Stone Age Minds: A conversation with evolutionary psychologists Leda Cosmides and John Tooby

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Based at the Center for Evolutionary Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Leda Cosmides and John Tooby are two pioneers and leading lights in the field of evolutionary psychology. This multidisciplinary approach seeks to develop a better understanding of human nature by taking seriously the idea that our brains evolved to solve a variety of adaptive problems routinely faced by our hunter-gatherer ancestors.
While our "stone age minds" have programs that are very good at things like detecting lies, attracting mates and avoiding predators, they are in many ways ill equipped for the kind of complex market-based society that we live in today. The lens of evolutionary psychology, for example, provides insights into why so many people in industrialized countries are overweight and sympathetic to socialist ideas.'s Paul Feine sat down with Cosmides and Tooby to learn more about evolutionary psychology, the history of the field, and the implications for our society.
Approximately 10 minutes. Produced by Paul Feine; shot by Alex Manning and Hawk Jensen; edited by Paul Feine and Alex Manning.
For an extended version of this interview, go to .
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@PeckiePeck 4 жыл бұрын
Fifteen years ago I was an undergrad at UCSB and had heard the pioneers of evolutionary psychology taught at my school. So I look up Leda Cosmides and visit her office one day to just see who this person is. She's working at her computer and sees me in her doorway and I nervously say I'd heard about evo psych and wondered if she had book recommendations for someone new to the subject. She hands me a copy of Richard Dawkins's The Selfish Gene and Steven Pinker's How the Mind Works off her bookshelf and says she doesn't need them back. I never interacted with her again, but those two books are still two of the most influential to my worldview that I've ever read. She gave me a great gift, totally free, and I was a stranger.
@niriop 13 жыл бұрын
5:24 Hand touch = Shut up dear I'm psychologising
@amysaysamy 3 жыл бұрын
that part made me lol
@mikefixac 2 жыл бұрын
12 years later, this wisdom will stand the test of time. Evolutionary psychology vs blank slate. So exciting to view the world through this lens.
@DanBullard 9 жыл бұрын
I'm a big fan, I love hearing it straight from the source. Watching this video did not disappoint, you guys are great!
@nocthepanafricanistcapital5467 8 ай бұрын
One of the most valuable videos one could watch.
@rockandrock44 14 жыл бұрын
@TombaFanatic Very true. It also explains people's skepticism and lack of understanding of evolutionary biology. Bottom up emergence is always harder to comprehend than an imposed top-down order.
@daveyg07 14 жыл бұрын
This is one of the most important videos Reason has done so far... good work
@Malthus0 14 жыл бұрын
It is great that people are developing Hayek's thesis from the 70s & 80s.
@mevman44 13 жыл бұрын
This was impressive. Leda Cosmides and John Tooby are spectacular!
@stick1to2the3issue 14 жыл бұрын
wow - i really enjoyed this thanks Reason.
@dmonarredmonarre3076 4 жыл бұрын
Leda is amazing. John is very lucky. That is a complete woman there. Intelligent, pragmatic, calculating, and even-tempered. I would like to have my relationship operate like this couple! Good on ya. Both legends!
@tarikabaraka2251 7 ай бұрын
Leda Cosmides, es una psicóloga norteamericana, que junto a su esposo el antropólogo John Tooby, ayudó a desarrollar el campo de la psicología evolucionista. Cosmides originalmente estudió biología en la Universidad de Harvard, recibiendo su Bachelor of Arts en 1979.
@aahansapra9572 2 ай бұрын
Stellar interview!! Would've been better without the background music
@Roleren 12 жыл бұрын
“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die" Max Planc So true!
@SylviabombsmithUjhy75bd34 13 жыл бұрын
Tooby is a fucking legend. so is david buss and the dawk
@Liberty4Ever 13 жыл бұрын
Great video. Very thought provoking. I think evolutionary psychology is a field that is fertile ground. Much more research is needed. We could learn very valuable things about ourselves, if we overcame our bias against thinking that complex human behavior could be significantly influenced by evolution, which is beyond our control.
@jetrpg22 14 жыл бұрын
@neonshoji 14 жыл бұрын
It's interesting that Dr. Cosmides said, "we're not designed for...". With this talk of matrix-like program systems in our head determining our perception of the world, she just demonstrated a great example of that. I assume that she is atheist/agnostic yet describes man's fit in the modern world as a design flaw. It's amazing what we say so frivolously.
@krisztap 7 жыл бұрын
"Perception is externally driven hallucination."
@stopthephilosophicalzombie9017 6 жыл бұрын
To put it another way, humans are continually lying to themselves.
@smtesta 3 жыл бұрын
Why hallucination rather than representation?
@trime1851 14 жыл бұрын
@shampoovta 14 жыл бұрын
These are my kind of thinkers. Empiric thought! So rare and beautiful. *sob* :)
@tsummerlee 14 жыл бұрын
@kev3d Thank you for this well reasoned response. Which collective behaviours are they trying to isolate, and is there such a thing?
@MegaKev29 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, that is very kind of you! I will definetly look into that! Much appreaciated. I am sorry, I misunderstood her behaviour and I should not have used the word bossy. I didn't mean to insult anyone, put point taken. Thanl you for your help!
@TylerNull 14 жыл бұрын
@TombaFanatic That sounds intuitively pleasing, which is why the notion spread and holds, much like Freud's defunct notions on human psychology still do. However, Darwin's notion requires a near-infinite number of infinitesimal changes to what we now know is the genetic code. This is the exact opposite of what is revealed in the fossil record. Instead, what the record shows is that species suddenly appear, live unchanged for tens of millions of years or so, and then suddenly vanish.
@dogbishop 14 жыл бұрын
Some of this hints at Thomas Sowell's Stage 1 versus Stage 2 thinking. Example Stage 1 is instituting rent control so that people in cities can keep their apartments despite increasing demand, Stage 2 is realizing that rent control causes demand to skyrocket and now landlords don't have to upkeep buildings b/c demand is so high, Stage 3 is a housing shortage b/c it is not worth building where there is rent control. So where does "evolutionary psychology" end and economics begin? Good video!
@Ultrabrutalni 9 жыл бұрын
Can anyone here, please, type in what is mrs. Leda Cosmides saying between 3:40 and 3:49? Thank you!
@mrzold 9 жыл бұрын
Ultrabrutalni "... we're trying to understand, what are the reliably developing species-typical programs ... that constitute human nature?"
@vclxrr 13 жыл бұрын
@ejohnwright For millenia, the thinking has been that A) the human mind is separate from the physical world, and B) that the conscious mind is at all times fully intertwined with the concept of free will. We are now starting to gather and acknowledge evidence that neither of these positions are true.
@kev3d 14 жыл бұрын
@tsummerlee It is not that humans, ancient or modern, cannot or do no "understand", it is that humans are programmed, by evolution to respond to a certain type of lifestyle, which is hunting, gathering and evidently, trading. People 10,000 years ago might have been able to understand technology or the inner workings of the stock market if trained, but 400,000 years of human evolution have produced hunters and gatherers and this explains a lot about why we act the way we do.
@flyingturtle22 13 жыл бұрын
@vclxrr dennett comes to mind, his speech about free will is amazing. oh and daniel gilbert's book kinda breaks down the brain. loved it too. personally I think its because this era we approach these questions more scientifically than philosophically so we use completely different methods and assumptions. but I totally agree with you.
@Str0ngbow 14 жыл бұрын
@TylerNull "As many more individuals of each species are born than can possibly survive; and as, consequently, there is a frequently recurring struggle for existence, it follows that any being, if it vary however slightly in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex and sometimes varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving," - cont.
@whatupcuzzzz 12 жыл бұрын
@OscarBaldwin Our ancestors nursed, had two sexes, hunted, gathered, chose mates, used tools, had color vision, bled when wounded, were predated upon, were subject to viral infections, were incapacitated from injuries, had deleterious recessives and so were subject to inbreeding depression if they mated with siblings, fought with each other, lived in a biotic environment with felids, snakes, and plant toxins, etc.
@darwinkilledgod 11 жыл бұрын
They wrote the bible of ev. psych called "the Adapted Mind." It's a collaborative text, but kind of heavy if you don't have a background in psychology. The "Center for Evolutionary Psychology" website has a primer on it that is a good place to start. And Leda isn't bossy...she's just very Greek. She has things to say and she's going to say them! They're a lovely couple.
@mg1617s1 12 жыл бұрын
wow this video says so much truth!!!! wow wow wow very true.
@MANGOS487 12 жыл бұрын
dont forget the pinker!
@TylerNull 13 жыл бұрын
@starbugster The issue is not the existence or observations of similar things, but of the lack of scientific rigor used by Darwinists in drawing their conclusions. Even within anyone's lifetime, there are radical changes in the development of species, between dog breeds, from the age of fertility in humans within cultures, to cross-species breeding; however, there is nothing there to suggest Natural Selection at work, and lots there to evidence entirely unrelated processes.
@TombaFanatic 14 жыл бұрын
@TylerNull First, I'll point out I am not the most educated in this field, but I'll do my best to explain it from my understanding. While I have no explanation for why a species would "suddenly appear," it does make sense that for the most part, the species would not change much over millions of years if it is a successful species. Of course, there's always a time where the environment changes and their success runs out. But very interesting, I'll look into that idea you've stated.
@Str0ngbow 14 жыл бұрын
@TylerNull Oh, and before you start calling biased info: these examples were acquired from & wikipedia. If you want to research those sources for info on evolution, go ahead. They are generally neutral sources for information and not based on pro-evolutionist or pro-AI standpoints.
@zz773 14 жыл бұрын
@El3ctricPenguin Could you please repeat that using a complete sentence?
@dogbishop 14 жыл бұрын
@tsummerlee There are still hunter gatherer societies today in South America, Australia, and Africa, at least well into the 20th century, I wonder if there are studies relating how well these cultures understand technology or modern social structure. Did any of these people grow up and go to college or become CEO of a company? Or does growing up in a certain social structure preclude sucess in another social structure?
@MegaKev29 12 жыл бұрын
God his wife seems bossy or something! I like this video! Would love know more about this subject. Would anyone know any good introductory books on this fascinating subject?
@darwinkilledgod 14 жыл бұрын
@TylerNull I see you have not read the Wikipedia entry on evolution. That is too bad; here was a chance for you to expand your knowledge. The fact that you haven't taken this opportunity probably explains why you can state with certainty that a theory which has been described here, on Wikipedia, in the Selfish Gene and countless other sources doesn't exist.
@neonshoji 14 жыл бұрын
@zz773 Casual mentions of design infers a designer. We, as well as all species, are product of trial and error, not a calculated process. To suggests that "we weren't designed" for our current engagement of life and society discounts the fact that we are living longer than ever and growing exponentially in population. If evolution is the process of design, then we are thriving by that design. That definition renders everything a design instead of a process.
@jayspoonia 14 жыл бұрын
@PluripotentBrain , for starters we can start analyzing "social and moral intuitions".
@darwinkilledgod 14 жыл бұрын
@TylerNull I really don't think you know what you're talking about... the synthesis was between natural selection and genetics that took place in the 30s (ronald fisher usually gets credit). Read "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins to get an understanding of the theory. The theory in short is that a process we know takes place (the non-random survival of genetic mutations) is responsible for the organization and design of living organisms.
@stealthswimmer 14 жыл бұрын
@jayspoonia not necessarily. Socialism just means common ownership of the means of production. State socialism involves the government owning that, but voluntary socialism is where individuals form communities in which they do so. Some families also treat their finances as if they're all one checkbook. Personally, I'm not into that, but it *can* "work"...but private ownership tends to be more efficient because everyone has a personal stake in maintaining things.
@nickdaring 14 жыл бұрын
@neonshoji Design through natural selection is still a design. Modern life has descended upon us so quickly that our physical designs have not had enough time to adjust and adapt to a new design through the slow means of natural selection just yet. No god talk to be found there.
@Str0ngbow 14 жыл бұрын
@ejohnwright I agree. I feel like the term "evolutionary psychology" is just a fancy term for "cultural anthropology". As a student of religion and anthropology I'm not seeing any difference from their "shocking" findings and what I had learned in college.
@Str0ngbow 14 жыл бұрын
@TylerNull "and thus be /naturally selected/. From the strong principles of inheritance, any selected variety will tend to propagate its new and modified form." - Charles Darwin, "On the Origin of Species", p. 5, although it may be better worded and understood by the previous responder.
@TombaFanatic 14 жыл бұрын
@jayspoonia What exactly does this video do to contradict the philosophy normally given by this channel? To me it said that we work well in socialism when it is a close-knit group. That is how humans have evolved over time and that is why socialism is so attractive to so many people. The problem is, when it is the state that creates it over a large scale, the sympathy that creates successful socialism isn't there and life gets worse for most people.
@TylerNull 14 жыл бұрын
@Str0ngbow Your fatuous post fails to address my point: THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC THEORY for that which so upset you when I dared to reference it.
@vclxrr 13 жыл бұрын
@nicademus1974 In science, almost everything is called a theory - even when it is proven to be true within a particular context (such as physical laws). The reason for this is that, really, science tells us about what "consistently appears to be", rather than "what is". Science is about observing patterns and the patterns that cause those patterns, ad infinitum. Even when physicists talk about "what is" they really mean "what appears to be". Philosophy is more akin to the study of "what is".
@vclxrr 13 жыл бұрын
@ejohnwright To a great extent we owe many of our new-found insights to a willingness & ability to apply physics to the study of biology, & then in turn to apply this deeper understanding of biology to the study of cognative processes. There are clear indications that the same molecular processes that code for the structures of the brain simultaneously code for certain behavioral tendencies. It follows that this selective genetic coding would have a significant basis in the evolutionary process.
@danchisholm1 11 жыл бұрын
Entire video overshadowed by the last 45 seconds.
@RickRamo 14 жыл бұрын
My hypothesis? Capitalist: Give me a group to buy what I sell. Socialist: Give me.
@Str0ngbow 14 жыл бұрын
@TylerNull You feel the theory is gobbledygook because you refuse to research it. Both macro-evolution & micro-evolution has been observed. Astronomical evolution has also been observed, but that's up to you to decide whether that counts. Astronomers certainly think it does. Examples of both macro & micro are beetles in Australia that in mainland have wings, while their counterparts on the coast or islands do not to avoid being blown away, though at one point they all had wings. con't-
@wblakesx 11 жыл бұрын
Branch of scientology?
@dogbishop 14 жыл бұрын
@RWRamo Nice
@kev3d 14 жыл бұрын
@tsummerlee I wouldn't want to put words in their mouths any more than I have, but my suspicion is that they are trying to find the traits that all cultures share and look for parallel behavior in other primates or evidence of such behavior in ancient dwellings. Trade, for example, seems to be unique to homo sapiens sapiens as tools found are often made with foreign materials, whereas neanderthal (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) tools are always made with local materials. Weird no?
@Virtueman1 14 жыл бұрын
They don´t seem to take the "tabula rasa" approach.
@JurijFedorov 10 жыл бұрын
This is like cocain. This interview is perfect.
@zz773 14 жыл бұрын
@neonshoji What do you mean by "if" evolution is the process? Of course it is the process that designed us. Evolution is a fact. The phrase "we weren't designed" was in the context of our ability to understand economics---not our ability for our population to grow.
@darkwhitedirewolf 14 жыл бұрын
I loved this interview, new ways to explain the long term evil of socialism to others who don't yet get it "government does not know you, and really does not care about you." Also slaps the false assumption that capitalists are not concerned for fellow people.
@Jklmnopjkl 14 жыл бұрын
I work at Starbucks and I would LOVE to give free drinks to my customers, however I would be fired! :)
@vclxrr 13 жыл бұрын
@ejohnwright So, when evolutionary psychology looks at a behavior in the context of biology, it carries a lot more weight with me than traditional psychology which may only analyse that same behavior in the context of other behaviors. It's bottom up, vs top down.
@thepunishert 14 жыл бұрын
i'm not fat, my ancestors were hunter-gathers
@rusk1992 13 жыл бұрын
@thomasraven 3 жыл бұрын
The obnoxious split screen is obtrusive and distracts from the otherwise good content of this video.
@Str0ngbow 14 жыл бұрын
@TylerNull If you feel that a bear falling into water and turning into a whale in any way shape or form can represent evolution as an analogy you have no concept of the theory of evolution and therefore have no stand to argue against it. Once you actually read up on the principles and comprehend the actual ebb and tide of evolutionary understanding you can get back to us. Good day sir.
@zz773 14 жыл бұрын
@nicademus1974 In the context of science, the word theory means something that's been proven scientifically. The only difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law (like the 2nd law of thermodynamics) is that a law can be expressed in a concise mathematical form. The theory of evolution is as true as the theory of gravity, or the germ theory of disease. (btw I love you pot videos!)
@NOLAMarathon2010 14 жыл бұрын
Let me try my hand at summing the idea (or one of the ideas) of this video: our apparent inextinguishable fascination with socialism is a vestigial computer program running in our brain, left over from the hunter-gathering days of the human species. Plausible, in my view.
@TombaFanatic 14 жыл бұрын
@TylerNull My understanding is Theory - has so much evidence supporting it that you can base other hypothesis and theories around it and can be taken as a basic fact for the most part. But nothing in science is ever 100% sure, and it is possible to take down a theory, law, hypothesis with evidence against it. At this time, as far as I am aware, there is no legitimate test that has contributed evidence against evolution. If there is, please enlighten me with a private message.
@jayspoonia 14 жыл бұрын
@TombaFanatic , I do hope that you are not confusing between social cooperation and socialism. these are two very different concepts. leave aside a small group, socialism does not even work in the smallest viz marriage. as to our having evolved, I take it to mean progressed, humans have progressed in spite of and not because of socialism in its various variants.
@Liberty4Ever 13 жыл бұрын
It's a shame that most of the comments on this video are the standard pro and con argument about evolution that is not useful because nothing is resolved. It's more of a religious argument.
@S2Cents 11 жыл бұрын
As a lefty, I can attest to that. A male lefty that likes EP. EP is a responded to by feminists less like EP is an authentic field of scientific research and more like it's a covert right-wing ideology masked as science that's being used to oppress women/feminists/liberals. Which I must say leaves me wondering about the left-of-center in general when it claims to be so enlightened and pro-science and I witness reactions like this. And btw, taking a critical look a feminism is depressing.
@Str0ngbow 14 жыл бұрын
@TylerNull Since you obviously haven't picked up any book on the subject and request everyone here to explain it in a few short sentences (which we have) you can hear further explanation from AronRa's channel - specifically his "Foundational Falsehood of Creationism" series. Not researching it further is like refusing to pick up a book on Relativism to understand Einstein's principles (it is more than E=mc^2). You just be trollin'.
@TombaFanatic 14 жыл бұрын
It also states that capitalism works well for large groups of people, but it naturally feels impersonal to us. We don't understand how the order emerges as our minds view things from a top-down perspective, not bottom-up (yet everything is always bottom-up). When we see rich people, we naturally think they somehow tricked people to become rich. They are explaining why many love socialism and hate capitalism, yet when put in practice socialism fails and capitalism succeeds.
@vclxrr 13 жыл бұрын
@ejohnwright I wouldn't classify his reaction as a student in the 70's as pompous. Maybe "justifiably arrogant"? I say justified because i've been looking at the Human Condition for a long time, and i've been looking at how other ppl have looked at it. And i've found that more recent theorists seem to be more on-target than those of previous eras.
@DeSwiss 14 жыл бұрын
@TombaFanatic "The main feature of capitalism is the seductive assertion that you can get something for nothing in this world. That you can manufacture wealth through money manipulation, and that it is OK to steal and hold captive the people's medium of exchange, then charge them out the ass for access. That you can do so with a clear conscience. Which you can, if you are the kind of sleazy prick who has inherited or stolen enough wealth to get into the game." ~ Joe Bageant
@TylerNull 14 жыл бұрын
@Str0ngbow "Creationism" is irrelevant to the failures of your magical E-word. Science isn't some kind of two-party system where notion "A" is valid because notion "B" isn't.
@TylerNull 14 жыл бұрын
@Str0ngbow Yeah, stuff changes. Stuff changing is called evolution. Got it. Nice.
@bigboss686 14 жыл бұрын
@ryinski2 my my, it looks like you do love your no true Scotsman fallacy. Look, my friend it's as simple as this, you can quibble over the rate of purity as much as you like, it doesn't change the fact that higher degrees of socialism/communism results themselves to less freedom for the people. Consequently, more economic freedom means more freedom overall.
@stick1to2the3issue 14 жыл бұрын
@MannyMarvel - the only elite i'm worried about is the political class.
@zz773 14 жыл бұрын
@neonshoji Biological evolution is a process of design---if you don't understand that, then you don't understand evolution.
@burnthesystem11 12 жыл бұрын
cont from previous post -- conception of cognitive architecture these things would not exist. However, they are very real. The Standard Social Science model is also an erroneous claim; a rhetorical device to create a false dichotomy between their view and "the blank slate". No, I am pretty sure some people that argue against them in the field believe in evolution, just not their claims. Claims that seem astounding but upon close inspection are nothing more than platitudes.
@Virtueman1 14 жыл бұрын
@nicademus1974 Can you prove that statement?
@martinnolan88 12 жыл бұрын
@hagsmunamadurinn she is right though.
@jayspoonia 14 жыл бұрын
Dear Sir, I respect your channel very deeply and therefore I am very disturbed to see this video here. This video, to me, seems to espouse the very opposite of your philosophy. I am more than keen to to be convinced that I'm wrong. Kindly, if it is not asking for too much, put across the takeaways from this video.
@nicademus1974 14 жыл бұрын
@ryinski2 And there never will be socialism/communism on a mass scale without government forcing people to be socialist. What hasn't been tried is Voluntary associations of people on a mass scale.
@flyingturtle22 13 жыл бұрын
@matthn25 there is no "middle ground" on this subject, evolution is accepted by 99.9 of all biologist and 95% of all scientists. evolution has a plethora of ways it can be disproved, none have succeeded, it is based on evidence from many different scientific fields and not logic. it's as accepted in biology as gravity is accepted in physics although gravity has much less evidence. it depends on what you mean by creation, if it's "god guided evolution" that's not creation (and has no evidence).
@elricmlbone 14 жыл бұрын
Another positive for the Austrians
@stick1to2the3issue 14 жыл бұрын
@ryinski2 the current system in america is not capitalism, nor is it free market and to characterize it as such is much more innacurate than the comparison of soviet russia to real communism.
@arcanekrusader 14 жыл бұрын
@XCritonX That's not true market: it's the 3rd way, fabian socialism.
@sirellyn 14 жыл бұрын
@thepunishert Welcome to mutation and genetic diversity.
@MannyMarvel 14 жыл бұрын
@stick1to2the3issue your worry is well founded , however I think the political class is part of the problem. As a whole we may be up the creek with only one paddle bound to lose it with no hope except the sure sight of destruction and collapse. like a car crash, those who fasten for it have a chance of survival.
@Iambecome 13 жыл бұрын
so that's how you pronounce her name. cos-mid-eez. not cos-miides ......
@TombaFanatic 14 жыл бұрын
@okturus Wealth is subjective. Today's poorest people probably live better lives then the poor people (and even middle class/upper class if you go back far enough) even if they have less "money." If I have $100 but I live a better life than I did with $200. Did I really get poorer?
@TylerNull 14 жыл бұрын
@TombaFanatic Evolution is simply a word, not a scientific theory, and yet a full wad of beliefs under its name is taught as holy writ. As for your understanding of theory, its sort of backwards. Typically, a theory is proposed because something is empirically unexplained, e.g., Einstein's theories on relativity, or current String Theory. Later, they may be supported with empirical evidence. Contrary to Darwin's notion, they fossil record evidences the exact opposite of his claims..
@Darusdei 13 жыл бұрын
@TylerNull actualy it's more amusing to read from people like you, who have very hard time understanding the definitions... maby you should pick up a dictionary and check what reads under "scientific theory"
@nicademus1974 14 жыл бұрын
@zz773 I wonder if that's why they call it "the THEORY of evolution". It is a theory that has much evidence and i do believe it to be true but it really can not be proven scientifically.
@Str0ngbow 14 жыл бұрын
@Str0ngbow I meant "pro-ID" not AI. Too much coffee.
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