Succession - Ep.4X9 "Church and State" (MovieMan Reaction)

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11 күн бұрын

The penultimate episode.... I've been delaying this as much as I can lol But this episode shows us: As all things have a beginning, so too, must they have an end. Now... let's see if we can actually separate Church from State.
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@inbadcompany100 9 күн бұрын
This episode is a masterpiece. Kieran Culkin's performance is the culmination of four years of laying the foundation for that breakdown, which has me sobbing every time I watch it, but "he made me breathe funny" might hurt even more tbh. Not sure I'm ready for the final suck sesh, but really glad to have watched you on this journey and excited for the next one!
@jennymarks499 9 күн бұрын
Yes! Most people don’t comment about that line, but I thought “he made me breathe funny״ was one of the most devastating things ever said on the whole show.
@trixiebell25 9 күн бұрын
One of the most interesting things to me in this episode is the fact that Connor seemed to have a closer relationship to Logan than his siblings did. Perhaps it's because he had no interest in running the company or the fact that Logan didn't really take him seriously, but the fact that Connor knew about the crypt and that Logan talked to him about it and sent him photos of it shows that, in their own way, they did have a relationship that had nothing to do with business, which is sadly more than his siblings can say.
@OhWellWhatTheHell1 9 күн бұрын
It's interesting that a lot of people read this episode as a triumph for Kendall when it feels more to me like his final, ultimate submission to his father. Kendall's arc throughout the show was defined by trying to set up a contrast between him and Logan.S1 he's the vibey new ideas change guy, then after being crushed in S2 he rises as a moral crusader figure in S3, then at the start of S4 he's ostensibly a collaborative equal partner with Roman and Shiv. This speech feels him dropping the act, and saying "I give up on trying to change the business, on being a good person, on being a equal partner, the only way to operate in this world is by becoming a brute - by becoming Logan". It's a death, it's the death of Kendall's soul honestly, and we see that in the moves he makes after - pulling in Hugo as his lapdog, Colin as his fixer and cowing Roman into submission through verbal aggression.
@Lauren_3000 8 күн бұрын
Yes! I've always disagreed with the people who say that this is a high point for Ken but I didn't know how to articulate it. You've described it perfectly.
@jennymarks499 9 күн бұрын
Ok first off I can’t tell you how much I’m gonna miss your Succession reactions, I always appreciate your thoughtful insight and I can’t wait to watch more shows with you! I loved your callback to Dean Winchester crying, I remember how devastated I felt when he broke down in that scene. Regarding Roman, I think you’re dead-on about him reacting to what Ewan said - hearing the sad stories about him as a child, learning these new things about him after he is gone - that’s what took Roman down. The look on his face when Ewan was speaking…ugh it’s so well done, the whole funeral scene was brilliant on every level.
@Atomic0range 9 күн бұрын
Interview with the Vampire is absolutely top tier. Prestige TV for sure. I’d love love love to see you react to it! Plus it has two Succession actors in it… and you could still call the reactions “suck sesh”es because, you know, vampires.
@HannahG-nk2mf 9 күн бұрын
There’s so much for him to dissect within the plot & characters! I’d be so excited if he reacted
@JulideBelen 9 күн бұрын
I remember the end of the first episode of the first season you were saying, "I like this show, I don't love it, but I like it, we will see if I get into it after a few episodes." I am glad you didn't stop watching. :D Can't wait for your reaction of the finale.
@smichelle65 9 күн бұрын
I can't tell you how many times I've watched Succession in its entirety, both through "straight" re-watches and reaction videos; thank goodness the show has an extremely - high rewatchability factor. Your reactions are among my favorite; you're a genuine "superfan" -- you just get it. My favorite thing about "Succession"s final season is how the writers provided fans with many shout-outs/callbacks to earlier well-known moments, and the finale has one callback in particular that I think you'll especially love (I know I did!) -- so keep your eyes peeled for that. So now begins one last week of "torture" waiting for what I'm sure will be an epic reaction to the finale.
@emmaatkinson7379 9 күн бұрын
Interview with the Vampire is incredible TV - and if you start soon, you can catch up on S1 in time to enjoy the S2 finale with everyne. Really well written, beautful cinematography, keeps you guessing:)
@neonoires 9 күн бұрын
Fun fact, Jeremy Strong just won a Tony Award for Enemy of the People but Juliana Canfield (who plays Jess) was also nominated for Stereophonic which is the hottest ticket on Broadway right now. The woman who plays Sally Anne is Brian Cox's real life wife. LOL notice how as soon as Shiv tells her brothers she's pregnant, they weaponize it against her. Kendall calling her "super mom" was a dig. I loved the moment with Logan's "women." I agree with what you said about compelling villains over heroes. It's why I like the greens on House of the Dragon lmao.
@rini6 9 күн бұрын
No matter how many times I see this Ewan’s speech and Roman’s breakdown always kill me. A fitting funeral for a very human character.
@peaboss 9 күн бұрын
"we're just normal men. We're just innocent men"
@r_h_e_t 9 күн бұрын
Fun fact from the script: Connor originally did speak at the funeral--the sibs agreed he could do the scripture reading instead of doing his 20-page speech. Frank, who was originally gonna do the reading, gets bumped.
@Lust4life15 9 күн бұрын
Interview with the vampire is incredible! One of the best shows of the last 10 years for sure!
@Serryy 9 күн бұрын
Ive read an interview with Ewans actor, James Cromwell is the name I think. He talked about how he wasnt sure if he could remember his lines well enough anymore to do that eulogy scene, because he suffered from these "brain fog" symptoms from covid. But when he started, he was immediately immersed into the scene and the whole room supported him. Beautiful story. Also, as a big Ewan fan, it's just a perfect speech. Poor Roman, how was he ever supposed to measure up to that. Before I forget: May I suggest you reacting to Arcane with the new season coming out? I have my issues with the show in some aspects, but I have to admit that it has enough great moments that its at the end of the day still a fantastic watch.
@MisterRawgers 9 күн бұрын
Great reaction and the edits are 🔥 pointing out some things people may have missed when watching
@samnantha123 9 күн бұрын
I only say watch Severance first because at this point it only has one season out !!! (Season two just finished filming I think) but its a great first season, one of my absolute favorite shows !!!
@samnantha123 9 күн бұрын
Also yes please please please watch Attack on Titan at some point !!!
@bkeen417 8 күн бұрын
I think Kendall co-opting Colin was partly about trying to assume his father's role but my take on Kendall's approach was that he was worried when he heard Colin was talking to a therapist. Colin is the only one other than the sibs who knew about Kendall's accident with the cater waiter. So I felt Kendall was trying to bring him on side so he could make sure that didn't slip out. Also in fairness to Kendall, his words to Roman were harsh but that is literally what Roman said to him in Italy. When Kendall was on the ground having his breakdown and moaning about how his life was messed up Roman's initial response was to say it was because 'you fucked it'
@Serryy 9 күн бұрын
I find it so satisfying to watch that tiny little scene of the protesters knocking again the Roy car. For 4 seasons they dont ever really interact with the "common folk". Sure, there is a moment here and there, but theres always this invisible wall between them. For once that invisible wall is let down and they are involuntarily in a situation where the only wall is that fragile car door.
@Emilbarrit2 9 күн бұрын
James Cromwell killed his speech
@HannahG-nk2mf 9 күн бұрын
I sobbed to this episode!! Such a suburb show!! Definitely one of the best in recent history! Im so sad your succ sesh reactions will be coming to an end soon 😢 btw I highly recommend starting Interview With The Vampire tv show it’s one the BEST shows being made right now in my opinion. It’s based on the books which the 1994 movie was also based on, but the show is deeper & more emotional. Brilliant writing, outstanding acting & characterization, and the mystery within the story unfolds beautifully!
@coffinflop 9 күн бұрын
oh my god PLEASEEEE watch interview with the vampire it is SO much to chew on (no pun intended) and it's truly stellar television!!!! highly highly highly HIGHLY recommend
@trine2000 9 күн бұрын
YESSSSS!! such an amazing show
@Atomic0range 9 күн бұрын
I’d love to see him pick this series apart, so much to dissect! And it’s so GOOD.
@williammccormick984 8 күн бұрын
It's trash.
@smichelle65 9 күн бұрын
An Easter egg: Sally-Anne, "Caroline's Kerry", is played by Brian Cox's actual wife, actress Nicole Ansari. Brian was on the set that day, and is allegedly somewhere in the church (or at the cemetery).
@jakeuhh4997 9 күн бұрын
i’m actually so sad we’re almost done with the succ seshes😢 i guess i can always rewatch the reaction playlist
@danoleniuk7921 9 күн бұрын
For anyone familiar with French/Canadian Colonial history, I like to the think of the scene with all of Logan's women gathered as titled, Les Filles du Roy
@Emilbarrit2 9 күн бұрын
Shout out to Mark Mylod aswell, that man is a fucking genius
@ARWG 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for reminding me that Rhea Seehorn never got an Emmy for BCS.
@ergohash2517 9 күн бұрын
what a weighty heavy episode, love your commentary as always
@LavenderViolet536 4 күн бұрын
Interview with the Vampire would be a great next show. ⭐
@absolclipshex 9 күн бұрын
Amazing reaction as usual 🤌and honestly roman's breakdown was heartwrenching and I've never seen a reactor breakdown alongside him ! Uocoming roman info dump LMAO I noticed someone point this out months ago and it really stuck with me (so I'm not gonna take any credit for it) but when roman cries he begins to raise his arms above his face as though trying to block himself which likely hints to him being hit for crying when he was young I'm not sure whether this was purposeful from kieran or if he subconsciously chose this action for roman but it speaks levels towards roman's past (NOW these r my own thoughts) It seems likely that whenever roman would do something that would embarass logan (ordering expensive lobster or poking fun at shiv's dinosaur speech) logan would hit him as a discipline. Infact in the original script books, theres a moment (thanksgiving episode s1) where kendall tells his ex wife that logan used to put a mirror infront of the kid's faces whenever they cried to show them how embarrassing they looked Overall roman raising his arms in a defensive pose was automatic since he was crying in a situation that would have him smacked. Since he wasn't, he felt uncomfortable that no one punished him for it because it never fit the pattern he was used to, so he went out into the crowd as a way of self harming to seek what his father wouldve done. Theres that quote from a book "a child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort" I know that for kendall he definitely would have bipolar II but for roman I honestly see him with obvious ADHD but also masochism and regression as coping mechanisms. It's one thing to have masochism as a kink but it's another thing to have it in a non-sexual way such as how roman ALSO seems to use it. His regression defense mechanism seems to come out sometimes in situations where he gets VERY very overwhelmed, such as during his funeral breakdown he asks 'is he in there? Can we get him out?' Which is something a child would ask. Roman in general acts in pretty childish ways especially when angered or upset
@HoundsBane 9 күн бұрын
Always here for homoerotic Vampires! IWTV is one of the best shows on tv right now! I would also not be upset with a DARK or Severance series reaction tho. One of my favorite episodes of the series. Everyone falls back into their old rolls. Kendall is insufferable & inconsolable & resorts to trying to control everything. Rome is firing inappropriate jokes 90 miles a minute to mask his own grief, but as soon as shit gets real, it hits him like a freight train. Shiv can’t win for losing & ties herself to promises of power . I do root for her, but she’s like her brothers up to this point. Stuck in a loop that Logan set up for them. ** It may be strange to say, but I adore the funeral scene. From Ewan, to Rome, to Ken & Shiv it’s the most heartbreaking & human they’ve all gotten to be to one another since the season 3 finale.
@shahriachowdhury9552 9 күн бұрын
Tbf to Kendall, where else would be the safest place in the city other than the venue where the most affluent community would be? The President-elect is there for goodness sake.
@emmaatkinson7379 9 күн бұрын
Recall the protesters banging on the sibs' vehicle on the way to said funeral? :') like even if it's not direct danger of harm with a driver and a security follow car, it's explained that Sophie has had a very hard time dealing with the election (before and after, socially at school and as an adopted brown girl whose dad runs ATN), and Iverson is autistic. Driving through the city both to and from the funeral, unless Mencken lives in their neighbourhood, would involve risk not covered by a secret service team. If Kendall hadn't immediately jumped to thinking it's a conspiracy against him, and tried listening to her reasoning rather than tantruming outside their car, he could have seen that. Plus, Logan still decked that boy with a tin of cranberry sauce, and Kendall just elected a fascist.. Maybe they don't owe either of those men anything😂
@AREA-jp8vb 9 күн бұрын
I would love to see you react to the Netflix show Dark. (if you haven’t already, I checked your page & didn’t see it)
@moonchiId. 9 күн бұрын
oh roman little angel who have been trying to push the fascist since s3
@Ashley-D123 9 күн бұрын
Love the suit 👌🏻
@singhguitar7733 9 күн бұрын
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