Rings of Power Season 2 Trailer Thoughts

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The Librarian of the Rings

The Librarian of the Rings

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Ben tells his thoughts on the new trailer for Rings of Power Season 2 and argues for a more measured approach in our reactions.

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@blacksharkpro3yt351 27 күн бұрын
Its the combination of ACTORS and the acting.
@panneekunnoot2304 18 күн бұрын
I think there are somethings I don't like, and some elements that I think is spot on in the last season. The only problem that I have is that they could probably move the story a bit more faster, but over all, I like most of it. It's not bad, especially for the narrow window of rights to make it. I don't expected season two to be so accurate, and I understand that it's not going to be. I want to dive into it with open mind and maybe judge them for their own plot and pace. So... Can't wait for it!
@TheLibrarianoftheRings 18 күн бұрын
Yes, an open mind is a good idea. I don't think they have much option to move faster seeing how the were slated for five seasons from the very beginning. Already it looks like we will be getting the fall of eregion this year which seems a little fast to me, but it all depends on how much story we get with the stranger over the next four seasons because in Rhun they could pretty much do whatever they want.
@jopstlinsemann6751 27 күн бұрын
The problem with Galadriel in RoP is, how the character is written and (not nesissarily) how her story is told in the series. Absolutely no one can imagine a Galadriel that is some kind of a teenage fool, as far as you concern her behaviour in the amazon - story...
@director5193 27 күн бұрын
I think the first season showed Galadriel as an antagonist with only revenge on her mind
@TheLibrarianoftheRings 26 күн бұрын
You would like to see a Galadriel with no character development from the second age to the end of the third age? I don't get this argument at all, she is thousands of years younger and less experienced in this series than she is in the Lord of the Rings, it would have been ridiculous if they tried to show her as the LOTR Galadriel at the beginning of this show.
@jopstlinsemann6751 24 күн бұрын
@@TheLibrarianoftheRings i didnt say that at all and in my opinion my thoughts dont suggest this either. And also is she already thousands of years old and one of the oldest and wisest elves that have remained in Middle earth... so in my opinion she should definately be more LotR like, i.e. trying to get her revange in a more intelligent way.
@roselynveren5022 26 күн бұрын
Galadriel in the books is described as very tall at around 6.4ft , no offence to Morffyd Clark, yes she is blonde but she is too short at 5.4 ft tall. in PJ LoTR, even Cate Blanchett at 5.9 ft tall wear a special high heels shoes to make her even taller. Amazon could've done the same thing with that massively high budget they have. I still think Elizabeth Debicki is the perfect actress for Galadriel, she is tall, blonde and at around 6.3ft tall in real life
@TheLibrarianoftheRings 26 күн бұрын
Tolkien generally didn't give exact heights of characters in his published works, I believe the passage you are referring to is in unfinished tales, it was not published during Tolkien's lifetime and is not something the RoP creators have legal access too, that wouldn't of course stop them from casting a tall actress, but it doesn't seem like the most important character aspect to me. However if it is to you then you should be really upset about Elendil who should be really tall (of course their probably isn't a huge pool of 7+ ft actors), and you must have hated Viggo as Aragorn in the Jackson movies.
@enigmaoriginal2665 27 күн бұрын
Why the hate? Because we have eyes and we dont care about being politically correct.
@jeffdumpster1470 27 күн бұрын
Fool me once shame on you fool me twice with wigs and pointy ears😛
@anni.68 27 күн бұрын
Hello, happy that I found your channel. Subscribed :) Loved the video. It's a wonderful plea for reason and open mindedness! PS: What a great T-Shirt! I would have been dead after just 3 days :D
@TheLibrarianoftheRings 26 күн бұрын
Glad you liked it. I’ve been waiting for someone to notice the shirt, but it’s a pretty deep cut so most people don’t get it, well done!
@Chociewitka 28 күн бұрын
well, for sure she should be very tall... ;-)
@TheLibrarianoftheRings 26 күн бұрын
Really, that's the thing people are worried about? That's pretty minor.
@Chociewitka 25 күн бұрын
@@TheLibrarianoftheRings well, no necessary in a story where this is singled out as one of the few known characteristics of a character - as tall people do behave differently than small ones, as their stature makes others treat them with some subliminal respect as default and as such they tend to be calmer... They are less prone to start a fight just to win respect.
@justinrolfe5396 27 күн бұрын
I actually liked the show for the most part when I went back to watch it. There are really only two major things I don’t like about it. One being the lack of long hair on male elves and two being that it is Amazon(just because I don’t like the company, but I don’t hold that against the show or the writers or actors etc) I know why most people online aggressively hate the show…whether people say it or not and they will often give excuses, people fit into one of a few general groups. A. They have rigid views of things being perfectly accurate B. They bandwagon onto negative opinions without actually forming their own or C. They have bigoted biases of some sort and aversions to what they consider “woke” whether they’ll admit it or not.
@lukesmith9669 27 күн бұрын
One of the few intellectually honest takes ive seen on ROP. Keep up the great work!
@TheLibrarianoftheRings 26 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@MsRakuen 27 күн бұрын
The creators of the show took the characters and the places from the Tolkien universe which are deeply loved by the fans and put them in situations which are best case inaccurate and often not true. That's betrayal.
@TheLibrarianoftheRings 26 күн бұрын
I’d like to hear examples, and have the things they’ve done been worse than what Jackson and his team did? How so? Or do you also feel the Jackson trilogy is a betrayal?
@anni.68 26 күн бұрын
"Inaccurate and often not true"? Like what?
@MsRakuen 18 күн бұрын
@@TheLibrarianoftheRings Jackson respected the heck out of the books. He didn't add any of his views or ideas. He took Tolkiens work, made some compromises for the big screen, and laid it out as it is without extra flavor. Rings of Power is full of agenda. They take Tolkiens work and twist it and force it into their message. All the wiggle room that they have in the second age, which is a lot, they take it and add something that is not Tolkien. Why not do it from scratch? Well it wouldn't sell as much. Galadriel is protrayed blatantly wrong in the series, she should be wise beyond measure, just as much as in the movies, by that time. GilGalad is absolutely underwhelming. Celebrimbor is underwhelming. The making of the rings is underwhelming. Characters that should be there aren't. Events happen that should not yet have happened. Events that should happen do not. Plot holes everywhere. Time and space don't matter, characters arrive when they should how they should. Numenor people is underwhelming big time. I can go on.
@TheLibrarianoftheRings 18 күн бұрын
​@@MsRakuen I'm sorry but I have to disagree with your opinion of the Jackson films, they really aren't that accurate at all. Especially if you take actual characters, there is a lot that is not just left out but downright changed. I would use Aragorn's entire character arc as an example, he is extremely different in the movies (not to mention he is missing his sword for almost the entire thing). All artists have agenda's and Jackson and his team are no different. I'm not sure what you mean by it is not Tolkien, it is certainly set in Tolkien's world, uses his characters, his languages, his places. If your point is that it tells stories he never told then yes you are right, but also that is kind of the whole point in which case if you don't want to see that then you just shouldn't watch it. Galadriel is not portrayed blatantly wrong, as I say in the video Galadriel's history is the most inconsistent and problematic of all Tolkien's Middle earth history. It is impossible to make a character that lesions with everything that Tolkien wrote about her. I agree that Gil-galad's character seems off, but for character we know very little about that is not nearly as egregious as Faramir's character being completely out of character in the Jackson films. The making of the rings is not over, so maybe hold your judgement on that one until we see what happens this season. Characters that were missing in season one are likely to show up in this or future seasons, so that isn't a judgement we can make yet. The timeline of Jackson's trilogy is also all messed up and he was dealing with a need for far less time compression than this show is. If there are specific events with text sources you are worried about I would love to hear about that. Plot holes are present in pretty much all fiction, and you can't actually know if it is a plot hole until the work is finished, which we are only 20% of the way through so sit tight for another 8 or so years. Time and space are more messed up in the Jackson films than the rings of power. I agree that there is a lot of that in Rings of Power, but is there anything worse than Gandalf arriving in Minas Tirith in a day of riding? I'm a librarian so I would love to see your actual text sources for your complaints, bearing in mind of course that they can't use all the text that has been published since the professor's death.
@MsRakuen 18 күн бұрын
@@TheLibrarianoftheRings Yeah I'm no librarian. So forget the sources. You're speaking to a youtube watcher :) I think that the compromises made with Aragorn were fair in the sense that the character remained loyal to what it is in the books. Yes, missing the sword from the begining is a big change, but it works very well for the movies and his role and purpose on the story is not changed, he acomplishes the same goals, represents the same ideals and fulfills everything he does in the books. It works for me and stomach the change. Faramir is a shame I agree, granted his impact on the whole is not so big, and in the books it's a long story that simply has no room to fit in the 3 movies. But a shame nontheless. They had to compromise and they butchered our boy. I think that RoP being a series, having huge room to wiggle, is a golden oportunity to NOT have to compromise. To take the characters just as Tolkien said, and lay it extensively to the utmost detail. Another point about characters. The elves in RoP don't feel like elves at all, they are bare humans with pointy ears. In the movies and books they feel like they are on another plane, timeless, ethereal, hard to grasp, wise, calm. That's a big point that is very hard to not see while watching the series. I don't think that space and time is messed in the movies at all. Your example of Gandalf I don't recall it to be true. In the series it is messed up big time: - Galadriel being exiled to the undyinglands by GilGalad (lol really? way off character), getting on a ship, then by the time they arrive, she drops in the water (lol really?), then a wrecked ship with non other than Sauron rescues her (really!). This is beyoned coincidence, simply fabricated bad storytelling. Somehow I understand what the writters wanted from all of this mess, yeah it's very poetic to drop in the water just when you are about to reach the undying lands, but come one, do something real. Galadriel wouldn't do that, she wouldn't even be in that situation. She is way beyond being put in a situation that she doesn't want. - Galadriel and Sauron convincing Numenor to go to war in the southlands, they take the ships, arrive in land, ride the horses, and arrive Rohirrim style to save the day. Beyond coincidence. Again, Numenor is like humans to the next level, they should be very wise, organised, insightful, clever and intelligent. But they are toyed with. - Elrond and Celebrimbor walking to Moria. I don't know how to say it, it's just off. They arrive with their tunics intact, no horse, no food. They knock on the door and the dwarves say no. I think Celebrimbor should be a big friend to the dwarves but I'm rusty on that. Anyway, it's just a cheap scene as a whole and it says a lot about the writters. They don't care about little things like these. - The Tunnel/Volcano/Mordor-building thing. Part of me says, ok, it's a series, why not. But you're talking about Mordor, something legendary, you have to do better than that. You have to be better than the Tunnel, and the "dark sword" (wtf is that, what is that sword, who made it, why is it special, why people obsess over it) being put in a keyhole (wtf is that, who built it) that happens to found right in time and a dam opens so that water goes into a tunnel that leads to a Volcano that goes nuclear bomb and hooray you got yourself Mordor. Damnit! Like how is even half of this real. - When the Southlanders are attacked by Adar, they have a fortified tower to defend themselves. Their plan is to abandon such post, move to an undefended village (which they fleed previously because obviously it was a vulnerable spot), and destroy the tower (by cutting nonother than a little wire which holds the whole tower) to kill a few orcs. So they are back to making a defense in the village. Don't try to understand how the villagers moved from the tower to the village, when the orcs were moving from the village to the tower. That's going too much into detail for the writters. - Just about the whole series is based on huge coincidence. Basically they have an end goal to reach, and just make the pieces move forcefully toward that. Instead of a story being built and developed. I'm no writter but I see that and I just don't buy it. I will watch when I want to, and I can respectfully lay my opinion. I overextended saying "betrayal". One can hope next seasons will be good.
@niklbauglir 8 күн бұрын
I dunno... it sounds like you're trying real hard to justify a bad show. I mean... if ya like it that's fine. But your calls for 'wait and see' don't hold much water after already having a season. If you'd said that before season 1 I would have completely agreed. I was excited and argued with friends who said it was a dumpster fire before they'd even seen it... and even after I, to be blunt, sounded kinda like you did as I couldn't admit how horrific it was for a while. Disappointed and clawing for scraps. But then reality sunk in and...
@cmdrravenwulff5272 27 күн бұрын
Because people like to hate for hating's sake
@TheLibrarianoftheRings 26 күн бұрын
seems to be the case, unfortunately
@simtill 27 күн бұрын
Why the hate? Because the show is bad.
@snowy5628 27 күн бұрын
Please share your time machine with the rest of the world
@TheLibrarianoftheRings 26 күн бұрын
ha ha, true, I guess it would be hard to know how bad it is until it is done
@dalecooper2232 27 күн бұрын
If you don't understand the criticism for RoP then you are NOT a Tolkien fan at all. Period.
@lukesmith9669 27 күн бұрын
Ironically this I'd a pretty anti-Tolkien statement, given we're talking about a guy that was all about inclusivity. Liking or not liking an adaptation doesn't make you any more or less of a fan. People who say the show is "ruining Tolkien" or "isn't for Tolkien fans" are labouring under a cognitive fallacy called Dusciunting the Positive. This is when people focus on only the negative things that confirm their own argument, and ignore anything that is contrary to it. There are, of course, plenty of examples where ROP does not adhere to the lore, but there are also a large number of examples that demonstrate a deep knowledge of the lore, which detractors conveniently ignore. Similarly, there are obviously a few examples of bad writing, acting, and CGI, but there are also a large number of examples of this being good. To ignore that, and to suggest that you're not a Tolkien fan unless you agree with your own option on the show is the height of intellectual dishonesty.
@TheLibrarianoftheRings 26 күн бұрын
Wow you found me out! I’m clearly not a Tolkien fan, that’s why I’m making a Tolkien KZfaq channel. You are a clever one.
@ilijas3041 27 күн бұрын
Hate comes from hate merchants who clickbait angry people and then have to keep the circus going to make it profitable. However, filter out the hate and many things they actually get pretty much on point. The show never really put an honest effort to adapt Tolkiens work with his themes and things that mattered to him. To us, ouside of USA the show may just as well be titled "American politics'marvelous joyrneys through Middle Earth". Those with interest in such things may find the show engaging, because inclusion, representation and the third one I forgot are main characters in the show. I dont mind them being what they are, those are the values I sign up for. But they dont really have to take over every single piece of media content and destroy every other story. They are literally using Middle Earth as just another battlefield and its only made for US audience because in other countries audience doesnt really undestand why would Elves be interested in taking humans trades in Numenor, it makes no sense whatsoever until you learn that somewhere across the ocean that is the topic of the day and everyone must take side and align in most blatant way
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