少將軍發現未婚妻對他隱瞞許多秘密,一怒之下和她分開💔不料未婚妻說... | 星漢燦爛·月升滄海 | Idol Box

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#lovelikethegalaxy #星汉灿烂 #吴磊 #赵露思
Drama Name: Love Like The Galaxy
#LeoWu #ZhaoLusi

Пікірлер: 88
@evaleung7774 Жыл бұрын
@amylu382 Жыл бұрын
常常有這種囂張的言語,卻沒有嚴重責罰 藐視人命,心中無德 越越好聰明,只有她看出這個駱通通
@ursiemay Жыл бұрын
Shaoshang is used to fighting her own battles, but Zhizeng is used to fighting battles on many fronts, not just on his own account. She has no idea how dangerous the palace is, no idea that her act of revenge would compromise the health and happiness of the Empress, and no idea what reciprocity in love means. She wants and expects Zhizeng to love her and accept her as she is but doesn’t stop to think she also should do that for Zhizeng. This is fairly normal behaviour for a free spirited, largely unloved, teenage girl. Zhizeng can’t protect her from having to grow up, and she can’t protect him from his inability to trust anyone but himself. Nevertheless it is easy to see they are a perfect match. Their destinies are entwined. ❤️
@sakurachan4660 Жыл бұрын
From my POV, Shaoshang already started to depend on Zisheng, trust him & ask for his support. When she asked Zisheng to hug her tightly, that means she need Zisheng's support, she trust Zisheng as she cried out all her heart in front of Zisheng. After the tight hug, she gained back all her strenght to revenge. But, Zisheng just wanna do it all for her while he himself not telling about his revenge plan to Shaoshang. All in all, this is such a great drama! Watched more than 10x 💕💕💕
@divinearia1601 Жыл бұрын
If a hug means trust already then one easily make the argument that Zisheng trusts her since he always wants to be close to her/hug her/kiss her, etc. Zisheng's business is truly big responsibilities that are dangerous and can get people killed...not petty, child's play like what Shao Shang does. It should be reasonable to see why it is more difficult for him to disclose everything to Shao Shang, especially when Shao Shang has shown that she does not care about consequences that do not directly impact her. He has told her about the crown prince and other issues concerning the country and she has flat-out argued that she doesn't care about those things and has had no issues thwarting his agendas to further her own. You argue that Shao Shang already trusts him but that is NOT true. One of _her_ biggest issues is trusting people, and throughout much of the drama, she has trouble trusting Zisheng's sincerity for her. Others have had to practically explain things to her/forced her to see some good in him but that isn't enough for her. It's not until the very end of the drama does she finally admit that he is a kind man. She believed that he was only using her even though he never wanted her involved with palace drama in the first place and it was _she_ who insisted on involving herself because she didn't want to be seen as "controlled". One word from Wang Ling(someone who has been unkind to Shao Shang all along) about Zisheng being a cruel man and Shao Shang was ready to help Wang Ling. Is that trust in LBY? That's actually zero trust or faith in him. IMO, Shao Shang isn't reasonable...and she isn't because of her past...but still, it is wrong and unfair of her to turn around and blame everything on LBY and punish him.
@user-fj5dy2ys2j Жыл бұрын
@vickyho2594 Жыл бұрын
@mingyue_chen Жыл бұрын
@yvonnewanda Жыл бұрын
@Hahahana212 Жыл бұрын
@tracyinloving Жыл бұрын
@@Hahahana212 原來不只我一個看這少將軍看得這般不爽....
@user-mo9hd8bz1g Жыл бұрын
真的 快被這個男主講的話氣死 神經病 還亂解讀少商的話 腦子進水ㄛ
@melaniesmith1313 Жыл бұрын
I agree!
@bluebados2179 Жыл бұрын
I love how when Chen has a horrific and tragic thing happen to her everyone else makes it about themselves...
@johnnythao Жыл бұрын
5th Princess is truly a perfect portrayal of a spoiled Noble Woman, constantly using their rank in an argument to make themselves feel more important, regardless if they are a useless human being or not, because in the end they still make a perfect political pawn for Heqin(Marriage Alliance) and such.
@twinflames8600 Жыл бұрын
So many emotions going on in this episode between Niao Niao and Ling Bu Yi 🥹
@dollarbill5859 Жыл бұрын
This is a real experience for individuals lacking the actual closeness to true family members. There's a blank where connection should be.
@LA-ly1nt Жыл бұрын
If she tell him, he might see her as clingy, too dependent on him. If she didn't tell him, then it means she didn't trust and love him. A person will always choose their own viewpoint no matter what we do. Your true intention rarely matters.
@charliebone8335 Жыл бұрын
Wow. And I thought I was cynical. Not sure about real life but, at least with the character, it's not like that. They both had communication issues.
@gigir4162 Жыл бұрын
Not true, he generally let her do as she please and helps her have a backup plan in place
@victoriapizarras3898 Жыл бұрын
@stephanien6237 Жыл бұрын
LA. I’m guessing you didn’t finish watching the series if you think that…
@coralmoney0702 Жыл бұрын
少商的獨立,從小果斷,不習慣依靠別人,就是夫婿也不行。這本是少商的本性,如果凌不疑愛少商,就應明白少商的行為不代表心中沒有他,只是性格使言。 當一個每事都只会依靠自己的一個女生,,要改變成攀附男生的柔弱女子,女生心中未心是欣喜,可能是恐懼。
@dondon520. Жыл бұрын
我年輕時的遭遇和個性思維和少商很像,其實很渴望愛但又怕再受傷。和男友交往後也屢屢遇見類似的情況,他忍了很久才告訴我,他覺得很受傷,我自己也可以自在獨活,那他對於我有何意義。 後來我痛定思痛的改了。 現在我們結婚多年,我依然是朋友眼中那個獨立自由的女人,但我有一位是摰友也是依靠的丈夫,人生的酸甜苦辣都一起分享,我累了怕了都有人可以傾訴安慰。 對等的愛,不會讓你失去自己,但一定會使你甘願改變 可以堅強但不表示就不能柔弱 因為我那在外鉄錚錚的丈夫,在我面前就你隻大狗狗似的,他對我全然放心,也希望我這樣對他,我想這才是子晟的意思吧(所以他後來有所隱瞞時,才會傷了已做改變的少商的心啊!)
@coralmoney0702 Жыл бұрын
@@dondon520. 是否合拍在乎雙方對對方的要求, 對方要一個獨立自主的伴侶, 可以自行解決問題, 不用依賴才算是好伴侶, 是的, 不用依賴人也是一種不錯的生活態度, 可以依賴就依賴吧, 不容許的, 一個人也生活得不錯, 進退有據; 少商不依賴凌不疑, 就是她不嫁, 也可以活得不錯, 且看看之后凌將軍因為不想連累少遇商一家, 放棄了少商, 如果那時的她不如凌不疑要求"依賴"了他的話, 受傷也不會那麼深 不依賴也是一種自我保護的機制, 人來這世上是一個人,走的時候也是, 不依賴/依賴,沒有對錯, 就如少商跟凌不疑退婚時說:"你要我依賴你,我依賴了,"但要求她依賴自己的那位, 卻沒有信守一生對她不離不棄的承諾, 既然辨不到, 就不要輕易開口要求對方按自己的要求去做
@coralmoney0702 Жыл бұрын
@@dondon520. 凌不疑錯在本來他就知道報仇是他多年的宿願, 可能當初他以為找到證據可以以正途去報仇, 之后發現不行了, 一定要以暴易暴, 那時間他應忘了他跟少商的許諾, 如他所說, 他怕少商會露餡, 不跟少商商量, 但在行事之前也不可以說嗎? 交代一下也不能嗎? 很多人以上帝視覺去說少商應體諒凌不疑, 但是違背對方的是男方, 男方不也應明白, 當一個孩子從未吃過糖果, 他不怕喝苦茶, 但當他曾嘗過糖果, 之后他知道什麼是"甜", 那苦茶就變得很可怕, 不要輕易給別人承諾, 如果自問未必可以做到底
@xinxinzh307 Жыл бұрын
@so584167 Жыл бұрын
@liyinchen4693 Жыл бұрын
@malynpepito8347 Жыл бұрын
This drama multiawarded ❤🎉 i hope there is part two ling buyi and niao niao have kids
@magyvasquez6827 Жыл бұрын
Todo el elenco de este hermoso drama son geniales el Emperador hizo una excelente actuacion muy buen actor , igual la Consorte y la Emperatriz.todos se lucieron .Bravoooo
@Cloud9_Cloud8 Жыл бұрын
I’m rewatching this and LBY is so dramatic. He knows how SS is and how those girls are. Does he really think they’d stop if he handled it? They wouldn’t. They’d wait for an opening and she’d be defenseless. It’s not wise to depend solely on someone else to fight your battles for you. Also the people comparing this to his later betrayal are delusional. She lied about bullying he lied about his whole identity. Apples and oranges people.
@aalinalove Жыл бұрын
He has the nerve to ask her to trust him when the biggest betrayal shaoshang got was from him ....
@bellabermudas Жыл бұрын
Great drama! I loved when she confessed to him after this scene which so touching. If you haven’t seen Love Like The Galaxy then check it out. Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi were very good however the entire cast was outstanding. ❤👍🏽💃🏽
@kisalei Жыл бұрын
They already love each other so much the pain is real.❤
@cazwright3285 Жыл бұрын
Superb acting from the actress playing 5th princess, ...all the actors in this series are so good.
@05dal Жыл бұрын
Ling Buyi needs to take a chill pill and let Shaoshang adjust and trust him on her own accord. He's asking too much from her too soon. If I were her, I would have smacked him in this scene. 🙄
@emmagracie9272 Жыл бұрын
I think it was very understandable for him to be so upset that she didn’t tell him. Whereas Shaoshang’s little bucket of water scheme only served to humiliate the princess, the princess could easily kill her next time in secret when he’s not around to protect her (as the princess was being dragged away by the guards in this scene, she said she would make Shaoshang pay). The princess clearly isn’t afraid of LBY when she said he can’t do anything to her (she’s not even afraid of her own parents). She said Shaoshang’s life means nothing. After this scene, LBY convinces the emperor to kill the princess’s male aides, which finally broke her to be obedient and leave Shaoshang alone. Shaoshang is smart and vengeful but she’s not ruthless like him in vengeance. Her methods aren’t effective in the palace like before. That’s why he’s upset because he needs to know to protect her.
@Skydancer263 Жыл бұрын
Shaoshang is not at home or, out I. Yhe world. She's in yhe Royal.palace where at least two princesses hate her and find no issues with endangering her life. Her independence can get het killed and Ziseng, growing up in the palace and was bullied, knows what to expect
@clarencelee5137 Жыл бұрын
@gemini8966 Жыл бұрын
I really cannot put my finger on who should do what between General Ling and Shaoshang. All I can say is that they have burdens that have been there for a long time and they are both navigating this new feeling that didn't exist before. It will take a while for them to warm up to being in a relationship, but once everything is rooted, it will be a very strong foundation to being a couple. At the moment, the intervention of outside forces (palace politics, royal children) is taking a toll towards this and both will surely have to deal with those individually or together.
@ayunie.darwin Жыл бұрын
Super agreed 👍
@LadyInglip Жыл бұрын
Also don't forget they are pretty much still just kids. Show is among other things learning to grow up to love properly.
@victoriapizarras3898 Жыл бұрын
YES I agree.,.
@Bugzinastorm8697 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree. And if the FL had confided to the ML, he definitely would have avenged her, and I for one get annoyed when that happens. Women should address their own problems. If something happens, understand from it. In real life too, advising others is fine but don't try to lead their life for them and don't interfere unless asked. I can't bear seeing parents talking for their kids without their consent. Nor do I like it when a husband or boyfriend interfere without being asked. They think they are doing a good thing, but really, no one is grateful. Here the heroine definitely needs to learn to trust, part of the character development in the drama... but the hero knew how she was... He was the one who proposed, and being part on the royal family, whoever became his wife would go through a hard time... He should be more understanding and patient... of course that's probably part of his character development.
@ayunie.darwin Жыл бұрын
@@Bugzinastorm8697 well said 👍
@evan56780517 Жыл бұрын
@jz9859 Жыл бұрын
@KristellaAnne6206 Жыл бұрын
In this drama, i feel really bad for the empress, she endure such pain bcoz of the concubine 😔 but this drama is a masterpiece every character deserved an award 😍❤️
@charissc7440 Жыл бұрын
She is not the concubine, she is the consort. She was in a relationship with the emperor all along, fighting alongside and supporting him in his conquers. The empress came into the picture because her clan supported the emperor during war times so as a reward, she was married to the emperor as first wife. Both ladies are actually very magnanimous with the situation and respected each other as true blood sisters.
@user-id6rz2jh5l Жыл бұрын
@oliviachu6115 Жыл бұрын
@Hahahana212 Жыл бұрын
@g60189258 Жыл бұрын
@user-sr2qz1en4w Жыл бұрын
😮演的也太好了 看不出來
@user-iy6ey7dl1k Жыл бұрын
@linliu3414 Жыл бұрын
@user-rz5ug9wd2l Жыл бұрын
是啊~ 人都是雙標, 程少商遇事說她靠自己可以搞定 為何要跟霍不疑說 VS. 霍不疑報家仇怕連累程少商程家隱瞞單幹 本質上有何不同, 程少商在那 負啥 絕不原宥個啥勁, 矯情 + 作。
@morningr.9502 Жыл бұрын
LBY must have known that SS being his fiancé and being in the palace would put a bigger target on her back. He also knew how she behaved and how she was treated before. His frustration w her not automatically falling in line w life in the palace is misplaced.
@athenastewart9167 Жыл бұрын
He is educated, a favorite of the Emperor, and his life is all about discipline. He also witnessed a horrific crime, has a hidden identity, and has had to live closely with his enemy for years. He has had to watch his mother's madness, too. All his privilege has not made up for the lie his whole life has been. He is so damaged. The army gives him a place to vent his hatred, anger, and frustration, but the double life has deprived him of more than his family; it has deprived him of trust, of a time when he can just relax and be himself-- I don't think he knows how to be himself, really. He is so lonely. She is a child abandoned and disregarded, treated horribly by family. She has had to raise herself. She has so many injustices built up that revenge is tied in with her self-respect. She is only fifteen, and is thrust into a world where the least little thing could mean her life. She has little sense of self-worth. She lists her faults, but never her assets, because I believe she doesn't think she has any. She is so damaged, too damaged to know how to love or trust anyone. So, two damaged people, who tend towards being perfectionists and absolutists (everything is black and white) are trying to find their way to each other. In the meantime, they are also trying to work their way through all the horror and pain war has brought. They are both stubborn and prickly, ready to lash out at a moment's notice. Honestly, the characterizations of this show are nuanced and beautifully realized by the actors, whether leads or secondary characters.
@jennyqa4600 Жыл бұрын
@oliviachu6115 Жыл бұрын
@andyblack1610 Жыл бұрын
@vickyho2594 Жыл бұрын
@@andyblack1610 不用改變, 但要溝通、互相磨合。
@lilyli9381 Жыл бұрын
什麼叫既然接受了就不該糾結,誰告訴你接受就要完全改變自己性格,打不還手,罵不還口任人宰割,等著未婚夫出面解救。 你是不是活在另一個時空啊,怎麼可以用你大齡人思維來否定小女孩對錯呢!還是你根本看不懂劇情。 你竟然要求一個懵懵懂懂,情竇還未開十五歲女孩,什麼改選擇,什麼不該選擇,一個十五女能懂什麼,既使你三四十歲結婚,也不見的你會為對方完全改變自己個人性格吧!
@GoodWillEverLastingFaith Жыл бұрын
the punishment for the 5th princess were too lenient, just confinement at her own residence....it should have been more like stripping her of her 5th princess entitlements including her title as well as be banish from the royal household forever....just killing her lovers off is nothing.
@marilyncaparas6384 Жыл бұрын
@tinnybo Жыл бұрын
Ok i have watched this over and over. Why the ashes? She explain the water and the can, but i don't understand the reason for the ashes? Please someone.
@rozalmohd7746 Жыл бұрын
What's the title?
@estu4883 Жыл бұрын
Love like the galaxy
@vickyho2594 Жыл бұрын
very well done TV drama, I recommend.
@stanleychangmegan2467 Жыл бұрын
@sueyyy3251 Жыл бұрын
@stanleychangmegan2467 Жыл бұрын
@@sueyyy3251 謝謝您
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