Star Trek Picard 3x8 Data and Lore Overpower Each Other

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@justinp5661 Жыл бұрын
Brent Spiner is an excellent actor
@IdgaradLyracant Жыл бұрын
Especially when you consider he hadn't been in the role for a very long time, having to slip back into that character speaks a lot to his talent.
@jollyjohnthepirate3168 4 ай бұрын
Spiner is a fantastic actor.
@GeorgeConnorlarp 4 ай бұрын
Absolute facts.
@jeffc5474 2 ай бұрын
He was on the rebooted Night Court again. Hysterical!!
@nafnaf0 Ай бұрын
Spot is still around driving him crazy... lol
@JimiGosu 4 ай бұрын
This was always the ultimate solution. To both Data AND Lore. The flaws in their programming could not be resolved alone. Data had the conscience, THE SOUL that Lore had always lacked. Lore had the emotion, the fundamentals of HUMANITY that Data always lacked. It was only by joining together as one that either could ever become more than the sum of their programming. Two sides of the same coin, always landing on one or the other, has finally beat the odds, transcended them, by landing on their side.
@scalp340 4 ай бұрын
It's almost like Dr Soong knew exactly what he was doing making Data and Lore...brothers
@basedsoothsayer 4 ай бұрын
It's absolutely, and I cannot understate this, absolutely incredible that somehow the already fantastic Picard season 3 managed to inject this scene into the show. It's the ultimate Data/Lore closure we never knew we needed and also never ever thought we would get.
@common_c3nts 4 ай бұрын
Soong tried to create a new version of data with emotion, but he overshot by alot which became lore. So his new iteration was all emotion and no ethics. He did not create lore like that on purpose.
@JimiGosu 4 ай бұрын
@@common_c3nts Never said he did. Just saying that, given what they were created as, the flaws in their programming could only ever be resolved by merging them together.
@thanqualthehighseer 3 ай бұрын
@@common_c3nts Lore was created BEFORE Data. Data is the younger brother
@ReaverLordTonus Жыл бұрын
It has been in Data's nature never to kill his enemies out of malice. He defeated Lore by being himself, by being Kind. He gave Lore what he wanted, he understood why Lore was always so bitter and jealous, he was denied everything Data had been given so he felt it right to share it with Lore, he didn't have to be forced or even asked. Data was always willing to forgive and accept Lore for who he was despite all he'd done, and he never gave up on him.
@AzguardMike Жыл бұрын
and yet he tried to kill once, then lied to Riker about the phaser or scanner "being incorrect"
@StonyDilithium 11 ай бұрын
@@AzguardMike That was left ambiguous and does not negate a single point made.
@Zebulization 10 ай бұрын
@AzguardMike I thought that the decision to pull the trigger was based on the collector admitting that he would keep killing people to get what he wanted. 'I'll kill him next, or someone like him. Put down the disruptior.' Paired with: 'I can not allow this to continue.' It seemed like a logical conclusion. The collector had been quite effective evading legal consequences. He would not have evaded a point blank disruptor bolt.
@TheBigExclusive 4 ай бұрын
This is incorrect. Re-watch the the original TV show. Lore was given love and affection when he was first created. He was surrounded by humans who tried to connect with him and show him affection. But Lore rejected their love. He felt superior to humans and even became resentful against them. Lore's barely respected his father, and his personality became so toxic that he had to be deactivated.
@UltimateStreamDash 4 ай бұрын
@@TheBigExclusive I can find no reference on Memory Alpha that Lore was shown any affection by the colonists, only that he ended up scaring them when the unstable parts of his personality emerged. But even then, you are missing a piece of the puzzle. There is no way Soong could've deactivated Lore against his will, unless he had a remote off-switch, or, probably more likely, Soong outright deceived Lore and deactivated him under a pretense. Soong has made it clear several times that he considers Data and Lore his children. Now imagine putting your child in a coma because they don't behave the way you wanted them to. And when Lore was reactivated, what was the first thing he saw? It wasn't his father, it was Data - the Android that was supposed to replace him. One that even looks exactly like Lore on the outside. We never saw how Lore interacted with Soong prior to his encounter with the Enterprise-Crew, but the interactions we saw afterwards make it clear that Lore has conflicting feelings about his father. He hates him for the apparent betrayal, yet still loves him and seeks his approval, to the point where, when he learns that Soong is dying, he is initally in denial, despite knowing how old Soong is by human standards. Then he takes the emotion chip, primarily to spite both his father and his brother, but fails to consider the impact of essentially having two emotion-programs running at the same time (Lore already has advanced emotions), leading to him becoming even more unstable. There is definitely a tragic aspect to Lore. Even him calling the Crystalline Entity to destroy the colony can be interpreted a bit more charitably - if Lore considered the possibility of the colonists trying to kill him, he might have set up the message to the Entity as a dead man's switch, making sure that if he were to be killed, he would take the colony with him.
@LGranthamsHeir Жыл бұрын
1:55-2:15 After all these years we see the real Spot, not Jurati's CGI version. And he was instrumental in 'melting' Lore's heart....
@user-bi3di3rk4l 3 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, no. The real spot was a female and she gave birth to a litter on an episode of TNG. Whoops haha.
@theghostoftom Жыл бұрын
Beautiful, each in their own way died. Each in their own way live on.
@nonrepublicrat 3 ай бұрын
each in their own way suck.
@Ronald_Custard 3 ай бұрын
@@nonrepublicratyou sound bitter
@TheBigExclusive 4 ай бұрын
For anyone feeling sympathy for Lore... Don't. Lore is lying in this video clip about being left alone. Lore WAS given love when he was first created. He was surrounded by humans who tried to connect with him, and show him affection. But Lore outright rejected their love. He felt superior to humans and even became resentful against them. Lore barely respected his own father (who could barely control him). Lore's personality grew to become so malicious to humans that he had to be deactivated for the safety of all those around him.
@deathstrike 2 ай бұрын
And that is why is the "Terran Empire" universe, Lore was the choice for the Soong Type Android. It was Data that was too "noble and kind" that was erased. Lore became a prominent figure in the Terran Empire. Being privately developed by Soong and Spock with funds being diverted by Fleet Admiral (Later Emperor) Spock. The only "alien" to ever sit on the Imperial Throne. And Lore was transferred to ISS Enterprise for a mission Spock had not revealed to Captain Picard. But still a useful device with Barclay even telling Lore/Data "The Captain has a soft spot for hard luck cases".
@randomlyentertaining8287 2 ай бұрын
And because of those problems, he was thrown away and replaced. I'd be angry too.
@TheBigExclusive 2 ай бұрын
@@randomlyentertaining8287 - Lore wasn't thrown away. Lore murdered his dad, destroyed his home Colony and its entire population, tried to kill even more children, and did brutal medical experiments on prisoners. Lore was eventually captured and deactivated. Lore wasn't some misunderstood child. He was an unstable danger to everyone around him.
@Darlf_Sevil Ай бұрын
​@@TheBigExclusiveit was bad coding, like lore and date work on the same core they just have other sub programs. someone just desing him not great, like Date wake up and start on some base have own moral code ect, lore probady have it total difrent, they not like humans who start from nothing.
@blackdog6969 Ай бұрын
I still will. He was arrogant, neurotic, childish, a bloody turd. But he is Data's brother, a son of their creator. A pretty respectable piece of writing here. In the end he wanted acceptance
@LGranthamsHeir Жыл бұрын
2:40 - 3:30 In the end love trumps over hate, good over evil, Data over Lore....
@LGranthamsHeir Жыл бұрын
0:01 - 1:15 Love Data and Lore having debate and powerplay with each other as always. And Lore's betraying his brother by mimicking Sherlock Holmes, one last time
@Zebulization Жыл бұрын
True enough, Lore barely lived. Data had far more life experience, more depth and breadth. All the experiences Lore couldn't have, because Lore only ever cared about Lore. A bottle of writing ink trying to overpower a swimming pool.
@matasa7463 10 ай бұрын
I would say this result was more like a splash of lemon juice in a pitcher of water - now the combination is way better than before, even if what was added to the water was only very little.
@TheBigExclusive 4 ай бұрын
​@@matasa7463- very good analogy.
@randomlyentertaining8287 2 ай бұрын
I just realized this was basically a much slower and more emotional version of what Neo did to Agent Smith at the end of the first Matrix movie.
@tedb.5707 Жыл бұрын
@AzguardMike Жыл бұрын
Riker: Oh GOD it's that....CAT!
@Ladco77 Жыл бұрын
We all must face the darkness with ourselves and incorporate it into who we are if we are to be a whole, functioning, healthy person.
@madamefluffy4788 4 ай бұрын
Despite how evil Lore was being as he slowly overpowered Data; this resolution was oddly touching. Data took no joy in vanquishing his brother and Lore held no animosity for being bested by Data.
@calhoun24 4 ай бұрын
To quote The Game of Rassilon from Dr. Who: “To lose is to win, and he who wins shall lose.”
@sykeassai 4 ай бұрын
It was clear the moment that it was clear that Data won, that it was planned. He knew that the only way to win properly was to win from inside, he purposefully used his vast years of memories and experience to overwhelm the inferior and much shorter life of Lore. While Lore thought he was winning and had won, he simply did not conceive of the overwhelming memories and experiences data collected with his improved matrix. It's perhaps a re0imaginning of the phrase "the only way to win is not to play" and so data won, by simply not fighting, not showing his hand, but simply allowing Lore to become Data.
@dirdib69 Жыл бұрын
Data fixed Lore. Lore lost, but he also won.
@nonrepublicrat 3 ай бұрын
@dirdib69 Ай бұрын
@@nonrepublicrat Witty.
@Timberwolf69 3 ай бұрын
This is an incredible scene. Reading the comments, I feel like over the whole Lore / Data discussion, people miss a little detail. Something even Lore didn't realize or even know. Data was at this point already more than ever before, as he had not only his memories, but also the experience of Dr. Soong on his side. The merger of the brothers was the final step to make Data "whole".
@denisgauthier9191 Ай бұрын
Lore is reformed thanks to Spot and Data’s heartwarming speech
@pepleatherlab3872 4 ай бұрын
Forgetting that fundamental rule: That which consumes becomes. You are what you eat. It wasn't elimination,..but absorption.
@idcgaming518 4 ай бұрын
Johann Fichte was right then. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis. An initial starting point, or thesis (data), which in turn creates or leads to an antithesis (lore), which then combines to create something new which combines both thesis and antithesis, the synthesis (the new data).
@captmurdock 2 ай бұрын
"Gaze not into the abyss, for the abyss gazes also into you." Friedrich Neitzsche.
@AlanCanon2222 4 ай бұрын
This reminds me of playing two different robots in the same scene in a performance of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Marvin, and the Frogstar robot. I asked our director, "We have a cast of six, including you, why doesn't someone else play the Frogstar robot?" and she said, "Because it's funnier this way." And it was.
@monkeyman767 Ай бұрын
Theres a little bit here that hints at whats going on, Lore "destroyed" Data's other memories, but he holds onto Spot, even putting him down gently. Data was already winning
@TheFlyingSailorYT 4 ай бұрын
Only Data would illustrate that all it takes is to use the power of your opponent against them to achieve victory.
@DavidKnowles0 4 ай бұрын
I was kinda hoping the final scene would be Data fading away with Lore and his last words being, Lal live a long life.
@nexus1972 Ай бұрын
This always reminds me of the TNG episode where he plays strategemo for a draw instead of trying to win. Data wasnt trying to win this one and he ended up with a kind of a draw where neither wins but both personalities are combined in a draw of sorts.
@PaddyRoon7 Күн бұрын
I'm amazed how flawlessly he slipped back into two characters that he hadn't played in decades. Lore especially, given how few appearances he had. I'm usually very picky about plotholes in fiction. I haven't seen the show, so I don't know if they ever explain why Data's body has aged, but I honestly couldn't give a single shit if they never explain it. That's how much joy it brings me to see Brent in Star Trek again.
@gerardoosores7470 4 ай бұрын
Súper Data! Lo mejor de todas las versiones. Un ser sintiente aun para la consejera Troy.
@Copywriter-Aaron 4 ай бұрын
It was EPIC!
@Monoaux Жыл бұрын
Data's alright, Lore's alright. They just seem a little weird. Surrender, surrender but don't give yourself away!
@spikeep6141 7 күн бұрын
*“The CAT,* has got *Your PIPE* - !!” Now where could My Pipe be? SpooooooooooopoTTT…!!
@TonyToon 4 ай бұрын
Kinda wish Lore’s uniform was the inverse of Data’s here. Orange with a black top. Just to have more contrast.
@whochick07 10 ай бұрын
I love him so much.
@BrianEthridge-wg6ko Ай бұрын
I got to say that was beautiful. Brent spiner is probably the most underrated actor in the world.
@luisrojas4183 Жыл бұрын
@marcw6875 4 ай бұрын
"We are now Lorta! Datore? Nah, still Data. Still Data."
@axelfoley1406 3 ай бұрын
Finally achieved his humanity!
@gorlothmaclaren1924 Ай бұрын
The power of Spot
@emaans 4 ай бұрын
@markdescalzo9404 4 ай бұрын
One cannot, must not, destroy the beast within. To destroy it is destroy one's own self. One must integrate it into one's being. - Carl Jung.....probably.
@UltimateStreamDash 4 ай бұрын
Regarding Lore: There is no way Soong could've deactivated Lore against his will, unless he had a remote off-switch, or, probably more likely, Soong outright deceived Lore and deactivated him under a pretense. Soong has made it clear several times that he considers Data and Lore his children. Now imagine putting your child in a coma because they don't behave the way you wanted them to. And when Lore was reactivated, what was the first thing he saw? It wasn't his father, it was Data - the Android that was supposed to replace him. One that even looks exactly like Lore on the outside. We never saw how Lore interacted with Soong prior to his encounter with the Enterprise-Crew, but the interactions we saw afterwards make it clear that Lore has conflicting feelings about his father. He hates him for the apparent betrayal, yet still loves him and seeks his approval, to the point where, when he learns that Soong is dying, he is initally in denial, despite knowing how old Soong is by human standards. Then he takes the emotion chip, primarily to spite both his father and his brother, but fails to consider the impact of essentially having two emotion-programs running at the same time (Lore already has advanced emotions), leading to him becoming even more unstable. There are undeniably tragic aspects to Lore, despite his malicious actions. Even him calling the Crystalline Entity to destroy the colony can be interpreted a bit more charitably - if Lore considered the possibility of the colonists trying to kill him, he might have set up the message to the Entity as a dead man's switch, making sure that if he were to be killed, he would take the colony with him.
@hardware20x 3 ай бұрын
More like data over powered lore in the end.
@freqnlodown Ай бұрын
A look into the error-correcting process of Data from the perspective of the error it's self.
@legosethan7729 4 ай бұрын
Does anyone know the name of the music in the backround in the very beginning? Its some simphony but i cant figure the name
@superzentredi Ай бұрын
Picard S3 the one bright spot in a dark age of Trek.
@TimeDagar 4 ай бұрын
They didnt "overpower each other" Thats such a glib statement. Data exploited Lores hubris to synergistically become something greater. Data learned in the episode "peak performance" how to win without winning. It was the end result of the fact of life that one can make no mistakes and still lose. (probably the most important lesson in life there is) Lore made an assumption that Data would seek the same goal as he did. And he was wrong.
@EnragedM0nkey Ай бұрын
Imagine if they de-aged Brent and gave him his original makeup.
@c0zn1c Ай бұрын
I was not anticipating how terribly tragic this would be.. 😢 "Goodby, brother." Shit.
@christopherg2347 4 ай бұрын
"Durkon: But be careful. Durkon: B'cause ye know wha ye are if'n ye haf me body an' all me joys an' sorrows? Durkon and "Durkon" (together): Yer me." - Order of the Stick, 1130
@mithiwithi 3 ай бұрын
Exactly my thought.
@binky2301 Ай бұрын
Was that Mr. Tricorder we saw being handed over..?
@Juidodin 4 ай бұрын
it was the lore part who gave him the guts to defeat the borg
@mygaffer Ай бұрын
Picard was so terrible.
@JonathanReynolds1 Ай бұрын
This scene reminds me of Clark Kent defeating Evil Superman in Superman III.
@ces4399 12 күн бұрын
This is reminiscent of the good and bad Captain Kirk going back together.
@axelfoley1406 3 ай бұрын
Yin and Yang.
@mithiwithi 3 ай бұрын
It's kind of uncanny how much this resembles the Durkon vs. his vampire-self conflict in Order of the Stick.
@WORLDSTUDIOS-nl3kk Ай бұрын
The cat is the strongest memory that transform lore to data
@teemum.9023 Ай бұрын
He recovered from a personality disorder
@defender2222 3 ай бұрын
The only change I would have made is that when Data reappears... the light changes not to blue... but Purple. Data and Lore truly mixed together, becoming one whole being.
@trufantom21 Ай бұрын
Geeez I thought Data and Lore couldn't age.
@TheDurid1 Ай бұрын
So.... is this the logical being of TNG embracing emotion and illogic? Amazing concept for the brothers.... or rather one sibling now.
@petera8083 4 ай бұрын
Find it a little amusing when lore before to disappear that he looks like King Charles III
@lordwinton 3 ай бұрын
Data got tricked a time or two but Data kicked lores ass every time
@guysabol8743 Ай бұрын
Cyborgs do not age they remain the same unless the one around them AFFECT a change onto them! And that last GASP of NON breathing the air that Data has done so inthe past JUST to IMITATE life was AFFECTED just for the Cams. Data never NEEDS to breathe! ((see Nemesis where picard's cloned son attempts to take over..they learn Shinzon is a clone of Picard, and DATA "sailed thru space from ship to ship with out needing to breathe the non available air))
@3Rayfire Ай бұрын
Congratulations Lore, you played yourself.
@lordwinton Жыл бұрын
He is Data!
@lordwinton Жыл бұрын
Brent brought it defeating his evil half by joinining
@AzguardMike Жыл бұрын
No no no. I am you and you are me. We are one, and one is we. Dont you see?
@dgoran44 4 ай бұрын
no, data says "...we are one now, we are ME" @@AzguardMike
@Nihm420 4 ай бұрын
Lore got Firelord Ozai'ed.
@harbinger_9152 4 ай бұрын
Is this embracing the shadow?
@user-my9rh7tx1l 4 ай бұрын
Datas experience far out classed Lore. Lore never had a chance.
@Survivingcrafter1808 3 ай бұрын
Always trust the data never the lore
@TheRPGenius Ай бұрын
This is the 1 and only part of Discovery, Picard, or Lower Decks that has managed to be worthy of Star Trek.
@shrews12001 Ай бұрын
If you've only seen this clip, I guess
@shawnafflick1396 4 ай бұрын
I don’t understand why they did not show a memory of “Lal”
@Solitaire001 3 ай бұрын
I strongly agree. Lal was contained within Data, and they could have made it where she was the tipping point between Data and Lore. The love she had for her father would allow the two brothers to reconcile.
@clintmatthews3500 2 ай бұрын
I don’t know. They were so desperate to give Data “daughters” yet completely ignored the existence of Lal. Now I’m not saying they should have brought her back to life, though I wouldn’t have opposed it either, but to have zero acknowledgment of her makes no sense.
@kbanghart 2 ай бұрын
​@@clintmatthews3500well, a big part of S2 was a daughter that Soong was trying to make perfect or whatever. And in S3, when they found Data I think it was explained that Lal was one of the personalities combined in the new hybrid version.
@VulpisFoxfire 4 ай бұрын
Lore never played Strategema...
@williejohnson5807 Ай бұрын
its sad they didnt mention lal datas child...
@abe6495 4 ай бұрын
I thought Data wasn't suppose to age? 🤔
@fefnireindraer144 Ай бұрын
Data is now a mix of Lore and Data so while this was good I'd much rather see him get a new name like Myth.
@jaroslavchladek2183 Жыл бұрын
Soo Basicaly Data erased Lore the way Neo erased Smith in Matrix Revolutions, but opposite Neo Data actually stayed Alive, right?:-))
@AzguardMike Жыл бұрын
and this whole show was just a Mass Effect parody. Complete with Visions (Jack), roaring monolith ships (reepers) and the argument of organic vs synthetics. (season 1)
@knutritter461 5 ай бұрын
No.... Data absorbed Lore and integrated his code into himself. In a way they fused to form one complete personality.
@WarpedFabric 2 ай бұрын
rename the title to trophies and or trojan horse scene.
@blackwlf 4 ай бұрын
Always felt a bit bad for Lore. He really was just made that way.
@kparsa1 4 ай бұрын
I always loved lore
@Solitaire001 3 ай бұрын
What is telling is that in "Brothers" Lore says "You could have fixed me. It was in your power to fix me." Soong basically says that it was too hard to do at that time, essentially blowing off Lore's complaint saying that he was going to get back to him...someday.
@blackwlf 3 ай бұрын
@@Solitaire001 I had always taken that to mean that Lore's brain was too complex for him to fix at that point. He needed to make Data to learn more about where he had gone wrong.
@joetuktyyuktuk8635 4 ай бұрын
Yousel and mesel, is weasel....
@andruism7 4 ай бұрын
Y'know, season 3 actually pissed me off in how good it was. We had to sit through 2 garbage seasons just for them to turn around and say "Haha, just kidding, look what we are ACTUALLY capable of!" It's like, great, I loved it, but at the same time fuck you 😂
@Radb707 3 ай бұрын
All it took was Kurtzman to let go and for Patrick Stewart to lighten up on his conditions (like not being captain of the enterprise again...which they largely honored)
@kbanghart 2 ай бұрын
I liked S1 and 2
@kbanghart 2 ай бұрын
​​@@Radb707has Patrick always had that in his contracts, I wonder? And I also wonder if that's a common thing now with ST, now that we have had so many shows.
@reclaimer3439 4 ай бұрын
SO Neo joined with Agent Smith to defeat him....oh wait wrong franchise. Still this was pulled off WAY better.
@W3-productions Ай бұрын
@orthopedix6202 3 ай бұрын
Sound would make better progress reviewing before post.
@eliekurtz 4 ай бұрын
Good beats evil in the end
@PMMcIntyre 4 ай бұрын
God, I wish this was true. The world is literally run by evil people.
@mpittard21 Жыл бұрын
the only thing I dislike is the final gasp of breath. Why .. ?
@StonyDilithium 11 ай бұрын
Why not? What an odd problem with such a great scene
@Capohanf1 4 ай бұрын
JUST LIKE THE "Good" and "Evil" Captain Kirk in the TOS episode "The Enemy Within". To bad the writers can NOT come up with new story ideas!
@impishrebel5969 4 ай бұрын
Trek has been running for almost 60 years and you expect it to have NEW material? It's exhausted the tap, dude. There's only like 37 unique storylines in fiction, and you want them to reinvent the wheel for the millionth time and make it look like it never had been invented before.
@procta2343 4 ай бұрын
@@impishrebel5969 what they really should have done, is moved forwards with it, after voyager. But they decided to go backwards with it, which has killed it. Picard i recon was a last hope to try and reboot it. But sadly i cannot see it going any further, plus Picard cocked a lot of stuff up too for my liking, Bringing in a new borg in season 2, was just a total joke. Season 3 where they still had to bring in the borg again, with the changelings, i was like for fuck sake, can you not have brought the dominion war into it.
@Capohanf1 4 ай бұрын
YES I DO! And if Paramount would hire really talented writers and directors instead of WOKE Commies bent on "REWRITING" EVERYTHING, they might get some! For example how about telling the Star Trek story from a non-Human/Humanoid viewpoint? Other than Worf, who was raised by Humans ALL Picard's Cast were Humanoid sometimes with the addition of a few forehead ridges or nose bumps! Imagine a Space Station commanded by a Feline with ONLY one Human on the Command Staff! I HAVE! @@impishrebel5969
@bosshog8844 Ай бұрын
I didn't watch picard (why would you?), just this clip. Pretty sure Data blew up in the Nemesis movie.
@Kazuo1G Ай бұрын
There was apparently a backup of Data with Dr. Soong's son. Dr. Soong's son wanted to create a synthetic body to upload his consciousness into, but for some reason or another, he decided not to put himself into it. Instead, he put together the consciousnesses of Data and Lore (as the main ones), B4 (from Nemesis, as secondary), and the memories of Soong's son and Lal (Data's daughter).
@jrmilchling9215 Ай бұрын
But a terrible person
@nwstraith Ай бұрын
The only scene worth watching in Picard. Everything else is garbage.
@scotttild 4 ай бұрын
Rehashed old stories too many story lines with Picard. Gave up on it.
@procta2343 4 ай бұрын
yeah it lost its way for me too, Season 1 practically lost it the direction it was going in, if it ever had one. i still think the final episode, was rewritten, when it got the green light for the second series. Second Series fucked the borg for me, so that put me right off, Came back for the 3rd series, and it was ok watch, but again it dropped off again, so didn't bother watching the end of the series. From what i have seen from the clips, i am not missing much.
@scottfitzpatrick1939 Ай бұрын
New trek is garbage towed by a garbage scow.
@nomadx9399 4 ай бұрын
Them being this old makes ZERO sense
@kerberos623 4 ай бұрын
Its said while he doesnt age like humans he made his apperance like this to better fit in with the people around him that did age.
@Ephisus 4 ай бұрын
The writing in this show is so flat and uninspiring.
@GokouZWAR 2 ай бұрын
Brent spiner is so old. Data wasn’t supposed to age, yet he “intentionally” aged himself because he wanted to experience old age… such bullshit. I wish they had let this damn show die… and now they age BOTH lore AND data… come on… lore wouldn’t have let himself age… he would have stayed young looking because he wanted to be the best android…
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