Revisiting the First Arc: Book 1 | Wings of Fire Discussion

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Welcome to my Wings of Fire Arc 1 review series, where I go back and reread the first five books and give my thoughts on them! Today, I'm covering Book 1: The Dragonet Prophecy!
All character bases in this video are from the Wings of Fire Wiki! Artists are credited in the end card!

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@serenitythesiren5031 Жыл бұрын
I just wish Kestrel had lived long enough to know that Clay wasn't actually attacking the other eggs. Would have been *SOOOOOOOOOOO* satisfiying.
@zay4401 Жыл бұрын
Or seeing her son after she "killed" him and finally getting to see both of them I guess grow up
@avacornthelastponybender8583 2 ай бұрын
I wish she lived long enough to learn the truth of Soars identity Kestrel spent years ragging on Glory for being a RainWing, imagine her face if she found out she banged one😂
@TrickyTalon23 Жыл бұрын
It really bugs me on how many fans really think that Clay’s defining character trait is “just being hungry” all the time. Clay is easily the wisest character in the group and constantly throws himself in front of the others to protect them from harm, ultimately acting as the leader of the group when it comes to picking judgment calls. Everyone listens to him more than they listen to each other. I also don’t think Clay, Moon, or Blue get worse in terms of character after their book, despite what the video says about “first protagonist syndrome.” It may be hard for some fans to see, due to their introduction happening while they’re in the POV spotlight, but none of these three characters diminish in terms of personality or relevance at all after their book. They all maintain their strong development from their book and keep being who they are at their core without being watered down.
@lykhra2178 Жыл бұрын
@StarseekertheNightwing13 Жыл бұрын
@@lykhra2178 yes I agree with my life
@gemini_aura Жыл бұрын
I don’t agree with you with Clay, but I also don’t agree with people who say he’s just hungry. Clay in book 1 was AMAZING, he was smart, and basically what you described. He was also great for Peril (although I still don’t like the ship, due to it becoming bland, and Peril becoming obsessive) Although throughout the books, Clay just got bland- In book 6 he was fine, but the more I saw him, the more whenever he went to Peril, he only said “Hey” and answered her questions- like bro.
@TrickyTalon23 Жыл бұрын
@@gemini_aura there’s a lot more to Clay’s character and relevance than just Peril. Try to focus on Arc 1 when he was a primary focus.
@gemini_aura Жыл бұрын
@@TrickyTalon23 A character isn’t somebody who just show up in one arc, and disappears, a character is a somebody who progresses throughout the books. Somebody can’t just read one arc about a character that was good, and then watch it disappear- it needs to have progress, and get better, although then it didn’t end up good with Clay, but I don’t hate him.
@TrickyTalon23 Жыл бұрын
Kestrel should’ve been kept alive longer to have a redemption arc, or at the very least have Clay promise her that he’ll save her daughter Peril from Scarlet’s evil manipulation as Kestrel is taking her dying breath, maybe getting killed while defending the Dragonets of Destiny. She’s one of the most tragic characters in the franchise (which is saying a LOT) and it’s cruel that she couldn’t even die in peace by knowing that everyone she loved would be fine in the end.
@kaliido_scope Жыл бұрын
I honestly don't think she deserved redemption. Whether she suffered in her life or not she still abused five children and went out of her way to punish them unfairly. To me she's absolutely insufferable to read about, and I'm torn between saying whether her death was the right punishment, or if she deserved something worse.
@ocuniverse785 Жыл бұрын
I think it makes SENSE that, from (some) of the Dragonets perspective, they would want to help Kestrel. They have no idea where Webs is, so she's the only adult dragon they know who MIGHT be able to help them (and then she instantly dies anyway but whatever). What I Don't appreciate is them never having a moment to really stop and recognize that Kestrel was horrible to them, even if she did have a tragic backstory that explains it. She's a fully grown dragon taking her anger out on children, and eventually the books seem to water her down to have just been "mean" and the straight up physical violence and willingness to murder one of them is disregarded by all except Glory. Not even to mention later reveals about Sky's survival, this retroactive "declawing" of Kestrel just makes everyone involved look worse, and makes her entire character really clumsy.
@slinkkangaroo2305 Жыл бұрын
While I can see where the idea of food being his defining characteristic comes from, it feels like a massive disservice to what he truly represents. When a fight breaks out, his reaction isn't to attack, hide or talk. Clay tries to protect his freinds as that's what he values. When someone is injured, Clay is the one that ussualy knows what's wrong and how to help. Clay is seen by the others as a dragon they can depend on no matter what and the fact that they only see his hunger as a joke and not an annoyance shows how they view him since he's willing to set that aside if needed. Clay may not make decisions as much but that's because he doesn't want to do that. He isn't the leader, he IS the one who's opinion matters the most. This is my favorite out of all the starting books for each arc but it IS by far the weakest in its own. However, it also had to start the series. I think Clay was the perfect one to start the series with since his impact, at least for me, carried over to the next four in the arc. Food may be used as a joke for him, but they all know he'd rather starve then let harm come to them. Really enjoyed your thoughts on this and can't wait for the next one. (Lost heir is my favorite book in the whole series)
@Fritzafella Жыл бұрын
I absolutely loved this bool for two reasons: The dragonets song slower version (None the way it was written, but the concept.) And Peril. She comes off as bratty and unlikable INTENTIONALLY, and you feel bad for her knowing she is simultaniously spoiled (for murder) and traumatized. (For... murder. And scarlet.) That battle with Clay was stellar.
@YceSzmiff Жыл бұрын
I love this! As someone fairly new to the series, who has only read the 1st arc and most of the 2nd arc so far, I love videos without spoilers!
@JustDuckiest 5 ай бұрын
The coincidence of the dragonets immediately encountering Scarlet when they escape was a little funny to me too, but honestly the majority of the book is just so interesting and good I don't mind. The dragonets really make these first books, reading about them is just fun
@trainman666 Жыл бұрын
I feel more pity for Kestrel than sympathy, and that's primarily because she had everything working against her. Scarlet wanted her dead, the dragonet she TRIED to kill survived, the one became a tool for queen scarlet. She never wanted to be a dragonet minder in the first place, and it was a role she was forced into. To give her some credit her heart was in the right place (being ordered to kill Glory aside), because she DID care about the dragonets somewhat, but it wasn't enough to redeem her.
@kovenevells2696 3 ай бұрын
Love this series❤
@DragonFan3166 Жыл бұрын
This man is proudly showing legends darkstalker on his shelf. That's the sort of thing that makes you question someone's true charachter
@GnarledStaff 21 күн бұрын
You forgot one important thing from the beginning- Tsunami hurts herself in just the right way that if Clay hadn’t come along she would have died, meaning that they both needed to have left together, otherwise neither would have made it out alive. Its a suble yet obvious not to the theme of the series that I realized when I stopped to consider whether Clay’s heroic moment was undercut by Tsunami showing up.
@viridiankat8527 Жыл бұрын
I’m doing a rewrite impulsively, and this really helped! I have a scene in my head where Peril tears Kestrel a new one before she goes, and she’s not given sympathy Also, a scene where it’s announced Kestrel was killed but Glory starts laughing really loudly and the other dragonets start also losing it at the dinner table while Blister is still trying to be composed
@sorryimsunny Жыл бұрын
Personally, I’m neutral on book one. it’s not bad nor good. It’s the vanilla of the series. I think Clay was the best of the dod pov’s to start off with. He was a blank slate for the most part, that could easily develop a personality as the book went on. I wasn’t very interested in the mini romance between him and peril though. In my opinion he fits way better as aroace. But the rest of the book was good. But like the other “first book of the arc” protagonists, he got boring after his book and was mainly just used as the other dod that didn’t have a huge significance on the book. But, Clay in this book specifically was pretty good. We got to see him develop as he met more dragons, and have more of a personality besides “gentle giant”. Solid book to start off the series for sure.
@TrickyTalon23 Жыл бұрын
I thought Clay was still pretty great after his book. He’s a lot wiser than most fans give him credit for and I feel like it’s a similar case with Moon and Blue. Obviously a protagonist is going to look at their best during their own book. The other protagonists are introduced before their book which makes their first impression not their best impression so they have something to wow the audience with. Meanwhile Clay, Moon, and Blue only get their primary spotlight right at the start of their involvement, so fans may think they lose their charm once their book ends, but the truth is none of these characters really lose any of their great traits about them. Fans just aren’t used to seeing them as a secondary characters. If Glory, Qibli, or Sundew were the first protagonists of their arc, I’m sure fans would think they lose their great traits too.
@sorryimsunny Жыл бұрын
@@TrickyTalon23 I get what are you saying, he is defiantly pretty wise, even compared to Starflight. I think just having to be the first pov in the arc means you are going to seem bland after your book, and I think this hit Moon the hardest, but that’s just my opinion of course. Of course he isn’t as bland as some other dragons after the book they are a pov in, but he didn’t keep the same energy as he did in his book. But this is all just my opinion of course.
@TrickyTalon23 Жыл бұрын
@@sorryimsunny that’s exactly what I mean: being the first protagonist of the arc is going to make a character seem dulled down after their book in comparison, but the truth is that Clay, Moon, and Blue still hung onto all their great traits and character development throughout the rest of the arc.
@sorryimsunny Жыл бұрын
@@TrickyTalon23 Yeah
@wingsofkinkajou Жыл бұрын
I loved Tsunami in the 4 & 5th books, she is so amazing, and isn't ignorant anymore
@Starvaze Жыл бұрын
"Glory who gives No f**ks"* PHWAH!!! HAHAHA HOLY
@silverballstudios3578 Жыл бұрын
I really have no Idea what to say… It’s been a couple of months since I read the first book, heck even all of the books. Sadly still haven’t read the 11th or 12th books and (now) the 15 books….
@EpicQibliFan Жыл бұрын
I actually forgot about the going to the mud kingdom part in book 1.
@tjtheentertainer9376 Жыл бұрын
I had a hard time rereading the first WoF book. The writing and plot aren’t the greatest, but I still love Clay. My only problem with Clay is that he’s sometimes overshadowed by the plot (same with Blue and Moonwatcher)
@GnarledStaff 21 күн бұрын
Oof, you missed some subtle character details here. First off, clay is a decent fighter, and his lack of skill is more about self-doubt and the fact that most opponents are older than him. (I need to verify this in the arena fight scene, planning to start a reread soon). He was being held to unreasonably high standards and is shown to be capable in later books, particularly in the beginning of book 2. He’s just not outstanding. Importantly, clay is not a bad protagonist, he just isnt super proactive. He is a good type of protagonist to put at the heart of a group, and had some very good but kinda subtle characterization (did you notice his skill with spacial visualization? It showed up at least twice). The problem is that this type of protagonist really needs other characters to bounce off of and a lot of the other books limit that by removing their PoV character from the group for too long. Really important distinction in Tsunami’s arena fight. Tsunami made the kill not to protect herself but in defiance of something Scarlet said. The actual kill was made to prove a point and that pettiness plays a large part in her character development… later. This highlights a character flaw but also shows Scarlet’s manipulative side. Scarlet knew who they both were because of distinctive patterns on their bodies. She did not realize that Tsunami did not know. So that trauma was intended. Scarlet meant to traumatize Tsunami and would probably have left her alive for another couple days to let the truth of what she did sink in. Maybe even have put her in with other seawings to let their treatment of her rub in what she did. Scarlet was a great character. Also, I absolutely love Peril as the horrifying bundle of trauma she is. she bonds with Clay simple over the fact that he treats her like a person while everyone else treats her like a monster. And the one sided nature of her falling for him while Clay is trying to deal with the worst situation of his life and needs to use her to escape absolutely works with Clay’s personality. The subtle concern that he would say something honest that would cause her to roast his friends kept me on the edge of my seat. And Glory validating that concern near the end gave me faith in the author. As for Kestel, the series taking a more nuanced approach to that character felt mature to me. I did not see it as sympathy for what she did but rather better understanding for her terrible personality/behavior. Sure, there may have been a little sympathy but I cared more about what she meant to Peril than about her directly.
@coachtweetsportsandgaming3799 Жыл бұрын
@Goose37 Жыл бұрын
@juststrahyk5377 Жыл бұрын
Personally I find book 1 best of ark 1
@duckgoesquack4514 Жыл бұрын
Best way for kids to read is to tell them it's not ment for kids
@berengerdietiker22 Жыл бұрын
I liked the graphic novel adaptation better.
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