suboxone detox day 7 - hardest day

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grapefruit sandwich

2 жыл бұрын

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Пікірлер: 41
@georgeloughner4141 2 жыл бұрын
I know the feeling of falling asleep and waking up every few hours and trying to force urself to sleep.When I would withdrawal I'd get hot flashes like crazy .So uncomfortable.But u got this man!Keep chipping away!
@grapefruitsandwich7398 2 жыл бұрын
The pain will only make the prize that much more appreciated. At this point I am embracing every waking hour the best I can 🙏
@Tyler-yn7im Ай бұрын
Im on day 3... Its starting as in feeling cold. Then i couldn't wake up like i normally do. The sweating while cold sucks... I find you as an inspiration. Without your videos i would not be able to get through the shit
@robertperez-pi1xr Жыл бұрын
I jumped off at 24 mg cold turkey. I’m day 32 now. I only had one night of no sleep. Day 1-4 nothing. 4-7 started to feel symptoms of withdrawal. 7-11 were the worst. The stomach pain, leg pain and arm pain sucked so bad. I have worked through this whole thing. No comfort meds at all. I don’t drink or smoke or do recreational drugs out side of pills. My wife did know I was gonna go through this. Hot baths and ice baths help more than anything. I would ice in the morning and hot at night. It was the only way I could sleep. An when people say get up and move. It really helps. If you can afford it. I got IV fluids. Call the place tell them you want a hang over bag. That helped. I still have no energy. I do have ups and down. But, energy still isn’t back. Leg pains and arm pains are finally starting to go away. Never give up and everyone can do this…. I’m praying for everyone.
@justinnnnnnnn359 Жыл бұрын
Just started day 8. Man 24 mg’s you’re a beast! Personally days 1-3 weren’t bad, days 4-today have been really tough nights. Gotta get up and moving more
@Inspiringami 4 ай бұрын
I did this one time. Cold turkey from shooting over 24mg of sub. And my skin crawled for a good 30days. That was the most uncomfortable. I took about 4showers a day. Luckily I was at a rehab that time. ❤❤❤❤an amazing rehab that truly felt like home. I was there for 9months.
@seekingfreedom9020 2 жыл бұрын
4 hours a night I would say is a blessing during the detox. I believe a lot of people go without any sleep for days. But everyone's different
@SlangingSteve Ай бұрын
Day 6 haven’t slept since day 1. Day 1 I had 2 hours of sleep. Day 5 my spirits were way up felt great but after another sleepless night day 6 has sucked
@seekingfreedom9020 Ай бұрын
@@SlangingSteve what dose did you jump off from, and how long were you on subs?
@SlangingSteve Ай бұрын
@@seekingfreedom9020I was taking 8mg a day for about a year. Then I tapered myself down to 2mg in a month before cold turkey.
@Jordan-mregroodergrind 9 күн бұрын
This video diary is a great idea
@Jordan-mregroodergrind 9 күн бұрын
Not sleeping is the worse
@sherryyyy100 2 жыл бұрын
You’re right-biggest thing is wondering if we’re going to sleep again.. which we know we will but it’s WHEN???!!! lol gotta laugh about it cause can’t do anything else so might as well laugh
@grapefruitsandwich7398 2 жыл бұрын
This attitude describes my life, thank you 🙏
@addictionrecoverylife2396 2 жыл бұрын
lol ya I hated when I felt like walking/being active and its 2-3am! Sleep is a killer for many going through it. at least you can focus on games. First few days I couldn't but it only get better you almost there. keep it going never quit never fail! making videos, and watching them help. remember up to 72 hours before full withdrawal kicks in. I would have to say my day 5-7 was the worst. then got better , and better. Vit B complex. all that adrenaline hitting you that been shut off. keep up the positive self talk, motivate yourself through the b,s!
@grapefruitsandwich7398 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I appreciated reading this more than you know 🙏
@rupturedspeaker3684 2 жыл бұрын
Hey brother, I’m sorry your day 7 wasn’t great. By the time you are reading this it will be day 8 though. These things are going to happen man, it’s a speed bump that will pass bro. I’m glad you went to an NA meeting. The stupid thing about suboxone is that bc your body is going thru wd, it amplifies all the other feelings. Maybe it was suboxone, maybe you were just tired af and the lack of sleep hit you hard. Your friends texting you to check up is awesome. You’re doing great brother, don’t let this get you down. There is no more suboxone in your system. It’s gone. Your body is healing brother and so glad you didn’t have any cravings. Stay strong. Last thing I will say is about the benzos. I know you were on a low dose but that stuff is a double edged sword. It helps you sleep but also causes depression. You WILL sleep good again! It’s coming brother. Hang in there and it’s near. God is walking with you. I’m praying for you too 🙏
@grapefruitsandwich7398 2 жыл бұрын
I’m learning to walk with love along the way. This series has already made me want to give back to others. Thank you for helping me realize that, and I agree 100% about what you said about the benzos. I thought of that too, it’s been on my mind. But alas, Churchill said it best, when going through hell, keep going.
@rupturedspeaker3684 2 жыл бұрын
@@grapefruitsandwich7398 that’s right my brotha! Love that quote!!
@sherryyyy100 2 жыл бұрын
Force yourself to eat!!
@jonahchiarle8034 2 жыл бұрын
dude I literally just went into the kitchen as this was playing and pulled out my recipe book to look for the banana bread recipe and then you said banana bread hahahaha
@grapefruitsandwich7398 2 жыл бұрын
Some things were meant to be 🙏✨
@Inspiringami 4 ай бұрын
I’ve come off of suboxone a handful of times. Insanity at its finest. Everyone EXCEPT MY LAST was absolutely brutal at the 7day mark. The last time I had weened way down and had been on 1mg for a couple of months until my last two weeks when I just took less and less almost everyday. But hanging on the last few days until April 14 2023! NO MORE! Never again! I’ve started to wake up between 3am-5am every morning. I learned exercise was rough but vital. Here I am on kratom. WORST IDEA EVERRRRRR. 😂 today is day one no kratom, killin itttt. Struggling with sweating, emotions, and restless. I found that Tylenol PM was a god send for a bit
@ellen9925 3 ай бұрын
I do the same with waking up between 3-5 am. It's been 8 months no methadone. My jump date was July 5 2023. Why did you start kratom if you don't mind me asking?
@Inspiringami 3 ай бұрын
@@ellen9925 I I had felt my emotions so intensely. I just slipped back into the pattern of trying to escape the feelings instead of feeling them. I’m a month without kratom and feeling amazing! 8months no methadone is AMAZING! Good for you!!!!
@lynnees9828 21 күн бұрын
I know it has been years but when did you jump off? I have been titrating, and I am at .15 to .25 every 12 to 14 hours but think tonight I can jump. Why? Surgery this Thursday in 4 days. My fear is the pain after and I'd like to go off in clean. I am sure residual will remain as I hope to stay away at least 4 days prior. My doc will give me dilaudid for pain after. Hope it help.
@dejpsyd0421 3 ай бұрын
If today is the “WORST” day, the previous days were vacations!
@nick9341 2 жыл бұрын
On nights like this you need some kratom. Im on day 12 and it's been easy. Slept every night and work everyday. I tried to stop so many time even with kratom I always fail. This time I tapered down. Seem to do the trick. Planning to mega dose vitamin c to get off the kratom.
@grapefruitsandwich7398 2 жыл бұрын
That’s awesome man!! Day 12, you got this! So proud of for sharing tips too. At this time I’m focused on a total detox and not taking any supplements as I want my body to really get a chance to be free of everything 🙏 ♥️
@nick9341 2 жыл бұрын
@@grapefruitsandwich7398 i hear you bro. I'm a wimp can't deal with hard withdrawal. Keep it up. See you on the other side.
@grapefruitsandwich7398 2 жыл бұрын
@@nick9341 just being in this process, you are stronger than you know. If no one else has told you that, I’m here today for you.
@seekingfreedom9020 2 жыл бұрын
How are you doing today man?
@grapefruitsandwich7398 2 жыл бұрын
I’m good. Sleep is the only thing getting to me but I’m trying different natural things to better myself and heal! You are right, 4 hours a night is a blessing. 100%
@perpetualmotion357 2 жыл бұрын
They don't even work for me anymore so it made getting off them a lot easier lol. Feels like I'm in a low level withdrawal 24/7. Keep hearing how they just make you feel normal and not high. I wish they made me just feel "normal." Ot's also staggering the amount of users who sell their script. Yeah they just want to get high etc..but it's obviously not doing much for their cravings. It's ridiculous how many doctors want to shove subs down your throat for addicition recovery. I hear the positives are you have a lot more freedom on subs, only have to go once a month etc..Well, going to the store and getting advil is a lot easier than acquiring vicodin but it doesn't make it superior. I've did the sub rodeo in 2008 and then again in 2018. The longer I've been in this game the less effective they became. I find them worthless to stave off withdrawal even if I wanted to use. Don't even do that anymore.
@grapefruitsandwich7398 2 жыл бұрын
I’m grateful for you being here and sharing your story 🙏 how long have you been off subs?
@perpetualmotion357 2 жыл бұрын
@@grapefruitsandwich7398 Thnx man. It's good you have a channel so people can talk about their experiences. I was first put on them in 2008 for a pretty bad percocet habit. They actually seemed to really do the trick. I remember the first time taking one and feeling a warm wave of relief 30 minutes later. Thought the things were a miracle. Unfortunetely I was living with a girl who said she wanted to be clean with me but was still using behind my back. All that relationship did was cause me to yo-yo back and forth between Sub use and drugs. I actually did get clean from opiates for years after that but just substituted my cravings with alcohol. What a disastrous trade off that became. Moral of the story there is it's never a good idea to try and get clean with another user because their slip ups just makes it harder for yourself. From that point on for the next 10 years I was never a full-fledged opiate addict needing everyday until I developed a benzo addiction and started taking Kratom. I was trying to fill some type of void. Long story short the Kratom quit working for me as my tolerance sky-rocketed and couldnt get any more benzo's so I was in trouble. Tried H which I dabbled with before (really fentanyl) because the pill scene was dead. Did that for another year or so and knew I had to get my act straight so I got back on subs only to find out they were not cutting it at all no matter how much I took. Figure it's a culmination of my age (now early 40's) and the harder street drug opiates. I think they probably would still work for some people in the throes of just pill addiction while having a young healthy unaltered brain, but they don't seem to work with Fentanyl that's in everything now. You can't just wait 12-24 hours anymore before taking one, some people still go into precipitated withdrawal 72 hours after last using because the Fent stays in your fat cells. Good luck having an addict wait that long with poor results anyway. Sorry for the rant but I wish they just made me feel normal. Having such a high binding affinity to the mu receptor while only being a partial opioid agonist has basically canceled out any pain relief I might need from something else while keeping me in this low level withdrawal state where I'm constantly depressed with insomnia. I feel no highs and lows anymore, just constantly feeling below par. It really is staggering how many addicts sell their script today. Doctors are basically just handing them out like candy and the addicts just use it for drug currency. The problem is with Fentanyl less and less people are wanting them. The docs way over prescribes them too. The max you need is 8mg-12mg a day. That literally half ass covers 90-92 percent of your mu receptors. 24 mg(double the dose or triple) can only get up to 95 percent and that's it. It tops out. So basically, there was no point in me continuing with subs. All it seemed to do was give me all the bad side effects of being an addict but without any of the good feelings you may get from your drug of choice. Who wants to withdrawal off something that isn't doing anything? Been off them about a year now. I don't know where to go from here. Was in a bad car accident a little over a year ago that has just made everything worse. Take care man.
@spaceace4613 3 ай бұрын
The fent on the street isn't like the fentanyl citrate medical grade...I used to get the actique lollipops and transdermals for years ....The subs work incredibly..yes you are correct the fentanyl sits in the MU receptor and it literally lingers for 4..5..6 days ...I've been in rehab and watched people go into precipitated withdrawal because the place forced them....I literally watched how unprofessional they were not understanding the new issues at hand w the surge of ruthless synthetic analogues not seen before...I've watched them accuse people that there wasn't any way they weren't ready to take a sub after 3 days.. next thing you know there projectile vomiting crying in the throws of precip withdrawal...For those who haven't experienced it .. essentially peak withdrawal non stop.. IMMEDIATELY cause the fent competes and then removes all the fent from your receptor ... Suboxone works wonders.. even for IV fent's just the introduction into the body that is tricky....
@lauraestes9304 9 ай бұрын
Lol i spent 7 days with no sleep. In hell during 3 different detoxes i didnt sleep for the first 7 days
@lauraestes9304 9 ай бұрын
It takes 12 days fir all the suboxone to be gone.
@jimmycricket7946 3 ай бұрын
Yeah but if you been suboxone for 20 years that means absolutely nothing. When finally stop after decades of dependency you're brain has become completely reprogrammed. It takes several months just for the acute withdrawals to subside then about another 9 months for sub acute withdrawals to subside. It can take a Year or longer to fully recover after being on long acting opioids I.E. methadone and suboxone for many, many years. The brain takes a very long time to learn how to function normally again without the drug.
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