Porn Is Destroying Intimacy

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Jordan B Peterson Clips

Jordan B Peterson Clips

11 ай бұрын

Dr. Peterson sheds light on the human longing for deep and authentic sexual connections, often masked by the allure of explicit content.
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@mr.s9783 11 ай бұрын
As a recovering porn addict of over 9 years, I can confirm that porn will absolutely destroy your mind. If you weren’t depressed, anxious, or obsessive-compulsive before porn, you will be. And if you already were, those things will become much worse. Porn also completely ruins how you see women, slowly but surely. You won’t even realize it at first. But slowly, it will happen. Every part of you will be consumed by sexual pleasure and you’ll feel like dirt when you aren’t getting it. You’ll be like a zombie craving sex and be driven out of your mind with loneliness. But it’s not really loneliness, it’s the brain craving sexual release. Women will be subconsciously seen by you as sex objects. But it’s not hopeless. The brain can and will rewire itself in time. You will be happy again, and you will recover. But ONLY if you expel porn and artificial sexual stimulation from your life entirely. If you’re on it, get off it now. If you can’t, get help. And if you haven’t yet touched porn, don’t. Ever.
@raystargazer7468 11 ай бұрын
Come on. This alone cannot cause all of that. Its just jerking off.
@utsavjha3026 11 ай бұрын
@bonsummers2657 11 ай бұрын
If you're of 'weak' and wrong mindedness, apparently so,…. but otherwise no, porn doesn't destroy or takeover your mind unless you let it, or are susceptible to that condition. Others appreciate modest porn (not crazy shit) as a positive supplement on occasion, but not addicted to it.
@hogibunz834 11 ай бұрын
I’m a recovering porn addict too and I agree with 100% of what you said. Porn is hell. It slowly eats away at your soul and makes you a subservient shell of your past self.
@mr.s9783 11 ай бұрын
@@bonsummers2657 Sounds like a hell of a cope to me, friend. Weak-mindedness has nothing to do with it. It rewires the sexual reward circuit of the brain away from natural sex and towards artificial sexual pleasure. That’s why Hugh Hefner was able to have sex with all the young pretty girls he wanted, but admitted he could only climax while watching porn. There have been studies on this. Stanford University did one showing that changes to the brains of regular porn watchers was roughly equivalent to those of hardcore drug addicts. You’re addicted yourself and you don’t even know. Don’t believe me? Quit for a month and see how long the cravings and irritability take to kick in. Withdrawal doesn’t exist unless you’re an addict.
@aimhigh3701 11 ай бұрын
I got engaged this year and boys trust me when I say the narrow road is totally worth it. Keep god close and don’t expect it to be easy. Just don’t give up. The light you are seeking will be revealed! Much love my brothers!
@fayechamp4156 11 ай бұрын
Please make it a habit to capitalize God GOD he’s so wonderfully worthy. Bless you ❤
@powerscallingfiend 11 ай бұрын
Legally or religiously ,because the road is going to be dark if it's Legally
@twobit4333 11 ай бұрын
​@@bacorablethe idea that God lies in the sky will keep you from him, God is love and if you allow your heart to be conquered by it you will be in heaven, forget what any fear lead organization tells you
@atticalien 11 ай бұрын
Which God are you talking about? People have invented literally thousands of them, and they are all equally imaginary.
@Toadhouse2003 11 ай бұрын
What great advice to give to other men. 😊🙏💕
@Bobab0y 11 ай бұрын
Also be wary guys. Don’t fall into that trap of thinking once you get a girlfriend / wife or a sexual partner that you’re desire to watch pornography will subside. It probably won’t and you will only find a way to integrate it into existing “relationship”. Just leave porn alone , if you’ve never watched it before consider yourself lucky and turn the other way.
@Jesus.purple 11 ай бұрын
Good advice. Jesus help keep us all away from it!
@BreaktheEgg 11 ай бұрын
@@Jesus.purple who?
@jesusisking3814 11 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ wants a personal relationship with you through the Holy Spirit, not religion and blind faith. You see, we all have sinned, and have broken God’s law (The Ten Commandments). Wrong doing deserves justice and must be punished (just like how a criminal has to pay for the crime they have committed) but God saved us from the eternal punishment of our sins by sending His Son Jesus Christ, fullness of God in flesh, to pay the penalty for us by dying on the cross and resurrecting, so that we may have everlasting life. Now for you to accept the free gift of grace, you must repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ and Bible says that His Blood will cover all of your sins, you will be forgiven, saved from eternal punishment, and be given everlasting life. By faith you will receive the Holy Spirit, become born again, know Jesus personally and He will transform your heart and clean you from the inside out. Turn away from sin, read the Bible, pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you and change you, obey the Word. Much love and God bless you!
@mr.s9783 11 ай бұрын
True. I once lost a gf because I couldn’t quit.
@shadowjuan2 11 ай бұрын
I had to learn this the hard way.
@yourefine9020 11 ай бұрын
Just overcame my porn addiction of 13 years and it’s one of the most evil things imaginable. I had ED as a 19 year old young man. So if that isn’t bad enough we can get into it deeper but I pray people get rid of this evil in your life. Life is better without it.
@harleyseelbinder 11 ай бұрын
Congratulations for quitting 👏 🎉
@janelleg597 11 ай бұрын
@Motivation_prime 11 ай бұрын
and with the ED, is it cured now?
@Toadhouse2003 11 ай бұрын
God bless you! It’s awesome you are speaking out to help other people. I pray you will rewarded with many blessings. 🙏
@blakewalters6855 11 ай бұрын
Wow, so wild... it really can mess with your brain in so many ways geez. It definitely prolonged my relationship game from ever happening for real. I'm almost 30 years old and have never had a legit long term relationship, let alone a short term. So let that also sink in for people reading this stuff. Damn glad to get off of it and recover from it. Talking and dating girls now, and just figuring out who I really want in my life.
@JeffreyGillespie 10 ай бұрын
One of the most concerning things about not watching porn is that when I tell my male friends that I don’t watch it if they don’t believe me. It’s so pervasive that I am presumed to be lying.
@AlphanumericCharacters 10 ай бұрын
If they believe me then they act like I’m a weirdo. Then when I refuse to go to the strip club and have a strange woman grind on my crotch for two minutes for $20 I am crazy.
@kenofken9458 10 ай бұрын
None of us watch porn. It's those perverted guys over there!🤣
@christopherlarsen7788 11 ай бұрын
2:45 "A properly integrated sexual life is part of the highest ethical endeavor." Whoa. As a man who is happily married over 25 years with two children and a vibrant, beautiful wife ... this is a profound statement that I must wonder if it is lost on young men and women. I wonder if I would have understood Dr. Peterson's statement 30 years ago.
@artugert 10 ай бұрын
What exactly is a “properly integrated sexual life”? And why is it “part of the highest ethical endeavor”? Congratulations on being happily married for 25 years! That’s quite an accomplishment these days.
@christopherlarsen7788 10 ай бұрын
@@artugert - Thank you. Obviously, I didn't make it here alone. Most of the accomplishment of lifelong marriage can be attributed to the effort of husband and wife...but it takes more. It requires the expectations of two sets of parents. And both husband and wife must work to earn the respect and admiration of their children. These "pressures" are something of a compelling force that pushes us along. A properly integrated sexual life means finding the balance - and let's be clear that we could drop the term "sexual" from that phrase and it still makes sense. Some passions burn too quickly; most flame out cold. Balance allows a smoldering heat that can be fanned over the course of a lifetime. Easier said than done. How is that an ethical pursuit? Family is a generational calling, and like most callings it is felt on an ethical, moral level. YOU are the product of many, many, many families. Your DNA is the stuff of legends - quite literally. What will you do with that knowledge? How will you pass on the legacy of your family?
@artugert 10 ай бұрын
@@christopherlarsen7788 Well, I definitely do agree that having children and creating a harmonious family life is one of the major ethical pursuits in a person's life. And obviously the act of having sex is part of the process of having children. But I still don't see how sex itself is an ethical pursuit. You could be the most ethical person who has ever lived, and only have had sex once for each child you have. Or you could never get married and never have sex, and you wouldn't be less ethical for it. In fact, a perfectly ethical man wouldn't have any desires at all, including sexual ones, and would only have sex for child-bearing, or to please his wife, if she desires it. I think that "passions burning out" is just a normal part of life, and is a good thing. But that's just my personal opinion. I view sex as being mostly for the purpose of having children, and purposefully keeping alive your desire for sex isn't necessarily a good thing. The desire should naturally decrease as you get older, and that's normal. I think if men in their 60's are still ejaculating three times a week, that's probably not good. It's normal to gradually do it less and less. There's no need to be "passionate" past the beginning stage, in my view. What matters is that you love and respect each other, and fulfill your roles well. I like what you said about pressures providing a compelling force. My wife and I live far away from both my family and hers, so we basically have no pressure from our parents. But we have a son who is going to be two years old soon, and that has motivated me to change in some ways, and become more of a man. Getting married in the first place has already given me quite a lot of pressure! In some ways, it has made me change for the better. I've only been married for 6 years, and I wouldn't say it has always been happy. It's been quite a challenge! Maybe some day I will be able to say that I am "happily married"! It takes a lot of sacrifice. Well, at least for me, it has.
@christopherlarsen7788 10 ай бұрын
@@artugert - Agreed. It would perhaps be a better world if men did not feel sexual desire. It is difficult to say, because if men did not feel sexual desire towards women... honestly, would men even bother to mate with women? I cannot see why men would mate with anyone under those circumstances. The human species would die off quickly, I'd guess. Is sex an ethical pursuit? If not, then is ANY pursuit ethical - wealth, knowledge, virtue, peace? Sex is only one of many desires. Let's consider money. If you want money, but don't have it, then what you do to obtain money is either ethical or unethical. Would I kill for money? Would I hurt people for sex? These sort of questions expose the ethics of pursuit. What are we willing to do? How will we earn this object of our desire? Not easy questions.
@artugert 10 ай бұрын
@@christopherlarsen7788 You're right. People in this world are full of desires, and live for nothing other than to fulfill those desires. If a man can give up all desires while living in this world, well... it might sound mystical, depending on your beliefs, but in my view, he would have already transcended the human realm, which I believe is the entire purpose of our living here on this earth. But if all men on earth gave up all desires, then earth would become a paradise, but that could never happen. If you want money, why do you want it? Well, being a human on this earth, we do need to find a way to sustain ourselves and our families, and in most societies today, that normally requires some money. If you do a job that is providing a real service to people, and you try your best to do it well, then that is a virtuous act. But if you make money through crooked means, that's not good. As for sex, any sexual act that is not just normal sex with your wife is unethical. And just as with everything else in life, it should be done with trying to please your wife as the goal, not to please oneself. As for the question you asked of what would you do for sex, well, if you're not married yet, it's more a question of what you would do to get married. Finding a suitable wife and doing what you can to make her your wife, can be a noble pursuit, as long as you don't hurt anyone in the process. That's why there are many tales of brave men fighting monsters and marrying a princess, etc. If you're already married, the only thing that really can be done to obtain sex when you want it, is to make it known to your wife in some way, and see if she is willing to or not. We are still human and still have desires, so I wouldn't count normal sex with your wife as unethical (but of course it can be if it's excessive or against your wife's will). But I wouldn't say it's ethical, either. Going back to the original quote, "A properly integrated sexual life is part of the highest ethical endeavor", I took that to refer to the actual act of having sex itself, rather than the pursuit of having sex, as it seemed you were referring to in the last comment. I think "he highest ethical endeavor" is to be free of desire. And in that case, as I said before, you would only have sex to procreate (which is for the good of mankind) or to please your wife (to keep harmony within the family). But sex seems to matter much less to women than it does to men, and some women (like my wife) don't seem to care about it much at all, and could easily do without it (apparently). Having a wife that isn't interested in sex is quite challenging for most men. Women like that should try to do it more, for the sake of their husbands. I think a large part of a "properly integrated sexual life" is balancing the desires of the man and wife, and communicating openly about them. And each should try to please the other. Sorry, that was kind of long and all over the place.
@deputy_charles2161 10 ай бұрын
2 years no porn. Best decision I ever made.
@aleks5405 10 ай бұрын
Then why are you counting time? If you've truly stopped there's no need for that.
@deputy_charles2161 10 ай бұрын
@@aleks5405 So anyone who got over an addiction that remembers how long it’s been hasn’t truly stopped? Do you take medication to help your brain function normal? I think you need to up the dose…..
@SMBShippuden4 10 ай бұрын
@@deputy_charles2161 dude asked a question. no need to be rude.
@yerxa420ca 10 ай бұрын
cool but if u dont have a partner u just have wet dreams or jerk off with no porn lol
@dchambers6731 10 ай бұрын
​@SMBShippuden4 true statement, though. Drug users and alcoholics keep track of sobriety. Porn is an addiction. As for myself, 8 months and going porn free.
@katemiller5990 11 ай бұрын
I’ve been married for almost 10 years now and I’m so grateful for my husband. He has a disability and we’ve had enormous challenges over the years for various reasons. Yet he works hard and provides for our family to the best of his ability, is humble and genuinely cares about me and our kids. I’m grateful for him.
@jclar7210 11 ай бұрын
That's great, treat him with respect and give him all your ❤️ love
@timwannell6477 11 ай бұрын
Big respect to you and your family 🙂👍
@Italianstallion281 11 ай бұрын
What’s that got to do with anything 😂
@mon_ange333mony4 11 ай бұрын
But don't you provide for your family too? Why don t you do it as he's partly disabled?
@katemiller5990 11 ай бұрын
@@sajask5890 thanks for your encouragement. It means a lot.
@TestTest-hh5mp 11 ай бұрын
Sex is meant to be a participatory act, not a spectator’s event
@Thagomizer 11 ай бұрын
I dunno, masturbation is participatory.
@TestTest-hh5mp 11 ай бұрын
@@Thagomizer yeah but you’re alone
@r.m5883 11 ай бұрын
@@Thagomizerso you can spill your sperm to the ground? Pathetic
@mr.s9783 11 ай бұрын
And a private, intimate act at that
@slimstrait780 10 ай бұрын
@@Thagomizer Yeah but.. you still are a spectator watching someone else. It's ALMOST like a cuckhold, except you don't know who the woman is.. except that she does porn or whatever. It's still a problem.
@AFringedGentian 11 ай бұрын
Speaking of porn, the look on Bill Maher’s face when Dr. Peterson explained just how happily married he and Tammy are. He was shocked. I wasn’t, I was thrilled to bits for the two of them. I think it’s terrific.
@NMemone 11 ай бұрын
Years ago the fact that Bill Maher used escor ts was an "open secret" in Hollywood. He's never been married. Never had kids. He can't imagine what it's like to have a life like Dr. Peterson's.
@mindfulmystic 11 ай бұрын
Bill Maher enjoys being single because he enjoys dating strippers. He won't deny it
@huko4266 11 ай бұрын
Bill Maher needs to grow up.
@AFringedGentian 11 ай бұрын
@@huko4266 I thought it was just me who found him utterly and insufferably shallow and immature. Maher, not JBP.
@huko4266 11 ай бұрын
@@AFringedGentian Maher strikes me as Peter Pan, man boy, as JP describes.
@jorgeguarin2898 11 ай бұрын
Jordan B. Peterson. Makes me say "wow" because it reveals the truths of this life.
@arekisan5239 11 ай бұрын
Not truth... take what he say learn from it. And take your own data and mixes those two togheter. And continu like that until you die.
@whatdolhavetodo 11 ай бұрын
It is no coincidence he quotes The Holy Bible. For it contains the truth to all of life. Kneel down and confess your sins and love to Jesus.
@arekisan5239 11 ай бұрын
@@whatdolhavetodo stay in your own lies. When truth make the world better for you, you hypocrite
@ReverendDr.Thomas 11 ай бұрын
I'm not sure why any thinking person would give heed to the imperfect opinions of some ignorant psychology professor. There are a handful of EXTREMELY wise sages currently on this planet who can logically and completely answer practically any question that an intelligent soul is likely to ask regarding morals and ethics. The fact that Jordan supports men buggering each other (by which I mean, that he supports homosexuality and other criminal activities, such as the unnecessary consumption of poor innocent animals) is MORE than sufficient proof that he is not as religious as he claims, and that any decent, holy person ought to shun his inane teachings and flee into the loving arms of a teacher of Truth. Furthermore, in a recent interview on Benjamin Shapiro's KZfaq channel, he admitted that his wife figuratively (and I'm sure also LITERALLY) wears the pants in his household. 👖 I would be more than pleased to provide you with links to the KZfaq channels of a few enlightened beings who will quickly set you on the path to perfection, as opposed to the DELUDED moral subjectivism professed by "Doctor" Peterson (pun not intended). Please find below a couple of such ENLIGHTENED masters to which I referred above: Professor Alan Watts (now deceased, so he doesn't have his own KZfaq channel - just search for his videos on numerous extant channels) Swami Sarvapriyananda ( or search for "Vivekananda Samiti") Jagadguru Svāmī Vegānanda ( )
@ReverendDr.Thomas 11 ай бұрын
​@@arekisan5239, kindly repeat that in ENGLISH, Miss.☝️ Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
@basquiatttt 10 ай бұрын
I feel I need to share that I've also overcome porn after over a decade of being a slave to it. That day I was feeling hopeless about it, discourage, dirty, and wicked, then I got to my knees and prayed: "Jesus, if you're real frees me from this evil that is consuming my soul. If you are able to do that I know you are God and I will give my life to you". I then felt His presence in the room, I was weeping while feeling His holy presence in the midst of me giving up on trying to do things on my way. To sum up, I am almost a year without porn, sex, and masturbation. am firm on my faith journey, serving in the church, and waiting to get married to a Godly wife. My personal relationship with others has massively improved. I might sound cliche but if I could, you also can - in Jesus.
@insomnia20422 10 ай бұрын
I'm happy for the way you improved your life but I think you get one thing quite wrong. It was YOU that turned your life around, not Jesus, god or anyone or anything else. Good job, you can be proud of yourself!
@mikesmith-wk7vy 10 ай бұрын
for my i quit 10 months ago and was watching from age 16 to 30. the moment i injured my knee a second time i though to myself God must be displeased with me and the big sin in my life was porn otherwise i am pretty good sticking to my Catholic faith so i though to myself that's it im done with porn this will not hold power over me anymore and i have watched it 0 times since then . its still difficult sometimes but hopefully in the long run worth it
@yerxa420ca 10 ай бұрын
@ObsidianFutures 11 ай бұрын
For those of you going through the tough battle of getting off the wagon for the addiction let tell you it is an amazing feeling. I had an addiction to it a while back and since about November of 2022 I haven't watched a second of pornography and it feels great. It gets hard but then it gets so easy. The word of advice to help those get out of it, if you really have to shake the snake or flick the bean leave your phone or any screen you would watch it on out of the room. Overtime you build yourself up to not needing it.
@mattimuller1907 11 ай бұрын
You Said hard
@dylanw6303 11 ай бұрын
Lmfao “shake the snake” 😂 I’ve never heard that one in my twenty three years on this earth.
@Nothingness687 11 ай бұрын
“If you really have to snake the snake or flick the bean leave your phone or any screen.” Bro, its a damn cool rhyme. This should be a quote😂
@WorldPeace21 11 ай бұрын
Then who do you masturbate about? A woman you saw in real life?
@wmiller2570 10 ай бұрын
@brandocommando2970 HOW did you stop watching? Because I find not masturbating or touching anything so difficult. I get the porn part, but when I suppress my maturbation and sexual side, it kind of goes the other way. Its like I need to find balance. So, did you masturbate and not watch porn as recovery?
@ngrnmck 11 ай бұрын
It absolutely destroys intimacy. It’s so sad some people have no idea what they’ve traded.
@Arthur_King_of_the_Britons 11 ай бұрын
On the other hand there's plenty of guys that have had their lives ruined after being dragged through the divorce courts that wish they had practiced onanism
@jesusisking3814 11 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ wants a personal relationship with you through the Holy Spirit, not religion and blind faith. You see, we all have sinned, and have broken God’s law (The Ten Commandments). Wrong doing deserves justice and must be punished (just like how a criminal has to pay for the crime they have committed) but God saved us from the eternal punishment of our sins by sending His Son Jesus Christ, fullness of God in flesh, to pay the penalty for us by dying on the cross and resurrecting, so that we may have everlasting life. Now for you to accept the free gift of grace, you must repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ and Bible says that His Blood will cover all of your sins, you will be forgiven, saved from eternal punishment, and be given everlasting life. By faith you will receive the Holy Spirit, become born again, know Jesus personally and He will transform your heart and clean you from the inside out. Turn away from sin, read the Bible, pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you and change you, obey the Word. Much love and God bless you!
@ngrnmck 11 ай бұрын
@@jesusisking3814 That was beautiful ❤️
@Thagomizer 11 ай бұрын
There are plenty of happy couples who watch porn together, you know. And even some who make porn themselves.
@swiftcartier6970 11 ай бұрын
@mcchuff 11 ай бұрын
I quit porn January 1st this year. When I say, I had withdrawal, I had WITHDRAWAL. Like it was crack. My hormones went fucking bananas for the first couple of months, subsided for a few weeks and then had another peak for another month or so. 8 months in and my mood, libido and mental state has levelled out and improved dramatically. However, the temptation is still there and I think it always will be. It's magnificent being free of such as vile force in my life over 20 years after it was introduced to me as a kid. I wish others strength in their recovery and urge others thinking about it to do it too. Do it for yourself, do it for your partner, do it for your kids, do it for positive masculinity in society.
@slimstrait780 10 ай бұрын
The temptation never goes away. But discipline can be honed. It's a LONG while of practice and progress. Do not give up, we shall grow stronger. I've been off porn for 4 months.. it's not worth it going back. The temptations are daily.. especially since I am home but I do my utmost best to minimise my viewing of content that could drive me to wanting to watch porn again. It's gotten easier to ignore, and now I'm more disgusted by it as the days pass.
@billymacktexasdetective5827 10 ай бұрын
So you've been addicted to crack as well???
@nikita2560 9 ай бұрын
@@slimstrait780 isn't it so frustrating that the temptations seem to never leave
@causselio 11 ай бұрын
Loss of value destroy intimacy.
@NGCgalaxy 10 ай бұрын
I have a friend, a very conservative friend who never watched porn (as far as I know). Moreover, he never played around and never engaged in a sexual act before getting married. I had always felt pity for him; what a boring life that he was living. I told him on occasions: man go easy on yourself and break some of the "rules" you had put on upon yourself and have some fun. Now, I feel jealous of him. What has changed? I've been in a relationship for a few years and just recently got married. Even though I stop watching porn and obviously quit playing around. I'm still suffering from metal damage caused by them. Despite being in love with my partner; I feel very little pleasure with her during our intimate moments. Not to mention that I can not maintain erection for more that few minutes despite being young and physically healthy. I totally wasn't expecting such damage. I thought ok I quit and now it all over. But no, the damage still persist. Keep in mind I had been addicted to porn for more than 17 years and started watching when I was only 12 y.o. It's very frustrating and saddening. And I'm afraid if things don't get well soon it will affect our relationship
@davisworth5114 10 ай бұрын
I'm sorry you had this experience, allowing 12 year old children access to porn is a form of child abuse, and shows our society is choosing evil over good, and for that we bring a terrible judgement upon ourselves.
@ibberman 10 ай бұрын
Guess I'm kind of like your friend, and as I am getting old 71, I wish I had been more like you, as I now live with the regret of having missed one of lifes greatest pleasures. I thought it was going to be an important part of a marriage, but the partner I picked unfortunately did not feel the same. I was always hoping, and eventually turned bitter on life.
@yojimbo3681 10 ай бұрын
So, here's the thing: intimate love/sexual desire and sexual arousal are two separate psychological areas. It's really not that uncommon to be intimate, desire sex, but the arousal doesn't come. This is perfectly normal. You ever hear how foreplay is much more important than actual sexual intercourse? There's plenty of scientific studies done on this. Human psychology is weird. This is also why Viagra became so popular.
@dubstepXpower 10 ай бұрын
I think you may have some other health issues. I have a great sex drive with and without porn.
@ThankYouJR 10 ай бұрын
I'm praying for you, brother.
@MrPicklerwoof 10 ай бұрын
I always felt the biggest issue with porn is that it entirely occupies a part of your mind which should be freed up for normal function. As a result your interactions with other adults become completely dulled. If you're a regular porn user, go for a couple of weeks without accessing a single porn image - and try to avoid fantasising about it during that time too - then take a walk through somewhere where there will be lots of other people. You'll be amazed at how differently you start perceiving others, the little things you notice about them, how it starts to stir things inside you. It's because it awakens some kind of innocence again.
@johnnybizzle2748 10 ай бұрын
That last sentence hit the spot, man.
@nexstbob6911 9 ай бұрын
U lost me at “take a walk somewhere with lots os other people?
@xMetalhead2000 11 ай бұрын
Quitting porn has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done, I’ve quit smoking was easy quit drinking every day easy but porn turns your natural instincts as a man against you don’t notice until you quit, I feel drugged when I relapse have less energy for days and feel low even months after quitting you still get urges unlike nicotine addiction and the way you see the world but it’s also part of the healing I guess starting to feel alone because you aren’t watching porn to satisfy that
@atharvabhosale3529 11 ай бұрын
Can confirm I am battling my porn and masturbation
@JohnnytNatural 10 ай бұрын
You can't quit porn, unless you can find a gf or another means we are bottom line animals and there's no way out of what is instinctual or basic to being alive, it's like saying I quit eating desserts
@JohnnytNatural 10 ай бұрын
@-RoyBatty- that's like saying you're a monk and you haven't had sex in years, you're referring to complete abstinence, most men have to quench their sexual needs weekly/monthly etc.
@JohnnytNatural 10 ай бұрын
@-RoyBatty- it may be a poor analogy but the comment was made to the OP, in essence I'm comparing porn to desserts as in we all need to eat but what is the point in eating if you never have desserts? I'm sure he understands as I guarantee you he eats desserts, only weird people like yourself abstain from pleasure, that's why you can't see the analogy
@BEYOND-EGO 9 ай бұрын
@@JohnnytNaturalthere is no quiting nutting in this game it will take another decade for main stream men to accept that it’s all like a fuckin curse, What is the problem naked people images or video? Or constantly releasing? Fucking a normal girl and still releasing? It’s seems like relapsing is always the goal, So I assume the problem is watching naked people, then it’s psychological problem, Meaning you weak mentally to be effected by such things But if it’s mastubating a lot then also fucking a lot ain’t good for you so different categories but same poison
@Alex-hz2xg 11 ай бұрын
“Pornography is the devil’s iconography.” - Fr. Seraphim Rose
@r.m5883 11 ай бұрын
Such a great quote
@katemiller5990 11 ай бұрын
Just want to put a shout out to all the great guys here who are seeking and preparing themselves to be a solid marriage partner. I know it’s not easy, and I want to thank you for the sacrifices that you have made and will make in the future. You are wonderful ❤ Your work has a ripple effect in the world.
@user-kw9rb2bg4y 11 ай бұрын
As an 18 y/o male, I thank you for this supportive message
@shadowjuan2 11 ай бұрын
What a beautiful message. I hope I can become that man and bring good to my family and community!
@mztwixed 11 ай бұрын
@jeffman1 11 ай бұрын
@katemiller5990 I have some top notch Christ based relationship counselors who have 8 areas of relationship growth in their course: Financial, Emotional, Leadership, Dreams, Spiritual (your walk with GOD), physical, adventure, relationship. end up worse who win the lottery then if they never played. Their course and counseling will get a person married in 6-8 months if you seek the accountability partners for each of the 8areas I mentioned.
@jeffman1 11 ай бұрын
They refer to them as victory markers instead of goals because they say the goal mindset leaves room for worst habits to follow once you reach that goal like a new years resolution or the people who win the lottery who only end up worse afterwards.
@navdeepsinghchauhan7607 10 ай бұрын
Quitted 3 months back after a 8 year addiction. feels like my brain has so much more space now. Thanks JBP!!!
@bcj842 10 ай бұрын
I remember falling back into it after having been away from it for 4 months. I guarantee you that there is going to be a hurdle on your path. Don’t you dare trip on it. I want you to flourish.
@rangerreno1249 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for spelling it out with accuracy and articulation. You nailed it. Keep talking because I believe you carry forth messages that no one else does in a way that no one else can to achieve a positive impact that the world needs so desperately.
@ronnypham1581 11 ай бұрын
Hey I want to Thank you guys of your testimony and help of the strugglers of the evil Lust. Reading all of your comments is truly appreciative.
@elbuff2770 11 ай бұрын
you're the best, just started reading 12 rules seems like the kind of book you should memorize
@guiselleavina4441 11 ай бұрын
You won’t regret. Such a good book 😊
@LuckyMarvini 11 ай бұрын (Here's a video that'll help you memorize the book of JP)
@etiennelavigueur2955 11 ай бұрын
Read the second part ! ;)
@nootnewt 11 ай бұрын
I wrote out all 12 rules for both books and put them up on my wall.
@Deezhan 10 ай бұрын
Sober for over 3 years now. It made me feel so much better, mentally.
@GetAsCloseAsYouCan 10 ай бұрын
Glad you stopped drinking and doing drugs.
@Deezhan 10 ай бұрын
@@GetAsCloseAsYouCan I stopped drinking 7 years ago, and never even tried drugs.
@BEYOND-EGO 9 ай бұрын
Well you still fuckin women aren’t you.?
@22056 11 ай бұрын
That was awesome Dr. Peterson I’m so glad that you put a biblical perspective from the book Matthew, 7.7, wrote Ask,Seek & Knock. This scripture was written, helps with every situation of our lives. If we have a problem or a struggle, We don’t understand. It is a righteous solution. It is the positive to the narrative people are trying to find a solutions. When they have no answers, no path of guidance or where to go. You are so gifted for the righteousness paths you share..Thank you so much. May God Bless you Dr. Peterson..❤
@LongBeachGriffyFC 10 ай бұрын
@Life_of_Matthew 9 ай бұрын
I watch porn every now and again and my God, that crap sticks in my head for days, almost all I can think about. I gotta avoid it at all costs.
@nickp3949 11 ай бұрын
Damn. Just relapsed after almost two weeks of no porn It’s tough. Really tough. I quit smoking cold turkey twice, I quit che I had tobacco cold turkey, and I’ve gotten out of alcoholism without ever going to an AA meeting. I have a strong mind. Porn is THE number one hardest addiction to break. Because you’re not dealing with a craving, you’re dealing with a bodily function. Your body needs a sexual release. And it’s not like it’s a single line going from “heavily addicted” to “no longer addicted”, it doesn’t work that way. The desire to do it can be nonexistent one day and then a 10 out of 10 the next day. There’s no “weening yourself off it”. You could be on such a strong streak with no cravings, and then all of a sudden bam you feel like you have to do it. I’m afraid I’m never going to crack this addiction. Once I get that strong craving I can’t escape it.
@shadowjuan2 11 ай бұрын
You can do it Nick. I’ve through that hell, it’s horrible, but you must pray, have faith, believe in something. Porn addiction was also the absolutely most difficult thing I have managed to get out of my life. We are sex craving creatures, which is a normal thing, but pornography only makes that sexual craving 1000% times worse, don’t become fooled by it. Our natural cravings for sex are actually not that hard to control, but for a mind that is addicted to porn it is hell. That’s why you have to escape that hell, and before you do that you must go through the worst of it. But there is light, believe.
@juliecarmody7710 11 ай бұрын
I understand it’s difficult as is any other addiction. However, FOOD addiction is the only one that is in fact a true physical need in that one must eat to survive. Many people-both men and women-go YEARS without having sex or as you put it, a “physical release”. It’s just Not a True Need. No one dies from lack of orgasms and/or lack of sex. (Hello monks, nuns, celibates of all kinds!)
@mztwixed 11 ай бұрын
Pray and humbley ask God for self control, and for help keeping wicked desires in check. The enemy comes to steal (your peace, harmony, healthy mind set) kill (your marriages, relationships, mental health etc) and destroy (ANY aspect of our lives). This is a spiritual fight first and foremost. Your weaknesses are catalogued. Stay prayed up. Ask for forgiveness where you allowed the spirit of lust. Pray that God removes any evil spirit in you and that He cleanses your heart mind and soul, as only He can do.
@r.m5883 11 ай бұрын
Only thing that broke it for me was going to confession every single time it happened. Eventually it’s been one year since almost 20 years addiction.
@kirsikkamansikka8695 11 ай бұрын
With God it's possible.
@Nickgyw6 10 ай бұрын
Marriages are ruined due to addictions, not porn. Yes that can mean porn addiction, but it can also mean alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, food addiction, attention addiction (social media likes/followers), video game addiction, etc. Life is about balance. Addiction is usually caused because of an emotional void someone is trying to fill or because of a chemical imbalance in their brain or chronic boredom/lack of life purpose. Many people will never overcome their addictions. It’s important to assess someone’s potential for addictions before you marry them (male or female). Addictions ruin MANY marriages.
@robertthomas3777 10 ай бұрын
Gold. Profound wisdom and articulation. Thanks.
@GMCTIM 10 ай бұрын
Hate to say, I've battled the porn pit 40 years +, it is a daily fight ! Stay strong folks, one day at a time 😔✌
@harrisonboraas6812 11 ай бұрын
"That's why you get married." Well, gee, Jordan, why didn't I think of that? It's not like most women are freaking crazy after Covid or anything🙄
@XeenWraith 11 ай бұрын
Worth a shot indeed sir!
@Bluzian74 10 ай бұрын
What to get blue-balled? or charged with rape? Yeah.. okaaaay.
@BJ270997 11 ай бұрын
Knock and the door will open Seek and you will find Ask and you will receive ❤
@mariopenalastragodzwarrior8434 11 ай бұрын
Great topic thanks Jordan God bless you
@gormenfreeman499 11 ай бұрын
You can’t beat sexual desire. Once you ‘beat’ it, it just comes back. You have to transmute the sexual energy for something more productive.
@davidschumann2197 11 ай бұрын
Sounds like the truth. Thank you for standing up and saying it.
@madniv786 10 ай бұрын
Why aren't politicians demanding ban on porn? Some forms of freedom of speech/expression like porn are destroying our young boys and girls lives, is it still ethical to let porn spread through society?
@flobba123 11 ай бұрын
i feel like alot of people is working so much they have no time or energy for intimacy
@emirefe5452 11 ай бұрын
nah,that's just an excuse to be made, you can find time most people work for 8 to 12 hours a day ,let's say you work for 9 hours,sleep for 8 you have 7 hours left let's say eating and toilet takes upto 1 and a half or 2 hourd you have still five hours left let's say you spend the 3 hours of it to yourself (which is a lot of time )you can spend the rest of two hours on your partner ,hell this is without counting the times you have in between stuff,like your breaks etc.
@glowgirl8171 11 ай бұрын
Porn destroyed my brother-in-law. He was totally consumed by it. I've never witnessed anything like it. Over time, he wanted my sweet sister to do the most degrading sex acts. He ruined her emotionally. She died young and I swear it was because of his degeneracy.
@r.m5883 11 ай бұрын
Man thats the saddest story
@marvin2678 11 ай бұрын
damm what happened to her ?
@glowgirl8171 11 ай бұрын
@@marvin2678 She had oral cancer and she lost half her tongue. He was upset over not getting oral sex while he watched porn. He told her her body didn't do it for him and he had to watch it--with her--even while she was so sick. She lost faith in life.She wanted to die and in 6 months, she did. I miss her so much and I hate him beyond what I can say.
@thejourneyoffaith8116 11 ай бұрын
I'm sorry for what happened to you and your sister. I do not know what other things your brother-in-law did to your sister, but what I can tell you is from experience for your sake and your sisters memory forgive him and move on. Don't allow his story to be apart of your sisters wonderful one. The sooner you forgive and move along with your life, the better you feel and more it gives space for your sisters memory to live on.
@glowgirl8171 11 ай бұрын
@@thejourneyoffaith8116 I agree with you.I know that's the only way. Let me add that his addiction spilled over onto me, in e-mails ,dms,etc. He made sexual remarks about my MOTHER that were so vile, obscene ,distorted and sick. Even the most perverted minds wouldn't go there. He spoke sexually about his own daughters while they were in front of him. He broke my sister's rib in some crazy bondage thing she wouldn't do he and called it "playing". Anyway, thanks for listening. Peace to you.
@diablous100 10 ай бұрын
Dude nonchalantly bragged about his sexual life in front of an audience, meanwhile his wife stood besides him nodding in appreciation. What a BOSS.
@duncanheard4724 10 ай бұрын
I wouldn't call that bragging in any form. He was talking about the pursuit of a fulfilling and loving relationship and sex is a large part of that. Sharing yourself with another person that you love and RESPECT is the essence of an intimate sexual relationship.
@bernob9770 11 ай бұрын
This is only going to increase!
@vuho7832 10 ай бұрын
Man, it's the only thing that keeps me going
@alexdavila1356 10 ай бұрын
The effects of porn are pretty obvious and intuitive; no one needs a degree in psychology to piece that together. What drives people to "pornography"? Solve "that", then the effects of porn become irrelevant.
@Bluzian74 10 ай бұрын
Conscript sex and legalize rape. There. Porn problem solved!!! Ah... but that ain't gonna ever happen will it?
@emirefe5452 11 ай бұрын
problem with today's world is that everything is commercialised, even love or faith or values and intimacy , marriage is seen as something between two people that want to make it official but it is supposed to be more than that, it is supposed to be the confirmation of your love by a higher power be it god or society and it is supposed to be an oath that you take with care and consideration , it is supposed to be more than just sex or hugs or other physical stuff but it should be the melting of two people to a better singular unit,to a family but porn and other stuff like that only highlights the animalistic parts of a relationship and us being humans means we are more susceptible to the animalistic actions than rational ones, thus the destruction of intimacy and marriage
@jamesmurphy9426 11 ай бұрын
Thank technology or advancement since 1950 the mind control
@noveltycrusade 11 ай бұрын
Well said .
@josephvanwyk2088 10 ай бұрын
Sadly, Dr J B Peterson - women (21 - 30) have no desire to "settle" as they call it. At least the ones I've met and keep seeing on social media. I'm 35, turning 36 - and I simply can't find a traditional woman who has morals and values that I can trust to raise kids with. AND also hasn't slept with 10 - 20 men out side of marriage - and (in the worse cases) have murdered their own babies. For some of us men, there is very little chance of this happening.
@switchedon6530 11 ай бұрын
Values respect and dignity deep friendship i loved being married.
@jordandesmet6593 10 ай бұрын
Just remember, it’s not only the porn. It’s the act of masturbation coupled with porn. With or without the porn, the masturbation is part of the problem. This seems to never be addressed with this topic.
@jimmusthegrimmace 10 ай бұрын
Because its not a problem. Masturbation is such a non starter that animals do it in the animal kingdom. Its such a weird and dumb take to demand that one has no control over their own bodies.
@drewfrench5271 10 ай бұрын
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 If you know the TRUTH in your heart and the rest of the world challenges you and disagrees, why change? Why accept lies when you know the truth? This is because, as humans, we become fearful and will conform. I challenge you all to resist lies and comfortability and uphold TRUTH, even though it is hard. Be strong and courageous. The Lord is with you.
@HelloOki 8 ай бұрын
Let start prioritising deep connection with one important person
@YemenIsraellover 11 ай бұрын
The last time I watched pornography was 1 year ago or more. And I will never watch it again. Thanks to jbp for teaching me how to be a man.
@mon_ange333mony4 11 ай бұрын
Pornography addiction can also be the result of a hormonal imbalance, drug consumption, trauma and other aspects. So it's important to rule out all other factors before treating it as a sole addiction.
@marvin2678 11 ай бұрын
huh isnt that how all addiction works ?
@arielfonseca7148 11 ай бұрын
Duh? So can any other addiction. You're just naming the neurological reasons for the addiction. That's what makes it so hard to overcome. That's why it's not easy. If people let those things be an excuse there would be no getting over the addiction.
@tcggggg 11 ай бұрын
A person on their deathbed from obesity related sickness is surely going to rule out trauma, hormone imbalance, and drug consumption before dealing with the problem at hand.
@Thagomizer 11 ай бұрын
​@@marvin2678Especially made up addictions.
@user-od5fh3gn4d 10 ай бұрын
Porn addition is porn addiction.
@jjpnw7904 11 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@carmenfreeman693 11 ай бұрын
Beautiful. Amen! 🙏
@GetAsCloseAsYouCan 10 ай бұрын
Peterson is right, porn is stupid. Stop getting off to strangers you don’t know or have a connection to. It’s strangers having sex. Instead, talk with your partner about what you both like and perhaps making sex tapes of your own is an option and commit to that. Then when your partner isn’t willing, you’re not gonna cheat on them with a stranger, you can enjoy a throwback sess with yourself and them. Best part, they get to take their time off recovering and you can stay committed and maybe learn a thing or two by reencountering something you already did. If they break up, we’ll, guess who still can enjoy that later; both of you. Normally, since women aren’t visual creatures, they probably won’t. It’s up to your adult discretion as to how you handle it. Personally, I’ve deleted a lot once it ends, but when you’re single you can still enjoy a throwback and if you find someone new, you start the process again. If you’re straight, why are you even watching another dude naked and sleeping with someone else? That behavior is odd as again, you don’t even know them and why would you ever want to see anyone else sleep with someone.That’s weird and it should not happen. However, reliving your past for the few times those moments ever happened, that’s the ticket. I’ll tell this to anyone. For those that are gay, then maybe they enjoy whatever they enjoy, that’s their choice. Your choice is to stop watching ridiculously fake porn and try something that involves you and who you’re with. And obviously, you never share this with anyone except your partner. That’s the fun part knowing it’s only between two consenting adults. This also might save a relationship as communication grows after reliving an experience and allowing the next times to become enriched by the knowledge of what you did well and teaches you how to achieve what each person enjoyed most. Not every partner will want this, that’s fine. Not every relationship stays together, so there’s that. I think this is the best advice I could ever give to someone watching this video. Leave the industry behind, create your own enjoyable and educational experience that grows intimacy at levels that will never be topped. A little #tlc Boom, boom, boom! Ooooooohhhh yeaaaaaa! I want to thank you for letting me be myself.
@learningsimpleton 11 ай бұрын
I've tried so so hard multiple times to quit, but honestly being a very introverted and neurotic guy I have no hope of ever finding genuine emotional or physical intimacy with a woman, especially as I've been hurt and betrayed so many times by women (not shifting all blame, I'm well aware of many mistakes I've made also). My brother introduced me to pornography when I was like 9 or 10 and I can remember masturbating before my body even produced semen, and now its a coping mechanism for when I feel real low which unfortunately is a lot. I don't know how to have hope.
@crashchipfilms 11 ай бұрын
I’m sorry to hear about your struggle man. Every man has a crutch - some more harmful than others. So don’t feel like you’re weak because porn is a coping mechanism for you. It sounds to me like you need something in your life that‘s better than what porn currently offers. For me that’s putting my hope in Christ, knowing I’m acting in line with God’s word and in line with my conscience by not giving in to sexual desires, even if that means I never have sex or enjoy sexual intimacy ever again. For me that’s better than the gratification/stress relief porn offers. Find that thing for you and perhaps the feeling of hopelessness might become more manageable or disappear.
@learningsimpleton 11 ай бұрын
@@crashchipfilms I hear what you're saying brother and ol boy I have tried, I've tried to act and live as if a god was watching over me. But that's the thing about belief, you can't fake it, and try as I might I can't make myself believe something I don't. Perhaps there is A god that's put signs and opportunities in front of me, however if they were there it feels like I've missed them all or cowardly let them pass by. If he made me then he made a defective product.
@willdabeastfeast5163 11 ай бұрын
@@learningsimpleton You are fearfully and wonderfully made brother. Make no mistake. Not even a hint of doubt
@trumpistagigi 11 ай бұрын
Faith lightens up reason, so apply this will come in time as you develop your loving relationship with God. Best resource is a Catechism - check out We Believe by Gilbey, terrific book that changes lives of even the smartest of atheists. And importantly, faith is a gift so with prayer, ask for it :) You will overcome porn addiction by God's grace. Prayer and penance do miracles. Temptations will be violent but they ease massively. Be on the lookout for thought processes that tempt and remember they are lies. Be pragmatic - devices away. And replace this desire that receives a skewed response with a replacement - look to gothic and medieval art, listen to a great sonata, paint :)
@crashchipfilms 11 ай бұрын
I appreciate your honesty man. I definitely agree, you can’t fake belief/ faith. And another thing - having faith in Christ doesn’t solve all your problems or take away hardships. But I can certainly attest to how it’s given me strength and belief that I can fight this thing. In relation to feeling defective - we all are brother - me just as much as you. At least you have the humility to admit it and are trying to make amends. I truly hope you find a joy that far surpasses the sexual gratification and comfort that porn brings.
@USSResolute 10 ай бұрын
Every addiction damages you.
@turkwendell6904 10 ай бұрын
I'm addicted to being awesome that's not damaging me you're addicted to being super cool and that doesn't damage you.
@anonymeguy9172 11 ай бұрын
Mr Peterson really push a whole generation to transcend difficulties of life.
@AllyFaye-tl6wm 10 ай бұрын
As a female perspective on this, I feel porn very definitely rewired my brain from a young age and I became an over sexed person rather quickly. Luckily, I was also extremely shy so it never manifested itself in promiscuity but it has most surely caused much of the depression in my life. I'm 40 now and have been in a long-term relationship for almost 20 yrs (getting married next month) and my porn use has dropped to only when it's inconvient to do anything with my spouse (sleep, work, etc) and I know for a fact he does it the same way; other than that, I've always felt our relationship has done nothing but improve over the years and that's mostly due to how we care about and for each other. I've always asserted that if you remain committed, the only reason I see (and the real reason we are) signing on the dotted line, is for tax breaks. Otherwise our relationship would be exactly the same. Marriage itself never stopped people from divorce and doesn't guarantee committment; it's the mindset behind the concept you put into practice that matters.
@jacobmasters438 10 ай бұрын
Plus the covenant with God. That makes marriage much more than just tax breaks.
@AllyFaye-tl6wm 10 ай бұрын
Depends on if you are religious or not you will have a different take on its meaning. @@jacobmasters438
@battheman777 7 ай бұрын
I think it's that mindset of that drives the importance of marriage. It's a new level of commitment. We have to consider, though, that marriage has been secularized in our day. Marriage was historically a religious practice and was an acknowledgement before God or even an agreement so it held much deeper meaning. Modern Government has used it for things like tax breaks. Kind of like how pornography warps your mind and impacts your relationships, marriage has been warped so it's been turned into more of a transaction to be nullified whenever it becomes inconvenient.
@huko4266 11 ай бұрын
What about women who read love novels? Are they ok, because you have to use your imagination?
@Thagomizer 11 ай бұрын
This is why the anti-porn argument falls apart: they can't even define what porn is. When you hear some prudish conservative women talk about her previous "porn addiction", half of the time she's talking about erotic fan fiction or Cinemax movies.
@user-od5fh3gn4d 10 ай бұрын
Most women I know don't read them. You are grasping at straws.
@latt.qcd9221 8 ай бұрын
Of course they are. Because, at the end of the day, all of this anti-pron nonsense is, at its core, about demonizing and controlling *_male_* sexuality. They never discuss women as "pron addicts" for reading Harlequin Romance novels or other smut, or discuss how it could be causing some kind of "inability to perform in the bedroom." It's always about demonizing men and male sexuality, and how it's "preventing men from pursuing women." Zero discussion on its supposed affects on women. Sometimes they might even point out that there's pron for women, or that women watch it, but they never discuss women's use of it like it's a problem or that they might have some kind of "moistile dysfunction" in the bedroom because of it. Women are never considered "defective" or "dysfunctional" for not being able to get in the mood in the bedroom; only men, and it pron often gets blamed for it. You can also see it in the hypocrisy they have concerning "unrealistic expectations" that men supposedly have from pron. Pron -- at least of live actors/actresses -- features real women, and real women have lots of flaws. Women reading smut, however, can imagine whatever they want and imagine men with zero flaws if they wanted to in their fantasies. There's no limitation to how perfect the man can be in their minds, meaning if anyone would have unrealistic expectations, it would be the women reading smut. But, again, no one has any problem with that and only men get accused of it. You can also see it in how it's discussed in the context of relationships. Whenever it's brought up as something "couples" struggle with, it's always that the woman has a problem with the man's use of it, but never the man complaining about his wife reading Harlequin Romance novels. The women want full control over his sexuality and to ban his use of pron, but they often want to be able to read their own Harlequin Romance novels, themselves. You can also see it in how so-called "hard-core/aggressive/extreme/rough" pron is always something men get accused of consuming -- supposedly if they watch enough pron -- but ignore the fact that according to PH's own search data, it's *_overwhelmingly_* women searching for that stuff, not men. People act like the pron women consume is all the gentle, consensual, romantic stuff, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Again, this goes back to the idea that people think women like the "good sex" and men like the "bad sex" because they see female sexuality as inherently good and worth protecting and male sexuality as inherently evil and necessary to control. It also doesn't help that most anti-pron people don't even know what visual pron is like, in the first place. They're so pron illiterate that they often make statements about it to demonize it that don't even make sense or that only highlight how little they know about it. For instance, they might argue that it's bad because it's going to "create voyeuristic impulses" or something because you're "watching strangers have sex", despite the fact that pron of a man and woman shot that way only constitutes a small portion of all pron. Or another is that there's a lot of women supposedly being victimized by it (this is another one that exposes their hatred of male sexuality, because there's never any discussion about the trafficking of young boys in these kinds of conversations, despite a lot of the ones trafficked being boys). There's POV pron, lesbian pron, pron with just a single female getting off, pron of video game characters, pron of anime/cartoon characters, etc. If "watching strangers have sex" is what they take issue with, then there's plenty of other options that don't involve that. If their issue with it is that it *_somehow_* contributes to trafficking, then there's pron that doesn't involve people at all -- and, in the future through the help of AI, it will look just like any other pron with live actors/actresses, despite them complaining about AI for that reason, as well. If they were really concerned about things like trafficking, then they should be celebrating AI pron as it wouldn't require real people to create. I could go on for much longer discussing this, but the point is that this stuff is purely about demonizing male sexuality and attempting to control it, and using very weak arguments -- and sometimes weak scientific data -- in an attempt to back it up. If you dig deep enough into what they believe and why they believe it, you always end up uncovering their dislike of male sexuality and their belief that it needs to be controlled.
@tariqcollins2609 Ай бұрын
True revelation of nakedness
@breathe3146 10 ай бұрын
Years ago I never thought I’d say this now but marriage and solid partnership is such a huge “turn on” for me now than watching porn.
@jonathanlovesadventure7838 11 ай бұрын
We want to get married. Got to be in a relationship and find a girl first. That is so hard.
@SmartAss4123 11 ай бұрын
I dont really have an issue with not watching porn if I have a current partner. But after a 4 year relationship you only have a few options unless you're a total chad. I'm average so I have to wait to get the release of having normal sex with a partner
@sharpenedge 11 ай бұрын
I'm an atheist. Getting married, with this kind of honesty front and center, has been one of the best decisions of my life. It's like I struck a lottery that rewards me in proportion to my commitment and faith in the relationship. Remember guys: Even though you've been to work and come home tired, doing house chores and cleaning and going on silly dates IS ALL FOREPLAY. Avoid porn, and focus your attention instead on your wife, and if she's a good person, she'll acknowledge you. It is a call to adventure, and the reward will leaving you feeling whole instead of empty.
@artugert 10 ай бұрын
What does being an atheist have to do with anything you said?
@sharpenedge 10 ай бұрын
@@artugert A lot, according to many. Apparently not believing in the existence of a diety is some kind of recipe for marital disaster.
@artugert 10 ай бұрын
@@sharpenedge I see. I never would have guessed that was what you meant to imply by the statement. Thanks for clearing that up. While I don't hold atheism in high regard, I don't see why holding such a view would prevent one from having a harmonious relationship with one's spouse. But if a lot of people think that way, I can understand why you would want to dispel that notion.
@GetAsCloseAsYouCan 10 ай бұрын
@@artugertMost people who don’t have faith have a lot more time to do things that people with faith never do but think they would. This includes helping homeless, talking about anything else, not being afraid to befriend gay people and getting to support all communities rather than those born with this unrealized knowledge that every bible was man-made and therefore, religion is as well. Once you accept everything is human created, you become a part of every community. You want to know where you’re going when you die? Visit a graveyard. Take back your Sundays and do something productive. While on the subject, porn is strangers sleeping with each other. You trying to watch some other stranger sleep with someone or are you trying to find a lover? The choice is as easy as understanding that religions are man made.
@artugert 10 ай бұрын
@@GetAsCloseAsYouCanThere is so much wrong with what you said that it's hard to know where to begin. Not a single sentence you said is accurate. By "people who don't have faith", I assume you mean atheists, since that was the subject of discussion. (Actually, everyone, including atheists, have faith.) But most of what you are saying seems to be aimed only at Christians (which I am not), but even that is inaccurate. People who are not atheists have as much time as atheists. They help homeless people as much as atheists do. They talk about as many different things as atheists do. They befriend others (regardless of who they are) just as much, as well. If you don't believe that gods exist, of course you believe that religion is man-made. Becoming atheist doesn't make you "part of every community", and believing in gods doesn't make you not "part of every community". That is just absurd. The question of where a person goes when he dies is obviously not referring to the physical body, which of course ends up in a graveyard, and eventually disintegrates. I don't think anybody disagrees with that.
@adriant240 11 ай бұрын
Porn is bad for you. But the solution isn't necessarily to get married. You can just get a girlfriend and take it slow. Don't rush into the marriage trap. It's not for everyone for a multitude of reasons.
@xMetalhead2000 11 ай бұрын
I’m 23 never been in a relationship i blame my parents divorce and porn for that I never asked out girls because I was filling that with porn but didn’t realize it until I quit it’s so destructive to teenagers
@emmanuelnaranjo8114 11 ай бұрын
It is over I have approached over 50 women none of those interaction lead to nothing some men are mean to be alone the whole life
@Medietos 11 ай бұрын
@@emmanuelnaranjo8114 I know what you mean and the pain. We have to heal and grow first, mature and prepare to have competence for true love/relationship. It is tragic that we don't get to learn it mostly and aren't even told that it needs learning.The intro to Erich Fromm's "The art of Loving". I recommend also therapist Barbara de angelis' " Make Love All the Time - How to break up Without Breaking Down". Contains the process of gettng to self-love.
@marvin2678 11 ай бұрын
@@emmanuelnaranjo8114 nah bro you need to change your tactics
@korcidiamond3623 11 ай бұрын
You blame your parents... Oh damn, get out of the victim role. You are one scared kitty cat. Its not your parents fault. You are a grown ass dude that could be called into war.... Now who you wanna blame for anything in your life. Grow up
@user-od5fh3gn4d 10 ай бұрын
Many men and women from intact families wind up addicted to porn. Don't blame your addictions on others, or you'll never overcome them.
@DreadNawght 8 ай бұрын
the lesson from jordan's view on porn is when you don't know a subject you can politely abstain from answering (you can even abstain from expressing any opinion whatsoever and live a good drama-free life)
@RocknRoRose 11 ай бұрын
yes it can and if people are truly watching this excessively absolutely destroys a persons interest in life and love. WHICH is no good. Luckily for myself being a person who was addicted for almost 25 years with this, as I became an adult, I learn to face the fear of this addiction and understand to break it down and make sure it becomes less available to those in public and less available around families. Even some lingerie magazines would look pornographic but not anymore. I think main stream media will learn to understand we do not need all that sexual indecency in our faces. We'll be a little bit more modest today especially with the interests of the youth wanting to be more responsible for their own actions no matter what kind of style they choose if they are punk rockers, or hiphop kids, or any of that sort.
@rohanwilkinson1021 11 ай бұрын
To me porn is not for married couples as it can destroy your mind with guilt or gluttony and is for those who are single so long as it is harmless porn. What I don't like about porn is some of it involves the rape or torture of trafficked innocent women or fair ladies who are puppets or mind slaved victims of poor education because of bullies or tyrants who want to poison everyone's minds or hearts by showing every one what could give them a heart attack.
@Thagomizer 11 ай бұрын
If you're watching legally produced porn, everyone involved is a paid, consenting adult, and it's easy to verify this.
@eancola6111 11 ай бұрын
The issue is everyone starts with the “harmless” stuff, but a lot of people don’t stop there.
@midi6615 9 ай бұрын
​@@eancola6111that's why it's best not to start at all
@tophcookie7033 11 ай бұрын
This whole clip is like having to reread a page…just to go..WHAT-did I just read
@LoneHeckler 10 ай бұрын
Get married? Gee never thought of that. Ok I'll just go get married
@estherharing7430 10 ай бұрын
Jordan Peterson is a perfect example of a man becoming more attractive with aging + it is so arousing when a man can stimulate your mind. He convinced me my ex just doesn't have what it takes to keep my attention. Probably that's why he was in and out all the time to keep me guessing.
@MrBCook17 10 ай бұрын
The sound guy needs to be fired. Every sentence is ringing with feedback.
@arianschnabel6814 11 ай бұрын
The enemy of pornography is self respect
@kidsfromthenorth3191 10 ай бұрын
The enemy is actually not having a body to enter. Or watching strangers have sex, lame af.
@NGAOPC 10 ай бұрын
“It can be an adventurous deal…” to quote GKC “The wise old fairy tales never were so silly as to say that the prince and the princess lived peacefully ever afterwards. The fairy tales said that the prince and princess lived happily ever afterwards; and so they did. They lived happily, although it is very likely that from time to time they threw the furniture at each other.”
@jerrymock2833 10 ай бұрын
All of these commercials on TV with the kids watching them everyday is the biggest problem we have brain washing them
@jennymcgowin9140 11 ай бұрын
That was a wonderful explanation of a great sex life. Wow!
@renaissanceman5847 11 ай бұрын
he basically described eating white bread forever... and being thankful you have it... Jordan is also divorced BTW... wonder why?
@andersmful 11 ай бұрын
@@renaissanceman5847 Jordan is not divorced. He talks about his wife Tammy all the time.
@omnitone 11 ай бұрын
@@renaissanceman5847people aren't food. people are the diner. in sex, it's not your job to stimulate yourself and nut, but to arouse the partner. patiently and carefully, woth consent and the person always in mind. outward, not inward.
@Daergarz 11 ай бұрын
@@renaissanceman5847 Divorced? Disagree all you want, but dude, his wife is literally sitting next to him.
@DC-gh6dy 11 ай бұрын
​@renaissanceman5847 His wife is literally right there lol😂
@joshuatyler4657 11 ай бұрын
"Just get married dude. Go out there and find someone" - Someone who has no idea what it's like in the trenches
@joshuatyler4657 10 ай бұрын
@@cancelledopinion2158 Yes they do. They’re just not attracted to the men that ask them out.
@SetZor666 10 ай бұрын
@@cancelledopinion2158 dating apps are the number 1 way of meeting people now, if you don't attract them within the first 3 seconds of them seeing you they won't even read your witty bio you worked hard on, rendering your amazing personality void. there have been tests done where people have posted photos of extremely attractive men and put the most heinous shit in their bios like getting out of prison for child rape and several women message them without being approached first. even when the guy points out explicitly what his bio said incase they didn't bother to read it they flat out don't care. i think we're starting to learn why throughout all human history women had to have some level of control forced on them. turns out tribal loyalty isn't in their DNA whatsoever. there are many many historical accounts of war brides literally falling in love and having children with the very men that killed their can try to explain this away with some bullshit modern philosophy but it boils down to pure evolutionary biology.
@venividivici6418 10 ай бұрын
Just go betabux a 35 yr old single mom bro. Be a man!
@griffiththechad9483 10 ай бұрын
Just clean your room bro. Then the women will come flocking.
@latt.qcd9221 8 ай бұрын
@@griffiththechad9483 "Just clean your room. B*tches love clean rooms." - Pordan Jeterson
@yojimbo3681 10 ай бұрын
Yes, but also remember, that's not the only thing that can destroy intimacy, and it could actually be a sign of a result of a toxic relationship.
@mitchmatthews6713 11 ай бұрын
You're a good man, Dr. Peterson!
@IlluminatedWings 11 ай бұрын
Porn is “a bad approximation to a good art” and I would add a “sacred art”✨
@Thagomizer 11 ай бұрын
What would you say about the comic "I Roved Out In Search Of truth And Love"? Or "Alfie"? Beautifully drawn comics with engaging stories, characters, and world-building, that also happen to have hardcore sex.
@delftfietser 10 ай бұрын
There is no ethical porn.
@after_midnight9592 11 ай бұрын
I never experienced intimacy to begin with, there's little to destroy.
@pikatrainer3835 11 ай бұрын
Joy is achievable, but evades the seeker. Live your life in service too something worth while my friend.
@borokymusic 11 ай бұрын
It's never too late!
@mr.s9783 11 ай бұрын
If you keep that attitude with you, then there’s a good chance you’ll never find it.
@genoPianist475 11 ай бұрын
There's a lot of things that can contribute to the destruction of intimacy, and it's possible in many cases that porn is just one of the effects of something already unraveling in a relationship. It's like alcohol, many people in long term relationships use it. It's only when it takes over one's entire life that it becomes a primary source of the problem. As an artist, I think if everyone took Peterson's advice and sought in marriage the cure for most of their ills, particularly on the erotic front, then the erotic tensions that fuel many an artist would not work as a kind of fuel for imaginative will, the will to create something original, a world that even porn pales in comparison
@HistoryNerd8765 5 ай бұрын
If you're an artist fueled primarily by erotic tensions, then you're part of the problem.
@genoPianist475 4 ай бұрын, but you're not going to find many artists, or many human beings who aren't inadvertently motivated by erotic/sexual tensions. I'm not promoting it as a primary means of artistic merit, but merely giving it its due in the life of any imaginative person who isn't castrated by one's own conservatism. @@HistoryNerd8765
@gquestions 11 ай бұрын
Shoutout to the audioengineers on this one...
@Ibeonit 11 ай бұрын
Marriage is great without the state involvement 😅
@mmk-69420 11 ай бұрын
Alimoni+child support if you get divorced. Marriage is risky shit
@winonacampbell536 11 ай бұрын
I have never viewed porn, nor will I ever. Just my opinion, if one need’s porn and they are married, or in a relationship, they might want to talk to their partner or a therapist.
@eancola6111 11 ай бұрын
I’m honestly interested how you avoided it, thanks to public school it was impossible to not see it for me and the people I knew
@melissasmuse 9 ай бұрын
More men need to speak out to this…Start a you tube channel. Imagine all the young boys who will be saved from porn’s grip. Thank you to all who have shared their stories and struggles. Truly our society has normalized and kept this under the rug for far to long.
@tm27field 11 ай бұрын
It’s amazing how even on the subject of sex Jordan is so deeply and helpfully insightful
@Nivexity 11 ай бұрын
He made a correlation/causation fallacy, he asserted the cause of loneliness, depression and other particulars is porn, but in reality, porn only correlates with these. Same with addiction, people with addictive personalities are more likely to have porn addiction, but also people with porn addiction are far more likely to have addictive personalities in the first place. Peterson has had some interesting remarks and does recommend some interesting philosophers, he also has a vivid vocabulary and is very smart with words, but this doesn't mean his ideas are profound or even correct.
@illbeyourmonster1959 11 ай бұрын
@@Nivexity Jealous much.
@adriant240 11 ай бұрын
@@Nivexity Porn is an addiction, period. Loneliness and depression can cause or fuel it, but they are not required to start the addiction. Anyone can be addicted to porn. You hear married men who are still addicted to porn. JP is good but nothing is a better substitute for being able to think for yourself. It's the most valuable skill you can acquire. Oh and JP does get a lot of things right. It's just sometimes he does get things wrong as well. Don't want to give the impression that all his takes are bad or way off point. He is a thinker, which most people aren't these days.
@Nivexity 11 ай бұрын
@@adriant240 Porn is not an addiction no, you can consume porn it not affect your daily life at all. Addictions are disorders that affect people's daily lives, people can have porn addiction, but porn itself is not addictive. You seem to fail to understand my comment, I clearly indicates that this is a causation/correlation fallacy.
@adriant240 11 ай бұрын
@@Nivexity Over time it does negatively impact your physical health and your daily life, especially your mental health. Your comment really strikes me as dumb. Of course it's an addiction. Anything that messes with your dopamine can have a negative impact on your life. It's something that controls you and have a hard time stopping it. You clearly haven't experienced it. People can be addicted to cigarettes and it doesn't affect their daily lives. People can be addicted to caffeine and it doesn't affect their life. Does that mean caffeine and cigarettes are not addictive? What kind of dumb argument is that?
@philn5703 10 ай бұрын
Most of my male friends openly express that they're in a sexless (or nearly sexless) marriage. Marriage isn't a guarantee that a man will be sexually satisfied. Porn isn't the answer, either. But at least it won't take away your home, half of your hard earned life savings, cause child support, alimony, etc. The laws and courts need to be reformed.
@felipecervantes7881 11 ай бұрын
Cost of living is killing intimacy
@johnathanmiller3033 10 ай бұрын
Feminism is destroying intimacy a lot more then porn is .
@Razear 11 ай бұрын
I understand his point about how marriage can deter a couple from weaseling their way out of their commitment to one another when the going gets tough, but there's all sorts of reasonable justifications for why men shouldn't sign a marital contract, particularly when their partner is financially rewarded for breaking it.
@saso-gi9sy 11 ай бұрын
Agreed. Men are financially punished for making children, for divorce, ... That's why western population is on the decline.
@apebass2215 11 ай бұрын
There's no reasonable justification for a man to be a coward.
@saso-gi9sy 11 ай бұрын
@@apebass2215 what are you talking about?
@apebass2215 11 ай бұрын
@@saso-gi9sy I'm talking about cowardice, and how there's no reasonable justification for it.
@apebass2215 11 ай бұрын
@@saso-gi9sy do you think men who can't do the right thing because they're scared are decent men, or weak men?
@RunningCordoroy 11 ай бұрын
If I go 4 days without porn, I get insane anxiety about everything. I hate it. Im going to try again to beat it ( no pun intended).
@Mint-kj9kw 10 ай бұрын
That's because there are demons involved....
@billymacktexasdetective5827 10 ай бұрын
​@@Mint-kj9kwGet some help, ok?
@midi6615 9 ай бұрын
​@@Mint-kj9kwglad someone said this. I know people don't believe in demons but they are real. When you engage in lustful acts, it opens your soul to lust demons that makes you to continue in those behaviors and make it extremely difficult to stop
@azizbelhadj9175 4 ай бұрын
I watched porn throughout all my teenage hood and I didn't realize its effect on my brain until I started a serious relationship with my girlfriend. I haven't been able to have casual sex before and now I feel like I shouldn't commit to a girl if I have not had enough casual sex in my life and I feel like something will always be missing and I will not be able to stay loyal to my girl because of my lust. I recently realized that it is the absolute consequence of 1. my porn addiction throughout the past years ( I feel like my brain is resisting the idea of having natural sex with feelings and commitment) and 2. the sexual liberation ideology and how it praises casual emotionless sex over intimacy and commitment.
@5tw3b45tcf 11 ай бұрын
i like the audio in this video lol
@Shadenir 11 ай бұрын
Been looking for a woman to marry for 7 years, since my first wife lied, accusing me of abuse in order to take me to the cleaners in divorce court. Show me a woman who isn't a backstabbing waste of matter or is already in a relationship. Where is she? I've been lied to, betrayed, stabbed in the back over and over and over. I'm starting to hate them. Women's behavior is just as big a problem as porn.
@pam2245 11 ай бұрын
Women who themselves have had the same disgusting treatment like yourself…. Keep themselves quiet….when you get cut so deep and watch society in all its sad ways…. Loneliness is sometimes a much better but sad option to some happiness. Can’t offer any solutions….. just know it’s happens to both sexes in these difficult times of humanity
@Mystical_Rose 11 ай бұрын
@Shadenir You need too get some therapy because not all women are as you described and your placing them all in the same bag. I’ve been celibate since end of last committed relationship, dating with no sexual intimacy looking for a man with morals. All I see out their are sex addicts, abusers, & men with severe trauma from past relationships. Im not interested in jaded sick men who refuse to get help and be accountable for their lack of efforts into why their relationships imploded on them. Blame the two involved ONLY, stop projecting your trauma on us innocent women who had nothing to do with it.
@Mystical_Rose 11 ай бұрын
Hate will not result in love.
@dimensiondoor2738 11 ай бұрын
The only way out of porn is to hate it. You have to state the facts of why porn is bad over and over again, washing the brain. Porn rewires your brain to forget what love is. The less love you feel, the higher your desire to sin will be, because your body will notice that something went wrong and will try to fix it, while the body tries to fix that, you sin more and more, digging yourself a deeper hole, because you try to fix it with things that are not connected to love, but perversion. While you are at it, porn drains your brain and your whole body from all power it has. You lose very valuable minerals and vitamins and exhaust yourself for days, weeks or months. The exhaustion causes your immune system and your psyche to weaken drastically. You are way more prone to getting angry, sad, depressed, or emotionally absent. Porn does not help you to feel better, on the contrary, your view of women and of intimacy will be broken. You won't feel love and you will see woman as dirt, or may shy away from them, because you yourself will feel dirty. You won't have respect for others and yourself and step by step you will get into situations that your dirty mind with the help of porn induced. You may get together with a women you don't even really like, get STD's, get embarrassed and rejected, humiliated. You may give life to a baby with a woman you don't love, or you may be at fault of the babies death, because the woman will decide to have an abortion. You may get STD's that will make any future relationship impossible. When you start porn you think you would never be foolish enough to fall for such things, but some time later and you are already paying a prostitute with STD's. The road to that lies in porn and in your dirty mind, it's a step by step program. A strong spirit is a person who has it all together, they are a light, but a weak spirit is a black hole of darkness. You don't need porn to be happy, it actually makes you sad. You stop enjoying anything afterwards. The food isn't as tasty, your hobbies get boring and you don't have the energy for them. Hate porn, despise porn! Destroy porn, before it will destroy you! We can be happy without porn, without dirty minds. This is the key to happiness: staying in tune with love. Doing good deeds, praying for other people, bringing joy to other people's lives. Afterwards a little fire starts to burn in your heart and it gives you the power to enjoy everything you have. The food, the hobbies, the personal interactions. This is why intimacy is for a loving couple, the husband and the wife, they both give joy to each other, they are not just receivers, they are givers of joy out of a pure heart with true innocent love, their hearts only belong to one another, no one else, as it is love that guides them. Fasting for a day can fix the bodily cravings as it cleans the body and thus also the soul. It is important to learn to hate sin, only with such a mindset a person can truly experience love. If sin is of a dark black colour and love is or a bright white, you can't see the bright white until you removed the dark black colour, it will make it look black or gray, you need to be one or the other. Break the chains of porn to find your true self again. Say no as loud as you can! Hate it! A clean mind is at peace, while a dirty mind only rots. God bless you!
@youtubeshadowbannedme 10 ай бұрын
So brainwash yourself with religion to unbrainwash yourself from porn... wow
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