The Acolyte - Be Careful of This Worldview

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The Nerdy Christian

The Nerdy Christian

Ай бұрын

This went in all sorts of directions I didn't expect. But hey, worked out for quite the unique video discussion! #theacolyte
2:16 The quote in question
3:42 This language isn't new to Star Wars, but it's being newly framed
5:19 So here's my problem
6:51 A concerning bias within Chat-GPT
8:33 The M-Word
10:37 This specifically was kind of wild
12:24 "Trapping" Chat-GPT
14:07 Got 'im
15:03 It's about power, and who's allowed to use it
15:53 How Marx and Headland feel about "religion"
16:54 This might age like blue milk on Tatooine
17:33 Summary & Warning

Пікірлер: 158
@stephenhogg6154 Ай бұрын
Jordan Peterson has diagnosed this as the inevitable conclusion when truth is reduced to a 'social construction'.
@FrogmanhatesQibli Ай бұрын
was he high on ketamine at the time?
@moharak Ай бұрын
​@@FrogmanhatesQibliHe was prescribed benzos when his wife was gravely ill with cancer. Benzos are dangerous m
@larmiisoren2568 Ай бұрын
What in the hell are Dizney execs, directors and all the shitty actors on!?
@Tinandel 29 күн бұрын
I loved the Harry Squatter interpretation of the Voldemort line, personally. "There is no good or evil. There is only weight.... and those too weak to lift it!"
@alvarotavares1966 29 күн бұрын
This kind of attempt at muddying the moral lines and treating power as a mere tool is exactly the kind of thing that would make J.R.R Tolkien frown in disgust.
@DekArosaro Ай бұрын
6:07 "There is no good or evil" ...what...the... Did they watch the first 3 films? What about Episode 1-3 It was ALWAYS about good vs evil. ALWAYS. I dont want to meet people who honsetly think and say that the Empire where the good guys.
@FrogmanhatesQibli Ай бұрын
the jedi did a lot of questionable stuff.
@gottesurteil3201 Ай бұрын
"There is no good and evil Harry. There is only: power, and those too weak to seek it." -that guy lefties used to compare Trump to.
@jfkst1 Ай бұрын
@8:40 You haven't been paying attention if you aren't aware that Marxism is the objective. And that requires subverting meritocracy.
@ixiahj Ай бұрын
That quote sounds fine to me if it was being spoken by the show's villain. Villains are obsessed with power. That quote cannot come from humble protagonists.
@JediGeronimo Ай бұрын
Love the analysis! I've had an apprehension about the show that I couldn't really put my finger on until now. And seeing the connection of the quote to famous literary villains was gold! -From a Nerdy Pastor!
@Lawrencehypnotherapy Ай бұрын
The amount of disclaimers in this video isn't your fault. But the fact that you need so many disclaimers in a video like this speaks volumes about the world we live in today. Great video by the way.
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
Yea, it takes an annoying amount of time from getting to the meat, but you just know most people will write off the rest of what you say once they think they've correctly categorized you into a certain bucket. 🤷🏼‍♂️
@Lawrencehypnotherapy Ай бұрын
@@TheNerdyChristianPod Yes. This may sound weird (by todays standards), but while listening to you, I wasn't concerning myself with agreeing with you or disagreeing with you. Instead, I just wanted to hear your analysis of the situation. And you really delivered some deep insights. One of the best that I've heard.
@hemaccabe4292 Ай бұрын
I try not to be a cancel person, but considering the disgusting, horrific crimes of Ms Leslye Headland, it's hard to imagine watching anything she was a part of.
@jfkst1 Ай бұрын
Most of Hollywood doesn't care about the actions. They only care that Weinstein got caught.
@lincolnadams83 22 күн бұрын
There is a perception of Ms. Headland's knowledge of and participation in Weinstein's crimes...but no evidence. And guilt by association is not guilt. In as much as I'm not a fan of the show or some of it's ideology or simply poor execution, it is improper to convict her solely based on our perceptions and opinions. If it comes out that she hid crimes arranged for crimes to happen then it's fair to revisit that conviction.
@hemaccabe4292 22 күн бұрын
@@lincolnadams83 That position only makes sense in a world with working MSM and law enforcement, which we do not have. She was more than "associated." She was his assistant for 4 years! At the minimum, she had knowledge. I can't believe she would have been kept as an assistant that long if she was not actually helping. Pretending that she did not is pure intellectual dishonesty.
@johnmiwa6256 29 күн бұрын
Excellent analysis. It will be interesting to see how the show progresses. It occurs to me that by changing The Force to The Thread, they have removed the distinction between the Dark Side and the Light Side.
@john-evanbear8783 Ай бұрын
This is the first video I watched of yours and I gotta say it was great. I actually learned what Marxism is about thanks to you. I have stopped watching Disney Star Wars just before Obi-Wan and even when you said you enjoyed The Acolyte, you made a very convincing argument about one of the themes of the show. When I first heard of the quote it struck me as more of a Game of Thrones theme than it does a Star Wars theme, I knew it wasn’t a good thing.
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
Thank you! It's really neat to see this video actually getting pushed by the algo. I was concerned YT might bury it due to the content. 😅 I appreciate your kind words, new internet friend! 😁
@franzhaas5597 26 күн бұрын
Your presentation was very well done. You didn't come off toxic like some Star Wars fans. The woke social justice that's being pushed in our entertainment is very disturbing.
@TheNerdyChristianPod 26 күн бұрын
Thank you! Really appreciate those kind words, especially as I'm early in finding my footing on KZfaq. 😊
@franzhaas5597 26 күн бұрын
@TheNerdyChristianPod you are a natural KZfaqr. The Lord has given you the gift of good communication.
@TheNerdyChristianPod 25 күн бұрын
@@franzhaas5597 That's super kind. Thank you!
@nikibogwater6598 Ай бұрын
I really enjoyed this video--very thought-provoking without being polarizing. I find it deliciously ironic that the people who decry moralistic thinking as "shallow and restrictive" tend to be the most single-minded and incapable of real nuance. When you have a clear definition of what is good and evil, you actually have way more room to discuss "moral greyness," as it were. For example, we understand that killing people is objectively bad. But what if you kill someone in order to prevent them from killing three more innocent people? Stealing is bad, but what if you're stealing because it's literally the only way you can feed your children? There is an ocean's worth of potential nuance within morality. Take all of that away and make everything about power, and suddenly there's nothing left to consider, other than "who do we want to reward and punish with this power." Which is also in and of itself a delicious irony, since reward and punishment are core aspects of justice, which is a concept that literally cannot exist without clear definitions of right and wrong. So at the end of the day, what the "only power matters" people are actually saying is that they want to be the ones who define what good and evil are. And the entirety of human history is one long proof by example of why power MUST be subservient to an objective and unchanging moral system. not the other way around, if we're to have any chance of maintaining equality. Also people believing religion is only a tool by which to control people will never not be funny to me. Yeah, there have been individuals/groups who have abused it in that way, and it's always horrible when they do. But also ask literally any first century Roman politician why they're having so much trouble with Christianity, and they'll tell you it's because the religion champions the freedoms of people they'd really like to keep under tight control--like women and slaves. Personally, I find the current-year secular mandates of political correctness and "tolerance and inclusivity (unless it's someone we don't like, in which case by all means, oppress the heck out of them!)" to be WAY more restrictive and oppressive than my own religion.
@markgregorygacosta531 Ай бұрын
im a chritian and a huge star wars fan, well at least the OT, prequels and even the expanded universe/legends. The Acolyte is just objectively bad. Here's my reasoning as a Christian: I've always thought that the immaculate conception of Anakin Skywalker through the manipulation of midichlorians by The Force was inspired by the Roman Catholic's birth of Jesus Christ. Now my point is that both figures were created with a PURPOSE and both had lasting impacts to the world/universe - Anakin was a result of The Force, creating someone that will bring balance to the force and universe; Jesus Christ was also born through immaculate conception and was promised to be the one to absolve humanity's sins with his sacrifice, and ultimately save humanity from God's wrath. Now with The Acolyte, they butchered this connection because apparently anyone can now do immaculate conception through the force (specially if it's a lesbian in space). I couldn't fathom anything of importance that the twins could serve or play for the Star wars universe. What is even the twins' purpose or legacy in the star wars universe? Why didn't Yoda, mention their names specially that this show is supposed to happen only a century before Phantom Menace? Why would the force even allow this in the first place? It's really just dumb writing and proves that Leslye Headlamp doesn't know anything about Star wars. What a disgrace.
@ReuvenGoldstein1 29 күн бұрын
1. Immaculate Conception refers to the Roman Catholic belief that Mary was born without sin. An impossible viewpoint if you don't believe in Original Sin (Eastern and Oriental Orthodox) and not something other Western groups adopted. 2. Therefore Jesus was not "immaculately conceived" 3. There is nothing in the entire Hebrew Bible that even suggests someone would be born to "absolve humanity's sins" - that would have made no sense prior to Christianity.
@marklynsmith905 Ай бұрын
Do as thou wilt. Basically
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
Basically condemnation for "those in power," but do as you will for everyone else. You can only be "guilty" if you have power in this worldview. Everyone outside of the classes of power is restricted to the category of victim. Obviously, very problematic of a worldview for anyone who wants a functioning, accountable society.
@gunnerycaptain6158 Ай бұрын
That quote was in the trailer,; this oppressive, tyrannical world view is what disqualified The Acolyte from getting the time of day from me. Dystopian nightmare anyone?
@Jimalcoatl Ай бұрын
Yep, unless the character saying that line is the villain and saying the line in a villain speech, it has no place in a SW product.
@Scylithen Ай бұрын
So equally as the acolyte is set pre-prequels I guess Anakin didn't really do a bad thing in killing younglings, he was just adhering and embracing the sith & power code, right, right? 😏😞
@thebigivalbowlski Ай бұрын
Ever stop and think that Disney just confirmed a stereotype concerning black people that even in the galaxy far far away that black kids are still fatherless (irt how main characters were conceived the twins)😆😆😅
@skywalker8461 Ай бұрын
I very much enjoyed this. Thanks.
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
Thanks mate. Really appreciate that I was able to share something enjoyable!
@Sjcstro84 Ай бұрын
I picked up on that line. It's very telling.
@joedavid2510 Ай бұрын
Does it come down to good and bad, though? Don't get me wrong. I believe there is definitely a line between what is good and bad. The problem is that a good action could potentially yield a good or bad result. Likewise, a negative/bad action can yield both bad and good results. That is the reason some people think everything is gray. What a world we live in. Everything has become so corrupted. Good things precieved as bad and bad things perceived as good. But is the problem the scale? Is it really about good and bad, or is there something else?
@Terraknight90 Ай бұрын
As the saying goes: "Only a Sith deals in absolutes". I believe intent should be considered, but also the actions you're intending to take to reach your end goal. The only thing you can do personally is to try your best to follow your own morals, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone
@joedavid2510 Ай бұрын
@Terraknight90 Sure, intent should be taken into account, but as the other saying goes, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
@Terraknight90 Ай бұрын
@@joedavid2510 Indeed which is why I added the second part. Which is why you should question and closely follow what people are actually doing, not just saying
@joedavid2510 Ай бұрын
@Terraknight90 lol I think we may have come full circle. In your first reply, you said that all we can do is look at our own morals. Now, you added in looking at others' actions, not just words. I agree with both things you've said. My only observation is that "good and bad" don't seem to work as a scale for right and wrong anymore. What could replace it? That's probably a topic for a different video. It does seem like we need firmly planted goal posts. Right now, it's like we're either constantly moving the goal, or we've just lost sight of them.
@Almuric.Tychos Ай бұрын
You nailed it good sir!
@Slayerk117 Ай бұрын
Dude i think you nailed it! The agenda with these shows seem a bit weird nowadays.
@dariuswhite8776 Ай бұрын
When I hear her quote all I can think of is: "You shall not truly die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, know good and evil."
@droneographytv8848 Ай бұрын
Let's see how much power women have after men stop maintaining the sewage systems, picking up trash bins, water network, energy network and our roads. It'll be a like 10 years later scene in an apocalypse movie.
@kevinh5349 Ай бұрын
She said, "Dis is abou powah"
@gileskangaroo2209 Ай бұрын
I said for a while that Cultural Marxists were taking over media. They called me mad! Mad! Hahaha!
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
To be fair, I still think there's a lot of solid media with positive narratives. For example, I love the Planet of the Apes movies for the stories they tell and the way they promote adherence to higher morals regardless of treatment or consequence. But there's definitely a Leftist/Marxist bent at Disney. That much is true for sure.
@gileskangaroo2209 Ай бұрын
@@TheNerdyChristianPod I was going more for a satirical use of "They called me mad, mad!" from the Frankenstein film. But like I tell my friends, not everything new is bad, but there is a certain "Post Modernist" approach to things.. Which doesn't work. Take Tolkien for example, he wrote stories about objective good and evil but included complex morality, such as his explanation of Frodo not dropping the ring into the fires of Mount Doom because he was a noble person who was tainted by the sin of the world. In comparison modern media doesn't consider there to be an objective morality. Everything is "Your truth" not "The Truth".
@roninr2790 Ай бұрын
“I like the fist two episodes” The rest of the world: Ew Not shitting on you bro just having a laugh
@Hellohallo 29 күн бұрын
and ofcourse she refers to herselve as they/them, the narcicist, as if its all abou ther. i believ eshe has no idea how big star wars actually is.
@smashingfables6307 29 күн бұрын
This is why you shouldn't always rely on Chat GPT. Nietzsche! On the Genealogy of Morality: ""The first essay, “‘Good and Evil’, ‘Good and Bad’”, focuses on the emergence of the values and conception of agency that compose the idea of the moral person invoked in “morality” through an analysis of the re-evaluation of antique values wrought by the slave revolt in morality.""
@dahuterschuter Ай бұрын
Imagine watching this.
@EngineersToGoMT Ай бұрын
These are some interesting points brother, you get a subscribe from me
@God-T Ай бұрын
every worldview is morally grey
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
Thank you, and welcome to the channel!!
@lincs1881 Ай бұрын
I’m an agnostic cinic determinist nihilist(on both sides) and I’d say I’m a socialist but I can also see how theoretical Marxist would also apply to me I’m not arguing with you I’m just saying people with the previously stated views aren’t evil and ultimately it is just due to the writers and show runners in major media that are incompetent, ignorant, and incapable of creating quality media on a consistent basis except for a couple exceptions in my opinion
@rouninpanda6318 Ай бұрын
As an "agnostic cinic[sic] determinist nihilist", it's rather dubious to suggest you even believe in the concept of evil. So it's amusing to witness you state with certainty that people who hold such views "aren't evil".
@sultryjmac Ай бұрын
@@rouninpanda6318 Ding ding ding. Here's a spoiler, he's lying. I often wonder when people will realize the vast majority of people who hold this identity and staring you right in the face, no matter family or friend, and are deliberately lying to you because they know their worldview is extremely harmful. Next, one would question "why hold a harmful worldview? Who does that benefit?" And there is your rabbit hole.
@DeusExNihilo Ай бұрын
Anytime we try to step outside of the dichotomy of good and evil and enter the "grey", we're naively aligning ourselves with evil. It is the Luciferian intellect / Ego to believe that we can forge our own path and define good and evil for ourselves. Jesus says in Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
@ixiahj Ай бұрын
Its because the writers don't know how to write nuance anymore. Characters aren't written in trolly problem situations anymore.
@andre_santos2181 Ай бұрын
The jedi are jesuits. The siths are nietzchians, Good and evil.
@ReuvenGoldstein1 29 күн бұрын
so the jedi are evil and the sith are good?
@andre_santos2181 29 күн бұрын
@@ReuvenGoldstein1 No jedi are good, like the jesuits, sith are evil, like nietzchians. It is the canon. I can draw if the Disney Boys still do not understand
@jandogta2030 29 күн бұрын
@@ReuvenGoldstein1 Man, you dont know how to read?
@matthewmatt5285 Ай бұрын
People that watch this garbage and continue to be disappointed Aren't paying attention to the people that write this stuff ; (
@smashingfables6307 29 күн бұрын
Maybe not exactly Marxism. A lot of what people call Maxism is Marxist-Leninist or Maoism.
@petermarinatos9475 Ай бұрын
This was a great analysis, and quite an interesting and unsettling interaction with Chat GPT! The idea of the will to power is certainly present in Marxism/communism, and also in fascism/Nazism. it also has roots in Hobbs, and was also common in the empires of the ancient world, such as the Alexandrian and Roman empires. The other facet that I see at play here is the post-modern view that there is no such thing as truth, and therefore no such thing as good and evil. The original trilogy as well as the prequels, were about the fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. A fall and redemption requires a theme of good vs evil, which is what Star Wars is truly all about. The Jedi are fundamentally good, and the Sith fundamentally evil. The new writers and directors seem to want to "burn down" that world view, and in doing so can only view the Jedi as the dominant power structure, thereby making them oppressors. Even the fundamental concept of the Force itself must be destroyed. I don't think people writing Star Wars these days view themselves as content creators, but rather content destroyers. I'm not sure if they even want people to like what they've created. I think they view Star Wars and its fans as a hierarchical power structure that needs to be dismantled. The irony is that they have used Disney- perhaps the most powerful media conglomerate ever-for their own will to power. According to their own world view, they are the capitalist oppressors now, although I doubt they see themselves that way.
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
Love this contribution to the conversation. Thanks for adding your voice! I very much agree about the dismantling of objective morality, both in current Star Wars and concerningly often in real-world conversations, also.
@AndyHoke 29 күн бұрын
This was the same problem that Amazon created for Rings of Power, and why no one liked that either. In Rings of Power, it was just moral ambiguity. Like the original Star Wars, LOTR was originally a battle between good nd evil, but these Hollywood remakes ditch the battle between good and evil turned both into just moral and ethical relativity. In Rings of Power, characters who had been good, were now kinda rotten, and vice-versa. In addition to Machiavelli, this world view tracks with Neitzsche and the Will to Power.
@TheNerdyChristianPod 28 күн бұрын
I can definitely see what you mean about Nietzsche's philosophy showing up in this line of thinking.
@siamihari8717 Ай бұрын
The pursuit of power. ahh yes. such a classic fault, The croen of Ozymandius and its everlasting sirens call to Humankinds ear.
@S888A-KenObi 29 күн бұрын
Not a person who advocates for a Communist state, but Marxism is simply a critique of the failings of capitalist states in which regulatory capture or lack of regulation exposes the wrorking class for exploitation by the "bougiosie". Examples of elements of socialism working with capitalism are easily seen in "Nordic countries ". A balance of capitalistic and socialistic elements is necessary for maximum cohesion as the workers as well as the owners are both protected from each others influence and consumption of power dynamics. I think you may just werent getting the answer you wanted and had to manipulate it a little more than what is fair. Overall, i agree with you on the dangerous nature of that line and that there is clearly a social agenda that preaches oppression and victimhood, in a very hypocritical and divisive way.
@S888A-KenObi 29 күн бұрын
Runaway Capitalist states usually devolve into societies with hyper wealth inequality. And runaway Socialist states usually are quickly hijacked by dictator and become statist, with low income inequality, but also low incomes. One, hyper-capitalism, is overly masculine and communist states carry elements of excessive feminine ideologies. Both are pretty bad.
@smashingfables6307 29 күн бұрын
@@S888A-KenObi Great takes. But also, now we're seeing the worst of both worlds. Hyper-feminist and huge income inequality. And the Nordic countries are now changing too. Social democracy is the greatest system ever, but it needs to be based on shared values. Also, you can't just have open borders.
@leetsui Ай бұрын
When you say a critical thinking Christian perspective my hairs raised. But I listened. I don't see the good or evil bend on how power is good or evil. It is what it is
@WinterIgnatius Ай бұрын
Disabled dislikes - interesting...
@quigglyz Ай бұрын
Dislikes have been disabled on YT for years. Where have you been?
@WinterIgnatius Ай бұрын
@@quigglyz Chrome add on, disabled by channel
@pomey13 Ай бұрын
@@quigglyz I bet you still watch youtube adds because you think adblock was removed
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
1) I don't even know how to disable dislikes. Lol. 2. I can see that I have an 82/18 like to dislike ratio, so clearly dislikes aren't off. 🙃
@JDReC100 Ай бұрын
@@TheNerdyChristianPod To clarify, channel owners can almost always see their likes and dislike on the videos. The public cant (unless we get an addon that approximate the count). This video's like/dislike ratio is blocked for me as well...which is unusual since I've seen videos with their dislikes blocked by the channel owner still work with the plugin I use. my guess... youtube is drunk again, or somethings messing with my plug-in.
@Digitaldreamer7 Ай бұрын
This has nothing to do with religion
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
EVERYTHING has to do with religion. Religious belief (and even anti-religious belief, which is ironically often religious) informs the things we believe about life, morality, and what gives meaning. There is nothing in life that religion is irrelevant to. 🫡
@Digitaldreamer7 Ай бұрын
@@TheNerdyChristianPod no, it doesn't. These people didn't write this in a religious context
@donnerblitzen1388 Ай бұрын
@@Digitaldreamer7unfortunately, you are not right about this one. Star Wars is absolutely rife with religious references and elements in it, as much as both of us want to say otherwise. It’s just that this show is about the negative aspects of religion and how it affects people - namely how it impacts the dreck who willingly consume it and think it’s actually good. I could go further with the idea that the whole “immaculate conception” and lesbian thing being about irreligious beliefs but it’s not really my thing.
@mercury13 Ай бұрын
@@Digitaldreamer7 Ki-Adi Mundi is the white male alien with many wives why the femnists producrr and kenedy attacked him it was done on purposes ruining star wars in the process... Same ideology ruining this country by voting for biden... and democrats...politics is downstream from culture...
@eitantal726 Ай бұрын
@@TheNerdyChristianPod "Every disagreement is theological" -Michael Knowles
@davidsinclair-smith7657 Ай бұрын
So, you advocate Sharia law because it’s “good” and from god?”
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
Did I say that? 😑 But obviously, all law is informed by morals. And all morals are informed by religion or irreligious beliefs. So obviously anyone religious is going to advocate for rules that somewhat resemble their religious beliefs (you can thank Christians for ending the practice of infanticide in the early AD West, for example). This only becomes a bad thing when people attempt to legislate their religious expression to such a degree that the fundamental rights or freedoms of others are infringed or REAL harm is caused (e.g. Sharia Law). Nice strawman. There's a steelman for you instead. 😊
@huuhtv543 Ай бұрын
I suppose I dont really understand this video or its format, and frankly I spent 9 minutes into the video without you actually discussing why this concept is bad before I stopped watching. Just saying that Voldemort said something doesn't make it bad. Or the sith. Or Marxism (?). Maybe you engaged with it later on, but I don't see where you actually engaged with the topic outside of just "I can't believe ChatGPT said Marxism isn't all about power!" Here's a question. WHY? Outside of who may hold that belief, why is a worldview focused solely around who has power bad?
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
I mean, the conversation with Chat-GPT is itself where the it's revealed what the natural ends of the line of thought are. 🤷🏼‍♂️
@Ackalan 5 күн бұрын
Because it's a diversionist worldview that taint the mind of the believer (yes, it's a belief system). Many things isn't about power and shouldn't be interpreted as such because it reduce the natural value that comes from being content with what you have. Simply put: If you focus on what other have that you lack you're going to become more and more miserable because the grass is always green on the other side and what do people do when they can't have what they think they deserve? They try to make sure other don't have it either, thus more and more people spend more and more time trying to undermine each other to level the playing field, this is especially true when it comes to power, how many people aren't petty because of a perceived injustice? Imagine a society where this isn't just lauded but raised as the only virtue, people fighting and bickering endlessly until no one even remember how it started and everyone has reached their lowest point. This is how mutually abusive relationships function and a society based on that model would be a nightmare beyond comprehension.
@ChewbowWow Ай бұрын
What in the woke is this
@adamrickett8865 Ай бұрын
Woke is a good thing
@rouninpanda6318 Ай бұрын
​@@adamrickett8865 Just like bread lines, huh Bernie?
@AceGod7 Ай бұрын
only women say that its about power. for men its about money
@Zr0din Ай бұрын
You are putting another of human qualities into your copy of ChatGPT.
@obanjespirit2895 Ай бұрын
I respect your view but you seem to attract a lot of right wing racists in your comment section lol. What do you think is the correlation there?
@gileskangaroo2209 Ай бұрын
Prove it.
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
I have yet to see any racist statements. Lol. Some right-wing, sure. But no racists. 🤷🏼‍♂️
@obanjespirit2895 Ай бұрын
@@gileskangaroo2209 comment by @kevinh5349 36 minutes ago. That's just one example which wasn't even very far down and is pretty obviously racist. So i'm just going to assume you never checked, or your definition of racism only begins when one wears a white hood.
@lephinor2458 Ай бұрын
Found it: She said, "Dis is abou powah" Not really racist.
@obanjespirit2895 Ай бұрын
​@@TheNerdyChristianPod comment by @mercury13 2 hours ago They are there, though some are being deleted. Also...are you right-winger ? If so, why ?
@FuzzyFoot58 Ай бұрын
A christian promoting critical thinking must be the very definition of irony.
@TrexGrimStud Ай бұрын
i was thinking the same thing . but at the same time they and he are still compartmentalizer on one topic .
@TheNerdyChristianPod Ай бұрын
You haven't read many Church Fathers or theologians, have you? 😅 Heck, even C.S. Lewis and Tolkien themselves, who I'm guessing you respect, were Christian thinkers.
@dassemultor6940 Ай бұрын
You've got a very Reddit-level understanding of Christianity if you actually think that. Look down, you might have dropped your fedora.
@ricjackson2841 Ай бұрын
@@dassemultor6940 Or, they may have grown up with a Bible in their household and attending church and saw for themselves the cognitive dissonance that both of those sources display. I for one always found that odd from a very young age.
@FuzzyFoot58 Ай бұрын
@@TheNerdyChristianPod I meant that it is quite selective critical thinking when a christian applies it to everything BUT the bible. That thing is filled to the brim with inconsistencies, contradictions, historical inaccuracies and extremely questionable moral instructions, not to mention the fact that most of the stories were ripped off from much, much older texts that belonged to other religions (like Noahs flood, which came from the Epic of Gilgamesh). It also ignores most of what the original caananite religion said about Yahwes brother Baal and his sister/wife Ashera and completely avoids the fact that Yahwe is the god of war, NOT the god of love that jews and christians claim him to be (Baal was the god of love and Yahwe waged war on him, wiping out Sodom and Gomorrah out of spite because he was jealous that Baals followers loved him so much that they built those cities to honour him). And lets not forget the heavy editing the bible went through at the council of Nicea, taking out about a third of the original text including the gospels of Jesus, Judas and Mary of Magdalena and the book of Enoch, and all the mistranslations that have happened since. To believe in the words of that book and still call yourself a critical thinker is most definately ironic. Its one thing to believe in some form of higher force in the universe, but to believe in any religious text is quite another.
@sis_sos Ай бұрын
You could make your arguments more credible if you confirmed the outputs of chatgpt for yourself. Language models have a tendency to get answers wrong
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