Secular Rescue - Saving Freedom. Saving Lives.

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Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science

Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science

7 жыл бұрын

On Friday, Sept. 30 (International Blasphemy Rights Day), the Center for Inquiry will launch Secular Rescue, a program to relocate to safety secular and progressive activists whose lives are in danger.
Learn more at:

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@iTeapea 7 жыл бұрын
I love you Richard Dawkins. You helped me escape Islam. I was very religious and would feel incredibly guilty of little things such as listening to music whilst I was a Muslim. Your books, videos and debates helped me realise that it was all a facade. The religion I believed in since I was a small child was fake. Everything I was taught was a lie. Now I am an ex-Muslim, atheist. Although there's a lot of stigma toward atheists in the Muslim community and I've been given hell (horrible emails, prank phone calls, people saying they'd kill me if I was their daughter), I feel free. I feel like a bird out of a trapped cage. I no longer feel guilty about little things and I am now completely comfortable with my liberal values which I always had but felt guilty about because it went against Islam. Thank you Dawkins. You didn't have to write books or help people realise religion was a false dogma. You didn't have to do that and lived your life in peace but you did and I love you for changing people's life and helping them come to the truth.
@Imthemedic. 7 жыл бұрын
this is a good program. united we stand, divided we fall. please support.
@Nananki 7 жыл бұрын
Dragging some of these places into the 21st century feels like an impossible task. Religion truly poisons everything.
@sunnyjim6450 7 жыл бұрын
Atheism, true or not, in the end it doesn't matter: Atheism is not an ideology therefore to question whether it could be 'true or not' illustrates that you do not understand what atheism is. So your very Username is a badge of your ignorance and as such you will be ignored. And quite rightly too.
@sexismagainstmen4617 7 жыл бұрын
I will refute Richard Dawkins by using his own words. Richard Dawkins said that down syndrome children should be aborted. Richard Dawkins also said it is a privilege being alive. And we should try to learn as much of the universe in the short time we have before our eyes close forever. so for that reason it only makes sense to allow down syndrome children to live so they too can learn about the universe - albeit in a very limited capacity. now please don't confuse this by thinking i am against abortion. i am 100% in favour of abortion and i think you should be able to abort a baby for any reason at anytime. even if you wake up one day and say you know what fuck it. i dont feel like raising a kid. abort it. to my mind, that is valid. You may disagree with me. But atleast I am consistent in my way of thinking. It is very rare to see inconsistency in such high level intellectual like Dawkins. But it is interesting to point out to underscore the importance that no one is immune to a bad idea and we should always present our ideas to our peers with an open mind to give our selves the opportunity to learn and correct our errors.
@yeah9071 7 жыл бұрын
@downbythelakehouse9120 7 жыл бұрын
Committing violence including murder just because you are afraid of your society changing for the better is an atrocious act.
@kevinjong3167 7 жыл бұрын
Secular is real world peace.
@fizzlerfreeborn5020 5 жыл бұрын
Such an amazing program - thank you Dawkins for protecting freedom of thought and speech.
@toxictrash87 7 жыл бұрын
i am from Costa Rica... i speak spanish... but i dont believe in god... i had learn a lo of you... no all the latin americans are belivers... sorry my english is not goog... bau thanks.... for your teach
@HaydenTheEeeeeeeeevilEukaryote 7 жыл бұрын
(FROM MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES) The bad things in religion are more bad than the good things in religion are good. I can't say that the world would have been better if it never existed, but I can say with enough confidence that the world would be better off it it disappeared tomorrow. We don't need it anymore because at this point it is not only holding back humanity by denying scientific fact, but also by making many people's lives worse (but of course not all), teaching people to think irrationally (I know people that seem possessed by it it is creepy), and overall just close-minded thinking. This doesn't apply to all, obviously, but it happens to a lot. And all of this isn't just applying to Muslim faith, it applies to many if not all religions. Again, this is just from personal experience, but there are many others that agree.
@DeoMachina 7 жыл бұрын
I think 95% of the people who come to this channel are already irreligious dude
@EdwardHowton 7 жыл бұрын
"The bad things in religion are more bad than the good things in religion are good" This is the case because there are no good things in religion that are _unique_ to religion. It's not exactly a tough comparison when you're comparing against a big fat zero. Oh sure, religious people will _say_ they provide various good things, but every single one of them can be obtained, usually _better_, without religion in place, and often those services they provide are *in spite of* the religion's doctrines. Using one of their favorite examples: charity? Religious charities fund churches and preach to their intended victims using some of that money. The 'hope in the afterlife' or 'comfort about death'? Those are empty promises and outright lies that invent a problem and then sell a cure. The senses of community and belonging that come with church-going? Exclusive in-groups taught to hate the out-groups, which is why every single one of the 33,000 flavors of sects of christianity consider the other ones to be hell-bound, and that's just _hating each other_, nevermind the non-christians. The list goes on. Religion does no good at all. Of course they do more bad in the world.
@iamLI3 7 жыл бұрын
that's because the answer you're looking for is the world would have been better if everyone was reasonable as opposed to not being reasonable which from most ppl i can see are not....
@eileen1820 7 жыл бұрын
This whole elitist approach of atheists to ppl who choose to believe or have some spiritual faith is really tedious. As so many [atheists] attempt to demean theists, have you ever questioned that if indeed we are evolving, then why do so, so many human beings believe in (and possibly worship but not necessarily) God, Allah, or whomever? Evolution would SUPPORT that ideology that perpetuates is valid and of importance. I address this purely from a scientific pov. There are tribes in the Amazon who NEVER heard of God, Jesus or the Bible, who, when questioned, "What happens after we die?", replied by pointing to the heavens and offering similar thoughts about a soul and an afterlife. I cannot understand why this aspect of human beings and INDEPENDENT beliefs in a deity are just dismissed by atheists. It's like all critical thinking disappears with atheists which seems the epitome of hypocrisy imo. Let me add that I resent atheists demeaning non-atheists as much as I do an evangelical preacher telling me what to think. They are no different; really they are worse bc of the elitism and hypocritical behavior.
@EdwardHowton 7 жыл бұрын
Eileen D The theory of evolution has to do with changes in biology. Believing in stupid bullshit has nothing to do with evolution. The reason atheists _seem_ "elitist" to theists is because theists speak a whole lot of crap without backing anything up and atheists have been asking them to back up their bullshit for centuries to no fucking effect. If you know someone who continuously drives their car into a ditch, at some point you're going to give off the impression to that inept driver that you think you're better than they are. The reason for that is *BECAUSE YOU ARE BETTER THAN THEY ARE BECAUSE THEY KEEP DRIVING INTO A FUCKING DITCH AND YOU DON'T.* "There are tribes in the Amazon who NEVER heard of God, Jesus or the Bible, who, when questioned, "What happens after we die?", replied by pointing to the heavens and offering similar thoughts about a soul and an afterlife." Name one. There's also a tribe that deconverted a missionary because they laughed at his stupid fucking face when he said there was an invisible man in the sky. The fact that ignorant primitives try to explain what they don't know by inventing fairytales doesn't make those fairytales anything more than stupid ignorant fairytales, dipshit. "Let me add that I resent atheists demeaning non-atheists as much as I do an evangelical preacher telling me what to think." The different, fuckwit, is that preachers tell you what to think, but atheists *JUST TELL YOU YOU THINK*. Comparing apples to oranges. You just drove the car into the ditch so many fucking times, kiddo.
@khorps4756 7 жыл бұрын
now this is how it should be. the middle aged and young men in islamic countries should stay there and fight for their country if they truly believe in freedom. it is the elderly, the women, the non-religious, the jews, the christians, the hindus, the kids etc... that need help
@MelvinArthurMurray 7 жыл бұрын
Secularism is peace, all secularists want is a world without ideological violence, we already have politicized ideological distress. But to add primitive ideologies (religion) intravenously dispersed in society is poison. Religion isn't only poison for the mind, it's poison for reality, science, the sheer magnitude of atheists and secularists are the most peaceful people on earth detached from unproductive radicalized ideology. We secularists and atheists want the best for the world, we disdain violence we disdain discrimination collectively we disdain hatred and fearmongering. Atheism is on the rise but we are also entering some of the most peaceful eras on earth as long as we refrain from nonsensical radicalized ideologies we will have a future brighter than ever before, as a Neo-Atheist I want to see millennialism shape New-Atheism and transform the world into a free-thinking, rational, less hatefulness, less poverty. If you think about it atheists are achieving what the religious had not achieved, world peace is a goal for most religions but is an unrealistically measurable goal for religion, world peace isn't fiction it's a matter of when not how.
@233kosta 7 жыл бұрын
What an amazing initiative! Keep up the good work!
@EdwardHowton 7 жыл бұрын
I liked your avatar until I thought a little bit about it. The people who push the drug called religion never accurately represent members of the out-group. Imams would call you a dog or pig or monkey and accuse you of eating babies and feces of other men and a whole other list of complete nonsense. I'm just saying, if you fit the bill I need to go wash my hands.
@233kosta 7 жыл бұрын
***** The reason they do it is because I really don't give a shit about their holy book, sky daddy and their customs. For I am independent thought and there is NOTHING they can do about me. They won't silence me with threats, nor bombings, nor guns. Humans live and die, but ideas survive through the generations and they know that our principles and ideas are a threat to theirs. They've lost the argument and they know it.
@EdwardHowton 7 жыл бұрын
233kosta No, I get that part. But I imagine you don't eat babies and fornicate with dogs or whatever stupid bullshit religious people always make up about their enemies because if they ever presented an honest case they'd lose converts. I mean, to make an analogy, bacon _alone_ would probably deconvert a large portion of muslims if they ever tasted the stuff, so of course it's "actually" super disgusting because pork goes bad instantly like Mohammed warned and eating it makes you a bad person and dooms your soul to hell and therefore etc etc etc.. when in reality bacon's just tasty food. I'm just saying *nobody* is the infidel imams warn muslims about because *that* "infidel" is a complete fiction of black propaganda meant to demonize and drive up hatred and fear of enemies like those World War 2 propaganda posters where the Chinese enemy has giant buckteeth and squinty eyes etc. Which is nitpicking a bit, I am aware.
@233kosta 7 жыл бұрын
***** Yeh, I get your point and I'm happy to admit I'm totally taking the piss. If a baby eating dog fucker is what these people see in an infidel, then I'll be the most convincing baby eating dog fucker out there! Maybe it'll get the point across... or maybe not, I really don't care. At this point I'm out there for a laugh at islam's expense and it's yet to fail to amuse me. I'm also looking for various other ways to offend the easily offended (perhaps an infidel hat? Or a _patriarchy_ shirt?), so if you have any ideas - fire away!
@user-qh3tx9fn2p 7 жыл бұрын
Молодцы ребята, очень много здравомыслящих Русских с вами, успехов вам. У нас очень жесткий режим, по всюду строят церкви незаконно.
@markhambleton7019 7 жыл бұрын
Dear Dr. Dawkins, ive had what i hope is an epiphany on how to deal with theists. After my initial thought, i did a little internet investigating on how child psychologists deal with the problem of "imaginary friends". WOW! The gentle, compassionate, careful way they help a child shed this common disillusion is inspiring me to rethink how my own incredulous, condemning, fact-based contempt of theism always meets such strong resistance. I feel that there is a book opportunity here, though i dont write, that would help many of us see a simple way to interact with the delusional children,(theists), of the world and finally end this mass psychosis holding us all back. please respond? write this book for me please.
@tamracook1497 6 жыл бұрын
I am a high school graduate with two years college. And I have been homeless more times in my life than I care to count. So why should we allow any one into our country as long as we cannot employ our own and house our own.
@Podeon2013 7 жыл бұрын
I hope me an my family could one day flee this country (Mexico). It feels as if the speaker in this video is also talking about Mexico, but it's more subtle and silent here in Mexico. Drug lords, police and politicians (excuse the redundancy) have put an end to freedom of speech and thought. They seem to be engagin in a holy war for some years now and it has become too risky to say one is an atheist or to be discovered as one. Thank you Richard. I hope me an my family could one day flee this country.
@NickTheHunter 7 жыл бұрын
How can I donate in British pounds?
@skepticallypwnd 7 жыл бұрын
Gotta 'Ken Burns' those photos yo! :-) But still good video!
@benjaminlibal994 6 жыл бұрын
So, who does someone who needs to get out of a dangerous place contact for help?
@GorgeGeorg 7 жыл бұрын
Relocating seems like the wrong thing to do. Then they become just another 'outsider' trying to change 'their' society. I think it would be best to try to make it more safe where they are. It's a war and its best fought where the unrest is. Yes it's more risky there but unfortunately, in a war soldiers die. The goal would be to build strength from within, and have it grow.
@allissonoliveira4741 7 жыл бұрын
Legend in the portuguese language, please.
@JingleJoe 7 жыл бұрын
secular rescular
@StuartDWright 7 жыл бұрын
Good message, but come on guys, having the subject of the video out of focus and the background in focus makes you look a bit amateurish.
@haroldmcbroom7807 5 жыл бұрын
Hello Mr. Dawkins... I was wondering if I could have a bit of a talk with you in the chat, just a session of typing, and replying at your convenience. My question is... What do you hate the most about the concept of God; Is God a religion to you, and perhaps religion has become a foul word, on which the Bible is judged unjustly as well?! Would you say it is outdated, a relic of the past, useful in it's time, but times have changed to suite more modern views. Every man that has ever existed has existed in modern times, for isn't the word "modern" just a reflection based on our own perception being where we currently are. The Wild West was considered lawless by those who lived during the time, as it was considered primitive to those that came after the fact, what then can be said of earlier times, whom themselves thought they were "modern" compared to their predecessors -- And what will be said of us today, by those that come after, that we ourselves were primitive, who profess to be modern. What are your thoughts Mr. Dawkins, if you would oblige me?
@jackieklein6686 7 жыл бұрын
I don't think Thunderfoot would get halfway through the first round against Connor McGregor, I don't care what anybody says, even Richard Dawkins!
@TylerDurdentyler2020 7 жыл бұрын
_Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. _*_But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion._* -------*Steven Weinberg*
@alan4discussion28 6 жыл бұрын
I take it you are unaware of **psychological projection**! Most atheists critically use scientific or historical evidence as a basis for their thinking. It is the religious who " just parrot what other people say", and uncritically accept what they are told on "faith"!
@Nodws 7 жыл бұрын
I smell Pakistan - Indian war
@tamracook1497 6 жыл бұрын
Secular rescue. What if there was no civilbwar. All those who rejected slavery moved to create there own idea of Utopia elseware. What if women never fought for their rights. Instead moved to a place where they could create their idea of utopia? Decide and conquor that woul be the end of the culture or society. Why can't progressive countries offer free education to these religious countries .then send them home to teach the next generation. (Critical thinking).
@GrannySoupLadle 7 жыл бұрын
Rescue me from the feminists. Please.
@BarthelemyLesaint 7 жыл бұрын
The guy talking is out of focus... That's the kind of mistake I make. Couldn't you be more professional ?
@jacksilver6613 7 жыл бұрын
There is an imposter imitating you on p mars Google hangouts.
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