Reconciling the Bible and Science on the Age of the Earth (John Lennox)

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Get To The Heart

Get To The Heart

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In this video, we watch a clip from mathematician John Lennox discussing the age of the earth and how to reconcile that with the Bible. We discuss the purpose of the Bible, whether it intends to answer scientific questions like the earth's age. We talk about asking the right questions of Scripture first, like humanity's purpose and meaning, before less consequential questions. We explore how the Bible and science don't need to be in conflict, but can comment on one another, with Scripture as the firm foundation.
Does Evolution Explain How God Created Man? (Stephen Meyer): • Does Evolution Explain...
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@get2craft 5 ай бұрын
When you read the Bible, it really helps to cross reference passages with other passages, to get clarification. Please read Exodus 20:11 that states "For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy." It was 6 days. There are also references to 6 days in the New Testament. Happy studying 😊 that said, I love John Lennox and his lectures 😊
@philaardsma7058 5 ай бұрын
Thank yiu for bringing this passage up! What a sad day we live in, when the average christian's authority is not the Word of God! I will just take the Bible for what it says and choose it above science, falsely so called!
@MsBob314 5 ай бұрын
Your god murdered every man, woman and child on earth except for a few during an alleged great flood, ordered genocide and outlined rules for slavery, aside from other heinous acts. That god would be worse than all despotic rulers that have ever lived - combined.
@philaardsma7058 5 ай бұрын
@@BenChokin i have no problem with science, in fact i love science. And i appreciate its benefits. However, the Bible is my only source of truth and final authority in all things.
@benny-yj7pq 5 ай бұрын
Exo 20:11 is not about the creation of Heaven (univers) and earth (both the planet with an inhabited world), that was created in Gen 1:1. Bara in Hebrew is to create, God speaks, and it exists out of nothing. What God creates is not a tohu va bohu, a chaos (Isa 45:18). Gen 1:2 is God's judgment (Jer 4:23). Exo 20 is about His WORK, what God made assa, to form and made on dry land (Hebrew erets) to restore an old planet earth and Heaven (the firmament, not the universe), after the former world completely perished (2.Peter 3:6). Yeshua created the worlds (plural), at least two (Heb 1:2; 11:3), and He will create a new Heaven and earth (world) after the Millennium also on an old earth (Rev 21:1). To make the earth does not necessary mean to create the planet, the Hebrew erets means also the land, the surface of the planet. We have to distinguish between the worlds and the Planet earth, which is created in the beginning (Gen 1:1). Exo 20:11 is the restoration (work of 6 days) on the old planet earth and the rest of the seven’s day, the Sabbath.
@jannaswanson271 5 ай бұрын
On the second day He created a solid firmament over the Earth. He told us that He placed the sun, moon and stars within that firmament and that the moon is a light yet even channels like this still support a spinning ball Earth. The Earth has a foundation and pillars. Joshua bid the sun and moon to be still, not the Earth.
@ricoigor 5 ай бұрын
The earth can be structurally mature but chronologically young. Adam was a fully grown man and yet was 1 day old the day after he was created.
@j.bergland6887 5 ай бұрын
@Tinesthia 5 ай бұрын
We could have all been created with all thoughts and memories ten seconds ago, but there is no good reason to believe that it is so. Same with a young Earth created with the appearance of being old. That would make God deceptive.
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
Very thoughtful statement. God created everything mature. But Jesus had to be born - come throught humanity, or he could NOT be the second/ last Adam. God a complete and totally holy spirit walking among sinful man - I don'd think so ! Jesus is our role model, he brought the WORD of God and our redemption from sin. Jesus had to be able to be tempted, be able to sin, be a human like Adam and be able to die! Jesus was our "human" role model showing us we too could follow his example in rightousnees and obedience to God his father. christ is now sitting at the right of God making intercession for us. I don't know why such intelligent scholars, pastors bible study teachers etc., want SO badly to make Jesus...God??!! Why don't Christians want to Believe God and Jesus Christ when they tell US clearly who theyare in the in the Holy Writ ??!
@danpowell5286 5 ай бұрын
You don’t actually know that. It isn’t stated one way or another.
@pomegranatepip2482 5 ай бұрын
What boggles my mind is that an individual can take a story written by Stone Age people, and then override the entirety of modern scientific data with a sweeping statement like this. It is immensely worrying, and a clear example of how indoctrination switches off people’s brains. This is why people do dumb hurtful and damaging things in the name of religion. Truly astounding.
@rickderwent 5 ай бұрын
Deep and thoughtful discussion gentleman. As a young earth creationist I have suffered great conflict; even persecution from a great many pastors who are completely unwilling to entertain any other view than their diehard Theistic Evolutionary Theology. Thanks brothers in Christ for your engaging and respecful conversation. 🎉🎉❤😂
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for joining in to the convo! We might do an episode of theistic evolution soon and discuss that issue. I think that episode will be interesting! Had a many debates on that so I feel where you’re coming from. I think our education system has a bit to do with that one. Anyway bless you brother, hope you stick around for more content and continue to join in on the discussion. 🙌🏼
@get2craft 5 ай бұрын
When you read the Bible, it really helps to cross reference passages with other passages, to get clarification. Please read Exodus 20:11 that states "For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy." It was 6 days. There are also references to 6 days in the New Testament. Happy studying 😊 that said, I love John Lennox and his lectures 😊
@gusolsthoorn1002 5 ай бұрын
@@jerrynkathy NO IP is a very poor commentor. His arguments on the origin of YEC are demonstrably false. He has done nothing as far as I can tell to address his errors. He did little research before making that video.
@antbrown9066 5 ай бұрын
Theistic Evolutionary Theory. A theory devised and named / labelled by man. It is an interesting phenomena when some take up the view made by others, then try to indoctrinate others with someone else’s theory. It seems to distract from the real message of the book?
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
I too have suffered much by pastors, bible study teachers and fellow brethen because of my valid albeit honest "open" inquiries. It had caused me great pain and lost childhood friends and family members. Pastore are duty-bound to adhere to their church's tightly held centuries-old doctrines. I was accused of being devisive and etc. Doctrines like an evering burning hell fire, the incomprehensible mysterious Trinity, the immortality of the soul and original sin. The churches get rid of those who think for themselves [heritics] and MAINTAIN AT ANY COST.... Orthdoxy [ stright thinking] follow the crowd and herd mentality. Dumbing down the laity. What a digtraceful shame that both sides of an exchange of dioglogue isn't permitted. Fear and ignorance are the culpit.
@nuggetoftruth-ericking7489 Ай бұрын
Interesting information...thanks.
@Qmocean 5 ай бұрын
The earth is fixed on 2 pillars, or poles as it were. That verse doesn't say the earth isn't moving. People misunderstood this particular meaning of fixed.
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
preferring the flaaping around in the wind interpretstion of " fixed" eh titch? You should go on the halls- music hall or wahat the kinderlander call vaudeville. It's an intersting question, why the inventors of the missster god fantasy turn their crazed attention to the tiny issue of is mister god subject to time. You can't have any form of time units without at least*some* sort of clock, but they were clearly aiming mor for laughs than sense And boy, did the succeed geenesise *really_is* hilarious*; you can't get funier than talking snakesand suppoedly omiscient beings that*Ask_qurstions, but clearly one is supposed to fil in one's own blanks.
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
Doesitt matter what it says the early rabbis had to come up with *some* sort of story to account for how things came to be as they are an that bit of the Jewbook that is called genesis is their best guess- and it can*only* be a guess; all that word of god superstitious mumbo jumbo is a(relatively specking) recent invention. Simple arithmetic and commonsense will tell youthat the Earth has to be far far older than eveb contemporary wiseacres claiming to be" scientism"(bur are no such thing)imagine it to be. It is more or less posible to discover how long certain processes take -for example generations - to use an old organic measure so if you know roughly how many ancestral couplings it takes to make you and billions like you, working out how long that takes is childsplay and that fellow proddy of the pork chop Kelvin had some very lucid ideas on that score which make perfect sense.There is *fcuk_nothing*in our Jewbook that says how old the earth is because the rabbis that wrote it it dis not give sh1t about things like that being far more interested in big hats; X big hat Y, big hat, and so on. Seemingly hats -the bigger the better were all the rage at one time.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
"Fixed" does ratherer carry with it the meaning unmovable/unmoving does it not? What else does *fixed* mean or what do you take "fixed" to mean? Bear in mind that the rabbi authors did not have the benefit of space travel. From some viewpoints it does *appear* appear as if the sun orbits the earth and the rabbi authors could only go on appearances. It is not easy for men(human beings/dreaming machines) to re-examine and test their preconceptions or world view/religion. Genesis being the first book of the Torah which is the founding text of the religion Juda ism which is your religion is it not or am I mistaken? You do understand the the book genesis is part of the religion Judaism, or perhaps you don't, but if you take the Torah to be authoritative that makes you a Jew does it not? It is one of the books of the Torah which is your holy book is it not? Is it not fair to say that if you rely on the texts of a particular religion, that makes that particular religion *your* particular religion, does it not? The nearest analogy of which I can conceive is that of a creature that imagines it self to be what-is-called a christian praying in aid the Vedas or the Bhagavad Gita which(on one view) would appear to make him a Hindu). Is it not reasonable to infer that one that prays in aid the texts of a particular religion is a follower if that religion? If he is not a folower of that religion may one not wonder why hehe is praying in aid the texts of a religion to which he does not subscribe. If I pray in aid the text of Winnie the Pooh, does that not make me a Winnie_the_Pooh_ist or ian?
@Qmocean 2 ай бұрын
@vhawk1951kl your wheels are fixed to your axels, but they still spin, no? Our axis is fixed. The earth only spins in one direction, regardless of whether it's the north pole facing the sun or south pole is. Fixed doesn't mean immovable. It's been attached to it. If you fix a radio antenna to the roof of your car, it's not going to move from that spot on your car. But when the car moves, the antenna moves with it.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
The Earth *Is_Not* fixed on 2 pillars, or poles as it were, and anyone that says it is is a liar or a fool or both.
@Grizzlox 5 ай бұрын
I've recently opened my mind to the idea that young Earth creation could be real, and that scientists could be wrong. Going into that discussion with an open mind has been.... mind blowing honestly
@puglover8171 4 ай бұрын
There are scientific reasons to believe the earth is young . The magnetic field is one of them , and the amount of Carbon 14 is another. There are others . Those who believe in an old earth , come up with ideas , but none of those ideas are proven .
@robbymacklin 3 ай бұрын
You are on the right path! Everything God created was commanded by Him to reproduce after its kind. Nothing evolved from one kind of thing to another. Also a world wide flood would lay down multiple layers of rock and fossils in a rapid brief period of time. Scientists set God and the Bible aside and then proceed to teach us that these layers of rock and fossils were laid down over millions of years. They cling to the idea of "millions of years" because the huge amount of time somehow seems to make the theory of evolution more believable. Yet all the fossils are complete finished products with no missing links. If it took millions of years the fossil record should be full of transitional forms. They are conspicuous by their absence. All we can see with our eyes gives evidence that God's Word is true. Put your faith in Him and find peace.
@puglover8171 3 ай бұрын
There are scientists who believe in YEC and creation instead of evolution . No evolutionists has ever explained what small steps could have happened that allowed a caterpillar turned into a pile of goo and comes out a butterfly .
@robbiewatson3525 3 ай бұрын
I’m totally with you on that.
@maylingng4107 3 ай бұрын
When you opened your mind your brain fell out.
@carlidoepke5131 Ай бұрын
Great talk. John Lennox is da man!!! This is such an important topic in our day. I really don’t personally care one way or another- young Earth, old earth, new earth! But I have found, out of necessity, not only to engage intelligibly with my non-Christian friends (as this is one of the larger stumbling blocks), but especially to equip our 4 kids. They need to be raised to know that science and the Bible are not at odds. For them to be able to be lights and one day, effectively communicate the gospel to their friends, who might think because of “science,” God can’t exist. I want them to be fully prepared and confident and not in a possible YEC echo chamber. They can coexist, and I want them to respect that there can be varying interpretations on this secondary/territory issue, and still still call the other side brothers.
@get2theheart Ай бұрын
Great comment my man! Glad you enjoyed it.
@hongotedesco8931 Ай бұрын
Yep, great comment. Science stands on its own, "god" is nowhere in its calculations. While it's correct to "not care" about what science concludes, it is important to understand that whatever it concludes is the "truth". There aren't varying interpretations, there aren't "2 sides". There is only one side (when it comes to science).
@ja1698 5 ай бұрын
I agree- the Bible does touch on science (paths of the sea, fountains of the deep, the order of the days of creation...) The week came from the days of creation, the writer of Genesis went to great pains to emphasise the evening/morning 1st, 2nd 3rd day etc there is a good reason why the age of the earth is important.
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
I think so.
@drillyourarguments 5 ай бұрын
The creation of the universe and life was supernatural. physics is just a creatION.
@pomegranatepip2482 5 ай бұрын
Uhm, no, that is not science.
@drillyourarguments 5 ай бұрын
@@pomegranatepip2482 You mean the days of creation? Yeah, it's a history matter, not a science one.
@pomegranatepip2482 5 ай бұрын
@@drillyourarguments you are mistaken. When it comes to the natural world, everything is a science matter and a history matter.
@0987654321mnbvcxzmor 5 ай бұрын
The bible says that a day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day.Time is not absolute but God is
@danielcristancho3524 5 ай бұрын
Yes but Genesis is very specific. The evening and the morning. Genesis is not a prophetic book. It's written as a narrative. The days are literal days.
@dakotaboy4402 5 ай бұрын
​@danielcristancho3524 well said thank you!
@billsmith2815 5 ай бұрын
That means that if Adam lived only 930 years, he died in less than 1000 years which means that he literally died in the 1000 year day he ate the forbidden fruit. People forget that the Creator walked the earth 2000 years ago.
@clarkemcclymont2879 5 ай бұрын
Taken perfectly out of context-well done 🤦
@cdutley608 4 ай бұрын
Time is just an illusion just like god
@PhippsMovieProductio 5 ай бұрын
Hugh Ross is another great man to watch on this topic. As an astrophysicist who started out as an athiest, the way he's able to break down the origins of the universe and shows how the science aligns with the Bible is really fascinating. Of course the biggest thing to take away is that (just from the scientific secular viewpoint) before the creation of the universe there was no space, no time, no matter, and no laws that governed the universe like the laws of physics or gravity, ect. And that whatever created the universe at the singularity had to be something that transcended and existed beyond space and time, and was beyond governance of the laws that the universe obeys. So, you have this creation agent that began created the universe from nothing, and that existed beyond (and is not limited by) time and space. I don't know about you, but that's pretty much my definition for God.
@mikebellamy 4 ай бұрын
Sorry but Huge Ross has carried his atheistic worldview with him into his faith and he is demonstrably wrong and certainly should not be teaching such a deformed theology that reduces God to human invention incapable of even telling us how he created the universe!
@user-jl2nc8by7p 3 ай бұрын
Time, space and matter 👍
@pomegranatepip2482 3 ай бұрын
What created your god? And if nothing created your god, then why could the universe not have originated from the same nothing?
@PhippsMovieProductio 3 ай бұрын
@@pomegranatepip2482 The difference here is I believe in a God that hasn't been created, as opposed to all information that science provides shows that unlike an uncreated God, the universe itself DID have a creation. One of the main attributes of God is his eternal nature, as opposed to the universe itself that had in itself has a finite nature.
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
If you are so keen on our jewbook which you call the book(bible only means book) why don't you convert to Judaism the religion of those that wrote the Jewbook? Brian was a Jew so some of you kinderlander(Americans) being quite keen on him, why not adopt his religion Judaism?You on hillbillies seem to think there is some magic in our jewbook..
@zachsplep Ай бұрын
Well, you can send these verses to give hope to heart patients, but a "bit" out of context! 😁 The phrase "my heart is fixed" appears in the Bible in multiple places, including Psalms 57:7, 108, and 112: Psalms 57:7-11 "My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise". This passage describes David's confidence in the Lord during adversity, and his desire to worship and praise him. Psalm 108 "O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise, even with my glory". Psalms 112:7-8 "His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD. His heart is established; He will not be afraid, Until he sees his desire upon his enemies".
@puglover8171 Ай бұрын
How old is the earth is not a shallow question . It has to do with the authority of God and His word .
@paulhaynes3688 10 күн бұрын
Typical delusional theist
@antbrown9066 5 ай бұрын
Hope to see more of you guys!
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
Anyone that suggests that the jewbook/bible says anything-at-all about the age of the earth is what we lawyers call*L-y-i-n-g.* There is not one single" date" mention anywhere in the jewbook which is rabbinical guesswork, but if you are so keen on the works of we Jews' religion Judaism- Brian's religion, why not become a Jew? Seemingly Brian was a Jew
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
Fond of the mendacious are you? No surprises there.
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
Fond of liars are you?
@billsmith2815 5 ай бұрын
People seem to forget that the Creator walked the earth 2000 years ago. He is the key to understanding the Old Testament including Genesis because He was there and He did it. There was plenty of opportunity to straighten out the Apostles understanding.
@stevrgrs 5 ай бұрын
Yeah no joke. Especially when He DID make comments on Old Testament verses so regularly :)
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ the son of God did not create the earth - God did. He states as much numerous times in the Scriptures. God never became a man, a human. Jesus Christ is the second/last Adam NOT God! God clearly stated he SENT his son! WHY do christians want to make Jesus God??
@beatmueller6490 5 ай бұрын
Where in the Bible are your beliefs verified? Jesus did, however, say that in the End-Times there would be many false prophets proclaiming such words. From which one of these did you get these ideas from? They didn't come from studying the Bible!@@priscillajervey8345
@kevinrussell1144 5 ай бұрын
Are you a Jew or a JW? If the former, what are you doing reading the gospels? If the latter, read the Gospel of John. It claims Jesus (aka The Word) was there in the beginning and through him all things were made. Neither angels nor men "make" anything, they only shape material that already exists.@@priscillajervey8345
@7stringst3r 5 ай бұрын
@@priscillajervey8345ever read John 1?
@GeordieGames 5 ай бұрын
You talk a lot of sense, keep the good work up.
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
*Must* you leave perfectly harmless prepositions flapping about pointlessly and uglily in the wind, or do you know no better being a pignorant kinderlander Elsie?
@carenkurdjinian5413 5 ай бұрын
It’s a Great Topic ……..🌞
@gr8god4u 5 ай бұрын
The Bible and Science are not adversarial; they are complimentary to one another. The above fact is not portrayed in your discussion with each other on this video but it should be.
@usa2tube 5 ай бұрын
As a christian who is also a PhD scientist (biology), I can agree that the age of the universe can be old. However, once the "day" language starts in Genesis 1, it is literal 24 h days. Christians do not need to "sell out" to the old age concept to be accepted as reasonable or logical. Good book on the Genesis 1 Hebrew that convinced me of a possibility of an old universe but a literal 7 day creation was Gorman Gray The Age of the Universe: What Are the Biblical Limits?
@supremo7217 4 ай бұрын
But you got to take account of PSALM talking about a day to us is a thousand years to God.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
Are you a blood Jew like me or a religious Jew?
@innocentodenigbo7284 5 ай бұрын
Very interesting.
@jmikepcc 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for making the point about needing to ask deeper questions!
@get2theheart 4 ай бұрын
For sure dude! We really feel like that’s a missing part of western church tradition right now and want to emphasize asking good questions boldly while also honoring people and keeping a humble heart posture like Jesus. Not always easy to do but we know we need the freedom to have these discussions openly.
@johncrock1489 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the thoughtful discussion. The love of truth will always identify those who are His!
@gusgibsaints 5 ай бұрын
Truth is there's no proof of any God!
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
@@gusgibsaints correct but what would suppose to constitute proof. Is there proof that there are an infinite number of prime numbers? Depends on what you mean by proof does it not?Also on the *standard* of proof you require
@gusgibsaints 2 ай бұрын
@@vhawk1951kl Any proof would do! As far as I know there's never been one single tiny piece of evidence for ANY God! If someone makes any claim, they should back it up with proof . I can state that there are Pink Cows that fly in the sky...but they are invisible to non-believers....
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
@@gusgibsaints What do you suppose proof or prove to mean? That you have not the faintest idea you are about to demonstrate, as you have your innocence of any sort of intellectual ability or accomplishment.
@gusgibsaints 2 ай бұрын
@@vhawk1951kl You are Hilarious! What a fool believes eh?
@nate_d376 5 ай бұрын
I am glad there are young belivers like you two, asking important questions, and looking for truth in HIS word. Whatever we believe, it needs to be grounded in the Word, period. Search the scripture like the Bereans.
@jockyoung4491 5 ай бұрын
Religion can be grounded in anything you want it to be. The age of the earth is grounded in science.
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement Nate! So true. That’s the heart of our podcast is to test everything against scripture. Our mission statement is to rediscover the heart behind the Bible! Thanks for joining into the conversation and I hope you stick around and continue to give input. Thanks again man. God bless!
@jockyoung4491 5 ай бұрын
@@get2theheart And that's just fine, but it is not science. As long as we all understand that.
@BaileyMullens 5 ай бұрын
@@jockyoung4491was talking to Nate not you brother. Thanks for the comment though!
@gusolsthoorn1002 5 ай бұрын
@@jockyoung4491 Actually the age of the earth is not "grounded" in science. For something to be "grounded" in science it needs to be testable, observable, repeatable, and falsifiable. Thus science cannot be used to prove anything in the past, as the past is a serious of singular, non-repeatable events. While science helps us to understand the way the world works, it has limited value in proving the origin of things. Evolution is one explanation of the history of the universe. The Bible has another explanation for the history of the universe. Evolution requires the spontaneous existence of all matter, energy and time. It also requires the spontaneous origin, and repeated spontaneous origins, of life forms. Evolution also insists that no supernatural forces or beings are involved. It also demands there was no global flood. Creation requires the existence of God, who has the power and wisdom to create everything. And God, who was present at the creation, of course, told us how and when he created the universe, the sequence of events, the creation of man, the fall of man, and that there was a global flood. The question is whether you are going to believe what God has said, or what men say, including men like Lennox, who obviously was not there an is merely giving his opinion, which while seemingly convincing, is actually contrary to what God said, what the Jesus said, what the Apostles taught, and what the historic church has always maintained. You choose whom you will believe, but it certainly is not science that will provide the answer.
@user-jl2nc8by7p 3 ай бұрын
Going to check it out. Thanks!
@he729gtd61 4 ай бұрын
I deeply appreciate your attitude, your questions and answers in this dialogue and especially the way you believe as christians.
@snwankwo1889 5 ай бұрын
Love learning about these kinds of things! Another thing the Bible doesn’t make very clear is “when” the angels fell and were cast to the earth in relation to the creation and fall of humanity. But it does seem that the fallen angels were very active on the earth both outside and inside of the garden during this time. Interesting!
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
God created the angels before the creation of the earth. I don't get the idea that the demons [ fallen angels] were in the garden - the bible seems to speak only of Satan.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
from where do you get that superstitious mumbo jumbo about what ever " angels may be? What the fcuk is an " angel"?
@theohioshirey 5 ай бұрын
We Christians need SAFE places to freely share, learn & ponder issues prayerfully, being respectful, patient & teachable, having open minds, knowing in advance that we may reach different conclusions, agreeing to always part as family in Christ, being mindful of our Holy calling and joint purpose, fulfilling the Will of God individually, collectively, willingly, steadfastly, unselfishly for His Glory. Blessings, all 🥰🙏🕊️🌿
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for this encouragement! So true. God bless you 🙏🏼
@peznino1 5 ай бұрын
That'm doesnt wokr obvisouly. Peopel intrpret it diferently.
@diogeneslamp8004 5 ай бұрын
Safe places? You mean echo chambers where no one can disagree with you? Sounds weak.
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
I have never found this to be the case in any church!
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
Thank God for this great tool of thechnology [the internet] for opening the flood gates for spiritial enlightment and those [who tuly care] are no longer hammpered by restrictive centuries-old traditional dogmas. Thus, through this great resource one has endless options to explore and correctly discern what the Holy Writ/God wants us to CORRECT understand. This should have been always the case but wasn't until now. Why? Because of man's pride, ignorance and arrogrance and desire to control. But praise God.... The new technology has opened the flood gates to "correct biblical learning/ understanding and God's word not hinherd by man and the conventional churches and their restricive hierachy. Thank God for this great tool aiding us in no longer being held captive and hammpered by restrictive centuries-old traditional dogmas and stagant convenical churches and pastors. And above all, the all so selfrighteous, who just knows they are filled with the holy spirit! Really????
@brucebartle9545 5 ай бұрын
Hebrews 6:18-19 New Living Translation (NLT)So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us.
@delgrundy 5 ай бұрын
It only became popular to second guess the straightforward account of Gen 1 under secular pressure that started at a particular time. So while I agree with the sterile notion that the age of the earth is not directly consequential to soteriology, it is a very important check on the unbiblical, deconstructed drift that has inevitably occurred in modern Christian thought.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
Are you a blood Jew like me or a religious Jew?
@theonlymeaning 5 ай бұрын
Thank you dear young brothers! I have totally enjoyed this. The calm, INTELLIGENT way you two discussed things was not jarring or interrupting. I also appreciate how you did not try to present your video as coming from two know what I mean. I am subscribing right now. Thank you again for such a refreshing KZfaq THINKING Christian experience, not common enough alas. Please make more available.
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
Hey man! This comment made our day. We’re glad you enjoyed it. You’re the kind of person we are trying to provide excellent content for. Keep fighting the good fight brother! And we always appreciate input and feedback on the episodes. Always trying to produce content that our audience will enjoy and be ministered by. Thanks again my brother!
@robertgorlee2552 5 ай бұрын
I write CALM with capitals.
@MsBob314 5 ай бұрын
Your god murdered every man, woman and child on earth except for a few during an alleged great flood, ordered genocide and outlined rules for slavery, aside from other heinous acts. That god would be worse than all despotic rulers that have ever lived - combined. This is a sh@#$t show of stupidity.
@xavierowino 4 ай бұрын
Age of the earth not important for a believer? But the Bible makes claims that implies a specific earth age. And there is a verse that says "ALL scripture is inspired and profitable..." So why cherrypick some verses and ignore others? I am a Christian and also struggle with this question to skeptics. Telling them that age of earth doesn't matter, doesn't sound convincing. It makes us look evasive
@weaintdointhis 3 ай бұрын
​@@xavierowinosounds like your Christianity wouldn't survive if it was proven the earth isn't young.
@robturvey9156 5 ай бұрын
Wonderful peaceful thoughtful and respectful conversation. More please!
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! Exited to have you around!
@carolmoore6294 5 ай бұрын
There is not why ars we here only a HOW are here. simples.
@garywatson5617 5 ай бұрын
Six creative periods.
@mattpahuta 2 ай бұрын
So good!
@hawkdriver82 5 ай бұрын
Great video. The question of Earth’s age came up in my small group at church and I found your video! I love to listen to Lennox, but was joyfully impressed by the conversation and analysis that you two young men added to the mix. God is good! I’ll be subscribing for more commentary. God bless you both!
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
What business is it of yours or any mouse(nothing and nobody) how old is your planet? To what is the age of your planet relevant which is to say of what syllogism is the age of your planet/wanderer one or another premise?
@YECBIB 5 ай бұрын
It's important to get the beginning right. God started everything about six thousand years ago. ✝️
@andys208 5 ай бұрын
That’s what my studying points to. Thanks
@pomegranatepip2482 5 ай бұрын
@@andys208perhaps you should study scientific literature rather than a book written by scientifically illiterate Stone Age simpletons. It may help you to get a more accurate answer. Just sayin.
@alfriesmacdonalds5879 5 ай бұрын
​@andys208 what have you been studying?
@YECBIB 5 ай бұрын
@@alfriesmacdonalds5879 What? At least I've been studying. And you?
@user-mj5bl5dy1b 4 ай бұрын
Stop talking rubbish no one knows not you not I no one
@Roz-zi1ye 5 ай бұрын
This confirms what I already thought about Genesis 1 🙂
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
Namely that is a species of Guess?Did no-one ever warn you against using those asinine infantile symbols used only by imbecile children, lest you be taken for an imbecile child, for no *sane* adult would dream of using anything so asinine and infantile, but if you sincerely*wish* to be taken for an imbecile child, that is of course entirely a matter for you. I only need to see them used to know for a certainty that the user is a child with few wits, for no adult with wits and learning would dream of using them for fear of being taken for an imbecile child, that inference being inescapable. The *only* inference that can be drawn from the use of those asinine and infantile symbols is that the user is some kind of imbecile child, for*no* adult with wits or learning would use anything to asinine and infantile, but if you active *wish* to be taken for or supposed to be an imbecile child, that is of course entirely a matter for you. here really is *no_other* inference to draw but those that use such asinine and infantile symbols *are* imbecile children, for *no* sane adult with wits and learning would dream of using anything so asinine and infantile for fear of being taken for, or supposed to be, an imbecile child. You seem to *wish* to be supposed to be an imbecile child, but if that is your wish amen to that.
@user-ws2xy4xh3x 4 ай бұрын
Job 26:7 'He suspends the earth over nothing'
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
Which translation are you using?
@IronSharpensIron127 4 ай бұрын
I find it absolutely absurd that people do not understand that we have a direct genealogy from adam to Jesus. That they can understand that if Genesis is not literal than the whole Bible is nonsense. Thats one of the reasons im a Christian, is because scientifically speaking the age of the earth is exactly what the Bible says it is.
@brettske178 3 ай бұрын
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
From where do you get the *asinine* idea that there is a direct genealogy from Adam to Jesus? Adam is simply a fiction devised by the rabbis that wrote the Torah which is the foundational document of the religion Judaism? Are you a blood Jew like me or a religious Jew?
@brettske178 2 ай бұрын
@@vhawk1951kl to answer your question, the genealogy of Jesus-going back all the way to Adam-can be found in the Gospel of Luke.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
Are you a blood Jew like me or a religious Jew?
@IronSharpensIron127 2 ай бұрын
@@vhawk1951kl do you believe all those "scientific" books written by man? Can you prove the earth is billions of years old scientifically? What about those history books? Do you believe George Washington was the first president? Can you prove that scientifically? We have more evidence of Jesus' life that any other ancient person. Thousands upon thousands of documents. Was Aristotle a fictional character?
@mickbillane4683 5 ай бұрын
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. Problem solved.
@bobwilkinson2008 5 ай бұрын
LOL. That doesn't actually mean anything.
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
Wow, have you been misguided my brethren. God's word was with him. When was the last time your word was with you?? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE STOP with Jn 1:1!!! Is that all you Trinitarians got. In an attemp to prove Jesus is the word and Jesus was with God. In Mark and Luke Jesus HIMSELF stated........ "in the beginng God created male and female ." Have you overlooked that verse? Is Jesus confused? Genesis begins with : In the beginning God created......." God has stated in Scriptures that he was all ALONE IN THE CREATION. Please don't fall for all the trinitarian folly and mystery. Even the Demons knew Who Jesus was...and don't you think they would have known? The disciples knew, Martha knew, and numerous others. Please study your Bible - Believe God and Jesus, regardless of the long rabbin hole leading to man's mystery Greek myth; the three-in-one God, or God-m an. or God the Son [nowhere mentioned in the scriptures] - the biggest lie of Christondom. Satan as fooled millions - why else has he been called the god of this world and he has millions of willing followers.
@tedtan6449 5 ай бұрын
In the beginning was ( starting point aka creation) was ( Infinite... Doesn't conform to physics or Infinite). Why? God is timeless. Not restricted to physical dimension. Like a circle, there in no beginning or end, IN MACRO SCHEME OF THINGS. This is why God is The was ( past) The is ( present) The is to come ( future) You see this cycle in Genesis, the first two chapter is the loss of Eden.... Then in the last book, the last 2 chapters are the restoration of Eden ( the curse ends). Then you see this as time. 7 days. Sunday the first day, but previous to that was the last Day... Then it cycles. Genesis starts with chaos. Revelation ends with chaos. All the elements melt.
@bobwilkinson2008 5 ай бұрын
@@tedtan6449 Means even less. Sorry I have no time for this babble or people who think this is more relevant trhan the science which invariably proves the bible to be the trash that it is.
@hglundahl 5 ай бұрын
23:36 Excellent point. If you appeal to philosophy, do you mean Bertrand Russell or do you mean Plato or Thomas Aquinas? If you appeal to science, do you mean Jonathan Sarfati or Richard Dawkins? Plus, obviously, Hydrology is somewhat more humdrum than radiometric dating, and has more bearing and what it's saying is more certain, like I don't think hydrologists would deny that the Seine was overflooding four times its usual height in 1910, but that's the kind of flat statements of "impossible" that you will hear from some against the Biblical chronology or other statements of the Bible.
@thispugslife7165 5 ай бұрын
Just found your Channel. So happy I did , I have two teenage boys and they need positive role models that have love for the Lord and respect for the Word of God like you. Thanks for your content and God Bless you both!
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
Hey thank you for this encouraging comment! It means a lot to us. Hope your boys enjoy the show!
@kathycorley9236 5 ай бұрын
May I recommend another great role model? I recently discovered the Evangelist Ray Comfort , and his KZfaq channel Living Waters. Bless you ❤️
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
Ray Comfort is awesome!@@kathycorley9236
@90justinjacob 5 ай бұрын
Such a great discussion. Found you from a random recommendation on KZfaq. Praise God for you two. I love John Lennox and loved how you guys approached this subject. People often forget the purpose of the Bible and get muddled up in all of its confusion. Having said this, one thing I've never been able to get over an old earth perspective is how we could have death before human creation. Death came to all only after adam and eve sinned and having an old earth puts death before this which doesn't add up for me personally and this impacts salvation. Cause if death existed before sin then why did Jesus come down to die. I find the old earth timeline too supportive of everything the evolutionist believe in and it feels like something that the devil could pull to split people up. I would love if you guys reacted to one of Ken Ham from answers in Genesis's talks. I find his scripture based explanations more plausible for the creation account. Nevertheless keep it going, you guys got a subscriber. Love that you ended in prayer, keep spreading the gospel. Not many Christian youtubers do that and I don't know why 😅🤷‍♂️
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
Hey great comment man and great points you have here. We will certainly look into Ken Ham, and see if we can add something valuable to a discussion around what he says. Also we very much appreciate you kind words and support, we are excited for what God is doing here with this channel. We really want to be active with those who share their thoughts and input on our content and have dreams of brining people together who just really have a passion and reverence for the scripture and the Lords heart. Maybe one day here soon we will put on an event and be able to meet in person! In the meantime, the feedback and encouragement is very helpful.
@skiamach6208 5 ай бұрын
I come from a background that sounds similar to Michael's. I grew up being taught young earth creationism. I continue to have a strong opinion of the authority and truth of scripture, but I no longer believe in a young earth. There are a few things that I have considered over the years. One of the more interesting quotes that I have heard that resonated with me is "I take the Bible literally where it is meant literally, and I take the Bible metaphorically where it is meant metaphorically." Most of the time which is which is obvious. The resurrection is meant to be taken as a literal historical event. Paul makes this clear when he says if there was no resurrection then Christians are pitiable. On the other end, Jesus' parables are clearly metaphorical stories. The seeds and the resulting plants in the story of the seeds and the sower represent something other than literal seeds and plants. What about those first few chapters of Genesis. Those passages are not so obvious. There are a couple of ways in which we can interpret Genesis 1-3 that allows an old earth and treats the passages as the true Word of God. First, there is what is called the "gap theory". Lennox almost gives an argument for that interpretation when he talks about the initial creation being separate from the days of creation that follows. Some have suggested that there is an unknown amount of time that could have occurred between the two without any mention in the passage otherwise. Others have suggested that the "days" are symbolic of ages and not literal days. It is pointed out that the first day is called a day even before the sun has been created. As far as death goes, even without reference to creation, there are Christians who believe that the death spoken of in Genesis 2 & 3 is a spiritual death. They will mention that Paul speaks of us being spiritually dead. They will point out that Adam and Eve did not physically die on the very day that they ate of the forbidden fruit. Also, from the Genesis passage itself it seems that Adam and Eve never ate of the tree of life. There is a clear indication when God guards the tree of life that eating from that tree would make Adam and Eve immortal. It follows that they were not physically immortal even before the fall. I will point out that even if evolution were true, there would still have to be a first man and first woman. There would still be an Adam and an Eve. One more example of a metaphorical interpretation that many Christians already accept. When God curses the snake is he cursing the snake or is he cursing Satan? Perhaps both? Is the snake just a metaphor for Satan? Most Christians see the end of the snake's curse as the first messianic prophecy in the Bible. We would say that "he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel" as a depiction of the spiritual battle between Satan and Jesus. Jesus' "heel was bruised" in the crucifixion, and Satan's "head was bruised" in the resurrection (or in its consequences). The hardest challenge to a metaphorical reading of those first few chapters of Genesis is that is seems that Jesus and the NT writers take the passages literally. I think that I would reply that there are deep and important spiritual truths contained in those passages, and the NT is confirming those spiritual truths. For example, Paul uses Adam as an archetype, a representative of all humanity. I do not think it makes a difference to Paul's theology whether or not those passages are to be taken metaphorically or literal. Either way, Adam is representative of humanity. I have not fully decided myself what to think. I do not think that salvation is dependent upon how we interpret those first few chapters of Genesis. And I do think that someone can have the highest view of scripture, that it is inerrant, and still interpret those passages metaphorically.
@jeffswanson5097 5 ай бұрын
Yes, I agree and have watched many John Lennox videos and never get tired of watching them . Dr John Tour and Dr William Lane Craig are also great speakers. I know someone who is retired now, who was a physicist at HP who also is a Christian and it was always a pleasure speaking with him and never a dull moment.
@jeffswanson5097 5 ай бұрын
I’m sorry I wrote John it’s James Tour.
@kenhunt4356 5 ай бұрын
It does matter that we can take God at His word that Scripture is to interpret Scripture, not man. "Let God be true and every man be a liar". Even astrophysicists don't fully "understand" how the universe was created because they cannot ever reproduce creation or life in a lab. The smartest minds can discover the laws and mathematics governing the universe, and gain understanding by trying to crank the variables. See Dr. Russell Humphreys' excellent demonstration of what happens with time, space and matter when he cranks Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
@joykeebler1916 5 ай бұрын
- people are dashing their heads against the stones as to figure things out - as to meaning 'searching within the earth and as to the breadth of it too finally'
@Threelittlebirdz-xk7xn 5 ай бұрын
I hope more parents start "holding the line" on parental rights, and become informed of how and why we must all do more now than ever before to preserve and protect these rights from a controlling elite group who want nothing more than to control the minds of future generations for the benefit of control, power and wealth for themselves rather than for WE THE PEOPLE!
@robya.2223 2 ай бұрын
Do you mean religious elite groups?
@vitekstastny3792 5 ай бұрын
Psalm 104 is full of poetic metaphores that are clearly not meant literally: God wraps himself in light as garment, stretches heavens like a tent, makes clouds his charriots, rides on the winds and so on. It is not fair to match Psalm 104 to Genesis 1. It is different kind of literature.
@antbrown9066 5 ай бұрын
Explain the kind of literature?
@vitekstastny3792 5 ай бұрын
...please. Ok, psalm 104 is lyrical poem, but Gn 1 is historical narrative.
@cassiecaradoc2070 5 ай бұрын
If God can create the Universe, and if he can create Adam and Eve as adults, there's nothing stopping God from creating a 13.5 billion year old Universe 6000 years ago. But I agree that my faith in God creating the universe is not dependent on when he did it or how old it is.
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
Great comment! Thanks for joking into the discussion! 🙌🏼
@bobwilkinson2008 5 ай бұрын
You don't know there was a creation or he did it. Your faith (aka belief in something without evidence) should be dependent on facts. ps. Adam & Eve is a just a story.
@cassiecaradoc2070 5 ай бұрын
@@bobwilkinson2008 I know there was a beginning point to the universe, and that there is not only no known natural process that can create something from nothing, but that such a thing would violate all known natural processes. I also know, logically, that even if the universe was created by entirely natural processes, that at some point in this chain of causality, you have to reach something that is eternal and uncaused... otherwise you can never have a start point to begin the chain of causality in the first place. An infinite regress of causality is impossible, because there would be infinite causes between some arbitrary point in the past and now, and thus we would never actually get to now. I also know that, given the factors involved in the survival of intelligent life, it would take something like 2^114 universes just to end up with one planet capable of supporting life, and then the odds of such life actually arising and evolving into the form we know today would be astronomically higher than that... and yet, there can't be infinite universes with us just happening to occupy the one universe in which everything worked out, because if there were, we would have universes crashing in on each other, interrupting each others' processes, to the point that science would be impossible as there would be no guarantee which universe's physics would hold sway at any given point in time. All that to say... there are plenty of facts that indicate the presence of a creator. You just have to start from at least the point of view that a creator *could* exist in order to understand that the preponderance of the evidence indicates that he *does* exist.
@cdutley608 4 ай бұрын
Sheep don't ask questions. They just do what they are told
@robbymacklin 3 ай бұрын
The primary reason to fit an "old earth" view into the Bible is to incorporate some type of evolutionary theory. God commanded all things He made to reproduce after their kind. Nothing evolved from one kind to another. Also evolution requires death and decay to exist for millions of years prior to sin. This contradicts the scripture. All nations on the earth came from one man...Adam. Even Eve came from Adam. This does not fit with any type of evolutionary theory. We can trust God's Word.
@suelingsusu1339 5 ай бұрын
Wow... astounding casuistry.... wow?
@Iohannis42 5 ай бұрын
Both the Bible and Science are correct. There is no need to reconcile anything.
@aaronmusa234 5 ай бұрын
lol. not even close
@puglover8171 2 ай бұрын
The bible and true science are correct. There is false science and faulty bible interpretation . The earth is about 6000 years old .
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
Are you a blood Jew like me or a religious Jew?
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
he Bible and Science are correct in which particular, which "bible" have you in mind?
@johnward5102 5 ай бұрын
'For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night'. Psalm whatever.Truth can be expressed poetically, yet it is still truth.
@markyotter8964 5 ай бұрын
A primary principle of good Bible interpretation is to let the obvious explain the ambiguous, not the other way around. When we have multiple passages that plainly state 7 day creation as the norm, then it doesn't help to try to throw in a allegorical or poetic verse to muddy the waters. When determining truth, you keep the weight of your thinking on the clear passages first before considering any side issues that may be pertinent.
@johnward5102 5 ай бұрын
'O daughter of Babylon, blessed is he that taketh thy child and dasheth its head against a stone'. Psalm something else. Ticket to Baghdad, anyone? When literal interpretation creates too much cognitive dissonance, then you have to look for other ways in which it is true. Or I do, but we all have different 'dissonance thresholds'. And to my mind my quote is not ambiguous. God's time is different from our time, indeed He is outside time, and He created it, time, along with the heaven and the earth.@@markyotter8964
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
Hmm, you don't have a degree or any kind of higher learning, do you? And yes, it *Is* that obvious.
@johnward5102 3 ай бұрын
@@markyotter8964 Yes, a good argument. The only question it begs is, what is obvious and what is ambiguous? Do you run round your neighborhood beheading witches, guided by Exodus 22, 18? That seems pretty unambiguous, 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live'. Literalism cannot be supported, without severe cognitive dissonance. I know that many are heavily invested in it, and suffer the consequences, but I am not among them. I do not believe in a god who has created a whole fossil record, and geological sequences, to tempt mankind into disbelief. I believe in a God who has created a coherent and unified universe in which everything that is real is telling us truth. But language is inherently imprecise, hence it power. It always needs to be interpreted according to context. My context includes the physical reality which God has created.
@johnward5102 3 ай бұрын
@@vhawk1951kl An ad hominem argument is not actually an argument and thus is hardly worthy of a response; however, since you raise the question my degree was from Cambridge, England, 1966-1969, natural sciences, for what little that is worth. Where was your degree from?
@RobertMOdell Ай бұрын
Everything in the universe is the same age.
@johnpaulcolthrust8207 5 ай бұрын
This is a veritable theme park of equivocations.
@user-vt6dx8ll9b 4 ай бұрын
you're a sesquipedalian
@NRay-bt2kj 5 ай бұрын
In Genesis 2:3 it says "Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done." Notice that the seventh day, however, doesn't say there was morning and evening, the seventh day. It doesn't have an end. Also, there has been no new creation since the creation of man.
@priscillajervey8345 4 ай бұрын
I believe you have made a valid point. I don' t believe God is still resting on his throne - according to scriptures he has been and still is pretty busy. Just saying!
@NRay-bt2kj 4 ай бұрын
@@priscillajervey8345 I agree God is still busy, John 5:17 Jesus said, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” But has he created anything since he created man? Next time I see him create is at the end of this age, Isaiah 65:17 -"For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." I think this is what we also see in Revelation 21:1 - "Then I saw 'a new heaven and a new earth,' for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea."
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
"days" being calculated or defined how? Behold the dangers of not having a literary editor to point out any internal or external inconsistencies.
@NRay-bt2kj 2 ай бұрын
A day is defined as the period of light, and also the period of light and dark together. However, the passage of time is relative to velocity and gravity. Einstein's Theory of the Relativity of Time, "It states that the perception of time is relative to the observer’s motion and the gravitational field they are experiencing. This means that time can appear to pass slower or faster depending on the relative motion and gravitational potential between two observers." So what it was like in the beginning when the Creator created the Universe and how He measured the passage of time, and the light and dark, I have no idea.
@jimthomas1989 2 ай бұрын
​@@vhawk1951kl, God told Adam that in the VERY DAY that he ate the forbidden fruit that he would surely die Genesis 2 :17 But Adam lived to 930 years old Genesis 5: 5 You see one day to God is 1000 years to man and Adam died at age 930 within that one day of God . A 1000 years in my sight is as yesterday when it passes Psalms 90 : 4
@paulatkins7009 5 ай бұрын
The Hebrew word for day means a 24-hour period, not an infinite period of time. There are Hebrew scholars that will say this, and it does matter.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
Are you a blood Jew like me or a religious Jew?
@mdug7224 5 ай бұрын
28:06 I'm loving this! Honestly. Why do you think there has to be a why?
@user-he5yg5ho3u 5 ай бұрын
Awesome show. Nice an easy conversation! You’ve earned another subscription with me 🙏
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement and thanks for subscribing! I hope you enjoy the rest of our content. Always feel free to join into the discussion or let us know what other videos & topics you’d like to see!
@MsBob314 5 ай бұрын
Your god murdered every man, woman and child on earth except for a few during an alleged great flood, ordered genocide and outlined rules for slavery, aside from other heinous acts. That god would be worse than all despotic rulers that have ever lived - combined. This is a sh@#$t show of stupidity.
@tomlambert4556 5 ай бұрын
My contention is that, as with all of the story of creation, you must consider to whom the story was given. The fact is the people couldn’t have possibly understood the complexity of creation. You also have to consider the perception of what these people saw. Yes the world is fixed, from their point of view. We now see the world and universe very differently. I see no conflict between scripture or scientific understanding of “In the beginning”. Misperceptions exist on both sides.
@njhoepner 5 ай бұрын
The problem is we have all these christian organizations ("Answers" in Genesis, Discovery Institute, Institute for Creation Research, etc) trying to force their religion into the public school system, and using their creationist/ID pseudo-science to do it...with the full backing of the Republican Party. That is a definite problem and it must be stopped.
@cdutley608 4 ай бұрын
The fact that god hasn't bothered to update his scriptures lends it the misperception forwarded by the religious grifters
@robshaw3655 Ай бұрын
add in ..where it was given when was it given, to whom was it given and how it was given and for what reason may throw more light. How did God inspire man to write it. I sort of picture a thinking man or woman at some point in early history sitting by water and watching the mist rise off it as the darkness of night gives way as the sun comes up and starts to reveal everything around it, and life comes to the water to drink
@qkcmnt1242 5 ай бұрын
Professor Lennox looks much like Winston Churchill.
@vhawk1951kl 5 ай бұрын
Only to you titch.
@bwarr1230 5 ай бұрын
There is a concept of age-day creationism
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
Some lying bigot is * bound* to dream up something of the sort of"age-day creationism" which will be simply more savage mumbo jumbo, as the wrighling bigots wriggle under the clear daylight of what is and cannot be different, with which they find it impossible to cope having been led astray or befuddled by witles and savage idolatry.
@robertjohn6354 3 ай бұрын
The gymnastics are quite impressive .
@gavintainton9020 5 ай бұрын
The scripture says in Exodus 20:11, the heavens (our solar system and atmosphere) and earth as well as sea and all that in them is was created in 6 days and rested on the 7th.
@clarkemcclymont2879 5 ай бұрын
Correct- everyone that believes billions of years like to forget that verse.
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
Yep, sure does.
@benny-yj7pq 5 ай бұрын
Exo 20:11 refers to the 6-day creation and His work He made on the earth, in the sea, and in Heaven. The Heaven according to the 6-day creation was the firmament and not the creation of the universe in Gen 1:1 and the earth was the dry land and His work on it, not the creation of planet earth. When the earth was created in Gen 1:1, there was joy in Heaven (the angels), because it looked great (Job 38:7), not a tohu va bohu (chaos) as YEC says, that Gen 1:2 belongs to the 6-day creation. That is an assumption and is not true, Gen 1:2 is judgment of God (Jer 4:23).
@anthonydelgiudice3245 5 ай бұрын
these comments are disturbing how people can be brainwashed so easily we have proof /evidence facts 4.5 billion years old case closed
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
Yes, and I for one really believe it!
@clarkemcclymont2879 5 ай бұрын
Lennox’s ‘intellectual mind’ has brought him to the point of unbelief. Scripture is clear and without error- man’s opinion isn’t and too many people listen to Lennox and therefore have a foot in both camps. A biblical worldview has always been essential but in these times even more so.
@j.bergland6887 5 ай бұрын
I agree 👍 💯
@user-pt2ub1rz8q 3 ай бұрын
Where in scripture does it say the earth is 6,000 years old?
@eytnom 5 ай бұрын
I great quote that I read about the Bible that really helps is “The Bible was written FOR is, but it wasn’t written TO us.”we have to read it in the historical and cultural context. It is not a science book because Old Testament and New Testament people would not have understood the science. And neither would we. Read it for what it is, which is the inspired, Theological word of God.
@supremo7217 4 ай бұрын
And Moses wouldn't even care a bit about science, they're starving and his people was worshipping a bull. 😂
@BobbyCarby 5 ай бұрын
I'm impressed with these two guys.
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
Thanks Brother! We’re glad you enjoyed the conversation. Can’t wait to come out with more.
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
I agree, very note worthy.
@TomO-kb4fw 5 ай бұрын
I appreciate Dr. Lennox and have listened to many of his lectures on this and other topics. Although he is very articulate, he doesn't seem to identify the core issue between the Young and Old Earthers. The age of the Earth "fight" is not a scientific one. It's a spiritual one. His mention of the way Genesis 1:1 is written compared to the days of creation quickly takes the "fight" into an entirely different direction, kind of like a bait and switch. In another talk he says the days of creation are not mentioned in the New Testament. That's an argument from silence and, so what, the days are foundational to the practice of the Sabbath. The New Testament writers would be wasting ink to repeat it. Every child knew about the days. Here's the crux of the matter and it is as important as the resurrection. Can you have millions of years of death and dying, even animal and plant life, prior to the Fall? If so, then what does, "since by man came death", "Oh Death, where is thy sting?", "all have fallen and come short" mean? Not only is the fact of the resurrection important, the reason "why" Christ died for us is more. Truth requires coherence. Make a coherent case for the Old Earth and these foundational verses. You can't. So by default, the Young Earth view stands in complete coherence with the New & Old Testament.
@MatthewGoldberg8491 5 ай бұрын
A priori conclusion is presumed to be causal. That is NOT science or truth. The fact is, there is no effect without a cause. This includes sin. There could be no sin unless there was a cause. In the Genesis account, all is good. Until the serpent lies to Eve, and she takes the bait. Adam is next. In each case, there is free will and a measure of human responsibility. Many students of the Bible discount or ignore the principles laid out in the Old Testament. When people obey God's rules they prosper in the long run. When we disobey them we will suffer the consequences.
@troig43 2 ай бұрын
The Earth is 4.54 Billion years old. And there is no such thing as invisible magical sky people.
@kittyhawk7060 2 ай бұрын
Research how old people have been saying it is. They keep adding more and more years. Who are you going to believe? When someone comes along and says it is 10 billion years old, are you going to stop believing it is 4.54 billion years old? Stop swallowing everything that you hear. Do your own research. Air is invisible and magical. It can cool you down with a light breeze or it can tear your house apart into tiny pieces. Do you believe in air? Show it to me.
@nowisnownowismark8901 5 ай бұрын
Really, the question should be “how old is time itself?.” Ponder that one.
@willtestagain 5 ай бұрын
While it is true that the question (young or old earth) is not relevant to a more profound questions like where we came from and why are we here in this world and where are we going after this world. However, does it occur to you that when we come to such a question of how long was a day as stated by the scripture, we are confronted with the question of whether we believe God in His Word or we believe men in their words? Whether God meant a literal day of what we now know as 24 hours day or a long period of time? Psalm 62:11 KJV [11] God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.
@antbrown9066 5 ай бұрын
You young men are wise. Refreshing to see!
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
This Is very encouraging. Thanks for saying this. It helps us keep moving forward strong> God Bless you!
@antbrown9066 5 ай бұрын
@@get2theheart you guys go. I am twice your age and I am encouraged to see such intelligence and wisdom. “It is not only the old who have wisdom”…. This is sadly lacking in our world. Take courage and stand firm!
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
Yes indeed.
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
Yes, I agree.
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
They are most certainly *not* truthful They jewbook has not dates whatsoever in init and is entirely silent of the age of the planet and anyone that says otherwise is what we lawyers call*L-y-i-n-g*. I they our so keen on our jewbook that they call the book(bible only means book) why don't they convert to Judaism? It's the logical thing to do.
@dianecourtney2724 5 ай бұрын
I’m just a simple minded Christian bc I don’t really care how old the earth is. I’m so grateful and happy that God sent Jesus to the earth to die in my place that after years of reading and studying my Bible I’m still struck by how awesome this is 🥰 I know that on my own I could never make it to heaven bc I’m such a terrible sinner even tho I really try to not sin! Great channel Thank you 🙏🏼
@khrystalkhoury62 5 ай бұрын
You are loved❤
@gusolsthoorn1002 5 ай бұрын
Wonderful Diane, but Jesus's dying on the cross only makes sense if there was a reason for him to do so. That reason, as Paul explains, is the reverse what Adam started, death as a result of sin. But if the days of Genesis are not literal then the events during that week are not literal either, And if the 6th day is not literal there never was an Adam, or and Eve, or Cain or Abel, or Noah, or a Flood, or a reason for Jesus to die for your sins. It isn't just a question of how old the earth is but whether Genesis is literally true. If not, we are all doomed.
@dongee1664 5 ай бұрын
You should be. If you accept the Bible as being the word of God then anything proven to be incorrect nullifies it.
@MsBob314 5 ай бұрын
Your god murdered every man, woman and child on earth except for a few during an alleged great flood, ordered genocide and outlined rules for slavery, aside from other heinous acts. That god would be worse than all despotic rulers that have ever lived - combined.
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
Your honesty and humility is to be commended. It is a raw attribute. God bless.
@bernnadetpfefferle6471 5 ай бұрын
Does anyone have a link to the full John Lennox video?
@markd646 5 ай бұрын
@user-gk7pj6ur5u 5 ай бұрын
@jancomoolman7432 5 ай бұрын
I don't think asking the age of the earth is a shallow question. It is underpinned by some of the most significant theological questions like: -Was there death before sin? -Did God call a world plaqued with death and suffering good? To name a few... Its not fair someone is a young earther just because the Bible says so... there are much more to uncover.
@akmurf7429 4 ай бұрын
Yes, the idea of evolution and the bible are irreconcilable. They are like oil and water. Also, there is a world of entropic evidence the world can't be millions of years old. Our magnetic field is weakening at an alarming rate, to mention one. And there is no known way for it to restrengthen again. only unprovable hypothesis. Volcanically active moons in our solar system that should not be, for another example.
@pomegranatepip2482 3 ай бұрын
The age of the earth is not underpinned by any theological questions. It is underpinned by nothing. It is measured by science and determined by physical processes in a greater environment, namely the universe.
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
what the fcuk is " Sin"?
@pomegranatepip2482 3 ай бұрын
@@vhawk1951kl sin is what you have when humans do naughty things that their made up god told them not to do. Except, he actually made them do it, because he made them and they did not know they couldn’t disobey him until they disobeyed him. Go figure.
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
You will syop expereiencing anything just as soon as your experiencing apparatus stops working titcch , si(whatever the fcuk that is) or no sin. What the fcuk has whatever you mean by but have no idea " sin" got to do with your experiencing apparatus being switched off forever?-No oxygenated blood supply to the old brain and goodbye one credulous loon - so not all bad then.
@seriousseriosity4055 5 ай бұрын
Hey, guys. Understanding that there is a time gap between Genesis 1:1 & Genesis 1:2 is really very simple. It’s only controversial because MOST Christians are unfamiliar with the concept. Finis Dake provides clear exegesis on this point in his Dake’s Annotated Study Bible. I HIGHLY recommend looking into this topic, because there are indisputable archaeological discoveries that have, and are being made, which do absolutely prove that a young earth is impossible. Not to mention that just the simple fact that the speed of light CLEARLY DEMONSTRATES that the universe is quite ancient. If the “heavens” are ancient, then there’s no reason to believe that the earth is merely thousands of years young. It’s really very basic.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
Are you a blood Jew like me or a religious Jew?
@seriousseriosity4055 2 ай бұрын
@@vhawk1951kl I’m part Jewish by blood and a Christian.
@martanieradka4675 5 ай бұрын
Blessed Anna Catharina Emmerich confirmed the world is as old as the Bible says.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
Tbible jewbook, Torah is entirely silent on the age of the whatever-you-mean-by-and -have-not-the-faintest idea "world" might be, probably because " world" has as many meanings as there are men(human beings/dreaming machines) plus there is the obvious reason why it is silent on the matter , but I would be better off addressing a dog as you would i not little bigot-idolater, you being completely innocent of any kind of intellectual ability or accomplishment.
@ronvoelkel7335 5 ай бұрын
The book by Hugh Ross, discusses the Day/Age controversy thoroughly. The Hebrew and the English word "day" can mean: 1. A 25 hour day 2. The daylight part of the day 3. A week 4. An indefinite period of time 5. An age 6. An epoch So, using a definition for the word "day" which is valid in both Hebrew and English, we can interpret, "on the seventh day(age), God rested. Later in the prophecies, we're invited to come into God's rest, His "AGE" of rest.
@JungleJargon 5 ай бұрын
The speed of light C isn’t constant since the measures of time and distance aren’t constant. Changing from 60 kilometers an hour to 60 miles an hour increases your speed. Then if you go from 60 miles an hour to 60 miles a minute it increases your speed again. This what is happening in general relativity when less gravity increases the measure of distance and speeds up the rate of time over large distances. It also means that the earth is younger than what they claim.
@richardgregory3684 5 ай бұрын
_Changing from 60 kilometers an hour to 60 miles an hour increases your speed_ Yes, of course, but not because you changed the units of measurement. _The speed of light C isn’t constant since the measures of time and distance aren’t constant_ If that were true the universe would not and could not exist.
@JungleJargon 5 ай бұрын
@@richardgregory3684 General relativity is now an observation which means the changes in the measures of time and distance are observed.
@dannoland 5 ай бұрын
@JungleJargon The speed of light is indeed constant. All observers in nonaccelerating frames of reference will measure the same speed regardless of the speed of the source of light or the speed of the observer. For example, if the source of light is moving at 0.9 times the speed of light toward the sun and an observer, who is closer to the sun, is moving toward the source (and away from the sun) at 0.9 times the speed of light, then because of time dilation and length contraction, the observer will measure the speed of light, not as 1.8 times the speed of light, but rather 1 times the speed of light. All observes measure the same speed. In all other wave phenomenon, waves move at a certain speed relative to the medium that is "waving", such as air or water. Before about 1900 A.D. researchers thought that there was something in space that light traveled relative to, called ether. They thought that light made the ether wave. But Michelson and Morley performed a famous experiment, which ruled out the presence of the ether. So, what is waving in a light wave? Answer: nothing. Of course, there is an oscillating electric and magnetic field, but there is no medium as far as anyone knows.
@JungleJargon 5 ай бұрын
@@dannoland In general relativity there are gravitational waves which have been detected which proves there is a variance of distance and there has also been detected the variance of time both of which change the speed of light over great distances.
@sanjaythomas 5 ай бұрын
Wow this statement is proof that the US schooling system failed you. May well be the stupidest thing I’ve read this week - 60 miles per hour is equal to 96 km - 60 miles is not equal to 60 km per hour - my head hurts reading your comment.
@0987654321mnbvcxzmor 5 ай бұрын
All movement is relative and it is just as accurate to say the earth is still and all things move around it as to say that the earth is moving around all things
@dannoland 5 ай бұрын
@0987654321mnbvcxzmor Not quite. The planets, including the earth, must be undergoing acceleration in order to move in elliptical paths around the center of gravity of the Solar System, which is located near the center of the sun. Not all reference frames are equivalent when there is nonzero acceleration.
@beatschnyder3091 5 ай бұрын
everyone is scared to loose their shit, as soon as the cosmology question appears, out of fear to be called a moron! you missed science class? no,I did not, but I don't trust it! geocentric ore heliocentric? our Father in heaven hallowed be thy name, is loosing every time to Helios! all his sheep go by the name of Judas!
@jean-michelchabloz136 5 ай бұрын
Hi folks, thank you for a well-balanced discussion focusing on the most important issues. And making the necessary shift from head to heart ! God bless you guys, this is certainly helpful to many believers! Greetings from Switzerland
@gusgibsaints 5 ай бұрын
God Bless the Pope, king of the Paedophiles!
@CraigBothamassagetherapist 5 ай бұрын
I have huge respect for John Lenox. I can accept that there is an indefinite passage of time between verse 1 of Genesis 1 and verse 3. However, it was on the 4th 24 hour day that the rest of the Universe was made (the stars and the sun and moon). And according to John Lenox himself, the tense changes on the first day.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
Are you a blood Jew like me or a religious Jew?
@bushelfoot 5 ай бұрын
I have understood the term fixed in it place correctly then ..
@daytonmoreland3790 5 ай бұрын
It’s going to be a lot of shock people on the day of JUDGEMENT
@wesleygordon1645 5 ай бұрын
And that is more to do with the way we have lived our lives here on the earth.
@daytonmoreland3790 5 ай бұрын
@@-wretched1 that’s scary that’s one thing we have to do is fear ELOHIM THE FATHER OF ABRAHAM AND ISSAC AND JACOB
@daytonmoreland3790 5 ай бұрын
@@wesleygordon1645exactly it’s all a test
@rejinc 5 ай бұрын
How do you know?
@njhoepner 5 ай бұрын
One of the most important reasons not to believe any of this...after two thousand years of the "holy spirit" supposedly transforming all these billions of christians from the inside out...they agree on almost nothing, in fact argue and fight and scream and kill each other, from the time of Peter and Paul until right now today...which can only mean either that the "holy spirit" (and therefore god) is schizophrenic...or nearly all "christians," upwards of 99.9%, are in for this "shock" you mention...or it's all bunk. I think the most likely alternative is obvious.
@Jim-Mc 5 ай бұрын
Hey but who's to say the whole universe doesn't rotate around the Earth anyway? From here it looks like it does and as far as I know there are no other planets with people to offer a different perspective.
@njhoepner 5 ай бұрын
Because the orbits of the planets as we observe them make no sense if it's all orbiting around the earth...that's what led first Copernicus, then Galileo, and finally Kepler to realize that earth and all the other planets orbit the sun. Once one realizes that, the movement of everything else begins to make more sense...and we can see the rest of the galaxy, and the other galaxies.
@Jim-Mc 5 ай бұрын
@@njhoepner The orbits would be exactly the same relative to one another. It's just easier to calculate them with the sun at the "center." Galileo just showed things didn't move simplistically, and individually past the Earth. But the Sun is still an arbitrary point unless you just go by mass, which is fine.
@njhoepner 5 ай бұрын
@@Jim-Mc Not so. The calculations for the orbits of the planets, when we assumed the earth was the center, required something called "epicycles" - the planets literally had to do loop-de-loops along their orbital paths. Everyone from Ptolemy until Kepler just accepted this because the point was to "save appearances," not to get the orbits correct. It was Kepler who finally insisted that this made no sense, and established the correct planetary motions by placing the sun at the center and calculating the planetary orbits based only on the actual data, not on religious concepts or philosophical ideas. The positions are not arbitrary, and they are not empirically equivalent.
@mtwseneca 4 ай бұрын
Thoughtful question. Not a single word or verse in the bible supports the evolutionary f-lying ball lost in space. All truth hidden in darkness is now being revealed. Including where we actually live. Today's air flights and consumer optics blow away the lies. On a ball of ANY size, the horizon must fall as you go up. Never happens. the horizon rises to eye level regardless of altitude. The Nikon P 900 was the ball killer showing there is no curvature. Chicago from 55 miles away (1500+ feet of missing curve), Toronto from 35 miles away (500 feet of missing curve). (smile) Mike
@cdutley608 4 ай бұрын
That is just plain ignorance
@waynegabler6570 5 ай бұрын
This is the version I promote: Old Earth Creation: Day 1 ends 4BYA as stated is referencing this earth as it was when light was created. The source of that light was the sun and the state of the earth 4BYA is it was a small ball of molten lava and it's rotational speed was that 1 complete day was about 6 of our hours. Science also promotes the moon was a lot closer and about there science starts to get it wrong. Lava in a molten state on a fast spinning globe will be acting like a centrifuge in that heavier material will sink and the lighter material will rise to the surface. The lava sorts itself in layers that id dependent on density. To help that along science also promotes the moon was a lot closer so there were tides of molten rock and since there was no solid parts yet the tide was endless and no winds as the heat from the lava melted anything incoming, clouds for things with a low melting point and heavier item came is a liquid rather than stone so it was a gentle growth and gravity was the only process at work for the next 3.6BY and the next part of the process begins. This part is not something I have mentioned before in any detail. The counting system would put the start of day at 40,000,000,000BC as when the universe began to form. The void is mentioned as the beginning without matter as we know it. It is promoted that we are expanding at an increasing rate and that will continue. We will end up back in the same void that we came from. Our universe has a certain number of stars and if that number is increasing then we are getting hotter and hot things expand. At some point the trend will be that more stars will die than are born and we are still expanding and eventually no stars will be born and matter will be so far apart it cannot form something that attracts something else. Welcome to what we call a black hole. A collapsing universe has the mass centered on a certain part and that makes the places the weak link so collapse and density can only go so far and then it blows. Our big bang was probably something like the moon and earth only on a much bigger scale and it never reformed and it is like the asteroid belt but in the shape of a soccer ball one that is expanding at a faster and faster rate. Day 2 ends 400MYA it sees a crust develop on the earth and it could have been caused when the heavier matter that was in the moon migrated towards the earth and the volcanoes spilled out the heavier metals and it migrated to the earth as cold matter than cooled the surface enough that a crust started to form and gasses could start to fall as liquid, very cold liquid. That day ends with water being found at the highest elevations of dry ground and that is where the next part of the process begins. Length is 360M years Day 3 ends 40MYA it sees the forests being created. Trees are mentioned and the forest is an eco system that would have developed just like one does today. The other parts of the forest like birds and crawlers are mentioned later only because they are less important to the story rather than they were created by themselves later on. The process went on right until the end of the 6th day. For the sake of argument water could just begin to collect in the deepest parts as they would have been the last parts to get cold. Forests would have reached down that far and the water that then fell brought the level up to where it is now. The vid 'snowball earth' could be quite close to what did happen and civilization would have started high and moved down as the ice melted and the expanding rifts would have collected the water. Day 4 ends 4MYA and the sun and moon are finally given names and their purpose is created, they mark time as we know it as far as days/months/years go. Stars are mentioned last as they are the least important to the whole story. That being said that is when angelic beings live and when they go to their promised new heaven that leaves the universe empty and mankind just enters it at the end of Re:22. Universal salvation prophecises that all of mankind will enter that place. The ones that were alive for the 1,000 year reign make their home inside of New Jerusalem and the ones that are resurrected at the Great White Throne will make their homes outside of the city. All other flesh is also resurrected down to sparrows will also be resurrected once the worlds become homes to immortal beings who have the same mission as Adam and Eve. Day 5 ends 400,000 and the oceans as we know them were created even if that process began at the end of day3. Whales are mentioned and that would indicate that birds fell into the water and over the period of a few million years they ditched the feather and moved the nose up the face. Being warm blooded and having the same spine motion shows the relationship. Ge:1 promotes 3 species, birds are top dog in the forest. whales are top dog of the seas, and man is top dog of the land animals. Day 6 ends 40,000YA and it starts with Adam being created in the garden area as defined in the Ge:2 creation story. The Med Sea is the west border and it goes south as far as the Nile. It goes east two rivers to the east for that border and as far north as the middle river reaches. It is a watershed area and the size of the Jordan River in Eze:47 is how it would have flowed back when God and Adam were in the Garden naming things. Without water the seeds could not sprout as the rest of the planet named Eden was full of life already. Eve was the last thing God created and after that day ended nothing new could be created. What was created cannot be un-created but it's size can go as low as a remnant or thrive depending where you are in the book that goes into some detail about how sin is defeated in the end. Day 7 ends 4,000BC Satan and other angels would have had access to all of Eden except for the Garden area and the ancient megaliths are a testament to their abilities to play with rock things. Man will have that same ability in the new earth portion of things. has a really nice library, part 38 is very impressive as far as showing the past cannot be like it is presently promoted. The new earth would be the same process as it happened in the past. Because the God of Life is going to resurrect all flesh that was conceived in the time this earth will exist the beginning has to be accelerated even from the time the garden took compared to the rest of Eden. God likes patterns Ge:1 is the Alpha and Re:21 is the Omega of the one being that sits on the Great White Throne, when He says, 'It is done.' He is referencing this earth as being labeled perfect rather than very good. The 1,000 years will see the holy land go from being desolate to being like it would have if sin had never entered the garden. The restored Garden is where all the people who have been alive will be when Satan and all fallen angels are released and God sends them to the fiery lake the static population gets an escape. It is what is called the rapture but it comes at the end of the 1,000 year reign only. Here is the verse and there used to be a reward for a rapture verse in the Bible.
@JohnSpencer90 5 ай бұрын
Fully agree. The age of the earth in the context of God is not a very consequential question. The fact that the earth was created , or whether or not the bible is true, or what is our purpose, are far deeper questions. However, what we believe is largely the result of what we were taught from a very early age. Even if you choose to believe that God created the earth, it does not automatically follow that the bible is true, as these are two very separate considerations. It is quite understandable to have deep beliefs , but in this case you should give proper consideration to both ideas. You should also note that if God exists, it does not automatically follow that he created anything . For a thought-provoking question, consider this: 'Why would an omnipotent, self-sufficient God choose to create a universe or humans? Once you are able to answer this question, you will immediately find non-contradictory answers to the other deeper questions.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
why did Salimproeurfrel make such a cow's arse of it?
@rentlastname2824 5 ай бұрын
Bishop Ussher will have the last laugh here. The CMB monopole (the so-called smoking gun of the Big Bang) is generated from the Earth’s ocean. The expansion of the universe is based mathematically on general relativity- but this was completely arbitrary since GR could also account for a static universe or a contracting one. Redshift is a measure of lost energy, not expansion.
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
He could be for sure!
@byteme9718 5 ай бұрын
Were there no schools where you grew up?
@rentlastname2824 5 ай бұрын
@@byteme9718There is a big difference between a school system and an education system. Universities and text books still teach outdated and wrong models when they have the tools at their disposal to correct themselves.
@byteme9718 5 ай бұрын
@@rentlastname2824 I'll look forward to reading your research papers.
@rentlastname2824 5 ай бұрын
@@byteme9718 you can read the 20+ research papers on the CMB by Pierre-Marie Robitaille if you like. And you can read the literally hundreds of research papers on alternate explanations for redshift (eg Tim Andersen, Eric Lerner etc). Here's a couple of teasers for you: In an expanding universe, the expansion itself decreases the surface brightness of galaxies and their size, so galaxies should be dimmer and smaller in an expanding universe than in a non-expanding one. What’s more, in an expanding universe, the angular diameter of a galaxy should be smaller than the surface brightness by an extra factor of (1+z) where z is the redshift of the galaxy. This is called the distance duality relation, you may have come across this at school. But direct observations of galaxy size and brightness are consistent with a non-expanding universe, a fact that you probably didn't come across at your school. There is also much evidence to show that the Microwave Background is of terrestrial origin, not cosmic. Robitaille in fact, argues that it is impossible for the monopole signal of the microwave background to have arisen from the universe. To obtain a thermal microwave spectrum, it takes more than the ability to simply absorb and emit microwaves. The material involved must also emit at all required frequencies, which requires a suitable lattice structure. What is your school's argument against that? Water has the ability to absorb and emit in the microwave. Optical measurements of water during shock compression demonstrate that water has the ability to absorb much like graphite in the optical range (ε = 1). As such, the oceans have the physical ability to produce a thermal spectrum in the microwave range which can account fully for the monopole signal of the microwave background.
@fyre8011 5 ай бұрын
Let me propose something to you. When an author writes a story, it has a beginning middle and ending right? Well before that story took place, there was events that happened that led up to the beginning of that story. So when God said “Let there be light.” And after the 6 days creating the earth, could he not have started his story, our world, with its own past? Its own history (stars forming and dust gathering for billions of years)
@johnpinckney7269 5 ай бұрын
no, the stars were made on day 4
@richardgregory3684 5 ай бұрын
Either that or genesis is a fairty tale.
@Fluffysweep 5 ай бұрын
Of course you can, you make the Bible fit any narrative you want to, that's what Lennox is saying here, interpretation of the Bible is as selective as the reader wants it to be..Hence all the contradictions.!
@jefffinkbonner9551 5 ай бұрын
I think it’s more like things created instantaneously in their full essence seem mature and old. When Jesus turned the water into wine at the Wedding at Cana, the wine tasted like the finest wine, which presumably would mean that it was aged several years. However, it was only mere minutes or moments old. Similarly, the earth and the rocks could seem very ancient presuming they were made via natural processes, but it they had a definite beginning via a supernatural creation, then it’s a mere measure of how natural processes have affected them since.
@Fluffysweep 5 ай бұрын
@@jefffinkbonner9551 Of course, the Greek God Dionysus turned Water into Wine 500 years before Jesus did.
@davidvotjubek8454 5 ай бұрын
If the question: “how old is the Earth?” Is known by science, measurement, testing, retesting and data and it’s contradictory to any, i mean ANY religious books, you have only 2 choices. Accept the hard data or ignore it and believe whatever the religion tells you.
@cdutley608 4 ай бұрын
And here lies the problem with 90% of the commentary in this thread.
@Mrsgreermurrieta 5 ай бұрын
Genesis 1:10 is our clue for definitions. “Earth” is dry land. 1 Chronicles 16:30 (NASB20) “Tremble before Him, all the earth; Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved.” Based on the established definition in Genesis, it couldn’t be talking about the earth as a whole and whether or not it rotates. It must be talking about the dry land being fixed. We can have some erosion here and there, but the dry land isn’t getting completely flooded again to where the ocean moves out of place.
@chickenblade6537 5 ай бұрын
Don't tectonic plates disprove that account of Chronicles then?
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
If you are so fond of Jewish writers/novelists, why not convert to Judaism?
@mikewoodfolk4917 5 ай бұрын
Great show but you guys definitely have to look into answers in genesis with Ken Ham. Also, check out Dr. Jason Lisle. There are many other greats out there when it comes to a young earth. Good job though on your show.
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
Thanks you brother! We’ve had a few people recommend him. We’ll have to take a look soon. God bless you man. Hope you stick around and keep joining into the conversation!
@clarkemcclymont2879 5 ай бұрын
Yep !!! Answers in Genesis is a worthy resource and God given in an era of false teachings and indoctrination at a schooling level of our children- truth matters- the Bible is without error, a literal interpretation of Genesis 1-11 is imperative to a biblical worldview.
@throckmortensnivel2850 5 ай бұрын
Lennox: "The most important thing is not when it happened..." Tell that to the creation science types. I personally don't care when it happened. In fact, a creator could have created the whole thing 5 minutes ago, complete with memories of the distant past. Once you insert miracles into creation, there really isn't any place to stop.
@antbrown9066 5 ай бұрын
Excellent !
@gusolsthoorn1002 5 ай бұрын
Those church fathers who had trouble with a 24/7 creation days believed that creation was in an instant, not millions or billions of years. They wondered for what reason God would have for taking so long. After all, since God is almighty, why take 6 days? Who would know? So why did God give explicit statements about the creation week, unless it was so. Those who doubt that may not realize that they are actually denying what God said, and, if they are not careful, they will eventually abandon Christ, as that becomes the logical conclusion. Many of the major influencers in Christendom are leading the church towards apostasy. That is why evolutionism is a deadly poison in western culture.
@antbrown9066 5 ай бұрын
@@gusolsthoorn1002 creation or God is not proved or disproved by evolutionism. Atheism is the real poison. Evolutionism is used as a tool to attempt to justify the belief system of atheism. There are many poisons in western culture - humanism, genderism, climatism, scientism…..
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
You are so right. I think God was very wise in the manner in which he created the earth and recorded it. He created everything in sequence - that is important for our knowledge. How would we know how many hours were in a day - a week - a year, how would we gauge it? There is male and female of all humanity and the animal kingdon - and only the female gives birth! He gave '"seed" to prodice ONLY after it's kind, vegetation, animals and humans. He gave us a birth cetificate for the creation order of everything. Yes God could have created it in one day, but I understand why he did not. It would have made no sense to us compared to the orderly manner he did,@@gusolsthoorn1002
@user-ny7tn4qs9i 5 ай бұрын
Wow deep idea
@kittyhawk7060 2 ай бұрын
As a pastor with four degrees in my field, I am one of those who believe the earth does not move. I believe the sun moves above the earth in its designed course God has set for it. I lose nothing by believing what I believe. When the sky is clear at night I look for the North Star. It is exactly where it has been all my life. That is impossible if the earth was hurdling through space at the speed we are told by so-called astronomers. The Bible was written for common people to understand. If the earth moves, the God of the Bible would clearly say so.
@markb3786 Ай бұрын
The North Star as well as our solar system are both in the Milky Way galaxy, which is hurdling toward a collision with the Andromeda Galaxy in a few billion years. All of our galaxy is moving at 1.3 million miles per hour!
@joykeebler1916 5 ай бұрын
- mathematically (numerically) > within every negative [-] there is a positive [+] ; < and within every positive there is a negative :
@priscillajervey8345 5 ай бұрын
@ht894600 5 ай бұрын
I was brought up knowing the Bible is God’s Word, and I believe it is true, even if I don’t understand it all. God will show me what I need to get me to heaven.
@cdutley608 4 ай бұрын
good luck with that
@vhawk1951kl 3 ай бұрын
Quaint idea that whatever you mean by but have no idea" god" writes books. No, no, titch our Jewbook was written by our Rabbis.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
Are you a blood Jew like me or a religious Jew?
@thetruthaboutscienceandgod6921 5 ай бұрын
Please watch and share with others my four brief videos in which I present examples of scientific facts contained in the Bible; facts that the writers thousands of years ago could not have been aware of without divine knowledge given to them by God. Thank you!
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
Are you a blood Jew like me or a religious Jew?
@thetruthaboutscienceandgod6921 2 ай бұрын
@@vhawk1951kl Hey, Vhawk: I am a Christian. Thanks for asking. Take care.
@vhawk1951kl 2 ай бұрын
@@thetruthaboutscienceandgod6921 If that be right - and of course you could no more be a christian than you could stand on tour own shoulders, why do you suppose the documents of a religion to which you do not subscribe to be magic authoritative or have special significance -Genesis in particular? It would makeperfect sense ff you subscribed to that religion(were a religious jew), which you tell me you do not, but *absolutely no* sense when you tell me you do not subscribe to that religion? What does “ I am a Christian” (which of course you neither are not, nor*can*be) *mean* or involve ore require? What have documents relating to the religion Judaism to which you *do_ not* subscribe have to do with Christianity? *W-h-y* suppose the bible - the old testament of which pertains exclusively_ only* to Judaism to have anything whatsoever to do with Christianly which is in practice extinct)? It takes perfect sense for a Jew to suppose genesis to have special magic or authority, but is asininenonsense for a Hindu or likes-to imagine-he-is a christian which are different and discrete religions from Judaism to which they are *wholly_ unrelated* . Why not suppose the Bhagavad Git to be whatever “ the-word-of-god” is supposed to mean which is no different to supposing the document genesis which has as much to do with Christianity as does the Gita? Were you to tell me that of course you do not suppose *any*of the documents pertaining to religions to which you do not subscribe and that as far as you are concerned that particular regard here is no essential difference between the Gita and genesis; the former pertaining to Hinduism to which you do not subscribe and the latter*also* pertaining to a religion to which you *do_ not* subscribe and the latter pertaining to Judaism to which you no more subscribe than you do to Hinduism, that would address my point and question relating to it-thus no magic in genesis for Christians , or no more magic than there is in the Gita.. Fir enough There is Absolutely_No* essential difference between saying:” Notwithstanding that I am(or in any case like to *imagine*that I am) a christian I regard the Gita as “ the-word-of-god” and sating: “Notwithstanding that I am(or in any case like to *imagine*that I am) a christian I regard Genesis as the-word-of-god”, given that both Genesis and the Gita are documents pertaining to religions to which you do not subscribe. Thus the same thing mutatis mutandis can be said (they are “ the-word-of-god”) about both or either, there being *Absolutely_No* difference whatsoever between supposing one or the other to be whatever the idolatrous mumbo- jumbo” the-word-of-god-is supposed to mean. Do you take the point, or would I be better off addressing a dog?
@perrysorensen2747 5 ай бұрын
The @IsGenesisHistory channel offers incredible insight into the possibility of a young earth. Very good resources on that channel.
@mctxonline 5 ай бұрын
So was there old earth death before the fall when sin and death entered creation?
@benny-yj7pq 5 ай бұрын
There was sin in Eze 28, but Satan cannot die physical, only a spiritual death, the absence from God. The Adamic race is of the 6-day creation. We do not know, who inhabited the former world. The demons may come from there, creatures like them in heaven. I have seen 2 daemons, they looked like a human body, but with a head of an animal, Mr donkey and Mr tarnegol.
@user-wz6oi6lb9i 5 ай бұрын
I was told by an old man once that the world was 30 years old
@shiningstar6054 5 ай бұрын
Was he 30 years old?
@TheLadymiss22 5 ай бұрын
Mr Natural I presume.
@BeastisCooked 5 ай бұрын
1Kor 1:18 Die boodskap van die kruis van Christus is wel onsin vir dié wat verlore gaan, maar vir ons wat gered word, is dit die krag van God.
@get2theheart 5 ай бұрын
@neil6477 5 ай бұрын
That's what I love about Christianity - it's so full of compassion, tolerance and forgiveness. In other words, if you don't believe me, then you're screwed. You're going to hell for eternity. Such wonderful, kind, understanding and caring sentiments. But I suppose when you worship an old war God such as Jehovah, what can you expect?
@travispool2984 5 ай бұрын
It’s important for Christians to stop compromising the authority of the Bible just to make friends in the world. The Bible does give a testament to a young earth and to suggest otherwise is an attempt to pacify skeptics and agnostics. Is it the foundation of salvation? No…..but God says that all Christians are to give an account and be ready to defend our faith unapologetically. Remember…’s not our job to win arguments, it’s our job to win hearts. Plant the seeds that God has given us and allow Him to tend to His garden. Not everyone will enter into the presence of God, because of their pride or their love for evil or this world, but all have the invitation to enter into relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
@dannoland 5 ай бұрын
@travispool2984 Then based on the following Scriptures, do you believe that the earth does not move around the sun, but rather the sun revolves around the earth, as was believed by Christians from the first century until the time of Galileo, as the Bible appears to teach? (Earth does not move: 1 Samuel 2:8, 1 Chron 16:30, Ps 93:1, Ps 96:10, and Ps 104:5; Sun moves: Ps 19:4-6, Ps 104:19, Eccl. 1:5)
@travispool2984 5 ай бұрын
@@dannoland of course I believe that the earth revolves around the sun, but what people try to do is they try pigeon hole the Bible into one type of literary writing. And anyone who has spend longer than 10 min researching biblical text will understand that some of the Bible is literal, some is poetic, some is philosophical, some is prophetical and so on. And the burden of the reader is to study and understand what they are reading. The Bible is compiled of a collection of writings, and this doesn’t diminish its authority. If anything it actually reinforces it because of all of the writings validating it’s content over 1000s of years of separation.
@dannoland 5 ай бұрын
@@travispool2984 How is it that you can say "of course" the earth revolves around the sun. Christians were sure that was not true for centuries, and they had Bible verses that seemed to say that geocentricity was the truth. How is it that you can so confidently say otherwise. Are you relying at least a little bit on the teachings of Galileo and scientists? The Bible says one thing and science another. Aren't you following science? Are you doing it "to make friends in the world"?
@travispool2984 5 ай бұрын
@@dannoland No I’m not because science is not something that is created by mankind. Science is the process that God designed within His creation to point to His existence through His creation. Just because I am a Christian it doesn’t mean that I’ve thrown my brains in the garbage. Science has never disproven God. And it’s also important to understand that God has the authority over creation, not the other way around.
@clarkemcclymont2879 5 ай бұрын
💯 % 👍 Lennox is dangerous to the authority of scripture, the words of Genesis are either true or false.
@MultiAlphaZ 5 ай бұрын
It's an important question even though some here disrespect it's importance. It's important inasmuch as the answer to this question CAN 'open the door to' Atheist thinking. But according to the bible, the age of the Earth is about 6,000 years. I know some claim a 'gap theory' between Genesis 1:1 - 2 to verse 3. But Exodus chapter 20 clearly states that... " in SIX DAYS God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them". But John Lennox is always an interesting character to listen to, and very humble. And of course, in the great scheme of Scriptural Truth it doesn't matter; though in terms of creating an unnecessary argument of controversy at Genesis 1:1 - 3, of course then the door opens to all sorts of wacky ideas.... by both Atheist and Christian!
@Davidsavage8008 5 ай бұрын
The ambiguous nature of bible is reason for new understanding of who the fallen ones are divided into nations.
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