Russell Brand: THE AFTERMATH

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Andrew Gold

Andrew Gold

10 ай бұрын

You can watch the documentary (code: KZfaq30) on I will be analyzing the Channel 4 Dispatches documentary about the allegations around the Russell Brand scandal.
#russellbrand #scandal #dispatches

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@AndrewGold1 10 ай бұрын
Thoughts below! And hit like and watch the full documentary on
@artjohnLagas-gk6mg 10 ай бұрын
Andrew didn't you have bad allegations against you a few years ago whatever happened with that case
@LuvPureCom 10 ай бұрын
@@artjohnLagas-gk6mg OMG! You mean the stalking in Hatfield Township, Montgomery County? Or something else? 🤔Quite the vague comment.
@EricRosete 10 ай бұрын
@KMJCAN1313 10 ай бұрын
@LuvPureCom It would be, the response, a plant to continue the agenda of the psychopathic peoples who do this to everyone that tells the TRUTH about these trillionaires. So many throughout history. We need to be aware. The media who arrange this, are these psy...too
@pop867 10 ай бұрын
She probably got paid well from the higher ups.
@pops9998 10 ай бұрын
Sadly, seems this should be a police matter and not some BBC show.
@drumgold23 10 ай бұрын
Oh it will be. And it's on ch4 btw.
@cliffcook3993 10 ай бұрын
It was a C4 program not BBC
@TheNewMexican78 10 ай бұрын
He worked for BBC lol
@paj4949 10 ай бұрын
98% of all rapes go without any jail time, and those who do report it are scrutinised and accused of lying for attention. the british police don’t care about assault or abuse at all
@dmgsoultogetherness6667 10 ай бұрын
it is
@gabrielhbyrne 10 ай бұрын
I work in the entertainment industry and I've personally witnessed his abusive, predatory behaviour over and over, and I've seen him being gleefully cruel to girls. I absolutely believe these women.
@littlemy1773 10 ай бұрын
So why didn’t any of you say anything Back then?
@sam_lilywhite 10 ай бұрын
@@littlemy1773because they’ve been paid now
@adrianbaldwin8832 10 ай бұрын
Well you should go to police then ,
@angr3819 10 ай бұрын
@@littlemy1773 it's a kabbal. They all belong to the funny handshake club.
@littlemy1773 10 ай бұрын
@@angr3819 so by that logic they all still do, so what’s changed?
@stellaallbright4750 10 ай бұрын
I work in the legal system. Why did no one file a complaint in the legal system -- first and immediately?! That should have been done BEFORE a docudrama was ever even considered because there are strict protocols regarding witness/victim testimony and evidence. Who's to say that these women, or others more powerful, didn't use his comedy as fodder to fuel their personal vendetta? Anyone can say anything to drive the mob by manipulating people's FEELINGS. This is EXACTLY what this hit piece was intended to do. Remember Amber Heard? Courts require FACTS not feelings. Hopefully, RB hires Ben Chew & Co.
@pumpkinqueen3776 10 ай бұрын
I too work in the legal system, lawyer, and I would think that said very reason is why most of us know exactly why people don’t come forward to police and, less so, follow through with judicial proceedings. Not talking about Brand nor the accusers, I’m talking most victims.
@stellaallbright4750 10 ай бұрын
Would you please clarify the "why" in my comment that caused you to claim most victims don't come forward? You are speaking in very broad generalities regarding victims and not necessarily being specific about anything I stated. As an alleged attorney, one would expect your response to be more direct and clear to the point you are trying to make. Thanks!
@pumpkinqueen3776 10 ай бұрын
(I see you deleted all 3 of your comments ranting and accusing me of blocking you, hmmm, I still leave my response over your unnecessarily aggressive accusations) @stellaallbright4750 it wasn’t me I promise. Haven’t blocked anyone, I honestly don’t think I know how, I just now got all three notifications. And there are plenty of comments throughout the comments section that show reply numbers but, I at least, can’t access them. Blame youtube, apparently you immediately assumed the worst from me, strange huh, I guess you would immediately go to police without any actual evidence, funny how that works. Jumping to conclusions without no a priori reason to. Huh. If you don’t believe my profession that’s fine, says more about you than me, I’m a Chilean lawyer, in Chile (though was born and raised in the US, American dad, Chilean mom), University of Chile (Emory university undergrad while in the US), class of 2010, moved here from the States in 2005; though I don’t need to prove my law school education to random people online. I haven’t worked in criminal proceedings since 2015, I now work mostly wrongful terminations and collective bargaining, but I did many years ago…and was involved with the grassroots organization that eventually aided in the passing of the 2019 bill that put and end to the SOL regarding crimes consisting of SA against children (“ley de imprescriptibilidad delitos sexuales contra menores de edad”; now being replicated all over South America and Europe). But come on, we know the stats, about 300 in 1000 are reported (1/3 women SAd, 1/4 girls, worldwide)…Then there’s the rape kit (if the victim is brave enough, old enough, cognitively-developed enough to immediately go to a hospital), initial police questioning, which will be brought up over and over and over during court (if there is a trial; likely there’s not enough evidence to charge, unless there’s forensic elements to be considered), where victims are re victimized facing the assailant whose defense team can cross-interrogate them with the assailant in the room (all for procedural “bilarerality”, but there are limits), where even children (and I mean children, babies in my eyes, not teenagers) must recount the story over and over and over again. Where a victim blaming defense, in many jurisdictions, is still legal, societal slut-shaming remains rampant. Where convictions rates gravely vary by jurisdiction, specially low on continental legal systems vs. common law ones. The stigma that will follow the victim around, for life, whether the accused be proven guilty or declared innocent, the stigma remains; etc…you honestly think a daughter/sister/girlfriend will press charges against their father/brother/boyfriend (all studies show victims usually know the perpetrator)? Some do, but familial and fraternal ties weigh heavy on victims’ shoulders, people’s reputations, the chaos it oftentimes brings to families. Have you had to work with victims in a habitual manner? Not being snide, honest question. I find that most people that dead with SA, rape and incest survivors have quite a different take than you. I myself am a rape survivor, was 16, had a rape kit done immediately, had actual eye and auditory witnesses, dna evidence and medical reports saying there was forceful penetration, dealt with two police officers and decided I couldn’t go through a trial, it would break me and, sadly, I don’t regret my decision. I could not have handled seeing him day in and day out in court. And said decision has, in my experience at least, been echoed by most victims I know, who remain silent in fear of repercussions. Yet, honestly, you’re barking up the wrong tree, if you want an academic treatise/thesis/compendium on why women don’t come forward you need a psychologist/psychiatrist/mental health professional to accommodate such request…not a lawyer. They’ve got amazing materials online, even legal ones, I assume you have access to WestLaw, I’m sure you can access information on this matter from a more strictly (though always cross-sectional) legal perspective ✌️✌️✌️
@TheRawdigha 10 ай бұрын
I've just come off of jury service. A case exactly the same allegations. In the eyes of the law the Def was not guilty because of evidence of lack of. RB should sue, hugely!
@MichaelArlt 10 ай бұрын
@@pumpkinqueen3776 individuals decide based of experience or expectation most of the time, so it is rational to rather agree to what you stated "people might not come forward immediately" (not exactly qouted) if they have a certain education and experience. Even then, allegedly few victims were about to take actions and went to a SA facility. History just proves, that victims words might not taken seriously by authorities. Also because of fake victims or narcissists
@judyyougotthis 10 ай бұрын
I await RB’s response to all of this. And I appreciate your dogged determination to get us to open our minds to different possibilities and to a civil discussion.
@p0llk4t07 10 ай бұрын
RB came out and denied it all yesterday preemptively before the article and news story came out...or are you taking about a further response?
@stujujitwingfut5192 10 ай бұрын
You don't really understand do you
@wildcardartsent 10 ай бұрын
​@@stujujitwingfut5192Understand what?
@leslies.5541 10 ай бұрын
He's already responded with denial.
@gailkelly6154 10 ай бұрын
Why are people giving hate to Andrew? All he is doing is reporting the news for us. I think Andrew is pretty awesome and a great reporter. Thank you Andrew❤
@OrwellsHousecat 10 ай бұрын
I often disagree with Andrew and find his trash-merchant muckraker angle rather distasteful but I think he's handling this well
@markjones1337 10 ай бұрын
Why do you feel the need to use the word hate, you small minded below average IQ muppet. Disagreement is NOT hate. You brainwashed imbecile.
@pamelaboswell9715 10 ай бұрын
@@OrwellsHousecatEveryone is a critic.
@notbaltic280 10 ай бұрын
Because he is supporting what is essentially a media driven witch-hunt.
@gailkelly6154 10 ай бұрын
@@OrwellsHousecat ok that's fine cause you are saying his content sucks sometimes but that is not saying he sucks.....I'm talking about the person who said he was fraud and I forget now but he read the statement and I couldn't understand why the person referenced him like that. Andrew deserves as much respect as he gives us..
@DanaX09 10 ай бұрын
As a person molested from the age of 5, I can tell you that one of the worst things is for people to hold onto this like its a badge. To constantly be told you’re damaged, that you should be broken, and if you just accept that it happened and move on, people think there’s something wrong with you. We put so much emphasis on sexual behaviors and then re-traumatize people over and over by explaining that what happened to them is so dastardly they can’t possibly be ok. I wish people would just stop it. A person will never put something behind them and get on with their life, so long as they are told constantly and believe, it was such a terrible thing that they just can’t ever get past it.
@martinheath5947 10 ай бұрын
Well done 🙏
@LizaFergison 10 ай бұрын
@DanaX09 I understand. I was held at knifepoint in an attempted r@pe. I managed to escape and screamed so loudly that people came running from all sides. I was totally traumatised, but many people said "at least he didn't r@pe you". For many months, I lived in terror of him returning. The Police were great, but he wasn't found. That situation changed my life. I think people just don't understand how these things affect us. I had to have therapy to sort out my head.
@louleg23 10 ай бұрын
I agree absolutely. One of the most liberating things I found was to hear RD Laing (I think) saying, in response to a patient unsure of her memory re levels or abuse, 'Why bother - why do you need to remember the details?' Fair point!
@ellendoherty7816 10 ай бұрын
I have been saying this for years. How do I get passed all the abuse I experienced if I'm continually told I'm damaged. Society tell me this. I have been very damaged by what I went through both physically and ,emotionally, but I can still function in the world. Ironically, I recently was told I could not receive any form of compensation because I am able to mask what I feel and hold down a job. That i am not mentally affected enough . How dare they. How the hell do they know. Some of us have to continue, that's the way we cope. If I didn't have my job and something else to focus on and distract from ,I would probably go under ,but that has also gone against me ,though they accept the physical and sexual abuse took place, 100%. Unbelievable
@earthangel2522 10 ай бұрын
Agreed. It IS possible to find healing from almost any trauma with the application of methods and treatments from people you trust. I know this from personal experience. I am not my childhood traumas. NOTHING is irreparable. Having a spiritual focused life is the most important aspect of healing.
@healing682 10 ай бұрын
People are losing the plot. How can anyone have a go at Andrew? He's on the fence looking at both sides, if you can't handle that then you have a serious problem. The lack of restraint and logic in this world is becoming scary.
@jennlecher5604 10 ай бұрын
WTF’??! The first woman literally went to a RAPE CRISIS CENTER immediately afterwards!! Which was CONFIRMED by the center in the show AND he texted her apologizing and asking for forgiveness!! The other woman, who was chased around the room, who screamed at him to stop, had 3 people confirm she told them of the attack and the people in the driveway HEARD HER SCREAMING. To all the people saying “there’s no proof” did you WATCH this thing?? Did you READ the screen?? They just can’t SAY there’s proof to back the claims if there isn’t. You can bet that there’ll be more allegations coming forward now that the damn has broken. I don’t believe “all women” because I know demons who have lied about allegations but if there’s proof backing an allegation up, you better believe that I’m going to listen to it. In this case, it sounds like there is. I’m very sad because Russell is one of my favorite people. I wish he could run for President. But if he’s raped or sexually assaulted people, he needs to be held accountable.
@ronswansonsdog2833 10 ай бұрын
He could still run for President. Because Trump 🤷‍♀️🤣
@tiffanyh1274 10 ай бұрын
I didn’t know that. I missed that show.. But one thing that struck me in the news article I read was one of the women said that he got this glazed over look in his eyes. Kind of like something else took over. That’s a thing for people with sexual addiction. I’ve seen that look. My cousin who is r*pist looked at me with that face and his voice sounded almost like he was hypnotized. That’s a wild detail to include If this is a false story. And btw, like you, I hope it’s not true because I was a fan of his. But yeah, if he’s guilty, he should go to jail.
@generaljo78 10 ай бұрын
Thank God for you.
@katied1469 10 ай бұрын
@@ronswansonsdog2833 yeah everything’s Trumps fault. SMH 🤦‍♀️
@nein7564 10 ай бұрын
And you know what - any proof that exists and anything the guy has possibly done, I don't care. I will listen to him. He has got such a broad view on things and looks into things so deeply that I don't care what he might have done or even has done 10 years ago. Btw, I am a woman.
@mimib95 10 ай бұрын
I will tell you the problem I have with this Andrew. Why have we started living in a world where documentaries are made before people are even charged with anything. Don’t media have a responsibility to report their findings to lawmakers before sensationalising a story for Saturday night viewing figures.
@OrwellsHousecat 10 ай бұрын
Ofcom-regulated media. Ofcom-regulated agenda.
@mrmensa1096 10 ай бұрын
BRAND = Controlled Opposition. You don't get that Big, without being "Part of the Club". If he was genuine, he would have had his channel taken down years ago. This @media disclosure@ - could well be planned or even a "Humiliation Ritual" - to get to the next level. Could also be a huge media distraction. Take care.
@claireemily1983 10 ай бұрын
100% it’s definitely a personal attack on Russel and an attempt to tarnish his reputation. I don’t doubt these accounts from the women happened, the media wasn’t the place to air their stories. The American who claimed she was raped didn’t want to go to the police in fear of the repercussions yet is quite happy to broadcast her story to the nation
@C4RP3_N0CT3M 10 ай бұрын
They seem to have blocked the replies to your comment (at least I can't see them, but I can see there are 3 replies), but this is absolutely spot on.
@seamusmolloy6184 10 ай бұрын
Great point!! The absence of the law is something strange.
@jeffreyhinzmann945 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for doing these primers on attempting objectivity about tough emotionally-charged issues in an age where it's quickly becoming a lost art. Keep modeling the behavior even if you're wrong sometimes, it's very heartening to see someone younger than me do it so well!
@2Question-Everything 10 ай бұрын
Shouldn't one of the factors considered is if these things were done while using or in recovery? Doesn't make the actions ok either way. And what has RB done 'to make amends?' What do these women want to have happen?
@jeffreyhinzmann945 10 ай бұрын
Andrew isn't responsible for any of that. He didn't harass any women, he didn't take a definite stand about the behavior of Russell Brand (though he clearly doesn't like what is alleged). I'm encouraging him to show people how to 'withhold ascent' (that is, not immediately take a position or a side simply because of social pressure). That will not affect the investigations or criminal prosecutions, which are totally external to him. He's just trying his best to be an objective journalist.@@2Question-Everything
@jeffreyhinzmann945 10 ай бұрын
Considered separately, I'd say you're asking good questions. Not sure why they are responses to me, rather than just comments directed at Andrew himself.@@2Question-Everything
@lizzielonglegs1980 10 ай бұрын
I think you are forgetting that someone as prominent as Brand could easily threaten his victims to keep quiet . Why do accusations have to just be part of bringing someone down ? All accusers SHOULD be listened to and not ignored regardless of how famous these people are
@DuchessofCigarillo1 10 ай бұрын
Having owned and operated an S*xual Ass*ult clinic a huge concern for me is the report that one of the women visited a medical clinic where DNA was taken, and stored. Through my experience I have seen the fear and courage it takes for victims to walk into one of these clinics, knowing that they will have to endure an unwanted invasive and uncomfortable examination. Through an examination the attending medical personnel would be able to detect injuries that are not evident if the act is consensual. This is perhaps the one incident that may lead to serious charges against Russell. There may not be enough evidence with regard to the other women that came forward but we must remember, these women were interviewed separately and all gave similar details regarding Russell's behavior. We will have to see where this evidence leads. Because of the DNA evidence - that he was capable of committing an illegal act, and knowing his past, it is not a stretch to think he is possibly guilty. I'm on the fence until there is further information.
@leslies.5541 10 ай бұрын
There is a reason most countries have Historical "R" laws. This is such a difficult thing to report to anyone.
@mypillowguy445 10 ай бұрын
In 2006, Danni Minogue called Brand a "vile predator" after he leched over her "fabulous breasts", and harassed her for her phone number and followed her down a corridor after interviewing the singer for the release of her new album. "He wouldn't take no for an answer and made shocking remarks I can't repeat.", the singer said.
@basicfilmblog 10 ай бұрын
Who fucking cares? Not illegal even if he did do it.
@alterego2421 10 ай бұрын
creepy yes illegal no
@mypillowguy445 10 ай бұрын
​@@alterego2421It's called a pattern of behaviour.
@OrwellsHousecat 10 ай бұрын
Can't repeat because if you heard them you'd realise they're not shocking. Always be cautious when people are literally telling you how you should feel ('shocked')
@mypillowguy445 10 ай бұрын
​@@OrwellsHousecatJesus Christ you Brand cult members are such pathetic apologists 😂😂
@brianjames5685 10 ай бұрын
BREAKING NEWS Jagger nailed thousands of groupies! Give me strength.
@wisdomforwellness5509 10 ай бұрын
Russell is an incredible orator. In my experience sometimes this can be a quality that enables individuals to get away with pretty bad things more than your average Joe. Just because a person is clever and we like him it doesn't mean he isn't guilty unfortunately.
@enigma_-_79 10 ай бұрын
Between being able to talk his way out of situations and having the money to hire the best solicitors and barristers, we can see how people like Brand get away with their disgusting, despicable behaviours. It’s time for Brand to pay the piper, and it’s much too late for many of the victims. Stories have circulated about Brand for many, many years. It may be an old cliché, however there is no smoke without fire.
@powderandpaint14 10 ай бұрын
Yes, exactly. And he has fame, wealth and influence. A dangerous combination if someone wants to exploit others.
@MsGoalsgalore 10 ай бұрын
@@powderandpaint14 Wealth, fame and influence ..... a bit like epstein, saville, prince andrew, weinstein and the rest.
@NapoleonGelignite 10 ай бұрын
Russell is so ego-centric I believe him when he says he thinks all his encounters were consensual, but I also can believe that others might not have thought so.
@Mitzie365 10 ай бұрын
Trial by public opinion is one of the most dangerous threat to any individual in this age of social media. We all have a right to defend ourselves in a court of law where all facts are presented to find the truth. This encouragement of creating a mob bearing torches and pitchforks spurred on by influencer voices is abhorrent and I hope most logically thinking people realize that this could happen to them someday. Let reasoning prevail and leave the hysterics and drama to those with lesser IQs.
@TheCaptainSlappy 10 ай бұрын
Russkie Brand lost that right the moment he went to work for Moscow as a paid foreign asset. You should encourage individuals to out paid foreign assets paid to do propaganda operations on your neighbors.
@panchopuskas1 10 ай бұрын
But Brand does this all the time to other people on his channel.......
@SundaeRoast 10 ай бұрын
Trial by public opinion is what Brand does day in day out to other people through his daft conspiracy theories.
@tyleronearth 10 ай бұрын
While I agree generally; it seems to me most fans of Russell Brand would absolutely take part in trial by public opinion of figures he criticizes. Allegations that various politicians, prominent people, etc are doing really bad things. But then when Brand is accused everyone suddenly says "Wait for the evidence!"
@kateashby3066 10 ай бұрын
That’s great and I don’t disagree but you don’t get that afforded to you if it’s DOCUMENTED in your interviews and tv shows. We have every right to judge his behavior that is right in front of us. The rest is not favtual and every person needs to keep that in mind. But he’s behaved in abbhirabt ways that have been proven. Just like Ashton K factually lied about not being the one to find his murdered girlfriends body because that would have been bad for his career. There’s no allowance when stuff is factually documented.
@kierongraham1041 10 ай бұрын
Why didn't they go to the police? Instead of going to main stream media?
@julieoshea7360 10 ай бұрын
Exactly, especially during the height of the 'me too' movement. That would have made more sense
@OrwellsHousecat 10 ай бұрын
Money & motive
@dribblywildman7744 10 ай бұрын
Victim shaming also shames you. It is not for you or I to judge a victim for not acting in thr way we think they should.
@emilyann4549 10 ай бұрын
​@dribblywildman7744 yeah, but we don't know if they're a victim or not. So because they aren't a confirmed victim, they are up for scrutiny.
@henrygvidonas9573 10 ай бұрын
So, we're still doing the "why didn't they go to the police" thing? Why? I'll tell you why: Because victims traditionally get treated like pesky nuisances, at best - and as if they're the actual criminals, at worst, by law enforcement (and other people). Maybe listen to what victims who did report what was done to them to the police, have to say about that experience. For some, the trauma of being treated like that was just as bad as the crime. Also, a lot of traumatised people basically freeze up emotionally and intellectually. They just can't process what happened to them. Some will even try to convince themselves it never happened because they simply can't continue to stay alive otherwise. Sometimes to the point that a victim even destroys evidence of the crime in an attempt to pretend it never happened - just to be able to keep on existing as a human being. Studies say that eight to nine out of ten sexual assaults don't get reported to law enforcement. Tragically, victims not going to the police is actually the norm, not the exception. I'm not a person who socialises a lot or has more than a small handful of friends (acquaintances are not friends to me) - and even I know of at least three people in my rather small circle of family members and friends, who were sexually assaulted and didn't/couldn't go to the police. Four including myself.
@jenniferthompson4584 10 ай бұрын
You deserve six million subs. Objective journalism only exist in a few corners . I appreciate it. More people to see you.
@vemo916 10 ай бұрын
We put these celebrities on a pedestal. We only know how they want us to see them. RB is smart and has gotten ahead of this for a long time. There is power in hiding in plain sight. Even if this is a smear campaign and maybe none of this can be proven in court, he did admit to it all. He might have thought it was consensual even if it wasn’t for the woman. It’s a time in history where men behaving badly is being scrutinized.
@ellengarcia4041 10 ай бұрын
Ahhhh not only scrutinised BUT EXPOSED for who it REALLY US I'm afraid. The guy has always creeped me out.
@jodimarie379 10 ай бұрын
I'm very glad that you are thinking this through on both sides. There is nuance and we need more of it! Thank you thank you and thank you.
@jason_1970 10 ай бұрын
I prefer to wait and not be quick to judge, Thanks for reporting on this Andrew.
@Jb-ky8tb 10 ай бұрын
It is totally okay to not know what to think about this. It seems like there are things to be uncovered and maybe it is the best position not to pick a side this soon in the process. Nobody should be cancelled just because people tell stories. But if there is proof, it has to be shown. So, whatever will happen, I appreciate your honesty Andrew❤
@utrapzab 10 ай бұрын
Not one accuser showed face, says it all
@JuliCoxon 10 ай бұрын
Hired amateur actors no doubt!
@Trundlebugg 10 ай бұрын
Keep it up Andrew (but do get some sleep!), your openness to changing your opinions and arguing both sides is why I watch damn near all of your content! 👏
@codirennke1109 10 ай бұрын
I have endless respect for your reporting Andrew. And appreciation. We need folks to be ok saying I dont know at this point and I may never know. But that doesn't mean we dont continue asking questions.
@nopasaran191 10 ай бұрын
I’m on the far left and I think that you covered this very reasonably. I’m glad you can admit he definitely did something wrong instead of just defending because its “antiwoke”
@chongxina8288 10 ай бұрын
If you’re on “the far left” then you’re too bias to decide on what’s “reasonable”. I also wouldn’t put much stake on what some swastika tattooed neo Natzi has to say about being reasonable. Stay in your lane.
@jayfo4950 10 ай бұрын
His behaviour has never been a secret and is all in the public domain as it has always been. I think the real question is why now?
@dee_owen 10 ай бұрын
Part of the 12 step therapy is to acknowledge... own it.. then address everyone personally even in writing that you feel you hurt or did wrong to... He's a recovering adict... I imagine that's a daily struggle thank god now he's found his faith and believes in something and himself... The pendulum swings from light to dark in us all its finding a way to manage and maintain balance I guess.. most don't even get it in a lifetime let alone manage it.. And it's always best not to judge ANYONE
@mandy.austin 10 ай бұрын
In a previous life, I was coodinator of a women's legal service. There are a lot of considerations in this kind of scandal. As Andrew says, don't believe anyone. I'm not biassed towards anyone, I have seen women pursue long drawn out R trials which later turned out to be untrue - I have seen women lose matters where it was true, and the justice system failed them. Don't believe reporters - one of my clients died because of a Newspaper and the society of st.vincent de paul who enabled her abuser and told him where she was living, and denied funds to evacuate her to safety. MOST women never lie about SA/DV, but some do, and many people will do anything for the right amount of money. If i met or was working with any of these women I would be supportive, but I am storing away all the facts in a little file in my mind and keeping an open mind for the time being.
@stellaallbright4750 10 ай бұрын
Why did no one report these criminal allegations and file a lawsuit.... Instead of releasing a smear campaign by MSM on a Saturday night, just before the 2024 elections?? 🤔
@JustMeELC 10 ай бұрын
Sadly not too many people will take such a responsibile approach. I used to love Russell before his recent right wing conspiracy turn. If you read his books he is beyond blatantly open about his behaviour good, bad, & beyond embarrassing.. so I highly doubt this is true. It literally defies all common sense to be honest... thing is sadly I doubt his actual guilt or innocence will matter in this day & age :o(
@elephantintheroom5678 10 ай бұрын
@@JustMeELC Just because someone openly admits to being promiscuous does NOT mean they didn't grape people. It's like when a kid admits to a small infraction to try and make it appear they didn't do the far worse thing.
@lianneamington1791 10 ай бұрын
Wow well done you. Sadly many women’s charities unquestionably support (in fact they go further and act as the woman’s second voice spewing lies) women. As you say most woman tell the truth re SA. Women will lie for gain and often these types of people are emotionally unstable.
@bennym5244 10 ай бұрын
Fair points but it's a completely different scenario when celebrities are involved. Certain bad actors or those not acting in good faith use their fame to dazzle, hoodwink, promise, all that. A young lady maybe told they'll be introduced here and there it works both ways sometimes. There are the Meghan markles who will flirt and charm and then ghost. Then there's the male tarts who will Dean Gaffney their way through women. Then there's the big bad Harvey Weinstein types that actually have the power to make and break careers. It's a different world so civilians don't really know how amoral the whole industry is.
@carolmartin3028 10 ай бұрын
What makes me sad is that as women we have not come as far as we may have ourselves believed.
@Linkyloo01 10 ай бұрын
You're very good at reporting, Andrew. I enjoy conversations that take a nuanced approach to controversial topics. It's very difficult to find folks who aren't wholly invested in their own outrage.
@themoviedealers 10 ай бұрын
Nuance. You used an important word there.
@psychosarenuts 10 ай бұрын
I've deliberately avoided his work because he creeped me out 20 years ago with the arrogance and behaviour that were clear in photographs. Instinctively, I felt he was not someone good to be around. Could I have been wrong, yes, but instinct has kept me here this long so... HOWEVER. The timing of this is suspicious. Both he and the accusers deserve fair trial.
@katied1469 10 ай бұрын
Very suspicious
@sharonstone-bh1zp 10 ай бұрын
Having worked in the 60's, 70's and 80's in Los Angeles, this behavior is not surprising and was very common everywhere not just Hollywood. It's the reason "women's lib" etc was so welcomed initially. I am now 76 and living in Mexico and so glad to be out of the work environment. Yes, I believe most of the stories, and yes, I admire how he has turned his life around. One question though, how far back do we go to punish people for past crimes???
@stellaallbright4750 10 ай бұрын
How can you believe the victims stories w/o any evidence? Did you follow the Amber Heard trials??
@sharonstone-bh1zp 10 ай бұрын
@@stellaallbright4750 I did nor state whether I believed them or not. I am not surprised, given the past and recent propensity for leveling these types of charges.
@annaisley5755 10 ай бұрын
​@@stellaallbright4750two rich cunts who spent six weeks bitching about each other on national TV. The trial was ridiculous, stop quoting it in every comment.
@sampaterson1352 10 ай бұрын
I agree, if someone has changed and has a new life why punish them and ruin his family
@pamaladarsow2763 10 ай бұрын
I am 66 and totally agree with you. I love Russel Brand . I hope it’s not true . But you are right things were very different back then. Dating was different. Things ( not rape or incest ) but people were different than and it was acceptable , common place . How far back do we go ?
@inquiringminds6633 10 ай бұрын
well it is provable if the lady accusing him of R went to a R crisis center the same day and has verified texts of Brand apologising to her for it! It is kind of sickening to me that depending on which political side of the aisle you are on gives you a pass on appalling behaviour. First Dan Wooten now Russell Brand.
@lynnhubbard844 10 ай бұрын
what happened to the DW coverage...just disappeared
@Jerrysgirlalways 10 ай бұрын
Thanks! Don't stop what you're doing Andrew! I haven't seen great journalism like this in years. I may be old, but I cut my teeth as a kid on Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather etc. You're old school, and I love that. Excellence coupled with humility always wins!
@kennethward4985 10 ай бұрын
Cronkite, Rather, old Commies.
@oceonblu 10 ай бұрын
Andrew is Gold
@ermiltrude 10 ай бұрын
You are so fair and intelligently presenting controversy. We need more of this!! 🎉
@mistymac9345 10 ай бұрын
This is all really nothing new Andrew. I watch everything you do and your investigative skills and common sense narrative are always on point. I can see this has all disturbed you. I've never been a fan of his, just his appearance creeps me out. Several female celebrities here in Australia had awful predatory experiences with him and advised all women to never be alone with him. He recognised he was a drug and sex addict and spent a long time in therapy. Yes I believe all the stories about him, at the same time it's obvious there is a smear campaign happening because he has become so powerful in the media. Keep doing what you do Andrew.
@hakancarlsson2881 10 ай бұрын
You believe everything that he's accused of, but the accurate reporting is still an "obvious" smear campaign? 🤷
@eeeeeek2514 10 ай бұрын
Completely agree
@lisamcphee8923 10 ай бұрын
​@hakancarlsson2881 two things can exist and be true at the same time
@hakancarlsson2881 10 ай бұрын
@@lisamcphee8923 How is accurate reporting a smear campaign though?
@Lfrancis1956 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for your hard work, Andrew!
@dixiedean9876 10 ай бұрын
Well done Andrew for the one of the most objective summaries I've heard for a long time 👍. It's very rare these days to get a neutral perspective on a news story that aggregates the opinions of all sides.
@elephantintheroom5678 10 ай бұрын
@jsbaldo5556 10 ай бұрын
The tiny bit i've seen when he was live You can see the wheels turning against him and he would say things more against him ... he wasn't as objective as he normally is, He talked about it but I learned he is the type to believe a well made documentary , I'm guilty of that , I can FEEL my heart change as I watch these but I have to keep a level head. I am NOT just blatantly ignoring it but The way smear campaigns go now a days...its always more suspicious, the problem with being super self aware like he is and i am, is we over compensate by pushing away that bias to the extreme BUT he did a better job than others, Even what he says here, he talks about russels actions but he was a literal ADDICT and as a kid who grew up around addicts, THAT IS not the person, getting clean reveals THE TRUE PERSON, it doesn't excuse the stuff but it definitely does not represent the character, He also said he was shocked by russels oh this isn't me.. when that is not what russel said, he denied the non Consensual allegation's but said HE WAS OPEN ABOUT THE STUFF THAT IS TRUE and already known
@elephantintheroom5678 10 ай бұрын
@@jsbaldo5556 And as an addict, and alcoholic he had less impulse control....
@jsbaldo5556 10 ай бұрын
My point exactly which doesn't equal things he wanted to do, a person also ate a man on the street while on spice and without that drug.. he wouldn't have done it@@elephantintheroom5678
@michael-4k4000 10 ай бұрын
Do we really need to get the bobbies involved in this?
@user-bk6ru9yy7u 10 ай бұрын
You are terrific! Fair, measured, and truthful.
@maemae1752 10 ай бұрын
The fact is that if he didn’t have the power he has now and wasn’t exposing what he is, they wouldn’t be trying to bring him down like they are by bringing up his past. For many of us who have known about Russel for his entire career, none of this is a surprise. We have watched his horrifying behaviour in his early days along with his earnest struggles to change his life and now to move on and not only to change but to make amends and help others. I can see in Russel a deep wish to do good in the world and it is this which has brought down the forces of the powers that be upon him and not his past actions which are now merely the weapon that they would utilise to shut him up. Russel is no angel and like Andrew pointed out the BBC not only did nothing to stop him at the time, no exposés to make the world aware and to bring him to a halt but they actively encouraged and promoted in the then star. It’s only now that Russel is a threat to them, that they start feigning outrage and using everything they once supported to now bring him down. I for one accept Russel’s genuine change as a human, he simply isn’t the man he was and I for one have a long list of things I regret in my life and things I wish I had known better not to do, and I know I’m not alone. Russel once enabled by everyone around him in his success, drowned by his demons and addictions did what so many others around him did also, but how many of them have had the courage let alone want to change his life for the better? How many then have done what he did to transform that talent and abilities to help others? What is happening now is clear, Russel is too powerful and it’s time to take him out.
@knockshinnoch1950 10 ай бұрын
He's a complete fraud, a douchebag
@th2k864 10 ай бұрын
You really think they are don't this because he's got an audience of 6 million? I was a subscriber to Russell's talks and blog but stopped because he started sounding too crazy. I didn't enjoy watching him after a while. Once I stopped, I didn't hear anything of him. Russell Brand isn't a name that is just out here floating around. You have to look for him. I just don't see the BBC feeling threatened by a guy in the ALT space that was coming across as nuts as he was. They may have a vendetta though. They might just think he's an asshole and will enjoy bringing him down.
@BluesyVlogs 10 ай бұрын
Now he has changed?..Danny Masterson said the same, he was now a loving and caring husband. Omg, some of you people, defending rapists. You are so blindly in love with him for whatever reason you don't even want to see the monster he is. Shame on you. And what he is now is irrelevant, what happened back then matters. This kind of mentality is like the worst thing i can think off. Simply erase his bad history and only judge him by present (and i doubt even his present is all good).
@knockshinnoch1950 10 ай бұрын
100% agree. He has always been a douche bag. Listening to his stand up routine I was appalled at misogyny and contempt for women- I was gobsmacked to see the audience howl with laughter at his sick behaviour. He is a complete fraud and nowhere near as smart as he likes to think he is. I cannot believe people are still excusing his behaviour even after they have been presented with the vile acts outlined in the documentary. Maybe each relationship started consensually but it is obvious he was manipulative and devious and at some point crossed the line into sexual assault. Anyone who still thinks he's innocent is either stupid, deluded or share the same sexual predilections that brand has. @@BluesyVlogs
@maemae1752 10 ай бұрын
@@th2k864 If you knew how many lesser names have been erased from these platforms over the last few years you wouldn’t think this way. The censorship started long ado and is getting worse and worse. YT has now banned any ‘health advice’ omits platform which does not align with the official narrative and not a word from the rest of the media. There is a chokehold on information and alternative voices and thought. Stand by and let me know if what I have said finally hits you in a year or two. Tall poppies get their heads cut off.
@StayGold_Michele 10 ай бұрын
I just found you yesterday because of Ashton Kutcher's resignation and now you're here with Russell Brand and you have a new subscriber!!! I think you are a very even-handed, level-headed journalist! And that's something that is hard to come by these days..pur American government is so corrupt and bat poo crazy that it's inexplicable and that's saying something because I live in California which is even further off the deep end than that😡
@mypillowguy445 10 ай бұрын
Grow up. Republicans are as corrupt as they come.
@themoviedealers 10 ай бұрын
No offense, but the government in California is great. You're welcome to move to Idaho.
@StayGold_Michele 10 ай бұрын
@@themoviedealersNo offense taken. I'm welcome to do whatever I want because this is America, which includes thinking California government is full of s*** thanks to people who vote like you I'm sure.
@devermax 10 ай бұрын
So.. I believe innocent (in a legal sense) until guilt is proven. That means, even though I have a gut feeling that he did some or all of these things, I will continue to listen & be open to changing my mind.
@thisisit333 10 ай бұрын
My sentiments exactly.
@mrmensa1096 10 ай бұрын
I wouldn't put much Faith in the Court System (Crown) - Spacey got off (3 of his accusers just so happened to die before reaching Court.) Charles = best mates with Saville. Andrew best mates with Epstein. All those celebrity Pedos - that just so happened to be knighted. Makes you wonder ..........
@abacus299 10 ай бұрын
Didn't anyone else find the snippet from the Emily Maitlis interview interesting? His complete lack of remorse over any of his previous behaviour and the impact that would have had on others and referring to an accomplished journalist as "my dear". A glimpse of the real, narcissistic, misogynistic Brand. Reading some of the comments online demonstrates why victims of sexual assault - men as well as women - do not come forward. Imagine also having to go up against the might of a celebrity, with money for PR and lawyers. Sex offenders do not have two heads and live in sewers. They have families, friends and careers, sometimes fame. They hide in plain sight. Like Epstein, Weinstein, Savile et al. Is it a coincidence that Brand's new incarnation is post metoo? Perhaps the guru's next vlog could be an explanation of super-injunctions for his followers? Purely in the interest of transparency Russell. Get out the snake oil. Always some who will buy it.
@clairegs290 10 ай бұрын
Great comment!
Andrew you're a journalist - it's your work, these matters. Blowback from anonymous keyboard warriors are of no regard to your outcomes. Be strong, take courage - they will always be there. Over-reactive people are never personal, it happens to people who do great work
@lynnhubbard844 10 ай бұрын
and STOP apologizing--it's a turn off
@jonathanmaissin-franco934 10 ай бұрын
RB is the definition of a creep. Can’t feel sympathy for him at all.
@guyr.c.606 10 ай бұрын
When you hear the accusations everything seems settled until you hear the other side speak, and lets not forget the presumption of innocence.
@missKiki2012 10 ай бұрын
I love your balance in general. I can't believe how many people yell at you, its kinda nuts. I don't always agree with you....but damn, I just don't ever want to be snide with you cause you are clearly a good and kind person.
@bluewhistleschannel6058 10 ай бұрын
Hi Andrew, Thanks for your podcasts. Could you do a video explaining your experience and being pushed out of TV? Much appreciated.
@laurilehtiaho9618 10 ай бұрын
Love your coverage on this - and I was guessing that the first video would indeed get demonetized, fast.
@calliemc 10 ай бұрын
No one should have to go to work and put up with inappropriate behaviour...
@alterego2421 10 ай бұрын
no shit xD
@devinjanosov 10 ай бұрын
Yeah. Are they going to expose Jagger and Richards next?
@Notk-9 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. Very balanced. I'm a new fan! Subscribed!
@Schrody100 10 ай бұрын
A lot to be said about the environment that fosters this behaviour. He was a young brash, cocky, clever man who thought a lot of himself and must have charisma - and there was noone to reign him in. Not saying he wouldn't have done some of these things. But society could do worse than reverting to the theme "it takes a village to raise a child" - extending to young adults who need role models. I realise we are not in a position for this type ideological situation, especially given our primal and tribal instincts. Keep up the good work Andrew.
@andreabc2590 10 ай бұрын
You're so eloquent and really try to be fair. I really enjoy listening to your rambling viewpoints😄
@nightowl8548 10 ай бұрын
I've personally never liked him, and I don't feel the least bit surprised by these accusations. That being said, when the public WORSHIPS a celebrity like this, the celebrity begins to believe they can do (and get away with) whatever they damned well please, and they think they are above the law.
@basicfilmblog 10 ай бұрын
Utter nonsense.
@chrisbfreelance 10 ай бұрын
The counter argument is they are guilty by notoriety regardless of evidence. "I always knew he was a wrong un" hindsight on steroids.
@bluediamond4502 10 ай бұрын
Yes I agree. You present it well. 💎
@bigduphusaj162 10 ай бұрын
this is nothing to do with the public. This is another case of the MSM and police covering for another pea dough aka their mate. Sadowitz warned you all about this decades ago
@supertuscans9512 10 ай бұрын
That seems a rather stereotypical view. It’s a bit like saying don’t park your car in Brixton because it will be stolen.
@CaroleEvans93436 10 ай бұрын
I believe that Russell thought the relationships/encounters were consensual. A lot of people still think that rapists are men who loiter in woodland/forests, ready to pounce
@marymclarnon759 10 ай бұрын
How do I get to watch channel with RB documentary??
@ellendoherty7816 10 ай бұрын
Jonathan Ross was far worse than Russell Brand in the Andrew Sachs incident. It was shocking but Andrew Sachs was so wonderful in his dignified response. And that in itself made them both look ridiculous
@marktlog 10 ай бұрын
Ross is another turd.
@marlow7562 10 ай бұрын
They were both disgusting, and that stunt was not at all funny. The pain they inflicted on Andrew Sach was deep and emotionally damaging. It also ruined his relationship with his granddaughter, as he cut her out of his will. So being involved with Russell cost her dearly.
@LxUxNxA 10 ай бұрын
I still can’t believe that actually happened looking back . I was a lot younger then so it kind of went over my head at the time , but now I’m older and have kids of my own ( one of which is a daughter ) I can honestly say I would have handled those voice messages with a LOT less grace had someone said those things about my daughter!! ( I can’t get my head around the idea of being a grandma quite yet 😆)
@jillfishermusic4331 10 ай бұрын
Andrew, I’m so impressed. I’m a new subscriber too (thanks, YT algorithm!), and I’m delighted to have found your channel. I hope you continue to present both sides of an argument - this type of impartial approach (especially since you acknowledge your - wholly understandable - biases) is very refreshing, and much needed on social media. Thank you.
@bonfire3283 10 ай бұрын
No, Woody was accused of molesting not only his now wife who was 14-15, but also his seven yr old stepdaughter at the time. Not even close.
@Water_is_Sacred777 10 ай бұрын
It’s unimaginable how WA is still walking around a free man. Perfect example. Thank you!
@Gabriele-xk6zg 10 ай бұрын
So important to highlight biases as you keep doing, Andrew. Thanks for that.
@heidicarruthers-bell47 10 ай бұрын
RB is a self confessed narcissist, he has never denied this. So his relationships / interactions with woman, are a lot more likely to be abusive. We all know he's no angel. Although, all that said, I honestly felt that the documentary was a hit piece. I didn't like the way they used his comedy sketchs alongside the allegations to make it seem like he was almost confessing to these crimes. Plus, I can't forgive channel 4 for its recent doc Depp vs Heard, as all that did was blame social media ( KZfaqrs) for Amber's fall from grace, and not Amber's false allegations. I have to admit I think something is very fishy here. I suppose only time will tell.
@mypillowguy445 10 ай бұрын
You just said you think he's abusive. Stop being such a pathetic apologist.
@adamjohnson286 10 ай бұрын
Some really powerful forces in our society have a lot of reason to hate Russell right now. He's been building a massive audience while factually attacking Big Pharma, the military industrial complex, and the police state, and doing it in a way that appeals to both people on the left and the right. He's been especially good at exposing pharma's lies around COVID. Furthermore, he's been aggressively anti-tribalism, bringing people with varying political views to the table, which the deep state hates. He's a very unifying figure in the independent media world; the bad guys hate that. I watch his show daily. He's still a lefty, by the way, he mentions that often. He's just anti-tribalism, I'm exactly the same. Russell had some dirt in his past, and they're dragging it out in an attempt to damage his current trajectory. "They" probably being the CIA.
@TheChristafershawn 10 ай бұрын
​@@Mursh26 Yes it was a hit piece. You and your type were a very dangerous bunch back in Salem all those years ago. I wonder when Channel 4 will come out with that Epstein client list documentary, oh right....NEVER.
@lucid6891 10 ай бұрын
@@Mursh26 Look into the Lab for Character Assassination and Reputation Politics (CARP) ... utilising these kinds of methods is well practiced and manipulating damaged women into playing into a narrative is an art for these people.
@larrykelly-kf5pp 10 ай бұрын
@@Mursh26like another publisher journo a smear campaign was used on
@gonzothegreat1317 10 ай бұрын
One accuser, after the rape, went and told a friend, they went to get a rapekit, she has text messages of Brand talking about it, his number was confirmed. That's one. This in court is a done deal. Brand's done.
@danielmilbourne880 10 ай бұрын
@John-we7jx 10 ай бұрын
She attended a Rape Crisis Centre, a rape kit is taking samples to look for sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.
@basicfilmblog 10 ай бұрын
Talking about it? Ok well what was said?
@alterego2421 10 ай бұрын
source: I made it up
@gonzothegreat1317 10 ай бұрын
Medical records aka evidence.
@JAde-tm1yb 10 ай бұрын
You're towing the KZfaq party line 😂😂😂😉
@thebeardedufoguygaz1109 10 ай бұрын
Top man Andy, you are the 1st place I go to for this sort of news as you are honest
@octobermoon9 10 ай бұрын
It seems to me his superiors knew what he was doing and didn't care because he was profitable for them, now they see him as a threat in business and politically so it's time to out him. They are outing him not because they want to do the right thing, if that were the case he would have been fired and hung out to dry long, long ago. They are attempting to neutralize a threat. Should he face consequences if guilty of crimes? Absolutely. Though it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see through their tactics. Trial by media to destroy public opinion of him to damage his base, neutralize the threat, create doubt, confusion and offer up the sacrifice to distract from all the other deviants in powerful positions. Birds of a feather flock together. Thank you, Andrew.
@ziggystardust7888 10 ай бұрын
So Does Clinton, Bush, OBAMA, Biden 👿👿👿
@stellaallbright4750 10 ай бұрын
If these crimes were committed, they belong in a court of law, NOT MSM.
@nicolelouis8968 10 ай бұрын
Spot on, see my comment.
@soulfireonfire6423 10 ай бұрын
@@stellaallbright4750 Exactly and the question is why aren’t they being handled that way?
@manoftheworld1000 10 ай бұрын
@@soulfireonfire6423 3 guesses ...
@snugtabflower13 10 ай бұрын
These things were done on air for his audience. I grew up with Russell Brand, Jonathan Ross, Jimmy Carr, Paula Yates, Julian Clary, Dennis Penis, Sasha Barron Cohen and many more… These guys would all be cancelled now. Flirting and joking about sex was normal, it made you laugh and squirm at the same time and sometimes it made your jaw drop because it was so crude. Russell was always what you saw was what you got.. naughty, out of control, unpredictable. To make the statement he made people a bit uncomfortable is hilarious.. that was his persona. We have become a society that cannot accept that through it’s own development people change and thus society changes with it. Currently the impression is that societally we look back historical and believe we would never be those people with complete ignorance to the fact that the very same yard stick will be used for us 20 years from now. I look forward to hearing your defence. I think the critique will focus around the lack of maturity that this era had to deal with things that are just life.
@demonvalentine1 10 ай бұрын
Without insisting on real evidence, the accuser coming forward publicly (the accused has the right to face their accuser), and without observing the statute of limitation, we should never believe any of this. Notice how none of the 'victims' knew they were ready to speak until approached by did the reporters know of these women that had never spoken up??? Without exercising more scrutiny and skepticism, we all open ourselves up to the possibility of false allegations at any time.
@KMJCAN1313 10 ай бұрын
Here, here.
@Parkupton 10 ай бұрын
By this assessment Jimmy Saville hasn’t much to answer for. Dig deeper and you will see it isn’t quite as simplistic as you suggest
@wildcardartsent 10 ай бұрын
​@@ParkuptonExplain what you mean.
@jennlecher5604 10 ай бұрын
Because they thought they were the only ones, which is why most people don’t come forward, particularly when the allegations are about a person IN POWER.
@lolocaust4967 10 ай бұрын
Umm, we don't have a statute of limitations in the UK. Only for civil lawsuits. These are criminal allegations.
@OrwellsHousecat 10 ай бұрын
It's not a 'documentary', it's a crucification
@sarahfox3312 10 ай бұрын
I like the parallels Shaun is making between Julian Assange and Russell’s complainants. Initially you may think they might be being truthful and as time goes in all claims are discredited
@jennideans 10 ай бұрын
It's interesting this news was not from The Police and not given attention at the time of the said incident but rather released by the news media ...
@circleinfinite 10 ай бұрын
Try not to worry about pissing people off. Just stay and be you. You have an honesty In your work that will make your audience appreciate your integrity.
@JoTracy 10 ай бұрын
Stories about him pouring out now He was notorious and now, infamous
@Miss.Moth.666 10 ай бұрын
All of the above, Andrew. That’s why we should find it difficult to ‘judge’.
@enyangale 10 ай бұрын
I'm a fan of Russell Brand and his content as I do agree with you that he has his finger on the pulse with so many things that resonate with the world today. However, there is also the realist in me that based on his past behavior it's very easy to see the truth in what is being said. The more TV channels glorify him by providing a platform and therefore notoriety, the more he will believe his own hype and think he can get away with things that no human would. I don't believe in 'these are things that rockstars do' as there are plenty of famous people who do not have inflated egos, and let's be fair, Russell Brand does, and it's part of the reason we all like him. However, it's a double-edged sword here, and we are seeing a repeat of patterns of behaviour conducted by powerful men in the media, then said media outlets collude to bring down a monster they had a part in creating.
@lisacollins3304 10 ай бұрын
Your comment is excellent. I appreciate it.
@laurame4301 10 ай бұрын
I think we should all try to be objective and stop being so tribal and personally invested in these people who have no idea of whom any of us are, nor do they care about us, nor should they. Both things can be true about Russell Brand. What we choose to believe here says more about us and absolutely nothing about him. Personally, I would respect him if he just came out and admitted to the undeniable stuff and apologized for it and said that he is a changed person and he deeply regrets the bad things he did in the past. And that's the end.
@stung3848 10 ай бұрын
Finally a sensible comment
@kateorwell7203 10 ай бұрын
He has admitted that he was like that. Anyone can see he's a changed man, notwithstanding the fact that HE HAS said so himself. He's not proud of that time in his life.
@veronicawood8295 10 ай бұрын
@@kateorwell7203 No one knows if he's truly a changed man...he's a manipulative narcissist and begging forgiveness after he does something shitty is his MO. We saw it in the text messages Andrew read us in his previous vid, after he forced himself on a girl in some way. He was begging forgiveness after the girl told him how scared he made her, and he basically just blew it off. If he's raped or sexually assaulted multiple women, whatever he says about himself is completely irrelevant. I'm not insinuating that he's guilty yet...I'll reserve that judgement until I see evidence proving the crimes, but I don't believe a damn word he says either. Predators LIE.
@veronicawood8295 10 ай бұрын
A self-serving apology for what he's already been busted for in the past does not excuse him from facing consequences if he's raped or sexually assaulted multiple women. Lets find out the true facts before we grant him our forgiveness merely because he happens to be a wealthy celebrity.
@tiffanyh1274 10 ай бұрын
@@veronicawood8295that’s right. Because IF he is guilty of raping that girl, an apology doesn’t cut it. Lol that’s a CRIME. Bizarre that you even need to make that comment.
@sonia.jarrett 10 ай бұрын
I've never been a fan of him, but lets be fair, he shouldn't go down if he's an innocent man
@stellaallbright4750 10 ай бұрын
That's the thing about releasing a docudrama slandering someone on MSM and not addressing the criminal allegations in a court of law! Too many will turn on Brand just for the allegations alone. Just as they did with Johnny Depp.
@jehan8860 10 ай бұрын
I love your balanced, unbiased (as much as is possible) observations. I love this approach. Thanks Andrew!
@ChristineM-o1m 10 ай бұрын
He should absolutely face the consequences of his actions!!!!
@ellengarcia4041 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely! Thinking admitting to unruly behaviour has let him off the hook? What goes around comes around. It's a pleasure to wave another goodbye! 👋
@carolbrett2167 10 ай бұрын
I want to see the documentary. What’s it called and where can I find it?
@sharonknevett9699 10 ай бұрын
Channel 4 , Dispatches
@carolbrett2167 10 ай бұрын
@@sharonknevett9699 I’m not familiar with that.
@sharonknevett9699 10 ай бұрын
@@carolbrett2167 are you in the uk ?
@sonia.jarrett 10 ай бұрын
They did show the worst bits from his lives, then seemed to match it up with some statements made
@drumgold23 10 ай бұрын
Yeah they should have shown all the least relevant bits cos that would have made total sense
@sonia.jarrett 10 ай бұрын
Andrew ignore the haters, have a brilliant nights sleep, then when you wake up start thickening your skin, you're brilliant as you are, don't change
@luluvsraven 10 ай бұрын
My ex was an addict. He’s my sons father. When we were together he also had that Jekyll and Hyde thing. There were many many reasons for his using. He was a very flawed person. He is by no means perfect, however, he helps people in recovery coming out the other side of his addiction. In any addiction there are many demons. In buddhism we have a saying “hon nin myo” it means “from this moment on” The difficulty here is, the documentary is based on Brand at his most evil and possessed embraced by the fifth estate, who are currently engaged in covering up some heinous crimes. He is consciously moving forward now, with responsibility. All anyone can do is be who they are now in the light or hide who they are in the dark. I do think this is a smear. I feel terrible for the women involved though. It can be both. He has enlightened the public to some really dodgy goings on.I am not shocked by this. I am more surprised at his survival getting away from the vampires, defanging himself and into recovery.
@j.artiste8596 10 ай бұрын
He has talked about having huge memory gaps because of drugs. He could have done something, but think he didn't, because he simply doesn't remember. He should let the women speak, because he simply can not claim that nothing happened. Because he knows there are gaps in his memory.
@luluvsraven 10 ай бұрын
@valentine572 10 ай бұрын
Where can we see the documentary ?
@bigduphusaj162 10 ай бұрын
I met Karl Pilkington on a glider trip he told me all about Russel and how hes shocked the guy aint in Jail.
@Rebelconformist82 10 ай бұрын
@clairegs290 10 ай бұрын
Really ?!? Ha !!!
@CynthiaGladstone 10 ай бұрын
RB has a serious “rambling “ bent that is likely from drug induced brain damage which I used to like him but now To me he’s frightening.
@Mayorof37115 10 ай бұрын
I see you’re up to 239 subscribers !!!!!! Happy days!!❤
@Cazza1206 10 ай бұрын
Andrew your reporting on this is spot on 👍 ❤ ignore the messages, you're doing a great job.
@TracysJourneys 10 ай бұрын
It’s 100% a smear campaign because videos of this stuff has been around for a long time. It’s no secret I remember him Wayback win being a bad boy and doing inappropriate stuff. It’s not a surprise to me. I’ve watched him his whole career I’m 53 years old, but to purposely gather videos and put the whole thing together Actively makes it a smear campaign no doubt, but I do believe he has repented and changed.
@tracieok1 10 ай бұрын
I haven't seen the documentary at this time. Russell was a loose canon for a period of time. I remember not caring much for his persona many years ago. I appreciate and admire his changes and morphing into the man he is today. My heart is breaking for this mess.
@marktlog 10 ай бұрын
He's just as bad now, just abuses people in a different way
@ivonaivona668 10 ай бұрын
​@@marktlogwhy do you think so?
@lorrainefryer 10 ай бұрын
@@marktloglike who. Please elaborate.
@enigma_-_79 10 ай бұрын
Brand was and is today one of those arrogant pricks who intimidated others via the legal system, because he has the money to hire the best. His behaviour is despicable. Two things; Witnesses and consequences. I don’t believe for a second that there are not many, many more victims and perhaps now many many of the witnesses to his behaviour will now feel empowered to speak up against evil.
@Investigativebean 10 ай бұрын
“Eyes turning black” is one of those cliches that you hear to describe evil. In contrast, you hear “their smile lights up the room” as a cliche as well.
@easyglistening 10 ай бұрын
Andrew, I appreciate how fair you try to stay and point out your biases.
@mariabonucchi5606 10 ай бұрын
Couldn’t watch it on locals without paying!
@jordanedgeley6601 10 ай бұрын
This is mostly an exaggeration of his promiscuous behaviour, which we all knew about, not a single person said something untill someone decided to do an investigation and try and look for people to complain about him. Theres no doubt given the amount of people he slept with there will be some who are jilted, and he definitely made a lot of women uncomfortable which he should acknowlede, however in terms of the more serious allegations im giving him the benefit of the doubt i dont think hed do that.
@mickoleary2855 10 ай бұрын
Very impressed with you're handling of this and Its such a difficult story and subject to talk about. No matter what you say it can so easily be misconstrued and you can be accused of fluffing over the seriousness etc I loved the way you prefaced that you had bias"s towards the BBC etc I've never seen that before and its refreshing that that its laid on the table before you start Can any journalistic piece be completely objective ?
@ropuchK 10 ай бұрын
your approach is a breath of fresh air
@rossmurray6849 10 ай бұрын
Hi, Andrew. I have a suggestion for how you can resolve your dilemma about who to believe: look at whether he sues The Times and Channel 4 and whether or not the police file charges. It is a no-brainer he should sue if he is innocent of accusations that he did the R-word. He'll come out of any trial looking like a creepy scumbag but he's already openly admitted to being that in the period after his active drug addiction when his sex addiction flared up. I don't think he'll do it and kind of hope that The Times sues him for the damage his denial has done to their reputation.
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