Pillars of Eternity vs Baldur's Gate 2

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Old School RPG

Old School RPG

9 жыл бұрын

I compare Baldur's gate 2 to Pillars of Eternity.

Пікірлер: 145
@goblinrat6119 5 жыл бұрын
I'm really struggling to think of any other game that had the feel of Baldur's Gate. It's something I miss a lot. This earnest fantasy feel. Most fantasy RPGs I've seen either go pretty dark and more adult (like Pillars of Eternity, the Witcher and like) or full on bubblegum fantasy (like Divinity: Original Sin for example.) But I struggle to think of another game that actually went with the kind of eager, earnest fantasy feel Baldur's Gate 1&2 went. They're not trying to reinvent fantasy, they stick to it and do some pretty great things with it. BG2 especially. I think the closest to that is probably Dragon Age: Origins, which is pretty understandable since it's by Bioware of 2009. But even then, it goes in a different direction and for a different kind of feel. Man, I just want another game that feels like Baldur's Gate. I've played through the saga so many times that it always feels kinda silly to go back to them. Yet I can't find any game that would actually do the same earnest adventurer fantasy as well.
@RecklessFables 4 жыл бұрын
I just tried playing BG2 enhanced again and I realize I've reached a place in life where the system is just too cumbersome anymore. I loved the game back in the day, but Dragon Age did a brilliant job updating playability for its time. I'm deciding if I want t play Pillars 1 before moving on to Pillars 2 or if I should just start with 2 right now.
@drBenyy 3 жыл бұрын
Doesn’t matter, they both suck anyway
@MCOD1999UK 7 жыл бұрын
BG2 has a giant space hamster.
@Delgen1951 5 жыл бұрын
so did Balder game 1
@BigShippy0 5 жыл бұрын
I was wandering if I should play BG.. Now you guys sold me on it! xD
@mr.imarealsuperhero4201 8 жыл бұрын
Minsk & Boo those are truly epic and memorable characters! Go for the eyes Boo!!!!!
@squashedeyeball 8 жыл бұрын
BG 1+2+tob had a special feeling in every second of them. Everything has a personality of it's own. AND, yes, it was a perfect manifestation of ad%d, that's what we wanted back in the day: We didn't have any good d&d games. Played poe, can't care for a half of it. From bg every place is memorable and every npc is a work of art.
@Bandoolero 8 жыл бұрын
+squashedeyeball i also love BG2 but enjoy immensely the PoE :D
@leandronc 7 жыл бұрын
PoE takes it easily on gameplay, while story-wise and in terms of sheer scope, BG2 wins. I think the companions in both are very good. I was surprised by how unique and weel-written PoE's companios were.
@mattpili 8 жыл бұрын
well elves couldnt be barbarian because of their ''culture'' was already stablished, i mean, you had gold , sun , and moon elves who were always in cities and wood elf could have being a barb but ranger makes more sense and the drow where of figthers, wizards or clerics(females), the dwarves also had their restrictions because of that.
@gottinrodrigo7137 9 жыл бұрын
I really dont even think a comparison of any type is fair, BG2 is THE masterpiece of masterpieces. Pillars is great, a leap of faith for everyone wanting to see this types of games come back to mainstream. Also it is a slap in the face of the big producers that probably snorted and snickered when any sort of proposal of this type came up in the last 10 years or so. So Pillars hands down 10/10 for nowadays, great accomplishment.. But, Pillars feels like a simple act of BG2...so really not anything in the new game even comes close to BG2, encounters, side quests, companion quests, item quests...BG2 has so much of everything that it is almost a chore to have so much fun doing it (if that is possible at all lol). Also Character creation Race x Class is based on the rules of AD&D, the very best ruleset for the dungeons and dragons settings of all (imo)...Sure its harder, sure it has lots more details to consider... but it is the best nonetheless. So yeah.. go home crying to momma when you cant make a Half Orc, dual class Paladin/Mage... Now what would really knock off everyones panties would be a new BG game.. huge, beautiful, well written...with updated functionalities (like controller support, ai scripting for companions like ff12 and DAO had, isometric camera that allows for rotation of the map, and so many other neat things that make our wrist joints/eyes suffer a little less) Pillars is but a start.
@TheBirdThatWhistles 9 жыл бұрын
Gottin Rodrigo like like like like... however, I should add that Pillars is a good gateaway game to games like BG. I like rpgs; The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Final Fantasy, even Mount and Blade. But I never really considered isometric crpgs like BG until I tried Pillars. Man, if you are saying that Pillars is just the visible part of the ice berg, I fucking hope that you are not misleading me.
@gottinrodrigo7137 9 жыл бұрын
TheBirdThatWhistles I'm not. Get BG2 and play it. Tell Minsc and Boo I sent you.
@Wlerin2 9 жыл бұрын
TheBirdThatWhistles Baldur's Gate 2 (I would recommend playing Baldur's Gate first so you have some idea what's going on, but it's not nearly as polished) and Planescape: Torment are ... unbelievably fantastic games. I personally prefer Planescape, as it wasn't as tied down to archaic D&D rules, and also more focused on story than tactics. Objectively they're probably at about the same level of quality, just with different emphases.
@Wlerin2 8 жыл бұрын
+Alexis The Dragon "4 dump attributes" You obviously never tried playing a bard.
@foreignuser_ 6 жыл бұрын
This is the way of the world man. Everything in tech is being fine tuned and polished, while the rest of society, art, behavior, culture, and everything else is being dumbed down. We are being taken over. The earth is flat. Look into it with an open heart that is not seeking to prove its own understanding.
@ikaruga24 7 жыл бұрын
Both are excellent but BG2 does have the upper hand. Why? World building and behavior of the world you play in. POE has a "game" style rules and thus the exploration and combat mechanics are completely separate from one another which detach you from the world in a manner of speaking. In BG2 you go into a tavern, you summon some wild animals and the beats go feral over the residents and as a consequence the guards barge in to solve the issue. Same with other magic, in BG2 you can pre-cast protective spells or use other means to overcome a problem but in POE you can never use your skills outside combat in a meaningful manner. Of course the last (but not least) trump card that BG2 has over POE is of course the bad guys. These are simply stunning in BG2, each and every last one of them.
@Grimlock1979 8 жыл бұрын
1:34 Why can't you be a Dwarf Monk or an Elven Barbarian??? Because Dwarves aren't Monks and Elves aren't big and muscular. However, the fact that Elves can't be Druids doesn't seem to make sense. That has been debated on several forums. But if there were no race/class restrictions, then no one would play Human or Half-Elf. That could be a reason.
@ilthraldren 8 жыл бұрын
I think getting invested in the story and characters is what really did it for me in dragon age origins, baldur's gate 2 and neverwinter nights 1 and 2. I enjoyed pillars, but it just fell too short in too many places for me. If they make a pillars 2, I hope they can really focus on fleshing out the characters and getting you invested in them.
@200bftc6 2 жыл бұрын
Minsk and Boo got attention with just one or two dialogues. but, Durance needs a lot.
@hemmizack3769 7 жыл бұрын
Khelgar Ironfist, now that hit me right in the childhood.. time play NWN2 again.
@GothaBillsAndDeath 8 жыл бұрын
Fascinating analysis. Honestly yeah. I agree. Right down to your contrast and analogy to what authors best fit them. I was always trying to pinpoint what I distinctly liked from both of the games individually so to not confuse what concepts they strived for in comparison and review of one over the other. I think a lot of people fall down this route. It's like comparing frogs to the way birds fly at times with how different Obsidian/Black Isle crafts their broad reaching stories compared to the rich characterization focus of Bioware.
@gymnerk3269 7 жыл бұрын
The major difference I notice is not only the game mechanics, but the storyline itself. I will switch to BGII/Planescape Torment now, as playing those titles was like reading a decent fantasy book thankfully to their storylines and game mechanic itself (today games miss that feeling unfortunatelly), with Planescape even more I think. The magical world that creators gave you were absolutely amazing, multidimensional with vast amount of spells and characters/creatures that you could interact with. It was great experience to play them. On the other hand, BGII+ToB with standard difficulty lvl is hell of a lot longer to play in comparision with anything i played so far out of classic RPGs. So the game actually give you weeks of playing (choosing only one road and meeting few classes), playing as a "evil character" is even more difficultI did contributed to PoE in creation phase through kickstarter and I was expecting this depth of gameplay as in 2 titles stated above. Obviously i didn't get that, tho i did enjoyed playing it, as I missed something (in BGII style) so badly. But won't bother to play it again. Did BGII wih priest, paladin, sorcerer, druid, priest/thief, sorcerer/thief, kensai warrior. Did PoE just with druid, and that's about it. Don't feel sorry for money spent on the title, hopefully if they will make another one, they put more work into it, for now:1.PT2.BGII3.NVN
@o.o5816 5 жыл бұрын
It's always worth bearing in mind that we're comparing a game that came out in 2000 to one that came out in 2015. I find it a remarkable fact that many people still prefer BG2, considering PoE had 15 years worth of exponential technological advancement to draw upon. That's not to diss PoE in any way, since I love it, but to point out what a remarkable achievement BG2 was - it's a handcrafted masterpiece.
@THEisaacG 8 жыл бұрын
New cRPG player here. (I'm 24 too.) I played the hell out of Pillars and beat it. Now I'm playing Planescape: Torment. If I beat it before Tyranny or Torment: Tides of Numenara come out, I'll be starting BG 1. (I also played Divinity: Original Sin, but it didn't ignite this fire in me for more cRPG story and depth.) RPGs are the best game genre hands down. Witcher 3 was awesome, but most AAA RPGs these days are so weak as far as story and writing go.
@theinternetkilledmusic2054 8 жыл бұрын
+DARTH VIRAL Don't forget Might & Magic X: Legacy. It's another old school style RPG brought back to the modern day. It needs more budget but I enjoyed it a lot. Also Aarklash Legacy is really good if you like a game that focuses on combat and some puzzles.
@iBishopEsquire 8 жыл бұрын
I'm in the same boat. I'm 28 and never played a lick of any cRPGs. I loved Final Fantasies as a young console peasant, but now, after beating Shadowrun Returns and am almost done with Wasteland 2 DC I want more. Planescape seems like the most interesting to play next. But there are so many others and I doubt I will play much more after Plane. I want to check out Arcanum I think more than these typical D&D style fantasy gmaes tho.
@theinternetkilledmusic2054 8 жыл бұрын
Also check out a game called Blackguards. It is one of the best tactical games I've played. Really challenging. Don't be put off by the negative reviews, it was REALLY buggy at release and still has some bugs left but it is perfectly playable and a great game. There are also some great RPG's called Drakensang which use the same ruleset as Blackguards but they are more proper RPG's, whereas Blackguards is is more like Final Fantasy Tactics - it focuses on combat. Baldur's Gate 1 is good in some ways but I don't enjoy it because it is all low level, so there is a lot of meleeing bats and wolves and crap. Baldur's Gate 2 is epic though, high level, really deep magic etc. very challenging too, hardcore. Temple of Elemental Evil is similar, and also the IceWind Dale series. And a must-play game is called Jagged Alliance 2. It is not a fantasy style game, but you have a party and they have guns instead. It is amazing. Also the Xcom series of games are similar. There are lots of others, this is about the best list you can get: www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=9453 I don't agree with the order they have those games but it shows most of the best ones.
@iBishopEsquire 8 жыл бұрын
Wow, Planescape number 1 eh and Fallout 1 as number 2. And to think just a month ago I never heard of PST, Wasteland, or Arcanum. I just bought Fallout 1 on Steam Sale. I made an account on gog just for Planescape.
@theinternetkilledmusic2054 8 жыл бұрын
I am a huge rpg fan but I hated Planescape. It is unique and original and I am sure the story is great if you like that kind of thing, but I don't like quirky stories, or game stories in general. I play games for gameplay and RPG's for combat and the combat in Planescape is really weak. So I'd have Baldur's Gate 2 as number 1, or even Everquest. Maybe Mask of the Betrayer. But most people (especially on that website) have very different lists based on what they like and dislike. In general they are all good games though.
@barker262 3 жыл бұрын
The major dissapointment I had with PoE was the magic and magic item system. Very simple, standard magical tropes like 'invisiblity' are absent. Replaced by; spell increases x by y for z seconds, really dull. 'Maybe next level will have something like that - nope. Same as before.' Never finished the game, have no desire to. P.S. Before the fan boys jump in; I did try a barbarian a few times, but the opaque attributes system meant death shortly after creation with confused rage at the characters wildly differing stats having no baring on any of the encounters. BG 1 and 2 on the other hand I am still playing to this day. Every class, solo and full party.
@theantiantihero 8 жыл бұрын
I am not a hardcore gamer, just an occasional player looking for something similar to Heroes of Might and Magic that I can play on my new Mac. Baldur's Gate has a reputation for being fairly un-intuitive and difficult to figure out. Is POE simpler in these respects? Which would be a better choice for a newbie to RPG's? Thanks!
@nitas 8 жыл бұрын
I would start from PoE. for a newbye in this style of games I think it's fun and very entertaining, while it isn't as frustrating as BG.
@jiaxinkou5654 7 жыл бұрын
Black Isle only published BG games, not actual develop.
@AnnedolfFrankler911 9 жыл бұрын
I personally would not compare the two since it really isn't fair. A huge part of Pillars of Eternity is taken from Baldur's Gate. So Pillars of Eternity has an advantage. Though if I ever did compare the two, I would pick Baldur's Gate. The graphics may not be as good as the ones in Pillars of Eternity but the story, variety of spells, types of enemies and ways to beat the game is a huge plus. Also the story of Baldur's gate 2 is unique and it is my favorite video game story so far. If today a new Baldur's Gate was made I believe that it would be far bigger than Pillars of Eternity because a lot of people are hungry for the continuation of the story and they are also familiar with the uniqueness of Baldur's Gate games. Baldur's Gate with each of its sequels has managed to bring something new to the table where Pillars of Eternity is mostly copied ideas from Baldur's Gate. Though at least they copied from a legendary game and thus made a great game themselves.
@braunheise2680 3 жыл бұрын
5 years later....here we are, with BG3 on the way :]
@AnnedolfFrankler911 3 жыл бұрын
@@braunheise2680 Yeah, I will finally get myself a gaming PC just for BG3! Can't wait until it's finished!
@catherineduncan6611 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this comparison!
@muvs32pap 7 жыл бұрын
On one point, AD&D races/classes. "Why can't I be a dwarf monk or Elvin barbarian" because you are playing a game that is solely based on the AD&D 2.5 edition rule set. Even if Bioware had wanted to trash the whole AD&D system they would have been contractually unable to produce the game and I would bet real world money that a generic Baldur's Gate 1-2 would not have been as popular/successful as the AD&D franchise it is/was. In proper AD&D the classes/professions were put together in character creation for certain reasons I.E. dwarven and Elvin races are not nomadic thus are not associated with barbarian culture per the AD&D Forgotten realms setting (Though in P&P you could have been Wood Elf. Hell in the original AD&D being and elf WAS a class. I know some people dislike not being able to roll up that half-elf gelatinous cube cleric of Azuth but it's AD&D 2.5 and it is what it is...not meant to be mean spirited post but betwixt AD&D and any other character creation system your dealing with apples and oranges...Bioware did a fantastic job with AD&D system for a crpg...the real comparison would be how well does Pillars do with it's own system. In P&P AD&D the real customization came through game play and imagination...kind of hard to do with scripted encounters, no?
@matthiasbreuer8710 3 жыл бұрын
I love both the BG and PoE series, and I have huge nostalgia for the BG games, as they started me on RPGs back when the first one came out in the 90s. I still replay them once every few years. That said, I prefer PoE1/2 in most ways. Better character creation, mechanics, encounters, graphics and QoL features. To me both are equal in terms of NPCs, world building and writing (though if I'm honest, I'd want to give the worldbuilding to the PoE series, because BG massively benefits from Forgotten Realms lore). The BG series wins in terms of availability (I love playing on my phone!), random encounters and respawning enemies. Also, BG1 in particular has the most open design of all of them, which I love (but Deadfire comes in a very close second in terms of openness, and in some ways is more open). The main regressions of the PoE series are lack of random and/or respawning enemy encounters (other than ship-based encounters in Deadfire), and the modal nature of combat (your entire party is always engaged in combat, and most parties in most situations cannot withdraw from combat until it is resolved, lone characters cannot break off and restealth or interact with the environment while combat is going on, etc).
@Ironclad6661 5 жыл бұрын
The Pillars games are amazing but I don't even think the Devs over at Obsidian think that PoE is better then Baldurs Gate 2. BG 2 is probably the greatest RPG ever created past, present and future. Pillars is amazing, Game of the Year, I thought it was better then DA:I and right up there with the best. I think BG 2 is being discussed 20 years later. Will people be talking about POE in 20 years. I think a few will but it isn't wont hold up the same as BG 2.
@zarkfuckerberg7441 7 жыл бұрын
wow, i had forgotten about nwn2...Did anyone actually make Khelgar a monk? i never did.
@Angloth 8 жыл бұрын
Great video. Havent yet decided if i dare to play Pillars Of Eternity, in fear of being dissapointed. No other RPG like Baldurs Gate 1/2 (kindoff view them as the same game, with maybe a slow start) has managed to satisfy me since. I suppose i have to give Fallout 1 and 2 a try, just hope the combat will be cool
@Spacecoke 8 жыл бұрын
i was feeling the same way and took a while before trying PoE. i realised i was being silly because it did not need to be better it just needed to be good and it turns out that it is a great game. not quite as baldurs gate 1 or 2 but better than ocewind dale imo. but a very good game. you should try it. just dont exoect it to be as good as baldurs gate because even if it was half as good it would still be great.
@Angloth 8 жыл бұрын
i suppose your right!
@andrewvincent7299 5 жыл бұрын
@@Spacecoke POE could have been a great game but the over the top "deep" and "philosophical" story was way too pretentious and dull. I hated the whole soul thing too. What a stupid thing to focus on in a fantasy game. Also the world building was shit which Obsidian was never really good at. POE was as uninspired as games could get. Obsidian just rushed a story by merging planescape torment and bauldar's gate into one and then added their pretentious "deep" story with a lame soul mechanic.
@mygaffer 7 жыл бұрын
I want to HIGHLY recommend everyone who was disappointed with Pillars of Eternity to checkout what they are doing with Pillars of Eternit 2: Deadfire. They have heard the complaints and fixing them. Spells will be more powerful but take longer to cast, but you can retarget spells before they are cast to make up for the longer casting time. So your powerful spells are back. Not only that but instead of per rest stuff they are using "empowerment" where you can empower X number of spells or abilities per rest and it's up to you which ones and when to use the empowerment, making them much stronger. Also there will be custom grimories that change your magic. So a firestorm grimorie might make your firespells penetrate armor more or burn longer, etc. Engagement won't be something all characters and enemies have be default. Only a few characters and enemies will have engagement but engagement will be more powerful too. Basically you've got to check out the sequel because it's all the stuff you originally were hoping for. Seriously. www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire
@stevequincy388 8 жыл бұрын
I enjoy playing both!
@alexoelkers2292 6 жыл бұрын
Well that's not completely true, Baldurs Gate 2 did have a reputation system and the reputation system in Baldurs Gate did have some limited effect on dialog, especially if you were of despised reputation.
@pietgodaard4610 8 жыл бұрын
@iBishopEsquire 8 жыл бұрын
I'm new to this whole genre. I've beaten and loved Shadowrun Returns and am now about to finish Wasteland 2: DC. Of all the old cRPGs Planescape seems the best. I've got Arcanum, BG2, Fallout 1 & 2, and Planescape all on my list.
@pietgodaard4610 8 жыл бұрын
arcanum has very bad combat. The steam punk world is immersive though IMO
@TheKestevon 6 жыл бұрын
Piet Godaard It is more fun to playin turn based mode
@jimslav6973 6 жыл бұрын
How's TORMENT: Tides of Numenera? I really liked Wasteland 2 and have been playing Brian Fargo games since Neuromancer for the c64. Fallout 1&2 much later. Also, I hope you got to Shadowrun Dragonfall and Hong Kong which were superb!
@Axion004 8 жыл бұрын
Generally speaking, Baldur's Gate II is better than Pillars of Eternity. Pillars of Eternity II could be better than both of them. Baldur's Gate II significnatly improved the first game, so I would expect Obsidian to do the same. I haven't played enough video games to completely agree/disagree with your analysis. Games are extremely time consuming and that is why I only play a few.
@MyYTwatcher 5 жыл бұрын
I wish PoE only the best. Havent played it though. I cant get over the new world. I am fan of Forgotten realms. I liked Salvator´s Neverwinter nights trilogy books and I was so happily surprised when I met Buenor and Catti and Wulfgar and Regis in BG2 it was like meeting friends I ahvent seen for years. I´d wished to see BG3.
@slavepetrich 7 жыл бұрын
I liked the temple of the elemental evil.
@TheBoxingCannabyte 3 жыл бұрын
BG2 enhanced edition with dragonspeare added has made my favorite game ever just better. Dual world my axe of unyielding and short sword of mask, switch to a throwing axe or bow, then to Ravager seamlessly? Fuck yeah! Pillars also has a great story. The assassin/cipher combo is epic. Having your own boat is amazing and im big on the eyepatch. My character having a legendary battleaxe or rapier or sword with half swording (a real technique ive trained with an ARma and fencing and pillars does a good job Becoming a mindhunter from assassin and cipher is just one of the nearest to a fandfc i wrote that is a generic vk
@chriscox3709 6 жыл бұрын
An elven barbarian???
@Diskhate 7 жыл бұрын
Personally i prefer Baldur's Gate 2, but i won't devolve into the reasons, it would take too long. What i want to say is this: to me is MINDBLOWING that Bioware, before making the first Baldur's Gate, only had a little "mechwarrior" like game and nothing else as past experience...and yet somehow they managed to build what all proper Crpgs should at least see as a base to start. I mean, there are companies out there with games upon games of experience, millions of dollars of budget and years of developement that create complete crap. Seriously: Bioware, Troika, Black Isle & Obsidian..kings of Crpgs
@eclipsez0r 6 жыл бұрын
Both great games and different. Bg2 was amazing and so was quakeworld for their time and our perspective back then
@HighWarlordJC 9 жыл бұрын
Another strange thing is that if you're a priest, even as a non-human you can be a priest for the human gods Lathander and Talos; I believe the lore for Helm was that he has the words for Duty in every language on his armbands so that is multi- cultural/race enough for me.
@inf1n1 8 жыл бұрын
i was pissed at the end of POE coz i cudnt carry on the game with my characters
@werdle92 5 жыл бұрын
Spicy food was a mistake last night.
@Delgen1951 5 жыл бұрын
because Elves are not Barbarians.
@ricardobernardo3095 4 жыл бұрын
Play both and have fun they are great no vs needed
@michaelbraeutigam4086 4 жыл бұрын
Both of these writing strengths could exist in the same game, in theory.
@ragzilbragzilb6603 7 жыл бұрын
Baldurs gate strickly stuck to the DnD2edition rules so some where not good I admit but the rules are the rules :D I think it was more of a balance thing overall from pen and paper plays.
@LiquidSnake1988 6 жыл бұрын
Pillars and pathfinder are like sister company while original sins are cousin a very clpse relative. Hopefully you can review all of them and include narnia pleaseeee. No KZfaqr have ever done it.
@Mahmujan 3 жыл бұрын
Bg2 legendary, poe medium
@zoltanmouth 6 жыл бұрын
baldur's gate 2 is the best game EVER !!!
@Demon1248 6 жыл бұрын
Pillars of eternity is pure ecstasy. Pillars 2 will groundbreaking im sure
@Azariel886 8 жыл бұрын
baldurs gate has a reputation system for different towns etc. which affects the gameplay. also PoE stat system is far inferior than BG's because the might attribute both affects melee and magic dmg so its mostly an all class are gonna max it stat which is boring. like u said, items and encounters are so far better in baldurs gate because the tactics are far complex.
@GothaBillsAndDeath 8 жыл бұрын
+Xerberus86 Yeah but the fact you can spec a miniature Orlan paladin or Godlike fire monk puts Pillars over the top for me. I've rerolled so many party comps and put them to the blade. Should your damage priest who dies in one shot be lifting boulders in story events rather than your tanky fighter? Probably not. But it's a sacrifice for fluidity in my opinion. From traditional comps to a party fully comprised of blunderbuss ciphers that I used to complete the game on the hardest difficulty to bullshit comps that die in one second like having 3 monks, a wizard I tried to make a warrior, a melee godlike hunter, and a perception/dmg orlan paladin, there's a lot of combos you can do in PoE. The customization is amazing.
@NakiaRogue 9 жыл бұрын
Since PoE is the first game of a potential series I prefer to compare it to Baldur's Gate I and in my opinion it wins hands down. Even comparing it to BG II I feel that overall PoE has the edge. Compare it to Planescape?Torment? For me Planesceap/Torment was a stand alone game. No comparison possible.
@L33tw0rk 9 жыл бұрын
Obsidian had 20 years of bioware's mistakes and hits to learn from, where as Bioware is one of the pioneers of this genre, so you can't really compare these two games.
@seth2428 8 жыл бұрын
+Xiclotrode Obisdian has allot of the people that worked on Baldur's gate (Black isle Studios)
@zoeyweston3087 8 жыл бұрын
+Adam Cao This is the sun. It is hot and bright. This is the arctic. It is cold and full of ice> See how i just compared two entirely different things? People need to stop saying you can't compare this with this, it's the stupidest and most arbitrary means to divert criticism.
@L33tw0rk 8 жыл бұрын
But what is the comparison you are making? You said there are two objects one is hot and have great radiation output, the other is cold and have a mono crystalline structure. One can always put two things together, sure, but it should be noted that it doesn't make much sense to put them together, just like Obsidian and Bioware
@seth2428 8 жыл бұрын
btw bioware didn't make baldur's gate they produced it
@sadidadida 8 жыл бұрын
+Seth Delmar Of course they did make Baldur's Gate, Black Isle and Interplay were just publishers, also Bioware are creators of great infinity engine, wich heavily modified version is this one used in PoE. I wonder why there are still people who for almost 20 year believe that Black Isle made BG saga, no no no NO just NO wake up people, they made great Pnanescape Torment based on infinity engine, they made Icewind Dale, based on the same engine, but only thing they did on BG was their logo in intros (and of course publishing the games)
@AndragonLea Жыл бұрын
The problem for me is that modern crpgs try too hard to be shades of grey and ambiguous. Half the fun in Baldurs Gate was that some groups were just evil. There were some moral choices (working with someone you knew was bad because you needed cash to fund operation What Are You Doing Step Bro), but a lot of the time the decisions were clear-cut. I absolutely despise the fact that so many games nowadays try to make every faction into a bunch of dingleberries and the only choice is who you want to short-change.
@kenawyn 7 жыл бұрын
An interesting analysis of the games. I have to disagree with you regarding background customization. I think Baldur's Gate II is superior in that regard as well. In Pillars your character is a blank slate that you can make more interesting with culture and background choices. It is a system where this kind of stuff makes sense - as opposed to Baldur's Gate where your characters history is predetermined by the story. So it would make no sense to introduce different backgrounds in this case. You play as Gorion's ward from Candlekeep - that is your background. But since we are comparing Pillars with the second game I can safely say that BG2 has better customization since it has Baldur's Gate I as your background. A whole game, which is more extensive than the options available to you in Pillars. I was a backer for Pillars, but in the end it turned out to be a disappointment, because of the following: - The retarded attribute system, that broke my immersion every time my wizard was portrayed as this muscular guy because the high Might stat... - The unnecessary turn based mechanics forced into a real time game system where a character can break physics using engagement. This kind of stuff has no place in a real time tactical rpg. It would have been better to model movement and combat looking at actual real time games instead, or go fully turn based like divinity. - The magic system is uninteresting and too balanced (also no pre-buffing, no counters, little to no summons and no save or die mechanics ... etc) - The soul based psionics they implemented is also terrible. This was a feature i was looking forward the most, since i loved psionics in D&D. - The encounter design forced me to use cheesy tactics, which won me every encounter easily but also quickly became a chore. - The game was too easy. As an experienced player this is now also true for BG2 as well, but it took me years to become an expert in that game, while it took me only one play-through in Pillars (for BG2 there are some mods to address this). - Pillars might have some instances in dialog that recognizes your background and choices, but in my case it failed terribly to make the game-play experience interesting/different. I have played through it twice, but could not play through it a 3rd time -- it got painfully boring... With the Baldur's Gate saga i didn't have this problem, since i am keep coming back to it every year (probably because the game mechanics are so much better).
@Apkans 7 жыл бұрын
Agreed with all of them.A few gripes I'd like to add are: -Diablo-esque itemization, leaving you underwhelmed with each of the magical items the game drowns you in, due to swapping them out so often for trivial damage gain. Each new "epic" weapon as a reward for hours of dungeon crawling or questing felt like a babystep. -Money feeling worthless (mainly because most weapons don't feel worth investing in, so I never was short on it to waste on my keep) -Too many, trivial, uninteresting quests thrown in just to add to the game's length. -And then lastly.. The game suffering an identity crisis. It wants to be in part planescape, in part icewinddale, in part bg1. While I love those games, the blend that is pillars left a weird taste and could've done with some more focus. One time it throws walls of text at you, while the next it has you grinding hordes of enemies and crawl through dungeons that are overly long. Instead of these different ingredients complementing eachother, they arefighting eachother for a chance to dominate and make the game about them. I also cant imagine why they chose bg1's exploration style, but managed to repeat the same mistake of having so many maps that are utterly devoid of anything interesting. I still enjoyed the game though, but I was disappointed too.
@KreatoR459 5 жыл бұрын
Noone is mentioning the xp system god I hated how they handled leveling, they definetly lacked passion in many fields while making this game.
@nitsugoYT 7 жыл бұрын
Wait isn't combat just throwing cloudkills and entangles off-screen to kill enemies before they see you or is that just me.
@robertosheldon9061 5 жыл бұрын
Baldur's Gate 2 has no match. I tried Pillars of Eternity but it didnt captivate me like bg2 still does. play it once every year or other year and its awesome every time and never boring. Pillars of Eternity didnt have great writing, didnt have anybody as charismatic as many npcs or bosses or villains in bg2 + tob. I was never sucked into an amazing story and world. It was too....generic and I stopped after like 15 hours of playing cause it got boring. But its nice to see they go in that direction again so its good they try to bring back the golden age of rpgs.
@musicloverfromA45 8 жыл бұрын
Pillairs lack crpg romances though, and i must admit that I do miss that from Baldurs gate a lot. It's an important tool in immersion and replayability. And of course perhaps the most important one is which games gave more choices in story. The most important replay value in games next to different class playthroughs is how you can change story elements and how they play out. Pillairs had some of it, in many quests, yet i were hoping they would have much larger consequenses from your choices. The only thing wish they had in pillairs were more companions with different moral values. every one of them were goodie goodie 2 shoes and i really wish it would have had probably 3 more companions that would start to argue and actually fight against your companions in different situations to create more immersion, Like in Baldurs Gate. Maybe i'm thinking a bit to much on Baldurs gate but that's because the only things that i felt Pillars lacked to be true to the old school sucsess of older crpgs were companions with different morale values that reacted differently to your choices and some romance options. And Tim curry was the bad guy in Baldurs gate 2 which is quite hard to challenge.
@andrewvincent7299 5 жыл бұрын
Actually, David Warner voiced Irenicis which was the bad guy in BG2. Tim Curry voiced Rendon Howe which was a villain in Dragon Age Origins
@yosoy1loco 9 жыл бұрын
Pillars has not only an advantage, it is also a lot smarter in some aspects. Fo example the cutscenes and writings are so technically simple but impressive that bg could have done this too, but it didnt. in addition to the better roleplay it has the better balance. BG is ruled and ruined by dual- and multiclassing as well as some overpowered items. Take only this 3 features away and the majority of players would dislike it, lol. Last but not least - bg is a tryhard pnp-adaption. I grew up with this game and i loved it - believe it or not. But even now as a studied mathematician i cant understand why they tried to adapt the rules so hard, even using a fucking d20- completely stupid. Pillars attackresolution in contrast is smart, it is simple, but still gives more complex results than the ThAC0-system. Actually all the mechanics in PoE are awesome, (except the attacktimer). The only thing at which BG-Series is really better in my point of view is the magnitude of the game. BG gave us 100eds of fine hours and Pillars is too short in this regard. But people claiming BG has the better roleplay or mechanics are weird people judging by nostalgia. I love both games, but io hope the pillar franchise will grow bigger and deliever us much more content.
@AssassinsCr2 7 жыл бұрын
Can't even compare these games. BG2 is a piece of art, PoE is a ball-breaking shit. Found myself playing 3-4 hours BG2 non-stop and can't play PoE for 15 mins without stopping cause I'M BORED LIKE HELL........
@Merknilash 7 жыл бұрын
PoE gets a lot better when you get deeper understanding of spells, how stats affect spells, and doing a higher difficulty However the story and world just aren't as interesting - it's not bad at all, but they had to come up with a whole new fantasy setting and it just doesn't grab you quite as well as Faerun does. For one - and this is my opinion - but the names of NPCs and locations in PoE seem to made up. Like the kind of crap I'd come up with on a napkin. Also, PoE is a hell of a lot better than Baldurs Gate 1. Baldurs Gate 1 really drones on and is honestly quite boring in several areas. The story of BG1 is more boring than PoE - the quests are standard low level DND - and the main line doesn't draw you in at all. Lastly, PoE gets a bit wordy. Too wordy.
@AssassinsCr2 7 жыл бұрын
Lord Thornton Eddington Every game has to get better as you explore. First of all, the supplies for camp system is both useless and boring. Battles: what the FUCK? You attack now, next attack is after an hour (with a possibility to miss). Bg2 shows you 5 attacks, tells you, based on your class and skill 2, 3, 5/2 of them or anything will possibly be successful. BG2 doesn't allow you to get bored in any way you can think of. Even the begging of the story is a cliche. A caravan with merchants and travelers attacked. And you are there, I love Faerun and the whole fantasy it brings. Gods, areas, clsses, races., unlike everything else it brings a whole world before you. Temples, castles, monsters and weapons of every kind, everything is detailed. Even poe copied everything from BG2, a lot of weapons, classes, races' abilities and bonus. What else....
@kambion 7 жыл бұрын
Baldur's Gate 2 is much better. Hell, Icewind Dale 1/2 are better, and so is BG1 and PS:T. This game was okay, but, honestly, Josh Sawyer should let someone else make them. He has already said he wouldn't be making a "class based" RPG if he had it his way, and that's showing in the final product. Now, with PoE 2 one of their core philosophies (a six member party) is being dumbed down to five. Why? Because the combat has become too busy, and the characters are too hard to micromanage. The loss of focus blows my mind.
@andrewvincent7299 5 жыл бұрын
Sawyer is a hack who rode off the coattails of more talented designers. Now that he is standing on his own, he is proving how much of a talentless hack he is
@Wlerin2 9 жыл бұрын
You should probably be comparing it to Baldur's Gate, full stop, not Baldur's Gate 2. 'cause yah know, Pillars of Eternity 2 is coming. You also don't reach "epic" levels in PoE or BG, but you do in BG2. Nothing on the level of time stop, etc. is available purely because of power level, not necessarily the system. And tbh I really don't think BG1 would win this. On any count. Except number of NPCs. I don't think the writing in PoE was perfect (a lot of loose threads were left hanging with the ending, for example), but neither was BG's. At best they tie for writing, but I think PoE wins. Well, it wins if you ignore the bloody gold name plate NPCs. If those count, BG wins hands down. More is not always better. And as far as mechanics go... I made the mistake of finishing PoE before finishing BG2:ToB. Trying to manage 2nd ed. D&D combat with one HP bar, no per encounter abilities, and infinite resting, after experiencing PoE's mechanics, is just tedium.
@Tumasch 4 жыл бұрын
The "spiritual successors" of BG2 are just too damn polished. BG2 was edgy, quirky and full of unbalances. That made it feel more real. PoE is a nice looking and well though-out game with a cool story and characters and a sensible combat system. But it is just so bland. I don't know what exactly it is and I don't know what to change to make the new games that are coming out more like BG2. Maybe it's just me, being dead inside or something.
@KreatoR459 5 жыл бұрын
You cant compare the two barely anything can compare to bg
@whosurdaddy1975 8 жыл бұрын
No romance = epic fail.
@THEisaacG 8 жыл бұрын
Unless you have regular sex in real life... then I don't think you'd equate a lack of video game romance to being an epic fail.
@grr8048 3 жыл бұрын
go get some xxx if you are that much visual oriented.
@PiotrSkladzien 8 жыл бұрын
Baldur's Gate along with TotSC was first cRPG i ever played (even might and magic and wizardry series came after) and it was great though i was not able to kill sarevok with my party. later there were icewind dale and pinnacle of storytelling - Planescape - the only ie game which i ended more than five times, just to see different choices change surrounding world. later there were bg2, neverwinter, iwd2 and others. After Planescape, BG2 seems a bit flat to me. of course it had great story, but having to romance with some companions just to avoid them leaving the party, and fact that stats did not change much was a bit forced. PoE had all of things that bg 2 hadn't for me. And at last it is first cRPG from very long time that has no romance in it - finally! So for me it is Planescape >PoE>BG>BG2.
@EVILSLAY 7 жыл бұрын
Level cap ruins POE for me.
@vitrify 3 жыл бұрын
Comparison of PoE to BG2 is strange. The games were made 15 years apart! You might as well compare SSI's Gold Box series of games with Baldur's Gate - it makes just as much sense.
@theinternetkilledmusic2054 8 жыл бұрын
You lost me at the very first sentence :( I kickstarted Pillars but really disliked it and I don't think they did a good job. Aarklash Legacy or Divinity Original Sin is doing a good job.
@garhent 9 жыл бұрын
Any game that forces you to use auto attack rather than skills because if you use a skill you have to camp AND the game limits how often you can camp is not a game I would recommend to anyone.
@Wlerin2 9 жыл бұрын
garhent Only the three caster classes have a problem with this. The others rely on per encounter abilities or renewable resources, plus a few per rest emergency buttons or burst dps powers. Wizards, Druids, and Priests do depend on per rest abilities, but they also have a much wider selection of powers than any other class, and every single one of them has a core per encounter ability that's useful in every battle (well, the Wizard's is of debatable utility, but see Blast), as well as several more you can pick up through class talents. Further, at level 9, 1st level spells become per encounter for all three classes, and at level 11 the same happens for 2nd level spells. The rest limitation is beneficial IMO, as it forces you to push your party to its limits before resting rather than just cheesing it by doing so after every encounter. Also, it doesn't really limit how often you can camp either, only how often you can camp _before going back to town_.
@IsraelSmithD 7 жыл бұрын
Sorry but PoE isn't even in the same category as BG2. Sure, it can compare to the original BG, or Icewind Dale but BG2 is basically the undisputed master of the old RPGs. I would posit that Witcher 3 has finally dethroned BG2. Torment is obviously at 2nd/3rd place depending on your personal preference. DO:Origins is up there, but the entire franchise went downhill quickly once the expansion came out and then the terrible sequel basically destroyed it. (And in some ways tarnished the original).
@briancline7349 5 жыл бұрын
Israel Smith: Dude Witcher 3 is basically a different genre than BG2, so it can’t dethrone it. It’s an action RPG. BG2 is a true RPG with a tactical party based system, character creation, extensive customization and all that.
@semenretaininggay7715 9 жыл бұрын
i didnt enjoy pillars of eternity
@Loctambule 9 жыл бұрын
Pillards is a BG1 remastered. Quite disapointed, no surprises, scripts and battles are boring, companions feels like neverwinter team and lots to say. With the money and the time they've had i was hoping for something a lot better.
@theinternetkilledmusic2054 8 жыл бұрын
+Vortis Mel Abard Well said! I regret kickstarting it.
@israelblocktrine8855 5 жыл бұрын
@@theinternetkilledmusic2054 shut your mouth! Haha fool
@theinternetkilledmusic2054 5 жыл бұрын
@@israelblocktrine8855 Nope, you will have to learn to handle another point of view, kiddie.
@israelblocktrine8855 5 жыл бұрын
@@theinternetkilledmusic2054 let me ask you what do u rate pillars of eternity out of 10?
@theinternetkilledmusic2054 5 жыл бұрын
@@israelblocktrine8855 About 3/10, I didn't like it.
@dragonno6587 7 жыл бұрын
both games are boring novels for grandmas.
@Antipodeano 7 жыл бұрын
I see the irony in your name, nice work.
@Ironclad6661 5 жыл бұрын
That explains why at age 50 I love it so much. I am an old nerd from the tabletop D&D days before CRPGs
@MasterFeidn Жыл бұрын
Dragn Age Origin a masterpiece? More like a snorefest with a booooring strory.
@brandonstrife9738 4 жыл бұрын
Poe sucked bad. Baldur's gate superior in almost every way.
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