Some Thoughts on Beta Minecraft - Voxel64

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Just as the title says, a short, lightly edited ramble about ye olden block game. Sorry for this month's video being a little simple, this month has been a BIG one personally, so I couldn't do much. Regardless, hope you enjoy!
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@bitcidic 11 ай бұрын
Minecraft beta feels a lot more like the “virtual lego set” that the game has been described as. You got more imaginative and creative with the limited resources you had, and it was awesome. The textures reflected this. They weren’t trying to cram as much detail as they could into a 16x16 space, they were simple, versatile, and never made the game feel bloated the way it does now. Even the gameplay itself was so much more simple. No half-baked combat system to play around, no shields to render every mob encounter rarely a threat, no mending to make your tools last forever, it was just you, your hands, and your imagination.
@tj-co9go 11 ай бұрын
Agreed. Although I love the modern versions, they feel bloated. I feel there's plenty of good additions that fit the game well from modern versions (lanterns, campfires, colored glass panes, concrete, mud bricks etc.) But there's also so many annoying ones. Especially concerning world generation and structures, combat, rare resources. The end, Purpur blocks, nether blocks generally feel useless.
@insanecreeper91 Жыл бұрын
I really like your analogy about the games, but I think I'd like to offer a different version: Modern Minecraft *is* like staying at a hotel. No matter where you go, it feels the same. Safe. And everyone has experienced it almost identically. Beta/Early Minecraft is like staying at your family's cabin. There's a specific coziness to it, mixed with an unsettling unfamiliarity. You've been there before plenty of times, sure, but that sensation of adventure and mystery remains. I have absolutely no issue sleeping in hotels, surrounded by other people on all ends and able to get whatever I need almost effortlessly. But my family lake cabin? Once night falls, I'm filled with dread and unease, an isolated silence where I can't sleep thinking about what could be happening outside. (And I am definitely not stemming this from the fact that I played PE Lite while staying at said cabin long long ago.)
@Strideo1 6 ай бұрын
There's definitely a sense of danger and mystery in older versions of Minecraft and yet they're strangely cozy at the same time. Someone described Beta 1.7 versions of Minecraft as "gnomish" for these reasons and I think the term fits Beta 1.7 quite well.
@AvaTheAlleyCat Жыл бұрын
modern minecraft is definitely pretty good, but the nostalgia and sheer differences in the really old versions like the simplicity are like no other, good video!
@Ferret90 Жыл бұрын
@WiseKayeoss 11 ай бұрын
i had never played beta minecraft till about a year or so ago, so i can tell you its not nostalgia, like you mentioned the pure simplicity of it and how varied the simple selection of blocks is just makes it a whole different experience, as well as the lighting (which is great imo and complements the world and textures a ton), not being able to see in the dark. even if everything beta has is already known it feels like an adventure the whole way through
@volkadee6151 Жыл бұрын
i think it's because most of the recent updates are more geared towards progression rather than creativity. enchantments, the end, and so many other features are about 'levelling up' rather than creating something of your own. beta 1.8 onwards is when they made it more focused on linear progression rather than being a sandbox
@tendyboys8344 Жыл бұрын
I’d say the exact opposite for the newer versions. It seems that too much features are “ambient” and could massively be expanded on like copper.
@solgerWhyIsThereAnAtItLooksBad Жыл бұрын
All of those features came out years ago. Modern updates focus mostly on creativity 1.12: Colored blocks 1.13: The ocean is alive, go nuts 1.14: Here’s a new system that’s both fun and lets you skip the grind and go straight towards building 1.15: Bees 1.16: The nether is alive now, complete with a ton of new blocks including an otherworldly set of wood palettes 1.17: Here is just blocks and mobs from the next update so you can play with them in the mean time 1.18: Terrain generation is good again 1.19: Here’s a fun dungeon and some wild blocks 1.20: Self explanatory
@pigsteel3342 11 ай бұрын
exact opposite honestly
@Ser_Salty 11 ай бұрын
That's not really recent, some of that stuff is over a decade old even. The last like 7 or so updates are all focused primarily on exploration and creativity. Adding more things to see, more blocks to build with (we got like 5 new wood types just since 1.16), more things to find and explore (I gotta say, carefully digging up a trail ruin, trying my hardest to spot the sus gravel and sand before I break it, is really fucking fun)
@tj-co9go 11 ай бұрын
Yeah I think version 1.0 was the mistake in a way. I don't like the End, enchanting, potions, Nether fortresses even to this day
@haumea2097 11 ай бұрын
Although, I've never experienced the betas, I allways find older versions of the game to be more stressful and offputting in the best way possible. I also noticed that the game became "softer" overtime, gradually. 1.7 brought in the custom font, which made the game feel less empty, as well as some optimisation, so that high fog levels are no longer necessary. 1.9 brought in (alongside a nice new combat system and option to make the player left handed :), both of which I really liked) an absolutely atrocious AI rework, which reduced the spawn rate, and made almost all the mobs lose their main behaivoral advantages. Spiders were speedy, agile enemies, using highground to their advantage, catching players in places other mobs can't. Now they rarely climb competently, and they no longer jump at the player and use their highground like they used to. Zombies were horde enemies, purely relying on numbers and vision range, mostly numbers. They could also break doors, preventing the player from hiding in a standard house. Not only did the reduced spawn rates hurt them, but they seemingly had their vision range decreased too. Baby zombies also seem to spawn much rarer nowadays. Oh, and the door breaking, it basically got deleted gradually. Skeletons were ranged enemies, who kept the player away from themselves by firing arrows more and more rapidly to keep the player away, countering their fragile bodies with intelligence. While modern skeletons are still very smart, even being able to strafe while shooting, they completely lost this mechanic of keeping the player away. Endermen changed even less. The Only difference I noticed is maybe less competent teleporting, but they are rare enemies anyways, and they are allways extremely terrifying whenever they aggro. I have no idea what they changed on creeper, but it used to be much more annoying, almost on par with skeletons and baby zombies. It might just be the spawn rate though It's weird being someone who loves the new combat system, but hates the mob rework, which I only know of by pure experience, and I don't even know if it's 100% intentional. Anyways, 1.14 added new textures, which obviously affect the experience, making it somehow a bit more calming. All these combined, make the older versions a much more stressful experience. I allways feel like I'm on the edge every night on my 1.6.4 world. It feels like I'm being invaded. Every night feels like a Zombie Apocalypse, with nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no time to think, or eat. It's all so thrilling. And when you're in a dark area and there are no monsters around, you start to feel really uneasy. Something's not right. Something's missing. And then a cave sound plays and you're completely on the edge. Modern nights can also sometimes get intense if you stay in like a very specific area long enough, but it's nowhere near how it was in the old versions. Oof, I don't even notice and I write a pointless essay on a block game and my sleep is gone.
@Alansaad_ 10 ай бұрын
The annoying thing about the creeper is that they move while exploding. In modern minecraft they stop when exploding which makes it easier to run away from them
@cccreaturefeature Жыл бұрын
I think you put how many players feel into words perfectly: essentially, to me, they feel almost like two entirely different games, each with their own things to enjoy about them. It's nice to have a game where we're free to always go and visit those older versions, too.
@mrein99 8 ай бұрын
Modern minecraft is amazing and it wouldn’t have nearly as many players if it hadn’t updated since beta. But yes beta times was the most nostalgic time ever
@Soulmodulation 5 ай бұрын
It was such a beautiful time... I remember watching yogscast do their let's play, and begging my parents to let me buy the game. Nothing else can surpass the the tension and fun of my first world in beta.
@mrein99 5 ай бұрын
@@Soulmodulation am trying to find my first laptop to extract my first world😅
@Soulmodulation 5 ай бұрын
@@mrein99 I really hope you find it. All my old harddrives are gone. I also used to upload maps and stuff to planetminecraft, but the links are dead. The inevitable march of time is cruel.
@pieton9346 Жыл бұрын
I really hope they update the programmer art for newer blocks
@jeramyiscool 11 ай бұрын
there is a lot of texture packs that fix it
@dunk. 11 ай бұрын
they said they're not gonna
@freshestavacado9195 9 ай бұрын
I started playing minecraft on the 1.15 redstone update because I didn't hear much about it until then. My dad had a ps3 that we would all use and my dad ended up getting the ps3 edition for us for someone's birthday. I ended up watching EthoSlab's original world (and then continued on to the new world) a bit later on and watched as I played through the newer versions of minecraft eventually syncing up as I caught up on his episodes. I never truly grew up on beta minecraft, but when I decided to give it a go fairly recently (I have Java edition now), I discovered that the earlier game was much more intuitive and balanced than the newer game. I'm not constantly being stopped by my own brain by choice paralysis and it's a much smoother experience because I don't really have to plan ahead as much or worry about not doing the exact right thing or regretting it that the newer versions of minecraft give. I don't know how else to explain it.
@Crackedcripple 11 ай бұрын
I miss how alone old Minecraft made me feel, back then it was a scary experience being alone when night hit and you had no shelter aside from whatever desperate last minute hut you made or hole you dug. Barely peaking out of your shelter when daylight hits waiting for the creepers who used to be super fast who might blow you to kingdom come.
@sadge0 11 ай бұрын
I've completely lost interest in Minecraft about 6 years ago, and I can't force myself to play modern Minecraft, I just can't. It seems so boring, that I immediately feel sleepy when I think about it. But recently I've discovered version 1.5.2 installed on my old PC, I've launched it out of curiosity, and played for a few hours non stop. It just felt like completely different game, honestly. Simple, yet so interesting...
@TrueEnderSoul Жыл бұрын
Yeah I have always had a soft spot for beta minecraft. Just felt so simple and relaxed, like you could hang out with friends for hours and not get bored. Builds felt very rewarding as tools didn't last forever and the need for constant materials besides just building blocks gave an extra challenge back then that modern minecraft doesn't have. I think it could be fun to create a small private beta server between some small minecraft youtubers. We could help shine a light on this golden era of the game again.
@SamMaddie2 11 ай бұрын
Might I recommend the mod Back2Beta, which fixes almost all the old bugs in beta 1.7.3?
@TrueEnderSoul 11 ай бұрын
@@SamMaddie2 I've heard of that mod before! I mainly want to be able to play with friends on a beta server.
@SamMaddie2 11 ай бұрын
@@TrueEnderSoul It actually has modded server software you can use to make a server for it (which has support for old Bukkit plugins and optimizations that make it run faster than vanilla beta servers), but yeah if you'd be playing on an existing vanilla server the mod won't work for that
@cwinchcarwash2629 11 ай бұрын
that is a class idea!!
@Strideo1 6 ай бұрын
@@SamMaddie2 What about Better Than Adventure?
@WyvernDotRed 8 ай бұрын
Having never experienced the Beta time, I recently moved to playing Better than Adventure. Which has been an amazing way of catching up on what I missed, only starting in 1.5.2. Despite not being nostalgic to older versions, this feels just right to me, the tweaks of this mod keeping the feeling of Beta well. I jumped in quite soon in hosting a server for it, which has now developed to the 4/5th biggest BTA! server and is continuing to grow. This has been an amazing experience like what you were talking about by the end of the video.
@whowhowhowhocomeon Жыл бұрын
I honestly think that the beta textures and modern textures both fit really well with the versions of the game they’re present in. Beta is more rough around the edges, and it looks like it too. Modern minecraft is very polished and professional, and it looks like it too.
@Axzle_MC 11 ай бұрын
The beta versions of the game will always hold a special place in my heart. The wave of nostalgia I get every time I play these older versions can not be matched!
@vitulus_ Жыл бұрын
I assume you mean beta 1.7.3. Here's why I think it is: 1. *No sprinting.* The makes what you build seem larger in a sense. It makes the game a slower pace, but rewards you more for a big build. It allows you take it in as you walk through it. It also rewards Minecarts, and other forms of transportations (somethat that was further ruined with Elytras). However, sprinting does make PvP a bit better I think. 2. *The aesthetic.* I don't think the texture is a big thing. If you use the modern texture on beta 1.7.3, not much really changed. However, I think for one there is no mipmapping -- which no one seems to talk about. The lack of mipmapping in older versions gives a much better retro feel, it's what makes pixels in the distance feel very pixelated. Your point about the lighting engine is spot on, specifically the darkness and contrast. 3. *Limited blocks.* You touched on this, but I think this is a *major* component. Really it causes something called "creative limitation" which can actually drive creativity more. For example, pixel art is very enjoyable when you restrict yourself to a few colours, but gets a bit tedious and boring with many colours. Building on the latest version requires a much greater cognitive load, which allows some great stuff, but is a way different feel. At the end of the day, you need limitation, otherwise you might aswell build something in blender. Furthermore, things such as glass panes and non-full blocks take away from Minecraft's aesthetic a bit. The beta versions used non-full blocks sparingly. I do think the game could have still progressed with this creative limitation in mind, it just requires careful game design. 4. *Free from the bad features.* As simple as that. Mojang has added a lot of problematic features. You're free from it now. However, let's be real, beta has many missing features -- it's not a full game. If you look at some of the mods which improve upon beta, it genuinely still captures the feel. This indicates there is possible direction to continue the game. I'm not too against the idea of having some kind of goal with progression. The Ender Dragon was not too bad as you could pretty much ignore it -- which I did for many of my survival plays in the past. Not to mention, diamonds, etc., are a form of progression. So goals aren't really a big problem imo, it doesn't take away too much from the sandbox. The addition of food in theory is actually fine, but it was done poorly. It could actually have improved people's imagination as things such as taverns could've make sense. One feature I wish Notch had added in the early days, was better modding support. What stopped him was thinking he had to work on an extensively supported API, which isn't the case. The release of the actual mappings helped a lot with this, but ideally, just release a basic system which allows injecting code into the game and then you can begin to provide some platform for these mods. From there let the community go on with their own more accessible APIs.
@ZooAxelGaming007 11 ай бұрын
in the oldest anarchy server in minecraft 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
@Newbyte 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, I remember when mipmaps were added. Made the game feel weird. Thanks for pointing it out!
@ross3695_basedhax 7 ай бұрын
I think the old textures were important part of the experience though, they stand out and take advantage of their blocky resolution The new textures just try to look less pixelated and a lot of them just feel the same
@pieton9346 Жыл бұрын
I think the lighting looks very different because beta was a much darker game in general
@yaboiminecraff Жыл бұрын
I've been a fan of minecraft since around late 2010-early 2011 and first played the game when 1.3 came out and when I played it for the first time I fell in love with the game and every year for Christmas I begged to get it nowadays when I can barely play a game constantly I still fall back to minecraft it's a game that has changed sandbox games forever
@xopowoHiro 11 ай бұрын
Beta and Modern Minecraft are two very different games. Both have their own strengths, both have their own weaknesses. Both are fantastic.
@WurdeyGaming 11 ай бұрын
I also think theres something to be said about where we were when we played old Minecraft, there was a lot less stress in our lives. Nowadays I play Minecraft inbetween coursework I worry loads about and the knowledge i am no longer an innocent child. Back then, in the beta days, it was: get home from school, worry about nothing, be at peace in a Minecraft world.
@BlueFlare Жыл бұрын
i love the old build style. just some simple cobble and oak planks. nothing fancy.
@robertbrown3064 10 ай бұрын
I highly suggest looking into Better Than Adventure. It's an overhaul mod for beta 1.7.3 based around the theme of "What if the Adventure Update never happened?" Honestly, it's the only thing that has ever managed to rekindle the feeling I had on my first night in Minecraft.
@KYCDK 11 ай бұрын
I love the almost unknowing dread of the night
@uhoh9411 11 ай бұрын
i love the simplicity of beta, when i played i found myself building a lot more and being much more creative then what i would be on modern minecraft, beta gives me so much joy.
@nodraw_ Жыл бұрын
Such a cozy and philosophical video :) You put my emotions into words very clearly! Keep it up!
@mrdollyman5675 11 ай бұрын
I think the reasons modern Minecraft is so different is the way the player interacts with the world. Its just, faster. The player can sprint, fly, or use ice highways. The slower, more “at-home” feel old Minecraft had was because it forced the player to slow down a bit and just do stuff. Making your way over to a tree, axe and hand, and cutting it down while some nice music plays is a lot more relaxing in older Minecraft because it isn’t a rush from one task to another, but a slow process. Its this reason that lasting a long tie on a world was much more rewarding, because the effort to get those resources took time. Modern Minecraft enables the player to rush about the world and collect enormous amounts of resources, and then create massive structures and play the game virtually in creative mode. Its different.
@gukutto 10 ай бұрын
It's definitely not nostalgia, at least in my case. My first Minecraft ever was pirated 1.5.2 version of the game (I think it was 2013) so it was long after beta 1.7.3. I think it is impossible to have nostalgia for something I never experienced until late 2022. One day I stumbled upon Better Than Adventure mod trailer and decided to see why people cling to beta Minecraft. I watched a lot of videos about old versions of the game and after finally playing beta 1.7.3 I realized that I never truly experienced Minecraft (that 1.5.2 doesn't count because it was my first version ever). That beautiful textures, old mesmerizing lightning, terrain generation being simple but fantastic, no hunger and sprint, no ultimate goal and, what is most important for me, atmosphere of being completely alone and being watched at the same time. As I said, it can't be nostalgia for me. Beta mc is just masterpiece created by Notch. Limited and very simple sandbox game with limitless possibilities encouraging experiments. I never had that much fun with modern Minecraft as I have with playing 12 year old beta for past year. I am deeply sorry for my English and since it is not my native language please correct any mistakes I made.
@vmpere2637 Жыл бұрын
I'd say the best years of minecraft were between 2012 and early 2016. The game had just the right amount of content to not feel bloated, but enough quality of life features to be enjoyable. Even back then the technical features were still fairly tame. You had the occasional mega farm but for the most part farm designs were scalable so that even if you didn't want to make a MASSIVE farm you could still make a smaller version that was serviceable for your needs and play style. Newer versions of minecraft to me feel like they have no direction, the balancing is all over the place, there's so many exploits and bugs that put you at a straight up disadvantage if you don't use them. You can get end-game loot within a few hours of playing a world with next to no challenge. No one else seems to take issue with the fact that getting the best gear in the game is as simple as exploiting broken villager trading mechanics, it isn't fun. Dying isn't a setback, assuming you even die in the first place because you can just make massive farms for totems that make you essentially invincible. It's ridiculous. They also refuse to remove or fix game-breaking bugs like TNT duping and boats going absurd speeds on ice because the technical community has optimized all the fun out of the game and Mojang is too scared to make them upset, despite the fact that they're willing to fuck over basically every other segment of the community like the PvPers, the server devs, the modders, the resource pack artists, and the mappers. 1.7.10 is the best version of the game, I'll die on that hill.
@Cyanopsia 11 ай бұрын
i'm so split on iceboating because it's so much fun but i hate that it (among other methods of travel) made minecarts obsolete
@SmujdoesStuff 11 ай бұрын
Only reason i would use ice boats is on an icy race track but that's it. I'd rather have a minecart railway.
@thomasfisher4833 11 ай бұрын
I think optimisation in itself is a fun challenge, but once something has been optimised, it's been "solved" - there's nothing more to do with it. Anyone who applies optimisations is generally missing the point. Because, what do you do afterwards? I see a lot of youtube videos where they start building crazy bases, and minigames and stuff like that. But once you have designed systems to remove all the limitations of survival, why bother playing survival? You might as well just play creative. It reminds me a bit of generating primes. There are rewards for generating large primes, cash prizes. So lots of clever people have found ways to write new algorithms, or optimise existing ones for the purpose of finding these new primes. Devising a clever algorithm takes time and skill. However, actually running the algorithm is boring. Anybody can do that.
@jennith 11 ай бұрын
beta 1.7.3 is my nostalgic ideal minecraft. the adventure update was the best thing that ever happened to the game as far as direction, however my best memories were in 1.5/7.
@DanCreaMundos 11 ай бұрын
It's not an accident that there are so many lighting and horror mods for modern minecraft. Subconsciously, many players still miss that eerie feeling old beta minecraft had, I know I do, been playing 1.7.3 lately, which actually was the very first version I ever played and the one that made me instantly fall in love with this game. I love minecraft nowadays, and the features I don't like (excessive emerald grinding, elytras, mending) y simply don't use them, I haven't even killed the dragon because to be frank the only thing in the end I'd be interested on are the shulkers, and it's not worth all the effort lol so ppl, enjoy minecraft, just play, have fun, and don't go telling "this is better, this is worst" you can literally play any version you like in Java, even on mobile with unofficial launchers. Just play and have fun.
@BlazeIsaquilla 11 ай бұрын
1 minute in and i already love this video. Great commentary man and i totally agree with what you're on about. I like both too but when ur playing betas and are limited in so many ways, it kinda feels like my creativity sparkles and lights up since yk, you only have a few blocks to build with and so on. I think this is why some ppl might not enjoy the new minecraft so much, the creativity of some people might just be based on the premise of "well shit i have limited blocks and stuff so i gotta come up with crap". I love this video, great work!!1!! I'm looking forward to more videos :)
@stevenlaczko8688 6 ай бұрын
I absolutely adore the description of "quaint" for beta Minecraft. That's perfect. That's one of the main differences in the new game, it feels bloated and expansive, and has some cool features for some play styles, but its not quaint. Not cozy. Great video!
@Real_The_Goof 23 күн бұрын
This entire video sounds like me remenecing about my days as a kid playing NES and Super NES games lol
@lampoilsalesman 11 ай бұрын
i wish there could be a perfect mix of both, with mods to choose from. i like sweeping with the sword and using shields, but i also like wacky terrain and neon green grass. i don't like old andestie textures, but i kinda miss roses. i wouldn't miss the bad performance new minecraft has. i'd like to use mods that are only available in newer versions. apparently, this is possible with modern beta, and nostalgia tweaks, but it doesn't feel the same, especially for that awful performance.
@th3fish 11 ай бұрын
I like the older versions so much that I rarely play versions past 1.12.2
@dynamicwarfare 5 ай бұрын
There is a lesser known community of people who play old beta and alpha versions of Minecraft. I have been a proud part of that community for years now (since 2016). I myself had never played beta 1.7 when it was new, but the old Minecraft still resonated with me so much. Great video, thank you for posting!
@simple2052 5 ай бұрын
5:11 Fog also is different in modern versions compared to how it was in beta, In modern versions fog is almost like a solid wall at the very edge of your render distance and older versions fog a bit closer but less opaque and faded out more gradually. Also block lights before beta 1.8 had no color which contributes to the look as well as the darker ambient occlusion. I honestly prefer the older lighting & fog as the darker shadows and AO made the world look less flat to me and the fog made the world look more vast.
@NoobyNubguy 5 ай бұрын
Some things I think make beta so good is that there is a very slim selection of blocks, which really makes the creativity flow because of those limitations. Also the simplicity of it too, there’s no netherite to grind for, no massive mob farms to build, no dragon or 3 headed abomination to defeat, none of that. It’s just you, some mobs, and a blocky world for you to fill up. I don’t even get the nostalgia from beta versions, heck, I don’t even play them (I’m about to start a beta world when I’m done writing this actually) I started around… 1.12 I think on the Wii.U? Not entirely sure. But the simplicity of it all really brings a heavy charm, so I can understand why so many people play it.
@Blaze-zm7zt 11 ай бұрын
Cute video, nice presentation and editing and everything. I can't tell the difference between you and someone with millions of subs. I love minecraft beta and have been playing it on and off more than modern most of the time I play at all for close to or over 10 years now.
@KYCDK 11 ай бұрын
even with full diamonds, it was still challenging though, which I love
@cwinchcarwash2629 11 ай бұрын
this is a very healthy take on minecraft lol, nice video :)
@_conquered 11 ай бұрын
such an amazing game i loved the old minecraft. im not saying the new one is bad its just the old one for me is just perfect.
@UntitledKirk 6 ай бұрын
Old Minecraft: SOVL New Minecraft: SOVLLESS
@v.v3786 Жыл бұрын
God this video is just... so good. I like modern minecraft but it just never feels the same, I just can't have as much fun as I did when I played on my xbox 360 or when I first got a pc to play minecraft and was playing on some of the older versions. It's shocking that you only have 80 subscribers because this feels and looks like professional content.
@leafsfromthevine Жыл бұрын
This is such a lovely video :") As someone who missed out on the /early/ days of Minecraft, I am glad I can still experience it.
@Poopstank911 Ай бұрын
that steve build looks awesome
@gerhard_adler Жыл бұрын
Interesting take :) Cool seeing sn old version of Mong City too
@Gods_Plunger 7 ай бұрын
I’ve been playing on a beta server for about a month or 2. Been having tons of fun just building things with the limited blocks. I just started playing the better than adventure mod for old mc and am having a total blast playing on my own. (Although I’d love to join a server)
@TrueMikeyQ Жыл бұрын
Had a really cozy vibe, have enjoyed it :) great job man! You earned a sub haha
@ActrosTech 2 ай бұрын
Beta 1.7.3 is considered the best among "centered" versions, and its the last true Beta, I personally take it in favorites alongside with Beta 1.8, beautiful versions. Despite bugs and little screwups Beta 1.7 had - the game was super stable in terms of features, some of which even got me when I discovered them, and its incredible to say the least: - Foods: Porks are super easy to get, but cant be stacked, cookies are ultra rare aswell as golden apples, only useful for extreme cases, and theres wheat with shrooms which are harder to get, but definitely more powerful in terms of inventory space - Tools: You couldnt use certain tools for certain blocks for faster speeds (workbenches, stairs etc), but in some cases - sword could help a bit, and if you clever enough - you can save their durability by mixing regular punches with sword strikes. - Materials: There was no enchantments of any kind, means if you find diamonds around - you count them all. - Mobs: Incredibly stupid, yet interesting - mobs spawn super often and wander however they like in quite decent pace, which does spice up surroundings a little, and as for aggressive ones - skeletons were tough bastards, and creepers had tendency to go sideways before blowin' up, making it quite a force to reckon with. - Worldgen: can vary from flat areas to crazy hanging mountains to mix of both and inbetween, everything for everyone can be found in pre-Beta 1.8 world generation, and the best of the best examples will be "Glacier" seed, almost a literal icon of that worldgen. The list goes on and on, and to make a cherry ontop of this cake - the game runs literally on less than a single gigabyte of memory, which pretty much everyone can afford, even for super low-end PCs
@_Emit_ Жыл бұрын
cool name, cool voice, cool video, subbed
@jadesprite 11 ай бұрын
I think a lot of the features are just too polished. When a feature is "complete" it projects a given way to interact with it. Older features were thrown in with little or no complex ideas, and people really projected their own ideas onto them. Bastions and trail ruins, for example. With their loot tables, they give you a specific 'goal' even if you don't care about it. Same thing once villagers got their loot tables - there became an explicit point to having villagers, where as before, if you wanted villagers to be your enemies, they were. If you wanted them to be your friend, they were. If you wanted to cage and breed and use them as slaves, you could. And I would hesitate to say that it's 'bad' that there's more features now... but when I'm encouraged to look at things in a specific way, it closes down the imagination I once went at the game with. Maybe that's why even today I feel hollow looking at builds from scicraft or other technical minecrafters. I'm just regurgitating something that was fed to me, not inventing it myself. My creative brain isn't being used even as I make something that should be exciting. That's also why I don't like the ender dragon and wither. These aren't challenges that I decided Iw ould conquer, they're things mojang decided I SHOULD do. There's also a reduced sense of discovery when they introduce a solution to every problem. Automated travel: powered rails. Water: frost walker and harder to break boats. Too 'grindy': unbreaking and mending; efficiency and haste beacon. Then after we've lost all sense of progression they introduce netherite as if that's going to return us to the make gear -> break gear cycle - it didn't of course. It was a temporary distraction from being bored. Also I feel like trying to make every block renewable was a mistake. It's nice for some people but it lets us disrespect our world and its natural generation by simply not touching it. We used to have to consider if we'd want to destroy the natural environment for the sake of our buildings and resource gathering, and I think that made us more involved with it. Sure, a lot of the time back then you didnt' really care about leveling a mountain and that was okay; not all terrain is spectacular but sometimes you'd just stumble across a place you didn't want to ruin. I'd leave clay in rivers because their natural beauty, while sitll complaining about not having enough (ugly) bricks. Now I don't need to worry about tearing up mountains for stone or dirt since these things can be infinitely generated; in fact I don't need to ever concern myself with natural beauty since I never need to touch the world.
@phoenixcoursey6711 11 ай бұрын
my memory of old minecraft is super strange, I don't even remember the old gravel texture at all despite playing in those versions, I also remember there being a mirrored version of your world below bedrock for some reason despite playing in the box 360 edition where you cant break the bottom layer of bedrock
@ZooAxelGaming007 11 ай бұрын
in the oldest anarchy server in minecraft 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿in the oldest anarchy server in minecraft 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿in the oldest anarchy server in minecraft 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
@mikael8276 6 ай бұрын
I play modern 1.20 with a rule I'm not allowed to build automatic farms. Imposing that rule automatically makes the modern versions more enjoyable. I turned mob griefing off and prevented phantoms from spawning. You could also choose to not use enchants, or take any items from villages. You could also turn off structures from spawning. Give it a try! 😃
@Minecragy Жыл бұрын
I can 100% agree with you beta looks so nostalgic and its simple and some people dont want 1:1 real life textures Cool vid :D
@TheRealGregrs 11 ай бұрын
Beta is my favorite version of the game
@ram00_ 11 ай бұрын
Definitely agree. I've been playing minecraft since I was 10 (I'm 23 now), and I used to be so terrified of mobs, I'd always play with peaceful enabled. In my later teenage years, that stopped being the case, and I assumed I just grew up and stopped being afraid of this quaint little sandbox game. But then the other day I booted up an instance of beta 1.2_02, the first version I ever played, and oh man. Once night fell-- that old fear was there, just as profound. There's a few things I observed about the night in those versions that really makes it so much more intimidating As you said-- it's a LOT darker. I think it's also more eerie-- I blame the sky color and the size of the stars-- something about them being so big and bright against a completely black and blue landscape is really unsettling, it feels like a nightmare. There's also how sundown itself works. In newer versions, it ever so slowly turns dark. But in the old versions, the light level drops in discrete steps, visibly sweeping across the land. It's terrifying. I think old minecraft really nailed this feeling of tentative safety. I dug into the side of a hill, as I always used to do, and put some glass blocks up. Standing there, looking over the pitch black landscape, with only a wooden door to protect me.. it's a feeling I don't get in modern day minecraft. You can see everything at night, you can outrun every enemy, and you can sleep the night away until you are ready to take it on. The whole world is relatively safe, and your base is extra safe.. whereas in old minecraft your base felt hopefully safe, and nothing else was. Finally--the animal spawning mechanics and AI add an overlooked feeling of unease, imo. Animals don't seem to despawn at night as much as they do in modern versions, and the way they constantly jump and spin adds a bunch of clutter and movement to the darkness. Is that a sheep, or something that could hurt you? There's only one way to find out, and it's not a very good idea.
@MilkGuyMG 11 ай бұрын
this channel is under rated
@alonk1060 11 ай бұрын
Despite the lighting of beta being in grey scale, it doesn't come off as plastic-y, but rather like clay
@TheBoyRyansChannel Жыл бұрын
Great video. I had no idea you have a channel.
@voxel64 Жыл бұрын
Sure, thanks for giving the video a look!
@SirDavid290 7 ай бұрын
It was nice when Minecraft had arcade elements into the gameplay, even Terraria has a food system that is simple and good as is. It's still played a lot, and i prefer it there.
@frederickuniversal7687 10 ай бұрын
Old Minecraft was extremely limited, wich was it's biggest quality since it forced you to be creative
@liamsandersonmusic 11 ай бұрын
5:14 the reason for the differing feel is that beta light is white instead of modern mc as yellow
@mosshivenetwork117 7 ай бұрын
I like modern Minecraft but it is like a Minecraft 2 or 3.
@typicalgentleman Жыл бұрын
Hey, is the server that you were playing on public? It seems pretty cool and I'd like to look around it if I can.
@N1ckT1107 11 ай бұрын
I think of of the saddest things about Minecraft is now the "new" music is now sounding nostalgic as it was released 10 years ago.
@D4rk_R4in126 11 ай бұрын
holy heck this video blew up!
@justforapps1670 11 ай бұрын
"Mine the pun"
@derpherp1810 11 ай бұрын
New minecraft to me feels great but it lacks alot of the charm older graphics and older minecraft had for me. When I see old minecraft videos on shitty 2009 hypercam android quality stuff, to me its like a warm cup of cozy tea by a fire I will never get to experience again. The only newer game that sorta almost perfectly nails the beta minecraft charm for me is a top down terraria like game called Necesse. Honestly I really love necesse and the cheesy 2009 retro gaming aesthetic it has and if I ever get into game design is something I want to recreate. I want to recreate that old feeling of beta minecraft but add new stuff to it too that I personally would find interesting.
@iDontRember413 Ай бұрын
What's the song called in the background of the video the name of this one always slips my mind
@tennoio1392 11 ай бұрын
I don't think that nostalgia plays a big part in the idea of older versions looking better. I never played old versions in my childhood, but when i tried playing 1.0 version, i had a lot more fun with it for some reason. It felt differently. Especially mining down below. I suspect it's something about the lighting. And textures. Modern ones are smudged, less sharp. It's like a step from stylization to realism. Especially i hate deepslate and wooden planks textures.
@daveywavy6451 11 ай бұрын
i think the light engine is better with the old and the mob ia and combat is glitched but feels like home
@twotailedfox3349 11 ай бұрын
i don't dislike the new textures as textures, but i dislike them as the default ones because it feels like something i'd use as a texture pack back in the day and it also takes away from the feeling the old textures used to give imo also about the whole night thing, i personally find modern nights to be much harder than beta nights since the ai has been improved quite a bit and skeletons actually know how to shoot lol
@duncanurquhart5278 11 ай бұрын
modern minecraft feels very player-centric, which ironically makes it feel less real thus less alive/livable
@jadesprite 11 ай бұрын
I've said it before and I'll say it again but old cobble texture is much better than new cobble texture. All stone blocks these days look identical.
@ShadowboiOfficial 25 күн бұрын
Really Nice Vid
@jimmyharmel7448 10 ай бұрын
If you like the visuals of beta you should try the nostalgic tweaks mod :)
@JerryFilms 11 ай бұрын
I feel like the direction of the new textures were definitely meant to appeal to the younger audience the game seems to be going for nowadays. Personally the cartoony aesthetic is something I could never really get behind which is why I've always tended to play without a texture/resource pack. Even now I exclusively use "Programmer art" (a name which really undermines Junkboy's work if you ask me) and I'll even occasionally play with a beta texture pack just to get an even more simplistic feeling.
@xscitobor1233 10 ай бұрын
All true points, my view are mostly the same points you had about being able to change to the old textures, that yeah it's there but it still doesn't feel the same because its an after thought not really thought about to be compatible with modern versions to backhandedly appease those who liked a different version from being able to moan about it because "the old textures are still there" and slightly get a dig at them for not getting in with the program, I feel like minecraft needs to keep the same feeling that you described in this video and just that the next generation of players is not going to see it the same way. Part of the big problem is, who is going to go back to other versions? Why go back when the newest updates are suppose to just add to the game that we love, just a new and improved nothing wrong with it, when we have been constantly been getting additions that most players in some way dislike, let alone just the fact that they do not keep not just the start of the game but even the slightly earlier updates in mind for how the game should feel with what they added before and what the feeling they give off should be kept when entering that area or doing an action in said new update if something changes that area of play. And that just leads to the experience you talk about in the video of how the game felt and any other update people come to enjoy will be slowly squeezed out of the game until it is a shell of its former self. It's like watching a Loved ones eyes slowly fade away from some mental disease over years where you no longer see the things about who there were as a person that always brought a smile to your face, slowly disappearing but still being there alive and kicking but they are no longer the same and Knowing you will never be able to see their loving eyes the caring smile the personality that drew you in so long ago Ever Again except in memories, and there is nothing you can do about it to stop it. And whats annoying is that Mojang could have easily kept any of previous things they added to this game in mind and added to it even, but they Chose Not To for the most part and "to me" the few things they did try to keep intact and just bring forward to the newer game it feel like they didn't really care about the old they just wanted new but they couldn't throw away the old entirely because they know the fans will be outraged, so they just do a half baked job not really trying and saying they did so if anyone dose criticize it people who don't really care about said change will just say they are being a boomer and just need to keep up with times, or just play the older version if you like it so much, witch just pushes away people who just want the game they have come to enjoy so much the way that the game that had been what said newest update had used to step up to such giant heights that it is now at and casting it aside, to be relegated to the pages of history never to see the light of day again because they didn't bother to find a way to keep whatever key parts of the game they already added before in mind with doing an update, or just be compatible enough to be played at the same time as others playing the newer version.
@mysticspace1475 3 ай бұрын
Thn k you for this, i feel like i just see many players just let the nostalgia giggles blind them especially with the bets fans toting the "better than adventure" mod while rude sure it feels like watching someone whine about how "good old days" when i dont see the appeal really, after all MC is in a tough spot thanks to the controversy of late
@TarkTheConlanger Жыл бұрын
very cool video
@catcadev 11 ай бұрын
New Minecraft hasn't overwritten beta. I think Beta is coming back. Village and Pillage feels like a beta update to me. And so does the Nether update
@Noobster2731 11 ай бұрын
Where did you get that sick minecraft statue for the thumbnail?
@voxel64 11 ай бұрын
Thanks, I built it myself!
@degenatron2319 26 күн бұрын
I prefer the og textures by a lot the lighting system is a lot better the fog is waaay better nights where actually pitch black (scary) you couldn't run, made mobs way tougher passive mob farms I could go on and on
@akirapink 11 ай бұрын
is it weird to feel some...reverse nostalgia for the modern game?
@rawmaw 6 ай бұрын
what server are you on?
@hatmanbuilder 5 ай бұрын
I play MC from 1.5 (not beta, but stil). I prefer modern versions because of more building blocks, but ALWAYS play with Programmer Art textures + texture pack that transformes new textures to look more like the old ones. There's something about the old versions, but.. I get bored too fast on them. Not enough to do, not enought to find and explore, not enough blocks to build of, especially considering I'm not into castles and wood cabins. Gonna look fore some lighting mod that makes the light more like in the old versions.
@TheMrKMen 8 ай бұрын
These videos about beta minecraft suggest the idea of a rebalance modification for new beta-style versions. Rethink the mechanics of hunger as delayed regeneration. The hunger indicator is an indicator of the amount of matter to restore health. Remove sprint from the game and slow down various vehicles. Would it be interesting to play such a game, would it be possible to combine the meditativeness of the beta and the content of the modern version?
@Strideo1 6 ай бұрын
There are some mods like Better Than Adventure or Modern Beta that might interest you.
@RasplinYT 11 ай бұрын
@jetstarfish Жыл бұрын
great thumbnail
@Neon_Henchman 11 ай бұрын
I think I so happen to prefer the best of both worlds, strangely enough; I think I do prefer Modern Minecraft, but that's only because of the Single Biomes, Caves, and Floating Islands Buffet Worlds, I usually don't care much about what's coming out today ever since the Nether Update. I can challenge myself into only playing one Biome in the Overworld, and that would force me to be more creative with my Builds, like I cannot exactly make that many Redstone contraptions in a Void world as they're Non-renewable, but I kinda like finding alternatives, such as using Copper blocks to make it look like grass, or Compost to look like Dirt. I think there is in fact something to the limited palette in the Beta days, today's builds definitely can look great such as with tinted glass ans Prismarine, but these Alpha World tours do feel extremely cozy, that's a different kind of nice, especially when you take into account that these people don't have scaffholdings, nor Elytras, nor TNT Duping and whatnot.
@LondonTransportL92 11 ай бұрын
I'm your 290th Subscriber!
@bennettdaniel7779 11 ай бұрын
I think the biggest reason people look so fondly back on the old minecraft versions is the unknown factor. Maybe it was because we were all little kids but you really didn't know what was in the dark. Building seemed fresh and exciting. I think Mojang amd the internet as a whole has really done a huge disservice to Minecraft. Every single feature is examined inside-out years before its release. Mojang releases snapshots and trailers that ruin any secrecy or novelty any update's features might have before they even come out. I wish that Mojang would take a couple years to make a SUPER update. New blocks, new mobs, new graphics, everything. But not tell us about it until its released, and I would like to play that new game blind, without spoiling it for myself on the internet. That's probably wishful thinking, as Mojang doesn't seem to have any profound direction for the game. Then again, maybe they have been working on a huge refurnish of the game, and that's why the last handful of updates have been relatively lackluster!
@getignorer 11 ай бұрын
You really nailed the problem with Mojang’s current direction with Minecraft. I think the two best updates for the game were the Aquatic update and the Nether update since they completely changed massive parts of the game and added so much to discover
@bennettdaniel7779 10 ай бұрын
@@getignorer They did add a lot of important new content but they failed to address the lack of innovation concerning gameplay progression. Netherite added a new gear tier *marginally* better than diamond. Ocean update added a couple new ocean biomes. But the core gameplay still revolves around getting blaze rods and ender pearls and then finishing the joke of a boss fight. THAT'S the part that needs to change, and they refuse to do it.
@HenchandStyle 10 ай бұрын
What I've always disliked about modern Minecraft survival is- the game's insistence on turning it into creative mode. Mechanics like Iron Farms, Shulkers and the Elytra, to me, ruin the *point* in the game. Now, I don't expect everyone to feel the same way as me, this is just my opinion. But farming iron, villager trades, that sea temple block I can't remember the name of, etc. in order to get unlimited blocks, then having Shulker Boxes to transport them and being able to fly with wings all feel like creative mode things. You know what else creative mode lacks? Threat. You know how now you can now get an armour more powerful than diamond and enchant that to be even better? You know what that removes? Threat. The game feels watered down to the point where after about a day of exploiting the mechanics built into the game you are basically playing on creative mode with the ability to build huge builds with no danger. I guess what I'm trying to say is- I enjoyed moulding the landscape- surviving and struggling, being punished for mistakes and having to grind out blocks and builds. The new mechanics are clever and the game is prettier than ever, but I find myself avoiding the survival side of the modern game to just build in creative mode. The purity of the gameplay in Beta is what I'd compare to Chess. Sure, you can go ahead and purchase fancy new boardgames, complex 2 player games like War of the Ring or a more luck based games like Memoir 44, but you can always come back to the simple and fine tuned Chess, to really test yourself. I play the other games every now and then and love them, but I will always come back to Chess when I undoubtably master the mechanics of the new games and they stop being fun- whilst Chess, despite it's simplicity, seems limitless and impossible to truly master for anyone other than Magnus Carlsen. I mastered the mechanics of modern Minecraft, I made the game easy and thus boring, so now I return to the impossible to master and seemingly limitless, Beta.
@SocksFC 11 ай бұрын
The original release of Xbox 360 Minecraft is almost identical to Beta Java
@agentjohnson755 Жыл бұрын
3:12 Ted K reference
@iDontRember413 Ай бұрын
1:15 ngl I kinda hate enchantments (my personal opinion) I always felt it makes you feel overpowered
@voltsu 11 ай бұрын
maybe im nostolgic too, but everything in the current game is sometimes overwhelming for me.
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