REACTING To How Terrible Map Design DESTROYED Modern Dead By Daylight

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2 ай бұрын

REACTING To How Terrible Map Design DESTROYED Modern Dead By Daylight from ‪@TheOnlyChoy‬ show them some love.
#reaction #reactionvideo #tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight

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@shmickit 2 ай бұрын
The problem is the difference between swf and solo is astronomical
@josyself1750 2 ай бұрын
that makes sense though obvsly your gonna get a advantage in a swf
@captainnyet9855 Ай бұрын
absolutely; there is ways to lessen the effects of SWF but it can never be removed without shit like action speed debuffs or some other kind of specific resrictions; and those are all very unpopular. Honestly, I think there is a pretty easy way to fix it: limit SWF to 2man parties, and then make open lobbies for custom games; want to play a 4man SWF? make a custom game and find somebody who wants to play killer or just have one of your party members play killer; now that survivor bots are a thing you don't even need to have a full 5man party to start a match; of course this will never happen because dunking on a random killer with a 4man SWF is what a lot of the survivor players want; BHVR woud be stupid if they even tried.
@maximonure5413 Ай бұрын
@@captainnyet9855 no, you don't limit anything and just understand that DBD works the same that every other game does, imagine saying that 5 man on CS2 should have a damage debuff on weapons because it's unfair that 5 people are on a party vs 5 that are solo q
@Lisa_Sherwood 4 күн бұрын
Its not as much anymore...problem is 1 player that can`t play is enough...
@marshmallowmarshes 2 ай бұрын
Veteran player here. Played since 2017 till 2022. Still enjoy videos about the game from time to time. No plans to return. Game is just too sweaty, both sides. Amount of macro knowledge needed to perform decent (like bare minimum) is just too much for me. And losing-losing-losing isn't fun.
@Lisa_Sherwood 4 күн бұрын
I miss you....all of you... 😔
@Sucrilhoshmm 2 ай бұрын
Game was starting to go down when they released the kpop dlc
@300Walk 2 ай бұрын
so gay
@Strugglebaddy616 2 ай бұрын
​@@300Walkinsightful reply.
@Whobilation 13 күн бұрын
@@Strugglebaddy616 I thought it was
@ItsAlpa 2 ай бұрын
4:55 lol since the first updates this has never changed with BHVR. That attitude immediately raised a huge red flag to me from the get-go.
@Shub-Nagruth 2 ай бұрын
That BHVR takes risks by innovating, that’s all I want.
@300Walk 2 ай бұрын
10 years 1 game mode keep dreaming 😂😂
@Wat450 2 ай бұрын
you mean greenhaired females, genderfluids and non binaries take risks of innovation? lol
@Robot256k 2 ай бұрын
I mean there was a lot of hype for both Chucky & Alien. The fact that they keep butchering iconic licensed killers and leaving other such as Freddy untouched for years is starting to piss a lot of people off.
@coreybradley8540 2 ай бұрын
The uploader should've shown us the god windows and pallets as he was talking about them instead of some irrelevant sadako game
@VetriVade 2 ай бұрын
These days most content farmers have no effort. Write a script is all they do and they just slap random gameplay over it
@billybyrns2557 2 ай бұрын
The “map rng tailored to specific killers” thing is apparently really complex to implement, but I think it’s 10000% worth it, because I am so sick of god filler pallets with huntress that I can’t even 50/50 on with people, without wasting incredible amounts of time. Imagine playing with no addons or perks, and going against the sweatiest SWF on Eyrie or Torment Creek. Just abysmal.
@Whobilation 2 ай бұрын
Huntress just got buffed so you’re hilariously stupid if you think anyone feels sorry for your inability to abuse survivors to no end. Your a very telling reason on why the term “skill issue” exists in the first place.
@iamfirelord2576 2 ай бұрын
"Imagine playing with no perks or addons" Yeah no thanks, most of us aren't idiot
@Whobilation 2 ай бұрын
@@iamfirelord2576 These killer mains will take all of our perks away and still cry if a single survivor T-bagged at the exit gates.
@bitsandpieces7233 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@iamfirelord2576idiots* I love you took the time to name call in a comment section, yet couldn’t take the time to grammar check. Sometimes people play with no perks or add ons as a challenge. Most of us get tired running the same sweaty crap all the time. Think about it
@Gian_sas 2 ай бұрын
​@@bitsandpieces7233wow you do it as a challenge and then complain it's hard? no way people are this stupid. Also how is playing perkless more fun like that's the biggest cope ever just admit you don't have money to buy killers the perks should be free anyways.
@thebutler2525 2 ай бұрын
It's actually pretty crazy to think about how the peak of DBD was june 2021. if you look at SteamDB, you can see its been staidly declining ever since then. the amount of players who come back when a new chapter comes out decreases by about 10K players from the previous chapter.. I ain't saying the game is dead (that annoys me) but it makes sense that its declining. the game has ben out for almost 9 years. 9 years of doing gens, looping the killer, then escaping.... that's it. it took them 9 years to add different game-modes and the only reason why they are doing that is to bring new people in. right now they are still "sorta" testing it but I do believe that they will add in a permanent game mode of some sort.
@JamesBond-vi2eh 2 ай бұрын
it isnt dead. shut up lol
@Evalora 2 ай бұрын
you could do stupid stuff like be a loot goblin and try to get the best items out of matches before mmr, after mmr you would consistently lose outside mid-high as the survs couldn't even get 5 gens done in the first place, killer as well would rapidly accelerate to getting very consistent + often grouped with voip survs and nobody knows what to expect beyond pain the game it was built up to be like with all the random nonsense videos by people like no0b3 just completely started to disappear at that point once the experience became consistent
@coldbeing5420 2 ай бұрын
​@@Evalora The competitiveness nature of DbD died when they got rid of the ranking system and changed the map designs. I stopped playing consistently when they added in the new system. You used to be able to memorize all of the pallets but now with the pallet changing locations each game, Windows of Opportunity is a must have. It's just sad since it was a useless noob perk to learn the game for new players before and it now became the best, most used perk in the game. It limits fun builds unless you wing it. It's also sad you can just play a lot and be able to reach Rank 1 based off that and not actual skill anymore. It would be nice if they adopted a League rank system where you can infinitely climb each season and they limit duo's or swf after you reached a certain ranked so it's not entirely unfair for the Killer to be facing sweaty 4-mains. I feel like there were more solo players back then than there is now. They just completely ruined the solo experience in this game.
@soleo2783 2 ай бұрын
@@coldbeing5420 The solo experience has always been shit in this game, nothing changed
@Tabako-san 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if there was some global event that happened to force everyone indoors and online in that time. Player numbers are normalising to what they would've been had the event not occurred.
@VetriVade 2 ай бұрын
Played this game for like 5 or 6 years, quit because the devs dont seem to have any clue what theyre doing I came back after a year or so for the slipknot dlc and the game doesnt feel any different despite new perks and maps EVOLVE had better balance and map design by a very large margin
@sylvain_3 2 ай бұрын
I stopped playing Sadako because one day I played three matches and all my TVs where in one side of the map while the other side was completly empty, and since the rework you need survivors to be close to powered TVs, making her so map dependant in a game that map designs are such a big issue, horrible killer as it is right now.
@kaister901 2 ай бұрын
2:38 Well, the answer is casuals. Like you are talking about casual players that can't even do gens properly. There are more of those players than god like loopers which are the norm at high MMR. However, since the devs only care about the casuals they are going to do everything they can to spoon feed them. One of those ways are god pallets and god loops, guaranteed safe spots.
@user-id7th6yf5v Ай бұрын
What really fucking kills this game is pay to win. No way to get a lot of perks and killers without donations, shrine of secrets is useless (2% chance to get a desired perk once a week), can't try out killers in lobby with friends, Iri shards grind is insane. I have invited a lot of friends to play dbd with, and 80% of them left after realising the absolute shitfest of a pay to win system this game got. Game's level design is also devastating for new players, so many random dead ends, hard to find gens maps like the Game, Midwitch, Larry's etc. This dlc system was working fine until you got fucking 30 of those and now you have to buy everything to have a full experience. Also, grind of bps is really difficult for new players, bcs you get them solely by playing good or by completing quests for the rift. When there is no modifier to bps, its insanely frustrating to grind. We are achieving train simulator level of ridiculousness with these dlcs. Make shrine of secrets more expansive and let people buy what they want from there or expand it to 6-6 perks.
@Clint_Beastwood 2 ай бұрын
Its hilarious how much true gets invested in the background gameplay
@AlsoMeowskivich 2 ай бұрын
I can't remember what my attitude about the SBMM thing back in the day; all I remember is being disappointed with the old matchmaking system doing things like pitting rank 20 baby killers against rank 3 sweatlord survivors running the same thing every game: Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Iron Will/Borrowed Time. I still don't think SBMM has changed much other than create what is commonly referred to as "MMR Hell"; that zone in mmr where you can't ever escape because you won a few too many times. It's basically jail for people who aren't casual enough. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'd like ranked and unranked modes. Ranked would let sweatier players know there's a place to go to test their mettle and see how good they REALLY are, as well as actually KNOWING what their MMR is. The current system hiding MMR feels very sketchy and is confusing to anyone who isn't a no-lifer of this game and knows the ins and outs of the background. I won't go into theories for the sake of going off topic, but I would really just like to know where I am. Also, they can adopt a more common ranking system where players don't get locked into MMR hell, but they don't go all the way back to ground zero when a season is over. Instead, taking the approach of something like Yu-gi-oh Master Duel where your rank goes down one tier at the end of the month, so that if you're desperate to smurf you've gotta wait around a long while. And for casual mode, it would be good to give players a ground where everyone has the mutual understanding that we're not trying to sweat, but instead just have a good time. Working on Tomes, memeing around, it would be good to have and let baby players have a safe place to be. Of course, there can still be MMR involved so you don't just blatantly get bully squads making life miserable for everyone, but do the thing where it's not high priority. Search closest and spread out rapidly until you get a match. I guess at the end of the day, I'm not happy with either system, and it boggles my mind that BHVR is not only not doing something real about it, but refusing to work with their own community for it either. Truly sad to have an entire band of fog whisperers but no ears to hear them.
@josetomascamposrobledano4618 2 ай бұрын
You can’t remember? Let me refresh your mind. During that time there were still people who “fanboy-ed BHVR”. And the selling point of SBMM for people thinking positively about it was that “MMR would be completely independent on the killer you chose”. So every Fanboy was saying that each time you bought a new killer, you would try them on easy mode and as you get better, you would enter a higher MMR. But that was then and this is now. In reality, hackers found that you have an “Average MMR”, so not only are there brackets for the community (MMR hell), but on the personal level your MMR won’t be low on A killer and Top MMR on killer B, but rather an average that will make things SLIGHTLY different. But DBD’s community memory is super short, and when MMR came out and later figured out by data miners, nobody, specially none of the big content creators, none made any mention of how even the “positive stuff” of MMR didn’t apply in practice.
@astarianott4099 2 ай бұрын
​@@josetomascamposrobledano4618 it's not average, it's a minimum as you raise your MMR with killer A, your MMR with every other killer begins to raise MMR per killers are different, but your highest MMR still dictates the minimum MMR your other killers can have, even if you repeatedly lose with said killers back when it was first leaked, it was something like "top MMR = 1900" which increased your minimum killer MMR to 1700 (numbers may be slightly off from memory)
@josetomascamposrobledano4618 2 ай бұрын
@@astarianott4099 and when you do the math it’s exactly the problem. Because when you get that “minimum MMR” it also put you on the bracket of all players. Cause brackets mean that after you reach a certain MMR, you don’t play with “identical MMR players” but rather a list. So when MMR was first leaked in code, I cringed very hard when the “minimum increase” by having a high MMR Killer basically put all other killers on what was TOP MMR! It might be different now with how BHVR changes their spaghetti code daily, but in practice that was the reason everyone complained about MMR hell. Cause every killer was essentially “Top MMR” despite the fact they never touched a certain killer before.
@AlsoMeowskivich 2 ай бұрын
@@josetomascamposrobledano4618 mi amigo, I meant I can't remember my own personal thoughts and feelings.
@astarianott4099 2 ай бұрын
@@josetomascamposrobledano4618 absolutely, I know the feeling. I don't think it has changed. Back in the day (I don't play killer anymore) I was at the top MMR with Blight, but for instance I wasn't anywhere as good with Huntress. Loss after loss after loss with Huntress. MMR could never decrease either because of the min killer MMR
@captainnyet9855 Ай бұрын
I don't think the "strict mmr makes you sweaty" argument really works; if you're a player who's more chill, this will make you underperform compared to your "skill potential" and so you will get to stay in an mmr that lets you play chill; it's only when you are already in a more competitive mindset (ie, you feel like you need to get as many wins as possible rather than just focusing on playing the ame in a manner you enjoy) that sbmm will start trying to match you with players of your skill level; it only becomes a problem if you're a player with comp mindset and you suddenly want to "take a break" from that playstyle and have a chill match, as sbmm's entire purpose is to avoid matching you with lobbies outside your skill level. (you can widen the mmr gap so it is still possible to get more chill matches if the mmr range is wide enough, but it'll never be as wide as in a game with no sbmm) The big problem with SBMM in games is exactly that imo; your MMR is not really representative of your technical skill, but is rather a function of your skill as compared to how much effort you are putting into the game; and in the case of DBD especially it is very easily skewed; a survivor player who is skilled but takes a lot of risky plays and often sacrifices themselves to help somebody else escape (because they value the skill expression that risky plays offer) will have lower mmr than a simiarly skilled (or even much less skilled) player who abandons their team the moment exit gates are opened; the problem then becomes that high mmr often filters for playsyle more than it filters for tchnical skill. (which is also why high mmr is so often a gen-rush sweatfest, efficient gen rushing and risk aversion (shift-W away from killer, play it safe at loops, second chance perks etc.) are the things that most consistently lead to escapes at any given MMR level); it's only large SWF's who'll often play a bit more risky, and that is because they can mitigate that risk through increased communication and coordination; the absolute top level is alays going to be a sweat fest, but the mmr is selecting the most un-fun playstyles (shift-W+Genrush survs, Tunneling killers) within that sweaty level. If MMR worked more like the old Emblem system (rewards various kinds of play) it would likely do a better job matching players on skill level (players with different playstyles end up scoring better in different categories, rather than only one kind of playstyle being scored)
@ImSiggi 2 ай бұрын
tbh im not coming back to dbd because its just not fun for both sides. as killer i get genrushed with no fun in chases cuz i feel stressed out. As Survivor i get the feeling that chases are just automated and i have to just genrush. Gameplay feels way too repetitive with just holding m1 on gens, graphics are also kinda outdated and people are always toxic in aftermatch chat. So basically there is just nothing that keeps me there. I think a major success from dbd was liceneses and the bloodpoint system and good skins. Learning maps / loops, trying out new builds was fun. But thats not good enough in the long run.
@Guy-ep9xp 7 сағат бұрын
What if you just lock some killers onto a group of 3-4 maps. For example, make nurse forced to play on semi-outdoor maps with many line of sight blockers or make it so myers/ghostface can only play on indoor maps, so you don't have to balance every killer with every perk to every map. Just make it 28(idk how many killers, stopped playing.) 1v4 balances with more variety in gameplay depending on the killer and map groups.
@user-eb1vx3yu7f 2 ай бұрын
gen skill checks need to be constant instead of 1 skill check every 30 seconds
@_sufotsaleht5510 2 ай бұрын
Specific Maps for specific killers, pretty simple..
@thehardyfan9908 2 ай бұрын
Gameplay would get really boring
@jrex3 2 ай бұрын
I didnt even know Chucky and Alien were being released until I seen the videos of them on the PTB.
@TK_TK811 2 ай бұрын
Tru3 is the only one i recall saying sbmm sucks cause it's kill based win condition while everyone else just wants it gone, nothing about the win condition or the other parts about what a win is under sbmm or the lack of rewards or knowing what your mmr is, they never want to just try to change it they just want it gone so red ranks can be matched with green ranks and purples like in the old days, very interesting when i listen to the whiners of sbmm.
@ItsAlpa 2 ай бұрын
It's DBD. Not Counter Strike. No one wants to match against their same thought process game after game in a (casual) horror game. DBD before MMR was very diversive in gameplay. For BOTH survivor and killer. It was more enjoyable. You could actually run a very fun build and not have to worry about getting absolutely destroyed in 90% of games. Idk how people grind this game anymore since MMR. It's the worst addition they made by far.. and they made a LOT of bad ones.
@soleo2783 2 ай бұрын
From a competitive standpoint, i agree with tru3, sbmm would be better if it was based on hooks, or maybe even a mix of hooks and downs, but from a "this is supposed to be a fucking party game" standpoint, sbmm has no place in dbd. In an ideal world we would have a big enough playerbase that we could have a ranked mode with sbmm and a casual mode without it, but alas..
@XCrimsonChoppaX 2 ай бұрын
It’s called a casual mode where ping is king anybody can get matched against anybody it’s fair play a rank 1 killer could be matched against all green ranked survivors just like a green ranked killer could be matched against all 4 rank1 survivors it’s called variety it makes for more interesting gameplay wat we have now is ranked in pubs with no reward who tf wants that nobody wants to play like there life depends on it everyday only to get no reward ppl have lives you know they work have kids etc but just because there a little above average there constantly fighting ppl who don’t have lives who don’t have jobs they just sit home and play dbd all day with no showers honestly baffles me that ppl actually defend such a horrific system that belongs in ranked an ranked only
@FuegoJustinnn 2 ай бұрын
Having SBMM Is the worst thing that has happened to DBD, When will people learn that SBMM Is good for a competitive mode ONLY! Stop putting SBMM Into casual games. The moment you hit high MMR you're forever stuck in a place of super sweaty killers and survivors who try wayyyyyyy too hard and care wayy to much about being good at dbd.
@XCrimsonChoppaX 2 ай бұрын
SBMM belongs in ranked that’s it idk wats wrong games nowadays where they add SBMM to pubs it makes it extremely easy to get fatigued off any game cuz it’s non stop sweat pubs is supposed to be casual where you can try different things and not have to worry about the meta 24/7 now its either meta or lose just kinda makes for uninteresting gameplay especially if you don’t wanna play ranked all the time which we are cuz they implemented SBMM into pubs so its literally ranked every match regardless if you like it or not it’s the same shit in cod apex etc modern day gaming has truly peaked
@shawnt5205 14 күн бұрын
The fix to SWF is simply to have the RNG produce less pallets when in a 4 man swf or make gens take an extra 4 seconds per person youre playing with.
@Whobilation 13 күн бұрын
Or just get better at the game trash bag 😂
@clarencej.tillmaniii6342 2 ай бұрын
Early comment, but what made me play less was Circle of Healing. That was one of the worst perks ive ever had to deal with. Now I already knew they didnt care about me, I was a console killer main so I'm not even worthy of the echo chamber. What killed the game for me completely was Skull Merchant. I loved her design of being a defensive and more methodical killer, rather than a heavy skill expressive killer. It was a breath of fresh air since I was a Spirit/Legion/GF player. Then they gut her and make her a pseudo-chase oriented killer with a defensive kit so she's just bad. Makes no sense so I just watch Tru3 play DBD now, he's stronger than me lol
@Whobilation 2 ай бұрын
The only thing that doesn’t make sense is BVHR gifting y’all killer after killer that takes little to no skill imaginable and yall still finding a way to cry that the game is survivor sided. I’ve never seen a community cry so hard over a game that they’re just not good at.
@LoneWolfe_XX 2 ай бұрын
From my understanding, they nerfed her for the right reasons
@clarencej.tillmaniii6342 2 ай бұрын
@@LoneWolfe_XX Yes, she went from sweating to stalemate a match, to outright losing it. Make it make sense
@Liquefaction 2 ай бұрын
@@Whobilation cry moar
@LoneWolfe_XX 2 ай бұрын
@@clarencej.tillmaniii6342 i feel ya, I just know I heard she use to 3 gen a match fast
@dukeragereaver2208 12 күн бұрын
As far as i remember litterally everyone i knew and spoke to did not want mmr, old dbd was alot of things broken, unbalanced, but also fun, alot more fun than mmr dbd ever will be tbh.
@chriskelly4773 2 ай бұрын
Thought this video was from Penguinz0 for a second with the voice
@Royicahn 2 ай бұрын
I am a SUPER sweatty guy like maxing out and optimizing some strategy that I enjoy, and I do try to get as good as I can as fast as I can, but as I cant play DBD due to graphical limitations I still try to IMAGINE what you say in your commentary, to the point that when I played on a friends PC I got him to rank 4 killer in like 6 hours. So if a game tells me THIS is how you win and THIS is how the game is played, I tend to follow until I see something fun, then I proceed to try and get as good as possible but can quickly compromise to the meta if need be to win.
@konrad94886 2 ай бұрын
Loving your react series. Please keep them going!
@Rain87166 2 ай бұрын
the game is so stale for vetarans and their is to many killers for newer players to understand without a good tutorial system
@sitachan5778 2 ай бұрын
I only play DBD once when it’s free on stream since my friend invite me too. Long ago when godloop was still there. It was still fun playing it as killer until I got swf bully team back to back and it ruins my fun as killer. Tried survivor then got facecamp then I just quit the game. Then YT recommended true somehow so I give him a watch. It was when he was …fogwhisperer? and starting to get attacked by twitter because he say hooked based would make game healthy than killed based. Plenty of “IT’S KILLER NOT HOOKER” comments on his channel for a while(I never check twitter cesspool nor Reddit so idk about them) but true keep talking about Hook > Kill until he got removed his fog whisperer thing. As super casual DBD watcher who barely play. I can see that True’s take isn’t 100% correct on every take. He has his biased and stubborn part but some of his take is on point, like hook>kill thing which somehow, triggered lots of people to the point that he has his “anti” somehow. Tbh, the hook>kill shouldn’t be topic in the first place. OOT, but as (used to be) semi-comp MOBA player where the game victory condition was about destroy main base. The most unfun comp is rush base because once opponent can stop your track, your advantage will start crumbling and most people will just concede and rush base again next game. Instead of playing as team fight. At least those MOBA dev try balancing to make it harder to rush base(funny that they nerf the victory condition,right?) unlike DBD that keep buffing/encourage player to rush victory condition (kill/gen) and make the game unfun each patch. balancing the game is hard but if you let player go wild with speedrun stat then player will do that cuz it’s most efficient comp ever. The dev at least should put some brake on it so people can’t rush the game until it’s late game. But DBD went too deep and I doubt they could fix it at this point. The best thing they could do is probably recreate the game from like OW2 (I heard they somehow make it worse which is impressive if true) Or like the TCG game I play also planning to create new game because the dev powercreeping the modern card too much, it basically broke the game and they can’t balance it anymore without restricted/outright ban or nerf some card to the ground.
@reksustv 2 ай бұрын
This is the main reason why so many people simply quit dbd. Instead of trying to listen to good advices as to how to make the game more enjoyable from popular content creators, or simply make it more healthy with decent quality of life changes, they egotistically decline them and still listen to themselves only. The game will die out in a year or two, given how the biggest and most popular horror licenses got absolutely zero hyper and barely any reaction from the community. Especially when looking at the alien chapter; the map is pretty bad and poorly designed, the killer (Xenomorph) has a frustrating power and the survivor (Ripley) has useless perks that no one really wanted/desired to be in the game - that also didn’t help anyone with the current problems the game has. The map design is just one of the biggest problems that Bhvr struggles to fix, but the fact that they don’t listen to their own community, shows how selfish the devs are.
@KtSuper 2 ай бұрын
Alien is just good nemi what are you speaking of?
@reksustv 2 ай бұрын
@@KtSuper Nemi is even worse than Xeno. I could make a whole entire separate comment how desperate of a buff he needs, but in short; his power is very rng (luck) dependent, his mobility sucks, the tentacle attack is also rng dependent - super buggy and requires 3 hits for a survivor to get downed which is absolutely weak. And most importantly of all, his add ons are absolutely awful. Xenomorph is an A tier killer, without a doubt. However his power is pretty mid. His tail attack can be countered very easily, and is a bit difficult to handle. It’s also very frustrating when you miss. The main problem is how the turrets work. Once placed and used in a chase you, have two options: A) you destroy the turret and give the survivor distance in the chase but keep your power, which can be very punishing Or B) you ignore the turret and go for an M1, but have your power removed for the rest of the chase - which makes looping twice as difficult, since you are now only capable of hitting the survivor with an M1. His map pressure is good (due to the tunnels) and his add ons are nice, but his general gameplay is kinda boring and frustrating. It also doesn’t feel like the alien most people know, and the same goes for nemesis. They may look like the characters everyone knows off, but they don’t feel like them.
@Le0pwn 2 ай бұрын
A disconnected dev team that doesn't care about the gamplay experience for semi new players, that doesn't care about the overall health or integrity of the game, horrible matching experiences that put new players against experienced players (which was what the sbmm was supposed to avoid to begin with), indexisiveness to weather or not they want the game to be competitive, having a skill curve so steep that it'd make EVE Online or Stellaris blush, a largely toxic community, and having to memorize what about 200 perks do... None of that's probably doing the gamr any favors on top of the map design.
@freakz0ntour 2 ай бұрын
26:00 I feel like if you are a chill player you can only take so much before you have to sweat to get the win. If you are a chill type and lose more often than you win, you would probably sweat to win. No one likes to lose all the time so i think a game can condition you to sweat. When i play DBD i always try to play chill but most of the time you just lose and sure..the first 2,3,4,5 or 10 games you dont care unless you do want to win to have the feeling of success just once.
@glitchard3685 2 ай бұрын
Mmr linked to hooks and the higher ranking you earned due to playing better, got you new moris and such.. damn I love that idea so much. We need rewards for playing well and improving. And I ain't talking about just some blood points here.
@AmyLovesYou 2 ай бұрын
How hard can it be to create moris? I have been doing a lot of Unity work lately, and creating animations is easy with the keyframe recorder system. I imagine Unreal is similar. They should dish out as much rewards as possible and reward people for playing their game.
@frizouw 2 ай бұрын
I feel like if we do maps that advantage some killers, it's breaking the fun to play or take the challenge with what the game give us, it's kinda leading to a dead beat, only one way to play, but that's my solo Q perspective. I think, the level of difficulty of the maps should be calculated compared to whether it's a SWF or not. If it's a total solo Q or duo Q, it should be chaos as it is right now, but if it's a SWF, the map loop should advantage the killer relatively. I say relatively because a Ghost Face is weaker than a Nurse...
@ogspook5862 2 ай бұрын
I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure that guy has never played at the highest level because playing at the highest level is like doing mental gymnastics.
@utsuboebi 2 ай бұрын
I think my only qualms with "sweaty" is that - from both sides - there is no need to rush a game to finish it as fast as possible. I enjoy games more when you have to actually make good decisions and not just stomp the other side. The times I was survivor and killers slugged at 5 gens just because they could, and the amount of times that there were 3 gens popping within 80 seconds while killer OR survivor, it is boring. The stomp mentality is just boring to me, I'd rather play the game and see where it takes me, no matter which side I play. But I cannot even play killer anymore 'cause it feels too stressful and too unhealthy for myself.
@JaySplash00 2 ай бұрын
I've been playing since Aug 22, 2023. Eight months later I'm still enjoying myself. I lose, I win. (both survivor & killer) It's whatever. I'm trying to enjoy myself and not sweat my face off. Some map design is weird but I'm not sure it destroys the game. People are too critical I think. Can't chill, gotta be uptight and raging. Woosahhhh for all.
@ObiWanCannoli95 Ай бұрын
You've been playing for too little time, probably. At the beginning, after 8 months I also thought like you, but after 6/7 years my point of view has totally changed.
@JaySplash00 Ай бұрын
@@ObiWanCannoli95 You're right, thata good point. I hope to never become that cynical but its possible.
@rustymarriott9951 2 ай бұрын
If i could get the same reward for getting 12 hooks and the hatch i wouldnt have to try ti be sweaty tbh
@Ashy_Slashy3 2 ай бұрын
Survivor mains ruin the game calling everything "boring"
@Berk-hj1kc 2 ай бұрын
naturally everything is boring if the gameplay is holding a button
@raccoonking3877 2 ай бұрын
@@Berk-hj1kc So good killer = just rush gens (holding a button) but weak killer = free chases (boring)
@AmyLovesYou 2 ай бұрын
If the main objective for survivors was funner than just hearing a sound and pressing a button, people would spend less time fucking around and more time doing their objective. The primary reason survivors lose is them simply not touching gens.
@Ashy_Slashy3 2 ай бұрын
@@Berk-hj1kc that's pretty much every game ever
@soleo2783 2 ай бұрын
@@Ashy_Slashy3 Lol no, Dbd is the only game i play where this is an issue whatsoever, holding a button and watching a bar fill up is not industry standard, stop coping
@guybrushthreepwood8174 2 ай бұрын
RPD - i dont play killer anymore so i can't comment on their experience but i HATE this map, maybe i just need to get good and memorize it better but the number of times i can't even get to the hooked survivor or find a gen is crazy high compared to all other maps and i've been playing this game since like 2017
@XCrimsonChoppaX 2 ай бұрын
SBMM belongs in ranked that’s it idk wats wrong games nowadays where they add SBMM to pubs it makes it extremely easy to get fatigued off any game cuz it’s non stop sweat pubs is supposed to be casual where you can try different things and not have to worry about the meta 24/7 now its either meta or lose just kinda makes for uninteresting gameplay especially if you don’t wanna play ranked all the time which we are cuz they implemented SBMM into pubs so its literally ranked every match regardless if you like it or not it’s the same shit in cod apex etc modern day gaming has truly peaked
@vaslash7177 2 күн бұрын
I've disliked how the game has been going from about the midpoint of my game time, I enjoy killer because I get the thrill and the challenge of what a game is, on survivor it's so bleh and boring just left click gen do checks chase as long as possible doing guessing game not making the guess. The last I really touched the game was funny enough when sadako launched was the last dlc I got. What I also find funny the topic was about maps yet I felt it was only about a quarter of the topic in the video rest was basically the unbalance of the gameplay as a whole with the mmr, survivors messing around, and things becoming serious when this game could have been serious. However seeing some of the tournament videos I just see as pointless because it's not showing the official capacity and capabilities of the gameplay of what can be put forward. Feels like killer 1 mistake loose game, survivor make 10 mistakes eh teammates will carry..... there is no balance and nothing has changed for survivors in feels like last 3-5 years.
@Duskwalker68 2 ай бұрын
While I do disagree with this guy about his opinions on the lack of counterplay for Killers, his general argument is definitely correct. The maps are by far the worst thing about the game and they absolutely hamstring any potential for interesting gameplay, the old maps were bad but the new ones are atrocious; god loops and windows are a constancy and the size of the maps is almost always way too large, you have to spend way too much time brainlessly moving from place to place while brute forcing chases in many loops. Even the exit gates are horribly spaced, if you aren't playing a mobility Killer most of them are essentially undefendable. If BHVR would focus on reworking maps properly and providing actual gameplay elements to them it would greatly increase my enjoyment of the game. As it is currently, I dislike a solid 80% of the realms and even the ones that I like are flawed. I really love Dredge, but it's so map dependent that I barely even play it; that goes for several other Killers too, most of the ones that are fun to me are hindered by the map design and oftentimes it feels like a chore to play them because they either lack mobility or lack a consistent way to use their power effectively. Unfortunately BHVR just doesn't put any thought into their maps, as made abundantly clear by the latest one where they just put pallets everywhere with no reasoning whatsoever beyond throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks; they don't think about pallet strength or strategic positioning at all, they just slap stuff down and hope that it'll work well. Sadly I don't think that's likely to change, seeing as every rework they've done has been mediocre at best.
@mr.officialkir 2 ай бұрын
Dbd would be so mucc better if killers could only be given specific maps that complement their power but is still balanced to be fair for survivors too
@crazypuppet919 2 ай бұрын
I realy think that Nurse was a devs' reaction to infinites. "Survivors abuse infinite loops, so we will add a killer that ignores loops completely" Infinites is almost extincted, but Nurse is still exist, causing more problems that she solves
@Cynwale 2 ай бұрын
Nurse is so funny to play against what do you mean. At least it change the routine, and you can hide/persecute the Killer with traps and noises.
@crazypuppet919 2 ай бұрын
@@Cynwale I will never understand how people find Nurse fun to play against. She ignores every mechanic in the game, and the only thing you can do against her is break line of sight and HOPE that she will fuck up somehow. And even then, she doesn't get punished for her mistakes. You tricked her, or she fucked up somehow, it doesn't matter, since her CD is 6 seconds 3 of which she spend in a fatigue. Nurse is an infininte offense, who plays basically on empty map. Blight at least don't ignore every obstacle or elevation
@Cynwale 2 ай бұрын
@@crazypuppet919 The only reason why "people" hate Nurse is because they made their entire gameplay based on looping. Which once thrown by a Killer, makes you unable to adapt and change your playstyle. Nurse is the only Killer I have an extremely pleasant gameplay against, when I can mind game at every rock and building, it means I am having fun. We can also mess with her with SO MANY perks it's impressive, and in the end, she isn't punished with sweat and stress, because she had fun too, and sometimes gets rewarded by having a lot of hooks, or a lot of kills. You don't understand but, Nurse is the glowing star of Dead by Daylight. By wanting to push your "loop the window forever lol" gameplay, you are making the game unhealthy, unfun, repetitive, boring and stressful.
@MC-bi2sk 2 ай бұрын
dont think choy knows what he's talking about half the time. play against good teams that can gen rush every time you chase one person. one mistake can literally cost you the game. even no mistakes you can still lose pretty easily. seen enough games between tru3 and zeb where first hook and 2-3 gens are already completed. you need 3 hooks on 1 survivor to kill. and you still have 9 hooks to go with no gens left if they rush. camping and tunneling actually brings them out of their gen rushing because they dont want one person to die. its the only thing that helps slow things down.
@h0nkyGreg 2 ай бұрын
I feel like the video you're reacting to does a bad job at explaining why the maps are badly designed. Most maps in the game have main buildings with 2-4 god windows with god pallets, some don't have any breakable walls or counterplay either, and breakable walls are also a pointless hindrance to the killer. Theres also the huge problem of strong tiles/windows linking into each other and causing infinites. Then on the opposite end of that argument, some maps have absolutely useless loops(especially against certain killers), and have giant dead zones with no windows or pallets in large areas
@Heavy_In_240P 2 ай бұрын
You should react too “The untold story of the worst balanced game ever” ofc it’s about dead by daylight lol
@lNeml 2 ай бұрын
8:50 Dredge doesn't have Anti loop. He doesn't have Anti-Loop. Categorical. Dredge's "Anti-Loop" is the most easily avoided, painfully awful ability in the game. As soon as Survivors see him use it they literally just walk away and reset chase. He is slowed whilst channelling and it can even be removed by straight up walking through it when he doesn't have LoS. Dredge does not have Anti Loop. He's an M1 Killer with a only situtionally useful teleport ability.
@phantom6009 2 ай бұрын
Such killer side takes from True
@clementine3836 2 ай бұрын
Dude, Dbd changed so much. It's not even Fun anymore, there is just Constant losing against OP killers or OP Survivors. I playing it only with my friend and even tho I am good at this game on both sides because I spend many times watching Tru3's vids. I just don't enjoy it anymore, its no longer fun, Its ridicilous gameplay that is either way too stressful or straight up sh*t.
@hollowsgrief 2 ай бұрын
All these people saying how tunneling is such a rampant problem but am I just a unicorn or something because I rarely and I mean as in maybe once a week at most, see straight up hard core tunneling. Are these people just unable to see pressure vs actual hard core tunneling? I don't get it man cause I don't see legit tunneling nearly as often as these people cry about it.
@user-uo5yf6pg5x 2 ай бұрын
Trying to make DbD a competetive game is the stupidest shit ever. It's silly arcade, impossible to balance for competetive with all the variables.
@Westbrook__ 2 ай бұрын
Am I the only one that really likes RPD after the rework? Specifically the east wing version. The west wing version is fucking awful because it's basically both sides of the map. It's hardly different, but on east wing you can instantly tell that it's really only one side and the other one is straight cut in half and much less to deal with. Idk I genuinely enjoy RPD whenever I've played on the east wing version.
@Clint_Beastwood 2 ай бұрын
You did what now to RPD?
@retardsquad457 2 ай бұрын
random idea i just had, what if the survs had to find a gen part before starting to work on the gen? that way servs have to run around a lot more making the obj part of serv feel more active, and slowing gen progres at the start
@paulanthony5801 2 ай бұрын
I think you’re missing the point with survivors. They don’t want to shift W. They don’t want to gen rush. But there is nothing else to do. Looping is being taken away.
@TheAmericanKnightmare 2 ай бұрын
Here’s what I believe, I have been saying this shit for awhile quit nerfing shit on either side but find away to balance it all out and make it were it shits no busted good, but make it were shits balanced on both sides, but the devs are super lazy and don’t care to listen, second off I agree with poor map design, I used to be killer main and gave up cause I swear almost all my killer games were sweaty survivors so I gave up I wasn’t having fun at all. 3 bring the game back to the really fun state from 17 to 19 I believe if I remember right. 4. Here’s another thing I don’t believe swfs are a problem and here’s why let’s say one game you load up with a 4 man swf that’s god tier and you lose, game 2 you load up with a 4 man god tier solo team it’s gonna be the same outcome in my opinion they are gonna stomp you or your gonna stomp them and the have no coms. The game is in the most trash state ever, I used to play on ps5 and quit completely just wasn’t having fun at all both sides play like shit heads. But to me anymore a lot of people who state their own opinions are only one sided about it. Get rid of SBMM i was pissed off when they released it that’s another thing that really hurt the game. I mean every game now is going to their own SBMM. Hunt Showdown another one of my favorite games made the same mistake.
@crunchy_weasel 2 ай бұрын
A bunch of yapping, but realistically no map will be decent for all killers. DBD has a very weak balance and this is not going to change much, not with map changes at least. If anything, making all in game interactions consistent and not vary due to fps, ping or bugs is a 1st step imho.
@TheWeskerX 2 ай бұрын
Tru, most people that play the game do not play it like you do. If the majority of players are not having fun, both killer and survivor, the game will keep bleeding players. You might think some killers are “fine” but if most players find them frustrating you cannot deny their reaction to it. Just something I always notice when you talk about certain features, like yah im sure Xeno is average at high level, but most people are not at high level, they just wanna hop in and play a game.
@Cynwale 2 ай бұрын
Plague and Legion are a nightmare to deal with for us, and on our side we stomp every Nurses and Blight we encounter as long as our teammates doesn't kts on hook. Top / Mid / Low mmr isn't the same game at all, and if you listen to only a single side, sure you'll get this side happy, but you'll lose the rest because their skill level won't grow as they do not want to play the game in a single way that works. For most Killers, it's either: Do the same thing or lose. Or: You are on Discord and you can win whenever you want, have fun. People who don't know how to loop will lose every match against Legion or Plague, because Stealth is literally IMPOSSIBLE against them. But a Nurse is fine, even if she control her Blink ability correctly, because you can hide behind rocks during chases, you can climb the terrain to make the Blink harder to snipe, you have the choice to use perks like Blastmine and Headon to gain precious amount of time against her that will allow your teammates to finish the generators. Blight and Wesker are also fine, because just pressing Q or D will make their powers useless, even if it looks like I'm the only one able to dodge them for some unknown reasons. The only time where the game start to become tedious and less fun, are when unfunny combos are being brought to the game, like Decisive Strike/Borrowed Time/Off the Record/FTP-Buckle Up. Or the Killer perks that blocks all generators, or made them explode. Those perks will make the game punishing for not learning how to loop for eternity, and thus saying to the casuals that they're not welcomed here.
@jsjustjihadis4764 2 ай бұрын
U say Tunneling at 5 gen is going to make u loose but in tournaments that’s tha killer strategy every game
@TK_TK811 2 ай бұрын
Tournaments have different rules, it's not even the same game as public games. Survivors can bring the same perks and busted items in pubs while tourney they are very limited because they know survivors are busted at "top level".
@harlowisla 2 ай бұрын
Volume is fucked on this video
@Vintage_Kuma 2 ай бұрын
@lucariogamerfreak1368 2 ай бұрын
@jsjustjihadis4764 2 ай бұрын
No killer is ever over powered in his book I wanna see him loop alien and see how long he last
@jonathanarellano8449 2 ай бұрын
Alien is made into an m1 killer just by placing down a turret, if you can counter alien that’s a skill issue
@TK_TK811 2 ай бұрын
Some alien player really pissed you off, huh buddy?
@CrimsonWolfe776 2 ай бұрын
The question is, would you even be satisfied if he uploaded a YT Short of him looping Xeno for 90 seconds? Or would you just find something else to complain about afterwards?
@AmyLovesYou 2 ай бұрын
@@jonathanarellano8449 It's not hard to dodge his tail attack. It has vertical angling, so crouching often isn't enough, but predictable side stepping is very effective. Xenos often end up M1ing me even in runner mode.
@rpsanchez87 2 ай бұрын
Crying about xeno lol.. bro his tail whip is so easy to dodge
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