Red Dwarf TITAN - Reaction, Thoughts & Speculation

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Red Dwarf Nerd

Red Dwarf Nerd

6 ай бұрын

#reddwarf #reddwarftitan #reddwarfreborn
My Reaction, Thoughts & Speculation to the recently announced Red Dwarf Titan, which Rob Grant announced talking to the Radio Times
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@MrWeedWacky 6 ай бұрын
I would go with something new, but I'd be thinking about the original. But lets face it, we'll never leave the original cast and we know it!
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Brilliant! Just brilliant!!!
@MrWeedWacky 6 ай бұрын
@@RedDwarfNerd Thank you :) I really am a smeghead, a complete and total one.
@glyninmonsterland547 6 ай бұрын
I would start a prequel on The Oregon so we get to see the incident with the rabbits. We could see Hattie as Hilly going senile as the rabbits chew the wires. It could even be Rimmer's fault before he was transferred to Red Dwarf.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Now that's a fan fiction I like a lot! Brilliant thinking!
@richardfarrer5616 6 ай бұрын
"a little nibble here, a little nibble there, and the next thing you know we're flying backwards
@strataseeker2981 6 ай бұрын
Curious and mildly hopeful. As you pointed out, there's some basis for this in the novels, and the idea isn't bad. My big hope will be that when they inevitably upgrade the look to modern TV standards that they still try to keep more of the retro tech on hand: CRT monitors, triangular VHS tapes, gags like that.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I'd love to see all that kind of retro set dressing! The last thing we want is a Star Trek Discovery style of 'reimagining' where everything looks like it was made by imagination bypassed drones from apple and tesla! 🤣🤣
@CaptainBollocks.... 19 күн бұрын
Triangular VHS tapes?
@daxconnell7661 6 ай бұрын
Titan was where Lister picked up Frankenstein, the cat that would eventually evolve down to Cat. imagine if Danny played Dwayne Dibbley in the Titan series or some one like him, and then maybe through survival of some traumatic event he evolves into a more cool personality like Cat
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
that would be cool, the Promised Land did imply that The Cat was once uncool, so perhaps theres room for a bit of fun uncoolness!
@MrWeedWacky 4 ай бұрын
@@RedDwarfNerd It is also mentioned in S1 E4∙ "Waiting for God", The Cat priest mentions that only the sick, lame and stupid were left behind. And it comes out that Cats father was a "Jellybrain", and that explains why he chewed off his own foot.
@scottgarner1724 6 ай бұрын
Big no for me. Rob Grant jumped ship (and somehow evolved into Norris from Coronation street) so I cant understand why he would want to come back as the Dwarf carried on just fine without him.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I thin theres a lot more to the story of Rob leaving that we might never hear!
@scottgarner1724 6 ай бұрын
@@RedDwarfNerd So I've read/heard Rob Grant wanted to move on from Red Dwarf. In his own words "he wanted more than Red Dwarf on his Tombstone".
@smelkus 6 ай бұрын
If they Bring Danny John Jules back he could play an alternate version of Padre from Dimension jump
@terminateshere 6 ай бұрын
Having Danny in a sort-of-serious role could work if we're going down the comedy Kryten path. Especially as a padre role is one where age doesn't matter.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
That could work, the priest was a nice change of pace from DJJ!
@Monkofmagnesia 6 ай бұрын
No need for a prequel and, after watching Red Dwarf for so many years and enjoying the chemistry between the actors, I have no desire to see a new cast.
@ConkerTS 6 ай бұрын
Why not? A good comedy is always welcome, all the more so since modern comedies tend not to be funny at all. And however good or bad this might turn out to be, it won't alter the original series at all, so if this is bad we can just ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. Though going by current trends, I doubt it will be much good, and instead might sacrifice any quality and real humour, and end up just being a preachy, virtue signaling drivel, propaganda vehicle, at least if the BBC have a say in it. Today is a terrible time for modern 'entertainment'.
@another3997 6 ай бұрын
​@@ConkerTSPersonally, I think it's a terrible idea, but then I watched the originals when they were first broadcast. Younger audiences, who maybe have only seen the more recent series, may well feel differently. As for your comments about preachy propaganda etc... times have changed, and maybe you, along with many others, haven't changed with them. I'm not a fan of the BBC per se, but they and others have done some really hard hitting, thought provoking drama and some great comedy. But, whether we like it or not, what people used to enjoy watching 20 years ago, doesn't always resonate with modern audiences. So things just age badly.
@ConkerTS 6 ай бұрын
​@@another3997 ".". Ah, a reason-free insult to someone who prefers quality over something that's weakened by pointless propaganda, and dares to say so - is that really the best you could come up with in your attempt to virtue signal and silence a (perfectly justified, look at the evidence of the last Indiana Jones movie, or what Woke-ism over story has done to the Marvel Movie Universe) point that you don't want to acknowledge? Please let me explain a few facts here: 1. You are a bigot. You automatically assume that because I complain about something that you don't agree with (or more likely, that you don't want to recognize as being factually accurate), that I must be driven by mindless hatred. And then you insult me on that basis, because it makes you feel better to deny what you don't want to agree with, and you think it makes you look good to put down someone who you choose to describe as being somehow at fault, even though the evidence (most notably in the drop in viewing figures when a franchise employees unneeded or misjudged political correctness and it then to a large degree harms the quality of a franchise) supports me in my assessment. 2. I have been a big fan of Doctor Who since the late 1970s (I was born in 1970), and I have stuck with it through the ups and downs, even through the Sixth Doctor years (where Colin Baker was fantastic, but the stories were never better than below average at absolute best) and the seventh Doctor's tenure (which did include some fantastic stories, along with the awful ones, even with his dodgy acting), and even through the terrible first Jodie Whittaker season, but then the writing put me off too much . I mean, her Rosa Parks episode, for example, should have been brilliant, but the writing was terrible, with it's message all white men were racist (aside from Grahame, who had the advantage of travelling with the so influential Doctor, who was naturally unbiased because she was a women (c) BBC unofficial rules), including the episode's alien/time traveller/whatever villain (to be fair, it's the BBC, so of course the villain was a white male), the fact that the episode has an alien/time traveller/whatever villain at all, when instead it should just have been about Rosa Parks and the civil Rights movement and the countless (and often literally fatal) legal and illegal problems that blacks (well, all non-whites really, but the PC brigade never seem to bother about the prejudices that Asians and other non-white people suffer, presumably there's no PC street cred in standing up for, say, Native Americans who suffer abuse) had/still have to tolerate in the USA. It could have been a superb episode, very educational to those who have never heard of Rosa Parks before. But the BBC didn't give it to a good writer (or if they did, then the BBC utterly ruined it in later edits), and just had to put in a white male villain from the future, to underline how bad white men are, because the BBC loves to prioritizes unproductive PC over actual quality, at least with Doctor Who - I haven't watch anything else from the BBC for years, so I don't know how other programs fare now. And then the latest episode (the first of the new series) of Doctor Who finally came out, and it couldn't be more propaganda-focused. And the way it ruined the episode is hard to put into words. And many true fans (who bigots like you would delight in dishonesty calling 'bigots' - oh the irony) were so disappointed that have decided to boycott the show from now on. This is their right, but to hateful people like you, Red Dwarf Nerd, their actions are no doubt wrong, and driven purely by their hatred of transspeople because they refused to overlook the Grand Canyon sized drop in quality and also because they refused to sycophantically pretend to love the program as they should (at least to people like you) when it is PC and so nothing else about it matters. 3. The propaganda (which it was, albeit propaganda intended to make a good and legitimate point, that transsexuals' are people too, they feel pain just like everyone else, and deserve the same respect as everyone else is deserving of) in that new Doctor Who episode was both pointless and very badly written. Not that either of those points bothers the extreme politically correct people, who see any PC content at all as somehow automatically making something a hundred times better. But the PC message, which drowned out anything else good in the program, was unnecessary for most of us, who understand that transsexuals' are like us except in one way that doesn't effect (or need concern) anyone else, just like we understand that people who have red hair, or green eyes, or who are in a wheel chair, or are left handed, are just like most of us, except for one specific attribute or other that doesn't effect that person's morality or otherwise give cause for us to be wary or distrustful of that person. Yes, there are mindless bigot who think otherwise, and see transsexuals as weird, or dangerous, or even as targets to be harrased or even physically assaulted, but how many of those people do you think even watch Doctor Who in the first place? I don't know that, but I am quite certain that not one braindead bigot will watch that episode of Doctor Who (or even a billion other episodes) and will then think "". It was just pointless. This episode was utterly ruined, at times it didn't even feel like Doctor Who, even fan favourites the tenth Doctor and Donna couldn't save it. And of course, since it was the BBC, the episode included the obligatory anti-male bias - such as when Donna said (I can't remember her exact words) to the Doctor "It's a pity you're not still a woman. If you were still a woman, then you would understand"". If the genders had been reversed, then your fellow bigots, sorry your fellow politically correct angels, Red Dwarf Nerd, would have complained all over the internet about the sexism, but since it's against men then no politically correct self proclaimed egalitarian thought it even worth mentioning. 4. The actual point of the propaganda is NOT the issue. It's the fact that the propaganda we see now so often ruins the quality of the story, regardless of the subject of the PC message. It could be something that the majority of us care about (transsexual rights, gay rights, women's rights, the environment, animal rights etc), or something that only some of us care about (making more software open source, making the government do more to encourage people to take up cycling instead of cars, get the food industry to use more sugar substitutes instead of real sugar, etc), and if it's ladled on to the extend of harming the story then that is going to please no one who cares about the actual quality of the movie or TV show. 5. The only people likely to be impressed by your virtue signaling and your insulting someone who judges quality by quality instead of mindlessly supporting misjudges political correctness, are not worth impressing. 6. I CANNOT understand how it is that you don't seem to see the hypocrisy in your (a) claiming to be concerned about the quality of a TV program, then (b) insulting someone who does nothing more than point out the FACT that something (in this case overt political correctness) is objectively reducing the quality of so many franchises. You didn't even try to reason with me (I know, it's ridiculous to imagine that a virtue signaling hypocrite like you would be capable of objective reason, especially when instead you can just mindlessly insult that person instead) or use any evidence (which, to be fair, is all in my favour) to disprove my point. You don't even have the virtue of seeming stupid, at least if you were stupid then it might be that you had been indoctrinated to see all PC as good regardless of how it harms something. Instead I can only assume that you are as hypocritical and bigoted as you really seem to be. And therefore beyond reason. And people like you are supporting the lowering of quality in TV and movies, with your blind "", or to put it more simply, your attitude reduces to "." Anyway, feel free to post any drivel you like in response to this, safe in the knowledge that I won't be replying to it, or even reading it. Or visiting your channel again. A pity, as I like talking about Red Dwarf, but not to someone like you.
@SpyroTek 6 ай бұрын
The best thing about it is you don’t have to watch it.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
It's difficult to argue with that, the OG cast are just so darn perfect! But I'm looking forward to seeing how this comes out!
@harrydbastard 6 ай бұрын
Recasting very rarely works, I'd rather have a game or book but we'll see.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, Red Dwarf is due a decent game!
@smelkus 6 ай бұрын
I'm sure they mention Krytens manufacture year before Back in the red in Terrorform when he is damaged and we see his damage report on screen his year of manufacture is written in the report
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Terraform only confirms that his last software update was copyrighted 2340, but that doesn't mean he couldn't have been manufactured far earlier.
@Zobbster 6 ай бұрын
It's been a few decades since I read the books, but they still leave such a mark on me to this day. Really enjoyed your thoughts on all the possibilities, I'm going to keep my fingers crossed on a return to form with a new cast, it could potentially bring a whole new generation of fans to the boys from the Dwarf!
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, the books, especially Infinity welcomes, Better than Life, and Backwards really do last in the mind! I would love a show that really feels like the book universe!
@NoFormalTraining 6 ай бұрын
I can kind of see how having the OG cast show up as cameos might work, what with stasis leaks, teleporter tech that accidentally let them time travel. There could be fun with the Inquisitor making very brief cameos maybe in the background as part of his judgement. Cat and Kryten could even show up via time travel by accident, encounter young Rimmer with Cat not quite getting who it is until Kryten explains it's a young, pre accident Rimmer. "Did he always look like that?" Rimmer might be suffering a head injury which causes him to think it's a dream or delusion, maybe Lister accidentally fed him those hallocinegic mushrooms again so he forgets it all, or tries to. Maybe he could meet future Rimmer who wonders "Did I always look like that?" and young Rimmer wonders "Will I end up looking like that?" Even the future crew where Lister was a 'brain in the jar' could show up, with both young Lister and Rimmer saying "Will I end up looking like that?" Not too sure about having our Kryten in, if this is just one universe to the side, then any version of Kryten showing up might just be a younger "brother". Then there's the whole ignoring of series 7 continuity onwards. Some things pretty much need to be set in stone, like Lister being his own dad. As for the likes of Rimmers family, well, the big reveal that Rimmer senior is not Rimmers dad and that Howard was every bit the secret failure as Arnold kind of hints that at the least Arnold and Howard might be full brothers. Maybe all four of the Rimmer siblings might be the sons of their mother and their gardener. But we don't need to see that get played out as such right now, just stick to the original premises before the later revelation and keep building on that, with even worse tales of the torture young Arnold had to endure. Maybe even meet one of his other brothers who acts very much like we'd expect them to do.
@smelkus 6 ай бұрын
If he disgards everything from season 7 onwards we could have an alternate conclusion to Out of time so we would have two conclusions Tikka to ride and a new one
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
An inquisitor cameo could be brilliant! perhaps have him in the background putting pace trash on trial! :-)
@Drredwhodwarf 6 ай бұрын
I didn't know we had any crunchy king prawn left🐛. I am happy to have a prequel but more new specials is what we need and more merch. Great content thank you.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Cheers! more specials would also be brilliant! I'm hoping now theres some Red Dwarf momentum the next special will be along soon!
@otakarkuby3926 6 ай бұрын
Id absoulty defo want to see the novels written even if the show stalls.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I'm sure there'll be novels, I just hope for a chris barrie audiobook version as well!
@Shroganor 6 ай бұрын
I'm excited, but nervous.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I'm not nervous as such, if its good then that's brilliant - if not, then at least they tried!
@Libi_se_mi_ritni_pach 4 ай бұрын
I'm actually super excited for it :D CAN'T WAIT ARGHHH
@user-et6pj4db9s 6 ай бұрын
I don't think it's going to work really, I think they've already been spreading red dwarf too thinly and I want to see the show know when to stop which is what good shows do, not just keep dragging on and on, I'm also not very clear on "to the side" because if it's in another universe then it's not our characters it's two other characters and what's more characters that can't be played by Craig and Chris anyway but there's zero reason to have Kryten involved just for the sake of it, I think his character tended to overtake the show in the end, having just alternative lister and Rimmer is a plus if there is one.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I'm quietly optimistic, I'm thinking that the novels are so good, that an alternative universe Dwarf could work just fine
@jeremyjasiak 6 ай бұрын
Look I'll never say no to more Red Dwarf. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried, but it has the potential to be fantastic.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, sky high positive potential... and verry deep negative potential!
@The_Lost_Subrosian 6 ай бұрын
To Ganymede and Titan, yes sir I've been around..
@marksims3904 6 ай бұрын
But there's no place, in the whole of space...............
@davidwuhrer6704 6 ай бұрын
Lunar City Seven
@marksims3904 6 ай бұрын
@@davidwuhrer6704 my idea of heaven
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Perry N'Kwomo's album Nice 'n' Nauseating!
@marksims3904 6 ай бұрын
@@RedDwarfNerd Think it's in the first novel when one of his songs comes on, it's smoochin' time. And Lister is sat at the bar all alone. It's the "Pretentious, watashi?" bit with Kochanski.
@MoreRubberyThanTurgid 6 ай бұрын
Except that it’s in Rob-era canon that they meet Kryten in the crashed Nova 5, and none of them recognise him, so he can’t be on Titan pre-Episode 1. It’s immaterial that he only quotes his year of manufacture in Doug era Dwarf. You could, though, have the same model/series mech as Kryten in the new show as the comic relief you’re talking about (and possibly played by Llewellyn).
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Unless in the Titan show Kryten is so new that he's not been given a name yet.
@paulthompson1271 6 ай бұрын
The original cast could be background cast trying to push the new cast down the correct timeline, making sure the future happens.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, like some sort of guiding hands, or like that really clever Deep Space 9 episode where they put the DS9 cast in an old Kirk era episode, like they'd been there the whole time!
@w8m4n 6 ай бұрын
Damn, slightly anxious as to what they're going to do with RD. I'm sure it'll be entertaining. Also, I saw you on an advert here on KZfaq a while back! I was like "oh shit, it's Dan!!" Nice 👍
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Ha! That's the day job making videos! Fortunately I've never had one of my customers videos pop up on my feed, I think it would freak me out a bit! 😂😂😂
@Destro7000 6 ай бұрын
We don't need them to make more Red Dwarf. It's like Farscape, a practically perfect show, un-ruined, if they add more, especially in the woke SJW era, they'll destroy it. None of the filmmakers of popular projects understand "Stop while you're ahead.".
@darkjapan 6 ай бұрын
The original series was pretty "woke" mate...
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I dont know, as it's a spin off and not strictly more of the original shows run, I think it can get away with alot!
@jacobleetaylor 6 ай бұрын
If it’s a new cast, new timeline and new writer then it’s dwarf in name only, it’s like when ‘black sabbath’ when there was no original members left
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, or that new version of van halen with no member of the van halens in it!
@johnhawthorne4716 6 ай бұрын
Glad of the new material Lots of good ideas But capturing lightning in a bottle twice very tricky
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Very true, but I'm just glad that there at least trying!
@Meritania 6 ай бұрын
I mean as a total immersion video game, it’s perfectly fine to have different players as the characters. Maybe this time Lister will get Kachanzski and jumpstart the second big bang using the jump leads from Starbug and maybe Rimmer will learn… something… anything…
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Ha, yeah, the show doesn't seem to mind characters suddenly changing face! Just look at Kryten, Holly & Kochanski!!!
@eggfriday111 6 ай бұрын
I don't know about this... they have done it with other programs before and it is always an instant flop, and if the BBC have anything to do with the cast, then there will be a lot of Box Ticking involved
@emceedoctorb3022 6 ай бұрын
This. Show me a reboot/reimagining/prequel made in the last few years that hasn’t been utter and total dogshit. At least he hasn’t used the phrase that definitely shows it is to be avoided like weaponised syphilis. “we are reimagining it for a modern audience”. Yet.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, lets hope this is just about characters and comedy, not sharing a 'message
@Martyn2021 6 ай бұрын
What this sounds like its infinity welcomes careful drivers which is the first novel which gives us rimmers and listers first meeting as Lister is a cab driver. And they have always their own continuity anyway. So I looking forward to whatever happens, Red Dwarf is always had a Multiverse
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I don't think the first novels being an influence is any bad thing, there so darn good! It'll be great if Titan has a feel like the novels!
@Snaffdude 6 ай бұрын
Nobody asked for this Red Dwarfs charm isn't in it's canon or storyline. It's the writing, characters and chemistry of the actors... Really not sure about this one
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
If the casting is right, all will be well... if not...
@CulturePhilter 6 ай бұрын
Like the new video set. 👍 I’m interested in the “one universe to the side” comment. Be good if they acknowledge it onscreen too, the Red Dwarf multi-verse. If the original cast DO guest it could be prime universe versions crossing over dimensions.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Cheers, I'm enjoying the brighter looking set! :-) Yeah, it could be a little like the episode Parallel Universe, with the female crew existing alongside the male one.
@djstumpy7399 6 ай бұрын
I'm quite curious as to how this will work. Setting it one universe to the side certainty means they dont have to address that in the book lister and rimmer dont meet until on Titan. Though for myself seeing how lister ended, there might be ,of more interest. I dunno i think I'll need to give it a chance.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I think in the TV show, in Marooned, Lister saying about "planet leave, Miranda, that space bar the Hacienda" this could be used to imply they met on or just before Miranda, then the ship headed back towards Titan.
@mallockarcher 6 ай бұрын
The continuity in Red Dwarf has never really been something they've bothered themselves about too much. Just look at Kochanski, they'd barely spoken originally and later on they had dated. From about series 3 or maybe 4 it appears as though the series is based on the books backstory instead of series 1 and 2.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I think the books had a big behind the scenes influence on the show, I guess because books have unlimited scope and budget! :-)
@DarthRushy 3 ай бұрын
I'm reading the books for the first time, so with that in mind, I think there's enough there to make another show. But my main concern is whether Rob still has the creativity to pull it off (having been out of the industry for decades now). Doug settled Dwarf comfortably back into its roots and I feel like at its age, that's where the franchise is best suited until/if new younger creatives take over. And to be blunt, when the cast we already care about can no longer hack it.
@danjones1710 6 ай бұрын
Great vid man! So glad your back. Personally excited for the show. It will absolutely mess with our beloved show, but I still think it will be good. And hopefully it lights a fire under Dougs bum to get going on his stuff. :-)
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I'm not really worried about it messing with the show, as its a spinoff not a reboot, so anything that happens which we dont like can be hand waved away as just being 'one universe to the side' and not having an effect on the prime timeline!
@patrickhawthorneLS 6 ай бұрын
A good red dwarf episode could consist of 2 indifferent or clashing personalities in a single room full of dilemma and angst for the situational placement of where they find themself,plenty of room for character building with a sci-fi twist,emotion and comedy Red dwarf was much like other 70-80s British sitcom tv like porridge,only fools and so on A new cast and a fresh set of ideas eith the same theme would work fine as long as it sticks to the tropes that are tried and trusted
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I get what your saying, and I have some hope that 'porridge in space' is what we might get once again, as Rob Grant spoke about that porridge vibe in the quarantine commentaries, so lets hope for the best!
@rxblx2442 6 ай бұрын
The problem with prequels is that writers always try to create an entirely new and lengthy history for the established characters, which makes the original stories feel awkward, as if the characters have amnesia about their past. Not everyone always has to have known everyone all along. That's boring. I'm looking at you Star Wars: Episode 1. In my opinion, the only way to win here is to have entirely new characters who's actions inadvertently affect the OG crew later on, and who shine via great writing. Bring in the OG crew with clever and unexpected cameos. Make THAT the joke. And of course, people will go "Forget this new garbage! Give me more of the original cast!" Sure. If possible let's have more classic Red Dwarf! In fact, write further Red Dwarf while considering the prequel story lines and have them intersect in a planned way. Also, people are sleeping on Series X. While not every episode is a gem, some of the best RD jokes ever were there and the set is awesome.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, perhaps they'll take the casting in a completely new direction and have it that in this universe Lister and Rimmer are very different people, perhaps rimmer is the slob and lister is the OCD one, something like that?
@ickletoonies 6 ай бұрын
I think I'd honestly prefer them to do this than bring out another series of red dwarf. I didn't like the way RD was heading, it was becoming really silly and slapstick but this could be really good and it's not like they're just starting again and forgetting all the old shows. I'm looking forward to it
@user-et6pj4db9s 6 ай бұрын
Red dwarf needs to end in itself really, an alternative time line is kind of odd to be doing when you've already got the main canon, it's like marvels what if series, nobody cares about the side show when we've just watched the main feature.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I've never had a big problem wit the silliness, where I struggled was them changing important character points - like Rimmer not really being the son of an over achieving upper-class guy. But as long as Titan is treated as a spin off and not a reboot, then I think it'll be okay, as it can't really impact any established canon.
@user-et6pj4db9s 6 ай бұрын
@@RedDwarfNerd the trouble is if it can't impact any established canon then why am I watching it? This is being done cos Rob Grant and Doug Naylor don't get along and Rob and Doug have been releasing their own versions of red dwarf for years through books etc and it gets too much. Im only interested in one canon and that's the main one. This isn't even a spin off it's supposedly a different time line altogether so it's the same as marvels what if series, why do I care with side shows? I personally don't.
@whitehuayra 6 ай бұрын
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
yep! :-)
@richardfarrer5616 6 ай бұрын
Well, I would go with a new cast... but I'd be thinking of Craig Charles and Chris Barrie.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
They'll never leave the prime universe and we know it! 😂
@otakarkuby3926 6 ай бұрын
I prefer to think continuity, in my minds Red Dwarf. But watching all of Red Dwarf and reading the books, it would be easy to think that diferant series slip over to slightly alternate realities. Even within series alternate realities are very much part of the story. Its the characters that made the show both writing and portrayal. If they cant get that dynamic, then it will go the way of Red Dwarf U.S. which is a perticular dimension I dont want to see soon.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
yeah, the 'each series is its own reality' argument is a popular one. I also like to think that as they once broke lightspeed, the rules of normal reality will never quite apply to the dwarfers!
@LoneGuardian 5 ай бұрын
How much did Legacy Wills offer you to do the advert? 😆
@wyattlive83 6 ай бұрын
More red dwarf is awesome
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
@wyattlive83 6 ай бұрын
@RedDwarfNerd time travel episode's where they go back to each season and make sight changes to solve a problem in the current day. This stuff writes itself!
@JohnDoe-vy6ju 6 ай бұрын
For me, the enduring lesson of both Series 7 and the USA pilot, is that it's just not Red Dwarf without Rimmer, and it's just not Rimmer without Chris Barrie. Not everything needs a reboot or a prequel, and in fact most things do not. Rob Grant's got a clever science fiction mind and I think he could -- and should -- do a lot with his vision of Titan as the armpit of the solar system. Just don't necessarily think he should artificially limit himself by trying to fit it in the Red Dwarf box with cameos or nods to continuity (after all, one of Red Dwarf's charms has always been never letting continuity get in the way of a hilarious gag). And if he's got another Red Dwarf novel or two in him I'd be happy to read them.
@leopold7562 6 ай бұрын
Hmm... I'm always nervous about reboots of my favourite shows, it almost never works out well. The Dave episodes of RD were a bit hit and miss (although mostly better than S8, which was dreadful), but they did a good enough job that I could maybe, possibly afford to get my hopes up for this. Anyway, all that aside, I don't think Rob needs to go "a universe to the side" as the back story for the characters in this one should stand up well enough. Titan is a damn good shout for a setting, especially since that's where Frankenstein came from (I think Mimas was a bit of a red herring, since that Dave Lister was from an alternate reality and we can ignore it). I like the idea of DJJ selling Frankie to Lister, and maybe we could introduce a new infinite loop and have him as the actual Cat, coming back from the future, to make sure that Lister actually buys her. Also, Kryten is a Series 4000 mechanoid. There's already a 3000 series established in the Grant/Naylor canon (wasn't popular as it looked too human), so there's no reason the past Kryten couldn't be a 3000 series. That would account for the gang not recognising Kryten on the Nova-5, as he'd have post-dated the accident and therefore they wouldn't have known about that particular model. And what if he turned out to be the Kryten that was replaced by our beloved Kryten, that might be a good link. Or possibly corny. I don't care, I can do corny! Of course, with the prosthetics, there's no reason that RL couldn't play him all over again, and if he is a Series 3000, he could've been configured to look older. The hardest part is going to be getting a cast that can believably be the young versions of Rimmer and Lister AND have that chemistry that CC and CB had. That's one tough ask. I wonder what Dick and Dom are doing these days?
@user-et6pj4db9s 6 ай бұрын
Series 8 was no worse than anything on Dave, the show started declining after series 6 really in that Robert Llewelyn's mugging and overacting starts becoming more annoying and the characters in general are dumbed down and full of cheap slapstick which the Dave channel only encourages cos it's a channel for meat heads who don't like anything too challenging. They'll never get it better than series 6, that was where dwarf should've stopped. The rest has just been limping on ever since with poorer and poorer returns and Craig Charles needs to lose weight or change costume cos he is not pulling off that leather look anymore he looks terrible.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
yeah, there's a lot of ways the story and the characters could go, but its all going to come down to three things: casting, casting & casting!
@Someone.southafrica 2 ай бұрын
I recently had an odd idea, across series 3 star-bug 1 crashes, sinks and so many other factors, why is this?
@ncshuriken 4 ай бұрын
A prequel will not do... I must have my original crew!!
@onlineamiga 6 ай бұрын
Most so called Red Dwarf fans hate everything after series 6, so they're probably on a losing battle with this one. Still I will be interesting and I'll enjoy it for what it is!
@eggfriday111 6 ай бұрын
I will say that it's true that it did go downhill after season 6
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Perhaps the post series 6 hate is the very reason for going backwards timewise?
@alastairoxby8037 6 ай бұрын
If this comes out, I will give it a chance, but I'm not holding my breath.
@oddjob7821 6 ай бұрын
Me Neither. These things never seem to turn out well.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I guess the first HUGH hurdle is actually getting this off the drawing board!
@PiousMoltar 6 ай бұрын
"We need to consider canon really carefully here" Bro it's Red Dwarf, there is no canon. Wait the last few seasons are the ones being disregarded? Oh hell no. Those are the best ones.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Red dwarf has some canon... its just buried down deep 🤣🤣🤣
@GarfyUK 6 ай бұрын
I wonder if the first episode will be called The Beginning
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Series 10 Episode 6 is already named 'The Beginning', but I suppose Rob Grant could call it 'The Start'
@AlmightyCRJ 6 ай бұрын
Perhaps we can see what happened to George Mcintyre.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Oh yeah, I keep meaning to make a video called 'Hologram McIntyre, the forgotten radiation leak survivor'!
@tankosaurus 6 ай бұрын
I think it'll be near impossible to find actors to play Dave and Arnold...
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
it'll certainly be very tough! they'll either have to scour the land for 2 guys who are brilliant mimics, or take the characters in slightly different directions
@Noobie_GACHA 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for using my comment as an example 😂
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Any time! 😂😂😂👍👍👍
@Noobie_GACHA 6 ай бұрын
@@RedDwarfNerd THANKSSSS. I love your videos and I do some Red dwarf vids too
@TheLeccY 6 ай бұрын
Anything written by Rob or Doug I am in to give it a watch 😊
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Totally, good or bad, it'll be worth seeing!
@EvieDoesYouTube 6 ай бұрын
But Titan was already in the show, along with Kit and Custer.
@alexjdownes 6 ай бұрын
As long as the Dr who crew don't get their hands on it and it's good that's fine.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
ha! too true!
@billybollockhead5628 6 ай бұрын
I just hope it's Rob Grant writing, and not Doug Naylor - who has proved himself to be a bit shit. Or maybe they're BOTH shit on their own... And both need each other for their writing to not be awful. The Ying helps the Yang...
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I think both have their strengths, but having read all the books, I have high hopes that Rob could do a good job!
@edonslow1456 6 ай бұрын
This should have been done decades ago if you ask me. The original series kind of gave up on some really interesting themes that were core to the show in favour of (admittedly great) sci-fi. Namely the exploration of social class and background, and how they do and don't shape people. There were themes of loneliness and lost dreams in there too. The early series had a human story to tell. Then after probably season 7 or 8 it became a bit of a parody of itself, and just kept rehashing the same old jokes. I just feel like it could have been so much more if they didn't pander to cultism.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I think there is some great potential here to explore forgotten threads and stories! I'd really like to see more of the original backstory of Lister and Rimmer, where there from, there families, etc.
@MrJ.Smith1234 6 ай бұрын
All it needs is the wright comedic actors and it will be a hit and as memorable as red dwarf. If not then the slime isn't coming home on this one 😄😄
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
yeah, casting casting casting!
@lukes790 6 ай бұрын
I’d rather new characters, you can never replace or replicate the original cast in this show. There’s plenty of other goofballs already in the red dwarf universe for us to meet.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
That's true, but I think Rob Grant said a while back that both he and Doug have the rights to a spin off, so perhaps Doug Naylor will make a show with fun side characters?
@inspector2363 6 ай бұрын
A prequel can only ruin Red Dwarf's seamless & water tight continuity.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Ha, yeah, what could go wrong! 🙂
@CaptainBollocks.... 19 күн бұрын
If th3y go this route, I guess we're not gonna get more series after The Promised Land?
@Electrodoc1968 6 ай бұрын
Oh no.! Purple bulb ready for insertion and a freshly filled bottle of Lithium carbonate on standby sirs.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Don't forget the Chinese worry balls, I think we're going to need s few sets of those! :-)
@Electrodoc1968 6 ай бұрын
I've been using a pair of bowling balls as worry balls since hearing this new concept for the script (About 4 days ago) and each one are already down to the size of "Bindi Badgie of the Vinalooin empires" eyeball (AKA Krytens eyeball) @@RedDwarfNerd
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
@@Electrodoc1968 Blimey! "Grind those balls sir!"
@Hagzorz 6 ай бұрын
I am feeling ambivalent about this, I'm pleased but also concerned it won't feel the same at all with new cast (e.g. Rock and Chips was a similar thing for OFAH) Also, is it you that keeps trying to sell me a will in ads? 😂
@darkjapan 6 ай бұрын
I would love to see more of the RD Universe. But, much respect to Mr Grant, I dont want to see a new cast playing those characters. If its a different universe why not have totally new characters! They can be similar to the original crew!
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Perhaps he'll surprise us and the characters will be completely different and fresh?!
@threetythreepercent 6 ай бұрын
An adaptation of the first two novels could be amazing.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Agreed! and I'd love to see the Backwards novel included as well!
@Thrakus 4 ай бұрын
Is this all due to the red dwarf lawsuit over rights? There was to be a new season with the old cast before the red dwarf lawsuit.
@cjlister8508 Ай бұрын
Although Id love to see this, I dont think a TV show will get made. I imagine it will just be a novel. And thats fine by me, I love the books. Prefer them to show in some ways. Would be great if Chris Barrie could do the audio book again, he's the best one at doing them.
@kosh6612 6 ай бұрын
I think I have PTSD form too many shockingly bad reboots and sequels. That said, the ideas you speculate sound like they would make for a great series. We can live in hope
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Totally! Star Trek's recent poor efforts in particular have me very sceptical! But as you say, lets live in hope!
@kosh6612 6 ай бұрын
@@RedDwarfNerd In thinking about it, I amsuer he looked at the Kelvin Timeline, which I hated at first, but the upshot is that it distinctly separates the universes, and unlike Star Wars does not upset established fan and cannon as much. eg rewe still talka bout Trek, but mentally partition the Kelvin content... and that's a good thing, as it doesn't exit lol. Funny... had the Big Red on loop for the last week in the background
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
@@kosh6612 I wasn't really thinking of the Kelvin trek, tbh I don't hate the Kelvin stuff, mostly just the recent discovery and strange new world's 'Re-imaginings'
@kosh6612 6 ай бұрын
@@RedDwarfNerdI refer to it only as a convenient way to sidestep established 'cannon', while also partitioning old/new content . Eg Disney Star Wars has impacted the original movies, yet while they made similar changes in Trek.. it didn't interfere with the original series. That could work well for the big red one. But the real question... the important question, the one we all want an answer to... (scroll down) would you like some toast?
@TheRadioAteMyTV 6 ай бұрын
@@RedDwarfNerd Don't forget the total desecration of Dr. Who. No show is safe right now - the good news is most people have already decided that all the "new" stuff doesn't actually exist. Star War has 6 movies, Indiana Jones has 3, End Game really was the end ,and so on. If you do that. then your favourite shows keep their earned efforts and all that other stuff is just like the 1950s and 1960s Dracula's Son, Son of Frankenstein, and all the other completely forgotten destructive versions of great IPs to use a modern term with class concepts.
@jamescanton 2 ай бұрын
Personally I would sooner watch a film or 2 or 3 based on the novels IWCD and BTL. While some of it is a redo of the show there’s enough new stuff there to explore which would be great. That said though - I’ll never turn down whatever they bring out.
@shortlys 6 ай бұрын
I like the sound of this.... sending good vibes for some new epic Dwarf!
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I certainly hope so! I hope this is made asap!
@BadgerOff32 6 ай бұрын
I'm EXTREMELY apprehensive about the potential of a reboot. Modern TV and film hasn't exactly got a great track record when it comes to rebooting old franchises. There's a very high chance that this show could turn out to be an absolute pile of crap.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Very true! some of the recent stuff (I'm looking at you Star trek!) has been awful. But I think that a lot of the issues stem from shows being made by a huge committee of writers and producers, all putting there 10p worth in and ruining things! Lets hope Rob can keep this small and undiluted by corporate plonkers!
@jaargent 6 ай бұрын
7-9 I always thought was dreadful. Hopefully this would be at least better than that.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I've soe moments from 7-9 that I like, but as a whole they don't stand up to the original 1-6 series!
@Sperminski 6 ай бұрын
Meh, what is the argument for not continuing with og actors?
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Just the timeframe and ideal ages. Plus, tbh, I think that Craig and Robert are too busy for to take on a full show.
@ronniemcnuggit9718 5 ай бұрын
Im excited for anything new Red Dwarf, but its still the old creators. We need new show runners to keep Red Dwarf alive, similar to Doctor Who. RD NEEDS new blood
@FreihEitner 6 ай бұрын
Reboots rarely work out well. Red Dwarf, for me, was always just kind of so-so -- much of the humor was too cheap but it had a good premise and there were great moments (Lister teaching Kryten how to lie comes to mind). Series X was Red Dwarf at it's best, in my opinion.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Series X was interesting, because it went along way to move away from what was wrong with S7-9, and some of it was brilliant, but there were many issues as well. Whereas Series 2, 4 and 5 are about perfect in my book!
@fallenikon 6 ай бұрын
Tom Holland as Rimmer! Lol
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Goodness no! we want people who can act! 🤣🤣🤣
@RetrodudeG 6 ай бұрын
That’s smegtastic hopefully!
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Let hope this gets made!
@RichardDzien 6 ай бұрын
I thought half the point of Red Dwarf canon is that it makes no sense and has no continuity anyway?
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Thats kinda true, and there is comedy that comes from that ignoring of canon, bit it needs some grounding to stop it being all over the place!
@RobertBlake-zd4cs 6 ай бұрын
Can you trust the BBC or whoever not to woke the hell out of this ?
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Ha, that is a fair concern! Hopefully with Dwarfs diverse cast it may get left alone
@nocontextwhatever 6 ай бұрын
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
@raphalelister816 6 ай бұрын
I think tumblr is gonna love this. Rimster wise.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Ha, what could go wrong?! :-)
@raphalelister816 6 ай бұрын
@@RedDwarfNerd dude, have you even seen the red dwarf fandom on tumblr?
@matthewrobinson5221 6 ай бұрын
If you can't have Cat why not Dwayne Dibley
@smelkus 6 ай бұрын
Because Dwane Dible is an alternate personality of the cat so you couldn't have him without the cat just like you couldn't have Tyler Durden without Edward Nortons character in Fight Club
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Dwane himself throws up the same continuity issues, but that's not t say DJJ can't make an appearance as an equally dorky character with the big teeth and bad hair! :-)
@ekspatriat 6 ай бұрын
It will be a crock of crap.....Leave it..I got Only fools and horses also....leave it for gods sake
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
That's a fair point, a lot of people are apprehensive on this one!
@morticaismith 6 ай бұрын
Red dwaft is "bad" thats good money is better i guess?
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
We'll just have t wait and see i suppose.
@RetroProg 6 ай бұрын
Oh gods no. We've seen pretty much every major franchise diluted or destroyed in the last 10 years, do we really want to see some box ticking monstrosity dribbled out of the BBCs rectal passage?? Novel, yes please. A series with a new cast will flop. its unfair on whomever they cast as they're going to be compared to the extraordinary chemistry of the OG cast which is really lightning in a bottle stuff and if you get it wrong, may I present the US pilot as exhibit A. I have enough Red Dwarf TV.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I'm trying not to see this as a full reboot, more as just a spin off which simply wont be able to ruin established canon, as it's in its own reality/universe.
@TheCrazyMoparDude68 6 ай бұрын
Sounds like a complete dumpster fire to me. What made RD great was the cast and the chemistry they had. There is now way to recast that kind of chemistry. Just leave it alone and let us enjoy the reruns.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I agree that cast and chemistry are vital, but I'm willing to give them a shot at finding some great actors for the role
@vodgrye 6 ай бұрын
Just no. The failure rate of these reboots and prequels say this is going to be garbage
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
That's a little harsh... but then looking at the trash coming out of the star trek franchise right now, it's hard to argue against you!
@thehappywerewolf 6 ай бұрын
There are only 7.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Thats fair, many people make a cut off at series 6 or 7, but I try to be accepting of the good and bad in all the output
@chriswagg1354 6 ай бұрын
Hmmmm I'm not keen on this at all, why not create a new show entirely. I struggle with the idea of anyone else playimng our beloved characters, I feel it is a tall order. Hope I am wrong but I suspect I'm not
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I guess there just out of choices this late in the game, the OC actors are all getting on, so there's just no choice but to start afresh!
@chriswagg1354 6 ай бұрын
True, but why not start completely afresh with a new show set in the same universe? @@RedDwarfNerd
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
@@chriswagg1354 perhaps Doug Naylor wants to do that spin off, so this is all Rob is allowed to do?
@sw1000xg 6 ай бұрын
Nope won't work Will be mildly funny in some places But why don't they call it white dwarf instead And the cast will just be mirroring the original cast I'll give it a watch though
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
I'm on the fence, I think if they can get the right lister and rimmer actors, with the right chemistry, then it could be brilliant!
@sw1000xg 6 ай бұрын
@@RedDwarfNerd Rimmer is neurotic They'll get someone who's pompous with a high pitched London attitude And that won't work That's why I don't think it'll work They'll try to keep the characters close to the original but everyone will just instantly remember the originals negating the point of the show
@TheRadioAteMyTV 6 ай бұрын
Considering how shows since 2016 have been geared towards "modern audiences" and pumping in "the message" to all shows, absolutely not interested in a "new" for "modern audience" anything. Dr Who is now Dr Who Cares, and Marvel is Don't Care and Star Wars is now She Wars and Indiana Jones is now Indiana Joan. No, don't defile anymore of our repertoire of great material with "modern audience" adaptions. Have you seen the history and lore bashing absolute destruction that is Woke Wonka? The Lord of the Rings: The rings of power, the Witcher, it must stop. Don't Do It!
@nathanjohnson6543 4 ай бұрын
As long as they don't make the thing "Woke". Woke isn't funny.
@roberttodd2414 Ай бұрын
if its bbc itll be woke and shit
@RedDwarfNerd Ай бұрын
probably a very fair point!
@kirkschwarz 6 ай бұрын
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
fair deal! :-)
@paulwoodford1984 6 ай бұрын
As long as they don’t add any social woke messaging. But shame they won’t bring back the original cast in a new series.
@darkjapan 6 ай бұрын
The original series was pretty "woke" mate...
@paulwoodford1984 6 ай бұрын
@@darkjapan not really. Nowhere near. a strange thing to say
@darkjapan 6 ай бұрын
@@paulwoodford1984 Go and watch the Launching Red Dwarf documentary. In that Craig talks about first getting the script to read because G&N were worried the part of the Cat could be considered racist. In fact watch any of the show documentaries again. Danny and Craig are always talking about how unusual it was to have black lead characters. Call it "social work messaging" if you like, but RD has always been show that has had an anti discrimination message.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Lets just hope for a comedy and character based show, not one trying to send a 'message' - left wing, right wing or otherwise!
@lucasoheyze4597 6 ай бұрын
Red Dwarf has been rubbish for decades now, time to cancel it entirely.
@RedDwarfNerd 6 ай бұрын
Thats fair, a lot of people only count series 1-6, but I'm very curious on this!
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