Starfield's Universe Makes No Sense - Excerpt from 'Starfield's Writing Is Pure Cringe"

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Big Boy Beli

Big Boy Beli

5 ай бұрын

#Skyrim #fallout4 #Starfield
Watch the full review here:
Part 1:
• Starfield's Writing Is...
Part 2:
• Starfield's Writing Is...
Bethesda's creative Writing hasn't been in the best of shapes for quite a few years now. I think Starfield sets a new low in this regard (and a few others).
Here, I want to focus on writing and storytelling exclusively, as I am not the best person to be reviewing all the gamey bits. I don't care about them as much, and I don't think the abysmall writing in Bethesda games has been discussed enough.
I'm using clips from a few brilliant youtubers, mainly:
/ @mauleryt
Ryan George:
/ @pitchmeetings
/ @generalkidd
/ @rohlix
/ @trophygamers
/ @dare_to_game
/ @belisaurusgaming6192

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@BigBoyBelisaurus 5 ай бұрын
Watch the full review here: Part 1: Part 2:
@HelloKolla 5 ай бұрын
Disagree about your bit about the silliness in Fallout. The non-Bethesda Fallouts managed to be humorous and in line with the aesthetic and theme of the series, but it also made logical sense in terms of stuff like how they got food and water, trade routes etc. Again, it's the world building of the Bethesda Fallouts 3 and 4 that makes no sense, which were coincidentally BOTH written by Emil. Heck, the writers of Fallout 1, 2 and NV had the likes of Tim Cain, Chris Avellone and Josh Sawyer, some of the best in the industry, especially Avellone, who wrote Planescape - Torment and KOTOR II. Of course Emil's nonsense didn't stand a chance.
@BigBoyBelisaurus 5 ай бұрын
I meant Bethesda fallout mainly. It's a bit absurd but it mostly defends itself with self-awareness. Not the best defense, but some defense. Starfield universe behaves as if it has a broomstick up it's arse, but lacks even the most basic internal consistency. For the classic Fallout I'm not even prepared to make statements like those, would need to replay them.
@Gnuggk89 5 ай бұрын
To me alot of the f3 and f4 world makes no sense, but it stays on theme. And the theme is kind of fun. However it does undermines alot of the quests and story narratives.
@jks7556 5 ай бұрын
They had some sillness of the same randomness as in New Vegas, especially the wild wasteland land perk. Such as the tardis.
@HelloKolla 5 ай бұрын
@@jks7556 glad you mentioned NV, since I think it handled the silly stuff perfectly; the writers just said "all the wacky stuff can only be experienced if you pick the perk that turns you into a schizo", thereby making said wacky stuff not canon to the actual setting; it's just the mad visions of a mental Courier.
@Heyoka86 5 ай бұрын
Dumpster fire Starfield aside, it's tragic how Bethesda butchered the Fallout IP.
@LandStrider23 5 ай бұрын
Don't worry, it'll be even more tragic when they butcher the Elder Scrolls IP next
@silentios7336 5 ай бұрын
Well we have seen bigger ones fall down, I'm not surprised any more. Tripple A?? Quadruple A??? Yeah piles of sh!t.
@tjroelsma 5 ай бұрын
1. A lot of names sound and feel like place-holders, later to be worked out, but somehow that never happened. 2. The same goes for many of the 1,000 planets: they have been created, needed to be fleshed out, but instead are filled by procedural generation. 3. The storyline just feels hastily put together, so the player has at least SOMETHING to do in this vast universe. I still believe that Todd Howard only focused on having (drum-roll Maestro please) "The Largest Open Playing Field Ever" (the word "open" is very disputable) and totally ignored that all those worlds needed to be filled with things to do for the player. Then, when he had achieved his goal, he told the rest of the developers to "wrap things up", so only what they already had appeared in the game, using said procedural generation for the rest. The thing is that Starfield could have been so much better if it had started out with a more modest sized playground, only to have constant DLC's adding to it and therefore bit by bit expanding the playground.
@2138Dude 5 ай бұрын
The storyline is a repeating fetch quest. Go there and pick up an artifact. Thats every main quest mission. Also some main quest missions don't even have dialogues, and are AI generated. Kek
@tcat7576 5 ай бұрын
You're totally missing the point. The meaning of life is to COLLECT ARTIFACT$. Questioning who created the artifacts and to what end is pointless, as is developing any meaningful relationships or overall philosophy in the process. Sure, your life may ring hollow when you reach the end and you simply die with a bunch of artifact$ but Bethesda saves you from this! With NG+ you can go on collecting artifact$ FOREVER! THIS. IS. BETHE$DA!
@jennydeaf9O9 5 ай бұрын
I love how casually hilarious this channel is. As if dude doesn't even know I just busted two ribs open in the first 5 minitues of this vid.
@cargorunner9960 5 ай бұрын
When a popular franchise can generate hundreds of millions of dollars. What kind of studio management decides to invest almost nothing in developing the new world lore? The world lore is simply critical for a new RPG franchise. But they have created a world at peace with nothing going on. They create a world that is an inconsistent random list of elements from other games & movies. They decide to create a future world where vehicles, phones, maps, communications and even the wheel are all things of the past. It is almost impossible to believe a studio who's success was all founded from great writing & world lore. Could then decide to do the total opposite and create a world so boring, incosistent & unbelievable that it kills immersion and stops you wanting to spend any time in that game world. Absolutely tragic
@TheGallantDrake 2 ай бұрын
As long as they make money, they think they're fine.
@cosmocosmandoo9074 5 ай бұрын
love this channel, found it recently. great editing, also concise reviewing. looking forward to more content!!!
@graysenm1320 5 ай бұрын
You make great videos man. Please keep it up!
@andrade9172 5 ай бұрын
What other games do you plan on covering on the future?
@joemama114 5 ай бұрын
Honestly I had a great deal of fun for the first say 40 levels of the game. Flat out ignored everything that was a main quest and did side shit, being a random bounty hunter in space, stealing and killing and dogfighting. The main quest lines really bogged the game down for me.
@schalitz1 5 ай бұрын
"space California," and "space Texas." Couldn't have put it better myself 😂😂😂.
@charleszp938 5 ай бұрын
You forgot to mention the whole war bit. The details are unclear, since all my info is from an 8-hour long video, but it essentially goes like this, I think. The UC builds a medic space station. The space station joins the Freestar Collective, emphasis on it being a collective btw, it will come up later, fearing being shutdown by the UC. The UC considers it a hostile act, and declare war against the Freestar. The Freestar, at the cusp of winning, decide to make peace. They sign a treaty saying that both factions will only ever allow themselves to possess 3 star systems each, so as to not gain an advantage over the other faction. (WHAT!?) Now, the Collective's nature as a collective implies that they don't actually do any colonization from the start, as settlers would settle, and THEN join the Collective. There's also the magnetosphere climate change allegory that makes less than no sense, too.
@BigBoyBelisaurus 5 ай бұрын
"There's also the magnetosphere climate change allegory that makes less than no sense, too." In the longer video, from which this is cut out, I talk about this problem a bit. Got a mild tiny backlash for my climate change views I've never even expressed. That's the Interwebs.
@charleszp938 5 ай бұрын
@@BigBoyBelisaurus oh, sorry about that. I've been in a Starfield criticism black hole recently, and everything sort of blends together.
@hankdedalus 5 ай бұрын
Let's not even get into how the FC made the UC stop using bio weapons and cloning for warfare, then the UC makes the FC stop using Mechs and Militia. Yet the UC still uses cloning. Also the snake cult is just there being kinda useless.
@GothicXlightning 5 ай бұрын
don't you guys love those Creepy little Nerdy Eyes of Todd Howard's ? they have that 16x better sight range about them
@sidvanhound 5 ай бұрын
You ! Yes You BBB. I bought Far Harbour after you mentioned it. It's now in my Library. I'll probably never play it. Palworld rules.
@BigBoyBelisaurus 5 ай бұрын
Give it a try. It has nice soundtrack and it's nice for settlement building, and it has some cool new weapons. Overall, it's a good time. Pity the characters are mostly morons.
@PwnySlaystation01 5 ай бұрын
I'm only in the first minute, but is this a reupload? I could swear I've already watched this video from you
@Soapy-chan 5 ай бұрын
i have the same feeling, maybe it's from his main channel?
@John-fk2ky 5 ай бұрын
It’s literally in the opening title. It’s an excerpt from the longer review.
@BigBoyBelisaurus 5 ай бұрын
And it's also hinted at in the pinned comment. I will use bigger font next time, for crying out loud...
@Soapy-chan 5 ай бұрын
@@John-fk2ky In the notification the title doesn't say the excerpt thing and when I opened the video on the mobile app it didnt show it there either
@Soapy-chan 5 ай бұрын
​@@BigBoyBelisaurus In the notification the title doesn't say the excerpt thing and when I opened the video on the mobile app it didnt show it there either and also the pinned comment didn't show up there
@JumpingCheater 5 ай бұрын
Really amazing editing! I loved all these jokes and references
@shishkebaba 5 ай бұрын
the editing on this channel is hilarious
@krabbshaq3751 2 ай бұрын
its inspiring to see someone gain traction on a brand new channel. very good work
@ertymexx 5 ай бұрын
Thing is, they could have done deep and serious. But they didn't even do that. And the main theme of exploration was completely botched when every single planet you can visit is already brimming with colonies, outposts and military bases. What are you exploring? Where everyone has gone before? And then the Game+, where you boldly go to a carbon copy universe to do all of that over and over again? That is not discovery, that is the exact opposite.
@EatWave 5 ай бұрын
19:30 Specifically the cartoon it is like is "Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends: The Crime of All Centuries". It was a silly idea back then and the absurdity compounds with each new attempt to make the concept work in more series sci-fi.
@NicholasBrakespear 5 ай бұрын
The lore in the Bethesda Fallout titles makes no sense, and no excuses should be given for it - it's not how the original lore functioned at all, and Bethesda's misuse of it demonstrates very clearly their inability to understand the source material. It's not imaginative, it's childish, and nothing lines up, and nothing actually forms a coherent world. How could it? They don't know what that world is supposed to be, and fundamentally failed to grasp the the most basic building blocks of the franchise. Everything that was wrong with Starfield can be seen plainly in all their games after Morrowind; the only thing masking this incompetence... was the lingering presence of the older, better writing by people who evidently didn't work on the later games. I think that's actually the defining flaw in Starfield as a whole - it was the first game they'd worked on in a very long time... with lore that hadn't been prepared for them by better writers. It was the first time they'd "started fresh". It was the first time we'd seen a true Bethesda game, laid bare.
@cynic5581 5 ай бұрын
‘Spacer’ is a science fiction term that’s been used for nearly a century for someone that lives and works in space. I think key to that is the word ‘fiction’. In every work of science fiction I assume nothing is similar to the way non fictional logic would dictate until it presents itself that way. This applies to my morals, logic, what drives me, etc etc. People in a fictional universe won’t share those things with me because they were raised in a fictional universe. What seems dumb for me wouldn’t seem dumb for then. This is a good way to do the mental gymnastics required to hand wave the “dumb” out of all science fiction. I think in Starfield they did a poor job of illustrating that to the player and took themselves way too seriously (like you mention). Because of that there is little room for you to explain away why people are doing the things they do that would otherwise seem illogical. For example in Outer Worlds you understand why everyone is so dumb due to corporate brainwashing “It's not the best choice, it's Spacer's Choice" (Btw there is that spacers word again). That isn’t there in Starfield so the NPCs and their stories don’t resonate with the player.
@kimmoruohoniemi7158 5 ай бұрын
Companion storyline and dialogue is worst in Bethesda games ever in this game. Its just so silly and shallow. Plus, the game does not keep tally of what you do, as when I broke up with Sarah, she just forgot we had been married IN A WEEK, and so, I just wooed and married her again! And this after all the updates. Trash.
@joemama114 5 ай бұрын
Bruh, if I saw that version of intersetllar, I'd be all for it, random mech suits, lasers, mind controlled dinosaurs, it's a cocain nightmare and I'm for it.
@pizzatime2527 5 ай бұрын
Yeah the world building is like there was no design document or cohesion during development. It's way into the future and everyone talks/behaves like modern day California. There's no futuristic culture or politics or morals. There are no roads or vehicles of any sort. Cities are congested plots of buildings in the middle of a field with no outskirts. Cell phones, internet, general communication doesn't exist. There's very little lore. The cowboy town has dirt roads. Factions are all just sitting around and kicking it. There's no stakes or big-bad or overarching enemy to topple. Never before seen alien temples located right next to research outposts. Overwhelming amount of characters are androgynous or slightly fruity in a PG Disney movie sort of way. Constellation come across as pretentious. Fresh edible food and live plants out in the open on moons with no atmosphere. On Mars I found a POI with OUTDOOR plants/foliage. On some random inhospitable moon I found a colony of people living in unsealed, uninhabitable shipping containers. There's no flags or rules to make sure POIs only generate where plausible. Like, every kind of fictitious world you find in media (books, movies, games, etc) still establishes RULES of that world so that you can suspend your disbelief, but Starfield doesn't even get there. It's full of glaring, massive holes that make it impossible to immerse yourself. It's like a 12 year old put together the world building.
@FecklessCowboy 5 ай бұрын
The game is BAD... yet I love playing it while watching videos bashing it. Albeit, I am not normal. I have some fun musings about the game. The "ESG," Wink Wink, elements were clearly the main aspects of the game because they used the ESG money to revamp The Creation engine. To counteract this there is a LOT of hidden "Right Wing" messaging. When ESG scores/funding are banned they will use this fact to gaslight the player base while claiming the game is secretly a "critique of ESG culture." That was their intentions, at least, before Emil Pagliarulo wrote the entire main story to promote Scientology; oh, the KZfaq videos that will be made when everyone realizes this fact. Maybe that is the real reason why he was fired? I say ESG because the other words are banned by KZfaq; because they take ESG money.
@Loromir17 5 ай бұрын
Emil is fired?
@FecklessCowboy 4 ай бұрын
@@Loromir17 Formally? No. Mark my words; He will not be working under BGS by TESVI release. Potentially sooner; depending on the Post-release success of Starfield DLC.
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 5 күн бұрын
@Shadowhunterbg 5 ай бұрын
Cowboy cities... What makes Bethesda think that a mixed population would like such a thing? It is safe to assume that "cowboy culture" is mostly liked by just americans. I for one am not a fan.
@BigBoyBelisaurus 5 ай бұрын
I'm a Pole, I don't mind it. It's just it looks hilarious in the space exploration era. Could have been pulled off better. Just go a bit deeper into what it is culturally and why it's been adopted, instead of brushing it off with a meta joke. But going deeper into it would require some knowledge and some positive attitude towards it, and I bet Beth guys weren't interested in any of that.
@aralornwolf3140 5 ай бұрын
It makes sense in certain contexts. Firefly has high tech worlds which put the UC to shame... while also having planets where riding horses is the most common transportation method. The planets with horses are sparsely populated worlds with very little advanced tech. Probably because the colonists didn't have the $$$ or the means to secure high tech solutions. Then there are colonies which desire to be ecologically sound, so they refuse to use high tech devices, unless there aren't any other options, on the planetary surface, thus they too travel by horse. This design choice _must_ be explained in universe. Why is there a faction who's capital is directly taken from a 1800's US Mid-West town?
@dessertstorm7476 Ай бұрын
universe doesnt make sense. lol. expand your mind. Its a multiverse, it makes sense when you expand your mind
@BigBoyBelisaurus Ай бұрын
Oh yeah, "expand your mind! Open yourself to the amazing possibilities of some npcs having slightly different dialogue, or some events happening in a marginally different order! WOW!"
@Varyn_TV 5 ай бұрын
I love so much that you used the RA3 Tim Curry quote about capitalism. So over-the-top and stupid that he couldn't finish a take without laughing. You're 100% right by the way, BGS haven't understood 'nuance' in a long time.
@Joseph-wh5of 5 ай бұрын
I dont get why people think fewer planets mean more handcrafted content? There would still be the same amount of handcrafted elements, but with fewer planets. If there were only 5 planets, 99% of each planet, you would still be empty. The number of planets in the game affects nothing. It's an open world space game. Every game like starfield needs to use procedural generation. It would be impossible otherwise.
@eamonreidy9534 Ай бұрын
The criticism is for how it is done. You can't visit four distant locations across the universe and see the exact same building each time
@peterlawson8040 14 күн бұрын
@irtdome9522 5 ай бұрын
Kinda funny though... people complaining for decades at this point, that no choice truly matters in a Bethesda game. So to all that feedback they now add a plot device now which they encourage the player to use, to make the non existing choices even more useless? God bless Tod (he himself just incase someone is confused)
@DeloresGutkowski 5 ай бұрын
'Promosm' 🌈
@user-np4xv4sr4s 5 ай бұрын
Space California 😂😂
@jameshughes3014 5 ай бұрын
For a game with a wild crazy concept where, once you go into the new game plus you fly around your sperm ship, fighting other sperm ships trying to get into the egg shaped 'unity' , just so you can be 'starborn'... the writing really does feel completely phoned in and shallow. The world makes no sense.
@kukipett 5 ай бұрын
You have to understand, those guys at Bethesda are getting old, they realize that they will soon face the end and as they have spent most of their life making games they need to get serious. But they are serious in a Sam way, so it's kinda weird and their existential questions and solutions are cringe and childish. When the lead writer explains that the average player doesn't care about details and just wants to have fun blowing up things and that in this case a simple story line full of plot hole and inconsistencies is good enough. Bethesda is the perfect example of the good enough, and after so many years they are reaching the ultimate goal of good enough, Starfield and maybe they will still improve it for ES6, if Microsoft doesn't dismantle Bethesda in the following years.
@BigBoyBelisaurus 5 ай бұрын
But it isn't even good enough. FO4 was "good enough". This is just uninspired game design on top of a non-story.
@axelhopfinger533 5 ай бұрын
That's what i've been saying. Starfields world building and entire setting just doesn't work. And the abysmal writing doesn't exactly help to overlook that. It's one of the most boring, vapid, generic, nonsensical, inconsistent, superficial, thoughtless and unimmersive Sci-Fi settings ever devised. As if it was all created by AI.
@Loromir17 5 ай бұрын
Writing AIs actually write some mad avant-garde shit.
@Varyn_TV 5 ай бұрын
Bad story telling, yet another casualty of the competency problem. This game wouldn't have been "deep" a decade ago. I have more fun playing Starfield just RPing whatever BS story my character is on at the moment than doing any of the nonsense stories, but then again that's the point. All BGS games are just interactive choose your own adventure games. They provide a base layer of content to entice you in just long enough to play a handful of generic playstyles only to quit and never play again because it's boring and scripted nonsense. But lets not pretend Skyrim was any different, it only distracted us with a fantastical world. The "real" topics were bland and boring and addressed in the most fence-sitting way imaginable.
@kingbugs3558 5 ай бұрын
I'm of the opinion that Bethesda peaked at Daggerfall. Most of their games rely on vibes rather than good mechanics and solid writing.
@JIMJAMSC 5 ай бұрын
I bet you are a blast at parties. That is if you every got invited to one.
@BigBoyBelisaurus 5 ай бұрын
It's been a while. Too much editing to do.
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 5 күн бұрын
Doubt it.
@silentios7336 5 ай бұрын
We should all be thankful for the fact that BGS showed us that all this woke nonsense doesn't work. Sorry Tod you're engine is outdated. Also adding more doesn't mean it gets better. "Just have a gander in seat next to you what your future looks like" ~ Al "the legend" Bundy
@aralornwolf3140 5 ай бұрын
Starfield isn't woke. Not even close. Bugsthesda is just _pandering_ to the left... and anyone who isn't an idiot can see it for what it is.
@aftergrass6302 3 ай бұрын
​@@aralornwolf3140"The Left"
@spicydeath82 2 ай бұрын
too long, didn't watch: bethesda needs actual writers and not leave story stuff to level designers.
@nickbriggs8059 5 ай бұрын
Literally the worst writing I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe people got paid to write that garbage. Makes me think I could be a video game writer fr.
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