S8E5: Pastor Mitchell, Rev Sean Major-Campbell & Jevane (An Atheist) debates: Is there a God?

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Bwoyatingz By Kareem

Bwoyatingz By Kareem

7 ай бұрын

Tonight’s show focuses on a thought-provoking journey into one of humanity's oldest and most profound questions: 'Is There a God?'"
Throughout the centuries, individuals and societies have grappled with the concept of a higher power. Today, we embark on a quest for answers, exploring the depths of belief, doubt, and the enigma of the divine.
We've gathered experts, and thinkers, from various walks of life to delve into this timeless debate. From theologians to atheists to devout believers, we'll bring you diverse perspectives to challenge your own beliefs and provoke deep introspection.
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Rev Sean Major- Campbell

Пікірлер: 36
@antoniaPrince 7 ай бұрын
Interesting topic. I know Mr. Ian Boyne would be proud of this episode
@isomario 7 ай бұрын
Why is the set giving Religious Hardtalk with the desk!! A wonderful homage. Lol..
@SueTanyaMchorgh 7 ай бұрын
I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. It's a dialogue that needs to be had, and I appreciate how everyone conducted themselves, articulating each point with intelligence and understanding.
@chantalbarrett 7 ай бұрын
This conversation was definitely needed. Rightfully the anatomy between science and religion can be questioned using the same metric as the same questions can be asked. Reason being, uncertainty looms between both. They can be both be correct or incorrect. Overall I’ve gone through circumstances that has placed me in a position to question God but it hasn’t pushed in a manner not believe his role or influence in my life. Nonetheless the panelists were open to differing views along Jehvanne is probably the only atheist that has articulated himself from a place of factual context and not only sole feelings and opinion.
@maxinewildman4313 7 ай бұрын
To each is believe but thanks be to God for our existence. I serve a true and living God.
@claudiaallen7237 7 ай бұрын
I think questioning the existence of God in your time of need or trauma is not enough to fall in the category of an atheist... I hope he channels his energy in to healing from the loss of his mother
@taneshawright4937 7 ай бұрын
It is so easy to question God but not the devil....lets flip the question, is there really a devil?
@LoverofGod1992 7 ай бұрын
Exactly another way to flip it
@JosephTFarquharson 7 ай бұрын
Most of the people who don't believe in a god, also don't believe in a devil.
@maxinewildman4313 7 ай бұрын
Rev Sean Major Campbell sound reasoning .Respect to you too pastor Mitchell
@tishrob5012 7 ай бұрын
We need more of these topics,keep doing great work kareem
@MajesticGabby_Fe 7 ай бұрын
👏🏾Great conversation. Respect each of these guests views and their explanations. For Iself I tend to agree with The Kybalion, "Three Initiates" That ALL IS MIND. As"humans or spiritual beings" we give power to whatever it is we believe. Thus one person's God(s) could be another's devil. Also we must study and learn the origins of words.. Also on a global scale everyone also has their own creation story....
@janicethompson8187 7 ай бұрын
I have been through a lot of trauma but in my opinion God is wonderful. We are in a fallen world so our understanding of God is ever evolving.What we need to understand is that while we seem to be always judging God and turning our backs on Him, the satan is having a field day getting away with the fact that he is real and has real influence on humanity.
@justinechung9823 7 ай бұрын
Well said. The biggest hoax Satan has pulled is trying to convince people that God is not real. Get up and look around.
@LoverofGod1992 7 ай бұрын
I believe in God 1000 percent. He is the creator of heaven and earth. Religion traps us. Having a relationship with God for yourself is of great importance especially in the times we are living in.
@tawjnamcintyre658 7 ай бұрын
A don’t kno what to do with myself watching thissssss the questions have my mind running wild 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂
@KareemBwoyatingz 7 ай бұрын
I’m strong in my faith but this discussion had my thoughts racing. I appreciate how respectful they were with all the points being posed.
@seanmcdonald5365 7 ай бұрын
Q: Pastor Mitchell speaks about his experiences, preaching a sermon in Atlanta from the bible, but not allowed to say the name Jesus, if you're preaching a sermon, from the bible why are you not allowed to say a name that is in the bible? This man apparently couldn't see for 84 years but sees after hearing "he's a healing jesus", so God made him wait 84 years for a super random event where you're preaching, for him to be able to see? Is it because he was Muslim? Whose fault was that though? I'm very sure he had many wishes and prayers, wanting to be able to see, but he had to wait 84 years for you to come along? Why didn't god just speak to him and heal him? This story requires evidence to support it. Even so, 84 years? For the Hindu woman with cervical cancer, so he apparently answered her prayers because she somehow learned about him and randomly decided to pray using his name as a last resort, maybe she didn't get a response from her gods but that's a side point. God decides to cure her but for whatever reason doesn't want to cure the 4 and 5 year old children with cancer? What makes these people so special that their prayers are answered while thousands, even millions of others aren't? And even before that how do we even know that it was indeed the god you claim, that answered? How have you ruled out Benevolent healing pixies that have their own agenda? You just have faith that it was him correct? You don't know, you just have faith and it feels like it works, except when it doesn't and then you say "it's his will". I have a similar issue with miracles, it's very selective, with a hint of narcissism, and also, not everyone that prays gets healed, in fact, most actually still suffer/die, but then it just becomes God's will, which has another issue that I found early on as a Christian and that is that prayer doesn't work. You'll say it does because even when it fails, you use the failsafe of saying "it wasn't his will" when Jesus says "anything you ask of the father in my name, you will receive". So you pray and you get through, yay god listens and cares, when nothing happens "it's okay, it wasn't his will for it to happen" this just means your prayer has 0 effect on outcomes, whatever is to be done, will be done whether or not you pray about it, because his will, will be done. If you're saying it does work, then you're saying that you, a limited being, can change the mind of an omniscient being, which makes no sense as whatever you're positing would have already been considered.
@seanmcdonald5365 7 ай бұрын
Very interesting show here, being an atheist, i can agree with a lot of Jevane's responses though i can tell we differ in some respects. I am strongly rooted in my atheism at the moment and I love having my atheism challenged and I'm always happy to speak on these things so ive decided to respond to a few of the major questions that came up on this episode. To give more perspective for those not so familiar with Atheists, which by the way is not the belief that there is no god, it is the position of not being convinced that there is a god. It'll be over separate comments due to the length of the responses. Q: If there is no god, how are we here? Firstly, I don't know if there is no god, however our existence can be explained without the insertion of any god. Science has done well to provide proper evidence based explanations as to what happened that lead to us being here. Essentially, the universe began, we don't know why but we know it began with a super rapid expansion, time passed and the universe expanded, cooled and formed and changes kept happening, planets and stars kept forming and moving, until there was a planet that attained satisfactory conditions for the beginning of "life" meaning a living organism as we know them to be, life began on earth, as far as we know, with microscopic organisms. Over billions of years life evolved and continued adapting to conditions, we are another step in that process. And to answer pastor Mitchell's rebuttal about "something" existing before the universe. There is no evidence that definitively suggests that the universe was "created" or that there was anything that existed "prior to" the universe, whatever that would mean in the absence of our spacetime, what we can tell is that spacetime as we know it began with an expansion of a singularity, it could have just always existed. We observe that things that are inside the universe have a beginning and they also have an end, this does not mean that this applies to the universe itself i.e it may not have a "beginning" or an "end", we don't know know if it's even possible for the universe to not exist. Nothing about what we know about about universe and its origin necessitates that there must be an originator, thats an assumption and saying there MUST be one is an assertion. Pastor Mitchell also uses the Fine-tuning argument and says the universe is "intelligently designed" and speaks about how we can understand the universe via mathematics. Firstly, we have exactly 1 example of a universe, there is no way we can know if the universe wouldn't exist with different "mathematical constants", we have never observed any other universe and thus the fine tuning argument is based on an assertion that the physical constants we observed could not be anything else, maybe they just adapted to be that in this instantiation of spacetime. Secondly, the universe is about 13.7 billion years old, the earth is about 4.6 billion years old, so in this "intelligently designed" universe it took around 9 billion years for this planet to even be formed and then it still took close to 900 million years before life came about, with animal life arising only 700 million years ago in the form of sponges. Because we have survived and have the cognitive ability to do what we can, it seems like we were made for this, when in fact, we fit ourselves into this universe with constant adaptation to our environment. Similarly with saying its amazing the universe is comprehensible, mathematics is a tool that we have developed to understand the universe, we should be more amazed that our brains are able to come up with such a thing, to the extent that it's a natural part of normal brain function. Observing the universe, its a chaotic process with a lot of constant adaptation to new environments, there's nothing "intelligently designed", it only seems that way after it has had 13.7 billion years to adapt and create systems.
@darkemperorr9951 7 ай бұрын
The question of the night... Is there really a God? I believe in a Supreme Being, but the God described in the Bible... nope.
@tawjnamcintyre658 7 ай бұрын
Topiccccc hottttt!!!!!!!!
@jackiesimpson6130 7 ай бұрын
I believe in God
@vaughntuckerart3940 7 ай бұрын
I don’t know which is worst the liberal theologian or the Atheist.
@msann7988 7 ай бұрын
I:40 into the interview question posed to the young man do you believe in a God .. “no I don’t”…now fast forward to 11:56 ..same young man said “something can be hurling from God knows where”… That is a confession that there is indeed a God If man was able to figure out God and know him fully and know his next move.. then would he still be any need for God… there are things that God made and are still be discovered .. Newton I believe was converted and confess that there is indeed a God.. The thing is man want to know everything God knows and want to be able to explain God.. but how would God be God if we know as much as He knows … there has to be a creator .. are we fed lies quite possible .. but the creation of man and nature speaks to the existence of a divine being
@seanmcdonald5365 7 ай бұрын
Him using a very common expression "from God knows where" does not speak to the existence of any god, its simply an expression that everyone is used to using. How do you know there has to be a "creator"? How do you know the universe was created? There is no evidence supporting such a claim, that's simply you not wanting to believe otherwise, you cannot comprehend existence unless it was "created" because you're used to things having a cause, but how do you know the universe itself has a cause? The laws within the universe do not necessarily apply to the universe itself and we have never witnessed any other universes being "created" so how can you say that there must be a creator for this universe.
@Jeanette-iw8un 7 ай бұрын
What if we are all apart of a thought?
@thamarwilliams 7 ай бұрын
I believe there is supremacy watching us and we were told its call GOD. I also believe humans are earthly “gods” since we were created by a God and apparently in our God’s image so my god and I are connected, So on that note, the God that created me knows me inside out and therefore he/she/universe should not be shocked at how I am as a person because “how” I am is not news to them. As a person I keep changing & evolving, therefore, i do not limit anything about My God (My creator) be it Good bad or indifferent. Also note My existence started in July 1983 with the help of 2 human “gods” known to me as mommy & daddy. It matters not to me how this world came to be but it matters in what state will I be when I meet my end. In the end I hope to have loved hard, made Concious decisions, laugh a lot, help others and live healthy
@tishrob5012 7 ай бұрын
The reasoning is faulty based on the premise that they are looking at God as if he is human. God is all powerfull and all knowing and he hates sin. All of those 'vengeful' acts was in response to sin under previous dispensations. The penalty for sin was death under the law. The Israelites being in the wilderness for forty years has multiple lessons for us. God can see the future that we can't. His decisions are based on being able to see all things. It is impossible for mere humans to approach God in our sinful state. We will die. No man hath seen God and lived, much less a sinner. People tend to pick out examples of God's judgements against sin and use it as if God is unjustified in exercising his sovereignty. The same moral arguments they are using to say God is wicked comes from the laws of God. The reason Christ came is because man needed someone through whom they could approach God. In the old testament, the Priest did that. The Priest was the one who made the sacrifices. He had to be unblemished sinless etc. in fact they had a rope tied to him with a bell that made sound as he moved around in the Tabernacle in the event that he died in the Tabernacle due to sin or not carrying out his functions properly. God not only judged the heathens, he judged his people as well. God is not vengeful, he is judgement.
@LoverofGod1992 7 ай бұрын
Being in church doesnt mean you have a relationship with God. Being in church 7 days a week means nothing if you dont have a relationship with God. It is pointless.
@jevanesalmon5915 7 ай бұрын
This is Jevane the Atheist on the panel, I respect your opinion but I will say this my being at church everyday was because of my personal relationship with God
@jevanesalmon5915 7 ай бұрын
I wanted to be in the space that gave me joy and made me feel safe, my breakaway was solely due to the lack of empathy and concern for a broken young man running to rather church for guidance from the hurt I was facing
@seanmcdonald5365 7 ай бұрын
This sounds like you're trying to say he became an atheist because he didn't actually have a relationship with god.
@marvawalters6980 7 ай бұрын
​@@seanmcdonald5365I sure believe there's a God....
@seanmcdonald5365 7 ай бұрын
​@@marvawalters6980thats very nice, why do you believe that though? What objectively verifiable evidence do you have that definitively points to the existence of any god entity?
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