Ricoh GR 3 the best street photography camera

  Рет қаралды 8,289

Rareș Gheorghiu

Rareș Gheorghiu

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Пікірлер: 63
@dionysisnikolopoulos7989 Жыл бұрын
Best camera in the world - period.
@alfonsovegaiii Жыл бұрын
I’ve never found a camera I like more than the GRiii. I’ve even taken other cameras on vacation and end up leaving them in the hotel and just taking the GRiii. I carry three batteries and in my backpack a battery bank with the Ricoh battery charger. I love the Ricoh, if they make a mark 4 I’ll buy it in an instant regardless of price.
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I'm really glad to hear that! The most important thing is that the camera you use makes you want to take it with you anywhere you go! I've discovered that with the Fuji X100F. I just grab that and off I go wherever my day may take me.
@alfonsovegaiii Жыл бұрын
@ I was going to buy a Fuji but they were constantly on backorder so I bought the Ricoh. I’d still like to try a Fuji someday but for now I’m happy.
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That's the most important thing after all, being happy with what you got, right?
@LuisArcadioDeJesus Жыл бұрын
I sold my X100F and purchased an X-E4 with 16 mm f/2.8. I recently purchased a Ricoh GR iii as well, which makes for much stealthier shooting. The Street version came with an extra battery instead of the OVF.
@innstikk Жыл бұрын
You used it for 8 hours and then conclude that others should not buy it? The body is made of magnesium-alloy. The batteries are so small that if you bring two more batteries you won't notice you have them with you in you pocket. If you bring a fuji X100V or similar you need a camera bag and then you don't bring it with you always.
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After a day of usage, I can happily say that I would never buy it, I like Fujifilm much better. To be honest, I have the x100F and I can fit that in my pocket and carry it with me everywhere, and I don't have to bring more than one battery. But as I said you should try before using to see how much you like it. Personally it's no for me but if it is a camera suitable for you go for it!
@innstikk Жыл бұрын
@ That is not what your clickbait text says. I would never buy a Fuji, but neither would I make a video telling everybody not to buy one because I don't like it.
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Well, all I can say is that it is my opinion, if you agree fine, if you don't, you don't. We are all free to have our own individual opinions.
@r423sdex Жыл бұрын
@ I have fuji camera's, but I prefer the Ricoh gr3 and gr3x.
@angelsmalls7044 Жыл бұрын
@ I had the X100s for 9 years but recently sold it. Great camera. Will buy the GR3x because it is so small. I expect to bring a camera much more with me now.
@carlibeguerie Жыл бұрын
Love the Ricoh GR3, had it for 3 years. Getting a GR3x next...
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That's awesome Carli! It means it is the right camera for you. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@carlibeguerie Жыл бұрын
@ yes, it is one among many cameras right for me.
@c724cjw Жыл бұрын
I've own several Leica & xpro &x100, and by far the griii is on the top of my list of street camera.
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And that's awesome! Everybody has their own favourite camera.
@BessAnderson Жыл бұрын
Depends on your needs to be honest. I love my Ricoh. It’s not my only or primary camera, but it serves a purpose.
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Totally agree with you, and if you like the camera, and it gives you satisfaction when out and about, I think, it's a good camera for you. To me, it is not. I don't enjoy it as much as my Fujis, that's why I tried it, to see whether I could like a camera like this or not. I could shoot with it, I could get the results I want but I wouldn't be enjoying the process as much😅
@thenowornerverkid1 Жыл бұрын
Used fuji xt-20 for tele, macro or specialized lens. Ricoh for everything else.
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Interesting combo! Have you tried shooting portraits with the Ricoh?
@r423sdex Жыл бұрын
I can make the colours match any camera. What are these fuji and Leica colours ?
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I agree with you. You can edit a photo and make it look like you please or simulate any other colour profile of any camera especially if you shoot in raw. But there’s people who don’t like editing as much and prefer having a colour profile that’s baked into the image and that gives a pretty soldi base to start editing from. It takes a lot less time to edit especially if you shoot for clients. It’s a matter of taste at the end. And fuji film simulations are pretty good. I love Astia for example 😍 what brand are you shooting with?
@reallyflying Жыл бұрын
Thanks! I think this is a really good, honest review. You say a lot of nice things about the GRIII and then give valid reasons why you still reach for a Fuji. Still doesn't put me off considering the Ricoh. Each to their own!
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Hi Paul! Thanks for the kind and genuine comment. Exactly what I meant, everybody has their own opinion and their own taste and that's the beauty of it.
@akun2500 Жыл бұрын
Salut, Rareș. Dacă îmi dai voie, te contrazic în ceea ce privește gr3. Am x100v și gr3, și chiar dacă sunt oarecum asemănătoare în specificații, în realitate au o destinație destul de diferita. Pe când x100v e mai featured, permite sa te joci mai mult cu film simulation, e whether seald, e mai plăcut sa faci poze cu el. In același timp gr3 este mult mai portabil, ușor de folosit, te lasă să te concentrezi mai mult pe fotografiat. Într-adevăr are minusuri în comparație cu x100v, dar eu as zice ca e highly recommended camera, daca iei in calcul raportul preț/calitate.
Жыл бұрын
Buna! Înțeleg punctul tău de vedere și îl respect. Personal nu simt ca portabilitatea GR3ului este un avantaj atât de mare. Recent am luat un x100F și îmi place la forte mult. Este mai portabil decât credeam. Este mai mult o chestiune de gusturi personale. Poate sunt puțin influențat de faptul ca folosesc in general Fuji dar GR3ul nu mi-a făcut o impresie uimitoare. Nici mie nici participanților la workshop (majoritatea nu era utilizatori Fujifilm). Dar cred multe persoane pot sa nu fie de acord cu mine iar asta este chiar ok. Fiecare are modul sau de a fotografa și are obiceiurile și aparatele foto cu care se simt mai natural. Dacă as fi obligat sa folosesc numai GR3ul m-as obișnui și as învață cum sa îl folosesc in modul cel mai optimizat dar nu cred ca l-aș cumpăra din proprie inițiativa. Îți mulțumesc mult pentru vizualizare și comentariul bine gândit și educat! Îmi face plăcere când lumea chiar dacă nu este de acord cu mine își exprima punctul de vedere in mod liber.
@akun2500 Жыл бұрын
@ Ai perfecta dreptate, este o chestiune de gusturi. Si ar fi chiar plictisitor sa vedem același tip de poze făcute cu același tip de camera. Ma bucur ca exista și oameni din România care fac genul asta de video-uri pe KZfaq, iar felul tău de a te exprima este foarte plăcut. Spor la treaba și aștept sa vad următorul clip.
@beny7160 Жыл бұрын
I'm going to assume the cameras were getting warm because you had them on trickle charge in your pocket?
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they were getting really warm with or without unfortunately... the guy at the workshop told us it's only with the GR3 that it happens. Apparently the previous generations don't have overheating issues.
@dpierre Жыл бұрын
Thanks for mentioning the ridiculous battery life. You should know that in cold weather, the device will work for a very short time or not at all! We must also take into account an important point, which is that in practice, we do tests, we have fun with the settings, we look at our photos and in the end, the autonomy will never allow you to take 180 photos (in ideal temperatures not in winter (!) according to their tests). When the GR3 came out, I wrote to all the continents where Ricoh is represented to talk about the problem. The few answers were standard. They don't take into account user reviews except maybe if you are very famous with a KZfaq channel. The most hopeless thing is that you can't plug in a power pack and take pictures. In charge it is unusable! In the end, I chose the Fujifilm X-S10, with several very cheap Patona batteries and just as good as fujifilm + dual chargers. The Fujifilm X-S10 is a gem with its film simulations, stabilized APS-C sensor and 4 pre-programmed wheel modes:)
Жыл бұрын
I think the X-S10 is a much better choice! Bigger and definitely not pocketable but much much better!
@jeffrey3498 Жыл бұрын
It’s rectangular.
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Thanks for watching and commenting, Jeffrey.
@l0ranga Жыл бұрын
No ergonomics? It’s probably the best camera that you only need one hand to use, much faster and easier than my X100f. 2:40
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And if you find it to be the best camera I'm happy for you Marcus! Honestly, if you like it and makes you want to go out and shoot then kudos to you! Hey thanks for actually watching and commenting.
@deltalima Жыл бұрын
"It's plasticy and feels like a toy"? I can't confirm that, especially not as it's made of a solid magnesium frame...
10 ай бұрын
Hey it gave me that feeling at time, what can I say. If I ever get the opportunity to shoot with a Ricoh again I'll make another video to see if I feel the same.
@LeePierre Жыл бұрын
The closest you can get to a Leica in terms of IQ and looks for less then a Leica. Though i needed about 10 months to realize how amazing this equipment is.. do not judge to early 😊
Жыл бұрын
really?! wow! I believe you, I might have to give it another try. I have never tried shooting Leica so I have no comparison. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@r423sdex Жыл бұрын
A pixel is a pixel !
@rikardlandberg Жыл бұрын
The IQ is better than most affordable Leica lenses. I used the GRII side by side with a digital Leica M. GR is sharper.
@professionalpotato4764 Жыл бұрын
The closest to a Leica (Q2 for example) would be the Fuji X-T or X-Pro + 18mm f/1.4 which gives it about 28mm f/2.1 equiv, just shy of a 1/3 stop performance difference, but stellar. The Fuji 18mm is a sharper lens even at f/1.4, but I was extremely surprised by the GR iii lens, to a point I would leave the Fuji behind on some occasions because it didn't make sense (dinner date, family dinner)
@alexhuezo1434 Жыл бұрын
I have 4 Fuji cameras and I like them a lot, but my Ricoh GR 2 is my favorite.
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4??? DAMN! What fuji cameras do you have? And yeah I can totally understand why you like your Ricoh the most, it's just not for me.
@alexhuezo1434 Жыл бұрын
@ I have the XT1, X100f, X70 and the XE4. I love these Fuji's, but that little Ricoh is a gem, it hits the sweet spot.
@ekkanofiqandriyana7325 Жыл бұрын
Ricoh GR is the world best camera in the STUCK LENS camera category LMFAO Its a magic camera it can turn itself into a brick with their behavior wich is stuck lens.
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I think is great that you find the GRIII to be the best camera in the world. I think it is not, and that's great too.
@odemata87 Жыл бұрын
stopped watching after the plasticky remark
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Thanks for watching and commenting anyways dude. Helps with the algorithm😉
@throughasinglelens3963 Жыл бұрын
I was also surprised by this comment since it’s a magnesium alloy body.
@r423sdex Жыл бұрын
Plastic ! You sure about that !
@blindsleep Жыл бұрын
I get the plasticky comments. It’s a magnesium body with a rubbery textured, but hard paint. That would create the illusion of plastic when put on a light weight metal like that.
@orsinijeanjerome854 Жыл бұрын
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@ehmj2094 Жыл бұрын
Lame review. Dude try it for a month.
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You think so? Interesting, well you could send me your copy of the GR3, and I'll test it for an entire month. I will take at least one photo a day with that camera for a month and see how I like it afterwards. I can understand why you would think it is lame. A dude talking shit about a camera only after using it for a less than a day, but at the same time it did not make a very good impression. So to be honest, I would never spend the money to get a camera that did not even make a nice first impression. If somebody were to lend it to me for free, then sure, probably I'd give it one more try, I can always grow to love it but otherwise, I'm quite ok with my X100F. At the end of the day it is a matter of personal taste. Have a good one!
@ehmj2094 Жыл бұрын
@Rareș Gheorghiu It's my opinion that your review is lame because it is misleading.
@youngtotoy Жыл бұрын
gr3 is a junk
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well, if you say so...
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