Skullflame Shield for Paladin is USELESS | Classic Burning Crusade | Don't waste your Gold!!

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3 жыл бұрын

My Twitch! / ebbnflowdnt

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@MiloLexau 3 жыл бұрын
Alright so. This may seem insane to hear. But first mistake was to test this with the shield sheathed on your back. Dont ask me why, but skullflame shield has been proven in the past to not proc from mobs hitting you from the front. There was quite a fuzz about it over a year ago on the discord Pretty Lame Paladin Sheet. So when farming make sure you are visually facing it toward mobs. Second mistake is assuming the content relevancy for it. It most definitely is powerful and has its use even in TBC. Big classic dungeon pulls for boosting for example. Even in classic right now, it provides up to 25% of my total passive healing boosting stockades. You shouldnt use it for TBC relevant content. Then PLG is the better option. PLG = DMG SFS = Survival. SFS together with Demonforged Breastplate is a very powerful combo. Especially with the amounts of spellpower obtainable in tbc. Even with a nerfed sp coefficient for its drain life.
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
I disagree. The healing portion of skullflame or the chestpiece is chance on hit. If you are rarely getting hit then a 3% chance on hit to heal yourself becomes way lower than 3%... It definitely would be better to just use a level 70 shield ay that point.
@MiloLexau 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow sure and you can disagree all you want, youre entitled to your opinion. However, you, merely disagreeing based on a faulty test sample setting, paired with stipulations as a result does not, and should not disprove, 1 and a half years of facts from the biggest paladin community. I do see your point though. And it would be true if paladins would be able to stack dodge and parry to massive amounts. However a Blocked Hit is still a Hit, it is just a mitigated hit. As such SFS and Chance on Being hit effects should still work. Atleast until you start being able to stack significant Block Value to completely remove damage taken from hits, at which point its, well yes. Rather useless xD, but that wont happen for the majority of TBC, especially if your pala alt is just for farming gold. If your pala is your main and u have access to raid gear then it happens faster. Also, i also see your point about SFS getting overhyped. And I agree. It is thrown way out of proportion and it is very very expensive right now. Its going to be cheaper in TBC for sure with all the paladins farming strat and scholo. I do wish that influential people like your self would put in just a little more work before you share information to, hopefully avoid, sharing inconclusive and inaccurate information. Tldr. Get a SFS if you feel you need it for healing and survival purposes, it is still really good and only becomes better for the content it is relevant for with every point of spellpower. However, reconsider buying it at this moment in time, it is overinflated and will most likely be cheaper in TBC (pending gold inflation impacts), but it isnt useless.
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
@@MiloLexau I do value your posts, but the clam that I should put in more work before posting does diminish the effort on my end a bit. I read all the old posts on wowhead and alakazam, as well as old archived forum posts to check that my emulation data wasn't faulty. It seemed the the consensus was that skullflame shields value fell off once access to sporgarr shield was made available. I do try my best to research my videos and I will say that your comments are valued and it does make me faulter a bit on weither I am correct or not. I will do some more digging and testing today and if I am wrong I definitely will update any info. I'm going to pin our message at the top so people can see that I might not be 100% correct at this time.
@pcmnoname 3 жыл бұрын
i still have a few question to you(@Yunojelly and @Ebbnflow) about both shields: 1. spellpower: how does each stack with spellpower? is it an 1:1 value? Does sporegarr shield get it on top of the whole poison stack or each tick(like diamond flask with healpower)? 2. how are the values of both items tested? which gear is used with which statfocus? focussing on different stats can have different advantages on other sides. 3. how long does the fights go? Sporegarr cant stack above 5, so beyond that it only refreshes the cd. Does it refresh the dmg counter as well like moonfirerecast in classic? 4. are there maybe situations in which each of them is best so that you might use both in the end if you rly want to minmax (and thus get bigger pulls)? 5. can you maybe show some dps and real procrates from the shields considering different mitigationchance and enemielvl? 6. where do your data come from? does tbc classic react the same way as the private server? 7. How much "better"/"worse" is each shield? are we talking about 4dps/mob or far more? and how much mobs do you assume to pull together (varies on gear ofc)? I think you both argue on different assumptions of gear and maybe playstyle as well(though you didnt focus on it).
@MiloLexau 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow And I value and enjoy your videos and content!. I want to apologize if I came off as aggressive or any of the sort. I wasn't aware of any work you had done that went un-mentioned for this video. Showcasing the shield from private server footage can, and in most cases, do give people the wrong idea, as chances are pserver data far way off from retail data, which is what I was responding to and with, respectively. Quite a bit of people are using private server data to serve as factual assumptions for retail functionalities and this unfortunately means that it can be interpreted as slightly disingenuous. Additionally, while many comments on those ancient sites have proven to be true, there are also MANY comments that are made from people making up claims based on "I think this is how it works", which is not exclusive to just Skullflame Shield, so its always a good idea to er on the side of skepticism, even when referring to these old platforms. One thing is for certain, the Beta can't come fast enough!
@DaweMannen 3 жыл бұрын
I'm rolling Paladin in TBC, and I would love more videos about this 😍
@Joeluciusx 3 жыл бұрын
Scales with spell power on the life steal proc as well as the procs helping you stay alive more. The sporeggar shield would be better in an entirely defense build but while farming there are multiple factors at play.
@miskee11 3 жыл бұрын
ah.. what a nostalgic item. I used to pick these up for 150g on the horde side, then flipping them on the neutral AH for paladins for 400-500g each. sold at least 10 of them.
@russellruby1293 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks man you helped me with priest and now Paladin. I recommend argent defender!!
@mojoturner5292 3 жыл бұрын
Great video. Would be awesome if you could make a complete list of good items to farm now. :) You added the ring, so anything else to pick up for BIS would be ideal.
@MrFree-vj8qj 3 жыл бұрын
The ring is trash, retri aura is trash too, they dont proc because you dont get hit and should not get hit. They proc in the occasion a mobs melee ability reaches you, thats 700 dmg you take in strath and you can only take 30 max, maximize sp power and block rating thats how we did it back in the days thats how it is on all privates, and thats how it will be.
@youngbkatt7835 3 жыл бұрын
What I've been doing and it seems to work most of the time is grab a bunch of mobs and when they're grouped up tight I start doing a 360 spin over and over again. Stop spinning and heal when needed and repeat the process. The Skullflame shield will proc a lot more often. Of course just giving them my back will do it as well (then turn around and heal when needed)
@jasperhourclassic8173 3 жыл бұрын
I am just now finishing up a paladin gearing guide for Horde and Alliance, I will reference this video in mine!
@Runslik3Wind 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks bro i hope this video becomes popular so i can get skullflame on my paladin. since its such a good shield.
@nathaneldridge157 3 жыл бұрын
As an elemental shaman I've used skullflame shield and it singlehandedly allows me to 1 pull all of SFK. It was worth the 30 gold I spent on it like a year ago
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
Oh its great if you are a lower level, or you don't have much mitigation. Just saying for a paladin aoe farming it is not good at all.
@nathaneldridge157 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow from my understanding the spellpower scaling on the lifesteal proc is nerfed pretty bad too. Its great for my classic shaman but I won't worry about getting one for my pally in tbc
@Folsomdsf2 3 жыл бұрын
@@nathaneldridge157 The way reboudt works changes so even if you take a hit you won't for long. If you just have block rating/block value you jus tbecome immune to the damage anyhow. A better option would be getting something that can heal you in other ways since well.. you're immune to melee attacks..
@MrFree-vj8qj 3 жыл бұрын
Sfk? Thats cute bro, except in tbc we talking about strath scholo+, thats like aoe tanking, farming mara or ST in classic, which gets you smashed because classic pala tank gear is total trash with zero avoidance, even the warrior one is not good enough.
@nathaneldridge157 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrFree-vj8qj i mean I'm on shaman in vanilla classic soooooo
@chrish881 3 жыл бұрын
What is that mace u are useing? I looks sow good
@lennic 3 жыл бұрын
Same for hand of edward the odd, even in classic, its a 1-2% proccrate, and In TBC it will only reduce cast time , not make casts instant
@kboss4438 3 жыл бұрын
it kinda procs all the time tho, not true ^^
@judaspampers4700 3 жыл бұрын
This video is fud just to get cheap skullflameshield
@47StormShadow 3 жыл бұрын
ok so my plan, if I get the shield which maybe I wont, is to spec and gear out of mitigation and into stam, armor and spell power for AoE farming. When I have enough gold ill swap to a decent tanking spec but in the mean time if I have less mitigation the proc will occur more often.
@FuzevSponge 3 жыл бұрын
In classic, SFS on a paladin is king. I've played on a couple of tbc servers where spell power scaling was active with the procs and it is still pretty good for the lower level dungeons when you don't have gear... However due to nature of itemization in tbc you stack spell power along with avoidance pieces when you're stacking block to get avoidance cap so you can tank, and the brilliant changes to Redoubt, you won't see it proc nearly enough to warrant it (unless for some reason it procs off blocks then it's OP). Sporegar shield while leveling and then just get your best shield with a felsteel shield spike and you're good to go
@jonathanwynne6925 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure anyone ever claimed Skullflame was good for tanking. It's a boosting shield, plain and simple.
@FuzevSponge 3 жыл бұрын
@@jonathanwynne6925 Nor am I, just saying your natural gear progression in TBC phases out the viability of SFS
@jonathanwynne6925 3 жыл бұрын
@@FuzevSponge If you're a paladin main, yes. If your paladin is your boosting alt, not necessarily.
@FuzevSponge 3 жыл бұрын
@@jonathanwynne6925 that is somewhat true I agree. All really depends if the spell power scaling sticks on the lifesteal in Classic TBC, cos I believe it didn't in original tbc
@jonathanwynne6925 3 жыл бұрын
@@FuzevSponge I've heard it's still 1:1 but I guess we'll see in the beta maybe.
@sylver714 3 жыл бұрын
The shield wasnt used for its fire damage proc. it was used for the lifesteal proc which scaled with 40% of your healing power which made it amazing for aoe pulling dungeons
@Drevilkitteh 3 жыл бұрын
In Classic right now it is pretty dang good with pally T2 having a damage and healing component and there being no other real options plus for SM/Stonks force of will reduces your damage taken significantly, 4 minute stonks clears are poggers. If T2 had tank stats on it instead of MP5/Sprit/Resistances you'd have a good idea of what it'd be like in TBC. In TBC, you will have more SP, but not 3 or 4x as much. you'll have at best 1.5x. Look at the righteous dungeon set for example, the set only has 110 SP on it compared to the 147 sp from T2 (counting the 5 piece bonus) for the same 5 items and you wont even wear all 5 parts of the righteous set or the T5 set that has 160 sp. Could you have a completely separate boosting set, maybe, but why bother if both have the same results. You will be 10000% more successful if you stack mitigation so you can survive 100+ mobs hitting you, bring them all to the same spot and kill them with consecration. You will never 1 pull strat with SFS and DFB as you will die long before the healing becomes useful. It is FAR better to only take 2000 damage and heal for 0 than to take 9k damage and heal for 6k (only an example, strat 1 pull isn't doable without figurine of the colossus). At the end of the day, boosting is a service and farming is about efficiency. You need to get everything to the kill spot and kill it fairly easily. Don't forget to put on your Libram of eternal rest (+47 consecration damage). Can't wait for TBC so we can test it all out.
@logic9436 3 жыл бұрын
It's most definitely used for its flame proc! Cleared SM on beta several times, and the proc is 3d dmg ability. Insane Skullflame lets me survive while pulling entire instances, even mara with better gear with the health steal and proc.
@Drevilkitteh 3 жыл бұрын
@@logic9436 cleared SM at what lv, def wasnt at 70
@MrFree-vj8qj 3 жыл бұрын
@@Drevilkitteh lmao pala t2 is a total joke with zero avoidance thats what you'd get smashed in mara or ST. Tbc prot is a different world my man. You get avoidance and sp from your tbc gear, the avoidance easily makes you immune to all AA. On hit effects will proc rarely enough that they are most of the time almost useless. We never use retri aura in tbc for example, it just doesnt proc and thats a good thing
@Tunatornado 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I have been looking to drop some big gold on one. I'm glad I didn't.
@logic9436 3 жыл бұрын
Yea, idiots like this vid made ppl miss out. Now they are 1.3-1.5k ea on EU/US servers after proven viable and way better then the 62 shield. Ebbnflw is a effin idiot
@silentcrits1977 3 жыл бұрын
Shullflame shield procs when you get hit so doing this in RFC is super biased. you get hit in SM and mara and black morass lol so its BIS there
@insanityclouds8729 3 жыл бұрын
@ebbn This is a bold statement to make. I respect that you put in time to do research, but paladin is a complex class. The factors that go into how and where you AOE tank are significant. To my knowledge the SP coefficient does not change. That means 3% chance to heal for 350-500 damage depending on your SP. This equates it to a 10.5-15 (.03x350-.03x500) damage mitigation. So the usefulness of it is directly related to the basic damage you are receiving as the mitigation can be viewed as a ratio to the incoming damage of the hit. Stocks mobs hit for 9-24. 15/24 is huge. 60 Non-elites hit for 45ish. 15/45 is good. Even with hits of 100, its still a 15% damage mitigation. Hits of 200? 7.5% damage mitigation. Hits of 300? 5% damage mitigation. Combine it with the chest piece and those mitigation numbers are doubled.
@Drevilkitteh 3 жыл бұрын
Right now in classic with a few trinkets/gluth neck, its easy to hit an unbuffed block chance of 20%+ with a BV over 125. SM can already be done in T2, DFB and SFS and in this case it is worth using those items because we have no other options. In TBC however, you will have actual prot pally tanking gear with block value/rating, defense, SP, etc. There is no reason to carry around and use items you don't need and you won't need a baby 500 heal when you're taking half the hits you are now. SFS is very over hyped and will be easily outperformed by high level blue dungeon shields with a feliron spike.
@thomasdaniels6247 3 жыл бұрын
It depends. In SM 1 pulls its worth it . I do SM 1pulls on my paladin and my shield heals for about 16k a run . @60 with 375 SP
@jonathanwynne6925 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I'm not sure he knows what he's talking about here, he just made a video cause he was annoyed at the sudden jump in price. At least he admitted he could be wrong in the pinned comment. Skullflame with as much spellpower as possible and no mitigation stats is the way to go in classic, the pre-patch, and for a while in TBC until you can get colossus.
@Jomppeli 3 жыл бұрын
I played holy paladin back in tbc and used skullflame by accident and found out the insane heals it did when it procs, idk whats going on now days if it dosn't work. It was really insane imo.
@MrFree-vj8qj 3 жыл бұрын
When you are tbc geared it rarely procs because you have real tanking gear and 100% avoidance, bv is 400+ and you take zero damage, unlike classic t2 which is a total joke, sure it procs sfs but you are getting smashed and sm and stocks is where you belong, in tbc you farm strath, and thats like st or mara in classic which you cant
@remulosj9514 3 жыл бұрын
does the heal return mana from skullflame?
@Nikolay1114 3 жыл бұрын
@Ebbnflow, SFS is used because it has 100% scaling for stealing life and not because of AoE. And it's strange that he heals you for 133 when in the classic he heal you for 500
@nathancasey7712 3 жыл бұрын
Nerfed I think
@imwivstuipid 3 жыл бұрын
@@nathancasey7712 yeah was patched out, and it seems bizz are going with 2.4.3 class changes
@aadas4007 3 жыл бұрын
@@imwivstuipid It was not nerfed in TBC... The spellpower scaling worked well into WotLK. Just check the wowhead comment history. I'm fairly certain the shield will be great for farming since healing > AoE damage in most cases. A paladin will get enough damage out anyways if he can survive for long enough.
@dani-uf1eo 3 жыл бұрын
I do farm mara and i found that there is not much of a difference between this shield and a tanking shield. Maybe i should try on lower levels like sm
@muffinman5958 3 жыл бұрын
the point behind using skullflame is NOT the the aoe proc it is the lifesteal proc scaling 1 to 1 will sp which makes it so strong it procs on blocks since those are mitigated hits where you still get hit not like a dodge or parry meaning that this sheild even if the sp coefficient gets nerfed it will STILL be the BEST mitigation shield in the game because of the lifesteal chance on hit. It is stupid to say that this shield will be useless since its clear that it will still be useful in situations where mitigation is more important then damage, that is literally what paladin boosting is about, finding the sweet spot between mitigation and damage for a specific pull, for example if i am pulling 250 mobs in gnomer for example i want ardent defender procs along with skullflame procs because i need the additional mitigation that both sheilds bring and also you need the ardent defender proc so that when the arcane nullifiers use their ability you dont melt. Saying Skullflame is useless is literally the same as saying force reactive is useless. its just idiotic.
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
A full block doesn't count as a hit sadly
@Delamorth 3 жыл бұрын
+1 this
@dyseskytten1 3 жыл бұрын
How good is your gear? A fresh 60 paladin with random greens and things from quests and the auction house migth fare better with the shield as they would get hit more.
@Cynsham 3 жыл бұрын
He's using the t6 lightbringer set from the looks of it
@MarvinMonroe 3 жыл бұрын
Idk it always seemed good for Prot AoE grinding when I leveled my BE in BC
@buffneesss 3 жыл бұрын
Good thing I bought this on my server for 300 back when classic came out, still one the best looking shields and having a lil more dps with a heal but a lil less protection I think it's worth it, just don't expect you are suppose to solo an entire dung with only the shield lol
@turboFarid 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks man for this great guide
@golagiswatchingyou2966 3 жыл бұрын
Rolly the paladin does holy paladin farming in classic, he also makes video's on this subject on KZfaq. I think some of them are quite informative for those who want to learn more or get different views.
@kaeldorei 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Ebbn can you test Force Reactive Disk
@imwivstuipid 3 жыл бұрын
Yes this would be interesting considering crafting this
@goheiclassic2232 3 жыл бұрын
The reason why it doesnt proc often for you is because you dont take any dmg on the blocks and thus it doesnt count as a hit and cannot proc shield. As it works in classic right now there is basically no way to fully mitigate the dmg from a block so you always take a little bit of dmg, meaning it will proc. I do agree that this is in some cases a min/max item while farming and sporeggar shield is better for dmg.
@damirzlatkic8134 3 жыл бұрын
This is a really awesome shield for palas since most skilled prot palas will stack block chance to become uncrushable which this shield will benefit alot from!
@asgaria8736 3 жыл бұрын
I think you're wrong but not your fault because the server your testing with is not showing what really happens when a high level character gets hit by lower level mobs
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
it is possible, but I was reading old posts from true TBC client and everyone says the Sporegarr shield is much better overall.
@louisoost121 3 жыл бұрын
I saw one on AH on my server going for 15k lol
@MrFree-vj8qj 3 жыл бұрын
Players nowadays are way more intelligent and skilled than back in the day !
@matthewkeating6970 3 жыл бұрын
You get a rep one from sporanger at 61.
@Mustang3813 3 жыл бұрын
I bought 5 shields off AH for 250 gold each and kept them for about 10yrs then sold them for 30k each
@jonathanwynne6925 3 жыл бұрын
It's still good in TBC, but it's real value is in boosting new shaman characters in the pre-patch.
@Drevilkitteh 3 жыл бұрын
Its great at 60 to boost up in stonks and SM. Not so good boosting @70 when you're getting hit less and absolutely worthless for strat farming/boosting.
@martinthinggaard3244 3 жыл бұрын
Try doing cath or arms in one pull and see the healing done while stacking up all the mobs... it heals you alot! because they can hit you from behind. when your rdy for the kill phase simply swap shield to Lichen Guard.
@bacchus8081 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think many people are looking at it as a viable choice at 70, I think the main point of Skullflame shield is that in todays meta everyone wants to be the fastest. And to level the fastest in TBC you are going to need a prot paladin for your dungeon-farm group. And I don't think there will be a lot of time to grind to honored with sporegar when you are rushing to 70 and got 4 other people waiting on you. So skullflame shield will very likely just be a 1-2K gold investment to level up quicker with for many people, much like the many flasks that will be popped in dungeons (absurd as that might seem). And esspecialy on horde-side there will be many new protection paladins coming out of the gates that will be looking for one during the pre-patch.
@golagiswatchingyou2966 3 жыл бұрын
I can't be sure for TBC if they change the proc or not but from what I've seen in classic and in terms of other shields the skullflame shield for the purpose of AOE farming is second only to the lichen shield you mentioned. There are two procs on the shield, one is a small life drain which does rarely proc but the other is a AOE effect that damages all mobs attack you and it can proc multiple times, I had a few runs with lots of lower leveled mobs attacking me and the proc did about 3rd of all my damage to the mobs, the shield is great and is going up in price for a reason, if you only use it against 5-10 mobs attacking you then it's going to look like a shitty shield if you have 50+ mobs on you then it starts to shine. Now im not saying this video is trash or whatever and who knows in TBC they might edit the proc and the lichen shield is still going to be BIS due to the better SP coëfficiënt and stacking deadly poison but the skullflame shield is realy good. Get the skullflame shield if you want to AOE farm as a paladin but be smart, don't pay 2k gold for it, people are rushing now, wait and buy it around 500-800g I would say or if your cheap just grind for the lichen shield and your still good.
@lobsterfork 3 жыл бұрын
You could pay 2k gold, do stocks boost at 3 hours a day, and in a week, you would have 2560 gold or so. It's not a bad investment for some. Only issue is it needs to be the last piece of gear on a long list of gear including: Demonforge Armor, Force of Will, Uther's Strength, 5 piece T2, and ZG revered so you can get the 2 hour speed potion.
@golagiswatchingyou2966 3 жыл бұрын
@@lobsterfork can you still use pots of zanza at level 70?
@lobsterfork 3 жыл бұрын
@@golagiswatchingyou2966 No, I am talking about before TBC. I have no idea if you can use Zansa at 70. I bought a bunch of bijou just in case.
@golagiswatchingyou2966 3 жыл бұрын
@@lobsterfork ahhh yeah that could work, easy gold for sure.
@lobsterfork 3 жыл бұрын
@@golagiswatchingyou2966 yeah sorry, you might be confused. You were saying not to spend so much gold on the skullflame. I agree, but even if you did. If the skullflame is the last piece of gear you need to sell stocksboost, the 2000 gold would spend could be back + and extra 560 gold within a week. Stocksboost pay 360 for 3 hours of boosting, spread out over a 24 hour period. That’s all =D
@EB-bl6cc 3 жыл бұрын
So I guess the question is, can you change out some prot gear for holy gear to purposely reduce your mitigation? Since "too much mitigation" seems to be the main argument against using Skullflame. Also some commenters seem to think that the heal scales with +healing.. CLEARLY this needs to be confirmed or denied before the discussion in the comments continues, since it would make a huge difference. If it does scale with +healing then obviously wearing some holy gear makes a ton of sense for both the increased size of the heal and the purposeful loss of +block. If not then.. yes the shield is probably not as great as people say.
@imwivstuipid 3 жыл бұрын
The scaling was patched out in TBC, and blizz are going with 2.4.3 patch so highly unlikely it'll be in there. Also people don't realise aoe farming in tbc is EZ PZ all you need is dungeon blues and the special trinket
@ronandrews7594 3 жыл бұрын
@@imwivstuipid The scaling was not patched out. You can read the wowhead comments, it was still scaling at least into wotlk.
@osmanrumeli 3 жыл бұрын
Great video , again
@JesperRoos 2 жыл бұрын
so skullflame shield on shaman aoe farming?
@Erati243 3 жыл бұрын
It has been shown that yes Lichen is much better for the actual tank and kill phase of aoe farming but it has also been shown that WHILE PULLING skullflame is amazing as you are often running away from the mobs and actually taking hits which procs the heal effect constantly. So while no its not the kill shield it is by far the better pulling shield.
@Rational_Driver 3 жыл бұрын
Skullflame is best used during the initial gathering of the mobs and then switching to Petrified when you're ready to tank everything.
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
Only if you gather with your back to the mob, you should be strafe jumping for mitigation.
@Rational_Driver 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow But again we're talking about two different schools of thought. Everything you said is correct when stacking mitigation because things cant hit you hence why chance on hit items not working as well. However, if you went the other direction and stacked spell power and chance on hit items like Skullflame Shield you'd see that pull ahead because now you're being hit more.
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
@@Rational_Driver its possible! However you still have a lot of mitigation just with your defense rating at 70, even when youre naked you dodge and get missed often. But SFS could have a place, just when it comes down to a 2k gold shield or a shield that requires you to get honored the gold definitely has to be considered!
@Rational_Driver 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow Most definitely. In TBC, I would consider skull flame a luxury item. I've been using it all of classic with my T2 set and it's nice
@Pow3r-Up 3 жыл бұрын
uhhh the reason you use this is for the lifestealing which scales with your power, it's sooo good for tanking. Not the aoe damage! (but it's a nice bonus) It's also pretty bis for Stockade boosting and the shield pays for itself fast.
@Drevilkitteh 3 жыл бұрын
In TBC, a 500 ish heal isn't worth ignoring all of the gear in TBC for. In SM or lower you do not need the healing and if for some reason you do, that is what Figurine of the colossus is for (the 2 minute CD heal on block trinket). You will take significantly less damage just wearing your straight up tanking gear than the shield will ever heal you for and the damage is garbage anyway.
@Pow3r-Up 3 жыл бұрын
@@Drevilkitteh wrong lol
@karmakamra Жыл бұрын
2 years later, and now this shield apparently no longer scales with spellpower. And the price on AH on my server... 7k and up. LOL
@justthompson 3 жыл бұрын
Skullflame Shield for Paladin is USELESS, IF used incorrectly! You have identified the misconception of the Skullflame shield Use Skullflame Shield for when you are running around gathering the mobs. while you are getting Hit. The goal is for the procs helping you sustain while collecting mobs because of the heals scaling with spellpower. Once you have the mobs gathered up, THEN you switch to a different shield such as the Petrified Lichen Guard with Felsteel Shield spike
@Fkleppe 3 жыл бұрын
This is a PSA that lichen guard is not an upgraded skullflame! Skullflame's heal scales, it's damage AoE does not. You use lichen for damage/threat while boosting. You use skullflame for sustain while boosting. have skullflame for pulling (lifesteal) an use turtle for kill
@Emilgod 3 жыл бұрын
Skull flame , demonforged good for low lvl dungs where you might want some sustain for the 5 mins it takes to pull everything and turning your back to clear them fast , but going into tbc content or even strat und farm then any high mitigation shield is better , and even sporeguard isnt anything special , on average its something like a 7% damage overall compared to consecrate which is like 50+% , at best you save a few seconds at the end of the pull.... which at the end of the day does not matter , aoe farming is all about hitting thresholds of healing taken to damage taken anyways so saving these PRECIOUS seconds has close to no impact on a successfull pull
@Drevilkitteh 3 жыл бұрын
You should always be pulling from strafe but SM will become the new Stocks in terms of difficulty aka piss easy. In SM or lower you wont need the sustain as you won't be getting hit as often or for as much and will have nearly triple the health pool. The 500 ish heal is a drop of water in the ocean. If you really need sustain, put your big boy pants on and hit your trinket.
@Emilgod 3 жыл бұрын
@@Drevilkitteh yeah i suppose with ideal play the shield def has an extremely niche use
@solidusraiden2502 3 жыл бұрын
this was filmed on a pserver right? you sure its working as intended? hobbs has aoe videos from back in tbc time and he was using this shield
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah the proc does happen quite often without mitigation.
@solidusraiden2502 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow so its not useless then? just dont stack as much mitigation
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
@@solidusraiden2502 not how that works sadly :(
@09Ceekay 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Ebbn, are you gonna play prot paladin in tbc ?
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
No, but I will have a paladin alt for boosting/gold farming!
@jarlfisk 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow same here and a druid for main
@johanmoller4263 3 жыл бұрын
Its even worse since it does not proc from behind.
@nathaneldridge157 3 жыл бұрын
The heal on skullflame is whats good about it
@dirtbagmoto 3 жыл бұрын
Good point, you can see how often it procs in the vid.
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
@@dirtbagmoto right which is basically 0 procs. 3% proc chance on hit, yet you almost never get hit.
@HatsonFGC 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow You get hit all the time as prot paladin, though. Since blocking counts as being hit. That's how the shield behaves on Classic. Did they change it in TBC? Or is it just a scuffed test server?
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
@@HatsonFGC A full block does not count as a hit.
@HatsonFGC 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow How much dmg do you block for in that gear you had with Skullflame on?
@lobsterfork 3 жыл бұрын
I think you are wrong, and I am going to use all the gold that skullflame shield has given me so far to collect and buy the 2 skullflames on the AH for 1k and flip to 2k gold. I respect your willingness to make bold predictions before the theory crafting gets put into practice though!
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the feedback, hope the flipping goes well!
@lobsterfork 3 жыл бұрын
​@@Ebbnflow Provided it stays unfixed, IE: 1 to 1, it's working out very well. Also , and I would love a dialogue with you, I think you your argument is erroneous. I do 1 pull stocks boost at level 60 on classic. I don't get hit 95% of the time, but I still need the shields proc to ever hope to one pull that instance. That property of the shield is not going away for TBC, either. It makes sense at first glance, "I am not being hit so what good is a on hit proc", but you are being hit and quite often if you are doing massive pulls. This shield in conjunction with Demon Forged Breast Plate and Uther's Light, in combination with being level 70 and having 500-600 spell power is going to make -- what I predict -- an absolutely slayer of a build for Strat boosting. Probably, the best Strat boost that can boosted, potentially. That being said, I will happily come back to this comment once I get the build. I will do the other build too. 1 more thing, I never actually bought the extra skullflame. I needed gold for my GDKP's to get Styleens, which I still don't have.
@Maronics 3 жыл бұрын
Compare procs on 60 and on 70, vanilla procs should all have a built in nerf past 60 because of stuff like nightfall.
@Alexanderryland20 3 жыл бұрын
This isn’t in official servers so the video isn’t credible yet
@russellruby1293 3 жыл бұрын
It makes perfect sense if you have experience with paladins. This was my experience with skull flame vs argent defender shield (whichever one blocks % more based on chance on being hit)
@exertoins7084 3 жыл бұрын
Good video but you don't show much footage of the Skullflame Shield vs higher lvl enemies at all. It's only showed in RFC and with 4 mobs in SM. Not exactly easy to judge which is better from this footage.
@griffintaylor27 3 жыл бұрын
There is no substitute for best in slot looks
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
haha, you're not wrong
@michaellawson7076 3 жыл бұрын
I don't get all the hate I'm seeing in the comments that you're getting man. You've made amazing content all of classic (and before it) and I've been here the whole time. No reason to think this is any different. I'm sure you put plenty of effort and research into this video, and I appreciate it. I love your videos and I thank you for all of the content you've made! Regardless of you being right or wrong on this video, I still completely agree with "don't waste your gold." This thing isn't worth 2k on classic and won't make or break your boosting anyways.
@Delamorth 3 жыл бұрын
I dont know man, think you missed the mark on this one. The skullflame shield ”build” is not used with prot talents, its used in a holy/ret build with holy/SP gear. The whole video your argument is that the shield is useless since you block/dodge/parry with prot gear and prot talents, but in the holy/sp specc you dont aim for defence, you are aiming for damage and are going to get hit alot more = dealing more damage.
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
Right but even as ret and holy your natural defenses at 70 make it much less effective, but again thats just my opinion. If you go with skullflame I wish you plenty of procs and a good cost on it!! I honestly hope anyone who has it finds it super valuable, just think the price people are selling it for is pretty steep!
@Delamorth 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow I can agree on that. I bought some for 120-150g in phase 3 and sold em for 700g in phase 6. Its stupidly overpriced at the moment. You should make another video testing the sfs in stratholme with the holy/ret build and see if that is viable. Thats why I bought mines atleast.. On paper it looks like that is going to be the meta.
@jaywest3570 3 жыл бұрын
This is so good, gj blizz!
@shaunsommer8849 3 жыл бұрын
It is not JUST about the proc damage, it's about the 1-1 scaleing for the +heal on proc, so if you have +500 healing every proc heals you that much
@imwivstuipid 3 жыл бұрын
That was patched out in tbc, and Blizz are going with the 2.4.3 patch so highly unlikely that'll be in it
@Subxenox15 3 жыл бұрын
Ya'll saw the title and immediately downvoted, if you watch, he shows you a shield that's MUCH better: Petrified Liche Guard, just get Honored with Sporeggar.
@ignitegiga3942 3 жыл бұрын
No one disagrees that skullflame is worse than sporegar but it is good UNTIL sporegar there is a lot of value u can get out of the item until u get the other shield
@helloabri 5 ай бұрын
Hobbs made that shit popular
@Ashley-mw3wl 3 жыл бұрын
I think I paid 450g for mine back in P3, and it was underwhelming from the very start. The proc is nice when it happens, but for me, that's like 10-15 times per run. In the grand scheme of things that's like 3% of my damage, it's absolutely nothing, and it's only going to be smaller in BC. Whenever the people making pally alts in my guild mention it I really talk it down, because it wasn't worth it at 450g in classic, let alone will it be worth more in BC.
@golagiswatchingyou2966 3 жыл бұрын
Which mobs did you farm with this and how many mobs were on you?
@DerHody 3 жыл бұрын
The point of skullflame is scaling with spelldmg to get alot of heal and dmg
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
right but you get 0 of that if you get 0 procs.
@DerHody 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow afaik you go into classic dungeons like LBRS where you can get a hit as lvl 70. Your block absorbs all the dmg and if you take dmg, its negated by the heal of skulflame and Demon Forged Breastplate.
@imwivstuipid 3 жыл бұрын
@Mex it was patched out in tbc, and blizz are going with 2.4.3 patch so probs not in there
@dirtbagmoto 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah... but does it look cool? Jokes aside great to know, thanks!
@andjob728 3 жыл бұрын
Dude u got no Clue on that u are TALKING about to Watch Graysforday Vid on shield twisting
@einzuwasu5563 3 жыл бұрын
I think it looks cool so people just like it :p
@marktheshark1918 3 жыл бұрын
It's funny because I've been telling folks this for months, nevertheless grateful for the folks that have purchased my skullflame shields for 500+g last 2 months XD
@k2k4 3 жыл бұрын
Vanity item!
@xxtidusbluxx 3 жыл бұрын
Link this video to trick people into thinking it's worthless and lower the price on the AH. Then buys them all and flip in tbcccc
@jeanpol6942 3 жыл бұрын
What makes this shield so expensive is that he will be needed by the army of fresh paladin wanting to sell xp boost. A lvl 70 paladin will not use this shield to raid, but I don't see a world where all those goldsfarmer/seller will grind the sporeggar rep for some time (same with Demon Forged Breastplate and collossus figurine) Imagine all of the mage currently boosting would need a specific item, a mandatory item to makes their boost works, well that would be an expensive item on top of that you are using a private server for your test, and private servers are often not accurate the point is, this shield is expensive right now because of all the speculation around the new boosting meta/golds farmers/sellers
@BenderdickCumbersnatch 2 жыл бұрын
It is good in Vanilla. It is absolutely garbage in TBC. Almost never procs, no matter what dungeon you do.
@proffpelswick2719 3 жыл бұрын
Ok so you have not done the skullflame shield justice. The heal only procs when you do not block dodge or parry. The heal is the most important part cause it is increased by 1 for each point of spell power. And you must be hit by mobs in order to have the heal proc. Redo the experiment with full Spell power gear and pull the whole instance of ZF and sit in a corner and watch them all die with the demonforged breastplate and skullflame shield. and 700+ spellpower.
@isayjump4907 3 жыл бұрын
LOL who cares if its good, its the best looking shield in-game man :D
@xalberrious 3 жыл бұрын
@jhonnnis1 3 жыл бұрын
> Tested on private server KEKW
@MrFree-vj8qj 3 жыл бұрын
Tbc prot is another world compared to classic, itemizing correctly sfs is almost never ever going to proc and it should not, because you take zero damage from aa your blocks are FULL and should be and you should have 100% avoidance, its not a little dmg from hundred attacks like in stocks or sm, its mob abilities that can kill you, with 600 or 700+ on average so 20 30+ hits when they reach you before you go down in 58+ instances, a 3% whatever proc on these is meaningless. Those Classic prot with t2 are a total joke, tbc prot is easily 10 times tankier in only pre raid. On hit effects proc rarely. Sfs is great for stock but if you want to step to strath or scholo+ you will get smashed hard, and your pulls will be ridiculously small.
@mikesmyth4061 3 жыл бұрын
These test done on private server I take it
@germanmade1219 3 жыл бұрын
Most of these 'tests' have been done on broken ass Pservers, its hilarious.
@Evirthewarrior 3 жыл бұрын
Multiple Force reactive disks or Ancient Lichen guard > Skull Fail Shield
@Makeroftaste 3 жыл бұрын
Private Server
@ProdigaliNKGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Kek your wearing full BiS with 102%+ mitigation. You're gearing completely wrong for boosting.
@ProdigaliNKGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Just like aoe farm mages you get int>spell power for aoe pally farming there will be a aoe BiS set.
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
Why would you not run full mitigation.. Mitigation means larger pulls, and faster runs
@seppwurzel8212 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow because if you get hit more you will deal more passive damage to mobs QUESTIONMARK?!?!?
@jarlfisk 3 жыл бұрын
Some idiots are trying to scam people on whitemane server Alli side. Normally the shield went for 300g now it's up to almost 2k gold. I had a talk to a brain dead player or just a scammer yesterday. He wanted to sell the shield for 1.7k and he told me he already had sold 22 of them (rofl) so I told him. This shield will be worthless "almost" in tbc and it will only go down in price. He would spend the next 35 mins txt me how noobish I was and how I never had been on P-server (rofl) and so on . So to make a long story short. Don't buy these OP shields atm just because some people are trying to scam or are brain dead and are pumping prices up. :)
@mattlang3696 3 жыл бұрын
Try big boy pull, not baby pulls and lets talk about it
@montag404 3 жыл бұрын
Of course it doesn't work, you didn't stack spell power or healing power. Seems like you need to watch ARlaeus' video and not give folks bad information, my guy.
@currymuncher9814 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry but disagree , You are not using the shield in the right manner. It was used as a pulling shield, not defensive shield. Also probably one of the most bad az looking shields in the game
@isaiahl7727 3 жыл бұрын
I just won SFS for 840g bid and the buyouts on my server are going for nearly 2k LMFAO. people just dont bid
@treybuff11 3 жыл бұрын
This sucks dude. The shield is awesome.
@k0nvick 3 жыл бұрын
Dude lmao this is prolly the worst video I’ve seen in a minute, do you even play pally? Skullflame is by far the best boosting shield in the game when boosting in SM, how about you do the actual sm pull and look at the dmg skullflame out preforms spore by over 20% these a facts that have been posted already.
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
Take a look at all tbc paladin threads or discord servers and they all are in agreement that SFS is not better than PLG. Good luck in TBC though, hope SFS performs well for you!
@k0nvick 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow link pls with data that shows skullflame getting out preformed in 1 pull sm
@k0nvick 3 жыл бұрын
for boosting low lvl dungeons skullflames out preforms by alot. SFS is a viable option and should be something all pallies pickup for low lvl dungeon boosting for gold. Strat/scholo is where spore becomes the better option strictly because the pulls are alot smaller and dont take as long to gather up.
@VictusPrime 3 жыл бұрын
There isn't any need to use vanilla gear in TBC, regardless of how niche the item is. The power scaling for gear in TBC itemization is A LOT when compared to vanilla gear. You're basically gimping yourself using a vanilla shield over a TBC shield.
@HYDRAdude 3 жыл бұрын
Rejuv gem is still great until black temple.
@n3v3r1s4 3 жыл бұрын
There are definitely pieces from vanilla which are BiS well into TBC raiding content.. Rejuv gem being one of them, like HYDRAdude said it's basicaly bis until t6 for most healers, then there's the AQ shield from heals trinket which is also BIS for a very long time for paladins for example, and there are other pieces. I mean, yeah, sure, you'll be swapping most of your t3 by late t4/early t5, but there are some exceptions because during vanilla Blizz didn't have a particularly great grasp on itemization just yet.
@thedukeoftbc 3 жыл бұрын
Now that the beta is out and it shows that this video is just demonstrably false you should probably retract this.
@Drevilkitteh 3 жыл бұрын
Half the beta is a broken buggy mess. What exactly has been shown to be "demonstrably false"?
@thedukeoftbc 3 жыл бұрын
@@Drevilkitteh that skullflame is useless. Everything that has been tested so far in beta shows it is still a monster shield for boosting and aoe farming.
@Drevilkitteh 3 жыл бұрын
@@thedukeoftbc Beta caps at 64 so.... you're missing 6 levels and the far superior gear coming from dungeons and heroics. So far the damage isn't scaling in beta BUT half the shit in beta is super broken.
@thedukeoftbc 3 жыл бұрын
@@Drevilkitteh The drain life from Skullflame and Demon forge are scaling as they should, 100% and 40%, in the beta. Which is what matters, not the flamestrike from Skullflame.
@Drevilkitteh 3 жыл бұрын
@@thedukeoftbc if they scale as we have right now then they won't be needed for boosting. I use them both now to boost sm/stocks. With double or triple the HP, prot pally tanking gear (basically T2 with tank stats) and the amount of block dodge party miss etc, the 500 ish heal from SFS will be unnecessary. Any shield with high stam and block value would prevent enough damage and your figurine of the colossus would heal you more than enough. I got my sfs for 200 6 mos ago. If someone doesn't have it already, save your gold and get something that will do the same job much much cheaper.
@greekbonees Ай бұрын
Hard to take advice from a guy with no health bars displayed
@Ebbnflow Ай бұрын
3 years ago, on the ptr so add-ons were all messed up, tbc content. Get over yourself. No idea why'd you be even watching this.
@logic9436 3 жыл бұрын
How bad did this vid age!
@seppwurzel8212 3 жыл бұрын
Tested on pservers, relying on pserver info and making a video stating it's bad. LUL
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
I do a lot of research into my topics by reading archived forum posts and using wowhead posts from back during TBC.
@Talix. 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ebbnflow but you did test this on private servers
@hiimmantowerlol5290 3 жыл бұрын
What are you even talking about, my skullflame do 60-79k per Stockade boost..... You dont know how it works ffs dont make videos about something you clearly dont understand and spreading misinformation LOL
@Ebbnflow 3 жыл бұрын
And youre level 60. TBC changes things, feel free to check any paladin discord. Shields are selling for 600g now on my server. People on the beta have been able to test things and have seen that skullflame is overhyped. But thanks for the kind message.
@stephenmulvey9821 3 жыл бұрын
How about making a vid on actual classic wow...
this is what 18 YEARS of mage looks like
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