are being treated one month after being kidnapped. How is the three year old little girl who was forced to watch her parents being murdered before taking her hostage. All those 240 hostages - some American, some elderly Holocaust survivors and young women and men. Do you want to hear more about them, or do us Jews have no value in the face of a war where HAMAS have threatened their civilians with death if the try to escape Israels safe passages. Are you interested to know that Hamas set up road blocks to prevent by death their people. Israel had to come in and blow up those road blocks so the Palestinians could seek safe passage. I would far prefer to hear a fresh perspective that gives context as to how the horrific number of children being used as human shields has come about.
@AJ-il1lm8ph7z 8 ай бұрын
None of this was a secret. In March 2019, Netanyahu told his Likud colleagues: “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” That catastrophic misjudgment alone should seal Netanyahu’s fate
@listerutube 8 ай бұрын
Excellent. Can't help but have the utmost respect for Douglas Murray. A light in the darkness for the Jewish people.
@donsq4306 8 ай бұрын
Douglas has described very well that Hamas was killing people. But denies that Israel has some responsibility in killing children that have nothing to do with Hamas. Any righteous army can conduct a ground operation and kill Hamas members. Not only that there is no Hamas in the West Bank, but he is only pointing in one direction here. What is his solution to this problem, which is to wipe out every species in Palestine because of Hamas? Are you able to hold the moral high ground after that, I wonder? Why don't we tell the truth? Both Israel and Hamas have radical leaders in power and people are suffering because of it. And all this happened as a result of forced migration to a large-scale population. And by proposing a two-state solution and giving 1/3 of the total Jewish population 56 percent of the total land after mass migration. Let us not forget the Nakba, and the terrorist groups such as Lehi in 1940 , and let's act like Israel also has a good history of morally correct leaders. They are full of extreme right-wing members. How is this a conversation between people?
@hughkwan9681 8 ай бұрын
thank u Douglas. I stand with the jews
@widehorizons325 8 ай бұрын
@roadman6981 8 ай бұрын
@@hughkwan9681 Why do jews condemn hamas when they've done the same thing but 10x worse, I ask this question in every comment section but not a single flipping jew could answer me lmao 1) 1948, they raided multiple palestinian villages and killed men women and children, cut open bellies of pregnant women 2) Raped underage women despite it being immoral during the siege 3)Chasing innocent palestinians away from their villages using flamethrowes while burning them alive 4)Putting palestinians in cages to trap them Any jews can answer me? Or are yall just gonna conveniently ignore this part of history just like hundreds of other comment section ignores my comment 😂
@AJ-il1lm8ph7z 8 ай бұрын
Gutless Murray got scared of a bird..😂
@user-rh5vb8sc7j 8 ай бұрын
Such moral clarity. Wish more journalists had his honesty and integrity.
@mohameds2799 8 ай бұрын
Are you talking about Douglas Murray? 😂
@Lin-js3vx 8 ай бұрын
lol thanks for the laugh
@mckinno 7 ай бұрын
Moral clarity? This guy literally made excuses for Nazis by saying "Well yes they did horrible things but they got really sad about it so we should redeem them more than Hamas."
@antichrist.superstar 7 ай бұрын
@@mckinnothe point wasn’t that nazis should get a pass because they showed remorse. The point was that Hamas are worse than nazis. Try to find a more uncharitable interpretation of his statement…
@mckinno 7 ай бұрын
I never said he was giving Nazis a pass, I said that he found them more redeemable than Hamas. Which is basically the same thing as saying that Hamas is worse than the Nazis, which yes I agree was the explicit point he made in the video. In order to support that claim, he spends about 2 minutes waxing poetic about the traumatized SS guards drinking themselves to sleep. It's disgusting. Hamas is an evil organization and the heinous crimes they committed on October 7th are a stain on humanity. Do you see what I just did there? I just managed to condemn Hamas without spewing some noxious bullshit about "Well, deep down you know, the Nazis didn't really have their hearts in it." The Nazis absolutely had individuals in their ranks as violent and hateful as the Hamas fighters Murray is comparing them to, and to pretend otherwise is rank Nazi apologism.@@antichrist.superstar
@pjm098 7 ай бұрын
Douglas You are 200 % right. Congratulations.
@adrianacarasanches1940 8 ай бұрын
If they know the top of Hamas is in London, why they just don't take them? 🤔
@Tyler-rw7dt 8 ай бұрын
If they know Hamas is far under the ground in tunnels unaffected by Israels bombs why does Israel continue to bomb civilians?
@Amira-qk3td 8 ай бұрын
He considers Hamas every Palestinian that wants freedom.
@truthfuturist 8 ай бұрын
Good question....$atanyahu does admit to aiding Hama$ to Divide and Destroy Palestine....
@SuicidalSummerSnowWoman 8 ай бұрын
very telling isnt it? because these idiots know the IDF thugs arent after HAMAS ...they are after ethnic cleansing...
@TheRitacamara 8 ай бұрын
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” Netanyahu told his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy."
@collinslyimo9697 8 ай бұрын
We need Douglas Murray Vs Bassiem Debate in piers morgan show!! and get the ultimate fact showdown
@collinslyimo9697 8 ай бұрын
Together with dr.finklestien
@alonzaza 8 ай бұрын
Bassiem is a comedian, sure he's very eloquent and polite, not someone who has "Facts" on his side!
@balicomments 8 ай бұрын
douglas murray refuses to do debates bc he knows he’ll get picked apart from anyone who challenges his lies
@annap.974 8 ай бұрын
​@@johnnyrocker7495Bassiem and Finkelstein are brainless ideologues, repeating Hamas' propaganda-nonesense: nobody with more than one braincell takes them serious.
@SaraAli-pu7vj 8 ай бұрын
@michellespratt7725 7 ай бұрын
This man is Brilliant.I have never been able to understand the politics there now I understand listening to Douglas why I could not.
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover
@ErnestRamaj 8 ай бұрын
Every person that wants to live in the UK should adopt the British traditions. It's like going to someone else's house and establishing your own rules.
@arturius9715 8 ай бұрын
What in the actual fck? People amaze me everyday
@Cbrumy 8 ай бұрын
Yeah just like Israel stole Palestine’s land and now trying to kick the Palestinians off their country by converting them into refugees. Well said!
@opinionatedteen9839 8 ай бұрын
Tell Isreal that established a country in alrady existing country😅
@ErnestRamaj 8 ай бұрын
Why? If you love your country very much, you can go and live there. I'm not even British myself, by the way.
@hakunamatatatata 8 ай бұрын
Sounds like you haven't the foggiest idea of what British traditions are. Why don't you go and live in Israel if you are pro-genocide?
@Nalaeva 8 ай бұрын
Douglas, please keep yourself safe, you are the national treasure of our civilization. Thank you for your honesty and common sense. God bless you
@Owen7768 8 ай бұрын
Agree 100%
@sarrhodes8277 8 ай бұрын
That's what I felt when I saw where he was. But he puts himself where his heart is; always the honourable choice.
@jamesdevlin6373 8 ай бұрын
Such sycophantic praise for a lying, paid shill of the apartheid state.
@selimanelabdelli7226 8 ай бұрын
Don't trust that racist. He is just adding hatred there
@441rider 8 ай бұрын
Tucker Carlson makes him look like a school boy reporter with photocopy newspaper.
@mdav30 8 ай бұрын
This guy is one of the few people seeing this clearly and standing up. We need way more of him.
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover.
@sallyshore-dz8rn 6 ай бұрын
He's very pro Israel. You can't expect fair news from someone who has chosen their loved child and gated child.
@nx4117 6 ай бұрын
@@sallyshore-dz8rn There is a good reason why he seems pro Israel. He has laid the bare facts straight from the ground straight from the source. Real facts. These form the base of his views on the conflict. Not un-informed media, not a political agenda, not propaganda, just facts gathered by himself in person on site first hand. Real journalism does exist.
@sallyshore-dz8rn 6 ай бұрын
@@nx4117 bahahahahahahahahaha. Douglas Murray is as truthful as the US is fair. DM has made a career of spreading hate and islamophobia. Let's be honest, you are islamophobic. It's OK. Own it.
@adityasatam5720 7 ай бұрын
I have witnessed a real press reporter for the very first time in my life ❤ Felt inspired !
@bamboo59.52 7 ай бұрын
Who was that then?
@iga279 7 ай бұрын
There were plenty of them in the Russian and Ukraine conflict but one has to know where to look for them; surely not at cnn, or the rest of the msm scumbags;
@selimanelabdelli7226 7 ай бұрын
This fake journalist?
@zeidyounis1178 7 ай бұрын
Funny, look up Wael Al-Dahdouh then and learn about real press reporters.
@malcolmmcrobert9853 7 ай бұрын
Well said Aditya. The desert sand has clogged up the brains of your detractors. They're past champions of antisemitism propaganda. The poor little dears.
@RTGAR 8 ай бұрын
A reporter on the ground, actually reporting.... this could catch on. Plus he knows his history. Thank you
@HaiderAlMosawi 8 ай бұрын
Except Israel has killed 80+ journalists on the ground and intentionally targeted their families. So who remains to report on the ground might be biased in favor of Israel. And Douglas Murray doesn't know his history. He knows what to mention to make Israel look good. Rejecting Israeli peace deals, for example, doesn't mean anything if he doesn't elaborate on what those deals are. No one would have accepted those peace deals, but the Palestinians are expected to. Otherwise they sound like the bad guys rejecting peace.
@ir6aish 8 ай бұрын
He's not reporting. He's clearly giving political analysis/opinion which is not the job of a journalist!
@i.greene 8 ай бұрын
@@ir6aishbecause the BBC/NYT is NOT giving opinions? This is an interview, he has a right and an obligation to state his opinion.
@wacquantx 8 ай бұрын
He's just embedded with the IDF it's sadistic cosplay not journalism
@mellowmoods8393 8 ай бұрын
@@ir6aish You mean he's giving an honest assessment of what he sees on the ground that doesn't conform to your preconceived agenda? The nerve !
@sanatchernov5995 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Douglas, finally I hear a voice of wisdom and truth! Stay safe!
@rahilaraja8739 8 ай бұрын
@asmamalik4173 8 ай бұрын
He is far from that!
@HomeTravelGardenInspo 8 ай бұрын
“Truth” and this weasel, shouldn’t be used in the same sentence. This, Gutless Murray, who spins lies after lies. I wonder who is lining his pocket? Follow the money trail and all will be revealed. He has been called out numerous times for lying. Just because he has a posh English accent, doesn’t mean he’s telling the truth. A weasel of a man really, but that’s being unkind to weasels. He actually said, “no one wants these people”. That is clearly textbook racism coming out of this closet racist. Anyone who supports genocide, apartheid, and an occupation of a people, is an EVIL RACIST and should be called out as one! Apartheid, Occupation and Colonialism is RACISM, and anyone that is denying that, has serious issues and is still holding onto that colonial mentality. He’s calling and supporting the genocide of a people, and hear on the comments from brain dead sheep.
@erna5942 8 ай бұрын
@@asmamalik4173 according to his fan boys he’s just amazing😂 every words come out of his mouth are wisdom. Give me a break!
@asmamalik4173 8 ай бұрын
Every words that come out of his mouth spew hate and are islamophobic. It really doesn't surprise me that he is on the side of the racist fascist zionist Israeli Govt. Personally I would be really concerned if this man was our prime minister..let's hope he never is! His rhetoric is not of a person who works towards peace!
@MegaWathever 7 ай бұрын
As a person living in Israel, watching the interviews with Douglas Murray is a breath of fresh air. Thank you in the name of all who live in my country
@compumit1875 7 ай бұрын
Your articulation of the situation is second to none! Thank you for your support and deep understanding of what really going on in Israrl.
@Gordan19758 7 ай бұрын
Second to none?
@lordhumungous7908 7 ай бұрын
@jahloza 7 ай бұрын
“Articulation”? He’s articulated nothing as clearly as his hard-on for the Nazis
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover
@gx2music 8 ай бұрын
There’s one thing I disagree with Douglas on - that unedited footage he saw should be shown to the public!!
@Tiasung 8 ай бұрын
@blpkqrywa 7 ай бұрын
Tried finding it but the Israeli government do not allow to publicize it out of concern to prevent trauma and distress on people (it’s that bad 😰)
@anonymousanonymous-cj9ik 7 ай бұрын
@alaric3056 7 ай бұрын
​@blpkqrywa just like Usama bin Laden's body had to be immediately buried according to Muslim practices, because somehow the USA miraculously started caring about Muslims. Don't believe it
@iramdin8827 7 ай бұрын
@@blpkqrywa they are known liars!! The evidence shows they shot at their own civilians!
@costaernest 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray just said a lot of things many people think but are either ashamed or afraid to say.
@haze4307 8 ай бұрын
The time is now here to not care what people think and be honest with yourself. Their disagreement words they brand us with are meaningless anyway.
@Gordan19758 8 ай бұрын
People nowadays has gotten weak in leadership about themselves, what I only see is idiots all over the place especially leftists.
@ahmed_elnaggar 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is fuelled by hate and known to be Islamophobic, many of what he said can be disputed.. But he knows how to mix hate with nice tidy words, for god’s sake he wants to eradicate 2 million people because is his eyes they're all guilty
@arrowhead9000 8 ай бұрын
"Ashamed" how? Israel's apologists are completely without shame. They justify targeting and murdering thousands of children and cutting off food water & electricity to an entire territory of 2.5 million people. Shame you say? HAHAHA.
@batmanRBC 8 ай бұрын
Nice touch but nobody is thinking this except CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News
@wrxs1781 6 ай бұрын
Good interview with Douglas Murray, he is very insightful, and interesting to listen to.
@edeny591 7 ай бұрын
It's nice to see someone who thinks and sees the situation clearly, thank you!
@scathachmuirisc7149 7 ай бұрын
You mean, THINKS he sees the situation clearly.....but he doesn't....
@aziza000 7 ай бұрын
Nope he’s too pro Israel and he hates Muslims passionately as his books show and most Palestinians are Muslims. He’s too biased. They need voices who can speak for both sides, because what he said is not seeing the situation clearly. Even Yuval Noah Hararri being pro Israel and Israeli himself was able to state both sides have their issues. Douglas side is Palestinians bad, Israel amazing.
@Trixex 7 ай бұрын
There is some points that he exagerates tho, like saying hamas is worse than nazis when nazis killed jews because they were jews. Hamas is also killing jews but becuse they were born into a concentration camp, have no future and in their mind this is the only way forward even if it means to sacrifice their life in the process. All murder should be condemned and honestly I am feeling foolish myself for even arguing about who is worse. Needless to say hamas should be erradicated but with those sort of comments it just pushes the view that all the civilian deaths are necesary because of how bad hamas is when it is still murder; even if those killed hated Israel.
@edeny591 7 ай бұрын
@@Trixex The Gazan civilians that are killed by Israeli fire are never the targets of Israel, they are killed as a result of Hamas terrorists surrounding themselves my civilians so Israel will either avoid bombing them, or if they do bomb them because the target is too valuable - it will increase the death toll and cause international pressure on Israel. So it's a win-win strategy for Hamas, they really don't care about the simple Gazans. Also, Gaza is not a concentration camp, they are free to do whatever they want there as long as it's not a terror related activity, but they chose to make it a terror nest which made Israel build a physical border and protect it to reduce the infiltrations. And regarding "worse than the Nazis", he was talking about the way Hamas terrorists enjoyed killing civilians and the way they killed and raped them. They didn't just kill them, they did many horrible things just for their own fun. The difference from the Nazis is the ability - Hamas didn't get the chance to wipe out 6 million jews, but rest assured that if they wouldn't be resisted by the Israeli forces, they would continue and kill as many as they can.
@orihalevi7793 7 ай бұрын
​@@Trixex The only reason Gaza is a so called "concentration camp", is the agenda of killing as many jews as possible, leading eventually to the act destroying Israel at all cost and establishing a Palestinian state over all of the Israeli territory. That is and always has been their stated agenda. If the people of Gaza would overthrow Hammas and attempt peace negotiation, they could enjoy full freedom of movement the next day. In fact, I have been working myself in Israel with workers from Gaza, amazing loving people, that were allowed into Israel with a permit, after their background was checked and there was no connection to terror groups. Until the attack on October 7th there were tens of thousands workers from Gaza in Israel, hundreds of thousands from the west bank. They all assured a better future to their families, what Hammas is doing is only destroying the future of their families, and many others.
@iara_pimenta 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray!!!!👏👏👏🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Be careful there, we cannot afford to lose you!!!
@max_powers11 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray spoke the most sense than anyone I've heard so far
@DjJoeKhoury 8 ай бұрын
Really? He’s promoting hate. It’s people like this that causes conflict. So irresponsible as a member of the media. I’m disappointed and concerned that people actually think what he said was good at all.
@christopherbailey672 8 ай бұрын
Well you must be very uneducated
@lw63 8 ай бұрын
@@DjJoeKhoury Did you watch the interview?
@djholliday5132 8 ай бұрын
@DjJoeKhoury 8 ай бұрын
@BeGoodNow12 he showed zero empathy towards the murdered Palestinian people. He labeled all protesters in the UK as basically being evil because some shouted stuff he didn’t agree with. He labeled all Palestinians as basically evil when he was talking about the girl that was raped. How many of the dead kids were involved with that rape? He’s completely jaded and is obviously racist. He showed zero compassion for the innocent children and civilians. Zero. Even Piers was saying isn’t that collective punishment.
@mktm1290 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely spot on!!!!!!
@user-kh9em4yq6g 7 ай бұрын
Our country is not our own anymore and we're to blame
@syngonsmythe38 8 ай бұрын
This is the quote of the century! - "Ok, well here's a challenge, Piers! If you decided to go on some kind of march, and in week one you discovered you had the BNP along your side calling for the instance the murder of all black people. Would you not wonder or not you should go on week two. Would you not drop out by about week three? I would've thought so I would!"
@Magani79 8 ай бұрын
He put the feelings and intuition of everyone about these pro-palestinian protesters into words
@djholliday5132 8 ай бұрын
It is obvious to everyone on earth what these people are "protesting/marching" for. Only a few are courageous enough to call ot out on TV. Douglas Murray is a real one.
@peterhall3405 8 ай бұрын
The quote is pure BS. The march is for peace. It includes people of every kind, creed, age, religion. Which is exactly why Murray and the thugs who get off on Murray want it stopped. Murray is, again, inciting hatred on the basis of utter crap.
@raynehell1217 8 ай бұрын
The BNP never did any such thing; these marchers for Palestine never called for the murder of any, let alone all, Jews. Murray's spewing moronic hatespeech
@raynehell1217 8 ай бұрын
Speak for yourself. Murray's preaching piffle to morons @@Magani79
@Ba2sik 8 ай бұрын
Thank God there are still people left with common sense
@patrickoleary7755 8 ай бұрын
As right wing as you can get
@nathanclearyschin7100 8 ай бұрын
​@@patrickoleary7755that's the point. Right wing is right and the wing of common sense.
@csharpe5787 8 ай бұрын
Except he's completely closed minded and not seen seeing things as they are. 2 wrongs don't make a ride. And it can't be right that the settlers is keep taking land. That is bound to hand end badly. But the world turns a behind eye to that.
@batmanRBC 8 ай бұрын
@@nathanclearyschin7100don’t act like Zionists don’t jump from right to left wing depending on who’s in power. They use the ADL for the liberal side and the ZOA for the conservative side.
@chris379202 8 ай бұрын
We're got to politically correct to quick, while the 3rd world ain't budging.
@allegropiano1327 7 ай бұрын
Well done! This is the kind of interview people need to watch!
@dannytran1587 7 ай бұрын
Hell no. He agrees with collective punishment, we’re witnessing a war crime that they’ll be writing about in history books. Proof: Collective punishment has NEVER looked good in a history book, EVER (on civilians).
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover.
@chuglyc 7 ай бұрын
Please take care of yourself Mr. Murray. We NEED you. You are an irreplaceable element of decent society and I have enormous respect for you. Stay safe
@jamesdeanlovespunk 7 ай бұрын
@@Tr444ydc6 Then *you* need to listen to what is being said and stop clinging to attitudes and behaviours that are causing this horror.
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover
@Ash2cents 8 ай бұрын
As always, Douglas in right on. We need more people like him to speak up and tell the truth.
@blpkqrywa 8 ай бұрын
Agreed 👍🏼
@selimanelabdelli7226 8 ай бұрын
If you are a bigot. This was so onesided
@wasabiflavoredcocaine 8 ай бұрын
​@@selimanelabdelli7226we heard your side for years and years
@Ash2cents 8 ай бұрын
@@selimanelabdelli7226 Ah, the age old trope : "I don't like your opinion, therefore you're a bigot". Sorry, it doesn't work. You know who are the real bigots here (and that word is way too kind in this case) ? Those who want to kill all the Jews, and those who support them.
@SaraAli-pu7vj 8 ай бұрын
He needs to declare his assets in weapons manufacturing firms and how many times he has met the Great BIBI...Douglas Murray is not a reporter. Nor an unbiased Historian. He needs to declare his affiliations and his affinity for Israel. Douglas Murray is not only embedded with the IDF he is in bed with the State of Israel. He co-founded the Henry Jackson society his think tank with Alan Mendoza who is also on the board of the largest settlement body in Palestine now Israel the JNF. This settlement body is a vehicle that prevent Palestinians returning back to their land because now their land is owned by the JNF. I would say he most likely has shares in this land and is protecting his assets through advocating for the murder of innocent Palestinians. He is no friend to ordinary Jewish people just the Great Bibi Netanyahu.
@ArtificialGamingIntelligence 8 ай бұрын
Douglas is such a clear thinker. I absolutely love this man.
@blpkqrywa 8 ай бұрын
Me too 🤚🏼🤚🏼
@s6edge706 8 ай бұрын
Hardly a thinker. Just a paid propagandist .
@andrew_owens7680 8 ай бұрын
It's easy to be clear when you don't question a questionable narrative.
@ArtificialGamingIntelligence 8 ай бұрын
@@s6edge706 Let me guess, you majored in queer indigenous gender studies? Go eat some glue.
@evegeerts5890 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Douglas Murray for saying what you saw
@hannahstern1745 8 ай бұрын
This man is a legend of moral clarity
@yaldakhairi4659 7 ай бұрын
Is that a joke?
@gofgss4873 7 ай бұрын
@rohaninitiative6058 7 ай бұрын
​@@yaldakhairi4659even if you tried...would you understand it
@jonoessex 7 ай бұрын
I know unbelievable! @@yaldakhairi4659
@BennyLars 7 ай бұрын
​@@yaldakhairi4659it's got to be
@Gordan19758 8 ай бұрын
The biggest issue in Europe is that we love to talk over and over again but lacking in direct actions against terror etc. They making use of our weaknesses. We have lived our lives quite some time in peace and in times of peace people become weak and weaker, it's about time to wake up and stand for our Western values.
@The-Lard310 8 ай бұрын
We or the politicians?
@user-bv4nr4qn3w 8 ай бұрын
We are politicians
@OmriGrin 8 ай бұрын
As an Israeli watching your news since October 7th, this is the exact conclusion I reached as well. Once you close the tap of immigration and start to actually police your streets, then there will be no incentive for them to keep their heads down, you will wake up to a reality not far from what we, Israelis, experienced in the last 75 years, and I wish you the best of luck in protecting your country.
@Gordan19758 8 ай бұрын
@@The-Lard310 terrorist organisations as Hamas etc. and our governments just watching the show if I may say so.
@shanebennett325 8 ай бұрын
Take your meds boomer
@JPoulAndersson 8 ай бұрын
Perfect moral clarity from Murray as per usual!
@alrayesahmad 8 ай бұрын
Telling lies
@noelward8047 8 ай бұрын
@@alrayesahmad Nameone.
@noelward8047 8 ай бұрын
@@user-zh9jy5rc9w Clearly you were not listening !
@susiex6669 8 ай бұрын
Moral? 😂😂 The morality of a bigot.
@441rider 8 ай бұрын
Shocking he came close to saying they breed like rabbits, total smug pug.@@susiex6669
@michelleboustani9065 7 ай бұрын
I'm shocked that piers said you can be anti Israel. Yet people can't say anti - any other country. How can piers be ignorant of what is happening.
@rited 7 ай бұрын
Has he buried his head in the sand, what about anti-russia?? Or anti-china, anti-saudi, anti-north korea... There's quite a lot of generally accepted negative sentiment to other countries.
@cnjelly7876 6 ай бұрын
Because imo he is an idiot.
@stormllamas1948 6 ай бұрын
He was merely exploring the fragility of questioning freedom of speech. It was a good point. Thankfully, Douglas' retort was better.
@angv260 6 ай бұрын
Piers was speaking the truth,
@stygrace1530 8 ай бұрын
Bravo Douglas Murray for speaking the truth.
@suzanneevans4157 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is a true brit ❤
@HomeTravelGardenInspo 8 ай бұрын
“Truth” and this weasel, shouldn’t be used in the same sentence. You mean Gutless Murray, who spins lies after lies. I wonder who is lining his pocket? Follow the money trail and all will be revealed. He has been called out numerous times for lying. Just because he has a posh English accent, doesn’t mean he’s telling the truth. A weasel of a man really, but that’s being unkind to weasels. He actually said, “no one wants these people”. That is clearly textbook racism coming out of this closet racist. Anyone who supports genocide, apartheid, and an occupation of a people, is an EVIL RACIST and should be called out as one! Apartheid, Occupation and Colonialism is RACISM, and anyone that is denying that, has serious issues and is still holding onto that colonial mentality.
@chunkychinn 8 ай бұрын
@dixienormas4769 8 ай бұрын
Like fuck he is.
@KWAW47 8 ай бұрын
What, in your view, makes him a true brit?
@jrobs1133 8 ай бұрын
@@KWAW47 His ancestry.
@independentthinking1608 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is one of the brightest minds of our time. What a great man ! Thank you 🙏
@s6edge706 8 ай бұрын
Poundland Christopher hitchens
@davidbrearey4147 8 ай бұрын
@firasali4118 8 ай бұрын
You know what guys! This journalist made me laugh, because he kept saying Gaza could be like Singapore, how he could say that while Israel Imposes the most oppressive sanction in the modern history on Gaza for the last fifteen years.
@fridolin3373 8 ай бұрын
@@firasali4118 You seem to struggle with cause and effect. In the last 15 years, Hamas has fired close to 10,000 rockets against Israel, mostly civilian targets. In addition there has been several terror attacks in Israel, committed by Hamas. To protect yourself, you have to close the border. I think that he is right that Gaza would have the potential to become something like Singapore. If Hamas, when they came to power in 2006, had focussed on building a working society, there would have been a lot of investment and now 18 years later it could be flourishing. Hamas does not care about the Palestinians and they could not even build schools and hospital, so the UN had to do it. Hamas used the money to enrich themselves and buy weapons and tunnels to attack Israel.
@royboy4571 8 ай бұрын
@@fridolin3373 What the f**K, Singapore is a nation state with history and the obvious advantage of geography, and having no natural resources like OIL, for western countries to fight over. DM is just being racist, he should know, economic miracles were going to occur in an open air prison.
@hilat8949 7 ай бұрын
Great interview. The truth comes to light.
@Johnconnor806 7 ай бұрын
Quote "even the Nazis felt sorry for what they did"
@lindathompson8078 7 ай бұрын
Wow this guy is amazingly awesome Never heard such perfect answers being thrown back directly at the host Piers Morgan who is well known for always getting the better of his guest speakers. He had Piers Morgan thinking twice about his questioning Douglas. Best interview in giving truth and facts regarding Hamas and Israel
@PaganPunk 7 ай бұрын
He should be in Politics x
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover.
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
@@PaganPunk The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover.
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover.
@nx4117 6 ай бұрын
@@PaganPunk Nooo, we need truth tellers. Those are lacking in the media too. Politicians are not it. Real politicians used to be, but not the corruption sort we get these days.
@daveUK1066 8 ай бұрын
"as far as im aware, i dont think Madonna has any Military capability behind her" 😅😅😅😅 God i love Murray ,
@AdamVainshtein 8 ай бұрын
@blpkqrywa 8 ай бұрын
@jaafarbouh2956 8 ай бұрын
does a protester in a march has military capabilities ?
@wheelchairhillbilly 8 ай бұрын
Exactly. Anyone that thinks that's a good argument is very intellectual deficient. That guy is a crybaby and actor.
@bryankilvinski 8 ай бұрын
@@jaafarbouh2956 no, but the movement they are supporting does. That is the key difference and the point he is making.
@markdickson1533 8 ай бұрын
He speaks the truth. The British people are to apathetic to this, shut the curtains and forget it. Britain and all other EU countries have let the wolves into the hen house and will wake up to realise that too late.
@thedadmeister6392 8 ай бұрын
Shut the curtains and forget it? Britain is responsible for this atrocity my friend along with the US. Educate yourself on history, the Balfour treaty etc. These people have been co-existing for centuries before we got involved. Peace will prevail.
@SaraAli-pu7vj 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is not a reporter. Nor an unbiased Historian. He needs to declare his affiliations and his affinity for Israel. Douglas Murray is not only embedded with the IDF he is in bed with the State of Israel. He co-founded the Henry Jackson society his think tank with Alan Mendoza who is also on the board of the largest settlement body in Palestine now Israel the JNF. This settlement body is a vehicle that prevent Palestinians returning back to their land because now their land is owned by the JNF. I would say he most likely has shares in this land and is protecting his assets through advocating for the murder of innocent Palestinians. He is no friend to ordinary Jewish people just the Great Bibi Netanyahu.
@kunalmalhotra6970 8 ай бұрын
Meaning Europeans again calling themselves Jewish with not even 5% genes of thuosands of years old Semitic people are uprooting and taking over their land just like all white ancestors invading and colonizing and blaming others as if they're less than. Then going around lecturing how they're the bigger person and looting lands from others. That's appauling. Why Zionists were given a nation called Israel who came from Europe?? Make it make sense...You don't even possess 10% of actual Jewish native gene and you get to have a land and kick out the natives cause why??? Romans kicked 1 of your ancestors thousands of years ago. Why not ask Italy, UK or US to give one of their state or province. Why white people always have to enforce their way and culture to others...why they play with every other nation like a bully...just so they think Jesus will come there??
@tinosibhebhe9058 8 ай бұрын
The British have created many of these conflicts in the world. Their hands have all kinds of crimes the world over! To be honest, they must shut and be sorry than to try and be judgemental
@GG-vh8kz 8 ай бұрын
@@thedadmeister6392 there were pogroms against Jews long before the partition. This narrative about everyone coexisting is utter nonsense. Just look at Islamic countries, literally no minorities remain due to persecution.
@woman2251 7 ай бұрын
Douglas is The man !! Thank you from Israel. Thank you for telling the truth as is. Thank you Thank you and Thank you again
@all-caps3927 6 ай бұрын
Telling the truth😂. The truth in your Israeli fantasy. The world is seeing you for the tyrants you are, don’t worry. You will collapse under the weight of your governments own idiocy. It’s only a matter of time before everyone of the IDF are in international court being charged with breaking international law from every angle.
@andreaduddridge1371 7 ай бұрын
Refreshing to see a calm, informative interview! Thanks
@imenmabrouki3180 7 ай бұрын
refreshing to see a liar zionist, lying about everything with piers not interrupting for a seconde
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover
@royboy4571 8 ай бұрын
Well, for the Guy who supported the War In Iraq, something tells me he'll be on the wrong side of history again.
@sopiananwari2766 8 ай бұрын
Bush killed 4 million muslims in Irak and Afghanistan for 20 years
@aimanmarzuqi4804 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, have people in the comments forgotten that.
@blpkqrywa 8 ай бұрын
Absolutely Murray is on the right side. Every decent person with at least a few operating brain cells knows that.
@royboy4571 8 ай бұрын
@@blpkqrywa exactly the right wing conservative side. Oh and do look up his Iraq War effort.
@selimanelabdelli7226 7 ай бұрын
Yes the same propagenda again
@thorarthur66ddz 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray makes allot of sense. Great interview.
@peterhall3405 8 ай бұрын
He makes no sense to me. He comes across as what he is: a self-entitled racist.
@ruppelspoopels 8 ай бұрын
Comes off like a bloodthirsty racist to me.
@peterhall3405 8 ай бұрын
@@ruppelspoopels That's because he is a blood thirsty racist.
@mostafaghannam5624 8 ай бұрын
@Tony-lz5hx 8 ай бұрын
@@peterhall3405hahaha the racist card. Ok mate. Keep telling that yourself. I’m well researched in the real history and current situation and he’s the only one speaking sense. Use a little common sense and you’ll get there.
@Khayyam676 7 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is a pure one sided propagandist! I’ve read his comments before - I came here just to see what a hypocrite looks and sounds like!
@MrJocky82 7 ай бұрын
I wish Douglas would get his own show like piers has. He's brilliant
@tinahogan6000 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely! What a superb intellect!
@pythonhotlost6039 8 ай бұрын
Douglas is amazing. He has no moral dilemma. Bravo!
@kf2287 8 ай бұрын
he has no humanity either
@andrew_owens7680 8 ай бұрын
Kind of like Dr. Mengele.
@blackpantherstrong 8 ай бұрын
Evil sociopaths never have moral dilemmas
@freethemindempthy 8 ай бұрын
Brought and owned by the Zionist elite.
@RenA70707 8 ай бұрын
@@kf2287just the opposite. He supports the civilised not the barbaric.
@MonsieurCashow 8 ай бұрын
Douglas, you are extremely sharp and a moral giant. Thank you ❤
@JadeB628 7 ай бұрын
People ignored Geert Wilders' warning to America in 2016. He was refused entry to the UK after arriving at Heathrow Airport back in 2009. if Douglas Murray was not a UK citizen, I imagine the UK authorities would do the same to Douglas Murray. In my view, Douglas Murray is attempting to wake up the UK for the good of Western civilized society, and rightfully so. I hope people are listening. Hats off to Douglas Murray.
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover.
@socillizt4life 5 ай бұрын
“For the good of civilised Western society”. Massacring 30.000 innocent babies,toddlers,pre teens,teenagers,as people under the age of 16 make up over 60% of the Gaza Strip population, not to mention the slaughter of thousands of innocent civilian women,men,elderly sickly peoples, on top of all those children, being attacked even as they’re in HOSPITAL beds literally dehydrating due to Israel’s ILLEGAL INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIME of the blockading of WATER & medical supplies,as defined by the Geneva Convention hence children among all the others being massacred in Gaza,were having to undergo amputations & all manner of other surgeries with ZERO ANAESTHETICS!! Nearly 30.000 civilians in GAZA murdered within the past 3 months alone. Out of all deaths between the Israel/Palestine conflict, 97% of all those killed have been on the Palestinian side throughout Israel’s 70+ year ILLEGAL OCCUPATION of Palestine,be it those forced to live under ILLEGAL occupation in Gaza or the Palestinian civilians of the West Bank, where Israel continues their enlargement of ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS for over 70+ years & you call these ILLEGAL WAR CRIME COMMITTING occupiers (as defined by the United Nations) “civilised”🤷 Is that some twisted,perverse attempt at humour or what ?
@socillizt4life 5 ай бұрын
Do you have any clue what the Israeli terrorist groups did to the UK soldiers who were trying to help European Jews with their Zionist activities in Palestine in the 1940s ?! I don’t think you do, or if you do you clearly don’t care about the horrific atrocities committed against our UK troops by the early extremist Israeli Zionist ZEALOTS,such as the ‘Stern Gagne’ among plenty other Zionist terrorist organisations. Why do you think the UK soldiers had to make such a very sharp exit from the region ? It wasn’t due to anything the innocent Palestinian victims were up to. No, the direct opposite. The Zionist terrorist groups made the UK troops flee that region rapidly, after they helped European Jews occupy a patch of that Palestinian land, that we never had any right to give in the 1st place, but give it we did & what thanks did the UK troops get for that “gift” ? Well I think you should hit the history books on why we got out of there in such a damn rush. ✊🏼🇪🇭🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇭✊🏾
@frenchlearner19 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is an absolute legend. I hope anyone who sees this also watches his other videos. He's BANG ON with his analyses.
@chrishalious8194 7 ай бұрын
@frenchlearner19 7 ай бұрын
@@chrishalious8194 cry more
@mckinno 7 ай бұрын
I wasn't particularly impressed with any of his analyses here, particularly the one that amounts to "hey the Nazis weren't so bad, they got really sad after their crimes."
@frenchlearner19 7 ай бұрын
@@mckinno that's not at all what he was saying. What he was saying was, AT LEAST the Nazis had some level of shame surrounding their crimes. Hamas and their supporters have ZERO shame and are PROUD to be Jew murderers. Rather than get drunk at night to "forget" their crimes, as the Nazis did, Hamas and their ilk indulge in the murder, rape, and dismemberment of Jews GLEEFULLY. HAPPILY. PROUDLY. This is a very important point and shows how absolutely vile and full of pure, unadulteted hatred Hamas and their supporters are. A level of hatred that actually SURPASSES that of the Nazis, which is why Douglas said the comparison is, if anything, insufficient. And I completely agree.
@eliyagreenberger1485 7 ай бұрын
​@@mckinnothat's not what he said, he said that at least the Nazis tried to hide the fact that their killing Jews.
@adamsmith5828 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray - always spot on.
@ryderspider 8 ай бұрын
Spot on like he was as to who's rocket fire it was? We all know he has his back to Gaza. You can actually see the explosion off in the distance in the interview if you rewatch it.
@mostafaghannam5624 8 ай бұрын
@Tony-lz5hx 8 ай бұрын
@@ryderspiderbut but… Gaza don’t fire rockets, don’t rape babies, don’t kill civilians… in fact, Islam is a peaceful religion and the people of Gaza are actually ex Disney Land workers, said someone who is full of shit!
@yaschaudhry 8 ай бұрын
​@@ryderspiderZionist bots are making these positive comments. This was a staged interview with a prepared script....The Israelis are losing the information war and noone is falling for their propoganda so they are now using these underhand tactics.
@donsq4306 8 ай бұрын
Douglas has described very well that Hamas was killing people. But denies that Israel has some responsibility in killing children that have nothing to do with Hamas. Any righteous army can conduct a ground operation and kill Hamas members. Not only that there is no Hamas in the West Bank, but he is only pointing in one direction here. What is his solution to this problem, which is to wipe out every species in Palestine because of Hamas? Are you able to hold the moral high ground after that, I wonder? Why don't we tell the truth? Both Israel and Hamas have radical leaders in power and people are suffering because of it. And all this happened as a result of forced migration to a large-scale population. And by proposing a two-state solution and giving 1/3 of the total Jewish population 56 percent of the total land after mass migration. Let us not forget the Nakba, and the terrorist groups such as Lehi in 1940 , and let's act like Israel also has a good history of morally correct leaders. They are full of extreme right-wing members. How is this a conversation between people?
@antonioaguilar2392 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray assessment on the ground should be aired all throughout the entire world. I salute to you sir 🙏 and God bless you
@SaraAli-pu7vj 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is not a reporter. Nor an unbiased Historian. He needs to declare his affiliations and his affinity for Israel. Douglas Murray is not only embedded with the IDF he is in bed with the State of Israel. He co-founded the Henry Jackson society his think tank with Alan Mendoza who is also on the board of the largest settlement body in Palestine now Israel the JNF. This settlement body is a vehicle that prevent Palestinians returning back to their land because now their land is owned by the JNF. I would say he most likely has shares in this land and is protecting his assets through advocating for the murder of innocent Palestinians. He is no friend to ordinary Jewish people just the Great Bibi Netanyahu.
@Lin-js3vx 8 ай бұрын
Gaza was in the background! 🤣 nice acting though.
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover
@trexusification 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Mr Murray
@dobr4481 7 ай бұрын
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”...Netanyahu, 2019
@dmgthree6051 8 ай бұрын
This man has spoken the absolute truth without fear of the woke liberal media , much respect ! Good on you Douglas Murray ! You have a new fan
@haveaniceday365. 8 ай бұрын
New Propagandada to murder more Palestine.😢 Sorry for the Jewish people have been hijacked by Zionists.
@Support-your-local-team 8 ай бұрын
He's a free speech activist who thinks anyone with opposing views to him shouldn't be allowed to speak. Calling everything woke won't stop the likes of Douglas Murray from being a pseudo intellectual fraud who panders to morons.
@Mrtyjr 8 ай бұрын
What an SJW that Murray is for being so critical towards pro-Palestine protesters for expressing their opinions!🤣
@yeshuabinyankee5017 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray, Benjamin Shapiro, and many others, are SJW's for the Apartheid State. Not surprising seeing they are Jewish, the Superior People.
@selimanelabdelli7226 8 ай бұрын
He is very biased, but the absolute truth?
@danies3335 8 ай бұрын
I think that Piers has found his master here, Douglas does not equivocate, he says what he thinks and It is always powerful and well argued and if not politically correct , so be it. I doubt Douglas keeps his eyes riveted on the number of followers he gets or looses each time he speaks. He just leads from the front. Incredible moral and physical courage and moral compass. A real Mensch as some would say ;-) keep safe please. Your voice is needed
@MoreHustle_MoreMuscle 8 ай бұрын
its a act. douglas is a racist and he did this for fame, no one cares. he is a far right, we saw his tweets. he is wearing this press top standing somewhere safe and talking so you can see his talk relevant. Israel is losing the its reputation as their zionist ideology is exposed and they paying heavy to haters like douglas murray.
@rafalmik 8 ай бұрын
Well, he didn’t actually say that yeah, a lot of children has to die. It is Hamas who brought it on them, although I can’t imagine how an unarmed population can revolt against a group like Hamas. Can anyone? And why the hell are the Hamas leaders still alive if this campaign is to erradicate them? Shouldnt you start from the top? Shouldnt Israel first strike The Hotel? Or just shoot the commanders, wherever they are? This rhetoric is also flawed. I dont have the answers, but I’m sure as hell, Douglas hasnt got them either.
@GlenBenton69 8 ай бұрын
God bless you Douglas, its reassuring to see there are some people not buying the jew hating rhetoric thats going on right now. My wife is muslim and the indoctrination is next level
@harisabram4767 8 ай бұрын
Piers could of taken him down on alot of the points he spastically put out but Piers evidently not going down the route. Piers you could of buried him and you know it but you didn't. This is not like you.
@noelward8047 8 ай бұрын
@@harisabram4767 Haha Name one example.
@josephhynes3004 7 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray, thank you for standing up for your country and not some fanatics who are being quite unGodly towards our friend Israel
@johnnyb1368 7 ай бұрын
Piers Morgan step aside and let Douglas Murray run the show, he is extraordinary.
@heatherhigson342 8 ай бұрын
He’s saying we should all stand up as brits and voice our opinions on how this sad government let terrorist leaders live in the Uk …. And rightly so !
@blpkqrywa 8 ай бұрын
Yup 👍🏼
@MistahDjimoen 8 ай бұрын
Use your common sense plz, if there are hamas leaders (living on wellfare) in england, why dont they arrest them cause english law label them as terrorists.
@grannyannie2948 8 ай бұрын
I recommend his recent interviews on Triggernometry and John Anderson.
@itz_adziii 8 ай бұрын
Um the pinnacle of terrorist leaders originated from your UK and USA leaders. Don’t educate the world on your view of terrorism. The west is the origin of terrorism. Don’t let me bring out the ghosts of the past, because it still haunts the world till today!
@rolftore6311 8 ай бұрын
A tolerant society being tolerant to the intolerant will be destroyed by the intolerant.
@Almostdiz 8 ай бұрын
ISRAEL AND TOLERANT? Go look up how “tolerant” it is to Black Jews. So tolerant that it put them on birth control against their knowledge. One can then only wonder how it would behave with non-Israelis.
@Jamisonurquhartshirley23 8 ай бұрын
Confusious says....
@mkadam1 8 ай бұрын
​@@Jamisonurquhartshirley23that guy don't make sense lol whose the tolerant ones according to him???
@Jamisonurquhartshirley23 8 ай бұрын
@@mkadam1 yes, he's custom built for KZfaq. 🤣
@user-bs8ve3pu6s 8 ай бұрын
so true
@tre623 8 ай бұрын
Did this guy just blame all the Palestinian deaths on them instead of israel?
@user-nl4jq9lt2m 7 ай бұрын
Douglas you look loyal to israel more than England , England gave you life not israel
@Kain366 8 ай бұрын
I like Douglas since day one, but he grew in my eyes even bigger how rational, brave, and smart person he is.
@blpkqrywa 8 ай бұрын
Love him ❤
@earthworm2590 8 ай бұрын
Hes islamphobic nd hes vile
@nisahmed9121 8 ай бұрын
Murray is on the advisory board of NGO Monitor. A pro-Israel and right-wing created by Gerald M. Steinberg. Of course he wants Palestinians genocided.
@selimanelabdelli7226 8 ай бұрын
A racist and also dumb to say nazis are more compassionate. And say that there
@sarrahaseen9200 8 ай бұрын
When I saw the Video, I found him to be a Israeli mouthpiece Open any video from the Israeli officials and you'll find the same talking point. Clearly he is baised (influenced. Not rational)
@chanalan18 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is my hero!!! So good to hear the voice of reason, truth and clarity!
@morghe321 8 ай бұрын
Love this man.
@bebetob2325 8 ай бұрын
So in other words he’s saying it’s not so much of a crime to kill 6000 children but it’s grotesque and horrible crime to go on pro Palestinian protest 😂😂, the truth is if you share this opinion no one will take you seriously, the ones that will agree with you is just the ones that are full of hate and racism!
@Sam-fh7ff 8 ай бұрын
Douglas murray supports EDL and is a Islamaphobe. @piersmorgan good work referencing the founding of the English Defense League (EDL), identified by the UK advocacy group, Hope Not Hate, as an anti-Muslim racist organization. Murray has acknowledged that there are links between the EDL and the far-right. In a 2018 piece calling for the release of EDL’s founder, Tommy Robinson, Murray described the organization as “a street-protest movement in Britain whose aims could probably best be summarized as ‘anti-Islamization.’”
@wiaamnubani3767 8 ай бұрын
Loool your hero? Damn you’re really aiming for the stars
@keysersj2673 8 ай бұрын
@@morghe321guess you love ignorance
@CreateYourDestinyNow 7 ай бұрын
This interview needs to be heard
@tiffanyblack6911 7 ай бұрын
Yes it does 💯
@busterbiloxi3833 7 ай бұрын
I’m hearing it. Your command has been obeyed!
@selimanelabdelli7226 7 ай бұрын
Who needs more propagenda
@DkKobaADV 7 ай бұрын
Yeah so we can see how insane these people are and unrealistic
@dobr4481 7 ай бұрын
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”...Netanyahu, 2019
@heinzjacobs7046 8 ай бұрын
One of the very best interviews I have seen so far on this topic. Thanks for this brilliant journalism.
@bilalreb4564 7 ай бұрын
@saracen638 7 ай бұрын
@mrbluesky9891 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray....legend. I wish our politicians had half his brains and courage.
@user-ls7ud3ic5x 8 ай бұрын
You want our politicians to have a brain and courage the size of a green pea?
@angeerkihun 8 ай бұрын
He tries to sound smart but is actually not that bright
@AdamVainshtein 8 ай бұрын
What an amazing human being ❤🇮🇱
@moorebwb 8 ай бұрын
@@angeerkihun hilarious comment 🤣🤣🤣
@Hannestv4607 8 ай бұрын
*what a mistake in the Qur'an!* Allah himself testifies that he has a son and he is the son as Christians understand it! Only the Koran writer was too ignorant to know what Son of God means! Allah's word which created everything is Allah himself too! *The Word Allahs which created everything is the Son of God according to Christianity!*
@bbqreunie984 8 ай бұрын
From 🇳🇱. So very true words of Douglas Murray.
@donsq4306 8 ай бұрын
Wat een dwaas comment. Douglas heeft heel goed beschreven dat Hamas mensen vermoordt. Maar hij ontkent dat Israël enige verantwoordelijkheid heeft bij het doden van kinderen die niets met Hamas te maken hebben. Elk fatsoenlijk leger kan een grondoperatie uitvoeren en Hamas-leden doden. Niet alleen dat er geen Hamas op de Westelijke Jordaanoever is, maar hij wijst hier slechts naar één kant. Wat is zijn oplossing voor dit probleem, namelijk het uitroeien van elk kind in Palestina vanwege Hamas? Ben je daarna in staat om de morele hoge grond vast te houden, vraag ik me af? Waarom vertellen we niet de waarheid? Zowel Israël als Hamas heeft radicale leiders die aan de macht zijn en mensen lijden eronder. En dit alles gebeurde als gevolg van gedwongen migratie naar een meerderheidsbevolking. En door een tweestatenoplossing voor te stellen en 1/3 van de totale Joodse bevolking na massamigratie 56 procent van het totale land te geven. Laten we de Nakba en de andere terroristische groeperingen zoals Lehi in 1940 niet vergeten en doen alsof Israël een goede geschiedenis heeft van moreel correcte leiders. Ze zitten vol met extreem rechse leden. Hoe is dit een gesprek tussen mensen?
@blpkqrywa 8 ай бұрын
@andreasm7348 8 ай бұрын
@Aaron-df6jc 4 ай бұрын
Really enjoyed listening to Douglas Murray. Well said douglas. ♥️🇨🇦
@MrsRight1122 6 ай бұрын
It’s a shame that Piers is in denial about some of this stuff.
@ritara8 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is an outstanding real journalist; and at the same time is an example of not only an advanced, but also a very brave human being, which overall raises hope for humanity’s future!
@Mothaibayo87 8 ай бұрын
He a sick individual with no moral compass.
@blpkqrywa 8 ай бұрын
@s989 8 ай бұрын
He is a racist
@CMA418 8 ай бұрын
Not to mention this kind of coverage is great for his career! Kaching!
@poo-bear4434 8 ай бұрын
He is spot on and REAL.
@leonbosman9036 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Murray, you have put facts on the table that others do not have the guts to do, thank you for that.
@Bewareinjustice 8 ай бұрын
Murray has taken a political side that he, as journalist should not be doing.
@callmewhateveryouwant5263 8 ай бұрын
"Murray" and "facts" is an oxymoron lol.
@shadowrealmgamer4147 8 ай бұрын
Facts what a joke!
@wacquantx 8 ай бұрын
The only fact here is his hatred of brown people.
@Safsal 8 ай бұрын
@@Bewareinjustice when theres obvious good and evil, you should stand against evil , even as a journalist
@CivilizationInNation 7 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is a real proud Western!
@amirhankhatsiev1035 7 ай бұрын
yes a real nazi fashist
@busterbiloxi3833 7 ай бұрын
He’s a movie?
@dobr4481 7 ай бұрын
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”...Netanyahu, 2019
@kingsman8475 8 ай бұрын
It easy to speak well of Israel, but it takes iron balls to criticize Israel when they do wrong. Douglas Murray does not have balls. They are kept in a box by Netanyahu.
@brocktoon8 8 ай бұрын
If the police are outnumbered why don't they bring in the military?
@m00dy7 8 ай бұрын
Oh yes, the military deployed in force on civilian streets and cities. Thank God you don't make those choices. And thank God for laws and rules preventing that. There's a good reason not to do that.
@user-ereanlix4ashl2a 8 ай бұрын
@@m00dy7This is what usually happen in oppressive apartheid third world regimes like israhel… apparently his twisted mind wish for this to happen even on the country he lives in smh
@inikidaisy 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is so eloquent. I could listen to him all day.
@samlonzo70 8 ай бұрын
Of course, because you are a Fascist like him. Shame on you
@WW-bv8hk 8 ай бұрын
Its a shame his been scurrying away from having a formal debate with *Mohammed Hijab* Wonder why...
@Robandje1 8 ай бұрын
Douglas's interview in Triggenomatary is pure genuis.
@carlscott7533 8 ай бұрын
This is an appalling interview. Murray is a cheerleader for the MIC, and the zionist lie machine Murray is a liar.
@mizzhelloo 8 ай бұрын
@@WW-bv8hk You guys with your perverted religion are annoying go away.
@TheMMSpirit 6 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray - dude, I have to admit you have greater courage than I. To be so blithe about close calls with artillery and rocket fire all over the world.
@maxhammertruth 6 ай бұрын
Why is it! When Ukraine was brutally attacked, other countries welcomed refugees! But, Islamic countries haven’t taken a single Islamic refugee. 🤷🏼‍♂️
@AA.1961 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray, brilliant and articulate as ever. He certainly knows his political history. Done my own research on this conflict and he absolutely nails it. 🇬🇧🇮🇱
@mumstheword8851 8 ай бұрын
Always wise to do your homework 😉👍
@yurigaming4068 8 ай бұрын
Did you found out in your research that the brits put the jews in the lands of palestinians coz they dont want to harbour the rats on their own land? When arabs complained, the great people of britain told them why not fight them?then sold the arabs barely working guns. Their genius minds made them richer, get rid of thousands of arabs which they despise so much that time (until now) and had a place for the low-life jews where nobody else wants to accept them
@Sam-fh7ff 8 ай бұрын
He supports EDL Tommy Robinson and tried to get him released from prison, he is a Islamaphobe racist
@riccardoviti3813 8 ай бұрын
What about the fundings that are given to these countries to fight each other? He mentions it, Douglas, but he doesn't say "to fight each other" (I'm saying that), but it's more than obvious that western countries are doing that because of MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY AND MORE MONEY..... I'm really, actually, just asking a question. Why aren't we also responsible for what is happening there? Why instead of going there with our cameras and judge their actions, don't we talk about what we could do about it. Stop giving them weapons? Hosting them in our countries? I don't know these are just two very simple solutions. Haven't heard any of these experts mention anything like that. Is it weak to talk about help? It is not very british I know, but, cmon can we move on from the victorian age please?
@JimboBond71 8 ай бұрын
blah blah blah... you obviously haven't done any serious research!
@brianmitchell4957 8 ай бұрын
Douglas you came across brilliant..The best I have ever heard so far... Please take care !!!
@paule7921 8 ай бұрын
No humanity showing in Douglas Murrays face - dead between his ears and thoroughly Deplorable
@xcalstl 7 ай бұрын
He was invited to see the raw footage of HAMAS butchery/torture/execution of 1,500 defenceless civilians. He has many Israeli friends. The 100 international journalists were called on to see all footage of the massacre because of people like you. YOU are deplorable. Some of those journalists/medical staffers/first responders, left that screening CRYING in disbelief, at the atrocities of that day. You don't know WTF you're talking about. Decapitated babies, raped women hacked to death, some burnt alive. Shall we speak of the dead babies, and how THEY died and were found after the massacre?
@ceciliaohanlon5977 8 ай бұрын
This was a great interview. Thank you for speaking the truth. I wish more could hear what you said.
@DBAUG 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray, you are a champion! Your clear vision of the situation and your ability to convey it in clear words is encouraging.
@Cbrumy 8 ай бұрын
He only talked what you want to listen sheep :)
@HomeTravelGardenInspo 8 ай бұрын
“Truth” and this weasel, shouldn’t be used in the same sentence. This, Gutless Murray, who spins lies after lies. I wonder who is lining his pocket? Follow the money trail and all will be revealed. He has been called out numerous times for lying. Just because he has a posh English accent, doesn’t mean he’s telling the truth. A weasel of a man really, but that’s being unkind to weasels. He actually said, “no one wants these people”. That is clearly textbook racism coming out of this closet racist. Anyone who supports genocide, apartheid, and an occupation of a people, is an EVIL RACIST and should be called out as one! Apartheid, Occupation and Colonialism is RACISM, and anyone that is denying that, has serious issues and is still holding onto that colonial mentality. He’s calling and supporting the genocide of a people, and hear on the comments from brain dead sheep, he’s a “champion”. Seriously?
@DBAUG 8 ай бұрын
Only facts you don't want to hear. Prove otherwise...@@Cbrumy
@SaraAli-pu7vj 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is not a reporter. Nor an unbiased Historian. He needs to declare his affiliations and his affinity for Israel also his shares in weapons manufacturing firms. Douglas Murray is not only embedded with the IDF he is in bed with the State of Israel. He co-founded the Henry Jackson society his think tank with Alan Mendoza who is also on the board of the largest settlement body in Palestine now Israel the JNF. This settlement body is a vehicle that prevent Palestinians returning back to their land because now their land is owned by the JNF. I would say he most likely has shares in this land and is protecting his assets through advocating for the murder of innocent Palestinians. He is no friend to ordinary Jewish people just the Great Bibi Netanyahu.
@blove142 8 ай бұрын
Piers ends the interview, saying” from the safety of my London studio”…… that might be a bit presumptuous if London doesn’t get a handle on this
@Truth_to_Powers 8 ай бұрын
He’s based in New York
@majinraptor 8 ай бұрын
Bit presumptuous on your part too dont you think?
@fathimachaudhri9757 8 ай бұрын
You should emigrate to Isreal. That would be v safe for you
@A1Kira 8 ай бұрын
Is that a threat? Be very careful or someone might visit a Mosque in return.
@factsdontcareaboutyourfeel7204 8 ай бұрын
Very true
@shelleyburling4435 7 ай бұрын
Not surprised but disappointed. Well said!
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover
@anab1485 7 ай бұрын
what a sociopath, he has zero compassion for the Palestinian people. This reporter has no impartiality of reporting.
@curtisowen3233 8 ай бұрын
We do international and humanitarian aid wrong. Multiple studies have shown that by far the most bang for your buck when it comes to aid is by literally handing cash to individual people. They know what they need and are the best at finding what they need for a good price. When you givw money to organizations and governments it ends up in the pockets of the corrupt, and or wasted on frivolous things.
@edwinskau 8 ай бұрын
What happens when that money is taken away from them by criminals?
@AJ-zv9tn 8 ай бұрын
when people have money they can hire security @@edwinskau
@divya-u9i 8 ай бұрын
NGOs are the public face of foreign sinister involvement in corrupting people and bringing governments down
@xStickStockx 8 ай бұрын
@@edwinskau That's 1991 Russia when every citizen got a share of all the state companies, but criminals and just the general lack of resources made people give up fortunes just to survive. And the West wonders why does Russia not trust them and lowkey hates them.. (a side tangent but also a relevant example)
@Jayhoob1 8 ай бұрын
@@edwinskauyou must mean their leaders
@derekhoole7156 8 ай бұрын
I like listening to Douglas Murray, when he appears on Rita Panahi’s segment on Sky News Australia. He is absolutely brilliant and forthright. He was exceptional in this interview with Piers Morgan. I liked his logical responses and clear thinking. I thank God that we still have people like a Douglas, who are not swayed by propaganda and political correctness.
@theinngu5560 8 ай бұрын
See his Triggernometry interview…1 million views after 2 days
@billcarson818 8 ай бұрын
Suggesting that all those who protest for peace and against the mass murdering of civilians are supporting hamas is ridiculous. Its either very ignorant or very dishonest. With Murray I assume the latter. Its not anywhere close to the majority even.
@MarkFitzgerald-uu7tp 8 ай бұрын
Right I’ve had it with you people. How does this guy get 98 likes in 3 hours plus comments when mine (see above) only gets 8 in one? Sure, I agree wholeheartedly, but where’s the creativity, the sense of humour, the elan vital? Where? Anyone? Anyone? Bueler? Bueler? Come on 😣
@MarkFitzgerald-uu7tp 8 ай бұрын
If you’re marching with people who are saying things you don’t agree with then organise your own rally or be counted amongst their number. Are people playing Pin the Like on the Comment or something? No time for games folks - this stuff matters.
@sharrondonovan7155 8 ай бұрын
Rita is excellent
@757575436 8 ай бұрын
Doug Murray should be given the highest literary award for truthful reporting.
@mohameds2799 8 ай бұрын
sure.... 😒
@selimanelabdelli7226 8 ай бұрын
Award for the best propagenda
@sadras5818 8 ай бұрын
Very disappointing from Mr Murray
@fraggle1138 7 ай бұрын
@evettekatz3429 7 ай бұрын
We done Bravo. Ypu are an incredible reporter. Than you for your bravery, intelligence, history, perspective and finally horrific reality.
@freedom__and_peace 7 ай бұрын
The Palestinians are the indigenous people of this land. The Canaanites and their affiliated tribe the Jebusites are said to be an Arab people who emigrated before the “Jews” around 3000 b.c.e. to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. They are the indigenous population of the geographic area. DNA studies shows Palestinians to be descendants of a core population of the area that goes back thousands of years and have a closer DNA to the Leventine, than do the Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and American During conflict with Hamas, Israel experiences chaos at its airport as people try to flee the country, why do individuals depart from the land they claim is thiers? This is because they Ashkenazi Zionist from foreign countries colonising the Palestinian land. The Palestinian history, heritage and culture is now being completely erased from the face of the earth by the Zionist movement. The Western countries, particularly England, sought a resolution to what they perceived as a Jewish issue. On 2nd November 1917, the Balfour declaration was made by Arthur James Balfour, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. This is the reason why England are responsible for the Palestinian struggle. England bears responsibility for depriving 14.3 million Palestinians of their past, present, and future. They bear a portion of responsibility for the bloodshed suffered by every Palestinian. How can England give away a land that does not belong to them nor the Zionist? England should take responsibility for resolving the Palestinian conflict, offering compensation to every Palestinian, and issuing an official apology. The Zionist are the biggest fascist terrorist movement and have been founded upon terrorism. On 9th April 1948, the Zionist committed the Deir Yassin holocaust just weeks before Israel was created. Approximately 400 Palestinians civilians, were brutally murdered women were raped, pregnant women’s stomach where knifed opened, and hundreds of thousands fled their homes to live as refugees in other neighbouring countries, an event known by Palestinians as the Nakba - “the catastrophe”. The Zionist are known for atrocities and terrorist act even targeting those who support them. The Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary group, was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, during the period of the British Mandate in Palestine. This attack resulted in the deaths of 91 people mainly british personnels and around 45 people injured. The world is not aware of the biggest 20th century “Holocaust” against civilian Palestinians in one night which occurred on 16th September 1982. When Isreal invaded the whole of Lebanon (on 6th June 1982), controlling the air, sea and land. A massacre was orchestrated by the Zionist Israeli minister of defence, Ariel Sharon at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps (for Palestinians) located in Beirut, Lebanon. They butchered 4,000 innocence, civilians with axes and knife’s, beheading women and children. Even pregnant women were not spared, their unborn babies were cut out of the womb and beheaded. Israeli/Jews have a right to reference the Holocaust but the Holocaust they have committed and committing on a daily basis is something that is not questioned by the world. Mowing the lawn is a term used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to describe periodic military operations conducted in the Gaza Strip with the intent to send a message to the Palestinian population that Israel will not tolerate any form of resistance to their occupation. Isrealis should know better considering the horrific past they’ve had but instead they mimic the nazi regime and propaganda, having zero disregard for human life and killing Palestinians children and women daily. Zionists believe they can act above the law, leveraging the Holocaust, to justify their crimes and escape accountability. Israel claimed that 1,400 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Now the Israeli government have retracted this figure to 1,200 and it was confirmed to be their own apache helicopter that killed Israeli civilians on October 7th. The Israeli government claimed babies were beheaded by Hamas which has now been confirmed as a lie. Israel orchestrates incidents to frame Palestinians. I wouldn't be shocked if they manipulate the narrative by taking deceased Palestinian infants from the regions they control in North Gaza and falsely attributing them to Israeli beheadings. This manipulation would be an attempt to shape global perceptions and legitimize the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. How can any human with an ounce of humanity not see the plight of the Palestinian. Gazza is 25 mile long and 5 mile wide, and the most densely populated place on Earth. Approximately 75% of the population in Gaza consists of refugees who were expelled from their homes in other cities within Palestine in 1948 by Zionist terrorist. People say Gaza is an open air prison but this is incorrect because in prison your basic rights are not denied. Gaza is the biggest concentration camp. Isreal have 100% control over the borders, the waters, the airspace, the food and water supply, and the electricity. 95% of water that Isreal supply to Gaza is contaminated. Gaza has no economy except within the limits of Israel's stipulation with 70% of Gazzan’s being unemployed. They are denied the most essential rights of any humanbeing. It’s to the extent that Israeli ‘calorie count’ to limit Gazans food during the ongoing 17 year blockade. There are restrictions on items like chocolate, biscuits, and potato chips entering Gaza, which some argue is an attempt to deprive children of even the smallest joys in life. If the people of Gaza are not killed by Israeli bombs they are killed of starvation in real time. On June 28th 2010, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister of England, made a statement: “Everybody knows that we are not going to sort out the problem of the Middle East peace process while there is, effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza.” In 2015 UN agencies, said, “Gaza, on its current trajectory, will not be livable in 2020.” Then, in 2017, a senior U.N. official Gaza has crossed the threshold of unlivability a long time ago.” From October 7th onward, the toll stands at over 20,000 Palestinians killed, with two-thirds of them being children and babies, and over 35,000 others injured. Hospitals, homes, schools, refugee camps and mosques and churches have been obliterated. Whole generations of family have been wiped out. Premature babies have died due to Israel denying fuel to keep incubators running. Isreal have been purposely assassinating journalists and their families to stop the reporting of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing. Isreal has stopped access to internet in Gaza, so they can go on a bombing rampage and get away with it. Over 50% of the population in Gaza are children, so Isreal are indiscriminately targeting the majority of the population, which is made up of children and women. Isreal is committing a Holocaust. The Zionist have truly become like their own oppressor. They have been come like Hitler in their hate, discrimination and killing. Isreal and the Zionist movement are the real terrorist. Why is the world not condemning Isreal? Why is the life of Palestinians not valued like every other human life? Isreali state tv even brought children to sing and chant “death to Palestinian babies, women and men. Kill and destroy their homes and buildings”. They are emulating Nazi propaganda by fueling hatred. Can you imagine if this was on the flip side, what the response of the world would be? Double standards! This video can be found on KZfaq, ‘Israeli state tv video shows children singing about Gaza’. Whereas the Palestinian children were singing about peace and love, while fighting to stay alive from this genocide. Israeli children are conditioned to see Palestinians as enemies, believing every action against them is justified. Isreal breeds hatred and evilness. Amichay Eliyahu, the minister of heritage from the ultranationalist Jewish Power party, stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza and killing everyone there was “one way” of dealing with the threat from Hamas. This shows that Zionist is no different from Nazi regime. How is this not classed as terrorism??? Isreal will state its problem is with Hamas and not the Palestinian people, but take the West Bank of example. There is no Hamas in West Bank, yet the Palestinian are placed under oppression. An Isreali settler can easily come into the West Bank forcefully kick a Palestinian family out of their home and take it for theirself and if the Palestinian show any form of resistance, they are placed in prison. Currently there are 7,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. 80% of which Isreal wants to keep even though it goes against international law. Israel persists in taking Palestinian children from the West Bank without any charges, with some as young as 5 years old. Since 2015, an estimated 6,000 children have been imprisoned. Isreal has doubled the number of Palestinian it holds in jail since October 7th. Most are held in secret without any legal access. The Palestinian have no rights, they cannot become citizens, they cannot move freely, they need passes to move from city to city, crossing through checkpoints after checkpoints. THIS IS OPPRESSION! THIS IS AN APARTHEID STATE! THIS IS TERRORISM! People keep making the same mistakes throughout history, and it seems like we never learn from them. Think about the Holocaust, the Bosnian genocide, and the African apartheid. Condemning Isreal and the Zionist movement for their atrocities is not antisemitic. It is simply stating the facts of the crime they are committing. Muslim, Jews and Christian lived peacefully side by side before the terrorist Zionist takeover
@jenniferteff 8 ай бұрын
I love how Douglas Murray completed not only his train of thought but his very sentence after running for cover from rockets from Gaza. Thank you Douglas for moral clarity and courage. The Ethic of the Fathers in the Mishnah 2:5 say: “ ... in a place where the are no men - strive to be a man.” And you are a mensch.
@kf2287 8 ай бұрын
ha ha , courage. What a hero Doug is
@ImHim200 8 ай бұрын
From Gaza😂😂
@gh87716 8 ай бұрын
@@kf2287 He's a zionist shill
@ednesling 8 ай бұрын
yeah so cool right cause it's all just a video game to you
@nisahmed9121 8 ай бұрын
Murray is on the advisory board of NGO Monitor. A pro-Israel and right-wing created by Gerald M. Steinberg. Of course he wants Palestinians genocided.
@azurenojito2251 8 ай бұрын
Douglas Murray is walking the walk. Respect and take care.
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