Shock Star Trek News as Legacy loses Matalas?

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26 күн бұрын

For a year we’ve been saying Legacy is coming but we’ve also heard rumours that fan favourite Terry Matalas might not be showrunner.
A new Disney update makes that even less likely as he gets busy with. New Vision series.
So what does that mean for Legacy?

Пікірлер: 83
@jacara1981 24 күн бұрын
I think Legacy would be in good hands with Frakes
@DonDonP1 20 күн бұрын
Agreed! Though, I still hope Robert Meyer Burnett would take Alex Kurtzman's place.
@radcpuman 24 күн бұрын
Thanks for the update. It has been a bit since we seen you.
@Mirddes 23 күн бұрын
yeah aye too long. more rants and rambles please!!!
@kencase2179 24 күн бұрын
Frakes would be a good backup but I loved what Terry M did for Picard season 3. Best season of the 3!
@nathanielbest3541 23 күн бұрын
I do believe that Frakes directed a few episodes of S3...
@DonDonP1 22 күн бұрын
Agreed on both counts!
@3698s 24 күн бұрын
Oh boy these movies have me concerned regarding the canon. Why do they insist on these movies? Why? As for Legacy Frakes would be an excellent choice & it be in very good hands. No more movies-Paramount is trying to expand the reach of Star Trek & they are probably going to fail. Better to stay with streaming
@adrianvanleeuwen 24 күн бұрын
Terry Matalas understands what fans like, more than most producers and directors! Frakes is fine enough, as he understands what good Trek is, as he's been around since acting on TNG.
@paullawrence7926 24 күн бұрын
Frakes would be fine by me as Star Trek showrunner. Like you Jay, no more focus on the early days of the Federation and the Enterprise - they’ll only complicate canon and timelines even further. There’s also Star Trek 4 with Chris Pine adding to the Kelvin timeline. Aarrgghh! 😖
@langleymneely 24 күн бұрын
My only push back is that the Vision Quest series is only a 1 season and done miniseries. I can still see Matalas jumping back on Legacy, provided Paramount gets its shit together. Im with you, I am so sick of Trek prequels! All that happens is they completely fuck over established canon for no good reason. The only prequel story I might be interested in was the Enterprise Romulan war film idea that never happened. I don’t get why they are so preoccupied with going backwards? It handcuffs them creatively and completely ruins established canon. Its a fools errand all around. Plus Simon Kinberg already ruined the X-Men Phoenix Saga twice, I don’t need him dicking around in another franchise I love.
@Fsudryden 24 күн бұрын
When I heard the news I was wondering how long until we heard from you. Where ya been? Taking a break?
@jrcasanova4040 23 күн бұрын
Glad you are feeling better. Thanks for the update. Terry is scheduled for a convention in Oct in San Antonio I try to ask him some questions.
@bcoolcpht 23 күн бұрын
90210 😂🤣, glad you’re back, we missed you
@scottpond7118 23 күн бұрын
Yes I want to see that movie because we see the intial contact but would be interesting how it goes from there.
@earth2006 24 күн бұрын
What does a show runner do when there's no show to run ?.
@richardfortin2232 23 күн бұрын
Confused. Lol ... Maybe Franks has a small say (behind scenes) of why Matalas has accepted more from Star Wars. Hideout was built to destroy Canon period! And J confused?
@Tufts2003 24 күн бұрын
Like Frakes, he’s competent, but he’s no Terry Matalas. That dude is next level and has the Midas touch.
@dramaticwords 24 күн бұрын
I never expected Kurtzman would let Matalas do another Star Trek season. I don't think he liked Matalas getting all the acclaim from fans that Kurtzman never has.
@dannyd807 23 күн бұрын
No more prequels boldly go forward
@davidbeebe4116 24 күн бұрын
If they can't get Matalas, then the next best choice is definitely Jonathon Frakes.
@sci-fi_monster5349 23 күн бұрын
Frakes would be ok with me. How are YOU doing?
@markbernero9302 24 күн бұрын
I don't want a Nu-Trek reboot of First Contact or Enterprise. They were just fine as they were! I don't want a Nu-Trek version of the NX-01!
@altonbunnjr 24 күн бұрын
I'm fine with Frakes show running Legacy. As far as the movies, yeah I want to see them move forward. May be a hundred years after the TNG or something similar.
@nickstinger4709 14 күн бұрын
If they want to make movies, then a Legacy movie would also be fine.
@iidreddiipsn4720 24 күн бұрын
Why not make a movie of the Temporal Cold War if anything... can't be any worse than a prequel.
@nathanielbest3541 23 күн бұрын
I got no issue with Frakes standing in for Matalas. Frakes has done great work and has always brought honor to Trek, through his work. Heck, If I had to pick anyone to stand in for Matalas, Frakes is the first and only thought that comes to mind.
@warmachine9846 24 күн бұрын
Do you know anything about the rumors I've heard about a Star Trek Enterprise movie? Could it be the same movie you're talking about
@myrhino70 24 күн бұрын
Just watched P3 again. The main thing I keep noticing is the love of Trek and TNG that Matalis was able to create makes it truly a special season. I guess if we lose Metalis, maybe Frakes can still confab with him and use the same writing staff he would have used. Also, wondering if this ST prequel is for Paramount + only or are they looking to release in theatres?
@doomedhuh 24 күн бұрын
Does Frakes have any experience writing? i dunno if him as showrunner makes sense.
@wildbill4496 24 күн бұрын
Frakes has done well as a director for Star Trek. Hopefully that will translate to show running, if he ends up being the showrunner for Legacy.
@LaloMartins 24 күн бұрын
Cautiously optimistic. (Except for the whole Legacy business, ew.) Frakes is a promising idea and I'm looking forward to it. And I'm not against the idea of a reboot as such. I was very excited about and supportive of the 2008 reboot. Until I watched and it was in no way Star Trek. But the problem is not the reboot itself. Sometimes it's good to jettison some canon, and now with all the Secret Hideout fanfic piling up, I would welcome a fresh start even more.
@haplozetetic9519 24 күн бұрын
Everything after Enterprise needs to be jettisoned and removed from canon. They need to get some old timers back in writing and production to carry on from where the movies and Voyager left off, and no more prequels, with the possible exception of having Axanar done as it was originally intended. There were some things left with the Romulan situation that could be explored, such as reunification that could provide fodder for a number of episodes over some years, and I think there are a number of other things left open for episodes such as the remnants of the Borg, the Hirogen, and the Founders, the Tal Shiar, the Obsidian Order, Section 31, etc., as long as Section 31 remains in the shadows where they belong, and pop their heads out just often enough to have an influence and remind us they're still there...somewhere. All it would take is good stories that are well written, and produced by those who actually care about Star Trek. Hopefully they could avoid lame new adversaries like the early Ferengi, and the Kazon. I would really prefer no reboot. There's enough left open for continuation of the original timeline. Some sort of legacy series could be a good way to go if done as said above.
@bobriemersma 24 күн бұрын
I felt Enterprise did an excellent job of exposing the nature of the Vulcan High Command in the early seasons and hinted at the decadence of the Federation that was to come, which was slightly explored in DS-9. Enterprise did go off the rails later, diverting us with external enemies instead of showing how bad Earth was becoming under VHC influence.
@RonEmpire 20 күн бұрын
No star trek academy plz. Getting rid of the guy that made Picard season 3 would be a mistake
@robertmartinjr.4537 14 күн бұрын
If Paramount does a prequel it needs to be set in the Kelvin timeline. That way they can play all they want. Kurtzman has damaged the Canon timeline enough.
@patricklee5239 24 күн бұрын
Definitely not good news about Matalas. I know we can trust Frakes to direct things well, but I don't know if he has the writing chops to be showrunner.
@danja7691 24 күн бұрын
What about Michelle Paradise? (Disco)
@scoutiii8893 24 күн бұрын
Making Legacy without Matalas would be an F U to him and to us fans.
@Lordoftheapes79 23 күн бұрын
"An Ultron that would be stupid because he's dead. A Vision series." ...who is also dead. 😂
@richardajoy79 24 күн бұрын
Something tells me that all this talk about Legacy appearing on our screens is BS, unless its all being kept quiet... Paramount doesn't know it's arse from it's elbow, there's too much up in the air and nothing seems to be certain. I hear the Vision series could be on our screens as early as 2026 seeing as they're only at the beginnings of the writing stage, can't wait.
@colinleat8309 24 күн бұрын
If Matalis isn't available, definitely Frakes should be showrunner.
@stopgeorge 24 күн бұрын
The only way I would be excited would be if Secret Hideout and all of their 5th grade level writers are gone. Matalas included. Why Frakes would want to continue with this creatively bankrupt team is beyond me. Maybe he needs the money? Discovery season 5 has been complete and utter garbage. Just when you think it couldn't get worse, the Discovery writers seem to find a way. But hey, a train wreck is fascinating to watch.
@syrmatt 24 күн бұрын
I hope you're feeling alright. What's the impact of Sony?Apollo buyout?
@Forge17 18 күн бұрын
As long as Paramount/Kurtzman’s leadership remains, Matalas is the only person I’d trust to respect the IP and push against the mess that Discovery and Picard Season1+2 have been for Trek canon. I’d hope Jonathan Frakes understands and agrees with the criticism lobbed at Discovery’s many sins against Trek lore, but he has defends the show.
@gamerbeans7445 24 күн бұрын
I hope you're well J?
@scitrek 24 күн бұрын
I am sir. On the mend
@augiegirl1 22 күн бұрын
@@scitrek I keep forgetting to ask, what's the deal with the phrase “you lucky bunnies”?
@JayRixom 22 күн бұрын
@@augiegirl1 not sure where I got it from.. just a silly little phrase I throw in to sound cute
@augiegirl1 22 күн бұрын
@@JayRixom There are two things that come to my mind when I think of bunnies. Both are school mascots: the Omaha (Nebraska) Benson High School Bunnies & the South Dakota State University (SDSU) Jackrabbits. North Omaha is the high-poverty & crime area of that city & Benson is one of two high schools in that neighborhood; Benson hosts the Special Olympics track meet every year, in which my brother competes. My alma mater (Augustana or Augie) is a small college in South Dakota, & SDSU previously was Augie’s arch-rival in sports before SDSU moved up from Division 2 to Division 1.
@deannaguin8096 24 күн бұрын
Without Matallas ? They can simply Bite it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@hlarledge 24 күн бұрын
So Terry hasn’t bowed out. The headline was just clickbait. That will only hurt your credibility with future videos.
@olegt9213 24 күн бұрын
fk secret hideout... period
@gamerbeans7445 24 күн бұрын
Simon kinberg
@smallduck1001001 18 күн бұрын
Ultron is like a cockroach, he'll come back one day for sure.
@rickkarrer8370 23 күн бұрын
I'm really sick of prequels. I'm not sure why they're so afraid of pushing the story and franchise forward. I guess it's a lack of creativity and vision. I love Strange New Worlds, but it's not tome forward with live action .Matalas was the best thing to happy to Trek in a long time.
@bartlester591 24 күн бұрын
It’s a good thing Terry matalas should not be alowed to direct traffic ever !!’
@scottwalker6947 23 күн бұрын
Legacy will never happen, at least as long as Kurtzman is in charge. The Execs have asked him to helm a Legacy show, and he said that if he were forced to do so he will sabotage it. Kurtzman hated what Matalas did with Pic S3.
@scoutiii8893 24 күн бұрын
Frakes wouldn’t be a good choice. Legacy shouldn’t be made without Matalas.
@ceekay8644 23 күн бұрын
Matalas is really critical to Legacy, however Frakes is reasonable backup. However, PP+ is on protocol desperate to prove they can produce a trek streamer to movies with a very specific age demographic, hence SF 90120. If PP+ keeps the same writers from DISCO (hhmm 100%) it will be no successful than DISCO. Yes SH is annoying!
@aaronbarr1152 23 күн бұрын
Star Trek movies are only successful on the heels of a successful series. It's pretty obvious if you look at it's history. If they want a successful movie, they need to either do one centered around Benjamin Sisko or Jonathan Archer. As for Legacy, if they can't get Matalas then Frakes is the next logical choice. But I feel it won't be as good without Matalas.
@Atlantian0209 23 күн бұрын
I don't think I will care for Academy at all, I will just skip it all until Legacy comes along. And I will definitely skip that train wreck of a movie they are talking about, a prequel movie is just not interesting to me, and I've watched Treck since the original series in the 60's.
@alfredodedarc 16 күн бұрын
Paramount+ has never committed to Star Trek Legacy. Matalis left, says a lot. He desperately wanted to do it, Pp didn’t. It’s dead.
@danja7691 24 күн бұрын
Matalas's Legacy and the version the,fans want are two different things. Matalas had the idea of doing an anthology series that would've tossed Seven and the Enterprise-G crew over the side (his Legacy would've been more of a "Where Are They Now?" show: "What are the Klingons doing? What's happening on Bajor this week? How's Alexander?") It's still possible for him to come back as an Executive Producer (It's not uncommon for producers to work on several projects at once -- look at Shonda Rhimes, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Taylor Sheridan)
@matthewgaudet4064 11 күн бұрын
There is no Legacy Terry went to Disney. The future of Kurtzman Trek is anchored to Disco and the 32nd century. Except for Strange New Worlds and that in itself is not at all faithful to TOS canon, in the ways that matter like the Gorn being reimagined as evil aliens, the Enterprise not looking correct, Kirk being nothing like Shatner Kirk, Spock and Chapel nothing like those characters. I don't think the Discoprise is the same Enterprise from TOS it looks like a different ship. The only remaining Trek that is somewhat a mixed bag not total dogshit, but they had to multiply everything they did wrong in season 1 by several factors in season 2. And despite the limited number of episodes what do they do, waste an episode making Chapel a murderer or accomplice to one, and two more on a cartoon and musical episode such a joke.
@joey_after_midnight 24 күн бұрын
everything paramount is doing with star trek is not star trek, not really interested in it anymore, jj and jurtzman have made me toally apathetic about any star trek announcments .. i just assume its all lies and click bait
@gamerbeans7445 24 күн бұрын
Then why are you here you 🤡?!
@YMagoulo 24 күн бұрын
@@gamerbeans7445 He is looking for a sliver of light.
@nategrey3291 11 күн бұрын
So they can only do one trek project at a time & there are several projects that will be made sooner? So if that's true why would Matalas being showrunner on the Vision Disney+ limited run series impact his availability for Star Trek Legacy? So my question is are you reporting what you want to happen & sharing those wants as facts or has someone fed you this info and you just believed it because its what you want to happen? Paramount hasnt greenlit Star Trek Legacey because they cant afford it. Trust me I wish legacy would happen but the longer they go without annocing it the less likely it is to happen. Hollywood may not reveal details, or plot points & may actively misdirect audiences as far as who theyre casting or who an actor is playing in a project but theyre not going keep quiet on something like this especially considering depending on how big the fan desire for it is could potentially increase the value for the company prior to sale. I hope I'm wrong but the longer we go without official announcement the less likely we'll ever see Star Trek Legacy
@stevehoover6073 23 күн бұрын
I was about to say negative reguarding Legacy if Terry Matalas wasn't going to be involved. Since anything Alex Kurtzman touches is mediocre at best. But I have no doubt that Jonathan Frakes, would make it an epic show. He has true love for the show unlike Kurtzman who's just in it for the payday.
@ak1ranger 23 күн бұрын
I'll take any Star Trek I can get, I have liked it all and I'm not a whiny diaper baby who just complains about everything. I'm pretty sure I was a star trek fan before you were born and its sad to hear the endless glass half empty attitude. There are fans who will never be happy with anything, just try and be happy with what we get, I'd love to see Legacy but I'm not going to endlessly cry in the meantime, its very annoying.
@Bring_Back_Stargate 24 күн бұрын
Consider joining Patreon, SciTrekkers! 🖖 ❤
@seth8629 23 күн бұрын
Terry Matalas is only going to do more Star Trek if Alex Kurtzman is hit by a photon torpedo. It's not going happen as long as Kurtzman is in charge. Not next year, not the next decade, not ever.
@fatproduce 24 күн бұрын
As much as I hate to say it, but I don't think Star Trek Legacy will be a thing any time soon at the very least, if at all.
@tobinbp1 23 күн бұрын
There was never going to be a Star Trek Legacy. They are ramming shows no one wants down our throats, and are supported by the likes of you endorsing this rubbish. Star Trek Legacy without Terry Matalas is a non-runner. The prequel movie will be a disaster - it's premise was done on a great show called Star Trek Enterprise.
@michaelseymour7211 15 күн бұрын
I cannot stand Matalas! I say good riddence.
@canadianguy1955 18 күн бұрын
I dont want legacy. Drug addicted raffie as the number one for reimagined 7of9. Where they spend most episodes trying to stop picards kid from hitting on everyone. A horrible concept. Ill pass.
@gordiebrooks 23 күн бұрын
Star Trek Academy will be a disaster IMO !! It’s going to all be about relationships, feelings, pronouns, sexual orientation and pranks. Deep Space Nine was blah blah until they got the Defiant and could get off the station and being stuck at the academy will get boring very fast.
@BuddyMcNugget 24 күн бұрын
Can we please have a star trek show that doesnt involve the Enterprise? There is more to this franchise then that. And quit retconning shit. Respect the history you have, as much as possible. Im getting quite sick of it tbh.
@gamerbeans7445 24 күн бұрын
Hope vizion is BETTER THAN the 1st 5 episodes of wandavision. It sucked ass. Soo boring!!
@M_J_Glide_22 23 күн бұрын
Star Trek Academy is 100% going to fail.....I have no doubt in my mind.....they should save their money, keep the actors and move them back in time and out of that Disco Era....there is so much to do 800 in the past.
@M_J_Glide_22 23 күн бұрын
I have had it....they just don't give 2 F@#ks about it. They want to do it their way....typical of that kind of makeup. It is what it is...
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