Scared to Speak Your Target Language? - How to Talk to Native Speakers

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Days and Words

Days and Words

4 жыл бұрын

Are you scared to speak your target language when you meet a native speaker? You can learn how not to be scared to speak to native speakers of your target language by following the advice in this video.
Lots of people tell me they are afraid to speak a foreign language, which means they never get to practice with a native a speaker, but this video will explain how you can follow these steps to not be afraid to speak target language when the time comes.
In this video, I explain how I went from a person who was afraid to speak German even though I had been learning for a few years to being someone not at all afraid to speak French even when the waitress I was speaking to wasn't French! Maybe you are afraid to speak Spanish or you're in Brazil and you're afraid to speak Portuguese. Maybe there is a bit Russian population in your city, but it's not good because you are afraid to speak Russian with them. If any of these language learning scenarios sound scary to you, then stay with this video and you'll learn how to practice languages with native speakers.
I'm Lamont from the Reykjavik Review, where even though I don't speak Icelandic, I do speak Swedish, French, and a little bit of some other languages; all of which are languages I have learned by practicing language through conversation. As I go through this process myself, I want to help you with everything I've learned about foreign languages, learning languages and particularly how to practice with native speakers and how to have a good accent when you speak a foreign language.
So stick around, watch some other videos and subscribe to see heaps more content about language learning and foreign languages.
Subscribe to see lots more language learning tips! / @daysandwords
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• How To Learn Languages

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@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Hey guys! Please leave EITHER: 1. Your script that you use to speak to native speakers (you can write it in English or the language you're learning) 2. Your tips for how to not freak out when you meet native speakers of your target language. Merci ! Tack! Vielen dank!
@MelissaJetzt 4 жыл бұрын
"What am I supposed to do, assume there are other countries in EUROPE?"
@boyohazard 4 жыл бұрын
I once bumped into a native Polish speaker and in my excitement/nervousness blurted out "My name is hello". I am definitely going to write out a script so I don't repeat that mistake! Thank you for the excellent content!
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Haha. Yeah, and you make mistakes that you NEVER make otherwise, e.g. I had been quite fluent in Swedish for about a year when I happened to run into some Swedes, and because it was an unexpected conversation, I used the word "svårt" to describe something "hard", but as in, solid, not as in difficult. "Svårt" means difficult, "hård" means hard like a brick or something. And I said "Jag kommer plugga väldigt svårt..." which is a mistake I have NEVER made. So yeah the excitement and surprise of the situation can get to you. Thanks for your comment!
@adamclark1972uk 4 жыл бұрын
Hahaha 😆
@keegster7167 Жыл бұрын
At least they’re both greetings! (Or parts of greetings)
@ErykKrzeminski Жыл бұрын
"Mam na imię cześć", eh? 😂 I think that's a normal thing - fellow Polish learner and I've done similar...
@MisterBudBrown- 4 жыл бұрын
How many times have I spoke to a Filipino in Tagalog here (Philippines) and they always answer in English. I finally say (in Tagalog) I see you're not used to speaking to a foreigner in Tagalog! We both laugh and then they start answering in Tagalog. Thanks for sharing this vid.
@frogskocinq 3 жыл бұрын
I wrote that one down! Tack!
@My-Channel_forever 3 жыл бұрын
I like your “2 year old” analogy. I once knew a toddler for whom English was a second language. When asked what she wanted for breakfast, she repeated, with increasing urgency, “Pig sticks. Pig sticks! Piiiiig stiiiicks!!!” Finally, we said, “Oh, bacon! 🥓” She very creative;y communicated what she wanted and then learned the correct word, just as you said in your video!
@bigwill1583 4 жыл бұрын
One day a guy from Argentina started speaking to me (in English) After a few mins I said to him “hablas inglés muy bien” (you speak English very well) which allowed me to speak in Spanish with him a little bit. I bumped into him a few months later and I was able to speak quite a bit more Spanish with him than before so that was encouraging!
@alwaysuseless 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not afraid to speak in my target language German, but if you're afraid to speak in your target language, you could still prepare something similar to what I start with when I hear someone speaking German or English with a German accent: "Excuse me. Are you from Germany?" [Entschuldigen Sie mich. Sind Sie aus Deutschland?] And no matter what they say, you can probably follow up by asking them in your target language "Ah, where exactly? What city?" [Ah, wo genau, welche Stadt?] In my case, if they say they're Swiss, I may ask "But you can speak both Swiss German and so-called High German?" [Aber Sie sprechen sowohl Schweizerdeutsch als auch sogenanntes Hochdeutsch?] (And similarly, if they're from Austria.) This is meant to encourage them to speak High German with me, which by then, they've noticed is what I'm speaking. (I find other dialects hard to understand.) I live in a small town in the U.S. that sees a disproportionate number of foreign tourists. Still, hardly anyone here speaks German. Everyone I've had this exchange with has been very pleasantly surprised that some American in line or at the next table can actually speak German with some degree of fluency and is eager to do so. Next time I hit it off with a German-speaker, after there's a vaccine for Covid-19, I should offer to show them around. Even if you find this scary, it's also fun and exciting! And no one is going to be offended that you're trying to speak in their native language. It's inherently a compliment.
@jahipalmer8782 3 жыл бұрын
That's how I made my first language partner. She was talking to some dude in english, struggling for words with an amazing Guatemalan accent. I slid up and (in garbage spanish) said "Usted habla Espanol?" She visibly relaxed and turned to me and said more spanish than I could possibly understand, but I got enough of it to help her through what she was trying to tell the dude then continue talking to her afterward. It was years in the making but getting to do that was super awesome.
@Riurelia 3 жыл бұрын
Last year I accidently asked my study hall teacher whose native language is Spanish for a "son of paper" (hijo de papel) rather than a "sheet of paper" (hoja de papel).
@walkwithdeath 4 жыл бұрын
I have been living in Paris for the past 4 years and, despite being a certified C1 speaker, I am STILL scared of speaking to locals! My problem is that when they praise me on my French skills, it adds unwanted pressure so I think that, next time I meet the same person, I have to "perform" at the same level otherwise I am a huge failure. It is all in my head, I agree...maybe I need therapy! Hahaha. It has gotten so bad that I haven't really made any friends these past 4 years since I am very uncomfortable in expressing myself in French. This fear, however, is not entirely unfounded...I once met an Italian girl who told me that her French group of "friends" stopped inviting her for gatherings and social events. When she asked why, they simply explained that her French was bad - she had some problems in understanding what they said, she couldn't keep up, she had a thick accent, they had very little patience in trying to understand what she was saying, etc....bref, Parisians can be mean and cruel sometimes! Of course, this episode and Parisians in general cannot speak for the rest of the country - French people are some of the nicest people I have ever met, especially outside of Paris and large urban areas. Unfortunately, I cannot move to the "province" just yet (I am trying!) - maybe then, I will be able to finally master this wonderful language full of history and culture! Un jour, j'y arriverai!
@avrilcadeul3207 4 жыл бұрын
J'allais dire que tu parlais bien français mais du coup j'ose plus le dire 😂 C1 c'est un super bon niveau ! En tout cas j'espère que tu vas atteindre le niveau que tu souhaites 🙂
@walkwithdeath 4 жыл бұрын
@@avrilcadeul3207 Merci bien! En effet, malgre les difficultes pour me faire des amis et tisser des liens, je me debrouille assez bien dans la vie quotidienne et a l'universite! C'est difficile, certes, mais l'espérance est la dernière chose qui meurt dans l'homme...un jour, je remporterai le Prix Goncourt! :D
@CollieNike3 2 жыл бұрын
Totally understand this.
@moorddroomke 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not nervous when speaking to a native speaker of my target language, I'm nervous when speaking to any person I don't know yet
@liquidcancer4573 4 жыл бұрын
I've always noticed that English people are generally the most judgemental when it comes to second language speakers speaking their language. Whenever I spoke to English natives they've made fun of me. Whenever I spoke to French or German people (whose languages I am way worse at) They've been accepting and supportive. This is just my experience. May be different for other people.
@adamclark1972uk 4 жыл бұрын
I think it's just your experience. Generally it's the other way round: English speakers are by and large very accepting of foreign learners' attempts to speak English.
@bollins8555 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve had the opposite happen. I am completely patient with people trying to speak English but I’ve been turned off by French people when I try and they become so judge mental.
@cranberryade 3 жыл бұрын
I also think that might be more your experiences, although I'm sure they're not isolated. I read a study that said that English is actually one of the most likely to be willing to work through someone's heavily accented English to figure out something as compared to many other languages. As an American, I think the culprit is that since we (in general) don's speak other languages so well (or at all), we're kinda' stuck working with someone in broken English.... However, I'm sorry you had that experience, hopefully you won't give up on all of us.... :)
@mellymel8157 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a year late to this, but all day long in my job I am talking to non-native English speakers who have a wide range of ability with English and I would never, ever consider making them feel uncomfortable as some struggle to find vocabulary to express themselves. Quite the opposite. I am often embarrassed when I can't make out the meaning of what they need. I will work completely around it to pull the info I need to answer them and I will find maybe 2-3 different ways to answer if they seem to not understand. I'm not bragging, I think this is more common than realized. For me, this is modeled behavior I witnessed from my own family. But I am so very sorry you have had such a bad experience. If in the US, I do think we are becoming ruder people which saddens me.
@VazeulEzren 3 жыл бұрын
A funny trick I picked up from another language learner: If native speakers in your target language keep trying to get you to speak English, just pretend you don't know English. This works better for people who speak multiple languages as you can respond "I don't speak English." or something like that in a different language. Hopefully they will get the point and continue on in the target language. This probably isn't advised with someone you intend to befriend or make a long term connection with, as it may upset them that you lied/misled them. If you're just talking to strangers on the street/in a store/etc then it might be effective though.
@kimjiwon5484 4 жыл бұрын
I am a korean who is learning english, and when I went to Australia two years ago, I saw a guy taking picture of a Japanese street musician who was playing strange music. I talked to that person about the musician, and that was my first conversation with the actual english speaker. I think it went quite well, except me saying one or two embarrassing words. One year later i had a chance to go to Australia again, but then i couldn’t have a conversation with anyone because i had been having this strange idea that i need an some thing extra-ordinary happening right in front of me to have a conversation with a stranger next to me. But now I understand that it could be fine to ask a stranger some random question about where the person is from, what kind of job the person has, and etc. I think maybe when i go to english speaking country again i will have conversation with many people, and hopefully, get better in english. Anyway, i think your videos are not just thoughtful, but also very motivating. Thank you.
@leobitencourt4719 4 жыл бұрын
A good replacement so you don't have to wait until you travel again is making a few English speaking friends online and doing voice calls with them through Discord, Skype or any app that works. I met someone, while playing Cards Against Humanity once, and we've been friends ever since. At the time I was pretty good with English, I just had to sort myself out with speaking and getting nervous about talking. It's been the most I ever practiced my English speaking, and I can't remember ever meeting a native in person. I've also made friends with people on Discord servers. There was a guy I played Minecraft with for a couple of weeks, sadly he stopped playing anything at all and deleted his Discord account. There are tons of places you can find native English speakers, not to mention very good non-native speakers.
@HaIsKuL 4 жыл бұрын
*Prepares script of various lines and responses* *Pushes self to speak in the target language* 5 seconds later... "What the hell did she just say?"
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
@kieronhoswell2722 4 жыл бұрын
Just subscribed and now binge watching. Great content.
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Comments like that are very encouraging. My French teacher just told me that she's been watching too haha.
@mordecai5225 4 жыл бұрын
When I was learning Chinese I would just speak it at anyone I could find until they respected my abilities enough to speak back (even when I sounded like a confused toddler)- now I've never been to a Chinese speaking country and I'm at a high intermediate level/kinda fluent. If English is your first language, people will try to do the same thing to you, and as aggressive as it sounds, don't give them that opportunity. If you (like me) come from a small town, have no money for travel and resources, have very few native speakers to practice with, and come from a typical American family that only speaks English, you can still learn another language! Just be prepared to work extra hard, talk to yourself often, and most importantly, have fun with it so you don't lose motivation. (edit for awkward wording)
@paradoxo9111 4 жыл бұрын
Well, I've got to admit, a lot of things popped into my head whenever I was around native Spanish speakers, but thankfully, "Don't say a word!" was never one of them. On the other hand, self-monitoring thoughts -- "Fix the grammar here! No, this word!" -- are probably at least as bad... Hmm... "Quiero practicar español con usted; realmente necesito la práctica, por favor." I've been practicing by recording myself saying what pops into my head into my phone, just to get used to speaking out loud. I'll have to start talking with people more soon, not just writing to them over the KZfaq comment boards.
@sammy351 4 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of the time when I accidentally said "goodnight" instead of "thank you" to the Family Mart cashier in Japan last year! ^^"
@primsithi-amnuai8854 4 жыл бұрын
I’m not a native English speaker. I’ve been listening and binging to your videos that I’m starting to speak like you and your accent and I like it! 😊
@dustinm2717 4 жыл бұрын
You are probably right about the fact that you can get across more than you'd think with basic words I don't trust my knowledge (about 1 month of legit but on and off study, and maybe about 200 words) and anxiety would probably still get the better of me but realistically i could probably say a thing or two and introduce myself in another language if i tried Like in Japanese (my language of study) こんにちはダスティです、私は日本語を覚えます、はじめまして Note that I didn't double check any of this at all, this is just what i could pull out of my memory while procrastinating sleep if anybody who knows better Japanese wants to comment on what i said feel free to do so (intended meaning was something along the lines of "hello I'm dusty, i am learning Japanese, nice to meet you") Admittedly am slightly anxious just posting this (being the first time i said something beyond a word or two in Japanese) even if i know nobody will get mad at me for a dumb mistake in a community about learning languages where everybody probably made dumb mistakes I am really sorry for the rather extreme anxious energy this comment likely gives off
@Sonya54675 8 күн бұрын
The Algorithm told me to watch this, and while I hear how you talk about your early speaking self in your later videos, this advice actually sounds solid ;-) Greetings from the future.
@playboydojo 3 жыл бұрын
"Hopefully, your ability to think about how to communicate an idea is a little bit better than a two year-old's." Not even in my native language.
@fcohen8296 3 жыл бұрын
Well, back when I was about 9 or 10 (and that was a looooong time ago, probably before you were born) my older sister decided she liked how French sounds and wanted to learn. Those were the days way before computers. You could get records (yes, records that you played on a phonograh) from the Berlitz Language Corp to learn different languages. But, we had no money to buy anything so we found a book published by Berlitz in our local library for French. Berlitz was the place business people used to go to learn languages that they needed for work and the method was to get you speaking from the start. So, long introduction to MY sentence: Je ne sais pas tres bien m'expliquer en Francais, mais je le parle suffitment pour me fair comprendre. (That I still remember this is a tribute to learning things when you're young and your mind is uncluttered or to the Berlitz sure). Anyway, I am very shy and would never dare speak to a native French speaker, of course. Fast forward 27 years or so (I told you it was long ago) and I was working with someone who spoke French. I did just as you say and without thinking blurted out my sentence. Well, she was so impressed that she came back at me with a lot of words. I understood a few of them but really had trouble responding. That was the end of that. But, now we are no longer working together and I regret not forcing the issue that we speak a bit in French every day. I could have learned so much. Your advice is spot on....everyone should take it
@rickchandler2570 6 ай бұрын
Good idea I think. I lock up like this and it’s my biggest hurdle. I’m learning Portuguese and live in Portugal. The person will say “tudo bem” and I immediately have no clue what they said even though I’ve said and heard it a thousand times. I’ll give this a shot.
@lawea957 4 жыл бұрын
I spent quite some time in the US learning English on the flight and learned quite fast if I say so myself, still I always try and find room for improvement (because believe me, there is lol). Some of my friends and random people on campus would address me in Spanish but I always replied in English, I appreciated the effort but I was also trying to get some practice myself. I even think that having a conversation where each part uses their non native language is beneficial for both and not only one part.
@AmbiCahira 4 жыл бұрын
These are some amazingly great tips, thank you! I'm working on learning Korean lately and boy it is scary so when I feel ready to push myself out of the nest and talk to people then this will be incredibly and amazingly helpful! Awesome tips!
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry I never got back to you on this. Yeah, I think the "having something to say every time" is the best one. You only need it for like the first couple of times, and then you find you don't need to be so prepared.
@cgtsang 4 жыл бұрын
Very good tips. Trying to learn the american accent
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Fair enough! Where are you from?
@VioletEnds 4 жыл бұрын
Which one?
@zarat6290 2 жыл бұрын
Jättestort tack för den här videon, precis vad jag behöver just nu! Åker till Grekland om tre veckor och ska använda hela din lista för att testa min nybakta A1-grekiska :)
@denebhernandez5615 4 жыл бұрын
What if I actually want Taco Bell?
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
@AnIc3ySw33tn3ss 4 жыл бұрын
I'd love to follow your advice, but there's always a very real threat of annoying people. I've seen a lot of Swedes saying that they switch to English simply because they can't be bothered to waste time interpreting and correcting the speech of their addressee. That, and they enjoy speaking English just for the heck of it. So it's a nice thought, but I'll probably not be doing the same unless I'm actually paying a native speaker to speak their language to me.
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah I get you. But I mean, I speak Swedish pretty well now and I can tell you I didn't get there by letting Swedes speak English to me. Go to parties where there are groups of them or something - once they are in a big group, they won't give a crap about your native language. This video might be more for you:
@ahamilton2528 3 жыл бұрын
This channel is HiLlArIoUs and informative at the same time. It's good that I'm subscribed to it.
@AS-sz2pi 4 жыл бұрын
I told a German native speaker that our son is hot 🤣🤣 never again
@AS-sz2pi 4 жыл бұрын
@D49 fan07 I was trying to say "Unsere Sonne ist heiß" but you know...
@Risenoph Жыл бұрын
Danke schön
@noodletribunal9793 4 жыл бұрын
when you are a kid, you aren't aware of the fact that speaking slow, or in super simple terms can result in them being annoyed. they also don't worry about being seen as stu-...stupi-...ugh i can't say it. these things are a real problem for me T.T
@dragonofthewest8305 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
No worries haha.
@nubalko 4 жыл бұрын
I love your content, it makes me think about may language learning in a different way. Keep up the good work!
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I actually really needed that comment just then because I have spent literally the last 2 days preparing (just the editing) a video that gives an overview of my Swedish learning (with clips) over the last 2.5 years and it was ABSOLUTELY EXHAUSTING haha. There was SO much to do, mostly sit through a good few hours of recorded Skype conversations to try to find the right bits.
@nubalko 4 жыл бұрын
@@daysandwords Looking forward to seeing it!
@jasonfredensborg7646 4 жыл бұрын
Great video full of sage advice. I visited Denmark in 2018 and tried to use my (terrible) Danish a few times but shied away after a few seconds because of the ease of switching to English. I will be returning in 2021, and I will be using my (better, still not good) Danish a lot more next time. Keep up the great work!
@natashacallis2736 Жыл бұрын
Yes because lots of Danes speak English extremely well, I’m always shocked at their level and the standards! I’m also learning danish and the pronunciation is pretty hard, I find it hard sometimes to distinguish the words! And the g d and vowels are not easy. And plus with danish not very many people want to learn it so there aren’t that many well known resources
@lewisfitzsimmons1271 3 жыл бұрын
Hey! Haben Sie diese Woche den neuen Tatort gesehen?! (Hey! Have you seen the new Tatort This week?!) My Austrian partner told me to say it, and she was right, not once has a native speaker responded with anything other than rapidly rattling of their personal review of the Tatort Team in question... ...Mann, they really love that show. Lol
@TheZenytram 3 жыл бұрын
Dude, you just resolve shyness holyshit
@martinkukral1818 4 жыл бұрын
I often try to break the ice in my target language like this: "Salvē! Nōmen meum est Mārtīnus et sī vīs, possumus colloquī in linguā Latīnā ut Rōmānī tempore antīquō. Quot servōs habēs?" Sadly, my only response is always: "Che cosa dici, sei pazzo? Chiamerò la polizia!"
@martinkukral1818 4 жыл бұрын
@@user-dg3ug7ny5d hehe, thanks! :D I have started learning classical Latin about a year ago and later, about 4 months, I felt that I could take both languages at the same time, so now I'm studying Latin and Italian. I love classical antiquity and to my ears, proper Roman pronunciation of Latin sounds amazing; Italian was the next logical step to me. Sadly, there are not that many people who can speak in Latin.
@martinkukral1818 4 жыл бұрын
@@user-dg3ug7ny5d Good luck in your studies :) I use textbook series called "Lingua Latina Per se Illustrata" by H. H. Ørberg (can be found in PDF online). It completely changed my approach to language learning, also you can get semi-fluent in a matter of months :) I 100% recommend it to anyone who is interested in Latin; here is a link to an overview of the series done by a person who is conversationally fluent in classical Latin and was self taught with LLPSI - ( He also has a channel completely in Latin called "Scorpio Martianus" Hope I was of any use, this YT comment format is quite limiting :D
@nucderpuck 3 жыл бұрын
Difficile est Latine loqui, quia loqui in schola non discimus. You should have more luck in the Vatican though. They will most likely not call the police...😄
@martinkukral1818 3 жыл бұрын
​@@nucderpuck I know, sadly it's not considered practical enough to be taught conversationally and I can understand that in a way :D Yeah, they would probably call an exorcist right away :D Although I could understand that, it takes only a small mistake in Latin and you are most likely to accidentally summon a demon of some kind :D :D
@nucderpuck 3 жыл бұрын
@@martinkukral1818 you have a point there. I hadn't considered that possibility. It gives a whole new meaning to being "scared to speak in your target language". Maybe our teachers were just overly cautious and wanted to be on the safe side. But worst case, there is always the Rituale Romanum... 😄
@AdarshKumar-nj7rp 2 жыл бұрын
My native tongue is Hindi and we use the "devnagri (देवनागरी लिपि)" script from Sanskrit. Thank You फ्रेंच व स्वीडिश के दिन।
@user-zo6pz3fq6g 4 жыл бұрын
Ditto Kieran below! Your channel content is fantastically helpful, and...often hilarious!
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Julia! I started going down the comedy route because I honestly think that as many great language channels as there are out there, only one or two of them ever make things really entertaining (and two of those are the same guy on different channels, Ed from 'La Ferpection'... he doesn't upload anymore but he is hilarious) so I hope I can get people to watch more and get interested in languages through making them funny.
@katem5077 3 жыл бұрын
This is a fantastic video. I am going to prepare and learn by heart. I freeze and talk rubbish when surprised. I just felt it was cheating to prepare.
@callous21 4 жыл бұрын
I find many speakers on Facebook and we practice with each other but we always end up talking about the same things, so I feel like I'm not growing. So yes I need new conversation topics that requires me to learn new vocabulary.
@cosmic1861 4 жыл бұрын
My first sentence I formed/ made today. Je suis chaud.
@toralundin5869 3 жыл бұрын
I am happy you fought the swedes in speaking swedish. They should know better than to respond in english! :) /swede
@tad27612 4 жыл бұрын
I speak German well enough it's like I flip a switch and I'm thinking in German. Where the trouble comes is if I have to then translate back into English while the switch is still flipped. French was my third foreign language and I find it so easy if the other person slows down some. I spent a couple of years in francophone Africa. And they spoke pidgen that was a strange mix.
@fcohen8296 3 жыл бұрын
Speed is my problem as well. I need a lot of time to process what is being said and if words run together quickly, I lose it. Also when I try to speak, I have to first think and process every single word in my mind
@azathoth4237 3 жыл бұрын
Last year I forgot the Spanish word for chicken in a restaurant 😭 a word I learnt decades ago way before I even thought to learn Spanish. Watched this and it saved my life haha! Anyway my script: Esp: Te molestaría que hablemos español? He estado aprendiendo durante seis meses y nunca tengo la oportunidad de usarlo! Eng: Would it bother you if we spoke in spanish? I have been learning for 6 months and never have the opportunity to use it. I lie and say I have only been practicing for 6 months so I'm not too ashamed if I screw up haha
@matsf8268 4 жыл бұрын
Good tips, Im learning Espanol at the moment so will try to make some nifty sentences to grab. 😜 I know some mandarin and would use "bu hao yi si" or "bu zhi dao" if I get into a mental corner. 😬
@matsf8268 4 жыл бұрын
Btw, using busuu now, quite like it. Now awaiting my spanish neighbour to get back from vacation to test out som phrases 😊 Jag skulle uppmuntra någon som försökte prata svenska, kul att han/hon pluggar svenska!
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Ja, varsågod om Busuu. Jag hoppas bara att Busuu kommer fortsätta och lägga till fler språk. Berätta, du skrev 'kul att han/hon pluggar svenska' - kan man säga "Kul att -den- pluggar svenska"? Förresten, jag menar inte bara på pubben eller var som helst, jag menar i visa sammanhang när det skulle vara bättre att använda det "starkare" språket. Till exempel, jag jobbade kort för ett svenskt företag och var med på luncher som borde ha haft en 'professionell' känsla, men jag hävdade att det skulle spela ingen roll därför att vi pratade bara fritt och inte diskuterade jobb i alla fall. Jag tror att en svensk brukar känna som om det är svårt för mig att fortsätta på svenska. Nyligen träffade jag en tjej i Australien som sa att hon föredrar svenska HELA tiden om det är möjligt; hon medgav att det faktiskt är inte kul att behöva prata engelska hela dagen. Det uppskattade jag väldigt mycket :-)
@tb2748 2 жыл бұрын
Aprender un idioma me ha demostrado que yo soy tan inepto en situaciones sociales. Todo el mundo insiste en que yo necesita hablar con hablantes nativos que no conozo, y es la verdad. Pero realmente, casi nunca hablo con extraños en mi idioma nativo en el primer lugar. Verdaderamente me pongo nervioso.
@davidwright3461 3 жыл бұрын
Yo no hablo espanol pero estoy aprendiendo. Necesito hablar cada dis porque olvido. Puedes hablarme en espanol por favor. I have used this to break the ice with many native speakers and always find that they become so helpful and teach me so much and don’t mind at all when I get it horribly wrong :)
@mmlemonade 4 жыл бұрын
I'm to a point where I just want to fake I can't understand English
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
I have done that, it's actually pretty fun if you can keep it going haha.
@jakewilson7 4 жыл бұрын
Ugh yes I completely agree. It seems like everyone in the world speaks English better than native English speakers speak their target language so everything ends up coming back to English and it's like ahhhh I'm trying to learn here lol.
@stevencarr4002 3 жыл бұрын
When I was speaking German with native speakers , we switched to and fro from German to English, and I honestly could not remember afterwards which bits were German and which were English.
@natalya3134 3 жыл бұрын
My family and I were fishing in the river when I heard that 2 guys next to us spoke Chinese. I was thinking about the ways to approach them when they did it first. They managed to catch a small fish and gave it to my son to play with. I collected all my courage and asked "Nĭmen shi Zhong Guo ren ma?" They gave me a weird look and shook their heads. I was confused and immediately switched to English. They didn't seem to understand me. That was painful. I ran away. The last thing I heard them saying "putonghua". My attempt was a complete failure but I just hope that it was they who didn't speak Mandarin
@arie5055 3 жыл бұрын
Me in a discord server vc, where english speakers and russian speakers can learn english/russian: *forgets literally every word in russian and English I know and starts stuttering in German*
@MehdiZanjabil 4 жыл бұрын
Are the titles of the videos translated automatically ? Because I'm French and the translation is quite strange
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
No, they would have been Google-translated by me back when my French sucked haha. Désolé !
@CloudslnMyCoffee 3 жыл бұрын
The fact we all know Yo quiero Taco Bell shows media immersion does work
@daysandwords 3 жыл бұрын
This video is pretty old so I can't remember if I said that it did work or didn't work. I might have said it didn't work back in these formative years haha.
@CloudslnMyCoffee 3 жыл бұрын
@@daysandwords well that's what I get for binging your content! lol you said it did work btw
@richardhartung1576 2 жыл бұрын
hhhh just be polite and shut up xD so true
@rockruru4255 4 жыл бұрын
Actualmente, Estoy estudiando Español porque mi familia es de latinoamérica y son hablantes nativos de Español. Soy el único que no puede hablar Español bien, que triste. Espero mejorar con práctica, pero los verbos y tiempos apestan. As for advice on how to help with anxiety, I can only really the following statements: Be okay with failing. People, by nature, are scared of failing. No one wants to humiliate themselves in public, because it makes us feel horrible and disheartens us. One crucial thing you need to know in order to learn any skill, not just language learning, is that failure is a necessity. In order to improve, you need to fail first. If you don't fail, you'll never improve, which leads into a vicious cycle of being too scared to speak and never being able to improve because you never speak. You'll stumble, you'll forget things, you'll fail, sometimes in pretty bad ways, because everyone does. Another thing that causes a lot of language learners to give up is that they have unrealistic expectations, which is an amalgamation of different things, ranging from the methods they employ to learn, how much time they dedicate to learning and general impatience. A lot of people, in modern day, want instant gratification when it comes to learning new things. They see the end results and praise them, but don't see the amount of work, dedication and practice that goes into becoming actually good in any given skill. I remember seeing someone complain about not being fluent in a language after only 1 month of using Duolingo once. Lastly, always remember that the hardest part is the beginning. The start of your language learning process will always be the hardest and most painful difficulty curve because you have no foundation in your target language, but once you start to learn and get better at your language, you can improve impressively quick, and more importantly, you'll actually start to enjoy learning the language. The beginning always stings the most, because it feels like you're progressing by millimeters at a time and aren't making any headway. In short: Be okay will failing and learn to improve from those failures, your growth will always be gradual and never spontaneous and that the beginning will always be the hardest part, especially if your target language has a lot of rudimentary concepts that aren't in your native language. (for example, gendered pronouns and verb conjugations that vary depending on the tenses and pronouns in question if you're a native English speaker.)
@Deckbark Жыл бұрын
will talk back in english lolololol now i dont know if this only happens to me but as a native spanish speaker some americans who want to practice spanish ask me to talk spanish with them, i have no problem with speaking spanish, i do not like speaking english anyway so i start to speak as i normally do but then they ask me to speak slowly and that is really annoying speaking like im talking to child so slow and clear or they won't get what i mean, i would rather speaking english even when i hate it xd
@humbug7901 4 жыл бұрын
In my case the nerves don’t go away after the first sentence D: I practice talking in Russian regularly but what ends up happening is I’ll listen to them and freeze when it’s my turn to speak. It’s something about them staring at me and waiting for an answer that I completely forget every word and all the grammar that’s required to say what I want to. So I start explaining something but then awkwardly stop when it doesn’t work out. They know I’m learning and are there to help me so I don’t think I’m bothering them, has anyone overcome a similar situation?
@mderoin4039 4 жыл бұрын
I think you could think about the answer you would give to the question that made you freeze, and try to practive it a bit. It might help you when you get a similar sentence in a conversation. You can also think about what would be the follow-up sentences and what would you answer to that. Also listening to a lot of input in Russian will make the basic sentence structures more natural.
@theultimatereductionist7592 3 жыл бұрын
I've learned to hate speaking/communicating in the foreign languages of Python, Java, & C++ with the ONE other person on the planet (a close relative) who understands these languages at all. He has caused me to absolutely HATE computer programming and taught me NEVER to discuss programming languages with him or anyone else ever again.
@leecrotty6344 4 жыл бұрын
Quiero Taco Bell!
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Haha, that's the first time anyone has every commented on that particular moment. Thanks for your comment!
@SDW90808 4 жыл бұрын
Apparently I’m not the only one who thought that was hysterical!
@JohnnyUtah488 4 жыл бұрын
Yo quiero Taco Bell, but that is only one of my many interests. I also enjoy frozen yogurt...
@leila_de_hautjardin 3 жыл бұрын
I know I need to speak with native English speakers but I already feel insecure talking in my native language (yes shyness level 1 000) let alone English. But I really need to improve myself for my work so I will just force myself... :(
@Larstrollheim97 4 жыл бұрын
Er svensken din så god at du forstår norsk også? 👀
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Ja, men det beror lite på. Om någon pratar norska med dig, då förstår jag det flesta, men om jag tittar på en serie som är lite mer komplicerad och förstås pratar personerna inte direkt med mig då är det mycket svårare. Så det handlar ju mycket om sammanhang. Om jag fattar redan sammanhanget, typ som "Hej, är du norsk? Jag lär mig svenska..." "Ja, jeg er norsk..." - jag förstår ett sådant samtal för att jag har redan ett sammanhang.
@samljer 4 жыл бұрын
Quiero taco bell LOL
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
I think you are the first person to say something about that.
@NYLazyme 4 жыл бұрын
First I need to meet a native Swedish speaker
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
I used iTalki (just for free in the beginning). Using this link will give us both $10 if you ever do decide to hire a tutor: Or if you're interested, we could chat on Skype/Zoom (in Swedish).
@charmine953 3 жыл бұрын
What if the people of my target language won't interact with me? I am trying to learn German, a pretty difficult language, and native speakers who refuse to interact with people trying to learn doesn't make learning easier. This has led to discouragement learning German when do many Germans just won't interact when I try to interact with them.
@daysandwords 3 жыл бұрын
Have you tried finding an exchange partner on HelloTalk or something? But these days I would recommend that you spend 3 hours a day listening to and reading German for about a year, and then in a year your German will be good enough that German speakers might be more welcoming.
@charmine953 3 жыл бұрын
@@daysandwords I use both HelloTalk and Tandem actually. Learning German has been a big incentive for my family and my girlfriend, and for me personally. It's also difficult finding resources for integrating German into my life more
@Underdoggy3963 2 жыл бұрын
Idk how many times i've said "Привет, меня зовут Девин, это похоже на диван, можно звонить меня диванчик"
@lynntfuzz 3 жыл бұрын
Oh, you’re German? I’m learning German, but it isn’t that good because I’ve only been learning it for 38 years!! (Not kidding)
@daysandwords 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not German. I don't remember this video... did I say I was German?
@lynntfuzz 3 жыл бұрын
@@daysandwords sorry I meant that can be my spiel when I meet a native German. In your spiel, you said how your French wasn’t that good because you only had studied it for a few months. My wry joke was that I’ve only studied German for 38 years. It has been a loooooong intermediate plateau and I’m getting punchy. And incomprehensible even in English. 😂
@ssaraa60 4 жыл бұрын
the problem is that i can speak all the languages except my native one only when i interact with people outside my family its a struggle
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment. Sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you're saying?
@saraf7224 4 жыл бұрын
Days of French 'n' Swedish the other languages i speak with confidence but since i only and only talk in my native language with family(arabic Lang) , when i speak with others i get anxiety sometimes and lack that confidence idk why its frustrating specially when i go back to my country to visit
@elvis3678 4 жыл бұрын
What about duolingo
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
What about it?
@elvis3678 4 жыл бұрын
@@daysandwords well didn't you say not to read duolingo comments ?
@elvis3678 4 жыл бұрын
@@daysandwords I might've typed on wrong video 😅
@franklinmounts3689 3 жыл бұрын
"PrOgReSs" 😂😂😂😂
@prestokrs1 4 жыл бұрын
A person named 'helmet'?
@matsf8268 4 жыл бұрын
@daysandwords 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Mats F beat me to it, but "Helmut" is an old-skool German name. Like, it's pretty certain if you meet a Helmut, that he is German. When I did German at school, the text book's main character was named so.
@JSMcKee-fw9dz 2 жыл бұрын
Do you still believe people should use this method?
@daysandwords 2 жыл бұрын
This isn't really a method, this is more like what you do when you do find a native speaker. I mean I don't think people should go out of their way to speak before they've got a lot of input, but if you're going to speak to natives whom you meet, this is still how I'd do it.
@igopigo7214 3 жыл бұрын
@definitelynotnapoleon 4 жыл бұрын
Just go on fking omegle and change the language settings
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