Will Sonic Frontiers 2 Sell Well?
Team Sonic Racing is a Sad Game
The Story of Sonic Lost World
How Pinball Influenced Sonic
Let's Talk About "Classic Sonic"
How Important is Story in Sonic?
Sonic 4 - Sonic Was Always Good
Sonic Prime - Full Series Review
The Story of Sonic Colors
5 ай бұрын
@user-sf7uh5nn5d 6 сағат бұрын
am i the only one who finds sonic spinball easy, and has beaten it many times?
@Linkdouble0zero 7 сағат бұрын
When I was younger I thought the setting of Meteor Herd was supposed to be the moon being artificially reconstructed
@KC.086 9 сағат бұрын
3:11:26 Santa and Jesus, the ultimate rivals
@bluebellsforever 9 сағат бұрын
But didn't you include this game in your "favourite steam games" livestream?
@jackko21 9 сағат бұрын
I associate this game with that time when chris chan got arrested for pepper spraying some bloke at a video game shop
@jackko21 9 сағат бұрын
I remember watching bluerush1992. Let's play this back in the day, laughing my ass off at his commentary
@CaydenCasto-x2o 17 сағат бұрын
or try to strive for perfection thall make the game longer
@CaydenCasto-x2o 17 сағат бұрын
hey i thought this game was pretty fun i think people hate it is because its too linear but you guys should try experimenting on the level to try to get faster time
@CliffNerply 19 сағат бұрын
I really hope they don't keep making stuff like Frontiers. It's offputting to people who don't like open world games, and came to Sonic for a more traditional platforming experience.
@KiLLBundas 20 сағат бұрын
The harsh truth that no one admits to themselves is that they are buying a game split into two parts. The problem is that to please everyone, companies aren't clear that the game is divided. We know they don't make this clear out of fear of losing audience. Let's break it down: 80% of the revenue from a fighting game comes from people who bought it for the Campaign Mode. To clarify further, imagine the fighting game as two discs, CD1 and CD2. However, when sold, it's marketed as a single game. CD1 represents the game purchased by those who prefer the Campaign Mode, accounting for 80% of the game's sales revenue. CD2, for those who play mainly Ranked, represents the remaining 20%. Therefore, the company's focus is on pleasing the 80%. How do they achieve this? It's simple: ensure that customers feel they've fully utilized CD1, avoiding the feeling that they paid for two discs but only enjoyed CD1. Thus, they include a training mode that makes little sense from the perspective of someone who wants to improve but lacks guidance, similar to how martial arts schools operated in the past. The training mode in the fighting game undeniably has many tools, yet deliberately lacks a Master figure as in a real martial arts school, guiding the player step by step in their development. Don't tell me internet tutorials solve this issue because they don't. Despite countless attempts, a true AI Master or hiring a real Master in a martial art, experienced in training students, is intentionally avoided. This is because it would significantly diminish the Ranked limbo. For me, Ranked limbo refers to those in the lower ranks who are essential to maintaining the illusion for customers who bought the game mainly for CD1. It's negative for the company and could affect sales of the next game if customers feel they didn't utilize CD2 enough. When someone who bought the game for CD1 wins a round online, they get that feeling. My theory is that companies are indifferent to those who buy the game for CD2; otherwise, they would have implemented a training mode that truly guides players with step-by-step progress statistics. If they truly aimed to help players improve in Ranked, they'd risk displeasing their primary customer base and the majority of their revenue, as fewer players stuck in lower ranks would be available for the 80% enjoying CD2 casually.
@ItYaBoiGreen 23 сағат бұрын
While I agree with the point that game reused too many zones I feel they are remixed so much that they feel like new zones. also Amy and metal? I get Amy because at the time she wasn’t playable in the 2ds game and I also wish she was in mania but metal sonic how would take make any sense? You fight metal sonic in the game lol
@ChaosAngelZero 23 сағат бұрын
The "Adventure" part in "Sonic Adventure" refers to it being an action-adventure game, where the adventure element comes in the form of the player having to figure out where to go and what to do next in order to progress through the game, like in The Secret of Monkey Island, Tomb Raider, Biohazard/Resident Evil, Silent Hill, et cetera. Sonic Adventure 2 dropped this component but retained the word "Adventure" most probably because it was narratively a direct sequel to the previous game.
@Big_twat23 Күн бұрын
have you seen the tails adventure fan remake and the new sonic & the secret rings fan remake
@tailsthefox8078 Күн бұрын
Calling rings Pepsi cans really threw me off...
@Jaytheone369 Күн бұрын
this isnt every sonic game i didn't see sonic chronicals
@pareraricard1826 Күн бұрын
why people trash so hard in Sonic and the Black Knight? That was a really good game
@Hyp3rSonic Күн бұрын
Nahhhhhh. Gameplay is extremely questionable
@TaxiBot Күн бұрын
Phantom Ruby was forced into this game for marketing reasons
@TaxiBot Күн бұрын
Sonic Forces "Mania" to include Phantom Ruby as a tie-in because of marketing/advertising reasons
@Girbekafecon Күн бұрын
Ok but how amy should not be able to roll when shes a hedgehog
@lasercraft32 Күн бұрын
Ironically, despite the 30 day time limit being very generous, a lot of people STILL get turned away because of it being "too stressful." Its like the very fact that there is a time limit at all is just too much to handle or something.
@lasercraft32 Күн бұрын
Nah there's a TON of room for improvement in future titles... Especially in the difficulty/level layout department! Imagine Pikmin 4 but with Pikmin 3 style bosses and level design, with Pikmin 1's difficulty. That would be AWESOME! I seriously wish this game had a New Game + feature... It would make it significantly more replayable if you could start the game with all of Oatchi's skills unlocked, and/or all the Pikmin types (if you could start with all the Pikmin types, it would make mono-type challenges a lot more interesting!)
@MrGamelover23 Күн бұрын
Bro, I'm subscribing for the list thing you made in Excel alone.
@GamerMinilla 2 күн бұрын
I'd say they're less ripping off Splatoon and more they were trying to rip-off the Dragon Ball Xenoverse games with the Avatar.
@Elpeligrito 2 күн бұрын
@user-mf2yn7dd7z 2 күн бұрын
0:07 sonic was always mid
@user-mf2yn7dd7z 2 күн бұрын
You make it sound like it's the most boring thing ever
@Kelps.mp4 2 күн бұрын
As 90% of this comment section is saying, the thing that sets this game apart from the other bad apples is more its advertising and the state of the franchise in 2017 rather than it being actually worse than the likes of Sonic Chronicles for example. The fanbase at that time was almost reaching the Boiling Point due to extremely frequent glitchy, messy and experimental Sonic games (mainly due to Boom), and even if Mania released 3 months prior to Forces, a seventh of the fandom wanted a vanilla solid Modern Sonic game, and not a Classic Sonic game. And the advertising didn't help, since it was lowkey lying with the 'Creators of Colours and Generations' bs. So with all that, the hype that Forces got was so huge to the point that, when it finally released, the game did not meet even half of the expectations that the fanbase had, which resulted in a gigantic negative backlash, that was the moment when the fandom reached its Boiling Point. The game is just meh, it definitely didn't deserve the hate it received, and I definitely do not understand the people in the comment section saying it's simply terrible.
@risingumbreon 2 күн бұрын
lost world is so fucking funny to me dude. here we have a sonic game that desperately wants to be a mario game so they make this colorful mario ass world with goofy mario villains but the story and dialogue are like weirdly dark??? like we got the fat orange guy going "i'm hungry i want to eat" but then you kick his ass and he deadass says "mom was right, i'm a failure" like???? sonic's going through this bowser's castle ass level and amy calls him up on the phone and goes like "our planet's dying we're all fucking dying sonic" like it's so weirdly grim and out of pocket for what you'd expect from this game. this game's tonal dissonance is on another fucking level man
@user-mf2yn7dd7z 2 күн бұрын
Sonic forces raped me
@user-mf2yn7dd7z 2 күн бұрын
1:37 because after lost world we need something good and we thought forces was that
@user-mf2yn7dd7z 2 күн бұрын
Sonic heroes gave me cancer killed my family and made me homeless
@stardust-reverie 2 күн бұрын
i grew up with 3D sonic like you (besides the rushes and colors DS), and though i respected the games and do have some nostalgia for them, i never really cared that much about classic sonic, in terms of gameplay or vibes (which has changed, thanks to you). when mania came out it didn’t really do much for me-i appreciated that it was a good game and respected what it was doing, but i never really… cared? i would say there was (and still kind of is) absolutely a sense of jealousy, but in my case it took the form of: why is classic sonic the only one that’s getting games people like? why are they ignoring what we want? why are they just adding fuel to the fire for people saying sonic was only ever good in 2D? why does it feel like they’re proving them right? when i know for a fact that’s wrong? i get a similar feeling with mario nowadays-the commonalities are obviously coincidental, but your video about unleashed and odyssey really got under my skin, lol. ultimately i think this all comes down to your point at the end, that drawing lines in the sand over meaningless shit like this and searching for the One True Sonic is going to do nothing but perpetuate this thing of the entire fanbase being at each other’s throats, this sense of jealousy over what should be nothing. some people just like certain things, sure, but if it means *replacing* stuff they already like then that makes for a MUCH harder sell, and it means a lot of people are never gonna give something they might really like a fair shake. all these interpretations of sonic should be allowed to coexist and there’s nothing that says they can’t also, re your thought experiment: i think that would be REALLY cool to see and i wish i lived in a world where it would be feasible for something like that to happen from sega
@miimiiandco 2 күн бұрын
I think a good way to please those who like these stories while not alienating casual fans is by focusing on good character moments. The Classic games and Superstars seem to do this quite well.
@Londonlink 2 күн бұрын
Trip jump is from Vector in Knuckles Chaotics
@KC.086 2 күн бұрын
Code Lyoko, hell yea. I really want to rewatch it but I'm afraid that it's actually bad and I only liked it because I was a kid
@stardust-reverie 2 күн бұрын
ZG always connected with me on an aesthetic level even more than original riders, so while as a kid i never really had a problem with it (even though it clearly could be better), seeing competent devs actually DO THAT and make it SO MUCH BETTER has me over the moon and i’m totally downloading this asap
@keylimecookies 2 күн бұрын
Ty for using Dreamcast footage and not battle footage it’s genuinely the best version
@stardust-reverie 2 күн бұрын
the part about the meta of sonic and what he really is did, in fact, make me cry, so good job
@andresmarrero8666 2 күн бұрын
Another interesting notion between the natural opposition between Trip and Fang is that Trip is the dragon and Fang is the treasure hunter out to steal the dragon's treasure (the black egg) which just happens to house an ancient evil that the dragon was keeping sealed. It is a classic situation. Also the golden capital being full of lava or molten gold is incredibly fitting for a civilization of dragons.
@VirtuaMaster 2 күн бұрын
what if, instead of Nega, they brought back Metal Robotnik and made him canon. I think that could have been cool. We could also spin it as Dr. Eggman created Metal Robotnik to continue his campaign for world domination after death or whatever. Then Sonic will have an Eggman, Silver will have one, and so will Blaze. It would also clear up Nega and the future/different dimension fiasco. I just came up with that in like 5 minutes why the fuck can't someone on sonic team think "yknow wait we can do better" instead of continuing to make these trash stories
@rundown3984 2 күн бұрын
It had so much hype in the beginning because the game couldve done so much more, like introduce more characters in gameplay. The name sonic forces already implies an avengers level threat
@jackko21 2 күн бұрын
I think in the ova eggman is voiced by the hitchhicker from texas chainsaw massacre
@greatsaiyaguy8868 2 күн бұрын
Why did the end bit turn into "You have to have a very high IQ to like Sonic Adventure". I dunno man I played SA1 for the first time 2 years ago and thought it was badass without doing any of that movement mechanic breaking you're talking about.
@user-tw3rh9po4t 3 күн бұрын
@Xgp_15A2 3 күн бұрын
Theres also a piece of dialog in the final battle that you can only hear at like the 9min mark that has eggman explaining that shadow is indeed the same shadow from sa2, but that might just be an english dub thing idk. Kinda weird why they put it so late into the fight. But i like that he's basically saying goodbye to his old self that he will never get back. Also, this story reminds me of Megaman Zeros's story.
@Nickika 3 күн бұрын
13:20 quiet literally, that's the gameplay used in Sonic Dash 😅
@nostalgichours 3 күн бұрын
@themissingbits6375 3 күн бұрын
Question: Is there are Way for Sonic being able to use the peel out & drop dash in Time Attack mode for This game?
@tylerparkes-jk7uv Күн бұрын
Yes, you can select Sonic and hold left and right to see Sonic - Max Control in Time Attack if you unlocked the achievements to unlock Sonic abilities.
@user-mf2yn7dd7z 3 күн бұрын
@user-mf2yn7dd7z 3 күн бұрын