Questions & Answers

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Timothy Cain

Timothy Cain

9 ай бұрын

I answer a lot of questions in one video, including my most inspirational setting, company food catering, the difference between AA and AAA games, making better boss encounters, thoughts on save scumming, and thoughts on asset reuse.

Пікірлер: 153
@R-YR29 9 ай бұрын
I dont think anybody feels that 13 minutes is a long video for you Tim We'd love more content if you got it in ya
@sandelic1 9 ай бұрын
I second this.
@Deadener 9 ай бұрын
I really like the idea of newspapers, especially for the theme of Arcanum. Even if the content wasn't as complex as you wanted it to be. Like the news station in Bloodlines. I've yet to see a person who didn't express delight at the TV reporting on things that happened earlier in the game, and stuff outside what you're seeing. It seems simple, but it really helps make it feel like there's a world outside your little bubble.
@clairesteeleforever 9 ай бұрын
Yes! This kind of immersion is way more effective for me than "stunning" visuals (which almost always have glitches) or huge worlds (which are almost always tedious to navigate).
@notimportant8643 9 ай бұрын
I loved the deb of night radio from vtmb, I would regularly stop what I was doing to listen to it
@trusttheprocess5618 9 ай бұрын
Might be a touchy subject right now but I would love your reaction when you heard of the whole unity fiasco as a developer yourself, would be really cool to hear your opinion and maybe some facts on how companies in this field would work in your time vs now . Thank you man 🖤 you great!
@EWLTM 9 ай бұрын
Have you played Kingdom Come: Deliverance? It is a realistic RPG set in medieval times. I think it is one of the best RPGs that came out in the last decade.
@zanethezaniest274 9 ай бұрын
Hey Henry’s come to see us.
@Arkanthrall 9 ай бұрын
​@@zanethezaniest274 Jesus Christ be praised!
@ffordesoon 9 ай бұрын
love that you’re okay with save scumming! the thing that i think gets left out of the save scumming debate a lot, imo, is that experimenting with different outcomes is often part of the fun of a save-anywhere game! maybe you get a chance to kill an allied NPC, and you don’t want to commit to that decision long-term, but you’re curious to see what happens if you pick the option. try it out, reload, pick the option you wanna commit to. it’s super fun! i think this is also underrated from a choice and consequence design perspective, because it allows people to see that their choices actually have an impact in a way that can be very unclear without replaying in games that don’t allow saving anywhere. i’ve played games long enough that i tend to be skeptical of games that promise choice and consequence. whenever i’m presented with a given choice of seemingly great consequence on a first playthrough, i immediately wonder if it’s an illusory choice. most of the time, i find that it is in subsequent discussions. and that’s fine! but what really blows me away is reloading a previous save, trying the other option, and finding that the game actually backs up its promise. that’s a great joy of gaming for me, and without save scumming, it wouldn’t happen. not that i think games which incorporate saves that are in some way limited into the design are bad! there are definitely advantages to that approach. but the freedom to try multiple approaches and decide on one as “canon” is really valuable to me.
@krellend20 9 ай бұрын
Hey Tim, question for you: are there any people or companies you always wished you could have worked with? What was it that brought them to your attention and instilled that desire?
@AndreasSelzer 9 ай бұрын
I am a South African and we were even taught about Vietnam onwards in our History classes in High School. Although our complaints in our country are that we always do Apartheid every year. It can be annoying as it is always the same parts for Apartheid that we learn.
@bobbinsthethird 9 ай бұрын
Have you learned anything about the Israeli Palestine conflict in school?
@lrinfi 9 ай бұрын
Until recently, history classes (in America, at least) have struck me primarily as a means to establish and maintain a mass illusion about the country's history rather than presenting an honest reckoning with that history, a "history is written by the victors" kind of mentality being the norm with the dark side more or less swept under the rug. Skeletons have a way of eventually falling out of their closets, though, so there's not much point in trying to hide them. That "mass illusion" objective appears to be changing thanks in large part to history teachers themselves working diligently to insure education is actually education rather than indoctrination into one or another ideology and the mass illusion itself appears to be dissipating somewhat. I take that as a good sign. A country should know itself -- flaws and all -- just as individuals know themselves. Otherwise, how could it ever grow and mature into a truly great country? Lao Tzu had a lot to say about that and what he had to say is most profound.
@AndreasSelzer 9 ай бұрын
@@bobbinsthethird Nah, I was out of High School before the conflict got "mainstream" again on social media, then they would have put it in the curriculum. But we learnt about the Rwanda civil war and genocide.
@AndreasSelzer 9 ай бұрын
@@lrinfi From people I have heard who live in America they say that public schools try to ignore the fact that Africans sold each other into slavery, trying to rewrite history. But yeah it is interesting to hear how other countries teach history.
@sksteele1235 9 ай бұрын
​@AndreasSelzer Yes that is literally never mentioned AFAIK. It's pretty much a story of white oppression and black excellence that they try to push.
@rifleunknown6891 9 ай бұрын
That’s it! This needs to be said, this man is a national treasure! I look forward to his videos every day. Thank you Tim!
@EWLTM 9 ай бұрын
Hi Tim! Thank You for your daily uploads, love hearing your stories! Please keep them coming ❤
@classica1fungus 9 ай бұрын
Food catering question killed me lmao
@stuartmorley6894 9 ай бұрын
Your mother always sounds like a true hero. Every time you mention her its always her having your back.
@souluss 9 ай бұрын
Reuse of some of Pillars of Eternity sound effects in Outer Worlds was a nice throwback.
@fafofafin 9 ай бұрын
Would be amazing to hear your recommendations for some of those unheard of great games which lacked adequate marketing.
@FluffySylveonBoi 9 ай бұрын
I love your videos, sometimes they seem so short, but I understand you don't want to sit here for an hour every day. But then, I don't watch them daily. Today I have the pleasure of watching 3 videos in a row! I also agree with that bullet sponge thing. I would rather have it like: On lower difficulty, you go wipe out a bandit camp and the bandit leader is a solid boss, but not too hard. On the hardest difficulty, the leader is the equivalent of a ninja, he still has the same HP and damage, but he is faster, more skilled etc. This kind of challenge thrills me way more than bullet Spongebobs, because you actually have to strategize.
@gilgamecha 9 ай бұрын
Loving the Rap Hands in the thumbnail Tim!
@Enjoyurble 3 ай бұрын
I think some of the stuff you said about boss encounters and save scumming could make for great shorts on here. Great advice.
@massivive 9 ай бұрын
if only that History teacher had been more willing, we could have gotten our Vietnam war-era class based RPG
@StavrosNikolaou 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for answering our questions! What you do is amazing for people who want to know more about the industry! Enjoy your Sunday!
@bigchumsmalone4455 9 ай бұрын
i do really appreciate this format for questions that are worth answering but can't reasonably be made into a full length video, would like to see more in this style in the future
@slavomirsebesta5491 9 ай бұрын
having a tim as real friend is a dream :)
@mikeh4942 9 ай бұрын
Tim, thank you for sharing your viewpoint. Those of us that treasure Fallout appreciate not only your willingness to talk to the community but your perspective on gaming. I am personally curious as to your viewpoint on the “live service” minefield. Is it better as a developer to have the ability to add content or is it mitigated by the apparent crush by developers to stunt creativity for the almighty dollar? Thank you for what you did and what you continue to do.
@LazarSutilovic 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for answering the history question, Mr. Cain. Also huge respect for trying to pronounce my name, I know how tough Slavic names and surnames (Serbian in this case) can often be to pronounce. I imagine Šutilović to be quite a tongue twister haha.
@xstaycold 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for all the videos! Just found your channel a few days ago after I started my first playthrough of Fallout. I just beat the game today!
@voiceofreason1098 9 ай бұрын
A (supposedly) short question, Tim! How did putting out daily videos affect your life? In good/bad/unexpected ways. Any interesting observations? Thank you for doing them
@smokedbeefandcheese4144 9 ай бұрын
Videos are never too long so far everything he puts on here is really interesting
@WastedPot 9 ай бұрын
I hate the whole high difficulty high hit points system. I think Bungie did a good job of getting around that in Halo. Almost every enemy had cosmetic armour that could be broken off after a few shots, then a few well placed shots would finally down the hostile. They had weak points too so you could make armour piercing shots. I wish more devs would look at implementing stages rather than high pools of hit points.
@tyskbulle 9 ай бұрын
These daily uploads are spoiling us
@tyronewilliams2638 9 ай бұрын
I think best way to prevent save scumming is to make the fails interesting. Disco Elysium is a good example
@clairesteeleforever 9 ай бұрын
I really appreciate that you take the time to read comments and answer questions. I'm sure others have asked, but I'd love to hear your thoughts about the Unity situation. Is it viable for a solo dev to create their own engines now? Or is something like Godot a better option, since it's open source? I'm learning to code, so if it's feasible then I would absolutely want to learn how to make an engine. I know you've made comments in past videos about engines, and based on those I was ready to try Unity, but that seems like a really bad idea now.
@Stilran 9 ай бұрын
Hi Tim, you have talked several times how great durability was implemented on Fallout 3. After hearing about the newspapers on Arcanum, I would like to hear your opinion on Fallout 3's radio, specially Galaxy News Radio.
@TheInsaneSwede 9 ай бұрын
Hey Tim been loving the videos you've been making and all the insight, if you're able to comment I'd love to hear your thoughts on the many fan made projects of the original fallout games that have been made. From someone who personally grew up with fallout 1 and 2 and later found these to be my new nostalgic home. (bar the replays of the originals every few years) Especially since there is such a vast amount of both singleplayer and even multiplayer versions.
@colin-campbell 9 ай бұрын
Hey Tim what are your thoughts on Unitys recent plan to charge developers on a per-install basis?
@quantumpotato 9 ай бұрын
it's only after 200k installs / $200k earned
@LemonMoon 9 ай бұрын
Do you have an opinion on the unity situation with them charging pay per install?
@Anubis1101 9 ай бұрын
On the subject of bosses, i think a lot of newer RPGs have forgotten the importance of trash mobs. A lot of boss fights end up feeling really grindy even if the boss itself is interesting, because no matter how good the combat is, itll eventually settle into a pattern with any one enemy. Ran into this a bunch in the recent Final Fantasy 16, especially with the final boss, who even had multiple stages! But each stage was still long enough that i found myself doing the regular combat rotation, and it really got tedious.
@deakintressler1797 9 ай бұрын
Love the videos❤❤❤ I would really love for you to talk about all the fallout games. What did you like from each game and what would you have done differently if you were in charge? Also what would you do and where would you take fallout 5?!?
@Grymgar 9 ай бұрын
14:15 also thank you for answering my question from a previous video in essentially 5 seconds. Side note that I am hoping with some of the tech Unreal 5 is giving the gaming industry, Bethesda may be able to run it in parallel with existing engines to make graphical and frame rate enhancements without sacrificing the engine they built.
@liaminwales 9 ай бұрын
I am cool with asset reuse, I relay liked the old system of a new game then a follow-up using mostly the same assets with a new story. It lets the dev's refine a few systems and kick out a new game fairly fast, I dont see a down side. Save Scumming is fine, most people dont do it & there's no point spoiling the fun of people who do, at times it's relay handy when you want a outcome in the story your making as you play.
@daedalos90000 9 ай бұрын
Hello Tim. I'm wondering... did you and Leonard discuss any of the criticisms of Outer Worlds recieved when it came out in 2019?, and if any, have you learned anything from those criticisms that you take into Outer Worlds 2 going forward? :) Hope you can answer, just broadly.
@David-jl3nd 9 ай бұрын
What do accessibility features say about a player? Some games revel in difficulty or get attacked for accommodating different audiences, but, how do you feel about players who just want to enjoy the story? When your teams are considering combat/skill trees, does the opportunity to have your cake and eat it too devalue the system you have built? Is there a way to accommodate players with disability whilst keeping the pressure on?.
@CainOnGames 9 ай бұрын
I think people should enjoy a game any way they want, and accessibility features let MORE people enjoy the game, so they are a good thing. I don't view any content as being devalued if someone doesn't want that experience. In fact, a coworker at Interplay used to play games on easy mode just so he could check out the level design in the game. That's how he enjoyed games.
@asdfjkl227 9 ай бұрын
Put the questions in the description with timestamps. Then it'll make like chapters and people can find questions in q&a videos without having to watch the whole video.
@bruceschlickbernd8475 9 ай бұрын
A non-computer game question - though I suppose it links back to computer games: Have you played the Fallout board game? If not, why not, and if so, good, bad, indifferent?
@Elwood288 9 ай бұрын
I finished Fallout for the first time and currently am playing Arcanum for the first time because of these videos. So I want to contribute to the question pool. A triple whammy here for you. You have said that you crammed every feature someone could think of into Arcanum. At what point do you think you should have stopped adding features? What features if any do you feel should have been removed or not added? What features were not completely finished as a result of having so many features? i.e. newspapers
@Blitzkrieg1012 9 ай бұрын
Hype, let's goooo
@MassiveSteamingPile 9 ай бұрын
Hey Tim, Since finding your KZfaq I've wanted to know if you follow the Fallout 1&2 Mod scene? there are a number of total conversions of the original games (Mostly by Russians, but most are translated) Fallout Nevada, Olympus 2207, Fallout:Sonara is one I'm very interested in once the translation is finished. Mutants Rising is another that has been in development for a long time. just wondered what your thoughts are on people making mods of games you've worked on.
@joshcollins9666 9 ай бұрын
Hey tim its me, Josh. Im in the process of reading my absolute tome of Goodman Games version of Temple of Elemental Evil fifth edition and I think it might have references to your game version of Temple. Unfortunately I never played your game (sorry) but I will keep you updated if I have any hard evidence on that since I bet it would be neat if something you made cross pollinated with one of your favourite modules.
@gilgamecha 9 ай бұрын
I never played the paper version of ToEE but I am loving Tim's version.
@lrinfi 9 ай бұрын
I'd be curious to know your thoughts on artificial difficulty in video games. This includes things such as camera and autotargeting shenanigans some players might not even notice, but stick out like a sore thumb to others; become more aggravating than enjoyable; and can snap a player right out of the game. And this seems to be becoming the norm in video games. A good example would be a game that uses lock-on mechanics, but even if autotargeting is turned off, the target lock will nonetheless shift around to different targets than the one that was manually targeted as the player moves around. I've even had the camera whip around a full 90 degrees as the targeting system tried to find something -- anything -- else to lock onto rather than what I had manually targeted. One game I've played surrounds the target with fantasy versions of everything from deer to rats to dragonflies to insure that securing that target lock is next to impossible. Some might argue such developer shenanigans are better than the bullet sponge notion of difficulty, but if I feel the hand of the developer manipulating the experience to that degree, I find immersion in the game world impossible. All I can think of as I play is what the developers are doing. Same with camera tricks of one kind or another. Difficult means challenging and there must be so many other ways for a game to present a challenge (or, as I'd prefer to think of it, to invite players to challenge themselves) than blatantly obvious developer tactics such as these, you'd probably have a hard time listing them all. There are also plenty having nothing to do with combat though you rarely see them anymore, e.g. particularly difficult dialogue checks. Where do you see the idea of difficulty going in the game development community?
@PugFury 9 ай бұрын
Thanks Tim! What are your thoughts on the recent Unity developments? Also, what do you think about Starfield now that its been out for a bit (assuming you have played)?
@coolkid9967 9 ай бұрын
What are your thoughts on microtransactions and/or season passes? If you would implement one into a game, how would you?
@cristitanase6130 9 ай бұрын
Hi Tim, can you please explain more about how a quest system is created in code? Do you use a database or just classes? There are variables only or entire records? And how do you change the quest states and do branching depending on the various paths provided and chose by the players. Thank you.
@gilgamecha 9 ай бұрын
I don't think you would write your own quest system these days. Your game engine is going to provide that as a base class. Like in FO3 or FO4 or Skyrim.
@cristitanase6130 9 ай бұрын
@@gilgamecha What game engine provide that as a base class? Unity, Unreal, Godot, GM or Construct don't.
@gilgamecha 9 ай бұрын
@@cristitanase6130 RPG game engines
@cristitanase6130 9 ай бұрын
@@gilgamecha What about it? Do you know any?
@lrinfi 9 ай бұрын
@@gilgamecha If that's true, that must be much of the reason why quest systems have become so generic. If you don't have the time or the money or the know-how to write a quest system, how can you possibly develop an original, unique and interesting RPG? I'm personally sick of nothing-but-busywork to-do items on to-do lists being called "quests". I'm sure I'm not alone, either. Playing fetch is a game for dogs, not human beings. I know Bethesda got into the habit there for a while of using its quest system mainly to point players to locations on the map the developers wanted them to see and little, if anything, else, likely because all their focus of late apparently has been on creating interesting worlds to explore. (They do excel at that.) They've gotten a lot of criticism for it, too, though I'm not sure turning the dialogue system into a game itself, as apparently has been done with Starfield, is such a good move, either. Dialogue and "questing" should be meaningful, not just a game in itself. Otherwise, what's the point?
@NikolaBulj 9 ай бұрын
If you had to cut down a scope for an RPG, what would be the first things to go? Let's say you have complete control, but you need to get the scope down because it's a small indie team.
@Awwsteen 9 ай бұрын
Question: what are a few things from game design/development that you think are readily applicable in other fields? For example, I am a new lawyer, what aspects of your experience in game dev would be in mind if you were giving a talk to myself and my associates at work?
@Dr_Slash 9 ай бұрын
Hey Tim! Thanks again for your insights! I was wondering what your thoughts are on speech check mechanics and whether you prefer telling the player if a certain dialogue option is a skill check (like in most modern CRPGs) or not (like in the original Fallout). I feel like both approaches have their drawbacks (e.g. metagaming* in the former case and lack of feedback in the latter, among other things), so it would be great to hear your ideas on how they could be mitigated. * By metagaming I mean that, in most CRPGs, if you have a speech check option in a dialogue, it almost always leads to the best outcome. New Vegas had a notable exception to this with Dean Domino, who'd get pissed if the player tried to use speech skills on him. But he was just one NPC who appears rather late in the game, so this mechanic always felt like an exception rather than something to be wary of while using skills in dialogues.
@diodamke1007 9 ай бұрын
IMO the best way to handle this would be to tell the player that they successfully passed a speech check, but only *after* they selected the dialogue option. When the player is choosing what to say in a conversation don't just have tags like [SPEECH] next to certain options, because that tells the players exactly which option they should pick if they want the best outcome, it makes it so they don't have to think about what the best thing to say actually would be. But if the player does choose a dialogue option that calls for a speech check and they pass, THEN you should show them a tag that says [Speech check passed] or whatever to act as a form of feedback that lets them know the points they put in Speech are actually helping them.
@Dr_Slash 9 ай бұрын
@@diodamke1007 Yep, this works, especially if you take the New Vegas route and word dialogue options differently depending on whether the player meets the skill requirements. An alternative solution I see is to give the player all the information (whether a dialogue option is a skill check, whether they passed it or not, etc.) but teach them early on that 1) using your skills does not always lead to the best outcome (and can sometimes make things worse), and 2) you can sometimes be rewarded for failing a check. This is pretty similar to what Disco Elysium did with its dialogues. The downside of this approach is that it only works if you consistently adhere to these two principles throughout the game without overdoing them (otherwise the player may avoid skill checks altogether).
@Lbf5677 9 ай бұрын
With the moody lighting and dark clothes it seems like this is 'Dark Tim'
@fixpontt 9 ай бұрын
i know for you as a game developer it's hard to criticise other games but i would like to see examplex from games when you speak generally, your college Josh Sawyer made a youtube video where he analyses dialog systems in RPGs and he shows screenshots from popular RPGs and evaluate pros/cons on each of them... that is really(!!!) really(!!!) helpful, i could immediately grasp what he means, without the examples just the dry bullet point would have been like farts in the wind, examples are extremely important and visualization of those important too so for example you talked about boss mechanics and difficulties and you talked mostly in general, would have been miles better if you cited boss fights from popular video rpgs that back your general points
@wezacker6482 9 ай бұрын
@15:14 A LITTLE LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!! Amen. no need to re-invent the wheel mechanics-wise for every new chapter.
@radioheadfan7279 9 ай бұрын
What do you think about new Unity policy?
@ssuuppeerrbbooyy 9 ай бұрын
If you ever do one of these again, here is my question: Do you think we could ever build a stat/skill/attribute system that accurately applies to a human being? I've been wrecking my brain with this idea for a while. For example Intelligence. My guess would be its made up from many many little ways of thinking and how fast you process a certain thing. But then that speed isn't just innate and it depends on experience and whether or not you considered the same thing at some point in the past. That was before I even got to physical attributes and differences in strength between a bricklayer, blacksmith, boxer, strongman, bodybuilder etc.
@lebensraummetal 9 ай бұрын
The speed *is* innate and the term you're looking for is G factor. Raw Int is just processing power. Prior experience sounds more like "wisdom." The differences between types of strength really sounds more like the differences between endurance, strength and agility. All of those are related to muscles. you need muscles to be agile, you need different types of muscles to for raw speed or strength. endurance is the quality of those muscles, how long they can keep working uninterrupted. stuff like boxing and bricklaying sound more skill trees to me.
@ssuuppeerrbbooyy 9 ай бұрын
@@lebensraummetal i thought in the same direction. Wisdom i think is experience×learning factor×traumatic factor×bunch of other factors, like exhauation, interest etc. Once you start breaking down every little detail it gets very complex. Like strength you would actually have to break it down to individual muscle and all its properties relating to converting oxygen and nutrition to work. Brick layers have insane finger and lower arm strength, cyclists have all their strength in certain leg muscles etc. At that point you are actually reverse engineering a person down to every bit of flesh and neural connection.
@lebensraummetal 9 ай бұрын
​@@ssuuppeerrbbooyy Granularizing it too much seems to defeat the purpose (and fun) of shoehorning someone into the limitations of character design in game mechanics, otherwise you're just formulating a simulation of a person. Would Deus Ex be more fun or more annoying if not only limbs but digits all had their own hitboxes and health? I say, if you're talking leg muscles: that's agility. Unless it's leg muscles being used along with the rest of your muscles to say, lift a heavy thing, in which case all of the muscles involved get lumped into total strength, since the application in question is a strength check. As for individual muscle speed or endurance, typically people with better cardiovascular health have better endurance for *all* of their muscles. you don't see anyone working out just one muscle to the point of it being exceptional while also keeping their general endurance low, it just doesnt happen so it would probably be a non-factor. Regarding mental stats, i've also seen willpower along with wisdom and intelligence. That would probably soak up a few of the other factors like mental fatigue.
@rideraustin4042 9 ай бұрын
I remember you said to baked a ton of different things. I was thinking you could make a pretty good cooking tutorial for some of your favorites that you haven't featured in a game manual?
@aaronvold47 9 ай бұрын
Atleast checkpoints evolved correctly in early 2000s it was common to have checkpoint right before non skippable 3 min cutscene...
@renaigh 9 ай бұрын
Fallout 2, New Vegas & even 76 are all often regarded as better than their predecessors in multiple ways and what they all have in common is the recycled assets they used from them.
@ethan6882 9 ай бұрын
Tim, what are your thoughts on the factions of New Vegas, and which faction is your favorite/the one you think is best for the wasteland? What are your thoughts on factions in RPG stories more broadly?
@EB-cz4te 9 ай бұрын
Hi Tim, I want to know the thought process and development when it came to the decisions with Arcanum's unique sound track and the voice actors that were hired for the game.
@Mordrevious 9 ай бұрын
Hey Tim, I’ve got a question. You’ve talked about a lot of content you had to cut. Is there any cut content from any of your games that you really wish you’d been able to include but couldn’t due to time/budget/ technology issues?
@BrokenTile 9 ай бұрын
Hi Tim, do you have any thoughts or experiences you'd like to share about DLC in general? We had expansion packs in the 90's and now we have DLC which generally feels smaller but gets made faster etc... Love your channel! :)
@bigtastyben5119 9 ай бұрын
Hey Tim, because of Fallout I got into GURPS, it's become my second favorite TTRPG next to Traveller, I don't think I would have ever heard of GURPS if it wasn't for Fallout. I don't know if you answered this already so forgive me in advance if you have but are you at liberty to discuss what cause the deal between Steve Jackson Games and Interplay to breakdown and if you could make a game using GURPS would you? Cheers 🥂 and here's hoping OW2 has a AAA budget, I enjoyed OW despite its limitations. I wanna see what you guys can do on a AAA level.
@8Paul7 9 ай бұрын
Surprised to see such nonchalant attitude towards save scumming. Personally I prefer if it is limited, because if it isn't, the temptation to use this unlimited time travel mechanic is too great. I think I would have enjoyed e.g. Baldur's Gate 3 more if I could not save anywhere anytime. Every game should have a "save and exit" feature though, and allow pausing anytime. I liked how Kingdom Come limited save scumming with its saviour schnapps.
@Bloodyshinta1 9 ай бұрын
I've heard a few game developers like Warren Spector say that they didn't want to make fantasy games anymore because they couldn't tell original stories in that context and I've been wondering if that's really the case. Do fantasy games have to be about saving the world from dragons? is there more room for story telling in fantasy settings or do we have to go to contemporary or sci-fi settings to find new content?
@owenziegler307 9 ай бұрын
Hi Tim, do you have any insight into the design influences for Fallout's power armor? Looking at it without any background info I see influence from both Star Wars stormtroopers and the power armor from Warhammer 40k, but obviously you would know more.
@XDapologist 9 ай бұрын
In the firts interview with Leonard ( art designer of fallout) i think they talk about the armor design and other fallout art. Great talk
@demnix6210 9 ай бұрын
Oh man I want Tim to run my d&d campaign. :D
@Anubis1101 9 ай бұрын
I can relate to your history class thing a bit. My world history teacher had to drop out and go back to school herself, and then the one who replaced her had some... issues he needed to address. So there's a huge gap in my history education, which I've since filled with KZfaq videos. I have some really good channels I'd like to share if you're interested. I'll reply to this comment with them this evening.
@Anubis1101 9 ай бұрын
there are a lot of really good educational channels on KZfaq, but for condensed, easy-to-watch history, i prefer Extra History and SideQuest the most. they add just the right amount of flair to keep things interesting, and manage to cram a lot of information in relatively short episodes.
@uncouthboy8028 9 ай бұрын
Your thoughts on Alpha Protocol? Most reactive game I have played.
@IMBREISGAU 9 ай бұрын
Has anyone asked about that one conspiracy quest in Arcanum? WOULD LOVE to know what were your intention and ideas surrounding that quest considering it ends in a cliff hanger.
@Anubis1101 9 ай бұрын
I believe he did say at one point that it was intended to be a cliffhanger. It wasnt unfinished or anything, it was supposed to remain a mystery. I think it was either the arcanum sequel video, or one of his chats with leonard
@JonathanRossRogers 9 ай бұрын
@1:00 One should consider history after 1945. One should also consider history before that date.
@fredrik3880 9 ай бұрын
Newspapers as they are feel great. Removing them or not doing them would made Arcanum a weaker game.
@user-om8pb8ob9i 9 ай бұрын
for the asset reuse i think devs should be careful about making things too familiar? in fallout 76 for example, a lot of assets were reused from fallout 4, which isn't a bad thing in itself, it's just that fallout 4 had a very distinctive and well realize art style so it was very obvious when playing 76 when i'd already seen something somewhere else. also fallout 4's loot system made it so you were constantly interacting with the environment, and looting things hundreds of times, so you were really familiar with container assets and such, which were reused for fallout 76. it was just a little too similar for my tastes.
@lrinfi 9 ай бұрын
When it comes to containers and the like, it might be argued that mass production is responsible for the exact same toolboxes and health kits and so forth appearing literally anywhere in the country. What was hilarious to me were things like everyone in Sanctuary apparently having bought the exact same furniture for their houses. That kind of thing. When I jokingly raised that on a forum and asked what might be responsible for it, someone said, "Ikea?" lol
@vinnyolmsted8018 9 ай бұрын
Hey Tim! I know you're an original IP over sequels guy, but if you did have the opportunity to work on any existing game franchise, what would it be and what would you want to do with it?
@JonathanRossRogers 9 ай бұрын
@3:36 What kind of purpleberry food was promoted?
@leroygardner8529 9 ай бұрын
thankyou Tim
@flamingburritto 9 ай бұрын
Will outer worlds 2 be AA as well? And how direct is your involvement in the development and design and vision of Outer worlds 2? (Yours and Leonard's both i would like to know about)
@DanielFerreira-ez8qd 9 ай бұрын
He probably can't answer those, but I'd wager he's helping just as much with the second one. If you've been around you've heard him mention of plans they couldn't make in the first one, so I'm personally assuming they're going to try for those in the sequel.
@pariahmutt3589 9 ай бұрын
What do you think of the Unity engine mess that’s going on and how it’s gonna affect developers?
@TheNovaimmortal 9 ай бұрын
Hey Tim I’ve been wondering why are so many companions in games seem to have little to no agency ? In most of the rpgs I’ve played they’ve gone along with almost anything I’ve done. Even if they get upset and decide to leave they didn’t try to stop me in anyway.
@aNerdNamedJames 9 ай бұрын
I will never ever understand the idea of wanting devs to never ever reuse any assets. Of course there are *some* assets that stick out too much (I definitely got taken out of the game in Fallout 4 when I noticed that the armor workbench used the same audio asset as Skyrim's smithing workbench), but in general you can't say that you want less crunch then also say you don't want any asset reuse.
@lrinfi 9 ай бұрын
The judicious reuse Tim mentioned makes perfect sense and most players expect it, I think, because it does make perfect sense. Having a pool or library of assets to draw from saves on more than just development time and money. I'd imagine it saves a ton on stress and headaches as well. If they're put to creative use, especially, no problem. If I see a familiar asset and recognize it as having been utilized some other way in a completely different context, I tend to stand back and just admire how the developer decided to use it. How you make the suggestion of West Virginia *not* look like the suggestion of the city of Boston without completely reinventing the wheel? I don't know, but Bethesda's artists did a hell of a job of doing just that despite the generous reuse of Fallout 4's assets in Fallout 76. It's exhorbitant reuse -- the painfully obvious -- that's questionable (and boring).
@Grymgar 9 ай бұрын
9:50 BG3 has done such a good job with its bosses. Grym at the Adamantine Forge comes to mind when you mention the stage and stages.
@JFrancoe 9 ай бұрын
hey, just wanted to let you know that your microphone is clipping/getting loud a bit. To fix this you can just lower the gain a little bit until the peaks go under the red line on the db meter in a video editor :)
@Danne-Danger 9 ай бұрын
Hey Tim! I read on resetera that Troika had a Might & Magic pitch around the time that Vampire was released. Are you familiar with the pitch at all? The person responsible for the pitch didn't have access to his documents anymore. Love your videos!
@CainOnGames 9 ай бұрын
You can hear about that pitch here:
@Danne-Danger 9 ай бұрын
@@CainOnGames Well damn, thank you! I missed that one.
@danielvelkov116 9 ай бұрын
Have you heard of a game callrd Underrail. People seem to associate it a lot with the fallou 1&2 games
@flamingburritto 9 ай бұрын
I do project management for student projects in a game design course. And i do project management for an in house game that is currently being developed as well (its demo is on steam called Mayu Last of Yaksha, inspired by our indian culture and myth). Do you have any tips and/or advice on how to approach project management? In general or specific.
@CainOnGames 9 ай бұрын
I have touched on project management in my videos on how to be a good game director: Do you have specific questions?
@flamingburritto 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for your response Tim. And yeah, Sort of, my biggest issue right now is that in the student projects, there are some students who are very passionate and some who aren't. Then there are those that start passionate but then by the end when they get to bug fixes and playtesting stage they lose interest. That is my biggest issue for student games. For the inhouse game we are working on so far i haven't faced any larger issues, i try to keep notes, manage tasks on trello and try to have regular meetings, but i wonder if that is enough at times. Thanks for the response again and can't wait for Outer worlds 2 : ) Loved the first one. @@CainOnGames
@CainOnGames 9 ай бұрын
@@flamingburrittoYour situation sounds like a great teachable moment. Tell your students that the game industry is like your class, in that the students/developers need to stay involved and push through every stage of development, whether it is their favorite stage or not. And they will ALWAYS be working in groups, so learn how to do that and be successful at it...even when not everyone on your team feels the same way. That might involve wearing multiple hats.
@flamingburritto 9 ай бұрын
Thank you :) i will try that. There is a student that has great potential in a batch of students i will be doing project management for if their pitch gets selected. He has great creativity, and can think out of the box. His game ideas are also simple but fun. But he has trouble working with others, he doesn't trust people and says that if they wont do what they're supposed to he will just do it himself. I explained to him that his job is not to do their work for them but to guide and lead them to do their work properly. And that eventually he will have to trust others, cuz even if he can do everything himself, he wont be able to, and if he does, then time will be a huge factor. I think i got through to him explaining like this, but i do think he will need some more guidance. It just feels weird cuz im very young myself, i'm only 22 and in india where the game dev scene isn't that popular (or pays that well XD) but i do love doing what i do. Its just weird cuz there are some students that are actually older than me and they ask me for advice 😅 Once again, thanks a ton for your responses. I watched the videos you linked and took notes respectively from them. Love your vids and games : ) (As evident by my pfp lol) @@CainOnGames
@LoneWastelander235 9 ай бұрын
TBH, most AAA games now are pretty terrible or unfinished and not worth the cost. Don't get me wrong, there are bad AA and Indie games that are also cash grabs, but it seems that they have more love and passion in them.
@EnneaIsInterested 9 ай бұрын
What's your impression of Morrowind?
@Rachsuchtig 9 ай бұрын
Are we asking the questions here or another Platform?
@SechzigRayner 9 ай бұрын
Hi Tim! I think your shirt might be inside out.
@NostalgicNate 9 ай бұрын
You’re up early lol
@thatiafilatia 8 ай бұрын
Is there any bad games out there that had a huge marketing budget??? =p
@wagyubeef6321 9 ай бұрын
Shouldn’t scope be quadratic?
@Xibalba161 9 ай бұрын
Tim, a friend of mine calls all video game Bosses “Leaders.” And thinks I’m the weird one for saying boss. Is she a psychopath?
@gilgamecha 9 ай бұрын
No you are. 😁
@jtaco4101 9 ай бұрын
@Sw0fford 9 ай бұрын
yo how late is it for you?
@galdersrontgorrth 9 ай бұрын
don't think many people are gonna use unity anymore lol
@thrdstooge 9 ай бұрын
Aw, man,...he never answered my question. 🥺
@actionboy3221 9 ай бұрын
Man I graduated High School in 2009 and we didn’t even really Learn about anything after WW2. We had a class CALLED “current events” but the teacher was this arrogant pompous jerk and it just turned into him going on about philosophy 101 that would blow the mind of high schoolers but I ALWAYS SAW THROUGH HIM 😒
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