Revisiting YouTube's Most Evil Rabbit Hole...

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@SomeOrdinaryGamers 11 ай бұрын
Check out the newest podcast episode:
@Nazareth_VeryCoolio 11 ай бұрын
@user-FuzeteGMD 11 ай бұрын
Pro Bug Games🤑🤑
@elvinkarimov6576 11 ай бұрын
love your vids
@Markimoo 11 ай бұрын
yes daddy
@MysticLGD 11 ай бұрын
@2003aka 11 ай бұрын
my mom works for a animal rights activist group answering and responding to emails. So she has to sift through A LOT of monkey hate videos, which is the most prevalent type of animal abuse she sees at work. She's told me about groups of people who will take boats out to islands off the coast of florida to simply just torture and record monkeys for their "fans" online its really fucked up.
@Xylospring 11 ай бұрын
What freaks...
@bccsivxx-xxivvii 11 ай бұрын
What islands off Florida have monkeys?
@etceterax144 11 ай бұрын
​@@PunkrockNoir-ss2pqnot really, but you sure are
@DudeSoWin 11 ай бұрын
When your 5 senses are replaced by a circle of friends so much so that the sourcing of your every thought floats never touching base with reality. That is when the Machiavellian monkey clubbers have won. Stay strong and Safety Third, always remember "A friend to all is a friend to none."
@monkeymanchronicles 11 ай бұрын
@@GOBAproeven if what you said is true, do you really believe human beings should be less principled than monkeys
@asimms65 11 ай бұрын
People that harm animals will move on to people. Cruelty to animals is like a gateway drug to them.
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 11 ай бұрын
What about animal euthenizers, slaughterhouses and death row executioners? What do you have to say about those kind of people?
@DameOfDiamonds 11 ай бұрын
​@@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307those people don't torture animals
@aouyiu 11 ай бұрын
​@@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 I'm pretty sure context matters
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 11 ай бұрын
@@aouyiu Ok then. I'll give you context. What if someone, who wants to inflict pain and suffering to animals (FOR ANY REASON), but doesn't want to get caught or arrested for animal abuse. So they decide to actually spend YEARS working on to become an offical worker at a slaughterhouse or, they go to med school just for the sole purpose to legally become a vet or doctor. Then after they get their liscenses and all, they get a job as a death row executioner or Vet euthinizer. Is that okay! That they found a legal loophole to achieve their sick pleasures. They spend tons of years and money, just to pretend to feel sad that they have to kill an animal or human, but in the inside, they are in pleasure. The same thing applies if they decide to become a police officer or a soldier.
@iamprocrastination.9415 11 ай бұрын
​@@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 have you heard of a stunner? they aren't cattle prods, but a sort of pneumatic device that shuts down the nervous system nearly painlessly. now, i'm not here to argue against the death row workers, as the chair was used for so long, but in slaughterhouses the stunner is their most humane and best bet for killing. and euthanasia is not cruel. the injection they give them is a set of chemicals to shut down all the organs as painlessly as possible. we can't say it's 100% painless, but it's better than stewing in your own piss, unable to get up, and SLOWLY dying of organ failure.
@yanderehypnolights 11 ай бұрын
I actually remember in middle school someone forced me to watch a video like these. At first I thought the cat was safe, but then another car came over and ran it over. It made me start crying meanwhile the people that showed it to me started laughing that I got so effected by it and I told a teacher. No one really did shit about it and at the time my favorite animal was cats and... those students knew that and made me see that because they wanted to hurt me. It absolutely haunts me these continue.
@cornjulio 11 ай бұрын
That sucks 😢
@yanderehypnolights 11 ай бұрын
@@cornjulio It was awful ironically the lunch club was called the "Friendship club" That's how much this video stuck with me that I remember the exact number of people that were in the group that showed me and the club name. I really want these people to be taken down because this content is awful for animals and people.
@ktg-keepthegame808 11 ай бұрын
Some people are just plain stupid and evil… I say people not just kids cuz unfortunately I’ve heard stories about adults intentionally running over animals they see on the side of a road, or putting firecrackers in a cage with a cat in it, like it’s funny. 🤦‍♂️
@Obyvvatel 11 ай бұрын
one time a guy on facebook commented on a video of a guy without half of his face doing some sort of gasping for air while paramedics were around him laughing - I guess gallows humor or maybe the video was fake, and the video showed up on my feed because the commenter was in my friends, but it took me an entire evening to come back to a normal state
@neoasura 11 ай бұрын
"no one really did shit about it" At least you got a good lesson of how harsh reality and society really is from a young age. No one cares about you, you need to look out for yourself
@Xamsims 11 ай бұрын
Absolutely horrible. Those 'people' enjoying that stuff should be on a watchlist.
@mrlevinielsen 11 ай бұрын
Or put into a cage with a Chimpanzee
@erikred8217 11 ай бұрын
hopefully that's the game but who knows.
@klonoafan2012 11 ай бұрын
There's alot of mess up content on playlists on youtube
@lindyloohoo 11 ай бұрын
@@mrlevinielsenwith a gorilla, that would rip them to shreds so quickly. Tho these subhumans deserve to suffer.., the poor monkeys. I cant.
@Shade04rek 11 ай бұрын
@@mrlevinielsen Idk. It's a toss up. A human can also kill a single chimpanzee in a small enclosed area if they fight back, the cage mostly helps. Depends on the individual maybe. Could go either way.
@lamardoss 11 ай бұрын
for some reason, there's just as big of a community like this dealing with squirrels also. literally no idea why but it gets just as dark.
@betteroywoth2445 11 ай бұрын
Squirrels are considered pest in some states, and you can get a permission to control the squirrel population
@Sprungusbungus 11 ай бұрын
​@@betteroywoth2445a headshot is different than catching one and jamming pins in it before slowly squeezing it to death
@iHaveTheDocuments 11 ай бұрын
​@@Bestiola Controlling a squirrel population is the same as torturing them? Huh
@ohishwaddup 11 ай бұрын
​​@@Bestiolathey're not saying that just putting it in a cultural perspective. How someone from the UK feels about their native squirrels compared to someone from Kentucky for example.
@peachu7 11 ай бұрын
It depends on what you mean by "dealing with squirrels" because I know there's an active community around pest(squirrel's, cat's and a few other animals are considered pests in many states and in countries like Australia) control that use air rifles and sometimes rimfire rifles to conduct population control and then post videos of said population control on youtube, which unless it's recently changed, is within youtube's TOS. Actual torture of animals or the killing of animals in a less than humane way is disgusting and is not only against the TOS but is quite Illegal in most places.
@miniz702 11 ай бұрын
Gotta say, I feel bad for people like that FBI agent who have to watch these kinds of videos. It's gotta be horrifying
@ProxiProtogen 11 ай бұрын
I wonder at a certain point do seeing constant gore and torture just makes you... numb to it. Like a surgeon cutting open a patient for the first time might make them squeamish, after the 100th time does it carry the same impact?
@skateorpie 11 ай бұрын
@@ProxiProtogenit’s like the craze of the beheading videos in the 2000s. You watch enough of them and get numb to it. The morbid curiosity ends and it’s just… like watching a tv show. No human attachment. It’s hard to get out of
@MK_ULTRA420 11 ай бұрын
Never feel bad for FBI they're soulless bugmen.
@charlieandhisantics9954 10 ай бұрын
I don't know if the people who have to watch this stuff get insurance or benefits for therapy, but they should. A job like that is absolutely traumatizing and I don't know how they do it.
@xord6286 6 ай бұрын
FBI recruits have to listen to an audio recording of a teenage girl getting tortured by two serial killers to get desensitized
@TheWeeklySlopYT 11 ай бұрын
The ACTUAL focal point that should be addressed is companies like youtube and google allowing this behavior and doing NOTHING about it. Theres no point in calling out these bad people for doing this. No amount of shame will EVER change them.
@ShinePaw101 11 ай бұрын
This is a good point honestly. Though I would worry if going underground would make them even more crazed in a way. We entirely should be looking at any and all those that allow and promote this content with hardened gazes and double glances.
@sihamhamda47 11 ай бұрын
And instead they strike innocent channels without any reason
@agua414 10 ай бұрын
It seems like they have taken action, sites like live leak don’t even exist now and good luck finding a webpage dedicated to this anywhere in a google search.
@catmania202p 8 ай бұрын
Instagram too! A reel showed up of a kid putting a cat on a blender and their parents stopping it in time. I reported the video and Instagram decided that it did not break their rules. Same with anorexia.
@kbeatzgonecrazy656 11 ай бұрын
In a world where people cannot even treat their own kind well, I don't expect people to treat animals any different but worse.
@qunas101 11 ай бұрын
I don't know man, I love animals much much more than humans
@SushiBurritoPapi 11 ай бұрын
@@qunas101that’s good because you can live amongst them for free. Detach from society
@defeatSpace 11 ай бұрын
@@qunas101 those monkeys would take a chunk out of you lmao
@cursedfetus8129 11 ай бұрын
@@qunas101humans are mammals lol
@ha-kh7ef 11 ай бұрын
@@SushiBurritoPapi why are you so trigger?
@evillecaston 11 ай бұрын
Imagine being such a waste of life that you can only get off by harming innocent animals. At least the prison system is dealing with these psychos fairly.
@darcyroyce 11 ай бұрын
You mean they live out the rest of their miserable lives in solitary confinement?! Yes.
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 11 ай бұрын
Ok. I have to ask! If people have to get pleasure from stuff like this, because they've grown too tolerent from every other thing out there that gives a human being some sort of pleasure. What do you expect them to do? Do you expect them to just live life with not getting a bigger rush from anything else.
@darcyroyce 11 ай бұрын
@@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 the question for those of us who are or plan to join the medical/justice systems is much drier than that. What we're looking at is whether the ibdividua has full mental capacity, ie. are they capable to discern between right and wrong, do they realize the severity of their acts and its consequences for the victim/s, and whether they're able to take responsibility, ie. whether they feel remorse. These failing, they'll go through a slightly different process, than those who are mentally capable to assess and acknowledge their involvement. Not to be confused with admission of the crime, btw, we're just looking at basic cognitive functions. To answer your question - what do you think someone who gets pleasure watching torture and engages on the delivering end of it should do next?
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 11 ай бұрын
@@darcyroyce I DON'T KNOW! Maybe....killkng themselfs, since there's nothing else to excite them.
@JunkBondTrader 11 ай бұрын
@@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 no, I don't expect these sick people to do the right thing. It doesn't mattter if that's "just the way they are", the way they are is fucked up, and the vast majority of society agrees these people should be punished severely. And if you can't get a rush from anything but animal abuse videos, you obviously aren't trying very hard to correct your morally corrupt behaviour. Like they should just do meth or something to contain the harm to yourself. I can't stand indulgences that come at the cost of other people or animals, there is no valid excuse. Even if they say they can't help it, their behaviour needs to be stopped in one way or another through prison sentences or perhaps through the mental health system if they are truly mentally ill. I don't expect shitty people to be moral though. What's your point exactly? If you are a moral person with an indescribably desire for these videos you'd find a way to stem your desires.
@Omnivorous1One 11 ай бұрын
These animal abusers need to have their crimes told to their cell mates in prison.
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 11 ай бұрын
I wish that different kinds of prisons were made. prisons where ONLY pedophiles live in and Prisons where only animal abusers live in.
@Fantastic_Timez 11 ай бұрын
Good news. Inmates always know what you're in for. They can look it up freely 😂
@ykucb 11 ай бұрын
Oh they have something called paperwork parties for that. The problem is these wastes get the privilege of protective custody because the system knows they’d be dealt with accordingly in general population
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 11 ай бұрын
@@ykucb That's good. I hate it when inmates suddenly have a change of heart.
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 11 ай бұрын
@@Fantastic_Timez So Does that mean i could beat them as revenge for them beating up animal abusers or pedophiles too.
@zzombiiz 11 ай бұрын
the worst is when these spread on tiktok and instagram with a seemingly wholesome video, something more likely to be put on younger people's feed like a slime video, and then it suddenly cuts to a video of graphic animal abuse or a suicide video. it's the kind of thing that dosent leave your mind once you see it.
@bitelaserkhalif 11 ай бұрын
Much like neverita but worse
@TankTheArtist777 10 ай бұрын
It's like those old screamer videos that were disguised as slideshows of cute animals, only to be met with a loud scream and spooky face at the end of the video, but obviously far far far *FAR* worse.
@darcyroyce 11 ай бұрын
One of the key traits we're looking for when looking into psychopaths ' history is that pretty much all of them had tortured a killed animals and pets, not to sacrifice and eat them, but for pleasure. We also know that psychopaths will "grow" ie. will escalate in their crimes, so what I'm saying is this - as a child they tortured and killed animals, as adults they tortured and killed or tried to terminate people.
@PhoenixAttact 11 ай бұрын
*snickers* Okay bud, I'm not even going to try with this one. Won't be worth the effort.
@solar_pan-el 11 ай бұрын
@@PhoenixAttact why not? are you trying to defend these people? what he said is proven
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 11 ай бұрын
Prove it that 100% PERCENT of animal killers become serial killers.
@YurinanAcquiline 11 ай бұрын
​@@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307He said all psychopaths kill animals and then they grow into their crimes to kill people. Which is not true. He did not say that all animal killers become serial killers. Which, they don't.
@darcyroyce 11 ай бұрын
@@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 why would we need to do that, when the act in itself is psychopathic and illegal!? If the justice system, and within that tracking and monitoring cybercrime would be sufficiently funded, we'd be able to take more decisive action towards those who are in "earlier" stages of their criminal history, and thus save lives, be that of animal and humans.
@user-jr3st4dp2u 11 ай бұрын
I remember when I chatting with a nature activist guy at convention booth during the Bird Week convention in Malaysia, and they're telling the truth that "humans are the most dangerous creature in the world". Their words got the point and I'll keep that in mind forever. Sometimes I feel ashamed to be a human being myself
@syoung4471 11 ай бұрын
I will never understand how anyone can do this. Just hearing it make me want to vomit. We all know these are our future serial killers getting started. The absolute pure evil to do this to animals is beyond belief. Just absolutely vile.
@orbis17 11 ай бұрын
100% there's definitely a reason this shit is very illegal. I'm glad the authorities take this sick shit as seriously as they do.
@lucky4d725 11 ай бұрын
@@DiabolicCrusher that explains the anime prof pic.
@DiabolicCrusher 11 ай бұрын
@@lucky4d725 Videogame character, not anime, and fuck's that got to do with this?
@lucky4d725 11 ай бұрын
@@DiabolicCrusher point still stands. That point being you'll say some sick stuff.
@CoOlKyUbI96 11 ай бұрын
What’s also weird is that it is so prominent on Facebook. You don’t even have to dig deeply to find such videos. Yet all of the topic comments are just of people acting as if it was normal. Some even acting as if it was a soap opera
@EfrainQuezada 11 ай бұрын
I remember back in 5th grade, we had an end of the year picnic fieldtrip to our local park, idk where it came from, but theres this baby mouse in the middle of the walking path, a group starts to crowd around until one of my classmate sees the baby mouse on the ground and just crushes it with his foot. And for some reason looks around expecting everyone to pat him on the back or something. It just splattered like a red tube of toothpaste and this psychopath looks around expecting applause. Ill never forget his face, and then the immediate look of "oh you dont like that? Ok"
@JunkBondTrader 11 ай бұрын
and that kid turned out to be Ted Bundy. lol... .but really, there was always that one kid. I remember a kid like that in our school too. He tortured insects at lunch and told stories how he liked to rip off frogs limps and throw them back in the water. Ugh.
@Thatscaca 11 ай бұрын
Can you edit your comment to say you all beat his ass at the end so I can stop crying in my sleep
@Niemaminnegonicka 11 ай бұрын
I had almost the exact same thing happen on a week trip in third grade elementary school, so we were all 10yo. The group stumbled upon a baby bird that fell out of it's nest, everyone started talking about finding it's nest, or taking it to a wildlife sanctuary. But there comes this boy (very typical "tough" kid), and stomps on the hatchling saying "it would've died anyway". Bear in mind the bird was surrounded by a bunch of girls. It was so shocking it's still in my memory after like 15 years.
@MK_ULTRA420 11 ай бұрын
@@Niemaminnegonicka Wow that's f'd up. When I was 5 I found a baby red sparrow in the backyard that was abandoned with a broken wing. My first instinct was to crush it with my foot as a mercy killing and give it a proper burial and I still feel kinda bad for it.
@underarockandstuff 11 ай бұрын
​@@Thatscacaand you call him sick haha. You are worse.
@MykoMethod 11 ай бұрын
Sorry Muta but i couldnt finish this video, but still really appreciate you making it and bringing attention to such a horrific topic! Animal abuse is just something that makes me feel so deeply sick, hateful, and depressed that I had to end this one early.
@Kain_Mercer 11 ай бұрын
Me too man. Made me feel horrible. Some of those comments he read out are just sick
@brad5426 11 ай бұрын
Have to agree. I have a soft spot for animals and I'm relieved Muta spreads awareness of these unethical behaviours.
@enragedares5992 11 ай бұрын
i bailed at the comments, got to angry.
@CyPhaSaRin 11 ай бұрын
i've never finished one of his videos lol, its some dude in a bedroom on a fkn soapbox and its so lame lol, i just drop by sometimes because he's talking about something current and sometimes speaks on the general outrage getting around.. other times he's having a fkn sook over a handheld playstaion and its like dude, get a gf, if you have one, get a better one lol.
@lukeslayer 11 ай бұрын
​@CyPhaSaRin look everyone! I just found the human equivalent of a participation trophy!
@Sarriiaa 10 ай бұрын
When I was around 10 or so I fell down this rabbit hole after my stepdad used to use gore videos as a punishment for me. Thank god for therapy, but even all these years later I’ve yet to figure out the correlation there.
@feildpaint 10 ай бұрын
I'm really sorry that happened to you, glad you're in a better place 👍
@hughquigley5337 10 ай бұрын
Holy fuck that is so... weird and disturbing. I'm very sorry this happened to you
@LinkRammer 5 ай бұрын
That's awful
@Bombyx_Silkmoth Ай бұрын
What the fuck?
@halfnelson6115 11 ай бұрын
I was scrolling thru Twitter and came across a video of someone cooking a dog that was still alive. I immediately scrolled away, but those couple of seconds seeing that imprinted that image in my mind, and now I can't unsee it. I wish the fbi would put more effort into catching these groups.
@laurti 11 ай бұрын
I remember seeing simuliar stuff on Instagram i have to agree its horrific but pissed me off that those people that abuse these animals arent dead
@rareearthmetal5019 11 ай бұрын
sadly country's animal rights aren't the same
@microwavegommmm916 11 ай бұрын
A lot of animals get cooked alive is in Asia, even worse is that you saw in the video is probably legal in that country
@rareearthmetal5019 11 ай бұрын
yeah its pretty gross the amount of suffering people can inflict@@microwavegommmm916
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 11 ай бұрын
I think i saw what you are talking about. Although, when i saw it i forgot about it for quite a long time.
@Marshmallow_Trees 11 ай бұрын
This was the most baffling thing I’d ever run into. I’m a huge wildlife fan, love documentaries, educational stuff, etc. So, the algorithm sent me a livestream entitled something like, “injured baby monkey brought back to health,” something like that. Long story short, it was of a video of a woman in what appeared to be a lavish home in maybe Indonesia? with a baby monkey, “caring” for what appeared to be it’s very infected leg. I won’t go into detail.😞 I freaked out at what I was seeing and spammed the chat with urges to “stop what you’re doing, you’re hurting him, he’s going to die, get him to a vet, what’s wrong with you, etc.” until a dude responded, telling me the video wasn’t actually “live,” it was a recording being played on loop. “Monkey hate” video he called it. I then scanned the comments and just could not understand the glee in what these people were saying. Started clicking on other videos from that channel and was just dumbfounded. Still am. I reported everything. Now, anytime I come across some random “rescue” animal video or channel for some “rescue group,”that appears I just report it automatically and request to to be shown it. My dumb butt has mistakenly clicked on a bunch of fake rescue vids, so I just stay away. Most of the thumbnails look like they’re in East Asia somewhere, but a few sketch titles in what looks like Eastern Europe pops up too.
@alicorngummy3894 11 ай бұрын
KZfaq will crack down on violent video games and people saying no no words but turn a blind eye to actual deplorable shit.
@pfftnuffinpersonalkid1541 25 күн бұрын
Spent tonnes of times during Covid reporting hundreds of videos and KZfaq didn't take a single one down. Unreal stuff.
@embroideredragdoll 10 ай бұрын
The scary thing about this is how often they slip into “cute animal videos” targeted to kids.
@randomperson5579 11 ай бұрын
Even in Australia law enforcement doesn't take it this seriously, and they should. I've personally known someone who abused dogs, what happened to him, courts made him take an art therapy session (free of charge) this person was 18 at the time, he didn't get any conviction, so he has no criminal record at least that I know of, when I found out about all this stuff he did, I wanted nothing to do with the guy, haven't heard from or about him in 6 years now.
@ARandomVogon 11 ай бұрын
I never understood how these psychos gain catharsis from abusing those poor little guys- its only a matter of time before they move on to people. They all need to be 6 feet under
@forkittens 11 ай бұрын
sometimes its nice to know that everyone eventually dies after a long enough time
@nottegiew 11 ай бұрын
It's because baby monkeys look like us, and have the same mannerisms as human children. You connect the dots.
@user-FuzeteGMD 11 ай бұрын
​@@nottegiewbeacuse lungs🫁🫁😭😭
@user-FuzeteGMD 11 ай бұрын
​@@forkittensyeah dish board soap 😊🙋🙋
@TheTiredhermit 11 ай бұрын
@@nottegiewpeople don’t wanna believe that bro it doesn’t conform to their notion of thinking we’re nothing like animals only the good parts we acknowledge how animals are loving like us but any bad parts of their nature we share in common we’re too good for it. Us humans & animals aren’t the same but we have similarities
@kirkginoabolafia3650 11 ай бұрын
I assume these "people" specifically like monkey abuse because they are the next-closest thing to physically torturing a human. I have come across some of these videos myself back when I used to browse 4chan-- I feel nauseous just thinking about it
@rabidfirefox8914 11 ай бұрын
I was watching the video where a famous KZfaqr was talking about Bored Ape Yacht Club and its strong connections with neo nazi groups. In that video there seemed to be a strong correlation between the word Money and Minorities. I think when people talk about torturing Monkys, they actual want to torture young colored children (whether that be black, Hispanic or other). Monkeys and other small animals have far less protections than live children. These people are dangerous.
@RogueAmendiaresyourgirl 11 ай бұрын
I still remember first seeing Nexpo discuss MonkeyGate and I still have that feeling of anger and sadness in my veins now that I had back then.
@crystalsparks5683 11 ай бұрын
A creepypasta/internet horror commentary channel making a video on actual real life animal abuse just seems a little off to me lmao💀
@RogueAmendiaresyourgirl 11 ай бұрын
Well his series isn't called Disturbing Things from Around the Internet for nothing.@@crystalsparks5683
@Luna.Tenebra 10 ай бұрын
​@@crystalsparks5683I mean Nexpo also does RL stuff I dont why you cant do both
@gyrthez246 11 ай бұрын
I feel really bad for the FBI investigator that had to watch the content to provide a description. That has to be mentally traumatizing to say the least.
@Luv4Waddles 11 ай бұрын
Imagine how much worse they have to witness besides the whole monkey thing. Shits fucked up.
@DarkbloomVis 11 ай бұрын
A topic not a lot of people will talk about, mad respect. This is disturbing
@Papa_Straight 11 ай бұрын
People talk about this type of thing all the time. Literal gore groups in telegram and Instagram exist,where people just watch.
@user-ix9lx4sp1z 11 ай бұрын
​@@bertmaclen6585aww look at you little edgelord, looks like you finished your homework so Mommy let you use the iPad! Good job buddy.
@ToneyCrimson 11 ай бұрын
One of the things that make us human is our ability to feel empathy for others. These people are litrally sub-humans...
@g1u2y345 11 ай бұрын
Exactly my thoughts.. These people don’t even belong in prison, they belong under the prison
@aidentoons 11 ай бұрын
Lacking empathy isn’t the same as lacking morality or compassion
@SpyroTheEternalNight 11 ай бұрын
if i understand aiden correctly, i agree. even someone without empathy can still understand on a logical / practical level why things like this are bad. just for example, the fact that animal abuse is almost always a gateway to being a serial killer; you don't need empathy to see how that's bad on a pragmatic level. the people making and enjoying this content are something else altogether...
@playdoh658 11 ай бұрын
Not empathy but sympathy
@repodan12 10 ай бұрын
Not even sub human, they’re about as significant as dust or lint.
@PlayerOne.StartGame 11 ай бұрын
Wow, another iceberg is sure becoming darker than the usual videos Muta made in the past.
@user-FuzeteGMD 11 ай бұрын
RIP Stinky Bug Gaming🕊️🕊️🤑
@nottegiew 11 ай бұрын
This has been ongoing since 2016.
@Dino123cool 11 ай бұрын
@MoobOgler 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, I mean I hate monkeys too. I feel like most people have at least one animal that they don’t particularly like but going out of your way to hurt and abuse them is just clinically insane.
@user-FuzeteGMD 11 ай бұрын
​@@MoobOglerracialy motivated🛒🛒🫁🫁
@viktordickinson7844 11 ай бұрын
We used to just string up people like this. One day, that will happen again.
@johnjohnson6435 11 ай бұрын
I absolutely fucking hate this side of humanity. But, being someone that grew up when the internet was a horrifying place... I can't say there's any part of me that's surprised. I mean, there was a point where people were openly fetishizing stepping on and crushing puppies, especially a woman in red heals if I remember correctly. It's a bit fuzzy, but there was so much gore back then that I'm sure plenty remember.
@annieheir147 11 ай бұрын
I remember coming across monkey hate years ago before this issue was well known and it was some of the most disturbing shit I had stumbled across on the internet at that point. Dozens of comments saying the most heinous things on an animal rescue channel's videos. Just coming across it so unexpectedly out in the open in such quantity made it that disturbing. I felt so bad for the people trying to help or save these animals and having to be harassed constantly by the most depraved people just, ugh, horrible.
@StrawberryM00finz 10 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you’re talking about this, I keep getting shorts recommended to me on every platform (for you page, etc) of these sickening videos. I report them everytime and nothing gets done even though it’s obviously animal abuse. It’s actually so gross, a lot of death, a lot of like,,,monkey on monkey assaults that was obviously staged by humans??? I don’t get it.
@StrawberryM00finz 10 ай бұрын
Generally a lot of distress on these monkeys done deliberately by humans. Including abandonment, violence, neglect, etc…
@JamJuice101 11 ай бұрын
Who could hate monke to an inhumane degree? :(
@vyr-mk1dz 4 ай бұрын
The "people" who control vervets are extremely hatefull towards primates
@brunobucciaratiswife 11 ай бұрын
Love them or hate them, Kiwifarms exposed one of their biggest leaders.
@belstar1128 11 ай бұрын
Yet they try to ban Kiwifarms instead of these guys i can't even find them anymore
@MisterMosfet 11 ай бұрын
let's not act like kf ain't responsible for some equal atrocities lmoa
@ChucksSEADnDEAD 11 ай бұрын
​@@MisterMosfet Such as?
@OrgusDin 11 ай бұрын
@@belstar1128 New Kiwi domain is .st, Null got deplatformed from .pl by Germany somehow. Sneed responsibly.
@lukemini9021 11 ай бұрын
​@@ChucksSEADnDEADuhh bullying and doxxing propke into killing themselves? it's just 4chan but quirkier
@SamSamSamJ 11 ай бұрын
Muta is one of my favorite KZfaqrs. His morals are in check. A great human being.
@thechugg4372 11 ай бұрын
Friendly reminder in psychology, monkeys are the hardest animals to hurt because they look so much like a human, anyone who hurts them would be willing to hurt another human AND would probably turn into a killer if given the chance.
@znowu_a 11 ай бұрын
nah wrong cus i would hurt a monkey but not a human😂
@nottegiew 11 ай бұрын
@@znowu_a >black Checks out.
@toplel1860 11 ай бұрын
Yeah Im not sure how they came to that conclusion i dislike monkeys especially because they seem like one of the few animals that seemingly like to torture other animals and primates for fun Ive read all sorts of stories of them being petty over small conflicts if they see one monkey from their group killed by a house pet because they were messing with the pet to begin with they will come back and try and kidnap and kill all of the house pets in the town this happened in When I see dead monkeys i honestly dont feel bad they are one the few animals that will hang around and randomly mess with other creatures for their own amusement I cant agree with torture thats just awful but I cant ignore the fact that in many parts of the planet they can be a serious pest in some cases they will even try to steal human babies
@norseman9114 11 ай бұрын
wtf are these replies
@znowu_a 11 ай бұрын
@norseman9114 i was joking abt hurting a monkey lol but nah this comment still aint correct, hurting a monkey vs a human is completely different
@joannaedssay5988 11 ай бұрын
Mutahar, THANKYOU for making this video. This is beyond depraved, idk what these "humans" find exciting about watching Monkeys (or any other living, breathing animal/mammal) being tortured. The fact they can dictate what happens is even worse. I've shared this video as far/as much as I can.
@zazzzyman 11 ай бұрын
I feel like horrible person when I accidently step on a bug. I couldn't possibly imagine finding an animals gruesome death satisfying or funny.
@LPDarkSoulsHD 11 ай бұрын
No platforms will stand by their community guidelines to stop animal abuse from happening. They worry far too much about what's being said by people. Example: I got a strike on my facebook for satirically stating, not toward any specific individual, that bicycle riders signaling to me before illegal forming a row and blocking my car from passing just makes me want to run them over. There was no indication that someone was harmed, or that I intended to harm anyone. However, I reported a video of a guy slapping an ostrich across the face with a trash can lid, and it supposedly did not break community rules. He struck an animal for content and was safe from any repercussions, while I made a sarcastic remark that involved no living creature and was hit with an account warning. I also reported a video of a guy taking baby goats and letting kamado dragons eat them in horrific ways. It was not educational in any way, nor natural. It is illegal to keep them as pets, and the location in the video was not a sanctuary or verifiable grounds for protecting the species. The guy chased the dragons down with the camera to show them swallowing the crying goats alive, clearly to entertain the fucked up people of the internet. Guess what didn't happen to that video either? Take a wild guess whether or not these videos conveniently had advertisements on them. I'm convinced platforms don't care about animals or their safety. They care about what generates views and revenue. Sickos pay, apparently. It breaks my heart that animals, having done nothing wrong, are a hundred dollars away from being tortured to death because the repercussions are not great enough. This is not the ninja world Juraya died for.
@zakazany1945 11 ай бұрын
That's why I left the Zuckerberg site for good. I remember reporting videos of people doing Hellraiser level stuff on macaques and the support said it didn't violate their terms of service
@absoluteai41 11 ай бұрын
I was surprised initially as well. KZfaq is guilty of this too. Maybe I'm an idiot but wouldn't it be a good idea to have a few employees constantly browsing for unsuitable material on the platform? It is so easy to find animal abuse on youtube. Animal fighting videos are everywhere like Lion vs Tiger and more.
@granthh 11 ай бұрын
The Million Pity thread on the Kiwi Farms is one of the most important and active groups responsible for picking up the slack and actually investigating - as well as reporting - these freaks to the authorities. Thanks to information helped collected by them, arrests have been made.
@belstar1128 11 ай бұрын
And now kiwi farms has been banned by most service providers yet these guys are allowed to be on youtube
@TheInunah 11 ай бұрын
From what I hear, the videos started as innocuous playlists of just baby monkeys. No harming of animals in any of the videos, I don't even know if the original creators knew their videos were on these playlists or intended for any of this. Videos ripped from National Geographic, people's vacation videos of monkeys in the wild, etc. But the playlists were called things like "disgusting animals" and the videos had hundreds, if not thousands, of comments talking about "this little rat should be [insert violent thing here]". I did look for those playlists and found them, so they are out there...but are they truly how this monkey hate thing started?
@jimlahey7508 11 ай бұрын
Heinous people getting off on a helpless animal being killed. Some modern problems truly deserve ancient solutions. They have absolutely nothing to contribute to society.
@Error0x00f3 11 ай бұрын
Thats so unbelievably messed up i hope all partys involved face justice
@Deja117 11 ай бұрын
This reminds me of when the Storyville Slayer called Howard Stern... They brought in a psychologist and they said most serial killers start by doing stuff like arson or killing small animals. Unfortunately, there are worse things that happen every day. The kind of things where the victims wish it could just be over forever... Anyway, I hope they get what's coming, and that you never come across these sides of the internet.
@GuyInHisOwnWorld 11 ай бұрын
Man I remember finding about this stuff on my own like two and a half ago. Was watching cute animal vids and stumbled upon it, was jarring.
@nicknick493 11 ай бұрын
Idk why people hate monkeys, let alone any animal to this extent. It's reasonable to consider an animal annoying but to go out of your way to watch them be tortured or torture them is insane and satanic. And I know there are similar groups to this like IHD, ect. All of these people need help asap.
@sauronplugawy3866 11 ай бұрын
Chimpanzes and dolphins are straight up evil.
@bertmaclen6585 11 ай бұрын
It’s because you have never had to deal with wild monkeys in the USA. Aske anyone in Indian or Southeast Asia where they roam the streets. They literally throw shit and piss on you from the roof as your trying to walk by. Not to mention the amount of attacks they do unproved and even will steal your shit. Monkeys need to be extinct
@TiocfaidhArLa34 6 ай бұрын
i don't *like* monkeys but i don't hate them either. as far as im concerned they are a part of nature best kept away from like lions or crocodiles. from what i have seen monkeys can be insanely violent little bastards.
@zeo4481 4 ай бұрын
Actively hurting and killing animals not for food , clothes or utility should be punishable in the same manner as murdering a person. They have no way to understand why it's happening to them and have no way to defend ourselves. (I'm specifically talking about household animals, animals that have no way to defend themselves and it's not done in self defense like killing a bear can be for example. Excessive cruelty is what always bothers me) We think being smarter makes us superior but it only amplifies our cruelty.
@fool4coffee 11 ай бұрын
i couldn't finish this. but thank you for shining a light on such an important topic and how it is a gateway to other crimes.
@TMacGamer 11 ай бұрын
These are heartless people. Just imagine being such a vile human being that you "get off" by seeing a living being die & suffer. What a disgrace.
@OrgusDin 11 ай бұрын
They may actually not even be people to begin with.
@elyiot 11 ай бұрын
A point that's usually missed is Kiwifarms' dedication to finding the sources/parties responsible of these videos and reporting them to authorities. The users there first uncovered the genre and have subsequently indirectly led to the capture of several people, most publicly known information and discussion originates from there.
@WintersHarmony7474 11 ай бұрын
I actually felt a shiver roll down my spine, hearing about the Prineville, Oregon man... I lived and worked there a few months ago.
@astralmimi 11 ай бұрын
Muta you looking really healthy in your recent vids, glad to see you looking well even when doing these dark af topics.
@КГБКолДжорджКостанца 11 ай бұрын
Whenever i hear of animals being treated cruely and killed, It just breaks my heart
@IWishIDidntExist2333 11 ай бұрын
Yes, animals are innocent.
@labber7772 11 ай бұрын
@@StayTrueToThySELF people love animals more than humans when humans have let them down, there is nothing disgusting about that. why would you call someone disgusting for loving something?
@ARandomVogon 11 ай бұрын
@@StayTrueToThySELF small mind big feels
@sauronplugawy3866 11 ай бұрын
​@@IWishIDidntExist2333 tell that to people who's babies were murdered by wasted chimpanzes. Or just chimpanzes in General. The only monkeys that won't be actively hostile towards everythink are ironically orangutans and gorrilas.
@microwavegommmm916 11 ай бұрын
@nojuanatall3281 11 ай бұрын
I met my wife working in a pet shop. She currently is the GM at a pet shop. I cannot stress enough how much we hate animal abuse. I'm the kind of person to always set time aside to brush my cats, talk to my fish and make sure they know I care about them. It is a sad sad world we live in.
@Kyuubey0406 11 ай бұрын
Hi muta, I love all your videos and it brings a smile to my face when you upload, every time I watch your videos I can feel all the ordinary games come inside me.
@deniojr 11 ай бұрын
Besides several years in prison and a $250,000 fine, they should also be forced into an at least 1 year weekly therapy session and monthly psychiatric evaluation. It's sad how therapy is still so underappreciated nowadays.
@atom9393 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for bringing and lighting up this kind of subject man
@X862go 11 ай бұрын
Many infamous serial killers harmed animals it is literally a gateway drug!
@bertmaclen6585 11 ай бұрын
Killing monkeys should get you a Medal of Honor .
@Cee-rn4xb 11 ай бұрын
@chainedhex 11 ай бұрын
@billybobjoephilcorncobtiptopge 11 ай бұрын
@@Cee-rn4xb what do you mean "so?" IT LITTERALLY LEADS TO BEING A SERIAL KILLER
@AnnaAnnieAnneofGreenGables 11 ай бұрын
Thank God FBI cares about this somewhat Animal cruelty is a great predictor of other sociopathic behavior.
@jackdawson5490 11 ай бұрын
I love animals, particuarly monkeys, and I save dozens of cute or funny videos of them a week to share with family and friends. For the most part, the algorithm on all my social medias has been trained to more or less only show videos of animals in the wild, and I do not see many videos of apes or other animals being harmed in some way very often. However, if ever I go on a new device, or am just logged out, searching for simple animal related terms with often lead to results of multiple videos of animals being harmed, abused, or even killed. Monkeys are the worst for this still, but in general, youtube has a very serious animal abuse problem, and I've been waiting for it to be noticed and blow up for a while now. This is not some kind of hidden rabbit hole, it is right out in the open, and you do not even need to be looking to find it. If I had a large platform I would certainly be as loud as possible about it. It makes me sick, and seriously makes me question if somebody at the top of youtube is preventing this from being fixed. Some of these videos have hundreds of thousands and even millions of views and are still up.
@viktordickinson7844 11 ай бұрын
KZfaq loves sbowing you videos of an animal you searched for being killed. Almost like it's on purpose.
@aouyiu 11 ай бұрын
Do you eat animals though?
@secretjanus 11 ай бұрын
@@aouyiudon’t change the subject and stop forcing people to become vegan
@felisenthusiast 11 ай бұрын
Makes sense that not against apes because if they tried to mess with an ape, even with the simple gibbon, they'd be turned into shreds
@aouyiu 11 ай бұрын
@@secretjanus Hey now don't infer, I was just asking a very relevant question. I'm not even vegan, just a curious friend and asking a question isn't forcing o:
@SpocckceDelton 11 ай бұрын
Congrats on hitting 1B+ views! Sorry for missing out that milestone, I was too busy and that's why.
@jeremiahmorrisseau650 11 ай бұрын
i like how they can see encrypted messages and track people activity on the web when it comes to abusing monkeys, but they can't do it when it comes to abusing kids, or preventing shootings, or all the reasons they said they were surveilling stuff lol .
@colindavidch 11 ай бұрын
I get sick to my stomach hearing about people who torture animals. People who do that should have to suffer the same fate as what they did to the animals they tortured.
@makefoxhoundgreatagain842 11 ай бұрын
Are you a vegan?
@MrSponge56 11 ай бұрын
Yup eye for an eye is what we should go by
@makefoxhoundgreatagain842 11 ай бұрын
@@MrSponge56 and you're a vegan, surely?
@MrSponge56 11 ай бұрын
@@makefoxhoundgreatagain842 Nope but as long as the animal is humanely and ethically killed people need to eat but it's the people who literally torture animals not for food but because they get some sort of sick sexual kick out of seeing something suffer is where I draw the line people like that are only gonna move onto trying to hurt a woman or child next with those tendencies
@makefoxhoundgreatagain842 11 ай бұрын
@@MrSponge56 nope. There is no "humane and ethical" way to kill anything, you're not showing a living thing compassion by killing it. So, seeing as you eat meat and are a part of animal abuse, cruelty and torture, does this "eye for an eye" nonsense apply to you or are you magically exempt because murdering animals is somehow different when it's for your food?
@saltymcnuggies1895 11 ай бұрын
KZfaq when someone swears on a video: 😡💢💢 💣 KZfaq with animal cruelty: 😮 🐒 🤑💰💰 😊❤❤💅
@lyric998 10 ай бұрын
I found out about this recently by accident, when TRYING to google "monkeys beginning with (letter I forget)" since I forgot a species of monkey I was trying to find a picture to send to a friend, and typed "Monkeys being" by accident, the google suggested autocompletes were horrifying, so the fact its THIS big of a thing makes me really sad :(
@Stichting_NoFap 10 ай бұрын
2:57 How typical that they put a picture of specifically a dog and a cat as if they want to emphasize "we do care about the abuse of pet animals but all the infinite farm animals that are murdered and tortured is fine"
@giosasso 11 ай бұрын
KZfaq is not doing a good job at keeping sick videos off the platform. Why doesn't their Ai recognize the content of these videos and block them??
@thesaltydoughnuts2284 10 ай бұрын
KZfaq is known for letting shit get on their platform for too long.
@ValenceFlux 11 ай бұрын
Compassion is a responsibility towards life as much as learning to defend yourself from those who have no compassion for life.
@makefoxhoundgreatagain842 11 ай бұрын
And you're a vegan, surely?
@ValenceFlux 11 ай бұрын
@@makefoxhoundgreatagain842 Hahaha I was raised by a vegan actually. I am more interested in avoiding sugar. You know true hunters thanked the animals spirits for providing more life. I need a bit of meat in my diet to stay healthy at my blood type because oh I don't know, a genetic relation to hunters which may take a while to get out of my system. Good day.
@makefoxhoundgreatagain842 11 ай бұрын
@@ValenceFlux ok, great. But you're not showing animals compassion when you eat them... 😂
@ValenceFlux 11 ай бұрын
@@makefoxhoundgreatagain842 Right. No one truly has the answers and no one will ever be perfect no matter how hard they try. Very true.
@TiocfaidhArLa34 6 ай бұрын
@@makefoxhoundgreatagain842 death is not the issue. torture is the issue. things die, people die, animals die. its sad, sure, but it is the way of the world can not be changed. torture is the sick part.
@felcocb 7 ай бұрын
What you said made me wonder, what is buried on Unlisted videos, and videos that don't have an actual description/title. Like you said KZfaq can't possible 'process' all video data and classify all the videos that gets posted. Maybe there is so much going on and we can't know.
@JayJay_8 11 ай бұрын
I really appreciate you're covering these demonic sicko's, I still can't believe this is publicly shared on KZfaq, Instagram etc
@stevenbyrd8487 11 ай бұрын
People who create and those who "enjoy" these horrible acts of animal cruelty are too far gone.
@Cee-rn4xb 11 ай бұрын
Million tears😂
@umbranocturna6342 11 ай бұрын
I was happier before i knew people like this existed.
@carl.5756 11 ай бұрын
i was happier 10 minutes ago
@AQS521 11 ай бұрын
I think it's important to know this type of darkness exists.
@caucasoidape8838 11 ай бұрын
@@Bestiola Mammon is lord, and sadists reign supreme.
@angelastorms1010 11 ай бұрын
The one topic I haven't seen covered ONCE is literal cp being on tiktok and people sharing links to it. I report as many as I can but it always comes back.
@amaruqlonewolf3350 9 ай бұрын
KZfaq definitely has bigger concerns than taking action against such videos, in all honesty. Bigger concerns such as warning an everyday user that Adblockers aren't allowed on KZfaq.
@splanet5088 11 ай бұрын
After watching this I think I'll give my cat extra pets and treats today.
@novaboon2866 11 ай бұрын
I remember stumbling upon this rabbit hole when I was younger. KZfaq kept recommending me those videos.
@CKlegion7272 11 ай бұрын
Respect Muta! I can't even watch this video to the end. Keep going. Greetings from Netherland
@az0075 11 ай бұрын
Muta thank you for basically sacrificing your mental health to draw our attention and educate us about such critical topics. I just want you to know that you are appreciated buddy, and that your efforts are not in vain.
@darkhearthchronicles 11 ай бұрын
This was so rage inducing. I cannot tell you on a tube comment what i wish would really happen to these people.
@Cheems59 11 ай бұрын
Super off topic here, but I think Muta could be the perfect guy to cover the exposing McKamey Manor situation with Reckless Ben. He really needs more eyes on it if its gonna go anywhere. If you see this comment try to spread word to any other big creators.
@MSinistrari 11 ай бұрын
Something new happened with McKamey Manor? Last I heard it fizzled out of business.
@punkstar14ful 3 ай бұрын
I had no idea you covered this issue! I've been following this for a while now 💔💔😢 it upsets me so much
@okami-chan9772 11 ай бұрын
I have encountered a lot of concerning videos unexpectedly when I watch innocent/drama videos from smaller KZfaqrs or trying to look up something in the KZfaq search engine and then finding them as I continue scrolling downwards; weather if it's sexual as all living heck or downright disturbing and disgusting, it's mostly from smaller creators who uploaded the videos less than a day, week, or year. This really needs to stop.
@Fluttershiez 11 ай бұрын
It's incredible how many sick people are out there... Scratch that, they aren't humans. They're monsters.
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 11 ай бұрын
monsters don't exist. This is primal human nature. Accept that you are part of the same species as animal killers like these.
@aouyiu 11 ай бұрын
The animals agriculture industry is also quite monstrous
@DrawinskyMoon 11 ай бұрын
They’re demons.
@Gnome_Hunter1488 11 ай бұрын
The punishment for these people should be whatever they did to the animal to be done to them. Alongside prison time with it if they're still alive.
@Papa_Straight 11 ай бұрын
Nah human life matters more all the time
@Lolgtyp 11 ай бұрын
I would love to see a human sized blender implemented
@Gnome_Hunter1488 11 ай бұрын
@@Papa_Straight not really if they're scum of such low degree I'd take an animal to be friends with at any time. Regardless of beliefs this is too far.
@Gnome_Hunter1488 11 ай бұрын
@@Lolgtyp if need be I wouldn't mind lmao, people like that I feel no remorse for.
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 11 ай бұрын
We humans are at the top of the food chain. If another animal species was at the top. They'd be doing the same thing that these monkey haters would do.
@ARandomWolfApproaches 10 ай бұрын
The thing is i have unfortunately seen the same kinda people act the same awful way towards footage and photos of dying /dead children :(
@alcoholicbum7048 11 ай бұрын
Yeah bro I stumbled across people throwing stray dogs into a river full of crocodiles it was so messed up
@outergalacticmarauderfacti6950 11 ай бұрын
What we’ve learned: just because red rooms don’t exist don’t mean that the reality is any less disturbing
@Wickedesu 11 ай бұрын
Love when u bring the darker stuff to light. Truth is stranger then fiction . I know people are sick. But it aways gets worse
@harley_the_hack4416 11 ай бұрын
Creeps me tf out that they pick an animal so close to human. Who knows the kind of conversation these guys have with their "in the know" friends.
@pen0polis 11 ай бұрын
Side note: you been working out Muta? Looking sharp my guy!
@flygodchris 11 ай бұрын
me personally, i don’t consider anybody who abuses animals and children to be human. i see them as disgusting, demonic creatures
@neoasura 11 ай бұрын
I don't give them a "demonic" status, thats too good. They are nothing more than base creatures that is worse than pond scum.
@sourgreendolly7685 11 ай бұрын
I think it's important to remember they are. I say this as a CSA survivor- they are your friends, your neighbors, your family. They aren't some evil force, some other being - they are humans. Humans can be terrible, cruel, gruesome, and disgusting and if we don't remember that, it's one more thing that helps us ignore the signs. It's more comfortable to think of them as something other than human, but talking about this stuff isn't about staying comfortable.
@originalprecursor 11 ай бұрын
@@sourgreendolly7685 These various terms don't have to be singular. Humans can be demonic; a demonic human.
@flygodchris 11 ай бұрын
@@sourgreendolly7685 yea i get what your saying. i just find all the things they do to be so terrible that i dont even know how someone could do it🤦‍♂️ also im sorry you went through that🙏
@Sceptonic 11 ай бұрын
@mountainbilly 11 ай бұрын
This is some sick shit that I didn't want to see on a Saturday night. But Muta looks like he's been in the trenches looking at this and exposing it to us normies. I thank him for his service.
@itsRecreational 11 ай бұрын
I found this bizarre when you made your original video on it as well as the Nexpo vid he did on it. Baffles me
@DarthSidian 11 ай бұрын
Animal abuse is wretched. And why are they so fixated on _baby_ monkeys? I remember the 2018 videos, and I'm appalled that this is still going on.
@FacePunchSammich 11 ай бұрын
When I was like 12 a neighborhood kid kicked my dog in the ribs one day. Made the dog whine and all so I grabbed the kid by the hood of his jacket, twisted it around his throat, and just started punching his face in. I got in trouble but that fucker had a history of doing that and he never did it again after. Point is…these people only understand pain so make them feel it.
@ezraf.7759 10 ай бұрын
Based as fuck, you're a better man than me. I woulda kept going until he stopped moving
@FacePunchSammich 10 ай бұрын
@@ezraf.7759 Lol apparently I broke his nose and bruised his airway by cinching his hood so tight to his throat. I know he couldn’t breathe. Honestly that probably saved that kids life. Dude was the super dark edgy type but not after someone actually went psycho on him.
@hatti... 9 ай бұрын
That was a satisfying ending to the story and a epic quote at the end
@ArrowChaosLegion 11 ай бұрын
6:54 You can tell the guy had a sense of dark humour.
@jenniferglenn14 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for helping to oppose these atrocities. It breaks my heart. I truly hope these horrendous, disgusting animal abusers have to suffer immensely for the rest of their life.
@makefoxhoundgreatagain842 11 ай бұрын
Are you a vegan, Jennifer?
@derrickmiles5240 11 ай бұрын
It's so wierd. I feel so much for other animals, especially pets like cats and dogs. But I somehow feel nothing for monkeys. I have this irrational hatred for them, that I've had since I was a kid. I would never hurt them or watch these kind of videos of them, but I still hate them, completely irrationally. IMO the reason this is so common is that it's a psychological holdover from when we were competing with other primates. Like I'm sure primate combat back then was absolutely brutal, and it very well may have left a scar on our psychology going forward.
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Рет қаралды 8 МЛН
North Korean Propaganda Is Getting Worse...
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How North Korea's Internet Was Taken Down...
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North Korea's Most EVIL “Prank”...
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Andrew Tate...
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