Star Wars: Attack of The Clones proves Lucas has never been on a date...

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#badmovies #starwars #prequel
Welcome to CineCringe where we watch the best of the worst and the worst of the worst but never anything good- and today we are discussing the latest dog !@#$% that is Star Wars: Attack of The Clones.
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@stvdagger8074 Жыл бұрын
1:00 "it's like the church if they had knights" - Ever hear of the Knights Templars & Knights Hospitalers?
@jean-paulaudette9246 Жыл бұрын
"A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge, and defense, and cheating at gambling (but only when they feel like it). NEVER for attack, except when they want to propel objects or enemies into others at high speed. I don't care how calm and at peace y'are, that's always damn funny." --Yoda
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
He is defending Obi-Wan and Anakin, if you are serious.
@jculver1674 Жыл бұрын
Consider that this came out in 2002, the same year as movies like LOTR The Two Towers, Spider-Man, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Minority Report, Black Hawk Down, etc. Movies with great storytelling and beautiful lines of dialogue, being made for a fraction of Star Wars' budget, and the best Lucas can come up with is CGI bug monsters and "I don't like sand". This trilogy was supposed to center around the Clone Wars, yet the war is almost entirely fought offscreen. Lucas should've put the war front-and-center, given us a ton of epic battle scenes, and kept the mopey Young Adult soap opera in the background.
@stefanlaskowski6660 Жыл бұрын
He should have skipped the prequels entirely and continued with Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewbacca in quality sequels. Instead the prequels seem like Lucas was just phoning it in. Don't get me started on where the sequels went wrong... 🤬
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
TPM shows why Anakin is so important, his strong attachment to his mom, why Obi-Wan wasn't right teacher to him, why he hates Tatooine, Jedi rules, Palpatine becoming chancellor, world building, etc...And of course, podracing and Darth Maul. AOTC actually tells a great story (Palpatine's rise to power by manipulation Republic and Separatists, Anakin's progression of falling to the Dark Side, start of the Clone Wars), develops characters, shows us real war, new planets, species, ships, droids, world, and has strong connection with 1 and 3. What does ROTS show us? The largest battle in the Clone Wars, deaths of Dooku and Grievous, Kashyyk battle, Anakin's conflict with Jedi and himself, his weakness (save who he loves), which perfectly works with saving Luke, Palpatine's manipulation and rise to power, Order 66, 2 amasing final battles and the creation of Darth Vader and Empire, birth of Luke and Leia, new hope. It is the most meaningful meaning for the whole Galaxy and is the most emotional.
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
Palpatine uses Trade Federation to invade Naboo, plays a victum card and burocracy and becomes Chancellor. He through revolutionary Dooku orchestares Separatist movement to create outside enemy (typical dictator move), to get reason to start the war, get emergency powers, make Jedi look like agressive soldiers, conquer all the Galaxy in the "uniting it again" process and then executes all the Jedi, plays the security card and dictates the Empire, also destroying last of Separatists. That's actually brilliant.
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
The reason we didn't see the Clone War through all trilogy is because life of heroes didn't depend on it and it wasn't war for their survival as in OT, it was polotical game controlled by Palpatine from both sides. Separatists were destined to lose and Republic - take over whole Galaxy to become Empire, the ultimate purpose of the clone army was to eliminate the Jedi. Therefore only important parts were the setup for the war, how it started and how it ended. And those were presented gloriously.
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
@@rogercase9982 Grow out of logical thinking? You wish.
@visualartsbyjr2464 Жыл бұрын
Really needed rewrites and Lucas really needed a no person(s) for these movies. I really like the idea of filming it from different perspectives other than Anakin
@warnegoodman Жыл бұрын
Yeah a real issue with the prequels is that it feels like there was no real plan from the get go. Sadly a mistake the sequel trilogy would repeat even worse.
@poeleabois Жыл бұрын
You guys should watch the Auralnauts' re-dubs, starting with Episode 1 : Jedi Party
@minakat369 Жыл бұрын
Anakin: "What are midi-chlorians? Qui-Gon: "Heroin"
@davewolf6256 Жыл бұрын
"Who are the Jedi?" Well, the Jedi are most directly based on the Samurai class of Feudal Japan as depicted in Kurosawa films (or, Lucas' understanding of it). So in that context, the Jedi were imagined as a lost military class. This is referenced by the fact Leia refers to Obi Wan as "General Kenobi." But since there is a religious aspect to the Jedi that seems very Catholic, I will remind you that the Roman Church used to be a major military association that united all of Western Europe's Christians. As an institution, the Vatican still swings above its weight regarding formal diplomatic power. The Holy See has the same formal powers in the United Nations as Palestine: a country defined by a defined body of land, with a formal governing body, and a unifying cultural identity. Let that sink in.
@davewolf6256 Жыл бұрын
There is an angle the movie could've factored more heavily into the plot: that the Jedi are being supplanted by the technology of their adversaries. It's symbolized within the movie by the Clone Troopers, but, like, make it literal. As in, Obi Wan Kenobi tries to use his powers tactically against Jango Fett but his armor doesn't budge. And that would set up Yoda deflecting all of Christopher Lee's telekinetic assaults as being more impressive. I think Lucas really just made Jango Fett OP because of fan service due to the fact Boba Fett is unintentionally the most popular character in the Star Wars franchise. Lucas really has some contempt for the Star Wars fandom. Another thing, make the Jedi sexier? Well it occurred to me that Anakin taming the charging rhino animal was probably meant to be a character progression set up by the scene with the ass cows. If you really wanted Anakin to be sexy, don't put him in a thong like you all thought. Instead make him young and angsty, but in the end he learns how to tame a wild animal. But I think either Lucas or one of the producers said, "We have to have Natalie show skin, because it's men who will come to this movie looking to get turned on." On the other hand, what turns on young boys in these movies is, ironically, Anakin's dark, sexless costume. Did I mention I think Lucas has contempt for the Star Wars fandom? My last thought is also about how Lucas' very male cishet prospective affected the story. When Episode 3 came out, I was disappointed because I had imagined since Episode 1 that Anakin and Amidala had an affair. I mentioned this to my father, an old school, mildly geekish Star Wars fan, and he said that that wouldn't work because that wouldn't be romantic. Well I've heard that perspective said in other contexts, mostly by men, sometimes by women. But I think that's wrong-headed. Ever heard of Tristan and Isolde, and the idea that sex is "wrong," but the wronger it is the more you want it? That sentence has more sex appeal than Star War Episode 2.
@m.e.3862 Жыл бұрын
I always thought the Jedi were a mix of samurai and knights Templar.
@m.e.3862 Жыл бұрын
This movie made me hate the Jedi. They came across as idiots who couldn't even see the evil in front of them. And their grand reveal on Geonosis looked stupid instead of awesome. They all threw off their cloaks and then started waving their sabers around like 5yr olds playing with cardboard wrapping paper tubes and striking "ka-ra-tay"poses. They looked like the dumbass town gangers with katanas in Yojimbo; the ones Toshiro Mifune laughs at before he kills 5 of them in 2 strokes. 😛
@dredyoung1 Жыл бұрын
The Padme movie...dude that makes a lot of fckn sense man
@Kasino80 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: the first time we ever see a light sabre dismembering someone is in episode 4 in Mos Eisley, and it DOESN'T caurtorise the wound. The blood still flows from the arm on the floor.
@grife3000 Жыл бұрын
I never blamed either Anakin (or Jar Jar). When you can make Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman act like they're playing realistic pieces of cardboard, it's clear that the problem is in the writing and direction. I bet Lucas is still miffed that Liam actually put a bit of color and emotion into Qui Gon. And yes, the Kenner Droid Factory (TM) fight was horribly long. Even if we know they survive (because it's a prequel, duh), I soon started not to care.
@robertoliver7368 Жыл бұрын
So... I know WAY too much about Star Wars, but here's what happened to the drug dealer on Coruscant. Basically he went home and rethought his life. He ended up becoming an advocate for the people on his level.
@brianwashines2645 Жыл бұрын
"The Simpsons" had the same criticism that Lucas had lost track of what inspired these movies to begin with but gradually realized what these movies were supposed to be. Blockbuster versions of film serials and b-movies from the '50s enmeshed with samurai/knight mythos. He did need to benefit from a co-writer, someone like David Koepp, or Lawrence Kasdan from the original trilogy. At least someone who can help craft characters that don't sound and behave so "manufuctured". But as dark as it would get it still earned a PG rating as the prior 4 films had. I think this significant when talking about how we approach Lucas' direction and sensibility in an age where PG-13 more than anything is the marketable film rating.
@jean-paulaudette9246 Жыл бұрын
16:01 LOL Funny, you thought of Mortal Kombat, with due cause...When Y-dogg redirected Dookie's electro, I thought of Big Trouble In Little China, when Egg Shen used a mylar-foil fan to deflect Lo Pan's lightning.
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
Count Dooku is the most interesting minor villain, he left Jedi order and Republic because of corruption, burocracy, stagnation and passivity (and we know he is right). His age speak about his experience. Also he was Qui-Gon's master, who also was very rebel Jedi. He knew about Empire and planned to overthrow Palpatine when it will be created.
@brocktungsten6060 Ай бұрын
Yoda's description of the force in The Empire Strikes Back might have painted George Lucas into a thematic corner. Staying with the mystical nature of the force demands the building of a spiritual/theological story to underpin the development of Anakin into a Jedi. But with the force pushed into the background Yoda's speech could reveal the result of his personal journey, during his exile, into its true nature.
@mikesilva3868 Жыл бұрын
How do you know if a fisherman is single? He’ll be a Master Baiter🤣
@thomasgriffiths6758 11 ай бұрын
The church did have knights they were called the Knights Templar.
@dermotmcdermott6890 Жыл бұрын
I found it extremely hard to relate to any of the decisions that most of the characters made. If you are going to make Anakin a childish sociopath fine, but not at the expense of other characters agency or common sense
@alexmacdougall5700 Жыл бұрын
The last time I watched this one of the things that really stood out to me is for about 45 minutes there are 2 active story lines going on. Obi looking into the army and padme and anakins romance. And BOTH story lines are so boring that although they keep going back and forth between them in an attempt, I assume, to keep your attention I had to just fast forward through it. as bad as the sequel trilogy is at least its brain dead fun. where this is just mind numbing drudgery.
@ryankieth1675 Жыл бұрын
I genuinely feel sorry for you for putting yourselves through watching this tripe a second time.
@DIEGhostfish 4 ай бұрын
1:11 But the church DID have Knights./
@warnegoodman Жыл бұрын
One movie I'd be interested to hear your perspective on is Ben Hur (2016). It's a movie that flopped massively and got terrible reviews, but I genuinely loved it. I think most people were put off by it being a remake of a classic (never mind that the 50s version was itself a remake of a classic), and unfavorably compared it to that movie. But I thought it changed up the story in some very interesting ways, and had a much more nuanced view of the imperial soldiers and the subject people both being trapped in an impossible situation. But maybe I'm too forgiving to it, so I'd be interested to see what you guys think, because literally nobody talks about this movie.
@jculver1674 Жыл бұрын
I liked it. Not quite as good as the original, but still worth the watch. Having a recognizable star in the lead would've probably helped a lot with the box office; the original had Charlton Heston (who was a HUGE star back in the '50s) and replacing him with a nobody in the remake was not a good move.
@ThatShyGuyMatt Жыл бұрын
Only good scenes in this one were seeing Jango Fett, the Jedi being taken out and some would say the Galactic Senate voting, but that one is mainly for the lore of it all.
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
Count Dooku scenes? Geonosis battle? Coruscant chase? Anakin finding his mother?
@grayowl7581 Жыл бұрын
When in Starwars have Jedi ever been consistently powered? Even in the OT Luke went from holding his own against the most powerful force user in history to being captured by a bunch of drunk bounty hunters at Jabbas palace. Also Jango was a trained Mandolorian foundling and the Mandolorians have always been able to hold their own against the Jedi, they fought wars against the Jedi for centuries.
@grife3000 Жыл бұрын
Are you kidding? Luke let himself be captured. It was the only way. With a thorough investigation into Jabba's history, he knew that the only way to take down the entire organization was to force Jabba to put them onto three skiffs, trick Jabba into bringing R2 along, and then leave them all burning in the desert. It was particularly clever sending in Leia, as he knew that Jabba couldn't resist dressing her as a sex slave ironically using a dark chain of destiny to keep her in place. I mean that one action was simply enough to let Yoda know that he was ready for his final test with Vader.
@christopherplummer1299 Жыл бұрын
The only way I see Jedi working is that they are extremely uncommon and actually very small in number. The loss of even one is a consequential blow to the jedi order. The prequels made them far too common and large in numbers to seem balanced in any way.
@chriscarlton-bishop2339 Жыл бұрын
I really enjoy both of your commentaries - the amount of time I've said "Exactly, right??" out loud in my home while I'm watching your analysis is in the double digits now. Really intelligent and fun takes on these films.
@samueltheprideofafrikarobi9319 Жыл бұрын
The inconsistency in the ability of a Jedi to handle the Fett's, or mandalorians in general, is purely a construct of the fans. It's not a desire for the story to be told in a certain way for a certain reason. In the original trilogy, Boba Fett was a bounty hunter. And quite frankly, he was a terrible one. He was very little to the original story other than a hired minion, and he died in a very unceremonious way as most minions do. But because he had a jetpack, didn't have any lines and wore a cool looking outfit, the fanbase took him and ran with him and he became bigger than what he was ever intended to be. In the wake of the imagined badassness of a very mediocre character the entire race of the mandalorians was born who all wear that same type of armor and we are given a reason as to why he never showed his face or spoke in the 10 minutes that you saw him in the original trilogy. Now here George Lucas is decades later making the new prequels, and he's stuck having to make the Fetts a much bigger deal than they would have been if that character had never gain its surprise popularity because if he didn't, the fans would go insane. So a Jedi who fights one-on-one with a sith lord who's the apprentice of the emperor himself has to be forced to struggle against a guy with a jetpack and a blaster, because.......fandom. Also, what you guys said about the weakness of an entire army of Jedi in a clinch is something that I've been saying for a very long time. Both the Jedi Purge and Order 66 were truncated all to hell and were badly handled in the prequels. Later video games and Disney approved fanfiction have gone a long way in trying to make this more of a death by attrition and direct sith intervention, but for the sake of being brief, I'll simply submit the idea that this is something that should have had either its own standalone movie or an entire series dedicated to it given the define skill set of the order. Especially the masters. Because it shouldn't have been as easy for the empire to destroy the Jedi order as it was portrayed in the Lucas prequel films.
@Eljettto1877 Жыл бұрын
You need to make a video on birdemic shock and terror
@darinfoat8410 Жыл бұрын
Aside from the dreadful writing and the wooden performances, I also think that this is a really ugly film visually. Particularly the scenes on Geonosis. The color palette is awful, the frame is always cluttered. It’s just unpleasant to look at.
@ricey23 Жыл бұрын
Unironically ep3 ia my 3rd favourite of the 9
@warnegoodman Жыл бұрын
It starts out really strong with the rescue mission, and landing the ship as it's breaking apart. But then, sadly, people start talking and it's all downhill from there.
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
It is the best one.
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
@@warnegoodman "I can't pay attention to dialogue, movie bad..."
@rambofan334 Жыл бұрын
@@user-xx6vy9ri8p Or maybe it's because it has dialogue that makes a middle school play look like a Quentin Tarantino film.
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
@@rambofan334 Example? I can pick some great dialogue - "twice the pride, double the fall", "This is how liberty dies - with thunderous applause", "You have become the very thing you swore to destroy"...
@Trenchcoat3 Жыл бұрын
Americans questioning their place in the world what? That’s a weird one 😂
@geoffmason7215 Жыл бұрын
wasn't the best but enjoyed this one
@VilleHalonen Жыл бұрын
Chris's idea of the trilogy sounds really cool! Re: keeping peace with light sabers. The first Star Wars movie *was*, among other things, a Vietnam allegory where the good guys were not the U.S. So I wouldn't put it past Lucas to try his hand at something similar later on either. Anyway, this movie killed my faith in my critical faculties in a movie theater. When I walked out of the theater, I knew there were a couple of things I didn't like about it, but all the WHOOSH and ZOWIE and KAPOWW made me ecstatic and I was happy that Star Wars had Stars and Wars again! Upon rewatch, however... So, with some movies, I'm kind of happy to have an ecstatic movie theater experience and never watch said movie again. It's happened with every Star Wars movie since; with Ep7, I made the mistake of rewatching it at home.
@DIEGhostfish 4 ай бұрын
That's vastly, VASTLY exaggerated. Lucas had Kronkite Poisoning, but not THAT severely.
@ashkaunadib7638 Жыл бұрын
The action in this movie is awesome and honestly outweighs the bad love story stuff.
@sol_stapleton Жыл бұрын
where is ep 3
@warnegoodman Жыл бұрын
Sorry but cinecringe is no more, the sand got them.
@eiden5778 Жыл бұрын
Attack of the clones has fantastic worldbuilding
@rambofan334 Жыл бұрын
And? It's not a lore book, it's a movie.
@eiden5778 Жыл бұрын
@@rambofan334 Yeah a fantasy movie. The only problem I have with it is the dialogue at parts as well as some of the performances. I enjoy the worldbuilding, story, characters, lore, action, effects quite a lot. Its a movie, its entertainment, its fantasy, there’s more than one thing to enjoy lol. Its fine of you dont like it I just said the part I think is great, since the person in the video says theres nothing at all good about it. The worldbuilding is important in fantasy and something that severely lacked in the sequels, part of why those are much less rewatchable (many other reasons too though)
@mappes1 Жыл бұрын
A Crime Drama with paperwork is boring? You and Simone should watch the wire and then you will change your mind.
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
Lucas was married twice and still is. Are you?
@andrendenum1isanidiot412 Жыл бұрын
are you tryin to say that being married is the sign that someone is good at relationships? because then wouldnt the fact that he had to do it twice indicate he ISNT good at it? secondly, pretty sure george is married and so is Chris considering how often he mentions "caroline and i"
@BlackavarWD Жыл бұрын
@@andrendenum1isanidiot412 Being super-duper rich really helps with the whole dating and marriage inconveniences. 😆
@CelestialWoodway Жыл бұрын
Star Wars should have ended in 1983 after Return Of The Jedi. I suspect both of you may have never even seen the original theatrical versions of the original trilogy which is incredibly sad.
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace is... a movie. 🤷‍♂️
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