Joe Rogan Vs Pro Life Guest

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Pints With Aquinas

Pints With Aquinas

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Matt reacts to Babylon bee Founder Seth Dillon defending the pro-life position on Joe Rogan's Show. Its good to see coherent a pro-life defense represented in popular media; so often we get politicians offering incoherent policies.
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The JRE Episode: conversationstarts around 42:31

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@47StormShadow Жыл бұрын
For anyone who is interested: the word "fetus" in Latin means "little one"
@GsPeter100 Жыл бұрын
Interesting, I've never heard that
@lvx4408 Жыл бұрын
or young one or little child. great point to bring up
@anomalousviewer3164 Жыл бұрын
What I've come across it means unborn baby.?
@m_d1905 Жыл бұрын
@@anomalousviewer3164 Etymology of the word in Latin means young child, young one.
@lcronovt Жыл бұрын
According to Google translate it to "offsprings"
@spanieaj Жыл бұрын
I don't believe that Rogan was "owned" because it was a discussion and not a debate. He is brave and smart enough to have people on his show that will challenge his views and beliefs. He might have not come away from this interview a pro-lifer, but Seth Dillion definitely planted a seed in Joe's mind as well as the minds of Rogan's listeners.
@fakename3208 Жыл бұрын
Yes that’s what it’s all about. Give Joe the credit he’s due, he gives people a platform even when they are unpopular.
@kanciarz5377 Жыл бұрын
Good take
@chrispolen2712 Жыл бұрын
Well said sir.
@andersonanderson1009 Жыл бұрын
"Conflict sells clicks." It's the grifters way.
@kevinkelly2162 Жыл бұрын
@@fakename3208 Especially if they are is all about ratings.
@DrPeppa Жыл бұрын
I definitely don't agree with everything Rogan says, but I've always had *massive* respect for how much effort he puts into trying to remain objective and unbiased. He's not always perfect in that effort, but you can tell he *REALLY* tries, and I love that.
@nichan2475 Жыл бұрын
He might want to try, but he's another democrat owned puppet. He flip-flops to whatever fits the agenda.
@smallfry0764 Жыл бұрын
No he doesn’t. He just runs over anyone that tries to share a different opinion. The video they showed literally showed this happening over 10 times
@DrPeppa Жыл бұрын
@Steve French I have, which is why I say that I certainly don't agree with everything he says. I will say, however, he seems to have gotten better over the years with being disrespectful. He used to say Christianity was outright "stupid" or "dumb", but I've recently seen him say that a person's QOL will be better by living by the morals that Christians do, even though he still doesn't believe in God.
@Drifty325i Жыл бұрын
@@DrPeppa 100% agree, even if people aren’t religious there’s still some great guidelines & morals to live by from the bible (some but not all of them i will say though)
@DrPeppa Жыл бұрын
@@Drifty325i Definitely 👍
@leedog5298 Жыл бұрын
this is why i think Joe Rogan is so popular because this is how an actual conversation should go. Not pushing a Left or Right POV but just being sincere in your response and listening to who you are talking to.
@scottbuchanan9426 Жыл бұрын
Well, I for one hope that if I'm in an "actual conversation" about abortion, my interlocutor doesn't use vacuous bromides like "it's such a human problem". I may pluck my eyes out if he does.
@justinstevenson2061 Жыл бұрын
@@scottbuchanan9426 🙄🙄
@hartfully Жыл бұрын
"Calling abortion 'health care' is like calling rape making love. Great analogy. Enjoyed 2 adults engaging in a civil conversation /debate. This is how we learn. Rogan deserves credit for allowing himself to be challenged. A rarity and why he is so successful.
@tjaysteno Жыл бұрын
Is there a source or does this just sound good to you? Not to mention that in structuring the argument like this, if there's even one counter example the argument is false.
@hellotp3905 Жыл бұрын
Two men that got nothing with caring a baby for 10month lmfao hahahha smh#pro choice
@westvirginiagroyper485 Жыл бұрын
@frostfree7 Жыл бұрын
The pro-life argument is a red herring. The fact is, women have been on the planet a very long time, and along the way have learned a few things. One of those things is how to terminate a pregnancy. A woman can terminate a pregnancy at any time, whether you like it or not, or whether any law says yay or nay, and no one would be the wiser. You would require that she do it in the most unsafe way. So the sum total of what you want is to hurt a woman. If you wanted a baby to be born, you would take a very different approach. End of story.
@hartfully Жыл бұрын
@@frostfree7 "So the sum total of what you want is to hurt a woman" strange extrapolation relative to the content you are replying to. But.... end of story.🙂
@GoTocco Жыл бұрын
If a fetus is not a human life then why is killing a pregnant woman a double homicide?
@zaid3459 Жыл бұрын
Thats only in the 30+ pro life states buddy
@study7794 Жыл бұрын
It’s shouldn’t even be a political debate either it’s just common sense
@serious-cyrusnoelan8127 Жыл бұрын
Damn... OWNED!
@madhavchr Жыл бұрын
Interesting lane to direct the argument of individual choice to. If we are going down that line of thinking, you think US census counts all fetuses? Do you think families should receive SNAP/TANF/ Medicaid/ Tax Credits for fetuses at any stage? What if a woman has just found out she’s pregnant, can she immediately be called a mother and become eligible for all resources and services reserved for mothers/families? We’re likely looking at additional billions in spending every year. Wanna subsidize all that with higher taxes? No? Didn’t think so.
@GoTocco Жыл бұрын
@@madhavchr Yes, I do think a woman should qualify for all those benefits the moment she becomes pregnant. You made lots of assumptions by answering your own questions in the negative. A pregnant woman is a pregnant woman, period. My point is why does the law consider a fetus not a human being in one case, but makes the opposite argument and considers it a life when talking about homicide. If a murderer can be charged with double homicide for killing a pregnant woman then a fetus is a life. You can’t have it both ways.
@iAmEdwinHamilton Жыл бұрын
An ex girlfriend aborted our baby and told me after she did it. This was years ago. We broke up. But that abortion affected her big time. She still would text me about it- wondering about what kind of person they would have been. Her life went downhill year after year. Until she eventually passed away…
@Featherfinder Жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry to hear that. My cousin had two abortions in her 20s and also just got more and more messed up as the years passed. She became obsessed with hating anyone who won’t actively cheer on “abortion rights” despite knowing that we, her family, did not judge her as unworthy of God’s love or of our love.
@krugersavage6347 Жыл бұрын
Trust me, I'm a try hard in my early 20s no gf since birth. What I just said is irrelevant but what I just read is something else, Im sorry to hear about it and knowing you went through something like this but this feels like being a newbie in a rehab realizing you (I) aint something you think you are. There are literally other people who have experienced something else. By the way I love you man and thank you for sharing this. This hits deep on another dimension.
@libertasdemocratiam887 Жыл бұрын
And? That's one extreme other people it's the best decision they made and they have made a life for themselves got themselves a good job, bought a house got married and had children when they were ready. It's personal choice. You can't use one argument about it say well, that's it that's what it leads to no women can have abortions. They should have to have their rapist kid and if they don't want to keep it throw into the already overwhelmed system of foster and aoption that good for a child? Really?
@Featherfinder Жыл бұрын
@@libertasdemocratiam887 For starters, babies do not get “thrown into the foster care system”. For every baby that is up for adoption there are many, many couples who would LOVE to adopt that baby. (Once upon a time many babies were adopted in this country. I had at least four friends growing up who were adopted --and very happy to have been adopted, by the way. The issue is that the human being in the womb is just that. He/she should not be killed simply because his or her life might have difficulty in it, any more than a three month old baby ought to be killed just because we might be able to predict that the kid will face hardship. A three month old baby cannot reason or talk or walk or fend for himself in any way. Should we say that he is “not really fully human” because he cannot do those things and “would never know what he was missing” if he were quietly killed? Any argument for,abortion can also be made to justify infanticide because honestly there is no difference other than that abortion can be done without others knowing there was a pregnancy (that is, an innocent little human) there to begin with. I get your feelings and your objections. But people have a right not to be killed in the womb. It’s just wrong to do that to someone.
@libertasdemocratiam887 Жыл бұрын
@@Featherfinder if every single child a woman wante stop abort was born and put into the social care system aka adoption and fostering, the system would crumble. You may not like it but that's fact. That's the absolute fact of the matter. Whether you like it or not right now there are couples with 4 kids who are struggling to keep a roof over their head and feed 6 mouths, who truly cannot afford to have another child, who have been taking precaution via contraception which failed on them (that does happen) that's upto them to decide if they want to keep that baby or not. They may after careful consideration come to the conclusion that they simply cannot put their other children through the possibility of losing their home because the motherwould no longer be able to work because someone would need to look after the baby. She maybe working part time already while her other kids are at school, and she and her husband physically cannot afford to do that, not without losing everything and putting their other children in the position of having no home. Which would likely result in all the kids being taken into the system. Life is not perfect, life is fucking hard for alot of people, and sometimes those people have to make god awful choices they don't want to make not for their own personal gain because they couldn't be arsed taking the pill, but because they're putting their existing children first. Is that harsh? Yes but if it's a case of not being able to afford to live and support your kids, or I don't blame people for making that choice. Now you can say they shouldn't be on poverty and all that which I'm sure you will, but poverty has and always will exist, there will always be a poor. There's always be women who have been raped who do not want the child they did not consent to being put inside of them, for every on of them there's a woman who chooses to keep the child of rape, it's upto those women to make the choice, not you. Because you believe your views are more important than theirs. For every woman who chooses to sacrifice herself for her baby who dies during birth, there's another woman who chooses to abort her child and adopt or use a surrogate because she thinks it's better for her child to have two parents not a single dad riddled with grief. That's upto them not you. If abortion is taken away those women mentioned above will find alternative means that will result in death or losing the ability to have children completely. If you want to stop abuse of the system to stop allowing women who have had repeated aboritons to get them, they're clearly taking the system for a ride. But do not force other women who have very valid reasons as to why they want aboriton not have access to them. If you were homeless would you opt to keep a baby? If you'd been raped by your father or uncle would you want to keep your baby? If you were at risk of death from birth would you want to keep your baby? You can say yes to all of those things but the truth is you simply don't know until you are on that situation.
@shmataboro8634 Жыл бұрын
It occurs to me that one of the greatest "benefits" of abortion is that it relieves the baby's father of any responsibility whatsoever. Which is perhaps why you hear fewer men fighting against it. Always excited to hear men speaking out for the rights of the unborn!
@porcudracului Жыл бұрын
Also the mother
@SL-es5kb Жыл бұрын
moral relativism is messy Joe. Moral clarity and consistency is orderly but difficult to adhere to. Big difference.
@AudioEpics Жыл бұрын
This is a fantastic comment.
@Frejborg Жыл бұрын
Well said!
@horridhenry9920 Жыл бұрын
I love the bibles moral clarity and consistency. “Though shall not kill”. Then proceeds to kill everything on the planet except those in an Ark. Morality per se is messy.
@jellyfishbrained Жыл бұрын
Yeah, but you can have a definitive & fixed moral system without grounds in the divine. Moral clarity and consistency don't preclude irreligiosity, and having consistent values and principles that one consistentally adheres isn't something that proves the holistic and inherent value of said values and principles. Moral relativism is only messy when you're unwilling to live as a human. God didn't put us on this planet to force his will onto each other. God put us on this planet to live and be human, so we could express our love and illuminate others with kindness and compassion regardless if they adhere to our moral truths. There's no value in forcing others not to sin, only in deciding not to when you have all of opportunities to do so.
@jesussaves6625 Жыл бұрын
@@horridhenry9920 THOUGH shall not kill. God creates life and ends life at His own will.
@johncollins8304 Жыл бұрын
Additionally: - My body, my choice. - So you have two heads?
@aice336 Жыл бұрын
@desales20 Жыл бұрын
@@aice336 Their own head and the head of the baby in the womb
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
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@jalRVA Жыл бұрын
@@desales20 got it, so abortion is okay prior to the formation of a head.
@thevaccinator666 26 күн бұрын
@garywildgoose767 Жыл бұрын
A "clump of cells" on Mars would be celebrated worldwide as "THERE'S LIFE ON MARS!", but here on Earth we kill it.
@JonnyOpinionated 5 ай бұрын
Never pleasured a woman eh?
@12spies Жыл бұрын
Excellent breakdown. There was so much going on in this brief but heavy conversation, so I'm glad people are giving it the attention it deserves. Seth was truly spirit filled in this conversation and it needs to be recognized.
@MilesMario Жыл бұрын
no life matters and especially a fetus they havent touched grass. by the way in the animal kingdom kids are eaten by their own parents all the time, and guess what we used to do the same when we were monkeys,
@marie22tully10 Жыл бұрын
The clump of cells argument is meaningless since ultrasounds. I had an ultrasound at 7 weeks and my daughter was a recognizable tiny little human with a beating heart.
@drago2593 Жыл бұрын
Heart is formed and starts beating 21 days after conception
@michellemcdermott2026 Жыл бұрын
And she had a soul too
@aice336 Жыл бұрын
@@michellemcdermott2026 how do you know there are souls?
@michellemcdermott2026 Жыл бұрын
@@aice336 Jeremiah 1 I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb
@colmwhateveryoulike3240 Жыл бұрын
@@aice336 Who's asking? 😉
@js4521 Жыл бұрын
Do I have to die for the crimes of my father?
@mariahrenacamarcano2456 Жыл бұрын
Do I have to be forced to carry my rapist kid while being a kid
@kos-mos1127 Жыл бұрын
You are not going to die for your fathers crimes but you will have to deal with the consequence of your fathers crimes.
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?vdsassdfdsa
@Micscience Жыл бұрын
A sperm that goes into an egg within a week cannot speak and ask questions.
@horridhenry9920 Жыл бұрын
According to the bible you do. We die because Adam and Eve brought sin into the world.
@erics4482 Жыл бұрын
Massive respect to the guest. He was so chill and breaking off some straight logic - "Calling abortion healthcare is like calling rape love making..." If you believe all human life is what the bible says (we are created in God's image), that would change the conversation. Because people don't want to acknowledge we have ALL been created by a divine creator, the unborn are just clumps of cells. People will never set aside their "pro-choice" position until they come to a realization that they too were created in God's image. If they realized this, they are in no position to kill another life. A very sad state our planet is in...
@javaman111 Жыл бұрын
With respect; I do not want to appear to correct you and I hope you do not mind me tagging this along here. But, your statement tickled an old thought. It is certainly true that accepting Christian morality would make the proposition of abortion morally impossible. But, really, all one has to acknowledge is that the life of human beings is sacred. Once that is accepted; and since human beings have a predictable series of development (stages of life), with one stage predictably following another. Then we must accept any stage of that continuum of development is human life and is sacred. There are small things that are destined to remain small things. But, there are also small things are destined (ie in the absence of intervention) to develop into an adult human being. These things are babies, fetuses, toddlers, preschoolers, first graders, teenagers, fertilized human ovum, and certain clumps of cells. These entities (or manifestations) will develop into adult human beings without the need for intervention. These are all forms of human life. If one form is sacred; then they all are sacred. Because, each is just a temporal manifestation of the same entity. They are all one. A more difficult argument or question is, when is it ever appropriate to take human life? How and whom determines innocence. Do we usurp gods will/ judgement by taking "guilty" human life? Are we to judge innocence and guilt on such a profound level? If we say that human life is only sacred under the circumstance of innocence; then the sacred life is only sacred relative to the changing whim of man and his determinations of guilt and innocence (ie moral relativism). That seems to me to be an impossible condition. Best to you.....
@M1ster.Fr3sh Жыл бұрын
Just remember, if you're having a discussion about abortion and you invoke your religion at all, please dismiss yourself from the conversation. Let the adults talk.
@imanilabady7151 Жыл бұрын
How do you kill something that isn’t alive?
@irishandscottish1829 Жыл бұрын
@@imanilabady7151 ok you claim the unborn is not alive so when does it become alive? What does the unborn baby have to possess for you to agree that it is living?
@irishandscottish1829 Жыл бұрын
@@Sim6dot9 actually premature babies have survived younger than 24 weeks. You really should keep up with medical advancements if you think you can be the arbiter of truth while putting a cut off past the age babies can survive. But I do have a question - do you call the baby alive just because at x weeks it can survive on its own? Is that the distinction of life you give humans? So as a nurse when I care for patients should I turn off all life support as I mean in your definition they aren’t human anymore as they are no longer sustaining themselves…
@a.patrickkilkenny3036 Жыл бұрын
Great clip..i love when someone speaks in a clear precise way on a difficult subject.
@Rob-3019 Жыл бұрын
You could tell Joe at first gave the pro-abortion angry response and wouldnt let the other side gives his piece but eventually relented and had to concede at least to some degree. this guest did a great job giving the proper pro-life response.
@FullDottle Жыл бұрын
He went so far as to make it personal stating, "You don't have the right to tell *my daughter* she has to carry a rapists baby." The answer would always be the same but to take it so personally shows how irrational some people take arguments.
@numbercity8950 Жыл бұрын
Stupid comment. That nerd was interrupting him that entire time 😂 prolly why Joe got mad
@kevinkelly2162 Жыл бұрын
@Jered Keller Not to mention the money you make from the right. I mean some of you are still sending Bannon your money.............
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?vds43asdfsdaads
@gnubbiersh647 Жыл бұрын
@@FullDottle the guest kept interrupting. also forcing women to carry babies is irrational :P
@dija5578 Жыл бұрын
It was so worth the watch again.. The guest was perfectly poised and calm. I am taking lessons from him. 👏
@dija5578 Жыл бұрын
@Jack Hummell It’s strange how Rogan kept pressing the question of whether its a human life even down to the nano-second when sperm enters egg.. Did he think that Mr Dillon would cave and say, “Well Ok.. maybe its not human at the half-nano second upon sperm entry into therefore not human and abortable.” Mr Dillon was poised, calm and confident... just a masterpiece to watch.
@kos-mos1127 Жыл бұрын
@@dija5578 I would say its not a human life unless it was born.
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?vd adfdsdsa
@mikelroa8719 Жыл бұрын
@@kos-mos1127 why?
@kos-mos1127 Жыл бұрын
@@mikelroa8719 A human is an individual organism. An individual organism is an organism that has been born.
@melaniemcafee1775 Жыл бұрын
Love Joe for having this emotionally charged conversation with a well-spoken guest. Good commentary as well.
@thevaccinator666 26 күн бұрын
Having it be emotionally charged didn't help.
@robertboebinger7719 Жыл бұрын
Blessings to you and your ministry Seth 🙏
@CassaundraBabe Жыл бұрын
As a woman who conceived in rape and raised a perfect beautiful human into a perfect beautiful man and who speaks all over the country about such, I am absolutely horrified every day that people like Joe Rogan who have never talked to me nor asked me how I feel about using my trauma to justify killing children like my perfect son - are running around using me to say abortion is OK. Women who conceive in rape choose to abort at the same rate as women who choose to abort for any other reason. Rape has nothing to do with why women abort. Women who abort don't know what abortion is or don't care. Women who don't abort know that abortion kills her living human child.
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?dvs 34asdf afda
@wg820 Жыл бұрын
Well said sister .Thank you for choosing LIFE!
@jamesflynn4741 Жыл бұрын
My first girlfriend confided in me that she had an abortion when a former boyfriend had date-raped her before we met. Abortion brought her no peace. She told me every time she saw a baby she cried.
@jonson856 Жыл бұрын
@@jamesflynn4741 I'm starting to think it never gives peace (of mind). I mean there is the moral realization that abortion is a horrible thing, especially when done by yourself. You can become a murderer only once, after that its just the amount of bodies you leave behind (and I am not trying to equate abortion to murder here). And then there is the emotional state, which is heavily affected not only by the rationale, but also by her hormonal balance. Hormonally, an abortion is something like a stillbirth. It causes her already messy hormones to be in much more disarray. So even years after an abortion, a woman can feel the after effects. I've chatted with one or two women who had an abortion and said it wasnt so bad or even was good, after prodding a little bit, asking some uncomfortable questions, presenting my views, they became unhinged and toxic. Its became obvious they were rationalizing it, lying to themselves.
@marinogod84 Жыл бұрын
@marymounce5188 Жыл бұрын
What I love about this conversation is it’s two strong and intelligent men having a real conversation. Men have been defaulting to whatever the woman wants for so long I just love that they are having these conversations now. When I met my husband he had been convinced he didn’t have the right to tell someone he was with to keep the baby. It’s heart breaking. So happy to see this conversation!
@telemachus7732 Жыл бұрын
@juxhinmeminaj3446 Жыл бұрын
because they have been trying to destroy the family unit for years, they have made men weak
@mitchplaysriffs Жыл бұрын
Genesis talks about this concept. Metaphorically.
@laurenbatson5918 Жыл бұрын
and they are disagreeing calmly.
@jesussaves6625 Жыл бұрын
@@laurenbatson5918 I don't think Joe was behaving calmly at all. He was extremely emotional, and because of that was talking over his first and attempting to shut down his argument.
@jamessteele3093 Жыл бұрын
Rape and underage pregnancy account for less than 1% of abortions in America. Not all women should be allowed abortion for any reason at all for such low numbers
@yankeesuperstar Жыл бұрын
I’m always learning apologetics when witnessing well formed pro-life arguments. Thank you, and happy Sunday🙏🏼
@markportnoy6290 11 ай бұрын
He's not pro-life, he's pro-birth. No regard for the mother or child beyond being born.
@forest4283 Жыл бұрын
1.) Joe Rogan recently had a UFC fight Companion show with some of his buddies, and they get into abortion at some point - and I believe you can see how Joe has softened on his position a bit - and he even argues both sides and concedes it's a very difficult thing to figure out, there is no right answer because one side is always going to feel like rights are being violated. So I think this guest made a good impression on him. 2.) Can't wait for putting "owned" in the youtube title paradigm to end.
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?vd safdsa
@legion24100 Жыл бұрын
He hasn't soften his position he has said the same thing life people are weird
@davidplyler8173 Жыл бұрын
@@legion24100 all of us are weird brother.
@Oo27254 Жыл бұрын
Joe didn't get owned at all. Just because a person articulates a position you agree with on Joe Rogan's podcast and Rogan himself doesn't agree with doesn't equate to him getting owned.
@Purdin347 Жыл бұрын
he was owned, doesn't matter if they agree, he made no good counter
@shadykracker Жыл бұрын
Ye he didn’t get owned but he definitely didn’t come out of that a winner
@plinnytheother6107 Жыл бұрын
@@shadykracker not a winner means he lost ....AKA owned
Жыл бұрын
@@plinnytheother6107 bro in what world do you win a moral debate when you could have different fundamental beliefs?
@dhruvpandya4136 Жыл бұрын
@@Purdin347 It is called a learning process. So I guess every professor owned you.
@carbonbasedunit3422 Жыл бұрын
Just discovered your channel. What a revelation! And what a discussion. Brilliant! Thanks.
@DannyArcher762 Жыл бұрын
Seth Dillon explained his position incredibly well .. he stayed very calm and re-iterated his point solidly. I have a lot of respect for him stating this opinion on such a massive platform! We need more people to stand up like he did!
@lavinder11 Жыл бұрын
He wasn't "owned." I wish people stopped using this type of language for a heated, yet civil debate. Anyway, rape kits have Emergency contraception included. Most would-be "rape babies" aren't implanted to begin with.
@colmwhateveryoulike3240 Жыл бұрын
Or fertilised even. Implantation is when the fertilised egg attaches to the womb and any intervention to prevent this is akin to abortion whereas preventing fertilisation isn't.
@locksherlo6102 Жыл бұрын
“Owned” was used as clickbait. Human nature and it works
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?vdsadfdsaa
@adamgates1142 Жыл бұрын
But the ones that are should be forced to give birth? You guys never wanna address what to do when it DOES happen.
Joe’s major mental block is the fact that he is a staunch libertarian and desperately wants to hold on to the idea that people can do whatever they want as long as it isn’t getting in his way. The trouble with that ideology is that individuals aren’t islands unto themselves. Everything we do affects someone somewhere, even the things we do in secret. There is no such thing as a libertarian world.
@renaissancestatesman Жыл бұрын
Tell me you know nothing of libertarianism without actually telling me. His major mental block here is thinking about his 14 yo daughter in this situation. That definitely shifts his view and understandably enough. It's a bad argument but an understandable one.
@tjaysteno Жыл бұрын
"Everything we do affects someone" includes the mother. Even if we assume the fetus is a person on day 1, a pro-life view is still forcing someone to carry that person for 9 months, all potential medical complications included. I don't know your expertise, but the views of a KZfaqr (Matt) and a satire editor (Seth) should mean nothing when it comes to the healthcare of a 14 year old rape victim. "Abortion is healthcare like rape is making love." Again, is there an expert source for that or is that just a kneejerk bumper sticker slogan that sounded good?
@rumham8124 Жыл бұрын
​@Corporate Overlord actually he posited a fair summery of Libertarianism. It's a basic description, sure, but when its encapsulated in a nutshell it shows just how ignorant, selfish, and untenable Libertarianism really is; it's no wonder it's not a major 3rd party in the US. It's a stupid ideology that doesn't really work in practice, and if followed to its core would destroy almost any nation.
@rumham8124 Жыл бұрын
Based and true
@rumham8124 Жыл бұрын
​@@tjaysteno Please, I beg and implore you, do some actual research and find out the truth about abortion, and the right to life. Your reasoning skills and mental acuity is equal to a toddler; you should be embarrassed, really.
@mommyseastar5776 Жыл бұрын
I love this guest!!! Yes, he’s logical and calm. Beautiful. ❤
@maureengarcia5478 Жыл бұрын
So good to hear this back and forth. Rogan's guest was terrific. Sensible and calm. Spot on with his remarks.
@Strive1974 Жыл бұрын
Joe has a hangup on Christianity and it rears up now and then. Love the logic of the Babylon Bee guy.
@TickleMeElmo55 Жыл бұрын
Yea, it's so easy to tell if a person has a hangup with Christianity. It's like spotting an elephant a mile away.
@jonson856 Жыл бұрын
That's my impression of him as well. When it comes to any topic he likes to talk with you, but when it comes to Christianity he likes to talk about you...
@josephdoel2657 Жыл бұрын
@@jonson856 he's been pictured with head of the satanic church. He knows more than he lets on
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?vd sasdsd
@adamgates1142 Жыл бұрын
I have a very justified hangup with any religion that tells me I deserve to burn in a lake of fire forever for not following it
@kylemckiernan1445 Жыл бұрын
It took me a while to disagree with the rape exception but now I do. What made me decide was that you're effectively inflicting a punishment (the death penalty) on an innocent life worse than what we inflict on the guilty party (5-10 years in prison)
@liamgalt Жыл бұрын
Very succinct way of putting it. You highlight the idea that the unborn is punished the most
@CatholicNonno Жыл бұрын
Brilliant and indisputable point.
@stephenwilson9480 Жыл бұрын
If you think that a woman who has been raped should keep the baby of that rapist then you are a very disturbed person and it's very unsettling that people like you are in society.
@CatholicNonno Жыл бұрын
@@stephenwilson9480 Actually, your comment is unsettling and makes one question your place in society.
@stephenwilson9480 Жыл бұрын
@@CatholicNonno You would say that though wouldn't you because your trying to justify an horrendous crime.You are in the minority with your very disturbed way of thinking and I thank God the rest of us have compassion, dignity and respect for other people when they most need it.
@irawhitlock1084 Жыл бұрын
Not required to carry a rapist’s baby? It’s also the victim’s baby. You’re murdering your own child regardless.
@ardyjeen6144 Жыл бұрын
I like Joe Rogan because he’s always trying to find the truth. You can’t help but develop your own ideas and come to your own conclusions about anything and everything, and that’s kind of the point. He regularly misses the main point, God, but he’s trying to get there whether he knows it or not - he’s just taking the long way around. Love the Babylon Bee more & more, every time I see/hear anything from them, whether it’s one of their classic posts or interviews with them or by them, they just become more and more outstanding as humans. Thanks for this post; good one. Pray up and may God bless us all.
@theslizzlemeister5862 Жыл бұрын
“Killing a human life is wrong” I wouldn’t agree with this, I think adding “innocent” is an important distinction. It’s not wrong to kill a human life in self-defense or through capital punishment, but killing an innocent life IS wrong. Innocent, like the baby in the womb.
@landocalrissian5180 Жыл бұрын
Feminist would probably just say abortion is a form of self defense from the parasite that is feeding off of them.
@AeternusDiscipulus26 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. It is wrong to harm or kill innocent human life
@Jimb0tr0n Жыл бұрын
I would argue capital punishment is wrong. I'm against capital punishment because I think giving the State the power to end human life is giving the State too much power. How can you be sure they will only use it against the guilty? St. Maria Goretti and Br. Alessandro Serenelli would argue that giving a man a chance to reform himself is worthwhile.
@landocalrissian5180 Жыл бұрын
@@Jimb0tr0n I agree, and I’m a nationalist conservative. Generally people on my side of the isle are pro death penalty, but I just can’t.
@landocalrissian5180 Жыл бұрын
@@TheProphecyTV In some circumstances, but an animals life never shares the same value as a human life and I believe lowering human life to such a level is evil. The definition of murder is “The killing of another person without justification or excuse, especially the crime of killing a person with malice aforethought or with recklessness manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life.”. The killing of an animal cannot fit the definition of the word,
@vinnypardi Жыл бұрын
Would be great to not play into the division with a title like "gets owned". He pushed back but ultimately had an open mind and this is how we change hearts. Not everything has to be overly adversarial
@erictorkildsen8497 Жыл бұрын
Well, how else would he get clicks?
@NoSoupForYouu Жыл бұрын
If someone who thinks killing innocent children isn't your adversary then idk what is
@justinreid2422 Жыл бұрын
@Andrew Andrew may God bless you Andrew x2 Thanks for clicking👍
@vwtdi1579 Жыл бұрын
I think preventing financially reasoned killing of children is a perfectly acceptable place to be adversarial.
@Jak3Snak3 Жыл бұрын
I applaud you guys for still linking the JRE podcast in the description even thought you don’t agree with his sentiments.
@hines57a52 Жыл бұрын
The only messy part is the fact that perception changes between individuals. And you're never going to line everybody up under the same perception they will not see it the same way. That is human nature
@lofttm969 Жыл бұрын
Just found your channel. Thrilled to go through the archive today. Grace be to God
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?vdsafdsa
@stephencuskley5251 Жыл бұрын
Kristan Hawkins had a great answer to the "clump of cells" argument. In a question and answer period at one of her live talks she asked the questioner what she thought a fetus was. Of course, the woman said, "just a clump of cells". Then Kristan said, "Well, I'm just a clump of cells".
@horridhenry9920 Жыл бұрын
Is Kristen in somebody else’s body?
@HenryPaulThe3rd Жыл бұрын
@@horridhenry9920 She’s in Mother Earth’s body
@Becca_Lynn Жыл бұрын
Right? Everything in existence is a clump of cells.
@chrishenderson420 Жыл бұрын
I am totally pro life, but when someone rapes a minor, that child was conceived from evil and the mother should have the choice at that point.
@evertvalkenburg1977 Жыл бұрын
@roshberosh Жыл бұрын
It's very simple. No one can use someone else body without their consent.
@BelaMadeira Жыл бұрын
I have the utmost respect and love for Joe, but this is one of the very few issues I disagree with him on, although I was glad he was prepared to give some ground on the issue, the Babylon Bee guy was just awesome.
@Schyler__Parker Жыл бұрын
thats fine. you shouldn't agree with someone on everything.
@ewessel560 Жыл бұрын
This Seth guy looked like a fool, his belief is radically unpopular with the country
@historicworker Жыл бұрын
@@ewessel560 and that makes him a fool? what is your definition of 'fool'...he is a fool because he believes an unpopular viewpoint?
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?vd sa4asfsa
@jspella1477 Жыл бұрын
@@ewessel560 He may have only looked like a fool to the fools that are successfully brainwashed into “knowing” human life starts after the baby is born.
@benakinjo Жыл бұрын
Matt keeps saying "is it ever okay to kill a human life", and even though it's obvious that he implies it, I can't stress enough how important it is to VERBALLY include & emphasize the word "innocent" as a qualifier in such discussions (as Seth Dillon repeatedly does does Joe Rogan). There are indeed times when killing IS okay, say in cases of self-defense or as a form of justice (Capital Punishment). Preaching to the choir a bit, what distinguishes abortion from other forms of "human killing" is the innocence of the victim and their inherent defenselessness. Very, very, minor oversight on Matt's part-he knows his core audience gets all the nuts and bolts already-but it's a good opportunity to re-emphasize to the rest of us the importance of linguistic precision, especially when we're discussing theological issues to secular/religious audiences who might not be as familiar with all the nuances of the topic.
@KJ-lb4tj Жыл бұрын
What about war... Many innocent people are killed? It's it EVER ok to kill innocent lives?
@TremendousSax Жыл бұрын
@@KJ-lb4tj No
@UnluckyFatGuy Жыл бұрын
I think it's a problem with language. There are indeed times when it's permissable to end a human life, but it's never a "good" thing. Think of all the soldiers with PTSD or the guilt people feel if they ever accidentally got someone killed. Unless your a psychopath killing a person damages us in a horrendously psychological way.
@porkbelly6728 Жыл бұрын
@@KJ-lb4tj your tone is implying everyone enjoys war.
@skinprison Жыл бұрын
Well if that child grows up to be a serial killer then it wouldn't be innocent. You don't know what the child will be or even if it will be born. You can't quantify it as either. But there are many times an innocent life should be taken. If I am driving next to a car that is going down the street out of control with a baby in the back. and it is about to run through an intersection and mow down a pack of school kids. And I ram it out of the path and into a tree killing it but saving the others. It had to go. Period.
@albertfralinger2711 Жыл бұрын
Being on the fence and After watching this clip, I have definitely moved onto the pro choice side.
@edsayswhoa4365 Жыл бұрын
No one should tell any other person how to live their lives when either planning for a baby or not planning for a baby. It should remain a personal matter regardless of your religious beliefs or political affiliation.
@bradwaddingham9900 Жыл бұрын
How can you say he got owned when he's not there to debate with you? Kind of stupid don't you think
@caleboswaltguitar Жыл бұрын
We were already telling friends and family when my wife was 6 weeks along with our daughter. That is absolutely a life. And I cringe at the idea of abortion even as early as that
@13lood13ath Жыл бұрын
If you're REALLY pro-life, then you should: - Be anti-death penalty. - Be anti-war. - Have non-lethal rounds in your firearms. Change my mind
@13lood13ath Жыл бұрын
Shooting a criminal is still taking a life.
@jacky-rv5gp Жыл бұрын
You bring up a valid point but pro life doesn't mean pro all life. There are very bad people out there who are rapists and killers. Why shouldn't truly evil people be put to death but an innocent baby should? Guns to some degree I agree with you that you should try as much as possible to not kill someone but someone's you have to protect your family from bad people and that's just what it is. War is politically complex, depends on if you think what we're going into war for is absolutely necessary. Which everyone will have different opinions on. So no, you can be pro life and still not be those things.
@josemv25 Жыл бұрын
Nobody cares to change your mind
@millier.206 Жыл бұрын
Miscarriages usually happen in the first trimester and every woman I know who has had one cries and is upset that their baby died. They don’t say “oh well, my fetus died”. There’s a reason for that. Fetus is meant to be a medical term, just like phalanges means fingers, but it’s still a baby.
@mark-be9mq Жыл бұрын
I give Joe Rogan credit first for having an opposing view on the show and being open to the argument. That openess gives everyone, myself included, a chance to hear reason.
@schmingusss Жыл бұрын
so joe's 14yr old daughter should have to raise some rapists kid ?
@TheBirdieBomber Жыл бұрын
A wonderful video. Very insightful. Loved seeing the logical arguments against abortion. It's so rare to get that these days ... the debate usually turns hysterical and doesnt use logic. It was great to see two men debating this is a very calm and reasonable fashion.
@trendzservices9000 Жыл бұрын
So if my 14 year daughter is raped and is pregnant... And if abortion is not the option then what is the best option for her? Considering in mind she is not willing to go through the birthing process and also doesn't want the child. Plz someone who represent this gentleman stance .. let me me know the options.
@newhorizon1355 Жыл бұрын
Today, society doesn't know how to debate, without posing questions that make the other person look wrong for disagreeing.
@tob855 Жыл бұрын
This is how you watch a clip. Very short interruptions, quick comments, let said clip play. Well done.
@vSwampFox Жыл бұрын
Hmm … I thought Joe Rogan did what he does. He fired back, thought he had a solid point, then realized … maybe there’s more to this than I thought. He didn’t get owned. I think that’s click baitish.
@newmennium Жыл бұрын
12:48 is an absolutely brilliant commentary! They want to do what they want without any imposed shame or commands to not do those things and subsequently "bother" one's conscience.
@mrridikilis Жыл бұрын
What is the Babylon Bee guy's take on capital punishment. That's also killing someone. Is he against that?
@nerdanalog1707 Жыл бұрын
You can't change someone who believes abortion can be a good thing in just 1 sitting. Especially not with the way we are brainwashed in today's society. It took me years to realise what abortion truly means, and funny enough religion had nothing to do with it. In this clip cracks have been made in Joe's logic... whether he follows through the thought process or not, time will tell. Babylone Bee guy is an inspiration ; wish I could keep my cool like that...
@paxcoder Жыл бұрын
What did it have to do for you?
@nerdanalog1707 Жыл бұрын
@@paxcoder Having a co-worker have 3 abortions in 5 years with no real medical or psychological follow-up (this shocked me as I had always thought abortions were rare, a last resort scenario) // realising that even in a country like France (where I live), where access to contraception is widely and easily available still 1 out of 4 pregnancies end in an abortion (not rare) // having an internship at a clinic and seeing high school girls going for their 2nd or 3rd abortion // questioning when life starts, when consciousness starts, when and how personality develops in an unborn baby // researching what an abortion actually does to the mother's body and then researching the different "abortion techniques" // not understanding how - with all the scientific progress and knowledge we have, with the different contraception methods available - there are 25% of pregnancies that are terminated in abortions // realising that abortions that are done are not practised because the baby is ill, or because the mother might risk her life, but because of convenience and because women are told that you have to be at a certain situation in you life (with money, job, partner) in order to even fathom the idea of having a child This took years as it is difficult to go against what one has been taught, explained for years, especially as a woman - you are told that without abortion, women would go back to coat hangers and knitting needles or other dangerous self-destructive methods in order to abort. You are taught that this is the lesser of the evils to stop an unwanted pregnancy... That if you are against abortion, somehow you are a traitor to all women in time and worldwide... because abortion is "progress". And before even considering the life of the unborn child, I was considering the ramifications of an abortion for the mother. How women were treated, discarded, no thought for the consequences that too many abortions could have on her body, not telling them the truth of what they were doing to their body (it is quite an upheaval for the woman's body) ... it angered me. Then, and then only was I able to even consider the possibility that the unborn baby was not just "a clump of cells". Nothing at all having to do with religion. I do not find that fighting to limit or even ban abortions ought to go the route of a religious argument. For me it comes down to one very simple yet important question : what is a human life worth? If human life is priceless, and society and laws make certain to protect all human life, then I find society is better ordered. Once society and laws can make the claim that some lives are worth more than others, then there will be disorder and decadence.
@user-ep8xo1od9o Жыл бұрын
I had my opinion changed in a 10 minute KZfaq video. But I wasn’t staunchly proabort, I just never really ever thought about it before
@williamj.sheehan2001 Жыл бұрын
Great point, Nerd, regarding religion. Seems to me it's not so much a religious issue as a human rights issue. Joe wanted to say that "it's complicated", but the guest essentially calmly stated that no, it's really not complicated at all, and I think that's why the guest is able to remain so calm and respectful.
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?vds asd fdsa
@ninjason57 Жыл бұрын
Joe has a gift of being a mirror to the person he interviews. Why do you think surprising information gets revealed on his podcast? That's why people like listening to him because his goal is to reveal truth to what is hidden or confusing. The personal problem Joe has is moral and ethical relativism. Eventually every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, including Joe Rogan. Let's pray he becomes aware of truth and turns to God.
@kos-mos1127 Жыл бұрын
Jesus and God have not been shown to exists and there is no test can objectively determine they exists. Adding God or Jesus to the conversation does not add anything.
@SavageJarJar Жыл бұрын
@@kos-mos1127 You saying "exists" doesn't really help your argument, especially when you give no examples.
@TheParadiseParadox Жыл бұрын
@@kos-mos1127 everyone who lives by God knows that God exists. there's no reason that needs to be proven to you, until the moment you go looking
@AboveAnyOther Жыл бұрын
Matt, You need to get this guy on your show.
@leonlionheart01 Жыл бұрын
“It’s always wrong to kill a human life” Imagine you are at home sleeping in the middle of the night. You hear a loud noise in the living room. You get up and see 2 large men about to enter your child’s bedroom. Are you morally justified to kill them?
@chik2602 Жыл бұрын
It's better to say "it's always wrong to kill an innocent human life". Of course degenerate criminals deserve getting shot.
@leonlionheart01 Жыл бұрын
@@__Man_ it’s a direct quote from the video. So it’s not dishonest in any way. But even if you amend the premise to in overt who adjudicates innocence?
@CoryD918 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t hold anything about this on Joe Rogan in a negative way. I’m pro life but totally understand the rape/incest argument but we can’t live in a society where the exception is the rule. I also empathize with Joe because he’s also arguing it as a father with young daughters. As a father of 2 very young daughters I can empathize. I’m pro life until you mess with my kids then I’m absolutely pro death penalty by the system or my own hand. I would do anything in my power to ensure they don’t suffer so I get it fully. Kudos to both staying level.
@_Peregrine_ Жыл бұрын
Rape is less than 1% of abortion reason, incest similarly as low
@rickcolumbo3148 Жыл бұрын
The rape incest argument is equivalent to abortion is acceptable if the father is an asshole. Joe's daughter could be raped by her future or ex husband so kill the grandchild?
@yourwrong6861 Жыл бұрын
You say we cannot live in a society where the exception is the rule, yet you just made an exception to the rule of no one should take a life, when you say if someone harmed your daughter, you would be pro death penalty.
@Micscience Жыл бұрын
@@_Peregrine_ Yeah but rape is the topic at hand and it is being denied.
@mustangmike3830 Жыл бұрын
Rape is always brought up because it's the last resort and the extreme. Of course rape is one of the worst if not the worst things that can happen to someone and yes, but is any action the baby's fault?
@OliveCandy38 Жыл бұрын
I really liked how calm he stayed as well. What a great reminder to all of us!
@Fudoshin01 Жыл бұрын
It’s not always wrong to kill a human life. It’s wrong to kill an innocent life.
@fraa888grindr6 Жыл бұрын
Props to Joe Rogan for his willingness to have such a "measured discussion" rather than label his guest an anti-women, anti-science sexist, and then shut him down.
@Drew_Warner Жыл бұрын
My wife had a miscarriage at 8 weeks last year. We had many people reach out and say sorry for losing your baby. Same people this year posted all over SM that they hate anyone who doesn’t support abortion before 10 weeks. I was like, didn’t you just call our loss a baby last year and now it’s a choice? Very odd that you can be sorry for a loss, but also encourage it.
@andrewsaglimbeni6051 Жыл бұрын
ironic isn't it?
@munkitchew5829 Жыл бұрын
Not sure what's odd. You want it but lost it. i.e it's a loss. If you didn't want something in the first place (e.g sympathy, affection/gift from someone you dislike, etc), would you treat it as a 'loss' if they take it back?
@justinreid2422 Жыл бұрын
@@munkitchew5829 I am praying for you child ☦️☦️☦️
@munkitchew5829 Жыл бұрын
@@justinreid2422 Little one, shouldn't you pray for Drew who suffered an actual loss instead? It's ... odd that you chose to pray for me instead, just for trying to resolve his logical conundrum.
@justinreid2422 Жыл бұрын
@@munkitchew5829 he lost a child and shared his personal experience and you did not respond kindly I'm still praying for you🙏
@SheldonDsouza126 Жыл бұрын
When I hear idiots speak and I have heard too many in my own country, India, it just gets annoying. Imagine we have come to a stage where in we are debating when human life begins. Seriously? Have we the most intellectual of species become so selfish and so foolish to debate the question?
@horridhenry9920 Жыл бұрын
When human life begins is an important question in biology.
@pacibaco Жыл бұрын
Joe is a good guy that’s relatively more neutral than anyone else anywhere else . I appreciate him over and over for this fact . The Pro -Life guy is articulate and chill , he’s awesome… great pints and analogies that I’ve never heard before
@josephzammit8483 Жыл бұрын
@Marguerite21 Жыл бұрын
Even though some part of me doesn't believe in abortion, I will never ever believe in forcing rape victims to have a baby against their will. Therefore, I support abortion when it comes to extremely evil crime done to women and underage girls. A rape victim has never asked to get pregnant and these condescending Anti-Abortionists know it! Even if the woman isn't a rape victim, if there's a very serious problem going on with her pregnancy, and if she's not in a highly financial position to have a good life for her baby, she still has the right for an abortion no matter what.
@coralbricks Жыл бұрын
Glory to the Holy Catholic Church!
@meek6809 Жыл бұрын
And small boys
@coralbricks Жыл бұрын
@@meek6809 What are you trying to argue?
@SamStone1964 Жыл бұрын
@@coralbricks Perhaps the love the Holy Catholic Church has for small boys?
@coralbricks Жыл бұрын
@@SamStone1964 Indeed the Church, the bride of Christ, loves children very much. So much so that thankfully there are tons of orphanages and hospitals created by the Church around the planet, notwithstanding fake news-filled situation like that in Canada. At the same time, thankfully the Church is not limited to those members who behave in an ill, abusive manner towards children. Finally, us catholics abhor all kinds of abuses towards children and hope and pray so that they get to live, in spite of the evil logic of child-murder espoused by many.
@SamStone1964 Жыл бұрын
@@coralbricks Oh yes the priests just love the orphanages don't they? Constant supply of small boys.
@billemrich6755 Жыл бұрын
"Gets Owned" LOL Ok Bud take it easy!!!
@karolbethell2010 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your vlogs and podcasts! ☺
@juliesalazar9463 Жыл бұрын
Abortion is healthcare the way rape is love making. THE best analogy EVER Healthcare is to treat an illness and to sustain life. Pregnancy is not an illness and abortion ends that human life.
@huntermiller2474 Жыл бұрын
I just saw a clip of this discussion that was cut to make it seem like Rogan "destroyed a pro-lifer"
@AudioEpics Жыл бұрын
Lol, I thought the "destroys" titles were reserved for parody at this point.
@TimChicaul Жыл бұрын
One reasoning on this subject that stuck with me was this: If scientists found a string of proteins and amino acids, i.e. "a clump of cells" on Mars, they'd almost certainly consider it alien life. So if a clump of cells can be considered life on another planet, why is it not considered life in the womb of a woman?
@hugnon Жыл бұрын
Can you imagine what those same scientists would do to those cells? The answer is NOT let it be and flourish
@MattBurrill Жыл бұрын
I think most pro-abortion people regard the unborn baby as being "biological life" from the very earliest stages. The logic gets kind of fuzzy, though. I think they would say that the unborn baby is not "human life", or at least "human life with human rights". It gets even fuzzier if you inquire about when an unborn child acquires the status of "human being". For some, this seems to happen when the child has a recognizably human appearance in utero. Maybe they would oppose abortion if the baby looked like a miniature little newborn from the moment of its conception, just a microscopic little infant? Maybe their minds just can't conceive of a human being that is shaped differently for a while? This is the "clump of cells" argument. For others, this happens when the baby passes a significant developmental milestone like when the living pre-born human being develops a circulatory system and the heart begins to beat for the first time. Interesting fact: the obviously alive human being has not developed and does not even require a functioning circulatory for its first 5 - 6 weeks! Having a heart does not make you a human! When you need one, you grow one. For others, babies apparently don't achieve this status until they have fully emerged from the birth canal. The baby undergoes a change in location, and begins to use its already developed lungs for the first time, but it's still pretty much the same baby that it was an hour ago. Personhood was not visibly conferred when the baby was delivered, so I'm not sure where they think it came from. Pro-abortionists employ extremely magical and irrational thinking where the beginning of human life is concerned, a sort of "it's like, when you know, you know" kind of approach. The understanding that life begins at conception is logical and scientific. That human life begins with conception is a cold hard fact, not matter how inconvenient.
@cgordon3 Жыл бұрын
@@MattBurrill one if the biggest arguments I think is around viability. An embryo, or fetus doesn't become a "baby" until it is viable which I think is around 22-23 weeks? Something like that, and even then it is still heavily dependent on Technology for several weeks.
@MattBurrill Жыл бұрын
@@cgordon3 The fetus/baby distinction is a very artificial construction of language, though. And so is "viability". It is true that a developing human being typically requires at minimum 23 or so weeks in the womb of its mother before it is able to survive outside the womb (and then with a great deal of medical intervention). But the question "how would the developing baby fare if it left the womb at this stage of development?" has no bearing on the personhood of the developing baby. Puberty is a significant phase of development that a born child undergoes, but it too has no bearing on personhood questions. The human person, whose life begins at conception, experiences dramatic bodily growth and change before he or she is born. This development slows but continues after birth. Pro-Abortion arguments rely on misleading use of language that dehumanizes obvious human beings. Terms like "embryo", "fetus", and "zygote" have legitimate descriptive purposes, but they are misused to rhetorically distance us from the personhood of the unborn person, effectively dehumanizing with language.
@cgordon3 Жыл бұрын
@@MattBurrill - I understand what you are saying, and I can say that you are right, from a certain point of view. If you assume that 'personhood' starts at conception, and still support abortion, then you have to admit to yourself that you just ok with ending that life up to a certain age measured in weeks. But most people who support abortion aren't willing to concede that point of view. And I think that is the biggest gap in the ongoing argument is an agreement to when the child in the womb is considered a person with rights. Also there is another argument that has nothing to do with the babies status of life, but has to do with the rights of the mother. The rights of the 'child' don't supercede the rights of the mother... in that lets say a person was dying in the hospital and needed an organ transplant for which you are a perfect match. you can't be forced to give up your organ to save the other person. Here the argument goes that you should not be able to force the mother to carry to term if she doesn't want to do so, ie gve an organ to save another life. that's a crude description of the argument, but I hope you follow what I mean.
@happilydivorced7264 Жыл бұрын
In the case of rape, what did the baby do to deserve to get murdered? The baby is innocent of any wrong doing. The person who commits the rape should be murdered, not the baby.
@SenzaTempoCaneCorso Жыл бұрын
I've honestly never seen Joe Rogan lose his cool with a guest like that. Invoking his daughter's fictional unwanted pregnancy to shut down his guest was very unprofessional. Thankfully his guest handled it well. People like Joe Rogan because more often than not he's able to be open-minded and respectful to his guests. This was a rare occasion where he wasn't able to separate his emotions from the conversation.
@ratatoskr9366 Жыл бұрын
Dude has done it a few times. I think the worst was when Steven Crowder was on the podcast and they were discussing marijuana. Joe literally stoops to insulting his guest outright. But just look up Joe Rogan loses temper, he's done it a few times. This time actually wasn't so bad haha
@PC-vg8vn Жыл бұрын
He was trying to make it personal because it is personal, and such examples happen in real life.
@PD-se5pd Жыл бұрын
Not unprofessional. REAL and deeply harmful situation
@milky2529 Жыл бұрын
nah his point is just like not a debating point its a point of like, listen to how fucked up what ur saying sounds
@godwins2027 Жыл бұрын
@@ratatoskr9366 crowder was the worst for sure. He asked Steven a topic he would have not address the way he did in the past, and Steven said marijuana. Then Joe forced him to defend that position Steven had just he wouldn’t have addressed. Joe’s arguments were idiotic also, sounded like a 19 year old neck beard wearing a Bob Marley shirt.
@ralphdepalma5825 Жыл бұрын
The Pro Choice argument is nothing more than a rationalization for convenience.
@Warriorsfan540 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. If a pregnant woman wants the child , its a "miracle" . If the same pregnant woman , pregnant with the same baby , doesn,t want the child , its considered "a clump of cells" that can be aborted. The only difference is how the woman FEELS about the pregnancy. No wonder pro abortion people have to go through so many mental gymnastics to make abortion ok in their minds.
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?vdsafdsa
@SeraphimDragon Жыл бұрын
Society operates by rationalization. We have created laws for a general populace presumably without genetic or mental defects to operate in a mostly unified fashion while preserving individual's rights and desires to live in such a way with reasonable limitations, provided those rights do not infringe upon the rights of another. A woman who has been genuinely raped and impregnated should not be forced to bear a burden she was never given an option to carry or deny. While it is true that the unborn is effectively in the same boat as the potential mother, if we consider who then should we prioritize in terms of providing help for, I would like to believe that we would support the person who is already living and experiencing the world we all live in. This might be a terrible analogy to draw a comparison to (because I know a tooth is the not the same as a human life), but what people are asking of rape victims every time they tell them to give birth is the same as having someone walk up to unprovoked, and smash all of your teeth out. The attacker gets sent to prison for however long, you survive the experience, but everyone is telling you "you can't fix your teeth, even though we have dentists who can provide implants or dentures for you." Or how about the instances of parents invoking their religious beliefs upon their sick children who are at risk of death from a sickness, but denied medical treatment that would 100% save their life? That's a bit closer for a comparison I think.
@dooflydetailguuy4349 Жыл бұрын
Does God retry to birth the same consciousness if the pregnancy is failed? It's the information paradox. Morality tells us it's wrong. Make your stories to justify your sins. Justifying my sins helped me down a wonderful path of drug addiction and self abuse. Your soul knows in your heart what's wrong. In our individual perspectivism
@kyledeaver7247 Жыл бұрын
Knowing that children are lawfully considered property of their parents it is a human right to do what ever you want with your property.... a woman can burth up to 200 children why worry about 1 or 50 tell me that every human is worth living ..... then say you love rapest and molestation and Fuckers driving slow in the fast lane and people that abuse welfare
@ChinchillupaGuy Жыл бұрын
Hey just a constructive criticism from a first time viewer perspective. The amount of times the gentleman off screen spoke over the video clip or the gentleman on screen, was pretty distracting and made it difficult to discern who was speaking sometimes. Perhaps a solution could be to show the person talking or to subtitle who is talking off screen. The amount of screen time will also be a great reflection of who is talking the most, and might help balance things out as well. That being said, please take that criticism in the least personal way. This is a great show! I’m glad I stumbled upon it. Keep up the good work!
@mariaphillips4538 Жыл бұрын
Thank you to all the men with truth and courage to defend women and children!!! is incredible and so needed!!! dont back down dont stand back but stand your ground in God, defending Gods holy will.
@fedesetrtatio1 Жыл бұрын
My enlightened nieces used to call a baby a foetus when they were in debate. One of those same vociferous nieces came to visit me to let me know that she was having a baby and I asked her why baby now and not a foetus. She had tears in her eyes.
@colmwhateveryoulike3240 Жыл бұрын
I don't know if I'd have risked saying it but did she change her mind or did it make her upset with you? Was it the first thing you said or after being happy for her etc? Sorry for the questions it's just this exact thought has gone through my head and I have wondered how it would actually go down.
@fedesetrtatio1 Жыл бұрын
@@colmwhateveryoulike3240 Sometimes you have to have the courage to be that lone voice crying make straight the path of the Lord and let the chips fall where ever they may. She is fine and is due anytime now. My next advise is for her not to stop calling a baby a bady and have more of them.
@colmwhateveryoulike3240 Жыл бұрын
@@fedesetrtatio1 Yeah well fair play to you, I hope the point hit home and that she is blessed with healthy children and that God saves them all.
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?vdsasfds
@JamesDavis-dn3wo Жыл бұрын
Excellent Video. The comparison that he made about calling abortion "health Care" is the best line I have heard in a very long time.
@dp-116 Жыл бұрын
Regarding rape, why should the child pay for the sins of the father?
@theo-dawg8519 Жыл бұрын
Abortion is to Healthcare what rape is to love making. Beyond Profound.
@mcmilliftw1166 Жыл бұрын
You can tell Joe gave up on the argument as soon as they got to the question of when the magic of life happens because he had no retort because he was pushing a narrative
@TickleMeElmo55 Жыл бұрын
This is why I never took Rogan as seriously as his fanboys do. His level of inquiry is so utterly pedestrian when met with perspectives he disagrees with.
@mcmilliftw1166 Жыл бұрын
@@TickleMeElmo55 pedestrian is a good word for it
@jlindsay Жыл бұрын
Eugenics | Planned Parenthood | Social Darwinism | ?vds 43asdfsda
@BourbonForageFishing Жыл бұрын
Just because he's not a great rep for pro choice doesn't mean pro choice side doesn't have strong arguments. Just means JR isn't well thought out on the topic.
@mcmilliftw1166 Жыл бұрын
@@BourbonForageFishing exactly not well thought out because there aren’t real strong arguments for pro choice. The fact is killing is killing and 2 wrongs don’t make a right, these are basic truths civilized humanity can agree on. Actually wait I’m wrong this only applies to everything else not babies apparently 😑
@xs1069 Жыл бұрын
"Is it ever ok to kill a human life"? We know the answer is yes, sometimes. E.g. self-defense, war against an aggressor etc. And we also know that the intent (or lack of intent and innocence/guilt) of the "aggressor" is irrelevant. The issue is kill versus murder.
@987654bc Жыл бұрын
Enjoyed this show! First time watcher.
@noclipsbarrednick Жыл бұрын
I think that the word fetus is actually more human. And Joe is wrong it's not a fetus at 6 weeks and that's the whole reason I think it is more human. I wanted to feed is a definitely shouldn't be important.
@freemarketspeople3514 Жыл бұрын
This is an important conversation that more people need to have. The Pro-Life movement should be actively pursuing a strategy of changing minds on abortion instead of changing laws.
@tonyl3762 Жыл бұрын
No reason it can't and shouldn't do both.
@wgdetective7034 Жыл бұрын
As a parent, you may think you're helping your daughter or son by pushing 'abortion', but you also have the responsibility to protect their soul-- look after their heart and mind. That guilt and regret and shame will eat at them forever after the abortion. Important to remember that abortion is killing a child and also that that fact will be ingrained into the child that had the "abortion" forever. They will never be able to see a baby or a pregnant woman without thinking about it. They will never be able to say "this is my first pregnancy" or "my eldest child" without feeling a pang of strange agony. Proceed with caution if you're thinking about suggesting your child get an "abortion"; you may think you are helping to save them from a hard life, but you are actually pushing them to commit one of the most painful sins of their life.
@maymunistahli502 Жыл бұрын
They won’t feel any agony, they will feel disgust to a rapist. Do not talk as a parent like you know everything. You didnot get raped so shut up with the emotional explanation.
@LauraBeeDannon Жыл бұрын
100% , my evidence is anecdotal but after the umpteenth post abortive woman crying about her due date or binge drinking on the anniversary of their abortion made me change my mind.
@disco4535 Жыл бұрын
Murdering an innocent child is never the answer.
@debuthunter5389 Жыл бұрын
What happens if taking the baby to term will kill the mother? Do you let the baby live and the mother die? What happens if both the baby and mother will die? Do you let them both die?
@disco4535 Жыл бұрын
@@debuthunter5389 That's a risk you have to take. Murdering a baby shouldn't ever be an option. Luckily that scenario is extremely rare.
@marcelomartel9074 Жыл бұрын
Things are not black and white. That's why the separation of religion and state is a good thing so some groups can't impose world views by law.
@alexsalari2014 Жыл бұрын
I have a massive amount of respect for how this conversation took place. A very genuine back and forth. I personally believe god is the only judge. I have 3 boys and almost didn’t have the last due to hardships but now obviously carrying guilt for even thinking that way because of how much you love them. But, it is so hard for some woman mentally, physically and sometimes emotionally during and after that I would never place that judgment on anyone one ESPECIALLY if it was rape. But I do think the woman and men should have to prove that it was or wasn’t rape. And then if they want to live with it, that’s their choice. And god will take it from there. We will never convince everyone to not make bad decisions but they will have to deal with them sooner or later. God bless.
@elspethsilverstar6136 Жыл бұрын
Joe does this with his guests. He railroads them into his way of believing. He did the same with Milo about his homosexuality. This guy is one of the few guests that have ever stood up to Joe. I stopped watching Joe because he is a bully when imposing his beliefs about drug use, homosexuality, and pornography use. His guests always back down. This one has strong Christian faith, good on him.
@sudafedup Жыл бұрын
What do you mean bully homosexuality?
@apoliticaldeviant1262 Жыл бұрын
@@sudafedup I think Joe is more liberal in regard to sexuality so what he means is that when someone says that homosexual behaviour is deplorable (it is) on his show he bullies them
@sudafedup Жыл бұрын
@@apoliticaldeviant1262 I've seen him get angry at guests for disagreements with his positions sometimes but I don't think that qualifies as bullying, but I guess we have a different lines as to what bullying is. I dunno. I won't argue why I don't think homosexual behavior is deplorable as it's off topic, but if someone feels strongly about a position I can see why they'd be upset at a guest. Though to be fair I think Joe Rogan isn't that smart of a guy on most of the topics he discusses so when his brain gets triggered by disagreements he tends to get heated.
@elspethsilverstar6136 Жыл бұрын
@@sudafedup watch this clip again. See where he says "are you telling me my fourteen year old can't have an abortion after getting raped?" and see hownaggressive he gets with the guest. No one is telling him anything about his 14 year old. And he is trying to put that guy in a corner where he says its okay. Tell me thats not bullying.
@sudafedup Жыл бұрын
@@elspethsilverstar6136 I'd call that an argument from emotion, not really "bullying." People get heated in debates and discussions a lot. But like I said, I have a different line into what constitutes bullying.
@tlawhon Жыл бұрын
If we're looking at the issue of ending a human life, we should probably also give some attention to the other end, where (in Canada, especially) there's more and more liberal interpretations of when it is appropriate for "medical treatment" to include helping people in suicide. And we're not talking just about people with conditions which are fatal, but also people (including young people) who are depressed and just want a way out.
@Goodpatron Жыл бұрын
"You can't tell my 14 year old daughter that she had to carry a rapists baby" No. You can't tell the baby that it has to be murdered. 🤦
@stevebanawitz Жыл бұрын
Good thing it can't hear.
@Goodpatron Жыл бұрын
@@topercaker2646 No, she literally doesn't. Roe v Wade was overturned recently. She has no "rights" to an abortion. Wake up.
@elf-lordsfriarofthemeadowl2039 11 ай бұрын
You can, because it's still her baby.
@Goodpatron 11 ай бұрын
@@elf-lordsfriarofthemeadowl2039 Mother's don't suddenly have the right to murder their babies.... That's not how the law works. Lol 😆🤦
@MrMeowmixcookies Жыл бұрын
I love how well you articulate and keep rewarding rational, productive truths w beers lol
@eli8069 Жыл бұрын
Yeah except he sneers when Joe talks, f him.
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