Is Online Dating Unfair? How Dating Apps Really Work

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School Of Attraction

School Of Attraction

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There is plenty to complain about online dating apps - You get ranked based on looks, Women are flakey, There are shady business practices.
But are these unfair aspects of online dating really worth getting focussed on and obsessed with?
Whether you use Tinder, or Bumble, Hinge, or Some other dating app - You're going to get frustrated at times.
But I'd argue that there's a healthier mental approach to trying to meet women online, one that will give you the absolute best chance of meeting the most attractive women, and also being the happiest, best-adjusted version of yourself.
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@whatthefrimp 3 жыл бұрын
The finish to this video is super strong. There is no elevator to success, you need to take the stairs. LOVE IT
@tonyhewon199 3 жыл бұрын
On line dating gives to much freedom of picking and not being satisfied and choosing some one else and never really commitment to one person becouse to much to choose from will make you never satisfied
@sjondon5218 3 жыл бұрын
im from northern europe, in my experience the amount of 'fake' profiles is much less than 20%
@dangreen3186 3 жыл бұрын
Hi just a quick question about Tinder and Bumble. Should I keep the bio and pics the same on both or make them different? I saw a video where a guy said that because Tinder is more for hookups and Bumble more for relationships then it’s best to use different photos/bio to appeal more to a certain audience.
@abcjme 3 жыл бұрын
* i've seen a lot of youtubers get a mic to try to up their quality * and it often backfires * the vocal clarity might very well become better * but newfound lip sounds can make some head~phone listeners go mad * a 1/8 rotated angle below or above your mouth , or an increased distance can often avoid this problem while still getting better vocal clarity
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
Cheesr Jamie
@Cloxxki 3 жыл бұрын
I want to build an app that actually brings people together. Especially the people who make an effort and treat others respectfully. Who'd want that? Who'd want to be part of creating that? Lost of reasons why current apps don't work. If we apply what we know, we can bring people together, by making them understand each other. Passive hotties will immediately be found out and become invisible. Answer your mails and send some of your own, else no-one will be bothered with your profile, you'll be assumed "taken". I'd rank daters on their behavior, not on how hot they are.
@Nik.No.K 3 жыл бұрын
I was actually thinking about this exact thing the other night and while I have absolutely no experience creating an app I did have an idea. We separate everyone on the app into groups of 100, 50 men and 50 women so each individual is limited to swiping on and talking to just 50 people and that’s it for one month. After the month is over it resets and everyone is put into a different group with new people. No elo scores, just a totally random group of 50 people you can either reject or try to match with. Now after watching this video I realize that it probably won’t work because women won’t be shown only the “top quality men” they’ve become accustomed to seeing but if we could get women to use the app it would solve so many problems. Out of 50 people you might only get 10 matches in a month so it would drastically lower the amount of ghosting because women wouldn’t be picking and choosing out of dozens of guys. Everyone is on an equal playing field and everyone gets a fair shot. Again, after watching this video it’s pretty clear to me why it would never work but just thought I would share my idea. I took the time to think it up, I might as well tell someone about it because I do think if we could somehow make a system like this desirable to women or market it in the right way, it would work so much better than traditional dating apps
@demonreturns4336 3 жыл бұрын
Yea it won’t work because there other dating apps out there they’ll just leave to go join Now if yours is the ONLY dating app that exists on earth then women will have no choice but to suck it up and stay if they wanna do online dating
@Cloxxki 3 жыл бұрын
A woman who deletes her app with remain a top pick on Bumble, Tinder, etc, FOR YEARS. One particular hottie I chatted with in the past is now married and still popping up. Unintentionally. Tinder shows us the hotties that haven't logged on in forever.
@carstennielsen9257 3 жыл бұрын
Well - remember to delete your account before you delete your app. ;)
@E.M.A 3 жыл бұрын
Now this may be where I live but I dont know but I live in Las Vegas Nevada and well im 18 I made a descriptive profile and used photos with side profiles and acouple of me and my dog (told that would help) but anytime I tried this app and I rarely if ever got matches and when I did it was with people selling sex or photos do you have anything in mind for that man
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
Tinder is a bit of an artform to some degree - it's easy to inadvertantly create a profile that won't get matches - It's not specifically Vegas, that's a Tinder issue everywhere sadly.
@positiveandhealthy2728 3 жыл бұрын
I also wish love for all of you in comments and the creaters of this video
@pieadapter3615 3 жыл бұрын
Loved that stoic advice at the end
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
Big fan of stoicism here :)
@Ardante11 3 жыл бұрын
Also Online dating apps need to allow one and done pays. If I want to pay for one month, I pay for one month with no auto renew. I hate having to pay for one month or three months but they automatically will charge you for additional months forcing you to go through some hoops to cancel and you have to remember when the time is almost up
@ItzZehDiego 3 жыл бұрын
I'm digging this thematic direction you've been hinting at lately Damien. Suggesting to look inward and untangle the paradigms that puts us in our own way is the single most important aspect to becoming a better man; a man who is wealthy from the inside, a man who is truly desirable to women of desirable qualities. Accountability is such a scarce resource in this day and age.
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much ItzZehDiego!
@yousmallfish5069 3 жыл бұрын
I get about 10% of my matches out on a date, and these girls are about a [7,8[ Sounds like a dream, but not if you know got selected by tinder top picks (+- top 5% of users) and assume you're an 8/10 as a guy age adjusted. With cold approach I can get dates with girls +8/10, never happens with online dating.
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah Thomas, you'll defintiely always get hotter women doing cold approaching I agree with you there for sure - as a 37 year old man, I also always pick up younger women more frequently with cold approaches too.
@yousmallfish5069 3 жыл бұрын
@@SchoolOfAttraction how (hot and) young can you still go at your age? ;-) asking as a 25year old..
@maxiver808 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with all of what he said but do you really want to have to put in so much effort for scraps online? Whats the point? Unless you are the top 10 percent of men that's what you will get no matter how hard you work. That's completely different than what you could get in real life. Most men can get a woman close to his SMV in real life. Unless you are in the top tier of men you are going to have to settle for way below your station its really not worth it. Get offline and go meet people in person.
@yousmallfish5069 3 жыл бұрын
Apparently it's not uncommon for the top 5% of men to be downdating consistently in online dating, have a read:
@maxiver808 3 жыл бұрын
@@yousmallfish5069 That's not surprising. The problem is that they downdate at all. Have some respect for yourself and dont settle for scraps online.
@initiatorhater0688 3 жыл бұрын
theres no such thing as fairness, never has been and never will be, life, society, reality, the world, has always been and always will be unfair. I believe thats the common accepted mindset of maturity.
@someone2973 3 жыл бұрын
Does temporarily spoofing your location to get a higher ranking still work?
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
No unfortunatley - Tinder gives you a unique rank for different locations now.
@trollsofalabama 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like, the apps can do a reset every 6 months or 1 year, and it would be fine. But also, everyone uses multiple apps. I'm not sure if the argument that their clients will jump ship is that obvious. However, it is true that this is a Nash Equilibrium, where the way the system works and competition actually result in worse products or services.
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
People are on multiple apps, but they tend to spend the lion's share on one particular app... For eample a while back, I was 80% on Hinge, now I'm back to 80% on Tinder. Just depends where you're receiving the most attention.
@bobicrni1284 3 жыл бұрын
@lunchmoney1545 3 жыл бұрын
I think they do this because we would do this when we were younger now the tables have turned. Well at least for me when I was younger for as long as I could remember I had so many options too many options ignore girls all the time didn't know who to choose which one to pick when it comes down to it my situation is a lot easier to meet people in person never had luck on the internet
@flyaway6671 Жыл бұрын
I gave it a go as a decent looking guy and Hinge is the worst, you get paltry likes on the free version (like 5 a day I think!) so people are ultra picky, also there is too much detail in the profiles and you get fatigued easily going through them. Bumble seems to have more serious people looking for partners, more professionals and occupation seems to be a focus. I'm a loser so got nothing to show off here. Ironically most maligned Tinder is the best, not only am I getting the most likes there but you more likes yourself to try to match with them, it's not difficult to decipher the blurred profiles either. In the end nothing beats good old fashioned real life meetings though, I went to a bar yesterday and got a few IOIs despite hanging out in a little corner of the bar. I thought online dating would be easy for me but it's all designed to get me frustrated enough to pay.
@photomorti 3 жыл бұрын
Ive massivly improved my tinder profile with way better photos , and as a first a short videoloop of myself to stand out a bit , write a little bio and i bought tinder gold and yeah the results have been way better. The free boost you get is very very powerfull and being able to see who swiped right on you is great. Its a bit pay2win i guess
@vitamindealer7915 3 жыл бұрын
How many people did you meet with in person on dates that were at least cute?
@Guilherme5988 3 жыл бұрын
I prefer offline dating too, but the pandemic made me go back to online dating....
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, same here
@N8teyrve 3 жыл бұрын
Lately every time I make a new account in prime time on tinder I’ll get about 10 matches then nothing. Then I’ll boost the next day in prime time and get another 10-16 matches then nothing. And that’s it. After the second day I get zero matches until I delete and create a new profile. I used to be able to get like 2-3 dates a week. Now I struggle to get 1-2 a month.
@photomorti 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah thats just how it works. Your elo score drops massivly after the first day ive noticed this aswell for myself
@ItzZehDiego 3 жыл бұрын
You pretty much gotta rebuild your profile from the ground up again if you're gonna do a reset; otherwise all those women who swiped left will just do it again. Maybe you gotta put some more work in your profile to make your ELO last longer, or maybe you just don't live in the greatest location to get consistent results just because of the population alone? Good luck.
@kkp4297 3 жыл бұрын
Bumble is shady as fuck. I swiped in warsaw poland, and the first day, I got 30 matches with attractive women, and a good number of them sent messages. The 2nd day onward, I got little to no matches or likes at all. Bumble either has bots who message you, or obviously they purposely sink you in the ranks to get you to pay. I mean it doesn't make sense why I get so many matches the first day, and suddenly get nothing afterwards.
@DreamBeatsBakery 3 жыл бұрын
No I disagree. The thing is, I've tried such apps and then made fake female accounts and in every instance. The female accounts had unlimited likes and messages etc. whereas the male accounts you could message like one woman before you have to pay. This combined with women's pickiness makes it a waste of time for me. And those that don't take your money curve you in other ways by shadow banning etc.
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
What apps are you referring to btw?
@Straga_Severa 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry, but I don't think the basic premise of the first part of the video is completely right. You seem to have this notion: "If there is a reason for X to do Y, then it means it is fair". If there is a reason for women to ghost you, then it means ghosting is fair. If there is a reason for women not needing to do any work on dating, then it means current situation is ethical. I don't think it works that way. You may have a perfectly valid reason to do Y, and it still would be not fair. For example, if you have two younger brothers, and you come to them and give two candies to one brother and no candies to the other brother, you can have many reasons to do it - for example, you are too lazy to do extra two steps so you give candies to a child that is closer to you. Is it a reason? Yes. Is it fair? No. For it to be fair, you have to have a good, ethical reason, not just A reason - for example, if one kid has diabetes and other have not, this distribution of sweets is fair, because caring for a child's health is ethical. It is called "is-ought fallacy" - you cannot make an ethical judgement based on practicality alone. And you can be empowered and still do not indulge in this fallacy - as you tell in the last section of the video yourself, you can percieve the world as it is, not through the rose-tinted glasses, and still concentrate your efforts on the part of the problem that you can change.
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
This is where we differ - at the end I pointed out "Life isn't fair" You can't walk around trying to change that fact - you have to go around doing the best wtih what you have. I said that it's fair becuase it's organic human behaviour, like it or leave it. But dont' try to change it, because that's just being a victim and wasting time and energy.
@Straga_Severa 3 жыл бұрын
@@SchoolOfAttraction Many things that are organic human behaviour are not fair. Xenophobia, for example - the so-called parochial altruism, "love your group, hate another groups", is basic human behaviour, but it is not fair, and people make movements to combat xenophobia. You cannot make an assessment about something being ethical just because it's natural. But, in the end, I agree with you - we should play with the cards we get.
@woudjee2 3 жыл бұрын
@@Straga_Severa well said, I agree with both of your angles.
@Straga_Severa 3 жыл бұрын
@@woudjee2 Thank you!
@Freightorious 2 жыл бұрын
So I heard that dating apps are programmed to cross the rarest human genomes. Going for the most exotic hybrids pairing different ones thru presenting like or not each swipe. Thats why when i swipe they call it joe exotic
@chuppa1chups 3 жыл бұрын
Online dating products do nothing to even attempt to emulate the inherent constraints of interactions taking place in a real-life setting (e.g. mingling at a party). For example, one can clearly see how much attention a given person is receiving, and by whom. The total amount of attention one can receive at one time is limited by physical space and by the reservations someone would have about approaching. Facilitating introductions isn't the _primary_ objective of the companies behind online dating; revenue is coupled with the frequency of return visits by the user base, thus being "too" efficient would reduce overall engagement.
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
But Dum Dum, you have ot think more broadly - if it were that 'obvious' to create an app that really gave people what they wanted - wouldn't someone just create that app and become a billionaire? The whole social dynamics of the thing is complicated. If it weren't, other apps would take over.
@chuppa1chups 3 жыл бұрын
@@SchoolOfAttraction Hasn't Hinge added messaging limits and other features to make for a better user experience only recently? Large corporations innovate in response to threats to their market share. Otherwise, if they aren't aggressively targeting growth, they will be stubbornly resistant to change. This glacial pace of progress is comparable to other industries. For example, intermittent delay for windshield wipers weren't commonplace until around 1976. Wipers themselves were not standard equipment on autos until after 1940. Any grassroots effort to create a better platform is up against a completely saturated attention economy and no user base to begin with. An industry magazine stated in 2007 that online dating startups succeed 1% of the time. Yikes.
@ronnybank6817 3 жыл бұрын
you first point: I don't think a female 10 is the most valuable customer for a dating app only few average man would swipe right on a 10. your justification for ranking system is not convincing. I think tinder without a rating system would work if they had equal numbers of Male and female users. And women can be expected to swipe through a few profiles until they find someone they like. If a dating app had only males that are 7 and up in looks, women would swipe left on the 7-9 and only go for the 10s, that would make it even worse.. I would also limit the number of matches to 20 at a time.
@ItzZehDiego 3 жыл бұрын
The rating system is an inevitable part of the success of a dating site though, the reason not being that of match results, but the traffic coming into the app; that's how these apps make money, to give you the incentive of potentially meeting and hooking up with a 10. For example, you can compare a dating app to a club: Clubs often have women come in for free, or free drinks to a certain point of the night, or some other kind of financial discount for the sake of having more women coming into the club. Reason being is that the more beautiful women showing up brings in more male customers. In every case, despite this business model actually working, there will always be more men than women. You can blame human nature for that incongruity. The difference between a dating app and the club IS that ranking system. Clubs go through cycles, often times with that incentive of hotter women bringing in more men eventually kills itself off; as the male clientele begin to over-saturate the business, women tend to flock elsewhere because all the men in town caught on that there are tons of hot women at this club, and these women are turned off by all these undesirable guys approaching them. And now that all the hot women are gone, all the men start going elsewhere too. Its a somewhat common thing for clubs to mysteriously burn down, because its more financially desirable to claim insurance and build a new club that excites people to check it out and start that cycle all over again. These tech companies running dating apps would not benefit from burning their apps down and making new ones, because they're a brand, not a club. They succeed with more and more traffic. The ranking system prevents hot women from the leaving the app, because their choices are limited to higher quality men. And because their app retains legitimate profiles of hot women, men continue to flock the app. Despite there being more men than women just like the clubs, that ranking system protects their retention rate and is the very reason that brings you there in the first place. So the hotter women really are the most valuable customer. Like Damian said, life's not fair, but its what you have work with until something better comes along, and you have to work to make it work. How women rate you is different than how men rate women. We arguably have way more to work with than women. All you have to do is be that much better than all the not-self-aware men's profiles to have an edge.
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
Ronny - when it comes to bars, clubs, house parties and online dating - wherever tehre are the hottest women - men will flock - even though most men will never get those super hot women. That's why clubs and bars let the hot women in for free - it just ensures that everyone else wants to get in.
@rickdaniels1000 3 жыл бұрын
Damo I think you’d get better results if you change your hairstyle just sayin
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
It may not be obvious from my videos, but my hair is starting to badly thin, especially badly at the back of my head. So my hairstyle options are very limited. But again - I don't need better results personally so it wouldnt' really be a focus for me anyway.
@demonreturns4336 3 жыл бұрын
Eh.... we’ll all lose our hair at some point anyways...
@Lux197live 3 жыл бұрын
Dating apps are not for regular guys. Move on bro, let them apps go. You have options, you can face w0m3n real life, you can hide, you can walk away
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
Porque no los dos? :P
@urbaneplanner Жыл бұрын
I don’t get the first point discussed - arguing that apps need to rank people based on attractiveness and then decide for you who you get to see. Even if this was somehow optimal for the app itself as a business, I don’t think it’s in the interests of any particular user. To me, this is one of the dumbest and most manipulative aspects of these apps. I think they do it largely because they can and it seems vaguely sophisticated while not being that complicated technically assuming a swipe-based interface which is constantly generating data on user behaviours.
@SchoolOfAttraction Жыл бұрын
So... There's a difference between what the end user would be happiest wiht long term and how the end user 'votes' with their eyebalsl and app usage. The latter being ultimately what matters to profitability and the app's ability to survive and compete. So if I launch an app tomorrow called... Timbler - and Timbler doesn't focus on looks, more personality matches... Men will go on there and be shown more unattractive women, they'll perceive Tinder to have hotter women (becuase it's showing you hoth women) so the majority of men will go back to Tinder. The same would happen with women. So long as ther eare OTHER apps out there showing you the HOTTEST and most superficially desireable people around you - nobody will invest much time in an app that matches you wiht people you'd realistically match witih based on personality. Which is tragic... But very hard to fix without going bankrupt.
@urbaneplanner Жыл бұрын
@@SchoolOfAttraction Its an interesting conundrum - and I do get the idea that a dating app will be seen as most valuable the more it can recommend desireable matches. The pre-swipe ok cupid did this based on survey responses for example. The approach of using swipes as proxies for attractiveness doesn't measure attractiveness directly, it measures whether people swipe right on you, which may be attractiveness but is also other things - and then it ranks you based on how often people swipe right on you and how often others who themselves are often swiped right on also swipe right on you. At that point, I feel the matching gets pretty questionable - as we seem to see given that people seem to run into so many issues when they do date recommended matches. Its also handing the app a lot power for deciding for you who you get to see. This is especially true now that all the apps seem to have adopted the swipe approach
@urbaneplanner Жыл бұрын
the apps could provide swipe matches as an option perhaps, as opposed to the only possible approach - if people do see this as a valuable approach they could just turn it on but if they want to see less engineered matches based on proximity or whatever they could also choose that option
@SchoolOfAttraction Жыл бұрын
Yeah it really is a conundrum.... Something that I honestly think would help would just be limiting the number of matches you can have at any one time... Maybe to 3 or 5... Also, taking response rate into much higher account when considering profile ranking. Those two things would ensure a much more even distribution of matches (although still far form fair probably). - And would ensure more people engage in converation with the matches they have. Doesn't exactly fix all the issues - but I feel it would go a long way in the right direction. Definitely when it comes to match quality - the oldl school dating websites of 10 - 15 years ago did a far superior job.
@urbaneplanner Жыл бұрын
@@SchoolOfAttraction that’s actually a pretty elegant solution I think. It wouldn’t require jettisoning the whole swipe- based approach which , as you you say, has strong appeal for some reasons. And it would likely incent users to create more compelling profiles, returning somewhat to the older approaches where more info was provided in the bio, interests, “what I’m looking for” etc sections. It would also make repetitive matching less of a quick dopamine hit
@agoogleuseranonymous2658 3 жыл бұрын
I think the real problem of dating apps is the shitty attitude that women have on them. Like first why the extremely skewed ratio? Cause most women don't accept to meet their prince charming on OLD. Why? I guess you have answers to that. I heard these : afraid, lame, not organic enough, etc. Like average woman on there is a 3-4/10 and they act like they're 9/10. Probably why it's not working for them either. They act like they're an extremely rare commodity ... like platinum ... lame. I guess they are on OLD. But it doesn't work like that IRL.
@saltpepper4942 3 жыл бұрын
women wait men to text/reach them out don't act like women pls...wkwkk...
@polishpimp4233 3 жыл бұрын
The first step in fixing the online dating problem is dealing with the total sausage fest those apps are. If you have 750,000 men and 250,000 women on them for example you shouldnt be suprised every woman on there has an abundance mindset. It's the very reason why women that are 5s at best scoff at anything less than at a minimum of a 7. Just make men pay for the apps and cap the amount of matches you can get at a time to say maybe 5. It's just really that women have an abundance mindset and men have a scarcity mindset. That is why women have so much power in the dating world especially when it comes to online dating. Dan Bacon of modern man flat out said that online dating is a total waste of time for most men due to numbers. If you are going to on there as say a guy that is a hard 7 just prepare to date at best a 5.
@jon5833 3 жыл бұрын
first lol
@shootermcgavin4999 3 жыл бұрын
Half of the women on Tinder right now say something Anti Trump in their profile.
@Lindblum_Castle 3 жыл бұрын
@SchoolOfAttraction 3 жыл бұрын
Hahah yeah I don't see the problem :P
@carstennielsen9257 3 жыл бұрын
Wise women ☝️
@samisatlacc7736 3 жыл бұрын
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