Sonic Prime - Full Series Review

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btw, I really liked the voice cast for this show. I find pretty much all the voices much more fitting than the current English game cast. And everyone did a great job. Deven Mack especially really killed it. His performance was perfect for what this show was calling for. Really great stuff.
Forgot to mention, Captain Dread's character arc was very lazily done in season 3. Predictable, of course. But they didn't adequately build it up at all. It just kinda happened. Not very good. I did like Black Rose becoming the captain, though. That was cool. Once again, the Amys of the show were great.
/ pariah695
0:00 Addressing Canon & Characterization
8:38 Initial Thoughts
10:09 Season 1
17:49 Season 2
29:43 Season 3
40:42 Final Thoughts

Пікірлер: 287
@bendovertheburner 5 ай бұрын
He reviewed a TV series, boys. We're one step closer to the full Sonic Underground review.
@parjupiter134 5 ай бұрын
And then, the Sonic X review.
@KennytheHedgehog619 5 ай бұрын
He made a vow.....
@DonutSwordsman 5 ай бұрын
It's too sad because it's incomplete lol
@_dot_tea2774 5 ай бұрын
Didn't he say in one of the streams that he's going to review all 90's Sonic shows in a single video? Or has he changed his mind?
@haospacman1084 5 ай бұрын
At the end, shadow probably warped the paradox prism to green hill, as there is seemingly no other place that exists
@lasercraft32 4 ай бұрын
lol XD
@heroicgangster9981 5 ай бұрын
Sonic Prime also being its own universe just honestly feels more interesting. the show is about the multiverse and it only makes sense this is another Sonic. The fact that the other universes don't have a Sonic fits kinda just makes me wanna lean into Prime Sonic just being an alternate universe Sonic meant to experience this adventure. It's more fun to engage in this show thinking you'll see another interpretation of Sonic. I like Prime Sonic, he's a cute boy Sonic not as young as classic. And I think the writing for him is interesting to say that he is another character entirely while also being Sonic.
@stevenshockley4237 5 ай бұрын
Green Hill overused? NEVER! A Sonic show falling short? Never happened before.
@ObaREX 5 ай бұрын
Nine is the most important character in the show besides Sonic, so leaving his fate so vaguely grim was weird for me.
@castform7 5 ай бұрын
Oh I get it. Vaguely *grim.* Good one. Complimenting a possibly unintentional joke aside, it is a weird thing for this to be his ending considering a character like him usually has the arc of learning to let others in because people need each other.
@dusk173 5 ай бұрын
@@castform7Pun entirely intended.😏
@thevioletskull8158 5 ай бұрын
Ian said it resettled so I guess Nine and co are "back to there original selfs" I guess? Though that's kinda messed up if you think about
@playerback7722 5 ай бұрын
Nine is the best
@dakotayoung7316 5 ай бұрын
Pun intended?
@avcables_ 5 ай бұрын
I will say Shadow carried this show HARD. I think his characterisation, even if he wasn't used that much, was way better than literally every single other character in this show.
@Difegue 5 ай бұрын
I guess the studio is called "Man of Action" for a reason, heh... Still worth it just to see Shadow princess carrying Sonic at the end of S3 I'd say
@lukescrew1981 5 ай бұрын
It's still weird how they made Rouge of all people part of the main squad
@zadas1132 5 ай бұрын
Why didn't they do Cream or something? Why Rouge? She's usually either with Shadow, Team Dark, or with Knuckles. But a main member of Team Sonic? Why?
@lukescrew1981 5 ай бұрын
@@zadas1132 Yeah exactly, just replace Rouge with Cream or something
@emperortoho 5 ай бұрын
@@zadas1132 what’s worse is that i think she never interacted with shadow once
@Gnidel 5 ай бұрын
​@@emperortohoShadow is more aware than Sonic that all these Rouges are complete strangers who just look similar. He isn't like Sonic who was stubborn about connecting Tails and Nine.
@mediamuncher69 5 ай бұрын
Same, they should have gotten cream. And called their team the advance team!
@History_Matters 5 ай бұрын
Actually , the part regarding Shadow resembling sonic was addressed 3 timesin the show In the first season when introducing Shadow , it is mentioned as : Sonic has a twin brother Then Nine in the second season says that shadow and sonic could be twins And finally in the third season sonic says : Help a brother up , with shadow replying : for the last time , we're not related . So i guess they did utilize it fairly
@Pariah6950 5 ай бұрын
I would have liked to see a little more. Something like how all the other characters get alternate versions, so maybe they think Shadow is an alternate Sonic from another world. Something like that.
@speed3414 5 ай бұрын
​@@Pariah6950iirc the Egg Council confused Shadow as an alternate version of Sonic at the end of season 2 but that's all we get
@History_Matters 5 ай бұрын
@@Pariah6950 yeah , that would have been a good idea
@mc.type_guy 5 ай бұрын
Something that I thought was really cool about the show was how you could interpret some of the characters' alternate versions of themselves as a facet of the original character's personality. Like, Thorn Rose represents how Amy in the show has an attachment to Green Hill as the group's home, Captain Dread is the part of Knuckles that's an adventurous treasure hunter, and Rebel Rouge kinda mirrors how she's basically Team Dark's mom in a lot of other material and keeps them together, the same way she keeps the rebellion together. Additionally, the games and a lot of other media try to create a dichotomy between Tails and Eggman (notably SA2) with how Tails is kind of a good version of Eggman who uses his knowlege and mechanical skill for good instead of bad. So in that sense, Nine is cool in the sense where he's like what if tails was more of an eggman-like person, but at the end of the day he still cares about others which is why (SPOILERS) he goes kinda crazy when he thinks sonic betrayed him. if he didn't care that wouldn't hurt him as much, I think. That care is what still makes him Tails at the end of the day. Having the alternate versions as these characters characterized like that lends to the idea that these universes came as a result of the original being "shattered" into pieces. it'd make sense that the characters would also be reduced to pieces of themselves. This lends credence to how Sonic himself views these character for a major part of the series; as versions of the people he knows them as, which is what leads to him hurting Nine in the first place. It brings up a really cool idea that just because these characters are alternate versions of a fuller formed person, that doesn't mean that they as individuals are less valuable. Which makes Sonic's arc feel more believable in my opinion, because you can track his train of thought throughout the show going from "Gotta save green hill and get my REAL friends back" to "I gotta save all of these universes and save ALL of my friends." I kinda wish the show went deeper into this idea but at the same time I feel that part of why I found this all effective was because it was subtly communicated. But yea, Sonic Prime cool. Whether it's canon or not doesn't matter.
@thevioletskull8158 5 ай бұрын
As someone who cares about the Sonic lore (though I'm not perfect). Sega said they would fix up the lore, and Frontiers showed lore stuff. Prime being contradictory and it being reset, “so you can just ignore it if you don't like”, while true, is off-putting.
@KgEclispe252 5 ай бұрын
If anything there are making things worse
@obd9660 5 ай бұрын
I find the whole "Sonic Prime is for preschoolers" thing to be greatly exaggerated, as the Prime staff said in some announcement before the show aired that it would be for "families and people who grew up with Sonic" or something along those lines.
@Neoniq41 5 ай бұрын
By saying that they refer to boomers who grew up with the classics AND preschoolers
@SuperSireBoyYT 5 ай бұрын
Sonic fans seem to have somehow gaslit themselves into thinking the sonic games are like, a super story heavy series when thats just…. Not true?? Like the games added some random ancient civilization or alien race every other game post SA1, they have NEVER cared about canon
@andarilho_31 5 ай бұрын
Except that's not true. The Echidna civilization was introduced in S3&K, back in 1994. Every single game between Sonic 1 to Sonic Adventure 2 kept expanding the story in some way.
@SuperSireBoyYT 5 ай бұрын
@@andarilho_31 “post SA1”
@yungmuney5903 5 ай бұрын
​@@SuperSireBoyYT Your point?
@SuperSireBoyYT 5 ай бұрын
@@yungmuney5903 he said all the games till sa2 were connected somewhat, which is why i clarified in the first place
@GoofyPoptart 4 ай бұрын
​@@yungmuney5903 Stop
@History_Matters 5 ай бұрын
Actually the shatter spaces ceased to exist Those characters don't exist anymore That's how the writers explained fhe finale
@History_Matters 5 ай бұрын
The characters didn't know that the shatter spaces would disappear The shatter space was created once the prism got shattered With the prism whole again , the shatter space ceased to exist The proof is the chaos emerald returning back to Green Hill If the Space still exists , then the Emerald should've stayed lost in the void Because the shatter space doesn't exist anymore , the emerald reappeared in Green hill , in the location that shadow used it to enter the shatter space at the beginning
@Pariah6950 5 ай бұрын
Maybe? That could have just been lazy writing lol. It's pretty unclear.
@History_Matters 5 ай бұрын
@@Pariah6950 The official ending is that the whole timeline rebooted , such that all what happened in prime doesn't exist , with the shatter spaces disappearing Why an ambiguous ending ? Why not literally mentioning it in the show ? I believe they kept the ending ambiguous on purpose , like a cliff hanger , to keep an opportunity for another season later on . In the last moment of the finale , when an explosion occurs and a huge shadow of a fleet appears ( which is by the way very similar to prismatic explosions we see across the show ; maybe someone took control of the prism) , we don't get to see if the large fleet is that of Eggman (who already threatened of building a bigger fleet) or the chaos counsel returned by some way If no new seasons are made , then that's it , the shatter spaces disappeared , all the alternate characters disappeared . The fleet was that of Eggman , and a new adventure begins If they agree to make a new season , then they can rely on the ambiguity of the ending and bring back those characters by one way or another . But who knows , Maybe I'm just overthinking it and it's lazy writing as you said . Anyways , thanks for the video and keep up the good content . I'm a new sonic fan The first time I watched sonic was in my childhood , with Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog , however I almost remember nothing of it I got re-introduced to the franchise through the movies Discovering the classic games and playing them was absolutely a blast I also found your channel to be very informative and entertaining . Peace
@MattisticStatistic 3 ай бұрын
Just because you don't care about the canon in Sonic Games doesn't mean nobody cares about it nor should care about it.
@emperortoho 5 ай бұрын
@RefreshingMirage 5 ай бұрын
@lonelyonionagain. 5 ай бұрын
@RefreshingMirage 5 ай бұрын
@portalgaming8057 5 ай бұрын
What's going on?
@lonelyonionagain. 5 ай бұрын
I have no idea. @@portalgaming8057
@jackkazmaier2090 5 ай бұрын
Your talk of canon and characterization put my exact thoughts into words. Glad I’m not the only one who thinks this!
@woahhnicee 5 ай бұрын
One of the problems I had with the show was the shallow dialogue. And of course it's a kids' show so the way they talk will be kinda juvenile-but I'm actually talking about how most of the dialogue in the show is either characters telling Sonic what to do or the characters just arguing with each other. Like "Sonic, get the Maguffin!" or "Grrr you disagree with me?!" A lot of it is just purely used to create conflict (fight/chase scenes) and the constant bickering made many characters unpleasant for me to watch. We don't seem to get enough character or relationship-building after season 1, and it didn't help that the pacing in general was so fast. It's just go-go-go with each plot point, very little time to let the audience breathe. This show also didn't do the best job at introducing new audiences to Sonic. I was watching the show with my siblings, including my younger brother who knew very little about Sonic outside of the movies and the Boom cartoon. And he still didn't fully get who the original Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Rouge were or why he should care about them coming back, other than the fact that Sonic cares about them. Like, we as Sonic fans know who these characters are and why they're important, but to everyone else they're just "Sonic's friends, I guess." If they weren't going to have an exposition episode, I think there should've been more/longer flashbacks to Sonic and his friends together so people understand what they mean to him. It's pretty obvious but yeah, I was really let down by Sonic Prime. I set my expectations quite low and went in like, "Okay, this is just going to be a basic kids' action show with Sonic in it, I'll just enjoy it as it is" and was still disappointed. I was hoping most of the plot threads would get tied up by the last season and things would come together, however they just never did. Season 3 was a slog to get through and the ending was deeply unsatifying for me. It just stopped being fun to watch. Though I do have to say, I still really love the animation of the show; you can tell the animators as well as the voice actors gave it their all with the material and resources they had. Even though I couldn't enjoy the show, I'm glad you and many other Sonic fans did, and I hope the Prime team get to work on more projects-Sonic or not-in the future.
@DLxxx 5 ай бұрын
YES! I was honestly shocked by the way he only covered the broad strokes of the story, but never zeroed in on the execution. The dialogue was so boring, generic, melodramatic, and even *grating* at times (though it's mostly with Sonic himself).
@aortaplatinum 5 ай бұрын
My main issue with Sonic Prime "being canon" is that it doesn't NEED to be. This is fine as a stand-alone story and works better as one, just like SatAM, just like X. For some reason, the "everything is canon" meme tweet seems to be the new modus operandi for the Sonic marketing side of SEGA so they have Ian Flynn go on Twitter and say all this stuff is canon and people send him death threats because Sonic + Twitter is a terrifying combination. Like you said, it doesn't matter, it's for marketing. "Takes place sometime after Advance 3" will one day be a forgotten trivia point like Yuji Naka calling 2003 the "Year of Sonic" or the hilarious in-character interview with Shadow the Hedgehog for his stand-alone 2005 game. It don't matter. None of this matters. But multiverse shit is huge now and SEGA Sammy sees that and so they try to make all these separate projects into a big multiverse thing when clearly none of them were made to be congruent with other Sonic stuff. Even the main line fuckin games have had this problem up until Frontiers, where, dialogue quality be damned, Ian Flynn somehow managed to have all the games mesh together as one long story. But a multiverse in name only like what SEGA Sammy is TRYING to do, is not only shameless trend-riding, it needlessly confuses things. TL;DR The Marvel Cinematic Universe and it's consequences have been nothing but a disaster for western fiction. Also that 1+ hour battle in season 3 is fuckin exhausting man SO MUCH of that shit can be cut out and nothing would be lost.
@matthewisguy7336 Ай бұрын
Reminds me of 3:41
@Laekith 5 ай бұрын
I love Steven Universe the Hedgehog
@sonic5993 5 ай бұрын
Think you answered your own question about Shadow. He's too competent, to the point he risks overshadowing (no pun intended) Sonic. The most common sentiment I've seen from people is that Shadow was much cooler and more capable than Sonic in this show, and that's never how you want your audience to feel about your main character.
@unnamed12346 5 ай бұрын
This was a nice review. Admittedly, though, the only thing I thought about when I heard you talk about the show in the review, especially with Shadow, is what the "real" characters are like. I've watched every "Story of Sonic" video, the "Let's talk about Amy" video and even the "Let's talk about Sonic's Stupid Friends" video, but I am curious as to hearing what you deem for each character as THE DEFINITIVE version of each character. I think it would make for an interesting video, though I could also see a good deal of volatility formed as a result of fan discourse and it might be as reactive as the "canon" video you released back then before it was taken down
@esdrasreis3481 5 ай бұрын
2:40 "...But to that I pose a simple question: since when has inconsistent characterization and continuity error ever made something not canon to Sonic?" Already off to a based start
@Hatibrella 5 ай бұрын
been eager to hear your thoughts on this
@LopezXiann14 5 ай бұрын
I’m really starting feel Sonic becoming a bigger multimedia franchise while also wanting everything in the lore to be connected to everything are starting to conflict with each other. People and even Sega themselves really need to learn that not everything related to Sonic whether it be a spinoff game, movie or TV show needs to be connected to each other even if just barely making sense. I understand wanting some sorta consistency with the lore but if it keeps doing stuff like this then I think the fans are gunna want it a lot less.
@Simon_Electric 5 ай бұрын
I really appreciate your view on Sonic prime. I am the same I liked it but I didn't like it but I've also heard a lot of content creators completely trashing it. so thank you so much for an honest opinion and review.
@raptortown 5 ай бұрын
20:40 the answer is his own game. So bad that even 20 years later he still hasn’t recover from it
@raptortown 5 ай бұрын
@@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 sadly yes 😞
@MarzOnline92 5 ай бұрын
27:42 I'd like to think that Sonic is basically an energy converter. Sonic's body allows him to absorb foreign energy & converts it into power. That's why Sonic has many different transformations from different sources like The Emeralds, The Paradox Prism, The 7 Rings, Excalibur, the Wisps, etc. Sonic is simply an energy sponge.
@Fewix_ 5 ай бұрын
Technically, every side character has a world, since tails tried to make his own world in grimm(if i remember the name correctly), so rouge got new yok city
@Mr.Maguro 5 ай бұрын
Thinking that Sonic must have been familiar with his friends not being themselves due to the storybook games, and Egg Yolk city... Imagine a storybook game where Sonic ends up in the world of a dystopic sci-fi cyberpunk book lmao. "Sonic and the Electric Sheep"
@_dot_tea2774 5 ай бұрын
Sonic and the Electric Jester
@sunvinn 5 ай бұрын
"Sonic, don't do the thing I am telling you not to do"
@ajbanimatedstudios5014 5 ай бұрын
I remember during the so called "meta" era of sonic people claimed that sonic has no Canon anymore. Until frontiers. Imo I think prime is Canon, but sometime after adventure 2 and before unleashed.
@MarkerMurker 5 ай бұрын
38:04 They never existed because Sonic and Shadow were brought back to before the Prism was shattered. The characters were never split due to the reset.
@AlexanTheMan 5 ай бұрын
I can't wait for Pariah to absolutely destroy Sonic X inside and out one day.
@Pariah6950 5 ай бұрын
I have a lot of good to say about Sonic X. But that show has some issues, for sure.
@AlexanTheMan 5 ай бұрын
Me and a few friends binged the whole thing last year, the infamous 4Kids version in particular. We don't know how bad of a degree the westernized version is but other than some few giggles here and there, and some OK moments during season 3, we were left with a pokerface of apathy by the end of it. I'm looking forward to your take good sir, let's see how our opinions oscillate.
@Pariah6950 5 ай бұрын
@@AlexanTheMan It's significantly better in Japanese.
@AlexanTheMan 5 ай бұрын
I figured...
@castform7 5 ай бұрын
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought these different versions of Sonic's friends were just segmented versions of the orginals. An interesting plot point I thought of was that these characters lives and everything they've come to know were a result of something Sonic did a couple hours ago and the idea that they'd have to grapple with having to lose who they are in order to get the originals back. Ultimately that didn't happen and that's fine but when you have Sonic break apart a crystal to where everyone caught in the explosion except him have alternates as well as the name Shatterverse, it kind of gives a certain impression. I really liked Shadow in this. For what little time he gets, mostly everything past season 1 was so much better than anything Shadow has done in almost a decade. I find it very funny that Shadow's been kind of put into this role where he's so powerful, he needed to be incompasitaed so that he wouldn't break the story. Shadow is way to strong to be beside Sonic or even on his own so they have to do this balancing act of having him there for enough time to do cool things but not being there to make everything obsolete. Shadow has reached a point to where even though he's super popular, they can't use him because if they do, there cold be a lot of different things in the story that don't work because he's there.
@ultimateshadeofwar 5 ай бұрын
I got a feeling that by Season 3, they needed to fill dead time for episodes, i get the feeling that they had to rush a lot to the final idea they had, but they didn't had the budget, or time to make it. Like they through season 1 to 2, and someone came and told them Executive: "Welp you need to finish also season 3" Man of Action: "Season 3, we don't have ideas, time, or resources to keep the story going" Executive: "Welp we don't care, do it" Man of Action: "Okay... Fuck, fuck fuck throw stuff to the wall".
@lasercraft32 4 ай бұрын
The ending is SO BIZARRE because its simultaneously drawn out and rushed at the same time. The battle went _wayyyy_ too long, but they spent so long on the overdone action scenes that they didn't have time for the story ending.
@tiagocervera5661 2 ай бұрын
2:14 sonic's characterization being like this is intentional becuase the whole point of Sonic prime is for Sonic to grow as a character
@WanderfromSOTC Ай бұрын
Nice video
@MarzOnline92 5 ай бұрын
Black Rose Amy is close to what I'd like the regular Amy to be but still sweet & girly. Amy has a close relationship with animals, so it would make more sense for her to have animal friends to help her with combat versus her using tarot cards. I can see her riding a giant birdie around swinging her hammer or if she turns super, she should have super flickies at her command instead of Tails.
@jaceybella1267 5 ай бұрын
Ya know, I've been sitting back and watching the arguing and complaints about this show with a lot of confusion, but couldn't really articulate why it felt so off to me. But you hit the nail on the head. I'm just so used to the inconsistencies, I'm just so used to getting to know a new version of sonic's character at this point that any arguing about it feels utterly alien to me lol. I care about the canon, but only in the sense that I'm an obsessive fan that wants to take it all in. Also, in regards to Sonic's character in particular, I thought they were purposefully trying to make him similar to movie Sonic. Movie Sonic is what little kids nowadays are gonna be most familiar with, and considering the Roblox-based early premiere of prime, they wanted these younger kids that knew the movies to hop on board. So they used some of those traits without completely reverting him to "dumb kid" mode. I honestly felt the way the multiverse was handled was super charming, but that's mostly because of what corner of the fandom I've spent time in. I used to hang out with fans that made their own little AU scenarios and would craft these different versions of the characters in the worlds they created. It's too niche to be on purpose, I imagine, but it reminded me of those fun times and I couldn't be too bothered by it. I will say that I also had the same assumptions about Rouge getting her own focus, as well as the characters being pieces of their original character. I don't think the latter is necessarily completely untrue, I think the characters were definitely written to each embody different sides of the character (hence why everyone, except Rouge, had at least one version that takes a more dangerous trait to the extreme). But I would have liked if they did something more with that, rather than the show just kind of ending with the implication of separate alternate worlds (and to be frank I just don't want Nine to be alone in the grim forever, save him). And yeah, the entire show pretty much, my mind was adapting it into a game, ahah. So many things about it lend themselves to gameplay and mechanics like you said, and I could see pretty much every setpiece moment, chase, and fight all being a part of a sonic game. Also gotta love shadow. Anyway, your impression of prime is pretty analogous to mine, so the next time someone tries to start the "yeah but he's out of character/not canon" I can just point to this video! Lol. I'll probably just ignore such, tbh, but I feel a little less insane after seeing your thoughts, I started to doubt my own personal assessment in the wall of rage I've been seeing
@delaware5407 5 ай бұрын
Nine doesn't actually stay at the grim, he needed the prism to do so, but he sacrificed it to recreate Sonic's world
@mythosinfinite6736 5 ай бұрын
The thing is, people wanted the comics to be canon because they were actually good. After Forces, the storylines and consistency that the comics brought to the table felt like a breath of fresh air that actively improved the Sonic brand. It served to finally tie together all of those inconsistencies from past games into something more concrete and enjoyable. Its inclusion practically invented this new insistence on consistent Sonic lore, because we got a taste of it and it tasted great. I don't think nearly anyone was asking for Prime to be canon, because it adds nothing. Its inconsistencies are massive, especially with the idea of Green Hill being the entire world, and what it adds is mostly an outerversal story that basicallys ends up doing nothing for the world or games as a whole. Its addition to the canon is so strange because it's the first major instance of this "everything is canon" idea actually being a _detriment,_ in an era where they're finally caring about lore and character consistency.
@SonicmanChannel 5 ай бұрын
Glad here someone else enjoyed sonic prime, I was really enjoyed this show, it was a bit flawed in some areas, but as a whole, it was solid. Great animation and action, fun story, and like how I watched the Ninjago movie, it was a lot better when I didn't worry about the broken sonic canon. It was a good, fun and interesting sonic show, I hope we get another show like this that can improve on what this one got right.
@ixiahj 5 ай бұрын
Season 3 should've just been a 40 minute finale episode.
@playerxt9517 5 ай бұрын
In the end, this thing about it being "canon" was just another marketing tactic to get more attention from fans of the Sonic series.
@matthewisguy7336 5 ай бұрын
@lukescrew1981 5 ай бұрын
What do you think of the Sonic Boom show?
@ABlob 5 ай бұрын
I agree with the term "canon" being used as a marketing term for SEGA, because you can tell when someone does not care and only does it for money. But I also would want to argue that canon is important to establish how characters act (e.g. to get Shadow's character right, and make Sonic act not like he does in Prime), what the setting truly is (Green Hill isn't Sonic's home, nor is it the only place on earth for Sonic and friends), and in what order the games actually play out in (06 plays before Rush (because the other way around would make no sense; and Shiro Maekawa has already said so), Battle takes place after Shadow 05 (source: Shadow's character description on Sonic Channel), Sonic Runners' main story takes place before Lost World (because that's where they actually rediscover the wisps on Sonic's home planet)). If you don't treat canon seriously, and you want it to be part of the game canon anyways, you will get inconsistencies like what Prime does. If you won't treat canon seriously but want to say it's canon anyways despite all the inconsistencies, then fans will notice and you will get backlash for it, of course you will, and that's deserved. As for Sonic Colors, I knew you only threw it out there to show how canon isn't important BUT, I have an ace up my sleeve for this. You see, I think only parts of the Wii version of Sonic Colors is canon. Specifically only the baldy nosehair joke. The rest can be safely ignored. Even Takashi Iizuka has pointed out in an interview with Video Games Daily that "if you play the DS version you get a better understanding of the story for Sonic Colours". Plus, Mother Wisp is in Team Sonic Racing too, and that's canon too, according to a developer interview. So both versions of Sonic Colors are canon, and since the characterization of the DS version is actually accurate to the lore, it doesn't break canon. (unless you play in Japanese, then the whole "baldy nosehair" and terrible characterization dilemma isn't even a thing, because Colors Wii's story in Japanese makes them act normal, though the DS version is still important because of Mother Wisp.) Only Frontiers, Superstars and Prime really break the canon majorly.
@GustavoSuperSonic2001 5 ай бұрын
I actually think, that at the End, everything restarted, because the Prism was never shattered, it was not explicitly shown but that the other universes don't exist. Witch is wierd Thank God you are a writer, beacuse I know I can usually trust your reviews and opinions. Really Cool
@Bottle30 5 ай бұрын
Trying to understand Sonic’s character is like finding a clean, no dirt copy of any sega genesis game.
@Alanis1337 5 ай бұрын
8:04 I'm not too well versed in the Sonic series, so I'd like to know what this "real sonic" is. Are we talking about classic sonic?
@Pariah6950 5 ай бұрын
If you're interested and have the time, check out my What is it About Sonic? video.
@BlueJack222 5 ай бұрын
17:40 No you were actually right about that these are shattered variants of our favorite characters representing different aspects of their personalities but somehow by the end of the show Nine was able to reform the Main Universe without them fading away like he implied after the end of season 2
@lala-jd6em 5 ай бұрын
I thought rouge was gonna get her own world too I was disappointed when it was just a ghost zone. Like I didn’t expect big to get one but I would have loved to see one for rouge. They could have done a desert world and made her a cleopatra type.
@Zejgar 5 ай бұрын
A stark contrast with Friendship is Magic; when the Equestria Girls spinoff premiered, the fans of the existing show were worried about the state of the show's canon in relation to the spinoff, and asked the writers. Meghan McCarthy, who was the lead writer of the show at the time, seemingly did not even have the concept of "canon" in her head, and had to be explained it by fans. The way she saw it, seemingly, it was just a collection of shows based on one intellectual property, and that's it. The official answer to how the spinoff interacted with the canon was, paraphrasing, "the spinoff is canon, but does not interact with the main show".
@amarillodragon2702 Ай бұрын
How oddly fitting of a comparison since both shows were technically produced via co-productions of American and Canadian Studios and Companies.
@spsaofficalchannel 5 ай бұрын
24:11 he also has the green emerald! Just like he did in SA2!
@AD-en5dq 5 ай бұрын
if canon meant in mind going forward it be cool but it seems everything is actually separate at all times
@Magaleg 5 ай бұрын
I love this show but it has a major pacing issue, I believe this show should've been like 12 episodes instead of 23
@DanielKariuki-er5gi 5 ай бұрын
21:21 I think the only reason they were fighting was because Sonic thought Shadow would kill everyone and I feel like that is something Shadow would never do to be honest like I know it's a Kids franchise so obviously they're not going to kill anyone on screen but I feel like Shadow would never ever kill anyone tbh. Does anyone see Shadow would ever kill a person?
@kennyholmes5196 5 ай бұрын
I view elements of the world introduced as being canon, but the events of the show itself being off in their own universe. It's the "What If...?" of the Sonic franchise, to make a Marvel reference.
@Kelps.mp4 5 ай бұрын
Since you said Sonic Prime is the best Sonic series, I wanna know what are your opinions about the O.V.A.
@existential_narwal9257 5 ай бұрын
I hope the next modern sonic series they go for 2D animation animated by the people who did the sonic mania adventures videos
@odd-eyes6363 5 ай бұрын
2:44 Well, that was the case at least with Sonic Generations, wasn't it? They retconned that whole thing as being a Sonic from a different dimension.
@YplanAnimator 5 ай бұрын
that thing was a mistranslation I'm pretty sure
@kilometersperminute4113 5 ай бұрын
@@YplanAnimator No it isn't. In the Japanese site for Sonic Forces he is concretely defined as being from another dimension. The current retcon back to Classic Sonic = Baby Sonic is the result of fans nagging Sega so the lore team said that to shut people up.
@kauanjos3199 2 ай бұрын
What happened is that the events of Sonic generations caused Classic Sonic past to be a separate dimension because of time travel shenanigans, where mania and superstars happen in this new timeline. The games just explain this really really poorly
@highlanderofthelast710 5 ай бұрын
Also I felt it was obvious of the nine plot early season 1 to late season 1
@JediDrewsterT 5 ай бұрын
Canon just means that it is in the same Multiverse, but Sonic Prime is not in the same continuity as Game Sonic.
@playerback7722 5 ай бұрын
@dluxx3719 5 ай бұрын
I’m gonna continue watching this, but going off of the canon segment I’m glad that you’re able to watch it through your own lens but you genuinely cannot blame the people who watched Sonic prime and didn’t like the inconsistencies because that’s what the company told them If I’m being told that the show is gonna have all the things that this particular group of fans like, and then they watch it, and the show has none of said elements, that’s not the full of the consumer that’s the fault of Sega for essentially lying
@highlanderofthelast710 5 ай бұрын
Was rogue world not new yoke
@Diamonddeath 5 ай бұрын
I think Green Hill was a big deal because it seems it was ripped from the rest of the world and shattered into multiple versions of it… maybe? I suppose the rest of Sonic’s world might have been fine. Otherwise, where were the other Sonic characters and even the humans?
@kilometersperminute4113 5 ай бұрын
The ending really soured my opinion of the show. We have a fight that's dragged on for too long and an ending that's too rushed with a vague resolution hinting towards a possible continuation. The show is alright in a vacuum, definitely could see kids liking it. But personally I am so done with generic action shows and this is just one with a Sonic skin. The animation and voice acting is top notch though.
@Pariah6950 5 ай бұрын
I would disagree about it being a Sonic skin over the show. The character arcs and environmental theming definitely leaned heavily on this being a Sonic series. It's more true to the series than the movies, for example.
@LateefA519 4 сағат бұрын
I watched it with my cousins and they really seemed to like it and they only played sonic dash. I'm not sure if my cousins are the best sample it seems like the average kid has a lot more exposure to a sonic story than one would expect by just watching cutscenes on youtube. Imo the dialogue felt fine and I really enjoyed the dynamic between shadow and sonic and sonic and nine in season 1 and 2. Its overall eyecandy and the fast pace action fits the gen Z attention spans although I think the ending was pretty bad but its still one of the better kids content I've consumed with my cousins so for that I give it a solid 7.
@harenzaren 5 ай бұрын
Sonic Lime - Full Meries Peeview
@noamskplaying 5 ай бұрын
i never understand why people say they hate the show just beacuee of timeline i watched it with my brother and it was pretty good i just dont like that the whole show is a big kongfu fight lol and also i really like the animation even tho in these days everything has good animation
@sethmushambavanhu8391 5 ай бұрын
Just something you got a bit wrong the shatterverse is the shattered sonic universe that's what ghost hill sonic's world stuck without the prism when sonic and shadow go back it resets everything that happens (its why shadow's chaos emerald reappears) so yeah it was the shattered version its why we don't see anybody else afterwords I think
@sethmushambavanhu8391 5 ай бұрын
Also it seems they're really banking in a season 2 so I think that's why its so open ended
@elioridacow 5 ай бұрын
Sonic Prime is more canon to me than Colors is, Really the only true thing that gets me is Rouge is part of team Sonic and in the games we know she's more with Shadow I guess off screen she hangs out with them Though the official Sonic creator is known for not knowing what to make canon or not like with the whole Shadow game and the canon route being the pure good despite being proven otherwise so we can easily ignore the Prime is canon statement All things considered I love this show and I like the development Sonic has like actual development and it feels like the missions he goes through actually matters and even when Shadow is frustrated with Sonic he actually shows his care for Sonic and helps him save the world and I love the alternate versions of the characters, Black Rose being my favorite I also love the entire showdown with the Sonic crew and 9's bots it's almost like Sonic endgame it matters though I will admit the season 3 does carry it on for so long and two to three episodes don't have anything but fights so that is a minor nit pic really so the crew could get it to enough episodes but at least nothing feels forced unlike movies Overall I enjoyed Sonic Prime and it's I dare say my favorite Sonic story of all time
@N0rlight 5 ай бұрын
To be honest, Sonic's personality is close to Sonic Colors and Lost World, Which I'm perfectly fine with.
@tek3576 5 ай бұрын
So Sonic at his worst? Lol
@jasonnguyen1072 5 ай бұрын
This series is so inconsistent that any kind of consistency is needed or is considered OK, ​@@tek3576. 😂
@N0rlight 5 ай бұрын
@tek3576 His worst nah, Sonic Colors, was definitely wasn't his worst.
@therandomvideochannel8589 5 ай бұрын
that's generally not a good thing
@N0rlight 5 ай бұрын
Agreed to disagree.
@danteshollowedgrounds 5 ай бұрын
I'm not gonna lie, let Pariah cook.
@rileyhoward7344 5 ай бұрын
the only thing that prime being canon would possibly change is that we have more background to why sonic was so distressed trying to stop shadow falling into the void, and why shadow seemed a little more upset than he should have when sonic sacrificed himself at the end. that's *it*. purely because of shadows backstory with maria, and the fact he fell to the earth during sonic adventure 2 and was considered dead. that's the only thing it MIGHT change, and even then, without that background knowledge, both of those instances make sense without it.
@ultimateshadeofwar 5 ай бұрын
Around 13:41 I mean, im not surprise, Sonic Prime is being written, by actual comic people, Man of Action are a studio created by comic writters, of when the time the comic writters were good writers, unlike the writers we have been getting since 2012 or early. So they have so much experience with multiverse and meeting different versions of one character, that i would be surprise, if they didn't know how to write this properly unlike the majority of TV and Hollywood that just look over it at a glance and think they know how to make it work, but they don't.
@jasonnguyen1072 5 ай бұрын
Well yeah, Man of Action entered their flop era since 2012. It’s really no surprise that the people behind one of the worst TV show adaptations of Mega Man and yet another worst game contender (The Quiet Man) wouldn’t understand Sonic.
@nzpowa._.6662 5 ай бұрын
Ngl, shadows the reason why sonic was late to his fight with eggman, and thus, is the true villian of the show
@dug1115 5 ай бұрын
I hate this "Nothing matters" the argument. If it didn't matter in the first place, then why do people care about Sonic? People don't care about things that are bad and Sonic wouldn't of lasted this long on his crummy games alone. Sonic used to have a great story, a canon that was so compelling it kept the Ip afloat until they changed the writers. That is why Sonic canon matters, it kept fans in this franchise and without it the fandom will go kaput.
@Pariah6950 5 ай бұрын
Believe me, I wish there was a canon that mattered. But the people that are actually making Sonic stuff clearly do not care. So I'm not going to either. Saves you a lot of headaches that way.
@Talxic 5 ай бұрын
the japanese voice acting is really good, and the animation is good, everything else is okay not the greatest but not the best
@icedude_907 4 ай бұрын
In my mind the entire show was building on the idea that the shattered characters were different aspects of the main characters personalities that would cease to exist on the reforging of the prism (hence no sonic or shadow variants) but they didn't have the guts to go through with it right at the end, and that's why their endings are such a big question mark. At the least, they could've had the reforging of the prism propel all the characters out of the shatter realm and have them all return to their scenarios
@ArcueidBrunestuddo 5 ай бұрын
I thought the show was alright. A bunch of the action sequences especially toward the end felt padded out and pointless, really felt like something a child would be entertained by, but I just wanted it to get to the point. Comparing it to other media, I'd say I prefer Sonic X and Sonic Boom over it. As a side note I watched Sonic Prime with the Japanese dub for that Junichi Kanemaru goodness. Just another small thought, but it kinda bugged me how often Shadow gets beaten in season 3, like every fight he's losing in I kept thinking he'd take off his inhibitor rings but that never happened which was disappointing. Or that he'd regain his green Chaos Emerald and use Chaos Blast or Chaos Control which also never happened which was also disappointing. For what was supposed to be the climactic last season, it had a lot of missed potential.
@matthewisguy7336 5 ай бұрын
@TwoManyPlushies 5 ай бұрын
It’s kinda sad seeing people say bad things about Sonic’s character in Sonic prime and saying it’s not canon but who cares it’s a show based off a game and kinda upsetting seeing Sonic’s character dead since 2010 that’s how you know Sega messed up there
@RiddleMeDess 5 ай бұрын
ANOTHER ERROR: If the game takes place after SA3 where is cream or vanilla?
@oneupadvanced 5 ай бұрын
wait so are they trying to say sonic prime is the same sonic from the games? I thought Prime Sonic was the sonic of that universe
@COMMANDERY11 5 ай бұрын
What they honestly should have done was have all the alternative universes be deleted at the end, but all the memories of the sonic cast from those alternate dimensions be inserted into the main cast at green hill. After all, those other dimensions were the result of the shattered base dimension that was green hill. That's why green hill couldn't function on its own during the whole show. This would allow the satisfying ending of sonic and tails being able to talk out the whole arc of the show etc. Overall, great series. We shouldn't expect any masterpiece from a kids targeted franchise.
@murderman8578 5 ай бұрын
We should still expect some standard of quality
@lauraikoko 5 ай бұрын
at 27:23 you mistook season 2 for season 3 XD
@bartowo 2 ай бұрын
review the story of tetris on gameboy
@alexandrpeterberg390 5 ай бұрын
I wasn't looking forward to watching this video cause I felt I knew what you said about it. But you managed to surprise me. Man, what's with you? The Sonic stuff that gets much praise ends up receiving a lot of criticism from you and you not liking as much while other Sonic stuff that receives a lot of criticism is something you end up liking more. At least that's what I feel like. I am not sure what's with SEGA and Sonic Team making all Sonic Works canon but it sure did harm Sonic Prime because it's not like Sonic games before it, and because of it people have judged Sonic Prime on what it is not. Sonic SatAM was nothing like game Sonic and yet it was well-received and has a cult following to this day. (and it's non-canon) But then again Sonic SatAM got lucky as people in the west didn't have any idea what Sonic was.
@shadic1988 5 ай бұрын
My favorite Part of Sonic Prime was Shadow.
@isaacargesmith8217 5 ай бұрын
Realistically if sonic prime were more well liked people wouldnt almost solely be talking about whether its canon or not in the wider discussion vs all the other stuff about it they could talk about imo. Something about the show seems to really rub people wrong and they cant articulate their actual issues so they just go "doesnt fit canon". The "is it canon even though its so different" stuff is a symptom to a wider issue(s) people have with the show for how people think about it (and to an extent the wider series) imo considering this is also the series with multiple soft reboot games like sa2, colors, frontiers, and such. At least imo thats the impression I get from people talking about it. Realistically what sonic's canon's best for facilitating is allowing all these different elements a place to play together, something stuff like the comics take full advantage of. Realistically its why people CONSTANTLY complain that stuff like Sonic X's mettarex arent in the main canon since people wanna see stuff done with those elements since there's still a lot of things to explore about them (heck even ian flynn apparently pitched a story for the idw comics to bring them and cosmo in but got rejected) or why people want characters like sally and the freedom fighters or scratch grounder and coconuts to be added to the canon. It being "canon" does open up the vaguest of possibilities (aka hope and cope) a much better writer could come in and do the shatterverse quarts stuff much better and hopefully someone does since the premice is really cool, but we've seen how much this series likes throwing away side material ideas into the garbage and I doubt prime will be different even with the hope of it being "canon" changing that. One thing tho is when they say "prime is after Advanced 3" I think they mean more "it cant take place before it only at any point after". Realistically it can only take place after unleashed since orbot and cubot didnt even exist by then but did by the point of colors. That IS "techincally" after advanced 3 after all. Not like it matters tho thats like arguing about 06 and canon.
@gessekaii 5 ай бұрын
The ending pissed me off the most because the writers clearly tried to leave it open ended and that is Not how you write open ended endings to stories. Season 3 dragged so much, but I would've forgiven it if like you had said, we had conclusions for all the characters. Now I'm going overthink and be so bothered by season 3's ending.
@kilometersperminute4113 5 ай бұрын
When sonic prime first dropped some animators on the show posted on twitter about hyping people up into wanting a second season (season 4+ in netflix terms). The ominous shadow at the last few minutes is probably hinting towards a continuation of sorts, maybe that's why they deliberately made the ending vague.
@parjupiter134 5 ай бұрын
*F O U R T H*
@AnimalXing 5 ай бұрын
Sonic Dream Team is excellent
@2ndspringtube708 5 ай бұрын
A moments of silence just imagining if Netflix didn’t exist and you had to wait a whole week or so for the next episode
@BlueJack222 5 ай бұрын
7:50 Welcome to the Sonic fanbase what took you so long
@sophiadebar382 4 ай бұрын
Addressing the canon thing, I know they’ve done it a lot before, but omg they have to stop giving knuckles appearances without any explanation lmao. I get so confused. I’m so glad they went back to form with frontiers and actually EXPLAINED why knuckles wasn’t on angel island
@DrMecha 16 күн бұрын
Let me tell you about Prime's canon; it's adjacent to the games. Same with IDW.
@Talxic 5 ай бұрын
also the reason why the characters aren't the same now is prolly cus the writer for the games stories since adventure and sonic adventure , shiro maekawa doesn't work at sega anymore, he moved over to marvelous games and has been doing well there
@warioland523 3 ай бұрын
Well after seeing every episode I can safely say it was good. If you are sucker for a more action oriented Sonic cartoon that still retains the overall humor that Sonic is known for you'll probably enjoy this. Unlike most people the ending didn't offend me. It's just meant that Sonic has received another call to adventure and he has his friends right beside him. A return to the status quo so to speak. Also I like seeing the different versions of Tails, Amy, Rouge, Big, and Knuckles. And I also like the overall message of redemption and friendship which the show done quite well especially in the third season. I don't know why it's considered canon to the games. It really feels disconnected to the games. But as it's own thing it's a very good show. I'm glad we got a Sonic show too that actually had something that felt like a proper ending. Something we didn't get with a Sonic cartoon since freaking Sonic X.
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