Suzuki Vitara - Two Wheels in The Air - Terrain Test - 4x4 OffRoad 4WD All-Grip

  Рет қаралды 25,693

Outdoor Adventure

Outdoor Adventure

3 жыл бұрын

Real live trial of crossing ditch with Suzuki Vitara, while two wheels in the air. Diagonal traction test. Better than on rollers.
Off-road also brings some other challenges besides mud. Surface happen to be uneven or some ditch we need to cross, and it is easy to lose traction, on one or two wheels.
I will show how Suzuki is handling drive with two wheels flying in the air while only two staying stable on the ground. Real live offroad test of all-grip four-wheel drive 4WD capabilities of Suzuki Vitara.
There is as well some shoveling done to prepare ditch for safe crossing.
And all this on default Continental summer road tires.
For other Suzuki Vitara videos check this Playlist: • Suzuki Off-road 4x4

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@snowonher6968 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. It really shows what you can do with the Vitara with some knowledge and care. The Vitara is the perfect car for when you do mostly on-road driving but need a capable, fun car for light trails too. I have the 1L 112HP version and after using the 4x4 on steep rutted trails in Sicily it's amazing how well it does.
@OutdoorAdventure0 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks. Exactly, just a bit of thinking and you can do a lot:) Good to hear it is handling well. I was afraid 112HP will be to weak. Seems it has still reserve of power.:) For me this car is doing best possible in every conditions, road and off-road, for reasonable price. Not everyone likes compromises, but it suits for my style of live:) Sicily is for sure good place to test its capabilities, as far as I remember :)
@octap79 3 жыл бұрын
I started watching your videos 3 months ago. It's been a week since I got my brand new Vitara, same color, same everything as yours. Thanks for your videos. Keep them coming ❤️
@OutdoorAdventure0 3 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear that! I am still after two years thrilled with ride in it. :) I hope you will have the same. Congrats for joining the club :) Have you bought 140HP gasoline or hybrid? I thought 140HP is not in sale any more. And dont forget to buy front steel cover of car underneath, it is a must to have relaxed ride in terrain and it is only around 200$(and you can as well buy rear differential mechanism cover, althought it is not so good, the one I have). And thanks for your good words on videos.:) Ah, and obligatory pick a name, Vicki or Suzi ;) Haha;)
@octap79 3 жыл бұрын
@@OutdoorAdventure0 lol....thanks for the tips. I think the 140hp is not available anymore. There is only one engine available for a while 1.4 hybrid 129hp, and this is what I got. I thought yours was hybrid, too. I haven't been OFFROAD much yet, but I will. It's my first AWD vehicle and I am really excited with all the potential.
@OutdoorAdventure0 3 жыл бұрын
Same for me, my first AWD :) Maybe that is why I am still having fun with it, in each video I am discovering its potentials together with my audience ;)
@octap79 3 жыл бұрын
@@OutdoorAdventure0 Can you please give me a link of the front cover plate. I am not sure I have seen any online...
@OutdoorAdventure0 3 жыл бұрын
I bought it from car dealer when I was buying my car. And it was in Poland. Best ask any local dealer for Suzuki. For my one they had quite good price. Around 200USD(equivalent). The one I have seen at that time was sold in Poland, not sure if with delivery outside. Only link I have found is: But this is not a model I have. I cannot say about its quality. Should be fine if it is steel one. Better try with some dealer locally first. Probably will be easier. If not let me know I can ask in Poland where from they are taking these.
@suzukitravel5042 3 жыл бұрын
I recommend using Mad springs, which add 3 / 4cm to the ground clearance. In addition you will have a special comfort during the trip.
@OutdoorAdventure0 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tip. How do perceive car behaviour on normal road after this modification? Especially on turns. It should loose some of stability?
@batfalcononyoutube 2 жыл бұрын
What mode did you have at the time? Mud & Snow + Lock, or just Auto?
@OutdoorAdventure0 2 жыл бұрын
All I am doing in Lock mode and ESP on(I always forget to switch ESP off).
@lukasz_kosiada 3 жыл бұрын
Dziękuję za filmy. Myślałeś, żeby założyć opony AT i zrobić lift? Co sądzisz o takiej ewentualnej modyfikacji?
@OutdoorAdventure0 3 жыл бұрын
W zimie zimówki dają radę, nie czuję braków AT. Ale w lecie na szosowych w terenie to ciężko. No ale znów na ATkach tak fajnie się nie będzie zachowywał na asfalcie, a ja lubie sobie depnąć;) Dylematy:/ A do tego dochodzi, że wybór ATków, w "fabrycznym" wymiarze jest żaden. Kolega tu gdzieś pisał, że z trochę wyższym profilem tez mu wchodzą. Więc jak się nie boisz użyć niefabrycznych wymiarów, to będzie łatwiej(o ile pamiętam jakaś Yokohama AT jest). Na razie stwierdziłem, że będę robił filmy na standardowym wyposażeniu. Jeśli dam radę na zwykłych oponach to tym bardziej na ATkach. To bardziej reprezentatywne będzie, bo wymiany i lifty robi mniejszość ludzi. No ale wciąż się waham, bo te szosówki, to śmiech na sali w terenie.:/ Jak właściwości terenowe są dla Ciebie ważniejsze, bardziej niż "sportowe" to ATki w lecie to powinna być duża zmiana na korzyść. Mówię to na podstawie tego, że widzę różnicę między zimówkami, a letnimi szosowymi w błocie. ATki powinny dać podobny Grip jak zimówki. Na zimę ATki przekładał bym na zimówki, bo one fajnie się zachowują w śniegu i na zamarzniętej ziemi i są bezpieczniejsze. I może nawet lepsze niż ATki bo bardziej miękkie. Co do liftu to też straci trochę zdolności sportowych, no a poza tym nie chce gwarancji stracić, bo ją wciąż mam. Więc podsumowując, ATki być może, lift na razie nie, jeszcze poczekam. Praktycznie z moich obserwacji w Polsce, to i tak albo są takie koleiny, że mały lift i tak nie pomoże, a większość z nich pokonuję, biorąc rów między koła. No ale wiesz, zawsze człowiek bedzie się pewniej czuł z tymi dwom calami :) Są drogi rozjechany przez terenówki, gdzie mi brakuje tych cali żeby po nich przejechać, a nie zawsze jest miejsce na jechanie bokiem;) Ludzie w prawdziwych terenówkach, robią lift jako jedną z podstawowych modyfikacji, więc ma to na pewno sens.
@lukasz_kosiada 3 жыл бұрын
Dziękuję za odpowiedź. Jeszcze z ciekawości pytanko. Z pewnością zdarza Ci się przetrzec krzak czy gałązke, masz jakieś doświadczenie w usuwaniu płytki rys?
@OutdoorAdventure0 3 жыл бұрын
Na razie nie bawiłem sie w to. Na srebrnym jak na razie specjalnie nie widać, na czarnych fragmentach tragedia. Czarne lusterka ciężko znoszą otarcie nawet nie grubych i nie twardych gałązek. Więc albo sobie okleisz folią kluczowe miejsca, albo to jest niekończąca się robota. Czasem po prostu nie da się uniknąć przetarcia o krzak. Podejrzewam, że wystarczy delikatna polerka z pastą polerskę, gdzieś kiedyś na youtube widziałem ;)
@wojciechglinkowski9707 2 жыл бұрын
@@OutdoorAdventure0 cześc, ja założyłem wielosezonówki Toyo celsius i w terenie jest dużo lepiej niż na oryginalnych conti (bieżnik całkiem nieźle radzi sobie w błocie i piasku, póki się nie zalepi na amen) ,co do ATków, jak wspomniano w komentarzach, najbliżej rozmiaru seryjnego są yokohama geolandar g015. Szkoda, że w Polsce nie jest oferowany przez Suzuki lift zawieszenia ( w Niemczech można zainstalować bez utraty gwarancji lift Eibacha 1,5cala z amorami bilstein) i daje to daje to naprawdę sporo, wiadomo, że auto na szosie nie będzie już tak stabilne ale coś za coś. Masz zainstalowane płyty pod silnik i dyfer? Pozdrawiam
@OutdoorAdventure0 2 жыл бұрын
Cokolwiek założysz co ma trochę więcej bieżnika niż Conti, to napewno da polepszenie. One w błocie zachowują się tragicznie;) Wielosezonówki faktycznie są jakimś rozwiązaniem w pół drogi. Może to jakieś prawilne rozwiązanie, żeby nie iść w większy rozmiar Geolanderów. A ja nie pytałem się w salonie o ten lift. Może zależy od dilera. Z ciekawości zapytam w "moim" salonie. Tak, mam stalowe płyty pod silnikiem i dyfrem. Od razu sobie zamówiłem przy kupnie. Płyta pod silnik jest bardzo fajna. Niezniszczalna jak dotąd. Płyta(raczej płytka) pod dyfer to jakiś żart. No ale lepsze to niż nic.:/ Bez tego to bym w teren chyba nie wjechał. ;)
@prodigalSon000 2 жыл бұрын
I have the automatic version with torque converter and it's amazing, even for off road
@OutdoorAdventure0 2 жыл бұрын
I was driving last days some other car with automatic gear. Just curious, do you have some kind of Low gear in your Suzuki? I had one such in Mitsubishi Mirage and curious if this is something existing for Suzuki as well? By torque converter do you mean factory made "low" gear?
@prodigalSon000 2 жыл бұрын
@@OutdoorAdventure0 No, it's not low range, but it has no clutch like the manual. I can drive at really low RPMs and not burn the clutch. Also, it's said to increase torque on low speeds.
@OutdoorAdventure0 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds really good. I need to try it out. Cannot believe before trying by myself. I was always hard fun of manual😂
@denisdb1 Жыл бұрын
Hi, as I also have Suzuki Vitara 4x4 and will be driving on somewhat demanding macadam road for the hiking trip, this video is so usuful for me to see how to drive using incremental step by step approach to pass that road...
@OutdoorAdventure0 Жыл бұрын
Hi, glad to hear it, :) when rocks or uneven road, keep low speed or move slowly in phases. It is really easy to hit bottom of the car(I have exercised this on myself when tempted to do speeding on seemingly not very difficult but rocky road and damaging exhaust pipe). When low speed it will have no negative effect even if rock hit bottom. :) Good fun. :)
@denisdb1 Жыл бұрын
@@OutdoorAdventure0 Thanks, good advice. I'll try this approach tomorrow on the road for hiking trip
@mostron777 3 жыл бұрын
Siemanko, w którym trybie pokonywałeś grzbiet? Ja zazwyczaj wyłączam ESP i całą resztę, oraz włączam LOCK. Wtedy bez problemów łyka takie przeszkody 😈
@OutdoorAdventure0 3 жыл бұрын
Hej, włączam LOCK w takich sytuacjach, ale zaoferowany filmowaniem i jazdą z reguły zapominam wyłączyć ESP. A z tego co dotąd się dowiedziałem ESP off wyhamowuje szybciej koła. Więc to co robisz jest jak najbardziej dobre;) Muszę w końcu zacząć to ESP off używać ;) Tak czy inaczej, jestem w szoku mimo wszystko, że był na dwóch kołach, bez dużego gazowania daje się tak dokładnie manewrować po kilka centymetrów!
@mostron777 3 жыл бұрын
@@OutdoorAdventure0 pierwszą rzeczą którą robię to ESP OFF, wtedy nie dusi silnika, a trybami się bawię w miarę potrzeb 🤗
@OutdoorAdventure0 3 жыл бұрын
Z tego co wiem w trybie Lock, masz zapięty zawsze napęd 4wd, nawet jak stoisz. Szybciej zaczną pracować wszystkie 4 koła. Natomiast ESP off spowoduje, że koła (bez trakcji) szybciej wyhamują i "przekażą" moc na te na ziemi. Ale o duszeniu silnika nie pomyślałem, wypróbuję i zwrócę na to uwagę. To by mogło być całkiem użyteczne w takiej sytuacji jak na filmie. Może można by mniej sprzęgłem pracować.
@veszijanos1249 2 жыл бұрын
It is also touched the ground like you tried at first time.
@veszijanos1249 2 жыл бұрын
At 2:15
@OutdoorAdventure0 2 жыл бұрын
For second time, it just touched, when I was in deepest place, first time it would hang probably, I didn't reach deepest place at that time.
@Coprofighter Жыл бұрын
Nice video! I still don’t get the point about the choice they have made in Suzuki, chosing just 185 mm of ground clearance for this car… I really like it, but this feature is kind of driving me crazy about my final decision of purchasing this car or not. 😂😰
@OutdoorAdventure0 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately this is general trend for all cars in this class. 18,5 is not so bad. I think only Dacia has it better. But you can correct me. But for me this is not deal breaker. More important would be to have better angle of attack. First priority for me(from my practical experience) is 4x4 drive anyway and in this price range, you do not have big choice.
@Coprofighter Жыл бұрын
@@OutdoorAdventure0 yes, you are right, Duster has 210 mm of gc, but I agree with you that Vitara probably is enough for a medium off road purpose. Waiting for a new video, maybe focused on this aspect of this car. Greetings from Italy!
@OutdoorAdventure0 Жыл бұрын
In most cases clearance is not a big deal in Poland, on one condition, if some freaking Nissan Patrols were not destroying road before me :/ (my personal enemies ;) ) In Italy and Greece can be more important to have clearance as you have more rocks probably(probably depends from region anyway). Regarding next video, there will be something about fuel consumption in Terrain. I will publish this week, it is almost ready :)
@alexandrospavlakos979 2 жыл бұрын
Do u think it would stuck if 2WD???
@OutdoorAdventure0 2 жыл бұрын
Possibly not. There was high weight and traction on one front wheel in this case. But crucial can be system of breaking spinning wheel. Not sure if this is available in 2WD. This was not extreme. Probably 2WD would handle. But better to always have some extra capacity. Just in case.:)
@massia.72 3 жыл бұрын
The clutch smell cannot be avoided, because the first gear is just too long. A reduced first gear would be needed. Btw under similar conditions I hit (softly) the bumper and the front radar, got damaged. Vitara is a capable vehicle, but not a true off-roader.
@OutdoorAdventure0 3 жыл бұрын
Truly saying this is first time I smelled clutch after 2 years. Shock for me;) And only because I have clutch half pressed(my obvious mistake). But lack of reduction, I completly agree. I would pay for this as an option only if it would be possible. Previous Vitara had it and it is a big terrain changer. I dont really need car lifting, better tires, but reduction would be really useful. That is main missing feature. Once I hit front bummper(2 months after buy :/) I had radar error for few hours, fortunatelly it went off. They could form bumper more aggresively, as there is space, and move radar higher, maybe this is oportunity for custom modification(if worth). I would really love to have mix of Jimmy and Vitara in one car. ;)
@massia.72 3 жыл бұрын
@@OutdoorAdventure0 I got clutch smell twice. Once in a situation very close to that of the video, while passing a trench; the second when I got half-stuck in the sand. No consequences in both cases, thankfully. By the way, thanks for your videos!
@OutdoorAdventure0 3 жыл бұрын
Reduction would be so good to have for such situations:/. But any way I think clutch is rather durable in Suzuki, only problem seems to happen when you have it half pressed and lot of trottling. Even on other video I am starting on 27 degree slope and no trace of any smell. But then I unpress clutch rather dynamically. I am driving a lot on half pressed clutch to control output and surprisingly never had any issue with smell - only not to use high throttle. Will see in how long I will neeed to replace clutch ;). Thanks for watching:)
@dimitriscsd 2 жыл бұрын
The automatic gearbox would be way better in such low speeds as it has no clutch issues.
@OutdoorAdventure0 2 жыл бұрын
​ @DimitrisCSD No Clutch issues, but than also no way to limit minimal speed without Clutch. Without clutch you are no able to mimic Low Gear. And in Auto transmission you have some minimal speed probably similar to Manual first gear. But I may be wrong. Not much experiences with Auto transmission.
@scottishbushman3745 2 жыл бұрын
Was it being filmed from the back of a Vauxhall Astra lol. That’s not off-road FFS that’s my farm access road. Give us an idea of Land Rover talents
@OutdoorAdventure0 2 жыл бұрын
Never seen any guy in Land Rover in terrain even similar to this, hmm probably they are just bought to show off ;) And owners are afraid to scratch their brand new 60K Ł cars. ;)
@Coordinator61 3 жыл бұрын
Get a real off-roader. These Vitaras are not proper off-road SUV's just 4 wheel drive for snow or bad roads.
@OutdoorAdventure0 3 жыл бұрын
It has some limits. But still it is capable to a lot. For a cross country tourism is in 99% enough. To be honest I really need to look around to find some real chalanges or some places I am not able to cross. Mainly these are roads where "real off-roaders" have been before and totally destroyed road.😜
@Coordinator61 3 жыл бұрын
@@OutdoorAdventure0 In Germany you can buy a 20 mm suspension kit for the Vitara. Does help a bit. The lack of low range does harm the clutch though.
@billjackson4703 3 жыл бұрын
@@OutdoorAdventure0 I'm due to take delivery of mine in a couple of weeks, As I've had a lot of previous experience driving a 4x4 on soft beach/deeply rutted bush tracks here in West Australia, I am fully aware that the Vitara will be somewhat limited off road, but i am fine with this aspect, I just love its perky turbo engine and value for money features.
@OutdoorAdventure0 3 жыл бұрын
@Bill Jackson If you don't expect extreme capabilities, it is fine. Some of utility/offroad features, some of sport/road features, fine fuel consumption, universal for fine money - good SUV. Btw. In Australia, do you have still 140HP Gasoline Version, or this new 130HP Mild Hybrid?
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