QUESTION / Why Im Going Off Grid and Becoming Self Sufficient - My Story!!

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Planting Freedom - athatcher85

Planting Freedom - athatcher85

11 жыл бұрын

I recently had someone ask me why im choosing to be off the grid and self sufficient. I really have not talked about why im doing this in my videos. So i thought i would start from the beginning. This is my story. Thanks for watching everybody!

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@pinkiesue849 8 жыл бұрын
people are having breakdowns either unemployed or else worrying about losing a job, you beat the system! I am so proud of you.
@BagoGarde 8 жыл бұрын
+Sue Elias fear of unemployment , best way to control people and make them settle down for any job no matter how inhuman.
@michaelkeeble1 9 жыл бұрын
WOW you talk as though your 20 years older, consider your self subbed mate. Total respect to your views.
@SSmithProductions 10 жыл бұрын
At the end of the video, you said.. "I have time..." You got your time back. You, sir, are free. I have a new goal in life now. To be FREE!
@wayneworkman2012 9 жыл бұрын
I truly appreciate this video. Thank you for giving this to the world.
@DookieJuice1111 10 жыл бұрын
You and I are on the same page. My goal in life is to live self-stainable. There's no way I'm going my whole life working meaningless jobs just to survive. I hope all goes well with your situation. Thanks for sharing your story.
@MuntjacMan 9 жыл бұрын
A great video my friend. You are an inspiration! I'm now 46 years old and my work life is hell. I served my country in the British Royal Navy and I have worked hard all my life and I have very little to show for it. I'm teaching myself to grow food, make compost and raised beds in my spare time in the hope that before I'm 50 I can get out of the 'Rat Race' and live my final years in peace and enjoy finally a harvest that benefits me and my family rather than all my hard work going to make some 1%er arse hole even richer! We have forgotten how to be free and you are right, we are slaves, but this slave and many others like me have at least the knowledge of our servitude and with that knowledge we are able to fight back and free ourselves from this oppressive system. Thank you, I wish you all the best!
@FreeSpirit47 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this. I'm living on a small income, doing without a lot. Living healthy, frugally, staying single keeps my cost of living low. Living off grid would be awesome!
@steelyman08 9 жыл бұрын
Good on you! You've nailed it so young and I truly hope it works out for you. I wish I'd had your understanding and motivation when I was your age. Thanks for the video & good luck :-)
@jhudson9862 9 жыл бұрын
I am doing the same thing for the same reasons, and I am not getting any support either, but we know stuff that they don't. You are wise beyond your years.
@athatcher85 9 жыл бұрын
you have support j. just hearing that so many people are tired of the status quo and looking for like minded people on youtube and facebook is support my friend. most people do not want you to succeed because it reminds them of all there failures. sometimes when we know the truth and what is right, we have to stand alone. the candle in the knight. I wish you the best on your path
@jhudson9862 9 жыл бұрын
***** i will be moving to southwest nebraska next month. I am going to be free from being a slave to money. Money will be a tool, not a slavemaster. I am proud of you. I will keep tabs on you. I subscribed to your channel.
@rhetoric180c6 8 жыл бұрын
you got as much support as you need bro. stay strong
@shelvasinurat5953 7 жыл бұрын
I've been researching into survival and discovered a fantastic resource at Micaden Survive System (google it if you're interested)
@geomat720 7 жыл бұрын
If anyone is interested in survival the best ideas that I have ever had was with the Micaden Survive System (just google it) without a doubt the no.1 preppers that I have ever followed.
@ozbulldog67 9 жыл бұрын
Well thought out and spoken, wise words young man, all the best to you and your family, independence and freedom.
@6482mita 9 жыл бұрын
Dude, you made me cry...I feel your pain, I live in NY and I'm fed up, I am currently looking to do the same thing, just purchased 4 acres in SC will youtube the whole thing from beginning to end on my channel for those who have many questions on how it's done (relocating ) we wanted to handle our finances so we wouldn't have to finance a plot we paid cash, now we saving to build the house but will drive an RV (old one purchased on Craigslist) to stay in till we can build up the land (fruit trees, berry Bushes, etc..) we have a pretty large yard and have been getting used to growing food and canning/preserving, just bought some hens and hopefully by end of 2015 we should be moving....can't wait we are a bit older but I want my kids to live simple lives...YOU GO BOY!!!!
@evana2511 8 жыл бұрын
There's a lot of wisdom in this video. Debt is slavery. It's difficult to get out of debt, but it can be done. Good for u!
@ericmeacham9532 9 жыл бұрын
In gardening ; each year I choose specific wild weeds that spring up , once a bed is planted , and allow those couple of wild things to grow the whole season along with everything I've planted . Bees naturally come to wild plants more readily , while their working , they pollinate everything else . Also , weeds usually have very long taproots and will extract the minerals from the clays where garden vegetables never reach that supply . My neighbor & I got tons of granite dust from a quarry , $8 a ton , I used it as paths & remineralization ...
@nicolejackson2089 9 жыл бұрын
I just want to thank you for putting up your videos. I've been pondering on how to become self sufficient. I have 4 children and I home school my older two children. I've been stuck in that same ole same ole cycle which leaves my children and I chronically homeless. I never told anyone the truth of why I've moved from one state to another and I dislike the fact that I moved my children around just to have a better living for them. God knows I just want to the simple things in life for us. ( a home, a car, and land for my children to run free on) I commend you on all the hard work and brain power you have put in to help not only your family but, the many people and families who may not have the courage to do or unsure of how to start becoming self sufficient, so that it could work for their family and themselves. God Bless you and your family and keep up with what you are doing, you are definitely reaching a lot of people who do feel the same as yourself and many many others here in our country and all over the world.
@roguestormfilms 8 жыл бұрын
I just want to say great job!! Everything that you've said is right on the money, and my wife and I are about to embark on exactly the same journey going off grid. Thank you for being an inspiration by doing what you are doing and posting videos like this one, it's very needed!May the wind be at your back!
@TheKdauteuil 10 жыл бұрын
It is really refreshing to see someone so young and have an understanding about life the way you do!!! You are an inspiration to many people!!! It gives me hope that there are more young people like you out there. Do me a very big favor; please don't ever stop telling people about yourself, your wisdom and intellect are desperately needed!!!! Thank You so much for posting!!!
@tobe1st 8 жыл бұрын
There's a lot of truth in what you said. I recently have had an "awakening", and I'm in the process of going off the grid. I occasionally have my doubts about this direction but your video is the encouragement I needed to feel I'm on the right track. Thanks man and good luck with your journey!
@kinky_Z 8 жыл бұрын
Congratulations! You are so lucky to have figured this out when you're young! I finally figured it out when I was 60. Cultural brainwashing is a hard thing to overcome. You are amazing! You give me hope!
@devintarbell5722 10 жыл бұрын
I think it's great that you would share that part of your life, trust and believe that you are not alone in this train of thought. I am sick of living up to societies expectations. you are absolutely right, we are slaves to society. I think it's great what you are doing, I have plans to live off grid also. I can't wait to free myself and my family from this life of bondage. thank you for sharing, you made my day to know that there are people that feel exactly like I do out there. keep delivering the message!
@missieme2500 10 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed your story. Your young bright and stepping out on faith. Hearing your story reminds me of my Father who was old school and as a child he would drill me about living simple, peaceful, and buying property where I can sit on my own land under a tree, drinking a glass of cool tea and not worrie about anyone taking it from me. Your living your dreams, and doing what most folks only dream about. Keep doing what your doing and give thanks to the man above. I too am working on getting back to simple. Thanks, and may God Bless.
@DrZarkloff 10 жыл бұрын
You're very wise beyond your years. I plan to show this video to all of the young people that I know.
@bhamblin1 10 жыл бұрын
Your story is sadly that of too many people who find themselves in an empty life with nothing to show for it. Luckily you learned while still young. You are an inspiration to so many people, (including me), and I applaud you for putting it out there to help others. Keep up the good work. Having lived and worked on my uncles ranch and my own small farm, I know how physically hard the work can be, but it is definitely do-able, and oh so worth it. I'm a 58 year old tiny woman, on my own, and if I can do it anyone can. Just crack open a few books, learn from the mistakes, and move forward.
@mtmcclone 10 жыл бұрын
Amen Brother. You have inspired me as well. God Bless you and your family and thank you for the courage you've shown sharing your story as you have.
@Candeezie 11 жыл бұрын
You had me in tears! Thank you for this. You took the words out of my mouth. Nice to know we aren't alone in this mess we call society. You have great heart, and I wish you the best!
@juanitasullivan3372 7 жыл бұрын
I'm just now finding your channel and will be looking at your other videos. You're giving a whole new great meaning to making life easier for your son because living the way you do is teaching him what's important. He's learning how to survive and thrive. I found it interesting that your grandfather said that living just minutes away from a job and a store was the best thing in life. This explains why your father believes as he does. It takes a special person to believe as you do. It takes a certain mindset and guts to act on what you know is true. Not a lot of people want to remove themselves from their comfort bubble and there is a price to be paid for that.
@kevlohn6645 10 жыл бұрын
thanks for posting this video. I just watched it for the 5th time, and this is probably one of my most favorite KZfaq videos so far. a lot of the things you talked about really made me think the first time that I watched this video, about selling my time, and biting off more then you can chew. I see many people that want everything, new cars, cell phones , and after they start getting the bills they don't understand why they have no money left to pay all their bills but can't see their own greed to have the best of everything. so once again thanks for taking the time to post this, and I look forward to watching your upcoming videos.
@ricks.2954 8 жыл бұрын
You are wise beyond your years ! You are absolutely positively doing the right thing. If more people cared about their family and their family's future as you do the world would be a whole lot better off. Hard times builds character. Hold your ground and keep pressing on young man ..... and don't forget that the man above is always there when you need to talk!
@PennyButler 9 жыл бұрын
This is my absolute fave video I've ever watched.. thank you for sharing your story. I resonate very much with your philosophy and reasoning, and aim to also become self-sufficient. Watched to the very end and each minute when you were talking about the living free and the best way to achieve that.. everything - it was like you took the words right out of my mouth.. so glad there are more people like me out in the world. I've subscribed and going to play "catch up" with the rest of your videos.
@carolemcgivern7614 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Aaron, I've been watching your videos for a while and am loving them. I had to comment on this video....which I watched when I was off work sick, and it really made my day. It was wonderful that you felt able to share your story. I wish more people wanted to live simply like you. best , Carole
@sebastianstahl1871 7 жыл бұрын
I'm very glad to see people taking this step to a sustainable future, it's a big step and not easy as many people around you don't support and/or understand your reasons to do so. But know that you don't have to justify or feel guilty to anybody, and you can be proud even for trying!
@outbackeddie 9 жыл бұрын
I think you have it figured out just perfectly. I'm much older than you and I agree completely with what your are doing and the reasons you are doing it. I wish I would have figured it out when I was as young as you. Good luck and thanks for telling your story.
@MrExspectator 9 жыл бұрын
A really thoughtful and clear video. What an inspiration!
@Viccotrip 9 жыл бұрын
Great advice! I just pray there are a lot more awakened young people like you out there. You are wise beyond your years. Just remember that those who have failed to be self sufficient may attack you for your independence. Some people (egotist) build themselves up by tearing others down! It is better to stand on the shoulders of giants than to view life from the ground.
@kat2marzi 11 жыл бұрын
LOVED your video!!! My husband and I are in our 50's and have made the choice to go off grid. We often times get the funny looks, and questions about our "sanity" but at the end of the day. We did the right thing! Good luck to you!
@Claymore1977 8 жыл бұрын
Man hit the nail on the head on SOOO many points. Great video.
@happyheyhi 9 жыл бұрын
I give you a lot of respect. We seem to come from similar backgrounds and I love that you went forward with your life and do good for yourself, others and importantly for your family. May god be with you in every step of the way.
@atticus4u 11 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself in this video. It's so inspiring and resonates with a lot of what I'm feeling. I look forward to seeing more of your videos. Enjoy the Journey!
@MiWilderness 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for taking time to tell your story Aaron. It makes me feel good to see there are still people, especially young people, that are willing to do what they believe is right regardless of the opposition or lack of support they receive.
@BlackWolf-di9gq 6 жыл бұрын
How you say it is so true. The way you explain it is so real, and to the point. I enjoyed watching this video. You are very determined. You are also very wise. Wishing you every success!
@Melodee10001 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your sharing. You are clearly a kind and wonderful soul and your son is lucky to have you. After serious heart problems working with some terrible behaviors in banking my husband and I are starting on this journey. Many friends and family disagree but it is up to us to live the best lives possible and lead the way for others too.
@NobleHomestead 8 жыл бұрын
I hadn't seen this. Hubby and I just watched it, and sat here nodding as if you were talking to us. It's cool to see you are realizing your dreams now, and cooler that you've shared this!
@lightismight2393 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your honesty and for sharing your story. I'm truly happy for your successes, and despite what dad or others think, I really believe you're on the right path. Keep on brother, you're doing great! Your wife and son are blessed to have a man like you in their lives. God bless you!
@iamceino 10 жыл бұрын
You are so spot on brother, I looking for the simple life. My own land, my own food, harvesting my own energy. Keep on keeping own man, you are on the right track.
@AngelinaMarieonly1 9 жыл бұрын
Your so right! I have been feeling like that a lot lately!! This earth is ours, right? .. good speech! Happy Holidays handsome!
@laidiesman0417 9 жыл бұрын
I'm an 18 year-old American male and kind of feel the same way. College is expensive and debt seems like the biggest trap life has to offer. I plan on building a self-sufficient homestead so I can have the kind of security and independence you talk about. Though raising my own food will likely prove a challenge, modern technology and a bit of innovative automation should simplify things. This is an alternative lifestyle in tune with nature, spirit, and wallet. I like it
@notknown7705 10 жыл бұрын
This guy GETS IT. My wife, son and I (wife and I are in our 40's) are TRYING to figure out a way to escape from our situation and right the ship. We know that ultimately, in order to get what we want (a self-sufficent farm) we are going to have to live very, very small and save the money to buy land and then a trailer and live on that....and STOP PAYING RENT. We'll get there. I think.
@stargasm1000 10 жыл бұрын
Man, you've DEFINITELY got the right idea!! You hit the nail on the head with a lot of points (spending time with family, living simple, etc.). This is something that more people need to do today. I'm sorry to hear you lost your inheritance. However, play this video to your son someday so he knows where you're coming from. I hope everything works out well for you and you're family!!
@fightingquads9198 11 жыл бұрын
Man you're right, you're right, you're right. You couldn't have been more on point with this upload, hats off to you, I've always wanted to do exactly what you are doing now, so that makes your example the template for my aspirations.
@joeschuster2002 10 жыл бұрын
I watched this by accident today and all I can say its the best thing I've seen in a long time. Brother all power to you and your family, I know everything will work out for you,
@1212zeek1212 8 жыл бұрын
Watched the whole thing and completely agree with everything. I appreciate your very honest, genuine, and modest approach. I also plan to live off the land/homestead one day, and all of my reasons are basically the same as yours. Except that I don't have any kids. Well not yet anyway. Creating a stable life that is less dependent on money is such an amazing thing. Another reason I have for wanting to create the land I dream of is to give back to my community by means of education, selling healthy food at more reasonable prices, and opening my land for others to live on with me. I really have a desire to help raise the quality of life for others. Not having to rely on other farms, grocery markets, national grid, contractors, or any of that, makes you feel like you can really take care of yourself. And that's an amazing feeling. All my best to you and your family and I hope you're doing well. :) Cheers
@steverichard4412 10 жыл бұрын
good for you buddy!! You are on the right track. You have a good head on your shoulders at your age. I am 45yrs old, I was overleveraged with a rental property a few years back, lost everything, lived in a travel trailer for 2 years so I could save up for a property. I saved up $25k then borrowed 20k from family, bought a 1,000 sq ft house on 2.5 acres a year ago for 40k. In a few years I will own it outright. I have 50k worth of other debt to pay off, then I will be debt free, with my house owned free and clear. That is my 3-5 yr plan. Then once debt free, I will start making my homestead more self sufficient. Thanks for sharing your journey, and keep the faith, you are doing the right things. I am working on a similar plan as you. Steve
@manymoonstraveled 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about something so true. I am in process of buying 5 acres and going to live off grid. I can't wait to grow my own stuff and thanks to KZfaq I know how to do so many things .
@eenlaatstekans 11 жыл бұрын
Hey man, what an inspirational video. I totally agree with you. Much respect for your motives, intentions and convictions. Look forward to see more of your work. Take care!
@wildthotz 11 жыл бұрын
Just want to add to wealth of comments applauding you, your thinking and the way you've chosen to spend your energy! I caught one of your tiny house videos, and now subscribe to your channel. I'm old, and though I know many people who've done this in their style, you present yourself and the concepts SO well! Kudos to you, your lifestyle is its own reward, and brownie points for caring and sharing :)
@gratefulheart5454 9 жыл бұрын
I completely agree with your outlook. Bravo and best wishes to you and your family :)
@sheryl2pnt0 11 жыл бұрын
Wow Aaron, thanks for sharing your story. You really have a level head on your shoulders and your children will appreciate all that you are doing for them. I think many people would love to be where you are but are stuck just as you said. I know I feel stuck every day and feel like just walking away. Keep living the dream!
@kandieice8097 9 жыл бұрын
I think that what you are doing is GREAT! It's sensible and wise. Please keep updating your progress so that I can learn more.
@GarnetLynne 10 жыл бұрын
"when you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you." quote from facebook. you are a very smart man, best to you.
@jeremoe1 9 жыл бұрын
You got it going on, without a doubt. I wish I could have done this in my younger days, but I'm getting to that point, late as it may be. Keep on doing your thing and don't worry about what others may think or say because the day may come when they will wish they did the same. We're truly in some rough times in this country and only the strong will survive. Peace and blessings
@shepc5095 10 жыл бұрын
This is exactly where my train of thought has been. I am just starting down this path to self sufficiency. After a decade of very hard labor work and absolutely nothing to show for it, I finally got a job that has a union and pays quite well. Now onto massive saving, buying land (hopefully 20 acres), building a cob house, learning about permaculture, and start using my time for myself and those I care about. Very nice video and inspiring. Thanks
@danielbrumbaugh9845 11 жыл бұрын
Aaron I want to thank you for being so candid a such a breath of fresh air. It's like Dave Ramsey says " Live life like no one else so you can live life like no one else". Stay out of debt, use cash and you won't ever be a slave to anyone else. Live 'your' life the way you want and be happy. Thanks for responding to my question. God bless and live large!
@Big_John_C 9 жыл бұрын
Great vid, I sure wish I could have done things differently back when I got married and started a family, yes I worked my life away and don't have shit to show for it. Most of all, I missed my kids growing up, that time can never be replaced. Enjoy your life and your family, live with no regrets.
@a2zpreps658 9 жыл бұрын
Very well said and spot on. I was born raised and will die I suppose in the country. Its good to see someone with your history analyze life and come to the same conclusions as myself even though we have such different backgrounds. I was taught many of the lessons you have learned. Some of the decisions I have made were completely intuitive for me but had to be soooooooo counter intuitive for you. You really had to think outside the box and arrive at your own conclusions even though they went against what you had been taught. Hats off to you for taking the time to think and welcome! I have been seriously considering building a transition community (really small, maybe 3 units). Rental homes using non-conventional building methods. Super cheap rent, almost 0 utilities and growing a garden would be mandatory (I would supply the equipment or do certain bits of it like tilling the garden spot). I would likely have a single wood fired boiler for all 3 units to share for hot water, drying clothes, heating and optionally cooking. Will be the tenants responsibility to procure and prep the fuel and keep it loaded. Well water and septic tanks. If it goes good it could make a difference for some. If not, my kids will have simple but nice homes that are paid for. I believe we all need to do what we can to end the slavery you speak of. I would love to hear others input about this idea.
@thecreativeprepper 11 жыл бұрын
Great video Aaron! I loved hearing your story. You are helping so many people by your example.
@tommyv22222 10 жыл бұрын
That was freaking awesome man!!!! Me and my wife have been kicking this idea around for a bit but secretly I have been for a while. My wife and I both have great jobs and like you said you still can't get ahead. She is working first I'm on seconds and my son who I am very close to and don't want growing up like me haven't got to see enough of each other for the last three years. I want to enjoy him for these last few years that I can. We originally were going to plan on doing this in 5 to 6 years when he graduates but you just made me realize how selfish that is by thinking that. I can still have my job for a while sale my home and down size and actually enjoy my family now. Buy some different land a log cabin and start the real way of life. I'm happy to say its a story like yours that has gave me that extra push to do the right thing. Thank you for sharing your story I will definitely subscribe to your channel and be watching your other videos. Who knows maybe my son will buy some of those fruit trees off of your son one day! Well I wish you luck with everything and hope you find your happiness. Tommy
@jamesprigioni 11 жыл бұрын
Awesome and inspirational video!! I watched it twice already
@janiceb4679 8 жыл бұрын
Life is not easy, but full of hard decisions, which both you and your father know. My husband and I have a similar story (of a realization) and now, rather than paying toward a $200K mortgage, we homestead on 12.5 acres, and it is almost completely paid for, and affordable. Your videos have helped me expand my knowledge toward this type of lifestyle. Someone I know once said, " we are always a step closer to being poor and homeless than we are from [winning the lottery] and being wealthy".
@SagittariusWoman912 8 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100%. This is also my dream for me and my family. Keep it up man.
@Theldorine 11 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love what you're doing for your family! And quite honestly, your dad can see the value in what you're establishing for your family, because he never did it. When I was younger my grandparents grew their own fruits and veggies, they had some chickens and they lived as simply as you described. They had 9 kids to feed, so living a simple life was the only way. Thank you for sharing.
@SylvaticusDesigns 11 жыл бұрын
I don't usually write anything on any videos but you, sir... THANK YOU! We've both just watched this and what you have said has struck a chord with us. Also, I am glad I have watched this on the day I have started my Permaculture diploma journey. Your words have opened up more possibilities in my imagination. So inspirational. Thank you again
@debrasullivan2130 9 жыл бұрын
I have had some things happen in my lifetime as well that have brought me to the same conclusions as yourself. I lost my home when I lost my job and it was heartbreaking so, I decided never again! I grew up during the 60's when life was simpler and people were not glued to a video screen but, actually talked to each other and made hand crafted items at home for themselves and their families. So, when I inherited my parents home, which is paid for, and everything inside I decided to work on going back to a simpler way and off grid seems to be the answer!! I thank you so very much for your video!! It is nice to know that I not the only one!! Best of Luck to you and your family!!
@fatpius 11 жыл бұрын
Aaron, this video is truly powerful. I don't have the courage to share for everyone my personal story/reason(s). I don't have to tell you to stick to your wise plan because you've proven that you know what you're doing. It is a blessing to know someone so young has gleaned so much wisdom. Very few! learn from others mistakes, and you have, which is a greater blessing than you will know for a long time. That, is wisdom. Please be sure to teach your children true history, so they don't forget.
@NewEnglandMTNcat 11 жыл бұрын
More power to you!!! Yes a little money is necessary but there is a serious and lower limit on needs that way. Thanks for this heartfelt post!
@locodoggy 11 жыл бұрын
Fantastic video. Very straight forward and to the point. And I agree with it 110%. Stay strong and keep doing the right thing!
@wmc9317 11 жыл бұрын
Great Video I loved!!! It was the best 34:16 minutes I have spent all week. Good for you I am supporting you 100% I will start looking and using your knowledge that I learned from you today. Keep the Videos coming I enjoyed watching this one very much. Love to see more updates of the property and changing that may come. WAY TO GO!!!!
@dolinskiyfamily 11 жыл бұрын
Hey, I really appreciate this video - straight to the point, honest, genuine, and Down-to-Earth human! got my plan, in a few years (God willing) will get there too!
@livnfree930 10 жыл бұрын
Wow, thanks for sharing! Very inspirational and very truthful!!
@DandelionCottageDesign 7 жыл бұрын
Excellent video, thanks for posting and being so deliberate. Stay strong.
@justinsterling6180 8 жыл бұрын
I feel you in every word you said. I'm trying to do something similar. Thanks for the great speech.
@chloecouture4573 7 жыл бұрын
You see the world exactly how it is, very wise words from a young man. Best wishes to you and your family
@TrinityAlex 9 жыл бұрын
Your story is a really touching one... I wish the best of luck do you, and your family!
@danielnielsen4177 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your values and desire to give a better life for your family. It is a better life, regardless of what others may say, because it is the life you want to live. More power to you...
@pikurown 9 жыл бұрын
You are wise beyond your hers and I subscribed to your channel to watch you grow. I lived on a commune when I was young for a while, still know some of the folks. One of my friends built a complete solar house abut 25 or so years ago. he will be living off the grid soon. Congrats for making a wise decision.
@walkerm777 10 жыл бұрын
Awesome vid. Your doing it right. Proud of you doing it for the right reasons. I was brought up on a small farm here in SW Washington. youll love it. Now days they call us preppers. lol. Take care
@ISOABlessing 11 жыл бұрын
I cannot even find the words to explain how greatly you've enriched my life by this small sharing of yours. May God continue to bless you and yours; you are richly are not blinded by the idiocy of the rut modern man has made for himself. Thank you.
@AugsterA 11 жыл бұрын
I was surfing around about small homes and I found your Video. And I as I listened to you I was in Awe about your insightful state of mind. You are for age, you are already so many miles ahead. I wished my son's had your philosophy about life as you do. Stay steadfast in your endeavor's and your Father will see the the light. Thank you for sharing your life story with us. I have A ten acre parcel out in the high desert in Montello Nevada and i enjoy it immensely.
@protectredwoods 10 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU for sharing your amazing, down to earth, inspirational, brave stories about your off grid lifestyle. I'm trying to get off of SSI and Section 8 as rent keeps increasing and slumlords can evict disable tenants anytime - it's truly unreliable out there. I subscribed to your channel & look forward to learning all you're sharing. Congratulations in making your dreams come true!
@MSpotatoes 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing, this has been the most inspirational video I have watched in a long time. Suddenly I don't feel so crazy.
@ijanms 10 жыл бұрын
i applaud u for having the foresight, courage and tenacity to live life according to yr rules. and what a life too! yr son is going to grow up great, with the ability to survive adversity. kudos!
@ccmcconnell29706 11 жыл бұрын
You know; I changed my mind, I loved your video, Love your Dad, give him hugs, and let it go in one ear &out the other. Love him for who he is, and yourself for who you are. His grocery store is down the street; yours is in your back yard. Love is unconditional. Just know you are heading in the right direction. I am from South Carolina, in the upstate, 53 years old and as soon as I can I am going off grid. God bless you and keep you safe.
@TheSpoonyluvin 11 жыл бұрын
I can relate to your story on so many different points. Thank you so much for posting. It made my night to watch it.
@solarcabin 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks friend and keep spreading the word that simple living is freedom!
@BexarPrepper 11 жыл бұрын
I just found your channel and I am very impressed with your decision to find a better life for you and your family. Blessings!
@jenb.7631 10 жыл бұрын
I totally agree! Working on this same plan right now. I don't feel like we were meant to live the way society is saying is "normal" these days. I truly commend you and everyone with the courage to break this mold.
@janetanaka4863 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting your story. You are very inspirational to me and have given me hope.
@tcb069 11 жыл бұрын
great video , you rock, keep your head held high and dont let anyone bring you down , your doing the right thing, best of luck for you and your family .
@denabena6795 10 жыл бұрын
It just makes sense! If you dont have a a mortgage or car payment.. You can do anything you want with your life! See the world, buy gifts for family and friends, volunteer your time! Learn a new trade every year! Im a 31 year old alaskan raised women living near Boulder CO and dying to live this lifestyle!!!!! I will use an outhouse, pump my own water. Do whatever it takes!! Keep us all posted!!! Your very inspiring!
@chesspie14 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story! I agree with all your opinions in this video. 18 yrs of working jobs I hate to pay school loans and still not making a dent, has given me a very negative perspective on borrowing. If I keep doing what I am doing it will be another 15 yrs to pay those loans off. I wish I knew then what I know now, I would have been off the grid 15 yrs ago and painting all day like I really want! Keep on keeping on!
@bolida 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this video. I've been contemplating a co-op purchase in NY requiring financing, etc. And honestly the thought of taking out a loan was weighing on me. And the thought of having to be subject to bank approval and co-op board approval was stressing me out and I haven't even started looking at places yet. Your video reminded me of my own long term goals of home ownership and land/farm ownership where I can provide healthy food for my family and friends. Today was the first day where I actually believed it was possible for me not to be caught up in the rat race of U.S. society. And your video just shows me that it is entirely possible. Thanks again for posting it.
@RobsAquaponics 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for that... I have come up against that point of view against self sufficiency from family... I wish you all the best & will enjoy watching it as it pans out for you & yours :) Have a great one :)
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